#was just going to tag drogon but this needs to go in dany’s tag
percentstardust · 1 year
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endless muse edits | drogon + daenerys targaryen ( ONLY @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx can reblog! )
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murmely · 4 years
Okay so, I am fully aware that as a collective we have decided to denounce the existanence of at least the last season of Game of Thrones (for different reasons and to different degrees). There are still some things I can't help but wonder about though, and one of those is Dany's stick about 'breaking the wheel'.
At first it sound like a good idea. Breaking the wheel that harms the common folk. Solid plan, good idea. I can get behind this and I did. But apparently Dany and I have different visions of what breaking the wheel meant.
Daenerys talks about the other noble houses fighting for power, to be on top. And being on top I guess means sitting on the pointy chair in King's Landing. So the turning of the wheel is a metaphor for the fighting over the Iron Throne, the ultimate sign of being the dude on top.
She plans to break the wheel, meaning breaking the spokes that represent the noble families as she had explained. So in essence her plan is to kill/remove those families?
For one that would, as many have pointed out already, make her rule as Queen (because she still wants to be queen) an autocratic monarchy. Which is just a medieval version of a dictator?
It also implicates that she is fine with the wheel rolling over the common folk until she is the one on top and only then it gets destroyed? It was a necessary evil if it meant she'd win the throne?
But then she speaks of keeping the spokes, a.i. the Tyrells and any other house that submits to her, in power.
I see no breaking of any wheel here. Only one last roll over the backs of the common people as she wars for the Iron Throne.
Then we have the problem of her being unable to have heirs, since I doubt that theory of magical incest (because that has worked out for the Targs so well), curing her infertility (which I still attribute the absolutely fucked up levels of inbreeding in her ancestry and not some magic woohoo).
So no heirs means a broken line of succession, means an open discussion (war) about who sits next on the pointy chair, means the wheel turns again.
At this point I am confused. There was no breaking of the wheel, only a temporary stop to the turning until it inevitably started again because no heirs. It was just like before, only that for some time Dany was the one on top.
And before the stans go and claim Daenerys would have made the Kingdoms in some sort of democracy: she claimed ownership over the kingdoms and Queenship from the very beginning. That was always her goal, to sit on the IT and be Queen. Nothing of the 'breaking the wheel' line, her past and future lines and actions point to her abolishing feudalism at all. Quite on the contrary actually.
What I thought breaking the wheel meant and what I hoped would happen in the end (with or without Dany's direct or indirect involvement) was the destruction of the IT and a dissolution of the 7K into seven independent kingdoms. (Half of that happened I guess, thank you Drogon).
Because it was established that the Wheel turned because families were fighting to be on top aka sitting on the pointy chair. So remove the pointy chair and the families have no motivation to fight over it.
(Not to mention that the thing is essentially the One Ring and corrupts anyone who wants it. It is no coincidence after all that the ones that survived in Game of Thrones (for example the Starks) were those whose motivation in the show was unrelated to the Iron Throne or the acquiring of its power.)
One could say that there could still be war between the independant kingdoms in the future and that is absolutely correct, but I doubt it would be of the scale of possible wars if the kingdoms were still under one rule (a.i. in a war over succession after the Queen died without heirs).
So yeah, just my thoughts on that. This is probably very ramble-y and I doubt anyone is interested in this but I just needed to get this out of my system.
FYI in case someone decides to interact with this: I am not here to have petty drama in the notes. I will tag it as anti-d because I know it would conjoure up butthurt comments from her stans, despite it merely being a critical take on one of Dany's iconic lines. But critical seems to be insulting to most of her stans so I am not going to even entertain the idea of this.
If despite my precaution someone decides to make petty comments they will be blocked, I don't need the drama. Thank you very much.
Also sorry if there no 'read more' thingy. I am on mobile and even on desktop I wouldn't have a clue how to do that.
Edit: I don't want people getting a wrong impression here and interpreting this rant as genuine confusion over the writing choices. This is thoroughly a rant about Dany's hypocrisy and her grand spreeches that are not backed by actions.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Tagged by @queenofhollandvalley 😊😊
Tagging: @bleudragonfire @mrsladydiana @athenalillystar @thewanderer-000 @lady-pugatory @twistedinbliss @maybeitslizzy @wargames94 and whoever wants to join in!!! 😁😁😁 no pressure.
A lengthy drabble I came up with that is somewhat inspired by season 8 episode 6 of Game of Thrones (my sister was watching it in my room). When Drogon destroys the Iron Throne. 
NOTE: This has nothing to do with my New Dawn series. That series has a somewhat happy ending.
Warnings: Death of Kate Winchester (OC) and Archangel Gabriel. Angst. Orphan child?.
A very powerful, and dangerous Lilith has successfully killed Kate Winchester, her true vessel. 
Too late to save her mother, and put an end to Lilith once and for all. Daenerys mourns the death of her mother.
Not wanting to leave her side, crying into her shoulder. Blood streaming out of her mouth, and down her cheek. A knife lodged into her abdomen. 
Kate had been wanting to kill Lilith for a long time now, no matter what, and it cost her, her life.
Daenerys’ aggressive screaming, sobs muffled as she cries into her jacket. Holding her mother close to her.
The sound of wings flutter behind her.
Castiel approaches her, placing his hand on her shoulder. 
"Daenerys" he says in his monotone voice. 
She looks up at him, her eyes red and watery. In so much pain. 
"You need to stop Lilith, and get to Gabriel before anything else happens" he tells her. 
She looks down at her mother’s lifeless pale, and cold body. Dead weight. 
"I'll take her back to the compound. Stop Lilith, and put an end to her" he tells her. 
She slowly stands up, and faces Castiel. She takes one last look at her mother before taking off in a full sprint to where Gabriel is. 
Upon arrival to Joseph’s sanctuary, Daenerys is too late. Lilith had already killed Gabriel. Draining him of his grace, weakening and killing him.
She falls to her knees, sobbing aggressively at the sight of him laying lifeless on the ground. 
“No, no!!!!!” she cries out. 
The astral projection imprint of his wings branded into the ground. 
She crawls to him, his eyes that were once the whiskey color are now pale, white, and lifeless.
The death of her mother pushed her to her breaking point, but the death of her father drove her mad. Every living cell, and orifice in her body is boiling. Adrenaline burning inside of her.
Crying into his chest, holding his cold, dead hand.
“Please wake up” she cries into his chest. 
The sound of an orb whirring followed by a bright red light on the stone wall of the sanctuary.
The Sigil of Lilith. So powerful, and dangerous that not even the power of God could destroy it, that’s if he actually put in an effort into showing himself the coward.
Unknown to her, Daenerys had inherited the powers of Gabriel. 
Feeding off his essence and she didn’t even know. He had given her his power because he knew she was worthy enough to carry on as a new Archangel, taking his place. 
That’s if she wanted to. 
She feels the power run through her veins, boiling in her blood.
She stands up, and takes a closer look at the sigil. Glowing, flashing red. Her family being taken away from her. She’s just a child, she’s only 14 years old. She shouldn’t be going through this type of pain.
As she’s looking at the sigil, the demon herself appears behind her.
“Well, well, well” Lilith says, “Look what we have here”. 
She lets out a soft chuckle, and looks over at the lifeless Archangel.
Clicking her tongue, “Poor Gabriel. He didn’t stand a chance, even with the very little powers he had. He couldn’t protect his little human wife, or his bastard human child”. 
Daenerys with her back still to Lilith, she feels her insides shaking with rage. Blood boiling. Burning. Wrath building up.
Hearing her own heartbeat in her head, her eyes dilating going from her baby blues to pitch black.
Her fists clenched, she lowers head, and closes her eyes.
The stone walls of the sanctuary start to shake violently. Little pieces of rubble fall, the ground shaking a bit.  
Lilith looks around at the shaking walls in unamusement, and chuckles at the human with basic powers that are no match for her. 
Not knowing that Dany had inherited Gabriel’s Archangel powers, her mother’s psychic, and telepathic powers. Her Eleven from Stranger Things powers mixed with Archangel grace. 
“Really?. That’s all you got?!?” she says, “Come on Dany. Use your powers” she chuckles.
Daenerys’ eyes glow white, just like her Archangel fathers. Her back still to the demon, staring at the red sigil.
She mutters, angrily “You’ve taken everything from me”.
Lilith rolls her eyes and scoffs. 
She can feel the grace, the power, the essence of her father’s body radiate off of him, and it runs through her veins.
Eyes still glowing, fists clenched, shaking violently. 
“Now I’m taking everything from you” she mutters.
She lets out a loud inhumane, painful scream that shakes the entire sanctuary. Causing trees, and boulders to break and fall. Shaking the waters, causing a small tsunami in the rivers below.
With her arms raised out, she destroys the Sigil of Lilith.
Breaking the foundation, destroying the walls where the sigil is on.
“What are you doing?!?!” she yells out, falling to the ground.
Feeling weak, being drained of her powers. Unable to stop the lower class, abomination of a Nephilim. 
Killing the demon that killed her parents, making her feel the pain she felt. 
Daenerys destroys the walls, breaking them all down. Breaking the Sigil into pieces.
Lilith looks at her hands, and slowly disintegrates into dust. Daenerys turns around to face the demon, looks her in the eye, and finishes her off. 
The astral projection of her father’s wings behind her, eyes glowing. 
Snapping her fingers, she turns Lilith into ashe, disappearing as it falls to the ground. 
She turns to Gabriel, kneeling over his dead body, taking his hand, and she teleports the both of them back to the compound. 
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Sorting Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont with the sortinghatchats system (GoT verse)
I didn’t want to write this post before I finished my Killing Eve sortings (basically Carolyn and Konstantin), but I’m stuck with them, so I decided to revisit an old fandom instead with a new approach. My take here is possibly an outsider’s take, given that I haven’t interacted with this fandom for a while, save for a few close friends I made in it. Now, bear in mind this sorting system IS NOT the original HP system, it is simply based on it. It sorts you into two houses. Your primary is you WHY, your reason to be who you are, what you believe in. Your secondary is your HOW, the way you act and approach life. Below is a little tl;dr of what each of them are (I’m using the animal terminology that’s being used in many blogs, by the way. If you know the houses, you know what each animal is supposed to represent).
Lion primaries are intuitive and guided by their moral compass, which is very strong (doesn’t mean what they believe in is in fact good or correct) and Lion secondaries are the people who charge straight at something, regardless of whether they will come out of it unscathed or not.
Snake primaries value people. Not any person, their people. They will go to hell and earth for their people to be safe and happy, which can get kind of self destructive. Snake secondaries improvise much like Lion secondaries, but they tend to adapt to situation and shapeshift their way out of problems.
Bird primaries also value right and wrong like Lion primaries, but they build their systems with external information and observation, not from their gut feelings. That means Bird primaries change a lot with time, because their ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ change. Bird secondaries collect. Skills, tools, random knowledge, they delve deep and acquire as much of them as they can, not because things are useful, but because it’s fun.
Finally, Badger primaries are also people-persons, but their communities are much broader than a Snake primary’s. They value people, tradition, cultures and so (but not every Badger sees everyone as people, so there’s that). Badger secondaries are the hardworking types in the sense that they cultivate things, they invest in them and even become them.
You can develop models of each house according to what you find useful or what society has instilled in you, but when push come to shove, the models aren’t the real you. All of these houses can burn, meaning their essence is somehow scared away from them due to trauma, depression, societal pressures, etc. That means a Lion stops trusting their instincts, a Snake no longer feels like they’re able to protect their people or their people are better off without them, a Bird loses faith in their systems and a Badger closes themselves off from their communities and adopts a smaller circle of people. Burnt houses can look a lot like each other. For more info, check out the tags. 
Double Lion, no doubt (for most of the show). Dany knows what’s right, she feels it in her bones. She never tries to rationalise her decisions and she won’t usually budge, even if she is presented with a more rational plan. None of her advisors have really convinced her to do anything, they might have pushed her to do what they wanted, but if she had her way, Daenerys would only ever listen to her own heart. She needs people around her to help her not make impulsive, brash decisions(because of her Lion secondary that I will get into), but she definitely doesn’t need - and doesn’t want - a moral compass, hers works just fine. She was burned as hell in the first episodes of the first season, mostly because of Viserys’ horrible influence, because he had robbed her of a purpose, of her truth. Drogo also stifles her primary and secondary for a while, but he eventually gives her some space to be herself. When she unburns, she unburns fast. ‘Not a Queen, a Khaleesi’ is pretty much Day gong ‘yeah, I can do things my way, I can be my own person with my own values and my own self.’ I think from there on, her quest to liberate 1) take back the Iron Throne 2) liberate Slaver’s Bay and ‘Break the Wheel’ just show how much she is focused on a big quest that is not explained by reason, by her need to form a community or by the influence of someone in her life. She does it because that’s the Right Thing ™ to do, and that’s Lion primary in a nutshell. Another thing that points towards Lion primary to me is how she just won’t take criticism and specially betrayal well (not that anyone does, but Dany is particularly unforgiving most of the time). Lion primaries are particularly shaken when someone they admire doesn’t have the same moral standards as they do, because deep down they like to think they know what’s ‘good’ and ‘true’ (oops my Snake primary who doesn’t really get Lions is showing), so if you don’t follow them and their beliefs, you must be doing something wrong. This is why Dany is so fucking pissed at Jorah when she finds out he betrayed her. She is also devastated true, and she misses him, but her ideals and her ‘truth’ stop her from seeing things from his side ad from forgiving him until he has proven himself worthy. Her reaction to betrayals tie in to the fact that she is a MASSIVE Lion secondary. She headbutts her way into things and her liberal use of Dracarys is proof of that. That’s not to say she doesn’t think or plan or listen to her advisors, but when push comes to shove, homegirl ACTS. Fuck the consequences, I have three dragons, fucking try me. Don’t tell me that climbing on Drogon in the fighting pits and burning the Khals were calculated decisions. Burning the Lannister army wasn’t a calculated decision. She leaves the planning to the people around her. This is something I struggle with regarding Lions, but I have to admit they are much more prone to seizing opportunities that us Bird secondaries (because I do have a Snake model but it is utter shit). 
Now, in seasons 7 and 8, she starts burning again. She gets to Westeros, where people aren’t flocking to her side like they did in Essos. Daenerys lets herself be swayed by Jon’s pretty little speeches that sound very Lion, sound very true to Daenerys, but guess what? She is fucking betrayed by everyone. The people she loved are killed, her children are killed (and the whole ‘I will take what is mine’ thing indicates that she might have a Snaky primary model, after all, she does some things because of what she claimed as hers, be it people or the Throne), she is left absolutely alone, so she burns, she loses faith in herself, starts doubting her actions and her instincts and no one is there to help her unburn safely, so the way she does it is destructive, as it often is with Lion primaries who don’t have guidance in order to regain their trust  their instincts and their selves. To me, the KL incidence is her primary going ‘You fucking left me behind, you fuckers, now you are going to see that I was right and fuck the consequences’. Her primary takes a turn for the worse with the help of an impulsive secondary and she ends doing anything to reach her end goal, similar to Albus Dumbledore and his disregard for human life as long as Voldemort being defeated is concerned. 
I have no doubts whatsoever that Jorah is a Snake primary. I know the fandom likes to sort him into Hufflepuff when using the traditional sorting system and while there’s no doubts he is a loyalist to the bone, Jorah’s loyalties are much narrower than a Badger primary’s would be. Before he meets Daenerys, he wants to go home and make up with his family, because they are the ones who matter. Not his reputation, not the North, not Bear Islad itself, the Mormont House. Before that still, he does literally anything to keep Lynesse happy, including doing things that are against the law. This utter devotion to certain people are what makes him a Snake primery to me, a paricularly self destructive one. He starts worrying about the fact that he berayed Daenerys when he ‘adopts’ her into his circles and more so when she goes from being in his outermost circles to being the one person his Snake primary is attached to. Daeerys is everything to Jorah. Does he persoally care about freeing slaves or generally following her morals? No, he does it because it is importat to her and he wants her to see he is worthy of her attention (I, another Snek, still don’t kow if I like Florence + The Machine so damn much because I liked a girl who was into FATM or if my Bird secondary saw her taste for FATM and went ‘OMG ME TOO LETS TALK ABOUT THAT’ and the primary just said ‘huh, that’s legit. We’ll worship her from now on’, so yeah, us Snakes do that. On a side note, I never worked up the courage to ask her out, though). That’s why he goes batshit when she banishes him. He doesn’t burn, which means his primary is so strong it wasn’t fazed by being ast out of her circles; no, he is hell bent on getting back into her good graces and if he has to sacrifice his life fr that, so be it. 
Now, when it comes to secondary, I’d say Jorah’s a Lion secondary too, even though he has a lot of models he picked up with time. Models are useful, models get you out of bad situations, but they’re not who you really are. Jorah wans to be a Bird secondary when he’s around Daenerys, he wants to be the careful planner who looks ahead and ensures she is successful and he also needs a Snake secondary model, because his life demands that he twists and turns himself to fit different situations, but deep inside he is a Lion. His most honest moments are the moments when he just does it, no thoughts head empty. Did he have a solid plans when he kidnapped Tyrion? Fuck no! Did he truly know what he was doing when he decided to fight in the pits? Fuck no! Did he think before he charged at the wights and saved Daenerys in Winterfell? Fuck no! His head was probably just going ‘my Daenerys is in danger let’s punch first and see what happens later’. He’s not like Littlefinger, who plans everything ad is so fast at analysing and changing plans he looks like a Snake. His models make him seem like the opposite of Dany, like a Bird to a Lion, brains while she is brawn, but when she is in danger, Jorah charges. 
What the Jorleesi shippers do is take Dany’s Lion primary that is so focused on a quest and show her that she can also include people in her big aspirations. The gut feeling that is so characteristic of Lions is already inside her, all she would need is to put it into words, which isn’t necessarily the strongest suits of many Lions (that’s a Bird thing). Since most of their dynamics inevitably lies on Jorah’s models regulating Dany’s secondary, there’s not much point in ‘taming her Lion’. Jorah stays the same. The fandom looooves his Snake/Lion, specially since us Snakes tend to be too hard on ourselves. A self-loathing Snake who is also a stupid brave Lion secondary? Yes. They are both stupid brave. Also just stupid. Just talk, you two, for fuck’s sake. Get over your Lion, Daenerys, and talk to him, his Snake won’t allow him to bother you too much. 
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Request: Hey can you please do Jon x reader where he cheats on her with Daenerys and ignoring the reader the whole time and is very cold towards her and going to Danny all the time but regrets it and feels very bad after the battle in the feast when he sees her (reader is able to control fire water earth air ice light and thunder and weather and is immune to it like Dany is to fire and dany is very jealous of her and doesn’t like her much due to her dragons taking liking to reader) please. Requested by anon.
Hey can you please do a Jon x angel reader who is his wife and she finds out Jon slept with dany before he even come to winterfell and the reader is hurt and talks to god about what she did wrong to have him slept with another woman . Dany doesn’t like the reader because she heard how Powerful she is and is very kind reader tells Jon alone she knows what he did and she leaves him guilty and the feast Jon and the reader sort things out and kiss dany sees and doesn’t like it the rest is up to you. Requested by anon.
Hey can you do one shot where Jon x wife reader who is pregnant and she finds out Jon slept with dany and admit he loves her which leaves her heart broken but she gives birth in the middle of the battle and in the feast Jon is looking at them regretful and dany notice which she doesn’t like reader ignores Jon but he tries to talk with her she lets him hold their son but Jon wraps his arm around her waist to bring her closer please. Requested by anon.
A/N: these are similar requests, so I decided to make it a one shot. I tried to put all the aspects in it.
Warnings: Cheating, angst, but a happy ending.
Word Count: 1280.
“We need to talk, Jon” you entered the great hall after the other lords and ladies left.
“Not now, Y/n. Can’t you see I’m busy?” He didn’t even bother to look at you.
“You’re always busy. You barely come to our chambers nowadays. What is wrong?”.
“Nothing is wrong. Stop asking!” He sighed.
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“Why are you pushing me away?”.
“Because I don’t love you anymore” the words came out of his mouth accidentally.
“Oh! It’s her, isn’t it? That silver haired queen” his words felt like daggers in your heart.
“What are you talking about?” He pretended not to know.
“Have you slept with her?”.
“Just answer the bloody question, Jon!” You were on the verge of breaking down.
“Alright. I did! There, are you happy now?”
“Of course not. Why would you do this to me?”.
“I- I don’t have an answer for that. I- I’m sorry”.
“You don’t even mean it” you left the room crying.
You had just found out you’re pregnant and wanted to surprise him but ended up being surprised by him instead. And not the kind of happy surprise.
In a hurry and without thinking, you packed whatever things you had that you could carry and left Winterfell. You had Nowhere else to go but North. You knew Tormund would help you. He was one of the few people you trusted.
“Is the weather always like this in Winterfell?” Daenerys asked.
“No. It’s usually just cold. I think this is Y/n’s doing” Jon replied.
“Y/n? What does she have to do with it?”.
“Sh- she’s an angel and she can control the weather”.
“And you’re telling me this now! She could’ve frozen you to death when you told her”.
“No, she wouldn’t do that. She has a pure heart. Not once, did she do an evil deed or even have an evil thought”.
“You speak of her as if you still love her”.
“I do. She’s my wife, Dany”.
“What about me?”.
“I care about you”.
“They’re here, your grace” one of the guards informed them of the Night King’s arrival.
Meanwhile, you were giving birth to Jon’s son.
“Is that what you’ve been doing, boy?” Tormund asked Jon as they fought some wights.
“Good to see you too. Where have you been?”.
“Taking care of your wife. You are clearly unable to or won’t. While she gives birth to your son, you go fuck around with that queen. Is it because she’s a queen, huh?”.
“What are you talking about? Y/n is not pregnant”.
“Yes, she is. You fool! She was going to tell you the day you confessed your crimes. She didn’t tell you after that because she didn’t want to force you to stay with her and feel obliged to take care of your child” Tormund informed him.
“Where is she now? And who’s taking care of her?”.
“She’s in good hands. Don’t worry about her. Maybe if you survive, I’ll take you to her. Only if you promise to never hurt again”.
“We’re losing the war” Jon yelled.
Good men were dying and the Night King wasted no time in bringing them back.
Daenerys was fighting on Drogon, while Jon was on Rhaegal when he fell and a bunch of wights gathered around him, ready to take him down.
Suddenly, a bright light descended from the sky and made them all explode.
“Y/n?” He was still unable to see but he knew it was you.
“I’m not in full power. We have to leave now!”.
Before Arya managed to kill the Night King, you were able to surround the castle with fire. The rest of the war, you focused all your power on preventing him from making it snow harder. By the time Arya defeated him, your power was depleted and you almost died.
Jon carried you inside to your old chambers and lit the fire.
He waited by your side until you woke up “I’m sorry. I mean it this time” he put his hand on top of yours but you removed your hand immediately.
“I must go”.
“You can’t. You barely survived. I want to see him. I want to see our child”.
“Tormund told you, huh?... you don’t deserve to”.
“Please, Y/n!”.
“That’s why I must leave”.
“In the morning. You must rest now. Gather your strength”.
After you brought your son to Winterfell, you went outside to enjoy the victory you had. While you were walking, everyone greeted you. You were popular amongst the people. After all, you were their healer and a queen that put her people before anything else.
You arrived at a place that seemed so quiet. No one was there until you heard a noise. You turned around and saw Drogon and Rhaegal injured and resting.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m not gonna hurt you. Easy now!” You placed your hand on Drogon’s head and he relaxed with your touch. You touched Rhaegal’s torn wing and healed it completely.
After that, you played with them until Daenerys arrived with Jon.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
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You turned to face her. Seeing Jon by her side still hurt you but you managed to seem strong in front of them.
“I was just playing with them. Rhaegal’s wing was torn and I healed him”.
“Who gave you per-“.
“Dany” Jon stopped her.
“Well, then… I suppose I should thank you”.
You nodded and walked back to your chambers.
“Can I hold him?” Jon asked permission as he entered the room.
“He’s your son after all” you wanted to hand him over but instead Jon just held your waist.
“Jon, stop it” you pushed his hands away.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t my intension” he apologized.
“Apology accepted” you handed him your son.
“He’s so beautiful and calm. Takes after you”.
“I suppose” you watched as Jon tried to play with the little one. It only made you love him more.
“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you. For all the harm I’ve caused. Please forgive me”.
“I will consider it”.
“I do love you, you know”.
“Do you? That’s not what you told me a few months ago”.
“I didn’t mean it, but I had to push you away somehow”.
“Is that your justification for your indiscretions?”.
“No. What I did was not right. I know that. And after I slept with her, I couldn’t look at you. I was ashamed of what I’ve done”.
“Is that why you’re still by her side?”.
“She helped us win the war. Without her dragons and the soldiers she brought with her, we wouldn’t even stand a chance”.
“You forget, it was Arya who defeated the Night King. By the time I came, you were losing. She didn’t help you win the war. You don’t owe her anything, Jon”.
“But I owe you”.
“I was just doing what’s right”.
“Is that so? You could’ve let me die and it wouldn’t have been wrong but you didn’t. Which gives me hope. I won’t give up on us”.
“It takes time to heal”.
“I know. I will be waiting for you, no matter how long it takes. I just hope you give me another chance”.
“I will. But this is your last chance and I’m doing this for our son”.
“Thank you” he kissed your forehead and together with your son, you arrived at the feast.
Daenerys was glaring at you but there was nothing she could do. She knew whom Jon’s heart belongs to and she couldn’t wage war on you. After all, you saved them all and healed her dragons.
Tags: @simonsbluee @marvel-addict-95 @capsheadquaters @bucky-blogs
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syfygirl1998 · 5 years
Listen, I’m not saying episode four is full of holes and bullshit, but yes, it is, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
I have come to a conclusion that I think is true. The events of episodes 3 and 4 are weeks, if not months apart. And, after I show my thought process as I came to this conclusion, I think it will change the way we all think about the events that came from episodes 4-6.
Warning, there will be math. I give you said warning because I know I’m not a fan of math of any kind but I did this whole blog in equal parts of bitterness and dedication.
~ ~ ~ >>Review of the Battle<< ~ ~ ~
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Lets start by looking at the armies- both the offensive and defensive forces. The total of both being over 138,000+ moving bodies including a dragon, whether or not they were living or dead. After the Night King is unceremoniously killed, all of his army is destroyed, over 100,000 bodies, just laying there. In episode 4 we’re told that half the army of the living has been killed, leaving an estimate of 19,130 living men. (Which brings a lot of questions to mind about where all those Unsullied and Dothraki from episode 5 and 6 came from but that’s not the issue for now.)
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Just to give you all a reminder, ^that^ is what the army of the living looked like. The smaller army, might I say again. There’s also the wall of fire they made around Winterfell with the buried wooden stakes and ripped apart trebuchet over the battlefield.
I don’t think I’m overreacting when I say that that’s a whole LOT of dead bodies just laying about, rotting away, not doing much at all but getting in the way when the battle was finished. Bodies that need to be cleaned away and burned.
When The Long Night ends, we see several shots that shows how the remaining living are literally SWIMMING in corpses, the ground flooded with dead bodies. From Gendry and Tormund standing on an actual mountain of bodies, Jaime and Brienne being pressed against the wall surrounded by an ocean of bodies, the fields around Dany and Jorah being covered by dead (and chunks of burning trebuchet pieces), to Arya and Bran being in the Godswood surrounded by the Greyjoy’s and icicle remains of the Walkers. Basically, the showrunners make it a point to show how much carnage is left from the battle.
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The damage done to Winterfell was also extensive. Firstly, undead Viserion destroys the wall between one of the high towers and the main gate. But then, the Night King simply walks through the giant hole but this time it’s between two towers instead. Ignoring that mess, we also see Viserion burn and crash through one of the inner courtyards of Winterfell. (Reminder: this is the Jon yelling at dragon scene). And finally, during the funeral scene in episode four, we see that the whole wall is repaired with no visible damage.
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Episode 4 starts with a funeral. We see dozens of pires. Dozens, but definitely not enough for over one hundred thousand bodies and a dragon. Especially since the first row seems to have around 8-10 people per pire and then maybe 12-20 in the rest of the rows. Absolutely not enough for all the dead bodies we know are piling up. In the time it would take them to build those pires and wait for them to burn up a couple hundred bodies, only to rebuild them again, it would be at least two weeks.
Let’s be positive, say they built 12 rows x 12 pires per row = 144 in total and let’s say 15 bodies per pire (minus the first row of 8 in the front). 132 x 15 = 1,980 + 96 (front row). 2,076 bodies were burned at the funeral out of over 119,00. Including a dragon. Can you imagine how long it would take them to burn all the dead at the rate they’re going?
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How are they supposed to have cleaned up thousands of dead (and a bigass dead dragon) so quickly? We’re led to believe the next episode happens right after the battle, all the characters have their injuries and Sansa’s comment about letting the troops rest after the battle and Gendry acting like he hasn’t seen Arya at all since the store room shag before the wights attacked.
How did they move Viserion anyways? That would take the most amount of time, not to mention rebuilding the damage Viserion did. Did they use those magically appearing chains the wights had in season 7 or did Drogon and Rhaegal tag-team carry him wherever Dany ended up after the final?
~ ~ ~ >>Sense<< ~ ~ ~
Now, working under the assumption that I’m right (and looking above, I’m pretty certain that I am) and it’s been months between episode 3 and 4 there are several (more) inconsistencies that appear the longer you think about it.
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~ ~ ~ >>Gendry’s Proposal<< ~ ~ ~
Thinking about it now, it doesn’t seem that shocking that he would propose. Weeks of cleaning up and repairing Winterfell by her side, being thankful that they’re both alive, impressed with her killing the Night King, having time to think about his future (now that he knows he has one) and his feelings, and (I’m assuming) more store room shags since they both looked comfortable kissing in E4. And with the addition of having a sudden Lordhood and time to realize he’s in love with Arya, it’s not surprising at all that he would propose. Which honestly makes Arya’s refusal and then permanent disappearance west, that much more of a terrible writing decision.
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~ ~ ~ >>Dany’s Depression<< ~ ~ ~
Dany being lonely and grief stricken for Jorah and Viserion for months presumably since no one looked like they were interested in speaking to her at the feast, it probably wasn’t much different in the months following the battle. Her begging Jon not to tell anyone makes sense too, she probably spent the time between E3 and E4 thinking that she was unloved, losing everything she loves, Jon only pushing her away and the North/Sansa continuing to be cold with her despite everything she gave to fight for the living.
Sansa saying ‘the troops need rest’ during the war meeting is kind of bullshit because the army have had months of just hauling around bodies, building pires and repairing Winterfell in the day and sleeping and resting when they weren’t doing that. Manual labour followed by at least a month (depending on snowfall) of travel towards King’s Landing is what armies have been doing in war times for centuries and during the show. The only logical reason I can think of as to why Sansa spoke out was because she was undermining Dany.
~ ~ ~ >>Bran<< ~ ~ ~
It also means Bran definitely knew what was coming and he had time to tell people what to do to avoid it. And he didn’t.
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~ ~ ~
Bottom line, there should have definitely been an episode between E3 and E4 because we missed months of the characters lives.
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aethelar · 4 years
Ok... so Newt, newt with the ukranian iron bellies during the war. These dragons he says are his, because he is mummy and he will fight anyone who says other wise. Umm but what about that white haired lady, the one with lavender eyes and who literally calls herself "the mother of dragons". Now what, because that sounds like a fight waiting to happen.... and the dragons themselves how do they take it seeing another human with dragons no less??
Presenting: that single parent!AU where the dragons go to the same kindergarten and throw down with each other round the sand pit, while Newt and Dany are the oblivious mothers who think their kids get on really well and have no idea they’re raising mortal enemies.
Dany is a lawyer. She specialises in abuse victims and teaches her kids to Take No Shit From Anyone, Young Dragon, but also Don’t Eat People It’s Rude. Drogo excels at the former. The latter is a work in progress. Dany reminds herself that she isn’t tempted to send her kids after the smarmy assholes that get off without conviction because she’s a Good Parent and child labour is bad.
Newt is an author. He lives above his secondhand bookstore and has too many cats. And stick insects. One dog. A canary. There’re some hedgehogs in the garden. Also fish. Occasionally, a moose. He says he teaches his kids to be Good Law Abiding Citizens but he actually teaches his kids to Always Do The Right Thing, Even If The Law Says Not To. (Look, Newt has passionate views about conservation and animal testing, also liberating people of illegally imported exotic pets and smuggling them back to their proper environment. He’s a busy man, he hasn’t got time to follow the rules.)
“My Mummy,” Katya declares, “says the law is bollocks.” Katya is a Ukranian Ironbelly, she’s silver-white with red eyes, she’s delightful, she also eavesdrops on conversations she shouldn’t eavesdrop on and hoards swearwords.
“My Mummy,” Drogon returns, “says people who break the law are scum and deserve to be shot.” Drogon is not, at this point in life, quite sure what being ‘shot’ entails but he thinks it has something to do with vaccinations and doctors, and also giant sewing needles.
Emma attempts to stab him with her tail. Emma misses. Emma stabs Rhaegal with her tail, which is a mistake, because Rhaegal starts to cry. In fairness to Rhaegal, Emma is a Hungarian Horntail and her tail is both sharp and spiky, and also wicked fast and poorly aimed.
Viserion, the excellent lawyer in training that he is, attempts to bring a prosecution case against Emma. Katya, the excellent pragmatist and law-ignorer in training that she is, buys Rhaegal’s silence with a slightly squashed peanut butter cookie.
“Only if you let us play with your dog,” Rhaegal decides.
“They’re the enemy,” Drogon hisses. “You’re con-snorting.”
“And get your mum to take us to the cinema next week and we get to pick what we watch,” Viserion adds.
“Ooooh,” Drogon concedes. “Yes, that.” Dany had Ideas about the sort of things suitable for young and impressionable dragons to watch. Newt did too, but Newt was a pushover and could be persuaded by a rousing speech against censorship.
Emma and Katya confer. “We want to watch Spiderman,” Emma says.
“Obviously,” Rhaegal agrees.
The deal is struck. They shake on it. The agreed-on play time with the dog is scheduled for that afternoon, directly after school. Newt, it’s decided, will make chicken pot-pie and cake for dinner.
“Because our Mummy makes the best pie,” Katya says proudly.
All three of the Dothraki kids bristle at that. Emma hoists her tail in preparation. If the end of lunch bell hadn’t rung, who knows what fearsome battle could have occurred.
(”Mummy,” Emma says that afternoon when Newt collects his two girls from school and finds three boys tagging along. “We’re having cake for dinner. Mrs Dany can come too if she likes.”
“Ah?” Newt asks, blinking at Dany. She raises an eyebrow back at him and turns to Viserion for an explanation. He’s usually the one with the answers.
“We settled out of court,” Viserion provides, chest puffed up in pride.
“Which means we won,” Drogon adds, just to be clear, because that’s what he thinks happened but it doesn’t hurt to double check.
“It does not!” Katya retorts hotly, wings flared and ready to go.
“Ah,” Newt says, and with a vaguely distracted smile at Dany he fishes out his phone. He hopes Jacob’s is still open because apparently he needs cake.)
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vieverdeen · 5 years
Thoughts on 8x03. I need to vent.
WARNING: this contains dark! Dany, crumbs of Jonsa i guess, anti sanarion, anti jonerys, anti daenerys, anti tyrion, anti d&d, basically anti everything, and lots and lots and lots of complaining. LOTS. And bitching. I hated 8x03. If you liked it, I suggest you keep scrolling. Please keep scrolling. I don't want any heat, dont want to offend anybody, I just so BADLY need to vent.
Also, i post in the Jonsa tag, because that's my main fandom and where i feel safe.
This episode was an epitome of disappointment. I can't even. All this bragging how it was going to beat BotB and Hardhome, even freakin HELMS DEEP (the audacity) and ZERO payoff. I'll try to be as brief as possible(I probably won't be).
1. Whover was the mastermid behind this battleplan should hang. What the actual fuck. What the f*ck was the deal with stationing all The Unsullied and Dothraki OUTSIDE?! I mean i get it - there's limited space at Winterfell, and those are huge armies. But later, when it all goes to hell with the Dothraki and so on, and Dadvos screams "man the walls!" there are so few people actually inside, that could man the walls! I mean, the defenders should form a freaking wall themselves, to push down as many wights as possible! And they weren't even in position, on the battlements!
2. The charge was fucking idiotic. I really don't get it - was it a rash decision of the Dothraki, inspired by Mel lighting their arakhs, that they were like "yeah, why not, let's roll", without any order? Or was it an ACTUAL plan for them to charge the AotD, without anybody knowing Mel would show up and do what she did, with regular weapons, not even Valyrian steel or dragon glass?! I mean, did they WANT to give the NK more meat for his army? THE STUPIDITY
3. What was the deal with Arya during the battle? All of the sudden she's inside the castle, terrified, walks into the library and hides from one(!) wight - seeing as in the beginning she wasn't aware there were more. The whole library scene was exhausting to watch, and not because of the suspence, but again, because of the stupidity of it. It felt out of nowhere and pointless. And damn, I remember all of the speculation when the trailer came out- why is Arya so terrified, what is she running from? Is it Rickon or whatnot? Nope. No surprises here. Just regular whights, just like the ones she was going all assasin-mode on a minute ago.
3. Jon, Daenerice and their lizards. I mean, could they have been any more useless?! Dani burns some wights in the beginning and thats it. The most frustrating part was, that they haven't even once used the goddamn dragons to fry Viserion. Not once! There was some hands-on dragon combat but that was it. At various moments I wanted the NK to win, seriously. When they flew above the clouds and Viserion disappeared, i half expected the nephew and his aunt to sing "A whole new world" together and fly away. Wouldn't have made a difference.
4. I will give them one thing, the part with Dany falling off of Drogon and him abandoning her was satisfying. Shame that Jorah ex Machina was soo predicrable (glad it wasn't Jon though). Also, I will say, that Jorahs death was the one scene I actually liked, it brought me back to season 1 and I felt for Daenerys for a moment.
5. The crypts. I mean, the way Tyrion has been made by the show to be the Most Moral Man in the Universe, with his magical, genius mind has become unbearable. I wanted to smack him, seriously. Of course YOU should be out there Tyrion, YOU might notice something others won't. Sansa put him in his place, but I would prefer it if she remaind cold towards him, like in the first episode, just beacuse the amount of sanarion being pushed down our throats was making me gag. Saying they would never have worked because of Dani? Sansa love, you dont have to be polite. It would never have worked because Sansa did not love him, wasn't attracted to him, was forced to marry him as a child, because he's a father-killing, whore-mongering alcoholic. I was SO scared they would actually kiss in that scene when they were hiding. I was about to puke. Seriously, Sophie has an amazing chemistry with nearly everyone and clearly it was visible in this scene, but for the love of God I could not bear it.
6. Missandei and her "if it werent for the Dragon Queen we'd all be dead". I need someone to step up ASAP and make it clear that if it werent for Dani and her dumbass advisors the NK WOULDNT HAVE A F*CKING DRAGON!!! And the Wall still would be standing! Why don't these things matter? Like at all?? Why?! D&D just dont give a fuck.
7. Bran. The Three-Eyed Raven. All those seasons, the impossible journey, the sacrifice of Hodor, Jojen, Meera, Summer, all the 8-year build up for the AotD to end like... this. No resolution, no answers, no explanation. And Bran does nothing. It was so underwhelming. Every single fanfic I've read was better than this. He just warged into some ravens and went for a flight. Coolcoolcool.
8. The final scene, with the music and everything was, much like the rest of the episode, exhausting. The pacing was all over the place, either too slow or too fast. It sure was nice of the NK to give Theon and Bran some extra time so they could look at each other meaningfully, with Bran taking his sweet time to assure Theon that his character arc has been completed and he's most welcome to die for him now. The NK was actually a big softie on the inside, truly. Applies also for the never-ending look he exchanged with Bran before actually trying to kill him.
Till the last moment I was hoping that Bran would pull something out. That he couldn't have been THIS useless. Anything, I would have even taken time travel, anything. But GoT has stopped shocking and surprising a looong time ago, and we got Arya instead. I guess she's so awesome now, kinda like a supernatural being, that the only sign of her coming is a light breeze moving one's hair. I don't quite get when did she actually learn to fly/jump so high, maybe at some point in Braavos, between washing dead bodies and fighting with sticks? (okay, here's a rabbit hole to avoid - Aryas plot since sason 6, when suddenly she becomes a worrior able to best Brienne in combat). I would really like Arya killing the NK, if it was done and executed better, with a decent build-up and all of that. Not like this. It was so fucking easy it hurt.
9. Jon was useless. Useless I tell you. Dani being useless was sorta satisfying, as I'm anti dany, but Jon has been obsessed with the AotD and the NK for too many seasons now. I guess I should be thankful that at no point the line "i thought i lost you" has been uttered.
10. When the episode ended, me and my sister were like, "damn, dani has actually lost all her armies. game over for her." I mean she lost all of the Dothraki, almost all of the Unsullied? But God, did we underestimate Dumb&Dumber's dumbness! OF COURSE in the promo Dani still has an army and is ready to go to war with Cersei. OF COURSE. Fuck logic, fuck the facts, fuck the plot. Things havent been making any sense for a while now, so why bother at the end?
11. One more thing about Ghost - i love this boy with all my heart, and that's why it pisses me off so much that after SEASONS of neglecting him and favouring the lizards, the writers bring him back for some meaningless cameos, without Jon interacting with him ONCE. The discrespect! Seriously, at this point Ghost should just switch owners. Jon better stay with his pet reptalian.
Sidenote: I won't even go into no Jonsa goodbye scene. No goodbye-scene for Jon with any of the Starks. Coolcoolcool.
There is more, I'm sure, but I cant remember and I'm too tired. I dont even know what I expected. Maybe because the 2 first episodes were decent I was hoping for something remotely good. But D&D reminded me that no one can dissapoint like they can.
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kegareki · 4 years
pls talk more abt ur gremlin dany i love them??? is there anywhere i can find more
thank you so much for being interested in my gremlin daenerys #fire and blood verse; i write in fragments, so i haven’t actually cobbled together a coherent narrative that i can Post As A Fic lmao... One Day I Will Manage This
but i am ALWAYS willing to talk about my ocs! here is a rambly dump of info about daenerys under the cut!
- as a general rule, daenerys has little interest in ruling anything. unfortunately, as a targaryen, people are always going to expect them to be as ambitious and power-hungry as their predecessors. their main concerns in life are towards their dragons and the impending winter. once this winter has ended--and, hopefully, every unnatural season with it, if their vague, uncertain supposition of what happened in the show holds true--they’re planning on retiring to slaver’s bay permanently or essosi sheeplands where their dragons can hunt and roam freely.
... literally the best thing about being in asoiaf is the dragons, okay, they can be forgiven for mostly just being interested in their dragons
- the only title that they really care for is “dragonlord” because, to their mind, dragonlord is the only title that they can freely claim without having to Rule Anything. like. they have dragons. they’re a dragonlord. that’s all there is to it
- my Targaryen Lore is that those of dragonlord heritage have a predisposition for warging with dragons due to long and close association together. daenerys communicates with their dragons via a combination of words and thought-images and thinks that that’s a totally normal thing to do, but nope, that’s because they’ve got dragonlord blood.
you don’t need to be of dragonlord lineage to ride a dragon--the only requirement for riding a dragon is the dragon letting you--but communication is more limited unless you can warg. it is rare, historically, to ride a dragon without a dragonlord or even a warging lineage to speak of, for a variety of different reasons, but it has happened.
- their dragons are named champion, herald, and warden. in canon, these are--in order--drogon, rhaegal, and viserion
champion, as the largest of the bunch, is the most intimidating, and he is very aware of this. when daenerys needs a thread display, he’s generally the one who steps up to the plate
all of them are more well-behaved and more well-trained than in canon, so like. don’t worry about them being chained up or hunting things down indiscriminately, lol. they’re all good boys
(like, on one hand, i get dragons becoming hard to control as they grow older. but. also. dragons have been used as mounts for CENTURIES. THEY ARE AT LEAST SEMI-DOMESTICATED. PLEASE. JUST LET ME HAVE MY DRAGONS WHO ALL LIKE TO BE SCRATCHED)
- daenerys’ fashion, when they have access to such clothing, remains largely in the sphere of: mainly loose hair with a bit pulled back from the face (and here’s another perspective) or their hair pulled into a tucked braid updo; the blue dragonscale-textured dresses that we all love; the loose, flowy fabrics; and like. trousers. i was looking for canon examples for references and then i got tired. the hair is the important part--they pretty much never do any of the more complicated braids dany does
- i made oc friends for them! at slaver’s bay, their friend group is kazzek, jhezza, and imri. kazzek and jhezza (both native to the region) had been house slaves and imri (born to those who had been from the free cities) had been in the fighting pits.
kazzek is wary of outsiders--especially those with no one to vouch for them--but fiercely loyal once his trust and respect have been earned. any slight against his friends is taken personally. (in most AUs, he is the rider for their third dragon, warden.)
jhezza is softer-spoken and conciliatory, with a warm, friendly demeanor, but that does not mean that she is naive or spineless. she chooses which battles to fight and which to let go of.
imri had not liked fighting, had not liked the way his life hung in the balance every time he stepped foot into the ring. he is tired of brutality, of inflicting it and receiving it. he will use his bulk and his scarred body to intimidate, when need be, but he is more of a gentle giant than anything.
- daenerys and jon become friends in Every World And Every AU. mostly because jon is one of my favorite asoiaf characters (dark-haired, sullen-faced with a giant wolf and a cloak???? Fuck Yeah) but also because there are . a LOT of things about jon and daenerys that interest me
like, the similarities between their lives?? the way that they have both found homes in foreign places (jon with the watch and the free folk, daenerys in slaver’s bay), the way they both carry with them living emblems of their houses (jon with ghost the direwolf, daenerys with their three dragons), the way some part of their birthright has been denied to them (jon as a bastard raised among trueborn siblings, daenerys as a targaryen whose family had been deposed), the way they both have siblings that if things had been different would have ruled (jon with robb as the future lord stark, daenerys with viserys who had always dreamed of reclaiming the iron throne), the way they look exactly as you would expect a stark and targaryen to look and still they manage to subvert expectations
and the differences between them... even just aesthetically... the dark hair of a stark vs the silver-gold of a targaryen... the heavy clothing of the north vs the light, flimsier fabrics of the south... FIRE AND ICE...
daenerys is already well-disposed toward jon, as a si/oc, and jon becomes pretty fond of them in turn
in an au i have where “canon jon goes back in time but also to the left to end up in the past but in a world with si/oc daenerys instead of canon dany,” jon has been planning this whole time for Canon Dany And Whatever The Fuck Happened There, and what he gets is... si/oc daenerys, who comes to westerosi with the title “dragonlord” and who wants nothing to do with the iron throne. he is caught very off-guard and is very suspicious but eventually accepts that apparently dany’s behavior is not as set in stone as he thought it was
i also have... a transdimensional timeloop au where every time jon and daenerys die, they end up in another world and integrate into that version of themselves. this is because i wanted to keep making aus but didn’t want to keep making new pages so i just lumped them all into this one LMAO they’re the only ones who loop and they always loop together, so they generally 1) try to actually help the realm and their families or 2) decide “yeah, this isn’t worth it” and go off into the wilderness together. sometimes they go beyond the wall, sometimes they make their way over to slaver’s bay
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thebeltanequeen · 5 years
Updated GOT Predictions!!
As much as I don’t want some of these characters to die, or as suspicious as I am that they will just bc D&D love subverting expectations and everyone expects certain people to die, this is how I think it should end LOGICALLY if they follow the path characters were set up for in the books and in combination with the show
I agree with pretty much what the entire fandom says. Jaime will kill Cersei then himself, dying a tragic hero. I don’t think Cersei lied about being pregnant. I think she either is pregnant still, was pregnant and something happened, or thought she was pregnant but realized she went through menopause instead. Jaime will confront Cersei when he gets to KL and they’ll have a huge fight I imagine. That’s when we’ll figure out the baby situation. I’ve never questioned that the baby was Jaime’s bc, for those of you who haven’t noticed, Cersei HATES Euron and would NOT have his baby. If she had her way, she’d kill Euron after they won the war. So whatever answer we get will play a huge role in the way she’s killed emotionally. Anyway, so Cersei will either be winning the battle, ergo Jaime steps in to stop her from using wildfire as the finishing blow, or she’ll be losing the battle and Jaime still prevents her from using wildfire, but he also doesn’t want to see her brutally murdered. He just doesn’t guys. It would be OOC for him to suddenly want her to be massacred. I don’t think Cersei will fight Jaime physically when he does kill her. I’m thinking she’ll be relieved it was him and that the prophecy is being fulfilled, so she no longer has to live in fear and grief anymore.
As I said above, Jaime is going to commit suicide after he kills Cersei (and their unborn child if she is still pregnant). After he heard Sansa talk about wishing to see Cersei executed, he realized he wouldn’t stay in Winterfell for multiple reasons. He can’t let Cersei win, and he can’t let her be brutally tortured and executed. Jaime became so cold to Brienne at the end of this episode to protect her. He knows he needs to go to KL and that he probably won’t live. Brienne would want to come with him, and she would be in danger too. He also probably doesn’t want to make her feel like she needs to choose between him and Sansa. Confronting Cersei is something Jaime needs to do alone. He is on his way to KL to talk sense into her head to save her and their baby (Like I said, we’ll figure this out then. Cersei is just too damn heartbroken about it every time it’s brought up). He will of course fail for multiple reasons. Cersei is too stubborn, too powerhungry, too vengeful and too frightened to stop. Cersei also won’t be willing to listen to him after he left her, but she won’t be able to kill him. She can’t kill Tyrion, much less Jaime. After Jaime kills her, he won’t be able to live with himself. He’ll die a hero though.
Arya, the Hound, the Mountain, and Brienne
So I actually think Arya and the Hound will tag team killing the Mountain and perhaps even Qybrun in the process. The Hound will die afterwards from his injuries and he’ll have a touching moment will Arya, who WON’T leave him to die alone. After the Hound dies, I think Arya will head for Cersei and instead of killing her she’ll SEE Jaime do it and hear why he’s done it. She’ll watch the twins go out, and it will be Arya who tells everyone that Jaime saved them all. This will directly parallel when Ned walked in after Jaime killed the Mad King, but he was too stuck in the old ways to hear him out on what happened. Arya will right one of the few wrongs her father ever did. She’ll have been the one to save everyone from the Night King, and she’ll recognize that Jaime saved everyone from Cersei. Then I think Arya will roam the lands as she pleases, just as Nymeria does. Perhaps Gendry will give up his lordship and he’ll travel with her. He could give Storm’s End to Davos if he survives KL. Brienne will hear about what Jaime did, she’ll understand that he was protecting her all along, and she’ll write about his good deeds in the book. I actually think she might end up pregnant, and she’ll have a baby (I hope it’s a girl who also becomes a knight I would LOVE IT) and she’ll tell their child about their heroic father. Brienne would be a great mom and it’ll finish her arc nicely *cries*
Jon, Sansa and Bran
I have a theory that whatever fate the direwolves had, the same fate will befall their respective Starks either literally or figuretively. Lady was the first to die, and Sansa is arguably the Stark who has changed the most drastically. The girl she was is dead. She is no longer the little dove, or the little bird, but she is now the undisputed Lady of Winterfell. I actually think Sansa will be Queen of the North by the end of the show. Sansa being Queen has been foreshadowed all eight seasons. I think the Iron Throne will be destroyed, and the seven kingdoms split back up, but peacefully. Sansa will rule. Jon will be the one who orders the Iron Throne destroyed after Cersei’s death. I imagine Arya will tell him of the twins’ death and Jaime’s sacrifice and Jon will honor that by getting rid of the one thing that started this mess in the first place. A Targaryen built the iron throne and it will be a Targaryen’s responsibility to destroy it. Jon will then leave to roam the free lands with the free folk, as Ghost will be. Jon never wanted to be King, and after he destroys the throne and elects Sansa to rule the North, he deserves peace after all his fighting. He’ll embrace his Stark name and live and die a Northman. Summer is dead and Bran is figuratively dead as well. I could actually see him peacefully passing away at Winterfell from old age. Whether he trains a new 3 eyed raven or not is debatable.
Dany, Greyworm, Drogon and Varys
Dany and Greyworm are utterly devastated over Missandei and rightfully so, but they’ve fallen for Cersei’s trap just like Jon did when Ramsay killed Rickon at the Battle of the Bastards. Dany is also mourning Rhaegal and she is not thinking clearly. Dark Dany is happening for sure, and it’ll be tragic because we all know why and can understand what she’s thinking and doing. She’ll destroy King’s Landing, and the carnage will be so brutal and she’ll feel so triumphant that Westeros will turn on her, especially when news of Jon’s parentage gets out, at which point Varys will be executed for treason. What’s been made abundantly clear this season is that Dany is an outsider. Westeros does not want her, they want Jon. She and Jon will get into an argument at the end of the battle, and she’ll allow the Iron Throne to be burned by Drogon once the haze has cleared and she realizes how many innocent people she just killed. She’ll be devestated and will retreat to Dragonstone. She broke the wheel, but she lost everything, including her humanity for a brief period of time. As for Boatie, I don’t think Dany is pregnant, but if she is I think she’ll also give up the throne to raise her child in relative peace. I think she’ll either stay at Dragonstone and try to make that her home, or she will return to Essos with Drogon. Her particular storyline is one that can go in many different directions, so it is the most confusing to pin down for me. I can see Greyworm dying in battle after killing Euron (if Yara doesn’t show up in battle and do it herself), but I honestly don’t think he will. I think he will go to Naath and the last we see of him will be him smiling on the beach. I think he gets a tragic, but beautiful ending.
Ah, Tyrion. The one everybody loves, whether he’s suffered in the writing department the last few seasons or not. Out of all the Lannister’s, he’s most likely to live, but I don’t think he’s going to. I’ve actually only recently decided this, but I was reminded of the brilliant Charles Dance’s line in season one about how “soon, all of us will be dead” and “only the family name lives on.” Although this was said to Jaime, I think it applies to Tyrion too. I now think all the Lannister’s are going to die, but their name will certainly never be forgotten. I’m not sure how, but Tyrion might go out. Perhaps Dany kills him for treason even though he was trying to defend her despite his own fears? Or maybe there’s a time jump at the end of the show and we see Tyrion dying at old age as Lord of Casterly Rock? I would not be surprised either way, but I want him to go out doing something heroic, not dying for something he didn’t actually do like in season 4. He is too fantastic of a character to go out in a shitty way. He deserves an amazing ending to his story.
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kallypsowrites · 5 years
Okay, I’ve processed the Game of thrones leaks and it’s time for KALLYPSO’S OPINION. Things are tagged and there’s more stuff under the cut.
So, just to start, I take these leaks with a grain of salt. A huge grain of salt. The leaking scandal was too big last year for HBO to not be keeping a huge eye on Friki. He’s well known at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if Friki is just speculating (since most of what he said would be pretty easy to predict). I don’t know why someone working on the show would risk their job. Also, HBO often makes sure the crew doesn’t totally know everything that is going on when they shoot it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have multiple subtitlers working on one episode to make sure no body knows everything. Bottom line, just because Friki was accurate during the leak scandal doesn’t make him accurate now.
WITH THAT SAID, let’s pretend the leaks are totally, one hundred percent real. What’s the good and the bad?
The Good:
1. Gendarya!!! I would really love to see banter between them in the first episode and the asking him to make a spear out of a dragon glass dagger would explain those trailer clips (though it also means it would be easy to speculate).
2. Arya and Jon reunion! Thank you god! And it seems positive. I keep psyching myself out and worrying it would go badly but it seems they are back to being close and I’m happy.
3. Having the Loot train battle actually mean something and not just be a pointless diversion. Like... look guys, if Sam didn’t react to his family being burned, the loot train battle didn’t mean anything or effect the plot. It didn’t even get rid of Cersei’s gold or kill Bronn. All they did was kill these two minor characters and unless it effected Sam (or created a food shortage) the loot cart battle was just an overblown set piece. So I’m glad Sam is hearing about it and seems upset about the whole thing (particularly his brother). Not sure why so many people thought Sam wouldn’t have an emotional reaction.
4. Realistic Sansa drama. Look, I don’t mind drama between women, especially when it makes sense. The Sansa and Arya conflict, while it could have made sense, was terribly written and very bad. But thus far, Sansa’s conflict with Dany seems to make sense. She doesn’t know this woman, she doesn’t know her intentions, she knows the northern lords will be pissed and Jon has put her in a difficult posistion, and Jon really did not consult any of the north about the whole bending the knee buisness. I know he’s ‘king’ and doesn’t have to be, but he was also democratically elected. Like, sure, it’s drama, but for the right reasons.
5. Dany not being immediately accepted. That would just be unrealistic, honestly. All the north is suddenly chill with dragons and a Targaryen who is the daughter of the king they helped to overthrow? She’s going to have to prove herself in the first battle to really win their respect. Good. I don’t want everyone immediately being chummy with one another, because that brushes aside a very complex political situation.
6. White walker related stuff. Seems like Tormund, Berric and Edd discover some markings that could be useful. Good that they’ll be dropping hints on how to defeat the white walkers.
7. parentage reveal at the end of the episode. Makes sense. I predicted it would be there. Good place to drop the bomb.
8. The Hound and ARya reuniting. Love their duo. Excited about that.
9. Tyrion and Sansa conversation. I like that Sansa rightly says “Cersei can’t be trusted” and she’s about to be proved VERY RIGHT when Jaime shows up. Sansa ain’t fooled by Cersei.
10. Jon and Bran reunion is cute.
1. Jon asks Arya for help getting Sansa to like Dany, but there was no sign of Arya interacting with Dany? How does Arya feel about Dany? Have we heard? Do we know anything. If anything, I would think Arya would be suspicious because she’s a naturally suspicious person, though it makes since she would trust Jon. Still, that seems out of the blue.
2. The pre parentage dragon riding. Some people say this is speculation and other say it happens later but if it happens here it is SO SO SO SO DUMB. Riding a dragon isn’t that easy, and frankly its a little insulting if it took Dany five seasons to bond enough with Drogon to ride him and Jon pets a dragon once (who is not Rhaegal) and can suddenly just jump on his back. Stupid, rushed, fanicky, I hate it.
3. Euron x Cersei. I can see him blackmailing her and I’ve predicted him blackmailing her by making himself the one in control of the Golden Company so that she needs him to use them. But I just don’t want to see Euron gaining sexual control over Cersei. Please no. No more of that. Gross.
4. Theon rescuing Yara. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see it, but this seems pretty early in the show and rushed. Also Euron’s line about not killing family? Bitch you killed your brother? What are you TALKING about?
5. A lot of emphasis on Jon bending the knee for love. Look, I’m not a Jonerys shipper. I actually don’t have a bone in either of the ships in the race. One of the reasons I don’t ship Jonerys is because thus far it has not been that well written in my eyes and there’s not that much chemistry (particularly on Kit’s side. Kid what are you doing with your face. If you’re in love, can you smile every once and awhile). The fact that friki says their love is obvious and love is in the air makes me wonder because is my boy Jon going to show affection? Still seems pretty grim in the trailer. I’m just wondering if they are going to be able to sell me on this romance this season and I have my doubts.
1. Where the FUCK is Jaime????? You’d think he’d at least have a brief scene in this episode. Makes me skeptical considering he’s supposed to be in all six episodes (I know it said four at one point, but it was corrected later in the doc to say six).
2. Where is Brienne? Does she have a reaction to any of this? Give me my Braime reunion scene!!
3. Ghost. Give me Ghost you fucks. It’s the last season. I know you can afford a few shots of Ghost
4. The actor for Edmuere Tully is credited as being in episode one as well and he’s nowhere to be scene. is he with jaime. Did Jaime stop by the Riverlands to grab Lannister soldiers like I predicted?
5. In generaly, there are several credited characters missing from the roster. Which makes me skepitcal of leaks.
All and all, there’s nothing shocking in these leaks, except for the very dumb dragon riding thing. It’s likely he could have speculated wildly based on trailers and a few bits of information because it wouldn’t take a genius to write this. It doesn’t seem like there’s enough happening in this episode either. He probably skipped over several small interactions.
Whatever the case, I’ll believe the leaks when I see them in the episode. We shall see!
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rosheendubh · 5 years
S7S8 Draft Rewrite GoT...
—YouTube Game of Thrones film edit/rewrite challenge: —It’s Long, the formatting is terrible, and it’s really more a thread of ideas than a proper outline. But I’m throwing the challenge out there—can some talented YouTube montage editor reel back and mash up GOT Seasons 7 and 8 to match what I’ve drabbled down below?Which is essentially 1 of 1000 other (mostly wonderful) rewrite ideas to help where D&D got a little lost. Honestly, just add some 2 Steps From Hell Soundtrack background, varied clips from the previous S7 and S8 in the order I’ve described below—and ‘voila’!!—our more satisfying conclusion to the last 9 years of fangrrl obsessions... Thanks, I’ll love you forever (and would happily clean this up to be more reader-friendly) if you could do this!!
...or rather, how it should have been written...
There were about a thousand alternative plot lines the GoT authors could have chosen to develop S7 and S8. Basically, they ignored every one of them which would have been better than the drivel they chopped out and spewed Willie-Nillie to hurry up and deliver the blandest tripe to neutralize drama more effectively than a junior-high level theatrical recreation of Shakespeare... —This Post is long, and is also an indulgence of therapy, involving shameless GoTs fangrrling and GeekGrrling... For starters, they was an entirely plausible method to Daenerys’s destruction of King’s Landing, but it would have involved reeling back S7 to only address the Battle for King’s Landing, as the threat of the Night King decended on the North in the background. Keep Jon Snow at Dragon’s Keep/Island Targaryan, mining Dragon Glass, whilst Dany views the motives of the North suspiciously, and rather than battling stupid minor campaigns across Westeros, just concentrates her full force armies+ 3 Dragons on King’sLanding (taking the advice of Olenna earlier than she ought—still as a conqueror, and ruthless, but not psycho...), shattering the Red Keep. Tyrion, somehow, can still wheedle into the city, offering Jamie the chance to get Cersei out despite her refusal to leave...until it’s apparent the RedKeep is about to collapse. Team Cersei (the Mountain, Qyburn) manage to escape through the crypts to that random boat, heading off to CasterlyRock, laying low wisely, beaten and bereft of an army, but not their loyal houses who are leery of the returned Targaryen, trying to regroup allies. Cue—NOW Euron enters with his fleet, to Casterly Rock, offering his undying love to Cersei, and his ships... Meanwhile, collateral damage expected with the RedKeep’s destruction, with some innocent lives, the city overall remains preserved for occupation by Dany’s forces. It’s ambivalence with which the people greet her rather than the gratefulness and joy she anticipated, and she realizes the first truth of governance: a conqueror does not a ruler make...but has little time to ponder this conundrum with Varis and Tyrion as her main advisors, before word is received simultaneously of Cersei and Jamie’s escape—engineered by the only person who could possibly have known out to get them out of the Keep. Her Hand. Cue: Tyrion is arrested. Jon, stranded on Dragon’s Keep, with a skeleton guard only, receives word from the Wall of the Army of the Dead at the Wall. Supposedly, they can’t pass b/c ‘the dead and spells protecting the integrity of the Wall’—but there they stand, just at the boundary of the World of the Living. Jon enacts a daring escape with Team Stark/Snow—killing the men Dany left to hold them in custody, and gets back to his ship, sailing back to Stark holdings in a haste to prepare an unprepared North. Dany, pulled on 2 fronts—between Lannisters and Starks—and holding a city barely in her grip, is forced into a quandary. Jon appeals to her once more (via flying pigeons of course) to come to the aid of the North, in exchange for which he will bend the knee, and promise the submission of the North as well—upping the ante on tension between his loyalty to save the North vs his devotion to serve the North, possibly compromising his own position with his nobles and his family. Bran, by this point, delivered back to Winterfell/Home Stark, learns of Jon’s true heritage, and perhaps informs him then. Or not... Meanwhile, Dany’s dual nature between compassionate queen versus ruthless conqueror asserts itself, and she knows what the right thing, the true thing is to do. You know, like she had shown through the previous 6 seasons of the show. She commits a significant portion of her armies, and her Dragons north, haunted by the carvings Jon had her shown under Dragon Stone (still preserving that scene from S7) the first time in their brief meeting where sparked admiration and attraction between the two—something both were resisting and ignoring at that time. Since D&D evidently left her enough of an army of horsemen and Unsullied in the actual show after the battle of WinterFell, to occupy the cinders of KingsLanding, I’m guessing in my rewrite, Dany has enough of an army to leave behind and maintain her control of King’s Landing, whilst driving her forces North... Concurrently, we have Team Lannister, courtesy of EuronGreyJoy Water Ubers, sailing to Bravos, aquiring  that massive loan from the IronBank, and that absolutely useless GoldenCompany. In this rewrite, they’re more effective, AND BS on elephants. If Hannibal could herd them through the Alps, over the seas from Africa, Drogon’s Balls that they couldn’t also show up in Westeros...Cersei, my villainess supreme vixen, you get your elephants in my version! Scene—Rejuvenated Lannister mercenary army heading back to KingsLanding...S7 concludes... —S8: the battle of the Wall hangs by a thread, but somehow, sans a Dragon this time, the NightKing manages to kill one of the Watchers on the Wall, and wight-over Castle Black, and every other fort along the Wall, with only a few stragglers escaping down to WinterFell, barely ahead of the Zombie Apocolypse. Of course, Thormund is with them—my ginger lover of Brienne the Magnificent. —Jon rallies what meager mortal defenses he might, all collected at WinterFell, fortified as fortified might be thanks to Sansa’s adept hand at administration. We’re still plagued by LittleFinger in this canon, and at some point, Arya arrives back as well, having heard of the victory of the Dragon Queen at KingsLanding, and the advance of Dany’s forces North. Enter: Brothers W/o Banners, with RedPriestess, knowing their destiny is finally upon them. WinterFell is razed, but Dany’s forces arrive at the last minute—we relive that scene where she comes like a flying avenger, rescuing Jon and a small group of determined fighters from imminent death. Or, maybe his comrades die, or scatter in the confusion. Heroic Rhagel, lowers his head and offers his wing to Jon in an oddly sequestered moment, cut off from the dying and destruction abounding. It doesn’t take Jon much prompting from Dany, amid battle chaos, to tell him what to do. And Jon—grown into a less doormat version of himself than what D&D seem to have conceived (ie, awakening his alpha male, to match Dany’s alpha female, rather than the psycho femme-fatal into which mutated her)—mounts Rhagel just at the moment a White Walker is about to skewer Jon. DireWolf style, awesome Ghost makes DireWolf kibble if WhiteWalker, but not before WhiteWalker stabs Ghost fatally. Jon’s anguish is tangible on his perpetually constipated facade, but the symbolism is clear. Kill the Wolf; awaken the Targaryan Dragon... —Night King faces Dany. Drogon roasts Night King unsuccessfully. Night King targets Viserys and launches Ice Javelin at the moment Drogon is trying to roast Night King. *WeepyTearsSerial HeartAttacks* as dying dragon crashes out the sky to ground... All battle pauses for a horrified moment, even the dead. And the Night King, to the shock of the Northern forces, and Dany’s host, even past a Dsny paralyzed for a fateful moment by the frigid gaze of the Night King upon her, resurrects Vicerys. Thus, we avoid the awkward *where in the world did all those chains come from to haul dead dragon out of water at the end of S7*. Dany, reeling from the sudden loss of Vicerys, and rendered lost momentarily, processing the fact her dragons do have vulnerabilities, and seeing the horror around her, the inevitable defeat, draws courage from Jon in that moment, whatever words he speaks, maybe in reprimand for her momentary weakness/no time to grieve/living need us to provide retreat...and off they go, defending the remaining survivors of WinterFell, sacrificing the North, in order to fight another day. The remaining forces of Dany, and Jon, the Starks having escaped, and the rag-tag few of others, including Brienne, the Stark Sisters (Bran?? Ugh, fine...but we’re bringing Meera, thank you very much...), the Hound, Thormund/some Wildings-Black Watch, etc... They arrive at whatever sea-port is closer, Yara’s fleet awaiting their arrival, disheartened and horrified by the remnant few survivors...and 1 less dragon. —Now, of course the Dead are forcing them to the shore’s very edge, but they manage overall, to make-off safe. Back to King’s Landing or Dragon Stone/Drsgons Keep (can’t keep up with the fortress names...)?? Who knows...DragonStone would actually make more sense, allowing for regroup/recoop time, but not time they can really afford to lose. but it does allow for sending communication to KingsLanding, and for Jon to expresshis reservations about Dany’s wish to incinerate the city, CUE: speech about “just becoming one more shit-thing ‘the people’ have always known...”S7. —Somehow, maybe via Jorah and Samuel Tarly re-entering the tale at this juncture, having been to KingsLanding, and discovering it’s under siege by Team Lannister, w/their varied mercenary and allied houses, cutting Dany’s forces off inside, w/Cersei and Co outside, finally breaching the Walls through subterfuge, and retaking the City in a vicious street-to-street encounter between Dany’s occupying garrison, and Cersei’s army, with Euron’s navy blockading the harbor...whatever is Tyrion to do, whilst Messandi, who had been left to administer in Dany’s authority, is taken hostage by Team Cersei...but spared the Mountain. Whatever is Tyrion to do??  Tries to find a cord of sympathy and doubt in Jamie, as Tyrion warns their victory is temporary. Cross the Dragon Queen once, and she may still have an element of mercy. Cross her twice, and ‘show no mercy’ becomes the law... Of course, spliced amid the battles are the quiet moments of character interaction, and dialogue—especially for the interval on the ship. A desperate gambit has been made to Cersei, warning of the Army of the Dead, approaching King’sLanding...by Pigeon Courier again, I suppose?? —At DragonStone-recuperating—Touching and tender character crossings ensue—Jorah with Dany. The Hound with Arya and Sansa. The Hound, finding that unexpected something with this new, tough-as-nails-Sansa (pu’leeze—had they not hinted at this in the books, I wouldn’t go here, but more than Dany and Jon, I was always rooting for a feasible blossoming, hestant, bittersweet romance between these two... but one that endures as the human side of love, promising hope the future, as opposed to Jon and Dany’s epic, Star-crossed doom...). —And, revelations—Dany. Jon. Targaryen. Stark. Dany’s purpose for conquering Westeros seems insignificant, trivial now, compared to the existential threat of the Night King. Consequently, she’s lost and confused, in what her destiny had been, or she thought it had been, and what her new purpose appears to manifest as/seems to imply. There’s still the stage of the Iron Throne; there’s still Cersei, and the Lannister threat, but it’s larger now, than a mere struggle to “take back what is mine”. And Jon, there’s Jon. To whom Rhagel bowed, and allowed Jon to ride. And she knows, even without Bran’s stoner-revelation, what this means. But Bran’s words at least shine clarity over the conflict of her emotions with Jon, and given him a name. Aegon. The realization has left Jon as unmoored as she. —Jon swears his siblings/now cousins to silence despite Sansa’s protest, “I ask as your brother/kinsman, but I command it as your king. You’ll say nothing of this to anyone—vow upon the Wolf of the North/Jon’s Sword—until I’ve spoken to Daenerys Targaryen alone. Nothing,” he repeats, emphasis. —Arya, wary but loving Jon as always, bows her loyalty. Bran remains stoic, and Sansa erupts in vehemence in their duty to the North. Jon, temper breaking in his grief and confusion, rallies/counters in a heated voice, “What North, Sansa? What North? You saw what the Night King did, can do. There’s nothing left of the North, except for those of we who’ve survived.” —Sansa, “who are now at her mercy. How convenient for her grab at power. It ought to be you, Jon. Aegon. You are the—“ His gaze grows cold, silencing her, though her eyes still challenge him. “Don’t say it,” dangerous and low. For love of him, not fear, does Sansa hold her tongue. —Jon asks Bran if he can see the future, lend some direction, but Bran, in that hollow voice, helplessly admits, “It’s only darkness across the kingdoms. The skies of ice and land of snow and night. He marches on KingsLanding. You need to tell her, he’s raised Vicerys. Balefire devours the land from the north to Vales of Europe, on the edge of Passes of ___. Even water will no longer stop him.” — Later, alone in her meeting room, Jon and Danny speak. He tells her the truth, the veracity confirmed by Sam’s own discovery in the Chronicles kept by the WhiteTower. And Danyboiints our the obvious, as he’s the last male heir of House Targaryen, and heir to the Iron Throne. -Jon rejects the words. “I don’t care. I don’t want it. I made a vow to you, a promise as the King of the North, and it is as that King I still speak. You came to us, in our hour of need, when you might have done otherwise. You came, and fought, your men died at our sides. For the North.” -Dany, bitterly interjects, “For what little good it did.” Jon, gratitude and tenderness at once, “There would be none of us left here if you hadn’t. I am sworn to you, and so is the North. As Jon or as...as Aegon,” he stumbles. “As a Stark, and a Targaryen. You’re not the last of your house, Dany.” —(Borrowing from the scene after the feast at Winterfell, where they’re in Jon’s chambers, conversing, about to get it on, *true chemistry there and too bad they didn’t capitalize on that, nor let the characters/actors express that more going from S7*—until she becomes MeanGirl drama, and he gets DoorMat Mopey...which does not happen here in my canon—so out of character for both by this point)... -Dany, staring into the flames, searching, asks seeking, “What do we do now?” “It doesn’t matter anymore. Ice and fire, is what we are, Dany.” His presence is a warmth, solid and strong, as he comes behind her, his hands upon her shoulders, gentle and commanding/impelling, turning her toward him, tipping her chin up so she meets his eyes, she trembles in their strength as she holds herself proud, stiff in her pride, fearful and hoping at once, knowing and not wanting to know how much he wants of her-spirit and Fire, courage and compassion, the sacrifice and losses litters upon their paths, in a journey they’ve traversed from opposite sides of these tortured lands, to build something of hope, from the wreckage others have tried to make of their lives and visions, adversaries unknowingly making them stronger, but that strength, every victory, every triumph come at great cost to ideal and faith. Until, at this crossroads where each find themselves, there’s one certainty as clear as dawn upon a crystal sky, that what they’ve found in each other is home. Refuge and sanctuary, fated and as inevitable as breath to the living, and water to the thirsty. And despite hopeless causes, for Westeros or against the Night King, who closes further south at a dread pace, collecting minions as he festers thorough the territories to KingsLanding, his wight Dragon a thing of terror and near invulnerable destruction, despite family secrets and secret shame—they no longer resist the fate of Ice and Fire. *BombChickaBombBomb* — The same night, Sansa in her hurt at her brother’s...cousin’s...stance, so foreign he seems with this new persona, the half brother, the bastard brother she’s always known, her savior at a time when they didn’t know if any of their family still lived, the victor of WinterFell, the King of the North, Jon Snow—Aegon...a Targaryen. Hardly seemed possible, but there it was, by Bran and in writing. She wanted to weep and rage, claw out his eyes, and beg him in tears, that they would still love him, always love him, and not trust this Dragon Queen. Who, to be fair, she’s exchanged less than two lines of formal greeting since they’d arrived as exiles from the ravaged north, here in the mother isles of the Targaryens. So what if it was Lyanna rather than Ned. He was still a Stark. She wanders aimless, and annoyed, avoiding Baillesh b/c she hasn’t the capacity for quicknrejoinders and subtle ploys to elude his ever stagnant coveting of her body, and her status—the Lady of WinterFell. A WinterFell that’s no more, decimated by an army of wights and corpses brought to motion. Through varied corridors, the rooms lent to the women, the main hall and even the bloody kitchens, out along the palisade, the quest for solitude seems, like everything else that dreary day, to thumb Sansa like a demon shadow spiting the one thing she truly wants right now. To be alone. Finally, she wanders into a thankfully ruined, deserted anteroom that must have been an old armory once, shuttered and closed off by poorly fitted wooden slabs rotting off their nails. She ducks under the barrier of a half hinged door that groans in age and rust, coughing at the dust motes stirred by her skirts. On a pile of shambled furnishings she collapse finally, leaning back to close her eyes, rest against the stones behind her, in the darkness—a peak of setting sun slanting between tattered curtains, the ocean breeze seeepingvaway mold and must, painting shadows across the neglected room. At last, precious, precious silence. “You too, eh, little bird?” Sansa startles upright, eyes casting about fretful, jar to her nerves turning immediately to anger. She bites out in rapid annoyance how impossible it is to find a coffin’s width of space to be alone, asking in the same breath what the Hound is doing in a dank chamber, away from his new found brethren. “I came here to sleep. The Dothraki dontvlike to be where they can see no sky, and those castrates from Essos believe these lower corridors are haunted. Ghosts or rats, anything out of the dark will still be quieter than the shits above who want to drink and mourn all night for their woes at the eve of our doom.” The wryness in her voice seems a trait that’s emerged more fully in the years she’s matured into her true power, trusting her own instincts, and realizing she too, has a penchant for authority and presence. The Lady of Winterfell. “Seeking the impossible.” He lights a lamp, the kind men carry on encampments and the March. “What’s that? A cock and some sweet words in the night?” She would have blushed and choked at such coarse words long ago. But she’s known much worse since the days when she was his little bird. The look she shoots him is ironic, as is her tone. “Silence. It seems at premium right now.” The Hound laughs, “The last thing most men want on the vantage of their deaths. There’s an eternity of silence, after, little bird. It’s why there’s always so much drinking, song, and whoring before battles.” Sansa, “Shouldnt they save that till after the battle is won?” His face darkens. “We won’t win this one, little bird. Even with this Dragon Queen. Even with your brother.” The word, brother, makes her wince. He sees that, peering at her curiously. He passes her the flagon he’d been nursing. “Ah, that’s it, eh? He’s fallen under her spell, and you don’t trust that.” She sips, readying herself for some sort of home brew, that burning liquor said to peel the insides of men with one swig, and shit fire the next day. One swallow and it’s a sweet pungency of grapes and sun, autumn spice on the next. “____wine? This was from our cellars.” Her brow raised, his cheeky look, an almost grin ghosts over his face. “It seemed a shame to sacrifice all of it. Berick salvaged what he could, getting it into one of the wagons in our retreat. Drink up, little bird. It the swansong of your home.” He had that penchant for barbs that can wound and comfort both. She remembers that, but thecway he delivers them now is gentler, spoken in the tone of melancholy. A man who’s known grief, and survived. Who’s dealt death, and now admits his struggles with his own ghosts. That part is new. Something happened to him in the years they’ve been apart. Sansa not sure how to reconcile this as weakeness or a strength for him. “Wine was never our chosen beverage. Ale and beer were marks of Northmen. And women.” He takes the flagon back. “Like your brother, no doubt, little bird. A man of the North. And all those tough as steel fuckers who will follow him to the very edge of the world and beyond.” “My brother is not my brother,” the words spilling past her conflicted mind before she can stop them. “He’s...”, Anger curls her fingers, pinching her spine straight, her eyes furious upon him. Which makes Sander suddenly throw his head back, true deep laughter surging into the darkness, until he’s holding his gut, trying to catch his breath. Her indignation riles him more. “Why is that so funny to you?” “Ah, little bird,” he quiets into a solemnity she almost finds harder to bear than his unpredicated amusement. “Of course he’s not a Stark. He’s a Targaryen.” Her gasp, the struggle to regain her poise before she completely betrays her oath to Jon...Aegon. Jon. He’ll always be Jon, prompts Sandor to handing her the flask again. Something, a sip, the motion to salavage her shattered nerves. “How-“ she coughs on the rich vintage. “How did you know?” “He rode a dragon, Sansa,” he says, laconic as always. “I usually punched or skewered most of my tutors, but even I listened to the old tales sometimes, as a boy. Fire. Fire will never harm him.” His eyes clouded by the memory of his own sadistic brother, his large hand moving up, caught and curled back against his lap, the puckered scars ravage his scalp, half his brow. Out of reconciliation, she returns the flask so he can escape from his own past in that easing warmth of wine. “He’s still a Stark,” she says definable. Possessively. “He was Lyanna’s son, by Rhaeger. It was a love match. They were married in secret to keep him safe from the Baratheons.” His short laugh holds only bitterness. “And everything that’s come from that day to this, every life lost, every mother left weeping, houses ruined, and villages burned, has been based on a lie. Because some fat cunt of a lord couldn’t understand how a Stark girl would find him repulsive compared to the perfection of a silver haired Targaryen. Even when they’re mad as rabid dogs.” She can appreciate his glum, but feels compelled to amend his sour appraisal, perhaps out of mercy for her brother, who she knows was struggling with this revelation in his own confusion. She clears her throat, signaling with a glance at his flask to hand the wine back to her. “They say Robert was actually handsome back then. And Rhaeger wasn’t mad.” “Yet. He didnt have a chance to be. But he was impulsive, and self-serving. He left his lawful wife the moment your aunt crossed his sight, and never considered once, the consequences his act would bring. Only cared to serve the golden dragon between loins, and thought your aunt was the answer to his destiny—Elia, Dorne, and the Kingdom be damned. What is it, about you Stark women, little bird? Makes men think with their cocks, and dream impossible feats.” His eyes shine with wine glaze and ruefulness, and but his words remain unslurred. She recalls the tankards he could drown, and still be sitting upright with a steady strike of his sword, where other men had long before sleptvin the puddles of their own vomit. Her own mind buzzed with just the edge of dizziness and daring, enough to loosen her tongue in the same way it’s made him nostalgic. She has a suspicion when he’s not angered in his wine haze, he euther hets mopey or morose, neither mood does she seek right now in her own tormented heart, shadowed byvwhat the coming days hold. “I’m not your little bird, anymore, Sandor Clegan.” The sadness in his voice almost takes her from this edge of ire to grief. “I know that, lit-Sansa,” hecsays softly. Her name though, how he shapes it. She’s only heard him speak like this once before. That night. That night she should have trusted him, and left KingsLanding. “I knew that when you told me you knew no more songs, and the little bird lost her voice. It took all your courage to look me in the face when you said that. Now...now you don’t even flinch to meet my eyes. Have I grown so less threatening?” Sansa aches for something lost, something of this feeling, a final sorrow or a hope that died with Jon’s true heritage. “My father was a killer. My brothers are killers. The world was made by killers.” His eyes hold hers steady, firm before her judgement, something cold and brittle and hurtful finally surfacing in all the years she’s kept it down. Never soothed, even with Ramsay’s death, never gloried nor indulged b/c she refused to become like the beasts who had made her journey to womanhood a living hell. But she knows what’s been lost, and knows can never be recovered of innocence. Delusions, she knows now, fantasies that her father and brothers doated upon her, thinking they could protect her, did her a favor by sheltering her from the realities of men and the world. None of them, not even her mother, tried to teach her how to be strong. That, she learned on her own. And the price wasn’t her violated body or the trauma of Ramsay’s perversions. Memories that still creep into her nightmares. The cost was the betrayal of her father, her brothers, and her family, for thinking women needed to be sheltered and protected, and never allowed to mature into their independence—to fail or thrive by their own intellect or grace. That seed of resentment fills her words now, and flashes in her eyes, hardening everything about her to steel and ice, b/c Sandor too, felt the same way once. His uncommon chivalry toward her, she sees now, was his own fumbling attempt to shelter her. Little Sansa. Little Bird. “I learned where true monsters lurked, hidden behind the faces of men. And I survived them. But you would have have done me a favor, Sandor, to have finished what those assailants started that day you saved me from the rioters who meant to kill Geoffrey. It would have spared me my continued delusions. Stupid little Sansa, and her stupid little fantasies. You would have shown me much more efficiently what I learned anyway, what the real world was truly rife in, of monsters and traitors and liars.” The words twist out of him in a whisper. “Alas, the she wolf has arrived.” That hasn’t changed, at least, his mockery of her, though it’s more a gentle ribbing. He short rejoinder dies, when he adds, “We aren’t all that way, Sansa. Not all men, even the killers amongst us.” She dares for his touch, reaching toward him, a test worthy of Baillesh, querying in how he might react. Almost laughs, but swallows it down when she sees the terror and surprise pale his face, the half not ruined by fire, she notices now, truly studying him, handsome in its bold lines, the shape of contemplation in deepest eyes and the long jaw. A poet’s mouth, her light touch traces the gouged flesh of old burns. “I know that,” she says. “But I too, have learned to kill. I still don’t think it’s killers who make the world though.” He hand wanders back to her lap. “I would never have hurt you. I protected your sister, as well as I knew how, anyway. I would protect you.” She’s sighs, feeling a smile pass, glinting eyes upon him, her turn to mock, cruel smirk. “I don’t need a champion. I already have one,” the pointed remark stinging his ego enough to break his disconcerting sadness, as he shifts with the uncomfortable reminder of his defeat at the hands of Brienne of Tarth. “And Arya is practically an army to herself.” A condsering look passed between them, of understanding and admiration of her younger sister, whose skills were still something of a puzzlement. Part of her sister’s book of sorrows and secrets, she sees now, and knows Arya may never share those empty years with her. And Sansa has made her peace with that. As she has with Bran and the uneasy aura of power and old magic that hangs about him, despite the illusion of flawless youth molding his fine features. “Still, I would never have harmed you, Sansa. And whatever you think, of men who mistook ignorance to preserve innocence, I never shared that belief. You were the only thing in that rotten court that was sweet and good, pure. And brave. Brace enough to stand up and defend your belief in the world’s goodness, and the honor of men, even in the face of your fear. You don’t know how scared Ivwas of that, how you saw right through me, straight to that cowering, quivering little pissant deep inside. You were gentle tough, even with him. I wanted...that. Wanted you.” “Stop,” she pleads roughly. “I know. I know all of that.” How can one feel so alone and share such proximity with another human, intimacy it’s own bridge and wall. “I dreamt of you, after that night the Blackwater was almost lost. Dreamt you kissed me, and wrapped me your cloak before you took me with you. And I felt so safe. So loved. That dream was where I would go, in the worst moments with...Ramsay. I almost,” she says with a wistful smile, “convinced myself it was real at some point.” “I make him suffer a thousand fold—“ “Shh,” her finger over his lips, Her solemn look quiets him. “His death was mine alone to render, and he died as deserved. By the jaws of the creatures who he thought loved him most.” The grim satisfaction she still feels, hearing his screams as they gradually turned to groans wet with with a gargling of blood, and the snorts and snarls of feeding dogs who feast before their victim is truly dead, terrifies her, the euphoria of power and absolution. Sansa has enough inner counsel to realize the temptation of that road, how easy to become the thing one wishes to destroy. Her burning hatred died with him, but nothing, the nothingness has never rebounded, never found anything to restore whatcwas lost in the months of her torture. He’s patient and tender with this awareness, somehow knowing as he had with her brother. “It’s still too soon, isn’t it. After Bolton’s stench, for you to want another man.” A statement, so blunt it might have been callous, but so very Hound-like. How comfortable, relieving it is, to keep nothing hidden, and not have to explain herself. How perturbing that she can discuss something so vile and recent to her past, and shroud it in a casual shrug, the twitch of revulsion the only betrayal of how close her disgust still hovers. “That. And evading Baillesh’s advances while preserving diplomacy. He would make a nanny goat in heat go cold.” “That little weasel,” he growled. “His own shadow doesn’t trust him.” She glances at him sidelong. “B/c his own shadow knows better,” she says dryly. “Fortunately, he’s still too terrified from WinterFell to remember how to be subtle/crafty and scheming. You can’t buy off a Wight, and you can’t blackmail the Night King. He actually tried to persuade me to spend the night with him by claiming these could be our last ones before we die.” Perhaps it was the lamplight, but Sandor looked like he’d eaten bad oysters, an expression between rage or nausea, like he was fighting down bile stained the muscles of his jaw. “Drink, Clegan. Before you get sick. He claims to love me, and won’t touch me. He’s still too guilty for having been called out selling me off to the Bolton’s. I told him desperation wasn’t becoming in tempting a woman to bed. Besides, I heard him scream when he was about to be overrun by those Zombies. He sounded like a terrified rabbit. Nothing douses passion more than that. I can’t look at him without laughing. I scorn him, and I pity him both. Is that possible?” His eyes brightened, uncanny, lifting her out of her morose. “Pity him, rather. I think the Dornish women found him. The cries coming out of that room...” The suggestion trailing with all manner of fates, but the dread and envy on his face told all. Men spoke warily and yearningly of one night with a Dornish woman. One Dornish woman. A group, all sisters, and a man was left wondering if he’d ever be able to service a woman ever again, let alone piss while standing, or ride a horse. “Good,” she says firmly. “They might even make a man if him, if there’s a man left after they’re done.” A snort under his breath, amusement in his voice. “If there was ever a man to begin with. They like women too. He should serve both roles well, for their tastes.” Silence holds them in the moments following their brief humor/levity, Sansa taking the wine flask, and Sandor reaching for a fresh flagon from his knap-sack. “Another?” She blurts, emptying the remnants of first. “I didn’t think I would go through the first so quickly. I wasn’t expecting company. You’re planning on staying, then—“watching without comment, a little taken aback really, as she frees the flagon from his hands with a giggle, unsteady, and opens the the cork, gulping down the silken drink—“Here, with me, tonight?” She doesnt want to leave, his presence—the bulk of his body, a solid assurance which lent her more calm in these last hours, than she’s had in...years. A settling in her soul that’s been like a restless butterfly flitting with no where to rest, fraught worse since Jon had taken the field against the Boltons, and successively tied the fate of their homeland to the throne Sansa had been trying to free them from. She turns to him slowly, disappointment perhaps, marring the comfort of their camaraderie/familiarity. That he had to take advantage of this blessing he’d begun to uncover with her, only to push a boundary she thought he’d respect, and leave her to reject him gently, b/c it always needed to be done gently. Men were such fragile creatures. For all the tenderness of his eyes upon her, she had thought he understood her reluctance, revulsion in fact, in the act of coupling. She might one day, find a place to let someone touch her thecway she knew people could who desired each other. They way she knew Jon and the Targaryen woman were in these past hours. The thought left her cringing and disturbed. They were both Targaryens. But he was still a Stark. Maybe it was jealousy, a little envy, toward her after all. Jon accused her of that, but said it the Jon always did. Comparing Sansa’s strength and courage and stubbornness, and her beauty, to Daenerys’s own. *She’s your match. Only you can reconcile that, Sansa.* That had stung more than she wanted to admit. It wasn’t jealousy for his affection, at least not in the way of desiring him as a lover. He was her brother, cousin, family. Sansa realized, the very thing Sandor had pointed out in her, that goodness and faith in others’ goodness, she sensed in Jon. He still had that child’s devotion that others would act as honorably as him, even after the wreckage of how he’d been betrayed by his own Watch. He was so like their father. No, his uncle. She wondered if Lyanna had shared that quality. Sandor, off balance, wine coursing in his veins and affecting his motions, rises, arranging his mantle out on the ground. She’s trying to find the right words, shape them coherently through a mind thickened with wine and drear, to tell him she hadn’t meant to lead him on. He grips for his sword, still in its scabbard, a thing of _____steel, as long as the span of his arms, Holt of ivory cast in silver etching, holding it aloft with a crooked grin. She lowers the flask, wiping at the wine dribbling down her chin. “What are you doing?” Her puzzlement breaking the hazeforca moment. He bows, catching himself before falling on his face, burping before he explains his actions. “A gentleman, Lady Stark. S’pposedly I’m a knight. Note the blade between us. My pledge I won’t touch you, nor dishonor you, as much as I wish you’d ask me to.” The relief washing over her, gratitude that brings infuriating tears she blinks back impatiently, makes her knees almost collapse freed of a strain she hadn’t realized till then. A small, choking breath, as she steadies her voice, “I’d thought you...you were going to ask me to sleep with you.” “I have. But not fu—no, with you it wouldn’t be that. Allow me my dignity. I dont need to invite my own rejection, in the way you don’t need to spare the feelings of an ass. The tenderness and sorrow in his eyes leaves her silent, the tears winning out, flowing unimpeded down her cheeks as she tries to keep her breathing calm, thinking she’s about to blubber in a humiliating display of anger and hysteria. “Oh little wolf, hush now. No need for this,” he says gently, wiping at the rivulets. “Too much wine, and too much death in these days of darkness. It makes us fools and philosophers.” “Aren’t they one and the same?” She forces out past a sob, sniffling. His laugh is soft, where he brings her head against his chest. He wears no armor, not even the leather jerkin, and the heat of him, the play of rippled muscle of his chest, where his heart beats, a living surge, and the embrace housing her in a fortress of power and grace. They are exactly as she had dreamt that one haunted night so many years ago. They kneel together, as he slowly, reluctantly frees her. He gave her his mantle, leaving nothing for himself on the cold stone floor. “One day, little wolfling, you’ll conquer this too. One day, you might even learn to want a man, or a woman, again. But trust comes first.” “How do you know that?” She demands, her brief episode/spell making her angry, such silly weakness an indulgence no one has time for. She’s glad he’s the only one who saw it. “How do you have a right to be so gentle, when all those years ago, you tried so hard to be such a brute?” The patience of his humor warms her, and rankles. She’s not so fragile, and he doesn’t need to be so careful. “Because most humans are shits. At least the ones I’ve known. But animals, the gods’ beasts are different. Broken animals, horses, dogs, the like. It’s their trust that needs to be regained, and that’s done through patience. And love,” he adds, voice stalling/stuttering out the word. Shivering b/c of the chill, the despondency in his voice, she gazes hard into the dark ceiling above. On her back, lying on his cloak, his long-sword between them, she feels cast off, alone all over again. “So, you see me like a beaten animal?” she throws thecwords at him, stony gaze above. “Something to be coddled and cozened, until I eat from your hand again, and eventually mount me without being bitten or kicked off?” A whisper of garments, she feels him shift, turning to prop himself on an elbow. She swallows her surprise in a little croak when The shadow of his face draws over hers, a mere finger span abort her mouth. The heat of his breath, sweat, and the wine filling her nostrils, brushing her skin, he’s so close, she reads the clouded storm there—his temptation and his own self-mockery. “Allow a man his fancies, Sansa. I won’t lie and say I’ve not thought of you like that either.” So like her dream, his lips moist and so close. Her pulse leaps, an exhale catching in a shallow gasp, a shaft of longing awakening something delicious deep inside, heat flooding her cheeks. She’s frozen half in terror by this first flavor of desire. Need. Half his face distorted, the other beautiful and bold, the harmony like the halves of his soul, shine from his burning gaze. He never makes a move to close the small gap between them, remaining captured above her like that forca precious breath more, before his groan of frustration and sorrow breaks the spell, and he turns back, collapsing to his side of the blade. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. And any man who tries to break that deserves to die.” Arya said that too. The wine maybe, or the trials of past years, fortifies what’s becoming more frequent, daring she’s more apt to command. And this heady pleasure lighting over her, tingling her mind and flesh. She wants more of this. “How would you think of me, Sandor? Tell me, what was the most stirring thing you envisioned? Did you think of me when you visited one of Baillesh’s whores? On top, or wrapped around you from beneath, moaning your name? It’s hard to read the kind of urges that fire a man like you.” The words are edged, taunting herself as much as cruelty prods her to toy with him, eyes ground into the darkness above, hands crossed over her belly like a corpse prepared for its byre. He draws a rough sigh, his gruff laughter without humor. “Singing. I dreamt of you singing. All those other ways men want to fuck a woman too, but mostly—“ “Singing.” She finishes for him, the word resounding flat into the quiet. Passion, her first awareness of desire lapses into befuddlement. She turns to seek his profile in the dark, her voice soaked in doubt. “All those years you wanted me *in every way a man wants to fuck a woman* and it’s singing?” Across the short distance between them, his gaze falls into hers, locked and full of longing, piercing her heart, and resurrecting a feeling she had buried in these years of pain. “You told me once, when my little bird had first been wounded, she didn’t know any more songs. I dreamt of her singing ever since. She was the sweetness of spring, and the joy of sunlight to a man chilled by rain.” Those stupid tears again, coming out of nowhere, salt upon her tongue, as she tries to moisten her lips for speech. She rolls onto her stomach, thrusting the scabbard down to their feet. Crawling onto her elbows, she leans above him, peering into a face no longer menacing or scowling, only patience and acceptance offered in a sea of doubt. He doesn’t believe she could return such affection. He doesn’t think he’s deserving of such tender grace. Her lips are upon his, tentative at first. Light likecan infant’s touch, and as his open to meet her questing mouth, growing bolder, claiming each other with kisses leechingvthem of breath, deep and leaving them reeling. Her hands clasp his cheeks, grain of his beard wiry, fingers sweeping the strands of his hair back from the thickened scars over his brow, her lips brushing there too, sacrament of sorrow and blessing. Both of them reaching for air, a disbelieving joy escapes her throat in a little laugh, her cheek pressed to his ear. His hands hover like lost swallows, — Euron’s fleet attacks out of the Dark. The dragons even the odds, and the battle is a much more effective modality than the gibberish splashed across the screen in S7, leaving Yara captured, and Theo a drowned kitten. Instead, the Dornish women hold their own this time, but still fall (Olenna Tyrell, who was left behind at a KingsLanding—exceeding Genius at governance that she was, and staying where she would be most useful to her queen, needless to say, met her same fate as she did in S7. See, I’m not reformatting this for happy endings. Just more cohesive, and sophisticated plot lines...). —Ultimately, Euron’s fleet is BBQ, with both Rhagel and Drogon flambeying the enemy GreyJoys, and no defense against the dragons, even with Qyburn’s largely useless ‘ballista/scorpion’ things. The battle is at night afterall, and morning dawns upon ship hulls blown cinders, and corpses ravaged by fire. —The harbor is open to Dany’s fleet and forces, but the Lannister defenses are ready—right, remember those convenient stocks of Witch Fire/Greek Fire. Now, in rewrite, more sensibly deployed as artillary against an invading fleet. Onion Knight remembers this, and with the loss of a few vessels they pull back out of range. Of course, Night King arrives at the walls of a KingsLanding at that time, and everyone’s worst nightmare ensues, with the decimation of the city by the Dead, in full tilt, requiring use of WitchFire against the Wights instead, and allowing a Now very eagerly accepting group of Team Lannister’s to hasten Dany’s and Jon’s forces ashore, as dragons clash and flash in the skies above—the human toll extradinaory with the loss of innocent life, amid the destruction Zombie Vicerys wrecks upon KingsLanding, while Dany and Jon battle a stand-off with Dragon Destructo Immortalis and his Icy Eyed Spiky Crowned Zombie Dragon Rider, which ultimately culminates at the already blasted out Red Keep Throne Room. Dragons are wounded, dragons out of the picture, the dead crawl over every brick, stone, toppled pillar, and yawning crack in the flagstones, held back only by flames of living fire, unable to reach Dany or Jon (who, as a Targaryan, proves as flame resistant as Dany...), protected in a ring of flame surrounding the Iron Throne. Here, resurrect the Dany who picks up a sword for the first time in her life, ready to die by her man’s side, whilst WhiteWalkers gather.  Jon, of course, faces off with said NightKing, sort of like DarthVader vs Luke Skywalker style, keeping Dany from the fray, butvat some point, down for the count, about to be impaled by Night King, when Dany gets her strike in, while not lethal, serves to distract the Night King, who recovers quickly enough, and sends her sprawling. The moment allows Jon the lethal thrust he needs, sword piercing the Night King in the heart (sorry, Arya—your Assassin’s Creed acrobatics were awesome, well-executed, but poorly utilized in the grand scheme of ‘bore’ that followed...).  *added as alternative b/c I adored what Arya did*: ALTERNATIVELY, ARYA REACHES THE RED KEEP, PERFORMS MYSTICAL ASSASSIN’s CREED ACROBATICS, AND SLAYS NIGHT KING EXACTLY AS SHE DOES IN SHOW, BUT WITH JON BATTLING NIGHT KING AS WELL, AND NIGHT KING STILL REMOVING DRAGON GLASS DAGGER FROM HIS OWN CHEST AND BURYING IT IN JON’S HEART...SO JON STILL DIES* / The Night King removes the Dragon Stone dagger from his chest, simultaneously burying it beneath Jon’s heart as they sink down together, both in death. The Night King dissolves into *sparkles* (lol—Ice grains...), blown away by the wind, while the WhiteWalkers explode as they did into ice shards, and the dead—wights and new recruits alike—fall into dust. Poor Viceryon😢 Arya stricken by dying Jon, and Dany crawls to Jon’s side amid the flames and ash, the scorched throne room, cradling him as she sees him turning, fully understanding the remorse in his eyes, his love, and the plea, unspoken, of what she needs to do. What she doesn’t want to do, yanking the dagger out of Jon’s/Aegon’s chest, watching his blood well up, as he gasps last words, last breath, and she cradles him, weeping as he dies, bleeding upon the Iron Throne. You know, like what she did with Jorah, but more sensibly in this alternate canon. Had they not cast Jon as a messianic figure for the last 7 seasons, and Dany as the Savior, I wouldn’t lean so much this way, BUT...as I said, it’s my view, and a more poetic one than what they contrived in that scene in the actual Ep6... Assuming some soldiers/warriors of Dany and Jon’s forces made it up to the Keep, deployed against the White Walkers till they all dissolved into elemental memory (Jorah lives in this mode; Jon dies...), they gather, staggering, around Dany and Jon, where he lays in her arms, all of them exhausted, broken and bloodied. But they live “heroes just for one day...”😜 —Meanwhile, there were those underground caverns/crypts where the rest of the Witch Fire stores had been stocked, and ready to light beneath King’s Landing. Team Lannister, by this point only consisting of a fleeing Jamie and Cersei, have retreated down to those stores, knowing fire will keep them from the fare of the dead, and absolutely willing to ‘light it up, baby’ beneath the city. At the crucial juncture where they’re about to be over-run by the Dead, Cersei about to drop the torch into the fuel, the dead fall to dust. A few seconds to breath, realizing what must have happened w/o knowing how, but relief makes Jamie embrace his sister, the (incestuous, admittedly) love of his life. She still holds the torch over the pool of liquid, phosphorescent WitchFire though, always quicker than Jamie, knowing exactly who has won this victory ultimately. Something along the lines of, “I refuse to let her own this throne...”, or some such line refusing to surrender to Dany (harkening, nay, recalling Cercei’s vehement tirade of, “I would burn this city to the ground before I would see our...”yadayadaYoda—“house fall”, or something like that). Well, that’s EXACTLY what she means to do, and Jamie experiences some awful moments working through his pretty skull, the last monarch he served who meant to do the same thing. He tries, earnestly, to persuade her it’s not necessary, etc etc. Cersei is not having it, and as she’s about to release the torch into Pyrotechnic mode, he does kill her...but, too late. *BIGBIGBIGBIGBIG BOOM*💥💥💥💥 Green smoke clouds erupt through the city streets, already decimated, but beginning to animate with a few survivors, including the inhabitants, but also soldiers of both forces... -Across the winding streets, up at Red Keep Hotel, Dany registers the sounds of explosions, with the remaining crew of her soldiers. We have 2 routes here, Choose Your Own Adventure/GoTs style: Dany flips at that point, of course familiar with her family heritage and the *Burn Them ALL* king who was her father. Not bent on tyranny, not thinking at all, except that she’s as exhausted and beyond endurance as any of the survivors of Team Dany/Team Jon, and grieving Jon’s death, the cost of tragedy and the price of power, she’s convinced it’s Cersei still hiding out in some hidden refuge of the city. So, the Dragon Queen mounts Drogon, and off she goes, decimating what’s left of King’s Landing—*pan out diorama to Yara’s fleet, where they witness the last chapter of destruction*—And know they’ve won. What they’ve won, who knows, as LittleFinger observes, but...if LittleFinger is still living. At some point, even Drogon tires, and Dany’s rage subsides, landing on the summit of the earlier bombed out heap of the Temple of the 7, or whatever Cersei had mushroom clouded back in S6. Reality hits as she observes the destruction left in her wake, and the battle which has just ensued, draining her momentary manic Hell-bender, and restoring her to herself. And the awareness of the power and pathos with which she’s endowed leaves fills her with dread for the first time, and doubt on her journey to reclaim a throne she had always believed was hers by right. Horrified at her own act, she flies off away from King’s Landing, Rhagel, gathering Jon’s body in his claws (since that’s what dragons do, I guess, with their dead riders??), follows, leaving only an echo of mournful dragon cries... -Cue: FINAL episode in the retelling. Okay, maybe penultimate? Dany, somewhere in FarFarAway, in some deserted landscape, a mountain vale maybe, where men can’t reach, stands pale, mourning, silent tears falling down her cheeks as she lights the funeral bier beneath Jon’s body. She holds the dagger of the Night King in her hands, unsure if she should hurl it away, but decides ultimately to keep it, fastening it to her belt. Her dragons crowd around her, communal puppy-dragon love for their mama. She spends the night watching his bier burn, only smoldering bones left by dawn. And knows, with the morning, she has a city, and land calling her back. —Dany returns, with her Dragons—arriving to the heights of the RedKeep, the relief across the faces of her men reassuring in their trust, even as they eye her with a new fear and wariness. How fragile might be her sanity, after all? Who knows how Tyrion gets there, but he’s the master of survival, and there he is—there to greet her as she climbs off Drogon. Some such line does she manage, still lost to her own grief and emptiness, still reeling from the horror of her potential for destruction. There, standing regal despite her haggard appearance as any of her men, amid the wind-swept ashes of The Red Keeps innards, she says something about, “I came once, claiming I would not be Queen of the Ashes. Now, there are only ashes left to rule. I finished what the Night King began. Now it is done. And still, I will not be Queen of the Ashes.” Yadayada, she’s unworthy to rule, afraid of her excesses of anger that can border on insanity, afraid of the power that feeds her ambitions, and tempts destruction over mercy. The men about her are left in confusion, some speechless, some protesting, and some in agreement. When silence finally falls, Dany mentions Jon’s heritage, which, till then hadn’t been revealed (as it so stupidly was in yet another wasted plot device)—the truth that he was “the true heir to the Iron Throne. It’s not mine,” she speaks the words, hearing them to her own amazement, and knowing they are completely true. “It’s not mine. It was never mine, and now, I don’t want it.” It’s Jorah who provides his gentle wisdom amid the astonishment of the other men, who reminds her “the wheel is shattered. And the world is broken, Khaleesi.” It’s that title that reminds her of her earliest days, theclong journey played out to this moment. Loss, love, sacrifice, and dreams. “We need a leader, this land needs a leader. Your people, now of Westeros, need a leader. And it’s now, more than any other moment in your life, when you can decide what kind of ruler you would become. You are more than the blood running your veins. I’ve always believed, or I would not have suffered for you to this hour.” Moment of pondering, the struggle of doubt and a restoring confidence alive in Dany’s eyes, when she looks to the throne, charred but standing despite all the destruction around them. Jon’s blood, dried now, soaked into the cracks between the splinters comprising the seat. NOW, we can have Drogon fry the thing to a melted mass of ore and bone, at her order. And NOW, we can have her, in the best Danearys tone of command as only she can utter, “Now, we shall begin,” her eyes compelling each of the men to beat weapon to stone, announcing her victory, their allegience, as dawn breaks across the harbor to the fleet in the distance. —Cue: some kind of season passage scene, winter, snows falling, the members of various houses returning to their holdings, most time spent on the Starks, taking in the ravaging left by the Army of the Dead. Burying those who died, followed by Gradual returning of people too, into villages, repopulating deserted farms, ships from East to West, as Dany still holds Esteros too, provisionally, gradually filling dockside storehouses, commerce once more bringing life and goods along with repairs mending the capital, and the lands spanning all directions. And Dany, concluding a council, replete with Sansa as the representative of the North, along with the nobles of the other houses, and kingdoms besides, serving the privy council—or, maybe it’s Bran serving on Dany’s council, he’d be a better advisor anyway,  leaving Sansa to actually rule the North, as she deserves (the ladies having found some balance betwen each other, of respect and mutual admiration; though, they’ll never be friends. Sansa still blames Dany for Jon’s death, knowing the blame is without substance...the Hound serves her, devoted to his Little Bird for the rest of his live-long day’s...knowing she’s no longer a little bird, but a grown woman, sharp and fierce as hawk, and fair in her ruling besides...). The Ladies rule the Iron Islands, as well as Dorn (one of the Sandsnakes survives??); thus, the symbolism of the Ladies healing the land, whilst there are still many of the other houses, in other territories retaining the traditional male authorities of the noble classes. But the world is changing, and there too many gone to be fussy on the appropriateness of a woman or man succeeding to a place of authority, in business, in government, or in profession—the Maesters accepting woman amongst their ranks for the first time... And like the great void of population that followed the Plague of the 1300s, an event that had a far greater prescience in heralding the early modern world, and social/economic transitions that reverberated across Europe and Asia in the following centuries of the Renaissance, we see Westeros establishing fertile seeds of cultural change...just hints, nothing that can be explored too fully b/c...last episode. But it’s poignant, and hopeful, and elegiac all at once. Who knows, maybe a couple of years are suggested inthose scenes, up to Dany rising from the council table, concluding the meeting with her advisors of office. Exiting, a servant finds her out in a courtyard, and hands a child off to her, a blonde haired little boy, round about 2 or 3, with dark, somber eyes, bringing a smile, a soft endearment to Dany’s lips, as she kisses her son.  Call him Aegon; call him Jon. Call him whatever you want...I know, it’s a bow to sentimentality, but honestly, it fits better than pyscho-bitch Dany-turn tyrant Dany-turn *look-another woman dies by Jon Snow’s circumstantial inaction*...(bye, Egrit, it was nice knowin’ ya...). They walk up to the Red Keep; Doh, who am I kidding, they fly over, mounted on Drogon. The palace, and that chamber were never restored, but left as a monument to the Old World, and commemoration of great sacrifice for those who died in the battle for Westeros. The melted core of the Iron Throne stands as witness to future, and memorial to the past. Dany pauses with her son, winter still locked about the land, but signs of spring peeking through, a dazzle of ice and falling snow and sun. Green things unfurling hesitantly from cracks in the pavement of stairs and fallen masonry. And upon the melted heap of that once powerful symbol, a blue frost rose buds from the charred rock...Dany’s hand hovering over it, tending it, and Jenny’s Song crooning in the background with the closing scene... There, I feel better now. THIS is how, or something how, justice might have been served to blot our the memory of sophomoric scripting and elementary storytelling, for a series that held our hearts and minds for 8 seasons going. It’s flawed, I know, and undoubtedly *Archive of Our Own* will be thriving with amateur authors who will prove themselves far more de opted to fleshing our pacing, plots, and subplots for far more satisfying conclusions than what last night treated us to... My GeekGrrl/FsnGrrl is done wrung our now, and must return to her regularly scheduled programming of Late 2nd Century Sarmatisns, Artorius Castus, as well as Post-Roman Britain and a Uthyr and Guinevra who become something of social reformers building the way for the AngloSaxon kingdoms ultimately shaping the fragments of Celtic Britain into the powerful kingdoms of Northumbria (the Star of the North as they called it in its heyday through the 7th into the 8th Century), and later Mercia and Wessex...
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mariedemedicis · 5 years
1. Your favourite/least favourite Targaryen: a lot of contenders for either spot but I think for favorite I’m going to go with Rhaena, Queen in the West/East and for least favorite mm Rhaegar
2. Underrated Targaryen: Daeron II
3. Snog/Marry/Avoid Targaryens: Baelor/Egg/Maegor
4. A Targaryen who deserved better: AEREA, Naerys, Daella, Rhaella, Rhaenys (Elia and Rhaegar’s daughter), Aegon (Elia and Rhaegar’s son), Rhaenys the Queen who Never Was, Helaena, Jaehaera, Gael, Viserra, Alyssa, Aemma
5. OTP Targaryens: the incest still squicks me out but I guess Baelon and Alyssa, they had so little time together but seemed to really love each other; if I can include non-Targaryens here then Aemon x Jocelyn, Maekar x Dyanna and Egg x Betha
6. A Targaryen you’d like to go on holiday with: Alyssa
7. A Targaryen you’d want to be best friends with: Rhaenys (daughter of Elia and Rhaegar) or Baela
8. A Targaryen who just needs a hug: Aerea
9. Problematic Fave: Visenya or Rhaenyra, oh wait, no Saera’s my true problematic fave
10. A Targaryen you’d go on a dragon ride with: Rhaena, Queen in the West/East, Alyssa, or Rhaenys the Queen Who Never Was
11. Favourite Targaryen bastard? Shiera Seastar but only because we don’t know anything about Mya or Gwenys (tell me more, grrm!) and I also want more on the Otherys kids, hopefully some backstory stuff might come up in Arya’s TWoW chapters
12. A Targaryen you’d want as a lover: Baelor Breakspear
13. Which Targaryen dragon is your favourite? Dreamfyre
14. Bloodraven: fan or ban? Ban
15. Viserys (son of Aerys II): evil twit or mentally scarred victim? I don’t think Viserys was evil but that being said, he wasn’t just a victim.
16. Favourite non-Targaryen spouse/consort? Mariah Martell
17. Team Lilac Eyes or Team Indigo Eyes? lilac
18. Favourite quote by a Targaryen: "A ruler needs a good head and a true heart, a cock is not essential." - Alysanne Targaryen
19. Most badass Targaryen moment: Dany climbing onto Drogo’s funeral pyre, Dany whipping Drogon and mounting him in the fighting pits
20. Blackfyres: Yay or Nay? The Blackfyre ladies (only two of which have names, grrm come on!) are a yay, the men are a hard nay.
21. Most touching Targaryen moment: probably Viserys and Aegon’s reunion, yeah
22. Which Targaryen would give the best life advice? Elaena probably, she’s had a good long interesting life and seen multiple kings’ reigns
23. Your favourite Aegon? Egg, I think, but poor Aegon III is close
24. Which Targaryen was the most badass? for the ladies, Visenya, for the men, Baelor
25. Most heartbreaking Targaryen moment: Maybe Joffrey’s death trying to save the dragons in the dragonpit after Jace and Luke had already died; Aerea’s death
I tag whoever wants to participate!
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For all the Targaryen lovers out there! This tag is open to all, so feel free to participate regardless of allegiance!
Tagged by @chillyravenart & @thousandeyesand-one ♥
1. Your favorite/least favorite Targaryen:  Aegon the Unworthy
2. Underrated Targaryen:  The Prince of Dragonflies! His and Jenny's love story is among the most beautiful in the series.
3. Snog/Marry/Avoid Targaryens:  Visenya/Jon Snow/Aegon VI
4. A Targaryen who deserved better:  While there are many horrific accounts of torture I could pull from, I'm going to go Rhaella Targaryen. Just hearing the name "Rhaella" fills me with sadness. Forced to marry her brother despite loving another man - went on to be abused and raped regularly by her husband, so badly that her reproductive system seemed to have taken a hit as a result. It's likely her children were the only thing that brought her joy... and she had to endure so many miscarriages, stillbirths, and early deaths of so many. It just twists my heart all up. 😭
5. OTP Targaryens:  Jon x Dany (of course), Rhaegar x Lyanna, Duncan x Jenny, Alyssa x Baelon, Egg x Betha, Jaehaerys x Alysanne, Rhaella x Bonifer, Daenerys x Daemon Blackfyre... *coughs* >.>
6. A Targaryen you'd like to go on holiday with:  Since Summi already had the perfect answer about Daenerys, I'm going to say Jon. Boy needs a vacation and I'm up to finding us both a place we can enjoy frizz-lessly.
7. A Targaryen you'd want to be best friends with:  Jon Snow. I appreciate his dark humor and I want to cheer him up with a homemade batch of honeycakes.
8. A Targaryen who just needs a hug:  How many more times can I say Jon Snow in this questionnaire? (Consecutively, no less!) Well that answer is one more time, at least, because the first episode was so depressing that I almost didn't come back to the series. My desire to see something good happen for Jon kept me going, and that boy already needed a hug. But imagine how many more he'll need when he finds out who his parents were and all that Ned risked to keep him safe! 😭
9. Problematic Fave:  Daemon Blackfyre... >.>
10. A Targaryen you'd go on a dragon ride with:  Daenerys! There's no more impressive dragonrider to me!
11. Favorite Targaryen bastard?:  Jacaerys Velaryon! (and maaaaybe Alyssa Targaryen? 😏)
12. A Targaryen you'd want as a lover:  Jon, Daenerys, Rhaegar, or Duncan!
13. Which Targaryen dragon is your favorite?:  Aside from the three puppies we watched grow up (Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion), I'll go with Vermax, Silverwing, Meleys, and Moondancer (love the name and she's my favorite color). Shout-out to OC dragon Dawnrider 😘
14. Bloodraven: fan or ban?:  I'm... greatly suspicious of his intentions. He's one of those "the end justifies the means" types, and that always perturbs me a little bit.
15. Viserys (son of Aerys II): evil twit or mentally scarred victim?  Hell, I think his father was mentally scarred, too! I have this weird dream headcanon about Viserys - that he'd be the perfect little prince had he grown up with Rhaella and/or Rhaegar. 😕
16. Favorite non-Targaryen spouse/consort?  Jenny of Oldstones! She's got this mystical sort of vibe, doesn't she?
17. Team Lilac Eyes or Team Indigo Eyes?  Indigo!
18. Favorite quote by a Targaryen:  "The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands." —Daenerys
19. Most badass Targaryen moment:  I mean... Daenerys bringing dragons back into the world with nothing but intuition and belief in herself? You don't get much more badass than that.
20. Blackfyres: Yay or Nay?  Hmm... I'll quote my favorite non-Targaryen character on this one - "I would say (their) parts are mixed, m'lady. Good and bad."
21. Most touching Targaryen moment:  Jon and Daenerys meeting on Dragonstone!
22. Which Targaryen would give the best life advice?  Maester Aemon!
23. Your favorite Aegon?  Jon Snow - since I'm absolutely willing to bet his name is Aegon in the books, too. Runner up would be Egg, though.
24. Which Targaryen was the most badass?  Since this says was instead of is, I'll have to agree on Visenya Targaryen.
25. Most heartbreaking Targaryen moment:  Princess Rhaenys hiding underneath her father's bed... and everything that followed after she got dragged out from underneath it. 💔
Tagging: @toaquiprashippar @ktwrites @got-addict @thescarletgarden1990 @adecila @xxthewolvenstormxx @thebronzefury @emaiyl @oadara   & @ladyofdragonstone !
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orangedodge · 5 years
Incoming tag game post, where I'm going to be very indecisive about half of my responses.
I was tagged by @eldritch-crone
Thank you for that, I don't get to do these often.
Rules – Answer 11 questions from the person who tagged you, then ask 11 questions of your own and tag users to answer them.
Sadly I must confess that I thought about what 11 questions I could ask, nonstop, for almost two days.
1. If you could get two characters in asoiaf to switch their narratives with each other, who all would it be? Arya and Sansa is probably the standard reply, but I think switching Arya and Sansa's locations, while keeping the overall trajectory of their characters the same, would be really interesting. By which, I mean Sansa's circumstances would be radically different than Arya's, since Sansa's gender presentation isn't going to allow her to fake being a Night's Watch recruit, but an earlier version of the Brotherhood arc would still work and they'd make a good contrast to the tourney knights she met in the first book. So we'd get Sansa in contact with the commoners and petty nobles of her mother's homeland, while traveling with a band of outlaws, and getting her eyes opened to how false the codes of knighthood and nobility are along the way, instead of via Joffrey and his band of thugs, which I think would be neat. While meanwhile Arya is off surrounded by Lannisters, sneaking in and out of the city via the secret passages that only Varys and his spies know about, in a tamer version of her Harrenhal and Braavos arc both, as she develops the skills needed to restore justice for the people of King's Landing and reuinite with her family. There's also a good chance that Syrio lives, if Arya just gets arrested right away, and that Varys starts employing Arya as a spy if she naturally begins developing that skill set anyway (as in OTL), so she could have a fun list of mentor figures.  
2. What is your endgame prediction for your favourite character? The prophesied betrayal “for love” is going to be Drogon, betraying Daenerys by disobeying her, in order to save her life. Prophesies like that always have to be the person their subject least expects and would most dread, so I feel like Drogon is the most satisfying option for Dany's final betrayer. And I like the idea of the betrayal for love being something meant genuinely as an act of love, that helps her.
3.  What’s the one food item from asoiaf that you’d like to taste? I can't really think of any foods in Westeros that stood out, that didn't sound incredibly bland, and the meat and lamprey dishes probably wouldn't appeal to me anyway. Oberyn's chef makes an egg and pepper dish for Tyrion and Sansa that sounds like menemen, but that's about it, and it's not really unique to asoiaf. I've never really been clear on what Martin is describing when he talks about lemon cakes, though, so I'd be happy to at least see one. I'd be willing to try the locusts if they came in a non-poisoned variety.
4. What’s your favourite song in Westeros, and why? Rains of Castamere. I just think it sounds nice, and its structure seems to have lent cover artists more success in turning it into a real song than with the others.
5. If you could bring back one character from dead, who would it be? Oberyn Martell. I've always thought his early death was a mistake in light of the importance his family plays over the next two books, and I believe his presence in the fourth book would have made the way Martin thrust us into the Dorne plot less jarring for a lot of readers.
We would have also been spared several weird attempts to replace him with off-brand knockoff versions.
6. Which house’s words is the most iconic? Why? In universe, I think House Targaryen's words are treated the same way as we, as fans, tend to treat House Stark's. Between what we see in the fourth novel's prologue, the Dorne arc, and Brienne's adventures in the Crownlands, I see the Targaryen house words having taken on an air of grim promise to one another in the hearts of the masses. We, as readers, might find vowing “fire and blood” a bit strange and off-putting, but it's not any more extra than “winter is coming”/“the North remembers,” and it represents the only hope of justice and liberation that 90% of the people in this setting have.
7. If you could bring one fashion/stylistic choice from Essos to Westeros, what would it be? I love the hats they have in Braavos.
But I also really like how most of Dany's faction shaved their heads between books, presumably because they noticed she didn't have any hair either. In the end I can't really see that catching on in Westeros though, so I have to go with my initial instinct for more nice hats.  
8. If you were a character in asoiaf, what do you think your occupation would be? There are some depressing similarities between jobs I've worked in the past, and what the assistant pyromancers are seen recounting of the hazardous chemicals their guild is always losing track of. Right down to some poor sub-auditor doing a routine inventory of a bunch of closets and storage cabinets, and incidentally finding misplaced explosives, pyrophoric liquids, and radioactive materials in strange and unexpected places. = /
9.  What’s the one ship in asoiaf, that you wish didn’t happen?
I could live without the Arya/Gendry hints in the books. I can enjoy the show version of Arya/Gendry for their chemistry, but I would definitely be happier without the books' hints that Arya is destined to be romantically involved with a man that she smiled at when she was nine.
10. What’s your favourite quote from asoiaf? That's a bit difficult, upon realizing that most of my favorite lines were actually show only. I enjoy Martin's style of writing, but part of how easy he is to read, I think, prevents many individual lines from really standing out to me as particularly memorable. I liked most of Varys and Ned's last meeting, Ned tried a swallow. “Dregs.” He felt as though he were about to bring the wine back up. “All men must swallow the sour with the sweet. High lords and eunuchs alike. Your hour has come, my lord.” [...] “For fifteen years I protected him from his enemies, but I could not protect him from his friends. What strange fit of madness led you to tell the queen that you had learned the truth of Joffrey’s birth?”
“The madness of mercy,” Ned admitted.
but there's no one line in there that I'd be able to take apart from the whole, and still recognize.
Jon has one line in the first book that stuck with me for how creepy it was, “You’ll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers.”
but it's inseparable from the source material; it doesn't really work as a quote of its own. The show, on the other hand, had “What do we say to the god of death?” and “That's not a monster, that's just a baby,” which I find more quotable.  
11. If you could change one pre-asoiaf event, what would it be? Not a single event, but I would have Daenys the Dreamer be far more active, rather than being limited to a side character in her husband and father's stories, and then vanishing without a trace once she has children. It's really strange to me that a prophet-sorceress, who lives inside of a magic volcano, doesn't turn up in history more often; particularly since, unlike her husband and father, she's actually an important historical figure within the actual asoiaf narrative. Daenys seems to just get shuffled off to her room by the men in her life as soon as she finishes her prophesies, even though dragons were meant to be the great equalizer, among her people, that prevented that kind of thing from happening. The same should go for all of the pre-Dance women of House Targaryen, but given that Daenys played an important role in saving the world, I'd have really liked to have her be active in navigating the post-Doom of Valyria fallout.
My eleven questions:
1. Whose point-of-view do you think is most extraneous to the novels, or whose interiority is least necessary to the story?
2. If you could elevate a supporting character to a secondary point-of-view status, in what book would you have made this change?
3. Which coat of arms/achievement do you think is best designed?
4. Which is your favorite scenery/location description?
5. What would be your favorite city or town to visit?
6. Who is your favorite obscure character? (i.e. that doesn't appear in the show, or that most people would need the wiki to identify)
7. What is your favorite world-building element?
8. Show question: Is there any member of the cast that you'd cast as a different character?
9. Which minor house would you like to know more about?
10. How many books long do you think asoiaf should be in total?
11. What is your favorite religion?
Open to anyone who wants to participate, because I only know five other people who like asoiaf and I don't know if any of them like tag games!
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gotarcher94 · 6 years
Drabble Tag Challenge
If you’re tagged on this, you’ve been challenged to write a 100 words or more drabble of Jonerys!
You then earn the right to tag 3 people on your drabble and challenge them to do it as well. Not mandatory, but this is a fun and easy way to encourage creators and spread more fan content!  
Pick from the dialogue prompts -OR- Free choice drabble.
Come up with any scene you can imagine! Only rule is that it has to be 100 words or more! Easy!
I was tagged by @mhysaofdragons. Thank you for thinking of me, 
I’m tagging: @jonerysbitch, @revesle and @ashleyfanfic and anyone who fancies giving it a try
My Prompt: “I thought you were dead”
(It’s a bit more than 100 words..... got carried away)
Jon’s heart stopped.
He looked up in horror to see Drogon falling through the air, blood streaming behind him from a hole in his wing. His shrieks of pain were deafening as he fell and Jon could only watch on helplessly as he watched him plummet to the ground, with time seeming to stop around him, despite the battle still raging.
It was so strikingly similar to Viserion’s death that he had to remind himself that he wasn’t back north of the Wall, or what was left of it, but that he was in Westeros, fighting on the frozen surface of the Trident.
Drogon landed with a crash, so forceful that the ground trembled. It broke through Jon’s stasis and he tore off, through the thronging mass of bodies ahead of him. He pushed aside the living and the dead as he raced towards the site of Drogon’s impact.
Terror tore at his insides as he ran.
He had no idea of the fates of anyone he cared for. He hadn’t seen Arya in what felt like hours, fighting off several wights, Nymeria at her side. Ghost had last been seen tearing a wight’s arm from its body. But he had no idea of their fates.
Nor Tormund’s.
And now Dany.
He closed the distance in what seemed like mere moments, slashing Longclaw left and right as he ran, dismembering several wights as they tried to impede his progress. Steam was rising from the snow melting from the heat from Drogon’s body.
Not corpse.
The dragon lay still for a moment, an agonizing moment that stretched on longer that it had any right to. Then he sprung into life, causing Jon to exhale slightly in relief. He turned his head towards his wing and let out a torrent of flame, trying to burn away the ice that was spreading from a hole in the wing, from another of the Night King’s spears.
Jon came to a halt next to him, seeing that the dragon’s tactic seemed to have worked. While there was a large hole in his wing, with some darkening from frostbite, he seemed to be largely unharmed. Relieved Jon cast his gaze around, squinting his eyes through the thick blanket of steam around them.
There was no sign of Daenerys.
Fear gripped his insides once more.
“Dany!” he yelled, so loudly he hoped it carried above the sound of the battle.
Drogon reacted to the sound of his voice, his head turning towards them. They locked eyes for a moment, before the dragon lowered his head to his look down to his side. Jon followed his eyes and saw a dark shaped emerge from the mist, a hand bracing themselves against Drogon’s scaly hide.
Jon ran forward, dropping Longclaw onto the snow as he did so. He saw that her hair had fallen from it’s braids, and her armour-like coat was sodden with snow.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace, feeling her arms grasp back at him just as tightly.
“I thought you were dead,” Jon whispered, before pressing a kiss to the side of her neck.
“I’m fine,” she whispered back reassuringly.
They broke away from each other and Dany gripped his arm tightly.
“Come on, Jon,” she said, leading him over to where Longclaw lay. “Stay focused. We need to win this.”
Jon nodded, reaching down and picking up Longclaw. Before he could head away, Dany grabbed his head and pulled him towards her, kissing him deeply for a moment.
“Now go!” she urged.
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