#weary hearts
daylerogers · 8 months
It Happened Again
It was one of those days where everything felt hard. I’m quite fortunate that my life is not filled with suffering from illness or loss of a job. I really have nothing to complain about. That doesn’t stop me from periodic whininess. I’d been privileged to hear challenging stories that friends shared vulnerably. The kind of stories that impact how you show up in day-to-day living, that influence…
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nobeerreviews · 1 month
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Always there comes an hour when one is weary of one's work and devotion to duty, and all one craves for is a loved face, the warmth and wonder of a loving heart.
-- Albert Camus
(Chania, Greece)
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monstrousvoice · 3 months
"What about me?"
Husk's ears flicked behind him at the sound of your voice. He didn't turn away from the stock of bottles and booze lining the bar wall as he cleaned up for the morning.
"What about you?" He grumbled. He heard you shift around on the bar stool, the leather seat squeaking with your weight.
"You said you 'know everything' about everyone cause we all bitch at you when drunk...but you didn't complain about me." The cat demon felt his chest tighten at your words. He took a deep breath in through the nose.
'Don't turn around, if you do you'll see those big round eyes and you'll crack old man. Don't turn around.' The patronizing voice in his head hissed.
"Did you want me to air your dirty laundry for everyone?" He asked, peaking over his shoulder. He only caught a glimpse of your arm supporting you on the bar top before forcing his eyes back to the bottle racks infront of him. Bottles that didn't have your smile, or match the color of your eyes...
"Pfft," You scoff in return, "You know I don't, of course! But no one else wanted it either, and you still called 'em all out. So why didn't I get the same treatment?" Your voice was soft by the end of your question. Husk didn't dare let himself hope that you would be understanding. If you knew why...you'd laugh. What other response to his feelings could you have?
'Disgust is a strong possibility...' The voice whispered once more.
"I don't know what you mean doll, Angel just interrupted me with his fake ass flirting before I could get to you, I guess." He has been scrubbing this same bottle clean since you sat down. The label was incomprehensible by now.
"Husk." Your sweet voice has gone firm. The bartender braced himself, putting on his best poker face as he turned to face you.
And what a sight you were. Like always.
You simply raised your eyebrows, giving him a pointed look. He was...relieved? to not see judgement in your eyes. Such pretty eyes...like jewels on a crown...
Embarrassed by his own thoughts he coughed into his fist, hoping his fur would hide his blush. By the way your lovely eyes darted around his face, he could guess it didn't.
"Look, I just...happen to like you as a drinking buddy more than the rest of these chumps, alright? No big deal." His tail swished along the floor in frustration. What kind of stupid ass lie was that-
"Oh, I had been hoping it was a bigger deal..."
He froze, watching as you shifted around again. You stared at the bar top, fidgeting with your hands as you looked anywhere but him. When your eyes did meet, you have him an apologetic smile and a shrug.
"Sorry, I guess I was reading too much into things...looking for something that isn't there. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, b-bud? Eheh..." With an awkward chuckle you stood up, stepping away from the bar.
Away from him.
"I'll uh, leave you to it then. See ya later-"
"What if I lied?" Husk blurted before he could stop himself. The voice in his head was committing full arson on the wiring of his brain for being so stupid.
"Just now. What if I was lying? What if-what if you are a bigger deal to me?" He could feel his blood pounding in his veins, his heartbeat making everything sound muffled, like his head was stuffed with cotton.
But you weren't leaving anymore.
"Wh-well...I don't know, really..." You mumbled, arms wrapping around your middle in a hug. "I have some ideas but..." You met his gaze again, a small smile on your lips that definitely didn't make his stomach feel funny, or make the world seem pink and bright.
"Ideas?" The cat demon whispered, finally setting his rag and bottle down onto the counter. He suddenly found himself leaning closer to you over the bar, uncaring of the wood digging into his chest and unwilling to pull away again. Especially not when you got back into your seat, leaning closer to him too.
It felt like the world slowed to a crawl as you smiled at him, one of your hands sliding across the counter to nudge his hand. Gentle. Hesitant.
"Well, dinner always sounds nice yeah? If that was something you'd like to do~" You cooed. He couldn't stop the small smile he gave you even if he wanted to.
"I'd uh, have to agree. On the dinner. Dinner is always good." Fucking god above just have Alastor step in and crush his soul right now, he sounds so fucking idiotic-
"Great!" You perked up immediately. "I know this niche little place a couple blocks from here, they hardly ever get robbed cause no one notices them. They have some pretty good steak and whiskey." You looked at him hopefully, like the promise of meat with some quality whiskey wasn't his absolute dream date.
How did you get more perfect the longer he spoke to you? Wasn't the point of being perfect that you couldn't improve anymore? And yet here you were, somehow proving it was possible with no effort.
"I think I'd like that darlin'." His fingers found their way in-between yours, entwining your hands together.
Yeah, dinner sounded real nice.
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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armoralor · 4 months
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soft lesbians out, mean toxic lesbians in ✰ WolfWren from Ahsoka ✰ inspired by these iconic posts (x x x) ✰ reminder that T*RFs can fuck off, only interact if you love trans & nb folks ♡ @starwarstoxicfemslash
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
How will the heart endure?
Robert Lowell, Lord Weary’s Castle; from ‘Mr. Edwards and the Spider’
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holyshonks · 2 months
Why I love Rojka 'Kasaan (and you should, too)
If Master Chief blew up a Covenant homeworld, you might look at him differently. You might consider civilian casualties and the cruel calculus of war and wince. His story helpfully side-steps this issue by making it so that it simply never happens. Humanity never found Covenant homeworlds during the war soon enough to target them. Until Glyke.
If we expect cooperation and remorse from ex-Covenant who destroyed human worlds, what do we expect from a Sangheili fleetmaster whose own world was destroyed by Spartans? That's Rojka's story.
Rojka was once a fleetmaster, but was demoted after the Changing of the Guard, sent to a shipyard to repair ships rather than command them. As a result, he was not present for the attack on Reach or the assault on Earth.
When Reach fell, Spartan-II Gray Team was granted permission to target and destroy Covenant homeworlds in what was clearly an act of retaliation. They were cleared to destroy the Sangheili colony Glyke before comms were lost with ONI. Unbeknownst to them, the human-Sangheili ceasefire was initiated just before they decided on destroying the planet, effectively betraying the fresh alliance between humans and Sangheili. Rojka, a Glyke native, lost most of his family.
During the Great Schism, Rojka sided with Thel 'Vadam and the Covenant separatists, taking control of the fleet that he'd been tasked with repairing. Rojka was realistic. Like so many, he faced a crisis of character when he lost his religion. He worried for his species' future and longed for direction. He understood that the Sangheili needed to be allies with the humans to survive. To this end, he learned to tolerate them. But not the Spartans that ruined his life.
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Rojka isn't anyone special. He's no Thel 'Vadam, with wealth, influence, and his family behind him. He's no Usze 'Taham, with old-world faith and an impressive pedigree. He could probably be most closely compared to Olabisi Varo'dai, except that she lost her home at the hands of a Covenant accident and not a UNSC attack.
Rojka is a refugee. Anyone in his life who didn't happen to be off-world when the nukes detonated was dead. The fleet he used to have was down to a skeleton crew. But Thel 'Vadam still asked him to lead the refugees to a new world that they called Rakoi. They started to rebuild, with Rojka becoming the kaidon of Rak, the Sangheili capital (nerd sidebar for those who care: I believe he was more accurately the high kaidon). He grows to love his new home, with one complicating factor: unbeknownst to them, Rakoi was originally called Carrow, a human colony that evacuated during the war. When the dust settled, the humans returned to find their new neighbors.
There's irony somewhere in Thel asking Rojka to do something he would never ask of a human: to set aside his anger at losing his homeworld and work peacefully with the people who took it from him. It's something that Thel hopes for, but when humans continue to hate him, he doesn't blame them. But he expects more from Rojka, and Rojka, who is concerned about maintaining support from Sanghelios, is caught in the politics. He agrees to maintain peace with the humans, which leads to a civil conflict led by his own cousin, who disagrees with making peace.
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As part of this agreement, he is introduced to the UNSC Diplomatic Corp envoy Melody Azikiwe. At first, he resents her presence, thinking of her as a meddler and someone whose skills were ultimately useless. He considers humans to be a necessary evil rather than allies. He does not believe diplomacy is truly possible, and thinks Melody weak for talking instead of fighting. But when a two-front war breaks out on Carrow and Melody awakens Gray Team to assist, his resolve is shaken. Over and over again, he's reminded of how much both humans and Sangheili have suffered.
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Eventually the civil conflict escalates to a point where the entire planet is in danger, and he has no choice but to accept help from the Spartans. The decision to destroy Glyke without clear orders was a contentious one for the team, which broke them once they realized what they'd done. In their own way, they try to make amends with Rojka.
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In the end, it's not ships or soldiers who overcome the conflict, but people. Regular people, talking their way out and through problems. Rojka begins to realize the importance of jobs like Melody's and that there are better ways to solve problems than separating heads from necks (although he does do that, too). Having decided to set aside his anger with Gray Team, he returns home to Rak to rebuild. When he gets there, he learns that another kaidon has risen to power in his absence, usurping his title. In what is, in my opinion, his greatest moment of growth, Rojka accepts the new power structure without argument.
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I can't overstate how unusual this is. Few things are more important than power and pride in Sangheili culture. Many Sangheili prefer to die than admit to being injured. They prefer to be killed rather than captured. The most honorable way to replace a kaidon is a battle to the death. But Rojka is tired. He wants to go home. He agrees to be an envoy for Rak, having grown to appreciate the power of diplomacy.
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Growth!!!!!! That's growth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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slimey-wallz · 3 months
"Say Hi to Weary! Or don't, it doesn't matter. :("
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I'll do the other neighbors soon!!!
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yakny · 8 months
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insecateur · 1 year
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darth-sonny · 1 year
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everyone talks about future peepaw leo (understandable really, i do too), but i kinda wanna talk about future leo in the early years of the apocalypse
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wiirocku · 11 months
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Hebrews 12:3 (NASB) - For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
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screwnames-ihatenames · 8 months
Different fics have different vibes right? Like doth has a INCREDIBLY different vibe from like imbi no rest for the weary has a similar vibe from imbi BUT little kid with a death wish has the exact same vibe as imbi and tbh dismantled is the closest anyone’s ever gonna get to matching the vibe of doth but doth has a slightly similar and I mean slightly simple FEEL to dagger in the mirror like do you get it??
Edit: lemonade leak and doth have the EXACT same vibes
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Ah! My darling love. Is it possible that in some time you will be in front of me, against me! I feel dizzy when I think about it and all the fears of the world are gripping my heart. Forgive me. Catch me. But love me hard, hard. There isn't a little piece of me that isn't entirely yours. I'll answer the rest of your letter tonight. I love you. I am waiting for you patiently and impatiently at once. Take care of yourself. Get some rest. I love you. I believe in you. Forgive me for fearing life and its weariness. I love you and I kiss you so much.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, January 14-15, 1950 [#131]
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stitcherofchaos · 4 months
Maglor is an ISFJ
I haven't known any ISFJs in my life so this will be completely unbiased (also be against stereotypes, both negative and positive). There is also a note to be said that we do not know everything about Maglor's reasons or personal thoughts in the beginning of the book; personally, I think that alone is proof for this theory.
Dom Si users are strongly loyal to the past, including patterns, people, and/or ideas they recognize and are comfortable with. It may seem boring, but to them it's about consistency and familiarity.
Maglor's Si takes form in literally everything he does from the start. Following his family in their beliefs and actions, he doesn't question anything and submits to the leader of his family. First being Feanor, which is probably why he swore the oath and assisted in the burning of the ships from the beginning, then followed Maedhros after their father died. Maglor also was the artist behind the Noldolante which is a lament of The Doom of The Noldor and The First Kinslaying (Si memories of the past).
Then there is Fe which means you are more empathetic and considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others; but this does not mean you don't have your own thoughts or feelings. It means that you have a strong instinct about what is going on (or what is going to happen) due to the patterns of people you observe around you. This Fe is perhaps a strong influence to his decisions in the start of the story but especially in the middle when he slays Uldor. He figures out the intentions of Uldor before he could kill Maedhros and killed the traitor himself.
Ti is an utility function. It takes in information and seeks for the truth in difficult situations and/or questions. This is his third function so it's mostly ignored in favor of the top two functions but Maglor begins to use it at the end of the book when he starts to become weary and sorrowful.
Examples: He sees the star of Earendil, and hope sparks in his heart, because he figures out it's better there then in Middle Earth where evil can touch it. He argues with Maedhros his point of hope and possible redemption but submits to Maedhros's will due to his first function against his analytical judgment. Not only does he throws the Silmaril into the ocean due to the pain (spiritual, physical, and mental) he feels holding it, but also due to the confirmation that he has become a monster and the oath, the quest, his accomplishments in Middle Earth, were all for naught.
The rarely used Ne is in this picture. The last function is usually not used often so I believe wholeheartedly that Maglor uses his Ne mostly in regards to his songs- this is because the last function is usually used in short periods of times of inspiration and innovation. Then Elrond and Elros came into the picture and, unexpectedly, his Ne gives him the idea, "You can raise them, you had six brothers! You can do it! Who else do they have?"
Like I said in my Maedhros post, I don't like matching up personality traits with the stereotypical traits of each type. If I made any mistakes in this analysis, please correct me or add onto this as a reblog! If you have any character/mbti type ideas you want me to analyze, I'll be more than happy to!
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casterhex · 9 days
Could you tell us some fun facts about Kevin?
of course. my bad on taking so long to answer this
Goes by "K3VLAR" and other variations online, though most of his irl friends just call him Kev. most famous online for his doom wads and maddox-style trolling
only listens to three kinds of music: chemlab style electronica, video game soundtracks, and classical orchestral
favorite soft drink is cream soda
plays the saxophone
works at a fictional video rental place called Videomania
in addition to being the leader of the computer science club he considers himself the head of the charge in the "war" between geeks and jocks. gets away with so much bullshit at school because he's kind of a teacher's pet and more tech savvy than over half the school staff. uses this privilege to watch violent movies on the projector during club hours and sneak parts of his knife collection into school
totally no joke bisexual (takes him 'til college to realize this though). also jewish.
he's also surprisingly hard to draw. still working on that part
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