#wednesday episode 1
hislittleraincloud · 3 months
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Wednesday Series 1 🫴🏽🕸️🖤🐦‍⬛💕💖🔥✨
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mrhobiebrown · 10 months
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SORRY... I MEANT *(2022)
It was October 18th, the middle of autumn and the beginning of Y/N's new life at Nevermore Academy a.k.a. "The School of Freaks." But it was unfortunate that the boy wasn't really "freaky" himself. He was just a regular mortal sent to a boarding school that was filled with abominations that could possibly kill him just for breathing the wrong way by his nightmarish parents. He laid in thought about this in the backseat of his Dad's tan pickup truck, pondering on how he was going to survive this new monstrous era in his life. But his series of mental distraught was interrupted by the shrieking voice of a happy Mother mixed with a wide smile peaking over the passenger's seat "How're you feeling my sweet little boy?!" She beamed.
He exhaled sharply through his nostrils in response to her bright mood that was mocking his dark one. "Great," Y/N deadpanned, looking out the window with his chin resting on his hand. "A little more enthusiasm would be appreciated," she disclosed, visibly feeling bittersweet at her son's response but shedding him the benefit of the doubt before continuing. "Your dad really worked his ass off to get-" she was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder from her spouse in the driver's seat, signaling her to watch her mouth in front of their child. "Sorry," she apologized before sitting back down in her seat. Y/N's father let out a deep sigh before speaking, "Look son, it might seem like a terrible experience but you should never judge a book by it's cover. You'll like it and I know you will," enunciated the father.
Y/N sighed at his father's words and resumed his pessimistic daydreaming. He was missing his old life already, not prepared to let go of the friends he made and the experiences he had back in his hometown. But now, he was about to go through 4 years of hell and another 4 years of training for the rat race that people call adulthood. He was nearing the school and the sight of it only caused him more internalized pain. The medieval like structure that has the audacity to be called a school in the 21st century, the pitch black ravens resting on the towers of the school, and the leaveless trees highlighting the dark clouds in the sky only made him feel like he was walking into a cemetery. "How the hell am I supposed to survive in this place?" Y/N muttered to himself.
As they pulled into the driveway, he spotted a tall Caucasian woman with short blonde hair and a long grey coat standing firmly in the doorway of the main entrance to the school. Y/N's dad parked the car and him and his mother quickly got out to greet the woman. After their initial greeting, Y/N's mother turns to him, beckoning him to get out of the car and to come and greet the lady. Before he decides to step out of the thing that he'll gladly consider home over this place, he grabs his bookbag and suitcase to make sure he had everything he needed to keep himself warm and clean. He strolls over to his Mom, dragging the suitcase on the ground along with him.
"Say hi Y/N and be nice," bubbled his Mother. The boy digged deep down to find the energy to say hi to her and restlessly succeeded. "Hey," he greeted the woman lethargically. The lady noticed his apathetic tone and behavior and glanced at each parent before bending down to his height and informing him, "Hey Y/N. My name is Larissa Weems but you can call me Principal Weems. I heard a lot of incredible things about you." She was looking forward to having a bit of small talk with him but he seemed like he wasn't a fan of it as he so physically displayed through his eyes staring deep into her soul. Weems raised back up when she realized that the incredible boy that his Mother talked about wasn't really a talker. She adjusted her coat and inhaled before telling them, "So, as the newest member of Nevermore Academy, it's in one of our top priorities to make sure our hospitality makes you feel right at home. But, how can you feel right at home if you don't know where everything is," chuckled Weems. He was very interested on how this random lady would make him feel like he was back in his hometown. He giggled out of amusement before responding, "Well... we'll see about that."
"Oh no, I won't be providing you the hospitality that you'll surely love. She will." She twinkled, before moving to the side and revealing a short pale Hispanic girl with a monochrome Nevermore Academy uniform on and a serious facial expression directed at Y/N.
Y/N's parents jumped at the sight of her but quickly felt guilty of their reaction to the pig-tailed girl's appearance. Him and the girl locked eyes as Weems uttered, "So Wednesday, you'll be in charge of tourism and making him feel like this is just a second home for him." "You'll hate it here." Wednesday chimed in monotonously. Y/N laughed at her sudden statement before nodding, agreeing with her pessimistic statement. "Wednesday!" Weems chastised, she recognized herself snapping and quickly gained a more professional display for the parents in front of her. "Anyways, Y/N go and follow Wednesday and I'll keep your lovely parents company."
Wednesday strode away from the group and Y/N followed her. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and pulls his suitcase with him and sets off with the peculiar tourist guide. "There's the tennis courts where only tennis players can play on. So if you ever decide to participate in such activities, sign up for the tennis team," Wednesday pointed out. "And that's the soccer field next to the tennis courts and the requirements to play on that field is the same as the tennis ones so keep that in mind." "Do you play any sports?" Y/N suddenly questioned, attempting to spark up a conversation with her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face the boy before replying to him, "No. Why?" queried Wednesday. "Just asking." Y/N enlightened with a mysterious grin. "What are you smiling about?" He wiped the smile off of his face and cleared his throat when she called him out on his odd behavior before answering her question, "The obvious fact that you don't want to do this. Look, we can just skip this and you can take me to my dorm so I can get this stuff off of my back. I'm tired." Wednesday snickered at his evident observation prior responding, "I appreciate your scrutiny because it's true. If I could just skip to you being in your dorm and me being focused on more important things... than I would. But, a falcon has us under surveillance so Principal Weems can make sure I follow through with her orders." Y/N narrowed his eyes at her, confused on what she just said about a falcon filming them. Wednesday looked up at what she was talking about which made the boy turn around to only find out she wasn't lying. It was a brown falcon on a tree facing them directly, hawking loudly.
"But anyways, suck it up and come on. I don't have all day," she dictated before turning back around and continuing on the tour guide. So after several minutes of constant lectures on monuments, she finally decided to take Y/N to the inside of the alma mater.
The inside appearance gave off a gothic medieval aesthetic that slightly intrigued the boy but the eerie look of the interior still didn't save him from the excruciating boredom his mind was going through. Wednesday and Y/N approached the entrance of the courthouse prior to her commentary, "So here lies the abominable cliques that infest the hallways of Nevermore. We got the Fangs which are vampires, the Furs which are werewolves, and the Stoners which are gorgons. Which one are you?" She asked, turning around and facing him. Y/N paused at the question because he was unfortunately neither. He took a deep breath before answering her question, "None of these, sadly. I'm mortal." "You're lying!" Wednesday deadpanned, slightly raising her voice at him. "How can you be a mortal attending a school only fit for freaks like myself? Are you stupid?" ”No, I'm not stupid. I'm mortal." Y/N corrected in a smart aleck manner. Wednesday responded to the boy's wiseacre behavior with a icy stare, clearly displaying that she wasn't finding anything funny about the situation at hand. "We need to get you to Principal Weems so we can solve this issue. So come on." Wednesday instructed, begining to walk away from Y/N. "Or we can go to my assigned dorm... alone." flirted Y/N, turning around to face her. Wednesday wrinkled her nose at his sorry attempt at flirtation before uttering, "Ew," and continuing to walk away.
Y/N's chest tightened at her feedback to his disheartening charisma that he ol' so tried desperately displaying to swoon her. He began to follow her. A few minutes later, they walked up to Principal Weems sitting at her desk, sipping tea out of a white mug, enjoying her day with no worries in the world. "Hey kids, how was the tour?" asked Weems. "It was great... until I realized that you allowed a mortal into a school of supernatural abominations. Are you trying to get him killed?" confronted Wednesday, her tone sounding firm.
Weems placed her mug on the desk previous to delivering her response to Wednesday's question, "No, of course not! I was just very considerate of Y/N's parents hard work to get him into this school. How would you feel if you traveled to another state just to put your child into a specific school and the principal of that school waved you off because your child was too 'normal'?" inquired Weems. "I would show you immense gratitude later on in life because you didn't let my mind boggling stupidity get my kid devoured." Weems rolled her eyes and let out a sigh at the girl's condescending tone before standing up from her chair and walking over to her. "Look, I'm sure that no one would feel the irrepressible urge to inflict major harm to this wonderful young man. And, even if they did, I'm sure you'll be a great bodyguard," the tall lady assured, bending down at the girl's level to enforce a feeling of ease.
Wednesday squinted at her words, feeling irritated at her neglectful attitude. "I will not be his bodyguard and he will not stay in this school!" She stated vigorously. "Do I need to reach the Board of Education to get this solved? Or can you actually do your job?" Weems raised at her threat with bulging eyes, animating with anger. "I don't take lightly to threats little girl, especially blackmail. So if I even have a tiny clue on you communicating with the Board, I'll have you expelled and sent to a therapeutic boarding school. I heard they have a good reputation of turning troubled kids lives around. They'll probably teach you some manners," she growled. She began to stroll back over to her desk, "You probably don't have a ounce of empathy in your body Wednesday, but I do," Weems declared as she sat back down in her seat, flinging her legs on the wide ebony table and raising the white mug to her lips which were covered in matte red lipstick. "Now, take Y/N to his beloved dorm," Weems smiled, suddenly changing her expression from anger to joy as she felt victorious in her and the girl's confrontation. Wednesday let out a irritated sigh and turned around to face Y/N scratching his head. "I would kind of like it if you was my bodygua-" Y/N uttered before being cut off, "Shut up. Come on," she interrupted. "Alright," he obliged humorously.
They began on their way towards his dorm and when they finally arrived Y/N was confused at how empty it was. "Where's my roommate?" he asked. "You will not be having a roommate because you're a mortal. We're taking precautionary measures for your own safety. Be grateful," the girl informed. "I mean... you can be my roommate." Wednesday snapped his head at him, "It's called the boys dorm for a reason. Boys... only." "And I thought this school was called 'The School of Freaks' for a reason. But, as you can see there are exceptions," countered Y/N. Wednesday squinted his eyes at him whilst sauntering right up to him, emitting an intimidating aura. "Listen to me very closely and carefully mortal," she commanded, "I'm listening," Y/N responded facetiously. "I don't appreciate your awful attempts at the art of seduction. I'm a girl that is obsessed with death and macabre with the addition of a sadistic streak and you're a boy that's... just a boy. I don't have any intentions of romance with you considering the fact that you probably won't even be here long enough to experience that. So get whatever disgusting thoughts you have in that head of yours and throw it away to somewhere that you'll never see again. But anyways, goodbye." The girl walked out of the room and the sound of the door closing behind her echoed throughout the dorm.
The boy felt clueless on what to do next. He dropped his bags on the floor prepartory to uttering, "What the hell has my parents got me into?"
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averyaddamsromance · 1 year
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For my series incorrect quotes, come on guys, we all thought it, right?
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alone-in-the-shade · 1 year
I have been really searching for the name of the actor who plays the hiker who gets killed by an unknown creature near Nevermore in the first episode of 'Wednesday'
I cannot find his name anywhere. It's very frustrating. If anyone knows or had tips on how to find his name, please please
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darthluffy · 2 years
I must say, making a walking lesbian flag obsess over boys is certainly a bold move
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fridaysvalentine · 2 years
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gangrel-pride · 20 days
Me watching Wednesday for the seventeenth time: Thornhill Gates knew about Rowan’s attempt on Wednesday’s life so she asked Tyler to keep an eye on her during the Harvest festival, which is why he offered to “give her a ride free of charge”. Worst case scenario, he could still kidnap her ass and Thornhill could keep her locked up until she was needed, blaming Wednesday’s sudden absence on a successful escape attempt (cops really don’t give a shit about runaway cases, after all). And furthermore—
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emisirrelevant · 1 year
Tomorrow is another Willow Wednesday which means I get to see THEM again:
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pumpkster · 2 years
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meetmeinhellcroutons · 7 months
Aabria Iyengar i am kissing you on the fucking mouth. i am outside your house with a gun. i am tattooing your name on the inside of my lungs
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shinigami-striker · 2 months
Danny Phantom (Season 1) | Wednesday, 04.03.24
What's your favorite episode from the first season of Danny Phantom?
"Mystery Meat" (Series Premiere)
"Parental Bonding"
"One of a Kind"
"Attack of the Killer Garage Sale"
"Splitting Images"
"What You Want"
"Bitter Reunions"
"Prisoners of Love"
"My Brother's Keeper"
"Shades of Gray"
"Fanning The Flames"
"Teacher of the Year"
"Fright Night" (Halloween Special)
"Public Enemies"
"Lucky in Love" (Valentine's Day Special)
"Maternal Instinct"
"Life Lessons"
"The Million Dollar Ghost"
"Control Freaks" (Season Finale)
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hislittleraincloud · 3 months
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Bianca vs. Wednesday (canon) figurines 🫴🏽🔥💕✨
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mrhobiebrown · 10 months
(£ = FLUFF, ∆ = ANGST)
Wednesday Addams (Season I)
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emma-d-klutz · 1 year
Rowan and Wednesday would be such a great team. Well, no, they’d be a terrible team, but they’d be great for me. Two obsessive, half-maddened psychic sleuths with intersecting-but-not-the-same goals? 
Wednesday's priority is solving the mysteries themselves, and Rowan’s is to protect the school from prophecies, so all their tension would be from that. Like they are up for sneaking out, breaking and entering, using and hurting others - whatever, no question, but now Wednesday has to keep a short leash on him like, “No murdering our suspects. Do you want the trail to go dry?” and Rowan’s like, “The second this goes south, I am killing you, I am killing everyone involved. Prophecy averted.” 
He does attempt to kill her several times throughout the investigation. Wednesday never takes it personally but it does eventually cause a late-season team break-up, because his indecision on wether to be a help or hinderance is only slowing them down. They have a custody battle over Eugene.
They’d be so insane. There’d be no love between them but there’d be mutual respect. I would have liked to see it. 
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trefle · 2 years
Okay so the season pretty much starts with Wednesday declaring in the first episode that she's not going to fall in love. I believe she says this in her conversation with a distraught Enid while they're standing on their shared balcony on their first evening together. Could anyone please tell me HOW on Earth they imagined that this 15 yo girl who just swore off on love for good would still magically fall in love with a girl she's just met and who happens to be her polar opposite in the span of only 8 episodes? To me there is just no way this could work in any way, shape or form.
Wednesday doesn't even have a single friend to begin with so first and foremost she will need to learn how to open up and how to make a friend! It's very clear that even after the incidents of their tumultous first day Enid doesn't give up on wanting to be Wednesday's friend and she's going to break through that hard exterior to worm her way into Wednesday's heart. All these reviews keep stressing that the most important relationship for Wednesday is her new-found friendship with Enid and I think it's beautiful. This is exactly what I've been asking from the first season so I'm already so happy it's unreal. Let's cherish that our girls went from "Rope. Shovel. Hole." to friends, to besties.
So guys, please, don't you lose your hope even before the show drops because our ship isn't canon right away! It was NOT gonna happen in the first season anyway. However we have the perfect foundation for it to happen. Remember what Hunter Doohan said and be out there to "fight" for Wenclair. Meaning be even LOUDER about them than before. Like, reblog, retweet, share those beautiful fanarts, fanfiction, fan theories and headcanons that come out of this immensely talented fandom! Leave comments and/or kudos on your favourite stories and words of encouragement when sharing fanart (don't ever repost ;). Discuss the fuck out of those wenclair theories and headcanons with each other and everyone who shows interest (but always be respectful to each other even when you disagree). If you are a creator, please don't let the lack of canon (for now that is) discourage you from making art or writing if you find the inspiration for it. Canon or not, I promise you the fandom will adore and appreciate your wonderful contribution anyway.
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ermakeys · 1 year
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Wandor Wednesday
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