#what is wrong with you ess. /LOVINGLY
lumieron · 5 months
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kyaa! summoner-sama!! (^///^) i miss father saias(;´д`)ゞ perhaps your world possesses a tome similar to that of valflame? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
what the fuck even is this. upside down microwave reinhardt icons for @amodernpersephone. credit if you're going to use this, I GUESS??
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jureguee · 3 years
Imagine - Leonardo Da Vinci
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Capítulo: Único.
Sinopse: ❝ Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.❞
Contagem de Palavras: 816.
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Chapter: Unique.
Synopsis: ❝ That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.❞
Word Count: 816.
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Fechando o livro o coloquei na mesinha ao lado da poltrona de couro na qual estava sentada. O silêncio continuava pela casa a horas, desde que vim ao passado, conviver com figuras históricas que também são vampiros tem sido uma experiência barulhenta e desgastante, mas isso mudou a algum tempo. Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.
Me levantei calmamente da poltrona tentando relaxar, no fim não iria ajudar nada ficando estressada por nada.
Saí da biblioteca fechando a porta delicadamente, afinal se eles estivessem fazendo algo errado eu os pegaria no flagra. Passando pelos corredores e pelas suas majestosas portas que davam para os cômodos da casa que eu e Leonardo planejamos para nós tive algumas memórias felizes dos momentos que passamos aqui. Chegando na sala de estar eu encontrei livros e papéis jogados em cima da mesa de centro.
Aqueles bagunceiros.
Tomando os papéis que estavam embaixo do livro em minhas mãos, me deparei com rascunhos do que parecia um avião. E meu coração começou a bater como um tambor, pensando em todas as possibilidades que isso significava. Com agilidade fui em direção a porta de entrada, saindo da casa e indo para a pequena oficina que Leonardo havia criado para suas invenções e bagunças.
Não me importei com meus sapatos ou minha saia ficando enlameadas pela terra molhada que havia se criado quando choveu a tarde.
Cheguei perto da porta da pequena casa, ouvindo as risadas dos meus anjinhos bagunceiros. Não impedi que um sorriso enfeita-se meu rosto. Me apoiei no batente da porta, abrindo uma pequena fresta para vê-los.
- Não, Elle! Suas contas bobas estão atrapalhando meu desenho. - O menino de olhos castanhos alaranjados gritou para sua irmã. - Vai estragar tudo como sempre!
- Você que não entende! - Brandou Grazielle ao menor. - Se eu não fazer essas contas, o seu desenho vai ficar todo errado, como sempre.
- Ei! Eu não preciso da sua ajuda pra isso! - Dante colocou as mãos nervosamente na cintura depois de jogar o lápis no chão. - A gente não vive grudado na cintura!
- Agora você vai ficar irritadinho com isso!? Olha, vai ficar irritadinho! - Provocou a menina.
- Ragazzi! - Leonardo chamou os gêmeos que rapidamente viraram a cabeça na direção dele. - Preciso de alguma ajuda, sim? - Nas mãos estava um pequeno dispositivo de metal, impossivelmente pequeno para suas mãos.
- Estamos indo, papà! - A menina agilmente pegou os papéis nos quais estava brigando com seu irmão e os entregou ao Leo. - Só falta aqui! - Ela apontou para o papel. Tentei me inclinar o máximo que podia para ver mas não adiantou. - Não entendemos como fazer isso! - A carinha emburrada de ambos foi substituída por um sorriso quando Leonardo os pegou em seus braços e os abraçou. As crianças se debatiam e riam, esquecendo a frustração.
- Vocês foram muito bem. - Ele se inclinou e deu beijos amorosos na cabeça deles e os colocou em seu colo. - Foram mais longe do que eu esperava, estou orgulhoso. - Com um sorriso caloroso ele pegou o lápis na bancada onde os papéis estavam posicionados. - Além disso, não estamos animados que podemos resolver isso juntos?
A energia da sala mudou rapidamente, os gritos felizes das crianças dando novas ideias e as risadas preencheram o espaço. Em poucos minutos, a gritaria acabou e só sobrou a ansiedade de esperar que a engenhoca funcionasse. - Prontos? - Com o pequeno avião de madeira em mãos, Leonardo jogou o avião no ar e sua hélice começou a girar rapidamente com um zunido, o avião estava voando pela sala. As crianças gritaram e bateram palmas felizes, a animação contaminando o ambiente. Decidindo que era a hora de aparecer, abri a porta e os três pares de olhos com sorrisos contentes viraram pra mim.
- Mãe! - Ambos os meus filhos me abraçaram e começaram a cantarolar muito rápido tudo que haviam feito, com a euforia muito maior que qualquer outro sentimento. Se distraíram com o avião indo para a fora por causa da porta que deixei aberta, sem pensar duas vezes eles me soltaram e correram atrás do avião com gritos histéricos, não me conti de rir, nem mesmo quando os braços amorosos de Leonardo me rodearam.
- Vocês não conseguem parar, não? - Me virei para ele e acaricei seu rosto. - A barba por fazer o deixa muito bonito, já disse isso?
- Algumas vezes, mas me sinto apenas velho. - Riu amargamente apoiando as mãos no meu quadril.
- Quanto mais velho o vinho, melhor é o sabor. - Nós rimos e não evitamos de olhar para os olhos um do outro profundamente.
- É uma pena que este momento não possa ser eterno. - Não era preciso palavras quando entrelacei meus braços em seu pescoço e o puxei para um beijo acalorado e apaixonado.
- Que nojo! - As crianças berraram.
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Closing the book, I placed it on the small table beside the leather armchair I was sitting in. The silence continued throughout the house for hours, since I came to the past, living with historical figures who are also vampires has been a noisy and exhausting experience, but that had changed some time ago. That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.
I calmly got up from the chair trying to relax, in the end it wouldn't help anything to be stressed out over nothing.
I left the library closing the door gently, after all if they were doing something wrong I would catch them in the act. Passing through the hallways and their majestic doors that led to the rooms of the house that Leonardo and I had planned for us I had some happy memories of the times we spent here. Arriving in the living room I found books and papers lying on the coffee table.
Those messy ones.
Taking the papers that were under the book in my hands, I came across sketches of what looked like an airplane. And my heart started beating like a drum, thinking of all the possibilities that this meant. With agility I headed for the front door, out of the house and into the small workshop Leonardo had created for his inventions and mess.
I didn't mind my shoes or my skirt getting muddy from the wet soil that had built up when it rained in the afternoon.
I walked up to the door of the small house, listening to the giggles of my messy little angels. I didn't stop a smile from adorning my face. I leaned against the doorframe, opening a small window to see them.
"No, Elle! Your silly beads are getting in the way of my drawing." The boy with the orange-brown eyes shouted at his sister. "You'll ruin everything as usual!"
"You don't understand!" Brandished Grazielle to the smaller boy. "If I don't do this math, your drawing will be all wrong, as usual."
"Hey, I don't need your help for this!" Dante nervously put his hands on his waist after throwing his pencil on the floor. - We don't live by the waist!
"Now you're going to get testy about it! Look, you're going to get testy!" teased the girl.
"Ragazzi!" Leonardo called out to the twins, who quickly turned their heads in his direction. "I need some help, okay?" In his hands was a small metal device, impossibly small for their hands.
"We're coming, papà!" The girl quickly took the papers on which she had been fighting with her brother and handed them to Leo. - This is the only one left! - She pointed to the paper. I tried to bend down as far as I could to see it, but it was no use. "We don't understand how to do this!" Their frowns were replaced by smiles when Leonardo took them in his arms and hugged them. The children struggled and laughed, forgetting their frustration.
"You did very well." He leaned over and kissed them lovingly on the head and put them on his lap. "You went further than I expected, I'm proud." With a warm smile he picked up the pencil from the workbench where the papers were placed. "Besides, aren't we excited that we can work this out together?"
The energy in the room changed quickly, the happy shouts of the children giving new ideas and the laughter filling the space. In a few minutes, the shouting was over and all that was left was the anxiety of waiting for the contraption to work. "Ready?" With the little wooden plane in hand, Leonardo threw the plane into the air and its propeller began to spin rapidly with a whirring sound, the plane was flying around the room. The children screamed and clapped their hands together happily, the excitement contaminating the room. Deciding that it was time to show up, I opened the door and the three pairs of eyes with happy smiles turned to me.
"Mom!" Both my children hugged me and began humming very quickly about everything they had done, their elation far greater than any other feeling. They were distracted by the plane going outside because of the door I left open, without a second thought they let me go and ran after the plane with hysterical screams, I couldn't stop myself from laughing, not even when Leonardo's loving arms surrounded me.
"You just can't stop, can you?" I turned to him and stroked his face. "The unshaven beard makes you very handsome, have I ever said that?"
"Sometimes, but I just feel old." He laughed bitterly, resting his hands on my hips.
"The older the wine, the better it tastes." We laughed and couldn't help but look into each other's eyes deeply.
"It's a pity that this moment can't be eternal." No words were needed when I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a heated, passionate kiss.
"How disgusting!" The children shouted.
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ourotakuparadise · 5 years
Penguin Family
Hello @bnhathotbitch​! Here’s the little scenario of when I commented on your blog! Hope you have fun, I even had fun writing!
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Warning: Fluffy, swearing (Has Bakugou, expected what?)
Era um final de semana tranquilo nos dormitórios, ou quase…
Isso até eles ouvirem um estranho som do lado de fora e quase toda a classe correu para fora para encontrar uma construção de gelo que lembrava um tanque que cobria metade da área livre do jardim sem obstruir a passagem do jardim até a entrada principal do dormitório. Saindo eles avistam Todoroki e você usando sua peculiaridade de hidrocinese para encher o tanque.
“Oh! Oi pessoal!” – Você cumprimentou com um sorriso.
“Mas o que é isso?” – Midoriya perguntou confuso.
“Depois de pedir autorização ao Aizawa-Sensei, pedi ajuda para Todoroki construir esse tanque.” – Você respondeu ainda sorrindo.
“Mas porque precisa disso?” – Jirou pergunta confusa.
Você apenas sorriu e pegou um apito que estava pendurado em um cordão do seu pescoço e apitou.
“Happy! Hora de nadar!” – você disse alegremente enquanto entrava na sala.
Eles ouvem um grito, ou melhor, um grasno de algum pássaro. Na sala comunal havia um pinguim andando por aí sem se importar com os olhares dos demais, enquanto a ave alegremente corria para fora indo para o jardim e sem hesitar correu até Todoroki e o pinguim se aninhava esfregando-se na perna direita do rapaz de olhos heterocromáticos e cabelos bicolores, que não se incomodava com a demonstração de afeto do animal.
“Todoroki… Tem um…” – Kaminari tentou falar com o colega de classe.
“Sim, eu sei.” – Todoroki respondeu calmamente enquanto era seguido pelo pinguim até ele se agachar um pouco e pegou o pinguim para colocá-lo dentro da água.
A ave grasnou feliz antes de começar a nadar nunca saindo perto de Todoroki e você deu uma risadinha abafada.
“Só uma pergunta Todoroki… Porque você tem um pinguim?” – Sero perguntou completamente confuso.
“Esse pinguim é o mascote de (Nome).” – Todoroki respondeu.
“O que?!” – quase todo o resto da classe gritou surpreendidos.
“Isso é sério?” – Sero perguntou espantado.
“Isso explica a cozinha ter um frigorífico só com peixe…” – Satou comentou se lembrando que a cozinha tinha um frigorífico com incontáveis quantidades em quilos de vários tipos de peixe.
“Esse pinguim é seu?!” – Kirishima perguntou espantado.
“Sim! O nome é Happy! Happy, diga oi!” – Você disse rindo e bateu a mão na água algumas vezes e apitou duas vezes.
Percebendo seu comando o pinguim quase de imediato nadou antes de subir desajeitadamente na pequena plataforma de gelo perto da margem do tanque ao reconhecer sua voz e grasnava feliz enquanto ia até você deu um carinho no topo da cabeça dele. Happy carinhosamente segurou seu dedo mindinho com o bico. As garotas acharam terrivelmente adorável.
“PORQUE VOCÊ TEM UMA MERDA DE PINGUIM?!” – Bakugou gritou, irritado como sempre.
“Ei! Não fale assim! Happy é um pinguim amoroso e controle seu linguajar, não quero esse tipo de ambiente perto do meu fofo floquinho de felicidade.” – você reclamou fazendo beicinho antes de sorrir para seu pinguim.
Foi então que você ouviu seu telefone tocar e quando viu era o despertador escrito “Happy 🐧🐟🍽”. Esse era um dos despertadores para te lembrar dos horários da alimentação de Happy.
“Shou, você pode ficar de olho no Happy? Preciso buscar a comida dele.” – Você pediu gentilmente, embora já soubesse a resposta.
“Claro.” – ele respondeu calmamente.
Você saiu e foi atrás da comida de seu amado pinguim, dizendo que seus amigos podiam chegar perto do pinguim com Todoroki monitorando.
Não foram todos que se aproximaram, apenas as meninas e alguns rapazes como Modoriya, Kaminari e Kirishima.
“Todoroki! A quanto tempo você sabia que (Nome) tinha um pinguim de estimação?” – Mina perguntou excitada enquanto admira a ave nadando.
“Logo depois que começamos a namorar.” – ele respondeu e logo seus olhos pousaram no pinguim – “Happy, nem pense nisso.” – seu tom de voz foi repreensivo quando notou o que o pinguim estava prestes a fazer.
A ave aquática estava de pé na plataforma de gelo e o pinguim pronto para bicar a orelha de um Kaminari distraído e desavisado, Todoroki sabia do mal habito que o pinguim de (Nome) tinha a respeito de bicar as pessoas que acabara de conhecer.
Happy grasnou parecendo estar emburrado e Todoroki suspirou cansado. Isso chegou a acontecer algumas vezes com ele quando soube de Happy, mas não durou mais que duas semanas, ainda sim ele não pretendia permitir que o pinguim fizesse o que queria.
“Não, você sabe que é errado. Não pode simplesmente bicar as pessoas só porque quer.” – ele repreendeu o pinguim.
Alguns não puderam evitar a risada em ver Todoroki repreendendo Happy como se fosse seu filho, era fofo e engraçado até certo ponto. Depois de repreender o pinguim por mais algum tempo, Happy caminhou até Todoroki e se aninhou do lado direito do rapaz de cabelos bicolores, como Happy admitisse que o que iria fazer a Kaminari era errado.
“Happy realmente gosta de você.” – Uraraka disse rindo achando a cena fofa.
“Acho que Happy gosta mais do lado direito de Todoroki, até agora eu não vi Happy se aninhando do lado esquerdo do nosso amigo aqui.” – Kaminari fez uma brincadeira, o que era verdade.
Você logo voltou com um balde com gelo recheado de peixe, interagindo com seu adorável Happy enquanto Todoroki permanecia ao seu lado. Como uma bolha envolvendo vocês três criando seu próprio mundo. Sinceramente, a partir desse dia o trio foi chamado carinhosamente de Família Pinguim.
It was a quiet weekend in the dorms, or almost … That was until they heard a strange sound outside and almost the whole class rushed outside to find an ice building that resembled a tank that covered half the free garden area without obstructing the garden passageway to the main entrance to the dormitory. On their way out they spot Todoroki and you using your hydrokinesis quirk to fill the tank. “Oh! Hi guys! ”- You greeted with a smile. “But what is this?” - Midoriya asked confused. “After asking Aizawa-Sensei for permission, I asked Todoroki for help building this tank.” - You answered still smiling. “But why do you need this?” - Jirou asks confused. You just smiled and caught a whistle that hung on a cord around your neck and blew it. “Happy! Time to swim! ”- you said happily as you entered the room. They hear a scream, or rather a quack of some bird. In the common room there was a penguin walking around without regard for the eyes of the others, while the bird happily ran out into the garden and without hesitation ran to Todoroki and the penguin nestled rubbing itself on the right leg of the haired boy bicolor that did not bother with the show of affection of the animal. “Todoroki … There’s a …” - Kaminari tried to talk to her classmate. “Yeah, I know.” - Todoroki answered calmly as he was followed by the penguin until he crouched a little and took the penguin to put it in the water. The bird croaked happily before it started swimming, never leaving near Todoroki and you chuckled. “Just a question Todoroki … Why do you have a penguin?” - Sero asked completely confused. “This penguin is (Name)’s mascot.” - Todoroki replied. “What ?!” - almost everyone else in the class shouted in surprise. “Is that serious?” - Sero asked in amazement. “That explains the kitchen having a fish-only fridge …” - Satou commented remembering that the kitchen had a fridge with countless pounds of various types of fish. “Is this penguin yours ?!” - Kirishima asked in amazement. “Yes! The name is Happy! Happy, say hello! ”- You said laughing and hit your hand a few times and whistled twice. Realizing your command the penguin almost immediately swam before climbing awkwardly onto the small ice shelf near the edge of the tank as he recognized your voice and croaked happily as he walked over to pat you on the top of his head. Happy lovingly held his little finger with its beak. The girls found it terribly adorable. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A SHITTY PENGUIN?!” - Bakugou shouted, annoyed as always. “Hey! Not talk like that! Happy is a loving penguin and control your language, I don’t want that kind of environment around my cute little happiness flake. ”- You complained pouting before smiling at your penguin. That’s when you heard your phone ring and when you saw it was the alarm clock written "Happy 🐧🐟🍽”. This was one of the alarm clocks to remind you of Happy’s mealtimes. “Shou, can you keep an eye on Happy? I need to get his food. ”“ You asked kindly, although you already knew the answer. “Sure.” he answered calmly. You went out and went after your beloved penguin’s food, saying that your friends could get close to the penguin with Todoroki monitoring. Not everyone approached, just the girls and some guys like Modoriya, Kaminari and Kirishima. “Todoroki! How long have you known that (Nome) had a pet penguin? ”- Mina asked excitedly while admiring the bird swimming. “Soon after we started dating.” - he replied and soon his eyes landed on the penguin - “Happy, don’t even think about it.” - his tone was reprimanding when he noticed what the penguin was about to do. The waterfowl was standing on the ice shelf and the penguin ready to peck the ear of a distracted and unsuspecting Kaminari, Todoroki knew of (Name) ’s penguin bad habit about pecking the people he had just met. Happy croaked looking sulky and Todoroki sighed tiredly. This sometimes happened to him when he heard about Happy, but it didn’t last more than two weeks, yet he didn’t intend to allow the penguin to do what he wanted. “No, you know it’s wrong. You can’t just peck people just because you want to. ”- he scolded the penguin. Some couldn’t help laughing at seeing Todoroki scolding Happy as if he were his son, it was cute and funny to some extent. After scolding the penguin for some time, Happy walked over to Todoroki and cuddled up on the right side of the bicolored-haired boy, as Happy admitted that what he was going to do to Kaminari was wrong. “Happy really likes you.” - Uraraka said laughing thinking the scene cute.
“I think Happy likes Todoroki’s right side more, so far I haven’t seen Happy nestling on our friend’s left side here.” - Kaminari made a joke, which was true. You soon returned with a bucket of fish-filled ice, interacting with your lovely Happy while Todoroki remained by your side. Like a bubble enveloping the three of you creating your own world. Honestly, from that day the trio was affectionately called the Penguin Family.
Fue un fin de semana tranquilo en los dormitorios, o casi … Eso fue hasta que escucharon un sonido extraño afuera y casi toda la clase salió corriendo para encontrar un edificio de hielo que recordaba a un tanque que cubría la mitad del área libre del jardín sin obstruir el pasillo del jardín a la entrada principal del dormitorio. Al salir, ven a Todoroki y a ti usando su peculiaridad de hidrocinesis para llenar el tanque. “¡Oh! ¡Hola, chicos! ”- Saludaste con una sonrisa. "¿Pero qué es esto?” - Preguntó Midoriya confundida. “Después de pedirle permiso a Aizawa-Sensei, le pedí ayuda a Todoroki para construir este tanque”. - Respondiste todavia sonriendo. “¿Pero por qué necesitas esto?” - Jirou pregunta confundido. Solo sonrió y atrapó un silbato que colgaba de una cuerda alrededor de su cuello y lo sopló. “ Happy! ¡Es hora de nadar! ”- dijiste felizmente al entrar en la habitación. Escuchan un grito, o más bien un graznido de algún pájaro. En la sala común había un pingüino caminando sin preocuparse por los ojos de los demás, mientras que el pájaro salió corriendo alegremente al jardín y sin dudarlo corrió hacia Todoroki y el pingüino acurrucado frotando la pierna derecha del niño con ojos. pelo heterocromático y bicolor, que no molestaba con la muestra de afecto del animal. “Todoroki … Hay un …” - Kaminari trató de hablar con su compañero de clase. “Sí, lo sé” - Todoroki respondió con calma mientras lo seguía el pingüino hasta que se agachó un poco y lo tomó para ponerlo en el agua. El pájaro croó alegremente antes de comenzar a nadar, nunca se fue cerca de Todoroki y tú te reíste. “Solo una pregunta Todoroki … ¿Por qué tienes un pingüino?” - preguntó Sero completamente confundido. “Este pingüino es la mascota de (Nombre)”. Todoroki respondió. “¿Qué?” - casi todos los demás en la clase gritaron sorprendidos. “¿Eso es serio?”, Preguntó Sero con asombro. “Eso explica que la cocina tenga una nevera solo para peces …” - comentó Satou al recordar que la cocina tenía una nevera con innumerables libras de varios tipos de pescado. “¿Es este pingüino tuyo?”, Preguntó Kirishima con asombro. “¡Sí! El nombre es Happy ! ¡ Happy, di hola! ”- Dijiste riendo y golpeaste tu mano varias veces y silbaste dos veces. Al darse cuenta de su orden, el pingüino nadó casi inmediatamente antes de subir torpemente a la pequeña plataforma de hielo cerca del borde del tanque cuando reconoció su voz y gruñó alegremente mientras se acercaba para acariciarte la parte superior de la cabeza. Happy cariñosamente sostenía su dedo meñique con su pico. Las chicas lo encontraron terriblemente adorable. "¿POR QUÉ TIENES UNA MIERDA DE PINGÜINO?” Gritó Bakugou, molesto como siempre. “¡Hey! ¡No hables así! Happy es un pingüino cariñoso y controla tu idioma, no quiero ese tipo de ambiente cerca de mi pequeño flotador de felicidad ”. - Te quejaste haciendo pucheros antes de sonreír a tu pingüino. Fue entonces cuando escuchó su teléfono sonar y cuando vio que era el despertador escrito "Happy 🐧🐟🍽”. Este fue uno de los despertadores para recordarle las comidas de Happy. “Shou, ¿puedes vigilar a Happy? Necesito conseguir su comida “.” Preguntó amablemente, aunque ya sabía la respuesta. “Por supuesto”, respondió con calma. Saliste y fuiste tras la comida de tu amado pingüino, diciendo que tus amigos podrían acercarse al pingüino con el control de Todoroki. No todos se acercaron, solo las chicas y algunos tipos como Modoriya, Kaminari y Kirishima. “Todoroki! ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que sabe que (Nome) tenía un pingüino mascota? ”- preguntó Mina emocionada mientras admiraba el pájaro que nadaba. “Poco después de que empezamos a salir”, respondió, y pronto sus ojos se posaron en el pingüino, “Happy, ni lo pienses.” Su tono era de reprensión cuando notó lo que el pingüino estaba a punto de hacer. La ave acuática estaba parada en la plataforma de hielo y el pingüino listo para picotear la oreja de un Kaminari distraído y desprevenido, Todoroki sabía del mal hábito del pingüino de (Nome) sobre picotear a las personas que acababa de conocer. Happy gruñó con aspecto malhumorado y Todoroki suspiró cansado. Esto a veces le sucedió cuando se enteró de Happy, pero no duró más de dos semanas, sin embargo, no tenía la intención de permitir que el pingüino hiciera lo que quería. “No, sabes que está mal. No puedes simplemente picotear a la gente solo porque quieras “. - regañó al pingüino. Algunos no pudieron evitar reírse al ver a Todoroki regañar a Happy como si fuera su hijo, fue lindo y divertido hasta cierto punto. Después de regañar al pingüino por un tiempo, Happy se acercó a Todoroki y se acurrucó en el lado derecho del chico de cabello bicolor, cuando Happy admitió que lo que iba a hacer con Kaminari estaba mal. "A Happy realmente le gustas” dijo Uraraka riendo pensando que la escena era linda.
“Creo que a Happy le gusta más el lado derecho de Todoroki, hasta ahora no he visto a Happy acurrucado en el lado izquierdo de nuestro amigo aquí”. Kaminari hizo una broma, lo cual era cierto. Pronto regresaste con un cubo de hielo lleno de peces, interactuando con tu adorable Happy mientras Todoroki permanecía a tu lado. Como una burbuja que los envuelve a los tres creando su propio mundo. Honestamente, desde ese día, el trío se llamaba cariñosamente la Familia Pingüino.
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softarcana · 5 years
How would all Six react and what would they do if MC tried to make them hate her so they can break up with them because someone is threatening her and she wants to protect them. Your choice if they found out early or too late
he’d catch on right away
he knows you too well to know when something’s wrong
your words don’t match the look in your eye
“cut the crap, MC. tell me what’s really going on.”
and you better believe he takes out whoever is threatening you himself
at first he’s heartbroken
you’ve been acting so mean and angry
he’d think you hated him
until he’d catch you crying one day and pry the truth out of you
would either take them out himself or get some goons on the case
she doubts your offensive words and tells Portia to follow you around
Portia reports back and Nadia is furious
“MC,” she’d call, “care to tell me why you’ve been hiding such an important thing from me?”
she’d dismiss your concerns (lovingly) 
and would reassure you that no one would bother you anymore
she’d know before you even decided to make her hate you
the second you’d start, she’d call you out on it
she’d devise a plan to set you free
and it would work (thanks to Nadia’s many helpful hands)
you can’t keep a single secret from this girl
he’d consider leaving before you could leave him
until he talked to Asra
Asra would manage to talk some sense into him and Muriel would start digging around
he’d find out who did it and clear the danger
his curse is convenient, really
he’d tell you you didn’t need to be afraid anymore
there’d be lots of spats of yelling before he realized something didn’t add up
he’d get someone to follow you around to confirm his suspicions 
he’d make a public spectacle of it
“How dare anyone threaten my count/ess. Look! Look and see what fate will befall you should you even think of plotting against us.”
you tell him he sounds a little overpowering, this is, after all, supposed to be a new system of ruling
he waves your comment away, “anything to protect you, my dove.”
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atypical60 · 7 years
I know. I’m late to the party.  But the sad truth is, I’ve been sick since Sunday evening with the worst stomach bug of all time. Ugh.  I only got to watch some of the Grammy’s because I was in the bathroom most of the night.
The only thing getting cuddled in Chateau Bonaparte was my stomach and the ceramic throne in the bathroom!
Honestly, it felt so good to kneel on the tiled floor and hug the cold ceramic of my toilet bowl when I wasn’t sitting on it. That outta give you an idea of how I spent the past couple of days!
Anyway, I just got back from the doctor. Bonaparte literally forced me to go. I think it was because he was tired of hearing me moan “Ohhhhhh. My stomach. I hope this isn’t serious!”
I mean that literally and figuratively!
Honest to God. The thought of eating is making me more ill thank I am, but the good doctor gave me a prescription to ward off the nausea so that I could keep something in my gut.  And the only food item I want right now is Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.  It’s been my “sick” comfort food since I was a child.
I’m eating this as I write..
I’m getting off track here.
This is about Grammy. And not my Grammy.
My real-life Grammy. In her wedding dress. Beyonce could have worn my grandmother’s wedding headpiece and would have looked much better!
It’s about the Grammy Awards, which, in my opinion, could very well be the reason I was so sick!
Ugh. I believe that watching E!’s “On the Red Carpet” made me ill from the get go.  Kriss Jenner and that dumb butch hairdo of hers!  And that dress–it is absolutely awful! Why does Ryan Seacrest insist on having this doyenne of bad taste hosting a red carpet event?  Brad Goreski–I’m appalled that you would wear such a hideous jacket.  And Kristin Cavallari–one false move and your girls are going to escape big time!  
OK—so the music industry has a bit more creativity than, say the film or TV industries.  And I guess that’s why people who attend feel as though they have to dress a bit more eccentric or differently.
I get that. I really do.  But there is a fine line between dressing differently or more creatively and coming off as looking downright silly.  It’s about fit. It’s about what looks good or even great on you.
So, let’s just take a look at some of the fashions I happened to see when I wasn’t in the bathroom!
I had just exited the bathroom and Bonaparte was cleaning my glasses when Beyonce was doing her number.  I swear from far away I thought I was watching a Novena to the Blessed Mother.  I knelt down before the TV and started chanting “Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”.  Then Bonaparte gave me my glasses and I realized Queen Bee just wanted to look like the old-school Christmas tree toppers we had when we were kids! Who wore it best?  Why the cute little pug on the right! And speaking of JLo…
…she needs to come up with a new signature pose. I’m sick and tired of that dopey “come hither” look her face makes in every single pose. And you may want to change it up from the Angelina Jolie pose.   I swear JLo will be a wrinkly 80 year old with lips that sag down to her chest and she’ll still pose with that dopey face!
Shoes notwithstanding, Heidi Klum gets my vote for best dressed. Had two inches been added to the hem, and had she worn silver pointy-toed stilettos with toe cleavage, this would be my favorite red carpet look of all time!  I love the simple cut of the dress and I LOVE the length of the sleeves.Her earrings and makeup!  She rocked it!
Laverne Cox almost got it right!  The dress is a weird length. It should have been shorter. Just at the knees. She has great legs! And the cut-out sides give the dress a very rocker type vibe while still maintaining fashionable taste!  Her eye makeup is great too!  I love Laverne!
I was born in 1955.  In the early to mid-1960’s we practically lived on these Funny Face drinks. That’s probably one of the reasons I lost most of my hair. Anyway, all I could think of when I saw Taraji P. Henson in that getup was Goofy Grape!  Henson is cute as a button and she could have gone with something a little edgy without looking ridiculous. The dress doesn’t even fit! The fabric looks sloppy. When will these celebrities ever learn?
Rihanna. RiRi.  You are one of the most beautiful women in the world. You can wear just about anything. So then, can you explain just why you put on something that wore YOU?  I’ll admit, the black and orange put me in a very sentimental mood for those wax whistles that we used to get at Halloweeen time!  That skirt looks like the umbrella you sang about!
I actually loved the simple and streamlined cut of the suit that Chance the Rapper wore. But–did your mother ever tell you it was not proper to wear a hat indoors? Well, I’m telling you now. Get rid of the hat when you are inside a building!!!
I have no idea who this young woman is. But she has my vote as one of the Grammy Best Dressed!  Her gown is fresh and youthful and the color is gorgeous on her. In fact, if she was cross-eyed, she would remind me of a young ME! I can’t get enough of this dress! The dropped waist is so flattering! And she’s a bit modest on top without looking fundie!  Most of the celebrities at the Grammy’s could take a lesson from her!  Absolutely perfect!
Why did Beyonce and Jay Z take their daughter to the Grammy Awards!  I KNOW! I KNOW!  They didn’t want Solange to be their plus-one at the after parties so by bringing Blue Ivy, they had a great excuse for Solange to babysit! Poor Blue Ivy!   Mommy and Daddy should have dressed you in a blue suit..that pink looks like Pepto Bismol! Props to Mr. Carter for the way he looks so lovingly at his daughter!  It’s so sweet!
…speaking of Solange…she looked like….
The Golden Ticket from Willie Wonka!
Carrie Underwood needs a new stylist.  NOW!  It was bad enough she looked like chewed up bubble gum at the Golden Globes, but now she has a dress that not only looks like a newly used tampon, it is an old lady bar mitzvah dress. I don’t even think Joan Rivers would have worn it…
This is red done right! Faith Hill nailed another “Best Dressed”. It is a beautiful shade of red. The lines are simple and even with the little cut out, it was discreet. And the shoes! Oh God–I can’t even!  I WANT those shoes!  Well done Ms. Hill!
She may be “zuh gret-ess singuhr” but Ms. Dion is far from the greatest dresser. She’s only 48. She’s young. She looks older than me–and I’m old! She needs to wear her hair down and layered to soften her angular structure. The dress. It’s too low-cut for a flat-chested woman. What is WITH these low cut dresses anyway? And while I’m at it–what’s with the ankle strap shoes. Faith Hill is the only one to rock those ankle straps..Celine Dion looks more like a…
…glittery St. Patrick’s Day hat!  Save that shade o’ green for March 17th!
I love Adele.  And this pea-soup green frock did nothing to enhance her beautiful curves.  That waistband makes her titties look supersized and saggy. She needs a princess cut.  Slightly fitted.  She needs boning in the chest area to hold those ta-ta’s up.  The dress is too long–it looks sloppy.  Adele was meant for black dresses.  She needs a simple dress because that voice of her’s is what draws attention!  I”m glad she swept the Grammys!
 Chrissy Teigen.  No. This isn’t working. SHE is someone who needs to show a bit more skin! But not the way this dress shows it.  She looks like an extra from a vampire movie! I’m kind of surprised because she usually gets it right. Her makeup looks horrible too. What happened Chrissy?  You better look more like your fashionable self at the Oscars!
I’m guessing Cee Lo was channeling his inner Pussy Galore from Goldfinger. And this one in the middle. Wearing 45’s slogan? WTF?  THAT was what really made me sick.  Who is this Girl Crush on the far right?  That dress!  How the hell did she sit down or go to the bathroom?  Well, I can honestly say she has more balls than Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan!
What’s with the unbottoned shirt? What’s with the ill-fitting pj bottoms?  What’s with the awful sleeves?  I think this one was trying to channel her inner…
…..Sick Pense look!  Same color of blue. Same lousy fit!
I need to say something about this Tom Ford dress that Katy Perry wore. I KNOW this dress did not get a lot of love.  However, if you want to be edgy and different without looking clownish, THIS is the way to do it.  Naturally, I have a bit of commentary on this dress. *Sigh* sometimes I wish gay designers would be more in touch with their feminine sides. Why?  I’ll show you…
Katy Perry has the best set of Ta-ta’s on earth. In fact, if I ever hit it big in the lottery, I’m taking a photo of her in a low-cut dress to a plastic surgeon. I’m going to tell him that I want HER ta-tas!  They are spectacular and they are real!  Anyway, back to the dress. I would give her a ballet scooped neckline so that her cleavage would be a focal point.  Then I would cut the sleeves to a long short sleeve. Tom–are you listening?  Thank you! Might I also add, Katy Perry ALWAYS has THE best made-up face!  Her makeup is never less than perfect!
This is NOT good cleavage.  At all.  Lady Gaga looks like she wore the wrong sized bra and reached up to a top shelf to grab something. Girls–hasn’t that happened to you?  You know. You reach for something and your bra rides up in the front? Even for Lady Gaga who can basically get away with anything outrageous, the bottom tit look is just ugly!
Katy Perry sure knows how to show bosom!  They are the envy of us all!  Even though this suit DID remind me of piano keys!
That’s about it.  I ended up falling asleep because I was so violently ill.  I couldn’t even make it out of bed yesterday to write this so I know I’m getting much better!
Did you watch the Grammy Awards? Did you have a favorite look? Did you have a look that you thought was just awful.  Tell me!!
One of my favorite songs about love. John Mayer with Katy Perry “Who You Love”.  (I hope they get back together!!!)
Atypical60 Takes a Look at Grammy Fashions! I know. I’m late to the party.  But the sad truth is, I’ve been sick since Sunday evening with…
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