#yall have fun!!! and i will get to the rest of the birthday wishes tomorrow evening <3
samsrowena · 2 years
dammit i really need to remove "hunger games" from my blacklist alskdjfldl
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nad-zeta · 3 years
Leonardo - Birthday surprise
Fandom: Ikevamp
Pairings: Leonardo x Reader
Genre: Fluffffff
Words: 1300+
Comments: Eeeeep so if yall haven't noticed the August birthday bash has officially begun lolol! Eeeek so excited! Whooop Whooop! //dances around ❤❤Hehehe our next sweet lil victim! ALBYYY! Happy birthday cutie albyy! ❤😳🥺! 🥺😳❤🌈
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:
Oh, you were truly having the day from hell, in all senses of the word. It started with your phone deciding to do a spontaneous update in the middle of the night, causing you to miss your multiple alarms set in place to beckon you from your slumber.
You jolted awake with a pounding heart, which only increased upon seeing the time. As if being late for work and skipping breakfast in a frenzy wasn't bad enough, it seemed that your boss's ever-worsening mood killed any chances you had of squeezing even the slightest bit of joy out of the day.
It wasn't before long that morning turned to noon, and noon turned to evening, as finally, finally, you were allowed to leave the prison that you called your workplace.
Oh, you were feeling utterly miserable as you locked up your office for the evening and slowly made your way out of the building, phone buzzing in your pocket adding to the umptieth missed call from your now worried sick boyfriend.
Go to work on your birthday, they said, it will be fun, said no one at all. It was by far the worst choice of your life, and at this point, you felt that any attempt to salvage the day would be worthless. In fact, all you wanted to do was go home and throw yourself a pity party. Guests? Just you and yourself and your aching feet. Activities planned? Wallow in sadness and forget the day even existed. Or at least that was the plan until you were greeted by the sight of your boyfriend— leaned up against his motorbike, cigarillo between his lips, brows furrowed in worry as he gazed down at his phone.
"Uh hey," you called out with hints of guilt — knowing full well you had actively avoided most of his calls and messages due to the busyness of the day— lifting a tired hand in greeting, you slowly made your way towards Leonardo.
At the sound of your weary voice, Leonardo's eyes fluttered up to meet your own, and you could almost see the way those golden depths shift from concern to relief, as a lazy smile made its way to his lips, "finally let you go for the night huh?"
"Yeah, I swear if they could, they would never let me leave," the soft jest left you as you offered him a weak smile in return. While his appearance certainly came as a surprise, it was not an unwelcome sight as you slowly felt your irritations of the day melt away. Even more so when he opened his arms wide in a silent gesture. He didn't even need to ask you twice before you walked straight into the comforting embrace, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing here, Leo? Didn't we agree to meet up tomorrow?" you mumbled against his neck, arms snaked firmly around his waist with no signs of letting go any time soon.
"And missed the opportunity to celebrate my Cara Mia's birthday with her? Never!" he gave you a little squeeze, dropping a kiss atop your head before slowly pulling away from you.
Your lips formed a pout as your big doe eyes looked up at him, with arms still tightly secured around his waist. "You know I'm not gonna be very good company tonight."
Silence befell the two of you for a few moments as Leonardo's eyes seemingly searched yours for answers. Once he found what he was looking for, he smirked, pulling away from you entirely before draping the heavily leather jacket over your shoulders and getting onto his bike.
"Heh, then we will just have to do something about that, won't we," he said with complete confidence holding out a pink flower littered helmet to you. You shook your head at the man, a slither of a smile cracking through the hard exterior of your face. It's funny how mere hours ago, the day felt doomed and deprived of joy, yet now, slowly but surely, it was turning around.
"Hold on tight, Cara Mia," he spoke, shooting you a wide grin and wink over his shoulder before the bike roared to life and galloped across the highway.
Sights seemed to blur into one as you wondered just where the hell Leonardo was taking you. You couldn't help but wonder if he had lost all sense of direction, as both your homes were very much in the opposite direction. At some point, you decided to simply just close your eyes and lean your head against his warm back—surrendering to the whims of your boyfriends and just enjoy the ride accompanied by the old 80s rocks booming through the earphones.
It wasn't before long you reached your destination. Holding his hand out towards you, he helped you off the bike before large hands carefully lifted the bulky helmet from your head.
"Hi", the words fell from your mouth with a smile turned snort when you spotted your reflection on the helmet's surface. Hells, you looked terrible, hair all over the place, dark rings beneath your eyes and the light layer of make-up looking less than fresh from the long, long day that had passed.
"How do I look, vision of perfection, right?" you joked, tucking a stray lock behind your ear in an attempt to fix yourself up a little.
Leo's golden eyes shone with mischief as he placed the helmet onto the seat before his hands returned to cradle your cheeks. He leaned in close, impossibly close— the tip of his nose almost touching your own— you could almost anticipate what he would say next.
"Like a cute cat caught in the tumbler dryer," he teased, throwing his head back in a roar of laughter.
You gasped in response, fostering a pout, "hey!" You whined out you giving his chest a couple of playful smacks as your pout only deepened— the least he could do was lie.
The burst of deep, hearty laughter continued to rip through the air at your reaction, fingers making their way into your hair to smooth it down.
"Just how adorable can one person be, huh?" he sounded deeply amused as he pressed his soft lips to your forehead, hand trailing down to meet your own before lacing his fingers with yours.
You let go of a huff, rolling your eyes at the man's antics. "So…. What exactly are we doing at the peer?" you fished for answers, eyes looking around and seeing nothing but the cool night sky and calm ocean waves.
Leo shrugged innocently, with an all too telling smirk.
"Thought you might enjoy a little birthday surprise," another wink shot in your direction as he began to take long strides towards the end of the peer, hand gently tugging your own.
You followed after him excitedly, skin kissed by the soft moonlight and salty ocean breeze. It wasn't long before you reached the very end of the peer, tiny lights getting bigger and bigger as you approached.
Your heart swelled, and tears pricked at the corner of your eyes at the sight. Railing littered with little fairy lights, soft plush blankets and pillows laid out on the floor accompanied by an array of confectionaries.
"Leo-" you whispered out, not knowing what to say. How could one man be so damn perfect?
Leonardo smiled knowingly and wasted no time at all, flopping down onto the floor and dragging you down with him—landing you straight in his lap so he could cradle your body against his own. He reached into his pocket and retrieved his lighter, but instead of lighting his cigarillo, he lit the singular candle neatly secured in the thick layer of icing atop one of the cupcakes.
"Happy birthday Cara Mia," he purred out, eyes shining fondly as he held the tiny cake out towards you.
You smiled up at him, taking the cupcake from his hands and blowing out the candle. Tightening his arms around your waist, he rested his chin on your shoulder. "What did you wish for," he asked curiously before soft lips left a trail of kisses against your neck.
"Nothing, Nothing at all. All I could ever want is right here."
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Coffee shop au (Doppo x Reader)
A/N: decided to do a little scenario for the birthday boy Doppo! Hope yall enjoy :)
Word count: 1798
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were a literature student at university. Every morning you see this man come into the coffee shop around 8 o clock. 'Poor thing, always looks so tired and rundown.'
One morning was particularly busy. You overheard his order from one of his many visits and decided to pay for it. He comes in an hour later frantically looking around, wondering if he should leave the line. One of the employees waves him down and gives him his order. That lady over there paid for your coffee. He looks completely baffled and turns to see you waving. He thanks the barista and walks to your table.
"Hi um, thanks for paying for my coffee miss." He scratches the back of his head nervously. "No problem. My name is Y/N by the way." You extend your hand to shake his. "Oh! I'm Doppo." "It was busy today and I figured you always look so busy." His eyes widened. "You can tell from just that huh?" You nod. "Well, it's true I don't have much time to myself outside of work..."
"What do you do? Oh, I'm a salaryman." "Ah, I see. Must be pretty tiresome work." "It would be alright if my boss didn't give me so much to do." His fists clenched. "Oh, I'm sorry for rambling." "It's alright." "I actually have to get going. I can already feel my work piling up." He shoots you a bemused grin.
"It was nice talking to you." "Would you have time to chat over coffee on the weekend? Seems like you have a lot more to say." "Maybe! Uh, I'll be back tomorrow." "Alright, see you." He waves and scurries out of the cafe. "What an odd guy. I hope he's not overdoing himself too hard..." You continue your writing.
The next day Doppo joins you for coffee. "So Mr. salaryman, how goes life?" You sit down at the same table you were at yesterday. "Oh uh, I'm kind of always on the go." "Do you have any hobbies?" "Well, I do have a few houseplants. I keep a bunch of cute little succulents around my place like a salad bowl, giant velvet rose, it's actually just a small one, and a tiny cactus-" He stops there because he feels the conversation dragging.
"What about friends?" "Hifumi has been my friend since elementary school. Despite everything, I'm glad he's still around." "That's nice to hear." You smile. "Oh! I've been so busy talking about myself I never asked about you." " Well, there's not much to know." "Nonsense, what do you do? I saw you with your laptop yesterday." "I'm a literature student at ___ University." "So you're a writer? That's pretty interesting."
Over the next few months, you became fast friends. Doppo would join you in the morning for coffee and a small chat then dash to work.
(Insert clever transition here)
"Doppooo." You call out to him and wave your hand in front of his face. "Doppo?" He snaps back into reality. "Hmm? What is it y/n?" "Are you alright?" "I'm f-fine. Why do you ask?" You shake your head. "It's ok to have a break every now and then y'know. You've been spacing out all day." "Yeah, sorry y/n. I guess I just have a lot on my mind." "Why don't we do something?"
"Would you like to go out? Hang out I mean! Somewhere else! Anywhere! You can choose!" "Hmm, I think a walk would do us both some good." "Uh yeah s-sure." Doppo sweats a little.
"Hey uh y/n, I'm not a very athletic person as you can probably tell..." "That's alright, It doesn't have to be a long one. Why don't we just walk down to the park at our own pace?" "Oh, o-ok sure."
Leaving the cafe you walk about 15 minutes to the nearest park and sit down on a nearby bench. You turn to face him. "I'm worried about you Doppo. Are you taking care of yourself?" "I'm just hanging on like I always do..." He gives a nervous chuckle. "You didn't answer my question." He hangs his head and sighs. "What's the point?" "The point is your wellbeing Doppo. Here." You pat your lap. "Just take a little rest. "N-no I shouldn't-" "I don't mind." Hesitantly he lays down on the bench and rests his head on your lap, blushing.
It didn't take long for him to immediately fall asleep on your lap. You laugh to yourself. 'He looks so peaceful like this, just like a cute little man child.' You carefully stroke his hair making sure not to wake him up. A small blush forming on your cheeks.
After a while, he awakes and rolls over. His sleepy teal-blue eyes meeting yours.
"Y-y/n!" He sits up abruptly, a bright red blush flooding his cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry! How long was I asleep?" "Not long, you could have napped longer if you wanted to. It looks like you needed the sleep." "Erm, yeah. thank you." His cheeks still burning red. "You can lay back down if you want. You still have a few hours before you have to go to work right?" He considers, thinking how comfortable your thighs were cradling his head. "I-I don't want to be a bother..." "Just lay on my shoulder then. We can both take a nap." "Okay."
Doppo leans on your shoulder and closes his eyes hoping that you didn't notice his quickening heartbeat. Resting your head on his crimson locks you close your eyes and fall asleep into a short slumber together.
"What would you like to eat?" "Anything, I'm starving." You giggle. "I was going to make some omurice~" He visibly perks up. "I'd like that very much." "Omurice it is! Topped with some cilantro." You lick your lips. "U-um. No cilantro for me thank you..." he winced trying not to gag.
"Oh no, you have the cilantro hating gene, don't you?" "Yeah, it kinda tastes like soap." You dramatically toss your hand to your forehead. "That's so tragic. I wish your taste buds could appreciate the fresh springy sprigs that are cilantro. But alas! I'll just top it off with chives."
"Y-you can have cilantro! It's not a problem if you want to!" "I don't want to make you sick with the aroma." "I'll be fine as long as I don't eat it! Really!!" "Ok ok. I'll do both." "Do you want some help? Omurice is one of the only things I can make..." his head hangs a little. "Sure! I could always use some help chopping some veggies."
You were coming over to Doppos place every weekend now to make sure he was eating well and getting enough sleep.
After prepping the vegetables and cooking the rice, you dice up some chicken and mix in the vegetables and spices, also adding some ketchup. Then whisking an egg with a little milk you cook the omelette and add the chicken, veggies and rice. Folding the egg over you make a little ketchup smiley face with dimples on the side of his plate and top it off with some chives. Then do the same with yours.
"Here you go!" Doppo's eyes light up when you hand him the plate. "Waaaah, it looks so professional! Let's dig in!" You watch as he smiles while eating, savouring every bite. "Oh y/n this is so good." "Thank yourself, you helped make it too." You smile. "Yes but mine never tastes this good. It must be something you did!" "You'd be surprised what difference a little salt and pepper can make."
You both watched a show while eating, Doppo went back for seconds.
"Thank you for the delicious meal y/n. You've been doing a lot for me, I appreciate it." "Of course! I'll always try and be there for you when you need me." "Would you really?" Doppo's palms get sweaty as he turns to you with his head down. "Would it be so wrong to think that there's something between us? I-I know I'm a pessimist and an overall mess. You basically take care of me like I'm your kid- Oh, who am I kidding you don't want me... I'm a ball of anxiety and-" you put a finger to his lips and he blushes immediately.
"I like you too, Doppo." You smile. "Y-you do?" He sighs visibly relaxing. "I thought I really blew it there... but I'm glad you feel the same." You place your hand over his. "I care about you Doppo."
After a few more shows and an awkward silent stroll, Doppo walks you back over to your place and says goodnight.
"Thanks for everything y/n." Knowing he wouldn't be the one to make the first move (in this case anyway) you lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He looked so cute with his flustered expression and blushed cheeks. "Night Doppo."
When you lay down on your bed for the night your heart races and butterflies dance in your stomach. Then your phone pings from your nightstand.
"I had a really great time today! Not like I don't any other time! But today was special! The texts came flooding in one after the other. You beam and reply "Yes today was fun. Now please get some sleep. You need it." "I'll try!"
Epilogue I guess---------
Even though you move in with Doppo quite quickly it turns out to be the best thing for the both of you. He does his best to look out for you and you look out for him.
In the morning you both wake up, he boils water for coffee and you make breakfast. You'll still visit the coffee shop every now and then, but there's nothing quite like having breakfast in bed with your partner.
You always call him during lunch and inbetween to make sure he doesn't forget to eat. When he comes home he'll help you with meal prep if he's not too exhausted. Then you'll eat dinner in front of the tv and watch a show.
After dinner, you both wash and dry the dishes then sit down on the couch and cuddle. On a good day, you watch a few episodes of your favorite show together. But on an exhausting day, Doppo falls asleep within the first 10 minutes. But you don't mind. You simply flip the station and admire his sweet peaceful face as he lays his head on your shoulder.
If it's late you wake him up with head pats and guide him to bed in a half-asleep stupor joining him soon. When you're in bed he always has one arm around you. Usually, your back to his front or the both of you facing each other in an embrace until you wake and the cycle begins anew.
Thank you for reading!
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 3 — Discovery
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a bigger meanie
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It has been about more than two weeks since your first day at Karasuno, already creating good bonds with Hinata, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, and even Tsukishima. You were pretty close to all of them, spending alot of time together at lunch or after school, and even during the weekend. They wanted you to feel welcome, after all, you even had a little text group chat.
(Sent October 10th at 11:15 am)
Y/N: [Good morning yall, and happy birthday noya!]
Tadashi: [goodmorning and happy bday!]
Tsukki: [morning, happy birthday]
You smiled down at your phone before shutting it off. Since it was Noyas birthday, your mom let him and your friends come over, it also being a Saturday. You planned to have a sleepover with your new friends, Kageyama, and Tanaka of course. You had finished cleaning your living room, and despite it being small, it was big enough to fit a bunch of enthusiastic dorks, and Tsukishima.
You had begun cooking lunch, making sandwiches for you and Hinata, who was already on his way to your house. "Good morning honey," your mom spoke softly, rubbing her eyes as she walked past you to the coffee maker. "Good morning mom, Hinatas on his way here already," you smile and finish the sandwiches, putting them on a plate and walking to the living room.
"Okay, I have work today so ill be out for a little bit, tell Nishinoya I said happy birthday and Kageyama I said hello," she chuckled as she started the machine. You nodded and heard the doorbell ring, causing you to sit up and smile in excitement, placing the play down on the couch. "Thats Shoyo!"
You hop to the front door and immediately unlock the door, greeting the orange haired male with a smile that was matching his. "Hey y/n!" He greets and you let him in, closing the door behind himself. "Hi Shoyo, I made lunch," you say and lead him to the living room. "Wow, your house is really cute," he giggles and sets his bags and blanket in the corner next to the couch.
"Im glad you think so, I think Tanaka is arriving next, but i could be wrong," you say and plot down on the couch, hinata following your movements. "When is Kageyama coming?" He asks and rests his head on your shoulder, head tilted so he can look at you, but you just shrug. "He hasn't answered me since I sent him the invite yesterday," you say before handing him the plate and taking your sandwich.
"What? He answered me this morning," Hinata said and pulled his phone out of his pocket, going to his text messages with Kageyama. "Yeah, he texted me this morning, asked if i was coming to the sleepover," he said and you sae him typing on his screen. You felt hurt, Kageyama always answered you, whether it was one word, or even one letter, he always answered.
"Ah, he might've forgotten, i wont hold it against him," you smiled and decided to shake it off, it was Noyas birthday and you were ready to have fun. You and Hinata watched a bit of Netflix and ate a bit more than just the sandwhiches you made. It had been about more than an hour since the next person appeared, hearing the doorbell ring as you were in the middle of showing Hinata baby pictures of you and Kageyama.
"Ah, I bet its Tsukishima and Tadashi! Or just Tadashi!" Hinata shouts, jumping up, you following after him with a big goofy smile on your face as you both run to the door. "Its definitely Tanaka! Im calling it!" You laugh, barely able to keep up with the small male as he opens the door. As you looked at the male at the door, you and Hinata both shouted at the same time.
"K-kageyama?" You questioned and Hinata sighed, walking back to your room, sulking. "Its just Kageyama," he complaimed and Kageyama glared at him. "Whats that supposed to mean dumbass!" You let him in and close the door behind him as he kicks off his shoes. "Kags, you didnt bring any bags? Like, more than one?" You ask and walk to your room, seeing him hesitate to say respond.
"I'm not staying over. I just wanted to wish Nishinoya a happy birthday, i thought more people would be here by now," he nonchalantly responds, almost irritating you. "Well, you could've answered my text with a yes or no, or tell me that," you say and turn to face him, kicking his ankle softly. "Sorry," he muttered.
You entered your room with Kageyama and saw Hinata checking out your wall of pictures, filled with pictures of you and kageyama as children, you and your mom, and your friends from Nekoma. "Hey, is that Kenma?" He asked, turning his head to look at you and Kageyama with a curious face.
"Oh, yeah it is," you answer and walk over to the spot next to hinata. "Ah, Inuoka! Lev!" He exclaims with a excited expression, carefully scanning the pictures. "Is this the Nekoma volleyball club?" He asked, looking up at you with admiration as you confirm that it is.
"Thats so cool! You know Kuroo?!" He said, looking at another photo, one dear to your heart. It was the last time you saw them, you had a sleepover at Kuroos house, all the boys attending. You were wrapped in Kuroo and Inuokas arms, the 2nd years sitting on the couch in the back with the rest of the members asleep, or running around.
"Yeah, he acts like my brother sometimes. This was from our last sleepover before i came here," you state and he puts it back in his place when he hears the doorbell. "Okay, this time its DEFINITELY Tanaka!" You slap Hinatas arm and you two, once again, race to the front door. "Its gotta be Tadashi!" He once again opens the door to be met with Tanaka, causing you to shout in glory, hinata groaning.
"Uh, hello to you too," he laughs and steps over Hinata who dramatically fell to his knees. "Sorry, we were betting on who would arrive next," you laughed as he put his stuff next to Hinatas and saw Kageyama come out of your room. "Hey Tanaka," he greeted and you all sat on the couch, continuing the movie you and Hinata had started. After about 30 minutes more, there was a knock on the door.
"Thats definently Tsukishima," You say and Hinata nods as you stand up to open the door, greeting the tall blonde, noticing Tadashi and Noya behind him. "Hey Tsukki, Tadashi, and happy birthday Noya!" You greet, patting Tsukishimas arm and hugging the last two. "Everyones here, so lets get started, hmm?"
As everyone gets their stuff situated, you head to your room to get your phone and order some take out and remind your mom to get a cake before heading back out to your friends. "Noya, you ca– Noya?" You giggled softly, seeing him wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket, and he smiles. "Yes?"
"Ah, I was gonna say you can choose a movie, unless you wanna do anything else before the food arrives," you bounce before taking a seat between Tsukishima and Hinata. "Movie please, i dont want to even know what hes thinking right now," Tsukishima said, his expression was serious. You elbow him with a chuckle that follows, "its his birthday, cut him some slack."
You all decided to play a few games with an old movie playing as background noise. Truth or dare, would you rather, never have I ever, and some board games, Tsukishima winning monopoly. He was currently boasting to Kageyama with a smug look on his face as the doorbell rang.
"Food!" You shouted and jumped up to answer the door, quickly paying for the food and closing the door before bringing it to the small coffee table in your living room. "Also my mom should be home in a few minutes so call down with all the cursing Tanaka," you laughed and opened the food boxes before grabbing some plates and utensils for them to serve themselves.
You guys ate and finally put on a movie, moving the coffee table to you, Noya, Tanaka, Tadashi, and Hinata could all huddle up on the floor infront of the tv, leaving Tsukishima and Kageyama on the couch. "Hey, im home honey. Hi boys," your mom called, a big bag in hands as she slipped off her shoes. "Hi y/ns mom!" Noya called and she brought the cake over to you.
"Happy birthday Noya, and hello Kageyama, its been a while since ive seen you, you're so big," your mom patted his shoulder and he nodded. "Hello Mrs. y/l/n," he spoke politely as Tsukishima quietly laughed at him. "Behave okay? Im heading to bed. Oh, and Kageyama, your mother invited us over tomorrow so i can take you home tomorrow, " she flashed a warm smile and your face lit up as you sat up from the cuddle pile.
"I haven't been to your house in years," you exclaim and placed a hand on Kageyamas knee, giggling. He shifted a bit, causing your hand to fall and he hummed, "because Tokyo is far." You roll your eyes and lay down back between Nishinoya and Hinata. "And im not sleeping over, my moms coming in 10 minutes to pick me up."
"Ah, well either way, ill see you tomorrow Tobio," your mom waved and left to her room. It was silent as you guys kept your eyes glued to the screen. Eventually Kageyama left, so Tsukishima joined the cuddle pile until you guys got tired. Hinata and Tadashi took the couch, Tanaka and Nishinoya draped over each other near the couch, Tsukishima laying next to you on the blanket that covered the itchy carpet.
You sat up, on your phone after your friends from Nekoma decided to blow up your phone.
"You still awake?" You jumped at the voice, thinking everyone was asleep, and you turned to the voice to see the salty blonde slipping on his glasses. "Yeah, my friends texted me," you whispered before turning off your phone, the room being engulfed by darkness and you took your spot next to Tsukishima. "So you and Kageyama?" He propped his head up on his hand as he looked at you.
"Yeah, he's weird. He hasn't been talking to me that much the past few weeks." You rest your head on the pillow and pull the blanket up over you. Tsukishima hums lightly before fixing his pillow, "is he always like this? He doesnt seem that way around the team."
"I guess? Hes always been dry and stand offish since we were children, but to other people he was different." You felt tired, and Tsukishima could sense it. "Rest, worry your head tomorrow." He pats your head before taking his glasses back off and lays down, you smile. "Thanks Tsukki."
"Dont call me that."
Once it became morning, Tanaka and Nishinoya were the firsts to leave, followed by Tadashi. You had just come out of the shower, finding Hinata folding his blankets and cleaning up the living room, and Tsukishima talking to your mom in the kitchen as he helped wash dishes. "Good morning mom," you yawned and grabbed a key from one of the drawers. "Im gonna stop by the store, wanna come with Tsukki? Hinata?"
Tsukishima looked at your mom and she nodded, telling him it was okay and that she'd finish the dishes on her own. You left the house with the two males, taking the short walk to the store. "You're going to Kageyamas right?" Hinata asked, bouncing to keep warm in the cold air. You nod and swing the keys around your finger, "yeah, in a few hours, oh! Let me text him."
(Sent October 11th at 1:17 pm)
Y/N: [Morning Tobio!]
[I'll see you in a few hours!]
As you waited for his answer, Tsukishima spoke up. "Not to.. seem like im putting you on the spot but.. doesn't he ignore you?" He kept his hands in his pockets and his gaze forward and Hinata gasped, "Tsukki that sounds mean!" He smacked his arm, causing the taller to look down at him. "I'm just saying that its not the best way to treat someone," he rolls his eyes and Hinata scoffs. "As if you can talk."
You sigh and laugh, placing a hand on both the males arms, "calm down you two, geez." They relax in your touch and Tsukishima continues. "Seriously tho, he could be just, y'know.. being a bitch," he he spoke, putting an emphasis on bitch. "Or he could be hiding something!" Hinata gasps and you laugh at them. "Yeah yeah, but its whatever really, this is how ive always seen Tobio, it'd be weird if he was any different. Though id like it alot if he DID be a little less dry."
You remembered the talk you and Tsukishkma had before, he always brought up Kageyama and your relationship with him. Soon you started to think the same was he did. Was Kageyama really just being mean? Isnt that just how he always is? Why does he act different around others? Was it you, or was it him?
You kicked off your shoes as you stepped into the warm house with a bright smile, "hello Mrs. Kageyama!" You greeted as she pulled you into a hug. "Hello y/n, my you've grown! Tobio is in his room, can you take him his plate? This one is your" She said and handed you two plates. You smiled and nodded your head like a gibby child and she patted your back as you made youe way to Kageyamas room. You kicked on the door because your arms were occupied.
You heard a bed creak and a few seconds after, the door opened and was almost closed back in your face if it weren't for him catching a glimpse at the plates. "Come in," he mumbled and let you in. You walked over to his bed and put his plate down on his bed and sat on the end as he closed the door. "Wow, your room has changed alot," you smile and look around the room at his posters and pictures on the walls.
"Mhm," he plopped back down on his bed and went on his phone. You noticed this and furrowed your brows, taking a bite of your food. "You know, for someone on their phone alot, you sure do ignore my texts alot," you mainly joked, but you guessed that he didnt catch on when his expression changed and he mumbled an apology. Was that guilt on his face?
You decided to stay silent and just scroll through social media and eat your food. After a few minutes of just silence, Kageyama finished his plate and got up to take it upstairs. "Hey Kags," you called before he left and you held your plate out to him, "can you take this for me?"
"You barely ate any thing," he said and you shook the plate a little bit, causing him to grab it, scared it would fall. "I'll bring you a meatbun," he murmured and left the room. You smiled slightly at the mention of meatbuns, and stood up to stretch your legs.
You grabbed a napkin from Kageyamas bedside dresser and wiped any food off of your mouth. He had a small trash bin in the corner of his room, so you went to throw away your napkin, looking at his posters and pictures on the wall. When you opened the bin, there was a large stack of pictures atop all of the trash.
All being pictures that had you and him in them.
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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mihidecet · 3 years
Sbi&co: D&D AU: It begins
I’m back from hiatus yall!!! Ever so sorry for the wait, and thank you all so very much for your patience and kindness <3 Updates should go back to the regular schedule now! Hope you’ll enjoy!!
Also! This is an early birthday present for the lovely Lando @whatimevendoinhere​ ! Without them this AU wouldn’t exist, so make sure to check out their STUNNING art and go wish them a happy birthday tomorrow!!
There's a rhythmic tapping coming from Scott's right as he looks through his spellbook for one last time. 
His right hand man, the head of his guards - of the stationed ones, at least the only guards existing formally - huffs out fondly, rolling his eyes as Scott's hand gently shuts the tome closed. He sticks his tongue out at the shorter man, prompting a chuckle out of him; after all they both know he doesn't need to freshen up his memory regarding this spell, it is simply tradition. 
Almost a century has passed since the first event, he's not going to stop now.
The opening ceremony has always been a big deal: it sets up the mood for the first few weeks of the tournament, and it involves him having to talk in front of a whole stadium of people, which is as fun as it is anxiety inducing. 
It also involves introducing and showing off each participant, which is always entertaining; many crowd-favourites get chosen during these short moments, so it will be interesting to see what will come about. A handful of names jump to his mind, especially knowing what he’s discovered thanks to a cautious bit of espionage, but he’s still unsure of how much each contestant will try to focus on pleasing the people or on actually winning the games. 
Scott doesn't mind crowds that much, but he is still glad that Jordan will be next to him; the seasoned human has always been a friend, and he knows he can rely on him no matter what - it wouldn't be the first time somebody tried something during the opening ceremony, but it would certainly be for the best if nothing were to happen. 
According to his hidden right hand man, nothing out of the ordinary should be taking place, which is why Scott takes one last deep breath before exiting the soundless bubble they were standing in, stepping out on the balcony overlooking the main stadium and into the chaos of the roaring crowd beneath him.
Wilbur will never have enough of the cacophony of a crammed full stadium. 
There is nothing quite like it, and ever since he got a taste the day before, during the opening ceremony for the tournament, he doesn't think he'll ever be able to live without it. As they walk into the sunlight, moving away from the shadows of the tunnel that they had to traverse in order to get to the main combat area, the cheers rise, louder and louder, edged on by the unnaturally loud voices of the mages that will present the participants. 
A shadow shifts in his peripheral - Techno, advancing towards a good hiding spot behind one of the tall rocks that are scattered around the stadium - and he lets out a small chuckle, fixing his grip on his guitar as a bodiless voice calls out the fake names they had submitted in order to attract less attention. 
Wil reaches the center of the stage in a series of quick determined steps, then stops and turns around with a flourish, strumming the chords of his instruments to cast a quick spell:
“Good evening, everyone! -” he calls out, tail swishing behind him as his voice booms, resounding magically in the whole stadium “- Are you ready for a show?” 
The crowd erupts in cheers, adrenaline flowing through his blood like fire, and his lips stretch in an impossibly wide grin; a second later Tommy appears, shrouded in flames as he slides across the field towards him, looking almost as if he were flying.
“I didn’t quite hear you! I said… -” he repeats coily, his view of the world around him temporarily hidden as Tommy twirls around him, sending sparks in the air as the ground sizzles around them. The boy comes to an abrupt stop next to him, unleashing arcane flames higher and brighter for a split second that leave a burnt circle on the soil. 
“Are you ready for a fucking show?!” 
If he’d thought that the crowd had been at its loudest before, he would have definitely been proven wrong now, as the stadium seems to shake with the enthusiasm they’ve pumped into them - it is an arduous task, keeping the crowd energetic when they’re the last to perform for that day, after hours of fighting that must have left the people watching as exhausted as the people fighting, but somebody has to do it. When Wilbur turns towards Tommy the kid is glowing, and it’s not only due to the flames still surrounding his body. He pumps his fist up, towards the air, and lets out a gleeful whoop as the sound of Phil’s laughter reaches them.
The druid is twirling his own staff and, as the two of them start loudly cheering him on, he cackles and puts a bit more effort into it, letting it fly up in the air before smashing it down on the ground, where a spark of arcane energy bursts outwardly with bright green light. Iridescent glyphs appear on the staff, water bleeding out from the wood itself almost like sap and freezing instantly, while ice crackles and shifts as it forms a spiked clump around its top: Wilbur whoops even louder, letting go of his guitar to clap his hands together, resisting the urge to chant his friend’s name - they’re saving that for the future, no need to reveal their identities so soon. 
Wilbur is in the process of reaching for his instrument again, possibly to start playing something while they wait for the gates to be lifted and their mysterious opponent to show up, when a long, drawn out lament fills the air around them. The tiefling feels his spine straighten on instinct, the chilling sound causing a sudden shift in the overall mood they had created as a wave of fear swoops over the whole stadium - Wilbur would be angry about it if it wasn’t for the fact that his knees feel a bit weak, hands tightening around his guitar as if it could help stop them from shaking. 
Despite being frozen in place, in a mix of fear and surprise, he’s able to shake himself out of his stupor, looking up to the rest of his team with a tentative grin. But Phil isn’t looking at him anymore, he’s reaching out with a worried expression towards- 
A body collides with his own as Tommy, shaking like a leaf, eyes clouded and wide open, stumbles backwards, clutching at Wil’s shirt like a lifeline. It’s the unnatural murkiness of Tommy’s usually bright blue eyes that clues him in on the fact that this is a spell, not a natural reaction to a definitely frightening sound, so Wilbur steps between Tommy and whatever has taken hold of his mind, praying to Tymora that wherever Techno is he isn’t going through the same, and presses both of his hands over his friend’s shoulders. The kid clutches at his shirt, still muttering curses under his breath, and Wilbur struggles for a moment to catch his eyesight. 
“Tommy- Tommy, calm.” 
The human gasps in a breath, his eyes squeezing shut as he shakes his head and lets go of Wilbur to cling to himself.
“Fucking- go on, don’t- don’t mind me …” He hisses, muttering to himself about “definitely not acting like a little bitch”, and Wilbur turns, still shielding Tommy with his own body, and hopes that whatever his dear cousin is telling him, it’ll help shake him out of that enchantment. 
Despite the fact that Wilbur has been able to overcome his initial magic-induced fear, it’s still a bit of a shock, seeing the aberration floating menacingly towards them: it looks like a dark blue cloak, larger than a chariot, with a long boney tail, light pink, almost white eyes and a lipless mouth filled with an impressive amount of teeth - it resembles vaguely one of the sea creatures they’d encountered during their travels by the sea, but it definitely isn’t the beautifully elegant animal they’d seen doing somersaults near their ship. 
Phil steps up next to him with a dark look in his eyes, and Wilbur would chuckle at the protectiveness of the older elf if that wouldn’t make him feel terribly hypocritical. 
“Let’s bring that thing down, see if it acts all high and mighty then.” He mutters, raising a hand towards the beast and then pushing down. It appears that the creature is not used to that particular feeling, because it lets out a high pitched trill and starts gliding towards the ground, decisively less able to resist Phil’s spell than the elf had initially expected. Not that he’s complaining. 
But as the beast is descending, it lets out another whimpering groan, its form shifting and blurring, shadows solidifying into two other copies of the original; whether it was a momentary distraction or a voluntary effect, Phil curses under his breath as he’s unable to distinguish which one is the original. 
He is able to clearly see, instead, the gleam of a dark dagger as it sails through the air and embeds itself straight into the back of that beast's head, carving through its flesh like butter and embedding itself into the ground a handful of feet to its left. 
Then, it what would have otherwise been an extremely comical display, both the dagger and the beast disappear in a gust of smoke and darkness. 
A loud and indignated "Eeh?!" comes from what Phil assumes to be Techno's hiding place - a moment later the rogue himself pokes his head out from behind the stone column, waving that very same dagger towards the two remaining aberrations. 
"You're welcome, I guess?" He calls out, before disappearing into the shadows again, prompting Wilbur to burst out laughing. 
It's at that point that the tiefling realises, his shoulders relaxing instantly, that Tommy is also chuckling lightly behind his back - he figures he either snapped out of it or the beast's spell has a short duration - so he steps forward, moving a bit closer to the two huge figures now squirming on the ground with a renewed spring in his step.
“Not that scary now, eh, you big sheet?!”
The two aberrations on the floor flinch back, writhing from the effects of his words as if insulted - although the tiefling isn’t sure that it’s actually able to comprehend them - just a split second before two beams of fire sail past him. One strikes true, hitting one of the two beasts right into the center of its forehead; but the figure only shifts, blurring for a moment before it melts into nothingness. The second sphere burns a scorching mark on the ground right where the apparently true aberration was just a moment before, having moved due to the bard’s spell. 
“Ah, Wilby!” Protests Tommy; when he turns with a grin he can see - as expected - the young warlock staring angrily at him, hands still smouldering as he throws them into the air exasperatedly. 
That is also the last thing he sees before the beast behind him lets out a shrill whimper and lurches forward, its wings wrapping around his body and completely obscuring his vision. 
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akvtsuki-ari · 4 years
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Warnings: dom!spencer, sub!reader, choking, throatfucking, dirty talk, fucking through clothes, humiliation/degradation
Length: 5.4k
Authors Note: idk how to explain the plot of this fic all that well but i hope yall like this! by the way, the two positions Spencer puts you in is the prison guard position and the pole positon, in that order i spent some time on it and i hope yall like it lmfaosjdkh
Plot Summary: You and Spencer could date other people but you both knew that it wouldn’t matter in the end. 
There are few things to consider as a universal truth but some things just are. An example of that is here ;the only difference between fucking and making love were semantics. Most things in life are - semantics being the study of meaning in linguistics . As far as our universe knows, sex is an act born only out of necessity and frustration. The need to have sex to make life or the need to have sex because your body was responding to its urges and desires, aka frustration
Maybe in a lot of ways, your need to frustrate Spencer was innate to your humanity. An urge that speaks from generations past. It’s hard to say for sure why it’s happened but you both know how - it’s what has both of you in the place you are now.
Several months ago you and Spencer started hooking up. Casual sex and late night conversation at best, before life picked up any remaining free time and the both of you returned to back to reality. It was a stress reliever, a good time with no strings attached and no stakes involved. You wanted it that way and so did he - but shit always changes. Even when things aren’t supposed to be so complicated they are - because it’s almost inevitable that someone is going to catch feelings. Someone is going to feel something out for the other person or hell - someone else and things are just bound to get sticky and tangled. That’s the nature of casual endeavors - they’re designed to be ephemeral so when the date passes it all becomes complicated. Scintilla, a spark that passes through cold air and then disappears. That’s what hook-ups are intended for but you and Spencer just never figured out how to follow the rules. Neither of you were good at that.
It’s unclear who broke them first - whether your feelings of jealousy were the catalyst for what becomes of both of you. Was it Spencer for indulging her? Was it Spencer’s fault for whispering sweet nothings in her neck when he knew when you were watching? Or was it yours for retaliating? Too stubborn in your own regard to let him win. Spencer wasn’t really one for mind games of this kind but he couldn’t control himself it seemed like. It’s hard to say who started it - two parties indulging in lust-driven pettiness.
Her name started with an S, but you always managed to forget it. She was pretty, eyes low and so interested in Spencer. Her hands would wrap around his shoulders, resting her head on them when he was looking away. She’d drape herself over him at any chance and Spencer would whisper sweet-nothings to her. Laugh with her and look to you, eyes not full of challenge but faux neutrality. Spencer’s neck would always crane to look at her with surprise but you knew better.
It bothered you for a while, but who were you to be caught in a love triangle? He’s the one who had to live with it, after all - every time he was in-between your legs, he’d know she was never you. Still - you weren’t one to give up so quickly and Spencer was waiting on it. Check in 3 moves, your turn.
Imitation is the biggest form of flattery so when you walked into the function with a man on your hip - he wasn’t surprised. He watched the man who followed you in, the way his eyes were all over you. The way you sat on his lap, giving him all your time and attention - stroking his ego just because. You’d giggle at the shared promises, the feeling of his hands on your back. He was gentlemanly with you, carefully paying attention to you and no one else. He was handsome enough to get approached but he’d show disinterest before returning to you. He was moth to flame, but who was surprised? A woman as beautiful as you could do less to achieve that and you just happened to be so much more.
Every work function of any scale, your plus ones would follow you in as you and Spencer would speak to each-other in careful language. It was subtlety that was key because the two of you were the only people who knew that this was happening. It was behind the scenes a love story born of shadows, if you could call it that at all.
Penelope’s Christmas party was the beginning of the end, really.
“How’s Tyler?,” Spencer’s voice is minimal. You were impressed that he managed a name. He looks at you as you pour a glass of wine and you look back, flashing him a smile.
”He’s good. In the other room talking to Rossi and Tara about cars, I think,” you explain softly, wistfully. Spencer looks at the way you talk about him and a part of him seethes. Always does.
“How’s Sarah?,” you ask warmly. You bite your tongue as you talk but it’s killing you. He looks at you, brows quirked smiling back.
“She’s good. Her and Penelope are talking about cats,” Spencer laughs warmly. You hate the way he sounds about it. You want nothing more than to argue with him.
Speak of the devil, you figure. Sarah walks towards Spencer, immediately wrapping herself around Spencer’s side. She whispers something in Spencer’s ear and he smiles, whispering something back before looking to you, eyes full of challenge. You don’t say anything, smiling back at him before you sit up on the kitchen counter. Spencer watches as your skirt hiked up - the garter around your thigh making him... distracted. You just look at him for a second, looking into his expression before getting irritated.
Tyler walks in soon after and you give him a small smile. Sarah is quick to say hello to him and he returns it with ease. He’s polite, always is.
“You ready to go Y/N,” He asks kindly. You give him a grin, wrapping arms around his neck and drawing him in, burying your face in his neck before nodding. He laughs for a second and looks at you as you lift yourself up.
“Weirdo,” he jokes. You scrunch your expression up at him before looking at Spencer. His jaw is tight - you win.
“We’re gonna hit the hay, y’all, I’ll see you tomorrow though,” you say back. Spencer just nods, awarding you a tight lipped smile.
“See you,” his voice is a distant sound as you walk with Tyler.
But, hook-ups were ephemeral, predestined to be anything but long-lasting and in order for things not to get sticky it was only a week after that you and Tyler broke things off. Tyler was too kind for you to let things get too messy. So you didn’t, and for you that was the end of road. Spencer was well... Spencer, still.
The game was still on, but you had no moves for now. You figured for now you just go and have fun, see what happened.
That would work better than you wanted. The next function was Tara’s birthday. She was disappointed that you and Tyler had ended things but was happy to hear you two were friends. You wish you could explain everything else to her but you figure that it’s obsolete.
Spencer was there with Sarah, eyeing you as the both of them sat in the corner. He watched you carefully, not frustrated just... interested.
He catches the way you look to the people around you - listening intently. Your eyes would flash with challenge while you and Luke played drinking games, truth or dare. He watched the way you talked to Luke, confident and excited. He watched the way you danced and ignored him, and it was getting to him more than he wanted to admit.
There was something in the universe that said this was it. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how to explain it. He knew the moment Sarah said she needed to go home, the moment he walks into the kitchen and sees you swaying to music while you poured yourself a drink. The way you talked to him - mostly sober but tipsy enough to just speak candidly. Spencer was in for it, that much was so goddamn obvious now.
“Where’s Sarah?,” your voice is curious.
“Went home, she has a long day tomorrow. For work,” he clarified. You hum in response.
“That sucks, you must be bored,” you say honestly. Spencer shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says back. You look at him curiously, eyes reading his expression that seems so far out.
“She’s sweet,” you say earnestly. You stand next to him, sipping your drink as you stare out. Spencer looks over at you and nods.
“You’d know something about that,” his voice is low. You’re a little startled, but you just pick yourself up to walk out of the kitchen.
“Too soon,”
Soon the picture was bound to fall together. Sarah and Spencer ended things - on good terms but it didn’t matter. It was just you and Spencer again, stagnant in an impossible place with impossible ends. Months of jealousy and mind games, combined with stubbornness wasn’t going to end in a way that was pretty but maybe that’s what you wanted. Maybe that’s what needed to happen.
Spencer broke first. Months of frustration would do that to a man who fucked you like you were the only woman on earth. It was just a text message, it should’ve been just a text message anyways but how could it be? No such thing as simplicity in this universe the two of you shared, one of jealous reminders and sly comments. All that subtext meant that the build up was that much more impactful.
Spencer: How long has it been?
You: Long enough.
You: Checkmate.
Spencer: Good game, Y/N.
It probably wouldn’t make a lick of sense to anyone else but you and Spencer just knew. You knew what it was - an invitation to come over like you’d done so many times before. It was a recognition that the game was over and it was up to you to reap the benefits of your long-term, maddening and frustrating endeavors.
The drive to Spencer’s house was taking more time than it normally did. You knocked at his door and when you opened it, there Spencer was. He was pretty.
“Come in,” Spencer’s voice was low. The whole environment was thick with an immediate feeling of lust - derived of painfully long and drawn out arguing. It was foreplay in its own right, you suppose.
It was instantaneous. Like the second the door shut behind you, Spencer backed you into a wall - shedding your coat while his hands found themselves underneath your blouse. He hikes your leg up to his side as he looks at you, down into your eyes as his lips and breath ghost over yours. Your breathing is so fast you’re afraid you might pass out. You can’t help yourself whimper. Spencer voice borders visceral.
“You’re gonna drive me fucking insane,” Spencer comments. You hold your eye contact.
“I always was,” you challenge Spencer still. You were determined to piss him off as much as humanly possible because you needed him to own you.
Spencer can’t hold out for another second as his lips press against yours. Open mouthed kisses that are carried over and drawn out, as Spencer’s hands grip your thighs - pushing his hips to yours. He’s so eager to touch you - fuck you over and over again until you’re too tired to speak. Spencer was ready to do things to you that he’d never let himself do before. When his teeth tug at you bottom lip, tongue let reckless along your lips as he kisses you deeper - you know he’s been thinking of you. He’s indulging his own selfish desires by kissing you this way and he knows it. You kiss him back with just as much frustration and anger.
It needs to be everything. It needs to fulfill your needs and desires that have been growing for the last few months and you’ll fuck him till sunrise, sit on his face and disrespect him till he gets it. That he’s yours just as much as your his.
You and Spencer kiss like there’s no oxygen left, but you pull back from Spencer to breathe. Your chest rising and falling as Spencer looks at you - really looks at you. His eyes are full of fire.
“Don’t you wanna talk, Spencer?,” your voice is biting. Spencer rolls his eyes.
“You start,” Spencer comments, picking you up as he buries his face in your neck. You smile for a second as he carries you to his bedroom.
“Was she good?,” it’s your first question of the night, Spencer shrugs as he lays you down. His fingers work to unbutton your blouse, eyes glued to your chest. Lace, it was new but not new enough to be for him. A purposeful move on your part as Spencer’s fingers work their way around your back, unclasping it and letting it fall from your frame. You lift your hands up as Spencer slides it off of you - eyes drinking in the sight of you. He hasn’t seen you on display like this and fuck did he miss it. He doesn’t know where to start so he starts at your neck. Kisses being pressed onto your jaw, you relish the way Spencer’s hands find you. They find themselves at your hips, encouraging them to wrap around his waist which you do without question.
Spencer’s lips are soft, his teeth scrape along patches of skin as you crane your neck up so he can get more room. He draws your skin between his lips, sucking softly before kissing the marks, admiring the broken capillaries underneath your skin for a few seconds before continuing. You almost wanna laugh at how much he adores them and they way they decorate your neck.
“She was good,” Spencer replies to you between actions. You’re a little distracted but you had so much you wanted to know still.
“Better than me?,” your voice is bitter. Spencer laughs, pressing his dick against you, before speaking.
“What if she was?,” Spencer replies back.
“Answer the question,” you demand. Spencer looks up at you as your expression shifts into one much more displaced.
He decided to be honest with you.
“Not better than you,” Spencer responds softly, mouth travel down to your chest. His mouth finds your nipples, his tongue flicking against t back and forth. The wet trail it leaves behind a cold sensation that made you a little dizzy to how easy they came to attention. Spencer’s fingers touch them carefully, brushing against them with rhythm. You moan, shivering at them.
You felt good - but you could feel something missing in the endeavor. Spencer was holding back and you could feel it, slowly reverting back to his old ways by keeping you out of his thoughts and you weren’t going to let that happen again.
“Spencer,” you warn. Spencer’s eyes are glassy, but you sit up to look at Spencer. He sits back on his knees and looks at you as you fix yourself up.
“Don’t do this shit,” you explain carefully. Spencer rubs his face with his hands, not saying anything.
You look at him, your chest bubbling with anger and borderline resentment as he stared at you. His expression is unreadable, as his eyes gaze to your body then flick back up to you.
“For fucksake, Spencer - I’m not doing this. Gimme my shit so I can leave,” you say beyond annoyed. This was one of the problems - that Spencer didn’t have the backbone to just be real with you. Not about how he felt, not about how you made him feel. He always counted on you to force the upper hand but not this time. Semantics required that both of you participate accurately to how you feel and it was always your job. When Spencer sees you move, he holds you back and looks into you. His eyes are dark.
“You’re so fucking aggravating, you know that,” Spencer leans into your neck, his hands on your back as you go to move away from him.
“Clearly not,” you complain. Spencer’s hands come around your neck, both of the around your throat as he forces you to look up at him.
“You wanna know I’m holding back, Y/N,” he says into your ear. You’re too stubborn to choke out a yes.
“Because you’re such a fucking brat and you haven’t earned it,” He speaks into your ears. You can feel his hands grip tightly around the column of your throat.
“Everytime you open your mouth you manage to piss me off. You think it’s cute to be like that, don’t you? ,” His hands release from your neck as you look at him with suprise, trying to hold back your delight. He unzips his pants and pull his cock out.
”Get on your knees,”
“I don’t want to,” you lied between your teeth. You wanted to suck the soul out of Spencer’s body but you needed him to keep this up.
His hands grip your hair and pull tightly. A gasp escapes your mouth as your eyes flutter up to look at him.
“Funny, I don’t remember asking,” Spencer laughs sarcastically, he leans into your ear “Get on your fucking knees,”
You stand up stubbornly and do as your told, keeping your mouth shut as you watch Spencer stand up over you. He’s intimidating like this, his dick clear over your face. He’s huge, which is good and bad.
“Open,” Spencer asks. Your instinct is to open your mouth and stick your tongue out like Spencer had instructed you to do so many times before but you don’t. You look at him dumbly, watch as he hands cup your jaw, tilting your head to look at him.
“It’s only been a few months and you’ve forgotten where you belong so quickly,” Spencer hums. His hands rests on the side of your face as he looks down at you.
“Tyler wasn’t putting you in your place like you deserve to be, no wonder you’ve acted out so much,” he comments, annoyance clear in his voice.
His thumb presses against your lips, forcing your mouth open. You’re quick to oblige after that, your tongue stuck out as you await Spencer.
“Good girl,” The praise is music to your fucking ears. You knew he didn’t want to say, but he meant it and that’s what mattered. You rub your thighs together, as Spencer hits the tip of his cock against tor tongue.
“Before, I would’ve never done this, but you’ve just somehow managed to upset me so much that the prospect of you interrupting my thoughts is so annoying that I just have to make sure I shut you up,” Spencer explains lengthily.
Spencer eases his way to the back of your throat, his hand on the back of your head as he feels his dick hit the back of your throat. Spencer’s bigger than you remember him being, and the idea that he was going to fuck your throat made you sore, voice already disappearing. You just look up at him, through long lashes and Spencer groans.
“Touch yourself and I won’t fuck you for months,” Spencer warns. You damn yourself for wanting to obey him and doing as he says.
Spencer’s hips pullback before he snaps them back to the back of your throat. You choke on and Spencer relishes in the noise. Tears forming at the corners of your eyes as you managed to look up at him. Mascara runs under your eyes as Spencer falls into rhythm, filling your throat with his length at a constant speed. The sounds of you gagging around it filled the room as Spencer’s voice fell to your ears, spit spilling from the corners of your lips. You move your hands to wipe it away and Spencer’s stops you.
“Leave it, you’re prettier like that,”
Jesus Christ.
“You always manage to make me so angry, and I’m honestly kinda impressed by it,” Spencer says softly, groans mixed with his commentary. You hum for him to continue and the sensation makes his leg twitch.
“You’re just so fucking stubborn. If you would’ve told me you were so jealous, I would’ve ended things immediately,” he admits to you.
“Then Tyler came around and I lost my patience,” he explains, fingers brushing your hair out of your face.
“As far as I’m concerned, you’re mine,” Spencer repeats. You feel your heart melt.
“Seeing you with Tyler was lesson enough, so I’m gonna fuck you until every memory you had with him is shit compared to how I fuck you,”
“Every mark on your body, my dick down your throat - stretching you out when I fuck you. I should’ve know this was what you wanted really,” Spencer quips. You groan around him - absolutely turned on by his possession.
“You’re a slut for me, and me only, right love?,” Spencer asks you, pulling his dick out from the brutal session as you look to him with a bordering disgusting amount of adoration.
“Yes, sir,” your voice is hoarse as you look up at him. His eyes look at you with so much love as he smiles down at you.
“You’re so good for me,” Spencer says softly. He kisses you softly and slow and you could cry from how pliabld you felt.
“Sir, I love you,” your voice was fucked beyond belief. Spencer’s heart melts at the combination of title and sub space. He kisses you softly, petting your hair and wiping your chin of spit.
“I love you too, princess,” He says, making sure that you two talk about it later. “You still want it rough, sweetheart?,” he asks checking up on you. You appreciate the sentiment but you shake your head with vigor.
“If you don’t fuck me like a total brat I’m going to be unbelievably upset,” you say, the sad thought sobering you up immediately. He laughs aloud, kissing you again.
“Okay, what’s your safeword?,” Spencer asks.
“Gren for go, yellow for slow down, red for stop,” you repeat obediently. Spencer smiles.
“Get on the bed for me,” Spencer says softly. You oblige fast, holding your legs in the air as Spencer kneels between your legs. Your legs wrap around his shoulders pulling him closer and he chuckles.
Spencer’s rock hard, thinking about the outfit you chose for him. White cotton panties that left a mess all over your thighs and clit. The stain between your legs makes it hard for Spencer to slow down.
Spencer places a kiss on your clit, swollen and untouched, your cry immediately in his ear, your hands gripping his hair as he places kisses all over your clothed pussy, your skirt pushed over your stomach. His fingers hook into your underwear, sliding them down, and letting you maneuver your legs to slide them off. You go to take the skirt off but Spencer stops you.
“Leave it,” He breathes out. You nod, biting your lip as you feels Spencer lips work around your clit. He doesn’t make you wait long, and you’re not sure whether or not you should be grateful or scared for whats to come. 
Spencers mouth is terribly skillfully, his tongue licking a long swipe - collecting arrousal in his mouth before spitting it back onto your clit. You were a goner before this but watching Spencer do something so filthy really pushed you to the edge. You grinded against his mouth but he pushes your hips down. He uses his fingers to spread you, eyeing how wet you are before closing his eyes - tongue placing long flat swipes along it. Your clit pulsates as he buries his face between your legs - tongue placing minmal pressure it as his head bob up and down. Spencer was so good at giving head it was kind of annoying. He’d draw you close to the edge a few times like that, watching as your legs shake before he slows down again -mpaying attention to your thighs and waist everytime he watched you come down from your high. 
“Spencer, please let me cum - please,” 
“Please what?,”
“Please sir,” your voice escapes you as you hear Spencer chuckles looking at you pathetically. He shakes his head. 
“Brats don’t get to cum so soon, you wanna cum - you have to earn it remember?,” Spencer reminds. You whine at the reminder, immediately protesting. 
“I did earn it, I did,” your argument is meaningless but you wanted to cum - needed to cum and if he doesn’t give it to you soon you were going to cry. 
“Aw, is that so? You behaving while I facefucked you means you earned an orgasm huh? That’s news to me, love,” Spencer says sarcastically. You aren’t sure how you could be more turned on but here you were. Spencer could be so biting when he wanted to be and it drove you up the wall. 
“God,” you were infuriatingly turned on. Spencer strips of his shirt and pants, leaving the both of you in similar positions. You lay in wait for further instructions, but catch Spencer admiring you for a second. You hide your face in your hand and Spencer refrains from saying anything. He wants to tell you you’re so cute and that he loves you but he’s still supposed to be being mean to you - so his hands are tied. 
“Stand up,” Spencer instructs. You oblige, stretching a bit as you do. Spencer comes behind you, pressing his dick against your backside as his voice is drawn next to your ear. 
“You wanna cum don’t you?,” Spencer asks. You nod, chewing the inside of your lip. 
“But, I already told you you have to earn didn’t I?,” Spencer repeats, you nod again. 
“Use your words,” Spencer orders. Your voice croaks out. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Then bend over with your hands behind your back and take it for me, will you?,”  Spencer instructs. You do as your told, bending down, placing your hands behind your back. You feel Spencer's hands grip around your wrist - holding you up as he lines himself up at your entrance. It’s a slow, aching burn. Your more wet than you can really fathom being, but Spencer manages to make you feel tight. Every inch of him slowly gnawing you from the inside but it feels so good. It aches so good - you don’t recall the last time you felt this fucking full. Spencer was sunken into you so deeply, it felt like he belonged there. Like every claim about your body is his when he fucks you wasn’t just showy shit-talk but facts, plain and simple. You didn’t really know it could feel that good to get fucked before this and it could’ve been anything that made it so maddening. 
Spencer's hips pound you out. You can’t feel everytime he speeds up, slows down, moves up or draws the gesture out. Your body aches, but the position is so goddamn perfect - hitting your g spot, pressing up against it so forcefully - you feel your legs threaten to give out everytime he hits it. It’s fucking ridiculous - fucking ridiculous how good fucking one person could be but Spencer proved himself every damn time. 
“Wanna fuck you on the bed, love,” Spencer leans down to whisper. You let Spencer rebalance you as you stand up, and Spencer pulls out. You whimper, missing the feeling of him in you, but you soon feel Spencer's arms around you. 
“You’re too pretty to make such filthy noises, my love,” Spencer whispers “But that’s what sluts do, don’t they? Be pretty and filthy all at once,” 
You’re really incoherent. You want to say something that makes sense, argue back and fight with him but your desire to cum so hard you black out is much stronger than any urge you may have had to fight. You don’t know how to do anything but whine, so high-pitched and needy you feel like your voice could crack and disappear. Spencer just laughs. 
He lays down, and awaits you. You managed to get on the bed, facing away from Spencer as you throw your legs on either side of him. He bends his knee, as you turn to straddle his thigh - pressed against your clit. He clenches the muscle and you feel your legs shake. 
“Sir, please tell me I’ve earned it,” are the first words that leave your lips as you begin griding against Spencers thighs, riding his dick to the point your thighs felt like they’d give out at any second. Spencer groans at the feeling of you convulsing, so close to the edge. Spencer just nods. 
“You’re such a good girl for me, of course you can cum for me,” Spencer says lovingly, voice missing any trace of disrespectful strict dom Spencer. Replaced with adoring Spencer in an instant. 
“Fuck, fuck - Spencer, thank you. Oh my god, thank you,” you hold onto Spencer's legs as your orgasm breaks the tension rope that was holding it back. You’re unknotted, the feeling of pleasure clawing at all the aches that appeared all over your body, your skin burning. Your stomach was full of butterflies, all releasing at the same time as your entire body convulsed around Spencer. It was earth-shattering - your body struggling to keep up as you cum the hardest you have in months. It was so fucking good, the type of orgasm that keeps you awake for days at a time.
You breathe out, steady yourself as you slide off of Spencer and get on all fours infront of him. You take his dick into your mouth, sucking on the tip before taking all of it in your mouth. Spencer groans aloud as he finished into your throat, and you swallow without hesitation. Spencer looks at you so adoringly right after, as you crawl onto his chest and lay on him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles at you so brightly, it could blind you. 
“You did so good for me, I’m so proud of you,” Spencer praises. You blush hiding in his chest, looking at him with disgraceful amounts of affection. 
“You ready for aftercare?,”
You nod lazily, before Spencer sits up and whisks you away to the shower. 
You knew that you were in love with Spencer a while ago - but until now you hadn’t realize just how much you missed him. His fingers were massaging shampoo into your hair, the shower lightly pouring on the both of you as you made idle and loving conversation. There was a suprising about of things to catch up on. Spencer kissed your shoulders as he continued on. 
“I liked Sarah, you know,” you say softly. Spencer is confused by your sudden statement. 
“I really did - but at the time I just figured we were just having sex so it made me jealous when I saw you with her. I didn’t know how to tell you so I just let it be but it was killing me,” you confess honestly, wiping your nose as you sniffled. Spencer wrapped his arms around your back and kissed your neck - softly pressing kisses to all the bruises from the moments before. You leaned into him and sighed and he held you for a long while. 
“We were never anything more than casual,” Spencer assures you.  You nod, turning around to face him. Your arms envelope Spencer, holding him close to you with your face carefully in the crook of his neck. 
“I know, but still, sex is just sex and the rest is semantics isn’t it,” 
“Well, yeah. It means something to me when I do this to you. You’re my world, so it means I love you. Maybe it looks the same but it feels so different, it feels right when it’s you,” Spencer says sadly. You look up at him tear eyed and he smiles at you. 
“I love you, Spencer,” you say softly. He hugs you and makes you feel so safe. Even after all the words and glances and difficulties Spencer shows you in bed - he gives you twice that in love without question. He makes you feel whole, even when he was the one who unraveled you. He adores you, so clearly and you adore him too. 
taglist: @cynbx​ @zephyr-studiesjp​ @skrrrrrrrrrrt​ @reid-187​ @louistwinslover​ @nomajdetective​
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rogers-metaphor · 5 years
Lessons in Falling in Love: Chapter Five
Summary: Selene is a student, Joe is a professor. Thing’s don’t always work out the way they do in movies, and things aren’t always what they seem.
Permanent warning/disclaimer:  this will be a story that contains smut, will have cursing, and other themes like these. So, if you’re under the age of 18, please skip this story. Also, everything in this story is completely fictional and not based on real life!!!!!!!! It’s for dramatic and entertainment purposes only.
A/N: There is a huge smut scene in this chapter, you’ve been warned. Also some camping action! I hope yall like it and continue sharing, liking, and asking questions about it! tysm
previous chapters: One, Two, Three , Four, 
my masterlist
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When Selene began to wake she could feel her bed was empty, immediately her eyes shot open. An unpleasant surprise to find Joe gone. She felt a pang of nausea, her head immediately overthinking the whole night before. Maybe if i would have had sex with him, he’d still be here, but also, maybe not. She felt her heart sink into her stomach, and felt as if the acid was eating away at it.
Then, she heard her door open, quiet footsteps approaching her bed. She kept her eyes closed, pretending she was sleeping. It could have been Nova, coming to borrow a makeup product she needed or a shirt. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for that to happen, but then the body slowly climbed into bed. With the smell of peppermint and faint cologne, it was obvious it was Joe. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead, and pulled her into him. Relief washed over her, like a wave. The warmth spreading all over her body, she knew her skin was tinting red. She could feel a tear slipping past her eyelids and she slowly opened her eyes.
Joe looked down at her as she inhaled deeply and exhaled slow. His thumb coming up to gently wipe away the lonely tear dropping down her cheek. “Morning.” he hummed, his lips pressing against her cheek once more. “Did I wake you? Are you alright?” he asked, and she nodded. She didn’t want to pour out completely, her feelings for Joe. She would have felt to vulnerable. So instead she reached her fingers up to graze Joe’s face, and leaned up to kiss his lips.
They spent the rest of the day together, just talking and hanging out. Getting to know each other better. Joe learned her favorite color was green, her favorite flower was a sunflower, her favorite movie was up in the air because she could decide. She had a list, though. She learned that Joe hated the sports teams she loved, he had dreams of directing, and that he didn’t know much about art but he wanted to learn more. And they made plans for a second date, to go to a museum, another hour away. Selene liked Joe, more than she had liked any guy in the past years. It was scary, but she was having fun.
“You won’t be skipping my class this week, I would assume?” he smirked, while at the door. She scrunched her nose.
“I might.” she teased, and earned a playful grab from Joe, his arms wrapping around her waist she sighed.
“Might have to take some points of your grade for that.” he nudges her lightly, with his nose and she giggles.
“Worth it.” she shrugs, and received a soft kiss from Joe, his lips slowly moving against hers. It had been some time since they really kissed, beside for the chaste kisses they shared throughout the day. Her hands running through his hair, she felt herself being pressed against the door. “You should go. We both have an early class.” she mused with a lazy grin. “See you tomorrow.”
Going to class was hard, to keep her distance was hard. Being around him made her happy, and she wanted to reach out for him at every second. Nova had to nudge her a few times out of the trance of watching his lips move. She knew that if she could make it through the week without pouncing on him, she’d be surprised.
Joe did small things for her that made her happy, like leaving a single sunflower on her desk before class or her favorite coffee. He’d bring her dinner to work, and sit with her for hours and walk her home. He’d sit with her while she studied or wrote papers, and he’d be working too. Every night ending with a long kiss. She knew he wanted more, but was enjoying the power to veto him.
By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around Selene  was excited to hold his hand and look at art all day. They moved through the exhibits slowly and took in everything. Joe even became her impromptu photographer snapping some shots of her. They held hands, their fingers intertwining as they went through the time periods of art, pretending to be art connoisseurs. Tilting their heads and bring their fingers up to graze over their chins.
“Joe how do you think Monet would feel about being displayed next to Degas?” Selene asked. Joe chuckled and shook his head. They both laughed before moving onto the next exhibit.
They ended their day with cheesesteak dinners and drove home happy once again. This time Joe invited her over, and she joined him at his place for the first time since the night they met. They put on a movie and cuddled into bed together, and again Selene felt at peace.
“I’ve never been on a real date before.” she says quietly, her mind making her blurt out how she was feeling.
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
“Nope. Not until last week.” she shrugged.
“I wish you would have told me. I would have taken you somewhere better.” he purses his lips. She giggles and playfully slaps him.
“No. It was perfect.” she sighed, her lips moving to meet his. “Next week is labor day weekend… did you have plans?” Her lips are barely away from his, her eyes looking up at his. He smirked leaning in to kiss her again but she pulled away, shaking her head.
“No.” he hums, “No plans.” she lets him kiss her briefly.
“Gwilym’s family owns a campground, and i was going to go as a third wheel… but maybe you could join me? it’s not around here… so we’d be nowhere near campus and-“ he cuts her off with another kiss.
“Sounds fun.” he murmurs, “I’m in.” she smiled against his mouth, her fingertips bringing him in to kiss her lips again. She was filled with excitement.
Selene didn’t break the promise to herself. She cuddled with Joe and fell asleep tangled in his bed sheets and in his arms, but that was it. When she woke up he was gone, but she could hear music playing faintly in the kitchen, almost like the first morning she woke up in his bed. She made her way down the hallway and found him humming along to a Led Zeppelin song, cooking up something on a pan. She carefully ran her hands down his t-shirt covered shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. He chuckled before turning off the stove, turning to greet her.
“Morning… or afternoon.” he chuckled, “I thought you’d sleep all day.”
“Would’ve, if i didn’t hear you making food.” she giggled.
Their sunday was spent the same way as the last, in each other’s company. Laying around in bed, with chaste kisses and a nap. Ordering take out chinese and watching a movie. And talking.
“You’re a virgo.” she states, after he told her his birthday. “It makes sense.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he chuckles, his hands gripping her sides.
“It’s why we get along so well. I’m a capricorn. I always get along with Virgos.” she chuckles. He does too, his fingertips gently trailing their way up her sides sending goosebumps up her body. His lips find their way to hers and he kisses her deeply. His hands coming up to run into her hair. She could feel her heartbeat picking up and her hands making their way up his chest. He pulled her into him, until she was straddled across his lap. She giggled pulling away. “Slow down, cowboy.”
“We just haven’t kissed, kissed.” he sighed. “And i really enjoy kissing you.” he smiles up at her and she sighs.
“But kissing like this… leads to…” he cuts her off, kissing her again.
“And what’s wrong with that?” he chuckles.
“Nothing… I just.” she sighs, “I just want to make you wait.”
“You think I can’t wait?” he asks, his head tilting to the side.
“Maybe you can…” she groans, “I don’t know if I can.” she admits and they both laugh.
“Fine.” he sighs, gently pushing her off him. She gasped at the loss of contact from his grasp. “We can wait.”
“I don’t want to stop kissing you.” she whines. “I just thought…”
“I wanted just sex with you…” Her eyes trailed off somewhere past him, his tone sounded annoyed or maybe upset. “Is this really, what you think this is?” he asked, in place of her thought-filled silence.
“I’m not great at expressing how I feel…” she explains, her heart starting to sink just a little. She couldn’t read him. She was never good at reading how a person felt. She had to have it laid out in front of her, put on display, reminded. Even then, she’d double think it. She sat back, her hand coming up to bite at the skin around her nails. Immediately, he grabbed her hands and took them in his.
“You do that, when you’re nervous?” he asks, “I noticed in my last pop quiz.”
“You could have warned me about that.” she retorted, and he smirked and giggled and shook his head.
“That’s unfair.” he shrugs.
“I know.” she says, leaning in to kiss his lips.
Selene changed the subject. She didn’t answer Joe’s questions. She didn’t think he only wanted sex, but that’s what she was used to when it came to her experiences with men. Sex and some kind of therapy session, then when they were better, they’d move on to a girl they found more suitable for dating. This was her history with men. She could have told Joe all of this, he probably would have understood. Or, he could have taken that as Selene was not suitable to date. She was to afraid of the latter, and changed the subject.
With the rest of the week came her secret thing with Joe. Thing, because Selene didn’t know what else to call it. Were they a couple? She had been on two dates. She had slept with him. They had sleepovers. What constitutes a couple? She was unsure, but she liked to think that’s where they were heading.
She liked her end of the night phone calls with him. Laying in bed, her laptop open but unused because her conversation with Joe was more interesting. She liked when he brought her coffee to class, which was turning into every class, and every morning. He’d walk her home after every shift at the bookstore, and kiss her lips before turning in for the night. She didn’t know what it was,what they were,  but she liked it.
And when Friday afternoon rolled around he was packed and ready to go on a small trip with her and her two best friends. She wrapped her arms around his neck and beamed. She was giddy to start the weekend.
Selene and Nova were impressed by how much Joe and Gwilym got along. The two of them clicked just as fast as Nova and Selene did so many years ago. To the point when they stopped at a gas station Nova and Joe switched seats, and Joe sat up front with Gwilym. Selene loved this, the sense of commeradere as they all sung throwback songs on the radio and laughed like they had no cares in the world.
After two hours they arrived at the campground. The smell of fires burning and people grilling swarmed the air. It wasn’t completely roughing-it. The cabin they arrived at was nice, with two separate rooms. There was a living room area with a couch and a fireplace.  And there was a small indoor kitchen and bathroom with plumbing. It was quaint and perfect for their weekend.
After unpacking the food and their sleeping arrangements they took a walk around the trails, heading down to a lake where people still swam. It was still hot, and children played in the sun of the small beach. There were people out on canoes and kayaks and people playing volleyball. There was a small park with swings and a jungle gym, and some other playground equipment. There was a bridge that lead into a small town with little shops and a drug store. It was beautiful.
Joe reached for Selene’s hand and they walked around and laid in the sun. Gwil cooked food on the grill for dinner and as the sun went down they gathered around a small fire. The discussion jumped around from movies to work to school for the two girls. Graduation eight long months away was all they could think about.
“You wanna go for a walk?” Joe asked at some point and Selene nodded again, he reached out his hands for her and held onto one as they made their way. In the dark, just Joe’s flashlight to guide them. They giggled and laughed, Selene felt as if it blended together like a perfect harmony. She felt her heart race as they got closer, she couldn’t lie, she was a little scared of what was out in the wilderness. She watched to many scary movies to know what happens in situations like these.
Eventually they were in the small park, now quiet from the laughter and screams of children’s joy. They took advantage going on the slides while they could, climbing the sides of the playground equipment. He made her feel like she was young again, when she’d sneak out of the house and run to a park down the road. Eventually, they walked over to the swings and sat side by side.
“Are you having a good time?” she asked.
“I’m having an amazing time. I haven’t been camping in years.” She smiled at that, afraid that maybe he’d regret coming. “Gwilym is great.” he said.
“You two are in a bromance already.” she mused.
“I don’t know, I might have to steal Nova’s man.” he joked and they both burst into laughter.
They swung back and forth trying to get higher than one another. Laughing so hard they were crying. Then they heard rolling thunder in the sky above. The two of them snapping their attention up to the dark sky. The moon disappearing behind heavy clouds. The air was getting more chilly, but she didn’t mind. She moved to sit beside Joe on top of a wooden picnic table.
“It might rain.” Joe said.
“I don’t care, I like the rain.” she shrugged. “The clouds are covering the moon and the stars though.” she pouted. He giggled and pulled her close.
“You know… I’ve been thinking about our conversation last week.” he said.
“Which one? The one where you admitted that ice cream cake is ice cream and not a cake?” He scoffed.
“No!” he nudged her playfully. “About me… About you thinking I just want sex.”
“Joe I-“ you try but he cuts you off.
“I’ve been thinking about it so much, because it’s not true. I like spending time with you, and I like being close to you but I don’t need just sex.” he explains. “I haven’t really connected with anyone, really in years. But I feel that with you…” he stops, his eyes looking around the two of them. She was soaking in his words. “I’m sorry. Is that to much?” he asks, timid.
“No it’s not to much.” she sighs, she felt as if she could fly. Hearing Joe be so open and honest about his feelings made her feel bubbly, her skin beginning to warm up. “I hate that everyone thinks you have to be on a time schedule with everything in life.” He turns into her to listen, even though another rumble is loud and some lighting flashes. Still no rain.
“What do you mean?” he asks, his arm tightening around her. Though it was dark she could tell he was paying attention, she could feel his eyes on her.
“I feel like, if you feel like you love someone, you should let them know. If you feel like you want to have sex with them, if they’re consenting too, why not do it? If you meet someone and a week later you want to get married, why not? Sometimes it doesn’t work out, sure, but when it does it’s magical. You know? I feel like everyone always thinks things need to be done by certain time stamps, and I feel like that’s bull-“ Joe leaned in and kissed her, hard. His hand holding the side of her head his thumb against her temple, as another flash of lighting and thunder went off. She kissed him back, her hands running through his hair as droplets started falling from the sky. Heavy cold droplets that you could hear slapping the ground.
“I like that.” he said, pulling away out of breath. She could feel his heart racing in his chest as her hand rested against it. She smirked and as it began to come down harder she pulled him by his shirt back into her, kissing his lips feverishly. With a loud boom of thunder she jumped back from him, laughing at their luck of being stuck in a storm. “We should get back!” he called over the sound of rain falling and slamming to the ground. It was so loud they could barely hear each other laughing as they walked fast back toward the trail. Joe stopped at one point, pulling her toward him, pressing her up against a tree before sloppily kissing her mouth again. It was heated, and she didn’t care that she was soaked, she pulled him in, and dipped her tongue into his mouth. It was the best kiss she ever received. He groaned into her mouth as he pressed as close to her as he could, her own body yearning for him. It had been a while.
He pulled away, both of them out of breath and hungry for more he grabbed her hand. Once more, the two of them rushing through the rain and mud and thunder that crashed overhead back to the cabin. Now instead of laughing they were serious, and impatient. Needy. Though soaked down to their underwear they grabbed for each other, stumbling through the door trying to get their layers off. Not caring and nearly forgetting that they weren’t alone. The cabin was dark and quiet. Gwil and Nova must have went to bed. The only sound from the air conditioner that made their damp skin feel like ice, and the raging storm outside.
“Shhh.” he hissed, though he giggled trying to get through their bedroom door. Once inside they were both fully undressed already, just cold and damp bodies reaching for one another. Eager and impatient, and trying their hardest to keep it down they fell onto the bed. Joe on top of her, as he continued to kiss her lips, before moving his mouth down her cold wet skin landing at her chest. She let out a quiet moan, as he sunk his teeth into her. Her hands gripping his hair tightly as he moved to a new spot. She knew he’d be marking her up once again, but didn’t care. It felt to good. She hummed again and he chuckled against her skin. “They’re going to hear us!” he whispered, and she giggled.
“I guess we better stop, then.” she mused a mischievous look on her face.
“They’ll be alright, just try and keep it down.” he sighed. “Let’s see if you can.” he raised his brows, his head dipping down below.
“Joe!” she hissed, Then his tongue gently ran the length of her folds, lapping at her clit her hands gripping at his damp hair once again. “Joe.” she moaned out, her own hands slapping over her mouth.
“Hmmm, if you can’t keep quiet we’ll have to try something else.” he hummed, his mouth barely off her sensitive parts. She whimpered.
“No I promise.” she whined, and he smirked before lapping at her again. She squirmed beneath him, trying to keep herself composed. It was rough and she felt like she was going to burst, grinding her hips toward his mouth as he sucked and lapped at her. She grabbed onto the pillow and pushed it over her face, letting a low guttural moan slip out. The pressure building down below. “Joe.” she whimpered, “Just… I need… More.” she tried to keep her voice low but she loudly whimpered and he chuckled. He stopped, and she gasped at the loss of contact.
“That’s it.” he sighed, “Gotta try something different.” he shrugged and she could feel his erection against her thigh and she nodded.
“Guess so.” she breathed heavily, impatiently waiting for him.
“Tell me what you want.” his voice low and demanding, his lips kissing her neck.
“You.” she whispered. He chuckled.
“Be more specific.” he hummed, his finger slowly playing against her center. She whimpered again, raising her hips toward him again, his fingers dipping into her. “Tell me, what you want.” He slides them out of her, and she gasps again at his teasing touches.
“Want you to fuck me.” she says her hands sliding over his bare chest and down his toned arms. She loved his body, and craved more of him.
“Then be a good girl, and stay quiet.” he warns and she nods rapidly. He smirks, sliding his cock between her folds, her coating himself in her arousal. She let out a whimper raising her hips toward him again, and his hand came over her mouth. “Impatient.” he coos, slowly beginning to slide into her. She felt every inch as he pushed her hips down, his fingertips digging into her clammy wet and cold skin. She silently let out a sigh, her head falling back, though her eyes stayed on his. Just a small lamp kept them illuminated in a golden light, and his jaw fell open as he fully sheathed her, letting her take a moment to adjust to him. He thrust in and out slowly, at first his hand staying placed over her mouth, it was hot. She liked the way he held her in place so he can fuck her, deeply and hard. Each thrust left her whimpering for more, and at one point his thumb fell over her lips. She sucked on his thumb and he quietly moaned, his lips finding hers, he whimpered into her mouth.
“Fuck.” she whimpered, loudly, his hand finding its way back over her lips.
“You feel so fucking good.” he growls in her ear, his tone deep and low. It turned her on even more. “You like being fucked like this? With your friends sleeping in the next room.” She nods, his hand still holding over her mouth. “You’re-“ he grunts, his head falling into the crook of her neck. He’s getting faster, more harsh. The sound of the rain still pounding on the roof probably was enough to at least muffle the sounds from the two. It didn’t matter to Selene, she was close. “Dirty girl.” Joe growled through gritted teeth. He pounded into her, now. Deep and rough, like he was desperate, and she was too. Her whole body was lit aflame, from his words to the way he was hitting that perfect spot. He could feel her clenching around him.
“You gonna cum for me?” he whimpers, against her lips again. She nods, “wait.” he demands, and she feels like that’s impossible but she tries.  Her head was spinning. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he let out an exasperated moan, higher than his normal voice. He chuckled and she laughs too. He removes his hand from her lips, his mouth sloppily meeting hers.
“So… much…” she moans, “For being quiet.” she groans, as she shakes. Her breathing rapid and uneven as his is. They both laugh through shaky breathing, but joe’s mouth falls open. His brows knit together his bottom lip quivers.
“Cum with me.” he grunts and she releases around him. Gripping his shoulders tightly as she lets out a low guttural moan. He cums hard, his head burying into her neck as he moans her name into her skin. Pounding out the last bit of cum into her. Then they pause.
“Fuck!” she panics.
“Oh god.” he sighs, quickly pulling out of her.
In the heat of the moment, neither of them remembered protection. She wasn’t on the pill. She felt her body heat up. They both jumped up Joe placing his head in his hands.
“It’s… it’s fine.” she sighs. “We can go into that town and hope the pharmacy has something or borrow Gwil’s car…” her mind raced, but there were options. He looked panicked.
“I’m so sorry.” he said. He looked it. He ran his hand over his face, “I’m so sorry.” he repeats.
“Hey, it’s okay.” she tried to comfort him, “We’re going to fix this tomorrow. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I should have asked you first. I got carried away and-“ she quickly wraps his arms around his neck, her lips slowly kissing his.
“It’s okay… had I been on the pill… that was very hot.” she nudges him with her nose. “I forgot too. It was just so hot.” he snickers out a breathy laugh and she does too. “We’ll fix it tomorrow.” His hands gently run up her thighs, in a comforting way.
“You’re okay?” he asks. His hand gently caressing her cheek.
“I’m good.” she nods. “Very good.” she hums, kissing his lips again. “Now we already messed up tonight, we might as well make the most of it.” he chuckles, before pulling her on top of him.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Chapter 31: Oh Lawd, He Comin’!
What can I say other than life is pretty great! Back to full health, got a boyf, it’s senior year AND life is on track for me. It’s February 6th, day before my birthday but it’s a thursday and I didn’t feel like celebrating other than opening what my parents sent me in my room after school.
-Dinner hour, Hero dorms-
“Guys are we still on for tomorrow?” Kirishima spoke up.
“What’s going on tomorrow?” asked Shinso as he took a bite of food.
“Oh that’s right! You were gone while we planned this” Midoriya perked up “tomorrow is Palma-san’s birthday and we planned a surprise party for her.”
Shinso nearly choked on his food “It is? How come she didn’t tell me?” he coughed a bit “we were hanging out after school today.”
“She says bad things always happen on the day of” Sato recalled “so she celebrates the day before, like last year, she made a really authentic Mexican dinner but with no cake.” He gets giddy “we met her on her birthday, so it’s a special day in itself! I’m making the cake.”
“All of us pitched in to make it extra special” Mina spoke up “we owe her so much for all the help she’s given us, it’s the least we could do.”
“Well now I feel sorta shitty” Shinso sighed “I didn’t get her anything and it’s sorta too late to include myself in the planning.”
“Actually, you can help us bring her up here tomorrow” Todoroki was granted the brain cell, once again “take her somewhere for a bit after school tomorrow and at 6pm bring her here.”
“Wow, Todoroki is on a roll with the ideas” Sero teased.
-After School the next day-
“Hey, I got your text” I trotted up to Shinso at the front of the school “what’s up?”
“A little birdie told me it’s your birthday today” Shinso said as smoothly as possible.
“Tokoyami never keeps his mouth shut” I pouted “guess you caught me.”
“Silly he didn’t tell me” he laughed “I overheard some of the boys last night on what you did last year.”
“Oh hehehe” I blushed out of embarrassment “well, you’d leave without a trace too if you were in my situation.”
“Let’s walk” he grabbed my hand, the gentleness of his fingers going between mine was making my heart race. Half way to the dorms, he stops and turns to me “actually, I have something much more exciting planned” he leans in to whisper in my ear “teleport us to your dorm, I wanna play.” With no hesitation I teleported us to my room, he didn’t give me a moment to breathe before kissing me.
“Hitoshi! So sudden” he puts his hand on my inner thigh “what did you want to play?”
“I want to make out and make you feel good” he runs his hand up and down my inner thigh “it’s your birthday, I need to please my baby” he kisses my neck “won’t you please invite me to play on your bed?” With consent, we climb up to bed and kissed to our hearts content. “Baby~ do you like that?” he rose up from on top of me, leaving me in a panting but satisfied mess.
“I loved it” I squirmed a bit and regained my composure “I just love you.”
 He checks the time, it’s 6:15 “speaking of which, I left something in my dorm for you” he gets up “why don’t you get dressed, meet me at your car and we’ll go somewhere.”
“Won’t you be violating curfew?” I questioned as he picked up his bag to leave.
“Not if we go quickly” he was starting to sweat “just trust me!” 
“Um okay, I’ll be quick then” I say and he bolted off before I could say bye “he’s excited heh.”
Shinso dashes in the hero dorms “Okay so I got her getting ready” he panted “I’m going to walk her in as soon as I finish getting dressed.”
“What did you do? Get in a street fight with her?!” Kaminari exclaimed as he noticed his messed up uniform “you look terrible.”
Shinso didn’t respond, he ran into his room to toss on something believable and run out again. She was at the meeting spot before him. “Oh you beat me!”
“It’s what happens when you have teleport” she paused to see Shinso was panting hard “you good? need some water?”
“No I’m fine! Um, ready to go?” he pat his pocket “ah! I forgot my phone in my bag” he motioned to the dorms “come with me?”
“Sure” they walked up to the hero dorms and took the elevator up. When the doors opened, it was dark, like all the lights were cut. “I have a bad feeling” I stop Shinso from stepping forward “something isn’t right.”
“Oh I BET IT’S NOTHING THAT’S THREATENING” he said as he stepped out quickly “nothing to whip your GUN OUT for.”
“Why are you-” I began to say before the lights came on.
“Please don’t shoot or hate us” whimpered Midoriya. 
“Oh guys!” I started laughing “and here I was, about to throw down in a dress and boots!” I looked around and saw everyone pitched in to do something for me “all this for me? Yall know how I feel about my birthday.”
“Well this year, you don’t have to spend it alone” Iida said, walking up to me “isn’t it a milestone birthday to turn 18 in America?”
“It is! It means I’m a legal adult” I remember all the implications “I can buy porn, cigarettes, move out of my parent’s house, go to jail, get trialed like an adult and can have intimate relations with anybody older than me and it won’t be a crime.”
“All that at 18?” Mineta was shocked “we gotta wait until 20 for half of those.”
“ANYWAYS! Thanks yall” I desperately wanted Mineta to shut up “for making today special for me, I appreciate it.”
“TIME FOR CAKE!” Sato bellowed as he set a cake on the table “sit here so we can sing to you.”
“Oh theres...cake hehehe” I get nervous as all the flashbacks of getting my face decked in the cake since I was 2 years old “it looks so pretty! too pretty to eat!”
“Come on! Just sit so we can sing” egged the girls as they dragged me to the chair. It was no use, Uraraka used her quirk on me and got me in the chair. “Ok, 1, 2- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO...” I sat there with a smile but I was panicking inside but also happy to not be alone on my birthday. “YAY blow out the candles! make a wish!” that snapped me out of my thoughts and I tapped out each candle with my fingers.
“What the?” questioned Jiro in near disgust.
“Oh thanks guys!” I sat up quickly “oh look! The Catptain is calling to me” I step aside to walk toward the cat “better pet him!”
As they were cutting cake, some noticed my odd behavior “Hey, did you notice that Palma-san was uncomfortable? I’ve never seen her so dodgy” whispered Ojiro to Midoriya “wonder what set her off?”
“Hmm, it’s not fire or cake” Midoriya starts to mutter “can’t be singing, maybe being the center of attention? No, she’s used to that” he starts to furrow his brow “maybe it’s the fact that it’s her birthday and she's anticipating something to go wrong.” He served a big slice of cake and turned to where she was “Hey Palma-san, I got you some cake!”
“What flavor is it?” 
“Chocolate and strawberry” he tried to coax her to come closer “come to the table, we got gifts for you.”
“Okay... if you say so” she takes careful steps to the table, looking very tense. She gets the slice and a fork and starts eating “Oh this is divine! Thank you Ri!”
“Aww shucks thanks Palma-san” Sato replied to the compliment.
“You look a bit tense” Tokoyami said as he put his hands on my shoulders and started to massage “whats got you worked up?”
“FINE I’LL ADMIT IT!” I huffed and dropped my shoulders “top reason why I don’t celebrate my birthday is because in my culture, it’s customary to smash the person’s face in the cake, regardless of their age” I exhaled “so every year, since I was old enough to stand up on my own, I’ve had my face suplexed into cake by my sister and older cousins” I shudder “I can feel the frosting clogging my nose and gunking up my eyes, I’ve grown to hate cake on my birthday because of all those unpleasant feelings. And I know my family isn’t here to do that to me and yall won’t either but I’m still triggered.”
“Why is your culture, no offense, so fucked up?” Bakugo said as he stopped his bite of cake “I’d demolish anyone that did that to me!”
“And cake time is over hehehe” Kirishima announced as he quickly set his plate of cake on the table “why don’t we have you sit on the couch for presents? Away from the cake.”
“That’s the best plan you’ve come up to date Ei” I said as I finished my cake “you don’t have to tell me twice!” I jumped on Iida’s back “carry me Tenya, it’s my birthday~”
“I can’t say no that” he chuckled as he put his arms behind him to support my legs “to the couch!” He relished in the brief moment of her on his back with arms wrapped around his neck, they were happy and his feelings grew fonder.
They all gathered to give her gifts, begging to open their’s first. She opened the gift the girls pitched in to get her “Oh shit, it’s a vanity set of the perfume I wanted! Thanks girls!” I open Aoyama’s gift “STOP! How did you know I shop this brand of rhinestone socks?! Thanks.” Next the gamer boys “How the fuck y’all got a hold of the bubble gum pink LoL pullover hoodie?! AND a translucent pink controller?! Thanks, yall spoilin’ me!” Next was a few gift cards from Tokoyami, Midoriya and Todoroki, which were very kind of them to give me all coffee shop ones.
“Here, open ours next!” Kirishima said as he handed me the gift “this ones from the rest of us boys.”
“Hehehe alright” I start to unwrap the paper and lift the top of the blank box to see a note on top of tissue paper “to Palma-san, for all the fun times and music you filled the room with, here’s to many more of those days. From Kirishima, Bakugo, Ojiro, Shoji, Iida and Koda. Y’all too sweet” I said as I parted the tissue paper to unveil a Koa wood ukulele “You shouldn’t have! Are you for real?!” I gasped as I was in near tears.
“It was mostly Iida’s idea but we all pitched in” Koda spoke up “we love hearing your music.”
“Well, give it a play!” Bakugo coaxed “I know you got a perfect song to play.”
“I do actually” I picked up the ukulele and strummed it “ooh and in perfect tune already, this is Hey Soul Sister” I start playing and put everyone in a trance with the song “...the way you move ain’t fair you know...” little to my knowledge, Jiro and Iida were recording me “...I want the world to see you be with me, tonight~ “
“That was amazing!” cheered everyone when I was finished. Even the cat was meowing like he was cheering, it brought joy into my heart that I brought together everyone by just giving them a cookie in first year. To think I cried that year because I felt alone, boy did the universe bless me after that! Everyone started to clean up as curfew was closing in on them, I sat on the couch and didn’t dare move as the cat curled up on my lap.
“Hey come you come into my room for a minute?” whispered Iida behind me, like he didn’t want the others to hear.
“Oh sure, let me just warp these to my room” I whispered back as I teleported my gifts and got up. I follow him to his room and he checks if anyone saw before closing the door “Whats up? Why we whispering?”
“I have my own gift I wanted to give you but” he hands me a small box with an orange bow “I was too embarrassed to give it to you in front of everybody, so here, feliz cumpleanos.”
“Hehe you said that funny” I giggled as I opened the box. As I parted the tissue paper, I saw the small picture frame with two pictures in the slots “Tenya, I-”
“It’s a cinnamon wood picture frame with two of my favorite memories with you” he fixed his glasses “the one of the dance the other when we went to the beach. Well, I like all of our memories but these ones stick out the most.”
“Why?” I questioned as I sniffed the frame to see if it was cinnamon bark.
“Because I had the time of my life at the dance and the after dance party” he cleared his throat “and the beach was the first time I ever went with somebody that wasn’t family, let alone stayed to watch the sunset.” He saw me sniffing the frame and laughed “silly girl, you’re one of the most precious people in my life” he pulled me in for a hug “thank you for being my friend, never change.”
“I’m literally crying Tenya” I sniffled as my tears fell “you’re so sweet, all I did was give you a cookie and you gave me so much more.”
He dried my tears “It was a really good cookie” that made me burst out laughing and he just looked at me at peak joy, ‘this is the moment’ he thought to himself ‘she’s so happy, and a kiss to start more happy days.’ As he drew in closer, there was a knock at his door.
“Iida, have you seen Palma-san?” it was Shinso “I had something to give her.”
“I thought she was on the couch with catptain” he lied so I could make my escape “did you check the bathroom?”
“I’ll check, thanks” Shinso said as he walked toward the end of the hall.
“You better go out there” he sighed in relief “wouldn’t want everyone to assume anything.”
“Right! Thanks again!” I whispered before teleporting to the couch. When Shinso came back out to the commons, he looked confused “oh hey, were you looking for me?”
“Yeah I had a thing to give you” he saw the small box in my hand “who gave you that one?”
“The girls” I lied to cover up my tracks “it was part of the set they gave me” I warped it to my room to derail any further questions on it “so what did you want to show me?”
“It’s in my room” he held out his hand to lead me to the room. Once I entered the room, memories of my time in these dorms flooded back “Okay so to be honest, I was told about your birthday literally the night before at dinner. And not going to lie, I felt like shit because I’m your boyfriend and boyfriends should remember these things and give nice gifts” he blushed “so while it’s not a ukulele or a gaming controller, here’s my gift to you” he handed me a re-purposed shoe box “I’m also not very good at wrapping things all pretty.”
“Naw it’s all good” I assured him as I opened the box, there was a small card with cat stickers on the inside of the lid “To Ita, Sweeter than sugar and stronger than Endeavor- May our love last forever, Hitoshi. Aww you didn’t have to” I lean in to give him a kiss then I pulled the sheet of newspaper covering the rest of the items to see a bunch of little things “Oh it’s a box of my faves! But how did you?”
“I had some help from Tetsu and some of my other general ed buddies to get some of the items on their way to school” he pointed to the glass tubes with rubber stoppers “I rolled those myself, took a while to get them presentable enough. I even labeled them” I looked and they were joints in different wrappers and strain combos “do you like it?”
“I love it!” I hugged him “thank you thank you thank you! You’re so observant and sweet.”
“I’m just trying to be a good boyfriend” he hugged back “you’re very special to me, I feel like we’ve been together for way longer and you just make me feel like a prince that fell in love with a warrior princess” he kissed my neck “didn’t think I’d get this far with you but lets keep it this way, loyal and secret.”
“Oh I see, I also wanna keep this love to ourselves and behind closed doors” I agreed with him “you’ll be my best kept secret.”
Time passes and for months we kept our relationship under wraps. Dates consisted of getting coffee and exploring downtown on Sundays but my favorite bonding time were the nights I’d warp in his room. We were happy to have it this way but it seems like a few people were noticing my odd patterns.
-Week before the Sports Festival-
“...can you believe that they let her do the- Iida-kun? Are you listening?” Midoriya noticed that Iida in deep thought.
“I figured it out” Iida muttered then suddenly stood up “I’m going to ask them at the sports festival!”
“What are you talking about four-eyes?” Bakugo furrowed his brow as he was irritated at everyone’s mumbling in the commons room.
“DONT TELL ME!” Aoyama jumped in his seat as he gasped “you’re proclaiming your love to the princess?!”
“Yes I am Yuga!” Iida responded “since they are going to be there to announce and commentate, I’ll win this festival in her honor.”
“Not to be the wet blanket” Momo spoke up from her spot on the couch “but you’ll need a little more than that, what if you don’t place?” the room fell silent “I’m sorry but she did show us that plans and strategies fall apart if we don’t have backups and I was just factoring in on what ifs.”
“You should give her flowers!” Hagakure gasped “I read in this series of my fave manga that the love interest gives a bouquet of flowers in the girls favorite color and the guy’s favorite color” everyone could tell she was trying to do a hand motion but can’t tell what it is “he gave it to her the morning before the guy’s important match and said that it was a promise that they’ll finally be together the moment he wins” she sighed “the guy lost brutally but the girl was like ‘oh I love you anyways, win or no win’ and they got together.”
“You know what, I will do that” Iida was getting pumped up “I won’t hold back anymore, she’ll know just how much I want to be with her.”
Little do they know that her and Shinso were hand in hand at the local shopping square on their date. 
“You two haven’t spent time together since her surprise party” Sero recalled “isn’t it a bit off that she hasn’t bothered Iida-kun for a party invite or pestering?”
“She’s been too busy lately for parties” Kirishima turned his head to face Sero “everyone wants a piece of her and her squad since they’ve been announced as their program’s Main 5. With herself being a commanding officer!”
“Not to mention that she’s been helping us with our next round of physical exams” Mina slipped in her comment “I hope she’s managing well.”
“I hope I’ll be able to catch her sometime during the festival” Iida says as he searches up local flower shops on his phone “I have some research to do.”
~Day of Sports Festival~
“GOOOOOD AFTERNOON! And welcome to UA 3rd year’s Sports Festival live broadcast for those watching at home, and a very plus ultra to the ones in attendance at the stadium!” announced Ita in their very best energy “This is agent 19, announcing and commentating our competitors.”
“And this is Agent 20 co-commentating” Mimi followed up.
“And Agent 21 at the weather tower with the weather and debris update” Jin spoke into his headset.
“And I’m Agent 40 at the pro-hero’s wing with exclusive interviews and updates!” Hansai announced himself.
“And I’m Agent 27 at ground level with the inside scoop on the food vendors and attendee favorites!” Yuka excitedly spoke into her microphone.
“And without further ado, let’s get the opening ceremony rolling!” Ita kicked off the whole event with their announcement. 
“Wow, she’s doing an amazing job” Asui said as they walked with the class to the stadium wing “are you nervous Iida-kun kero?”
“A bit but I am feeling confident!” he puffed out his chest “let’s do our best everybody!”
The first half of the festival happened and it was all fine and well, then lunch intermission was announced.
“I’m fucking starving” Ita said as they turned off their microphone and swiveled her chair towards Mimi “did Jin order the food?”
“He did” Mimi stretched her back “if you want, you can go pick it up from the stall as Jin finishes his weather update.”
“Yeah I’ll go” she stood up and stretched “I’ll be back.” They teleport near the entrance to the vendor’s area and walked down the hallway, unaware of what was waiting for her near the stairwell.
“Oh she’s there” Iida whispered to himself as he ducked behind the wall, flowers in hand “I can do this, I can do this, just say ‘I’ll win this one for you’ and the rest will follow.” He psyches himself up and as he turned to walk to her, he sees Shinso walking into sight from the other connecting hallway and ducked out of sight again but peeking over.
“Hey Miss Announcer Lady” joked Shinso to get her attention.
“Hitoshi! You startled me!” she jumped a bit and giggled “what are you doing here? go eat lunch!”
“I will, I wanted to indulge a bit” he walked up to her and tilted her chin up for a kiss.
“Stop, what if somebody sees?” she harshly whispered after a quick kiss.
“Please, just one really good kiss babe?” he pleaded “I need some motivation to win this.”
“Fine, one kiss” she put her hands on his face “but then I gotta zoot to pick up food.” She kisses him very intensely, oblivious to Iida hiding and watching everything from his hiding spot. “See you later at my dorm?” She said breathlessly.
“I’ll be there, see you then love.” Shinso said as he walked back the hallway he came from.
As she walked away, Iida was in disbelief “I’m too late? She’s with Shinso now?” he said to himself “how could I lose to him!? I saved her life and nursed her back to health...I DON’T GET IT?!” he slid onto his butt and cried that he didn’t say anything sooner. He tossed the flowers in the trash and didn’t speak to anybody about what he saw. The rest of the festival went without a hitch and Iida didn’t place but neither did Shinso.
-Fast forward, beginning of summer break-
Ita warps in Shinso’s dorm “Hitoshi~” she cooed in an almost sinister tone.
“What’s with the tone?” he chuckled as he kissed her forehead “sounds like you have a cool plan to tell me in that cute little head of yours.”
“I do! And I’m so excited to share it with you!” she hopped as she spoke “sit down, it’s gonna be so crazy you’ll need to sit!”
“Okay okay, I’m sitting” he sits on his desk chair as she kneels on the bed.
“Okay soooo you love me right?”
“Yes, more and more each day.”
“And you’re gonna be displaced for work far from home right?”
“Yes, in Taito City.”
“And you haven’t found housing yet?”
“I haven’t”
“Well, I was just approved for guarded housing! And they allow others to share housing for discounted rent PLUS they allow pets!” she pause a bit “and the best part is that it’s in Sumida City, the city right next to Taito! And I’ll be working in Sumida.” she looks Shinso in the eye “will you move in with me?”
“Am I really allowed?” questioned Shinso.
“Yes, I’ll hand you the paperwork to review” she gets timid “plus, I really like the idea of us living together and maybe adopting a fur baby.”
“Of course I’ll move in with you” he gets up to hold her “I’d love nothing more than to wake up everyday to that sweet face” he kisses her lips “I can’t wait to move in.”
“Same! Sometime in October we’ll get the house tour” she sways as she speaks “and by New Years we’ll be moved in.”
“Quite a ways” Shinso starts to ponder “I guess priority is graduating first huh?”
“Yup!” she stops swaying “but I have confidence that it won’t be an issue for us.”
More time passes and nobody but Iida has an idea that Shinso and Palma are dating, but it’s getting harder and harder to hide it.
-3rd year dance, late October-
“You look so beautiful” sighed Shinso as Palma showed him her final look “like a princess.”
“Wish you’d come babe” she pouted as he held her hands “I wanna slow dance with you and just get lost in those eyes.”
“You know being in those crowds aren’t my thing” he kissed her hands “but go have fun, you deserve it after months of hard work.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you later” she tip-toes up to his ear “maybe I’ll drop in to have you help me out of this dress~”
“Naughty kitty” he blushed “don’t tease me like that.”
“Hehehe I’m not joking” she giggled “later Hitoshi.” She teleported off to the dance, upon entering and getting swarmed by the girls, Iida takes notice and walks over once the crowd around her clears up.
“Hey Ita”
“Oh hey Tenya!” she looked around him “who’d you come with?”
“Nobody, I just felt out of place if I was the only one not going” he looked around her “I thought Shinso was coming with you?”
“Shinso? Nah why?”
“Oh I just thought he was your date since you two have been sort of” he was finding the right word to say “attached at the hip lately.”
“Nah we just got a bit closer but nothing serious” she was trying hard not to give away anything “but anyways, I heard that you’ve been eyeing somebody for a while” I playfully elbow him “we’re friends, I can keep a secret, who is it?!”
He walks them toward the table he was sitting at “Erm, it’s not worth saying anymore” he sighed “they’ve made their choice.”
“Aww don’t say that!” I patted his back “maybe it’s not your time yet, plus we’re still young!” she smiled that genuine, encouraging smile “speaking of young, wanna dance?”
He smiled back “Yes, let’s dance” she grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. The whole time he was smiling and admired her energy, just like how it used to be. And her full attention on him made him feel like there was hope for him. “You know Ita” he said as they were slow dancing “I needed this, I missed this.”
“I missed our quality time too!” she responded “this year really got me busy and I haven’t spent enough time with you.”
“Yea, I think the last time we had quality time was when you were in stasis” he remembered everything he said to her during that time “hey, do you remember anything from your stasis? I talked to you a lot during the time I tended to you.”
“I don’t recall much from that time” she tries to remember “I remember feeling very cozy and bits and pieces of The Secret Garden OH! and somebody stoking my hair while mumbling something.”
“That was me!” his face lit up “I read the rest of that book to you and stroked your hair” a big dumb smile spread across his face “that makes me so happy that I broke through to you in that state.”
“And I’m thankful for that” she looked at his expression and tilted her head a bit “are you sure I can’t pay you back for that time? I know you said no but I want too!” she curled her fingers around his hand to squeeze it slightly “anything at all Tenya, just say the word, and I’ll do it.”
The song stopped and the next song was an upbeat one, giving him a chance to act. He grabbed her by the hand “Come with me outside” he lead her to the side of the venue, where it was away from prying eyes “Okay, you said anything? Even answering a question?”
“Yes anything, ask me Tenya” she was slightly afraid of what and why “what’s on your mind?”
He looms over her “Tell me the truth Ita, Are you and Shinso dating? And for how long now?”
Her blood ran cold and body got clammy, she gulped before speaking “It’s true, Hitoshi and I are dating and have been dating for about 9 months now.” She took a few breaths “but he confessed to me 2 weeks before my labyrinth practice exam and promised to ask me properly when the time was right. We’ve been together ever since and keeping things under wraps since we don’t like all that attention drawn to us.”
It was a bit too dark to see Iida’s face but he had an expression of hurt in his eyes “I ask because I saw you two kissing at the sports festival” he cleared his throat “I just wanted to know since you always tell me what’s going on and seeing that threw me off.” 
“Why did it throw you off?” she asked confused.
“Well, it’s just that Shinso isn’t like Mirio and doesn’t fit a type” he fixed his glasses “I just think that Shinso isn’t your type is all.”
“Not my type? Shinso is definitely my type” she gushed “he’s very thoughtful, kind, respectful and we have so much in common! We even have the same coffee order!”
“Well isn’t that just quaint” he huffed.
“Are you jealous?!” she squinted her eyes at Iida, with her hands on her hips “just because I’m dating him doesn’t mean we aren’t friends anymore! Tenya you’re my chosen family and I want you in my life because you’ve helped me through my worse and lows” she reached out to hold his hand “even if he leaves me or vice versa, you’ll still be by my side, you promised me.”
“I did didn’t I?” he sighed and held their hands together “alright then, but lets spend more time together before graduation!”
“Lets see then” they walk back to the dance “I don’t have any plans from now until graduation, plan something Tenya.”
They spent the rest of the dance talking about plans and times but Iida was still bothered by the fact that Shinso was in fact her boyfriend. He didn’t dare speak about his feelings and start drama. He’s been telling himself that his time will come soon....but when?
-Chapter 31, End-
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ficswithrimi · 7 years
Beginning to End (Part Three: The End)
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Title: Beginning to End
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
Genre: Romance, (eventual) angst
Synopsis: Because every story has a beginning, middle, and end, right? How did you meet the prince? When did you fall for him? What happened during the journey to Altissia? Everyone has their story of their time with the prince but what about you? Takes place before, during, and after the events of FFXV.
Parts: 4/4
Part One Part Two (1/2) Part Two (2/2)
Author’s Note: FINISHED! Finally! I literally spent my entire day just to finish this chapter and I must say, I’m quite satisfied! Hope you all enjoyed this mini-series! Keep a lookout for future stories with our Chocobros! If yall really wanna get emotional, listen to the piano version of Somnus and Luna’s theme on the sad part and Noctis’s theme in piano format on the happy parts. Have fun!
Part Three: The End
             “Happy birthday, Y/N!” Prompto exclaimed loudly as he shoved a cake in front of your bewildered face as Noctis flicked confetti at you at the front door of his apartment. You blinked a couple of times before looking down at the sloppily made cake. “Happy 19th Birthday” was written in messy blue icing that you knew Prompto did. The cake must’ve just left the oven since the icing was melting off it and dripping onto the glass plate it rested on. A number nine candle sat slightly off center in the cake. You immediately covered your mouth with your hand to suppress a giggle.
           “Is this why you guys asked me to rush over here?” You giggled as you took the cake from Prompto.
           “Yes! You only turn 19 once!” Prompto grinned. “Taste the cake! Noctis and I worked really hard on it.”
           “I would ask the Gods for a blessing that you won’t die while consuming the cake first,” Ignis said as he appeared from the living room. “Happy birthday, Ms. Y/N.”
           “Thank you, Iggy, I’m sure my boys made a wonderful cake,” You smiled at the blond and raven-haired boys in front of you. Carefully balancing the cake, you leaned over and kissed both of their cheeks causing their faces to immediately turn a vibrant red.
           “Just make a wish and try it,” Noctis mumbled before flicking more confetti in your face. You snarled slightly at him before closing your eyes.
I wished to be with my friends forever.
           Five years. It’s been five years since you’ve last seen daylight. Five years since you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin and the safety of daylight. Five years since you truly smiled and felt happiness. Five years since you’ve seen him.
           You resided in Lestallum now with your brother and Iris. The boys and you split up after the daylight ceased to exist. They had to find a way to protect the people around Lucis and bring them to Lestallum which currently served as the only safe haven from the daemons. The city was overcrowded with people from Altissia, Insomnia, and various other places where daemons had overtaken. Lestallum’s power plant provided enough light to keep the daemons away but food shortages and medical supplies were short do to the numerous amount of people who called Lestallum home now. It was Iris, Alex, and your duty to go out and hunt and find supplies to bring back to the city. Gladiolus taught Alex and Iris how to wield weapons a couple of years ago, and now they were almost professional with them. You occasionally met up with Prompto when he’d travel to Lestallum to check up on you. He lived in Hammerhead now that was turned into some sort of safe zone along with Gladiolus and Ignis.
           Today was your 25th birthday and you were spending it alone until Prompto arrived later. Iris and Alex were on a hunt together to find more food for the city. You offered to go but they insisted you rest on your birthday. Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked to the balcony of your apartment that overlooked the city. It was a small apartment that you shared with Alex and Iris. You watched over Iris for Gladio while he was in Hammerhead, trying to figure out ways to bring back the sun. Looking up to the night sky, you closed your eyes and let the wind hit your face. Another year has passed. Another year that Noctis was still missing. They say as time goes by, it gets easier, but that’s all a lie. It never gets easier. You just learn to handle it well and hide your emotions. You learn to stop crying yourself to sleep every night. Learn to stop blaming yourself for not going after him. Learn to force a smile around your friends and family so they won’t worry about you. Learn to continue to live day to day – or night to night – like nothing happened. But on the inside, you’re dying. He’s all you think about. Is he alive? Is he safe? Has he forgotten you? Is he happy wherever he is? A numbing feeling surrounds your heart and your head clouds whenever you think of him. Gods, you missed him so much.
           Sometimes, you wondered how could you go on without him? There’s been plenty of times you’ve contemplated just leaving everything behind and letting the daemons take over you. But… you knew he wouldn’t want you to do that. Besides, who’d look after your brother? He was the only family you had left. He’d be a wreck if he lost you, too. It was selfish thoughts, really, but you couldn’t help but have them every now and then. And tonight was one of those nights. On your 25th birthday. When you imagined your 25th birthday, you imagined a get together with your parents, brother, and best friends. Noctis and Prompto would probably make you a horrible cake again like they did when you were 19 because they thought you loved the bland tasting cake. Your mom would probably hint to Noctis multiple times to propose to you already and the poor guy would just end up being flustered the entire night until your dad came to his rescue. You’d laugh as you pulled the King of Lucis away from the crowd of people and to a place where you knew no one would disturb you. He’d wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer into him, whispering you a happy birthday as he placed multiple light kisses on your neck as you tried to restrain a giggle from the ticklish feeling it sent down your spine. He’d notice you stifling in your laugh before asking what and you’d burst out in laughter at the confused king’s face. As his face turned red with embarrassment, you’d tell him it was nothing and gently stand on your tiptoes to place your lips onto his.
           “Y/N?” Prompto’s voice snapped you out of your trance. You turned around to see him standing in the doorway to the balcony, holding a small cupcake in his hand. “Are you okay?”
           You just sadly smiled at him. “I’m fine. Is that for me?”
           “Ah yeah! Happy 25th birthday!” He walked closer to you to hand you the cupcake. You took it from his hands and looked down at it. It was a chocolate cupcake with strawberry icing.
           “Thank you,” You said.
           “Ah, I have one more thing,” Prompto said as he fished through his jean pockets to reveal a folded piece of a paper. “It’s not a nice gift and I don’t know if you’ll like it… but I hope you will.”
           You took the folded paper that turned out to be a picture from his hands. Slowly opened it, you let out a small gasp at it. It was a picture when you were 18 at your high school graduation party. The picture was a shot of Noctis and you. It was the moment when he caught your hand just as you were about to brush his messy raven-colored hair from his sapphire eyes. Prompto captured the moment perfectly as you could read the facial expressions of you both in the picture. A deep blush colored your cheeks as you shyly looked in the then prince’s eyes and he stared back with his mouth slightly agape. His ears were tinted red. You felt tears build up in your eyes as you looked up at Prompto who was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
           “I didn’t wanna make you cry-“ You cut him off as you sat the cake down and embraced him while holding the picture tightly.
           “Thank you…” Was all you whispered into his shirt before feeling his muscled arms wrap around you.
           “No problem…”
           “I’m in Hammerhead, where the hell are you?” You asked into your phone as your 22-year-old brother bombarded you with questions as to why you weren’t in Lestallum and why didn’t you tell him sooner you were going to Hammerhead. You were a 30-year-old woman getting scolded by your overprotective little brother. At what age did the tables turn?
           “Alex, chill out, I’m with the guys waiting on Talcott. He went out to gather some things for us. I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” You hung up from your brother and stretched your arms out. You had arrived in Hammerhead earlier and the long car ride was uncomfortable do to you having to stop almost every five minutes to clear the roadways from daemons. To say you were tired was an understatement but you promised yourself to stay up and see Talcott return. He hasn’t seen you in years do to you living in Lestallum and him barely traveling there anymore.
           “You look so tired, why don’t you sleep?” Prompto asked you as you sat on the steps of the diner. You just shook your head.
           “I want to see Talcott when he arrives,” You smiled at the blond. Letting out a sigh, Prompto plopped down beside you on the step.
           “You had a long journey from Lestallum. I don’t want you passing out from being sleep deprived.”
           “Prompty, you’re starting to sound like Alex with all this scolding,” You tried to frown at him but it was overtaken by a yawn.
           Prompto let out a heavy sigh. “Look, I’m worried about you. Alex told me you haven’t been sleeping lately for some reason. That’s not normal for you…”
           You let your head fall slightly at his words. It was true. For the last couple of days, you haven’t been able to get to sleep. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to sleep – you desperately wanted to – but you just had this unnerving feeling that if you did sleep, you’d miss something important. So, to prevent yourself from sleeping, you’d walk the streets of Lestallum late at night or even go on hunts without your brother or Iris’s knowledge. You knew if they found out, they’d lock you in the house and follow you around everywhere when you left it. That’s how you ended up in Hammerhead. Something told you to go there so you listened to it. Alex, of course, was upset at your abrupt departure, but he’d be okay. It was only for a day, after all.
           Letting out another yawn, you let your head fall onto Prompto’s shoulder. “Okay, you’re right, maybe a small nap.”
           “Please don’t let Cindy see this,” Prompto said as he repositioned himself to lift you up to carry you to the trailer that the boys and you used to camp in when on journeys back in the day. You laughed slightly as you felt yourself being lifted and let the sleep takeover you. You could’ve walked yourself but, hey, if Prompto was offering to carry you, who were you to object? Especially since you were so tired.
           You awoke several hours later when a light shone through the closed blinds of the trailer’s bedroom. Slightly disoriented, you immediately sat up thinking it was the sun finally rising. That thought quickly left you, however, after the light began to fade. It was just the headlights of someone’s car.
           Someone’s car? Talcott was here.
           You jumped out of bed and brushed your hair down to tame it somewhat. Slipping on your shoes, you hurriedly ran to the front door. Why were you so excited about seeing Talcott? You mean, he was honestly like another little brother to you, especially after seeing him lose his only family member – his grandfather. He looked to you as an older sister. You comforted him after his grandfather’s death and even bought him special treats around Lucis to bring to him. Alex was secretly jealous of the affection you showed Talcott, but he played it off by saying he didn’t need childish things to make him happy. They were the best of friends now, however.
           You opened the door and shifted your eyes over to Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto as they approached the truck slowly. The truck obscured your vision to see who they were talking to but Prompto looked on the verge of tears. You felt your heart drop to your stomach. What was wrong? Prompto rarely cried. Why was he upset? Is Talcott okay? He had to be, his truck was here. Besides, Gladio and Ignis had smiles on their face. Who else was here?
           Carefully, you stepped away from the trailer and approached the boys.
           “It’s you! It’s really you!” You heard Prompto say.
           You stood on the other side of the truck as you peeped over it. Immediately, you felt your knees almost give out. You had to hold onto the truck for support as you stared at the person who your friends surrounded. There he was. The raven-haired boy – now man – you had fallen in love with so many years ago. He was slightly taller and his features had matured. From the distance, you could see a small beard had grown and his once unruly hair was now slightly tamed. Holding onto the truck to help keep your balance, you walked around the truck to reveal yourself to the man. Your eyes widened as he glanced over from the boys and to you. Letting go of the truck, you walked over to the man who just stood frozen in place. Prompto and the others backed away slightly to give you guys room. As you approached him, you reached your hand out to caress his cheek to see if he was real. His breath hitched from your touch as you trailed your fingers down his face then back to his hair. Carefully, you reached to brush his hair behind his ear but his hand immediately caught your wrist, preventing you from completing the act. You let out a gasp and your knees finally gave out, causing you to fall to the ground and bringing him with you.
           “Noctis!” You cried out as you broke your wrist free from his grip and threw yourself onto him, causing him to stumble back slightly before regaining his balance. He quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him as you bawled into his shoulder. It was Noctis. It was really your Noctis. He was here. Alive and well. At least you hoped he was well. He was alive though, and you were in his arms once again. Something you thought you’d never experience again. Something you refused to share with someone else. He just held onto you, gently smoothing your hair down to calm you, as you cried.
           “I’m sorry,” He apologized as he tried to soothe you. You pulled yourself away from him and stared into his sapphire eyes. Feeling a mixture of sadness and anger boiling in you, you began to hit him with your fist in his chest as tears poured out.
           “How.” Hit. “Could.” Hit. “You.” Hit. “Leave.” Hit. “Me?”
           With the final hit, you let your arm slid down his chest. He took every hit you gave him with a flinch and just pulled you back to him.
           “I’m sorry…” Was all he said as you gripped onto him. You didn’t want to let go in fear of this being all a dream and him disappearing again. Ten years. For ten years, you’ve been broken on the inside with only one way to fix it. Now, that person was here and you’d be damned if you let him go again.
           “Noct isn’t eating his vegetables again,” A 16-year-old you smirked at the prince as you sat across from him at the dining table in his apartment. He responded to your snitching by kicking you under the table – at least he thought it was you
           “Ow, why’d you do that for?!” Prompto exclaimed as he dropped his fork to attend to his now aching shin.
           “Prince Noctis,” Ignis frowned as he looked from his own dinner plate to glare at the prince. “No dessert if you do not finish your broccoli.”
           You just grinned devilishly as you stuffed a piece of the green vegetable in your mouth. Prompto was still rubbing his shin as Noctis glared at you.
           “C’mon Specs, give me a break!” Noctis groaned as he pushed the plate that only had broccoli left on it away from him. Being the asshole you were, you slid it back to him just to irritate the prince even more.
           “No broccoli means no dessert. You know the rules.”
           “You’re not even that much older than me, why must you order me around?” Noctis complained. Ignis stood up from his seat to gather your and Prompto’s empty plates.
           “As your adviser, I must make sure you are well,” Was all he said.
           “I ate all of my vegetables, do I get dessert, Iggy?” You smiled innocently at the 18-year-old adviser. He just nodded at you. You turned your attention back to Noctis, the grin reappearing on your face. He just deeply frowned at you.
           “Uh… I’m not in this,” Prompto said as he quickly got up from the table to assist Ignis.
           “Why are we friends?” Noctis snarled at you.
           “You secretly love me,” You shrugged as you reached over for the prince’s plate. “And because I know for a fact you love me, I’ll be the nicest best friend ever and help you out.”
           Noctis arched a brow at you as you glanced over at Ignis and Prompto in the kitchen to make sure they didn’t see what you were about to do. Well, you could care less if Prompto saw. It was Ignis you had to keep a lookout for. Quickly, you stuffed down the prince’s vegetables and pushed the now cleared plate back in front of him. You swallowed quickly as Ignis turned around to see if Noctis finished his vegetables.
           “Good job, Your Highness, it looks like you’ll get dessert after all,” Ignis smirked as he pushed up his glasses.
           Noctis nodded slightly at him before turning his attention back to you who was now talking to Prompto from across the room about a game of Mario Kart. You brushed some of your hair from your face to behind your ear as you nodded your head to agree to something Prompto said. Feeling someone staring at you, you turned back to face Noctis who’s cheeks turned red from getting caught staring.
           “What are you looking at, weirdo?” You frowned as you reached over to brush his hair out of his eyes. He just responded by swatting your hand away, causing you to laugh.
I didn’t know the time I had with my king was limited…
Everyone sat around the campfire quietly as you ate the meal Ignis prepared for everyone. You sat beside Noctis, refusing to leave his side. Your one day stay in Lestallum ended up being a week as you learned you had to complete one last mission with your best friends, perhaps, the most important mission of all – restoring the daylight. Your eyes shifted to your boyfriend’s plate as he used his fork to circle his vegetables around. Even at 30-years-old, he still hated vegetables. You nudged him in his arm and he quickly looked over to you. You nodded your head towards his plate of vegetables and he just shook his head at you.
“Noctis, I do hope you plan on eating your vegetables for once,” Ignis said. Even though he was blind, he knew the King all too well. As he said this, you quietly took the plate from Noctis’s hands. Gladio and Prompto just shook their heads at you two. “And Ms. Y/N, I hope you do not plan on eating his vegetables for him.”
“Damn, you’re good,” You sighed as you handed the plate back to Noctis. “Sorry, babe, you’re out of luck tonight.”
The silence returned after the commotion and you couldn’t help but feel something was off. The four boys had a solemn look on their faces and you felt as if they all knew something you were unaware of.
“So I…” Noctis spoke to break the awkward silence that had arisen. He didn’t say much after, leaving everyone anticipating what he was going to say next.
“Out with it,” Gladio spoke up. You watched as Noctis balled his fist and whisper about wondering why saying what he had to say was so difficult for him to do.
“So I…” Noctis looked up at you all. “I’ve made my peace. Still, knowing this is it and seeing you here now…”
You looked at the other boys as he said this. What was he talking about? Prompto dropped his head as you saw a tear fall from his eye. Gladio and Ignis looked quite uncomfortable with the conversation. You wanted to ask what everyone was depressed about but you’d figure you’d ask later. The tension in the air was too thick for you to ask questions right now.
“It’s… more than I can take.” You looked over to Noctis who now had a tear stroll down his cheek. Something was wrong. They weren’t telling you something. You had a gut feeling that you wouldn’t like to know what was going on, either. He dropped his head and you instinctively placed a hand over his. He responded by undoing his fist and holding onto your hand tightly.
“Yeah…” You heard Prompto say. You looked over to him but was distracted when you saw Gladio shed a tear. Gladio almost never cried. “You’re damn right it is…”
“Huh, you spit it out…” Gladio said as he looked up into the night sky.
Ignis let out a heavy sigh. “It’s good to hear…”
“Y/N…” Noctis suddenly said, turning his attention to you. Tears hovered in his eyes and you felt butterflies in your stomach. Not the butterflies you felt when he kissed you or when he told you he loved you – but the butterflies you felt when something was terribly wrong. “Can we talk… alone?”
You nodded your head slowly as you both rose from the chair and walked away from the group, your hand never leaving his.
           “What’s going on?” You looked between Prompto and Noctis as they gave you a saddened look. Why were you always the one who found out last about things that were going on? Then again, did you want to know? Whatever it was obviously wasn’t a good thing since both boys’ usual happy disposition were completely gone.
           “It’s your news to tell, Noct,” Prompto said as he looked down at the floor.
           Noctis let out a sigh before running a hand through his hair. He looked up at you and held his hand out for you to take. You eyed it carefully before hesitantly taking the hand of the 20-year old prince. He walked you over to a bench that no one was near in the park where you guys were. As he walked you, you noticed his hand never left yours which made your heart beat a thousand times faster, still, it felt something was off. He carefully sat you down on the bench.
           “Um… is everything okay?”
           “It depends on how you look at the situation…” Noctis sighed. He unconsciously fiddled with your hand. You took notice of it but didn’t say anything. It didn’t mean anything. Something was just really bothering the prince.
           “What is it?” You asked.
           “Well… uh… I’m… getting married,” At his words you immediately snatched your hand away from his and stood up.
           “Getting married?!” You asked with a bewildered face. He just nodded his head.
           “What? When? How? To who?!” You asked as you paced back and forth in front of the boy who hung his head. You felt sick to your stomach. You knew you never had a chance with a future king, but still, hearing he’s getting married so soon broke your heart. It was torture.
           “Next month… to Luna…”
           Luna… just hearing him refer to her by her nickname angered you but you only wanted to cry. Lunafreya, the woman he’s been friends with since his childhood. You knew he loved her, yet, here he was depressed over the situation. Not wanting to show your true feelings for the prince, you stopped in front of him as he looked up at you.
           “Why aren’t you happy about this? It’s Lady Lunafreya! Aren’t you guys’ secret lovers or something?” You tried to joke with him. He didn’t respond to the joke.
           “I feel like I’m being forced to marry her…”
           “I mean…” You sighed as you took a seat beside him. “It could be worse… it could’ve been me.”
           Again, you didn’t get a response and just heard him let out a heavy sigh. He seriously didn’t want to marry the oracle. You tuned him out as you let your own thoughts overtake you. The love of your life was getting married. You would have to see him rule the kingdom with another woman. You never pictured Noctis getting married or ruling with a partner by his side, but, he was a king to be and expected to produce an heir. It was bound to happen. It was just you didn’t expect it to happen so soon at the age of 20. While in your thoughts, you didn’t hear Noctis mumble under his breath:
           “I’d rather it be you…”
           Noctis led you some ways away from the campsite but not too far away that the daemons could get you. He stood in front of you, his hand fiddling with yours. Something was definitely wrong.
           “What’s going on, Noctis? What was all that back there?” You asked. The butterflies in your stomach intensified as he looked up at you with tear-filled eyes. Your heart shattered at the sight.
           “Y/N, my love, my queen…” He said as he used his free hand to caress your face. You didn’t respond to the touch as you knew whatever he would say next could possibly break you. “Do you miss the sunlight?”
           The question took you off guard as you blinked at him. “I mean, yeah… of course I do…”
           He let out a heavy sigh as he let his hand fall from your face and the other let go of your hand. “I wanted to give you the world. I wanted to make you happy, to see your smiling face every day and hear your beautiful laugh. I wanted to eventually marry you and officially make you the Queen of Lucis. I wanted to start a family with you and raise our kids together – to grow old together…”
           You gently took both his hands in yours. “We can still do that, Noct.”
           “Unfortunately…” A tear fell. “That’d be quite selfish of me to do all of that…”
           “What do you mean?” You asked as he removed his hands from your grasp.
           “I have to bring back the daylight… I have to fulfill my duty as the chosen king…”
           “Of course, that’s why we’re going to defeat Ardyn. How does that stop us from spending out future together?” You asked.
           Another sigh escaped his lips. “I… I have to die to restore order to the world…”
           A ringing noise immediately filled your ears as you stared at him. He avoided looking into your eyes. Die? He had to die? Why?
           “D-die?” You stuttered. “W-why? Why do you have to die?”
           “It’s the Chosen King’s calling…”
           “No…” Tears began to pour from your eyes as you grabbed his hand. “You don’t have to die! There has to be a way around this!”
           Noctis sadly shook his head as he tightened the grip on your hand. “I’m afraid there’s not.”
           “There has to be,” You snatched your hand back from him. “You’re not going to die. You’re not going to leave me again! I would rather live in darkness for the rest of my life than lose you again!”
           “That’s selfish thoughts. As king… I cannot allow my people to continue to suffer…”
           “Be selfish! For once! Please,” You begged as you got on your knees. “Your highness… please…”
           Noctis finally let his tears flow freely as he fell to his knees, too, and held you. “I’m sorry…”
           You cried into his chest as he held you tightly, tears also streaming down his face.
           Every day I relive that day…
           “Shit shit shit,” You said as you tried to run from the God, Ifrit, who was throwing fireballs in your direction. Cartwheeling out of the way and trying to avoid his attacks, you didn’t notice the God preparing a fireball that, if hit, would kill you instantly. Your eyes widened as you saw him hurl it directly in your direction. You had pissed the God off when you shot him with a bullet covered in ice. It extinguished his fire temporarily and suddenly you were his next target besides the other boys. As the ball of fire came soaring towards you, you didn’t notice a hand wrap around your waist and suddenly you felt disconnected from your body only to feel like you were floating in midair seconds later.
           You looked over to Noctis who held onto you tightly, hanging on to his sword with his other hand. Looking down, you noticed he warped you to the top of the Citadel. Instantly, you felt panic set into you.
           “Are you okay?”
           “Holy shit, we’re so high up,” You said more to yourself than him as you gripped onto him.
           “Hey, hey, what did I say ten years ago when we were in this same position?”
           “We’re going to fucking die,” You said as you stared at the ground below you. Ifrit looked like an ant from the distance. Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio were practically nonexistent. Your eyes widened as you saw Ifrit preparing another fireball and seemingly aiming it towards you.
           “We’re fucking dead!” You screamed as Ifrit released the ball in your direction.
           “Trust me,” Was all Noctis said. Suddenly you were freefalling downwards towards the graveled driveway where Ifrit and the others were. You screamed as you fell towards your impending death. A bright light went off above you but you were too focused on falling to see what it was. Right before you felt the impact of the ground, you felt yourself be warped safely to the ground, only stumbling slightly from the impact.
           “I told you I’d never let you fall,” Noctis said as he warped towards Ifrit. Slightly dazed and scarred from the near-death experience, you wobbled slightly as you summoned your guns again.
           “Get yourself together, kid,” Gladio yelled as he ran past you to assist the others in defeating Ifrit. Shaking your head to bring you back to your senses, you followed behind Gladio to the God.
           The five of you stood outside the door that led to the throne room. You inhaled a shaky breath as Noctis and the others stared at the door. Who knows what would beyond the door. Would Ardyn be ready to attack immediately or would he even be in there? What if this was another setup?
           “Well, shall we, Noct?” Ignis asked.
           “Uh… yeah, hang on a sec,” Noctis said as he turned around to face the group. “Prompto, can I see your photos?”
           Taken aback from the sudden question, Prompto nodded his head as he took out all the pictures he took while on your journey.
           “I just need one… to take with me…” As he said this you turned around and bit your lip to stop the tears from falling. You had promised yourself on the ride to Insomnia that you wouldn’t cry again. You wouldn’t let Noctis see you cry. Gladio glanced over at you struggling to hold back your tears and pulled you behind him.
           “If you’re going to cry, do so quickly and quietly. I’ll shield you from him…”
           “I’m fine…” You gulped to swallow down the emotions that threatened to pour out of you.
           “That’s the one? No backsies?” Prompto asked as Noctis smiled gently at the picture.
           “Alright, then shall we?” Ignis asked again. Gladio glanced back at you to see if you were okay. You nodded your head at him as you stepped from behind him.
           “Y/N?” Noctis looked back at you.
           “Y-yes?” You stuttered.
           “Walk beside me. A king can’t enter his throne room without his queen beside him, right?” He asked. You blushed slightly as you hastily walked over beside him. He nodded at you and stood up tall, just as a king would. Clearing your throat, you also stood up tall and shot a side glance at Noctis. He smiled slightly at you before pushing the doors open to the throne room, you two walking in side by side. The smiles on your faces instantly fell at the sight of Ardyn upon the throne and the dead bodies that hung from the ceiling.
           “W-what is that?” Prompto said in shock.
           “Mom!” You looked at the decaying body of your mother as she hung beside Lunafreya. She wore her hospital uniform which consisted of black slacks, a purple knit top, and her doctor’s coat over it. The white coat was covered in dried blood in the spots that she was shot in. Her left arm, the right of her chest, and the one that got to you the most, the one beside her head- dried blood covering her pale face
           “Ah, I hope you liked my surprise, dearest Y/N. I just couldn’t seem to let go of that incident between us back in Altissia. So, I thought, hey, why not?” Ardyn laughed at your face. You shook violently at the sight of your mom and it took every inch of you not to run and put an end to Ardyn yourself, but, you knew you couldn’t. It was Noctis’s duty to destroy him. You felt Noctis place a hand on your shoulder to push you back slightly as he stepped forward. Prompto quickly came to your side and pulled you into him.
           “As for you, Noctis, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. The throne only seats one,” Ardyn chuckled as he sat further back in the red cushioned chair.
           “Off my chair, jester, the king sits there,” Noctis responded to the man.
           “How long I’ve waited for this. Tonight, the royals’ blood comes to an end,” Ardyn smiled mischievously as he sat his foot on the throne.
           “Ardyn sits the throne?” Ignis asked.
           “Not for long. This is my ascension.”
           You watched in fear as Ardyn summoned a purple ball and threw it at you guys. It quickly engulfed your neck and you felt all breath leave your body. You desperately scratched your neck to get whatever had a grip on it off but it was no use. Noctis ran over to you as you collapsed to ground. You couldn’t move or open your eyes but you could still hear what was going on between Ardyn and Noctis.
           “What the hell did you do?!” Noctis screamed to Ardyn as he attempted to sit you up – wake you up. You were like deadweight in his arms.
           “They have no place in this, the battle of kings!” Ardyn replied. “Come, Noctis!”
           Noctis glanced at you one more time before placing a kiss to your temple and setting you down gently on the floor. Clenching his teeth, he made his way towards Ardyn for one final battle.
           “So… this is farewell?” Ignis said as you four watch Noctis stand in front of the steps to the Citadel. You stared at Noctis with tears streaming down your face as he avoided looking at you.    
           “No turning back now…” Prompto said as he sucked in a breath to prevent him from crying. Noctis only nodded at him before turning around to begin his ascend up the stairs. Shaking your head, you immediately dashed towards the king and crashed into his back, your arms circling his waist. He stumbled forward a bit before stopping in his tracks.
           “Please don’t go, Noctis. Please. Please, I love you, please, don’t leave me again. You can’t die!” You cried into his back. The rain that poured down could only be heard mixed in with your sobs. Ten years separated from him just to lose him again. For good.
           “Y/N…” He grabbed your arms to loosen them as he turned around so you were hugging the front of him. He lifted your face with his hands and searched through your eyes. All he could see was heartache, pain, and a desperateness that begged him not to go. He wiped your tears away from your eyes and leaned down to kiss you. You immediately closed your eyes, wanting the moment to last forever but it ended within seconds as he broke apart from you. He removed your arms from him but you gripped onto him tighter.
           “Y/N… please…” Noctis said, his voice finally cracking. He was going to cry at any second if you didn’t let go.
           “I can’t leave you. You can’t leave me. I promised… so many people… I promised to stay with you forever. To look after you. To love you…” You cried out as you held him. Noctis let out a shaky breath as he turned to the guys for help. Gladio nodded his head as he walked towards you two and tapped your arm. “I’m not letting him go!”
           “C’mon,” Gladio said as he forcefully but gently removed you from Noctis. You let out an ear-piercing scream as he tore you away from Noctis. You kicked hard to try to get him to let go of you but Gladio was too strong.
           “Prompto… Gladio… Ignis, I leave it to you…” Noctis said. You sobbed and shook violently as Gladio held onto you. The strength to fight him left your body and all you could do was watch Noctis say his farewell.
           “Y/N…” He said your name in a strict voice that caused you to snap your head up to him. “You fulfilled your duty my father bestowed upon you so long ago. You’ve looked after me well. Please don’t worry anymore, my love.”
           “I trust in you guys to take care of her,” Noctis nodded his head to the boys.
           “Of course, she’s my best friend,” Prompto said as he looked over to you.
           “This is my last request as the final king…” Noctis said as he stood up tall. “Walk tall… my friends.”
           With that he turned around as finished going up the stairs. You yelled his name repeatedly as you tried to escape Gladio’s grasp. Ignis suddenly turned around as he sensed trouble behind him.
           “Y/N, come to your senses. We must defend Noctis until it’s time.” Prompto said as he summoned his guns and turned to prepare to battle the daemons that appeared behind you guys. Gladio sat you down as he summoned his sword. Hesitantly, you took one finally glance at Noctis before turning around to face the daemons. You looked down at the guns in your hands and contemplated taking your life then and there. Noctis would be gone and without him around, you’d never experience happiness again. But maybe a miracle would happen. Maybe the Gods and the past kings of Lucis will let him off and let him live. How could they condone the death of their descendent? How could King Regis condone the death of his son? Having this mindset, you wiped the tears that fell from your face with the back of your wet sleeve and glanced up at the daemons.
           “Let’s do this…” You whispered as you immediately leaped into action against the daemons.
           A bright light illuminated from the Citadel as you and the guys finished off the last of the daemons. It blinded you as you tried quickly to cover your eyes. After confirming it was safe to uncover your eyes, you gasped at the sight above you. Sunrise. The sun was rising. Pink and orange hues began to fill the sky as the rain stopped and the sun began to rise beyond the walls of Insomnia. You heard the screams of the dying daemons from around as the light burned them alive. It was over. The starscourge was over. He did it. He saved the world.
           Immediately dropping your guns, you ran in the direction towards the Citadel, the boys screaming for you to come back and running after you. However, you were far too ahead of them as you reached the doors and quickly boarded the elevator. Noctis had to still be alive. He wasn’t dead. He was alive. He would be sitting in the throne that finally belonged to him and he’d smirk at you as you threw open the doors.
           “Y/N wait!” Prompto said as he was the closest to reaching the elevator. He was able to get in with you just before the doors closed. “What the hell are you doing?”
           “He’s not dead, Prompto, he can’t be. He’s alive. He’s waiting for us. You’ll see,” You said as you tapped your foot anxiously against the elevator floor.
           “Y/N… he’s gone…”
           “Stop saying that! He’s not gone!” You yelled at the blond boy. He let out a heavy sigh as he knew what was going to happen. You would have to see with your own eyes that Noctis was gone before you believed him or anyone else. As the elevators opened to the room that led to the throne room, you instantly ran and threw open the doors, Prompto treading his feet behind you.
           The smirking king you expected to be seated on the throne was there but the smirk wasn’t. Your eyes looked on in horror as Noctis sat in the throne, slumped over with a sword sticking out of his chest.
           “Noct…” Prompto whispered out as he caught up to you and saw his deceased best friend on the throne. You slowly walked towards the stairs that led to the throne but Prompto pulled your arm back. You immediately shook his grip off as you approached the stairs.
           “He’s not gone…” You said in a daze as you climbed the stairs. The other two men finally arrived but stopped as they saw you approaching Noctis’s body. Prompto held his hand out in front of Gladio so he wouldn’t drag you back down.
           “She has to confirm things for herself…” Prompto said as he watched you finally reach the top of the stairs.
           You looked down at the body of Noctis and trailed your hand across his freezing hand. Your eyes glanced towards the sword that stuck in his body and you shakily reached towards it where warm blood still trailed out of the wound. Bringing your now bloodied hand back, you stared at it in disbelief.
           “Noctis… wake up,” You finally spoke as you crouched down before him. Warm tears were quickly filling your eyes as you continued to inspect his body. “Wake up…”
           You reached towards his hair and brushed his hair back, hoping he’d snatch your hand and stop you. When he didn’t do it, you kept brushing his hair out of his face. “Wake up!”
           His hair kept falling back in place as you desperately kept moving it, the movement getting rougher the more it fell back – the more you realize he wasn’t stopping you.
           “You fucking idiot,” You screamed as you gave up and hit him in his arm. Nothing. He didn’t flinch or react. “You said you’d always come back to me! You lied to me! How could you leave me? You said you’d come back!”
           Breaking down finally, you gave up hitting him and fell onto his body, sobbing uncontrollably. Prompto slowly approached you and rested a hand on your back.
           “I’m sorry…” Prompto said as he took a good look at his best friend’s body. He felt tears welling up and quickly sniffed them away but failed. You sat up slightly with a quivering lip. Immediately you wrapped your arms around Prompto and hugged him tight as he finally let go and cried along with you.
           Your best friend of 16 years was dead. Your first crush of two years was dead. Your boyfriend of 10 years was dead. The king of your country was dead.
           “Wow…” Your 19-year-old niece, Ira, said as you finished the story of how you knew – and loved – the last king of Lucis. Your niece, nephew, and godchild sat around you at your kitchen table at your home in the recently restored Insomnia. For years, your younger family members begged you to tell your story of how you knew the famous king they all learned about in school history classes. Though he was gone and Lucis no longer had a ruler, his presence was still strong. They’d heard stories of how their parents knew the king but you always refused, saying how they were too young to know it. You knew their parents gave them the watered-down, kid-friendly version of their time with the king, but you couldn’t give that to them. They had to know the truth.
           “Such a romantic but sad story. You could’ve been a queen, Aunt Y/N,” Your 16-year-old nephew, Xander, stared at you in awe. “We could’ve had royalty in our family!”
           “Um, have you forgotten mom and Uncle Gladdy and our grandfather literally served for the king?’ Ira rolled her eyes at her younger brother.
           “Okay but that’s on mom’s side! We could’ve had an aunt as a queen on dad’s side!”
           “My parents are just ole’ country folk. Well, ma is anyway,” Heather, Cindy and Prompto’s 17-year-old daughter stated.
           You chuckled slightly but was interrupted by a sudden cough. Ira quickly handed you your water as you took a sip from it.
           “Aunt Y/N, you should really get that cough checked,” Ira worriedly said. She was studying to be a doctor just like her grandmother – your mom.
           “I’m fine,” You smiled gently at your niece.
           “You’re so lucky. Noctis was so attractive. Everyone at school thinks he was the most attractive guy ever,” Heather sighed dreamily while Xander rolled his eyes at her. He had so many features of Alex that it was no doubt that he was his son.
           “King Noctis was more than just looks, he saved the world. Without his sacrifice, we wouldn’t even be here,” Xander said. Heather just glared at him.
           “I bet Noctis looks after you from the afterlife. He sounded like he really loved you…” Ira smiled at you. You just nodded your head at her.
           “I like to believe he’s watching me from above…”
           “Well, I’ve had enough of this for one night. C’mon, guys, let’s go home,” Xander said as he excused himself from the table.
           “You’re right, it’s late. I’ll give you a ride home, Heather,” Ira said as she grabbed her keys and walked over to you and kissed your cheek. “See you tomorrow, Aunt Y/N. Thanks for the story. Don’t forget to take your meds.”
           “Yes mom,” You playfully rolled your eyes at the girl who strongly resembled Iris. They all waved to you bye as they exited your apartment. Letting out a heavy sigh, you groaned as you stood from the table to fetch a glass of water. You were only 53 but you felt older because of the unknown illness you’ve had for a couple of years now. Doctor couldn’t figure it out and just gave you meds that they thought would work. Ira was working hard in college to find the direct reason for your sickness and how to cure it. After getting your water, you made your way to your bedroom to prepare for bed.
           The apartment you lived in was that of Noctis’s. After Insomnia was restored, you learned that the building complex that held Noctis’s apartment was still intact. The city wanted to turn it into a museum like they had done the Citadel but you ultimately refused. You held the rights as to whatever Noctis left behind since everyone declared you as the unofficial Queen of Lucis. However, you didn’t live the lifestyle of a queen. You wanted to keep a low profile and live life as normally as you could. You never dated or had any children. Iris and Alex’s kids were the closest things you had to kids along with Prompto and Cindy’s daughter.
           Sighing, you climbed into the bed that you once shared with Noctis and Prompto as a teenager when you guys had sleepovers. The closet that held Noctis’s clothes remained there as you refused to get rid of them. His scent left the clothing years ago but you kept them because your beloved once wore those clothes. Yawning, you slowly let sleep overtake you, however, little did you know that would be your last time sleeping in that bed.
           “My darling, are you ready?” The voice of your dad filled your ears. You fluttered your eyes open as you noticed you were in the backseat of a car that resembled the one he had dropped you off in at your graduation party. This was a dream, you concluded. Another dream where you traveled back in time to a you in happier moment in life. The dream would switch over if you didn’t react to your surroundings so you just sat back further in the car seat, ignoring your dad.
           “Y/N, can you hear me?” Again, you ignored his voice. Any moment now and you’d wake up in a cold sweat. The man who resembled your dad turned around and arched a brow at you. “You’re going to be late…”
           Late? That was something new to the dream and the fact you could clearly see your dad’s face. Light suddenly shone in the vehicle as you glanced out the window and noticed crowds of people cheering and applauding from outside your car. Looking out the other window, you noticed you were in front of the citadel.
           “What…?” You asked confusedly as you finally looked back to your dad.
           “Go on, honey. You’ll be late,” He said. Deciding to go along with the dream, you nodded and opened the car door and found yourself stepping out in heels. This was a dream of dreams as you haven’t worn heels in years. You looked down and saw golden heels that wrapped up your calf accompanied your feet. Glancing back up, a guard held his hand out to you and you took it as he led you up the steps to the citadel. Classical music played around the room as more people bustled around the busy lobby but all stopped to stare at you. Just as you were about to question them, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning towards the hand that felt all too real, you gasped as you saw your mother. She smiled at you.
           “Y/N, you’ve finally arrived. We’ve waited so long! My, you look beautiful…” She said while you gave her a confused look. They waited? Why were they waiting for you if this was just a dream? “I told you back then that your time hadn’t come yet.”
           Back then? Suddenly you gasped as you looked over at the mirror that was to the left of you. A 30-year-old you shown back in the reflection. You were wearing a similar dress you wore to the graduation party but instead of it being black and floor-length, it was a beautiful ivory with the bottom flourishing out around your knees to show off your shoes. A long train that you hadn’t noticed before stood behind it. The sleeves and upper part were made of lacey material and gold accents sparkled throughout it. Your hair was put up into a messy but elegant bun, with a few strands hanging in your face.
           “What’s going on?” You turned back to your mother. “Why am I here? Why are you here? Why am I 30 again?”
           “Because…” You head the sound of Lunafreya’s voice as she appeared. “You lived as an empty shell up until your death. Everything about you technically died at age 30…”
           “Lunafreya?” You gasped as she noticed she was in her wedding dress that you remember being displayed in Altissia. Wait… did she said you were dead. “I’m dead?”
           “I’m afraid so…” Luna smiled sadly at you.
           “We waited so long for you to come join us,” Your mother said. You shook your head as you tried to walk out of the citadel but Luna and your mom quickly rushed over to you. The crowds of people looked at you confusedly as you tried to leave.
           “I’m not dead. This isn’t real. I’m in my bed asleep. I’m a 53-year-old woman. I just sent my niece, nephew, and godchild home! I’m not dead!” You shouted in disbelief.
           “My child…” Another voice was heard from the distant. Immediately everyone in the room stopped talking and turned to face the sound of the voice. You looked over and saw King Regis walking towards you, everyone in his way making space for him to walk.
           “King… Regis?”
           “Yes, I’ve been waiting to thank you for looking after my son on his journey. I truly appreciate it. You worked hard…” He grabbed your right and placed a kiss on it, his beard tickling your skin. Everything felt so real.
           “This is unreal. I’m asleep!” You said as you took your hand back.
           “I’m afraid you are not… this is your life now. In the afterlife with us…” Luna said again as she took your hand and began to lead you somewhere. “Now come, he’s been waiting for you.”
           “He…?” You asked as you looked back towards your mom and the late king. He smiled at you while your mom just mouthed, “go on.”
           “Why are you in your wedding dress… did you…?” You asked hesitantly as she led you to the elevators that led to the throne room.
           “Ah, no, of course not. As a maid of honor, I had to find something to wear, didn’t I? Besides, I always wanted to wear this but never got the chance…” She smiled as the elevatored dinged to alert you guys were at your destined floor. She led you off the elevator and towards the throne doors. “Now… your king awaits you.”
           You looked over to her and at the doors. This could still be a dream – a nightmare even. What if when you opened the doors, you’d see the image of Noctis dead again. How would you deal with that?
           “We promised to be friends in the afterlife, right? Well, as your friend, know I would never bring you any harm,” Luna pushed you slightly towards the door. “Don’t keep him waiting any longer.”
           You just nodded your head as you took in a deep breath and opened the doors to the throne room. Inside, the sun shined brightly through the stained-glass windows and pink rose petals fluttered around the room and on the red carpet that led to the throne. Your breath hitched as your eyes finally looked up to the throne. There sat Noctis in a pinstriped suit and white gloves covered his hands. He sat with his leg over the other and rested his head on a fist. A crown sat on his head and his eyes were closed. He looked so peaceful. Quietly, you made your way towards him and up the stairs to the throne. On his left sat another grand chair and a feminine crown rested in it. As you approached him, you noticed his face was cleanly shaved and he resembled the 30-year-old him. Carefully, you placed your hand on his cheek and felt the smoothness of his skin. His eyes stayed closed from your touch. You carefully traced his facial features from his lips, nose, and eyebrows as you admired him. Finally, you lifted your hand to his hair that hung in his eyes because of his crown. Gently, you began to brush it out of his face but paused instantly when a white gloved hand stopped you.
           “You’re late,” His sapphire eyes finally opened and looked at you. Tears filled your eyes as he spoke to you and pulled you to the other side of him, towards the chair. “Don’t you think you’ve cried enough in your lifetime? No more tears, here, please.”
           You just nodded as you sat in the chair beside his throne, careful not to sit on the crown behind you.
           “Even though the dress is slightly different, you still look beautiful in it as you did when we were 18…” He said as he let go of your hand and sat up properly.
           “Am I dreaming?” You asked suddenly.
           “Afraid not,” Noctis said.
           “You’re real?”
           “As real as I can be here in the afterlife… again, it took you long enough,” He playfully smirked at you.
           “Why am I here…?”
           “Well you’re dead,” You hit his arm in response to your question. Quickly realizing what you did, you apologized immediately. Noctis just chuckled as he removed his gloves. He gently took your left hand and slid on a diamond wedding ring that resembled the crystal that chose him.
           “What’s this?”
           “I believe you said you wanted to become my official queen one day, right? Well, I’m here to make that happen, Mrs. Noctis Lucis Caelum,” He smirked at you. You blink confusedly at him before eyeing the ring on your finger. Without noticing, Noctis reached behind you and grabbed the crown before placing it on your head. You reached your hands up to it to touch it and looked back to Noctis.
           “I’m a queen…?”
           “Not yet,” He said as he leaned in towards you. “Don’t all weddings have to have things sealed with a kiss?”
           Your face flushed as he smiled at you as he brought his lips to yours for a gentle kiss. He pulled back slightly and watch you relish in the moment before slowly opening your eyes. This was real. Noctis was real. That kiss was real. Suddenly you felt the same feeling you felt back then when he first kissed you on the boat to Altissia.
           “Wait,” You said as you pulled him back to you and placed your lips on his again. He deepened the kiss while pulling you in closer to him. After a while, you broke away to regain your breath. A comfortable silence fell between you two before the door to the throne room opened slightly to reveal Lunafreya.
           “Can the wedding party start now?” She asked as she grinned at the two of you. The sight of you wearing the official crown of the queen caused her to wink at you. Noctis nodded his head as Luna turned back towards the door and let in the crowds of people who had been waiting inside and outside the Citadel and music began playing above. You stared in awe at the festivities that went on below you. Not noticing Noctis grabbing your hand and placing something in it, you jumped when you felt the photo in your hand. Looking from him and down at the picture, you saw it was a photo of a 20-year-old Prompto, you, and Noctis. It was the day before you left for Altissia and you three stood in front of the Citadel, posing. Prompto and Noctis held you up as you held onto them, smiling. You looked back to Noctis after admiring the photo.
           “Is this the one you took with you?” You asked.
           “Well, I wanted the one where I first realized I loved you but someone already had that one,” He playfully frowned at you. You just stuck out your tongue and rested your head on the arm rest of his chair. He smiled gently down at you as he went back to resting his head on his fist.
           “I love you, Noctis Lucis Caelum.”
           “I love you, too, Y/N Lucis Caelum.”
           You blinked as you continued to stare in Noctis’s blue eyes. What was that? What did you just experience? Suddenly you were back at your high school graduation party at the Citadel and party guests were dancing around you and the crown prince. You looked past Noctis over at an 18-year-old Prompto who blushed when your eyes contacted his. His hands held his camera to reveal that he just taken a picture of Noctis and you.
           “Are you okay?” Noctis asked, still holding onto your arm. You glanced back at him. Did you… did you just see the future?
           “Y/N?” He called out to you again. You stared at him while debating if you wanted to tell him of the events that would take place two years from now but you decided against it after seeing the worry in his eyes. You didn’t want to freak the prince out at you guys’ party. Instead you smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, causing his entire face to turn red.
           “Everything is perfect and everything will be perfect. Our story is just beginning… but don’t let the middle upset you as the end is sure to have a happy one, my king,” You said, confusing the boy even more. As you finished your sentence, a guest bumped into Noctis, causing him to step onto your dress. A wide grin suddenly appeared on your face as Noctis confused face suddenly became the look of horror.
           “Well look who owes Prompty a dance!”
 The End
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ohkimani · 7 years
i try to be a good friend. i really do. im always running around all over the place for everyone doing what i can to make sure all of my friends are just fine but sometimes, like tonight at jessie’s birthday dinner, i was just so annoyed with......,,,,,myself. like it just seemed like i couldnt control myself for like two seconds. i was constantly talking and being flamboyant and just so out there and fucking obnoxious. i dont want to be that friend that’s making the most noise at the table anymore. i hate being the one who cracks a dark joke out of nowhere and everyone just gets super quiet and uncomfortable. i just wish i wasnt so.......,..much(??) i hate it. then why im not my loud obnoxious piece of shit self, everyone is like “what’s wrong why are you being such a bitch blah blah blah” and im like “okay yall literally give me side eyes or dont know how to react to my outlandish statements like all the time what’s wrong now that im not being ugly” you know? i just dont know who to be anymore and i dont know if it’s because i was around so many people i know again or if it’s because i really dont have any self control. i know i talk loud (when im not mumbling) because i have terrible hearing and cant really tell how loud im talking but i dont know if anyone else knows that or cares but either way that’s my fault. there were only 12 of us but now i see my social setting maximum capacity is probably like 7-8 people including myself. i just start trying too hard because im so overstimulated and excited about being around people i know. idk. it didnt make it any better that i thought i looked cute and then when jessie and i walked in, everyone talked about how much skinnier i looked but it’s jessie’s birthday you know? she spent hours going back and forth between her mirror and my room to pick the perfect outfit. i guess im just tired of being that annoying friend and no one ever tells me when im doing something annoying so im sitting there afraid to say anything because there’s a part of my body that’s like “shut the fuck up theyre tired of hearing about that. they’re tired of hearing from you. you’re tiresome. what the fuck are you even doing here.” maybe im falling back into that hole that i was in before but this always seems to follow some big gathering. i just get completely absorbed in all of the wrong i did that previous night and i isolate. like literally right now i dont think i want to go to class this week just because i dont want to see anyone and lose control over myself again because im literally like a fucking dog that sees you and ends up clawing your legs when they try to hop on you. i wish i just...had some sort of filter. like a friend of mine was passing around pictures of a transgender girl at our school and making everyone look at it and pick her apart. the one point in the night when i was serious was right then because that was fucking disgusting. so i told her how i thought what she was doing was wrong and that her gender or transition is no one’s business but her own. but she was just trying to justify herself by saying she has never been exposed to different types of people so she doesnt know how to handle it and what not but i just.....i couldnt deal with it,. then i could tell everyone else at the table felt awkward because i had said something but i was just as mad at them because they were the ones taking the phone from her to look at the pictures instead of refusing or knowing that what they were doing was wrong. so instead i look like the obnoxious SJW friend who always has to ruin everyone’s fun. that was exhausting and at that point i just proceeded to throw the rest of the night away. so i gulped down three more glasses of champagne and let myself go.....as usual. ive noticed myself depending on alcohol a lot more lately. not A LOT more but more than usual. i think it’s because ive found my taste in alcoholic beverages so i just continue to hunt after them like rosé and pink moscato and champagne. greta was talking about how i always drink her entire bottle by myself and as she was saying that, i was pouring myself more champagne. the thing is, im not even sure what im repressing so much now that i have to be some type of intoxicated every single night. it’s been at least 8 or 9 nights and i still havent passed on a drop of alcohol at least before bed. i mean when im with him, i just feel so outside of this world. like when we’re in my room and just being playful and he’s just being himself because im being myself, i dont feel all of the self-conscious and self aware things that go through my head like usual. of course i havent given him all of myself completely but i dont think i have to. i think we both have this unspoken understanding about our minds and emotions. we’re on the same level but he’s much better about smiling at everything meanwhile i contemplate the pleasure of death at least once a day.like fuck, i was sunbathing today and while greta was talking i was literally thinking about how i could kill myself without anyone finding me because im a little more than sure it woudlnt change anything. and i know everyone who says that just seems like theyre looking for attention and validation but it’s just like when mia asked me if there was anything stopping me from going through with it and i said ‘no’ then she asked if i cared about how my loved ones would feel and i finally looked up and made eye contact with her. i could tell she was already worried but when i said ‘why would i care if they cared if im already dead. i wont be able to feel or know anything.’ im still not sure what the point of this all is, honestly. i just tend to rant for hours now because i have no idea who would even care to hear me anymore besides medical professionals who are paid to listen to me. i dont want to be annoying. i just want to close off into a corner and never come out. i know i have to go to class tomorrow but i just already dont feel the strength in my soul to so much as look at another human being. it would be great to just not be seen for a few days honestly. of course i probably wouldnt be able to get away with that considering ‘tall and awkward’ has me on high alert and is down for what ever at any second. i wouldnt feel right just going missing like i usually do because now we have more of a connection than before. it’s also scaring me a lot now too because even as im laying here in bed, i can still smell him on my pillows. i tried to go back to sleep after he left today but i couldnt without his arm around me. that’s what scares me. depending on someone else for some sort of comfort or retreat. what happens when they leave? everyone leaves. i just know something is going to happen with him AGAIN that’s going to make me want to fling myself out of a window or something. then again, as they say, ‘third time’s the charm’. maybe time 3 around will be much better because it already feels better. my problem is feeling like im no longer allowed to say anything more than ‘hi” “bye” “oh really” im sorry” to people i see now simply because i dont want to inconvenience them and force them to be an open ear for me. he;s just too good to be true and losing someone like him at this point for me could be so fucking devastating. and i just mean if we ever ended up have to go back to square one as barely friends. i dont know if i could take that. i havent seen this boy since 10 AM and i feel like there is air blowing through my chest, you know? he’s just become such a great friend first and i know he feels it too. anyway time for me to stop being an annoying little fucking bitch cunt at this point im so tirred. dont read this.
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