#yandere emperor oc
Hello ! how are you author-nim?? Can u do yandere emperor with dancer reader who is in reality a princess of another kingdom who ran away from her kingdom bcuz she didn't wanted to marry the old noble man who her parents choose for her for political support.......thank u!!💕❤
I'm doing well, Thanks for asking
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You let out a shaky breath as you bowed, adrenaline still dancing along your nerves despite your performance ending. And as usual the first to clap with others following in rapid succession was your employer and savior the Grand Emperor. Proud and powerful Emperor Roy was always a grand supporter of the arts. As such it wasn’t bizarre for him to have a dancer like yourself. The only thing was his specificity. Too many times had the head caretakers tried to replace you for another or even employing another. 
“What is this filth?! Where’s my dancer?!” 
Even when his highest advisor demonstrated concern, he refuted them all. You were Emperor Roy’s dancer and that was all you wanted to be. Other than sheer terror for the man you worked for you had come to greatly appreciate him for many a time had he made this the profession you loved so dearly. In your earlier days his growing favor over you left you entirely exhausted performing more than seven times a day with different choreographies each. It baffles you to this day how quickly he picked up on your fatigue, immediately summoning those he deemed responsible: your choreographer, the head maid, and your senior dancer–who at this point was practically doing nothing. The choreographer and head maid condemned you for not being ‘strong enough’ but your senior dancer, a woman who was enslaved by the last emperor stuck up for you. 
“She’s exhausted because you keep calling her, your emperorness! She’s got no time to sleep or eat, not with all the dances she’s gotta learn!” 
Despite the court’s visible disgust with her dialect and honesty the Emperor was amused. He fired the choreographer and made your senior your prime caretaker and fellow choreographer. From then on any conflicts were easily solved at simply a look the Emperor got what he wanted. 
You tried pinpointing what had him so interested. Perhaps it was lust seeing as his mistress used to sneer everytime he beckoned you. But when a companion of his openly questioned him, he denied it. Someone of his stature shouldn’t have any trouble doing so.
“No this is nothing like shallow admiration…but I wouldn’t expect a bed-hopper like you to understand.”
You’d never spoken to him. Here, you were beneath him and it’d be an insult to.  He’d spoken to you plenty though. For he was as guilty of demanding private performances as he did public ones. They were typically no different except he’d sometimes pull at your veil–a commonality for someone of your position. He’d talk cryptically speaking of fairytales–typically ones about romances with dark aspects. Your senior suggested it may have been code but for both of your safety you kept your mouths shut. 
Other than that it was perfect. 
Perfect until they came.
“O Great Emperor I beseech you! My sister Princess of my future kingdom has run away and I strongly believe that it is your territory that she hides herself in!” 
You were shrunk into the pillar you were previously waiting behind for your cue. But at the sound of familiar ironclad soldiers with that voice you immediately felt your heart drop to your stomach. In terms of decorum your sister’s entrance seemed to disrupt the court distracting them from your absence but the Emperor was not nearly so gullible. Shooting a look at your senior who swiftly made her way over to you with a worried look on her face.
“What’sa matter suga?”
“I-uh-I don’t th-think I can uh perform. I just don’t-”
“Hey hey it's okay. Guess this haught taughty got you all jazzed up. Don’t worry about it, you know he’ll understand. Now get in bed! Calm those nerves, ya hear?” 
You thank her dashing back to your room barely aware of the chaos you left in your wake. Not many knew what would happen if Emperor Roy did not have his dancer because there had never been a time where he didn’t. But the princess and the court would bear witness when your senior whispered into the monarch’s ear. 
“Your dancer got spooked by the surprise visit. They’re shaking som’thin’ fierce and may be out of commission for a while.”
His slightly peeved expression morphed into seething anger. Blind with rage he cast her out scolding her for her lack of manners for someone claiming to be a future queen. Removing her by force, the court was in disarray, some suggesting he organize a search party, others urging him to apologize and make her his bride. He ultimately ignored everyone, fuming as he completed his work for the day and secluded himself. Refusing to see anyone he was none the wiser to the actions of his mistress. 
Waiting until your senior was fast asleep she slipped into your quarters. With only a single candle to light the darkness of your windowless room she could see you shake and hear your wavering breath. You didn’t notice her until her shadow creeped behind you on the wood floors. 
“W-what do you want?”
You feared she would reach for your neck with those manicured hands and in your current state you’d be helpless to stop her. Instead she held you by your shoulders as she pushed you into the plush of her chest. Triggered once more you sobbed into her silk garments eased into shuddered breaths as she rubbed at your back. Letting her lips brush against your forehead she spoke softly, careful not to startle you further.
“Why are you so scared of the convoy?”
With stray tears you tell her about your identity as the extra princess, your father and mother finding no use for you other than to please some old noble with your hand in marriage. You gripped at her cloth as you voiced your frustration before crumbling into her arms as she rocked you.
“I-i’m not e-even the youngest! My oldest sister will become queen and my little brother isn’t even of age and they plan to let him marry for love! He’s hardly a teenager! Th-they just don’t b-bother to know me or e-even ask!? I just–”
Soothing you through another bout of tears, you eventually calmed to let her speak. 
“You must tell him.”
“But I can-”
“You are of status so you can speak to him and he’d treat you well. Much better than any old noble.”
“B-but I don’t know-”
“You need to tell him. Or else…I will.”
“What?! No no…I will…I’ll try…maybe?”
“Fine, just give me time.”
She held you well into the night. Gently tucking you in as your breaths became stead and she could pry your fists from her silk sleeves. Shutting the door as quietly as she could, she turned to meet the skeptical eyes of your senior. Raising her head high she passed the glaring dancer as she once again entered the main halls. With steady steps she made her way to the Emperor’s chambers waving away the guards knocking twice before entering. Closing the door she kept her back facing the door as she bowed.
“I have news, your grace.”
“Wonderful performance as always! I’m pleased you could bring yourself to perform on my behalf.” 
You deeply bowed internally debating how you’d go about this. The emperor would usually begin his ramblings about now. You felt like a fish with how many times you opened and closed your mouth. Ultimately scolding yourself as the Emperor beckoned you closer to himself. Keeping your eyes away from him you felt him lift your veil. Not flinching at his cold hands wrapping around your chin and tilting your face side to side. 
“I thought I recognized that nose.”
Your eyes snapped open as his fingers lingered along your jaw. If now wasn’t a good time there’d never be one. 
“Uh y-your grace um-”
“You must be the runaway princess then?”
“Y-yes b-but please don’t turn me in I- don-no I can’t go back!”
“Oh? Why not?”
“They intend to marry me to a man thrice my age. I hardly know him anyhow.”
Finally releasing your chin he tapped a finger on his chin as he leaned back into the couch he was leaning on. 
“Then we have quite the dilemma on our hands then.”
“W-we do?”
“But of course! You want to avoid getting married to a slimy dinosaur and I-” He pulled you down to his level; making you lean on the couch so as not to fall on top of him.”-want to keep my favorite dancer.”
“Uhm if you’d like I can be a mistress of yours! I’d still dance for you!”
He chuckled, shaking his head.
“No, no but maybe…as my wife?”
“Wife?! B-but didn’t you refuse all the other duchesses? That one empress?”
“I did. I seem to have been waiting for a perfect princess to fall into my lap. So what do you say? Be my one and only wife?”
“O-okay, uh yeah.”
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ragazza-whintigale · 1 year
𝖄𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊! 𝕰𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖗! 𝕺𝖈 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖎 ➵ Rulyan (OC) 𝕬𝖛𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖟𝖊 ➵  Lieve comportamento Yandere, matrimonio combinato, pessimi genitori, abuso di potere, gravidanza non consensuale, Sesso non consensuale (implicito). 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖊➵ 5034
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Diverte lo aveva definito adesso Rulyan a ricordarlo, con occhi sognanti mentre le teneva la mano per scaldarla dal gelido inverno. In  realtà nella capitale faceva sempre freddo, essendo la città più a nord di tutto l’impero, però d’inverno era talmente freddo che era difficile abituarsi. Neanche dopo tutti questi anni (nome) lo aveva fatto, appoggiandosi ancora a lui per questo. ❝ Hai freddo? Vuoi che entriamo?❞ La sua voce era cristallina e diaffanica, meritando ogni lode da tutte quelle donne che lo avevano ammirato. Lei non era una di loro e non avrebbe lodato il suono della sua voce, ma sarebbe una bugia dire che non lo pensava, solo una innocua constatazione a se stessa. Ma insomma, nonostante non fosse ancora del tutto abituata a queste temperature, era lui quello che in gioventù si ammalava più volte di quello che avrebbero potuto ricordare. ❝ Dovrei essere io a chiederlo , vostra altezza imperiale.❞ La sua voce era mansueta e distante come il solito, niente a che vedere con il ruolo di Consorte favorita dall’imperatore e il profondo amore che molte poesie e canti lodavano per tutto l’impero. Un sospiro lasciò le labbra dell’uomo, poteva essere cocciuta, anzi era cocciuta, con quel suo comportamento stava solo mettendo in difficoltà entrambi. (Nome) voleva mettere una distanza tra loro e lui non lo voleva. Quasi si ritrovò a capire la frustrazione di suo padre, nei confronti della sua adorata madre. Anche lei era una straniera come la sua (Nome), ed entrambi avevano fatto innamorare membri della famiglia imperiale perdutamente di loro. Forse il fascino dello sconosciuto, o semplicemente l'amore per la loro passione e sentimento nel fare le cose. Tuttavia a Rulyan non piaceva essere paragonato a quell’uomo, che era suo padre, lo ha sempre disprezzato e forse aveva fatto lo stesso anche suo padre con lui.  
Rulyan fece cenno ad una delle serve che li seguivano a debita distanza, così che le loro conversazioni non potessero essere udite da anima viva. Subito una ragazza decisamente più giovane di (nome) si avvicinò con un mantello in pelliccia e stoffa decorata, appoggiandolo con grazia sulle spalle della consorte dai capelli (colore). La serva fece un inchino e di rimando la sua padrona le fece un sorriso permettendole di andarsene, poi si rivolse a suo marito con sguardo orgoglioso e freddo. Era cocciuto, forse più di quanto lo fosse lei e quando aveva deciso qualcosa, soprattutto se le riguardava, era irremovibile. ❝ Pensavo di aver accennato a quanto non fosse necessario la vostra preoccupazione per una umile speziale. ❞ Il moro non sembrò dare molto bado alle sue parole, però rispose comunque sistemando ulteriormente il nuovo mantello. ❝ Non vedo perchè non dovrei preoccuparmi della mia amata moglie, soprattutto quando sta per diventare madre dei miei figli. ❞ Poteva essere considerata una provocazione, ma Rulyan non ne era il tipo, era più una constatazione, una frase usata solo con il scopo di aver ragione nella discussione. Ma avrebbe vinto comunque a dire la verità, lui era l’imperatore nessuno avrebbe potuto dargli torto in alcun modo.
Da sotto le spesse vesti, la giovane consorte aveva accarezzato il suo ventre, erano tutte supposizioni naturalmente, ma Rulyan avrebbe preso a cuore quelle parole più di quanto avrebbe dovuto. Aveva avuto solo un giramento di testa e lui era venuto a saperlo. Niente per lui era più importante delle sue parole, e lei con la sua ilarità aveva elencato tutto quello che poteva essere, ma niente lo aveva colpito più del sentire che potesse essere gravida di lui. Ogni accesso al padiglione della nobile consorte (nome) era stato minimizzato, come anche il numero di persone a cui era permesso vedere la stessa consorte. Era destabilizzante, sapeva benissimo che essere la prima ad avere un figlio dall’imperatore, la rendeva in grave pericolo di vita, tra concubine gelose e famiglia nobili che non erano d'accordo sull’origine del futuro neonato. Tutto era così surreale e non era nemmeno certo che questo neonato ci fosse. La mano di Rulyan scivolò sulla sua guancia, sistemando allo stesso tempo una ciocca dietro l’orecchio, un’azione amorevole agli occhi degli altri e un puro teatrino per lei, niente di più finto.
❝ Rientriamo per favore. ❞ Alla fine aveva ceduto alla sua richiesta precedente e la accompagnò all’interno del padiglione, ❝ Allora potresti darmi l’onore di prendere un the con te… in memoria dei vecchi tempi ovviamente.❞
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Il piccolo principe imperiale guardò rapito la ragazza di fronte a lui. Era evidentemente più grande di lui anche se poco o più di 2 o 3 anni, eppure era abbastanza visibile, o forse era solo colpa della febbre e della gola infiammata o ancora del fiato corto. ❝ Chi sei? ❞ La misteriosa ragazza lo guardò come se avesse chiesto qualsiasi cosa tranne quello che aveva detto, semplicemente lo aveva guardato. Non era qualcosa che potesse essere definito come materno, di pietà o che avrebbe calmato chiunque, eppure lui si calmò ugualmente e la lasciò fare. Tolse il lembo di stoffa che era stato posato sulla sua fronte porgendolo a qualche cameriera che la stava assistendo dandole ovviamente qualche ordine che lui non riuscì a comprendere e gli alzò la testa. Tra le mani aveva un cucchiaio in argento il cui contenuto aveva un odore nauseante. Volto il viso evitando la posata e la ragazza sospirò amareggiata ❝ Vostra altezza, vi prego almeno di assaggiare, a questo stadio della malattia deve tenersi idratato e nutrito o non guarirà molto presto.❞ Disse riprovando a dargli quell’intruglio sconosciuto ma lo evitó nuovamente. Non sembrava una persona molto paziente e lo aveva notato ❝ Bambino Viziato.❞ La ragazza aveva sibilato più a se stessa che a lui. Nessuno l’aveva sentita tranne lui quindi pensava andasse bene per lei, non aveva prove per dirlo, e lei avrebbe potuto usare la scusa di visioni deliranti che Rulyan aveva avuto durante la febbre. ❝ Vi prometto che se mangerete questo senza fiatare risponderò alla vostra domanda.❞ Rulyan sembrava soddisfatto, per quanto potesse dimostrarlo in quel stato. Socchiuse le labbra permettendo alla ragazza di nutrirlo. Il sapore non eguagliava l’odore ma non era poi così distante.
(Nome) aveva allontanato le altre domestiche dalla stanza senza nessuno sforzo, la coscienza di Rulyan era più vivida di quello che si aspettava da malato. ❝ Beh immagino che a questo punto dovrei presentarmi.❞ Probabilmente era il minimo, dato che era una ragazzina poco più grande di lui che non aveva mai visto prima di allora che probabilmente non era nemmeno di quei luoghi. (Nome) si schiarì la voce sonoramente. ❝ Il mio nome è (nome).❞ Era una una presentazione talmente semplice e sprecata da essere quasi ovvia, aveva sentito vagamente alcune serve chiamarla così. ❝ Non hai risposto ugualmente alla mia domanda. ❞ La ragazza sembrava consapevole della cosa per questo sbuffò, forse in molti le avevo già chiesto chi potesse essere e quella risposta gli era sempre bastata. ❝ ok ok…❞ Mise le mani avanti ❝ …Sono (nome) come ti ho già detto, e sono una speziale che proviene da quello che voi chiamate occidente.❞ Rimase stupito, era la prima volta che vedeva qualcuno che proviene dall’occidente oltre sua madre. ❝ Occidente? E cosa ci fai qui allora?❞ La ragazza sbatté le palpebre come a pensare ad una risposta giusta, una di quelle risposte troppo complicate da spiegare, ma che avrebbe comunque fatto. ❝ Niente che implichi le vostre attenzioni vostra altezza imperiale.❞ ❝ Se sei qui così facilmente significa che sei stata assunta in qualche modo.❞ Le sue parole scivolarono quasi spontanee e forse se fosse rimase più allungo, avrebbe potuto fargli tutte quelle domande che non aveva mai avuto il coraggio di fare a sua madre. ❝ Non esattamente in realtà, ma potreste sempre chiedere a vostra madre o all’Imperatore stesso, vostro padre.❞ Rulyan si imbronciò, non avevi davvero intenzione di parlare oltre e questo lo faceva contorcere dalla curiosità. ❝ Mei Lin, Xia Ying, andate a chiamare mia madre immediatamente. ❞ Le due serve di giovane età ma sempre più vecchie di Rulyan, corsero al richiamo del padrone. Ed mentre loro sembrano agitarsi al tono instabile del moro, (nome) aveva iniziato a sistemare ordinatamente il suo materiale nella sacca che aveva portato con sé andando a chiamare la concubina. Era bastato quell’intruglio di erbe e radici per calmare la febbre, questo avrebbe solo diminuito il tempo della sua permanenza lì.
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❝ Rulyan è un nome Buffo, per un posto come questo. ❞ La sentenza della (colore) lo lasciò spiazzato, non era un tono con cui rivolgersi ad un principe imperiale, ma ancora si ritrovò a ricordare che fosse straniera. ❝ Lo so… mi madre viene dall’occidente. ❞ Aveva mantenuto vivo il discorso senza nessun motivo apparente, solo curiosità passeggera. ❝ Lo avevo notato.❞ Era ovvio che lo avesse fatto, a differenza di molti all’interno di questo palazzo, lei osservava prima di poter fare affermazioni tanto azzardate e naturalmente Rulyan lo aveva notato, come poteva non farlo? Lui stesso aveva gli occhi di un placido grigio azzurro così chiaro e limpido, non era di certo un colore comune qui, dove la maggior parte sfoggiava tonalità castane e nocciola, come lo stesso imperatore. ❝ E allora perché giudicate l’origine del mio nome.❞ Lei alzò un sopracciglio come a chiederli se veramente era così cieco. Era davvero ovvio che (nome) lo trovasse divertente. Rulyan non era un nome che un imperatore avrebbe dato al suo nascituro e futuro erede, e infatti non lo aveva fatto. Rulyan, semplicemente, non era mai stato amato, era una peculiare vittima di strane conseguenze. Una madre costretta in un matrimonio con un principe straniero e successivamente imperatore, per poi dare alla luce un figlio che le ricordava così tanto l’uomo odiato. Poi c’era l’imperatore che non prestava attenzioni ad un neonato a cui non aveva scelto il nome, e che la sua concubina gli aveva nascosto. Rulyan si trovava solo in mezzo a due fuochi.
Questa convivenza era sempre stata difficile in qualche modo ma si era alleggerita dopo l’arrivo di (nome). Lei, se Rulyan avrebbe potuto descriverla, era quel qualcuno che si trovava lì per cause di forza maggiore ma che non se lo faceva pesare né a se stessa né a lui , per questo aveva favorito la sua compagnia rispetto ad altre. Naturalmente lui sapeva che se lei era qua era colpa sua e della sua malattia ma non si sentiva in colpa e lei non lo faceva notare, ma era tutto implicito. ❝ Quanto rimarrai ancora qui? ❞ Aveva posto fine allo stallo della propria risposta precedente per crearne un altro. (Nome) non sapeva quanto sarebbe rimasta, finché Rulyan non fosse guarito non avrebbe potuto andarsene, il che avrebbe voluto dire anche anni, vista la sconosciuta natura della malattia, ma ora che si sentiva già meglio solo dopo una settimana delle sue cure, dubitava che sarebbe rimasta così allungo. (Nome) versò una tazza di infuso e la consegno a Rulyan che la prese docilmente, la reputava brava con lui dato che nessuno era riuscito a tenerlo così vivo alla conversazione come lei, eppure lei non faceva molto per continuare, come faceva sua madre. O forse no. Sua madre non rispondeva mai alle sue domande, e se lo facevano erano risposte veloci e brevi, a volte non c'entrano nemmeno con la domanda che Rulyan aveva fatto. Certo (nome) non era una persona che si prodigava in lunghi e infiniti discorsi, diceva solo la crudele e infima realtà e questo lo attirava ad ascoltare tali cattiveria sul mondo, che quasi mai potevano essere adulatori.
❝ Non sono sicura di quanto durerà la malattia, ma penso che in un anno di riuscire a ristabilirla e tenervi sotto osservazione anche alcuni mesi❞ solo un anno? Davvero? Nessuno era mai arrivato a conclusioni così azzardate, ma lei sembra sapere quello che faceva il che lo lusingava, aveva saputo trattarlo meglio di qualsiasi eunuco, sacerdote e dottore della corte interna. Forse se davvero l’avesse chiesto potrebbe lavorare lei stessa per la corte interna, in fondo stava salvando la vita di un principe con successo, ma non era sicuro lei avrebbe mai accettato.
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❝ Ho sentito che molte concubine sono decedute nell’ultimo periodo per una malattia misteriosa. ❞ Ruylan si era rivelato un bambino molto più curioso di quanto (nome) si aspettasse. Lo guardò dando un morso ad una pesca acerbo. ❝ e cosa ci dovrei fare io?❞ I due avevano condiviso così tanto tempo insieme, che ormai Rulyan non faceva neppure più caso a quanto potessero essere scortesi le parole della sua quasi coetanea. Per certi versi Rulyan era felice che non fosse interessata alla cosa, se mai questo fosse collegato alla sua malattia, forse (nome) avrebbe dovuto occuparsi anche di altre dame della corte, trascurandolo. ❝ Beh, pensavo che avresti potuto dirmi cosa sta succedendo.❞ Il principe era davvero curioso e fastidioso agli occhi di (Nome) ❝ Non vedo perché dovrei farlo, infondo non è niente che ha a che vedere con me e con lei. ❞ Non dubitava che le voci non le fossero già arrivate, ma sapere che non aveva niente a che vedere con lui lo sorprese e rassicurò. ❝ Ad ogni modo potrebbe essere stato letteralmente qualsiasi cosa…❞ Fece una pausa e prese un morso del frutto che dalla consistenza sembrava leggermente acerbo ma Rulyan aveva appreso che la ragazza avesse gusti bizzarri certe volte ❝ … La corte interna è un mondo a sé, e qualsiasi cosa di estraneo e pericoloso possa entrare, può risultare un danno. Piombo. Piante nocive. Ignoranza.❞ L’ultima era qualcosa che ricordava avesse ripetuto diverse volte nelle loro conversazioni eppure non gli era mai stato del tutto chiara come cosa. ❝ Piombo? Ma Sua Maestà ne ha proibito l’utilizzo.❞ Aveva deciso di concentrarsi su qualcos’altro e non è che avesse davvero tutti i torti.
Lo sguardo della ragazza vagò sul paesaggio visibile nei giardini Imperiali, ❝ Il fatto che sia illegale non significa per forza impedirne il consumo…❞ Rulyan sbatté le palpebre, che non avesse compreso o forse non ci aveva comunque pensato, non aveva importanza (nome) glielo chiarì ugualmente ❝ E’ stata introdotta di nascosto.❞ Il moro sembrò cadere dalle nuvole e arrossì, era ingenuo e ignorante, nonostante le sue lezioni private, niente poteva sostituire tutte le esperienze vissute dalla maggiore, in giro per le terre del continente orientale e occidentale. ❝ Molti cosmetici importati nella corte interna contengono piombo, uno dei motivi per cui il personale all’interno del padiglione è stato diminuito e cambiato.❞ Aveva offerto una spiegazione omettendo come fosse stata lei a impedire l’utilizzo ed eliminare qualsiasi traccia di tali cosmetico dalla corte interna ma soprattutto dal padiglione. (Nome) non era una persona presuntuosa o egocentrica, solo stava seguendo gli ordini dell’imperatore, che per quanto potesse non apprezzare suo figlio era ugualmente il suo unico figlio maschio, e se davvero lei aveva le conoscenze per impedire che la corte interna cadesse nel caos perché non utilizzarle. Rulyan non lo sapeva e di certo la speziale non glielo avrebbe detto, soprattutto perché avrebbe comportato più domande di quel che avrebbe potuto sopportare.
❝ (Nome), quando te ne andrai… me lo dirai?❞ La domanda era dubbiosa e timida, e (nome) ne rimase sorpresa, Era quello il genere di domande a cui non dava mai una risposta, non perché non lo sapesse, semplicemente sapeva cosa sarebbe successo se mai il principe ne fosse venuto a conoscenza. Gli occhi del ragazzino erano ancora tondi e bambineschi, si diceva che i maschi maturassero in modo più lento rispetto ad una donna, forse era per questo che una donna veniva sposata prima ancora che potesse imparare qualcosa dal suo corpo. Rulyan era semplicemente uguale agli altri, solo più viziato. Chissà se la speziale avesse mai potuto fare qualcosa se lui decidesse improvvisamente i confini su cui poteva camminare. Scosse il capo in modo impercettibile, infatti il moro non se ne accorse, forse troppo impegnato a cercare di leggere l’espressione dubbiosa, forse un pò lo capiva, ma non abbastanza da astenersi dall’andarsene. ❝ Se sua maestà desidera questo, non sarà di certo questa umile speziale ad impedirlo.❞ Non si era insospettito ed era un bene. Sorrise raggiante, ❝ Bene allora penso che potremmo prendere una tazza di the.❞ Rulyan si alzò in piedi e corse dentro al padiglione seguito dalla ragazza più anziana. Da quando si era ripreso aveva iniziato a sfruttare i suoi raggianti giorni da bambino invece di essere costretto a letto, forse era anche per quello che gli aveva posto quella domanda.
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Era passato molto tempo, di preciso non ricordava quanto. Ma ancora non era davvero il tipo che si sarebbe messa a contare ogni secondo della vicenda, né avrebbe mai raccontato con nostalgia quei giorni in cui era la balia di uno dei figli dell'imperatore, a qualche bambino desideroso di saperlo. Soprattutto se se ne era andata senza avvertire, ma aveva compiuto il suo dovere, ciò per cui era stata trattenuta, quindi non si sentiva in obbligo di farlo sapere. Non era più tornata all’interno dei confini dell’impero dopo essere andata, per questo non sapeva cosa potesse mai succedere all’interno, non che le importasse, (nome) non era mai stata un’amante della politica.
❝ Penso che quel anice sia abbastanza polveroso al momento.❞ Si destò dai suoi pensieri, il che non era poi così comune per lei che non avrebbe perso molto di vista quello che accadeva ❝ per quanto ti riguarda è proprio come lo volevo, vecchio.❞ L’anziano rise sedendosi a terra di fronte alla ragazza. Ora ricordava perché tra tutti aveva scelto questa insolente ragazzina da prendere sotto la propria ala, era ovvio che avrebbe imparato dalle sue parole ma gli avrebbe anche risposto a tono come un’ingrata. ❝ Dovresti imparare a moderare le tue parole, ragazzina. Immagina se non fossero stati così benevoli alla corte interna.❞ (Nome) non aveva piegato il capo o fatto un’espressione di colpevolezza, era ovvio che non se ne pentiva, tuttavia non aveva ribattuto quindi ancora un po’ di buon senso lo aveva. Infondo sapeva che avrebbe potuto trovare parole piuttosto creative per scagionare la sua impertinenza. ‘Che facciano come vogliono’, ‘è un problema loro se non voglio sentir la verità’ o la più interessante ‘che mi taglino pure la testa’.
Rimasero in silenzio, lei aveva infuso l’anice offrendo anche all’anziano, ma non dissero più niente. Niente riguardante il suo comportamento nei confronti del suo periodo passato alla corte imperiale. Nulla riguardo alle simpatie del principe nei suoi confronti, ed era meglio così, sul serio. Non avrebbe dovuto parlare di quel sciocco periodo della sua vita che a suo dire era molto meglio fosse rimasto passeggero. ❝ Non ti viene voglia di vederlo?❞ (Nome) lo guardo come se avesse detto qualcosa di strano e senza senso, ma lui non diede cosi tanto peso come avrebbe dovuto ❝ Su su, (nome) non guardarmi così, infondo è cresciuto anche lui come te… sono già passati 7 anni infondo.❞ Rigirò il liquido aranciato, il cui profumo era intenso e vibrante, ne aveva anche preso un sorso abbastanza abbondante, da bruciarle ancora la gola. ❝ Penso che questo anice non mi stia aiutando contro il mal di testa, non è che questa volta hai fatto cilecca, vecchio?❞ Lui rise divertito, cambiare discorso non sarebbe davvero servito a qualcosa, ma forse lei ci avrebbe provato comunque. ❝ Non sarà mica perché sei preoccupata per quel principe? ❞ (nome) si fermò dal prendere l'ennesimo sorso, per fissare dritta negli occhi l’anziano. Era uno di quei sguardi truci che lei avrebbe fatto quando non era d'accordo con lui, ma a cui non poteva comunque controbattere. ❝ Quello sguardo non avrà molto effetto… In fondo le hai sentite pure tu quelle voci, no? ❞ Tutto questo era semplicemente odioso agli occhi della speziale, certo che aveva sentito quelle voci, ma le aveva sempre ascoltate semplicemente perché aveva riconosciuto il protagonista di quelle stesse voci.
❝ Si, le ho sentite. In fondo è stato un bene che io me ne sia andata…❞ Disse infine, forse per difendersi o forse perché lo pensa davvero. ❝ Sarà… ma io sono convinta potresti ritrovarti una bella sorpresa.❞ Il Vecchio rise e alzandosi se ne andò con la sua andatura lenta e traballante. Non capiva esattamente quello che intendeva, certe volte capitava anche quello ma se ne fece una ragione. Aveva risolto alcune di quelle frasi ad anni di distanza, era abbastanza fiducioso ci sarebbe riuscita anche ora. Lo guardò andarsene finendo il suo ultimo sorso di bevanda ambrata.
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Dall’accampamento improvvisato alla loro destinazione vi era una settimana di viaggio e poteva sembrare faticoso e lo era, ma ormai lei ne era abituata. Anche dopo essersi fermata per un anno alla corte interna si accorse di provare ancora piacere nei lunghi ed estenuanti viaggi. Prese un respiro profondo, il profumo di quelle terre le era familiare e non avrebbe di certo cercato di nasconderlo. Si lasciò beare dalla brezza frizzante e fredda. Fredda come la ricordava, si era adulata per ricordare ancora il gelo della capitale, e anche se non tollerava molto bene il freddo, si ritrovò compiaciuta della sua serenità. Ma in fondo si sarebbe fermata per poco tempo e questo la rese ancora più di buon umore. ❝ Togliti quell’espressione inquietante dalla faccia, ragazzina, abbiamo del lavoro da fare. ❞ (Nome) corrucciò il volto. Davvero la sua espressione malinconica e rievocativa era così spaventosa come raccontava, ad ogni modo non aveva una superficie riflettente su cui controllare o uno specchio, quindi si sarebbe accontentata di credere che stesse mentendo. Lo seguì sia con lo sguardo sia nei passi, non c’era molta folla il che non rendeva la cosa difficile. Non era passato molto tempo da quando ha percorso queste strade, ogni anno tornava per vedere cosa il mercato aveva da offrire, era in questo periodo che trovava sempre qualcosa di interessante. I mercanti itineranti che avevano sempre qualcosa che lei non avrebbe conosciuto fino a quell'istante. Ricordava anche quando ci aveva portato Rulyan, era una specie di premio per la sua buona guarigione e semplicemente lui aveva sempre voluto vedere cosa faceva quando non era alla corte interna. Semplicemente lei lo copri con stracci abbastanza pesanti da tenerlo al caldo e da renderlo irriconoscibile dal suo solito aspetto principesco, lo stesso fece con se stessa. Lo portò fuori in uno dei mercati itineranti meno frequentati della capitale e dove lei era solita andare quando niente sembrava divertirla. A tale ricordo canticchiò contenta, era un ricordo della corte interna piacevole e delicato che avrebbe conservato per sé anche per anni.
Si scosse dai suoi pensieri quando si scontrò con una donna, (nome) non aveva subito molti danni o disturbi ma la ragazza era caduta a terra rovesciando quello che stava portando. (Nome) non era una persona che sarebbe stata considerata gentile nell’etichetta di corte ma non era nemmeno maleducata, quindi raccolse le cose, sistemando come meglio potè nel cesto intrecciato di paglia e bamboo. ❝ Dovresti fare attenzioni la prossima volta. ❞ (nome) non citó il fatto che fosse anche lei distratta e di certo non lo avrebbe fatto. ❝Le mie scuse gentil- ❞ La ragazza si fermò sulle sue parole quando il suo sguardo incontrò e riconobbe quello della speziale ❝ (Nome)…❞ In un primo momento la ragazza occidentale non l'aveva riconosciuta, ma poi notò i colori dei suoi abiti, blu e oro. Sarebbe stato stupido parte sue dimenticarlo, però aveva ugualmente dimenticato quindi si chiese se avesse senso pentirsene adesso. Quei colori erano l’emblema velato del padiglione della consorte e di Rulyan. Li indossava anche (nome), a suo tempo, quando ancora poteva essere considerata una specie di amica di giochi del principe.
❝ Tu… tu non dovresti essere qui. ❞ La ragazza dai capelli castani e occhi nocciola era semplicemente una giovane apprendista ancella quando ancora (nome) risiedeva a palazzo, e seguiva ciecamente le parole del principe. Non si stupiva fosse cresciuta in questo modo, ricordando che aveva comunque 4 anni in meno della (colore) ma davvero questo tempo avrebbe fatto la differenza nella loro fisicità. Ma ancora (nome) si ricordò che veniva da luoghi diversi, i corpi delle donne di occidente erano decisamente più sviluppati di quelli delle donne di oriente. ❝ uhhh.. Xia- ❞ ❝ no, sono Mei lin. ❞ oh… (Nome) si maledisse nel non averla riconosciuta del tutto ma la ragazza sembrava non notarlo, ma era sempre stata decisamente più distratta e svampita dell’amica Xia Ying. ❝ Ne è passato di tempo dall’ultima volta… ma dimmi che ci fai qua? Sei qui per il giovane maestro? O forse sei venuto a trovare me e Xia Ying? No, ci sono ti mancava la nostra cucina? O forse…❞ La ragazzo continuò con le sue domandi invadenti e la faccia di (nome) non nasconde il fastidio, ma forse ci era abituata. (Nome) si domandava se Mei Lin si fosse mai chiesto se le interessa quello che aveva da dire. ❝ UN ATTIMO! Se tu sei qui vuol dire che potresti incontrare sua maestà, in fondo non ha fatto altro che cercarti da quando te ne sei andata. Non si è dato pace. ❞ La castana sembrava fiera delle sue parole, (nome) cercava solo di ignorarle e voleva solo qualcosa di creativo che avrebbe convinto la ragazza a concentrare la sua attenzione su qualcos’altro. ❝ Devo andare a cercare il giovane padrone, sarà così felice di vederti.❞ Se davvero il senso della frase alla quello, (nome) aveva un mix di pensieri tra la maledizione per l’impertinenza della ragazzina e la preoccupazione. Rulyan era da qualche parte in questo mercato, e il fatto che non fosse affolato avrebbe reso difficile allontanarsi senza darsi vedere. Allo stesso tempo significava che non aveva imparato assolutamente dalle sue parole. Un dannato bambino viziato. ❝ Senti Mei lin… so di aver sbagliato ad andarmene così ma immagina solo cosa accadrebbe se Rulyan mi trovasse in questo momento… ❞ Una bugia e qualche parole sottintesa, forse lei aveva pensato qualcosa di dannatamente rovinoso ma per quello che poteva saperne (nome), andava bene. ❝ Ma…- Il maestro Rulyan ha attese così tanto il vostro ritorno. ❞ ❝ eh va bene…❞ Prese un sospiro sconfitto ❝ Facciamo così, quando sarai tornata a palazzo con sua altezza potrai dirglielo… ok? ❞.
Non sembrava minimamente convinta delle parole della maggiore ma comunque accettò e poi se ne andò e (nome) riprese il suo giro. Avrebbe dovuto sbrigarsi a prendere quello che serviva e ripartire o comunque trovare un luogo sicuro nella capitale dove Rulyan non l'avrebbe mai trovata. Avrebbe dovuto trovare comunque il vecchietto prima però…
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Vestiva bene in quei abiti, lo rendevano davvero uno dei quei principi che venivano narrati nei romanzi occidentali. Un qualcosa di splendido e desiderabile se mai fosse stata una ragazza da ammaliare ma non lo era, ma era quasi sicura che Rulyan lo pensasse. Lei invece non si era cambiata, non avrebbe dato una tale soddisfazione, non che avesse qualcosa contro di lui o qualche torto da ricambiare, semplicemente lui l’aveva fatta trascinare qui con un mandato imperiale. Era un principe, anzi era il principe ereditario, la sua parola era quasi paragonabile a quella dell’imperatore e superiore a quella dell’imperatrice. Non ricordava esattamente quando il bel principe fosse entrato ma c’era una strana atmosfera da allora, Xia Ying in movimenti rigidi, aveva preparato e servito il the. Prima a Rulyan e poi a (nome). Non che (nome) ci abbia prestato molta attenzione, forse abitudine o semplicemente non le importava più di tanto. E forse la presenza della ragazza era qualcosa che Rulyan aveva calcolato, ricordava vagamente di aver elogiato la ragazza per la sua ottima tecnica di infusione delle erbe. Lo sguardo di (nome) aveva vagato, dal liquido che scivolava dal beccuccio della teiera, al viso nervoso di Xia Ying, allo sguardo di Rulyan che la stava guardo così intensamente da dimenticare che lo stesse facendo.
❝ Quando sei tornata?❞ (nome) non capiva perché quella domanda dovesse avere una tale importanza da essere fatta per prima, o semplicemente si ricordò che poteva essere un modo per iniziare una conversazione. ❝ Qualche ora fa. ❞ Non era del tutto una bugia. Non erano poche ore che erano passate dal suo arrivo, ma non si era nemmeno arrivati alla conclusione del giorno dal suo arrivo. Lui sembrò comprendere quello che stava sotto, annuì e prese anche un sorso di infuso imitando così l’amica d’infanzia. Un'espressione contorta affiorò nei lineamenti di Rulyan al sapore fin troppo forte dell’insieme di erbe. Era un gusto familiare e disgustoso, ricordava che questo era uno sapori favori dall’amica durante i loro The. Ricordava anche che se ne faceva portare degli altri, proprio come ora, e (nome) avrebbe solo criticato le sue scelte con voce tagliente elencando tutti i benefici che quei ingredienti poteva avere, come ora. Tutto là dentro era un rimando al passato eppure (nome) non sembrava accorgersene o semplicemente fingeva di non farlo.
❝ Non sai quanto ti ho cercato in questi anni.❞ ci fu un attimo di silenzio da parte di (nome), prese l'ennesimo sorso e poi parlò. ❝ Posso immaginare, in fondo me ne sono andata senza dirle niente… ❞ Era un parlato distante, come se non avessero niente a che fare l'uno con l’altro. Tuttavia conservava ancora quella nota di impertinenza che caratterizzava la ragazza. Forse Rulyan avrebbe dovuto sentirsi offeso ma non lo fece, forse per vecchie abitudini. ❝ E davvero non farai niente per farti perdonare…❞ Per la prima volta da quando si conoscevano, la vide con un’espressione confusa. Forse non se lo aspettava o semplicemente non riusciva a capire cosa voleva. Per la prima volta da quando si erano conosciuti era lei a non comprendere qualcosa, si sentiva quasi soddisfatto. Si alzò lasciando scivolare le sue vesti contro la sua figura, il suono prodotto da esse era dolce e morbido proprio come sempre.
Era più alto di lei adesso, e più in forma, poteva quasi sembrare affascinante. Si avvicinò e si abbassò fino a raggiungere una vicinanza ragionevole dal suo volto.
❝… Rimani alla corte interna con me, come mia consorte…❞
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87 notes · View notes
dr3c0mix · 4 months
Yandere knight thats all stoic and stuff but is very open about loving royal!reader
Like this bitch will scold you for leaving his side for 5 minutes, you need to stay near him! Not wander around carelessly!
Hes brutal and ruthless but you bring out that spark of kindness in him
Yan CEO is back on the table, either secretary darling who he denies all feelings for even though he shows a l o t of favoritism towards them or rival ceo darling who he wants to hate but THEYRE SOooOO hOt!!!
Yan emperor and concubine reader? Idk whether i should make him utterly bratty an whiny or zesty✨ like its either “please please please marry me i promise ill give you anything you want plea-“ or the embodiment of the word tease
Yan villain OH MY GOD HES SO SKBDWBJDSNJSB BUT LIKE idk if i want the reader to be a villain as well or a superhero
OHMYGOD ALSO yandere gang x reader where darling finds themself somehow saving a gang of thugs and they instantly fall for them and want to make them their boss, they are on their hands and knees to serve you! You can rule half of the city with them!! Theyre kinda dumb but theyre very very sweet
Also thinking of making a multi yan fic with a neko reader just because <3
3K notes · View notes
scara-writes · 29 days
Yandere Emperor X Consort! (F)Reader X Yandere Crown Prince(platonic)
милашка-sweetheart according to google correct me if im wrong!
CW: kidnapped, reader is look down upon by the nobles, infantilize, forced pregnancy, dehumanizing, mentions of attempt suicide, false rumor, power imbalance, worshipping, delusional(?)
NOTE: Crown Prince is at the age of 16. Reader is around 36-38. Emperor is two year younger than the reader. Also I don't speak russian everything is google (the empire is not based on irl russian empire but a fantasy world like the manhwas/shoujou isekai we read) and english is not my first language you can clearly see when you read the story. This is purely a fiction and I do not mean to offend anyone.
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Running is not ideal for a 5 month pregnant woman like you.
When you tried to seek help from your parents for the first time, they never helped you because who would believe an illegitimate daughter who was frowned upon by nobles.
You are an illegitimate child of the duke and a humble maid who passed away shortly after giving birth, but despite this, you are a physically and mentally healthy child. You even managed to withstand the attempts of your stepmother and your half-sister to discredit you in the family, and didn't even find a help to your neglectful father who busies himself of taking home many women from brothel.
That was in the past but you were desperate when you ask for their assistance. However, you never heard from them ever since you bore your first child, Ize.
Ize your son. Your lovely crown prince son grew up to be like your husband with his teachings. You tried to persuade him to never listen to his father but he only shook his head and told you that all his teaching that he was learning from his old man was to protect you.
Afraid that it will stress you even more in this suffocating high walls to protect you during your pregnancy and well being, Ize-the crown prince would be willing to act like a little kid for you. He would occasionally brew you a cup of tea that you enjoy or give you a handmade gift, such as an embroidered handkerchief, to show you that he was thinking of you and that said skill you taught him when he was a child. Knowing the child, this kind of acts is for him appease the worries you have;he is different behind closed doors of your confined palace where your eyes and ears can't reach; your crown prince son is a different person who will be willing to shed the blood of others just for you.
And it seems that the morals that you taught him must have been thrown out of the window thanks to your husband.
So here you are after escaping from the hundreds gazes of a watchful loyal hounds around your palace you escape, it wasn't easy since you are carrying the emperor's second child. You heard on a passing by servants that the two tyrants had a meeting with the other nobles and the neighboring kingdom, this is a rare occurrence that the two left you alone. It took you an hour to escape the royal grounds before exploring around the town till you found a port that would take you to another country. This is your only chance to escape that suffocating palace that those two tyrants confined you in. Your Husband, Yuri can't leave you alone not when he found out that you are with his child-a second child at that. Even before you were pregnant with his first child, his wary gaze and infantilization to you had multiplied tenfold.
Your husband spread the rumors about you being mentally ill. But why would he do such a thing? You reflected to yourself and it devastate you to realize it was his scheme to prevent you from seeking help from his subjects to escape. Only the royal physician and your husband were aware of this bogus illness. It felt betrayal that he has to make that action so he can confide you more.
Your husband's scheme worked. Even your own son believed the spewing lies coming from his father, and the nobles never gossip about you as if it was a taboo ever since you were married to the emperor. Speaking ill about the emperor's consort was just as good as the reaper visiting you by the second you speak those words. Only praises coming from their filthy mouths were allowed.
No one bats an eye on you, even the servants who serves under you. They will bathe you, serve you food, refreshments, but none of them will engage or start a conversation with you. When someone last made an effort to assist your escape, a kind servant at that. The lowest mining pit, which is worse than death, The emperor bestowed upon them to be sent the servant's family, including the said servant. High ranked criminals labour in a pit there for 18 hours with a maximum 4 hour break the rest of the hour are for necessities like sleeping, with much less food and income. In short, a death torture for them.
You implore your husband to kill them rather than send them there, the only thing he said to you that it wasn't your fault they were sent there. Something along the lines of—"you were acting like this because of your condition. That servant was attempting to kill you." He told you that in front of other servants. Everyone compliments his action for 'protecting' you. His cunning red eyes looks at you that none of the servants and nobles noticed but you did. It was a warning for you to behave or he will do worse.
Yuri has never harmed you, physically. but he will harm others who want to separate you from him.
The only time you regret your decision is when you met Yuri—he was about to meet his demise by the hands of his brothers if it weren't for you stumbling to see him in the middle of the night on an alleyway of the tsvetok village struggling to breathe from the deep pools of his own blood. So you drag his half dead body into your abandoned chamber—which is rarely visited by servants—that your father bestowed for you when you were born. Aiding his deep wounds, helping him heal up, befriending him, falling in love—
You purse your lips and gave a small wince feeling your belly is starting to ache, the kick from your unborn child thumps under your long dress.
My child please, Now is not the time! you gently brush your belly soothingly before leaning on the lamp post that dimly lit the night. You sigh in relief when you felt the baby inside of you cease on kicking. Although you were a little further from the palace when you looked behind you, you still needed to move quickly. Right now, you assume that Yuri or a servant that was suppose to serve you had definitely find out that you were gone this afternoon and notify the knights and some of high ranking mage to find you immediately, but the sun had already been sunk by the evening. They must have been having a hard time finding you. A little more 18 minute walk and you'll be able to ride on the ship that will help you travel to another empire, or any nation.
"ort---s--ing!" you turn to your left to look one of the vendors of the nights were gossiping. A woman with her husband was panting, assuming he was running to deliver a news to his family. His cloth headband on his raggedy hair is soaking. He took a deep breath before repeating what he said earlier. A dread of fear rise from your throat as he uttered his next words,
"The Emperor's Consort is missing! The Emperor's knights are blocking all way out!"
You heart felt like dropping when you saw a nearby knight were looking one by one at the women nearby, specifically women who are similarly pregnant like you. Speaking of the devil, they are already here!
Knights in horses, mages running around the busy street. Some of them stopping women who has similar hair color as you to assess if they found the right person.
"Oh my! I'm hoping the consort is doing okay! She must have acted such way due to her failing mental state. The emperor must have been worried sick, I can't imagine the devastion look of the emperor especially their son!" said the woman to her husband.
You hid your hair with your cape and quickly blend in with the busy road of the night town. Muttering, "excuse me!", "Apologize!" As you force your way around the crowd. One arm around your belly to protect child, while your hand went to sling your bag with clothes and some gold coins. as you bump so many people on the crowd. You look edges of the town, at the gate, to see all the possible exits were starting to get block by the imperials knights and mages. You bit your lips frustration as you felt the hope of getting your freedom back is slipping away from your grasp.
Your plan of getting to the port has been discarded after seeing a two mage and three knights were on their way there. Even if you did go in town's gate the gatekeepers will inspect people who are exiting and entering.
You look at the old man who was riding a donkey with his carriage towards to exit of the gate, fruits were laying under the cloth. An Idea quickly pop your head but you are desperate to leave this suffocating country so you have no choice but to execute it.
Your silent foot falls went behind on a slow moving carriage before climbing up silently and quickly, in your haste and desperation movement, you didn't feel as though you had torn your cape at the wooden edge of the carriage before taking the fabric that was covering the fruits that keeps them from dust and dirt. You carried a handful of fruits before slowly sitting down beside it then covering yourself with the said fabric and the remaining fruit fast enough before the knights from the gate of this region would notice you. You wince when one of the fruit hit your belly but not enough to endanger the baby.
"Have you seen this lady?" A man in his mid 60s look at the paper, he squint his eyes as he held his old lightly crack glasses to take a better look. Your (e/c) eyes look at the gapping hole of the carriage and gulp fearfully when you saw your portrait on the paper holding by the imperial knight.
"O-oh...sa-aw her!" you held your breath when the old man spoke. The two knights look at each other before listening to the next word of what the old man would say.
He lick his dry lips before continuing, his voice's struggling due to his old age, "If I-Im..not mistake-en the lady in the p-picture look like the lady I saw by the lampost o..on the rozahk street!"
You exhaled in relief since you mistakenly believed that the elderly man had just seen you, but he actually noticed you five minutes' walk from the gate to roza street. However, this would also let them know that you are actually close by.
The imperial knights gave the elderly merchant a nod as they hastily walked around the city, alerting a nearby mage to use a spell to track you. They quickly tell their subordinates for a new command.
You felt the carriage starts to move. Hugging yourself for reassurance especially at your upcoming baby that everything will be okay.
You weren't escaping just for yourself but for your second child that will be born. You don't want your kid to become like their older brother and learn from their father. Ruthless, and doesn't have a compassion to another human. You want your kid to have a brighter future, away from the blood shed. You hope that if you got caught or killed by your husband in the future. You will tell your second child to run away and never look back, when you are gone.
You ignored how uncomfortable it was to sleep in the fruits. You close your eyes and see the farm neighborhood that the carriage passed as well as the slowly dissipating kingdom that was beginning to appear as a dot on the horizon.
The abrupt shake of your ride woken you up. You hear noises outside the carriage and glance through the hole to see that light was creeping through, signaling that it was dawn but sun has yet to come in the horizon. What is happening?. You peek above the cloth seeing that you don't have enough visual on what's happening. A dusty road lay in front of you, and woods surrounded you. You turn around to look behind you and realize that the palace is no longer in sight. A sense of relief that you were indeed far from that prison.
A bunch of voices caught your ears, you turned to look to your right.
Your whole body went pale.
Your son-the crown prince was chatting with each of the roadside merchants who had just exited from their vehicle not far from where you were. The imperial warriors and mages that were conversing with the other sellers the same task as your son was doing just behind him.
You curse yourself, how did they come here to fast?
You need to leave before they notice that you are inside this carriage. Just as you swiftly escape your imprisonment. You carefully stood up, removing the fabric that was covering you and the fruits, ignoring the woozy and aches from your muscle pain for not moving too much from the entire night.
A creak was heard in your vehicle when you tried to climb down. Snapping your eyes back at them, to witness if they heard the mistake you made. To your relief, The prince and the other guards were still busy interrogating.
They didn't hear me..
You reach down and starts to stalk away from them, your hands were trembling. Stepping back to reach the wood just a 5 meters behind you. It didn't matter if you get lost in the woods, as long as they don't catch you.
No, you would rather live in a woods, in a forest where no one can reach you.
As you step forward carefully in to the woods, you didn't notice from your cautious and anxious state that your boots crack a twig, just like the cliché you previously read. The nearest knight snaps his head at the sound. He was perplexed before realizing that the woman from the paper in his hand resembles you.
"Her majes-"
You dash toward the woods. The imperial knights sought to catch up to you, as you heard him behind. You grab a nearby rock and shot it directly to his skull, and it hits him.
You ignored the yelp as he yells your honorific causing the nearby knights hear him and went for his aid, before they realize what he was yelling and starts to chase after you.
You felt the dress that was getting stuck on some of bushes and dried branches, resulting to have your dress to be ripped.
Heartbeat were thumping agressively, adrenaline were rushing around your body. One of your hands went up to your belly protecting it from getting injured despite your legs were now full of scratches and bruises from the twigs, and sharp edges of these woods. You feel your legs ache.
"Mother!" You faintly hear a galloping horses along with your son's voice behind you.
Your mistake was to look behind you while running away. You saw how your son and his guards were starting to gain just to bring you back to that hellhole. Your son Ize was reaching up his hand to take you back, his red orbs were full of concern and anxiousness.
"Mother! It's me,Ize! Please, slow down you will hurt yourself!"he yelled."Mother! Think about my sibling! Your child! Listen to me! Don't let this illness take over you!"
Poor child, he thought all of this nonsense that you are doing was because of your bogus illness.
You were about to stop when you saw a nearby cliff but a trunk made you tripped.
You screamed feeling a misstep when you realized you are falling, instinctively cradling your pregnant belly, protecting it as you roll down from the ground. A piercing scream was heard—from your son. Your head colliding to the three and it felt like your head would split open.
Your eyes were blurry from the impact. Touching your belly if there was injury. Atleast trying to feel your lower part if there was bleeding through your thighs other than your legs.
You look up at the steep cliff to see your son was sliding down, crying out your title as his mother. You saw his red orbs were full of tears as it glides down to his cheeks. The last thing you saw before your vision was consumed by the darkness was his hands reaching up to your head.
You were awoken by the sound of the chirping birds coming from the balcony.
You coughed, feeling the dryness from your throat. You eyes were blurry for a few minutes before clearing to see that you were back to the same imprisonment.
It wasn't the same room you shared with your husband. Are you...even in the palace?
You took your time to assess your surroundings only to realize that the room has similarities of the royalties room that are exiled but it looked renovated, one of your husband's brothers used to live here before taking his own life. You felt grim about the thought of it.
After his brother's passing you heard from one of the maids that he turned it into a vacation palace for royalties.
It was different from the last time you saw it. It was much more cleaner and better. It looked good after it was renovated.
Wait, the baby.
You eyes quickly gaze down to your belly. Hands quickly feeling around them, you exhale in relief when you felt a small kick from your stomach. You felt your tears at the edge of your eyes. It was a miracle that the heavens hadn't take your unborn child away.
I'm sorry baby...
They would have died from the stupidity you'd done!
You laid down to your right side of the bed and cradle in your stomach muttering a soft apologies and starts fluttering your eyes to go back to sleep.
But somethings not right. You felt like a pair of eyes watching you, looking at you.
Observing you.
You opened your eyes and look up only to see your pair of red eyes staring down at you.
Your husband, the emperor sitting on a wingback couch, his face resting at his hand while the elbow is resting at the arm of the couch beside him is a kettle with a cup that rest on top of the bedside table.
You feel your body tense up, you tried to get up and turn to look at your husband.
"Y-your majesty." You called but it sounded like a whisper. You don't know what he will do to you. Sure, he never hurt you physically but this is the first time you'd gotten far away from the place he imprison you in.
You gulped, will he hurt you this time?
"I-I'm... I.." you cannot come up a word,an excuse, what if he gets sick of you? What would happen to your child?
You felt your breath shorten. Tears are starting to swell up in your cheeks.
A rough hand brush on your cheeks before cupping it. You found your partner is already beside you on the bed.
He didn't speak he just let you weep as he brush away your tears. You stammer your words wanting to apologize. The emperor handed you a cup of water and you took it quenching the thirst from your larynx.
Once you drank it all, you hiccup trying to stop your tears from coming out. You felt his hands caressing your belly. "H-husband.."you gulped.
"hush,милашка."he commanded and you held your tongue and closed your eyes when he leans on your cheeks before engulfing you with his arms around you. You felt suffocating around him like a snake coiling around your body.
You feel tensed as he starts peppering kisses on your shoulders and neck before resting his lips to your earlobes, you shudder when he kissed it.
His right hand from your waist slid up under your loose sleeve before sliding it down, your emperor leaned down giving your shoulder a hickey. You whimpered trying to push him away but he hadn't budge an inch. Once he was satisfied he let your skin go with a pop before looking at the red mark he left.
The same hand went to brush your hair, tuck it behind your ear before leaning his forehead against yours. His red eyes held adoration, affection, but most of all obsession.
"милашка." He muttered closing his eyes sighing, he brush his lips against yours before deepening it.
He kept calling you, held you in his arms gently. The same arms that has full of blood that slay so many heads to get to the top of this food chain.
He laid you down before kissing every finger tips of yours and then clasping it with his rough hands as he called for you.
".... my милашка..."
He pressed one kiss on your collarbone. "None of this is your fault..." He told you.
"... This illness will be the death of you."
Your heart broke for him. He really delude himself that everything you did to get away from him was because of your 'illness'.
"... Everything will be fine, darling. I will take care of you." He dampened his lips one last time to your lips before leaving you in your new confinement.
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theroyalyandere · 11 months
smutty yandere dilf! emperor? 😍😍 reader is like a servant or something jsjsjsjs
yandere!dilf!emperor x female!servant!reader smutty 18+
cw: dark content, child neglect, alcohol abuse, breeding, inappropriate touching, jealousy, torture, dub-con, mentions of pregnancy and lactation
a/n: to people who see this post, don't like? then don't read
imagine attending as a servant to the emperor who was taken by grief with the lost of his wife
you notice how he drowns himself in alcohol leaving his work to the butlers and other lords
even neglecting his only child, who you can see was sadden by the situation of losing their mother then their father to drinking
the emperor was too drunk to pay attention to you, although you are mostly the one who takes care of him because you tolerate anything that comes into your way
whether he throws a fit or vomit all over, you chose to endure it because of necessity
whenever you have time for yourself, you often find the young child of the emperor all alone, playing by the gardens or at their mother's empty room
the servants and guards attending to the child or passing by would look at the child with pity in their eyes thinking they are going to be doomed for life
having enough of seeing the sad prince/princess, you took it upon yourself to take care of them
you approached the child who was wary but eventually warmed up to you
days went by and the young prince/princess would often follow you like a duckling to it's mother
you adore the little kid and everyone can see it, the smile coming from the prince/princess was enough to make anyone's day bright
the news of his own child being fond of another person reached the ears of the emperor
he was in the middle of throwing a fit when you did not attend to him
the poor guard assigned to him had to inform him how you are currently attending to the his child which explains why you are late
he got a little sober and asked to show where you are
he soon dressed a little more decently albeit still smelling like alcohol and his appearance messy, he still went to find you
the guard lead the way until the emperor comes into a view where you are playing with the prince/princess along with a couple of servants
he watches at how loud his child's laughter are and the glow of your face
he feels his heart beat as if he has fallen in love again
you were nudge and turn to look at the emperor gracing you with his presence
you immediately stop tickling the young child and bow to him
words of apology came out of your lips profusely, stumbling over your words as you look down fearing for the worst
he only asked you to stand up and inspects you
your doe eyed stare makes his insides turn into mush
the young prince/princess turning to you pulling your hand to play again
the emperor looks down at his child who hid behind you from being unfamiliar with their very own father
he kneels down at the level of his child, it pains him how terrible he must've been for neglecting the sweet child his dead wife left behind
he apologizes for his behavior and promises to be on his best
the emperor saw how the little boy/girl would look up to you asking for approval to which you gave them a nod
the kid reluctantly agrees
he then turns to you apologizing and thanking you for taking care of the little one
since that day, it changed the way he looks at you
there's constantly a guard by your side especially when you are with the young child
the emperor keeps an eye on you at times
monitoring your routine
sending gifts and goods to your way
his obsession worsens day by day
he would slowly began to show interest with you
the emperor would drop his bad habits hoping you would see him in a different light
he does want to change but he can't the itching of his mind and hands to be on you
he quits alcohol and now you are his new addiction
he spends more time joining you and his only child
to sneakily get closer to you, learning about your interests and background
it makes him fall deeper in-love with you
his advances would become obvious to everyone, everyone except you
too focused on your duties to even noticed the emperor following you like a puppy
he grew even more jealous and would often take people secretly to torture
the next time you encounter those people, they would only scurry away than interact with you which places you in an odd position
he tunes it up even more through 'accidental' touches
he figures that he loves it when he's close to you, inhaling your scent almost delicious enough to taste you
he's hoping to get more so he permanently assigned you to him when you are not spending time with his child
his company intimidates you as you always feel his heated gaze
eyes scanning down from your head to toe, licking his lips while doing so
the emperor would often cage you in his arms or simply grabbing you by the waist
you get surprised everytime he does
when he couldn't handle it anymore he pins you in place and asks if you can't see how much he's pining for you
you shake your head no and he grins
"I will show you how much I want you to be mine."
he starts kissing you, making you whimper in the process
he makes you wrap your arms around him
kissing you so roughly almost taking your breath away
he rips your dress off making you yelp but he does not break the kiss
the emperor's hands would reach over to rub his palms over your skin
his touch leaves a trail of goosebumps and you feel heated
he breaks of the kiss and his lips travel south to suckle on your nipples
he plays with your breasts, teasing them and pinching them
he chuckles as he hears your whines
"patience, wouldn't be lovely if your lovely breasts swell with milk after I filled you with child?"
his words surprises you, making you worry but your mind is overtaken by lust
"yes please my emperor."
you say sultrily successfully seducing him with a sentence alone
he gets you and him naked
he feels how wet you are for him but decides that it isn't enough for him to let you accomodate to his size
so he scissors your walls with his fingers, rubbing and thrusting until his palms feel your clit
you whine and thrash around as you feel pleasure all over
back arching as he sings praises for how you're doing so well for him
you take the pleasure he gives you and soon comes undone with his hands
he pulls his hands out of your sore pussy, then brings his slick coated fingers to your lips
"open your mouth and suck it."
you comply and suck and lick slick of your release on his fingers
you taste your arousal making you clench your thighs which does not go unnoticed by him
he positions his body between your legs, grabbing you to feel you even closer
he looks down at you with lust
thrusting into you without warning
he groans at the tightness surrounding him almost rendering him motionless with how you squeeze his cock
he starts to thrust slow then suddenly went fast
you moan loudly as he fucks you hard
eyes rolling back to the back of your head
your brain shutting off from the stimulation you are receiving
he rams his cock into you with no mercy, overstimulating your clit in the process
he groans out that he is going to cum he rubs your clit with his thumb
fucking you even harder as you squeal
he thrusts so fast until he cums with a loud groan by your ear
you have your second orgasm with him filling your womb with his seed
he pulls out to see how his cum drips, he pushes it back with a thumb letting you moan a little softly
He cuddles you and you snuggle right back
You immediately fall asleep with exhaustion
he whispers in your ear that you are going to be his and his only
the emperor is determined to make you take the seat of the queen to raise his children and be his wife
he wants you to swell up with his kids marking you as his
for now he let's you rest and those plans with be continued for another day
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belovedyandere · 10 months
Hiyya! can i request where the yandere(any yandere will do^^) take the readers underwear and jacks off on them and they have their jizz all over it and then they made the readers wesr them the whole day?
yandere emperor would be one of the yandere’s to do this, though he would make sure you were present when doing so. it would be in the early morning, and you would be requested to strip only your underwear but to do it ever-so slowly. it felt humiliating but for the emperor, it was enticing. he’d be grinning ear to ear, grabbing the underwear from you, making sure the tip of his cock rested inside your underwear. his eyes would never leave your embarrassed face, you were demanded to stand still and not turn away from his gaze. if you disobeyed, you would be punished severely. he’d spread his legs, his movements slow before increasing in speed, small sounds of pants and grunts echoed in his chamber. it took him minutes to finally climax, which had you seething as it often took longer for him to do so when the two of you would lay together. your underwear was filled with his thick cum, a line of his semen had connected from the up of his cock to the underwear. he stood up in all his glory, satisfied as he handed it back to you. you were at a loss for words when you were told to were it for the whole day. slowly, you pulled the underwear up your thighs until it rested perfectly against your hole. it was still warm, and you underestimated the amount of it. you were rightfully scared that it would spill down your legs in front of others, but the emperor cared very little. in fact, throughout the day, he would call you to come to where he was, his hand roughly cupping your sensitive area to see if it was still filled. he would be reading the daily paper of his duties for the day as he did this or speaking to advisors, his finger sliding into your hole, attempting to smear his cum inside your inner walls, smirking slightly when you bite your lip to hold in your moans.
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forbidden-sunlight · 4 months
yandere!emperor with empress!reader scenario
Tumblr media
warnings: infidelity, obsessive behavior, blackmail, non-con, regicide.
There may be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the back button on your mobile device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
You are responsible for your own Internet consumption!
Hey guys, welcome to my first yandere fic! Before we dive in, I want to let you know a couple of things; firstly, this is not the prologue of a series and never will be one because I simply do not have the time right now. It is a scenario, a prompt, that was inspired by the Fallen Kingdom series created by @cassanderasblog. I will leave a link to their work here. I credit them for giving me inspiration and being honest in their feedback when I showed them the initial draft. Credit also goes to @faux-ecrivain for helping finish a difficult scene.
Finally, please do not comment on here if you wish to harass me in some shape or form. I do and will not tolerate bullying. As the saying goes, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." If it does happen, however, I will have no choice but to remove this scenario as soon as possible.
So, with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy :)
Yandere!Emperor had despised you with his heart and soul. The only reason he had allowed the marriage to even happen was to solidify the alliance between his nation and yours. He did not love you. The woman who held his heart, the one whom he trusted above everyone else in the world is Tatiana Adreeva. His mistress. A beautiful flower that should never be polluted by the nobles who dare to not allow her to become the Empress simply because she lacked the status equal to his own prior to ascension. You did. 
Yandere!Emperor did not lay a hand on you after the vows had been exchanged in the temple. He did not seek out your company, preferring to seek comfort in Tati’s bed and her arms. He had his crown, his woman, and allocated more power through his marriage with you. It was nothing personal. He simply did what he had to do so that his Empire would continue to prosper. 
Yandere!Emperor would not tolerate any rudeness targeted toward his lover, even if you had not uttered a single word to her at all or raised your hand against her.
 To him, ignoring her when she greeted you was enough to earn a lengthy lecture from him. 
But you did not cling to him or beg for mercy, as he thought you would do, or any other self-respecting maiden who did not want to anger her husband. You coldly stared at him with that, silent as the grave until he dismissed you from his office. Out of spite, he had his aide add more documents to your desk for the next month even when the work was not part of the Empress’ official duties. 
To his joy, Tatiana became pregnant with his child, his heir. Being by her side was suddenly all that mattered to Yandere!Emperor. His overprotective streak and ill temperament increased over time. He would lash out at you for the smallest of incidents, even if it was not your fault. And like before, you did not react to his words and continued with your life. 
Like what happens to him or with his mistress is none of your concern unless it is associated with the Empire and the citizens. As it should be. He did not marry you out of love. 
When the child was born, a healthy baby boy christened Nikolov, Yandere!Emperor held a banquet and invited ambassadors from neighboring kingdoms to celebrate. But it was on this day….that he knew the truth. 
Once he had made the necessary greetings and made sure the captain of the guards would immediately report anything suspicious or if Tati and Nikolov were in any danger, Yandere!Emperor retreated to his office. He looked over the stack of documents on his desk, trying to lessen his workload in the morning so that he could spend time with his Tati and his son.
Upon hearing a knock at the door, he did not look up from the outline of a treaty as he allowed the third person to enter his office without cutting off their fingers. His mistress, the head butler, and his advisor. Tati’s older brother, Marquis Aizel Adreeva. Yandere!Emperor had bought the highest status that he could give to his mistress’ family after receiving positive confirmation that Tati was truly pregnant and not a misdiagnosis.
Aizel smiled, closing the door behind him with his foot as he set down a tray, placing two silver goblets and a bottle of wine on the corner of his desk. He spoke softly, congratulating Yandere!Emperor on finally having an heir and making his sister the happiest woman in the world. He poured the wine into the goblets. He held one in his hand, and extended his other hand to the Glorious Son, Blessed by the Five Gods.
Yandere!Emperor smiled, taking the offered drink. They raised their goblets high in the air, and drank. Yet when Yandere!Emperor looked at Aizel…his merry smile was not right. Not the kind of joy that a new uncle would express at a nationwide celebration. It was tighter, almost anticipating something…to happen.
That was when he realized the wine tasted bitter. That was when the room began to spin, and it felt like his skull being split in half. Poison. He had been betrayed. Yandere!Emperor grunted, trying to steady himself against the desk when Aizel walked around the wooden structure and had the audacity to push him back into the leather chair.
“Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Emperor.” Aizel chastised, his amber orbs glowing with delight. “Not going to lie, I did not think the wine would accelerate the poison as quickly I had thought, but that works for me!”
Yandere!Emperor felt a rock plummet into the pit of his stomach at Aizel’s words. “You…did this?” He gurgled. “I thought…the Empress -”
“And deny me the opportunity to see the look on your face, choking on your blood? Absolutely not. Dear, sweet [First Name] would never have done this to you. You might not have loved her, but she did respect you.” Aizel shrugged. "If Tati were in her shoes, I reckon things would not have gone as smoothly as they have." He said casually, as if he were talking about the weather and not informally speaking to the most powerful man in the Empire. 
“I only have ten minutes before I must return to the party, so I will do the honor of answering your unspoken questions. Now, where should I start? Oh, right. Why? Why did I do this when I love you like a brother? When have you treated my sister and I with nothing but kindness and respect, providing support whenever we are troubled, mentally, physically, and finanically? Well, the answer is really, really simple: I don’t. I tolerated you. I respected you. But never once did I feel any affection towards you.” His smile widened. “The one who deserves to stand by Tati's side is the Rapid Dog of The Northern Border, my brother-in-arms. Remember him? He was engaged to Tati. The man she should have married, should have been the father of my nephew. But you had the engagement annulled because she had said a few nice words to you. You threatened to seize my family’s home unless she came to the palace as your mistress? Do you remember? Why do I even bother asking? You’re going to die anyway, and we will finally be free from this gilded cage. Seven years. Seven long, agonizing years of watching my sister playing the gentle, loving role of a besotted mistress when all she really wanted to do was slit your throat. I thought about that every day too, you know? Well, almost. I actually felt sorry for the Empress, you know. She didn’t deserve to have a husband who neglected his duties and blamed everything on the one person who kept the gears in this Empire going, until now.”
“E-Empress -”
“Had an assassin give her a clean, painless death. Made it look like an accident, and he delivered! That’s very impressive for an underground guild, you know. Investment was worth it.” Aizel giggled.
“Now, it’s time to let everyone know their beloved Emperor has retired for the evening and call it a night. Big changes are coming. Pity you won’t see it. Don’t worry though, I won’t kill Nikki. I do love him…and he will never know that his true father is a tyrannical piece of shit who died in his own pool of blood because he allowed love to muddle his mind when he should have put the country’s well being above all else. Farewell, Emperor Aleksander of the Moldova Empire. From the ashes of corruption, a new country shall be born. And my nephew will rule over it in his father’s stead once he is ready. The father he should have had and not the one who brought him into this world, Duke Matthias Starkov.” 
When he awakened, Yandere!Emperor realized he was no longer on the floor. He could breathe and he could see in the mirror that hung across the room that he looked younger again. He asked, no, demanded, a quivering servant  to tell him what the year and date were, now. It was The Year of the Moon, ----.  As the crown prince of the Moldova Empire, it is his duty to select a candidate to become his crown princess, his future Empress who would rule beside him when he ascended as the Emperor. His father, the current Emperor, is growing impatient with his sixteen-year-old son and annoyed that he is still fawning over the marquis’ daughter, Tatiana Adreeva, a woman who was already engaged to a duke. 
“Bring me the list, no, tell Josef to bring it to my office immediately. I will be there shortly.” Yandere!Emperor had never pushed the servants to dress him quickly as he did at this moment. He did not know how or why, but he had returned to the past, right when he had seen Tatiana for the first time. Seven years into the past, before Aizel had poisoned him and killed his Empress. 
Sure enough, he saw his Empress’ name on the list, five down from the most qualified and right in the middle of the lengthy parchment.  [First Name] [Last Name], born to the Republic of Greiran, the Prime Minister’s only daughter.
They are Moldova’s closest neighbor and primary source of spices and various crops that are able to thrive in the harshest of weather conditions. Rumor had it that the Prime Minister himself was the one who had collaborated with the magician’s tower on this project, saving thousands of lives from suffering another winter and no harvest after the king had collapsed from a broken heart, having lost his queen after she had given birth to the crown prince.
 That connection to the magician’s tower was the only reason Yandere!Emperor had married his Empress. Access to more magical resources than the ones in the Moldova Empire, enabling the creation of magical weapons and protecting the borders around enemy nations. And yet he still died like a damned dog, blind to the respect and admiration his Empress held for him in favor of  receiving love from his murderer. But not this time. This time….he will set things right. 
He will not get involved with Tatiana Adreeva. 
He will ascend to the throne as he is supposed to.
He will be devoted only to [First Name], never taking a mistress even if the aristocracy begged him. Even if their marriage is only on paper, and she never looks at him as a man and only as an Emperor. 
He will learn everything there is to know about his future Empress, and he will never let her go. 
©️do not repost or use any of the characters depicted here without the author’s permission. forbidden-sunlight, 2023
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Yan arena beasts/fighters + handler reader. Reader is an average human working at a zoo/shelters abducted and thrown into a life of caring for a galactic tyrant's playthings due to their experience with animals. Not an idea choice for the job, but with everyone who's had the job before being maimed, killed, or worse they were running out of options. Reader does the best with what they're given. They find solitude with the other captives to an extent and some of the more feral creatures remind them of stray cats and dogs they knew back home. They treat those who allow as those same poor creatures out of habit and to cope with their new life. Others are so aggressive they have to be blindfold and sedated to even get close. Reader still tries to comfort them despite the many scratches and bites they receive
A little mix up happens where a warrior meant to fight the big bad of the area had already been slain by the beast. With no alternative, reader gets sent out instead as sacrifice to appease the blood hungry masses. They cower in the corner as the beast's mask is removed, praying their battered body at least gets shipped home so they have a proper burial and their family has some clue to what happened to them. They cast their small dagger away still unable to defend themselves against what they only see as a frightened animal protecting its own skin. The beast lifts them off the ground like a ragdoll holding them high for the crowd to see as its fangs draw from its scarred lips - breaking the band around its wrist that would seal reader's victory.
The beast ties the rope around reader's neck as the announcer declares them victor by default. The crowd boos, but as the beast snaps the neck of one of the guards and throws the limb body into the arena their demands are met. Reader quakes from the sheer disbelief of the whole ordeal, and still being trapped in the beast's arms as it coos. It takes over a dozen guards to get them to separate the two. They try again with another beast reader has care for and the same thing happens. Watching the live footage closely it's clear to experts the skilled fighters allow themselves to get injured to be coddled and tended to by reader. When rations are given they try to feed reader a share of their meals. The number of casualties skyrocket when reader's taken away or new caretakers are introduced. The beasts demand their head pats and ear scratches for their winnings and they want it from one source alone.
The emperor is quite amused by this revelation. It perfectly masks his paranoia in the case of his pets rising against him for whatever reason and choosing the earthling as their new overlord which few have spoken of in whispers. He's torn between killing them to null his fears and befriending them to puppeteer his pets craftfully from the shadows. He decides on the latter since getting rid of them would only anger his pets. That and it would be so easy to trick the human with his charms. Few can resist the words and body of a king, after all.
"Y/n, darling, it's so good to see you! So glad you could make it. How have things been, hm?"
"I'd like to go home, please."
"Hahaha! Oh, you're so cute with your little jokes! You may enjoy your meal in due time, but I have a favor to ask of you from a friend to a king. In the case of I don't know - my pets slaughtering my entire legion and storming my castle walls to behead me and crown you ruler - would you pretty please ask them to - not do that?"
"That....sounds like it would be out of my hands."
"Right. Changing subject, you are aware I have been topless this whole conversation and my bed is right behind me. Why haven't you attempted to have your way with me by now? Not saying you could - but you can always try."
The emperor upgrades their room to one right next to his, but they hardly sleep there favoring their time caring for the others and because they'd rather stay there than see him in a state of undress on their mattress. The emperor mimics the cooing that gets wounded beasts extra smothering from their handler, but reader mostly ignores him. He grows jealous seeing them fast asleep in a cell kept warm by the body heat of the battle scarred creatures around them. He's been scarred by attempted assassinations in the past - why doesn't he get cuddles too? Combats this jealously by making a royal decree that reader has to sit with him during every battle and on his lap if they wish to stay out of his sight afterwards. Requests for reader's fredom and hand in marriage and when a champion is chosen are banned almost immediately.
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sky-high-standards · 7 months
Yandere Emperor x fem reader
set in medieval times. usual warnings y'all should know the drill by now☺
Your kingdom was being invaded and everyone did what they could to save it but the invaders were too strong you watched so many innocent people being slaughtered by the invaders and the survivors were taken hostage including you.
These invaders were sent by the emperor who was a cold and merciless man until he met you~
You were taken into the magnificent palace where you were forced to work for the emperor's wife Imelda, she was an extremely insufferable woman and treated all of her servants like crap. It wasn't the best life, but it could be far worse but unfortunately Imelda and the Emperor were having a rough patch and rumors said he was having multiple affairs with other women, so she was worse than usual.
You were on your way to bring Imelda her breakfast when someone bumped into to you and that person just happened to be the emperor you looked up at him wide eyed and covered in Imelda's breakfast and apologized profusely while he just stared at you he didn't look angry all he did was stare at you as you quickly collected everything and bowed before you ran off but little did you the moment he saw you that nervous look on you face got him excited in a way that no woman including Imelda had ever done something about you just caught his attention.
You walked into Imelda's room to see her crying on the floor you asked her what happened an she totally lost it.
Imelda: That's none of your concern you pathetic slave your lucky to be here but remember your place and stay out it!!!
You then left not wanting to deal with her again. It turns out that the king had just gotten tired of her and sent her off which was great news for everyone since they didn't have to deal with her anymore. Naturally the Emperor had to remarry so he had many beautiful women come to the palace where he would choose his new bride due to you being a servant you had to assist the women being sent but the strange thing was that each time a woman was being presented, he glanced at you for every single one it was as confusing to the emperor as it was to you he was just drawn to you every time he saw you a wave of excitement and...love? came over him that he wasn't used to.
Eventually he chose a wife she was very beautiful and seemed like a very suitable wife, but he never got that feeling when he was around her. The emperor's wife whose name was Miranda was very kind and caring and even befriended you she was great in every possible way, but everyone could feel the emperor didn't love her so poor Miranda made it her mission to win his affection yet nothing worked so she slowly began to give up on his affection while u didn't have to try you started to see the emperor a lot more often and you noticed his cold crystal blue eyes following you as you cleaned and unbeknownst to you it took a great deal of strength to restrain himself from pouncing of you and making you his he would go feral on the inside when you bend down to clean in his bedroom it was embarrassing how you didn't even have to do much to make him hard.
Slowly the emperor tried to have you around more to ease his hunger like "accidentally" brushing his hand against yours or having you bend down to get his pen that he "accidentally" dropped. All he wanted to do was make you his to own every inch of you, but he restrained himself, but it got harder to each time almost as if you were teasing him.
Tell me if I should make a part 2 I'm tired rn
Stay hydrated and safe love Y'all
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
YAN! EMPEROR: You are my wife now.
EUNUCH! READER: Your Majesty, I am a man-
YAN! EMPEROR: . . . My deepest apologies.
YAN! EMPEROR: You are my male-wife now.
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abbyfmc · 2 months
Yandere King! vs Yandere Emperor! x Empress! Reader Headcanons:
Warning: Mention of murder, kidnapping, harassment, possible abortion attempts, abuse, etc. Yanderes are NOT good couples in real life, and they should not follow these types of illegal practices either. This is only for 18+.
If you met the emperor first, it was probably when he was a prince and you were a princess.
If you met the king first, a similar case could have occurred where it was before inheriting the throne.
While the king is sovereign of simply a kingdom, the emperor is sovereign and full governor of an empire that may be made up of several towns or kingdoms.
On the one hand, the yandere king would only have you as his wife and queen; while the emperor, although he has you as his empress (and therefore, his main wife) would have to be in charge of ruling the imperial harem and fighting against probably palace intrigues.
The yandere king tries to impress you in every way possible because he KNOWS that the emperor is far superior to him in both status and economic, political, social and military power.
What they both have in common is that they DO NOT take no for an answer.
Are you in love with someone else?, both the emperor and the king will pursue they and do everything possible to make they disappear.
If your parents had plans to marry you to the yandere king, the emperor could meet with them and try to convince them that he, having a higher status, is a better choice for you.
If your parents had plans to marry you to the emperor, then the yandere king would do everything he could to make or force your parents to change their minds.
If you marry the king: 10.1 -While the king will be happy to have you, the emperor is devising a plan to invade that kingdom, take ownership of it (if he has not done so before) and in the process kidnap you and take you to his imperial palace. 10.2 -The king, on the other hand, will do his best to keep you out of the sight of the yandere emperor. 10.3 -Once the Yandere Emperor manages to invade the Yandere King's kingdom, he will capture him while he will kidnap you in his palace and force you to be his as he always wanted.
If you marry the emperor: 11.1 -You would be his empress, consort, concubine or even his noble lady. 11.2 -You would have your own mini palace. 11.3 -If you are an empress (which is most likely), you would be highly respected by everyone. 11.4 -During your coronation, the yandere king will have watched you from a distance. He would see how beautiful you were, but with the pain that you were not marrying him, but his enemy. 11.5 -The yandere emperor would take you on a trip to all the towns, kingdoms and tribes that he has in his power. 11.6 -The yandere king upon seeing you would be obliged to greet you like --Greetings to your majesty-- for the yandere emperor, and for you it would be :--Greetings to your highness the empress-- followed by kneeling before you as a way of reverence.
If you get pregnant, regardless of the biological father, the opposing yandere will not like it at all and could very well make you "accidentally" abort. The opposing yandere would even be able to forcibly make you pregnant.
Yes, they would probably be capable of ab#sing you, since they think that only they can be the parents of your children.
In the case of the yandere emperor, if the king dares to curse you for not being his and even try to force himself on you, the emperor could punish him by capturing him, taking away his kingdom and possessions as well as cutting or burning his tongue.
If this is the case of the yandere king, he could declare war on the emperor in your honor, and if he ends up losing, he would flee with you to any unknown place.
Divorce is not an option.
Trying to escape either.
If they know that you love someone else, both of you would be able to kill that someone in any case.
If a yandere found out that you received gifts from the opposing yandere or someone else that they didn't authorize, they would make you throw it away or throw it away themselves.
They would both appreciate any kind of gifts you give them.
A kind smile from you and affectionate words will be enough to make them smile and blush.
They would both protect and care for you. They would also appreciate any kind of care you give them, whether they are sick or not.
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intynidad · 10 months
Would you mind writing about a yandere emperor who falls in love with a royal mage/sage who works for the empire?
I really enjoyed working on this request! I think it was a little longer than i was planning but i would love to continue exploring a more fantazy style world for my characters!!
Anyway here is what you asked!!
Yandere emperor x mage/sage reader
As you trailed behind your master, the esteemed sage of the kingdom, you couldn't help but feel dwarfed by the towering walls of the palace. Each step you took seemed small in comparison to the grandeur that surrounded you.
Your master had been summoned to attend a crucial meeting with the young emperor, who had recently ascended to the throne after the tragic loss of their mother, the late empress. The country was gripped by the ravages of a merciless plague, and the weight of responsibility rested heavily on the shoulders of the young ruler.
With each passing moment, the air seemed to grow heavier, carrying the weight of grief and uncertainty that plagued the nation. The palace, once a symbol of opulence and power, now held an air of somberness as it grappled with the aftermath of loss.
As you quickened your steps to keep up with your master's hurried pace, you couldn't help but wonder what role you would play in this meeting.
Your steps came to a halt as you stood before a towering door, its majestic presence adorned with glistening jewels and shimmering gold. The heavy doors slowly swung open, revealing a grand chamber bathed in soft light. As you stepped inside, your eyes fell upon a young man seated upon the magnificent throne, his regal demeanor exuding a mix of authority and youthfulness.
Your master, radiating confidence and wisdom, advanced with a steady stride towards the young emperor. Their years of knowledge and experience seemed to lend an air of respectability to the room, commanding attention and reverence. You, on the other hand, found yourself waddling nervously behind, feeling small and insignificant in the presence of such power.
The young emperor's gaze shifted from your master to you, curiosity flickering in his eyes. A momentary silence hung in the air, as if the weight of the world rested upon this encounter.
One thing you appreciated was the rule that the sages were the only people that didn't have to kneel when meeting a ruler, because you were sure that you would trip with your own feet if you tried to.
"Your majesty," your master began, their voice filled with a gentle yet commanding tone. "We have come in response to your personal summons, fully aware of the significance behind this audience."
The young emperor nodded solemnly, acknowledging the unspoken understanding between you all. The weight of the plague that ravaged the kingdom hung heavy in the air, an unspoken truth that reverberated within the depths of your being. Your mind brimmed with questions, thoughts swirling like a tempest, but caution held your tongue.
In that moment, as your master conversed with the emperor, your gaze met his fiery ruby eyes. It felt as if time stood still. The intensity in his gaze hinted at hidden depths, a soul burdened by the weight of responsibility and loss. There was something captivating about the way he held himself, an aura of strength and vulnerability intermingled.
“You may be wondering why i asked both of you to come here” the emperor said
“Me and my royal alchemist been working on an elixir to eliminate the plague once and for all, but we both lack the magic you sages poses to actually start producing it” the emperor looked at you “it should all work on theory, but without magic to start the process we are hand tied”
The emperor slowly started to descend the stairs, their eyes lock on you
“I know that i'm asking for a lot but please i implore that your apprentice stays in my kingdom as my royal mage and help me save my people”
Before you could speak your master put a hand on your back
“My apprentice will do their best”
With that your fate was seal, it was an honor to be able to work as a royal mage but being the royal mage of THE emperor was another level
Well this would be interesting…
Your magical abilities were no joke, the young emperor was more than impressed and with a few magic tricks and the alchemist abilities the plague was no longer around
But as the plague started to disappear something new was blossoming in the kingdom
The seed of love and the seeds of obsession…
The emperor started to notice small things about you, the way you said the magic word or how cute your focused face was when you studied your ancient book.
The emperor was walking towards your chambers with a fragrant rose in hand, his feelings were too much to bear and he needed to confess.
“Now that the plague is gone, what do you plan to do?” The emperor heard a voice coming from your chambers
“I don’t know…probably get back at my studies in the sage tower or something like that” the heart of the emperor sunk in realization.now that the plague was gone you had no other reason to stay in his kingdom.
“Maybe we could go together?, i mean only if you want too”
his despair quickly turned to anger as he recognized the voice of his alchemist responding in a flirtatious manner. The audacity of his own trusted alchemist making advances on you ignited a seething rage within the emperor. How dare they cross that line and attempt to pursue you?
He will not stand for it.
Quickly he went back to his own workshop, and there it was sitting on a small box…a virus
He never intendente to create it, it was an accident when he had tried to find a cure. Now it served a new propuse.
The relentless return of the plague had consumed your every waking moment, leaving you exhausted and desperate for a breakthrough.
A knock on your door shattered the silence, momentarily diverting your attention. Wearily, you called out, granting permission for the visitor to enter. The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway.the emperor
“How are you doing my dear mage?”
“As good as one can do with this predicament your majesty”even though you two had grown close you still wouldn’t call him by his name
“I see” he looked at you with heart eyes, even though you looked exhausted “i brought you a cup of tea, i thought you needed a little rest”
“Thanks your majesty, but i shall not rest, not when the people of your kingdom are suffering”
Oh you will be an amazing ruler, so preoccupied for your future subjects. He can’t wait for when he finally has you.
“Since you send your royal alchemist away its been more difficult to advance”
A-yes that, to the rest of the kingdom the alchemist was send away to investigate new cures but he knew the true, he send them a way to keep them away from you
“Don’t worry my dear,as long as we had each other we will be okay”
How he wishes that you would look at him the same way he looked at you, but he needed to be cautious of his actions, after all he was powerless against you if you ever decided to reveal yourself against him. But it was okay, when he managed to have you whining under him he will be sure that you wouldn’t think about that kind of things
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riniworld · 2 months
fulfil my wish
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yandere!emperor oc x general!f!reader
warnings// obsession,yandere theme,mention of killing and blood,breaking bones,not proofread, let me know if i missed anything!
refrence// you,my love,flower,your majesty-honor, she/her
a/n//i don't actually know if all of this make sense-
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it's been months since you've got married to taron,and you hated every second of it.
your place is in the field with a sword or in a war not in this luxurious life full of lazeness,but he prevented you from using the sword again saying it's too dangerous for an empress to go to the war.
in the start you didn't mind because you don't want to hold the sword against your home,but you can't handle it anymore when you couldn't even go out the castle.
your life start to become plain and boring,you literally had read the entire library.
whenever you open the topic with taron he close it immediately.
You've gave up on getting out from there and didn't argue about it more untill...
You have a younger sister who got married early to one of the soldiers who was under your wing, but he died in one of the battles so you took her and her children responsibilitys on you,You found a job for her to support herself and her children, and you visited them every month but after what happen you forget about her.
you were on your way to taron to give him some papers he had told you to bring because he forgot them in the room when you stumble on one of his correspondents telling him news about the empire and he mentioned something about your sister losing her job.
you had alot of questions first is that how does taron know about her? second Why does he receive her news? She doesn't even live here,but all those questions faded away when you realize you should go visit her.
You were jolted out of your thoughts when the door opened,the correspondent bow in respect and go.
taron smiled softly when he saw you "ah did you bring them already?"
you put the papers on his desk "what did the correspondent told you?" you asked like you didn't hear anything,maybe he'll told you what happen to your sister in details.
"Don't bother yourself with it, it's just normal news about the state of the empire"
you nod in acknowledge "I'll go now then,i need to do something"
"do you now? why don't we drink some tea together,We don't usually sit together" he took your hand and kissed the back of it
you pull your hand quickly "no thanks" then you left.
but then you stopped in your track,Why don't you get closer to him? Maybe he'll let you out the castle then? this idea hit you as you made your way back to him.
you opened the door aggressively "you know what let's drink tea together i don't have anything to do"
taron was confused as much as he was happy,did you finally decided to give him a chance?.
"sure,of course come sit" he said and pull the chair for you to sit on.
when you sat down he demanded the servants to bring two cups of tea in a rush
you sip from your cup in tense,since he sit down he kept just looking at you.
"your tea will get cold" you point out.
"hm?....ah yes,yeah right" he shake his head like he just come to his sense.
you roll your eyes when he wasn't looking.
he sip from his cup befor he speak "What is the reason for the sudden change in behavior,hm?....it's not like i'm complaining of course"
you pause thinking of a reason "...nothing really....I'm-just bored."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise "you're bored? Did the servants fail to bring you anything? do you need anything? should i punish someone?"
"whao there,it's nothing like that i just.....it's boring being here all the time"
he sigh "i don't like where this going to."
"why so? all i ask is a little walk in the cit-"
"no." he shuts you up immediately. "we've talked about that before,if you need anything I'll send someone to bring it to you."
"it's totally different! i need some fresh air"
"the garden is big enough"
"but it's annoying to be in the same place over and over again."
"look.." he say as he made his way to you taking your hands in his "it's all for your safety,we don't know what will happen if you set your foot outside the gates."
"i belive I'm more than capable of myself." you say in annoyance.
taron chuckle slightly "yes,i trust you can of course, let's just say i don't want anyone to see your beauty as well...If I didn't have to, I wouldn't let the servants see you at all"
"that's bullshit" you mutter under yout breath.
"i know you're not the type to stay in one place,but you'll get used to it"
you glare at him in anger and pull your hands from his.
taron sigh in frustration and ran his hand through his hair.
"is boredom the only reason that you want to go out?"
you stayed silent for a moment, "no...i want to visit my sister."
"...oh..you have a sister?"
what a liar,it taking everything in you to not punch him, "i do" you say between gritting teeth.
"don't worry about her,just tell me where is she and I'll take care of her." he smiled at you.
"no need, just let me visit her." you say in desperate.
"I'll think about it" he goes back to his side of the table "i would love to spend some more time with you but i have duties to attend" he say in an apologising tone.
you left the room without saying anything,knowing that it's just lies and he won't let you go.
you're laying down on the bed,you couldn't sleep last night thinking of ways to visit your sister.
Even if you can avoid the servants, you will not be able to avoid the guards outside.
you sigh and gets up to change,you'll think better in the fresh air.
When you open the door to leave, you're stopped by a guard standing at the door.
"please forgive me,your majesty,But it's orders you can't leave your room."
you scoff and get inside,that happened alot when taron get guests.
you sit beside the window looking out at the garden lost in thought,you heard rambling outside the door,that most be the servants busy providing hospitality,poor people.
but that when an idea crossed your mind,everyone busy with the guests,no one will notice you snaking out,And if you use a little of your power as an empress, you can leave, and no one will tell taron immediately.
you open the door again and cut the guard before he say anything "i need to use the lavatory."
the guard look between you and taron's guest room,you clear your throat to get his attention again "I'm sure taron wouldn't mind,in fact he might even get angry if he knew you didn't let me go." you feel a little guilty to use his fear against him but you know you had to,for your sister.
the guard stood in front of you in tense "as you wish,your majesty,but let me escort you."
you had no choice but to accept,now you're here in the toilet thinking about how to get rid of him.
You use one of the moves you had learned as a general,
You pull him in quickly as you apply enough pressure to the carotid arteries,while you cut off the blood flow to his brain, render him unconscious.
you mutter "sorry" and left,walking slowly to the outside gates you've bumped on one or two of the servants who questions you if you need anything or telling you that taron don't want you to go out now,but you brush it off by some excuses as he the one who told you to bring him something or you want something personal from a room.
You have successfully reached the outdoor garden, you made your way to the gates and the guards stopped you "sorry your honor but you are forbidden from leaving, it is the Emperor's orders"
you expected this to happen "I've been given permission to leave"
the guards look at each other and then one of them speak "excuse us but we have to ask his majesty about this"
"are you calling me a liar?" you say sternly.
the guard started to get tense and bow his head "i would never your honor!"
"it's-it's just for safety,your honor,so his majesty won't get upset" the other guard says shakly
"there's no need to disturb him right now,i belive my word is enough to go by,isn't it?"
the guards opened the way to you and shouted "yes of course your honor!"
it would be strange for you to go walking in this clothes in public so you take a trolley to escort you.
your eyes land on a clothes shop,it sells ordinary clothes just the thing you need so you told the trolley driver to stop by it, when you enter everyone star at you,not that they recognize you thank to taron's possessiveness, but because you look more like a royalty to buy something from a store like that.
you ignore the stars and whispers in your way looking for something more comfortable you can run in it if needed...or fight.
when you find what you want and wear it you head to pay but then realize that you didn't bring with you any money,cursing under your breath as you think of something you can pay by, your eyes landed on your ring,your wedding ring,it's not like you loved it anyway so you give it to the seller who look at you with shock but eventually take it of course even if it was too much for the price.
as you walk out the store,you tries to hide your face as much as you can so the trolley driver won't recognize you,when you get far enough you start to walk casually but fast trying to reach your sister as fast as you can before taron knows about your disappear and make a huge deal of it.
it's been two hour when those shame of royalties has been here,taron grew annoyed,What they say is all bullshit to him,he could kick them out easily and for no reason but he doesn't want to deal with the drama that will happen... not now at least not when you finally softened up to him a little bit,his mood ease a little when he thought of you.
he wonder if you're asleep right now,and hope you're not, he want to spend some time with you again.
oh finally they're gone!,taron bid them farewell coldly and fast he didn't even escort them to the gates but can they complain? they're lucky enough he even accepted to meet them and didn't kick them out by 5 min.
taron head to your room and got angry when no one stand at the door,didn't he set a guard here?.
he opens the door to your room slowly so he won't wake you up if you were sleeping,But all his annoyance changed to shock when he did not see anyone in the room he made sure to not let you out didn't he?!
taron shouted for the servants to come and by seconds three servants bowing on their hands before him,no one dared to left their head up not when their emperor is angry.
"i belive I've made myself clear to not let y/n left the room,haven't i?,so where is she now?" his tone is terrifyingly filled with coldness.
"We-we were s-s-so busy hosting that we didn't notice anyone leaving,your-your Majesty" one of them say shakly with terror.
"you useless insects!" he shouted "I'll deal with you later,go and prepare my horse and let some of those guards prepare themselves too...quickly!" he demanded.
the servants hurried to do what they had been told.
taron knew exactly where are you going to,if you only waited for some days, he was going to take you there of course he was, why would he prevents you from visiting your sister?? he was just going to make it a surprise but you had to break his words and now you ruined everything, he has to make you learn how to obey him even if he have to use power.
day later
it wasn't easy to left the empire the guards was everywhere, you even had to hide somewhere for like three hours.
but eventually you're out know and close to your sister's house it only take an hour walking.
you finally here after alot of trouble,you knock on the door and your sister opened the door real quick.
"ah-y/n! what-what got you here?"
you didn't answer instead you throw yourself at her and hug here tight,she return the hug but there was something strange about her, she sutter and seems like really anxious,you shrug this feeling off maybe she's still brokendown.
she guster you inside "I've heard about what happened" you say while sitting down.
"o-oh really? it's not a big deal...and i-i heard about your marriage" she brings some tea and biscuit to a table in front of you.
"ugh don't talk about that now,it's miserable..that sham of a man thinks he have the right to control my life or something"
"y-y/n ac-actually he's-"
"but it's true my love, i do have the right to control your life" someone cut your sister off, you recognize that voice, taron
you stand up in a defensive pose quickly wich lead to knock the tray off "what are you doing here?!"
"what? am i not allowed to visit my beloved wife sister?" he said with innocent tone.
you look at your sister with a questioning look,but what got you angry more is how your sister shiver in fear, what did he do to her?!.
"i swear to god taron if you've hurt her!" you warning.
taron only chuckle slightly "I've never heard you say my name,it's like honey when you say it"
you didn't replay don't want to go further with his playing.
taron's expression suddenly turned serious "now let's go back to the castle,and you're going to come with me obediently" he say coldly
you wanted to argue but your sister life is on the line,before you even replay he grabbed your arm and dragged you to his horse behind the house, he ride the horse at first and demand "ride" as you ride hesitantly.
The road to the castle was quiet and full of tension, you knew full well that there would be consequences when you return, but at least your sister was safe.
as soon as you reached your destination, taron took you by your arm forcefully and then threw you on the floor of the room.
you fall on your back hard but you swallow your groan,Before you lift yourself off the ground taron place his foot on your neck It chokes you a little.
"you broke my words,flower. i have to make sure you won't do it again." he say strangely calm as he tuck down and take one of your arms
the next thing you hear is a cracking noise,fuck he broke your arm.
you bite your lips to not scream and sound weak,All thanks to your training as a general,but you eventually let a little groan escape as he force more wight on it.
"you broke my heart,flower. The least i can do is break your arm,and this still not as much pain as I felt" with every word come out his mouth he twists your arm more "be thankful i didn't kill your sister."
with that he left you alone,you lift yourself up and embrace your arm letting out a few tears,it of course doesn't hurt like the battles injuries But this is the first time someone has broken your pride, and who did it? The person you hate most!.
you swear you'll get your revenge someday.
someone knock on the door,you gave permission to enter, the castle's doctor entered,she respectfully told you to sit on the bed so she cast your broken arm. (i guess it's like that?)
When she finished, she wished you a speedy recovery and left.
taron entered as soon as the doctor left,he looked at your arm for some minute before he exhale and sit down beside you.
"you lost that" He takes your good hand and place your wedding ring in your finger,a blood-stained ring,did he kill the clothes seller?!.
"you of course hadn't gave it willingly,so i brought it back to you, don't mind the blood it'll go easly with some soap" he was smiling, how can he smile when he just killed an innocent person!.
maybe the blood on the ring will remind you what taron can do without guilt, if you hadn't listen to him this would've been you sister blood.
he's terrifying.
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hope you like it :)!
have a nice day/night♡
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faux-ecrivain · 4 months
Yan Emperor
(Twelfth Official Post)
(Duke’s name is Isaiah Hartfeld)
(This one might be a bit muddled, but I tried my best.)
(Emperor’s name is Adonis Margold)
(this one focuses on the Emperor, part two should focus on the Duke)
     The Duke, Isaiah Hartfeld, was well known for being a promiscuous womanizer and he often caused an uproar in society. Which is what prompted the Emperor to marry Isaiah off to someone that would whip him into shape, you. You were a well known person throughout all social circles, you were the head of you family and you didn’t let anyone push you around. Of course, when the emperor first proposed such an idea you immediately shut it down. You didn’t explain why, but you did say that nothing in this world would ever make you change your mind. So, he decides to offer you something out of this world, something only he can give you.
     The Emperor greets you as you enter the throne room, a sly smile on his tanned face. “Ah, Good Morrow, my dear friend, how are you this lovely evening?” He descends from his throne, his boots click against the marble floor. He holds a gloves hand out and waits for you the greet him, you reluctantly grab hold of his hand with one of your own gloved hands. (Gloves are very popular around here) You place a respectful kiss on his knuckles (which, of course, causes the Emperor to smile) and then let go of his hand (which causes the emperor’s smile to fall).
      “I am doing no better than any other day, why did you call me here, Your majesty?” You respond with an air of formality and familiarity. The Emperor frowns, finding your formality unnecessary. “Come now, my dear subject, formality is not necessary. We’re practically family!” He says with a grin on his face and wink of his eyes, you, however, are confused. But you just nod your head and let him say what he wants. He waits for your response, but his joy diminishes with each second of silence.
     He clears his throat and pats your shoulders. “I see you’re in no mood for small talk, so I suppose I should just get to the point.” He forces a smile on his face and places his hands on your shoulders, he chooses to ignore the way you lean away from him. “I’ve decided that you shall marry Duke Hartfeld.” Your eyes widen and you’re about to disagree when the Emperor interrupts you. “Ah, Ah, Ah, I already know what you’re about to say, but trust me, you do not want to reject this deal.” He leads you to a nearby chair, which seems to have been placed just for you, and sits you down. He kneels, on one knee, in front of you.  “Your majesty! What are you doing?!” You exclaim, finding his behavior strange. He brushes off your worries and continues speaking.
     “Listen, [Y/N], I know you aren’t from this country and I know you want to go home. So, if you marry the Duke and straighten him up, then I’ll take you home.” Your expression shifts from disbelief to doubt, how would the Emperor send you home, and how does he know you aren’t from here? Unless, by home, he means returning you to your country. Which would make more sense, because you were a prisoner of war when you first came to this country. Now, you’re a high ranking general and commanding an army, you can’t help but be proud of yourself. “What on Ilasatra do you mean?” (Ilasatra is the equivalent of earth in this world.) You ask him, a frown developing on your face.
    The Emperor smirks and brushes your hair back, then he stands up and begins to circle your chair. He stands behind you and leans his head down to whisper into your ears. “You know exactly what I mean.” He purrs, placing his hand on your shoulder and caressing it, which causes you to lean away from him. He touches you far too much, it makes you very uncomfortable. Your breath catches in your throat and you can’t help the hope that claws its way to your heart. “You can send me home?” You mutter, turning to face him and your gaze catch his. There’s such a hopeful look in your eyes, he smirks, it amuses him and then his eyes are caught by your lips. Oh, how he wishes to love you, but you would be of better use whipping the Duke into shape. 
    He clears his throat and drags his gaze away from yours, he resumes his previous action of circling your chair. His hand trails down your arm and causes goose bumps on your skin (because you’re uncomfortable). “Yes, I could get you home, but only if you do something for me first.” His tone is quite mysterious, he seems to know something you don’t. “It will be worth it, I promise.”  His hand entangles itself with yours, you pull away and he reluctantly lets you go. 
     You contemplate his words, your brows furrowed and you wipe your hand on your coat (which, of course, causes him to chuckle). You hesitantly agree, knowing that making a deal with the emperor is a bad idea. “Very well then, Your Majesty, I trust you.” His heart flutters when you admit to trusting him, he didn’t know those words could have such a pleasant affect on him. He smiles and yanks you out of your chair, he then places both his hands on your shoulders. “That’s wonderful, [Y/N], I knew you wouldn’t let me down.” He traps you in a tight hug, despite how uncomfortable it makes you (and it makes you very uncomfortable).
      You struggle somewhat to escape his grip, eventually giving up and letting him hold you as long as he wished. He sighs, his mind awash with loving images of you and him together. He knows it will never happen, but he surely can dream about it. You’re pretty sure he was sniffing your hair and that was your sign to escape the hug, so you stepped on his foot and then backed away from him. His pained groans are muffled by his hand and he tries not to scream, he forgot how sharp your boots were. “Ah, my dear, that was quite rude of you, but I’ll forgive you, just don’t do it again.” He warns you with a rather playful tone, even waggles his finger at you, but the threat is real. You frown and shuffle away from him. 
     He tsks and drags you back to him, although he does have to fight as you dig your heels into the marble flooring. “Come now, dear, I won’t hurt you. Don’t you want to know what I need from you?” His smile tightens as he struggles, he didn’t expect you to be so strong. He chuckles nervously, he even sweats a bit (which irritates him because he absolutely despises sweating). He lets go of you, causing you to stumble back yet you retain your balance. “Okay, you just stay there and I’ll explain the deal to you, alright?” You nod your head and he claps his hands together. His smile grows and his tone shifts from agitated to cheery. “Wonderful! My dear, do you know who Duke Hartfeld is?” You nod again, then verbally respond. “Yes, I’ve heard rumors about him.”
     Actually, you’ve heard many rumors, all of them attest to his hedonistic lifestyle. You don’t like him very much, you absolutely despise him. The Emperor smiles again, he smiles a lot, and walks towards you. “Great, I want you to marry him-“ You gasp in shock and then interrupt him, because there is no way in Natiscle (Natiscle is the equivalent of hell in this world.) that you’re going to marry that worthless wrench of a man. “Oh, like Natiscle I will marry that man! I wouldn’t marry him if he were the last man on Ilasatra!” You exclaim loudly, the servants in the room startled by your behavior. The Emperor is amused by your response, he chuckles and feels himself growing fonder of you with each word that escapes your mouth.
     “Oh, Baiyases, (Baiyas is the equivalent of heaven in this world, so Baiyases is the equivalent of heavens.) now dear, you shouldn’t overreact. He really isn’t all that bad, if you ignore his faults and he won’t be any trouble if you smack him around a bit.” The Emperor does not like the Duke, at all, and neither do you. But you could never smack Duke Hartfeld around, he’s so weak and it’s not like he’s a criminal. “Oh, no, I couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be right.” She responds causing him to rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Oh, please [Y/N], you���ve dealt with far more reputable enemies than that old Duke.” You cringe when he mentions your past, as a general you’ve had to take down many people and you hate being reminded of that. Also, the Duke Isn’t that old, he’s actually younger than you. Which might explain his promiscuity, they say, that is the noble women say, that young man are very adventurous, and often have trouble committing to a relationship. 
     You sigh, a frown etching its way onto your face. You look away from the Emperor, which causes you to miss his frown, and then think about his offer. You don’t want to marry that wretched Duke, but the Emperor says he can send you home and you really do want to go home. You sigh again and massage your temple. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you have to promise you’ll send me home right after. I don’t want to stay with him any longer than necessary.” You fold your hands together and tug at your gloves. The Emperor smiles once he hears you accept his request and he can’t help but hug you again. “Oh, thank you so much, my dear! All I need you to do is whip him into shape and then you can leave, okay?” 
      You nod, then wriggle your way out of his hold. This time the Emperor doesn’t frown, he seems happy to have heard you agree to his favor. “How long do I have to be married to him?” You ask, causing him to tilt his head and pretend to think. “Oh, perhaps two or three years. That’s not too long, is it?” You groan, just a week around that Duke is too much. You couldn’t fathom spending two years with him, let alone three. The Emperor chuckles upon seeing your disgusted face, he takes joy in knowing that you despise the Duke just as much as he does. “Is that alright, dear? Surely you could handle two, or three, years with the Duke? After all, you’re a very strong person, the Duke couldn’t be much worse than those on the battlefield, right?” 
     You frown again once the Emperor brings up your past, he sure likes to do that. You sigh, roll your eyes and cross your arms. “I can’t do two years, but I’ll do one year.” The Emperor tilts his head, amused and intrigued by your behavior. Not many nobles would have the gall to negotiate with the Emperor, that’s why your his favorite subject. “Hm, a year and half.” He says, which causes you to glare at him, then speak again. “No, one year and three months.” The Emperor exhales and his eyes narrow, he’s becoming irritated with your boldness. “A year and two weeks.” He responds, you consider his offer, then nod your head. “Fine, a year and two weeks, but no more.” He smiles, quite happy now that you’ve agreed with him. “Wonderful, oh, I can’t wait for the ceremony!” (Although, he would rather you marry him, but oh well, such is life) He claps his hands together and kisses your cheek, as a way to share his congratulations, but it just made you uncomfortable.
Bonus Scenes:
You: “Do you really think me strong?” Not many nobles admire your strength, they believe you should fit into a certain mold, and it’s rather frustrating.
The Emperor: He places his hand son your shoulders, a flirtatious smirk on his face. “Why of course, darling! You are so very strong, the strongest person I’ve ever met..” He purrs, his hands trailing down your arms.
You: You puff out your chest upon hearing the Emperor compliment your strength. “Hmph, that’s right, I’m the strongest person around.” 
The Emperor: He chuckles, amused by your behavior. He thinks you’re absolutely adorable, he’ll do anything if it means having you next to him.
(Hope you enjoyed this fan fiction, this one was a bit longer than most of my other written works. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment if you want more.)
(This is just part one, it focuses more on the Emperor than the Duke, but don’t worry the Duke will have his turn soon enough!)
(this took hours and days to make, mostly because I procrastinated, but at least it’s done. This is part one, part two will, hopefully, focus on the Duke.)
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theroyalyandere · 1 year
request: Hello can I request yandere Emperor with a foreign dancer reader??? Like reader is runaway princess of a kingdom because she didn't wanted to marry an old noble man whom her parents choose for her to gain political support. Thank you!!
yandere!emperor x dancer!reader
you escaped your kingdom in the disguise of a dancer and it worked well with how skilled you are at dancing.
you ran away because your wish to marry for love was disregarded by the king and queen, your parents. they instead arranged you to a wealthy old nobel who's obviously does not have the best intentions.
you travelled along with your crew to various kingdoms to perform.
until you stopped to perform at the yandere!emperor's empire.
he was well known to be a benevolent emperor he already had a harem of his own occupied by the most beautiful women in the empire.
however he has not taken any empress yet, despite the Court's determination to marry one of their daughters to their beloved emperor.
when the day of the feast came, you were the star of the performance. eyes were on you, dazzling as you dance with grace.
with your beauty, everyone has fallen for you including the emperor himself.
he felt his heart beating out of his chest the moment his eyes landed on you, he couldn't take his eyes of you looking like a fever dream.
at that very moment he was determined to make you his.
he immediately asked his right hand to know about you and offered your crew to stay at the palace for a while in return for the performance you had given.
he started to subtly court you by asking for your presence to join in him for tea and a chat.
he then started to take you out on dates, which you don't mind assuming it was only the emperor's kindness and hospitality.
he also gave you gifts such as clothes and jewelery or anything your heart desires he will have it granted to you.
it took a while to make you fall for him but you did.
the emperor couldn't be even happier than having you.
he started to spoil you more and more which made his affections to you even obvious to the eyes of others.
he only requested you to his chambers to spend the night with him leaving the harem confused by his actions.
his courtship towards you spread out like fire within the empire.
because of this the court still continued to pursue the emperor to marry their daughters and it led to the jealousy of his consorts and concubines
you were subjected to various humiliation whenever the emperor was not around but you kept quiet to not cause a fuss
until you were fed up with the mistreatment
you packed your things and talked to the crew to leave the empire and embark on another adventure
when you went to see the emperor, he was happy to see you and even offered to spend time with you
however, his happiness was shattered the moment you said you needed to leave
he went to you and pulled you closer to him asking why are you leaving him and was begging not to leave him because you are his life
you hesitated to tell him but decided not to so you kept silent and went away.
that day the emperor became harsh and cold towards the servants and everyone who crosses his way.
he couldn't let you go, so he ordered his loyal servant to find out the cause of you suddenly leaving him.
it enraged him when he found out how you were treated by the nobles and his harem during your stay.
so he ordered his knights to murder all of the concubines and nobles who participated to make you miserable.
he also investigated your background and found out you were a runaway princess
he immediately went to negotiate with your parents to cut your engagement to whoever noble that it was in exchange for a greater benefit in exchange for your hand
they agree to his offer and he left, but not without a chaos at the kingdom
this action sparked a fear towards everyone among the empire.
they certainly did not expect him to commit a mass murder just because of a foreign dancer.
the news reached to you and you couldn't deny how it made you afraid soon enough he will be out to get you.
guess what, the next morning you open the door and see him staring at you with craziness and love behind those eyes of his.
behind him is his knights conquering the village you are staying at.
he grins down at you "hello my love, I'm glad to see you again."
I hope you like this! :)
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belovedyandere · 3 months
Ooh, could we see more of Yandere Empire x Prince reader? I feel like there's so much potential there
Imagine reader, a Prince visiting to discuss the prosperity and needs of the particular section of the nation that their family rules, only for the emperor to grow infatuated by them. By the time it's all over, the Prince continues to as if they didn't catch on to Yan Empire's moves, hoping to return back without any trouble. Only to be told that if they didn't cooperate, the emperor wouldn't hesitate to slaughter his family and destroy the section of the kingdom his family ruled.
Prince reader being in an arranged marriage, only for the emperor to rearrange so that the reader would marry him.
A not so smart prince reader rejecting the emperor's advances, thinking that this would end the emperor's infatuation with him.
cw. angst, aphrodisiac, dubcon, imprisonment, sexual themes, yandere themes
It felt strange entering a land that was not your own, perhaps it was the contrast in scenery, or the culture, maybe even the regulations that were imposed. Though something in you said it was the instinct of a young zebra entering a hungry lions den. The emperor had more years in his reign, you were regarded as new to the public eye in your kingdom. though that did not stop you from pursuing tasks that would bring great opportunities to your people. this was one of them.
It was surprising that your royal family had even been accepted to enter the large land, what not for his isolated ideals that were fuelled by the prospect of war and claiming new land. Nevertheless you seized the chance without question. You were given a day to idle in the chambers gifted to you as an important guest of the Emperor. You took notice of the people, the servants, the buildings and areas that you passed through. The people of the empire seemed to prosper greatly, but there seemed to be a dreaded silence upon them. How come? The prince didn’t know. The second day arrived, and the lovely prince was continuously fixing his royal attire before the guards came to lead him to the emperor. Confidence and security was key. He could not show weakness or desperation, his people counted on him. Once the doors opened, there was the dreaded silence in the room. Across the prince, stretched to the back of the room sat a figure, covered by a curtain of linen that weren’t transparent enough to see the face of a person but enough to see the shape of them.
No one spoke a word. But my you were very determined to make an impression, clearing your throat, you introduced yourself— from your title, to the name of your kingdom and the honour you felt being in the presence of the infamous emperor. The silence followed after had dampened the confidence you once had. You attempted to continue but was cut off by a voice that resonated through the room.
“Come closer.”
To which you did the opposite. The sudden demand had you frozen in place before being slightly pushed by the guard behind you. So much for oozing confidence and security. Your legs moved on their own, stopping only a few feet away from the curtain. The figure stood up, spreading the curtain from the middle. Your wide eyes finally witnessed the famed emperor. If his face did not scream warlord, he was quite handsome. But the aura emitting from him felt thick, it was hard to formulate into words, it was as though coming face to face to a beast from another world and you knew it was feeble to fight. However, the prince that you are, stood tall and noble.
And that same beast cracked a smile but it lacked the warmth that you were accustomed to at home, this whole region lacked warmth. You were terribly homesick already. He repeated your name, bringing you back to your surroundings. His call felt as though how one would repeat an instruction they had to follow correctly. After the initial meeting, days passed, not once being called upon the emperor during that week. You weren’t sure if this was how consulting with a neighbouring country was meant to go, but you weren’t going to complain. The scenery, the room, the service, the food— new discoveries in this foreign land was enough to pass the time.
But at last, you were summoned. You gathered yourself once more before you entered the room, reciting topics to discuss in your mind as you walked through the palace. When you entered the room– there were no sight of guards, servants, or counsellors. Only him. Odd but not enough to warrant concern. You were beckoned to sit across from him, and you had almost tripped on your way over. Though you felt embarrassed, the emperor's chuckle lightened the mood. Servants had rushed in with dishes before leaving quietly. The chats were light and amicable. He inquired about your enjoyment of your stay thus far, and you said that you had definitely enjoyed your stay, for the most part.
“I am pleased to hear this. It would be troubling if you did not enjoy your new home.” He brought his glass to his mouth, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips. “But nevertheless, it wouldn’t matter to me. Just as long as you are here beside me.”
“Oh yes, I— Excuse me?” You asked confused, your brows furrowed in bewilderment and heart beating strangely fast, did you hear that right? “I don’t understand what you quite mean, esteemed emperor.” You tried to keep a steady tone, not wanting to anger the war lord of the west. But you could already feel your fingers begin to tremble, as though your body knew what was to come before you even knew.
He chuckled once more at your confusion, finding it so simple and childlike, it was adorable. A sharp contrast to the meddling lords who would attempt to snake their way through to him. “What don’t you understand? I would assume you were taught proper English as a prince?” He teased, grinning at your shocked and embarrassed expression. “This is your new home, my husband to be.” He paused before saying the last few words, to make certain that you would comprehend your new situation.
You stood up from your seat, the sounds of screeching from the chair ignored as you stared at him in disbelief, “I can’t, I-I have a family, a duty and a kingdom to rule someday, I cannot stay here.” You said through a trembling voice, “I will soon have candidates to be married to and create a famil-“
“Sit down.” The emperor’s voice cut you off, his eyes piercing your thoughts, his stare felt overwhelmingly intense. You wanted to run, you wanted to run as far as you could until you could see the gates of your kingdom that you dreamed of ruling. This was not supposed to happen, there was no mention permanent residency nor marriage. You felt defeat, you knew you could not fight against the emperor nor would you want your men to lose their lives for you. Your legs gave out, you sat back down, slumped. “Why…why me..esteemed emperor?” You hoped this was a joke, a cruel one but a joke. And if it wasn’t, maybe you could reason with him. Or at least try.
The emperor stared at you, his indifferent expression slowly falling to a relaxed and almost imitating a warm expression, but not quite. “You charmed me.” He said a matter of factly. How could have charmed him? This was your only second meeting, the last barely had any word exchange. “Yes, that’s it,” he spoke again, prompting you to look up at him, “Your face, your expressions, they reveal your inner thoughts and emotions. It’s refreshing. But there’s more to it.” He added, standing up and making his way to you, his eyes never leaving your own. And you couldn’t look away, his eyes demanded your attention and gaze.
He stood beside you, his fingers tracing your neck, lifting your chin to face him as he leaned in. “Accompany me to my chambers tonight, dear husband. You will need to understand what needs must be fulfilled before our matrimony.” He said in a silly voice, holding onto your shared eye contact a moment longer, his eyes tracing to your lips and back to your eyes before walking to the door. “Don’t keep me waiting, I am not a man of patience.”
It had felt as though your whole body experienced being strangled with every step you reluctantly took. Each moment you realised how close you were to reaching his chambers. Bile started to reach your throat, nauseousness and anxiety pooling together to make an unpleasant dump of fear filled thoughts swirling. Your mind raced sporadically. From the dinner, to the upcoming visit you dreaded. But through all of this, you felt pain. Sadness. Reality had hit you very swiftly– you may never see your family again. Your home. The gardens, your fathers office, your mothers greenhouse, the stables…it felt as though a piece that was firmly stitched to you had been cruelly ripped from you. And now you were bleeding as you walked to the person who had done this.
The guards who escorted you announced your presence, and your body ran cold when you heard his voice on the other side to enter. You tried your best to keep your body from shaking, to show strength that was a representation of your homeland. But you weren’t sure if your body stayed still as you were pushed to enter in a matter of seconds after the doors opened.
The moment you had entered, a foreign smell hit your nostrils. Invading your body and mind. It smelt…nice, calming, almost enough to relax your anxious heart. Through lidded eyes, you saw smoke, it was incense, multiple littered around the room. Enough to fill the whole room with the smell but not enough to leave you choking on the smoke. It was strange, moments after inhaling the smell, you feel as though you’re back home in your mothers arms. Such serenity a smell invokes.
“We don’t have that back home…” You muttered to yourself, earning a heartily chuckle across the room. You had only noticed the full design of the room, and where the owner of that room stood.
“What don’t you have back home, my prince?” There on the bed sat the emperor, his leg crossed over the other, watching you with amused, curious eyes. A smile that seemed innocent enough but only a fool could not sense deeper intent behind it.
“The..incense…we don’t have them. We just have candles.” Your speech had grown slow, mellowed, something that internally surprised you but you weren’t able to dwell on it for long. You couldn’t. Not with the focused gaze of the emperor across you, it was consuming, so much so it would be difficult for you to retreat to your thoughts.
He beckoned you to come, you hadn’t noticed that you were getting closer to where he sat. Your thoughts were too preoccupied with his the emperor. The way he sat with all knowing eyes, filled with an aura of might power that could challenge God himself. It filled you with envy, especially when you were at his bidding. You stood before him, closer than you would have imagined. Close enough for the emperor to reach you and pull you towards him. Your breath caught in your throat as his arms snaked around your hips. His forehead resting against your abdomen. He stayed still for what felt like eternity until his arms began to unwrap and travel down to your thighs. He turned his head, his eyes glaring into yours while he kept his head still resting over your abdomen. “Of all the women and men, you are by far the most ethereal. Perhaps, it’s because of the light environment you were born in.” He stated calmly, watching your gazed expression with a delighted expression. His large hands that bore deep scars began to slowly make their way up from your thighs. Reaching bellow your buttocks, squeezing and pinching the fat of your thighs before doing the same to your cheeks.
He moved his face from your abdomen, settling his nose to where your crotch laid, “My cock will conquer you. It will reach from here,” as he spoke, his nose began to travel back up to your abdomen, “aalll the way to here.” He stopped just inches below your belly button. Your glassy eyes that turned your vision blurry finally took in the expression of the emperor, his cheeks had a shade of red that an angry drunk would have, and his eyes pooled with lust and desire. “I’m quite excited.“ Your clouded mind was not prepared to be flipped so suddenly, your whole perception of reality and your surroundings felt slow and wonky. The only thing that your mind could process was his voice. “Strip. Slowly.” His commanding voice that felt as though were denying God. You didn’t know why you were doing this, but your body felt so hot and itchy, and you just wanted out of these clothes now! You began to clumsily fumble with your attire, your pouty lips and pink stained cheeks enticing the emperor as he watched.
He liked watching your cloudy, teary eyes furrow when struggling to get out of those cheap fabrics. The sight of your red blush covering the tip of your ears urged him to nip at them while thrusting into you like a wild man. He just knew how weak those ears were. Your whole body felt new yet familiar to him. You belonged to him. Your slutty body, your eyes, mouth, ear, nose, everything. And soon, your heart. It didn’t matter if he had to force his way. He will get his birthright. You.
He watched you as you laid, in all your glory, on top of the red silk sheets that complimented you. You couldn’t look at him, ashamed and fearful of what was going to happen. You couldn’t even wrap your mind around what was going on right now.
You could hear clothes dropping to the floor, your looked over to see him hovering over you, naked. Your head sinking further into the bed when his hands placed themselves on either side of you. His whole weight plunged you deeper onto the bed. If you weren’t feeling strangely light headed, it still would’ve been difficult to find your foothold and escape from the bed. “We are not supposed to be intimate until after our wedding ceremony, but who am I to deny my prince’s urges? It’s very difficult for me to hold back when your future husband sees your lustful face innocently begging for my cock.” He smiled warmly, similar to how one would look at their pet who begged for treats. You originally thought this man was calculating, but now you believed that as well as him being delusional. However, the more you took notice of the incense and inhaled it, it became too hard to deny what he said. Your whole body felt disorientated. You needed to prod your whole body with your fingers. You needed to wrap yourself in skin to feel grounded. You needed something to stop this frightful sensation that you weren’t human anymore.
Your breathing began to become unstable at the incessant thoughts, and your emperor took notice of it quite quickly. It would be strange if he didn’t, as he was inches from your face ever since he had gotten onto the bed. He watched over your face, taking in your expressions and the way they revealed your thoughts. It was amusing. “Shhh, little prince, just focus on me. I’ll make you bound to me and my cock.” His strange way of comforting had at the very least kept your thoughts at bay. Especially when you watched him grab your hips and pull your bottom to his face, wrapping his arms around your thighs to keep them spread. A warm, squishy texture suddenly invaded your hole. You released a surprised mewl, your eyes looking to see his own. His eyes are always on you, has been since the beginning. It left you unsettled but the unfamiliar prodding sensation in your ass left you unfocused. Your thighs shaking, in shock at the pleasure. You weren’t aware of how two men were like when intimate. Is this normal?
You were to weak to keep your lips shut, releasing moans and sighs that were like music to his ears. Before the screams of agony from men in war would excite him. Who knew a prince mewling beneath him could do much more than excite him. Feeling your hole relax, he figured since you have been lubed and stretched, it was time. He moved your hips as he pleased, already feeling bliss from the control he had over your body.
His enraged cock-head pressed against your hole, causing your thighs to quiver, and you tightened up even more firmly than before, pulsing on his shaft and gasping under your him, your hole gripping his cock as though you would never desire him to pull out again. It didn’t take long before he came in you, huge thick ropes coating your insides. It seemed to surprise him as well. But he regained his posture, slamming into your hole over and over without break. You choked on your drool, tears and snot streaming down your face. You felt unsightly and disgusting.
“Even covered in sweat, tears and snot. You look divine.” He muttered between groans, his hand wrapping around your cock cruelly, wanting to see you cry out more and become more messier than before. The emperor’s face was a testament to the total pleasure swallowing his cock. It was the look of a man who was completely lost to bliss and ecstasy. He sighed moments after, lazily rocking his cock in and out, making sure to push as much of his semen into the deepest parts of you so you would be leaking for days.
“Conquering you has been my greatest victory. And conquering you tomorrow, the day after that and the day after that, and so one will be my reward.” He bent down, licking up your snot before giving a peck to the tip of your nose. He did the same with your tear stained cheeks, licking up from your cheeks to your eyes, giving each one a peck.
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