#yes this was based on Mario and sonic at the Olympic Games
lovemaybeecomic · 1 year
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O…lympians 🥇
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spruzu · 3 months
Doing a silly post of all my (main) fav characters bcz why not.
They will mainly be in order of who i like the most but some are even and if i was asked to pick one between them i physically wouldnt be able to.
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HES SO COOOOL I CANT. Theres a knuckles shaped part in my heart. (kinda wanna be him in a way it's kinda embarrassing) I LOVE all of his versions in sonic prime, renegade knucks has a special place in my heart though he's top tier. Sonic boom knuckles is so funny and stupid like him going ''Oh wait i cant read.'' is so funny to me as a dyslexic person myself. Movie knuckles needs to be protected at all costs istg he's so sweet. GIVE KNUCKLES ALL THE GRAPES HE WANTS! 🍇🍇🍇🍇
-Sonic the hedgehog
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Sonic's on the same level as knuckles he genuinely so cool and i do base some of my personality off him... i love his character development in sonic prime but his attitude in sonic x is so funny its amazing. He's defo got a bit of attitude to him in the older stuff which makes me love him more. His jokes and ''Wtf is danger.'' attitude is so real. Also movie sonic voiced by Ben Schwartz HELL YEAH, i love Ben hes so funny i cant wait for sonic 3.
-Shadow the hedgehog
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''Another sonic character? is all your favourite characters sonic characters?'' no, just wait i get to other characters <3 but MY MY MY MY MYYY OH MY I LOVE SHADOW. I remember my first sonic game, if you can even call it that, being Mario and Sonic 2012 Olympic games and always playing as either shadow, sonic, silver or amy. I loved paying as him. Also his game is SO FUN and his backstory is so fun to learn and 100% take some of his personality and put it onto mine like i do with sonic. He's just such a good character and im glad this is the year of shadow bcz we NEED more shadow content. i would ramble about him more but i cant think of anything else to say.
-Leonardo (ROTMNT)
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Another character voiced by Ben schwartz! I just recently watched this movie and i LOVED it. I used to like TMNT when i was little but never fully got into it but my favourites were always Leo and Mikey. Im literally him /hj. He's such a cool character (i say that with all of them i just love them all so much). Also if any TMNT fans have any movie/TV show recommendations for TMNT i am willing to take them!
-Miles Morales
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I remember watching Into the Spider Verse and i loved it so much, i felt bad for miles in a way because he had to go through seeing spider man die in front of his eyes then realising hes the new spider man and blah blah blah. Im watching Penny's (from snapcube) VODs from when she played Spiderman 2 and miles' suits are so cool i love how they added the spider-verse movie suits into the game theyre defo some of my favs. Across the spider verse was such a good movie but into the spider verse was defo better (hot take? idk). Im so excited to see what happens in the next movie.
-Silver the hedgehog
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Another sonic character yes, but i love sonic so much its my main special interest/hyperfixation. Silver is so silly i need to see more content of him tho. It's also kinda funny how his first appearance was sonic 06 ,which as we all know, is an awful game. In need to see more of him we need another game with him in as a playable character. Smt like SA2 idk.
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All forms of batman, lego batman is top tier and the rest under him. I watched the lego batman movie in the cinema when it came out and little me loved it and i recently, abt 3 years ago, got fully into batman stuff. The movies are so good and batman is such a cool character to, i need to meet more people who like him.
Thats it for now, i would add garfield but i dont really have anything to say abt him other than hes the most realest character ever. Hate mondays, love lasagne.
Anyways, i love these characters so much most of them being my comfort characters **cough cough** the sonic ones **cough cough**.
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allsonicgames · 1 year
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
Original Platform: Switch
Original release: 1st November 2019
Available to buy: Yes
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While the Rio game seemed like it didn’t want to be a Mario & Sonic game, this one delves into it a lot more, making this game feel like a celebration of Mario, Sonic, Tokyo and the Olympics.
This has a full story mode which involves Mario, Sonic, Dr. Robotnik and Bowser getting sucked into a video game made by Dr. Robotnik based o the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games. This is a pixelated game that features the famous classic looks of Mario and Sonic, with Sonic based on his Mega Drive games and Mario based on the original Super Mario Bros. The story switches back and forth between retro and current times, going through each Olympic event in the game, so no need to repeatedly do the same event or grind. It’s the best story more in the Olympic titles.
Throughout the story you’ll also encounter minigames, both 2D and 3D which, for the most part are a lot of fun. There’s ones where Sonic is chasing a train or a taxi, Mario flying a plane in a side scrolling shooter, Mario sneaking through a museum, finding toads in a crowd and some more. These are a great addition and can be played on their own once you’ve gotten past them in the story.
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The 2D events are a lot of fun. They’re simple, but they’re supposed to be (apart from Volleyball, which I couldn’t figure out). Diving is surprisingly a lot of fun, Shooting is a bit like Duck Hunt and there’s just a lot of charm across all 10 of them.
The 3D events, for the first time, contained none that I had trouble with or flat out hated. The standard events still have character powers, making returning games like Rugby Sevens even more fun. Skateboarding and Surfboarding are fun new trick-based ones and Karate has a surprising amount of depth to it. You have different controller options, with all except Discus having options that don’t involve motion controls.
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Dream events also return, although there are only three of them. Dream Racing is a lot of fun, and is essentially a simplified Sonic Riders as characters race downhill on hoverboards. Dream Shooting is also a target shooting third person shooter and very enjoyable. Karate is the weakest dream event, but still enjoyable.
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics is easily the best one in the series, there is a lot of love and detail, right down to lots of trivia about the Olympics.
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mellowrants · 2 years
I sent this blog to a mutual and she just said it was mario & sonic at the olympic games but with plot so godammit ill make one more post before i dissapear into the abyss.
So TLR, talked about it last post. I aint got a single fucking clue how to describe its appearance, ill have to draw it out. Until then, ill just explain what it is. Its a self sustaining place where people who have had their worlds destroyed can go. Its also got pretty much everything; restraunts, shops, housing, jobs, etc. Yeah, ill leave it at that.
Anyway, the owner there likes regulation. She requires every person who can travel to different multiverses be registered into a system to like, prevent crime or smth. Theres also a mercenary for hire system in there too that she set up, and goddam i’m biased to like mercs. Lemme tell you bout em.
First theres these two rapscallions, these absolute scoundrels Cathy and Chromas. One is a mad scientist, the other is gay. I really want to leave it at that but fuck yall i love these fuckers. Cathy is a woman who dont give a shit bout what people think so she aint got much of a filter for her words and actions. Chromas is a ghost controlling a metal body, and he’s the voice of reason. They’re both smart and not normal. Cathy makes a bunch of experimental tech and somehow it works most of the time (She’s missing her right lower leg it got blown off). Chromas makes drones and other weaponry. They even got different fighting styles too i could go on all day bout these fuckers but i aint cause theres others.
Then there’s, uh, a group of 7. I aint got a name for em yet. I started at the most developed and im going down. I based most of em off the tf2 mercs, thinking that I cant just put the tf2 mercs in a game ima be sued. Then I realised yes you can just put the tf2 mercs in a game but i didnt wanna scrap em i had already developed a buncha (sorta) unique characters and a buncha unique character interactions. I’ll list em all off from most developed to least developed: Beastmaster, Seeker, Healer, Bomber, Tank, Inventor, Scope. Ima talk about them in a separate post since theres just a lot to cover (and ive barely developed the last couple at all)
Lastly, there two birds and a walking plant. All anthro btw. Theres an owl, a falcon, and a floran from starbound. I havent touched these fellas much, specially the falcon, but the owl has a shotgun, so thats something.
There’ll probably be more in the future, but for now, thats all
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #482
Top Ten Sega Games
So I read somewhere on the internet that in June it’s the thirtieth birthday of Sonic the Hedgehog (making him only a couple of months younger than my brother, which is weird). This is due to his debut game, the appropriately-titled Sonic the Hedgehog, being first released on June 23rd. As such – and because I do love a good Tenuous Link – I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s list to Sega (also there was that Sonic livestream and announcement of new games, so I remain shockingly relevant).
I’ve got a funny relationship with Sega, largely because I’ve got a funny relationship with last century’s consoles in general. As I’ve said before, I never had a console growing up, and never really felt the need for one; I came from a computing background, playing on other people’s Spectrums and Commodores before getting my own Amiga and, later, a PC. And I stuck with it, and that was fine. But it does mean that, generally speaking, I have next to zero nostalgia for any game that came out on a Nintendo or Sega console (or Sony, for that matter). I could chew your ear off about Dizzy, or point-and-click adventure games, or Team 17, or Sensible Software, or RTS games, or FPS games, or whatever; but all these weird-looking Japanese platform games, or strange, unfamiliar RPGs? No idea. In fact, I remember learning what “Metroidvania” meant about five years ago, and literally saying out loud, “oh, so it’s like Flashback, then,” because I’d never played a (2D) Metroid or Castlevania game. Turns out they meant games that were, using the old Amiga Action terminology, “Arcade Adventures”. Now it makes sense.
Despite all this, I did actually play a fair few Sega games, as my cousins had a Mega Drive. So I’d get to have a bash at a fair few of them after school or whatever. This meant that, for a while, I was actually more of a Sega fan than a Nintendo one, a situation that’s broadly flipped since Sega stopped making hardware and Nintendo continued its gaming dominance. What all of this means, when strung together, is that I have a good deal of affection for some of the classics of Sega’s 16-bit heyday, but I don’t have the breadth or depth of knowledge you’d see from someone who, well, actually owned a console before the original Xbox. Yeah, sure, there are lots of games I liked back then; and probably quite a few that I still have warm nostalgic feelings for, even if they’re maybe not actually very good (Altered Beast, for instance, which I’m reliably informed was – to coin a very early-nineties phrase – “pants”, despite my being fond of it at the time). Therefore this list is probably going to be quite eccentric when compared to other “Best of Sega” lists. Especially because in the last couple of decades Sega has become a publisher for a number of development studios all around the world, giving support and distribution to the makers of diverse (and historically non-console) franchises as Total War and Football Manager. These might not be the fast-moving blue sky games one associates with Sega, but as far as I’m concerned they’re a vital part of the company’s history as it moved away from its hardware failures (and the increasingly lacklustre Sonic franchise) and into new waters. And just as important, of course, are their arcade releases, back in the days when people actually went to arcades (you know, I have multi-format games magazines at my parents’ house that are so old they actually review arcade games. Yes, I know!).
So, happy birthday, Sonic, you big blue bugger, you. Sorry your company pooed itself on the home console front. Sorry a lot of your games over the past twenty years have been a bit disappointing. But in a funny way you helped define the nineties, something that I personally don’t feel Mario quite did. And your film is better than his, too.
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Crazy Taxi (Arcade, 1999): a simple concept – drive customers to their destination in the time limit – combined with a beautiful, sunny, blue skied rendition of San Francisco, giving you a gorgeous cityscape (back when driving round an open city was a new thrill), filled with hills to bounce over and traffic to dodge. A real looker twenty years ago, but its stylised, simple graphics haven’t really dated, feeling fittingly retro rather than old-fashioned or clunky. One of those games that’s fiendishly difficult to master, but its central hook is so compelling you keep coming back for more.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive, 1992): games have rarely felt faster, and even if the original Sonic’s opening stages are more iconic, overall I prefer the sequel. Sonic himself was one of those very-nineties characters who focused on a gentle, child-friendly form of “attitude”, and it bursts off the screen, his frown and impatient foot-tapping really selling it. the gameplay is sublime, the graphics still really pop, and the more complex stages contrast nicely with the pastoral opening. Plus it gave us Tails, the game industry’s own Jar Jar Binks, who I’ll always love because my cousin made me play as him all the time.
Medieval II: Total War (PC, 2006): I’ll be honest with you, this game is really the number one, I just feel weird listing “Best Sega Games” and then putting a fifteen-year-old PC strategy game at the top of the pile. But what can I say? I like turn-based PC strategy games, especially ones that let you go deep on genealogy and inter-familial relationships in medieval Europe. everyone knows the real-time 3D battles are cool – they made a whole TV show about them – but for me it’s the slow conquering of Europe that’s the highlight. Marrying off princesses, assassinating rivals, even going on ethically-dubious religious crusades… I just love it. I’ve not played many of the subsequent games in the franchise, but to be honest I like this setting so much I really just want them to make a third Medieval game.
Sega Rally Championship (Arcade, 1994): what, four games in and we’re back to racing? Well, Sega make good racing games I guess. And Sega Rally is just a really good racing game. Another one of those that was a graphical marvel on its release, it has a loose and freewheeling sense of fun and accessibility. Plus it was one of those games that revelled in its open blue skies, from an era when racing games in the arcades loved to dazzle you with spectacle – like when a helicopter swoops low over the tracks. I had a demo of this on PC, too, and I used to race that one course over and over again.
After Burner (Arcade, 1987): there are a lot of arcade games in this list, but when they’re as cool as After Burner, what can you do? This was a technological masterpiece back in the day: a huge cockpit that enveloped you as you sat in the pilot’s seat, joystick in hand. The whole rig moved as you flew the plane, and the graphics (gorgeous for their time) wowed you with their speed and the way the horizon shifted. I was, of course, utterly crap at it, and I seem to remember it was more expensive than most games, so my dad hated me going on it. But it was the kind of thrilling experience that seems harder to replicate nowadays.
Virtua Cop (Arcade, 1994): I used to love lightgun games in the nineties. This despite being utterly, ridiculously crap at them. I can’t aim; ask anyone. But they felt really cool and futuristic, and also you could wave a big gun around like you were RoboCop or something. Virtua Cop added to the fun with its cool 3D graphics. Whilst I’d argue Time Crisis was better, with a little paddle that let you take cover, Cop again leveraged those bright Sega colours to give us a beautiful primary-coloured depiction of excessive ultra-violence and mass death.
Two Point Hospital (PC, 2018): back once again to the point-and-clickers, with another PC game only nominally Sega. But I can’t ignore it. Taking what was best about Theme Hospital and updating it for the 21st Century, TPH is a darkly funny but enjoyably deep management sim, with cute chunky graphics and an easy-to-use interface (Daughter #1 is very fond of it). The console adaptations are good, too. I’d love to see where Two Point go next. Maybe to a theme park…?
Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox, 2002): I never had a Dreamcast. But I remember seeing the original Jet Set Radio – maybe on TV, maybe running on a demo pod in Toys ‘R’ Us or something – and being blown away. It was the first time I’d ever seen cel shading, and it was a revelation; just a beautiful technique that I didn’t think was possible, that made the game look like a living cartoon. Finally being able to play the sequel on my new Xbox was terrific, because the gameplay was excellent too: a fast-paced game of chaining together jumps and glides, in a city that was popping with colour and bursting with energy. Felt like playing a game made entirely of Skittles and Red Bull.
The Typing of the Dead (PC, 2000): The House of the Dead games were descendants of Virtua Cop’s lightgun blasting, but with zombies. Yeah, cool; I liked playing them at the arcades down at Teesside Park, in the Hollywood Bowl or the Showcase cinema. But playing this PC adaptation of the quirky typing-based spin-off was something else. A game where you defeat zombies by correctly typing “cow” or “bottle” or whatever as quickly as possible? A game that was simultaneously an educational typing instructor and also a zombie murder simulator? The fact that the characters are wearing Ghostbusters-style backpacks made of Dreamcast consoles and keyboards is just a seriously crazy detail, and the way the typing was integrated into the gameplay – harder enemies had longer words, for instance – was very well done. A bonkers mini-masterpiece.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (Switch, 2019): the very fact that erstwhile cultural enemies Mario and Sonic would ever share a game at all is the stuff of addled mid-nineties fever dreams; like Downey’s Tony Stark sharing the screen with Bale’s Batman (or Affleck’s Batman, who the hell cares at this point). The main thing is, it’s still crazy to think about it, even if it’s just entirely ordinary for my kids, sitting their unaware of the Great Console Wars of the 1990s. Anyway, divorced of all that pan-universal gladhanding, the games are good fun, adapting the various Olympic sports with charm, making them easy-to-understand party games, often with motion control for the benefit of the youngs and the olds. I don’t remember playing earlier games extensively, but the soft-RPG trappings of the latest iteration are enjoyable, especially the retro-themed events and graphics. Earns a spot in my Top Ten for its historic nature, but it’s also thoroughly enjoyable in its own right.
Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if all those crazy internet rumours were actually true, and Microsoft did announce it was buying Sega this E3? This really would feel like a very timely and in some ways prescient list.
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stachehand · 4 years
Amy Rose moveset (for my dream Sonic the Hedgehog video game)
After Miles “Tails” Prower, there’s the pink bundle of joy and self-proclaimed girlfriend of Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes, I am doing the characters in debut order, and Amy came before Knuckles. In this hypothetical game, she doesn’t doing the Spin Attack because that would make her too powerful, but she has plenty of tricks of acrobatic tricks and moves revolving around her trusty Piko Piko Hammer.
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Again, the idea is to give these many moves utility to justify their presence among the controls. Also, for Amy, I want her moveset to focus solely on her weapon and athletic abilities, which I honestly feel are the best fit for her above everything else. 
Footstool: a new kind of move I came up with based on the beam balancing prowess of Boom!Amy. She can use enemies as a platform, or as a semi-safety net if she misses a Hammer strike, and either hop or jump off it. She doesn’t do a Badnik bounce, though, and if she stands on them for too long, she’ll get shaken off, likely even hurt.
Double Jump: a useful mid-air action to get Amy to even higher heights with her already great jump. It maintains her momentum and goes half as high as a normal jump.
Giant Step: whether standing still or in motion, this move acts like Amy’s equivalent to Mario’s Long Jump, taking her a greater horizontal distance than vertical. Nice for a quick burst of speed, low jumps in particular places and climbing slopes.
Hammer Attack: an attack that Little Ms. Rose can’t do without. Enemies, breakable walls and even the point of spike traps break when smashed with this. She can even do a two-hit combo with it.
Hammer Jump: in case Amy just can’t go high or far enough, she’s got the Hammer Jump to boost up her even more. Because she slides on her feet when crouching, she can also do this on the move. The startup doubles as an attack.
Jump Hammer Attack: basically like the regular move, but it gives Amy a wider hit radius and can help her do the Badnik bounce.
Head Slide: an offensive follow-up to the Giant Step where Amy can gain momentum on slopes, as if doing a Spin Attack. Eventually, it will stop and she will be left tending to her face for a second. Jumping with make her do a small recovery flip.
Croquette Bomber: whenever she does her Footstool move, Amy can bust out this move to knock off shields and send enemies flying at others to clear areas. This can also stagger the bigger ones.
Hammer Bounce: want to really reach for the stars with this pink hedgie? Hit a Spring with her hammer to make their springy propulsion (vertical or horizontal) even more potent. It’s a classic.
Spin Hammer Attack: a move that provides a wide hit radius and projectile deflection, not to mention the added bonus of knocking off shields and defeating bigger enemies faster. The hearts produced from it can suck in surrounding enemies and items. If used extensively, it will make the rosy rascal dizzy.
Spin Hammer Drop: an effective jump cancel that has great Badnik bounce potential alongside a nice horizontal hit radius. It still has decent horizontal movement if it can manage to bring Amy high into the air.
Propeller Hammer: a supporting move that not only protects Amy, but also allows her to hover in the air for a while, slightly ascending to start off. The Spin Hammer Attack can transition into this if she goes off a cliff.
Amy Dash: with a move that can get Sonic to look behind his shoulder, Amy prepares to run like an Olympic athlete. At full charge, it can be a more effective speed boost than the Giant Step.
Somersault: a rolling maneuver (kind of like the Spin Attack) that can be used for keeping up the pace. With this move, Amy can bounce off walls like a rubber ball and skip across water like a little stone, both with high rebounding possibilities.
Amy has speed that’s medium-level (yes, I know she’s often classified as a Speed-type character, but in cases where they aren’t doing that Sonic Heroes class designation, I consider her, while still fast enough to go through a loop, slower than Sonic and Tails), high jump height and power equivalent to one hit point of damage.
Her Signature Blast, the Rose Typhoon, creates a large, pink energy field that protects Amy from harm and takes out any enemies that happen to touch it. For the duration of this attack, she will always be centered in the energy field as it travels along with her.
And there you have it. I’ve figured out what I consider a logical moveset for Amy Rose without any form of the Spin Attack. I could’ve easily made her that “pink Sonic” that certain folks seem to really like (Spin Attack variations and everything) and just gave her the exact same moveset as her knight in shining blue armour, but she can be so much more than that, and those unique assets of her character need a whole lot more appreciation.
Next time on My Dream Sonic the Hedgehog Video Game Movesets, i’m moving on to the moveset of the next Sonic hero who came in debut order, my 2nd favourite character of the whole bunch, Knuckles the Echidna, a.k.a. Nibbles, Nurples, Nickels, Noodles, Nuggets, and so on. To be concluded.
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bonnur · 4 years
My opinion about Shadow an Rouge relationship
Version en español
On June 22, 2020, an interview was uploaded to Ian Flynn, also known for his internet brand, BumbleKing, the lead writer for the IDW Publishing comic series Sonic the Hedgehog.
 -Ian, do Shadow and Rouge have any romantic feelings for each other or are they just friends?
 Ian: Acording to SEGA neither.
 This answer caught the attention of the fandom, and not positively. Before giving my opinion on this, let's review the history of Shadow and Rouge:
 Shadow the hedgehog is a creature created by Gerald Robotnik 50 years ago on the ARK space station, he was friends with Gerald's granddaughter, who had a rare disease that did not allow her to be on earth. Shadow and Maria developed a friendship and an enthusiasm for getting to know the earth. GUN, a military organization, went inside the ARK, thinking that Gerald had a plan that would put the earth in danger, Maria was shot in front of Shadow and he was sent to the earth.
 In Sonic adventure 2, in the Eggman team story, Shadow was put into suspended animation. Eggman woke him up and Shadow wanted to avenge Maria by destroying the earth, because he acquired a hatred for humanity. Rouge the treasure hunter bat joined Eggman's team, being a double agent and working for GUN. At first there was no interest in eachother, until in her mission on prison island, Rouge is trapped next to the chaos emerald with a bomb about to explode the island. She asks Shadow for help through the communicator, at which point Shadow remembers Maria and helps Rouge. When she tried to find out the reason for that behavior, Shadow said that he only did it for the emerald, which Rouge did not believe. At the end of Sonic adventure 2, after Shadow's sacrifice to save the earth, Rouge talks to Sonic, worry about what happend and about who Shadow really was.
 In Sonic heroes, Rouge wakes up Shadow from another suspended animation and Eggman erased his memory, and together with Omega they create a team to go after Eggman. Rouge at that time only united them because she was in search of Eggman's hidden treasure, however as they advanced they began to discover what Eggman was doing with Shadow, he created androids identical to him. When they defeat Eggman and see a mangled android, Shadow watches him while Rouge worries about him. Later Rouge finds all the androids that Eggman had in her base, Rouge talks to Omega about what happened to the authentic Shadow. At the end of the game, their relationship begans to be more united.
 In Shadow the Hedgehog, she was thinking only in her own goals, but in the final boss of that game she tells him that she trusts that he will beat him and for her he is "amazing" as well as showing that She was worry about him. Shadow's well-being at the end of the game, that is, less at the end, their relationship was seen as nothing more than a simple alliance, but with the events Rouge told Shadow what she really thought of him.
 In Sonic Battle, Rouge rescues Shadow after being shot by one of Eggman's robots, takes him to Club Rouge and watches over him until he wakes up, before Shadow leaves, Rouge stops him for not thanking him for everything who did for him, Shadow thanks him for saving his life, he also asks him about having called him an ally, when Rouge asks if it bothers him, he says no.
 In Sonic Rivals, Shadow is on a GUN mission with Rouge, but he loses communication with her, when he finds Eggman, he discovers that he caught Rouge in a letter. When Eggman tells him, he refers to Rouge as his "friend." In the end, upon rescuing her, Rouge thanks Shadow and invites him to a treasure hunt starting with Eggman's other cards, to which Shadow declines and leaves with a smile (YES I highlight that)
 And, although it is true that in this game the timeline was erased, it shows us the trust they have in their relationship, no simple a "ally" would tell you this. In Sonic 06, when they discover that in the future Shadow will be locked up for being too powerful and considered a danger by them, they have this little conversation:
 Rouge: "Shadow ... Even if you think everyone in the world will be against you ... I want you to know that I will always be by your side ... Remember that ..."
 Shadow: "I will"
 In other games we are shown that they are in contact with each other and are usually joined together.
 After all this summary, I just have something to say… WHAT THE HELL SEGA?
 Let's be clear on something, SEGA created the Shadow character as a well-known cliche (which does not have to be bad), a serious character, a hard past that leads to a thirst for revenge, mistrust in other people by those Memories, Shadow is a character that at first would NOT HAVE FRIENDS, and I accept it, BUT I have an important question:
 Who is Shadow now?
 After recovering his memories, along with Omega and Rouge, among other characters, at the end of Shadow the Hedgehog there is a scene in which Shadow says: "Goodbye forever Shadow the Hedgehog”, and proceeds to throw a photo of Maria and Gerald Robotnik, which made us think that Shadow wants to abandon his past and the pain it causes him and start again. And that is perfect, and one of the reasons why Shadow could improve in this aspect is in his problems to relate with other people, I am not saying that he have to have a GREAT FRIENDSHIP with all the characters, but with the ones that MOST have helped him, and neither I ask that it be of the best friendships, but the trust, something that Shadow and Rouge have between them, and that is PERFECT. And there we come with the problem of Ian Flynn's answer, that answer tells us that Shadow has not ANY character evolution, he is still a dark character, with no interest in the rest of the world but in himself, EVEN there are people who surrounds and loves you. Shadow and Rouge are not just "allies", the behavior they have is not just that of "allies". In fact I am going to do something to prove it, I am going to go to the dictionary to look up the words "Alliance" and "Friendship"
A group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims
The state of being a friend; association as friends (a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family/ someone who is not an enemy and who you can trust:)
 "Trust", "affection", that are the words that breaks with all that sentence, it is true that Shadow does not show affection towards Rouge many times, and it makes sense that he does not, he is not a character that allows himself to be vulnerable, but If Rouge does it to him, even making him be open to her. There are times in other games where we can see this, in Sonic Rivals 2 Rouge convinces Shadow to tell him his secret mission without problem. In Mario and Sonic in the Olympic Winter Games Shadow meets Rouge and tells her about treasures that she could find, so in this game he is interested in what Rouge likes, later Shadow tells Rouge after defeating her along with Eggman and Bowser "I thought I could count on you", that is, he was disappointed that Rouge joined the enemy for egotism, but she has always been like that. In Sonic free riders they team up and finally in Sonic Runners, on Sonic's birthday Rouge tells him that it was impossible for Shadow to come, but that he sends him memories, knowing Shadow, I doubt very much that he is that kind to Sonic, even in their birthday, but this only shows us that they are still in contact.
 Shadow and Rouge demonstrate a trust that surpasses a simple “Alliance”, Rouge shows compassion and appreciation towards Shadow, and he also cares about her, in Sonic 06 he saved her before saving the scepter of the darkness. Every time I see these two in games, and I see how their relationship works, it is well done, in fact SEGA does not do it wrong, the problem is when you deny something that, in addition to being what you DEMONSTRATE, you make Shadow, who has advanced as a character THANKS to Rouge, take steps back. Shadow is lately shown as a selfish, jerk, insensitive character, without showing vulnerability, or importance in the rest of the characters, in the beginning Rouge would be the exception, the only one that would show the vulnerability of this character, something that would help him the way we see him, his vulnerability is something that the fandom LOVES, his history touched the fandom and the way he felt was something that matters a lot. Shadow is an example of superation, he lived through a traumatic situation that made him make mistakes, he felt bad, he opened up about it and looked for a solution (Sonic adventure 2) and the problems that came to him, he fought, teaching us lessons he takes from those problems (Sonic 06 for example).
 The current Shadow is the Shadow Boom. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Shadow Boom's personality, it is a totally separate universe that shows Shadow as a simple villain in a world where the characters have different characteristics and personalities to make it something more comical. I must say that it has no use in the Sonic Boom Rise of the Lyric game, NONE, it is only a battle to say "LOOK, we have Shadow in the game, BUY IT TO BATTLE HIM" in Sonic Boom Shaterred Cristal it´s true that there is a reason why it is there, and in the end it has some relevance in the cinematic, and in the Sonic Boom Shadow series it exists as a villain who wants to kill Sonic for no apparent reason, I would like to know why, but that's something else to talk about. The problem is that this Shadow does not have ANY difference with the current Shadow of the games, it is a character that is in the game, treating anyone who speaks to him as a bother, without a reason why he is there. When you see that a version of a "comic" universe makes a character that is exacly like the original, there is a problem with the character itself. In fact, in another interview Ian was asked about Shadow as a GUN agent and he replied that Shadow is not a GUN agent, and does not follow anyone's orders, which is true in Shadow the Hedgehog, but it is more typical of Shadow boom, and in fact it only by happenstance, which DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, it's just another attempt to say that Shadow is too "cool" for that. I think whoever said these things to Ian was getting confused about which Shadow was talking about.
 SEGA does not know what to do with Shadow, he uses it only to earn money, they know that he is one of the most beloved characters in the saga, the problem is that they no longer give the reasons they gave before to be loved, and the only ones that remain, they are tearing them apart. It is no longer interesting as a character, what we loved about Shadow was that fase that is already over and they repeat it, but without an important story behind that explains why. And, the worst thing is that a game, which is a parody of Sonic team´s games, knew how to use Shadow, an idea that seemed splendid to me within the Shadow story. In LEGO Dimensiona, YES, LEGO knew how to use the creation of Shadow, he has a mission in the open world of Sonic, in which he said that to try to make the Maria's dream come true he needed your help to bring hope to the world with “flower arrangements” and he said that he had no idea of ​​flowers or how to "fix" them. The funny thing about this is that Shadow is a creation, he wan´t born on earth, he didn´t spend much time on it, so it makes sense that he didn´t know about stuff like "Flower arrangements", LEGO studied the Shadow character so much that he gave a joke about the origin of the character. Why, if SEGA design him, doesn't know how to use their own character, using the story THEY created, and instead a game, which is a parody, and which studies the characters to make jokes about them, seems to know better the character's logic and gives it more personality than them?
 But, although I mainly talk about Shadow and Rouge, I must say that Sonic team's decisions on how to use their characters, apart from Sonic, are very disappointing, it has so many characters with interesting stories, habilits and personalities, and lately they are only on a side of the screen to say "You can do it, Sonic", as if they were not USEFUL or NECESSARY for our blue hedgehog. I know Sonic is the mascot, but if you want to create characters with stories and moments that make them special, why do you throw them away? Why not playing with them? In Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes you did it, we could use all their full potencial, and in Sonic Generations you did phases where they helped Sonic in the adventure, what happened to all of that? In Sonic Forces we had them all and only Sonic and the Avatar were important, of the rest only Shadow was used to create the villain, his revenge and disappeared, and nobody cared about that his fake
 Shadow is only a victim of a decline that Sonic team is, hopefully in the next games they can improve and make moments as wonderful as before, but for now ... I'll just say:
 Sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog
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mrauthor3ds · 4 years
SSBU Canon Power Tier fixed
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Mario, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Wario - These seven are the star children - people blessed with great power. So it makes sense to scale them with each other. Donkey Kong and Wario in particular have demonstrated feats correlating with moons, both small and big. So, it’s likely that the rest follow suit as well.
Link, Young Link, Toon Link - While Link may not have the same magical prowess as Zelda or Ganondorf, he can still hold his own against massive armies. Young Link and Toon Link, still being kids, are just a step behind him. I could put Young Link on Country-scale with adult-Link if we consider the Fierce Deity Mask, but it is a situational equip (only usable in major boss battles).
Kirby - If you ever doubted Kirby’s boundless power before, Planet Robobot straight-up describes him as having infinite power. This can well justify how he can scale up to just about ANY threat to planets or reality.
Fox, Falco, Wolf - I initially considered putting them in Peak-human, since they’re just pilots first and foremost. Then I remembered that there’s a bunch of different guns and explosives that they can use in Assault. So they get a pass in City-scale.
Ness, Lucas - These two were a couple of the trickiest to lock down. I know that Ness is granted power from the Earth itself, but we don’t see that power helping much against Giygas - so the power he received is still ambiguous. Lucas’s power was a little easier to get a grasp on, though. We know that he earns higher levels of PK Love as he unseals the Dark Dragon - a mysterious being that holds together the Nowhere Islands. They seem just big enough to be a country, so that’s the best lowball I can think of. Ness might be in a similar ballpark, since he and Lucas both contested evenly with Porky’s vehicles - and it’s implied that the one in Mother 3 is an improved model.
Captain Falcon - This is mainly based on the anime, where he seems to draw power from the Reactor Might, a cosmic fragment that he protects. While it doesn’t really make his punches planetary, the Falcon Punch we saw still gave off enough energy to suggest that his strength is in the megatons. Since Mario’s castle-punting feat has similar energy, I felt it best to put Falcon in Continent-scale as well.
Daisy, Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr. - These three aren’t star children like Peach, Donkey Kong, or Bowser. However, they’ve at least proven to keep up with the star children in their casual levels (Daisy even launched Bowser away once). So, Country-scale seems a reasonable place to put them.
Sheik - Why is Sheik in Country-scale when Zelda is in Continent-scale? Aren’t they the same? Well, yes. But the Sheik persona wasn’t just for concealing Zelda’s identity - it also concealed her power. So this is technically a self-imposed handicap on Zelda’s part.
Marth, Lucina, Roy, Chrom, Ike - Each one has led massive armies from the frontlines, and that’s besides wielding blessed weapons. It’s reasonable to believe that they can hold their own in battles against whole nations.
Mewtwo - I initially considered Planet-scale since it intended to spread a hurricane across the world. However, that hurricane didn’t spread fast enough to cause quite enough destruction, so its power is likely less than planetary.
Mr. Game & Watch - He supposedly represents all playable roles in the Game & Watch series. And most of these roles are of employed in high-risk zones - construction, deep-sea diving, even the military. While not canonically any Duon, he’s still clearly a tireless worker.
Meta Knight, King Dedede - Even though Kirby is in ?????, these two are in Planet-scale? Well, they can certainly keep up with Kirby’s own planet-busting strength and sometimes speed (Meta Knight can actually fly across the galaxy as fast as Kirby flies on his Warp Star), but they don’t have the same malleable power as he does. And, well, the day is typically only saved by Kirby’s hyper-adaptability.
Pit, Dark Pit - They’re certainly tough angels, but owe most of their successes to the powers and weapons granted by gods much stronger than they.
Pokémon Trainer - Wait, why is he ranked? Well, I figured I’d rank EVERY fighter available. And Pokémon Trainers in the main series show a great deal of superhuman stamina - falling long ways, traveling and biking tirelessly, going through very hazardous environments...No ordinary kid can manage all of that!
Sonic - I’m being kind of generous with this, as Sonic’s own strength and durability haven’t really stacked up to most other characters in the Continent tier. Though that is compensated most of the time by his Super Transformation - while it lasts, of course. Still, it can be hard to hit him when he pays attention, and he’s been able to compete neck-and-neck with Mario in the Olympics for the past 12 years. So I’d say this spot is secure for him.
Olimar - This tier was made JUST for him. And for Alph, too, but this Tiermaker didn’t have Alph, so...
Villager, Isabelle - They’re both in Peak-human mainly by how tirelessly they work.
Rosalina & Luma - The only other fighter in the ????? tier, and for good reason: Rosalina’s cosmic magic is unfathomable. She can pilot the Comet Observatory all across the galaxy, communicate with others from afar, and possesses strong telekinetic power. And that’s just part of what we know! She’s somehow lived for centuries, and together with the Lumas, they possibly have the power to restore destroyed galaxies! Her power couldn’t possibly be constrained to just planetary...!
Palutena - ...So why is Palutena in this category? Isn’t she a powerful goddess? Well, yes, but it’s implied that she’s among the weaker gods in the Kid Icarus world. We do see her capable of conjuring powerful storms and slinging around huge landmasses with her telekinesis, but nothing really suggests that her own power is planetary. In fact, all the other gods, by their own power, also rank at continental-scale at best...possibly.
Robin - Why is Robin a tier above the FE protagonists? Well, simple. Naga herself points out that Robin possesses the same power as Grima, even though he hadn’t succumbed to the Fell Dragon’s power. So, it’s reasonable enough to scale Robin’s full strength with Grima’s power - which, may I remind you, devastated the Archanean continent in the future.
Shulk - I may get some flak for this, but let me explain. Shulk used the combined power of three Monados - Zanza’s, Meyneth’s, and his own - to reshape his world. We know that much. But first, he had to combat Zanza, a being who essentially lorded over the world. Shulk’s Monado could match with Zanza’s Monado alone, sure. However, it also had the influence to neutralize the logic-manipulation of Zanza’s “godly defenses“. Still, this means that this Monado at least has the ability to bring down a mighty planetary being.
Corrin - Is it just because he’s an avatar character like Robin? Well, somewhat. It’s already stated early in the game that those that carry the blood of the First Dragons can easily handle whole armies on their own. That does sound like the other FE protagonists, but it goes further. Those with First Blood can influence the very land around themselves through Dragon Veins. Some can even wield divine weapons. In fact, Corrin’s Yato is believed to hold the power to devastate the world if misused - maybe its full power isn’t that ludicrous, but its Omega form is powerful enough to match with one of the First Dragons, Anankos (who can manipulate an entire dominion). And that’s not even bringing up Corrin’s dragon shapeshifting...
Joker - I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this, I bet...Anyway, this placement in Country-scale is based on his strongest Persona, Satanael, which serves as a counter to Yaldabaoth. However, while Yaldabaoth does merge the Metaverse into reality, we never see this extend beyond Japan. So while Yaldabaoth’s power - and in turn, Satanael’s - is great, nothing proves that it eclipsed the entire world. And even then, we only see Japan’s populace cheering on the Phantom Thieves (which triggers Arsene’s evolution into Satanael).
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hibiscuit-rose · 5 years
my thoughts on nintendo e3
ok we had to wait 9 months to see gameplay, now another 9 months for it to come out. ill wait but im sad
oh yeah
HELL YEAH!! dragon quest who? i really dont care
oh i almost forgot
what else
i dont remember anythign else so otherwise
wait pokemon
(its the corgi)
think thast it
first half: boring
second half: AWESOME
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acetrainerwitch · 5 years
in case anyone has been waiting for me to talk about nintendo’s e3
the direct itself was fantastic. there was something like 39 games showcased with gameplay footage, release date updates, and or announced to be coming. i’m only talking about things i am interested in at least passingly. (bolded all titles and italicized those i am 99% sure buying on release)
smash bros had two character dlc announcements. both sets aren’t particularly interesting to me and i do not currently play smash, so there’s that.
i was a touch disappointed we didn’t get a date for luigi’s mansion, but the new gameplay and multiplayer details were all excellent and i am so looking forward to what looks like a cute and fun time
i immediately recognized the dark crystal design and was excited until i started noticing it was a tactics game which isn’t my thing. looks super cool though and maybe this’ll be the one that gets me to give it a try again lol
link’s awakening continues to look fantastic! i’m not big invested in the dungeon builder, but it is a neat addition and i def appreciate the replayability it adds. added the release date, sept 20, to my calendar immediately
i’ve never heard of the mana games, but trials of mana looks gorgeous and has my interest. my backlog is ridiculous, so the collection of mana drop doesn’t really interest me
the witcher 3 announcement basically just confirmed some rumors that have been milling about for a few months, but i am EXCITE
no more heroes 3 has me vaguely intrigued. i’m not a fan, but this trailer looks interesting and may be what gets me to check out the series
panzer dragoon, i guess a remake, was announced and that gameplay has me interested so much. an alien dragon flying game??? yes please!
empire of sin teaser, probably not gonna actually play, but it certainly has my interest as we wait for more info
i haven’t played crypt of the necrodancer, but cadence of hyrule got a release date for june 13 and the series def looks fun
mario and sonic at the olympics announcement, who doesn’t want another multiplayer party game tbh?
animal crossing was pushed back to next year, but we got an adorable teaser, a title, new horizons, and a date, march 20, which is my BIRTHDAY. i’m p pleased tbh
we finally got a spyro reignited port for the switch announce with a release date of less then three months on sept 20 and had me tearing up ngl
silksong was announced coming to the switch though no one is suprised. i still haven’t played hollow knight, but the art and reviews for this indie darling means at some point i will shove my money at it
ni no kuni, a game i hadn’t heard about before but that is getting remakes on other systems and a port to the switch on sept 20, caught my eye because it looks like playing a heckin studio ghibli movie as a game and i am here for that. unfortunately it is turn based battle which is one of my least favorites. i might give in regardless
the sinking city teaser has me super fuckin interested even though it is a game with so little handholding and guidance, so i doubt i’d properly enjoy playing it. also leans more towards horror which i don’t enjoy. but the premise and setting?!?!?!? ugh
new super lucky’s tale announced for switch - gonna keep an eye on gameplay for this but likely gonna pass
botw 2 teaser, need i say more??????
did i not mention pokemon??? yeah, that’s gonna get it’s own post because of course it is
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam presents: Game Corner Central with Mario, Peach, Sonic, & Tails
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Happy New Years, everyone! This is your announcer, Toad, speaking to you from the ever charming Castle Toadstool at the heart of the Mushroom Kingdom! And welcome to Game Corner Central. Let’s welcome are hosts for this most special edition!
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Chao, everybody! It’sa me, Mario!
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And I’m Princess Peach Toadstool, Sovereign Ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Yo, Sonic’s my name and speed’s my game.
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And I’m Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails.
Peach: Today, we have some very guests with us. Their leader fought with us in the game, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Tails: And not too long ago, they helped some of our friends.
Sonic: That’s right, everyone, we’ve got with us, the one, the only...
Phantom Thieves of Hearts!
>With that, we come in the castle studio.
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Thank you, all...
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Though, I’m not sure how we got here. All we remember was coming out of the diner to welcome Violet back from her trip only to be shoved into a van...
Peach: (gasping) Details, details. Now, we brought you here to interview you.
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A chance to get interviewed by some legendary video game characters? When is that gonna happen again? Count me in!
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Same here. A chance to spend some time with my favorite Mario character, Peach is probably the best last minute Christmas present I could ever ask for.
Peach: (happy) I’m glad to hear that. Now, as you probably know, we just released a game sometime around the same time as the release of a game of yours, Persona 5 Royal. That’s right, we’re talking about Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020!
Tails: As you know, the real Olympic Games really is taking place in Tokyo in the summer of 2020. And you guys live in Tokyo.
Mario: So we would like to ask...
What would the Phantom Thieves do in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games?
Peach: Well, that’s what we’re going to find out!
Tails: But first, a word from our sponsors.
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Hello, Knuckles the Echidna here. Is being an archaeologist not what you expected? Starting to realize just how boring digs can be? Making you wish you could just hang up the shovel and hardhat for good? You want your next expedition to be more exciting? You want action and adventure? To see sights many can only dream about? Well, look no further and starting looking up to...
Knuckles’s School of Great Finds and Exploration
That’s right! At the reasonable price of 50 Rings a month, I can teach you how to find treasures you never knew even existed. Find lost riches that you can’t find be normal means. Why use an ordinary shovel and pick axe? Each new students gets a free pair of Shovel Claws.
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This special tool will let you dig through just about anything, expect stone and steel. And, we’ll give you a notebook to help track all of your finds. And, we’ll even through in an Adventurer’s Hat, Vest, and Coat. If you don’t believe me? Let’s hear what some of my best students have to say.
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Before I met Knuckles, my digs didn’t exactly get me the results I hoped for. In fact, it nearly got me killed. But then I met Knuckles and he showed me a little more than what can be learned at any university. Now I’m finding treasures left and right with little problems at all.
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I never much had an interest in archaeology before. But when I went to Knuckle’s School, even someone as young as me has become quite a pro at it. I like the hat, too. Thanks, Knuckle’s School of Great Finds and Exploration!
Knuckles: So don’t wait for your next adventure, come find it here at Knuckle’s School of Great Finds and Exploration! Located at the Master Emerald Shrine on Angel Island.
Peach: Welcome back to Game Corner Central. Let’s begin our interviews. First up, the leader of the Phantom Thieves, Joker.
Joker: Thank you, Your Highness.
Tails: So, Joker, what sports would you take up in the Olympics?
Joker: Well, at first guess it would have to be shooting. Particularly in pistol. But I’m thinking of giving other sports a try. Like cycling, especially BMX. Also, a trip to Hawaii got me into surfing. And let’s not leave out weightlifting and wrestling. And let’s not forget swimming, baseball, and golf. I’d also like to try out the decathlon. And recently, I got into skateboarding.
Sonic: So basically, you wanna try out for all of them.
Joker: Not really. I know I’m not that good at basketball, unlike Oracle. And for personal reasons...
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We’re staying out of volleyball.
Tails: Well, it’s not surprise. Someone at your school was arrested and his sport is volleyball. He was your also your very first target.
Joker: I know. But don’t think we hate the sport. Heck, some of us are still going for it, but that’s another interview with another thief.
Peach: I see. You know, most of us already good with other sports in the Olympics. I’m sure you and your friends might be good.
Mario: That’sa true. Just look at me. I’m good with all sports.
Joker: That’s cool. I guess I could try all those sports as well.
Mario: And I hope we would face off again soon. Whether it be in Smash Bros. or in the Olympics.
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I’ll look forward to it.
Sonic: (smiling) Same here. You’re actually quite fast... But not as fast as me.
Peach: Alright, on to the next thief. Next up is the muscles of the group, Skull.
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All right! My turn is up!
Sonic: Now from what I’ve heard, you used to be quite the runner.
Skull: You bet. I used to be a member of my school’s track team. So I guess when it comes to the Olympics, track ‘n field would be my first choice. But I’d really like to try other stuff.
Peach: And that’s what we would like to know. What would you do at the Olympics other than track?
Skull: I really like to try shotgun shootin’. I also like to do sailin’, karate, and field hockey. Like Joker, I'm also interested in baseball. And maybe basketball. There’s also hammer throwin’, discus throwin’, swimmin’, water polo, table tennis, and skateboardin’. I’m even thinkin’ of givin’ fencin’ a try.
Tails: That’s a lot. And what about soccer? With your legs already somewhat strong, you look like you might be good at it.
Skull: Actually, I never thought of that. All right, I’ll give it a try.
Tails: And about skateboarding, I guess we can try that together. Right, Sonic?
Sonic: Well, it’s a little different than Extreme Gear Racing, but it’s just as good.
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I’ve heard of Extreme Gear. I wish I could try that.
Sonic: (smiling) Maybe someday you will.
Skull: I was never really good a skateboardin’ at first. I have a board, but I don’t think I ever used it. It’s just sittin’ next to my shelf. But when I saw Joker skateboardin’ and a friend of mine made somethin’ similar to Gear, I thought I’d give it another try. He helped me, of course, and now I’m actually good at it.
Sonic: Then I’ll look forward to having a session with you... Not that you have a chance knowing my speed.
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We’ll see about that. Yer on.
Peach: Wow, that sounds just fantastic. I should get in on that action as well. But right now, it’s time for another word from our sponsors. We’ll be back to talk more with Panther and Fox.
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Hi, everyone, this is Amy Rose. We know the new year only just started, but it’s not too early to get your Valentine’s Day chocolates at Amy and Ella’s Cocoa Hearts.
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I’m Ella. We have such goods ready at hand for buying any kind of chocolates for that special someone. They will show you their sweet side when you show them yours.
Amy: So place your order today at Amy and Ella’s Coca Hearts.
Amy and Ella: Happiness is a bom bom away.
Peach: Welcome back to Game Corner Central. Our next Phantom Thieves are Panther, the beauty of the group, and Fox, the artist. First thought, Panther.
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Thank you, Your Highness.
Peach: So, Panther, what sports in the Olympics would you like to take part in?
Panther: Well, me and my friend used to play a lot of tennis back in middle school, so I guess there’s that. But I was told I might have a knack for other things. Like equestrian jumping, mountain biking, taekwondo, baseball, trampoline gymnastics, fencing, and boxing. Noir’s also got me into badminton.
Tails: That’s sound great. I also heard that your friend not only does tennis and volleyball, she’s also part of her school’s Stride Club. Have you ever thought of giving it a try?
Panther: I don’t know. I was already told why most girls don’t do Stride.
Peach: I know that. My friend, Princess Daisy, also knows the sport and has seen what happens when girls participate.
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I know. I’m surprised my friend wanted to join. I guess she wanted to prove how strong she is.
Peach: But she’s proven that true, hasn’t she?
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She has. I’m glad for that.
Peach: I’m sure. Thank you, Panther. Now, on to you, Fox.
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I will be honored.
Tails: Before we begin, I love that you’re based on a fox.
Fox: I’m sure you do.
Tails: So Fox, what sports would you like to do in the Olympics?
Fox: Well, I’m not usually the sporty type, but I guess I would love to give archery a try. I would also like to try equestrian sports. As well, there’s artistic swimming, diving, the hurdles, the javelin, the high jump, boxing, fencing, kata in karate, judo, shooting, and table tennis.
Mario: That’sa lot. I thought you set you weren’t the sporty type.
Fox: It never hurts to try things that are considered out of character. I might even try wrestling.
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I like the sound of that.
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I know you would.
Peach: How romantic.
Mario: (a little unhappy) Reminds me of the Moon.
Sonic: I don’t think we should go there. Good thing we’re going into commercial time now. When we come back, we’ll interview Queen and Oracle.
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Hello, I’m Pauline, Mayor of New Donk City in the heart of the Metro Kingdom. Planning on taking a trip? Then New Donk City is the place for you.
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Yes, New Donk City. The Big Banana. The city that never leaps. The Modern Commerce Center and Urban Playground.
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See the whole city from the top of City Hall. You won’t regret it.
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You’ll especially love the view at night.
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If shopping is on the list of things to do here, come check out the original flagship store for Crazy Cap, the world’s most trusted brand in headwear.
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Really want to see the city up close a personal yet don’t want to walk all around? Renting a scooter should help. They may not look much, but these things can really pack a punch.
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We New Donkers are also big fans of RC Car Racing. We have a tournament almost every day. Hope you’re ready to at least feel what it’s like to be behind the wheel.
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And we have the Projection Room Theater where you can “really get into the movies".
So what are you waiting for? Plan your trip today. Of course, most will just wait until we hold our annual New Donk City Festival.
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Yes, this festival let’s us celebrate our most wonderful city. You can really jump up, super star.
Well, whenever you decide to go, just remember, New Donk City is the place for you.
This has been brought to you by the New Donk City Tourist Association.
Peach: Welcome back to Game Corner Central. Joining us now are Queen and Oracle of the Phantom Thieves. Let’s start with the lead fighter. Thanks for joining us, Queen.
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The pleasure is all mine.
Peach: So, Queen, what sport would you be good at in the Olympics? I was told you were quite the martial artist. Maybe karate or judo? Maybe even taekwondo?
Queen: Technically, I trained in aikido. But I think wrestling might be good for me. I might also like to try road cycling. There’s also relay racing, the high jump, marathon racing, pole vaulting, canoeing, rowing, rugby seven, the triathlon, soccer, shooting, and something Noir introduced me to, badminton. I’m also ging to give volleyball a chance.
Mario: Another balance type. Well, if you were in the Olympics for real, we wish you buona fortuna.
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Who said I might not be in it?
Tails: Guess that’s a question for another time. Now moving on to my favorite Phantom Thief, Oracle.
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I’m your favorite? Thanks, Tails, I’m happy to hear that from a fellow tech head.
Tails: You’re welcome. So, what sport are you interested in the Olympics? We were told you like basketball.
Oracle: I mostly do singles, but I think I can give teams a try. I’m also into handball, golf, trampoline, table tennis, archery, and boxing.
Tails: That sounds like quite the lineup. Though, you could try some team sports as well.
Oracle: Like what?
Peach: Well, there’s relay swimming, relay racing, I also recommend softball and rowing.
Oracle: I’ll think about it. And isn’t handball already a team sport?
Peach: I never thought of that.
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Not many people do.
Tails: Tell me about it. When we come back, we’ll be talking with Noir and Crow. So stick around.
>After a repeat of the first commercial.
Sonic: Welcome back to Game Corner Central.
Tails: We’re now going to ask about the Olympics to Noir and Crow of the Phantom Thieves. Let’s start with Noir.
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Thank you for having me here today.
Peach: So, Noir, what Olympic sport would you do?
Noir: Well, I suppose Queen and Panther already told you, I’m pretty good at badminton. I’m also thinking of giving wrestling a try. And volleyball. There’s also hammer throwing, shooting, archery, rowing, field hockey, sailing, poll vaulting, and baseball.
Mario: Mama Mia, that’sa lot of hand sports.
Noir: Well, I do a lot with my hands. Especially gardening.
Tails: That sounds like fun. Our friend, Cream, does gardening, too.
Noir: Really? I wish I could see what her garden is like.
Peach: So do I. I’ve heard so much about it.
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Me, too. We should all see it sometime.
Tails: You’ll be glad you did. It’s really beautiful. Now, on to Crow.
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Thank you. I’ll try to be as honest as I can.
Tails: I’m sure you will. So, Crow, what sport in the Olympics would you do?
Crow: Well, when you ask that, the more honest choice wold be fencing. Joker also got me into weightlifting, cycling, and baseball. I would also like to try the javelin, the discus, equestrian sports, soccer, canoeing, tennis, judo, rugby sevens, and shooting.
Mario: (a little worried) Why do I feel worried hearing you say shooting?
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It’s a long story.
Peach: Well, either way, I’m sure you’ll be great. You already have some fame to you.
Crow: Well, it’s not uncommon for a detective to be good at some sport. A colleague of mine, Shinichi Kudo, does both soccer and shooting.
Tails: That’s true. He learned those things as part of his detective training.
Sonic: Don’t tell me it’s the same for you.
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You never know. That might be true.
Mario: That’sa little vague. Well, we’ll have time to think about it during the break.
Tails: And when we get back, we’ll have our last guests of the day, Mona and Violet.
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Hi, everyone, I’m Toadette. Did you know that even though we’re called the Mushroom Kingdom, we have more flowers than anything. So if you want any bouquets ready in time for Valentine’s Day, place your order from Toadette’s Bouquet Boutique. Everything from Piranha Plants to Fire Flowers, we’ve got ‘em all. Toadette’s Bouquet Boutique. Located in South Toad Town.
Mario: Chao, everybody. Welcome back to Game Corner Central. We’re here with our last Phantom Thieves to interview, Mona and Violet.
Tails: Mona, you’ve been with the P Thieves longer than Violet. Let’s hear what sport in the Olympics you would like to do.
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If you got to know, I’d think any sport that requires cat-like reflexes. Maybe artistic gymnastics? I even want to try fencing and skateboarding. There’s even climbing, hurdles, wrestling, soccer, rugby sevens, and boxing.
Tails: Those do sound like they require cat-like reflexes. But it looks like you can also try swimming.
Mona: (a little hesitant) I’d rather give that a little more thought before trying.
Peach: I see. Still, you also look like you’d be good at karate and judo.
Mona: Yeah, I get that a lot. But yeah, I think I can give those a try, too. They tell me I have potential.
Sonic: Look like it. You might even give Eggman Nega a run for his money.
Mona: (getting ideas) A Phantom Thief of Justice going up against a villain from the future? I like that.
Sonic: (looking a bit grim) Why did I just say that? This is going to get crazy.
Peach: Anyway, now we’re on to out last thief of this edition. Before we begin, thank you again for saying I’m your favorite character.
Violet: You’re welcome.
Peach: So, what sport in the Olympics would you like to do. I was actually told that you are great in rhythmic gymnastics.
Violet: You win that bet. I think I also like to go for fencing and shooting. I also like tennis, badminton, baseball, high jump, judo, equestrian dressage,  and a bit of table tennis.
Peach: Those sound like nice sports. Actually, I do a lot of horseback riding in past Olympics myself.
Violet: Really? I know I played the game, I didn’t know you actually did it.
Peach: I do, sometimes. Actually, if we can, we can ride together.
Violet: Thank you. But I think that may have to wait until February.
Tails: You mean the release of Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.
Violet: That’s right. Me and Crow are not in it, so I think we can go.
Sonic: I wonder why you and Crow aren’t in it.
Violet: ... It’s complicated. I’m sure the other admin will think of something.
Peach: Well, it appears that is all the time we have. So before we wrap this up, any last words?
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Only that we wish all the athletes participating in this year’s Olympics all the best of luck.
Good luck, athletes!
Mario: Well, that’s it for this edition. Grazie, Phantom Thieves for being here. Well, so long everybody.
Peach: And thank you for joining us for this edition of Game Corner Central.
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ges-sa · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://ges-sa.com/mario-sonic-at-the-olympic-games-tokyo-2020-review/
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Review
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Based on the 2020 Summer Olympics that will happen in Tokyo and this is the 6th Mario & Sonic game in the Series. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 has a few things different form the previous 2016 Rio game.
This is the first game in the series that is released on the Switch and with the versatility of the switch it allowed them to add some creativity in the gameplay of the game. You can choose to use the Joy-Cons’ motion functionality to play or use traditional button style. As the name of the series implies, the game features a cross over of characters between the Mario and Sonic universe.
What stood out for me in this game is the 8- & 16-bit 2D mode that is included, this is based on the 1964 Summer Olympics that was also held in Tokyo and the story of the game ties this nicely into perspective. Basically, Doctor Eggman and Bowser tries to trick Mario and Sonic and send them back into the past so that they can rule the Olympics. As things happen, it backfires, and they also get transported back to 1964. Back in the future, Luigi and other friends try to gather up a plan to rescue Mario and Sonic. In 1964, Mario and Sonic challenge Doctor Eggman and Bowser to the different events in order to see if that will help them get back to the future. The story mode is cool to play and an interesting spin on the usual story of this series. With that said, the dialogue and slow progression of the story can get to you after a while and you will more likely play the other modes instead.
Some new events have been included like Karate, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing and Surfing with some favourites returning that was previously introduced. Not all the events are available in the 2D mode and vice versa. An official video game for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will be released worldwide next year but it was developed the same time with Mario and Sonic by Sega. This game has already been released in Tokyo to build-up for the games.
The graphic switch between the modern and 2D mode is great and the 2D mode will definitely stir up some old memories. The look of the game ties into the visuals of what you would expect from a Mario or Sonic game and the hardware of the Nintendo Switch doesn’t seem to struggle on any level to support the game.
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Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is a cool addition to the series, and I like that they went a different route with the story mode even though it is still heavily focussed on dialogue and has slow progression. I like the new events that has been added and obviously love the 2D mode. If you enjoy these type of sport games then you will enjoy this game just do not expect a wow factor from the story but tons of fun from local and online multiplayer.
Reviewed on: Switch Genre: Sport Release Date: 8 November 2019 Review Copy: Yes
Likes: Love the 2D Mode
Dislikes: Story has a lot of dialogue
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Forces 2nd anniversary: My avatar collection!
Sonic Forces turns 2 today! I wanted to return to the game just to play for a couple of hours, maybe find something new (spoilers: it really didn’t happen) and, most importantly, share my avatars and their stories.
Back around the first months of the game I made a handful of characters, following a cool backstory set-up or trying to recreate already existing Sonic characters using the game’s tools. I’m gonna split this post right here to not clog up your dashboards (yeah, I love you all too), but feel free to join the fun!
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1. Sally Acorn (kinda)
Back during pre-release, one of the biggest theories around the fandom expressed that Forces may be set in the Freedom Fighters universe. Even back then it was a wacky theory for a mainline Sonic game, but I liked the idea (even tho one of my headcanons says Forces is set straight after Chronicles). So, when I got my hands on the game, the first character I created was a kind of a Sally knock-off, and I stuck with her over the entire game, unlocking more clothes to try and recreate her as best as I could. Forces character creation limitations are going to be a constant in this post, and this is the best I could come up with, but I’m still happy with the results. Sally is a wolf now, lmao.
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2. Hipster Boom Sonic
Another big theory going around the fandom back then was that the third playable character was going to be Boom Sonic, but after SEGA and Sonic Team saw how hard Rise of Lyric bombed, decided to instead do a player-created original character as the third gameplay pillar. I don’t think that theory has much solid ground to stand on, but back in 2017 I for sure ran off to the avatar creation screen right after beating the game, and made my own take on Boom Sonic. It’s pretty AU, but in a nice kinda way.
Headcanon goes as follows: Classic Sonic got warped through time and space because of the Phantom Ruby, and so did this older Sonic from the Boom dimension. “Hipster” Boom Sonic is a completely different kind of Sonic, one that has settled down and was having a nice, chill life until the Phantom Ruby shenanigans struck his dimension; now he’s working with the two other Sonics to try and stop this madness, and to return home with his friends and his special someone (yeah it’s who you think it is).
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3. Normal (bootleg) Bunnie Rabbot
Yeah, another freedom fighter. You know, I’m not a “Freedom Fighters are the GOAT” type of guy (I don’t even like the extended Archie Sonic Universe), but what I do like a lot is the OG SatAM universe. After doing Sally, I thought: “Hey, Bunnie could be mostly recreated in this game, right?” And I could’ve gone pretty far with things like the robotic gloves and shoes, but I rapidly went on another tangent: recreating Bunnie, but without the robotic stuff, maybe like “a normal girl”, if you like. I loved the results.
Also, yeah, I think every single one of my old characters had headsets, it was part of my headcanon about radio comms on the Resistance.
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4. Carlos (OC)
Finally, an original character (do not steal)! Carlos is my first-ever OC (yeah I never bothered making my own OC until Forces), he’s heavily into technology stuff (that’s why he’s rocking all those Mega Drive clothes), he loves Chao a lot (in fact he is carrying his Chao bag all the time), and checking my old Sonic Forces review (in spanish, btw), I came up with a pretty cool backstory for him:
Carlos was a Metropolis resident, working as IT for one of the city’s biggest companies until Eggman attacked. After the Eggman Empire took over, Carlos was left unemployed, and one night had to flee his home after getting into explosive trouble with a patrol of Eggman’s robots on a Metropolis back alley. That event caught the attention of the Resistance, who guided Carlos to their HQ and made him the new recruit. Now Carlos uses his technical skills to hack and slash through Eggman’s forces, looking to free his home from the oppresing regime of Dr. Eggman.
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5. Blaze the Cat (I guess)
I wanted to recreate Blaze, but it proved to be a pretty tough task to achieve. So, I tried to mix a couple of her designs from the Mario & Sonic Olympics games, Sonic Riders AND her official design. Shadow’s shoes were the closest thing to her original shoes I could find (I’m still trying to find a replacement, 2 years later), the gloves are part of the Riders look (now that I think about it, I could try to match her Riders design more closely), and Amy’s dress is not that far from one of her designs from M&S. 
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6. Star the Bear (OC)
Holy shit, another OC! By this point on the game I started to feel more confortable around the idea of making my own characters (it’s a one way trip, I tell ya!), so I tried to make a character that wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.
Star’s backstory isn’t as developed as Carlos’, but I wanted to make him kind of a up-and-coming pop star, something like Justin Beaver from Sonic Boom but more humble. Star was performing live at Sunset City when the Eggman assault began, and in turn had to seek shelter with the not-yet-formed Resistance. Inspired by Silver’s fashion sense (he’s such a wild diva, I love it), Star jumpstarted (heh) his career singing a cover of Dreams of an Absolution. Also, I made up that last part just for this post, lmao.
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7. OVA Knuckles
I think I made this character based on a funny tweet I saw shortly after release. The game gives you Knuckles’ shoes, Boom-style gloves and his cowboy hat from the OVA, of course I was going to make a character with those tools and put him alongside the real Knuckles (yeah that’s my screenshot). 
le funny meme, haha.
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8. Amy Rose
Don’t lie to me, you also tried this on your own. Looking at the Cube Wispon I thought: “man! it’s such a wasted opportunity to not have Amy playable in this game!”
I mean, the game gives you almost every single tool for recreating Amy, EXCEPT her quills, headband AND her right shade of pink. Still, this couldn’t stop the SonAmy shipping hype train and I’m not the only one that made this character only for the Tag Team stages. Feels great to take over the world, stage by stage, as Amy.
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8.5. Amy Rose (Wedding variant)
“After years of love and specially patience, Amy asked Sonic the big question once again, and he finally said yes! But shortly after, during an unfortunate chain of events, the world ended under Eggman’s domination. Oh, the irony!”
AU as fuck, but hey, that was my shipping side during 2017. Nowadays this could very well tie-in with my now-abandoned Celebrity Life fic thingy, tho. I’m currently thinking of doing her Runners Gothic Amy design.
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9. The most recent one
I think I made this caracter during mid-2018 or even later. She’s my current avatar and haven’t thought of a backstory or even a name yet. I believe I got inspired when I first tried to turn Amy into a mourning widow (that got dark fast lmao), but then made my own character dressing in the almighty black color. Maybe one day I will come up with a name and a backstory.
And that’s all, folks! If you reached this far, first of all thank you! I put a lot of thought into my characters and I guess that’s why I have 50+ hours of playtime, also I hope all my efforts made you maybe laugh, or maybe inspired you. Don’t hesitate in joining the conversation, specially if you have your own characters to share. Let’s make this Forces anniversary one hell of a party featuring all kinds of avatars.
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patchvvork · 7 years
!!!YES, MY GURL!!!!
P:  How do they handle money?
I think she handles it pretty well! Since she is a princess and all, she was probably raised to handle the economy of the whole Mushroom Kingdom, so I’m pretty sure she’s smart with her money  and rarely overspend ^^
E: How are they with children?
She is great with kids, very motherly :D My headcannon is that she is basically babysiting Bowser Jr. everytime she gets kidnapped, like Bowser let the two of them in the kid’s playroom while he goes fighting Mario!
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
Mmmh, proper royal etiquette? The princess equivalent of Home Ec.??? Based on the comics, I would say self-defense lol
C: Can they swim well?
Well there was a swimming minigame in that Mario and Sonic at the Olympics wii game, so sure!
H: What is their deadly sin?
Ooooh perhaps Gluttony? Since she’s always baking cakes? Or sloth because she always get herself kidnapped?? But if I base myself on the comics, I’d say wrath :P This princess be kicking ass left and right lmao
Spell a character’s name in my askbox and I’ll tell you my headcanons !
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Review Game Team Sonic Racing
Mr. Sonic the Small Blue Animal Guy With Good Rings is back into the racing circuit. It’s certainly one of the lesser beloved game franchises, and I can’t help but think that’s because it would be ridiculous for a character whose super-power is being super-fast to trade that power for driving cars that are equally fast to all of his competitors. It just doesn’t make sense, right? I mean, Sonic and Mario facing off at the Olympics was also a game, so I guess maybe logic doesn’t matter here? Team Sonic Racing brings us back to the Sonic Racingverse, and I’m sure I’m in the minority, but this is that Game Content I crave. Check out the forthcoming Team Sonic Racing trailer with me.
Team Sonic Racing combines the best elements of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing as you face-off with friends in intense multiplayer racing. Race together and work together as a team by sharing power-ups and speed boosts. Take control of your racing style - Choose from 3 distinct character types and unlock game changing vehicle customization options to suit your racing style.
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Gear Up. Speed Up. – Team Racing at Sonic Speed!
Key Features:
Online Multiplayer & Local Co-Op Modes – 12 players per race, 4 player split screen, and various offline / online race modes including Grand Prix Mode, Exhibition Mode, Time-Trial and Team Adventure Mode.
Team Racing – Race as a team, win as a team. Use various team moves to assist your teammates, knock out opponents and unleash your Team Ultimate.
Performance & Skin Customization – Alter the appearance and handling of your vehicle
Wisps - 14 spectacular offensive and defensive items to help overcome rival teams and get ahead!
Adventure Mode – Unique story experience where players are introduced to basic game features and characters.
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Various Characters and Types – 15 playable characters from across the Sonic Universe and 3 distinct character types including Speed, Technique, and Power.
In a world where any version of Mario Kart exists, other kart racers are always battling amongst themselves for second place. I’d make a strong argument that Sega’s blue blur took that position with 2012’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – and even argue that it remains a high watermark for the genre to this day – which puts the recently announced Team Sonic Racing under a potentially unflattering spotlight.
Developed by Sheffield-based Sumo Digital, Team Sonic Racing is a separate fork to the studio’s earlier Sega All-Stars racers. That means no crossover characters like Space Channel 5’s Ulala, Jet Set Radio’s Beat, or Super Monkey Ball’s AiAi, with the new game instead of focusing entirely on the anthropomorphic inhabitants of Mobius as they’re drawn into a story-based racing adventure.
Yes, there’s narrative to Sonic’s latest petrol head outing, although not one that was on show at E3 2018. What was on display was the team mechanics – a gameplay shift that changes how the game works as a racer, and one I can see being incredibly divisive to players.
In the adventure mode, you’ll choose from pre-set teams of three racers, and control one of each trio as your main character. Each team features one racer whose specialty is speed, one for technique, and one for power, their attributes affecting how each handles, and the power-ups that best complement them.
The E3 build had two teams on offer – Team Sonic, with Tails and Knuckles, or Team Shadow, with Rouge and Omega. Both are nice nods to Sonic Adventure 2’s Hero and Dark teams, with the latter swapping out Robotnik for Omega. It appears as though the final game will have five teams and 15 total characters to start with, as the selection screen had three columns of three characters each greyed out. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chaotix team – Espio, Charmy, and Vector – filled one of those team slots, especially as Sega says the shift to purely Sonic­-related characters is in part because they better fit into teams.
Jumping into a race, Team Sonic Racing ticks a lot of the expected boxes for a modern kart racer: imaginative tracks, alternate routes, and plentiful power-ups to collect as you zoom around. One nice tweak is that you can not only pull off the expected boost starts at the beginning of each race, but you can stack up to three ‘charges’ for it if you time hitting the accelerator at the right time during the countdown. Miss just one though, and you’ll lose all your launch speed.
The group dynamic comes into play almost immediately though, with allies able to ride in each other’s trail to gain a speed boost or skim past a teammate to give them a boost in turn. Performing these ‘Team Actions’ fills an Ultimate Meter, which gives a massive, sustained speed surge for the whole team. The differences between speed, technique, and power racers are easily apparent too. Sonic and Shadow zoom ahead of the pack, but can be easily knocked around by other cars; Tails and Rouge have tighter controls and felt better able to pull off Team Actions; while Knuckles and Omega are slower but more powerful, capable of shoving other racers around.
You’ll want to make the most of those Team Actions to keep your whole squad ahead too, as the final result isn’t down to simply who passes the finish line first. Instead, the final track times for each individual member are combined, resulting in a team score. If you come first, but your teammates end up dead last, chances are you’re not going to win the race overall – hence that aforementioned sense of division for players. This is going to be a love-it-or-hate-it mechanic, potentially over-complicating the simple fun of kart racers. That said, this doesn’t feel like the sort of kart racer where just holding down the go-fast button will result in victory. AI racers put up a fierce challenge, and you’ll need to pay attention to their efforts to run you off the track. It’s actually surprisingly tough to finish in the top three.
There are other tweaks to the kart racing formula that make use of the team structure, too. Items can be swapped between members with a tap of the circle button (on PS4), either sending an unwanted one you have to a partner who can make better use of it or requesting one when you’re riding on empty yourself. The items on offer at E3 weren’t terribly inspiring though, all feeling like stand-ins for Mario Kart power-ups – speed boosting Wisps in place of mushrooms, blocks instead of banana peels, and so forth. Hopefully, the finished product will have some surprises.
Away from the story mode, I was told by a Sega rep at E3 that Team Sonic Racing won’t be as restricted by the pre-existing team line-ups of the Sonic-verse. In the planned online mode, for instance, you’ll even be free to build a team featuring multiple instances of the same character – a triumvirate of Tails, if you like. There are also plans for vehicle customisation, with four blanked-out boxes on the racer select screen that are set to be used to mod your rides. I’m also told rings collected during the course of races are going to feed into the game’s economy, and while not confirming that Sonic’s virtual chop shop is where they’ll be spent, it seems a likely connection.
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officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
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Editor's Choice: Let's Grade This Year's E3, Who Won?; E3 2017 Awards
This year’s E3 has come and gone, with all the game trailers, gameplay reveals, and cosplay. This year’s E3 featuring a number of predictable outcomes, but also quite a few surprises. While some conferences were rather hit or miss, the big three did fairly amazing jobs, and even Ubisoft had some heavy hitters for its presser. However, there can only be one winner and one runner-up for our opinion of who won E3.
E3 Show Conference Grades:
EA Conference: EA’s show was met with mostly underwhelming sports titles and some mostly known fan favorites such as Star Wars: Battlefront II (gameplay) & Battlefield 1 (DLC), however it did shine when it showcased two “EA Originals”; Anthem and A Way Out. The former of which is being developed by staple EA Studio Bioware, while the latter is being handle Josef Fares who developed the critically acclaimed Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Need for Speed: Payback also had an impressive showing as well. Grade Score: 69/100
Microsoft Conference: It was all about games for Microsoft at this year’s E3, with a no nonsense presentation focusing on titles coming to Xbox One and the now officially named Xbox One X (formerly Project Scorpio). One would think the Xbox One X would have taken up most of the conference’s time, but other than a few bits of mention to the console and the final portion of it, a majority of the conference was focused on software, which is exactly what Xbox One owners have been asking for. Microsoft also surprised with an announcement of 22 console exclusives coming to the system within the year or so. Admittedly they didn’t do too much to give reasons why people should buy the Xbox One X over the much cheaper 4K enabled Xbox One S. Grade Score: 85/100.
Bethesda Conference: This one is a little odd, Bethesda didn’t really showcase any new games beyond sequels to The Evil Within & their recent Wolfenstein reboot (no Doom 2 unfortunately), most of it was kind of just a showcase of already released IP, VR incarnations of those,  and the aforementioned sequels, however Bethesda did surprise with a promising looking stand alone expansion for Dishonored II entitled “Death of the Outsider”, and The Evil Within 2 looks even more terrifying than the original game. Grade Score: 73/100
Devolver Digital “Conference”: Speaking of odd, Devolver Digital had some kind of pre-recorded. performance piece show that was an extremely brutal parody of the industry and E3 itself (no wonder there’s heat between the two), it was hilarious, witty, and brilliantly done for its fifteen minute run. No new games were shown (as promised), but we did get new trailers for already known upcoming Devolver Digital games, I highly recommend seeing this if you haven’t yet. Grade Score: 90/100.
Ubisoft Conference: Now Ubisoft’s conference was an excellent surprise, several new IP were shown off including Skull & Bones, a Pirate themed multiplayer title based on the critically acclaimed Naval battle sequences from Assassin’s Creed: IV Blackflag. This is a title that was long asked for and Ubisoft surprisingly delivered the goods. Alongside Skull & Bones, Ubisoft announced The Crew 2 (which looks extremely promising), a new Toys to Life title; Starlink: Battle for Atlas, a mobile spinoff of its South Park IP; South Park: Phone Destroyer, Steep DLC focused on the Olympics, Just Dance 2018, an Egyptian themed Assassin’s Creed title, and the amazing looking Mario & Rabbids crossover; Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (aka E3 show stealer), Ubisoft also shocked by re-introducing a new seemingly M rated Beyond Good & Evil 2. Grade Score: 94/100
Sony Conference: Much like Microsoft, Sony was all about software, so much so that once the pre-show ended there was zero presenters present, with Sony opting instead to have the trailers and gameplay footage to do the talking. Sony showed off some E3 returns such as God of War & Marvel’s Spider-Man (providing release windows for both), as well as surprising with announcements of a complete remake for Shadow of the Colossus, Monster Hunter’s return to Playstation, and impressive looking PSVR title Moss. Grade Score: 83/100.
Nintendo Conference/Tree House: Perhaps the most impressive show of E3 was Nintendo’s with announcement after announcement, and surprise after surprise the Switch & 3DS manufacturer went all in this year. Announcements included TWO Metroid titles; Samus Returns  on 3DS & the long-awaited Metroid Prime 4 on Switch, Switch debuts for Kirby & Yoshi next year, a core Pokemon RPG coming for Switch within the next year or so, the aforementioned Ubisoft team up for Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (yes I’m including this here), Nintendo also showed off some great gameplay for Breath of the Wild DLC & Super Mario Odyssey. Grade Score: 97/100.
E3 2017 Awards:
Below you can find our show awards for this year’s E3:
Best Sequel/Prequel/Continuation:
Winners: Life is Strange: Before the Storm, The Evil Within 2
Runner-Ups: Metro: Exodus, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, Far Cry 5
Honorable Mentions: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Ori and the Will of the Wisp, Beyond Good & Evil 2
Biggest Confirmed Rumor:
Winner: Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Runner-Ups: Dual Metroid Prime 4 & Samus Returns announcements, The Evil Within 2
Honorable Mentions: Pokemon on Nintendo Switch, Shadow of the Colossus Remake, Forza Motorsport 7,  Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Dragon Ball FighterZ
Best Surprise Announcement/Reveal:
Winner: Backwards Comp for OG Xbox on Xbox One & Xbox One X
Runner-Ups: Beyond Good & Evil 2 Re-Introduction, South Park: Phone Destroyer
Honorable Mentions: A Way Out, 22 console exclusives coming to Xbox One/Xbox One X, Super Lucky’s Tale, Moss
Best VR Reveal:
Winner: Moss
Runner-Ups: Doom VFR,  The Impatient
Honorable Mentions: Skyrim VR, Monster of the Deep (FFXV VR), Fallout 4 VR
Best New IP (First Game Entry):
Winner: Skull & Bones
Runner-Ups: A Way Out, Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Honorable Mentions: Detroit: Become Human, Days Gone, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Anthem
Best Indie Showcase:
Winner: Cuphead
Runner-Ups: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, The Last Night, Undertale
Honorable Mentions: Deep Rock Galactic, Super Lucky’s Tale
Best Gameplay:
Co-Winners: Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey, Marvel’s Spider-Man
Runner-Ups: Dragon Ball FighterZ, Cuphead, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Honorable Mentions: Metro: Exodus, Metroid: Samus Returns, South Park: Fractured but Whole
Best Handheld/Mobile Showcase:
Winner: Metroid: Samus Returns
Runner-Ups: South Park: Phone Destroyer, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Honorable Mentions: Ever Oasis, Mario+Luigi 3DS Remake, King’s Knight: Wrath of the Dark Dragon
Best Overall Presentation:
Winner: Super Mario Odyssey
Runner-Up: Marvel’s Spider-Man
Honorable Mentions: The Crew 2, Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, Yoshi Switch
Most Wanted (2017):
Co-Winners: Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, Super Mario Odyssey, Cuphead, Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
Runner-Ups: Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, Metroid: Samus Returns, Sonic Forces/Mania
Honorable Mentions: Crackdown 3, Forza Motorsport 7, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Destiny 2, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, The Evil Within 2
Most Wanted (2018):
Co-Winners: Marvel’s Spider-Man, God of War 4, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Far Cry 5
Runner-Ups: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Yoshi Switch, The Crew 2, Yakuza 6
Honorable Mentions: Anthem, Skull & Bones, Monster Hunter: World, Kirby Switch
Best Long-term (Franchise/Enjoyment) Potential:
Winners: Skull & Bones, Sea of Thieves
Runner-Ups: Dragon Ball FighterZ, Star Wars: Battlefront II
Honorable Mentions: Starlink: Battle for Atlas, State of Decay 2
Most Potential As A Single Title (2017/18/Beyond):
Co-Winners: Kingdom Hearts III, The Evil Within 2, Cuphead, Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Runner-Ups: Anthem, Need for Speed: Payback, The Crew 2
Honorable Mentions: Crackdown 3, Monster Hunter: World, Far Cry 5
Best Multiplayer Potential:
Co-Winners: Star Wars: Battlefront II, Splatoon 2, Skull & Bones
Runner-Ups: Call of Duty: WWII, Cuphead, Dragon Ball FighterZ
Honorable Mentions: Pokken Tournament DX, Anthem, State of Decay 2
Game of Show:
Winner: Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Runner-Up: Yoshi Switch
Most Disappointing No Shows:
Winner: The Last of Us 2
Runner-Ups: Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077
Personal Favorite E3 Conference:
Winner: Nintendo
Runner-Ups: Ubisoft, Devolver Digital
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