#young galadriel icons
houseofpevensie · 2 years
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— young galadriel | icons
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credit to @haIfelven on twitter
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nerdishpursuits · 2 years
Rings of Power is unbearably pretty 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Galadriel, Arondir, Nori, Durin and Disa and Elrond. All the feels, alright? ALL THE FEELS 👀😍🥹❤️‍🔥
Honestly. I hadn’t realized how starved I was for this aesthetic until I saw it. It feels whimsical and mythical and an homage to beauty. It has a dreamy, fairytale like quality. I’m so sick of the gratuitous gore a la GoT. This feels like a breath of fresh air, for now. Has its flaws, sure, but so far I’m glad to back in Middle Earth.
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lavellenchanted · 6 months
book recs!! anything witchy will do!
Oooh I love doing book recs, OKAY, witchy-themed books:
Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher - I finished this recently and it's a really lovely dark fairy tale style story, in which a princess seeks out magical help to kill the prince that's been abusing her sister.
The Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik - a fantastic trilogy set in a very dark, twisted magic school, following Galadriel 'El' Higgins as she tries her resist her destiny to become an evil sorceress.
Sorceror to the Crown by Zen Cho - a regency set fantasy following Zacharias Wythe, the first Black Sorceror Royal, who is trying to discover why Britain's magic stocks are drying up. A really fun read with a really interesting take on the fairy realm.
Literally anything by Diana Wynne Jones but for particular witch feels Witch Week is great - it's middle grade but still really fun to read as an adult, set in a boarding school where one of the students has been anoymously accused of being a witch in a world where witchcraft is illegal.
Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popovic - Iris and her sister Malina are descended from a family of witches taught to keep their powers a secret and never to fall in love. But when their mother's attacked, they set out to find the truth and discover that there's a curse haunting their family.
Shades of Milk and Honey by Marie Robinette Kowal - another regency set one, that's very Jane Austen with magical powers, where manipulation of glamour is an essential accomplishment for young ladies.
A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin - an urban fantasy following sorceror Matthew Swift who finds himself resurrected from the dead after being murdered three years ago. He's got two questions: who killed him? And who brought him back?
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett - an absolutely stellar book, in which the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat find meddling in royal affairs isn't that easy ...
The Witch Trade by Michael Molloy - I read this when I was eleven or twelve and it has etched itself into my pyche, and is such a fun, exciting middle grade adventure.
The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy - I don't care how old you are, if you haven't read this you should. Mildred Hubble's misadventures at Miss Cackle's Academy of Witches are just iconic.
Poison by Chris Wooding - this isn't about a witch, exactly, but it has very witchy, fairy tale vibes and I adore it so I'm going to include it. It follows a young woman called Poison who sets out to reclaim her sister from the fairies after she's stolen and replaced with a changeling, but finds a much bigger adventure waiting for her.
Okay, that's a lot of witchy books so I will stop there before this gets too unwieldy but I highly recommend all of these!!
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marietheran · 3 months
LotR reread - book 2, chapter 1 - Many Meetings
That awakening scene and Gandalf's grumbling are iconic.
"You have talked long in your sleep, Frodo, and it has not been hard for me to read your mind and memory" - more potential mind-reading. Yes, Frodo was talking, but the phrasing implies more than that.
Honestly Frodo is rather unperturbed for someone who keeps getting told "oh, and by the way, I read your mind"
Frodo's disbelief that Gandalf could ever be held captive :))
Frodo having thought all the "Big People" stupid before meeting Aragorn. He doesn't seem to have considered Gandalf as one of them, though.
"Fortune or fate have helped you" - something for the Mysterious Allusions Counter?? Let's leave it at 3.5.
That the Shire could withstand Sauron until all else might be conquered, almost as much as Rivendell, according to Gandalf!
"To what he will come in the end not even Elrond can foretell." - Proof that Elrond has foresight? Or just referring to his knowledge of healing?
"He may become like a glass filled with a clear light for eyes to see that can" - beautiful phrasing; what does it mean?
Some of the elves are "as merry as children"! -> me @ Peter Jackson
"We are sitting in a fortress. Outside it is getting dark." "Gandalf has been saying many cheerful things like that."
"On his brow sat wisdom, and in his hand was strength"
Elrond is "ageless, neither old nor young"... "venerable he seemed as a king crowned with many winters [Elros! 🥲💔], and yet hale as a tried warrior in the fullness of his strength." Hmm, half-elven heritage seems to show.
His hair "dark as the shadows of twilight" - compare: Lúthien ("dark as shadow was her hair"); Arwen being both a carbon copy of her illustrious foremother and like her father in female form.
"Mighty among both Elves and Men"
Arwen also has this "young and not" quality. Both she and her father are said to have the light of stars in their eyes.
Hmmm... Grey rainment with no ornament save a silver girdle + headdress. Not Noldorin fashion, I believe.
Bilbo definitely knows about Arwen and seems to tease Aragorn. Not sure if it counts as an allusion, being semi-overt... counter at 1.5
When I was 13 I decided to learn the Eärendil poem by heart and got halfway through - later I learned the rest of it through music settings.
Hmm... I doubt Bilbo should be taken as an expert on Eärendil's journey, but it does seem the Mariner almost crashed himself on the Helcaraxë (From gnashing of the Narrow Ice) where shadow lies on frozen hills.../He turned in haste, and roving still, etc.). And then there's the mysterious "Night of Naught"; I'm not sure if it was mentioned in the Silm.
O'er leagues unlit and foundered shores/ that drowned before the Days began *:・゚✧*
He came into the timeless halls/ where shining fall the countless years ✧*:・ ...Brings to mind elements of Galadriel's song later on...
The Silmaril as lantern light/ and banner bright with living flame/ to gleam thereon by Elbereth/ herself was set, who thither came (!!)
And over Middle-earth he passed/ and heard at last the weeping sore/ of women and of elven-maids/ in Elder Days, in years of yore... haunting...
But, yes, Bilbo dies have cheek in reciting that in the house of Elrond
Aragorn very overtly talking to Arwen, cleaned-up and all. The scene is specifically drawn attention to; I hesitate to add this to my AragornxArwen allusion counter because it's not even an allusion! Mmm... 1.75
"I'll take a walk, I think, and look at the stars of Elbereth in the garden" -- oh, Bilbo, you're getting very Elvish
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starssunsoftheinfinite · 10 months
This is just me rambling about the lotr musical I just saw spoilers for the watermill theatre production of lotr!!
In no particular order
First off I was expecting a new musical (for context there was another musical first performed in 2006 I think) BUT IT WASNT at least the songs weren't I'm not sure about the script since its insanely hard to find anything on it APART from the songs, they can be found online even on Spotify! Point is I thought it was a new one BUT THEN THEY STARTED PLAYING ROAD GOES ON AND MY ASS FELL OFF ISTG Seeing that og musical has been a DREAAAM OF MINE BUT THEY DON'T PLAY IT ANYMORE OR SO I THOOOOOUUUGHT
The music is insane actually it's so good!!!
When I saw the elves and realised they wouldn't have long hair unless the actor already did I was a little nervous since I just find its difficult to portray elves without the iconic long hair BUT MY GOD THEY'RE GOOD I don't know what these guys did compaired to the short hair elves of lotr prime BUT IT WOOOORKS legolas was perfect and GALADRIEL the actress has stage presence if I've ever seen it!!! She had this for lack of a better word fuck ass bob with a gold wreath thing and a PANT SUIT SHE'S MENTAL I LOVE HER!!!
Her voice is insane there was a moment where a group of people all sang together and they seemed to be singing at the usual stage level right but here voice just boomed iver the whole group it was amazing! She was so loud but she did it well!! I find often when people sing that loud it's like shouting but not in a good way, she was SINGING it was beautiful. She captured galadriels aura and power so well every time she was on stage I just wanted to stare at her.
aragorn was so GOOOOD he also sounded a lot like Orlando bloom to me lmao. His outfit was actually perfection and his haircut??? HE HAD this shaved sides thing going on and???!?!?! I THINK I LIKE IT MORE THAN MOVIE ARAGORN DARE I SAY???
Don't even get started on arwen dude. THE COSTUME DESINERS DID AMAZING WITH HER DRESS AND THE ACTRESS CAPTURED HER SO WELL her ethereal feel with a slight bit of young wonderUUuGGHHhHh screams. Her voice is also actually insane I'm chewing bark.
Frodo was done so wellLLLLLLL the moments when he got taken over by the ring were so distinctly not Frodo!! The actor switched between the two moments so flawlessly!! It was like he was playing two people.
AND SAAAm what a sweetheart he is he's perfect in every way can do no wrong ever ever!! His voice was so pretty I'm gonna goble him up for real. Also I think he got slapped in the face?!? I couldn't see it perfectly but that slam sounded very real with the noise so I wouldn't be shocked. Dedication woa.
GIIIMLI meow meow meow he's so good bald king<<<3333 HIS OUTFIT?? punch me in the face please thanks. Bro his face when legolas was being sassy to him MF said >:000 I LOVE HIS PORTRAAAAAAIIIL UGggghhhHHH he's perfect in every way everyone stay back from my bald king RAAAA
Boromir my pookie gone too soon <333 his outfit was so good his actor was so good EVERYTHING WAS SO GOOD UUUGH Meow when he held frodo wrists to get him to stay I was like 🤨🤨🤨🤨😏😏😏 LOTR MUSICAL IS JUST FULL OF HOT PEOPLE
OMGOD GANDALF UUUGH HE WAS AMAZING idk why I thought he's be played by a younger guy in makeup?? Getting an actually older actor makes way more sense and HE WAS AMAZING
Saruman, elrond and golem were all played by this one guy and it was so good?? You could tell visually like his face that it was all him but he differentiates the characters SOOO well!! Bald elrond will haunt my dreams though..
MERRY AND PIPPIN UUUGHGHHG I love I love they made a tiny tweak to pip which was that since he was played by a lovely actress pip was referred to as a girl, but it was done very well! Nothing about the character changed, personality, story beats, outfit, everything was still pippin the only difference was a few she's here and there which is very much how this thing should be done :)) if you do need to or want to switch and characters gender it's good to keep them the same in other aspects otherwise they just come across as a new character with a familiar name! But that didn't happen here at all, the actress portrayed pip amazingly
Merry was also so good! His voice was amazing and he was so charming!
THE OOOORCS they were amazing. They were so unsettling!! I wasn't sure how they were going to play them but they had this gassmask type thing on it was so good! Everytime they came in I was excited to see them.
The way they did the nazgul was so fun. They were these skeleton horse head puppets!! They opened their mouths so wide it was really unsettling!!
AND THE SPIIIIDERRR everyone gasped when the spider came on. They opened these big doors in the back of the theatre right and she didn't even walk on she was right there! She was huge. She's this big puppet maned by like it's gotta be six or seven people SHE WAS AMAZING
AND OH OH OH THE FIRST AND LAST SCENES WERE OUTSIDE bilbos party was out in the garden!! We all got to sit around and the hobbit came and spoke to us all like we were invited to the party! Bilbo came out and asked me if I had eaten today if was great!! Speaking of which he was SOO GOOOOD
ANNNNDD they mentioned Tom!! WOOO at the end gandalf spoke about going to speak with Tom bombadil! We all had a giggle it was fun
It was just generally amazing all round
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filmgoop · 1 year
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young galadriel icons 🌟🧝🏻‍♀️☀️
like if you save
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ashmp3 · 2 months
Hi Teo hope you are thriving! I just want you to know that you are so iconic that Cate Blanchett was copying your vibe all the way back in 1999
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(I saw these and my brain instantly went “Very big Teo energy”. Hopefully I’m not way off 😅. Anyways luv u bye)
Wait stop oh my god… i opened this and when i tell you! my eyes grew three times in size and my jaw dropped to the floor you are absolutely insane btw. THEE Cate Blanchett… I don’t think you understand the chaos you caused in my head rn and also i am giggling i love influencing at the what? ripe age of 1? 🤭 but please these pictures are SO insanely beautiful she has the prettiest most alluring energy to me and is most beautiful women ever - you know i had a huge crush on Lady Galadriel when i was young (did i wanna be her or wanna be with her type of woman to me). So yeah i HOPE you are not far off because this is one of the best compliments i’ve ever received so just thinking seeing these pics made you think of me- THANK YOU! 🥹💖
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first-son-of-finwe · 2 years
A couple more thoughts on The Show because they’re bothering me
- Literally the first scene is of young Galadriel being bullied. The first glimpse we get of Amazon’s interpretation of Tolkien’s world is ugliness, and honestly that says so much about it’s ‘vision’
- The visuals are the only thing that most people seem to praise, but I have to say this. I couldn’t recognise New Zealand in a single shot. None of the iconic landscapes, just enhanced generic CGI fantasy world. It isn’t a real place, you can’t walk there, you can’t smell the trees or hear the rushing of the water. You can’t stand on a mountain and go “oh look, there!! That’s where this scene was.” The beauty of the movies is that the landscapes felt real, and that’s because they were. Here it’s all fake. Why did they bother filming it in New Zealand at all.
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prattling-she-elf · 2 years
Rating Rings of Power Characters: Elves Edition!
(As of Episode 5)
Welcome to the show where you get to hear my opinions which nobody asked for!
Are you ready?
Let the frivolity commence!
Aaaaand first up, we have the Elves! Starting with....
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Elegant. Graceful. Proud. Restless. A fighter.
Everything I expect and look for in a young Galadriel. 10 points.
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10 points for putting baby Elrond in his place. She has seen shit, and no patronizing from Elrond (who literally has not seen said shit) is making her forget that.
Another 10 points awarded for the iconic line and delivery of "There is a tempest within me!"
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20 points for slapping that man in the ass with a sword. That had me howling with laughter.
-5 points for her lack of husband. Seriously, where the hell is Celeborn? Minus another 10 for being shorter than Halbrand. Our woman should be like 6 feet tall. It doesn't matter if Morfydd Clark is only 5'3. They made John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) who is 6'1 look short next to the rest of the OG cast. They could have done the same here and made her look tall. Big boo.
Galadriel comes in with a total of 35 points.
Next up, we have.....
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Quick. Agile. Diplomatic. Just. Kind. Serious. Handsome.
This guy has it all. Solid 20 points for a great original character.
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Another 10 points for his subtle expressiveness. He's pretty closed off, but the way he looks at Bronwyn.... *swoons*
10 points for the face he makes at Adar when Adar asks him if he is from Beleriand from "the mouth of the river".
*derisive laughter*
Arondir's incredulous face says it all. There are roughly 35 rivers in Beleriand, which drain into around 4 mouths, all of which have some settlement of some kind. Like, I know the writers probably mean he's from the Havens of Sirion, but that was still the elvish equivalent of asking an American, "Are you from America, from 'the state'? I've been there once, you know".
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-5 points for speaking Quenya. Not a single Silvan Elf born in Beleriand would be speaking Quenya, ever. Elu Thingol banned the language from being spoken throughout the realm when he learned of the horrors of the First Kinslaying. It's an absolutely massive faux pas on the writer's part.
That has Arondir sitting pretty on 35 points.
Next, we have ....
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He's..... old?
That's -5 right off the bat. He's not the oldest elf, so why does he look old? I mean, he also saw some first-age shit, but so did everyone else here. The writers do realize that he's younger than Galadriel, right?
Otherwise, he's a little sassy and ambitious, but relatively a nice guy. +10 points for Celebrimbor.
That leaves Celebrimbor with ..... ouch, 5 points. You know what will make you popular my dude? Forge some rings. What could possibly go wrong?
Next up is.....
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+10 points for looking exactly as Gil-Galad should, but what did they do to his character?
Since when did Gil-Galad become.... dare I say it... a dick?
The Gil-Galad I know was kind and benevolent, and overall a gentle ruler who always sided with Galadriel. I was not expecting a sneaky, manipulative, Mithril-hungry, ship-your-best-mates-off-to-Valinor, arrogant bastard, and I do not approve.
I mean, where is the man worthy of the "Gil-Galad was an elven king" poem? The writers so did him dirty.
-10 points.
That leaves Gil-Galad with a great big 0. Shape up, laddy.
Moving on to....
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He is a perfect sweet baby. An angel. Kind. Polite. Understanding. He has a lot to learn. The character is so good I can entirely excuse the hair.
10 points for Elrond!
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His bromance with Durin is iconic. Another 10 points.
He is also pure and loyal to his friends, and he is starting to learn to do both what is right for his friends, and what is right for his people. Oh, how this series is going to crush him. Another 10 for our poor baby.
That has Elrond sitting on a nice even 30 points.
Next up....
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Lore checks out. +10.
Just tell me, what idiot decided Elros gets a beard? Tolkien makes it very clear that half-elves don't get beards and it takes many generations for their descendants to acquire that mannish trait (see the princely house of Dol Amroth). -5 points.
That leaves Elros with 5 points as well. You need to shave, my dude.
Aaaaand, last but not least.....
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Right off the bat, wtf did they do to his hair?!? Terribly unsexy. -10 points.
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And what exactly happens with his death? Finrod dies in the dungeons of Sauron, not on the fields of battle. While the former (and correct version) would perfectly explain Galadriel's extreme hatred of Sauron, the show heavily implies the latter. -10 for such a vague corruption of his backstory.
+5 for his absolutely awesome quote, "Sometimes we cannot know [the light] until we have touched the darkness."
Finrod finishes with a grand..... -15 points.
Galadriel and Arondir for a tie!
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Elrond comes in a close second!
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Tune in next time for Rating the Númenóreans!
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laocommunity · 1 year
Title: Morfydd Clark Reveals Exciting Details About Galadriel's Story in Rings of Power Season 2
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Title: Morfydd Clark Reveals Exciting Details About Galadriel's Story in Rings of Power Season 2 Morfydd Clark Reveals Exciting Details About Galadriel's Story in Rings of Power Season 2 When Amazon announced their upcoming Lord of the Rings series, Rings of Power, fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic Middle-earth saga were eager to learn more. With the first season set to debut in September 2022, audiences are now on the edge of their seats, waiting for more updates about the highly anticipated show. Thankfully, one of the show's stars, Morfydd Clark, recently revealed some exciting details about her character, Galadriel, and what viewers can expect from her story in the show's second season. Galadriel's Role in the Second Season According to Clark, Galadriel will play a significant role in the second season of Rings of Power. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, she shared that she was thrilled to be able to delve deeper into her character's backstory and motivations. "Galadriel is such an iconic character, both from the books and the films," she said. "Getting to explore her story more fully in Rings of Power has been an incredible experience." Galadriel's Origins Clark also discussed Galadriel's origins, something that has not been explored in detail in previous adaptations of Tolkien's work. She revealed that in Rings of Power, audiences will get to see Galadriel as a young elf, long before the events of The Lord of the Rings. "We're going back quite far in time with Galadriel," she said. "We get to see her as a much younger elf, which was really interesting to explore." Galadriel's Relationships Another aspect of Galadriel's story that Clark teased was the character's relationships with other key figures in Middle-earth. She hinted that viewers will get to see Galadriel interact with characters such as Elrond, Celeborn, and Cirdan the Shipwright. "We definitely see Galadriel in a new light in Rings of Power," she said. "We get to see different sides of her personality and her relationships with other characters." Galadriel's Future While Clark was tight-lipped about specific plot details, she did hint that Galadriel's story in Rings of Power will have far-reaching consequences for Middle-earth as a whole. "Galadriel has a crucial role to play in the events of the show," she said. "I think fans will be really excited to see where her story goes." The Legacy of Galadriel Finally, Clark reflected on the legacy of Galadriel, both in Tolkien's work and in popular culture as a whole. She expressed her admiration for the character and the impact she has had on audiences over the years. "Galadriel is such a powerful figure, both in terms of her own story and her role in the wider mythology of Middle-earth," she said. "It's been an honor to bring her to life on screen." Conclusion Fans of Lord of the Rings can't wait to see what Rings of Power has in store for them. With Morfydd Clark's hints about Galadriel's story, audiences are even more excited to explore Middle-earth in this highly anticipated new series. We can hardly wait to see what the future holds for Galadriel and all the other characters we know and love. FAQs 1. Who is Morfydd Clark? Morfydd Clark is a Welsh actress best known for her roles in films such as Saint Maud and The Personal History of David Copperfield. 2. Who is Galadriel in Lord of the Rings? Galadriel is an elf of the Noldorin race, known for her wisdom and magical abilities. She is a key figure in The Lord of the Rings, helping to guide Frodo and the other characters on their quest. 3. What is Rings of Power? Rings of Power is an upcoming television series based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth saga. It is being produced by Amazon Studios. 4. When will Rings of Power premiere? Rings of Power is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video in September 2022. 5. What other characters will be in Rings of Power? Rings of Power is set to feature a wide range of characters from Tolkien's work, including Galadriel, Elrond, and Sauron. #NEWS Read the full article
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astral-aromance · 3 years
Nerdanel and sexuality
Nerdanel is an expert in sexuality and fertility. She enjoys working with nude models and her works were often rather sensual. This love she gained as she spent free time with Yavanna, while her father worked with Aulë. Yavanna is, although Tolkien was afraid to say it, a fertility goddess and was all about learning young Elves that sexuality is a virtue and not inappropriate.
Nerdanel is open about her sex-life (Fëanor was not too happy with that), teaches others that sex is not something to just create kids with, but also a bonding experience between spouses. She's also interested in mlm/wlw relationships and works for their acceptance. And that is seen in her art. Yavanna wholeheartedly supports queer couples, heck, she invented them, so she told Nerdanel all about it.
She gave the Finwëan grandkids "the talk", told Fingon how mlm weddings work when he asked (she knew damn well who he wanted to marry), made Aredhel realise that being sexually attracted to someone without being in love was perfectly natural, told Maedhros that liking another guy was a beautiful thing, made Galadriel realise that she did not have to choose between being male or female, she was open about her own bisexuality.
She was a firm believer that marriage should not be defined by sex, as Yavanna pleaded in an early silm-draft. After Aredhel’s reembodiment she helped her to realize that her marriage to Ëol was not, in fact, a marriage. She told Aredhel that something like “non-consensual sex” did not exist, that it was called assault instead. She urged Aredhel to get married if she wished, for Iluvatar’s rules would not be broken by her new vows.
On the contrary, she also helped Maglor realize that, despite being married, it was okay to not experience feelings of arousal or lust, she helped Caranthir come to terms with the fact that he was not attracted to other Elves. 
In the third age she came to Middle-Earth and helped women deal with unwanted/unplanned pregnancies and was pro-choice activist. 
Just give me sexuality-expert, LGBT-icon Nerdanel.
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vefanyar · 3 years
18 Questions Tag Game
@nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui tagged me in this; since I can’t sleep and am this close to doomscrolling, let’s try and break that spiral with some memery. 
1. Why did you choose your URL? I had another tumblr before this and decided to switch because of fandom drama. At the same time, I read a poem about clouds that was all about disengagement and just hit the mood of the moment. Plus, Galadriel’s Lament in Quenya is one of my favourite Tolkien poems, and Varda uplifting her hands like clouds (ve fanyar) and drowning all the paths in deep shadow also fit what I was doing.
2. Any side blogs? A bunch, only two of which are sort-of active. @itslovethatsavesthem for Critical Role (specifically for M9 and EXU, also spoilery, don’t click through if you haven’t seen those) and @ivrun for my main DnD character, a Half-Orc Life Domain Cleric of Eldath/Divine Soul Sorcerer - mostly commissions, dollmakers and various inspirational things from around tumblr that fit her. 
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Too long.
4. Do you have a queue tag? There are a couple that I don’t even remember, but I got tired of typing them out before autofill tags became a thing, so now it’s just “q”, purely out of laziness, no political meaning behind it, if that needs stating.
5. What did you originally start this blog for? This one? Tolkien. The one I had before? Fandom action had moved to tumblr, and I remember thinking that I wanted to engage with the Sherlock fandom a bit more after finding out that one of the actors in that show was gonna be young Bilbo... and then I got hooked on that show for a brief but pretty intense time. Yikes. 
6. Why did you choose your icon? It’s a faux-elven crest I made to match one of my first layouts and then got attached to. At that point I was poking at gender stuff a bit, so the fact that it’s neither a purely male nor purely female design as Tolkien’s heraldic rules go was more or less intentional. 
7. Why did you choose your header? It’s one of Tolkien’s artworks of Lothlórien; I always adored the detail of the mallorn tree in flower.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? This quote, apparently? Not even something I made myself, what a bummer.
9. How many followers do you have? 667. Who are you and why are you following me? ♥
10. How many blogs do you follow? 226, but I think it may be time to sift through them again, because I don’t recognize half the names and fandoms after being relatively inactive here for a while, no personal hard feelings.  
11. Have you ever made a sh*tpost? Oh yeah, plenty. 
12. How often do you use Tumblr every day? Ehhhh. I haven’t been here a lot recently because school was pretty taxing and my brain just wasn’t able to keep up with two things... but usually I check at least twice a day, more when there’s extended downtime.
13. Have you ever had a fight with another blog? Oh yeah, there were people I fought with who happened to have blogs. Not so much with the blogs themselves. :P
14. How do you feel about “you have to reblog this” posts? Guilt-trippy shit like that is just making sure that I won’t reblog this post - if I want it on my blog regardless, I reblog it from someone before that, usually not with that comment attached.
15. Opinion on tag games? Can be interesting!
16. Opinion on ask games? Same thing! I wish there were more responses, but still!
17. Which of your mutuals is Tumblr famous? Uh...  don’t know, don’t care?
18. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? One of them is my girlfriend, just saying... ;) I also do frequently get cases of platonic starry-eyes at people, though... 
Not tagging anyone, but if you want to do this, please feel free to steal!
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nerdishpursuits · 2 years
Quite frankly this entire mindset around Rings of Power: “it’s not made the way I wanted/expected it to, following the books to a T, so it should be canceled - if I can’t/won’t watch it, no one should, let’s spread the hatred and boycott - there’s but one way to tell this story” is … disappointing. To me, it is.
No adaptation is going to be the way I envisioned. Not a one. Regardless of the company that buys the rights. Someone will always cry “Wolf”. And you know what? That’s alright. If I can enjoy a new take on a favorite series and find joy in the way someone else brings it to life? I will. Or I’ll, quite simply, not watch.
At the end of the day I’ll always have the books and my own imagination for that undiluted, “unspoiled” version. Another interpretation doesn’t bother me. Especially when it’s everything I’d want to see in a story of this caliber: mythical and whimsical, like a much beloved fairytale. With female characters not there for decoration only, held to the stereotypical standards of “women only need to be/do this in order to be palatable, lest they not be women”. Women who are not only mentioned in passing, simple tokens in a 1000+ compendium dedicated to men.
And I’m happy to be free of the gratuitous gore and endless violence of other, much-hyped franchises. Yes, it’s different than canon. Yes, we all rightly hate Amazon. Yes, there’s countless aspects one can be nitpicky about. And so on and so forth. We could sit and complain forever.
But you know what? I’m not going to let sheer hatred ruin my love for this show. I’m not going to get mired in this bottomless pit of complaints. I’m going to focus on what I REALLY enjoy: a young, brash, and quite relatable Galadriel (Cate is ICONIC, but I find Clark’s portrayal just as engaging with glimpses of the enigmatic and formidable Lady of Lorien in the Third Age; and yes, I do love me a fearless, sword-wielding elleth with a rather “swashbuckling youth”). Then there’s charming, witty Disa and the dwarves which I feel are portrayed to perfection. Durin and Elrond are a riot together and their dynamic a joy to watch. Arondir and Halbrand feel like well-established Middle Earth characters to me and I find them a welcome addition. Nori and Poppy are a delight and the Harfoots in general are a source of pure joy. Bronwyn is also a character I’ve quickly grown fond of. And I look forward to seeing what they’ve done with Numenor. Not to mention the exquisite cinematography and fantastic music score.
So, for me? There’s a lot to enjoy. Which is what I plan to do. It’s just sad you can’t go into the tags for this show and not find hate-filled comments clinging to the thread like fungus. Is there nothing that can be enjoyed these days without hateful rhetoric? I just want to stare at pretty pictures, okay?
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entishramblings · 4 years
(this is a masterlist of all my photo edits which will be updated regularly and is linked on my navigation page so you will have easy access)
☆ check navigation/information for photo-edit rules
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Red Leaves
This Forest
I Will
If I Die Young
Remember Me
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Rainbow Set
Ripped Paper Set Watercolor
Ripped Paper Set Forests
ripped sunset set
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Elven Forestry
TLLOTS Characters (Arryin, Legolas, Belanor, Beyla, & Rowan)
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alixlestrange · 4 years
Ao3 Feed The hobbit (Middle Earth)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K1UVVw
by saturnsmoon
Belladonna Baggins used to be a wild and strong-willed young hobbit, but once she acquired Bag End after her beloved parents' deaths, she put that life behind her. Nicknamed 'Mad Baggins' by her neighbors, she keeps to herself and convinces herself that she is comfortable in her stagnant life. Deep down, however, she hides a secret desire to journey into the vast unknown. This yearning is awoken as a wandering wizard offers to whisk her away on an adventure and the eccentric company of Thorin Oakenshield arrives at her front door - quite unexpectedly. The iconic company is joined by two original characters - Frera, daughter of Frerin and Dwenne, daughter of Dwalin - who play an important role in the quest to the Lonely Mountain.
Words: 6111, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Bofur (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Bombur (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Thranduil (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Beorn (Tolkien), Smaug (Tolkien), Azog (Tolkien), Gollum | Sméagol, Bolg (Tolkien), Galadriel | Artanis, Arwen Undómiel, Elrond Peredhel, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Legolas Greenleaf, Bard the Bowman, Frerin (Tolkien)
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins & Original Female Character(s), Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins & Dwarves, Dwalin (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), Dís & Frerin & Thorin Oakenshield
Additional Tags: Female Bilbo Baggins, Female Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Middle Earth, Strong Female Characters, Gandalf Meddles, Stubborn Dwarves, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Female Friendship, Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Overprotective Dwarves, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Minor Fíli/Original Character(s), Eventual Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Sassy Bilbo Baggins, Dwarf/Hobbit Relationship(s), Badass Dwarf Women
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K1UVVw
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maddiemaynot · 5 years
Episode 2: The Book
For any non-Brits out there who don't know. Soho is our gay capital. Soho is where Aziraphale's shop is. That's all I'm saying.
Mrs Beeton's is technically food porn so you're not wrong there Sandalphon
"Something smells evil" *mild panic o shit what do I say* "that'll be the Jeffrey Archer books"
Josie Lawrence is my favourite comedienne and honestly I was so happy to see her in this 😭
"So they don't call you 'Adultery Pulsifer'?" "They do not." They bloody well do.
Agnes Nutter is low-key the reason I've taken up running
Agnes walking herself to the pyre is such a bad bitch move. An icon.
"Four shall ride and three shall ride the sky as two and one shall ride in flames" in case there are some people who didn't get it the first time - Four Horsemen, Three on a scooter as two people (Aziraphale/Madame Tracy and Shadwell), and Crowley in his flaming Bentley. Poor Bentley.
I sometimes wonder about Anathema's teenage years. Did she rebel? Did she not want to go on to try and save the world? Did she want to sod it all and become something completely different? Was she bullied for being (quite obviously a witch)? I feel for her
Newton + Computers = me.
"People who call their cats funny names". Reply with funny names you've given pet cats over the years please it's for science
Crowley and his plants is a) my favourite scene in the book and the show and b) exactly how I garden. It works. He is not wrong. I grew a begonia from a leaf by yelling at the little shit to grow god dammit just grow. It grew.
Madam Tracy is priceless and Miranda Richardson plays her so well and I honestly can't imagine anyone else playing her
I'm definitely going to try a cup of tea with condensed milk and 9 sugars. I'll let you all know how it goes. If I don't die of a heart attack
Crowley driving is exactly how my flatmate drives and I'm not okay with this
Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. I do not know ANYONE cruel enough to name their child that, and I have a friend who wants to call her first child "Yaris" after the damn car.
Not much of what Aziraphale says tells you how much of a sarcastic bitch he is, but LOOK AT HIS FACE in literally all of their interactions in Tadfield. He's a judgey cow and we love him for it.
Anathema's face when they say they're going to torture Wensleydale. Amazing.
"Art thou a witch, olé?"
"Are there any beasts about?" "Dog's a beast" actually me when talking about my poodle.
Crowley is so DRAMATIC when he's been shot like come on you drama queen it's paint.
Also when Aziraphale is like "I've looked at this gun, it's not a real gun", there is so much opportunity for Crowley to be making sarcastic comments but he doesn't and it's so SWEET that he doesn't. Swear this demon doesn't have a mean bone in his body when it comes to Aziraphale
The wall scene. THE WALL SCENE. ThE waLL SceNE. The wall scene. The wall scene.
Aziraphale loves playing detective and spy he's such a nerd.
"He had lovely little toesie woesies" Sister Mary Loquacious is ME
"Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men." God preaching feminism over here yes bitch
The music playing when Aziraphale is talking about the flashes of love (just before the crash with Anathema) warms my whole soul to the core.
"Let there be light!" You extra little shit Aziraphale.
Okay so someone on facebook pointed out a great thing on this scene. I mentioned how fantastically creepy and not-quite-right Aziraphale and Crowley come off, and it's probably very much how they come off to most humans because they're obviously not human. They seem very much larger than life and caricatured when next to Anathema. Like someone's IDEA of a bookshop owner and weird-gay-perpetually-drunk-rockstar (or whatever Crowley's personal branding is lmao). And this person pointed out that ON TOP OF THAT, remember that Anathema can see auras. So what the absolute FUCK is she seeing when she's looking at Crowley and Aziraphale? Like she must be seriously shaken tbh. Poor Anathema. (In the book, this bit is amazing to me too cos as Anathema leaves the car, Crowley says "get in, angel" and she thinks "Ah well that explained it, she had been perfectly safe after all." Which is great whichever way you interpret it. Either (and to me this is more unlikely) she takes Crowley at face value and understands that Aziraphale is an angel and that's why she was in no danger, which is great cos Anathema just accepting that is a sign of how awesome she is. Or, she hears Crowley call Aziraphale angel and goes "oh okay they're just a sweet couple and not creepily interested in me in any way" and I honestly love both interpretations so much)
"Oh Lord, heal this bike."
Aziraphale is such a foodie you know they stopped at the cafe just cos he was peckish and wanted cake.
Deirde going to check Dog isn't in Adams room is such a MUM thing to do and I love it
Also the way the music turns so sinister when Adam is actually awake, I am so here for this soundtrack
"[The book] must belong to the young lady you hit with your car" why you being a bitch Aziraphale honestly
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