#I have been thinking about this line for over a year trying to understand Reginald's motivations
air--so--sweet · 5 months
'He was pretty ruthless in our performance reviews.'
'He always gave me five stars.'
What are people's interpretations of this scene because I can't work it out. From what we see Five had a good hold of his powers as a kid so it's feasible that he deserved five stars but I highly doubt the scores Reggie gave the kids were based on what they deserved. Alternate Reggie himself says,'I made you children feel small, confused about your own powers so that I could control you.' So why give Five a good review, especially when he was such an imperious, cocky little shit?
Is it that he was so arrogant he wouldn't have believed a lower score from Reggie and just ignored it and so he gave him five stars to motivate him as he would want to always maintain that level? Was recognising Five's talent a better and more reliable way of ensuring his compliance over trying to break him down? After all, when we see teenage Five get told he can't do something, his response is to, in fact, go and do that very thing.
Or was it more nefarious? Reggie realised Five's arrogance and self assuredness meant he could never control him in the same way he could the others and therefore believed him a liability. He couldn't do to him as he had to Viktor because Five and his siblings were all old enough to remember his powers and also having debuted those in the outside world knew about Five too. So instead, he decided to play into Five's arrogance, told him he was brilliant until he wanted to try time travel, and then firmly told him no, that he wasn't good enough. Because he wasn't wrong that time travel was dangerous but it would be a useful power for one of the Umbrellas to have, he could have started Five small, as he tells Five in the '60s, a lot can change in a matter of seconds. So could it be that he knew a denial would lead to Five choosing to attempt to prove him wrong and, as a result get lost in the future? Maybe he didn't know about him getting lost in the apocalypse but he knew Five's powers were volatile enough that he might not be able to get back, meaning trying to control him is no longer a concern for Reggie. Or maybe he thought Five would come back but with difficulty, leading to a loss in confidence, allowing him to make him feel small like the others.
Or maybe it was something else completely? I really can't tell, so would love others thoughts on this.
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
We know that Klaus would rather stay in a toxic/abusive relationship than be alone. In that context, how are you interpreting Ben's "That's why you're always alone" line in S2?
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Honestly I think that line is as much if not more about Ben at his worst than it is about Klaus.
Though understandable given the circumstances, it wasn't Ben's finest hour, tbh: particularly when you consider the sentence that precedes it: "Nobody wants to deal with your shit, Klaus." Because sure, everyone has their own struggle to deal with, BUT: who does that sound like?
I think the intention might have been a tough-love reminder that one's own choices are key to recovery....but lbr, sandwiched in with a hundred other rejections disguised as "I'm worried about you and really frustrated," it begins to sound like Reginald's "You're more trouble than you're worth." What complicates this is that, other than Reginald, the people who have said these things are speaking from their own poor emotional regulation and trauma (the other Umbrellas and some of the Sparrows). And that's incredibly tragic.
People who are (repeatedly) traumatized and ND (neurodivergent--ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, PTSD and C-PTSD, among others) hear those words in a thousand micro-aggressions a day, in a neurotypical world over which they have very little say or control. They can be as small as an angry sigh and eye-roll, a "shut up" or "this is an adult conversation" or "you always say stupid shit" or "you useless pukebag" or "just be the lookout." They begin to internalize the callousness and the projection, and BELIEVE the things others say or do to invalidate them, and make choices that self-fulfill the worst opinions that others have (which is why I get frustrated when I see yet another fan shitting on Klaus for "choosing" to return to bad relationships, or drink, or use, or simply walk away: "you are hopelessly broken, so why bother" is NOT an idea he planted in his own head). That's what has happened to Klaus, and it is why he is reluctant to step outside the methods he already knows how to utilize in order to keep going (including repeated patterns of enduring toxic relationships, with Dave as the sole canonical exception).
Yes, sometimes their own actions reinforce these invalidating remarks, BUT WHY? Because they have grown accustomed to being disregarded and ignored ANYWAY, so best to beat others to the punch and cut out some of the sting of another dismissal.
I don't think Ben understands that, because Ben is built to be a people-pleaser; Ben is traumatically obsessed with making the people he loves and admires proud. He struggles SO MUCH with this, and we see it most vividly in his Sparrow timeline, in which he absolutely despises himself and resents everyone around him just because Marcus, not him, is Number One. Ben, ironically, does not have Klaus's survival skills or adaptability. It's by the book or failure. It's all or nothing.
And his frustration with relying on someone who has been forced since AGE 8 to adapt to intolerable circumstances bubbles over in his third year stuck in the 1960s with Klaus the accidental cult-starter. He resents that Klaus can achieve a sustainable living situation by taking advantage of (frankly very willing and privileged) people. These aren't real relationships to Ben, so he boils over and aims his self-loathing outwards at the sibling he has helped survive for 17 years. "After all I've done for you," etc.
There is resentment for PERCEIVED (but I would argue, not real) ingratitude and there is jealousy: Klaus, "King of the Dead," is better at staying alive (even after overdosing a thousand times) than Ben, who died at sixteen indubitably trying to do something selfless.
Again, I can understand where he's coming from, but it's also unfortunate that Klaus's Jiminy Cricket voice has joined the throngs of "you're a fuck-up loser that no one will ever take seriously and you brought it entirely on yourself."
Which, incidentally, is a core belief that directly causes Klaus's initial decision to just stay dead, in 3x10.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey hey! From the character headcanons, how bout "what calms your muse down after a bad day?" For any/ as many OCs you'd like!
Hello Lay! :D
Thanks for asking, here I am! Let's see...
Tis the prompt list
Aisling: She's an introvert and needs to recharge batteries on her own. Crying helps, she loves crying, she's a crybaby, will cry because if you pour it out, it doesn't fester and poison you. She'll just curl in a ball under her covers, or search for a person to hug and cry it out. They can go on doing their things, she doesn't mind, she just needs the physical contact. Otherwise: a long bath, gets cozyed up before the fire, blanket on the ground, a lots of pillows, candy stash number 2 ready, and a book. Or going to the stables, cuddling the horses, venting it out with some physical work, all the better if there's a pricky horse keeping her company and bumping her from time to time.
Raina: Go to the Hanged Man or the closest local tavern, possibly the dirtier one, the one with the most scum in it. Pick up a fight just for the sake of it. Drink up and drown her sorrows in alcohol, any kind of alcohol, she isn't picky. She always, always is a very sad drunkard, will get moved by seeing a cat on a side of the street and bawl as someone drags her home. (no it's not sane don't do like her)
Garrett: Mope around a little bit. Find an isolated corner, cross his arms on his chest, sits down and think about it, mull it over, feel sorry for himself a little so he can get over with. Raina would help him in setting his problems in the right scale, with humour and lighten the mood, when he feels like he has moped enough. Or, take the dog out, take a long walk around, maybe run a little over it. Cuddle the dog, get distracted. He likes gardening enough, it keeps his hand and mind busy, it's relaxing.
Alyra: She rationalises. If she needs to pull out steam, she'll just look for someone to spar with and vent it oud that way. She's not a talker, she hates talking about her feelings because she feels like if there's no solution to be found, there's no point in discussing it. So, she'll examine carefully why the day went bed, split the events in tiny bits of cause-effect and see connections and why it went wrong and what could have been done to prevent it, how can she improve the next time.
And for Till Queendome Come...
Winnie: Grumble with Reginald the goose, her principal confident, about what happens. He's her familiar, he understands what she's saying and feels what she's feeling, so the bird is the perfect listener, honks sympathetically when she needs, nibble her hands with his beak affectionately to show support. She'll get into the greenhouse and prune leaves. Back in Cornwall, she used to just go out the house and climb her favourite tree in the garden, the one that looked at the sea, and mull it over there. It comes difficult in London.
Shahra: Gets in the kitchen and bakes bread. A lot of non bread, Uzbek style, she has fancy stamps she collected in years and brought with her when she moved to London. She became pretty good at baking and refuses to spend money to something she can do at home. So yeah, bake all the bread and store it in an enchanted box so it keeps always soft and fresh. They actually have three enchanted boxes in the pantry. Do some "yoga". She can't name what it is, but she remembers the practice, three or four sequences, and how to move her body. If you asked her, she won't be able to give a name to what she's doing or any positions. She also tries to meditate in the end, in a perfect padmasana... But she finds meditation difficult (without her heart, she can't physically access the right state of mind, her chakra line is broken. She was never good at meditation, but right now she would try as hard as she wants to: nothing ever will happen).
Darcy: Cosy up in a bathtub full of ice cubes -he's a frost giant, London is a warm climate for him-, a pint of beer and a novel. Usually it's Jane Austen, but sometimes any regency novel would do, he has a HUGE collection of gothic novels, all the bibliography of Anne Radcliffe, he's scared and mistrusting of ghosts, so he'll just get lost in the fright night. If it's a boxing evening, that's perfect to vent - he participates in boxing matches, makes good money out of it. That is if the pesky troll that has a bakery under Tower Bridge doesn't participate and puts up a challenge for him as well. Stupid, pesky troll, if he's there he'll get home even grumpier than usual, lock in the bathroom for hours.
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she’s insignificant
chapter 3: the dangers inside
the umbrella academy x reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: swearing, mentions of death
y/n stared at the blue energy in the courtyard before deciding to join her siblings as they rushed to see what it was. as she ran down the stairs she caught sight of klaus holding a fire extinguisher.
"what are you doing?" she caught up with him.
"something" he shrugged, bursting out the door first. "out of the way!"
"thats not going to- klaus what the hell?" y/n went to stop him only to watch as he tried to extinguish the mass of energy. she shook her head in disbelief, stepping beside vanya.
klaus chucked the extinguisher when he realised it wouldn't work.
"what is that gonna do?" allison shouted over the loud noise. klaus threw his hands up.
"i don't know. do you have a better idea?" he stepped back in surprise as another flash came from the portal. luther pulled klaus back.
"everyone get behind me!" and in true sibling rivalry diego nodded, shielding vanya and y/n.
"yeah, get behind us!"
they watched, brows furrowing at the familiar figure that dropped to the ground. as they stepped closer the vortex disappeared.
"is that-?" y/n looked up at vanya, peeking around diego to see.
there, in a too large sized suit, stood their missing brother. he pushed himself to his feet taking in their appearance.
"does anyone else see little number five is that just me?" klaus questioned as they walked closer. the said boy stared down at himself in confusion before looking back at them.
"shit" he cursed.
they all moved back into the kitchen, letting five do as he pleased while he explained what he needed to.
he placed a chopping board and knife on the table while the others stood at the other end. y/n stood off to the corner, not entirely comfortable with them after being accused of murder. "what's the date? the exact date"
five walked around, grabbing bread to make himself a sandwich. vanya answered, "the 24th"
"of what?" five pushed walking back over.
"good" he pulled out two pieces of bread, laying them on the chopping board.
"so, are we going to talk about what just happened?" luther raised an eyebrow, expectantly but five stayed silent. "its been 17 years!" luther stood, frustrated but five wasn't taking any of his bullshit.
"it's been a lot longer than that" the shorter boy walked towards him before blinking behind him to grab the marshmallows. luther sighed,
"i haven't missed that"
"where'd you go?" diego piped up, unfazed.
"the future" five sighed, "and it's shit by the way" he opened up the bag of marshmallows.
"called it!" klaus raised his finger.
"do you want one?" five looked up at y/n, referring to the sandwich, a soft gleam in his eyes. the others shared a look, of course he had only missed her. she gently shook her head with a small smile. "i should have listened to the old man" five walked to the fridge, pulling out a jar. "he knew. travelling through space is one thing, travelling through time is a toss of the dice"
he paused as he opened the peanut butter, looking up at them again before noticing klaus' attire. "nice dress"
"oh, danke" klaus twirled loose material around. allison rolled her eyes.
"how did you get back?"
"in the end i had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time" he continued making his sandwich like he hadn't just shocked them.
"that makes no sense" diego scoffed,
"well, it would if you were smarter" five shrugged, ignoring the way diego stood up to fight him. luther held him back.
"did you put a decimal point in the wrong spot?" y/n asked, surprising the others. she crossed her arms, thinking "it was probably a miscalculation in your proof of the existence of a bound for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of fixed degree."
five paused, thinking it over before realising she was right. "it should have been 0.57" he mumbled.
"how long were you there?" luther changed the subject, obviously confused.
"45 years" five went back to his sandwich making. "give or take"
everyone sat back down in shock.
"so what are you saying? that you're 58?!" luther narrowed his eyes in disbelief. there was no way.
"no" five looked up, speaking through gritted teeth. "my consciousness is 58. apparently my body is now 16 again"
"how does that even work?" vanya croaked out, still shocked at the situation.
"delores kept saying the equations were off" five shrugged, stepping away and looking off into the distance as he took a bite of his sandwich. "bet she's laughing now"
"delores?" vanya asked. y/n froze, he had kept her? at the girl's movement, or lack thereof, allison looked over at her, raising her eyebrows.
y/n shook her head, waving it off.
five picked up the newspaper on the table, staring at the picture of their father.
"hm.. guess i missed the funeral"
"how'd you know about that?" luther questioned, defensive.
"what part of the future do you not understand?" five narrowed his eyes, slightly amused by his brothers incompetence. "heart failure, huh?"
"yeah-" diego started only to be cut off by luther.
"no" there was silence for a moment before a kitchen knife stabbed into the table beside luther's hand.
"if i had murderous intent, luther, you'd be the first on my list" y/n scoffed, walking out.
they all stared after her in shock.
"nice to see nothing's changed" five sighed before following her out.
"thats it?" allison asked, turning towards him as he walked. "thats all you have to say?"
"what else is there to say? circle of life" he called back.
vanya walked up to five in the parlour where he stood staring at his painting.
"nice to know dad didn't forget me" five turned to her, "read your book by the way.. found it in the library that was still standing"
he started to walk around, noticing y/n sitting on the balcony above. she had her legs dangling through the bars, calmly reading a book. he turned back to vanya.
"thought it was pretty good, all things considered" he stared her down, "definitely ballsy, giving up the family secrets. sure that went over well"
"they hate me" vanya frowned,
"well there are worse things that can happen" five was obviously trying to cheer her up, in his own way.
"you mean like what happened to ben?" there was a pause, both thinking it over.
"was it bad?" five asked softly, he knew y/n was still listening. he heard the faint sound of a book shutting. he looked away as vanya nodded.
"y/n had a hard time dealing with it.. the worst of all of us. dad forbid her from going on missions after her reaction.."
"her reaction?" five turned back, eyebrows furrowing, this wasn't in vanya's book.
"she nearly tore our souls out.. she was devastated and couldn't control her emotions. dad said it helped her though, something about a new ability. he trained her alone from then, forcing her to find you" vanya shrugged, sighing, going silent.
"find me?" five pushed, "what do you mean find me?"
"she said she did.. did she not?" vanya looked surprised now.
"no, no she did.. just didn't stay long is all" five shook his head, frowning.
"yeah well, they stopped trying when she lied to dad"
"she lied?" five looked back up at where she was previously sitting but now she was gone, the only thing left behind was her book and a wisp of smoke.
"ben.. i'm- i'm scared" eight sat cross legged in front of his statue. "my powers are getting stronger and i'm scared to hurt the others. i wish you were still here" she refused to cry no matter how much she wanted to. she couldn't let the same thing happen.
"i'm scared ben. what if i can't control it? what if hurt somebody? you're not here to help me and i-.. it hurts sometimes. dad doesn't understand, he never did but it hurts to suppress my emotions like he wants me to. we try so hard and he still never thinks we're enough.." she paused, pulling her knees up to her chest. "what if i am weak? what if he's right?"
unbeknownst to her ben's ghost sat beside her. "you're not weak" he shook his head, moving to look at her face. "you'll never be weak, you're so strong. please keep being strong for me" he pleaded with her as she continued to blame herself. he hated this. he hated not being there for her. he just wanted her to be okay.
y/n walked beside five, standing under his umbrella with him. they didn't speak as they walked back out into the courtyard. the siblings all stood in line with luther in front of them, carrying their dad's ashes.
"did something happen?" grace looked at them all, smiling despite the occasion. they all looked up at her.
"dad died.." allison answered, confused. "remember?"
"oh, yes of course" grace nodded, expression turning more somber.
"is mom okay?" allison asked, now worried about how grace was acting.
"yeah, yeah she's fine" diego quickly defended, "she just needs to rest, you know, recharge" allison looked incredulous but dropped it nonetheless.
pogo stepped forwards, looking up at luther. "whenever you're ready, dear boy"
luther breathed out, opening the lid and dropping the ashes in a pitiful pile. they all frowned.
"probably would have been better with some wind" luther griped,
"does anyone wish to speak?" pogo ignored it, looking at the rest of them. everyone stayed silent, looking away. "very well.. in all regards, sir reginald hargreeves made me what i am today, for that alone i shall forever be in his debt. he was my master and my friend and i shall miss him very much.." he paused, "he leaves behind a complicated legacy-"
"he was a monster" diego cut off, still staring down at the ashes. klaus laughed. "he was bad person and a worse father. the world's better off without him-"
"diego" allison scolded, glaring at him in surprise.
"my name is number two. you know why?" he looked over at her. "because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names, he had mom do it"
"would anyone like something to eat?" grace asked, smiling again, unaware of what was happening.
"no, its okay mom" vanya denied, albeit confused.
"oh, okay"
"look, you wanna pay your respects" diego stepped out in front of them, "go head, but at least be honest about the kind of man he was" he looked at pogo now.
"you should stop talking now" luther warned, anger growing. diego glared at him for a moment before fully turning to face him.
"you know, you of all people should be on my side here, number one"
"i am warning you-" diego ignored him,
"after everything he did to you" y/n sighed, crossing her arms to her chest, fighting wasn't going to fix any of them. klaus and five shared a look. "he had to ship you a million miles away"
"diego stop talking-" luther tried again. diego was definitely hitting a nerve. he jabbed a finger into luther's chest.
"that's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" luther grabbed his arm and swung at his head. diego ducked. they begun fighting while everyone else backed away.
"boys! stop this at once!" pogo attempted to stop them, moving back despite this.
klaus held an arm out to shield five and y/n. the former slapped it away. they continued to fight, diego egging him on and landing several punches. klaus began to chant while vanya yelled at them to stop.
"klaus" y/n warned, gaining both his and five's attention. her eyes were turning black, she was struggling.
"y/n? are you okay?" five hadn't been there, he didn't know what she would do if she lost control. pogo walked away, not wanting to stay. klaus nervously watched y/n while the others watched luther and diego fight.
"i don't have time for this" five sighed, beginning to walk away, leaving y/n with klaus under his small pink umbrella.
that was when it happened. y/n froze as they knocked ben's statue.
"aw" klaus complained while allison glared at them.
"and there goes ben's statue"
"klaus?" y/n's voice scared them all. she sounded weak. she gripped his jacket, tightly. "klaus"
"what's wrong?" he looked down at her, watching as she fought her emotions. her eyes were turning black but she kept fighting it.
diego pulled out his knife and vanya's shouting at him to stop made it harder for y/n to calm herself. he threw it at luther, cutting his arm.
"klaus" she called again and he held her arm unsure of what to do. "i-i can't.. i can't-" she let out a pained whine as her eyes darkened, she was letting go. suddenly diego and luther let out shouts of pain.
"what's going on?!" allison watched them, confused and distraught. vanya quickly left their mother's side, pulling y/n into her.
"its okay, you're okay" vanya whispered to her, trying to calm her. "it can be fixed, you're okay, just relax. try to relax" listening to vanya's heartbeat she slowly calmed down, the blackness of her eyes seeping away and diego and luther straightened, no longer in pain.
y/n stared at them in shock and guilt before shaking her head and running inside. she locked herself in her room again. she was truly a demon.
one by one the siblings left, y/n watched sadly as they all abandoned her again. she was always left alone, the family problems only got bigger when they got together. she sighed, maybe she was better off alone.
y/n looked up from her book as she heard frantic footsteps around the mansion. peeking out her door she noticed vanya slowing down in front of five's room.
"oh thank god" she disappeared through his doorway but y/n could still hear her voice. "i was worried sick about you"
five had talked to vanya? why hadn't he come to her?
"sorry i left without saying goodbye" five's voice answered softly. what had he been doing? y/n quietly left her room to hear better. she wanted to be apart of her brother's plans too. she didn't want to be left out anymore.
"no, i'm the one that should be sorry. i was dismissive and i guess i didn't know how to process what you were saying.." vanya paused, "i still can't to be honest"
"maybe you were right to be dismissive" five huffed, that didn't sound like him at all? what was he really doing? "maybe it wasn't real after all.. it felt real. but well, like you said the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind"
well vanya referred him to a therapist y/n tried to sense the room. something else was going on. carefully using her power she felt another person.. klaus. when vanya walked out y/n quickly turned to smoke, gliding along the floor, past five who watched vanya leave. klaus pulled himself out of the closet.
"that's so touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time"
"will you shut up? she'll hear you" five warned him, walking back over.
"you're lying to vanya?" y/n appeared next to klaus, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
"it's nothing you should worry about" five dismissed before looking klaus over again. "i thought i told you to put on something professional"
"what? this my nicest outfit" klaus gestured to it. y/n snorted when five scoffed.
"we'll raid the old man's closet"
"whatever, as long as i get paid" klaus shrugged, beginning to walk behind five.
"when the job is done" they stopped just above the stairs.
"so, where are we going?" she followed along, smiling innocently at five who raised an eyebrow at her.
"not we, just klaus and i" five shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"five" she frowned,
"y/n" he mocked.
"just let me come, please don't leave me in the dark. i just want to help you" she pleaded, she had missed him.
he thought it over before sighing, "fine" he turned to walk again but klaus stopped him.
"but just so we're clear on the finer details" he waved his hand around, talking over the plan. "i just got to go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?"
"yeah, something like that" five agreed, exasperated.
"what's our cover story?" klaus continued, ignoring five's look of annoyance.
"what? what are you talking about?" five shared a confused look with y/n who shrugged.
"i mean was i young when i had you, like 16.. like young and terribly misguided" five agreed just to get him to stop but he didn't. "your mother, that slut, whoever she was, we met at.. the disco and you can be his sister"
"i am his sister?" y/n raised an eyebrow, but klaus only smiled, clicking his fingers.
"okay, remember that. oh my god the sex was amazing"
y/n scoffed, walking away first, five following. "what a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain"
"don't make me put you in time out" klaus waved a finger at him.
as they walked out the door onto the street y/n paused.
"what's wrong, baby sis?" klaus asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "you're not backing out already?"
"no!" she quickly denied, looking up at him as she snapped out of her starstruck daze. "it's just.. i haven't left the house in 16 years.."
klaus and five shared a sorrowful look. what had happened to her?
tags: @rxses-and-reverie
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e-vasong · 4 years
I’ve already talked about a Leverage crossover where the Hargreeves are conmen but I'm. losing it thinking about. a Leverage AU where the Leverage team sees these kids on tv, and they just go.  oh shit, that’s just fucking wrong.  (I know the timelines don’t match up but let’s pretend the umbrella kids were born a little later, or that Leverage takes place a little earlier, or something like that.  I don’t know.)
But these fucking umbrella kids show up on TV, and at first none of them are paying much attention. Not right away.  They’re busy running cons, and none of them except Hardison watch TV for fun very often.
So they’ve all heard bits and pieces about this Umbrella thing, and aren’t quite sure what to make of it.  Superhumans, huh? Eliot mutters at one point. Whatever. Our lives are already so goddamn weird.
But eventually they catch a broadcast while they’re home in between cases.  it’s playing in the background while they’re enjoying a meal together at the brewery.
The Umbrella Academy saves the day yet again! the broadcaster declares cheerily. We go now to a statement at the Louvre from their leader, Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
It’s just novel enough to catch their attention--being who they are, they all perk up at the word Louvre--and it gets them half-watching as they chat over breakfast.
It’s Parker that sees it first.  She’s Parker, so what catches her attention is actually not the fact that one of them is covered in blood, nor is it the fact that their father is calling them by numbers instead of names.  It’s the way that they stand, tense and upright.  It’s the way that the one covered in blood is trembling minutely, so fine that it’s almost imperceptible. But she notices. And she notices the way that the one to the bloodied boy’s left--the fifth one in line--leans over ever-so-subtly when their father is looking away. Whispers something with the barest movement of his lips. And then, after a moment of hesitation, he links hands with his shaking brother, twining their fingers together.  Parker knows that whisper, knows what this is. She used to do that with her brother.  Used to hold Nick’s hand, just like that, when their fosters were scaring him, trying to provide comfort even despite the fear of being caught.
It’s not long before the others follow her gaze. She’s stopped engaging in the conversation entirely, is just staring at the television with a death glare, nose wrinkled.
“Parker, baby,” Hardison says.  “That’s your angry face.”
“I’m angry,” she says, and doesn’t elaborate.
“Got it,” Hardison takes it in stride, as he always does.
Eliot’s frowning at the TV.  Unlike Parker, his eye does jump to the most obvious thing first.  To the boy, no older than eleven or twelve probably, drenched head to toe with blood.  There’s no rips in his clothing; Eliot’s pretty sure the blood isn’t his. He’s standing up straight, but his shoulders are slightly hunched.  Like he’s injured.  Broken ribs, maybe?  And he’s been taught to hide them too. He’s also not the only one with that too-stiff posture. These kids aren’t standing up straight. They’re standing at attention.  Number One, their father calls one of them, and what are those? Fucking callsigns?  
Sophie and Nate are watching too.  Their faces are carefully blank.  They aren’t happy, Parker’s pretty sure, but they’re trying not to react.
“What the hell?” Hardison says slowly.  He’s the last one to catch on, though only by a very narrow margin.  He lacks Sophie and Nate’s cynicism, and the years of personal experience Parker and Eliot have, but he’s still too smart to not figure it out almost immediately.  And he is first one to abandon the stunned stillness that’s fallen over the rest of them, pulling his laptop out of his bag, already quickly tapping away at the keys.
“This ain’t right,” Eliot says, voice a growl in his chest.  “This is--this is--it’s televised child abuse.”
Sophie makes a quiet noise of agreement then. “It is,” she says, quietly disgusted. “Those poor children.”
Nate is still staring at the screen, lips pressed flat.
“This Reginald guy looks rich,” Parker says.  Then: “Can we kill him?”
Eliot chokes on his drink.
“How is this even legal?” Sophie asks.  She sounds curious, though not particularly surprised by the grievous violation of child protection laws before her. “It’s so...blatant.”
“Sir Reginald Hargreeves,” Hardison says, no longer typing.  “He is--oh shit.” And the typing resumes, faster and a little more panicked than before.
“Hardison?” Nate prods after a moment, giving Hardison a sidelong glance.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all good,” Hardison says.  “The INTERPOL files on this guy are locked up tight though.  Almost tripped their security system there.  I didn’t, of course, but--”
“You couldn’t get in?” Eliot says, smirking.
“Yet,” Hardison says.  “Dammit, man, it’s been less than five minutes.  Give me a couple hours and that thing is mincemeat.  Metaphorically speaking, of course.  But I do see what’s going on here and,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disappointment.  “Y’all, this is hinky.”
“Yes, I think we got that,” Nate says.  The corner of his lip twitches up.
“Yeah, yeah,” Hardison says.  “This guy has got friends everywhere.  No one knows how he got the kids, but it looks like he technically bought them--”
“He what?” Sophie sounds like she’s been suckerpunched.  Parker can’t think of the last time she heard Sophie sound so shocked.
“Oh yeah.  You think that’s bad?  The numbers aren’t code names  The numbers are their name names.  Like, legally.  I just found an article that said he ordered them by how useful he thinks they are, but judging by the adoption papers it was actually in the order he, uh,” Hardison coughs, “acquired them.”
Eliot is swaying where he stands.  “Common tactic.  He’s pitting them against one another so they’ll be easier to control.  It undermines the self worth of the ones lower on the scale and makes the ones that are higher up feel obligated to do what he wants.  Son of a bitch.”
“...And it looks like he leveraged their powers as excuse to gain exemptions from child protection laws,” Hardison continues like he hasn’t been interrupted.  “Claimed their abilities meant they don’t need the same safeguards.”
“That’s bullshit!” Eliot sounds thunderous.
“I know, buddy,” Hardison reaches over blindly, waving his hand around vaguely until he finds Eliot’s shoulder.  He gives it a comforting squeeze.  “I didn’t write it.”
Eliot heaves in a shuddering breath.  “That’s just--”
“Evil,” Sophie finishes.  
“I’m inclined to agree,” Nate says.  He’s not watching the TV anymore.  He’s staring off into the middle distance, arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh!” Parker perks up.  All the grief and distress that had been brewing on her face vanishes like storm clouds parting for the sun.  “Nate! Nate, are you scheming?  You look like you’re scheming.”
Nate makes a noncommittal grunt.  “It would be dangerous.”
“They’re in danger,” Sophie says softly, jerking her head in the television’s direction.
Eliot’s long-since gotten to his feet.  He’s pacing, and that’s how Parker knows he’s furious.  When Eliot is too angry to stand it, he has to move, has to find some way to handle the rage roiling under his skin.  Usually he cooks, chopping vegetables with furious aplomb.  And when he can’t cook, he paces.  
“They’re fucking child soldiers,” he says.  “I can’t--” he cuts himself off with a furious shake of the head.  I can’t believe, he was about to say, Parker thinks, but he had to stop because that’s not true.  Eliot knows better than anyone what the government--what the world does to people they find useful, whether its skill or power that makes them so.
“Y’all are behind,” Hardison says in sing-song.  “I’m already trying to burn this motherfucker down.”
“Hardison, do not tip our hand,” Nate says, snapping into his leader-voice automatically.  Parker grins.  He’s already got a plan, then.  She knew all that reluctance was just for show.  Sophie laughs, as clear and bright as the ringing of a bell, and even Eliot perks up.  
Hardison grumbles, closing his laptop and stuffing it back in his messenger bag.  
Nate is grinning a little too, though it’s that angry smile he gets sometimes when Parker knows he’s thinking about hurting bad people.  She understands.  She's wearing hers too right now.  Nate glances them all over, and for all the malice dripping off the knife’s edge of that smile, his eyes are soft.  Maybe even a little proud.
“Fine. Fine. You guys win,” Nate says, lifting his hands in defeat.  He’s putting on a show of being beleaguered, but Parker can hear the sparking anger in his voice, and oh, how could she have forgotten?  Sophie is so gently righteous, Hardison so achingly distressed, and Eliot so full of fire and fury that she almost didn’t notice Nate’s seething wrath, nearly forgot that Nate looks at every injured child in need of help and thinks of Sam.  “Everyone, get your things.  Hardison, get us some plane tickets.  Let’s go steal some children.”
“Okay, okay.  I ain’t complaining cause, like, fuck that guy,” Hardison says, slinging his bag over his shoulder.  “But stealing children?  Could you have made us sound anymore like kidnappers?”
“I’m just saying.”
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Teenagers: Part 2 (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N tries to convince her siblings to sneak out of the mansion and go out to party with her for the night.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Teenagers x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of drugs and alcohol, partying/clubbing, mention of sex
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'So where are these so-called friends that you have, Y/N?' Five asked impatiently, bothering me for the last five minutes.
'Shut up, they're coming. We just got here like two minutes ago.'
Allison smiled, 'Someone is eager to go in.'
Five glared at her, shaking his head. 'Ha, you're funny. I'm just tired of wai-'
'They're here!' I waved at my friends and ran to them, hugging them and greeting them. Getting the wristbands that they've promised me, I got back to my family and gave them one of each.
'How's Five going to get in?' Luther asked, but by the time we looked over at our not so younger brother, he was gone.
Assuming Five just zapped himself into the club, we lined up and got ourselves into the building.
Smiles formed on everyone's face, making me smile even more. I was happy that everyone was excited, my siblings deserved happiness and more.
Klaus clapped, 'I'm starting to sober up and that's a big fat no. Drinks on me, who wants some?'
Ben and Klaus went to the back towards the bar, buying everyone rounds of drinks to bring back. While the rest of us stayed, still no sign of Five, I looked at them and smiled.
'What's with the goofy smile?' Diego asked, I rolled my eyes and hit him. 'What? You're really happy tonight.'
'Of course I am, dummy. I'm out with you guys, what's not to be smiling about?' I pulled on his arm, 'Come on. Let's go to the dance floor.'
'Ha, I'm not dancing. Take others with you instead.'
'Luther is busy with those girls that's surrounding him, Allison and Vanya has been gone and you're the only one looking like a lost, sad puppy.'
'You don't think Luther needs our help?'
I looked over at him and laughed, 'He seems like he's enjoying the attention he's getting from them. He'll be alright. Now let's go.'
Diego rolled his eyes, 'I'll just watch.'
'Don't be a butt, come on.' I pulled on him again, this time he walked with me as he groaned.
We walked down to the dance floor, shoving ourselves through the sweaty crowd as we found Allison, Vanya and Five squeezed together.
'Exactly why is this fun?' Five said as he was sandwiched between two giant guys that were jumping up and down.
Allison turned around, dancing to the music the DJ was playing. 'Get drunk, dance your stress away. We're out the freaking house, Five.'
'Huh?' Five shouted, not being able to hear what Allison had said to him. She ignored him and continued to dance as she grabbed Vanya's hands.
I started to dance with my sisters, singing along and jumping up and down. Diego and Five just stood awkwardly, watching us drunk girls dancing.
'Excuse me, sorry. Ah, my fault.' Ben screamed from behind as he came with three drinks in his hand, followed by Klaus who was sipping from one of the cups.
Klaus handed us our drinks, 'Damn. It took us forever to look for you guys. I saw Luther's big ass but he's with those girls.'
'Our boy is busy.' I grinned as I pulled the straw into my mouth, sipping on my drink to get myself more drunk.
Five started groaning, I looked to see two girls talking to him and wondering how he ended up here. 'Aw, little kid are you lost? Poor thing.'
'No, I'm with them.' He replied angrily, arms crossed as he scooted himself towards Ben.
'Ah, you brought a boy to a club? What is wrong with you guys!' The girl said, given how bad it looked I never consider how it'll look from other perspective.
'Wait, no. It's- let me explain!' Ben stumbled with words, stuttering as he tried to reason with them. 'He- he's just a really really late bloomer. We're all actually in our 20s okay.'
'I'm just stuck in this body as an adult. Don't lie to them!' Five tried to defend himself, although it wouldn't really help with the confusing situation.
Klaus frowned and leaned towards the girls. 'Yeah, he's in denial. Very sensitive subject that we like to avoid.'
The girls nodded, awed as they were sympathize of our "situation" that we'd explained to them. 'So sorry, you guys have fun.'
'I hate you guys.' Five mumbled, snatching the cup from Allison's hand and drinking from it.
'Hey, I wasn't fini-'
'Y/N, this is the best night ever!' Luther came into the dance floor, cheerful as ever. 'Thank you for bringing me here because this is amazing.'
Diego chuckled, 'Of course. You were practically having a foursome with those girls over there.'
'You're just jealous.' Luther stuck his tongue out like a seven year old boy. Klaus, Ben and I laughed hysterically; it was even funnier because we were drunk, and Luther, our "daddy's boy" brother was enjoying sneaking out of the mansion.
'One of my friends are single, if you want me to set you-'
'Y/N, drop it.' Diego turned away, 'I need to take a leak. You guys better stay here.'
As Diego walked away with Five to the bathroom, we continued to dance and drink. Vanya was giggling, swaying back and forth as Ben and Allison had a dance-off seeing who can bring out the best moves. Klaus and I were downing the rest of our drinks, practically singing our face off as the DJ played such good music.
'Ah, we need more drin-' Klaus paused mid-sentence, looking back and forth between me and the stage. 'So you are whoring around, you whore.'
'Don't know what you're talking about.' I denied, not understand how Klaus came to this conclusion. 'I don't get it.'
He hit me on my side, 'Don't play dumb with me! I see you and that DJ eye humping each other.'
He wasn't making things up when he had said that; I did have my eyes on the DJ. 'We are not eye humping each other. He doesn't even know me.'
'Well, he knows you now because he's staring at you and I swear your clothes will burn off soon because he won't stop.' Ben chuckled, guessing that he noticed it as well.
'You're crazy.' I didn't think he noticed me at all, I mean he was the DJ. He was overlooking everyone on the dance floor, it'd be dumb to assume he had his eyes on me.
Allison joined in on the conversation, 'I noticed that too! I thought you guys fucked before or something.'
'No! What do you guys think I am?'
'A girl with needs.' Klaus smiled.
'Just because I sneak out does not mean I'm going around sleeping with random people.'
Vanya laughed, 'Okay well, you can with him. There he goes, looking at you. Don't look.'
'You guys lost your minds.'
'Says the girl that sneaks behind dad and her siblings.' Luther joked.
'Okay, Luther don't get me started with you and those girls.'
Luther grunted, 'Ugh. I-'
'Hey, big fella over there.' The DJ got on the mic as he pointed at Luther. 'Why don't you come on the stage, get the crowd going!'
'Go, go!' Ben and Klaus shoved Luther towards the stage, even with him being hesitant and shy. 'Go show what the Hargreeves are all about!'
'I-I can't!' Luther hesitated, planted on the floor even when all of us tried to encourage him to go up there.
The DJ smiled at Luther, then looked at me. 'Dude, bring your friends up here too. We're going to turn this dance floor around for a bit.'
'Come on, he's calling for you!' Allison cheered as she pulled me and Klaus' hand, running up the stage.
Luther, Ben and Vanya trailed from behind, standing next to us while we danced to the DJ's new song he was playing.
Pulling Luther towards me, I gave him the last few sips I had in my cup before I threw it away. 'Here, you are probably starting to sober up. You need more.'
'Ah, Y/N. What makes you think I'm not drunk right now?'
'Because I remember when you were the night-'
'Okay, okay. You and Klaus never let that night go.'
The DJ leaned in as he kept playing music, 'Hey. If you and your boyfriend want more drinks, it's on the house.'
'Ha, she's not my girlfriend.' Luther chuckled.
'Ah, I stand corrected.' The DJ then turned to me and smiled sweetly. 'Would you mind if I buy you a drink?'
I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or him, but I felt my cheeks getting warmer as the cute guy spoke to me. 'No, I wouldn't mind.'
The DJ bit his lip, taking his headphones off and walking downstairs. 'Alright, I'll be right back.'
Allison tapped on my sides repeatedly as he walked away. 'You lucky! He's so cute.'
'Maybe he has a brother. I call dibs though.' Klaus stared at him, eyeing him as he went up to the bar to get some drinks.
While Allison and Vanya continued to dance on the stage, Luther was once again being surrounded by a bunch of girls from the dance floor.
'Y/N is scoring some tonight and Luther is getting all these attention again.' Klaus shrugged his shoulders, looking around. 'What in the hell did Luther do to have these girls crawling around like crazy?'
'Wait, wait. Scoring some? I barely said a word to this dude.'
'Whatever, man. I need to go back down and look for someone now.'
Ben chuckled, patting Klaus on his shoulder. 'I got your back, bro. Come on I'll be your wingman.'
As soon as Klaus heard those words come out of Ben's mouth, they both left the stage so quick I couldn't even speak to them back. Trailing them down the dance floor, I see the DJ coming back on stage with drinks in his hands.
'Here you go, I didn't know which drinks you like so I hope you like this one.' He was sweet, it could've been an act to try to talk to me but I didn't mind for one night. 'I'm Luke by the way.'
'Y/N. And this is perfect, thank you.' I gave him a flirty smile but then was interrupted when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked through the crowd and saw Diego and Five, glaring at me and my siblings that were on the stage. They seemed like how Reginald would react in this situation; catching his children sneaking out at night and hanging out at a club.
Except it wasn't dad, it was my weird brothers that couldn't grasp what fun was. Watching us as if they were disappointed fathers that just saw their crazy teenager kids discovering drinking and partying for the first time.
'Oops.' It came out of my mouth naturally as I stared at Diego and Five, followed by a giggle that I couldn't help. It was funny watching them being weirdly upset with us, especially when it felt like the club was spinning round and round.
'You guys are screwed.' Five mouthed back, shaking his head as he watched us from down the dance floor.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
My eyes shot open, not knowing where I was at for a moment until I realized I was in my room. I then see Diego sitting on my bed side chair, watching me as if he was guarding me.
'Rise and shine, zombie.' Diego chuckled, seeing how crazy I looked with messed up makeup and a bed head.
'Ho-how did I get here last night.' I turned around and looked around, noticed that the cute DJ guy wasn't in my bed. 'I don't remember anything.'
Diego grinned, 'You're curious huh.'
'Where is Luke-Oh no... Did I do something stupid?' I was confused, so confused because I thought everything was going good last night. But now that I didn't remember anything after I said hi to him, I got scared. 'Oh my- Did I do something embarrassing? Fuck.'
'Well, I don't know what you define "embarrassing" but yeah. You definitely made the crowd go wild last night.' Diego started laughing, his loud voice ringing in my ear from my hangover.
Covering my ears, I shook my head. 'Diego... shh. My head hurts okay.'
'This is why I don't drink.'
I shook my head, 'Is everyone back safely?'
'Oh, don't even worry about everyone else, they're perfectly fine. It was you that we had a hard time bringing home, Y/N.'
'So can you tell me what happened?'
'Sure, after you acknowledge that I'm the best brother ever.' Diego raised his eyebrows, adjusting his positioning on the chair.
A light laugh just escaped my mouth, keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't start burst out laughing. 'You're kidding me right? Really?'
'Yes really. I had to carry you home, tuck you into bed after you kicked and screamed, help you get up so you can throw up. I didn't even know humans were physically able to throw up so much.'
When Diego put it like that, I felt bad that he had to take care of me throughout the night. 'Okay Diego, you're the best brother in the world. Also I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.'
'Aha, no worries. That was probably the most entertaining night ever.' He laughed, 'You were fucking crazy.'
I smiled, I bet Diego really enjoyed me making a fool of myself or whatever I did last night that got him giggling nonstop. 'So are you going to tell me?'
'Hmm, nope. Thanks for the compliment though.'
'Ugh, I hate you.'
'Not according to yesterday you don't.' Diego smirked.
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So now that my thoughts are more gathered
I loved season 2, the humor was pretty spot on other than the potty jokes, I am glad that the most of the characters were explored in a little more depth, the interactions, and of course there are things that I wished were different but....
Why did they basically give Vanya... all of Klaus’s powers...?....while giving him 0 powers...?Like I know he is no longer sober because of Dave which is a whole other story.
But even the ending fight scene he gets caught by ghost when falling whilst drunk (sober?)....why didn’t they just give him his levitation powers like in the comics?
I know he’s the “fuckup useless one”...but for real why even have a superhero character if he is just going to suddenly just conveniently not be in or disappear every fight scene and have no development torward strength or weakness? Why couldn’t he and Vanya have different types of telekinetic powers? They both could levitate....Why is he basically just a normal person? Vanya suddenly has full control of her powers, (memories or not I guess) and there is Klaus who seemingly fought against his training can’t develop his powers the near 2 decades he has been away from Reginald?
He never asks for help from the ghosts, never sees any ghosts although that is his fear and power, never talks too them. His little trip to the after life still has not been explored. And the whole bringing back to life thing that Vanya has been a fanon Klaus power since he is the door of life and death it was kind of mind blowing that they gave it to someone else....like they might as well have given it too Diego or Luther I was so shocked.
Like I really fell more in love with Vanya this season and I’m happy she is apparently over her family fucking her entire life over and they are over everything she did to them....but was there such a big power imbalance in the comics? And the fact that she was the one who got closure with Ben instead of Klaus was kind of like “a big woah” for me to take in. The brother who has been with him for so many years is suddenly gone and there is no shown moment of “oh Ben saved me using the powers you apparently gave him and now he is gone btw, but oh don’t panic”....And I’m happy Klaus seems to have relief Ben “Is in a better place”....I’m still kind of processing Bens “storyline”.
The fact that Klaus was in the 60s for 3 years was never discussed...the fact that he somehow got hundreds(thousands?) of people to follow him is never discussed...and what he did and said to gain that “following” other than to do a parlor trick...
The Dave plot line was just kind of heart breaking and it didn’t go anywhere... Like couldn’t he left him a letter or some shit? Like that whole situation felt like it was also just to further Dave’s plot line and from what I have heard Cody Ray Thompson kind of got uncomfortable with the sudden attention he received from fans so I really doubt he is ever going to be in the show ever again, which breaks my heart but I understand.
I don’t know, I feel as if everyone was kind of baited into thinking Klaus was going to get a power upgrade and a storyline with everyone using his face for promotion... Instead he is just used to push Bens storyline further which I guess is fair since that was Bens past role?...I guess that I just assumed that he would play a bigger role since everyone was being so quite about what Klaus was up too in the 60 other than fight with Ben and be a cult leader...and hey I guess that’s all he did and no other development and that’s why there was no in depth discussion in interviews of Klaus. He was hardly in the show.
Well I’m done with my hyperfixation ramble but tell me how y’all feel.I am trying not too be mean and I love all the characters! I’m just questioning some of the choices of the creators. I don’t want a big wave of sudden hate for the show cause that just hurts everyone involved. And hey it’s not my show.
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 2 of Season 1
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“Run Boy Run”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it's funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04
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☂ Ben is a tired boy leaning on his chair
☂ Luther and Allison please stop making googly eyes at each other 
☂ Five really woke up and chose violence that day huh
☂ Diego already knows shit is about to go down and it’s so funny
☂ I love that Reginald doesn’t even scold Five for stabbing the table
☂ Five: “I have a question.” blah blah blah Veggie is talking Five: “I want to time travel.” That’s not a question, Five
☂ It’s interesting to see young Five blinking/jumping compared to older Five. Even at this age, 13, he says that he’s still practicing his spatial jumps. Young Five needs to clench his fists and almost squeeze his eyes shut just to concentrate. Older Five simply just teleports without effort and is able to casually blink even as he’s just walking. Five probably practiced teleporting a lot in the apocalypse 
☂ Someone else pointed this out, but all of the other Umbrellas are frozen for a for a second as Five teleports next to Reginald. While that freeze is just editing, and possibly a small error, this is another example of how Five’s spatial teleporting doesn’t make a noise. Luther, Diego, and Allison only look at Five when he begins talking to Reginald. Grace notices Five right away because he is in her line of sight while Luther and Diego were looking at where Five was sitting and Allison had her head down eating
☂ “The effects it might have on your body, even your mind, are far too unpredictable.” Harsh foreshadowing 
☂ The “Run Boy Run” scene is one of the best musical moments in all of the show. It gave me chills when I first heard it, and the fact that all of the lyrics that play during that part match so perfectly with it make it even better. Tomorrow is another day being sung as Five travels into 2019 is just too good 
☂ Imagine how scared you have to be to call out to your p.o.s father
☂ The instant regret immediately falls onto his face and he kneels in front of the Academy
☂ I love how in the first few episodes Five’s hair is styled exactly as it was when he was an old man and when he was actually 13. Over the rest of the season and the second season it just gets more disheveled and floppier 
☂ “You think I didn’t try everything to get back to my family?” Ahhhh there we go, one of my favorite Five lines. This here is probably when I truly fell in love with his character. He spent 45 years just trying to survive and attempting to get back to his family. He would have spent more too if the Handler hadn’t taken him in
☂ Vanya is genuinely trying to understand what happened and Five was being a little asshole. C’mon, bud, she’s just confused and hasn’t seen you in forever
☂ This Five and Vanya scene melts my heart (simply as a sibling relationship!!) She doesn’t care anymore if she understands, she just wants him to stay because she hasn’t seen him in a while. Even Five understands that as his demeanor quickly changes from being frustrated to gently telling her “Night.” He watches her as she leaves, also partially realizing that he hasn’t seen her in a while too
☂ Why didn’t Five just teleport outside of Vanya’s apartment?? That would have been the stealthiest thing
☂ “All quick and efficient skills.” A little note on Five’s level of skill of slaughtering the Commission agents in Griddy’s
☂ Diego said he bought his police badge on Ebay, so computers do exist in the UA universe
☂ “By the way, this thing might look like a botched robbery, but my gut’s telling me something else is going on here.”  Yeah, and that something else is your brother
☂ I want Claire to meet her uncles and aunt so bad
☂ So Ben has a ghostly puzzle book and pen he can use? Because if they were real Pogo would have been able to see them just floating in the air. What other ghostly items can Ben summon? (I believe this is more so just an error but it’s fun to think about)
☂  “I-I found it at a playground, actually. Must have just *click* popped out.” An underrated Five line
☂ Five immediately becomes aggressive at the thought of losing the eye, something he found clutched in the hand of his dead brother and was a clue to what caused the death of his siblings and the end of the world
☂ Just now noticed that you can see Diego up on the second floor being led down to where Patch is in the police station
☂ I really like that they added in the little tidbit about a cold case Five created 81 years ago
☂ I miss Patch. She deserved better and more screen time
☂ Hey, Diego might have been thrown out of the Police Academy but at least he’s still in The Umbrella Academy!
☂ Hearing Patch talk to Diego really made me realize that the Umbrellas weren’t even necessary for helping with crime. It was just Reginald’s way of training them
☂ Love the shot of Luther looking at Diego’s cross-stitch and the camera lining it up so it’s like he’s wearing the mask
☂ Five lying just to keep Vanya away and to continue on with his goal hurts. His goal is saving the world and his family, but I don’t think he actually took in what Vanya was saying to him or maybe he recognized the offer but shoved all of his feelings down. She was reaching out to actually get him some help and he lied to her to avoid that. Maybe he doesn’t care and is just blinded by his ultimate goal. Save the world and family first, then process your feelings and genuinely communicate with your siblings 
☂ Don’t worry Klaus, I would have let you wear that outfit
☂ When Cha-Cha questions “Five” aka the poor tow truck guy, she asks him about “The London job in ‘66.” I believe she is referring to the Shepherd’s Bush murders where three policemen were murdered
☂ Hazel replying “Not from what I’ve heard.” when Cha-Cha asks if he thinks Five is a whimperer shows that Five definitely had a reputation in the Commission for probably being a cold and stoic guy
☂ Vanya is just trying to help, chill Allison 😭. You haven’t seen her in years, what do you know about her?
☂ Klaus would really slap his brother in the face to get drug money
☂ Another example of Five not making noise when he teleports is when he blinks into the taxi and Klaus didn’t notice that he had left until he turned to look where Five was. On the other hand though the taxi driver does jump as Five suddenly appears in the car. However, I believe that might be from the driver noticing Five in a mirror in the car
☂ I wonder what languages the Hargreeves siblings know. Vanya didn’t understand Leonard’s German. You think Reginald would have taught them multiple languages or maybe she forgot it if she was taught it
☂ I don’t know why but Luther just siting there and reading a book and almost getting hit by the knife is really funny to me
☂ Yeah Diego doesn’t have to prove his innocence, but it would have saved a lot of trouble
☂ Rewatching the scene with Leonard talking to Vanya about his father is just disturbing when you already know what happened to him and how he’s lying just to try to be more relatable
☂ I heard a rumor that smoking is bad for you ❌
☂ Vanya calling to make sure Allison is okay even though she hurt her makes me sad. She’s so nice and thoughtful
☂ The old man can’t even reunite with his wife before he gets hunted down
☂ The shot of Hazel and Cha-Cha putting on their masks in the dark with the music is 👌👌
☂ Again, Cha-Cha isn’t able to hear Five as he teleports next to her and slices her arm. She might not have noticed him though because he was very quick to attack her
☂ Five really went through all of that just to bring his wife home
☂ I think it’s an easily blocked out part because we already know what Allison has to say and it’s exciting, but Luther is apologizing about accusing Diego and causing issues amongst his siblings
☂ Five is just so defeated and emotionally tired that he doesn’t allow Luther to touch him. In fact, he very quickly and aggressively grabs Luther’s wrist. You can tell Five is a little out of it and I believe it was more so his subconscious stopping Luther. Five doesn’t want help, he’s going to carry the burden of figuring out who ended the world and killed his family as far as he can by himself
☂ “There’s nothing you can do. There’s nothing any of you can do.” Are such heavy lines. Five is so emotionally and mentally tired at the end of the day and he sounds like he’s about to breakdown. He’s replaying the moment he found his siblings’ corpses. They weren’t able to stop the person who ended the world. Luther is offering his help, but Five is denying it. Luther couldn’t stop the person who ended the world. None of his siblings were able to stop that person. He’s telling himself that they can’t help and he’s telling Luther and Allison that too. Five wants to be alone to figure out who this person is. His siblings can’t help him
☂ Five coming across the corpses of his siblings is just heartbreaking. He first stumbles across three adults lying in the rubble. One of them is holding an eye. He goes to shake the man in all black, having a tiny bit hope that miraculously he is still alive. He stumbles across another body only to back away with tears in his eyes as he spots the tattoo on the man’s arm and realizes who these people are
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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damn-stark · 4 years
Fire pt.2
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Diego Hargreeves x reader
Requested by anon: “Can you do a season 1 Diego Hargreeves x female reader one-shot where reader is his girlfriend, is a forensic scientist and met him when he was a cop, was born on the same day as him but wasn’t adopted by Reginald and can control fire, and she’s there when he reunites with his siblings after Reginald dies and gives him a comforting hug from behind when he cries and stutters as he turns Grace off? She’s basically a real life firebender from Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
A/N- it’s finally out hope you all like it ❤️ hope you like it too anon :)
Warning- violence, angst, light fluff
Tagged- @alexander-hamilhoe
“Come on talk to me.” Diego kept pressing on, trying to catch up to you as you rushed to the passenger seat with your arms crossed over your chest, still very much pissed on the stunt he pulled earlier today. Yes, you understood that he didn’t really like his father, but what he did, the fight he got in with his brother was uncalled for and disrespectful. If he wanted to fight couldn’t he have done so any other time? Or at least just have listened to you and the rest of his siblings to stop? “Look I’m sorry, I know it was wrong and I’m sorry, please talk to me.”
You stop in front of the car door with your hand hovering over the handle and meet his pleading gaze to finally speak. “You’re unbelievable, one thing is hating your father but the other is fighting with your brother while they tried to have a nice memorial after they told you to stop! Not only that but you hurt your brother too.”
“It was an accident.” Diego interjected, trying to defend himself.
You huff and open the car door and go inside before slamming it and sighing louder as he climbed onto the driver's seat. “It doesn’t matter—” just before you could say more the sound of Klaus opening the car door cuts you off whilst also making Diego sigh and look away from you.
“Hey! Diego.” Klaus says as he climbs in the back not hesitating to continue, “I’m sorry did I interrupt something?”
You shake your head and mutter, “no.”
While Diego says the opposite. “Yes.”
Not like it mattered, Klaus seemed persistent on staying and switching the subject. “You know every time I close my eyes, I see a diarrhetic hippo about to shit on my face. It’s terrifying!”
Diego starts the car and sighs, “terrific.”
“So, how long have you been with Diego?” Diego’s brother, Klaus asks from the back seat, his kid like curiosity lacing in his voice.
You look away from the man you were talking about out by the water and look to Klaus through the rear view mirror. “A couple years.”
Klaus pulls himself off the seat and pulls himself closer to you, “and no ring yet?”
You scoff but can’t help the laugh that leaves you, “no, not yet.”
“Well,” he continues in a serious tone, “I say if he doesn’t propose by this year, just break up with him. Just get rid of the tension he gives off.”
You answer with a lighthearted scoff and leave his comment unanswered. You knew it was just a temporary thing, this “tension” as Klaus mentions wasn’t going to last forever, it happens, Diego has a way to get under your skin more than once, but it never leads to a big break up. You loved that man, the thought of not being with him saddedned you already, you can’t even mention what it would be like without him.
“Yoo-boo, Diego! I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having, but come on man, we’re starving!” Klaus comes back into the car and exhales deeply, muttering to himself or...someone? “I’m craving...eggs.” He clicks his tongue, “no! Wait, it's too late for eggs. Waffles. Huh? You like waffles, right?”
Your lips part in confusion to his quiet muttering, watching him talk to himself through the rear view mirror. “Everyone likes waffles.”
Your eyebrows furrow and you choose to question him even if you were hesitating to actually know. “Uh—”
“Y/N, this is detective patch, we need you to come for work. Gunshots were reported on the 400 block of Milton Avenue, Griddys Doughnuts.”
You sigh but have no choice to answer. Work was work. “Okay I’ll be there.” Opening the car door you like your head out and groan softly before speaking to Diego. “Hey, Diego, could we leave! They need me at work!”
He turns around and you swear you notice a small smug smile. Because of course the sound and idea of doing something he’s not supposed gets him excited.
“Diego, thank you for joining us, we have decided on, drum roll, waffles.” Klaus finally speaks up to an actual existing person.
“I’m gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work.”
“What, breaking bones and cracking skulls?” Klaus chuckles softly.
“Saving lives, baby.”
You scoff. “You’re going to work?”
His head turns to you and he nods, “we.”
“You’re not supposed to be at crime locations Diego, you’re going to get in trouble one day.”
He shrugs and smiles, “you’ll get me out.”
Rolling your eyes you turn to look out the window and hide your threatening smile right as you also added what you’ve been meaning to say since he came here. “we’ll talk after work.”
Truthfully you hadn’t planned spending so much time at work like you did for the past two days, but it was also something inevitable since out of nowhere these nameless people in kids masks have shown up. Causing nothing but trouble and late nights, keeping you from doing the simplest thing like talking to your boyfriend.
At Least you had time now and hopefully those people in kid masks were going to show up to ruin the day.
“Hello, Pogo, is Diego here? He said he was going to be here today?” You ask the...ape at the door.
Pogo nods and moves to the side to let you walk in, “you’re welcome to look for him inside. He’ll be around somewhere.”
You smile and respond with a soft thank you before you walk up the stairs, walking slowly and examining the area, noticing the silence that basked every square inch of this enormous place. Beginning to feel anxious about not finding Diego anywhere you looked, recalling on the phone call from before, not remembering if he said he’ll be here at this house or at your apartment...shoot.
Maybe now that you’re thinking about it he said he was going to be actually home—
“Y/N, you’re finally here.”
Oh good.
Stopping as he walked out of one of the many halls you nod, “finally managed to get out of work, I came here as soon as I could. To talk.”
“Good, come on, we can go to my room.” Diego takes your hand and pulls you with him, guiding you to a small room with nothing really to it but a bed and a couple pieces of furniture, looking boyish as well. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Wow, it’s about time you brought me to your room. It feels like I’m a teenager again.” You chuckle, “should I sit at the edge of your bed and just awkwardly sit there and look around?”
Diego chuckles and takes a seat on his bed, making you sit beside with the same amused smile that falls as he talks about the subject that had been put on hold. “I want to say I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have acted like that. I stepped out of line, I should’ve respected the funeral no matter what he did.”
You sigh and interlock your fingers with his, glancing down at your intertwined hands for a brief moment before you met his gaze. “It’s not just that Diego, it’s the fact that you acted like that with your siblings. And I know it’s not my business, but you could’ve hurt him worse than you did and you have to understand that everyone has different thoughts of your father. Yes he may have treated you all the same, but it’s obvious some more than others are more attached. Just,” you inhale and exhale deeply, “just don’t do anything that you’re going to regret, I know you love them and I know if something happens to them you’re going to regret it and blame yourself.”
He sighs and nods, “yeah I know. Thank you for sticking around.”
Leaning your head on his shoulder you whisper, “always.”
He kisses the top of your head before he rests his own head on top of yours, staying exactly in that position for a moment longer until he pulled you to follow him in search for something he didn’t get to explain as you exited out the hall, their in end of the hall were two people in masks.
Of course they had to ruin the day.
The moment they saw you, their guns rose and they began shooting, catching Diego and you off guard for a split second until he threw his knives their way and then pulled you to hide behind a wall.
“Are those the same people running around the city?!” You pant.
Diego peeks head over the wall but answers regardless, “yeah I think so. Stay here they’re coming.”
“What?” You snap in a sharp whisper, “but I can help—” before your sentence was fully finished Diego ran forward and began to attack the one with the bear mask, twisting its arm and taking its gun and throwing it to the aside, beginning to do all types of moves that barely worked since it was such a big person. The only thing that worked was when Diego kicked them back, again taking your hand to pull you with him.
“Hey, you know maybe you could use your fire to attack them!” Diego suggested over his shoulder.
You scoff, “do you want me to burn your house down?”
“Jump!” Out of sudden Diego jumps off the second floor and lands on the couch, waving you over until you do the same. Hearing footsteps approach shortly after the both of you hid behind the couch, hearing shooting moments later they heard the smallest movement and didn’t stop until two others seemed to appear too; punching and kicking them, groaning and grunting as punches and kicks were thrown.
Sounds that finally let Diego and you jump out and help Allison being choked by the person in the bear mask until Luther came and threw them out of the room with ease.
“Who are these guys?” Allison asked in the short moment of peace.
“You’re welcome.” Luther then cut her off to talk to Diego.
“I was doing fine.”
“Oh, yeah, you really had them—”
“Ever hear of a rope—a—dope?”
During the argument the shooting began again and you threw yourself behind a couch, hiding your head until it stopped and you were able to move to hide behind the bar, waiting anxiously for the person who was in here to walk out. Being surprised as you heard, Diego’s other sister, Vanya enter the same room. Her pained grunt making you get out of hiding and throw a fireball at the bear mask; the action distracting them and letting you get Vanya without a second thought to take her to hide close by. Not wanting to do more for her sake.
Waiting in silence for what seemed hours until Luther rounded the corner, looking completely different than before. Almost ape like.
“Y/N! Hey, are you okay?” Diego asked in concern as he came to stand before you, his eyes studying your face and body for any wounds.
Nodding you respond with the same question he had asked. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Diego then presses a small kiss on your lips before he pulls away and his eyebrows furrow deeply on his face. “Shit. Mom.” Without saying more he rushes up the stairs, leaving you to follow even if he didn’t ask. Staying behind nonetheless as Diego approached her and asked her about what had gone on, receiving answers that visibly upset him and made him go quiet for a moment that you took to walk up behind him. Meeting his gaze and grabbing his shoulder as he began to take his mother’s hand and his breath began to shake.
“Diego? What are you doing?” Grace asked as she watched like you were, Diego cut her arm, showing capables that run under her skin and blue thick liquid that spilled out like blood.
“It’s gonna be o—” Diego cried and stuttered.
“Remember what we worked on. Just picture the word in your mind.” His mother didn’t hesitate to interject sweetly.
“It’s gonna be okay…..mom”. He then moves his hands to switch something off inside her, causing the beeping blue lights to stop and her whole body to begin to shut down. Causing Diego to cry harder and you to embrace him tightly from behind, feeling your own tears fall down your cheeks.
“Di—e—go...re..mem...ber.” Not a second to spare later, her eyes glowed blue until they didn’t show at all. Leaving Diego in a stunned and emotional state that he took to grab your arms wrapped around him and cry a moment longer.
You try to hide your crying to assure him, to be the support he needed. But it was hard to be strong when he cried, he usually never did. “I’m so sorry, Diego.” You proceeded to whisper by his ear, kissing the side of his head before whispering again. “I’m so sorry.”
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Your Energy
Klaus hargreeves x reader, Diego hargreeves x reader (platonic)
Description: You and diego have been friends for a while now, and he finally agrees to you meeting his family. Klaus, in particular, takes a liking to you - but how will they react when they find out you have powers?
Word count: 1.9k
(There's no warnings other than swearing and this tiny tiny tiny moment in the second part that is NOTHING like smut, but I guess it could be implied? Idk, you'll know what I'm on about when you read it)
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• Okay.
• You are one of the 43, but Reginald couldn't get you.
• Your power was being able control energy, and that included spiritual energy.
• This meant that you could see people's souls and auras, dead or alive.
• You and Klaus met quite strangely, to say the least. You were one of Diego's close friends, and after years of knowing each other, he finally let you meet his family.
• It was a warm summer's afternoon when you and Diego arrived at the Umbrella Academy. Just as Diego was about to open the main doors, you both heard bellowing screams coming from inside.
• Silently, you both shared a confused glance before proceeding to walk through the doors.
• Standing before you in the main hall was a very large man, who seemed to have somebody on his shoulders. They were seemingly fighting, the larger of the men trying to get the other off his shoulders.
• "Uhh, Diego, does this happen all the time?"
• Before he could answer, the broad shouldered man threw his opponent from his shoulders and directly into you, sending you flying backwards.
• In this case, you'd be able to stop yourself from falling and float in mid air, controlling your gravitational energy. However, this came as such a surprise that you didn't have time to save yourself.
• You were sent back through the open doors, and onto the empty street. The person who had been launched into you laid half on top of you, half next to you.
• Not a second went by before you used your powers to lift the man up in the air. Getting up from the cold pavement, you dusted yourself off.
• "What the fuck is going on?" He asked, in quite a calm tone.
• Diego jogged through the doors, running over to you.
• "I could ask you the same thing." He scolded, standing in front of you. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he asked if you were okay.
• "I'm fine," you responded, "just hurt my back a bit." You looked up at him with a small smile. Carefully, you lowered Diego's brother down until he was back on his two feet.
• You only just realised that your summer dress had ridden up slightly, and you blushed as both Diego and his brother watched you pull it down.
• "Y/n, this is Klaus." Diego muttered under his breath. Smiling, you turned to him and stuck out your hand.
• "It's wonderful to meet you, Klaus. My name's y/n, but you can just call me y/n/n!"
• Instead of shaking your hand, he bent down slightly and placed a chaste kiss on one of your knuckles.
• "It's my pleasure." He replied, a small smirk on his face. Only then did you notice somebody standing behind Klaus; he wore a black hoodie and had his arms crossed, yet wore a bemused expression.
• Instead of introducing yourself to him, you shot a small smile his way. You wanted to wait until you got into the mansion to properly get to know everyone.
• When he saw you smiled at him, he seemed confused, and looked behind him as if to see if anyone else was stood near him. Contently, you turned back to Diego.
• "Can we go inside?" You politely asked, and Diego stuck out his arm for you to hold. "Be my guest."
• Once you, Diego, Klaus and the mysterious man got back into the house, Diego called for everyone to come to the living room.
• Slowly, everyone trickled into the common area, the last being a 13 year old boy. Once Diego noticed the last of his siblings enter the room, he closed the door behind him.
• "Everyone, this is y/n." You smiled, looking at everyone in the room, hearing them all say hello. One by one, they all went around and introduced themselves, until you got back to Klaus.
• "Y/n/n and I have already met." Klaus proudly admitted to group. Next to him, the man wearing the black hoodie spoke. "God, Klaus. Don't act so love sick."
• He looked both irritated yet amused, which made Klaus turn to him and roll his eyes. Laughing, you stuck out your hand.
• "I don't believe I've introduced myself," you replied, "it's lovely to meet you."
• You felt everyone's eyes on you, burning into your skin. The boy in the black hoodie didn't shake your hand, but merely looked at you, a stunned expression plastering his face. Meekly, you took your hand back and fiddled with the hem of your skirt.
• "Who are you talking to?" Allison asked, not really understanding what was happening.
• "Ben." Klaus answered for you, wearing the same shocked expression as everyone else in the room. The only person who wasn't surprised was Diego.
• He perched on the end of a sofa. "Y/n's one of us, but our prick of a father couldn't adopt her." He looked almost proud and nodded towards you, as if to let you carry on.
• "Oh, right." You added. You were talking directly to Allison, but everyone listened intently.
• "Yeah, I can control energy. It's more complex than it seems, really. I can control all main types of energy like light, sound, gravity, the like. But I can also control spiritual and emotional energy. So if I really wanted to, I could change any of your emotions."
• "Spiritual energy..." five repeated. "That makes more sense."
• Now you were the confused one, furrowing your brows. "What do you mean?" You asked five, sitting down on the chair next to you.
• "What I mean," he started, "is that Ben's dead."
• The air lay thick among you all, as you turned to Klaus and Ben.
• "I'm...so sorry." You quietly spoke, avoiding eye contact.
• "Hey, don't worry about it." Ben said at last, smiling at you. "I've grown bored of only being able to talk to this moron."
• "Hey!" Klaus exclaimed as you laughed. Everyone else was silent as you, Klaus and Ben had your own conversation.
• "This is so weird." Luther whispered to Allison, who nodded in agreement.
• "Why don't we all go and get some lunch?" Diego offered, ending the awkwardness between you all.
• "Sounds good to me!" You replied, grabbing your bag. And with that, all of you were making your way out of the living room, off to Dennys.
• All 8 of you were sat in a large booth, you sandwiched directly between Klaus and Ben. The waitress came around and took everyone's orders, and once she left, Diego hopped out of his seat at the end of the booth.
• "I'm going to the bathroom, if the food comes before I'm back and any of you even think about eating me fries, I'll cut you." You were very much used to his knife threats, so didn't dare going near his food. As soon as Diego was out of earshot, everyone bombarded you with questions.
• "Are you and Diego dating?" Allison asked, eyes wide. "How did you two meet?" Added Luther. "Where do you live?" Five questioned, kind of creepily. "Are you single?" Inquisioned Klaus, quiet enough that only you heard him.
• "Jesus christ, guys. I live a few blocks away from Diego, which is how we met. I was at target, and was about to get the last bag of doritos, when we both reached for them. Finally, no, Diego and I aren't dating. However we do have lots of sleepovers."
• Happy with how you answered the questions, everyone turned to each other to star their own conversations. You leaned in to klaus, and very quietly whispered in his ear.
• "And yes, I'm single."
• You weren't going to skip around the fact that you found Klaus attractive; his messy hair, dark eyes and cheekbones chiseled by the Gods did something to you.
• Diego returned, sitting back on the end of the booth, just as two waitresses walked over with arms full of plates and cups.
• You only started eating once everyone had gotten their food; you ordered a bowl of fries and a strawberry milkshake, your favourite. The restaurant hummed with chatter as the people around you laughed and quietly spoke to each other.
• "So Vanya, Diego told me you play the violin, right?" She nodded, taking a sip of her cola.
• "Yeah, I play in an orchestra." She added.
• "That's really cool! I played the flute when I was a kid, but now I-"
• As you spoke, you felt a warm hand on your thigh. Klaus's hand was soft, his slender fingers slowly inching their way up your leg, sliding underneath the skirt of your dress.
• "Now I play the drums." You finished, taking a sip of your milkshake. Before you could swallow, you felt Klaus's fingers get dangerously close to your underwear. You choked on your drink, coughing like it would save your life.
• Klaus removed his hand as Luther passed you a red napkin. "Thank you." You uttered, still trying not to cough up your strawberry milkshake.
• "You better get used to this, there's no escape now you've met him." Ben advised, a smug grin lining his face.
• "You can say that again."
• Roughly a week had passed since you met Diego's family, and you couldn't stop thinking about it.
• After you all went to dennys, Allison suggested that a game of bowling would be fun. Spoiler alert: Luther broke the mechanism at the back of the bowling alley by bowling the ball too hard.
• You were sat in bed in your apartment, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Realising it was just past midnight, you turned your light off, switched off your phone, and laid down.
• After a few minutes of trying to get to sleep, you heard the window open behind you, and the sound of someone crawling through it. Not in the mood to deal with an intruder, you used your powers to slam them against your bedroom wall. With your other hand, you turned on your light switch and found Klaus pressed up against your wall.
• "For shits sake, what are you doing?" You asked, letting him go. Ben stood next to him, leaning again the wall.
• "Go on, Klaus. Tell y/n why you've broken into her home at midnight, despite me warning you not to."
• Klaus was silent for a second, his tired eyes staring in to yours. He wore the same outfit from last week, looking like he came straight from the mansion.
• "Uh, y/n, would you like to go out with me?"
• He actually seemed pretty nervous, despite how he had been acting at Denny's.
• "...now?" You asked, looking at the clock.
• "Not now, but maybe tomorrow? Diego told me you have a day off and I was thinking maybe we could..." he took a deep breath, and looked down at the floor. "Maybe this was a bad idea."
• He made his way back to the window, but you managed to convince him to stay.
• "Klaus, of course I'd like to go out with you."
• You spoke in a gently tone, not wanting to startle him.
• "Plus, if you want to, you could sleep over here?" You knew it was a long shot, but it was worth a try.
• "I'll only stay if you give me a makeover!"
• "Deal."
• That night was filled with a lot of sad movies, you painting Klaus's nails bright pink, and Ben rolling his eyes about 400 times.
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dothemacarena · 4 years
TUA idea
What if after Vanya wrote her book some of the others write their own books in retaliation and or defense.
I imagine Allison would go first. Her manager talking her into it about how Vanya's book was bad for her career and she needs to do damage control. She is still hesitant to put in a lot of the darker secrets of the academy but some readers may start to theorize that there was more going on than is told. Allison's book is nicer to the others than Vanya's book especially Luther, but she also tries to frame herself in the best way possible for the sake of good publicity. To the others it came across as blatantly false.
I'm not sure if Diego or Luther go next Diego would be more angry, but Luther has plenty of free time on the moon(is he on the moon when Vanya's book comes out idk) Actually I just talked myself into Luther going next. Luther still believes in dear old dad and his book proves it. He is spouting the usual rhetoric and he pulls no punches on bashing Diego and Klaus. His book probably even includes a controversial line about how Five wouldn't have gone missing if he just did as dad told. Its not pretty. He probably accidentally lets more of the messed up facts come to light because he thinks dad was justified in say making them train until they vomit so it doesn't seem so bad to mention it in the book.
Diego is pissed his book is mainly focused on tearing down Luther and demonizing their father, but he also takes pot shots at everyone else. He talks about Luther stopping the occasional bit of fun they were having because 'dad says...' and Luther being a horrible leader. He talks about Allison being selfish. And he is the nicest to Klaus so far but he still talks about how the drugs were just for attention. He writes a particularly spiteful chapter about Vanya getting the easiest life and hating them for it still angry about her book as well. With how much Diego spilled the beans when talking about his hatred for dad the whole world now has a decent idea how fucked up their favorite childhood superheroes were and are.
After the first four books everyone assumes they will hear from the Séance. It is just a matter of time. But Klaus doesn't want to write a book. He thought about it briefly as a way to make money for drugs, but if he writes a book it would mean explaining the ghost and the constant screaming. He hasn't let his family spend years thinking he does drugs for attention and because he's weak to explain how awful his powers are now, explain how traumatized he is. So Klaus doesn't write a book. Though if he did it would probably be the nicest one to all of the siblings aside from Luther whose nicest description was Allison's book.
So Klaus doesn't write a book. After much pestering however, and very slowly over many months during the more lucid gaps between highs he does carefully write down what Ben dictates to him. He doesn't really remember most of what he writes down, but he will read it later when it is published and he is doing a stint in rehab. When it is finally finished he hesitates before bringing it to a publisher. His siblings still don't believe that he sees Ben, they are going to think he has made up a whole fake autobiography just as another grab for attention. And why would a publisher want his book anyway he's a junkie off the streets. (Of course he is wrong about that every publisher wants to get the rights to final book in the set.)
They are of course surprised that the book Klaus brings in is not his biography but his dead brothers, but they know his powers are seeing the dead and it is a garunteed best seller. And even if other books mentioned Klaus can't see ghosts when he's high surely he can't be high all the time. And it's not their job to make sure a book is true just that it is well written.
Ben's is protective of Klaus and writes a long defense for him. He doesn't go into too much detail about Klaus's powers since that's why Klaus didn't write his own book, but he points out that hey all of those bank robbers we killed sure hate us and could talk to Klaus. He is angry on Klaus's behalf but doesn't let it drive him to being purposefully mean to the others. Other than his defense of Klaus Ben's book is the most unbiased of the bunch. It puts the right amount of blame on the right people like yeah Luther dad was at fault for your competitiveness but you shouldn't have made fun of Diego's stutter. Contrary to Klaus's fear there are enough personal details that Klaus shouldn't know in his book that when the others read it they can not deny that he at least talks to Ben and it doesn't really seem like Klaus's writing style. And it is hard for them to get angry at this book. Not when it rings so true and is there first time hearing from Ben in years.
Ben's book finally breaks the wall in multiple ways. Many fans of the books have started questioning how this awful man bought seven children. They are all adults now a little late for cps but surely there is some crime Reginald Hargreeves can be charged with. Also all of the siblings have been reading each others books and slowly (after they stop being pissed) coming around and understanding their siblings point of view Allison makes the first step of reaching out to the others and trying to convince them to talk or get lunch. Maybe even therapy. It takes a long time to to find Klaus and Luther is still on the moon so it is hard to get him as involved, but when Five comes back he has a much easier time getting them to work together.
This got away from me I was originally just going to write the general premise of them writing revenge books and what order they would go in. Please feel free to write fic of this or comment what you think would happen who would write what and when.
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rivenchu · 4 years
Detective Observations  1
Well @mintyfrosty​ did it again and now we have 1920s Detective AU and just.. *grabby hands* I didn’t even know I wanted this til it showed up on my dash!
Anyway way, here’s Scene 1 of 3 that sprung up out. Hope you like~
The sun hadn't been up for more than a few hours and already he was being called into the captain's office. He'd turned his last several cases in a timely manner, hadn't rocked the boat, so what reason could there be? Probably not a good one, and he lived by his gut's feeling.
But directly disobeying would be worse, it was never a good idea to willingly throw yourself on Terrance's bad side.
Right braced himself as he pushed open the door. He noted someone was to his left, ignored them and walked right up to the desk to stare at the chief.
"Good, Right. Was wonderin' when ya'd stroll in." The chief grinned and pushed his hat back as he looked up. Oh, the good detective looked like he was in snit, he must've already guessed what was about to happen.
One terse nod from Right and Terrance leaned back in his chair. Keeping things moving was his job and he wanted to see this play out.
"I know you've been working alone for awhile, and I've allowed it out of respect." The chief started, "But it's gone on long enough."
Right narrowed his eyes and growled. No, he'd chased off any partner they assigned to him. He didn't </i>want</i> another after... after... what happened. He was fine alone.
"Reginald is one of the best in the business. He'll be your partner." Leaning back Terrance wiggled a pen in his hand as he smiled. If he could solve two minor problems with this one move he'd treat himself to lunch for being so gosh darn brilliant.
The chief smiled serenely up at the detective when he slammed both hands down on the desk and swore. Spiraling off into a rant about he didn't need a partner, was doing good work on his own, surely he could leave him be to keep working well like he had been.
Reginald fidgeted in the back of the office. He thought he had been doing good lately. Sure he spent most of the time at his desk, but many of the detectives used him to consult on their tough cases. He helped so many get solved by pointing his thoughts or what should get investigated on.
Why the chief felt he needed to team up and get his 'short scrawny self outta the office' was beyond him. He'd given up at trying to understand how Terrance worked, the man veered between idiot and genius in the same day. Sometimes he managed both at the same time, especially if he was leading a raid.
Right glanced over his shoulder at his supposed partner and narrowed is eyes further. No. He hadn't bothered to look at the time he walked in and he didn't want that one. He knew of rumors around the office as much as he wished they didn't try to pull him in for gossip. Honestly there were a few officers that were worse then the gaggle of gossiping grandmas in his neighborhood.
Reginald sighed and hoped this would be over soon, he was swamped. The day had started off plesatly enough, and now he was stuck in a loud awkward situation that no one wanted except the chief. He was about to ask if he could leave to get a drink when the unthinkable happened.
How dare. How dare his mustache was insulted, it had taken him years to get it to it's current magnificence. Marching forward Reginald glared up at the taller man. Curse Terrance for only seeming to pick the tallest and the strongest. Reginald knew he wasn't short but he felt like it some days.
"What makes you think that <i>I</i> want to be stuck with <i>you</i> ?" Jabbing his finger up at the detective Reginald jutted his chin forward, "You're a loose cannon who disappears for days at time without a word to anyone."
"Well you both seem to know enough about each other already." Tucking the pen behind his ear Terrance clapped his hands once for attention. When both fell silent he picked up a toothpick and stuck it in his mouth jovially. This was a good start to his day.
"Right, you can't keep having a double office to yourself, Reginald I expect you to move in by the end of the day." The chief slammed his hand down as the arguments started up and he raised an eyebrow at the officers as he dropped his smile. "Boys my decision is final, now leave."
Wiggling the toothpick around Terrance watched the pair sullenly leave.
He'd finally say Right wasn't alone so the higher ups would stop bothering him about it. He'd get to plan more things his way with Reginald out of the office. Hopefully Right, their best fighter, would manage to keep Reginald, thier worst fighter alive. Yes, he would be treating himself to a great lunch.
Right had made a point to leave soon after the... partnering. Reginald wad skulked into the room with a box of his things and he wasn't going to watch the string bean unpack his things onto a desk that wasn't <i>his</i>.
He had things he could do to take him out of the office. Leads to question, perps to track, diners to eat at.
He managed to go two days without touching foot back to the office. It was early enough the sun wasn't up and the place was empty. Perfect, he could drop off the two cases he solved, grab a couple more and disappear for a few more days.
Why was his office light on?
Opening the door quietly he shot a flat look the the occupied desk. The box was only half unpacked, but the desk was covered in folders and papers. The interloper was fast asleep and drooling over the cover of a folder.
Rolling his eyes Right walked over ad picked up a folder. There must have been ten cases worth of work on the lieutenant's desk, no one could do that much.
Except it wasn't his case.
Eyebrows raising he recognized the name of a colleague. The guy had a good habit of solving things but... it was obvious from this he should go question the family more.
Flipping a page he saw a note scrawled with that very suggestion, and then another to check alley across the street. The darkest place, easiest to ambush with a dumpster for disposal. Better hurry because trash was coming up in two days.
Come to think of it when asked to look over something he did see this particular handwriting often but didn't read them since he was asked pointed questions. Honestly he thought it was a low ranked officer taking notes or doing simple checks.
Curious now Right leaned against the desk and began to flip through more. Lot of familiar detective names he was seeing, some missing obvious leads they should be following up on. Thoroughly feeling unimpressed with his fellow detectives right now he put the stack back down.
The other side of the desk held a few more folders, ones the other hadn't gotten to yet. He shouldn't let himself get sidetracked, he still had to drop off his own work to the chief. Walking over to his desk he began to gather his cases.
The door slammed open, "Up and attem boys! Early bird gets the work ad you're the earliest we got today!" Terrance dropped his foot back down to the ground and surveyed the room. He'd startled both but... oh not again.
"Damn it Reggie, I told you to go home last night. You're going to burn out at this rate." Pinching his nose he glared at the embarrassed lietenant as he peeled a paper off his face. Fishing around his pocket he pulled out a few dollars and dropped them on the desk. "Get breakfast before you visit the scene kid, I know you didn't eat dinner."
Ducking his head Reginald nodded. He had meant to go, but the other detectives had come to visit, commiserate with him about losing his own office, and asked for help with a few cases. Some had been more involved than he thought and time had slipped away from him.
"Right, make sure he doesn't stay tonight." Terrance sighed and questioned his decision to pair them up. He was going to give it two weeks minimum to see how things shake out.
"Oh, and take him with you when you go Right, have a coffee, then head to 31st and 45th. Police will be expecting you both."  The chief absently waved off the two idiots and walked out of the room.
The room fell silent as the door swung shut.
Gathering his cases Right sighed before he turned around to face the... other his was going to be stuck with all day.
"You were going to leave me here after getting more work, weren't' you?" Reginald had swiveled his chair to watch the detective with the most peeved he could manage.
"Mmmhmm." That had been the plan and Right knew there was no point to lying.
The blunt agreement seemed to take the wind out of the lieutenant's sails as he deflated and rubbed a hand over his face.
"Fine, let's get this over with." Swiping the money from his desk Reginald stood up and threw his coat on. Technically he was the higher ranked one and should lead, but it was early, he was tired and still muzzy from the abrupt awakening. Gesturing to the door in the traditional 'after you' he raised his eyebrows at the detective, they had places to go after all.
Right merely blinked. He had expected the other to pull rank immediately and take charge.
Marching out the detective dropped the completed cases in Terrance's bin outside his office and walked towards the stairs after they both grabbed some supplies. Out in the parking lot he made a beeline to his car to claim the driver side. Again he was surprised when the other just... let him.
"Something on the way okay?" Right finally spoke up. He'd already danced the line with the chief but he wasn't going to push more than he already had. He liked his job to stay even if... it was hard sometimes.
He got a curt nod in return.
Most places weren't open yet, when he pulled to the side of the road in front of one of the few places that did look open the parking lot was full. Someone had to stay in the car.
"Got a thermos?" Reginald finally spoke up as he cracked open the car door and stepped outside.
Right had meant to fill it at the station before he left. He knew the coffee bit wasn't a serious order but he liked his morning beverage. The thermos he handed over was a simple silver and green, but it served him well.
"Let me guess, black as midnight?" Leaning against the doorframe Reginald reached out to take it. A ghost of a smirk flashed over his face when the other nodded. Yes, many of the manly men at the office drank it that way. He'd rather not touch the stuff, but sometimes in a pinch he had to.
Ghastly stuff, not even milk and sugar could save it.
Watching the lieutenant walk away Right sighed and leaned back in his chair. Tapping a finger against the wheel he watched the traffic, checked the gas level, and saw the horizon starting to brighten finally. The sun hadn't even come up yet.
It was going to be a long day.
When Reginald emerged he handed the green thermos over before climbing into the car. He tucked his own flask (thank god they had tea even if it was oversteeped) between his feet and started on breakfast.
Right raised an eyebrow at just an egg on toast. No wonder the other got called scrawny if he thought that was a meal.
Unscrewing the top the detective took a hesitant sniff. Smelled like a standard dark roast...
"No I didn't spit in it." Reginald snorted. "I've got to get to know you before I can decide not to like you properly." He took another bite and looked out the window at the even busier diner.
Right shook his head and screwed it back on. Yeah, he could understand that. He just didn't want a partner right now, nothing against the lieutenant as a person.
Checking his mirrors and then turning his head to look the detective pulled back out on the road. He waited til the breakfast was almost done, "Might want to check your mustache before we get there."
Reginald choked down the last  bite and shot the other a look. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a small mirror and gasped. The left side was fraying and uneven from the right. No doubt the result of falling asleep on it, why hadn't that thought crossed his mind to check this morning.
Swearing Reginald fished out his emergency wax for the dire repair. "You let me walk into the diner like that?!" He shot a incredulous look over at the detective. Really. How could you?
Right found himself snickering despite himself.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
🌻 If I may just request something lighter. I nee that right now.
a “happy ending, the team wins and life is made easier for them” au coming right up ;3c
bear with me for some less light content though bc it is the umbrella academy and there’s a lot of. u know. child soldiers and death. but i will try!! bear with me, starts off less light and ends much lighter I promise
so maybe not light but on god it’s going to end soft
When Five is seven, he walks into a room and makes a face. His siblings, who are loudly arguing, don’t notice. It’s just One and Two, going at one anothers throats for the eleventh time that one.
(It should be noted that’s it’s only the fifth of the month. So really not surprising in the slightest.)
And then Five tilts his head, and very purposefully steps backwards, and a few seconds later a knife embeds itself in the wall a few inches from Five’s face.
“You almost hit Five!” One roars, pointing accusingly.
“I wouldn’t have.” Two scowls.
Except he did.
The next day, Five looks up from his homework and frowns at Six. He’d rather ask Six alone, and Four is present, but this is the best opportunity he’s going to get to ask anything without Dad finding out or having to deal with, ugh, One. 
“Hey Six?” Five asks, getting a quiet ‘hmm’ in return as Six looks up, “You ever have a dream that comes true?”
Before Six can get out a word, Four rolls over from where he’s taken his book and sprawled out on the floor with it since he can’t sit still in a chair longer than four seconds. “I thinks that’s called deja vu, dude.”
Six nods, “The feeling something has happened before, sure. Plus, if you’re stressed out about something you might dream about it. You having dreams, Five?”
Five shrugs, thoughtful. If there’s a name for the experience, then it’s something that happens to everybody and isn’t something to worry about. 
“No,” He says, “I’m fine. Thanks.”
When Five is ten, he refuses to follow One’s - Luther’s - plan for the first time in a real life situation. 
“No.” Five says, firmly, “That plan is going to get someone killed.”
“It’s a good plan.” Luther says, equally firm and just the slightest bit irritated. Being in Luther’s favor actually counts for more than he might know, and being out of it... Reginald listens to Luther in a way that he doesn’t for the rest of them. 
So Five toes the line, but usually doesn’t give the boy a reason to actually complain about him. So he grouches and snipes and snarks but usually follows the plan, if with some... embellishment. He doesn’t usually disobey outright.
“I’m not doing it.” Five says, and the team is quiet to the side. Five has always been headstrong, but this head on collision is not his style. 
“Yes.” Luther says, anger twisting his face into something ugly, “You are.”
And then their illustrious leader beckons for them to go, and it’s Allison who flounces off first to her position followed by a stalking Diego. Ben gives Five a hesitant look, but goes ahead without saying anything. Ben has never been a fan of conflict.
Five stares at Luther, and Luther’s eyes narrow, and Five thinks fine, he thinks, I’ll do it myself. And he jumps away.
And when things fall apart and go to shit, Five is there yanking on a skinny arm and a bullet whizzes by and Five cover Klaus’s body with his own as he shoves them both under a desk. A few minutes later, knives appear out of thin air and Five pries them out. He doesn’t even realize until they’re all looking at him, horrified, that he’s been shot. Not until he touches his fingers to his shoulder and feels the red against his fingers.
“Oh.” Five says, frowning, and then he looks at a pale faced Luther. “I told you your plan was shit.”
That’s the last thing he remembers, until he wakes up in bed feeling fuzzy with his shoulder patched and bandaged and Mom right there helping him sit up and sip from a glass.
That’s the first time Five realizes that what he does can be dangerous.
The thing is, it starts off incredibly simple. Harmless. 
When Five dreams, his dreams are... strange. He dreams of simple things, little things. An argument that will happen. What dinner will be. That Ben is going to leave his book in the little storage room by the dumb stature of an elephant that looks more more like a bulldog with a snake attached to its face.
The thing is, he believes Klaus at first. That it’s harmless. Except it becomes less fuzzy and less a feeling that something will happen, and becomes something sharper. Something more than deja vu.
He thinks about telling his father, because he’s angry with Luther and craves recognition and discovering something new about their powers is a surefire way to get Dad’s undivided attention.
(When Diego discovered he could hold his breath for an alarming amount of time, the rest of the family didn’t see him for a week.)
That’s the first night he wakes up with cut off screams in his throat, and the knowledge that his father is a ruthless, tricky man. And very very inventive. 
(He does not tell his father about his power development. He doesn’t tell anyone, actually.
He loves his siblings, but he doesn’t trust them. Information, in this household, is power. A bargaining chip. He loves his siblings, but Reginald is clever and he is cruel and any one of them would betray the others if it hurt enough.)
As he grows older, his dreams become more vivid. And they stop just being about the next day.
He saves Klaus’s life from a bad plan, but he learns a lesson. If he changes what his dreams show him, he doesn’t know what will happen next. He saved Klaus, but got shot himself. 
He gets a choice, between having absolute certainty, and changing the future. It means that Five rarely acts on his dreams. Not unless he has to. And after that awful, awful mission, Five also learns to be more subtle.
Especially after a bedbound interrogation by his father, that Five barely manages to spin into it just being a challenging brat, and things just happening to go down badly was a coincidence that Five will hold over Luther’s head for the rest of time.
And Five is a challenging brat at the best of time, and so Reginald believes him, but he learns to be more subtle.
So Five... nudges things. When he absolutely has to. And the rest of the time he bites his own tongue and stomps on his own fury and grits his teeth. He does what he can, when it can’t be traced back to him.
(Klaus goes into the mausoleum, and he wraps his arms around himself in a terrified hug, and his hand bumps something in his pocket. A little flashlight. Klaus thinks for a moment about how it could have gotten there, and decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s still terrible, but it’s more bearable with a little bit of light.)
Five is twelve when he starts dreaming about the end of the world. He also discovers an entirely new aspect to his power.
When Five sleeps, he dreams of time travel. He dreams of the fizzle of time itself against his palms, how exhilarating it is. Time itself at his command, no, not command. Time itself cradling him in its infinite grasp. It’s not like jumping through space. Time is, it’s so big. And it loves him. He doesn’t know how he knows, but he does. Time loves him, and he loves it.
He wants to travel, he wants it desperately. But he knows what will happen if he does. He knows, he sees, he dreams over weeks, over months, lives an entire life in eight hour increments. 
And in this life, Five learned his lesson early. You don’t tell Reginald Hargreeves about new developments in your power unless you’re willing to go through his private training in order to train it. 
Five doesn’t mention anything about time travel, to anyone.
Five is thirteen-years-old and two-months and he misses the day he was supposed to time travel on. And he wakes up sweating and dizzy and dying. 
(Five Hargreeves is time’s child. Time loves him, but he needs time in a way he never realized. he made a change. It’s too big of a change.)
Five wipes his face, splashes some cold water, and gets to work.
The first thing he does, is go into Vanya’s room and sit her down.
“Are you okay?” She whispers. She’s always been so quiet, like a mouse tiptoeing around in a house full of cats. And Five regrets, for just a moment, not telling her sooner that she’s always been a cat as well.
“I need to tell you something.” Five whispers back, determination making him sit up straight. “And I need you to not be angry.”
“Why would I be angry?” Vanya asks, tilting her head and looking confused.
“Because I kept a secret from you.” Five whispers.
Vanya just gives him the most puzzled look, “What secret? Why?”
“Because information is power, Vanya.” Five tells her, reaching out and taking her hand in his own, “Because I love you, I love you all. But I don’t know what’s going to happen, only what could happen. What cannot happen.”
“Five you aren’t making any sense.” She reaches up to feel his forehead, snapping her hand back to her side, “You’re burning up! Five!”
Five smiles at her, “I keep so many secrets, Vanya. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m going to change the world, and you’re the only one I can trust to help me, okay?”
“Five... I don’t understand.” Vanya says, helpless.
“You will.” Five says, his smile turning just a little watery, “Promise me something though. Promise me you won’t hate me. Won’t hate any of us.”
“What are you talking about.”
Five shakes her hand, “We were so little Vanya. We didn’t know. Allison didn’t know. The only person to blame for this is Dad, because he did something terrible, Van. Something awful. He made us all do something terrible.”
“Promise me Vanya.” Five demands, shaking his head. “Promise me, promise me you won’t hate us. If you have to hate someone, hate dad. But promise me.”
“I - I promise.” Vanya stutters, confused.
“Haven’t you ever wondered why you’re the only child that didn’t develop powers?” Five asks gently, “Haven’t you ever wondered why, if you don’t have powers, Dad kept you? You know him. We all know him. He’s a practical man. If you’re of no use to him...”
“...He would throw me away.” Vanya finishes, her voice a mere whisper. “But he did. He did keep me, so - so he must think I have potential, right?”
“He knows you have potential, Vanya.” Five’s voice is soft, gentle, in a way it never is. “He knows, because he took it away from you.”
“What - Five?”
Five gives Vanya’s hand another little shake. “How long have you taken your anxiety meds, Van?”
“My what?” She pulls her hand out of his, drawing it up to her chest, “I - I don’t know. A long time.”
“Since we were four, Van.” Five tucks his empty hands into his lap, hiding the trembling of his fingers, “Do you know what else happened when we were four? We started getting our powers, remember?”
“Speak plainly, Five.” Vanya’s hands are trembling as well, but not for the same reason.
“He stole it from you, Van.” Five whispers, “You were four. You didn’t realize how dangerous you were. You didn’t understand, you were so little. So he took them, and then he never gave them back.”
Vanya’s eyes are wet, and she brings a trembling hand to her mouth, “No.”
“He told Allison to make you forget.” He grips the fabric of his shorts as a shudder ripples through him, “She was four. How could she say no? He made all of us forget, and then how could we know to tell you?”
Vanya is openly crying, a hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs because everyone in the manor knows how dangerous crying can be. How dangerous the wrong kind of attention can be. “Then how do you know, Five.” She manages to get out, “How do you know.”
Five offers her a watery smile, “Because I keep secrets, Vanya. My powers, they’re not. They’re not what everyone thinks. I know things, because when I close my eyes at night I see things.”
That makes Vanya stop crying, just for a moment out of sheer confusion. “What?”
“I’ve known about you for a year. I know so many things. A lifetime of things. But none of that matters, because this, right here, right now? Changes everything. Do you understand?
“No!” Vanya bursts out, sounding angry. “No, I don’t understand!”
“I’m dying, Vanya.” Five says bluntly, which throws off Vanya’s anger like she’s been dunked in cold water. “I didn’t know. Not until today. This is the biggest change I’ve ever made, do you understand? I didn’t know. I need to leave. I need to - to reboot. I don’t belong to this timeline, not anymore. It’s rejecting me, unless I can reset myself. But if I do, where will I land?”
Vanya looks confused, and Five can’t blame her. He’s dropping a lot on her right now.
“Isn’t it funny?” Five’s smile is anything but cheerful, “Isn’t is cruel? If I want to survive, I have to jump. But if I jump, I can’t change anything. So you see? I have to try and change everything now. I have to trust.”
Five loves his siblings, but he’s never trusted them. Not really. Not with the important things. But now he has to. Has to take a, ha, leap of faith. 
“Five, talk sense.” Vanya demands.
And so Five tells her everything. He tells her about yesterday, about getting up from the dinner table, of jumping three times and ending up in the apocalypse. He tells her about the Commission, about Reginald’s death, about a man with two faces who convinced Vanya he loved her and turned her against them. He tells her about the end of the world.
Vanya is pale, and shaking. “I wouldn’t.” She whispers, “I wouldn’t.”
“You won’t.” Five says, “You were manipulated. It was planned, you were pushed. You were the weapon that was used to start the apocalypse, but you weren’t the shooter, Van. You’re my sister. I love you. I know you. You’re stronger than you know.”
“I’m not. Five, I’m not.”
“Look at me.” Five demands, getting get attention. “I’m right here. Telling you. I’m not in Luther’s room, asking him to keep an eye on you. I’m not in Allison’s room, telling her to use her powers to keep you in line. I’m not in Ben’s room, telling him the future. I’m talking to you. Vanya. My sister.”
“Five...” Vanya whispers.
“I’m a secret keeper, Vanya.” Five says, “I don’t trust. But I’m here, and I’m trusting you.”
“Why?” Vanya asks, a sensible question.
“You’re the only one I can. Luther and Diego are too hotheaded. Allison too vain. Ben too afraid, Klaus too fragile.” Five tells her as another tremor goes through his body. “I love you. I trust you. You’re going to save the world.”
“You need to be careful. There are eyes on us. Watching. If we change too much, we risk everything. You need to be quiet, you need to be wary, you need to trust no one. Dad thinks he controls you entirely, he thinks he has you completely under his thumb. He doesn’t watch you the way he does the rest of us, which gives you a freedom none of the others have.”
Vanya shakes her head, “I don’t know, Five.”
“If you want to stop taking your pills, you can. You can sneak out. You can train by yourself, away from the cameras. If you’re careful, you can learn.” Five looks at her sympathetically, “But the thing about that power, is that you have to keep it secret. Dad kept you, when he thought he could control you. What would he do if he thought he couldn’t?”
Vanya lifts a hand to her mouth. She wants their father’s attention with same fierce heartbreaking way they all do, but she also knows him. He’s Reginald Hargreeves, and he’s drugged her for the entirety of his life in the name of control. He is the ultimate power in the household. Reginald doesn’t flinch at killing. They all know that.
“You have to be careful.” He tells Vanya, “You have to stay alive. You have to save Ben. You have to be smart, you have to be so smart, Van. And you have to do it alone, because I won’t be here.”
Vanya nods, quiet and solemn. 
Another shudder ripples through Five, this one hard enough to make him fell off the bed with a muffled shout. Vanya shoots to his side instantly, grabbing his arm and helping him up.
“You need to go, Five.” She says, frantic, “You need to go.”
“I don’t want to.” Five admits, “I don’t want to leave you alone. This is so much, Van. You shouldn’t have to do it alone.”
“I’m not alone.” Vanya tells him firmly, “I have you. And I’ll have you again, in seventeen years. It sounds like a long time, but that doesn’t matter. Because you’ll be alive. You’ve always been there for me, even when you didn’t know. Even when you thought I was ordinary. You’re the only person in the house who treats me like, like a person.”
“You’re my sister.” Five smiles, “I trust you.”
“Go, Five.” Vanya whispers, leading him to the window and hiking it up. Five appreciates the gesture, it’s always easier to jump when he knows where he’s going to land. “Go, and I’ll make sure you have a world to come back to.”
Five nods, and he’s crying a little as he pulls her into the tightest hug he can. She’s crying, too. 
And then he jumps, and he’s out on the street. He turns to look back up at the window, and there’s Vanya with a hand to her mouth but still watching him. He nods to her, and then he jumps.
He’s crying, as he jumps the first time, but it’s almost in relief. The way he changed the timeline - it hurts. It’s not a simple thing. The other timelines he altered, they aren’t nearly as big. By not going the day he should have, by telling Vanya and asking her to save the world...
He gouged out a timeline. He carved out a future from time itself to cast it aside. Not just a little one, not one that didn’t matter, not the future of something as small as a human life. He changed the future of the world.
But when he bathes himself in blue, it smoothes over the ragged gaping wound he put in himself. It takes away the pain, because time is... adaptable. It isn’t linear. It repairs itself, given the opportunity.
He jumps again, and the pain gets even better as time itself heals. As it accepts his actions, what can and will happen. 
He hesitates though, before the final jump. He never lived that first timeline. Not really. But he remembers it, which is nearly as bad. He remembers the hunger, sharp and painful. He remembers the grief. He remembers finding the bodies of his siblings, and not understanding what had happened. He remembers the apocalypse, in all of its gruesome glory. It’s never happened. It will never happen, because he trusts Vanya. But he remembers it, and so he hesitates.
But he trusts Vanya. He has to trust Vanya.
So he jumps, one final time, he jumps.
He stands on the street, and someone bumps into him from behind and mutters an apology, and Five is rooted to the ground. The world has not ended. He is on the street, in front of the manor, and he whirls around and looks up and a window and - 
Vanya isn’t there. Of course she isn’t. He never got a time he arrived in the future-that-wasn’t. She wouldn’t be able to just... stand at a window all day. That would be silly.
He has to find her. He doesn’t know where she is. Except - except he can hear something. Loud, raised voices. Familiar voices, even out here on the street.
The courtyard.
Five is exhausted. He’s healed, the timelines have smoothed over and stopped killing him, but he’s tired. But even so, he jumps. It’s nice to have a view of where he’s going, but he’s never needed that.
He jumps into the middle of - an argument. His entire family is there. Harold Jenkins is there, yelling something about the family not loving her, and Five freezes.
And everybody freezes. 
And then Vanya smiles at him and says, “Five. You made it.”
Harold Jenkins sputters, the rest of the family starts to shout, and in one smooth movement Vanya pulls something out of her jacket and turns around and - 
Harold Jenkins falls to the ground. Dead. The gun sits in Vanya’s hand, steady as anything.
“Shit!” Luther roars, but Five doesn’t care about that.
He’s already run into Vanya’s arms. She drops the gun on the ground and folds him against her and he’s crying and he isn’t quite sure why. “Shhh, sh. It’s over.” She soothes him, her hand carding through his hair, “It’s over. You did it, Five. You saved the world.”
“No,” Five manages to find his voice, “You did. And you did it alone. You must have been so so alone.”
Vanya laughs, squeezing him tighter, “Don’t worry. I’ve had a lot of practice at that.”
“What the actual fuck.” Ben says. Ben. Alive and wonderful and alive and Five draws back just to stare at him. “Five?”
“You killed a man!” Luther hollers, looking absolutely scandalized. He isn’t huge, isn’t wearing a trenchcoat. He looks... smaller, than Five remembers him being. More normal.
Klaus looks... normal. Well. He’s got what look like the tightest possible skinny jeans and a crop top and way too much eyeliner, but otherwise - he looks healthier, draped across Ben’s shoulder and staring at Five with wide eyes.
“Vanya?” Allison demands, and Five kind of wants to duck behind Vanya because his breath is coming a little bit fast and he feels a little bit dizzy, which is stupid because this is everything he ever wanted. Everything. His family, safe and sound and whole. 
Vanya smoothes her hand through Five’s hair again, and then looks around at their audience. “I think,” She says, and her voice is strong and sure and so very different from the Vanya Five knows, the one that whispers and tiptoes as quiet as a mouse, “We should take this conversation inside.”
And that’s how they all end up in the living room, squished onto the couches. Five is next to Vanya, he hasn’t let go of her arm.
“I think I should tell you about the night that Five went missing.” Vanya says finally, when they’re all settled.
“What about it?” Diego says gruffly, his arms crossed defensively across his chest. He also hasn’t taken his eyes off of Five.
“Five’s powers aren’t just jumping.” Vanya says, after looking at Five to get his nod. And doesn’t that comment set a fox among the chickens? There’s a solid five minutes of yelling before the family realizes that Vanya is patiently waiting for silence.
Vanya smiles and nods approvingly when they all settle down. Five wonders if she’s a kindergarten teacher or something in this timeline.
(He has to hold in another shudder at the thought, because he’s finally realized why his lungs feel so tight and he hasn’t really spoken yet. He’s terrified. He’s so used to knowing, and he’s just dropped himself in the middle of a giant mystery. He loved his siblings. He loved them in the timeline-that-wasn’t. He loves them now. But he doesn’t know them. He doesn’t know anything. And that terrifies him.
In their household, information was power. To not have any at all is... unthinkable. Horrifying. He’s so scared, he can barely breathe. But Vanya is holding him back, and she just saved the world, and he tries his best to trust her.)
“Five’s powers are to do with time. He saw the future, and he saw the end of the world, and he decided to stop it.” Vanya says finally, “And he told me how to do it.”
“Why is Five so quiet?” Allison demands, sounding worried. Five wonders if Claire exists in this universe. He mourns, just a tiny bit, for the niece he never met. 
Vanya squeezes Five a little, and looks at him with just as much worry in her eyes. “Five?”
And for some reason, the first thing that falls out of Five’s mouth is - “Dad’s dead?”
“Dead as a doornail.” Klaus confirms, and Ben nods.
“Really dead?” Five insists, and he’s not sure why, “You’re sure he’s dead?”
“Yes, Five.” Ben says, quietly. “He’s dead.”
Five looks up, and he finds Diego’s gaze and holds it, “If he knew, if he knew what I could do...” He sees the realization spark behind Diego’s eyes, “I saw it, when I thought I was going to tell him. I saw what he would do, if he knew.”
“So you kept it a secret.” Diego says softly. He’s not as hard as not-Five’s Diego, or at least not right now. He looks sympathetic, as Five nods carefully.
“Do you remember,” Five begins, pausing the clear his throat, “Do you remember that mission where I told Luther his plan was stupid?”
Luther’s eyes are wide when Five glances over at him.
But Five skips over Luther and looks at Klaus, “You could have died.” He tells his brother, and his voice shakes a little bit, and it’s terrifying to say these things out loud. Part of him expects his father to walk out from behind a door, having heard everything. “You would have died. Except you already died, the night before, when I was dreaming.”
“Five...” Klaus shakes his head, and Ben grabs Klaus’s arm tightly as if the lanky man will evaporate into thin air. 
“I for one want to know about the dead body in the courtyard.” Luther says, sounding a little shellshocked.
“He introduced himself as to me as Leonard Peabody.” Vanya picks up, “His real name is Harold Jenkins. He wanted to destroy the Umbrella Academy. He didn’t realize that he was actually priming a bomb.”
“A bomb?” Diego yelps, “What bomb?”
“Me.” Vanya says, smiling.
Everyone stares at her, and Five hits her on the arm. “You aren’t a bomb. You’re my sister.”
Vanya smiles at him, and tucks him firmer against his side. Two days ago, Five would have bristled and pushed her away. Today, Five’s entire world has been ripped away from him and he refuses to feel guilty for taking comfort where he can.
Five turns to glare at Luther, at Diego, at everyone. “You all died.” Five informs them, and he isn’t sure why he’s angry, “The whole world died. I don’t care about one murderer who hated us, who wanted us to suffer. He tried to use Vanya, and I’m glad he’s dead!”
Silence follows this declaration, and Five isn’t actually sure when he’d started yelling. Or when he’d started crying, actually. 
But there’s Vanya, and she’s there folding him back into her arms and letting him tuck his face into her neck as he sobs like the world ended. Except it hadn’t. It hadn’t.
“What’s wrong with him?” Klaus fails to whisper.
“It’s been a long day for him.” Vanya says, and Five is so tired. “He’s just helped pull off the biggest con of the century, and the fight isn’t over yet.”
“The commission.” Five whispers.
“Get some rest.” Vanya tells him, pushing at him until he’s paying down on the sofa with his head in her lap, “You’re practically falling asleep. We’re still going to be here after you get some sleep.”
“You promise?” Five asks, and maybe it’s childish but - he’s afraid. He’s afraid he’s going to open eyes and find out that this is just a dream again, that he’s going to have to do this all over again. 
“I promise.” Vanya says, smiling. “Have I ever broken a promise?”
And Five’s eyes are slipping shut, and the world has been spinning for a while, and he’s had a very very emotionally exhausting conversation with his sister, jumped in time three times, and then had a very emotional time reuniting with his family and watching his sister shoot a man. 
“Trust me.” Vanya says softly.
So he does.
“He’s so little.” Ben whispers, a solid five minutes after Five’s eyes slip shut.
“He’s thirteen.” Vanya tells them, carding her fingers through Five’s hair. “He’s thirteen, and he’s had the weight of the world on his shoulders.”
“Why didn’t he just tell us?” Allison asks.
Vanya just looks at Allison with sad eyes, “Why would he have? By staying quiet, he gave himself the power to act. By staying quiet, he protected himself.”
“He should have told us.” Luther states firmly.
“He was just a kid.” Vanya says, “He was just a kid, and he was scared. We all were. But he was more scared than anyone. You know the way Dad pitted us against one another. He loved us, but he didn’t trust us. Not when Dad was too smart and too cunning and too cruel.”
“Don’t talk about Dad like that.” Luther says quietly, and just shakes his head, “I know. I know. But - I know. But he’s still - he’s still Dad. I still - I know, but - ”
Luther has had a week, so Vanya forgives him. Finding out Dad was... Dad had been a bit of a shock to him.
“What now?” Ben asks.
“Now, I tell you about the Commission.” Vanya says serenely, “Now, we work together and make sure that the world stays whole. Now, we look after our brother.”
“If I remember anything about Five, that’s going to be a difficult job.” Klaus waves his hands a little but in emphasis. 
“Good thing he has all of us then, isn’t it?”
That’s it. That’s the au. Five’s time travel powers translate into seeing the future, and he uses it to give his sister a little trust and a lot of responsibility and manages to save the world
Vanya listens to her brother. She keeps her head down. She knows, with undeniable proof, that her family loves her. That at least one person trusts her. That at least one person believes in her. 
She is Vanya, with a mission. With the most important mission the Umbrella Academy had ever faced. Perhaps the most dangerous mission the Umbrella had ever faced. The scariest mission, because it’s an undercover one. 
It’s one where Vanya kept quiet, stayed silent, stayed under the radar. She hid pills under her tongue and left the mansion, going to the parks in the dead of night with her violin tucked under her chin trying to figure out a power she didn’t quite understand. 
Vanya saves Ben. She crept out, was in the right place at the right time. Blasted one man into a wall with the sound of gunshots rattling in her skull, and then went home and bit her knuckles until the whole team came home safe and sound.
She saves Luther. Luther was hurt, but he didn’t die. He wasn’t at the point their father tried an experimental drug on him. His knee might never recover. He might always walk with a limp. But he’s alive, and he doesn’t have to hide. Isn’t ashamed any time he looks in the mirror.
She saves Klaus. She gets him into rehab. She encourages Ben to check in on him. She keeps in touch with the both, makes sure Klaus has enough to eat and isn’t on the streets and that he’s happy and healthy and safe. 
She saves Allison. She doesn’t write her book, but she writes to Patrick. She talks to him, on the phone, and essentially gives him the shovel talk. She tells him that Allison has issues, she encourages them to get therapy. Couples therapy. Allison works on her issues at Patrick’s insistence. They still divorce, but it’s amiable this time around. 
She saves Diego, who in another world grieved Ben and pushed the rest of the family away. Diego is less angry. More solid. He dropped out of the police academy, but he co-owns a gym and boxes in his free time and he doesn’t live in a boiler room. 
She saves Five, who is so young and so frightened, who loves her enough to trust her. She saves him, by saving the world. Her brother, her wonderful brother who pulled the strings for so long and was terrified to stop. Who is thirteen years old and a child and it’s hard to believe that she was ever that young herself.
They have a lot to do still, of course. The Commission isn’t going to be happy, they’re going to be sending people. But they aren’t as broken. And they have a unifying force to help them along:
Five. Because he’s young, and tiny, and he reminds them of exactly what their father did to them in a way canon five just... doesn’t. Because canon!Five looks young, but they know he isn’t every time they interact with him. This Five is... he’s young. He’s scared. He’s angry. He’s grieving. 
He doesn’t know them, and he isn’t sure if he wants to. Isn’t sure if he wants to let go of the siblings he knew while wanting desperately to connect with the siblings of now. Because at the end of the day, he loves them.
And Vanya is independent, and more confident, and she hasn’t been on that numbing medication in years. She hasn’t been a mouse since she left her father’s house when she was eighteen. Her brother was gone, and she had to step into his role as puppetmaster. She had to pull strings, to keep her family alive, while never looking like she was. 
Vanya has waited seventeen years preparing. She has a two bedroom apartment, she moved most of Five’s things over there years ago. She’s ready to do what someone should have done all those years ago. She’s ready to take care of her brother, because she didn’t realize until she took the job just how much he had on his plate. 
The family has to band together to deal with the commission agents. But Vanya refuses to be a weapon. She refuses to be the bomb. She refuses to betray her family. 
Five chooses to trust, but Vanya is the one who steps up. Decides that even if she doesn’t care about the rest of the world, even if she doesn’t particularly care for half of her siblings, it doesn’t matter.
Vanya is going to save the world.
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pinacoladasprinkles · 4 years
Daisy Chains
Fandom: TUA (The Umbrella Academy) Pairing: Five x Vanya Warnings: None Summary: There is a field. There are daisies. There is Number Five. And there is his best friend. Its set during the time before the notations of wrong and right. Its a story of the time when they were allowed to be children.  Word Count: 1.7K A/N: I want to file this as my first attempt at writing for the #Fiveya fandom. So, criticism and comments are welcomed. This was also initially written for #Fiveyaweek (Day Three: Childhood) organized by @fivevanya but I chickened out of posting this then. But here it is now :) Not Beta’d. All mistakes are mine. 
To Five, the earliest memory that he remembers is of a field. He wants to say that he distinctly remembers the day, remembers the soft fog that enveloped the air, or the dew that dotted the grass and the yellow daisies. But he can’t. There are certain elements to this memory that are purely dream-like or a product of his brain filling in the gaps. Of the things that he is certain of is this: the time of the year, early in their childhood before their powers had manifested, the burgundy frocks of their nannies, and Vanya.
It was just during the onset of winter, when the air was still crisp, and the yellow-red leaves under his boots were soggy. It wasn’t atypical for them to go out then, as it would be later in their childhood. In fact, until the age of five, visits to the park and the zoo were a weekly event.
But the trip to the field was different from the rest. It was on the outskirts of the city, on a steep hill and away from the noise of the city. Here the sky was bluer. And the horizon seemed so far and wide, all Five dreamt of achieving that day was to run to the line where the earth met the sky.  
“Let’s race to the end of that line!” He exclaimed to the others. Their nannies were setting up their picnic blanket down along with baskets of snacks and lunch, so there would be no one around to object.
“What line?” Number One asked. Five wondered why dad ever made him Number One. One could not even count up to 100 yet.
He sighed before answering, just to show his disdain. “That line,” he pointed with his whole arm extended for emphasis, “where the earth meets the sky.”
“That line is called the Horizon, Number Five.” Miss Charlotte, his nanny had informed, walking up to them. “And you can’t really touch the horizon, children.”
“Why not?” Number Two puffed, his small arms barely able to fold over themselves as he had seen his nanny, Miss Penelope (or Miss Loupee as Number Two had taken to address her) do. And while Two’s question was more from a point of offense of being told that he couldn’t do something, Five questioned the same but out of curiosity.
“Well how about I explain this when its bedtime. How about for now you kids play a game of tag?”
“Tag you’re it!” Four screamed, shoving Seven. She puffed her bangs out of the way and chased them without further prompting. She was quick, although not as quick as Two or Three or himself, but she was quick. And Five always admired how she would change her directions quickly, like a Cheetah. So far, she had only been ‘it’ a handful of times.
“Tag! You are it!” She laughed, pink cheeked and messy haired. Six smiled back and started chasing after One.
They played around for a while longer before their respective nannies, came to gather them for lunch. Well Seven was missing her Nanny, so Six’s fetched her as well. “I like how you change your direction so quickly when you are ‘it’” He admitted to Seven waiting to be served their share of sandwiches and juice.
The wide toothy smile that she gave him in return was nothing short of brilliant to Five even then. “Thank you! Do you think I did it like a Cheetah?”
“Yes! That was what I thought too!” Seven was quickly becoming his favorite. Not only was she quick, but she was also smart! And Five liked that. He wanted to be the best and have the ‘best’ best friend. “Where did you learn that from? Miss Charlotte read to me about Cheetahs only yesterday.”
At this Seven leaned in closer to him, her hand cupped near his ear. “It’s a secret, but I sneaked into Two’s room last week and Miss Loupee was reading to him about it.” It was the first secret he had ever been a part of and it made him feel special that it came from Seven.
The feeling of warmth lingered within Five long after they had finished lunch. They now sat in the grass, while Miss Miriam thought them how to make crowns out of daisies.
They were first tasked with picking out 30 daisies each and some blades of grass if they wished. And while the task was aimed to have them brush up on their counting, One and Two saw it as nothing more than an opportunity to out-race the other in picking out daisies the fastest. Three, Four and Six were bundled in a group, fretting over picking only the prettiest yellow daisies. Five would have loved to join them, it would be fun picking up only the best. He moved to join them, but his sights caught on to Vanya before he could. She was far away from the group, kneeling over a patch of densely packed flowers. He decided to move towards her, but with only five more daisies left to complete his collection, Five hastily picked them up first.
By this time, the entire group had completed filling their little baskets as well. Well, except Seven.
“Seven is last again!” Three laughed. “I bet she doesn’t know her numbers.”
They were just kids, and kids can be mean. Of course, Three just asking for attention but it would be a long time before Three would know how devastating (powerful) her words could actually be.
Tears immediately lined Seven’s eyes, Five instinctively knew she thought back to the one time when she confused her six’s and nine’s while counting. Dropping her flower basket, Seven turned away from them and starting running towards the horizon. He could hear Miss Miriam reprimand Allison, but gave it no further attention, instead he walked towards where Seven had dropped her basket. He could make her a crown, certainly that would make her feel better. That’s what Miss Charlotte did with him; Whenever he was particularly sad that story time had to end, she would make him a PB and Marshmallow sandwich. Of course, now a daisy crown isn’t in the same league as PB and marshmallow sandwiches, but he wagers that Seven would like it just as well. Picking up the basket he instantly understands, why Seven had taken so long to collect her daisies. Pristine white daisies filled the small basket. Everyone else had picked the more common yellow daisies, while Seven had spent her time searching the field of yellows for the white ones. Seven was so unique, Five thought. She was fast and smart and unique too. A perfect best friend.
Sitting down in a circle around Miss Miriam, the children closely followed her instructions. And in moments where she had to slow down so that Four or Two or One would catch up, Five turned to assure himself that Seven hadn’t strayed away. He watched Miss Ann walked up to her. Seven was soon getting her own demonstration from Allison’s nanny.
“And there! Now you all have a crown. Come on now, put them on!” Miss Miriam exclaimed. She watched enthusiastically as the children placed their crowns over their little heads and turned to one another to show off their works. Number Five remained intently watching the white crown he had made. “Number Five don’t you want to put on your crown. It is so wonderfully made.”
He blushed a little, casting his eyes back to the crown before admitting, “I made this for Number Seven. To make her feel better.”
Bless his little heart, what a cutie! Miss Miriam thought to herself. She barely restrained herself from pinching the boy’s pink cheeks, instead keeping decorum, and suggesting he make his way to her, present her the crown immediately. Miriam always believed that love bloomed in hearts young, and only wished she would remain under Sir Reginald’s employment to watch this love flower into more. She walked with Number Five to where Miss Ann and Number Seven sat. “Miss Ann, why don’t you help me pack the picnic goods back, we will be heading home soon.” She asked her colleague, giving her a wink only to receive an exasperated sigh in return. Nevertheless, Miss Ann accompanied her back, leaving Number Five and Seven, to their own devices.
“Are you still sad about what Three said?” Five opened, hoping that although she be upset enough for him to present her the crown but not upset enough to cry again. He didn’t know what he would do if she began to cry again. And that’s not something he liked, as his best friend Seven shouldn’t ever be made upset. Her nose was still a little red, but to his relief there were no tears in her eyes, “I made you a crown.” He offered.
Seven gasped, slowly taking the crown from his hands. “You made it out of the white daisies I had picked! Thank you.”
“I think it’s pretty cool, that you picked white flowers. Everyone else just picked the yellow ones. I did too. But you are unique.” She blushed at that, and that made him blush too.
But her shoulders dropped after he had placed the crown on her head. “But I did not make you a crown” she lamented, pointing to the half-made daisy chain in her hand.
“That’s okay. You can make me a PB and marshmallow sandwich when we get home.” He smiled. “I like them the most.” Seven nodded her head, trying to store away the valuable information he had provided.
They sat in silence for a while, uncertain of how to carry forward a conversation beyond what had just been said. Despite their young minds, they knew what had just been exchanged was far more precious than what could be said after. And the only way they knew to preserve the moment was through small smiles and silence.
But silence lingered a little longer than the words lodged in Seven’s chest could, and ultimately, she spoke, “Five I think you are my best friend.”
Five perked up instantly, glad to have her on the same page as him. “You are my best friend too, Seven.”
“Children gather around. It’s time to leave!” Miss Loupee called, breaking any further conversations. They stood up, holding each other’s hand like they were thought to do before crossing streets, and smiled.
“When we visit this field back, can you make me another crown?”
“I will make you a ring. And we can get married.” He smiled. And she smiled back.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoings and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Part of Your World - Chapter 2
Ben!Prince Eric x Mermaid!Reader
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Summary: Prince Ben is trying to escape an arranged marriage. A young mermaid wants to escape the sea. Their paths cross and they may just be what the other is looking for. 
Word Count: 4.6k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @queen-paladin​, @rogerina-owns-me​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​, @radiob-l-a-hblah​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Y’all I’m sorry this chapter took so long. See this post for everything that’s been going on in my life 
Warning(s): Mild descriptions of violence
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 here we go!!!
“What was that?” Ben wondered, sitting up a little straighter. 
“Not sure,” Ari replied, releasing Kay and getting to her feet. 
Ben followed suit and they walked over to the ledge together. Neither of them noticed the mermaid pressing herself up against the side of the ship, holding her breath and praying they didn’t look down.
Behati emerged from her quarters and walked out to join the crew. She had one hand behind her back.
“Eric,” she said. 
Ben turned to face her.
“If that really is your name,” she said.
The color drained from his face. “What are you talking about?”
“I found this among your things,” she replied, and brought her hand forward. She held up his ring. “The crest of the royal family is on it.”
While Ben had not worn any jewelry during his escape, he had packed his ring just in case he needed it. It was an heirloom worn by every prince in his father’s line. It was silver, with mermaids on the side, holding up the crest in the middle. There were diamond chips on the four corners of the crest, and the mermaids had tiny emeralds for eyes.
“You had no right to go through my things!” he argued. 
“You are a guest on my ship!” she shot back. “I had every right. Who are you? The prince? A lord? Who?”
“There are other things to worry -”
“Whoever is on that ship can wait until morning when we can see,” she snapped. “Tell. Me. Who. You. Are. Now!”
Ben shrunk away, his back hitting the ledge. 
“Okay,” he conceded. “You guessed right. I’m the prince.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “So. Benjamin is your name.”
From below, your heart gave a flutter. Prince Benjamin. What a handsome name!
“Ben’s fine,” he said nervously. 
“Well, Ben, we’re taking you home,” she said firmly. “I won’t be followed and charged with kidnapping the prince.”
“No, please!” Ben cried. “I can’t go home yet!”
“Why?” she demanded.
He hesitated, looking away for a moment. He locked eyes with Ari, who placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“She can’t understand if you don’t explain,” she said. “And she can’t trust you unless you trust her.”
He looked back at Behati.
“My father is forcing me to get married,” he admitted. 
You stiffened at that word. Married?! That wasn’t good news for you.
“He keeps bringing all these princesses and high born ladies to visit, hoping I’ll fall for one of them,” he went on. “But they’re all...dreadful. And he’s sort of run out of options now.”
Behati softened. She approached him slowly, took his hand, and pressed the ring into his palm. Then she curled his fingers around it.
“Was being honest really so hard?” she teased. Then she became serious. “Ben, I understand wanting to escape. Probably better than most people. I hope you’re not under the impression that I lack empathy or compassion.”
“It’s just...I don’t know you very well yet,” he chuckled.
“Know this,” she said. “I don’t turn my back on people in need. Being forced into a marriage...that’s terrible. Even princes have their share of trouble, eh?”
It was such a dramatic shift in her, it was throwing Ben off balance. Behati had become suddenly very soft. Even stranger, he liked knowing that she had it in her.
“They do,” he agreed. 
“You may remain on my ship for as long as you need,” she said. “Or as long as you’re useful.” 
She winked and released his hand. She stood in the center of the deck and looked up at the starry sky. Ben looked as well as he slipped his ring back on. He had never seen so many stars.
“It’s a beautiful night,” the captain said. “There should be music.”
The crew cheered. Ari went to grab her fiddle. Ben shrugged and decided to join the merriment. You pulled yourself forward again to watch. 
You watched them all night, fearful that leaving now meant your last chance to see humans up close would pass. Behati, Ben, and the others played music, danced, drank, told stories, and laughed. It seemed that with honesty, came the beginnings of friendship. It almost made you sick with envy. And yet, you could not pull yourself away.
They carried on all night. The golden hush of the morning came over the water, and the sun began to peek over the horizon. Ben had fallen asleep against the mast, and much of the crew was now lazily plucking at instruments or dozing softly. Behati was still awake. She retrieved a spyglass from a strap on her hip and she looked over at the ship that was approaching from the night. It was time to find out who they were.
She knew almost all the other pirate captains. They had an agreement. Since Behati’s interest was not in riches, they left her alone. In return, she left them alone, but with one condition - they could not trade people. Any pirates she caught dealing in the slave trade would be challenged. And she had never lost a battle.
Ben stirred awake. He looked up and saw Behati checking things out. Relief came over him. He had enjoyed himself during the night, but the concern about the other ship was still eating at him. He scrambled to his feet and walked over to stand beside her.
“Who are they?” he asked. “Do you know?”
Her mouth was turned into a deep frown. She lowered the spyglass, looking ready to spit a bullet. Ben had never seen such anger.
“Slavers,” she said slowly. 
“How do you know?” he wondered.
“The insignia,” she told him. 
She held out her arm and pulled up her sleeve. He stepped back, horrified. The skin was deformed by a deep scar - a brand. 
“Are they other pirates?” he asked.
“No,” she said. “These are the professionals.”
“That’s not right,” he said. “My father outlawed slavery years ago.”
“If you think slavery ended because your father signed a piece of parchment, you are a fool, little prince,” she retorted. “He may have signed the law, but he hasn’t enforced it. The navy is too busy fetching princesses to patrol the waters apparently.”
Ben swallowed as he watched the ship coming closer.
“You know how to use that sword you carry?” Behati asked.
“I’ve been trained,” he told her. “But I’ve never had to use it...y’know...in earnest.”
“Well, brace yourself,” she warned. “We’re commandeering their ship.”
She turned to face the crew. She put her index finger and pinky in her mouth and whistled. Ben flinched at the sharp, high pitched ring, but the rest of the crew perked up.
“Wake up, ladies!” she shouted. “It’s liberation time!”
Everyone immediately got to work. The anchor was hoisted and the sails were opened. You clung to the rope you’d used to climb the ship in the first place and held on as the ship began to move. You were scared, for sure, but mostly you were excited. You just hoped it wasn’t too dangerous.
After what felt like years, the ships were stopped astride each other. You were still firmly on Behati’s, but within a few yards of being sandwiched between them.
Ben looked between Behati’s hard expression and the smirk of the captain on the opposite ship. He was an older man - probably around the king’s age - but with a leathery complexion and an ugly sneer. His hair was gray and frayed at the ends. He had a look in his eye that struck Ben as evil.
“Captain Behati, I gather,” the man said. “I’d say your reputation precedes you, but you’re much more beautiful in person.”
“Shove it,” Behati returned harshly. “Surrender your ship, and I won’t hurt you.”
“‘Fraid I can’t do that, love,” the man replied. “I’ve got cargo to deliver.”
“People aren’t cargo, slaver,” she snapped. 
“Now, we can be respectful, can’t we?” he said. “My name is Captain Reginald, and I -”
Behati interrupted him with a swift drawing of her sword. “I don’t care what your name is. Release your prisoners or I will feed you to the sharks.”
“Not before I introduce you to a friend of mine,” he replied. “Say hello to Davy Jones for me!”
Reginald went for the pistol on his hip. Ben saw that the old captain’s finger went right to the trigger. He whipped it out with surprising speed for his age and immediately squeezed it. Ben dove in front of Behati, and felt the flesh on his right shoulder explode before tumbling over the side of the ship and into the darkness of the sea.
Behati’s cry was the last thing he heard before everything went black.
The sounds of a battle erupted above you. You watched in horror as Ben’s body fell right past you and hit the water with a sickening splash. Without hesitation, you dove in after him. As soon as you hit the water, you saw a small, shiny object glint above him. It was the ring.
You snatched it from out in front of you and slipped it on your finger. Then you swam hard after Ben’s sinking form. With the help of your fins, you reached him quickly, wrapping your arms around his chest, and pulling with all your might. Your muscles ached from the weight of him and the resistance of the water, but you pushed vigorously back toward the surface. You just hoped it wasn’t too late.
When you broke through, Ben began to cough, to your great relief. At least he was alive. Water sprayed from his mouth and he struggled to inhale, but he was alive. His eyes barely opened and he looked at you.
“Thank you,” he said blearily. 
“Come on,” you replied. “We have to get you back on board.”
He mumbled something more that you didn’t understand. The sounds of what was going on up on the ships unnerved you. Swords clanged as they clashed. Explosions rang out - just like the ones that had sent Ben overboard. It was not a sound you were familiar with and it made your stomach flip. People cried out with anger and pain. Others hit the deck with a wound. Would putting Ben back on the ship be safe?
You looked up and saw that the commotion was coming from the other ship, not Behati’s. But if you climbed straight up, you would be seen. So, resituating Ben in your arms, you swam toward the bow to go around Behati’s hip and get him up from the other side.
You started out and Ben let out a soft groan with the movement. 
“I’m sorry, Ben,” you told him desperately. “Hold on just a little longer!”
He muttered some more under his breath. His eyes fluttered as he glanced over to look at you, but he couldn’t keep them open.
Your body was screaming with the effort of pulling him along. Ben was larger than you, and muscular, not to mention all the clothes he had on were weighing him down even more. You were only halfway there and already exhausted. You pressed on. You couldn’t let him die. 
Panting, you reached the other side. Thankfully, there was a net ladder hanging down. You kicked toward it and grabbed a lower rung. 
The wake from the rocking of the ships made emerging from the water more difficult. Especially since your primary concern was keeping water out of Ben’s mouth. The last thing he needed was to swallow a bunch of sea water - or worse, get it trapped in his lungs. 
There was another rope hanging down beside the net ladder. You used that to strap Ben securely to your body. Then you began to climb. It was the most difficult climb of your life. Your arms were on fire with how hard they were working, and it felt like there were miles between you and the top. Grunting, panting, and sweating - which you had never experienced before - you fought your way up. 
After hauling him up you dragged yourself - Ben attached - over the railing. You flopped onto the deck on your side and caught your breath. You gulped in the air and released it heavily, before swiftly getting to work to untie the rope. Your skin was red from it rubbed you raw, but you couldn’t focus on the sting. Ben was lying alarmingly still.
You tossed the rope back over the side and then rolled the prince onto his back. You put your ear beside his mouth. Low, rattling breaths were just barely escaping. 
“Ben,” you said gently, placing a hand on his chest. “Ben, are you in there?”
His eyes slowly opened once more. They were a beautiful shade of green. You held his gaze in that moment, and everything around you seemed to stop. It was just you and Ben, connecting, meeting for the first time.
Then he squeezed his eyes shut, turned onto his left side, and coughed up more water. When he was done, he winced and grabbed his wounded shoulder before falling onto his back once more.
“Wh...who are you?” he wondered groggily.
“Shhh, don’t talk now,” you replied. “Help is coming.”
Ben’s vision was blurry. Your face moved in and out of focus, but he was certain he had never seen you before. He had never seen anyone that beautiful in his life.
You looked around for anyone who could help, but Behati and her crew were all on the other ship. Although, things had quieted down significantly. A majestic form came flying through the air, and you recognized it as Behati. She landed with a loud thud and she looked up, meeting your eyes.
You gasped and threw yourself overboard, hoping she would chalk up what she saw to her imagination. You sailed through the air and twisted yourself into a diving position so you hit the water smoothly. It felt soothing on your hot, aching body. Before you returned to the depths, you poked your head out and listened. You heard Behati rousing Ben. Satisfied, you swam down.
Ben was waking up gradually. He hurt all over. He distinctly heard Behati above him, fretting like a mother hen, but still managing to insult him.
“You idiot, Benjamin!” she scolded. “Getting yourself shot to protect me?! For what? Some chivalrous glory?! I could -”
“Behati, please,” he groaned. “I did it because you’re my friend.”
He looked at her and saw watery eyes and almost smirked, but he was in too much pain.
“It hurts,” he winced.
“Take him to my quarters,” she said.
Ari put his injured arm around her shoulders and eased him to his feet. He looked at the captain.
“What about the captives?” he asked her.
She smiled. “All free. I never lose.”
“Where will they go?” he wondered.
“Home, I suppose,” she said. “I gave them the ship.”
“Did you let any of the slavers live?” 
“All but the captain,” she replied.
“Tell the ones you freed to take the ship to the capital - to my father,” he said. “There the slavers can answer for their crimes, and we can get the people back to their homeland by royal escort.”
Behati’s smile widened and her eyes shone. 
“You really are a prince,” she said. 
“As proof of their authority, let them take this,” he began again, reaching for his right hand.
He blinked when he saw there was nothing on it.
“Oh no!” he cried. “My ring is gone!”
Behati frowned. “It must have come off in the water. I’m so sorry, Ben.”
“S’alright,” he returned. “I have a seal in my bag. Will you write up a document, and I can sign it for you?”
“Kay, write the necessary letters,” Behati said. “Ari, you and I will tend to that wound.”
She put his free arm over her shoulders and together, the women carried him into the captain’s quarters. They lay him upon her desk. Then Behati retrieved some rum from the shelf on the wall. She handed it to Ben.
“You might want this while we stitch you up,” she said.
He sat up and took a swig, making a sour face as it burned its way down his throat. She laughed.
“What’s the matter?” she teased. “Nothing that strong in the palace?”
“No,” he wheezed. “We usually just have wine.”
She and Ari exchanged a look and laughed.
“Keep drinking, little prince,” Behati instructed. “We’ll have you patched up in no time.”
“Bottom’s up,” he replied, and drank again.
You rocketed away from the scene as fast as you could swim. When you were safe within the depths, you stopped to catch your breath again. You needed to take in everything that just happened. You snuck to the surface, watched humans for an entire night, just barely saved the prince's life, and now you were on your way home after being gone for hours. Oh, no. You were definitely in trouble again.
Well, you had to face the music. You weren’t going to put it off this time. Plus, the sooner your father finished yelling at you, the sooner you could get some sleep. Your eyelids already felt heavy.
As you made your way home, you kept thinking about Ben and that moment you had locked eyes on the ship. Something electric had sparked between you. There was something there that you could barely explain, and yet you felt it. It wasn’t just that he was handsome, there was more to him than that. You wanted nothing more than to see him again, and know all there was to him.
You slowly swam to the throne room, once again peeking inside to see the kind of mood your father was in. He was swimming back and forth in front of his throne, hand on his chin, eyes on the floor. He was worried.
He whipped around, took in the sight of you, and flew over to gather you up in his arms.
“Y/N!” he cried. “Where in the seven seas have you been, child?! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
He pulled away and looked you up and down. His mouth turned down into a frown when he spotted the angry red marks on your skin from the rope of the ship. They had calmed a lot, but not enough.
“Y/N, what’s this?” he asked. “What have you gotten yourself into?”
“Before I explain, promise me you won’t get mad,” you began.
“I will make no such promise!”
You sighed. It was worth a shot.
“Father, I…” you trailed off. Now was the time to be honest or lie your fins off. “I was exploring another shipwreck.”
Better to lie for now. If he found out what you had done in its entirety, he might kill you.
“Y/N!” he shouted. “We’ve discussed this! You’ve got to let go of your silly dreams of humanity! It’s childish, it’s dangerous, and deliberate disobedience of the law! I think you’re trying to give me a heart attack at this point!”
“I just have an interest!” you shot back, throwing your hands up. “What’s so wrong with that?!”
Your father snatched your wrist out of the water and drew it closer to him. You gulped. You’d forgotten Ben’s ring was on your finger.
“What...is this?” you father demanded.
“Something I found in the shipwreck,” you told him. “Just a trinket.”
He examined your form once again. “You’re lying to me. This ring has no signs of age on it. Those rope burns were not from loose rope. Where have you been?!”
You wrenched your arm free and cradled the ring to your chest. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I was at the surface,” you said defensively. “And I’m glad I was there. I saved a young man who might have drowned if I -”
“DON’T!” Triton bellowed. “THIS TIME YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR!”
You shrank back, frightened. 
“Father, h-he might have died!” you argued.
“And GOOD RIDDANCE!” he shouted. “What need do we have for one more lousy human, huh?! Do you really think yourself a hero for saving that animal’s life?!”
“He’s not an animal, he’s a prince!” you returned. 
“I’ve tried to be understanding, I’ve tried to be patient with you, Y/N, but nothing works!” he cried, exasperated. “But so help me, I am going to get through to you!” 
“What are you going to do, ground me?” you challenged. “Well, I’m a grown woman!”
“Fine, if you want to be grown and independent of me, then so be it,” he snapped. “Guards!”
Two young mermen swam in from the corridor.
“Arrest the princess,” Triton said. “Take her to the outpost.”
You gasped. “Father, no!”
The outpost was an open area far away from the palace. Prisoners were chained by the fin to a solitary post hammered into the ocean floor. It was isolating and terrifying. 
“You broke the law, Y/N,” your father said. “And you will face the consequences. Anyone who makes contact with humans gets twenty four hours at the outpost.” 
The guards each took one of your wrists and clapped irons around them. You could see the conflict in their eyes as they did so. To arrest a member of the royal family was something unheard of. But your father’s point was to make an impression. And he did.
You shot him one last pleading look, but he turned away. The guards led you out of the throne room, out of the palace, and through the town. The other merpeople watched in shock as the princess was escorted out of her own kingdom. You saw Lorelai as you passed her place and looked away, hot tears forming in your eyes.
You didn’t fight when the guards put a chain on the end of your tail, where it met your fins, and then attached it to the post. One looked on with sympathy.
“We’re sorry about this, princess,” he said. “But if you’d just obey your father, this wouldn’t happen. He’s only trying to keep you safe.”
“Just go,” you said moodily. You had no desire to comfort him about what he was doing, or validate your father in any way.
With a sigh, they left you there. You allowed yourself to break down after that. You were tired, emotional, and just wanted to relax. And now, you were being punished for what you considered as doing the right thing. You gazed at the ring and recalled again Ben’s eyes. As you looked at the chain around your tail, you decided this was worth it. You still did not regret saving his life, and you were more resolved than ever to see him again. As soon as you could. 
But for now, you had to close your eyes. Your weariness was catching up with you. So you laid down and slept off everything. 
“Who saved me?” Ben asked as Behati finished the last stitch on his shoulder. Ari had already left to continue her regular duties. 
“What do you mean?” she returned. 
“Someone saved me,” he said. “A woman. I didn’t recognize her but she had to be one of yours, right?”
“Ben, every member of my crew was on Reginald’s ship,” she explained. “No one was on board or in the water.”
“That’s impossible,” he insisted. “I remember someone carrying me...sort of dragging me around...and then when we got back on deck, I saw her.”
“What did she look like?” Behati asked. 
“I’m not sure, it’s all sort of fuzzy,” he said. “But I know I saw her. She spoke to me and everything.” 
Behati took a moment. She saw the mermaid on the ship, caring for Ben and gazing longingly at him. She always knew that mermaids existed, but this was the first one she had ever seen up close. Behati did not want to reveal her in case it meant trouble for the rest of the merpeople. 
“I don’t know what happened, Ben, but when we got back, you were already there and safe,” she said. “No one was around.” 
Ben frowned. He knew what he remembered. Though he could not recall the full picture of the woman, she had to be real. He could not have survived without her. 
“Why is it so important to you?” Behati asked.
“Because something...happened,” he said. “We locked eyes and for a moment, I felt like...never mind, it’s stupid.”
“Ben,” she said assuredly, taking his hand. “It’s not. Tell me.”
“I felt like I’d found the woman of my dreams,” he said. 
She almost smiled, but faltered. “I hope she’s out there, then. I really do.”
You woke almost an hour later. As you stretched, you felt...watched. Which seemed impossible since there was nowhere for anyone to hide out here. Even so, you couldn’t shake the eeriness. 
“Hello?” you called out, feeling stupidly cautious. 
“Triton’s daughter,” said a raspy, spine chilling voice. “All chained up on the outpost? How cruel.”
“Who are you?” you demanded. 
You sounded braver than you felt. You did not recognize this voice. 
“I represent someone who can help you, princess,” the voice continued. “Someone who’s been keeping an eye on your situation.”
“Who?” you pressed. 
“Sycoria,” the voice said. 
From the foggy depths, it approached and came into view. It was an eel. The large, yellow eyes blinked at you as it came closer. 
“The sea witch?” you questioned, though you knew the answer. 
“Yes, child,” the eel replied. “She can get you what you want.”
“Why does she care what I want?” you wondered.
“Sycoria has sympathy for all creatures in need,” he explained with an over-kindness that made your skin crawl. “Come with me and see what she can do for you?”
“I can’t go anywhere,” you said. “I’m chained here.”
You pointed to the irons. 
“I’ll make quick work of that,” the eel said.
He flicked his tail and the chains evaporated. The bubbles floated away and you watched them go, amazed. 
“Now, are you coming?” he asked with a toothy grin.
You looked up, remembering the surface. Then you looked at the ring. 
“This may be your only chance to see him again,” the eel said. “Are you willing to let that go out of a little thing like fear?”
You narrowed your eyes. 
“I’ll see Sycoria.” 
“That’s a girl,” the eel said. “Come with me.” 
He swam off. You had to hurry to follow him. A jolt of nerves almost made you stop. But this was your shot at being human, at earning Ben’s love. You would never get another. You forced yourself onward. 
You swam behind the eel for nearly an hour. Finally, you reached a cave. It was glowing an ominous violet color. You came to a halt at the mouth. 
“Don’t be shy,” the eel said. “Go on in.”
You gulped. If your father knew about this, he would lose his head. But, he didn’t understand you. He would never understand that what you felt with Ben in that split second meant the world to you. You entered the cave. 
It was dark at first, but you maintained your pace toward the spooky glow. When you reached the end of the entrance tunnel, it almost took your breath away. It was similar to your collection cove, only much bigger, and filled with more oddities than you could even imagine. Bits and bobs of things you had never seen before. 
“Um, hello?” you said nervously. 
“Ah, the princess,” said another mysterious voice. It was smokey and alluring. 
From around the corner, she entered. The half woman, half octopus sea witch. She was thin and tall, with wild, white hair and vivid purple eyes. Her lips were drawn into a wide smile. 
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
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pacoc-a · 3 years
Half In Love 
Rating: T
Characters: Five/Vanya
Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Five never leaves, Vanya doesn’t have powers, Fluff and Angst, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Pining, Other Additional Tags to be Added 
Five is not Vanya's soulmate.
[Read on Ao3]
One day a fever comes over Five’s arm . He thinks it's a rash. He picks and scratches the itch on his wrist until his skin is raw. By the end of the week, his skin has peeled off in scabs.
It was then that he realised this might be his soulmate mark.
The mark settles itself permanently over the umbrella academy tattoo. It coils over it like a dark, ugly ‘s’ snaking a trail from his wrist down the middle of his forearm.  It’s red and bumpy and stings like a brand.
It’s hideous, he thinks.
‘Looks like a snake.’ Klaus says, peering over his shoulder.
Five scowls and chases him off.
When Vanya learns she is happy for him.
Even when her arm is nothing but bare she is happy for him.
‘Someone out there is going to love you with their whole heart.’  She places her fingers on his wrist. ‘Someone with this mark. And you better let me meet them when you do.’
Her fingertips are rough from the violin, but her touch is soft. He wants to kiss them. Feel the calluses on his lips. Five swallows.
‘I don’t think that would be necessary.’ He pulls his wrist away.
The truth is, he could care less about soulmates. The very idea of a ‘predestined’ other half was bogus, designed to put a make-believe ‘constant’ in an ever-evolving state. It was like throwing a screwdriver at a network of cogs that are constantly changing shape.  
But Five cares about Vanya and she cares about this,  so he says nothing. Instead, he watches her look at the empty space of skin on her wrist. He already knows exactly what she’s thinking about.
‘It’ll appear.’ He says, ‘Klaus doesn’t have his yet either. Probably comes in faster for others.’
She nods, ‘I hope so. I can’t wait to see it.’
There is so much hope in her eyes. A part of him hurts because it’s not for him.
He wonders if she’s hurting too, that a piece of him has been marked by someone thats not her.
She smiles to herself and he hopes in the cruelest, darkest part of his mind that she is.
‘Did you know Luther got Allison.’ Ben tells them one day between pushups. ‘Diego got his too.’
Klaus is on the floor with Ben, while Five works a sweat on the treadmill. They are the only three in one of Reginald’s endurance training sessions, Five, Six and Four. With the Monocle himself preoccupied with overseeing a mission led by the other three, Pogo is tasked with keeping them on course with the session. It means a blissful couple of hours without Reginald’s iron-clad glare scanning over the rest of the mansion like a hawk.
‘Don’t you mean Allison got Luther. Don’t be sexist Ben.' Klaus says. He is laying on the floor on his belly, his legs and arms sprawled out around him like a starfish. He spots Pogo passing by and he quickly lifts himself up and counts his pushups to two hundred and seven.
‘You know, this training session will pass by much more quickly without your inane rambling.’ Five says. They’ve been at it for the better part of the session. It's irritating. He knows the sooner he can finish this session, the sooner he can spend his free time however he wants. But he can't concentrate without these two morons distracting him every two seconds.
‘Oh lighten up Dad , we’re just talking.’
He glares at him.
‘I got mine too.’ Ben adds. He looks over his shoulder, decides the coast is clear and quickly raises his shirt to reveal a tiny scar near his belly button. It’s still raw, but the mark is clearly formed to the shape of a tiny squid.
‘What do you think it means?’
Klaus shrugs.
‘It means you two need to shut the hell up or Pogo’s gonna come and give us all double the work again.’
They shut up.
There’s a couple of minutes of blissful silence where the only sound is Five’s sneakers stomping on the treadmill.
‘I hope she’s hot.’ Ben says finally.
He thinks about Vanya in her room and wonders how in the hell he got stuck with the two biggest idiots in the Academy.
‘What if she’s a hag. Would you still kiss her?’ Klaus looks over to him.
Ben shrugs, ‘Probably. If she’s got a nice personality.’ He pauses, then adds, ‘Or a nice butt.’
‘That’s enlightening . Really.’
Klaus flips over his belly and looks over at Five, ‘Well what about you. You’ve got yours too. What do you think yours will look like?’
‘It doesn’t matter.’  
‘Why not? Aren’t you curious.’
Five stops and turns to face him. They are both lounging across their training mats, flopped over to their bellies. He scoffs, ‘Because this whole thing is bullshit. It’s just a mark. Most people don’t even meet their soulmates till they’re 50, if they even meet them.’
‘ So .’ He sneers, ‘It means it doesn’t matter. We’re not destined for shit. People choose to drink a cup of coffee one day when they could’ve had tea. Life is just one big, impossible equation because the numbers keep changing. It’s chaos. It’s stupid. It’s just— life. This mark’s not gonna change anything about it. ‘
They stare at him.
‘Vanya still hasn’t gotten hers.’ Ben says.
This time, the silence is from him.
Klaus lets out a small sound. ‘That’s too bad huh. Poor Vanya.’
Ben nods, then turns to Five knowingly. ‘At least she’s got you. Stupid life, huh?’
Five hates the noise of the Academy. They're loud and arrogant, and they make a point to grate on his nerves on a daily basis.
But they're the only family he's got so he tolerates them.
Vanya is different.
He likes their quiet. The kind that keeps you warm without saying. He likes the way her hair would fall across her eyes when she reads. He likes her even without the Academy and he'd like her still even if their father never brought them together.
But most of all, he likes that Vanya is kind.
When he limps over, and she grabs the bandages, she winces every time she sees the pain on his arm and tries her best to apply the medicine as gently as she can.
'Are you okay?' She asks him. It's a question that leaves him reeling.
He's never sure what to do with her kindness, with that honest, open way of hers that leaves him bare.
In a house like this she's the only one who ever felt real.
‘It's nothing.’ He tells her.
'It looks really bad…' She frowns, 'If you need anything else…. I can make you coffee or...?'
'I'm fine. Thanks.'
He watches while she works. When they were 10, Vanya caught a fever that kept her bed-ridden for a week.
It was the longest week of his life.
Most of it was a blur. He can recall her pale skin and the sweat that's stuck on her bed sheets like grime. He can remember the dreadful, swirling pit in his stomach as he holds her hands inside his fists and thinks that if they’d ever let her die then he will never forgive them.
Now, he watches the way the sunlight streaks through her hair like quiet gold. There’s a warmth in his belly when they’re sitting like this, sharing in each other’s quiet.
Vanya is different. Even in the Academy. Even with the mark burning on his skin like a brand.
Vanya waits a long time for her soulmate mark to appear.
It never does.
By the time she turns 18 she stops waiting.
It was unusual for one to never have a mark, but not impossible. For Vanya Hargreeves it's just another sign of the universe’s divine plan to constantly screw her over.
‘Figures the only thing special about me is that I’ll never be special to someone else.’ She laughs bitterly.
Adulthood brings in change the way a tide sweeps over a dusty shore. After Ben’s death, the halls of the Academy become hollow, the umbrella academy stripped down to what it truly was, an old man’s paranoia and a lifetime of servitude to a ‘father’ that never really cared about them past what he could use.
The organisation, restless and jaded after so many years, pulls away one by one, guided by their own compass and a healthy dose of misdirection.
Five and Vanya separate. His work is his life now. He's built a sort of prestige when he was in the Academy and he figures it's time to cash in, now that he's out and Reginald's constant disapproval matters as much as the gum on his boot when he steps out on the way to MIT.
He’s a sort of teacher, occasionally organising lectures for those brain-dead kids at university, but his real work is his research and it's thrilling to be recognised like this, to have colleagues who could keep up with him intellectually. His research grant makes life easy and Five drowns himself in work and in his papers. He doesn't think about his past life in the Academy. He doesn't talk to any of his siblings.
The only exception is Vanya.
He sets aside time in his busy schedule for her weekly calls. He'll lose his mind if he doesn't. He tells her as much over the phone while he's nursing a large mug of dark coffee. His paperwork is piled up to his head, it’s almost comically grim the amount of work he needs to do. Vanya would’ve teased him about it if she was here.
'That moron, Bill is hanging around again.' He twirls his pen, agitated. 'He keeps hanging around outside the door, asking me if I want to have lunch with the others.’
‘Maybe he just wants to be friends?’
Five scoffs, ‘Well, I’m about five minutes away from stabbing a pencil through his skull.
She chuckles to herself. The sound is a raspy, jumpy static behind the line and it calms him a little though he can’t understand what she finds so utterly hilarious with the situation.
‘Well, I can’t talk long. I’ve got to take care of this… thing, I’m doing.’
There’s a large pop and Vanya’s resounding shit! that echoes behind the line.
He frowns, 'Are you cooking?'.
‘Uh, yeah, sorry about that, I was just um— shit… I’m trying out the cookbook you sent me.’
‘Well, how’s that working out for you.’ He says. He lays back on his seat, feeling the soft leather pressing on his back.
‘Horribly.’ She sighs, ‘God. I think I’m just gonna stick to um, noodles or something. Not sure if this is going to work out.’
‘You know, you have to make sure you don’t turn it up too high or it’s gonna go everywhere. I can help you, just keep me on the phone.’
‘No you don’t have to, honestly, you’re probably really busy, and I don’t want to impose or anything.’
He’s irritated, ‘You’re not imposing if I’m offering.’
‘It’s fine, Five. Really.’ She says, though he can hear the smile behind her voice, ‘I’ll figure this out. Thanks, though. I’ll just whip something up for when you get here.’
He sighs. It’s frustrating that he can’t be there for her in times like these. Now, they’re no longer kids, and the distance that separates them is an hour plane ride away, instead of just a couple of metres walk down a hallway.
But what could he do? He wanted to pursue his career and she wanted to stay in the same city.
‘I’ll see you tonight then?’
‘Course.’ He says. ‘See you.’
He waits before she hangs up and the dial closes and leaves behind its familiar tone.
That’s when Bill comes in and promptly gets kicked out along with his tray of christmas cupcakes.
Five makes up for the distance by spending his holidays with her. Thats why, tonight, he is flying over for Christmas so they can enjoy hot cocoa and cheap whiskey in her shitty apartment, and then talk about the past month and everything else in between. She hates Jonathan, that cellist in her orchestra. And Mr. Kowalski’s cat that leaves cat poop near the sill. The stink always wafts inside during a windy day and makes the apartment smell like cat poop.
He tells her about Bill from the office and his incessant need to ask about his day, like it’s the most interesting topic he’s ever heard.
Vanya is the only one who he celebrates these holidays with. She’s never flown to his and that’s fine, he prefers her apartment anyway. It’s bright and sunny in the afternoon in a way that doesn’t make his head ache. The couch isn’t hard on his back, and her scent lingers on the blankets and it feels at home here, more than he’s ever felt anywhere else.
Tonight though, they leave the empty wine glasses on the table, and then they drag her mattress on the living room together. She takes a couple of spare blankets and her pillows, and he pitches up the blankets with some pegs on a coat rack and a couple of lamps until the living room is transformed into their own pillow fortress.
Vanya lays flat on the mattress, ‘I think this is the best pillow fortress ever made.’ She says, matter-of-fact.
Her cheeks and nose are flushed from the wine, and her eyes glassy. Vanya could never handle her alcohol very well. The sight of it makes his stomach twist tight though, and he doesn’t want to think about that now when she’s only a couple of inches away from him and the alcohol is making everything swim like a dream.
Vanya rolls over and he looks at him with a silly grin that makes it hard to repress his own, so he doesn’t.
‘Not that you’re wrong, but care to explain how you came to that conclusion?’
‘Cause we made it.’ She grins, smug.
He grins too.
‘And cause you’re here.’ Her eyes don't leave his, ‘I’m glad you came over. You always do.’
‘Why would I want to miss this?’ The wine is making his head spin, but her hair is splayed out around her head, and the dim light makes her eyes shine like two pairs of chocolate stars. She’s beautiful, even when she’s drunk and she’s trying her best to get under his skin.
‘Go to sleep.’ He says.
She giggles.
Five sighs, and pulls the blankets over her, ‘Go to sleep, Vanya.’
‘I don’t want to.’ But he watches as she buries herself under the covers anyway.
‘Goodnight.’ He says.
‘Yeah, yeah.’
He laughs.  
‘I hope you meet your soulmate and they take good care of you.’ Vanya yawns, and turns over, ‘You deserve to be happy, Five.’
Her voice is barely comprehensible under the sheets. But it’s like time has stopped for him. He looks at her, and his heart is beating loud behind his eardrums. He thinks about what he feels about her, and how much he wants to say.
And he thinks about her laugh, her red, drunken nose and the slow, steady rise and fall of her breathing and falls just a little bit more in love with her than before.
‘I’m happy now.’  Five mumbles against the kiss he plants on her forehead. He knows this, even when the feeling in his chest is twisting, and the words are sinking down his throat like a stone.
And maybe if he said it long enough he can start to believe it.
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