#Nate Barton
floilee · 14 days
Yelena: Hey Nate! What a cool nightmare last night, huh? *high five*
Nathaniel: Yeeah! *high five* Was she able to sleep well after that?
Yelena: Kate is strong. But you have to stop reading horror stories to get her to sleep.
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hawkeyejrhuntress · 8 months
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On November 24 it will be two years since Marvel brought the Hawkeye series to the little screen. 6 episodes and 5 weeks of getting to know Kate Bishop and watching her annoy Clint. Watching them for those 5 weeks was amazing and it was one of the MCU shows I wished had gotten a second season. So, with the anniversary of the show coming up, I decided to create a Hawkeye Holiday Challenge.
How it will work:
On October 1st I will list the prompts for the stories. The prompts will have mini-ideas attach to them but you do not have to follow to the tea just think to the general theme. The stories must be posted on A03.
You can prewrite your stories and co-write them with others. But they cannot be published before the challenge. It is encouraged that you participate in all 5 weeks but if you can it’s all good.
Challenge Weeks:
Week 1: Nov 19th – Nov 25th
Week 2: Nov 26th – Dec 2nd
Week 3: Dec 3rd – Dec 9th
Week 4: Dec 10th – Dec 16th
Week 5: Dec 17th – Dec 23rd
There will be 5 weekly winners and one Grand winner. After each week I will create a poll with the stories that qualified, and readers can pick the winner. To qualify as the Grand Winner, you must write a story for all 5 weeks.
If I can find an artist to work with me the Grand Winner will get a custom art piece to go with their story of their pick for the challenge.
Start Date will be Nov 19th and End Dec 23rd.
Each story can only be a one shot or a mini story with no more than 3 chapters.
When posting the stories use the tag HawkeyeHolidayChallenge23.
You cannot post all 5 stories at once. If you are doing the week one prompt is has to be posted with week one.
Have Fun and Be Creative!
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claryxjackson · 6 months
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE 2023 ➣  that could be us
abra griffin and clint barton + the incredibles
taglist: @richitozier, @foxesandmagic, @lizziesxltzmxn, @phoebestarks, @lovehermioneforever, @jewelswrites-ish, @kiara-carrera, @heavenlysurf, @decennia, @stanshollaand. @ocfairygodmother, @raith-way, @lucys-chen, @daughter-of-melpomene
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thena0315 · 2 years
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Founding Members of The Avengers as Fathers
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the-widow-sisters · 1 year
Merry Christmas
Summary: On Christmas morning, Clint and Laura have a rather unexpected surprise for Lila, Nate, and Cooper. However, it's a more than welcome one.
Word Count: 1467
A/N: It's not quite Christmas yet, but I honestly could not wait until Christmas to post this, lol 🤣💗💗💗 I know it is a little short, but I could not think of much of a plot, and I just wanted to write out this little slice of life thing. Or sort of a slice of life. Idk what it's called 🤣
I hope you enjoy! 🥰
  Clint smiled as he hurried up the stairs, getting ready to wake up the kids for Christmas morning. They were miraculously somehow still asleep, and Clint had for once in his entire life woken up before them. And given the surprise he had downstairs, he could not hardly wait to get them up.
  Laura was awake as well, but she was in the bedroom doing something, and Clint leaned in the doorway.
  “We’re ready,” he told her, and Laura nodded as she headed to Lila’s room to get her up. Clint headed to Nate’s first, getting him up.
  “Hey, bud, let’s get up. Come on,” Clint told him as he gently squeezed his shoulder, trying to wake the boy up. He stirred after a short moment, looking at Clint in confusion. However, after only a split second, he seemed to remember what day it was, and he grinned widely, looking far more awake.
  “I got a cool surprise, so let’s get going and wake up your brother,” Clint told him, and Nate instantly jumped out of the bed, yelling as he ran for Cooper’s room. Clint chuckled, knowing that Cooper was doubtlessly going to be less than appreciative of the wake-up call.
  As Clint headed out the door, he realized Lila was up with Laura waiting on the boys. He smiled at her, opening his arm as he pulled her into his side, kissing her head.
  “Morning, sweetheart,” he greeted, and Lila just smiled widely hugging him back with a mumbled reply.
  “Got a surprise downstairs that I think you’re going to really love,” Clint whispered, and she furrowed her brow, pulling away just enough to meet his eyes. She was utterly confused as she tried to piece it together, and he could not help a chuckle at his wonderful daughter.
  “What is it?” Lila questioned, and Clint grinned, starting to answer but Laura beat him to it.
  “You’ll see if your brothers hurry it up,” Laura raised her voice pointedly as she looked in the direction of Cooper’s room where Nate was jumping on the bed and driving him crazy in an attempt to wake him up.
  “I’m getting up, I’m getting up,” Cooper complained aloud as he dragged himself out of bed. However, despite his bellyaching, he did hurry into the hall. Once they were all three standing there, Clint grinned at the kids.
  “Well? What are you waiting for? Get down there,” he told them, ushering them along, and they wasted no time in running down the stairs. The group of them sounded like an entire herd, and Clint headed down the stairs with Laura, the both of them laughing softly at the children’s enthusiasm.
  All of the kids rushed down the stairs, making their way to the living room. However, as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs, they froze quickly as their eyes widened, looking at the Christmas tree in shock.
  There below the tree was Natasha and Yelena sitting down on the floor, a bow on Natasha’s head and one stuck on Yelena’s nose. Kate was also there, sitting on the couch as she watched them with a wide grin.
  “Merry Christmas,” Natasha greeted them with a wide smile, and Yelena waggled her eyebrows in an attempt to make Nate laugh.
  As soon as Natasha spoke, they all broke out of their surprise, hurrying over to greet their aunts.
  Natasha opened her arms, gladly catching Lila as she hurriedly got on her knees and practically ploughed over Natasha. Cooper stood a bit to the side, still in that awkward phase between adulthood and childhood where he did not know how to exactly handle situations like this.
  However, Nate ran to Yelena instantly, jumping for her and wrapping his arms around her neck. Yelena grinned widely, laughing as she hugged him tightly.
  “Auntie Lena!” he cried excitedly, and Yelena felt the emotion welling in her chest against her will as she felt the love radiating off of him.
  “Hey, myshka! Merry Christmas!” Yelena greeted, trying to overcome the momentary feelings taking over her. After a moment of him squeezing the life out of her, he fell back in her lap. She chuckled happily as he took the bow off of her nose. She then rubbed her nose against his before pulling back and looking up at Cooper accusingly.
  “What are you doing, Cooper Scooper?! Get down here!” Yelena told him, grinning widely as she opened an arm, and Cooper just grinned awkwardly but quickly bent down to hug her, getting down in the floor with them.
  “Come here, Nate. Quit giving Yelena all my love,” Natasha scolded playfully as she grabbed him and dragged him over into her own lap, placing her hands on his cheeks and playfully squishing them together as she greeted him. He laughed joyously, far too pleased with himself.
   Lila then shifted over to Yelena, and Yelena finally released Cooper, opening her arms as she hugged the younger girl. There was still a bit of hesitance, but not nearly as much as there used to be.
  Yelena’s secret hesitance and slight trepidation around younger girls and even girls her age was slowly stating to melt away, and honestly, Lila had been a big part in taking those emotions away. Even Kate had played a role, as much as Yelena would not ever dare to admit it. And of course, Carol, too. Carol was one of her favorites out of all of the non-Natashas that she knew.
  “Hey, Aunt Lena,” Lila greeted, squeezing her tightly, and Yelena smiled warmly, hugging her back as she closed her eyes.
  “Hey, kid,” she whispered, patting her on the back before releasing her finally. Lila smiled at her, her eyes sparkling. Natasha called Cooper over and he moved in next to her so that she could wrap her arms around the two boys.
  “These are my boys,” Natasha declared as she squeezed them both tightly, giving Cooper a kiss to his cheek despite his halfhearted protests. One could easily see that he truly was pleased with the affection.
  Clint and Laura approached the doorway, looking in at them. Kate grinned back at Clint, pleased at the sight of everyone having so much fun despite the fact that she was not sure how to insert herself.
  However, before long, the kids inserted Kate for her.
  “Kate, hi!” Lila greeted, moving over to hug her. Cooper was instantly paying attention as he fully realized that Kate was there. While Kate was pleased to be included, she was not quite sure that she wanted the attention that Cooper was offering. Therefore, she paid more attention to Lila, offering a big grin and hugging her in return.
  “Hey, girl! Merry Christmas!” Kate wished sweetly as she moved her hot chocolate over to the table.
  “I was hoping you might come for Christmas!” Lila told her, and Kate could not help the warmth spreading through her.
  “Aww… I’m really glad I got to be here!” Kate expressed as she released her, and Nate hurried over as he climbed onto her lap and in her arms.
  “Kate!” he cried, and Kate smiled widely, unable to help being just as excited as he was. His energy was infectious.
  “Nate!” she replied with just as much enthusiasm, and he laughed joyfully. Lila moved to sit next to Kate, and Nate was smiling widely as he looked at the brunette, his hands on her shoulders.
  “We rhyme!” he declared, and even though it was something he pointed out every time Kate came to visit, Kate still found it adorable every single time.
  Cooper then approached after Lila and Nate. He had a shy smile on his face, and as sweet as he was, Kate was not about to go for it.
  “Hey, Kate,” he told her, and Kate nodded to him, mustering a somewhat forced smile.
  “Hey, Cooper,” she replied, attempting to keep a smile on her face.
  Sensing the tension and Kate’s uncomfortableness, Laura elbowed Clint lightly, trying to get him to do something about it. Clint had noticed it as well, but he honestly had been enjoying it quite a bit and found it to be quite humorous. However, at Laura’s urging, he finally called out to the group.
  “Alright, who wants to open presents?” Clint spoke up, and the kids instantly were in agreement. Natasha and Yelena stood up, heading over to the couch as Lila moved to the Christmas tree. Natasha took a seat next to Kate, and Yelena sat on the other side of Natasha.
  Clint and Laura took a seat, and Clint smiled softly as he looked at his amazing family and finally met eyes with Natasha.
  Even though they were unconventional, they were perfect, and he would not have it any other way.
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proudsilkies · 1 year
Kate Bishop crawling through the vents. Part 22.
*Kate with Nate Barton clinging on her back about to scale the wall to get into the vents*
*Clint running over and grabbing Nate off her back*: No. No taking my son into the vents, Hawkeye.
*Clint working on trick arrows at Avengers Tower. He senses an object coming at him, turns, catches a plastic arrow before it hits him in the chest. Just as he looks up a second plastic arrow hits him square between the eyes*
*Kate and Lila, both with toy bows, high five from the vent*
Kate: Told you it would work!
*Clint watches as Cooper gets a hand from Kate and gets up into the vent*
Clint: Aw, come on. You too?
*Cooper shrugging*: She’s got snacks in there.
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cinelitchick · 4 months
Clint Barton and his wife Laura couldn’t believe how many people had gotten in touch over the past twenty-four hours to see if it were too late to accept their invitation to spend Christmas Eve at their home. The RSVPs came flooding in between the time Clint had left Natasha’s apartment yesterday and this morning, which was December twenty-fourth. Prior to that, only Bruce, Tony, Strange, and one other had accepted. When he had climbed into the family SUV at the airport last night, Laura had told her husband that she had heard from Thor.
“Where the hell has he been for the past year?” Clint had asked as Laura drove toward the highway onramp.
“We’ll find out tomorrow when he arrives … with Bruce. Pretty sure they’re together.” 
This piece of news had Clint raising an eyebrow, but he opted to let it slide for the moment.
Once they were home, their fourteen-year-old daughter Lila excitedly announced, “Aunt Nat is coming tomorrow! She’s bringing Bucky and his friend M’Baku.”
“Oh, yeah,” said their sixteen-year-old son Cooper, who had previously overheard his parents talk about Bucky and M’Baku. “They’re more than friends. Probably just means they haven’t DTR’d yet.”
“What does DTR mean?” asked eight-year-old Nate, who was named after his aunt Natasha and was the youngest Barton child.
“Define the relationship,” Laura explained to him. She looked at each member of her family in turn. “This is a good thing for Bucky. So, no one pushes or prods or says stupid things, got it?”
Read more on AO3.
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natandwandaseries · 1 year
*Nat picking up Wanda’s backpack*
Nat: Why is this so heavy? Is it full of rocks?
Wanda: Um
*Nat opens bag, rocks tumble out*
Wanda: Nate and I went on a walk
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sash-au · 8 months
Nate: Moooooooom, Lila made fun of me for getting a box of capri-suns for myself and then she drank EIGHT OF MY CAPRI-SUNS! Laura Barton: You're in high school and you have nothing better to do than argue with your adult sister over capri-suns? Nate: Either you ground her or I fight her. So there's two options and my fists are already up
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Nathaniel Barton and Morgan Stark went to high school together.
They never dated, but they became lifelong friends.
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AA onde vocês estão? Só faltam vocês aqui!
Morgan: Falta a gente pra quê? Tá tendo algum evento?
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Nate: Se tiver, queremos participar!
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agentofagony · 1 year
Normal bullshit you see in the young avengers HQ in the AU I made but is never going to actually finish that just makes sense.
Tommy running around at full speed because he got the zoomies.
Clint and Kate arguing over an arrow even though they have so many arrows
Billy and Teddy hiding somewhere very odd from Tommy.
Cassie being too small and sitting somewhere you could literally sit on her
America either beating the shit out of Loki or running after him.
David dissecting dead bodies for science in the garden.
Eli studying for college in the middle of the living room.which isn't weird intill you question why is he even studying?He's a hero,hero's don't study.
Noh-var using Jonas as his own music player
Evil future Loki or kang fighting the young avengers somewhere in the HQ.
Billy,nate or and loki sitting in the corner having an identity and or an existential crisis.
People that isn't even on the team hanging around just because.
Holy shit is the kitchen on fire?? Yes,yes it is.
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hawkeyejrhuntress · 7 months
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On November 24 it will be two years since Marvel brought the Hawkeye series to the little screen. 6 episodes and 5 weeks of getting to know Kate Bishop and watching her annoy Clint. Watching them for those 5 weeks was amazing and it was one of the MCU shows I wished had gotten a second season. So, with the anniversary of the show coming up, I decided to create a Hawkeye Holiday Challenge.
How it will work:
These prompts will have mini ideas attach to them but you do not have to follow to the tea just think to the general theme. The stories must be posted on A03.
You can prewrite your stories and co-write them with others. But they cannot be published before the challenge. It is encouraged that you participate in all 5 weeks but if you can it’s all good.
Challenge Weeks:
Week 1: Nov 19th – Nov 25th
Week 2: Nov 26th – Dec 2nd
Week 3: Dec 3rd – Dec 9th
Week 4: Dec 10th – Dec 16th
Week 5: Dec 17th – Dec 23rd
There will be 5 weekly winners and one Grand winner. After each week I will create a poll with the stories that qualified, and readers can pick the winner. To qualify as the Grand Winner, you must write a story for all 5 weeks.
If I can find an artist to work with me the Grand Winner will get a custom art piece to go with their story of their pick for the challenge.
Start Date will be Nov 19th and End Dec 23rd.
Each story can only be a one shot or a mini story with no more than 3 chapters.
When posting the stories use the tag HawkeyeHolidayChallenge23.
You cannot post all 5 stories at once. If you are doing the week one prompt is has to be posted with week one.
Have Fun and Be Creative!
Week 1: Prompt - Baby Kate - (potential idea – Kate gets adopted by the Barton’s watch her grow through the holidays.)
Week 2: Prompt - Blip Holidays - (potential idea – Clint and Lila meet Kate during the blip. These 3 become a family and formed new holiday traditions, but what happens when the Barton Clan and Mama Bishop return how will these traditions hold up.)
Week 3: Prompt – Naughty or Nice - (potential idea – Clint plays Santa at the Mall due to losing a bet to Nat and meets a kid Kate Bishop.
Week 4: Home Alone Hawkeye Style – (potential idea- The Barton clan goes on a Christmas holiday with the Avengers, but somehow Kate is forgotten. What mischief will she gets up to and who will she save?)
Week 5: Prompt: T’was the night before Christmas
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claryxjackson · 2 years
Who is are the face claims for the Barton children and their older face claims?
younger: scarlett estevez. 
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teen: isabella ferreria
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alternate universe: aimee carrero
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younger: Austin Cohen and Aiden Cohen
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teen: nathaniel potvin
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alternate universe / older: tunji kasim
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younger: joseph sanders
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teen: michael cimino
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chloe taylor
younger: maggie elizabeth jones
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teen: abigail cowen
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alternate universe: kennedy mcmann
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fredfilmsblog · 2 years
BTS w/B&PC Part 5
  Click here for the other posts of ‘Behind the Scenes with Bee and PuppyCat’
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Now that Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space has dropped on Netflix, I thought I would share some of my recollections as to how this special series of Natasha Allegri’s came to be. –Fred Seibert
Taking a break from the BTS chronology I’m going to take a minute for some thank yous. Of course, I’ll forget to include some people, but you shouldn’t take it as more than swiss cheese brain.
Some say that filmmaking is a collaborative art, and in my case, that’s been totally true. Yes, for me, that’s an understatement. Getting to a series like “Bee and PuppyCat” is a collection of experiences where I learned from hundreds of people, and then worked directly with hundreds more. In cartoons alone, I’ve had 30 years of a lot of ups, too many downs, some great successes and greater misses.
It was clear to me right at the beginning that American cartoons suffered greatly from relegating women to support positions rather than primary creative ones. Within weeks of starting at Hanna-Barbera I’d voice the lament to anyone who’d listen. It was a long time before anyone even pitched, but by 2006, with Random! Cartoons, we had more women coming in with their ideas than ever before, and in the end nine women created finished cartoons. And during Too Cool! Cartoons, for our Cartoon Hangover channel, almost half the shorts were by a new generation of creative women, including Natasha.
Onto the thanks. Please remember that these posts are about the “behind the scenes” of what makes B&PC. None of us miss the plain truth that it’s our fans that makes everything worth it.
I’m not sure if there’s a way to thanks Natasha Allegri enough, is there? An amazing artist, a deep storyteller, a lovely person with a stunning vision.
Eric Homan and I were colleagues for 27 years, the last 15 or so, heading development at Frederator Studios. It was Eric who, for us, spotted what a special talent Natasha had. He was the person who saw her web comic that kickstarted the Fionna and Cake phenomenon. And, of course, he invited Natasha over to show us the cartoon she’d been working on in 2013.
Carrie Miller has been another indispensable presence during my Frederator years. She ran our New York operation, produced our first original cartoons for Channel Frederator, and by the time Eric sent over the PuppyCat storyboard for a second opinion (”Greenlight this cartoon right now!”), she was running the entire New York office and our YouTube channels.
Don’t think I’ve ignored Pendleton Ward. Because it was Pen’s and Natasha’s friendship, built around the web comics that they traded over years, that inspired Pen to convince her to join the Adventure Time team, her first foray into professional cartoons. Without Pen, I’m not at all sure that any of us could have become her great followers. And don’t think he didn’t help B&PC creatively whenever possible.
Kevin Kolde and I met during my time at Hanna-Barbera, and during his pre-cartoon and SPüMCø lives I did everything I could to bring him over to my side of things. Eventually he succumbed, and while he was developing what has become the ”Castlevania” universe, he patiently worked with dozens of the creators –almost none of whom had ever run a professional cartoon production– I foisted upon him during various shorts productions. Natasha was definitely a mature artist and storyteller who had relatively scant experience in production, and over the decade that Bee and PuppyCat has lived it’s Kevin’s subtle hand that has made all the productions possible.
Efrain Farias and Hans Tseng have been key creative collaborators with Natasha throughout the decade of the B&PC saga. Both of these folks are talented artists, but that doesn’t begin to catalog their contributions to the shows.
Larry Leichliter has worked on everything. As far as I’m concerned, Larry Huber introduced him my way to direct on ChalkZone; Eric and Kevin suggested him for the Adventure Time short, and he eventually became the series’ original supervising director. He served on Bee and PuppyCat the same way where set the directorial vision.
Actors, we’ve had a few. You’re undoubtedly familiar with Allyn Rachel, Kent Osborne, Pretty Patrick Seery, but I think if you peruse the who cast you might get a few surprises.
Didn’t Will Wiesenfeld do an amazing job? Just check out Baths too! Natasha really scored here.
The entire Frederator Studios production team, small as it was, kept things on track, particularly Sylvia Edwards and Steve Worth, who had a lot going on at the same time. The editors, sound department, special and visual effects, Garrett, they all did incredible work. Thank you!  
Meredith Layne has voice casted and directed both series (among a whole lot of others for us). And if you look at the credits closely, these shows do not in any way tread the expected paths when it comes to actors.
Heather Kenyon and Junichi Yanagihara really made the difference when we moved the animation to OLM in Tokyo, and kept it up during “Lazy in Space.”
Matt Gielen had recently joined Frederator Networks when we started looking at storyboards for Too Cool!. Though “influencers” were already flooding YouTube, which de-emphasized scripted, character based programming, Matt became an industry leader understanding how to help us build a loyal community of viewers who became the backbone of the Bee and PuppyCat fandom.
We heard from Nate Olson in Part 4 of this BTS series, but as I said there, a Bee and PuppyCat series might not have existed with his sweat, blood and smarts he brought to bear in shepherding our community of viewers-turned-fans into a group of committed supporters, first with the Kickstarter, then with the product companies that came aboard. Maybe more than anyone else, Nate was the loud voice representing the community, keeping all of us in line, understanding that without that special audience all our work would be for nothing.
Making a show like B&PC should be enough. The Cartoon Hangover crew in New York –Cade Hiser, Nicky Fung, Zoe Barton, and all the interns– lost a few years of their lives helped our fans stay fans. No, it’s not as easy as it looks.
Tom Pickett had bought my company, Next New Networks, for Google and YouTube to help them find audiences. And when he started Ellation (owner of Crunchyroll) and VRV to work with independent streaming networks, he reached out to see if Cartoon Hangover might be interested. His programmer, Arlen Marmel and business development head, Eric Berman, were particularly interested in “Bravest Warriors” and “Bee and PuppyCat.” Without these intrepid entrepreneurs we couldn’t have made “Lazy in Space.”
Michael Hirsh, Canadian animation innovator, saved Frederator when we ran into some tough times. “Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space” probably wouldn’t have seen the light of day without him.
Brian Gucciardo was in the law department at my other company, Next New Networks. He’s been around the block, and then some, in almost every facet of the entertainment business. Let me tell you true, doing the kind of agreements we have with first time creators for “Too Cool! Cartoons” (home of B&PC) and “GO! Cartoons” (throw Sony Pictures Animation in that mix) is no easy rolling. Not to mention our arrangements with Netflix and everything else we through at him (thousands –thousands!– of Channel Frederator Network members!).
Fred Pustay and I have worked together for decades, starting at MTV. He's saved my bacon more often than I can say. And he kept Frederator on an even keel no matter now hard I tried to screw it up. We couldn't have gotten through the treacherous waters to get Bee and PuppyCat made without him.
Like I said, it takes a village. And any villagers I’d neglected will be added as they yell at me.
Wow! On Netflix now. Finally.
More to come in BTS w/B&PC Part 6. Catch up here.
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mattybstqrn · 2 days
⁰¹² 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤
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"𝓔𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝓔𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊"
(irl, insta, messages, facetime)
March 23rd, 2022
Sofia.Freaking.Adams. POSTED!
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liked by billieeilish matthewsturniolo and 78,466,996 others
Sofia.Freaking.Adams. missing New York 
user plssss come to nyc!!
dojaaaaa forget new york come to la rn ➡ Sofia.Freaking.Adams. 🤔
user come to nyc i wanna meet you so bad  *comment liked by creator*
pepsilover come to la right now. ➡ Sofia.Freaking.Adams. i'll think abt it
user i love you so muchhh fr 
cocacolaloverrr now i kinda wanna go back ➡ pepsilover come to la
mtndewlover so what're we doing??? ➡ Sofia.Freaking.Adams. idk yet still thinking but i'll let u know  ➡ mtndewlover 👍🏼
user do not come to nyc
MattyB.raps can we call?
*view more comments*
╰•★★ ------------------ ★★•╯
Matt sat in his room waiting for Sofia to call her.
Meanwhile, Sofia contemplated on calling him, she wondered why he wanted to call so badly, Chris and Nick had texted the girl telling her to call Matt and she wanted to because she wondered if he was okay, but it was weird, they never told her to call him unless it was something very serious and it usually wasn't, she shrugged her shoulders as looked at her phone and called him anyway, facetime to be specific.
Her phone rung for a second and then stopped signaling that he picked up, "Hey," she greeted as his face popped up on her screen, he was lying down in his bed, but he sat up once she called meanwhile, she comfortably laid in her bed snuggled up in her blanket, "Is everything okay? Chris and Nick kept telling me to call you," he sighed.
"Yeah everything's fine, I told them that I wanted to call you, just to talk and they obviously made a big deal about it," Sofia scoffed but chuckled at his brothers, "Hey, I'm not complaining," she shrugged, "You're not?" he said in a questioning tone, "Why would I be?" she asked him, "I don't know," 
There was a few seconds of silence until Matt spoke up, "So you guys are coming to New York?" she thought about it for a few seconds, "I don't know, I want to, but I can't for too long, I have a job, y'know," she told him.
"Ohhh yeah I almost forgot about that," she nodded in agreement, "I know sometimes I forget too; I keep missing my alarm," she then told him about the other day when her alarm when off and she missed it, she had to rush to get ready and almost forgot her shoes, keys, headphones, phone, and coffee.
"It was a mess," she said once she finished her story, "Sounds like a mess, you should get like an easier job, something you can do from home," he suggested, "Like what? I work at a library, and I love it but working from home sounds nice," she told him as she thought about it for a second, "You could do YouTube like we do?" he questioned, "Brooke actually keeps telling me how she wants to do that maybe I can just do it with her,"
"We could have a family channel, her, me, Khai, Mason... Nate," she added Nate's name with a sigh, the two didn't hate each other like they claimed but they acted like it even though he was secretly starting to grow on her, "You still hate him?" Matt questioned.
"No, we just jokingly say we do, he's actually kind of... like my little brother," she blurted out without realizing, her eyes widened realizing what she had just said, thankfully she wasn't on the phone with Chris because he would've definitely told Nate but with Matt, she could try and convince him not to, "Don't you dare tell him I said that!" she demanded, "Too late, already told him," 
Sofia groaned in annoyance when she received a text from Nate saying.
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Nathan🙄 love you too 😁😁😁
Sofia😑  stfu
Nathan🙄  😁😁😁
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"I hate you," she lied to her best friend with a deadpanned expression, "Sure you do," he said emphasizing his words, rolling her eyes at him as he spoke, "You should go to New York... and then come to La when you're done," he suggested, "Why does everyone want me to go to La so bad?" she asked him, "Nick, Chris, Brooke, you, what's wrong with you guys?" he shrugged in response.
"We miss you," she smiled at him, "I miss you guys too," he smiled back at her, they sat in silence for a few seconds as Sofia contemplated what she should do.
"Fine, we'll go to New York and then we'll come to La," she gave in and Matt was happy she did, "Ordering tickets right now," she told him sitting up and grabbing her laptop, she flipped her camera, and showed him what she was doing which was booking tickets for them, "You think Nate would want to come to la and New York?" she asked, "You know what? I'll just text him," she then texted Nate asking if he'd want to come to La and New York.
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Sofia😑 going to nyc and la tmr you in?
Nathan🙄 why?
Sofia😑 dude yes or no? pick!
Nathan🙄 fine
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"I'm gonna go broke!" she groaned as she pressed the button confirming that she would be buying five plane tickets, "How bout this, you pay for New York tickets, I'll pay for la tickets? that way you don't spend all your money and you can stay with us," he told her, "Thanks Matt," he nodded, "Actually, I'm pretty sure my dad never sold my childhood house, maybe we could just stay there, I don't know but I'll ask him, this trip will be great!" she positively hoped, "Just let me know," he told her.
The two ended their phone call with an "I'll see you soon," Matt was happy that she agreed to go to la and so was she, it had been a month and a half since she saw them and she was very excited to see them again which is why she planned to stay in New York for a few days at least five, after ordering her tickets and hanging up with Matt she went to go question her dad.
"Hey dad," 
"Yes Mija?" he asked from where he sat on the couch with the boys watching a hockey game, "Can we talk in the living room?" he nodded standing up from the couch, "Did you sell the house?" she curiously asked, "No, not yet, I have to go down there and show the house but that won't be for a while, why?" she nodded, "Well, I plan to go to la to go see Matt, Nick, and Chris in a few days and I was just wondering if we could stay there?"
"Yeah, that's fine, just don't break anything, scratch anything, y'know take care of the house, make sure it stays in one shape," he told her, she nodded in assurance, "I'll make sure Nate and Khai don't go crazy, I promise," and with that, he kissed her forehead and she kissed his cheek, and then she went to Brooke's room to bother her and tell her their plans.
"Bitch open the door!" she exclaimed as she tried to open it seeing it was locked, "Ugh you messed me up!" Brooke groaned from the other side of the door, "What the fuck are you doing?" she asked her, "I was making a TikTok," Brooke told her, "Okay relax, don't get your panties in a twist," Sofia said holding her hands up in defense.
"Soooo I talked to Matt and we're going to New York tomorrow and then we're going to la," Sofia told her sister as she sat next to her on her bed, "What? bruh now I have to pack," Brooke groaned falling back onto her pillows, "I know so you better get to it," Sofia clapped her hands together standing up before walking out and back into the living room, "We're going to New York tomorrow so pack your bags!" she told them clapping her hands once again.
Walking back to her room she started throwing random clothes she knew she'd wear in her suitcase for about two weeks or longer? she had almost everything packed except for accessories and shoes, she planned to do that tomorrow before she left, right now of course she wanted to sleep. 
Sleeping is her favorite thing, other than her family, friends, and coffee.
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