#and will walks in and says “ahh!” and just uses the machine without reading a single piece of paper like its another routine day
the-ghost-king · 8 months
considering the state of camp it's likely half of will's medical equipment is failing or from a previous century and therefore so out of date there's no longer parts made for it, so not only are you being prepped for surgery where your surgeon is like 15 but he also walks in with the most out of date unrecognizable equipment you've ever seen and then knocks you out with the anesthetic....
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The Sweetest Thing
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Jake Lockley x GN!Reader • Rating: T •Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | requestinfo• MK Bingo 2024 Masterlist• ko-fi •
Summary: A heatwave hits London
🌛For @moonknight-events MK Bingo Spring 2024 Event🌜
A/N: Set in London.
Warnings: Just some fluffy fluff, swearing, reader isn't american so there's a little playful celsius vs fahrenheit moment, jokey mention of foot stuff (which I am blaming @romanarose for, for no other reason that they are the Foot Stuff gender neutral King.), over use of italics, typos, not beta read, railroad sentences, please let me know if I've missed a warning!
Word Count: 669
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You sigh heavily, shoulders slumped as you just stand in the chilled food section of sainsbury's. 
Despite it being a little after 8am London was so hot  it was like it was trying to rival the surface of the sun. 
And the humidity… disgusting. 
Why did you have to live in one of the seemingly dampest countries that still expected people to work and use public transport and just live without most buildings and businesses not having air conditioning. It was inhumane. 
Jake appeared at your side, grinning. Despite the oppressive heat (given that it was quite cool in the supermarket) he somehow managed to not melt into a puddle on the floor. 
“How are you not sweating?” You grumble and he laughs. 
“I sweat.” 
“You’re a fucking liar, you know that?” The smile in your voice made him laugh louder. 
“Sure, sure. Hmm, maybe it's secret moon god perks?” 
“Tell Khonshu I will be his foot of the night or whatever if it means I don’t feel sticky and gross.” 
“Foot?” He wheezes.
“Yeah, you’re his fisting of the night and-”
Jake spluttered as you both walked to the self service machines. 
“I’ll be the one that does the kicking.”
“So,” he scanned the tub of ice cream, glancing at you. Thankfully there were practically no queues at this time on a Tuesday morning. “I’m doing fisting? But you’re just doing kicking? Shouldn’t you be doing foot stuff at the very least.” 
You tried to give him a look and not laugh. You did not succeed. “Can’t he at least make a breeze or something?” 
Jake smiled and shook his head. 
“What kind of god can’t even do that?” You grumble.
Jake pays and takes his receipt, holding your hand as you walk towards the sliding doors. 
“What if we don’t go, what if we stay and live in here? It’s cool?” 
“Can’t do that baby.”
“Why?” You grumble, pouting a little. You know what you’re saying makes no sense but the heat has made you grumpy. 
Jake snorts. “You’re looking forward to it. You’ve been talking about it all week.” 
“Yeah, that was before London decided that 38c was a good temperature.”
Jake opens his mouth, a shit eating grin on his face. 
“I do not want to hear about fahrenheit. Or  how it was hotter in America when you were there.” 
He blows a kiss to you. “You know me too well.” 
“Hmm. You’re predictable more like.” 
He mock gasps. “I’m insulted.” 
“You love it.” 
He smiles again, squeezing your hand in his. He does love it. Loves that he’s put down roots. That you can guess what silly comment he’s going to make and tease him for it. 
The air outside of the nice cool supermarket hits you like the air of a just opened oven. Two steps out and you’re already sweating. 
Jake leads you to the brick wall slightly down the road, the one that is bathed in shade by an old magnolia tree and sits, encouraging you to do the same. 
He takes the lid of the ice cream carefully. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Eating ice cream.” He says matter of factly, “you want some?” 
“How you gonna eat that?” 
“Ahh,” he grins again and pulls out something from his pocket with a flourish. It takes you a moment to recognise it as a swiss army knife. “Glad I can still surprise you.” He flicks it open and shows you a small metal spoon. 
You laugh. “Very impressive.”
“As long as you don’t mind sharing my salvia.” 
You pull a pretend thinking face for a moment that amuses Jake no end. “Hmm, well considering some of the things we’ve done… I think I’m okay with it.” 
“Good.” He digs the spoon in and then holds it out to you, letting you have the first bite. 
You lean forward, but dart to the side at the last second and steal a soft kiss from his lips. He was the sweetest thing around anyway.                                            
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrite @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @whatthefishh @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @lunar-ghoulie @silvernight-m@autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom @alwaysmicado @mangoslushcrush @marc-spectorr @soft-girl-musings @spxctorsslxt
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jeontaehui · 3 years
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taehee grabs the pen with curiosity and taps it against the table a few times, “what’s this?”
she places both arms on each side of the paper as she scans the questions, an amused smile growing on her face as she reads further down. “alright, i’ll try to answer this very honestly,” she flashes the camera a dimpled smile, her eyes crinkling into small crescents. “let’s start!”
Q1 Who is the most NEO member of NCT?
“jungwoo, no doubt. he’s so,” taehee swirls her pen around to get her thoughts across since words can only do so much, “you know what i mean? yeah, it’s jungwoo.”
members who chose her and why:
mark “even if i’ve been with her for- is it 8 years? or 9 years? even if i’ve been with her for that long, she always has a new side of her to show so, that’s why i think she’s neo.”
sungchan “she’s such a cool person. i haven’t practiced with her that much during trainee days but i feel like she’s got more to her. i’ll try to get to know her more!!!”
Q2 Who do you think is a hidden dance machine?
taehee hums in thought, “taeil hyung? i’ll go with taeil hyung.”
“he’s very cute when he dances,” she giggles, “i like it.”
Q3 Which member do you think acts cute a lot in a subtle way?
“definitely jisungie,” she writes without a doubt. “he denies it and says he doesn’t want to do it, but he does it anyways... he’s naturally cute, that’s why.”
“our jisungie, our baby jisungie,” she singsongs. 
members who chose her and why:
taeil “this is definitely taehee. she says she hates it but she does it in the subtlest way, she doesn’t even notice it.”
mark “she has like... natural aegyo? she acts cute unintentionally, it’s kinda funny.”
haechan “ahh this is noona. she’s the first one that came into mind. the members in 127 all told her that but, she denies it,” he gives a pointed look at the camera, “watch our past videos, you’ll see. our noona is sooo stubborn~”
jeno “taehee noona. although she’ll never admit it, she does it naturally so...”
Q4 Who's someone that you don't know too well right now but want to get to know better?
“can i write more than one person?,” taehee looks around but no one was there to answer her, causing her to shrug at the camera. “it doesn’t say in the directions so i’ll just write the people,” she starts writing down three names, “that i think of.”
“shotaro, sungchan, xiaojun — these three. shotaro and sungchan are cute, there’s a feeling of protectiveness...?,” she bites her lip, “when i see them. as for xiaojun, we’re the same age and i think he’s really fun once you get to know him,” she smiles.
“i think we’re still shy around each other,” she giggles. 
members who chose her and why:
shotaro “first of all, taehee noona is so cool on stage so i want to learn more from her too. secondly, she’s very nice and friendly. i think that’s why the members like her a lot,” he smiles sheepishly.
Q5 Who do you think will have the best chemistry with you?
“hendery,” she tells as she writes. “when we were recording some of the songs we worked on together, we clicked really well. i think it’s because he’s a funny guy and i like... laughing?,” taehee laughs at her own choice of words, “i think, yeah.”
members who chose her and why:
mark “i think it’s already obvious why. 9 years, dude.”
hendery “taehee is, first of all, so friendly and she gets a long with everyone so well even if she’s shy. and we’ve been hanging out a lot too, so i feel like we’re getting closer bit by bit.”
haechan “contrary to popular belief, we work well together,” he nods understandingly, “and therefore, everyone should be afraid of us.” “but everyone is already afraid of the two of you,” doyoung says as he stands behind him. “then i guess it’s already a known fact.”
Q6 Which member do you want to go traveling with in 10 years?
“dream,” taehee writes without hesitating. “that would be so fun, especially if it was like a reality show or something. even without the cameras, it would be really fun either way.”
haechan casually walks into frame and puts his chin on taehee’s right shoulder, lightly scanning the names she wrote so far. “have you written my name yet?”
“i wrote dream for the traveling question.”
“really? me too!!!,” he then hugs her very tightly, causing taehee’s face to contort into faux pain as haechan’s face was that of affection. “there’s snacks by the way if you want,” he finally lets go, still keeping his hands wrapped around her waist. “okay, i’ll be done in a bit.”
taehee pats haechan’s head before he walks away, a habit nctzens tend to notice between the two.
“OH!!!!,” she claps her hands together before writing down on the paper, “i think it would also be fun if all the ‘99 liners went on a trip too, but i also think we wouldn’t survive on our own. that’s why it’s funny,” she giggles.
members who chose her and why:
mark “we talked about going on road trips lots of times already so, i guess this is it.”
jeno “taehee noona? she’s fun and would plan the trip really well. i think we’ll enjoy our trip just fine if it was up to her. haechan as well, maybe?”
taeyong “taehee because she’s fun to be around,” doyoung whines at his answer. “okay, okay,” taeyong laughs. “doyoung and taehee.”
Q7 Who do you wish to take a walk with late at night?
“jaemin...?,” she thinks, “oh no, wait. maybe jeno? i’ll just write both.” she bites her bottom lip, “jaemin can be calm if he wanted to be. jeno goes with the flow too,” she explains.
members that chose her and why:
jaehyun “taehee because the atmosphere would be nice and... yeah that’s all,” he nods as his dimpled smile turns into a laugh.
jaemin “noona... yeah, i’ll write taehee noona for this one because she’s very chill, you know? chill~ sexy~”
jisung “noona !!!! she’ll treat me to eat late night snacks too, i think. it’ll be fun.”
Q8 Who do you think has the same preference as you?
“mmm not sure,” taehee trails off as she looks side to side. “maybe jaehyun oppa? i think ten hyung also- whatever i’ll just write what comes into mind.”
she ended up writing jaehyun, ten, and jaemin.
members that chose her and why:
jaehyun “we like almost the same things and... bond over these things, that is why i chose her.”
ten “taehee likes dance, i like dance. we think the same, we act the same. there’s this time where we sang the same song at the same time and that really gave me goosebumps.”
Q9 Who do you wish you could switch lives with?
“ooh trick question, literally three people came into mind,” taehee laughs. “yuta, taeil, and winwin,” she writes.
“yuta oppa because he’s so wise, yet he’s like a child at heart, you know? then taeil oppa because he has such an amazing voice and cooks really well too. and then winwin oppa because he’s very cute and loved by many,” she chuckles.
members that wrote her and why:
jisung “taehee noona? she sees things in so many different perspectives, i think she’s wise? insightful? i like the way she thinks.”
Q10 My favorite NCT member is ...
“jisung!!!! jisung jisung jisung,” she chants. “is this even a question?”
members that chose her and why:
shotaro “she’s been really nice and helpful to me ever since i got here and i think i can learn a lot from her too.”
Q11 Which member had a unique first impression to you?
“haechan,” taehee playfully squints her eyes at the camera after writing the singer’s name down. “we used to fight non-stop, no joke. the only first impression i can think of for him is ‘enemy’ but ‘good singer and dancer’ too. mostly because he wanted to annoy me and i wanted to annoy him.”
“it’s childish, really, for the most part,” she shrugs, “but that’s what got us closer.” 
members that chose her and why:
ten “when they introduced her to our team, i was like ‘oh?’ but then she was really cool even if we were so young back then i was like ‘woahh’. she’s really cool.”
jungwoo “the first time i saw taehee, i thought that she was really cute and pretty, like at first you’d think she’s shy and all, but she’s so different when she performs. she puts her all into and i think that’s what makes her cool. i admired that.”
Q12 Who is NCT’s hidden weirdo?
“hidden weirdo....,” taehee hums. “we’re all weird in a way- hendery? i’ll just write hendery because my first impression of him was different as to how i see him now.”
“i thought he was like calm at first but then what should i expect from nct right?,” she laughs and shakes her head, “he’s so funny.”
members that chose her and why:
mark “i’m not joking, she really is. sometimes, off-cam, she’s like jungwoo or jaemin and we all just go ‘huh??’ but it’s like a funny weird not a bad weird,” he shakes his head as he looks at the corner, “ah cute.”
renjun “taehee noona is smart, everyone, but she has her moments. mmm, sometimes i wonder how her brain works.”
chenle “taehee noona....,” he shakes his head as if he were disappointed, “has her moments.”
taeyong “that kid is weird at times. she doesn’t show it on-cam though which makes it even funnier.”
Q13 Who do you want to see everyday?
taehee writes czennies and her parents without explaining verbally. she adds two hearts at the end.
Q14 Who do you think is very interesting?
“jungwoo...,” she writes. “i want to know how he thinks and why he’s so funny all the time even if he’s not doing anything.”
members that chose her and why:
yangyang “taehee noona? she’s very cool and like chill,” he chuckles. “i like her accent too.” 
xiaojun “taehee and i are the same age. she’s very talented and down to earth, a lot of people get along with her very well. i think that’s what makes a lot of people become drawn to her too.”
Q15 If everyone became 5 years old again, who would look the cutest?
“jisung- ahh, i’m writing his name down sooo many times.”
members that chose her and why:
jeno “i saw taehee noona’s baby pictures and she was really cute. she was a smiley kid.”
taeyong “her mom showed me a few of her baby pictures and she was really cute. she had chubby cheeks, thick bangs, and on top of all that she smiled so big!!! she was a cute child, really.”
Q16 Who laughs the most?
“mark lee!!!!!,” she smiles. “you can even hear him laugh now.”
“mark has those really memorable laughs. it’s like, even if you don’t hear him laugh, you can really tell from his aura that he laughs a lot. he’s a bubbly kid, it’s cute.”
Q17 Who do you think that has the name that matches their appearance the best?
“hendery,” she nods, “his face just screams ‘hendery’, very prince-like.”
members that chose her and why:
jaemin “‘jeon taehee’ is just jeon taehee. it suits her.”
doyoung “her last name suits her.”
Q18 Who do you wish were your sibling?
“jisung and jeno. i’ve always wanted a younger brother; i’d want jeno to be my older brother.” she puffs her cheeks at the camera before giving it a small smile and writing jeno’s and jisung’s names down.
members that chose her and why:
renjun “she’s very kind but playful. she takes things lightheartedly, you know?,” renjun writes her name down, “and she’s smart too.”
doyoung “any member. maybe, taehee? as long as it’s not lee haechan, i’m fine with any.”
Q19 Which person comes to your mind right now?
“hendery,” taehee gets a feeling she wrote down his name one too many times so she scans the paper to see how many hendery’s are written on her paper.
members that chose her and why:
hendery “we hang out a lot these days.”
mark “jeon taehee who has just passed by a second ago.”
Q20 Who are you the most excited for the upcoming season of 2020 activities?
“shotaro and sungchan !!!!! although the two of them are new, i can guarantee you guys that they have so much to show you guys. please look forward and give many love and support to them as well !!!!”
taehee fiddles with the stamp for a bit after signing the paper, her tongue poking the side of her cheek. she turns to the camera and waddles cutely before the box they were supposed to put the questionnaires in.
“before putting things like these into a drop box you have to make a wish,” she says as she folds the paper. “i wish that our czennies are all doing well during this time and that they are all safe. i also wish for the safety of our members, our staff, and our families. i also wish that our new album, resonance part 2, as well as our other content, will be able to give you guys hope and a sense of comfort while you’re in your homes staying safe,” she smiles as she softly taps the paper against the box. “we’ll see each other soon!!!,” she slightly presses the paper to her lips as if to give it a good luck kiss before dropping it into the box. “bye bye!!!”
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
♪~ Now playing - Love Song, by Nct 127 ~♪
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Warnings: none
Pairing: Doyoung x reader
Genre: fluff/ friends to lovers
— "Ohh great! It's raining!", you say out loud, standing in front of the small convenience store you've just left, while watching huge water drops hitting the ground. This ordinary statement may look harmless, but you were able to make it sound almost like a curse.
You hate when it rains. The thunders scare you, your feet get all soaked inside of your shoes, the traffic turns into a mess of impatient beeping cars, the bright and warm sun is gone, the day loses its colors and becomes gloomy, and you see your mood instantly turning gray like the sky.
Your plans were simple, easy, error proof. Step one: walk to the convenience store, ten minutes away from your home by foot. Checked. Step two: buy ingredients to bake the chocolate chip cookies you woke up craving this morning. Checked. Step three: go back home, prepare everything, and eat the cookies while watching a good drama. Big fail. You now are stuck, unable to give one step out of your shelter. You blame yourself for not having an umbrella. But who would imagine that the beautiful clean blue sky could unleash such a massive waterfall today? "Well, all I can do now is wait" - you finally say to yourself, tired of giving the rain angry glances and accepting that this is a much better option than throwing a tantrum.
After five minutes of a boring waiting, you see from afar a familiar lean and elegant figure walking towards you, under a enourmous black umbrella. You heart skips a beat when the man gets closer and you visualize better the perfect shaped features of his face. It's Doyoung.
Doyoung and you are acquantances since high school, and now you're taking the same course at college. You say "acquantances" because you could never consider yourself close to THE Doyoung. Even though you two interact quite a lot, Doyoung is like an untouchable legendary being. He is the crush of half of the campus, and just because the other half still didn't have the opportunity to meet him. You, of course, is part of the first group.
— "Hey! Y/N!! Hello!! – you see Doyoung waving his slender free hand at you, while approaching more and more. "Hi Doyoung!", You answer, when he is already in front of you, near enough to be able to hear your shy voice. "What are you doing standing here?", he asks you, leaning a bit to get to your eyes' level. "Ah, I'm waiting for the rain to stop, so I can go home. I have no umbrella, you know, hehe". Doyoung straights his back again, and looks at the sky, showing off his long and gorgeus neck, to which you give a quick glance before looking down, timidly. "Hmmm.." – Doyoung stars talking again – "This rain won't stop anytime soon, you know?... Do you... Want me to take you home?" . You freeze for a second, still processing his proposal. You're about to refuse it though, because you don't want to bother him, but he just pulls you under his umbrella and you walk away side by side, arms touching, stepping on the wide water puddles on the street – "Let's go! I can't just let you here", he says with his soft voice.
–"Oh my God, what is happening? Please heart, you're going to give me out!", you think, still not believing you are so close to Doyoung. You walk some blocks in silence, when he suddenly asks you if he can carry your shopping bags for you. You refuse a million times, but he is as stubborn as you, and manages to snatch it from your hands. He steal a glance at its inside, and gives a little chuckle -"Ohh y/n! I see you still like these sour candies no one likes! hahaha". You could feel offended, but you got happily surprised. You didn't know that such a trivial and random fact about you was known to him. Actually, not even your best friends knew about your eccentric taste in candies. You can't help but feeling flattered somehow, trying to hide a fool smile from him.
1st year of high school
Doyoung was a new student at the school. He knew no one, and was wandering alone through the school building, looking for something to eat at the break time. He saw a little vending machine in a dark corner near the stairs, and he went there to buy some chocolate. For his disappointment, the machine was mean. It stole his money and gave him no candy. Looking defeated with a empty stomach, he turned around to go back to the class, when you suddenly appeared, slaping the machine at some specific place, making it spit a chocolate bar right away. Doyoung grabed his prize and looked at you. He immediately noticed two things. Your warm, kind and pretty face, and a half eaten green sour candy in your right hand. His heart started beating faster as he introduced himself to you, and yours was in the same state as his, as he showed you his cute gummy smile.
Still walking your way to your house, you sneakily try to look at his face, but, for your surprise and shock, he is looking directly at the top of your head. "You... Changed your shampoo?", he asks you, with a curious look in his eyes. "Oh yes! After years using the same brand, I decided to change it! But wait, how do you know that??", you reply, and the confusion is clear in your tone. "It's just... not the same smell. But I still like it". His poker face is really difficult to read, although you can swear you saw some hint of red tinting his pale cheeks for a second. However, all you think as an answer is a plain "Thank you", before you fall in silence again.
2nd year of high school
Doyoung and you were lab partners at Science classes. Doyoung loved it, since he got the opportunity to be close to you. You never noticed his amused sparkling eyes looking at you while you excitedly explained him the subject. In one of these blessed classes, while paying attention to a glass filled with a purple liquid in front of you , you two got so close that the scent of your hair mightly hit Doyoung's senses, inebriating him. "Apple". That was his only thought until the conclusion of the class.
– "We are almost at your house, right? We just need to turn left there and you'll be safe and sound!" , Doyoung said, in a strangely melancholic way. "Yes! That's right! That's... Right. Oh, so you know where I live?". You were confused. You've just noticed that you never told him where your house was, and he literally guided you there without any instructions. He seems startled by your question, as he answers it, scratching the back of his neck: - " ahh..this... I saw you leaving your house once. So yes, I know." You keep in silence again, but this time you can feel his body becoming warmer and warmer through the few layers of clothes that keep your arms from really touching each other.
3rd year of high school
Doyoung was on his way to school, when a gorgeous tree, loaded with pink blooming flowers, grabbed his attention. He stopped to give a good look at it, but suddenly his eyes decided to focus on a beautiful figure, your figure, the one he knew so well, leaving the yellow house in front of the big tree. He was hypnotized. Thousands of petals were dancing over you, guided by the soft spring wind. It was almost like the winter snow, even though your bright sunny smile at the sky reminded him of a happy summer day, and the increasing warmth inside of his chest felt like the cozy Autumn. With that vision he got the confirmation. He was completely in love with you.
You stop in front of your house. Now you're facing each other, still squeezed under the black umbrella, the rain insistently pouring over you. It's time to say goodbye, but the farewell just refuses to leave both of your mouths. You, then, finally say, getting your bags back from his hands -"Well, I need to enter now. I'm baking some cookies." "Are you going to put some walnuts in your cookies? I know you love them!", Doyoung says, innocently, getting you by surprise again. "Doyoung, I'm actually really admired! I... I didn't know you knew so many little details about me. You must be a really observant person!", you wrapped your phrase like that, talking more to yourself than to him, trying to not be delusional about it.
Doyoung takes a deep breath. For a minute, he keeps his eyes shut. When he finally opens them, you see their tenderness filling your soul, as he starts to speak :"y/n, I'm only observant when it comes to you. I know a lot of things about you. I know you scrunch your nose when you don't like something; I know you bite your nails when you're feeling anxious; I know your favorite color is orange because your favorite fruit is also orange; I know you're bad at remembering dates, so you have them all written down in your notebook; I know you dislike horror movies, cry at sad movies and get excited over hero movies; I know you speak while sleeping, but only when you're too tired; I know you have this little moon shaped birth mark at your shoulder, and you are proud of it ." He stops to take a breath. Your heart is pumping faster than ever. He moves his free arm and reaches for your hand, intertwining his slim fingers with yours. At the same time, he gives a short step towards you, reducing the distance between your bodies to almost zero. His face slowly gets closer and closer to yours, and you can feel his mint breath as he start talking again: "And I know... I know you like me as much as I like you." This being said, Doyoung, all of sudden, drops the umbrella that was protecting you two, and cups your face with both of his hands. While you get drenched by the rain, your lips land on each other's and melt into a sweet, slow paced and long kiss, full of affection and passion. He carefully breaks the kiss apart, and gives you a cheeky smile, while moving his hands to your waist : "I also know you hate when it rains, and you hate to get soaked, so I'm sorry for this". You laugh lightly, replying before pulling him for another kiss : "I guess you finally got something wrong. I actually really love when it rains".
~°• taglist - @starrdustville
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tywrites · 4 years
reaction to s/o being flirted with | headcannons
request: can I get an imagine on how bokuto and ushijima would react if they turned a corner and suddenly saw there fem!s/o getting cornered against a wall by a random 3rd year that has been recently flirting with her. And s/o is small 152cm/5'0 please make them seperate scenarios :)
a/n: ahh i'm really trying to get the hang of characterisation rn so i'm sorry if they're a lil ooc :( but please leave me any feedback, it'd honestly be really helpful! hope you enjoy anon <3
warnings: hmm, some swearing but that's all :))
pairings: ushijima wakatoshi x fem!reader
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After winning a match, Bokuto's first instinct is to run to you and allow you to shower him in the praise. Especially if it had been a particularly hard match with strong opponents.  He'd run to you and scoop you up into his arms, not caring about the deadpan looks he'd get from his team mates, holding you close as you told him how well he'd done. Knowing how proud of him you were just made him so incredibly happy and to see you waiting for him at the entrance to the auditorium was the thing he looked forward to most during matches.
However, on this particular day, you were nowhere to be found.
He looked high and low when the match had finished, but he just could not seem to find you. You weren't waiting by the entrance like you usually were, nor were you by the vending machines getting him a post-game snack like you would occasionally do. You also weren't answering any of his excited texts. Due to this, Bokuto simply became more and more dejected as he and the rest of his team mates walked towards the receptionists area, his emo-mode settling into place.
"Bokuto-san, she's probably just in the bathroom," Akaashi reminded him, sighing quietly to himself as Bokuto looked to him with sorrow in his eyes.
"But... but Akaashi, she always waits for me after games. She wouldn't let her BLADDER stop her! And I saw her in the crowd! So she's here somewhere, maybe she just didn't wanna see me..." he cried dramatically, allowing his arms to drag by his sides.
Rolling his eyes, Akaashi rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Immediately, he put one hand on Bokuto's shoulder to gain his attention and pointed down the hallway. There you were. In quite the predicament. Caged between a tall third year's arms, the discomfort was incredibly clear on your face, even from the distance Bokuto and Akaashi were standing. The boy was talking animatedly to you while you smiled politely up at him, though anyone would have been able to tell the smile was really forced.
Bokuto knew this boy. He'd seen him talking to you when he'd come to pick you up after classes, sliding his arm around your shoulders and getting far too close for comfort. Of course, Bokuto wasn't the type to immediately assume the worst. He trusted you and knew you wouldn't do anything to prove him otherwise. However, it was the third year he didn't trust.
The aura radiating off Bokuto switched quickly, going from downcast to fiery.
What the fuck did this dude think he was doing?
In a few quick steps, he was standing right behind the perpetrator and (more aggressively than he'd intended to) pulled him back from you by his shoulder. Frustrated at the interruption, the boy flew around to face him and was met with 6'1 of pure muscle, this clearly intimidating him quite a lot. This boy may have been tall, but compared to Bokuto, he stood no chance.
Shrinking back, the boy spoke timidly. "What do you w-"
"Y/N, I found you!" Bokuto let out a happy cry and pushed the guy aside while wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly to him as the third year watched on awkwardly. Keeping one arm around your waist, Bokuto then turned to the cowering boy. "Is this what was keeping you?" He asked you, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked him up and down.
"Uh, look man, I'm sorry. We were just talking, I swear," the boy babbled, holding up his hands in defense, not wanting to provoke Bokuto even more. Bokuto frowned at him and looked down at you for confirmation. Playing with the sleeves of your boyfriend's jersey that was wrapped around you, you avoided his gaze, not wanting to make the situation worse. Luckily for you, Akaashi decided to step in.
"I'm glad we found you, Y/N-san. Bokuto-san, let's go, we have to get to the bus," he said pointedly, taking your boyfriend's elbow and dragging him gently, but firmly, in the opposite direction. Bokuto's gaze didn't waver for a few seconds, honestly looking more comical than intimidating at this point—walking away with Akaashi pulling him, his arm wrapped around you while craning his neck to glare at the boy who'd been heavily flirting with you.
No sooner had you rounded the corner before he threw his arms around you yet again. "Y/N! I thought you were avoiding meeee," he said childishly, as he held you tightly to him. "Did you see me hit that awesome spike!!"
You giggled lightly at his antics. "I sure did! You were amazing, babe,"
Your praise made everything totally worth it.
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For Ushijima, seeing you just before a match had become a routine. You'd help him stretch or simply sit in eachother's company while you did most of the talking, chatting about how excited you were for the game or about something silly you'd seen Tendou do that day. He wasn't the type to get nervous before a match, but having you there with your soft voice filling the air, set him at ease.
Which is why right now, he was beginning to get slightly worried.
Not about the match. He was incredibly confident that they'd be able to win even without your presence. But he was worried about you.
After you'd exited the bus, you'd mentioned that you needed to go to the bathroom before parting ways with the team. They'd continued onto the auditorium and hadn't really paid much attention to your absence until now. The whole team was so used to your encouraging tone and they way you'd fuss over them to make sure they had everything they need; not having you there felt strange indeed.
"Y/N-senpai sure is taking a long time..." Goshiki mentioned to Tendou as he looked around the room. "I hope nothing's happened. I want her to see me ace this match! Do you think she's okay?"
Tendou looked down at him, pondering, before turning to Ushijima and repeating the question. "Hey Wakatoshi, you worried about Y/N? She's taking a long time for just a bathroom break, dont'cha think?" he asked, tilting his head slightly while attempting to read Ushijima's current feelings.
Ushijima stayed silent; though for Tendou, the sight furrow in his forehead answered his question. Without saying a word, Ushjima rose up from his stretching position on the floor and left the room, the eyes of his team mates following him curiously.
As he wandered the halls, all the ace could think about was where you were. You were honestly one of the only things that could push the thought of volleyball out of his mind, even for just a brief moment. In the beginning of your relationship, it wasn't uncommon for Ushjima to blow off your plans to practice late or leave you waiting while going over strategies with the team. However, your patience with him and the progression in your relationship since then truly showed how much he cared for you.
Ushijima was not a very expressive man, that was for sure. He never exactly had much to say and really only spoke him mind when it was necessary. Jealousy wasn't an emotion he was accustomed to to say the least and he rarely got jealous, even when you were spending a lot of free time with a certain friend of yours. Though he was slow with social cues sometimes, Ushijima was no fool and knew when someone was flirting, and this friend of yours was certainly crossing the line with you a few weeks back.
You being one of the only people able to read him, you had understood immediately that the ace was jealous and had tried to distance yourself from this friend as politely as possible. But still, while he was looking for you, all that seemed to go through Ushijima's mind was images of you and your friend together.
And his worries were correct.
As he rounded the corner of the hallway that led to the bathrooms, Ushjima stopped in his tracks and took a second to process the situation in front of him.
He'd found you. But so had someone else. You were gingerly leaning against the wall while your friend (that seemed twice your size at this point) was cupping your face with one hand, bending down slightly to really invade into your personal zone. Ushijima honestly had never felt an emotion quite like this before. A frown on his face, he approached quickly and cleared his throat viciously once he'd gotten behind your friend.
Scoffing, the boy turned around, coming face to face with your boyfriend's intense stare. There was something in his eyes that just screamed danger—or maybe it was more accurate to say it screamed "get the fuck away from my girlfriend."
Due to the change in position, you were finally able to free yourself from in between the wall and your friend, moving to the side and awkwardly watching the staring contest that was going on between Ushijima and his fellow third year. If you didn't break this up, they'd be there forever and neither seemed to be backing down. Though you couldn't tell whether your friend was frozen in defiance or fear.
Stepping forward, you took Ushijima's arm in your hands and tugged it gently, causing him to look down at you.
"Babe, can we go? You'll miss the match," you said, trying to diffuse the situation before anything got out of hand.
At the sound of your voice and the reminder of the match, Ushijima calmed down a considerable amount. "Yes. You're right," he replied, turning his body towards you and starting to walk away. Before you turned to go around the corner, your boyfriend stopped walking and looked behind him to your friend standing alone in the middle of the corridor.
"Don't touch her again."
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Classic Heavy x OnPeriod!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Period Horniness Mixed With Boredom and a Busy Boyfriend? 
Please let me know if I haven't used AFAB correctly! I just didn't want to back y’all into too small a corner. So, this is meant to be ‘Reader who gets periods’. Could be a cis female, transitioning trans female, gender-neutral or agender person with a vagina, etc. Just, provided you have a vagina. 
I know he isn't on the list but I wanted to try someone new! I don't play TF2 but I’ve read what there is of the comics! I loved them! ^^
Plot: So...
You decided that it was a good idea to sext Chevy. 
Warnings: SMUT (Penis in Vagina). Period sex (He licks it once but that’s it in the way of blood to mouth), dirty talk, Daddy kink, dirty names, etc. *Cough* Creampie also. Lets hope videogame characters cant procreate or contract STD’s. I meant for it to be nasty smut, but due to my lack of experience and fluff brain I dunno if it actually is 😅 So beware. 
As you are bored out of your mind and reading smuts (Dean Winchester. Beetlejuice. Herman Carter. Oh boy), causing your libido to get even more aggressive in your current hormonal state, you shrink down further into the couch cushions and groan from pain. 
Not from cramps; You don’t get them as bad as others anymore, thank god (And besides, you have a hot water bottle underwear your shirt and the top of your sweats), but from the fact that your very huge, very hot and very lusty boyfriend is stuck in a meeting elsewhere!! Pouting, you drop your phone onto your chest and drop your head to the side, staring at the ceiling. 
You sigh. 
Ross, on the other couch across from you, rolls his head to the side and puts down his magazine to raise his bushy brows at you. “What is yer problem??” 
“Hm,” You sigh again. “Nothing... “ 
As Ross looks back at his Lifestyle you get an idea, a cheeky smile slowly skidding across your lips as you peak down at your phone on your chest. Ooooh... Snatching up the phone, you open up Chevy’s message tab and start tapping out a text. “Heheh... “ 
You: Hey Chev. If you could do anything to me and I h a d to say yes, what would you do? 
Then quickly you turn off the phone and set it back in its place screen down on your chest. You wonder, what would he say if he responded? What would you really agree to? 
... actually lets not wonder that. We may scare ourselves. Lets just say; Much. 
A few minutes later your phone buzzes and you take a moment, calming your nerves and your excitement before you pick it up and open the messages again. 
Chevy: Ohhh, I wouldn’t go there sweet bottom. Very, very busy right now.  
Chewing on your thumb nail, you grin broadly at the screen and wonder even more what he’s thinking. 
You: What should I do while I wait for you then? If you’re so busy I’ll be so wet when you get here... 
You: Already am pretty soaked actually. I tried to handle it myself. . . 
Okay, this is the great thing about Chevy, realise. You can say whatever you like, sex-wise, and you wont ever be embarrassed. Because you know he’s always up to fuck, and he’s usually thinking about it first. 
Chevy: Oh, are you just teasing me or are you gonna send proof? This is a dangerous game your playing princess/prince. 
Oh dear. You cant send proof! How can you deflect this? “Ahh... “ Thinking as you look around the room, muttering in a panic ‘Um. Um. Um. Um-’, “OH!” You hop up from the couch and duck behind it, pull the front of your shirt forward and quickly snap a picture of your chest, before fixing your clothes and jumping back onto the couch, laying on your back again. Cheeks rosy from the adrenaline. Ross looks confused at you, nose scrunched up and beard askew, but you just waive him off and send the picture. You don’t type anything this time. 
“Squirrely... “ Ross mutters in annoyance, shaking his head back at his reading material. 
Your phone buzzes again and you try to keep a straight face as you read the block of text, and watch the attachment, the bottom half of your face hidden comfortably behind the collar of your shirt to hide your frazzled-ness. 
Chevy: Baby, you know that’s not what I meant... But look what its done to me. Devil person. 
*Chevy Attached: A video of his lap shifting, and there’s a slight bulge in his black pants. 
Eyes wide at the video he must’ve taken on the sly under the table, of his gently growing prominence, as he shifts to get more comfortable with it. Its just enough movement for you to imagine it thrusting onto your aching section and it makes you hide even more of your face under your shirt. “Jesus... “ This may have been a bad idea. 
Bad I cant stop. 
You: I love that
Chevy: I know 
*Chevy Attached: A picture of his grinning face from below, looking off assumedly to the slideshow or whatever they’re being shown in that meeting. 
Why is that cocky, mischievous look on his face, which some (Including yourself sometimes) would call an asshole look, hotter then the outline of his huge, ever loving cock?? It just doesn't add up! 
This is becoming a cruel, and unusual form of torture. You’ve never tried sexting before today, and you regret it. 
Ohhh, god. You wish he was here! Closing your eyes for a moment and furrowing your eyebrows from frustration and longing, you shamelessly imagine how Chev would lead you to the nearest empty room with a door (Any room. Laundry? Kitchen? Your room? His? Someone else's?? It wouldn’t matter to him, and by the time he got your favourite weapon of his out you wouldn't either. At least, that’s the way things were the last time you checked.) push your body against the wall and thrust his cock deep into you as he plays torturously with your front with his huge hands... 
And it wouldn't be hard. You’re already totally slick, with blood and slick. 
Oh, god. You love that he’s there for period sex. 
As you imagined, you had let your head fall to the side slowly relaxing. And, as you imagined further, fantasising about your orgasm building up and feeling your pussy ache for pressure in real life you start to hear h e a v y footsteps coming towards this room in the hall. 
Just as you realise that your knight in shining cargo has come you snap your eyes open and there that man is, standing behind the couch above you, jaw taught. You cant see his lower section due to the back of the couch obscuring your view but a broad grin rips across your lips anyway at the speediness of his arrival and the forcefulness - in other words, desperation, - in his face. You immediately, kind of hilariously, yank out the hot water bottle from your clothes.  “Well, hi there!- Oh,”
He just leans down, fixes his ginormous, manly hands around your waist and plucks you off the couch with ease, literally throwing you over his shoulder - your ass by his head, - and starts walking with just as much force as he came towards the exit. Oh, here we go... 
Your pussy sings at the pressure of his broad shoulder pressing against it, and bumping against it as he walks, and you would be embarrassed by that but instead you just promise it that its going to get its real treat, real soon. 
“Baby girl/boy, you’ve been a real, desperate, whore.” Cheavy growls out as he finds a room and turns on his heel, getting you both inside and kicking the door hard closed. You take that as a sign of how hard he’s about to fuck you, tingling with excitement. He lifts you off his shoulder and plops you down on the washing machine - or dryer? You don’t know. You just know its on, and its sending delicious vibrations through your core, - making you moan at the sudden, total attention to your cunt. But you’re also occupied sitting still, caught in his stern, smirking expression. “I really shouldn't reward you for behaviour like that, kid.”
Knitting your eyebrows together and shifting forward on the machine, opening your legs so he can nestle himself between them and running your hands around his neck so you can guide him forward you whine. Simping. “You don’t want to leave either, though, do you... ?” You smirk slyly. 
“Right.” He smirks back, even more mischievously then you. It makes you wonder, and your pussy yearn. “That’s why I’m doing this for me.” One of those hands, your favourite hands in the entire world (Well apart from that of those who fight for minorities rights every day *Sit com wink into the camera*. ) moves between the two and latches onto your mound, making you jolt forwards into it as he cups and massages it. His hand perfectly cups it, too. Palm big enough to press against the lips, thumb strong enough at the top to rub up and down the top and the rest of his fingers just warm it all up. “Are you gonna be an obedient, disgusting little cock sleeve?” Caught in his gaze, and almost too turned on to respond, you stay still for a moment, thighs just clamping around his hand. 
Quickly, when he stops his movements on your core you nod fervently. “Yes! Yes, I am.” 
“Hmmm?” He tilts his head, looking down as he unbuttons your jeans and makes your breath hitch as dips a thick finger past your underwear, into you and immediately takes it up again to his lips to taste, smirking at your stupefied expression. Blood... he just... tasted... your... He does this every time you two engage in period sex, just to see this reaction from you but you never get used to it. How does he do it?? “What do you call me when I fuck you, Y/N?” 
You break yourself out of the moment, getting back to reality. “D-Daddy. Sorry. Sorry, Daddy... “
“That’s right, baby doll. I’m your Daddy, and you are... ?” 
“Your amenable, disgusting little whore.” You respond obediently, like a student... yeah. A student right out of a porn video. 
“Correct, now... Undo my pants now, wild cat. Somethings just begging for your aching, pretty cunt.” All too happy to do so, your hands dive down - well, not without feeling his chest up on your way down which is made so much easier as he’s just wearing a normal t-shirt instead of chest armour, - and wolfishly unzip and push down his trousers, revealing a fully, entirely enlarged and throbbing penis hidden behind worn cotton boxers. You chew on your lips as you go to pull down those, too, but Chevy chuckles and and gathers your eager hands in one his, reclaiming control that he never really lost. “Oh, not yet. I told you this was for me, didn't I?- “ 
“When are our carnal relations ever any different, Chev?” You ask, scrunching up your nose cheekily. Then, “Ah,”, remembering your place for the moment, you correct yourself carefully. But, you still smirk. “I mean... Daddy.” 
“Get on your knees and use your mouth. You are so good at that- your best quality, really.” 
Scrunching up your nose at his snark this time, scowling, you do as he says anyway hopping off the machine and coming face-to-dick. 
Because you are a whore. 
In this moment, at least. 
And, besides; You are really, really good at this. If you do say so yourself. if you do it just right, his animal instincts will completely take over and he’ll really use you. He steps closer, feet on either side of your thighs making you crane your neck to not be motorboating his freaken balls. Pulling down his boxers, finally completely exposing his, admittedly perfect - for you, - , genitalia and sigh as you get to wrap both your hands around the girth. Its so thick. God, you love it. 
I would love it a heck of a lot more if it was nailing me into the tiles right now instead of nearly poking my eye out... but there are ways we can make that happen. 
Moaning, like you’re taking the first bite of a really good sandwich you take as much of his hot, leaking cock between your lips and your hot mouth. Immediately one of his hands cups the back of your head and firmly pushes you further, the girth disappearing into you until hair tickles your nose. You can only imagine how you look... and it kind of turns you on even more. 
“You are the best cocksleeve, sweet’eart... “ He says, voice not betraying anything so far. You can change that. 
Utilising the tip of your tongue, you begin to stroke the the bottom, all along it to the tip and you suck - gently at first, - and slipping your lips along the shaft over and over, like you’re eating an icy poll. Its a slick, spit sheening mess by the time he’s literally spilling spurts of cum into your mouth and chin, which you wipe off. Not a full orgasm, but enough to grant you what you really want. And damn, is it hot. 
As you slip off of his head again, licking up the creamy substance from the very tip, guided back by his hands in your hair gently but authoritatively he lets out a loud growl at the pleasure you give him. “... Tell me, who’s your Daddy?” 
You just innocently lean forward and nuzzle his thighs in response, making him shudder and get down to the floor with you. Frustratedly, like this has to happen right fucking now, Chevy lays you on your back on the cold floor and straddles you after tugging down your pants and your underwear, and shoves himself fully in you all at once. 
Its an easy fit, spearing into your searing, red, mess of a hole like it can only be one time of the month and when you have sex with Chevy. He grunts, and starts absolutely thundering into you over and over, like you’re the best feeling cunt he’s every experienced. You believe it. And, because of the way he makes you feel with that gorgeous, stone-hard cock of his you hope it is really true.  
The sounds that it causes you to make are completely pornographic, and can absolutely be heard outside the room. The strength he uses to pound your dripping pussy both presses your bare ass into the cold tiles of the floor and pushes you up across the ground, and you whine. So hard... “Oh my god, oh my god!!” You cant help how your legs spread as wide as possible at the thighs but your ankles press tightly to his back. You arch your back to meet him, listening to the squish sounds that come out of you and his growly, fast breathing. “So good, Chevy!!” 
“What.” He says quickly, wrapping his hands around your waist to keep you still and not sliding up the floor- so his hits find their target every time with an agonising strength. Pounding your pussy in a way you wish wouldn't stop. 
Pushing his chest up so you can relocate, and get a different position, making him sit and you straddle his waist, hands up his shirt and fingers spreading across his hairy chest. “I meant Daddy.”
“Yes you fucking did.” 
He always gets so cranky when he’s close to blowing. 
Its not a bad thing, cranky is sexy on him- provided his penis is shoved inside you. 
Grinding in his lap now, you do much of the grunt work, until he cant take your torment this time and takes your waist in his hands again, lifting you and jamming you back down on his rod over and over again, until he explodes cum inside you. 
The outburst fills you up completely, the funk dripping out from between your walls and around his base, dripping on the floor pink from your period causing you to see stars come too, a moment later as he slams you down on his manhood once more. 
Catching your breathes, you two stay sitting there like that, letting your shared fluid ooze out of you from around him, until his cock softens totally in you. When that’s done, he lifts your body off his and sets you down on the ground away from the puddle you two made. Your legs feel shaky, your breath is hard to catch, and your pussy feels battered. 
This was a good session. 
Chevy seems to think so too, as he grins and picks you up again, sitting you sideways, carefully on lap. “Oh, did I do well, Daddy?” You blink innocently, happy to keep playing the game but tired. 
“Mhm. As always. You’ve got the perfect cunt, baby girl/boy.” 
You look up, waiting for a kiss. “Oh, hope so.” Your lips meet, finally, tongues playing together gentle. You exchange long, open mouthed kisses with each other for a while after your session, making out lazily and dining on each others tastes as desert. 
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
First date with Mina
mina x gn!reader, fluff, bakusquad
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Mina would probably take you out to an amusement park with a group of friends
Absolutely would Kaminari be her wingman
"Mina! Sorry my wifi wasn't working on the bus" you say panting whilst waving hello to the group "tch try be on time extra" Bakugou says as he taps his foot annoyingly
"hey bakubro give them a chance" kirishima says placing an hand on his friends shoulder
"well we should head inside I already brought the tickets, y/n let's go to the mini game stalls first" mina gleam with a blush nearly visible on her rosey checks as she links your arm with hers
"omg there so cute!" Kaminari says as he grabs his phone to take a picture to show Mina later of you both lining arms "who cares anyway I just wanna go home" "don’t be like that kacchan your just salty since I won more games last time" kaminari says as the group starts to walk around the amusement park
You and mina start off at the claw machines, she has her heart set on this pink leopard print unicorn...it was atrocious but it was definitely screams 'Mina'
"I'll try and win it for you but these things are definitely rigged" you say focusing on moving the claw over to the unicorn placed near the back "Kaminari was able to win a hawks plush the last time, but he gave it to Tokoyami for his collection" mina rambles as she watches your focused eyes on the prize
'omg omg don't panic but Jesus there so pretty! Ahh I don’t think I'll be able to ask them out' mina panics internally as she breaks out of her headspace to hear the winning music of the claw machine
"here you go!" You place the unicorn in minas arms as you give her a big smile "wasn't too hard I didn't read the sign to say it was for younger kids, they probably have it on easy mode" you shrug off your victory as you and Mina start to walk to a different attraction
"Do you like candy floss?" Mina asks as she points to a candy floss stand near "sure once it's not cola" you say as you make a disgusted face " *giggles* I hope they have bubble gum or strawberry, there the best!" Mina gleamed 'why is she so cute' you ask yourself as you watch Mina skip to the cotton candy stand and wait in line as you follow behind
"thank you" mina hands you a candy floss and you both walk over to the nearest bench "ahaha mina it looks like you" you hold up your candy floss, mimicking the pinkettes curly pink locks "at least that one is edible ahah" mina laughs as she starts to snack on her candy floss
As time passed you and Mina continued wandered the park and played some more games *ding* "oh that's Kaminari looking for us, they said to meet at the entrance" mina says grabbing your hand to lead you to the entrance 'don’t panic she’s holding my hand' you internally panic as minas soft hands hold yours
"there you guess are, what?! You got food without us?" Sero says as he see’s the leftover cotton candy holder in you hand as you place it into the bin "we ate earlier dumbass" bakugo just wants to go home at this stage
"look what y/n won for me!" Mina shows off her unicorn as if it was the rarest diamond in the world "looks tacky" bakugo grumbles...he's just salty since he didn't win anything
"oh shit, Sero our train will be here soon we better get going" you say as you give Mina a hug goodbye and kirishima fist bump, bakugo gave you a grunt of acknowledgement, you missed Kaminari cheeky grin to Mina after your hug
"bye guys!" You and Sero walk to the station together talking about your day
"you like mina so much it's so hard not to see it" sero teases you as you you start to get hot thinking of a certain pink alien "piss off Sero" you tease back
"Mina I swear to fuck if you don't ask them out I will myself" Kaminari says as he drags his hands down his face "I'm trying! I need to wait until I can't think of the perfect way to tell them ya know?" Mina says as she skips down the street "tch just bang already the fucking tension is disgusting" bakugo says taking out his phone so he doesn't have to engage in conversation anymore
“Don’t be so salty bro, just because you got cat fished by that girl in Germany” Kirishima teases “that’s it” Bakugo starts to chase after the red head “I’ll kill you!” 
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Navigation has been updated <3
Please suggest characters you'd like to see put of mha
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personinthepalace · 3 years
MBS Trailer Analysis
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Hey guys, as you probably could tell, I am SUPER excited about the MBS tv series! The lovely anon who pointed me in the direction of the trailer asked me to give my thoughts on it and well...I decided to do a shot by shot analysis of the trailer! (even though I definitely have other things I need to do haha). This is most likely going to be less of an analysis and more of me rambling and pointing out stuff haha. Apologies in advance for any grammatical errors. Also I’m sorry if I get any book facts wrong! (my memory isn’t what it used to be) Without further ado, here is my analysis! (below the cut because boy is this going to be long haha)
Ok before we begin, here’s the trailer in case you haven’t seen it/ want a refresher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atFYUbwMYo4
Ready? Let’s begin
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Nomansan Island!! I wonder if this is the view from Nomansan or if that’s Nomansan in the distance. Either way looks like there’s a lot of trees
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Mr. Benedict’s house!! Definitely not how I imagined it. I thought it would be taller
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You can see a manhole(?) near the bottom of this image. Later in the trailer we see Milligan come out of it. So I’m guessing this is the show’s verison of “the cellar across the street”
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A secret room behind a bookcase! I’m guessing this is in Mr. Benedict’s house? It’s hard to see who’s pushing the door though- I wonder who it is
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A Stonetown bus! I remember reading somewhere that the show has a 50s/60s vibe, and I definitely see/feel it
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Reynie!! Of course the first person we actually get to see in the trailer is Reynie :) It looks like he’s in a restaurant? At night?? By himself??? Reynie what are you doing all alone?!?
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Ah yes The Emergency. It’s scary how it feels revelant today...It’s kind hard to see but below “The Emergency” it says “Anxiety Index At Yearly High”. Yikes Mr. Curtain really knows how to create fear doesn’t he?
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YES the BEST best-selling book series ever!! Also loving that pattern in the background
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Another shot of Reynie! That sign says that that’s Bishop Building. I’m guessing Reynie is going to take one of the tests. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that it’s the Monk Building in the book
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Look they’re social distancing! The test takers! Can you spot Reynie? (He’s in the second column from the left, four desks back). I wonder if that’s Rhonda sitting in front of him? She has a white dress. Hard to tell if she has green hair
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Number Two! And it looks like she’s wearing boots!!  I love it!
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Let’s have a close up on Reynie :) Ahh he look so precious! And he has the outfit!!
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A close up on Number Two! I’m loving her outfit. And look there’s a matching yellow pencil sharpner on the desk! There’s the “no talking” sign. And are those rocks behind the glass??
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These kids are dressed up all fancy. It looks like they’re going to a formal party or piano recital. Not about to take a test
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And here’s Reynie not all dressed up. Also is that a watch on his left wrist??
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“Will be excused.” That’s a change from the book. In the book she said “escorted”. “I’m sorry, did I say executed? I meant to say escorted.”
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I realize it’s a good thing that the show is going to be on Disney+ (more exposure and all that). But at the same said I’m kinda sad that MBS is a Disney property now 
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Now this is interesting. These kids are playing tetherball. I’m guessing that this is at the Institute. Except I thought the kids there spend most of their time watching TV? I wouldn’t expect them to be exercising. Is PE part of the curriculum?
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A morse code telegraph machine! Very cool especially since in the book, they learned Morse code using a flashlight
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And it’s Sticky and Kate!! It looks like Sticky still has some hair, so he’s not completely bald. I’m mourning the loss of Kate’s long blonde hair, but the short brown hair looks good! Loving Kate’s beanie. And look she’s still wearing her red striped shirt! (underneath the yellow jacket) Ahh they both look great
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Constance!!! I’m loving her pigtails. I wonder what’s she doing though. It looks like she’s on a platform? I thought that wasn’t introduced until the later books
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Kate walking on her rope during the floor test! And look you can see her bucket!! Okay I’m kinda disappointed with this scene because in the book the floor is suppose to have blue, black, and yellow rectangles. But here it looks like they are all squares (and instead of blue, it’s white). And Reynie is suppose to realize that the floor has rectangles so he can simply walk across. How is he going to walk across the floor if it’s full of squares??
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Another shot of Reynie! I think he’s at the Institute, but I have no idea what that thing is. Anybody have any ideas? 
Also Mr. Benedict has been narrating this whole time, and at this point he says “And our criteria for approval may be considered...mysterious.” Cue title credits!
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Hmm okay Reynie got a stamp of approval- most likely from one of the Ten Men when they arrive at the Institute? Wonder who Pierce and Veronica are. Will they be important to the story? Also it looks like Veronica is crossed out?
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Number Two is taking them to see Mr. Benedict! Huh so it looks like the three older kids are about the same height. I wonder if Kate is still a year older than Sticky and Reynie
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Mr. Benedict’s study!! Look at all of those books!!! And a yellow couch- it matches Number Two’s outfit :)
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So many books!!!
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Ahh look at them!!! I love their outfits! They’re accurate to the books! Also loving those green lights in the background
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How are all of these books not falling hahaha
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Another shot of them. Is that Kate’s rope? Or the handle for her bucket? Also I would like to take the time to say that I love the music (the violin!)- it really fits the vibe
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“I’m the aforementioned Mr. Benedict.” And here’s Mr. Benedict!!! He really loves dramatics doesn’t he. He’s definitely younger than I thought he would be. Also he’s not wearing green plaid. That makes me sad :( Wait does Mr. Benedict still have narcolepsy on the show?
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We have an Emmy Award Winner on this show!
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And we have our first look at Rhonda!!! She’s taller than I expected haha. But I love her outfit!! And look Number Two has a stopwatch hanging from her dress, most likely from timing the kids during the maze test
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IT’S THEM!! IT’S THEM!!! Breaking the fourth wall and looking very confused (or angry in Constance’s case haha)
“You all possess a quality that is lacking in our society” - ok it is time to meet the members of The Mysterious Benedict Society!
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“Reynie, your intuitive understanding of human nature” -omigod Reynie comforting Sticky!!! Ahhh my heart! I can’t wait to see this scene in the show. I have a feeling that they expanded on Sticky’s indecision about joining the mission, and this scene here is part of it. Ah I can’t wait to see more of their friendship! (Also it seems like the show is pronouncing Reynie’s name like “Rainy”. I personally had been pronouncing it like “Winnie”. TLS pronounced his name as “Winnie” as well)
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“Sticky, your reservoir of knowledge” - Sticky at a competition! It looks like he has the same amount of hair as he does when he meets the mbs, so I think it’s safe to say that Sticky did not shave his head when he ran away
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Sticky won $10,000 on a game called Buck Buck Goose -wow! Also we see Constance watching Sticky on TV. The room is all yellow, so maybe it’s Number Two’s room? But why is Constance watching a video of Sticky?
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“Constance, your defiance of conventional thought patterns” -Constance ripping up that piece of paper, tossing it, and walking away- omigod I love it hahaha. Ahh Constance is a drama queen and I love it! Also I think this is her red raincoat- it’s very cute
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“Kate, your uncanny feel of how things go together” - Kate!! It looks like Kate is removing a vent? So I’m guessing this is during the maze test. And it looks like she has her Swiss army knife!
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“What is it that you all have in common?” -I just noticed that Mr. Benedict’s beard seems to be neatly trimmed. So I guess he doesn’t have shaving problems? And I’m still mourning the loss of the green plaid haha
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And we have our first look at Milligan!! I personally never imagined him with a beard or long hair. But ahhh I can’t wait to see his reunion with Kate on the show!! (I will definitely be sobbing when that happens)
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“I see fear. And bad fashion” “You’re very unpleasant” - I can tell I’m going to love Kate’s and Constance’s relationship on the show already hahaha. It’s hard to see in this screenshot, but Reynie’s nodding in agreement with Kate’s statement haha. Also Constance’s facial expressions are perfect!
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A full view of Kate and her bucket! I am so happy that Kate has her bucket!! It looks like Sticky is in the back. Maybe this is a scene from them taking the tests? I wonder if those two other kids are important to the story
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I have many questions about this shot. Where are they walking to? Is that the Institute? Is Reynie looking back to the mainland where Mr. Benedict and everyone else are?
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Okay so the sign originally says “Room(?) At The Wheel” (I can’t make out the first word). Who is painting that anyway? An ordinary brainwashed citizen? A Helper?
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They’re leaving for the Institute! Number Two with all those yellow suitcases haha. And is that Milligan standing on the side of the car? So one car takes the kids to the Institute. The other one (the one that Milligan seems to be standing on) is the car the rest of the adults will take so that they can camp out in the woods to keep an eye on the Institute
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It looks like there are Helpers in the background!
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Constance walking behind Reynie with her umbrella is adorable
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Kate, Reynie, and Sticky pulling the bell rope! I don’t think they ever rang the bell together in the book, so I’m curious to see the context of this shot
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Is this the boat in which they escape the Institute?
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Sad Mr. Benedict :( I’m guessing he’s berating himself for putting the kids in danger
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Rhonda and her fun driving! Btw the sign says “Who’s watching out for you?” I love that the presence of the Emergency seem to be everywhere in the show
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Kate changed to a blue striped shirt, while Sticky changed to an orange shirt. Constance and Reynie seem to be wearing the same outfits
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Crossing the bridge! Ten Men (sorry the Recruiters) are supposed to be stationed at the bridge entrance, right? Those people don’t look like they’re wearing expensive suits...
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What are they watching?
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And here is our first look at Mr. Curtain! Like with Mr. Benedict, this is definitely not how I pictured Mr. Curtain haha. He doesn’t have his sunglasses. I hope he has his wheelchair in the show
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What room is this? Is that the Receiver behind Mr. Benedict?
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I’m guessing this is the scene where they meet Mr. Curtain for the first time
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What is happening with this split screen? Are Mr. Benedict and Mr. Curtain talking to each other? Also Mr. Benedict reveals in the narration that Mr. Curtain is his twin brother (I wonder why they decided to reveal such a big twist in this trailer). So do the kids know beforehand that Mr. Curtain is Mr. Benedict’s twin? Or will they all be shocked like in the book? Though I don’t think Reynie can make that comment that Mr. Curtain’s nose looks like a cucumber haha. Also I take back what I said about mourning the loss of Mr. Benedict’s green plaid- you can see it in this screenshot!
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My facial expression right now is exactly like Kate’s in this shot. What the heck is that?
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Okay this just might be my favorite scene from the trailer- Reynie hugging Miss Perumal!! Ahh my heart!!! I love this so so much!!!
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Number Two with a stick! She is ready to attack! I think this is from the part when the Recruiters break into Mr. Benedict’s house
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What machine is this? Is this from the final battle against the Whisperer??
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Ooh no poor Sticky is scared!!
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Again I want to say that I am disappointed with how they interpreted this part of the book. Reynie is suppose to be able to casually walk aross the floor but instead he’s leaping???
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Milligan!!! Even though the beard is unexpected, it looks like they got his outfit right! Seems like this is Milligan leading the kids out of the underground passage
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The main four! Looks like they’re sending out a Morse code signal to Mr. Benedict and the others. Though where are they standing?
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This looks like the official title card! I love that the font looks similar to the one used on the cover of the books. Again this not how I pictured Mr. Benedict’s house haha
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“So you need a bunch of smart orphans to do a deadly mission. I get it.” - have I mentioned that I love Constance and her facial expressions??? Also her sass!! I wonder if Constance is still two in this? She is at least a lot younger than the rest of kids. Will the other kids be surprised with her age reveal (if there’s an age reveal at the end). Wait will Kate give Constance piggyback rides in the show?? I would love to see that
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The kids are like deadly???
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“Ideally not deadly”- he is so done haha
Phew and that’s the whole trailer! I would like to note that the only people we hear speak in this trailer are Mr. Benedict, Number two, Constance, and Kate. Also S.Q., Martina, Jackson, and Jillson did not appear in the trailer. I hope that they will be in the show though (I think Martina for sure will be in it).
Anyway, if you read this far- thanks for reading my ramblings! I would love to hear your thoughts about this trailer as well :)
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smileybokuto · 3 years
Cherry Soda | Chapter Two | morning rises and school shenanigans
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Chapter: morning rises and school shenanigans 
wc: 1.7k
warnings: none 
a/n: I have no idea how this almost hit 2k 🤧
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        Waking up was always hard for Y/n and Ushijima especially after a long night of studying. The alarm was blaring ‘wake me up before you go go by wham’. Y/n groans and cuddles closer to Ushijima who had his arm loosely wrapped around their waist. Without opening his eyes Ushijima reaches behind y/n and slams the snooze button. As his mother and storm burst through the door and she opened the blinds. 
       “Wake up you dear.” She smacks the bottom of his foot and he groans. “You have to go for your run, dear.” 
       “Ten more minutes.” He pleads sinking his head into the croak of y/n’s neck.
      “No.” Mrs. Ushijima hums. “Up and at’em.” 
      “Toshi. Please. Get up. I’m trying to sleep and she won’t close the blinds till you leave.” Y/n mumbles running their fingers through his hair slowly waking him up. 
       “Fine. Please shut the blinds.” He says rolling out of bed as his mother shuts the blind. Storm hops on the bed and lays down next to Y/n.
        “Y/n hunny.” Mrs. Ushijima lowers her voice as y/n hums in response. “I’ll be back in two hours to wake you okay.”
       “Mhmm.” Y/n hums in agreeance pulling a Storm close to their chest to replace Ushijima’s presence. 
       “Oh I’ll wash your uniform so just switch into the other one in the closet.” Mrs. Ushijima says as she and Ushijima leave the room, closing the door behind them. 
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       Just as Mrs.Ushijima promised two hours later she came back and woke Y/n up. Y/n showered and changed, throwing their clothes in Ushijima’s hamper and headed to the kitchen. Mrs. Ushijima was making breakfast, while Storm was sitting on the couch, as Y/n made their way over to the coffee machine.
       “Extra strong please.”
      “Yes Ma’am.” Y/n says plopping a fourth scoop of coffee grinds into the filter and popped it into the machine, hitting the start button. 
      “Hunny, can you set the table?” 
      “Yes. Of course.” Y/n says taking a deep breath and stretching. “Hmmm. Food smells good.”
      “You say that everytime.”
      “Because your food always smells good.” Y/n chuckles resting the plates down on the table. The front door slides open and Ushijima walks in sweating.
    “Welcome home,” Y/n and Mrs. Ushijima says and continues their previous conversation. 
    “I’m going to shower.” Ushijima announces and gets a nod from the two other people in this house. 
    “I’ll teach you how to make this for my son one day then.” Mrs. Ushijima wistfully says. 
    “You’ve said that for years now. How many times do I have to tell you we are just friends.” Y/n rolls their eyes while smiling at the middle aged woman in the kitchen flipping the bacon. 
    “You say that now hun. But that son of mine might be slow to realize his emotions but you are just as bad.”
    “You say the weirdest things sometimes.” Y/n laughs.
     “Don’t you worry one day I’m sure you’ll be my in law.” She nods agreeing with her own statement.
     “Okay.” Y/n laughs brushing it off as Ushijima emerges from his room in his school uniform. 
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      After eating breakfast Mrs. Ushijima saw them off to school. While walking Y/n was telling Ushijima about the weird dream they had about Tendo being a spy for a secret organization trying to breed alien superhumans who are good at volleyball. 
     “That’s very interesting Y/n. You should tell Tendo he’ll enjoy that.” 
     “I know right!” Y/n laughs as they spot Semi. “Oi, Semi!” Y/n shouts waving their hand in the air trying to get Semi’s attention. Semi looks back and laughs making his way over to the two. “Let me tell you about my dream!” 
     “Is it about Tendo again?” An amused look glazed over Semis eyes as he stared at them. Ushijima was staring at his friend slightly annoyed that Y/n had started talking to Semi more than him. Y/n explained the dream again.  “You're weird.”  
       “You have no appreciation for entertainment.” Y/n huffs crossing their arms across their chest. “Toshi and Tendo could never, hmph.” 
       “Could never what?” Ushijima questions.
      “You would never treat me like Semi does.” Y/n clarified.
      “Oh okay.” 
      “What are we going to have for lunch?” Y/n asks while looking from Ushijima to Semi. 
       “It’s still morning and you are already thinking about lunch?” Semi rolls his eyes and snickers. 
       “I’ll take you to the convenience store at lunch and we'll find food.”
       “Ooo that’s a good idea!!” Y/n says skipping a little. Tendo spotted the Trio from the gate.
        “Yahoo!” He shouts waving them over. “You’re late!”
       “No Tendo-san you are just early as usual.” Semi snides. 
       “How mean Semi Semi~”
       “Don’t call me that,” Semi rolls his eyes at the red haired boy. 
       “Meeting the happy couple again I see~”
       “Not a couple,” Ushijima and Y/n chimes. 
      “Good Morning Tendo,” Ushijima greets with a somewhat cheerful demeanor. 
      “Good morning Ushiwaka-Kun~”
      “Oh Tendo, good morning let me tell you about my dream,” Tendo’s head swivels in the direction of Y/n with a curious gaze. 
      “Oh! Y/n did you read the new One Piece episode.” 
      “Of course! It was so good!”
     “Y/n wouldn’t let me sleep till they watched the new episode.” Ushijima sighs.
      “I told you to go to sleep without me,” Y/n rolls their eyes and Ushijima scowls at them.
      “The last time I did that. I woke up to you sobbing on the floor.” Semi and Tendo both stopped walking and stared at the pair who soon stopped a few steps in front of them. 
       “Wait… back track… you slept over at his house.”
      “Yeah?” Y/n answers Semi who is looking between the two. He then peers over to Tendo who is just as shocked. 
      “In the same room?!?” Tendo burst out drawing the eyes of a few other students. 
       “Yes.” Ushijima nodded to Tendo and then started to argue with Y/n again. Meanwhile, Semi and Tendo are at a loss for words staring at them in confusion.
      “How can they be so oblivious??” Semi whispers to Tendo.
      “I can’t believe Ushiwaka has game.” Tendo presses his hands to his cheeks watching the two.
      “How long do you think it will take for them to realise they like each other?” Semi places his finger on his chin in contemplation. 
      “I put money down on two years last year. So this year, or I will lose to Ohira. Which would be annoying.” Tendo grimances.
      “You guys made a bet without me!” Semi shouted, smacking Tendo’s arm. 
      “Ow! Semi Semi that hur-”
      “Tendo we have to go or we’ll be late for Modern Japanese!” Y/n says pulling him by his sleeve.
      “Okay~. See you guys at lunch.” Tendo laughs. 
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      The bell rang for Lunch and Ushijima made his way to Y/n’s class to wait for them. Tendo and Y/n had gotten in Trouble for talking during class and were being scolded by the teacher. 
      “It was your fault Tendo.” Y/n chuckles walking out of the classroom. 
      “Ahh! Ushiwaka-san please tell Y/n that we only got in trouble because they were laughing too loud.” Tendo hums. 
     “Well Y/n does laugh loud,” a look of pure shock and annoyance flashes over Y/n’s face. 
     “You- ugh! Toshi you alway side with Tendo.” Y/n huffs and crosses their arms over their chest. 
     “But Tendo is right.” 
     “I- fine… whatever let’s go to the convenience store. You coming Tendo?” Y/n asks peering back at him. 
     “Ooo~. Yes!”
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     When they arrived at the store. Ushijima grabbed a basket and followed behind Tendo and Y/n who were engrossed with their conversation about the new shonen jump manga that came out. A soft smile creeped its way onto Ushijima’s face while he picked up a peach soda for himself. He grabs a Cherry soda for Y/n and Tendo’s favorite chocolates since they were too busy arguing about who the best antagonist is. 
       “You two need to pick food.” Ushijima’s voice cut off there conversation and they nodded picking up food and placing it into the basket. Then proceeded to continue their conversation following Ushijima to the counter while he paid. Tendo and Y/n both tried but Ushijima blocked the entire counter so they would not be able to. 
      “Awww! Ushiwaka-kun. You can’t just keep paying for us.” 
     “Yeah! I was trying to pay but you just kept swatting my hand away.” Y/n grumbles pouting a little and a faint red hue grazed Ushijimas face while he looked at them. A single thought flashing through his head, ‘how cute’. Ushijima said nothing but just continued to walk ignoring their protests. When they arrived at the table where the team was Semi motioned for them to come over and sit next to him in the open seats. 
     “Ushiwaka-kun took us out on a date~” Tendo sings and the table erupted in laughter. 
     “Oh really? Why won’t you take me on a date Ushijima-san!” Goshiki shouts, staring intently at Ushijima.
    “I didn’t take them on a date.” Ushijima acknowledges Goshiki with a quick glance as he places the food in front of its intended owner. 
    “He took us to the convenience store and he paid for us! That is a date!” Tendo says lacing his fingers together and perches his chin on them while staring at him. 
      “With that logic he would be dating the whole team then.” Y/n muses and everyone laughs.  
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       At the end of the day, Y/n, Tendo and Ushijima met at the gym entrance.
      “I forgot we had a practice match with the demon children from Karasuno!” Tendo groans. 
       “Those first years are scary.” Y/n agrees nodding. 
       “HINATA BOKE!”
       “And they are loud.” Y/n jokes. 
       “Annoying..” Ushijima clicks his tongue and walks into the gym. Y/n peers door the way to see the Karasuno team making its way to the gym.
       “This is going to be interesting,” Y/n muses and enters the gym. 
       After the practice match the shy silver haired setter approached Y/n, Tendo and Ushijima outside of the gym. He stood in front of Y/n fiddling with his thumbs and swaying from foot to foot.
     “Uh hi! My name is Koushi Sugawara and I was wondering if Ushijima-kun was your boyfriend?”
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Between Part and Meet - Trio
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ephemer & Player Character & Skuld (Kingdom Hearts)
“Do you have a reservation, kupo?” the Moogle at the host stand asks you.
“Um, yes, I think so,” you say. “It might be under Ephemer?”
The Moogle scans through the list and nods. “You’re the first to arrive. Come this way, kupo.”
Feeling a little out of place, you follow the Moogle to a comfortable-looking booth with a frosted window overlooking the streets of Daybreak Town. You slide into the booth and are handed a menu and a bundle of utensils. “Can I get you anything to drink while you wait, kupo?” the Moogle asks.
“Um, just water is fine,” you reply a bit distractedly. The Moogle nods and floats away, leaving you to glance over the menu.
You’ve always been the early one when meeting up with Ephemer, and often when meeting with Skuld, too. It just feels nicer being early than it does being right on time or late. But this is the first time the three of you are meeting up outside of the clock tower, and not at anyone’s home. You hope they aren’t so busy with Union leader stuff that they forget about your plans together tonight at this restaurant.
You’ve even dressed up for the occasion – not too much, of course, but you’re not just wearing your usual mission clothes, either. Chirithy had helped you pick out your outfit and had been patient as you tried on different articles of clothing until you settled on this one.
You glance at the menu items without really reading them. You haven’t eaten at a restaurant in ages. So long, in fact, that you wonder briefly if there are any etiquette rules you might have forgotten. The Moogle comes back with your glass of water and you glance around at the other restaurant-goers. Many seem to be eating together in pairs, you realize. There’s a rather rowdy group of friends in a corner near the door, and a table of people who seem to have finished their food long ago and are just sitting and talking. That seems nice, you think. Just having somewhere to sit and talk with your friends.
There’s a tap on your shoulder and you look up with a jolt, then relax as you recognize the smiling face of Skuld. “Hope I haven’t kept you waiting long,” she says, sliding into the seat across from you. “Ephemer’s on his way too, but he told me to go without him in case you came early so you wouldn’t be sitting alone. We both guessed you’d be the first to arrive.”
“Typical,” you say, waving your hand dismissively. “But – wait I didn’t get a good look at you before you sat down. That’s a really nice shirt! Can I see the whole outfit?”
Skuld’s smile is radiant as she shimmies out of the booth to stand so you can see the whole outfit. Her usual skirt and zippered top are traded out for a lovely top with a high neckline and high-waisted pants. She’s even tied her hair into an elegant updo, though you can see that she hasn't traded out her familiar star-shaped studs. “You look wonderful!” you say. “I’m flattered you’d take the time to put your hair up like that, too. Did it take long?”
“I got Lauriam to help, actually,” she says, sitting back down and turning her head so you can admire the delicate twists of her hair. “He’s got all kinds of weird skills like that. He walked past me trying to do it myself and offered to help, and well, here we are.”
“He seems like a pretty interesting guy,” you say, propping up your cheek on your hand. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to help him with his little sister. Have you found out anything more about her?”
“Not yet, I’m afraid.”
Just then, a Moogle comes by with another water for Skuld. “Need a bit more time before you decide, kupo?” they ask, and you both nod in unison.
“I haven’t even looked at the menu,” you admit, pulling it up in front of you again. “Is there anything you recommend?”
“Hmm…” Skuld muses, running a finger down some of the options. “I’ve heard they have good spinach dip. And that their pastas are huge so it’s good to share.”
“Those both sound good. We could all get something different and try each others’, too.”
“I hope you two haven’t ordered without me.”
You look up from the menu to see Ephemer, smiling broadly. He slides into the booth next to you and you look him up and down to take in his outfit. Of all things, you’re most surprised that his red scarf is nowhere in sight, though he’s wearing a collared shirt that’s a similar shade of crimson. He’s even tucked his shirt into proper dress pants. His sleeves are rolled up, though his usual gloves are gone, too. It’s a rather nice look on him.
“Wow, Eph, you really cleaned up,” Skuld teases, leaning across the table.
“Excuse you, I always look this dashing – I just have specific wardrobe choices I like to keep to. Gotta maintain a certain aesthetic.”
You grin. “You look really nice. Your hair’s even less poofy than usual.” And it’s true, too – his normally chaotically curly hair is surprisingly tame today.
He turns to you and raises a hand to lightly pat at his own hair. “It took a lot more effort than I usually put into it,” he admits. He takes a moment to look at your own outfit and smiles. “You look pretty nice, yourself. Really nice, I mean. It suits you.”
You find your face growing warm at the compliment and hide it by directing everyone’s attention to the menu again. “So, what are we eating? Skuld and I were thinking we could each get something different to share.”
“Ooh, I like that,” Ephemer says, rotating the menu to read it better. “Can we share some of these appetisers first, maybe? And then get a bigger meal.”
You gesture across the table. “Skuld was just saying the spinach dip is supposed to be good. And the pasta portions are really big.”
“Okay, let’s do the spinach dip then, and maybe two of the pastas?”
You and Skuld both nod in agreement. “Sounds good.”
Just then, a Moogle comes by with a third glass of water for Ephemer and asks, “Does everyone know what they’d like to order, kupo?”
“Uh… I’ll let you guys each pick a pasta,” you say, and they both quickly study the menu. “We’ll have some spinach dip to start.”
“Let’s go with this… noc… no-chee and sweet potatoes pasta,” Ephemer says, and you chuckle under your breath as you look at the entry he’s pointing to on the menu.
“The sweet potato and hazelnut gnocchi,” you correct, and Ephemer looks a bit bewildered as he studies the word again, one eyebrow raised.
“Oh that sounds good, okay, and then how about this smoked salmon alfredo for the second pasta,” Skuld says to the Moogle, pointing at the menu before handing it over to them. “We’d like to split them so if you could just bring us a couple of side plates that would be excellent.”
“Understood, kupo. Can I get you anything else to drink?”
Ephemer suddenly looks hopeful. “Do you have milkshakes?” he asks in an unusually small voice.
Though it’s hard to understand Moogle expressions, you think this one might be smiling. “Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry milkshakes, kupo.”
“I’ll have a vanilla milkshake, then,” he says.
The Moogle nods. “I’ll be back with it soon, kupo!”
Skuld shakes her head at Ephemer. “A milkshake, huh?”
“I’m always up for ice cream,” he says. He bumps your shoulder with his own. “Wonder what a sea salt ice cream milkshake would taste like.”
You shrug. “Probably much the same as the ice cream itself. Sweet and a bit salty.”
“Do you think ice cream is hard to make? It seems like it would be.”
“Can’t say I’ve ever tried it. Might need a special machine or something. I’m not sure how it gets so fluffy.”
“If it’s anything like whipped cream,” Skuld chimes in, “I bet it needs a lot of mixing.”
In short order, Ephemer’s milkshake is delivered. He takes an eager sip from the straw and lets out a satisfied “ahh” before he pushes it towards you. “Want some?”
You take a sip yourself. It’s wonderfully creamy and vanilla-y. “Yum,” you say, licking your lips.
Ephemer offers his drink to Skuld in turn and she takes a small sip. “Oh that is good,” she says. “Now I almost wish I’d gotten one, too.”
“Excuse me!” Ephemer says abruptly, stopping a nearby Moogle who was passing by your booth. “Could we get two more milkshakes?”
“What kind would you like, kupo?”
“Wha – Ephemer, I don’t actually need one–” Skuld splutters, reddening under the Moogle’s expectant gaze.
He shakes his head at her. “Just go for it!” he says. “You may as well while we’re here.”
“Um, one strawberry milkshake,” you say politely. Ephemer grins at you and Skuld sighs before giving in.
“Okay, and one… one chocolate milkshake.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back, kupo.”
Skuld stretches her arms out over the table. “I shouldn’t let you guys convince me to buy things I don’t need,” she says.
You shrug. “I think it’s good to treat yourself, too. If you only ever bought things you absolutely needed you’d have nothing to look forward to.”
“I was just going to say you should buy milkshakes because they’re delicious but that sounds much more reasonable.” Ephemer takes another sip of his milkshake. “Soo good.”
Skuld leans against the back of the booth. “True. On both accounts, really.”
The Moogle returns with your requested milkshakes and you take an eager sip of yours. “Oh the strawberry flavour is so nice,” you say, sliding it along the table to Ephemer. “Try some?”
Skuld takes a sip of her own drink and smiles. “I mean, it is good. Here, try mine too.” You swap drinks. The chocolate has almost a hint of bitterness to it, and it, too, is very tasty.
The three of you make small talk until your spinach dip is delivered not long after. You scoop some of the warm cheesy dip onto a piece of toasted flatbread and blow on it before taking a tiny bite. It’s very hot, but also pleasantly creamy and flavourful.
“So Ephemer,” Skuld says as she scoops some of the dip onto a piece of bread, “can we talk about how you’ve never seen the word ‘gnocchi’ before?” You snort with laughter, suddenly remembering.
Ephemer is indignant. “I have seen it before! I’ve just never had to say it aloud!”
To Ephemer’s credit, it’s not an easy word to understand the pronunciation of, but it’s too fun to tease him like this. “Do you know what gnocchi is?”
“I do! It’s like little potato pasta things. Isn’t it?” He suddenly seems a bit unsure of himself and looks to you for support.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much right,” you laugh, taking another bite of your appetiser. “How did he say it again?” You turn to Skuld. “'No-chee'?”
She grins and Ephemer ducks his head slightly under the pretense of taking another sip of his milkshake. You can see that his cheeks have gone a bit pink. You pat his leg under the table. “Aw, it’s okay, sunshine. We’re just having a bit of fun. I think the Moogle knew what you wanted, anyway.”
He leans his head against your shoulder in mock grief. “All I wanted was some pasta.”
You pat his hair gently. It’s extremely soft today, perhaps having something to do with however he got his curls to look more tame. You reach forward to grab another piece of bread to dunk in the spinach dip and Ephemer sits back up so he can help himself as well. The appetiser wasn’t too big, and it’s just enough to satisfy your hunger a teeny bit until you get the pasta dishes.
“Oh, I meant to tell you,” Skuld says, pushing the dirty plates off to one side so she can reach a hand towards you over the table. “I finally saw Brain make food today. Or well, not really make food. But I did catch him eating some hard-boiled eggs? So I assume he made them himself.”
“Oh good, proof he actually does eat sometimes.” You trace your thumb over the back of Skuld’s hand. “I wonder if he ever goes out to eat. Do you think he hoards food in his room?”
She looks thoughtful. “Honestly the only places I ever see him are in the control room, in the main meeting room, or in his own room. So I can’t imagine he just heads out on the town to buy food very often.”
“I don’t know if that’s true,” Ephemer adds, propping up his cheek on his elbow. “He left with Lauriam one time to go somewhere in Daybreak Town. I don’t know if they went shopping, exactly, but they went out to do something .”
“Maybe the reason he always leaves fighting monsters to the rest of us is because he never has any energy due to lack of food.”
“Does he drink coffee?” you ask, trying to think if you’d seen him with a mug or a cup of anything the last time you’d been at the clock tower.
“I… don’t… think so? He might. There isn’t a coffee machine in the common kitchen area though, so he’d have to have it in his room.” She looks at Ephemer. “I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen him have a glass of water when he’s working.”
“Oh, no, one time I offered him a cup and he was scandalized. Told me off for even thinking of putting water anywhere near all of the computers. Which I guess kind of makes sense. We often have a bunch of papers all over the desks too so it would be bad if we spilled something on them.”
“Hmm,” you say, tracing along a dark line in the wood of the table top with your free hand. “Do you think it’d be weird if we tried to get together and have a meal sometime? Like, all the Union leaders. Or would that be extra weird to have me along since I’m not really part of the leaders…” You trail off, wondering if you’ve overstepped.
Skuld squeezes your other hand reassuringly. “No, I think that sounds great! I love your cooking. We could all try to pitch in and have a potluck, maybe!”
“Yeah that sounds excellent!” Ephemer agrees, nodding. “I’m always up for good food.”
“You’d have to make something too,” you point out. “It’s a potluck.”
“I can make food!” he insists. “You two have no faith in me.”
You and Skuld exchange a grin. “I’ll believe it when I taste it,” you tease.
Your food arrives just then, and you let go of Skuld’s hand to clear a space in the middle of the table for it to be set down. Both pastas are steaming and look wonderful. The Moogle places some extra plates down as well and picks up your spinach dip dishes to take away while another Moogle comes by with a cheese grater.
“Can I offer you some Parmesan cheese, kupo?” they ask, and Ephemer eagerly offers forth the smoked salmon dish.
“Yes, please!” he says, then looks to you and Skuld to confirm this is okay. Skuld shrugs and nods and you agree. The Moogle grates a nice little pile of Parmesan shavings onto the pasta and departs.
“Oh I am so ready to dig into this,” Ephemer says, unwrapping his fork from the napkin and scooping some of the nearest pasta onto his plate.
“Skuld, what are these little green things?” you ask, patting Ephemer’s arm so he can pass you a plate as well.
She inspects it for a moment. They’re about the size of peas but darker and a bit more leafy-looking. “Ohh these are the capers,” she explains, and pops one into her mouth. “Yeah. They’re like tiny flower buds.”
“Huh. I don’t know if I’ve ever had them before.” You scoop some of the pasta onto your dish and spear a caper experimentally on your fork before putting it in your mouth. “Hmm. Kinda salty? It’s good though.”
Skuld nods. “It goes well with the salmon.”
“Gonna try some of the no-chee?” you tease, gesturing to the other pasta plate.
“Yes I find I’m rather fond of no-chee,” she laughs and helps herself to the gnocchi. Ephemer makes a pouty face at the two of you but says nothing, his mouth full of pasta.
You take a sip of your strawberry milkshake – nearly done – and scoop some of the gnocchi out onto your plate as well. The hazelnuts give it a pleasant, earthy flavour along with the sweet potatoes. It’s a nice combination. “Good pick, Ephemer,” you say after swallowing your mouthful. “Might have to try making this sometime.”
“I might not know how to pronounce it, but I can still appreciate good food,” he says with a grin.
“Oh hang on, there’s a plate of garlic bread here, too,” Skuld says, moving the pasta dishes aside to put the plate in the center of the table. “Aw and there are three pieces even though we just got the two pastas, that’s nice. Okay, everyone gets one.”
The garlic bread seems to have been made from a rounded bun of sorts, and it’s wonderfully crispy on the flat side but fluffy and soft on the rounded side. “I might have to just order a basket of garlic bread the next time I come here,” you say after you’ve devoured your piece. “That was excellent. ”
Skuld drags her straw around the edge of her glass to get the last of her milkshake. “I think all the food we’ve had has been excellent. I’d come back.”
“I’d like that,” Ephemer says after swallowing a mouthful of food. “I mean, I just like eating food with you guys.”
“Is it because you don’t want to cook for yourself?” Skuld teases.
“No! I just like having familiar things.” This isn’t a particularly surprising sentiment coming from the boy who’d eaten the exact same flavour of ice cream with you day in and day out for nearly a year.
“Maybe we should try different places each time,” you offer. “You know. In case we find other foods we really like.”
Ephemer falls silent as he considers this but Skuld nods. “I like that. And then if we have a favourite place we can always come back to it.” She looks to Ephemer for agreement.
“Yeah… okay. When would we go? Once a week?”
Skuld shakes her head in surprise, glancing at Ephemer. “I don’t know if either of us can consistently set aside that kind of time. Maybe every three weeks? We can always try to get together on the off weeks, obviously. We just wouldn’t be going to restaurants.”
You feel a little twinge of sadness at the suggested schedule – surely Skuld and Ephemer will be seeing each other a lot more often than you’ll be seeing them in between meetups – but… well, any time you can hang out with them is good. “That’s all right by me,” you say.
“Great, it’s a plan. Ephemer and I will figure out a day that works best and let you know as soon as we can.”
Unexpectedly, you find yourself trying to avoid their gazes and look down at your plate under the pretense of trying to scoop a hazelnut onto your fork. It’s fine that Skuld and Ephemer have Union leader stuff to do. Obviously. They’ll let you know as soon as they’re free. “Yeah, sure.” The words feel uncomfortable in your tight throat.
Luckily, Skuld doesn’t seem to notice. You chance a glimpse up at her and she’s back to eating the last of her pasta. Ephemer bumps his shoulder against yours and smiles radiantly and you wonder if he noticed your reaction. You do your best to smile back and quickly turn away, picking up your near-empty glass of strawberry milkshake as though you think you can get more ice cream out of it. It’s fine. You’re fine.
“Well, that’s all for me,” Skuld declares, setting down her fork. “Ephemer, you want the last of the gnoc – ahem – the no-chee?”
Ephemer rolls his eyes at her. “Sure, I’ll finish it. You want any more before I take it?” he asks, offering the plate to you. You shake your head and he scoops the last of the gnocchi onto his plate. “Excellent.”
You lean against the back of the booth as well. “I’m full too. That was really yum.��
“I might have to try making gnocchi one of these times,” Skuld says thoughtfully. “I don’t think it would be too hard. Don’t you just cook the potatoes and then add some flour and stuff?”
You shrug. “I’ve never tried. You might have to cook it after you mix everything together, or maybe you can just use it in a dish as soon as you’re done, I’m not sure. I’d want a recipe before I try making it for the first time.”
Ephemer puts down his fork at last with a satisfied sigh, pushing his plate away from himself. “I mean, if you two want to cook no-kee then I wouldn’t complain about trying it.”
“Gnocchi,” Skuld corrects offhand, smiling, “and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind eating free food, huh?”
“I’m just saying, I wouldn’t pass it up.”
A Moogle comes by to pick up your dirty dishes. “Can I interest you in any dessert, kupo?”
Ephemer looks longingly at the dessert menu but you and Skuld both shake your heads. “I’m really full, but thank you,” you say.
Ephemer sighs. “Me too. Maybe next time though.”
The Moogle nods. “And how would you like to pay tonight, kupo? All on one bill, or separate?”
“Oh, uhh…”
“One bill is fine,” you interrupt. The Moogle nods and leaves.
“How much do I owe you?” Skuld asks, digging in her bag, but you shake your head.
“Don’t worry about it,” you say. “I’ll get this one. Then we’ll just have to go out again so you guys can pay me back.”
“Are you sure?” Ephemer asks, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it.”
He slumps back in his seat. “Well, okay then.”
You pat his leg. “It’s my ploy to get you guys to hang out with me more,” you stage-whisper, ostensibly joking but also secretly hoping that they really will make sure you go out at least once more together.
The Moogle comes by with the bill and you hand over some munny, thanking them for the lovely meal. “I guess we should head out,” Skuld says, looking around. “It’s pretty busy so we shouldn’t take up an extra table.”
“Yeah, that’s… of course.” You glance at Ephemer and he slides out of the booth to let you out too. The three of you wind your way around the tables and out onto the streets of Daybreak Town.
“Thanks for the night out, you two,” Skuld says as the restaurant door closes behind you. She pulls on a motorcycle jacket on top of her fancy outfit, making it look more casual, but also somehow more… Skuld. Ephemer rolls down his sleeves but otherwise doesn’t seem as bothered by the cool breeze. Typical.
“This was really nice,” you say, stretching your arms out in front of yourself. “Thanks for coming.”
Unexpectedly, Ephemer pulls the three of you into a hug. “I’m glad things worked out that we could all meet up again,” he says.
“I… yeah, me too,” you say, wrapping your arms around the two of them. You’re not quite sure if he means he’s glad you could meet up tonight or if he’s grateful that, after all that has happened, despite being separated, the three of you managed to end up in the same world. You're glad for both, in any case.
“Well, I guess we should be off,” Skuld says when you break apart. “Do you want us to walk you home?”
Yes. “No, that’s all right,” you say. “I live in the other direction, anyway. I’ll see you guys soon!”
They smile and wave at you as they turn to walk in the other direction. You walk boldly through the streets, not looking back until you’re sure they must be out of sight, then sit down on the curb on a small side street. “Lucky?” you call tentatively.
Your Spirit companion poofs into existence beside you in the form of the fluffiest pink dog you’ve ever seen. They crawl up into your lap and their pink tongue laps at your chin. “No, no, it’s fine, settle down,” you say, pushing them down. Lucky quivers in your lap, their tiny tail thumping against your knees. You stroke their head softly. “I just needed a hug. And I didn’t want to let Chirithy know. You won’t tell them, will you Lucky?”
Lucky’s pink tongue lolls out of their mouth for a moment as they pant, then they lay their head down on your arm and look up at you with big eyes. You run a hand along their fluffy fur absentmindedly.
“I just… I think I get jealous of Skuld and Ephemer hanging out? I don’t know if that’s what it is, exactly. I just know I feel upset when I think about them hanging out without me. And I know a lot of it is unavoidable – obviously they’re both Union leaders, so they’re going to see each other around the tower and have Union leader meetings and stuff. So it’s stupid to get upset over it. Right? I feel like I’m just bringing the mood down because I want to spend time with them, too.”
Lucky’s quiet in your lap and you continue to stroke their fur. “I don’t want them to feel bad, either. I know they already feel bad enough for keeping things from me about the Keyblade War and all that. And I really, really want things to go back to normal.” You sigh deeply and Lucky’s tail starts to wag again. “Yeah, okay, we can go home,” you say, ushering them off your lap. Their shape changes to that of a little wolf, like they want to protect you as you walk home. You reach down and pat them between the ears. “Thanks.”
Ephemer turns to look back at you as he and Skuld walk in the other direction towards the tower, but you’re already partway down the street, confidently strolling away. “Did you think… did you think Peach seemed a bit troubled back there?” he asks.
“Just now, you mean?” Skuld asks, turning to him in surprise. “No, not really. Did you?”
He shrugs. “I dunno. I just thought they seemed a bit sad about something.”
“Well, we can ask the next time we all get together. Make sure they’re all right.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I hope we’re not too busy this week.”
Find Between Part and Meet on AO3! It updates every other Tuesday. This is the first chapter out of 6. I also have several other KHUx fics there under theworldthatneverwas, so be sure to check them out if you enjoyed this one!
Fic summary: You, Ephemer, and Skuld are back together again in Daybreak Town, but adjusting to normal life after the Keyblade War is easier said than done. And with Ephemer and Skuld so busy with their Union leader duties, what will it take to build this friendship up to weather any storm?
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princesskokichi · 4 years
shuichi, keebo, fuyuhiko, kiyotaka, and izuru asking their crush to call them by their first name
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ahh, i had so much fun writing this ! 
yes, i know keebo doesn’t have a last name.
don’t judge me
he babie - mod kokichi
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[ S H U I C H I ]
- this !!! he was going to do this today !
- he talked to each one of his best friends individually to see what they would say
- and they all agreed with him that s / o was totally into him !!
- which is so good but,,
- how would he tell you ?
- would he write it out in a note and give it to you ? profess it loudly ? tell you in a quiet way ?
- he pondered this for the longest time
- in the end, he decided to do something subtle about the change in the relationship
- well, not really subtle, but it was the best choice that he could think of that almost couldn't end in failure.
- he got so excited that he could hardly wait !! so he decided that he was going to do his thing tomorrow !
- during the lunch break at school, you were sitting with him as usual
- kaede had been absent that day, and she usually helped you with your math homework
- maki and kaito decided they were going to pick up snacks from the vending machines, so it was just the two of you
- s / o : "saihara-kun, can you help me with my math homework today ? i don't exactly understand it,, "
- he fluctuated in his resolve for a moment, almost wanting to drop the subject all together and just help you with your math
- but he wouldn't allow himself to give up that easily, or else he had 03 friends who would personally seek the end of him
- shuichi : " hey, i can but, can you do me a favor ? "
- s / o : " i can do everything but help you with your math homework, saihara-kun. "
- shuichi : " can you, uh, can you,, canyoucallmebymyfirstname ? with, uhm,, without honorifics,"
- he spoke really fast, his words conjoined together and it went over your head for a moment
- s / o :  " h-huh ? why would i do that ? "
- shuichi : " well, we're close aren't we ? ah, nevermind, it's okay. forget i said anything. "
- you stayed silent for a little while, and shuichi was really starting to rethink his entire approach to this situation
- maki and kaito came back, munching on foods
- maki : " so ? how is everything. "
- s / o : " shuichi is going to teach me my math homework. "
- he visibly lost 05 years off his lifespan, but in a good way
- shuichi : " is it okay if i come visit you at your place today to tutor you, s / o ? "
[ K E E B O ]
( i changed it up a little for his, i hope that's okay ,, )
- he was always constantly learning about the world around him
- in school, he got really surprised to see the use of honorifics and last names
- in fact, he once called his teacher by their first name without honorifics and got detention for two days for that
- after that little mistake, he took it upon himself to learn what he didn't know about the japanese culture and their understanding of names
- while he believed the word of the internet and all of his sources, he felt like this kind of thing was better to consult a person who grew up in this society would be
- so he asked you, one of his best friends, about it
- you explained to him that first names were reserved for people you were close with
- and that honorifics showed respect for those of higher positions, age, or others
- he had asked a ton of questions that night, pretty amazed at how much knowledge you possessed on the subject and how well you presented it
- after that, he would come to you whenever he had a question about the japanese society that he didn't understand
- which was pretty often tbh he's an inquisitive boy
- after a few months of talking to you almost daily, he started to feel weird, like his circuits were heating up
- even though he knew it was irrational, he wanted to spend as much time as possible with you
- he wanted,, to be closer to you
- he consulted miu with this question, purely because she was the ult inventor after all
- she told him that he was catching feelings
-,,in miu's own way, but it was understandable
- he was a little surprised afterwords
- he was,, romantically attracted to you ? that's surprising
- he had to tell you, in a way he knew you would appreciate
- he texted you to meet him at the park immediately after his meeting with miu, and waited there for you to arrive
- when he saw you, he jumped out of the bench he was sitting at
- keebo : " s / o ! i have come to a startling conclusion, and i want you to listen to me for a moment. "
- you flushed up, telling yourself that he just forgot how last names work in japan.
- s / o : " ah, i'm listening senpai. "
- keebo : " i want to call you by your first name instead of l / n-san. if you,, if you want. "
- oh, he didn't just forget,,
- s / o : " that's pretty bold, senpai. and a little unexpected. "
- his gaze was unfaltering, watching you with expectation as he gathered his next sentence.
- keebo : " will you accept this change ? "
- s / o : " yeah. yeah, i do, keebo. "
[ F U Y U H I K O ]
- he really didn't give a shit about respect or anything like that
- of course, he never really used last names, either
- most of the times, he just called a person a curse word to refer to them
- well, that is most of the time
- and then you came by into his life, and he forgot all about that act of his
- he was never prim and proper, but he was respectful to you, which meant a lot coming from a guy who likes his persona of an asshole
- mainly, he followed your lead
- if you would call him a nickname, he had a nickname for you
- if you called him by his last name, he would call you by your last name
- but the thing is, you never went past the respectful way of referring to him
- so all of these nicknames and playful things he had prepared to call you were completely useless
- unless  you decided you wanted to be closer than just respectful friends
- if he did it, he felt like he was just going to sound like his usual asshole self and you wouldn't think much of it
- or worse
- you'd think less of him, and that's something he does not want
- so he waited
- and waited
- and waited
- until he literally could not wait anymore
- he paced back and forth in his bedroom, peko barely paying attention to him as she read her book
- fuyuhiko : " how do i show that bi-i, uh, l / n-san,, , that i want to be more than just typical friends with them ? "
- peko : " have you tried asking them ? "
- fuyuhiko : " asking them what ? "
- peko : " to call you by your first name and not your family name. have you tried that ? "
- fuyuhiko : " ,, peko, you are a genius ! "
- peko : " i know i am. "
- even though he was getting frustrated with the situation, it still took him nearly a week to get the courage to ask you
- and even then, it was only because it was the heat of the moment
- you'd been playing with him the entire day, poking his cheek or his shoulder and whispering " kuzuryu-kun, pay attention to meee "
- s / o, while poking his cheek : " kuzuryu-kun, kuzuryu-kun, kuzuryu-kun, kuzu- "
- fuyuhiko : " i'll pay attention to you if you call me by my name, geez ! it's annoying to hear you say " kuzuryu-kun " so often. "
- you stopped in your tracks for a moment, your face incredibly red and nervous.
- and then
- s / o : " fuyuhiko, fuyuhiko, fuyuhiko, fuyuhiko, fuyuhi- "
- ah, yes, true love
[ K I Y O T A K A ]
- he upheld standards really well
- okay, maybe not just " really well "
- he lives nearly every day of his life adhering to the rules, both of society and school
- so he took stuff like that very seriously
- in fact, you two knew each other for more than a year before he even started to get the idea of changing from just polite friends to closer than such
- the idea came to him while he was talking to you at the library
- taka : " ah, i think cereal is the most adequate food to eat for breakfast, what do you think s / - i mean ! l / n -san ! "
- you had flushed up red immediately, but not nearly as red as he was
- he could not believe that he almost screwed up like that, seriously
- both you and him pretended like that little slip up never happened for the entire time at the library
- and for the next week, it was back to normal
- well, as normal as it was going to get at hope's peak academy
- until one night, you finally texted him
- it was completely out of the blue at nearly nine pm, just barely an hour before he went to sleep
- s / o : " hey, remember that day at the library ? "
- he almost threw his phone, oh gosh darnit
- taka : " yeah, sure do. what's this about suddenly ? "
- s / o : " well, i just wanted to know,,, why did you almost call me by my given name ? "
- taka : " i was not thinking ! i apologize if i overstepped my boundaries, l / n-san ! "
- s / o : " no, just checking. well, its getting late, i should be going to sleep. goodnight kiyotaka. "
- after reading that text nearly a million times
- he finally came to the conclusion that yes, indeed, you did say that
-  and now he had to do something about it
- at school the next day, while walking to his locker, he saw you reading your textbook to get an early start for your language class
- taka : " hey, l / n-san !"
- s / o : " oh, ishimaru-kun ! hi ! "
- he sat down beside you on the bench, reading your book slightly
- taka : " i have a favor to ask of you ! please, refer to me as kiyotaka ! in the same context, i will refer to you as s / o ! ,,, if that is acceptable ? "
- s / o : " ah ! i can do that, kiyo ! "
- taka : " now, let's get to class, i don't want to be late. "
- s / o : " we have ten minutes before class starts. "
[ I Z U R U ]
- listen, i know the request said " shy boys " but izuru just got stuck in my head and wouldn't let me write this without writing him, so here he is
- first things first that he does not care about being proper
- literally, it mattered zero to him
- however, he still stuck to calling everyone [ last name ]-san, purely because he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about him or any of his friends that he talked to on a daily basis
- one time that happened with chiaki where a rumor was being spread that he was in a romantic relationship with her and she almost killed him on the spot upon learning of it
- he doesn't fear death, but he fears chiaki
- just a little bit tho
- so while it didn't matter to him, he still got used to saying it
- however, when you joined the group, he wanted to call you by simpler terms for a different reason
- he spent a long time trying to figure out what was wrong with him when he talked to you
- he would feel his face heat up, and it was significantly harder to think of words to say when you were around, even if he wasn't directly talking to you
- and dear god don't get near him or he felt like he was going to combust
- what the fuck were these feelings ?
- even though he was a mess inside, he kept it calm and rational to everyone else
- and by that, i mean he looked like he always did, uncaring about everything in the universe
- since he always seemed like he didn't care, you were known for messing around with him, or more specifically - his hair
- brushing his hair and braiding it seemed to be your favorite pastime
- during lunch, you would sit on the table while he sat down on the bench, and would just brush away with your soft pastel purple brush
- whenever you would, it took everything out of him not to curse at you for,,,
- he didn't know really why he felt like cursing at you
- there were just a lot of feelings in one body, something he wasn't used to
- one day was going very well
- you were idly talking between chiaki and nagito while brushing izuru's hair
- hajime was somewhere, probably retaking a test because he failed his exam last time
- you were humming, trying to pull all of his hair into a ponytail so you could make a few braids in it
- s / o : " kamukura-kun, can you push your hair from your face, i can't reach it - "
- izuru : " must you always play with my hair, s / o ? "
- s / o : " huh ? oh, yeah. yeah, it's kind of mandatory, kamukura-kun. "
- izuru : " my name is izuru. "
- wait, what was he saying ?
- s / o : " k-kamukura-kun,, , "
- izuru : " izuru. "
- you two went back and forth until you finally gave up, giving into his requests
- s / o : " geez, you're so,, ugh ! why do you have to have such nice hair izuru ? "
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thesoloists · 4 years
Unsweet Dreams
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Summary: Bucky may be free of Hydra’s influence, but he’s not free of that of the Winter Soldier. He’s slowly coming to terms with that.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: PTSD, trauma and anxiety, brief graphic depictions of murder (assault & strangulation), chronic nightmares, fluff via post-nightmare comfort (if it’s any consolation, I tried to keep it balanced)
A/n: AHH, I’m so nervous! It’s been awhile since this corner of the interweb has seen my writing (I made a new tumblr and everything), so if whoever reads this could just, y’know, drop me an ask telling me what you think about this fic, I would really appreciate it. Also, I promise not all my fics will be this dark. I just needed the bit of catharsis at the end. :’)
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Bucky used to live in constant fear. It was like a malignant tumor, slowly killing him and robbing him of the ability to live every damn day of his life.
To be in a crowd was like sticking him in a coffin full of nails. As he struggled to stay out of the swirl of hurried people, his anxiety would skyrocket to the point of short-circuiting his mental system. His whole body becomes stiff, his responses shortened and robotic, as he becomes helplessly overwhelmed by the blaring warning signs going off in his head. Until his brain, finding no other option, shut down enough to function on autopilot. Only when he was away from everyone, when his mind was sure they were a safe distance from the danger of the Winter Soldier, would he come back to himself. But, to be honest, was there ever a safe enough distance from such a mindless beast?
The idea of becoming him again was so crippling that before Shuri offered to fix him, Bucky would spend days at a time locked in his room and weeks without leaving the compound. Shuri said he would never be that man again, the crudely molded vague interpretation of one, anyway—not after whatever indescribable thing she had done to him with Wakandan technology that Bucky still finds respectfully confusing. Bucky wanted so badly to believe her, but why, even now, if she is as certain as she was then that the gangrenous part of him is gone, why does he still see him in his dreams at night? Sometimes standing before him like a ghost, void of his humanity, empty of soul, filled only with commands of murder and mission and the pain endured in every attempt to scrape away the bloodshed. 
There’s no place in Bucky’s mind he can hide where the monstrous Winter Soldier cannot find him. In pleasant dreams of sandy beaches with the smell of salt on the open air, the beast will tear open a gaping black rift right behind him, grab Bucky by the back of his collar, and drag him into the void as his screams fall on apathetic ears. Where he ends up is a place where his cries are heard by no one, Where color cannot penetrate the bitter black, and where shapes and barriers do not exist. He can run forever and never hit a wall, and all the while, the Winter Soldier will stalk toward him. Inevitable, just as Bucky is with his surrender.
Agony awaits him, but he knows it will end. It has to end. And when it does, he will wake.
Bucky has long given up trying to escape on his own. Every attempt has proved futile, and it only draws out the agony. He prefers his death to be as quick as ripping a band aid. So, he goes nowhere, just stands in the very place the Winter Soldier dropped him, and waits.
The Winter Soldier stands maybe twenty feet away. His eyes are shrouded in smears of dark black, but his eyes are a stark contrast of light blue shards of cryogenic ice.
Knowing the end will be the same as every other end before it brings Bucky no semblance of comfort. He is helpless to it. No more than a prisoner to his own imagined fate.
After a while of the Winter Soldier reducing the encounter to nothing more than a one-sided staring contest, Bucky hangs his head, shaking it at the absurdity of being made to wait. “Just get it over with,” he mutters.
The shape of the Winter Soldier flickers and disappears, manifesting with daunting intensity right in front of him. Bucky finds nothing but the hoard of his own past screams in the Soldier’s empty gaze. 
In a blink, the Winter Soldier moves. The plates on the Soldier’s metallic machine arm whir and shift as his cold metal hand latches around Bucky’s throat in an unyielding vise, squeezing tighter and tighter, killing the human, killing Bucky. 
Then it is over. In that particular dream, after Bucky dies, Bucky wakes.
Most of the time, however, it is Bucky looking through the lens of the Winter Soldier as a captive, unable to control his movements. It is Bucky’s traitorous metal arm around the throat of someone he cares about, tightening around their choked gasps and rasped pleas...
[Bucky has no desire to live out the Winter Soldier’s greatest hits on all of his friends, so he asks that the burden be left to another’s imagination. If it is any consolation, he is very sorry.]
He’s killed them all more times than he can count. Steve always knows when he’s had one of the dreams the next morning and who it was about because Bucky is incapable of looking that person in the eye. The image of his hand wrapped around their throat is still too fresh a wound in his mind. He’s nothing more than a shell on those mornings. His eyes are gaunt, his attention impossible to keep, and he’s left haunted for most if not all the remaining hours of the day. It’s an inevitability.
It wasn’t until he met you that Bucky allowed himself to believe Shuri’s words of comfort weren’t just empty words meant to reassure him. It’s taken months for him to get to this point, but you have been nothing but patient, never forcing him into anything, never questioning the slow speed at which your relationship progressed. You only take what he gives and in return give what he needs. He still has nightmares, though they occur far less often with you sleeping beside him. In fact, before tonight, Bucky hadn’t had one in months. To know what it felt like to be well-rested, he hadn’t felt that probably since he was digging his stupid five-foot-nothing best friend out of trouble. Before either had turned their gaze toward joining the war. 
When Bucky has either nightmare involving the Winter Soldier, it doesn't matter which, he always wakes up crying. Sometimes silently, sometimes with whimpers or explosive sobs—freshly rebuilt only to be destroyed by the horrors that play out in a hell of his mind’s own making. You sleep notoriously light, so it doesn’t take much for you to wake, and you never want him to apologize for it. His whimpers begin quietly, but they are enough. With the fast action of someone who has done this many times before, you move across the bed until your chest is flush with his back, throw your arm around him, and hold on tight as you whisper sweet assurances into the crook of his neck as his body is wrecked by sob after sob after sob. Grounding him in the existence of his humanity, in the reality of his life as it is now—good and warm and safe— until his tremoring body stills. It’s by no means a quick remedy, and perhaps the emotional exhaustion does most of the work, but with one final shudder, Bucky lets out a hard breath, his last few tears nothing more than wet stains on his pillow.  
In unspoken words of comfort, you press kisses along the jagged scaring where flesh meets metal, before resting the side of your face against his shoulder which is damp with cool sweat, and guide his ragged breathing to a slower, fuller calm with the warmth of your breaths on his back. 
In the now quiet dark of the bedroom, Bucky strokes the back of your hand, tracing lightly over every knuckle with his fingertips. 
With tender movement, you turn your hand beneath his to grasp his hand loosely between your fingers. Your gentle squeeze is simply to ask, Are you okay?
He squeezes twice. No.
He shifts his hand again and after a beat, makes a small request by tapping three times on the back of your head. Your voice breaks through the darkness as you whisper to him, “Who was it, my love?” 
It takes him a minute because he has to remember, and that involves reliving the memory of the dream, if only for a glimpse. But he wants to remember, if only for an attempted catharsis. 
“Steve,” he says hoarsely. Or Natasha, Sam, Tony, or someone else unfortunate enough to have been dropped into the role of victim—But it’s Steve who affects him the most, sometimes in aftershocks that last for days. 
Three taps means he wants to talk about it, but doesn’t want to speak first. Something about having to break the silence after having to relive that trauma just feels too daunting to him, especially now that he’s just been reminded of the monster hiding in his closet after months of silence gave him the false security of maybe being finally free. If anything, it was the sobering realization that he would never truly be free, but it’s an affliction of which he’s willing to find ways to cope. So far, his best success has been found in months of therapy and in the love he found with you. He doesn’t solely rely on you. That’s a burden, and he’s not about to expect you, an extraordinary ordinary human, to somehow be the cure for his chronic mental disturbance. But you bring him words of encouragement and a presence that puts him at ease, and if this is merely the baby-steps to learning to walk on his own, he’s willing to take it and continue practicing. No matter how much he falls, you have made it clear you will always be there to catch him if he needs it.
You wait until he’s ready for you to get up, spending several minutes brushing strands of damp hair away from his face and the rest of the uncounted time trailing your fingers up and down his arms and across his chest in an endlessly light, thoughtful caress. Only when he tells you it’s okay do you briefly disappear into the kitchen to put a kettle on the stove. It’s always been difficult for him to go back to sleep after a dream like this, but it’s easier after he talks through it, and it’s easier with tea.
He doesn’t find sleep again, but you fall asleep on the couch an hour before dawn and halfway through his fourth episode of M*A*S*H. Your whole body is curled in a tight ball on the other half of the couch as you hug an empty mug of tea close to your chest. He carefully removes it from your grasp one vise-like finger at a time (jeez, you have an insane grip for someone who’s asleep), vaguely feeling like he’s trying to disassemble a bomb, and sets it on the side table next to the couch . 
As the credits roll, Bucky carries you back to bed and is part way through tucking you beneath the covers, all warm and snug like a cute little sausage roll, when you begin to stir. Instantly, Bucky freezes. Then he remembers you always do this as if it’s part of some weird post-nightmare bedtime ritual and always manage to go right back to sleep. Comforted by the assurance, and also a little amused by the memories, he turns to close the blinds to block out the rays that would have cut unbearably bright lines against your face had he done nothing (and he’s never been much of a do nothing kind of guy), but when he turns back around, you’re rubbing your eyes with your fingertips—awake, it seems. (Aw, hell.) You blink blearily at him with a lopsided smile he finds adorable, a smile there just for him. 
Sometimes he forgets how lucky he is. 
When your mouth opens with an obscenely loud, drawn-out yawn, he's never loved you more.
After smacking your lips, still in the midst of a sleepy haze, you ask, “You okay?”
While you look at him, Bucky realizes you’re trying monumentally hard to keep your eyes from opening fully, narrowing them to the point that he wouldn’t even know you were still awake if you hadn’t said something. Bucky’s smile turns butter soft at that.
His heart swells. He’s just so appreciative of you. Your kindness. That you willingly sacrifice precious hours of sleep just to tend to the wounds of his own psychological warfare.
“Yeah. I’m good now,” Bucky assures you, and he means it. He lowers his hand to cradle your cheek, sweeping the pad of his thumb back and forth across the swell of your cheek beneath your eyelashes. At the caressing motion, your eyelids flutter, then fall completely closed in total surrender. He leans down, pressing a lingering kiss to your temple. “Sweet dreams, doll.”
Your response is swallowed by the pillow as you shimmy down the bed to bury your face beneath the covers, but he’s pretty sure he heard you say something endearing.
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Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 1, We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals.
Some context before the cut: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals
The story opens with a random scene. I know why this is important now, but for a first time viewer this is a strange Russian show with no subtitles. Sin for the fact that this opening scene could drive away audiences when they could have opened with Pogo’s monologue or the sudden birth scene. +1
Sudden birth. I know that this is what starts the whole series, but not once do these assholes discuss the implications of sudden birth. That shit is traumatic and must have induced a lot of trauma in the mothers. Sinning for trauma. +1
The russian ladies all help this poor girl. Teamwork and togetherness gets a sin off. -1
How did they get her swimsuit off enough for her to give birth without just taking the whole thing off? Did one woman happen to have a pair of scissors on her so they could cut the crotch? Because one piece suits are not that flexible downstairs. They didn’t take it off her, it’s still covering her. Sinning for lack of realism or explanation. +1
This narration should have happened much sooner. +1
Buying children. Literally buying children. And he gets seven so he buys them wholesale. Seven sins because Sir Reginald Hargreeves is a dick that bought seven children. +7
One sin off for the soundtrack now. All the songs used in this show are bops! -1
Ellen Page starts playing the Lindsey Stirling Phantom of the Opera piece on the lowest string when the piece starts on a high note. One sin for lack of musicality. +1
Minus one sin for Ellen Page’s vibrato. Not many people pretending to play the violin get that so accurate. That or this was the talented body double. Either way one sin off for musicality. -1
“Please send more food” Reginald Hargreeves is a dick to his adopted children. He didn’t feed Luther enough, so who knows what he did to the ones he didn’t like as much. +7
Also, Luther has presumably spent four years in this base on the moon. Did he hit his head every morning? You would think that he would learn to duck. +1
One sin off for the moon plant. -1
I’m taking 10 sins off for the special effects of this entire series. -10
That car transition between Diego’s and Allison’s entrances was out of place. I know it’s meant to show that Allison is far away from the action. But did we really need that? It’s not shown when transitioning from the red carpet to Klaus in rehab. +1
What is keeping the lawnchair that Luther has on the moon down? It looks lightweight. Does he have it nailed to the moon? Is there now a lawnchair on the moon forever? +1
Tom Hopper is an excellent actor. He nailed the “just got the news that my father is dead” without saying a single word. -1
Diego doesn’t bother to untie the family he saves. He caused property damage and severely injured the thugs that broke in. No wonder Patch has a problem with him being a vigilante. +1
“Allison, will you wear Valentino to the funeral” +1
One sin off because Robert Sheehan has already won my heart as Klaus and he hasn’t said a single word yet. And for the little jig he does when he gets the drugs. Interesting choice, but I like it. I could be biased because I’ve watched the series already, but I don’t care. One sin off for Robert Sheehan. -1
Why was Vanya allowed to be playing to this empty theatre with spotlights on her? Does she have an arrangement with maintenance? Is that why the orchestra isn’t set up? +1
One sin off for the Hargreeves mansion. The set designers did an amazing job.-1 
Creepy shrine portrait of Five is creepy and somehow manages to not look like Aidan Gallager. This could be a stylistic choice to show that Reggie didn’t care about Five, in which case, another sin for child abuse. +1 
Creepy statue of Ben is creepy. And it doesn’t look like Justin Min or Ethan Hwang. Who is this statue honoring? +1
It has been stated that Ben’s death broke up the academy. Yet, the other four assholes stuck around for one more portrait after his death? +1
Vanya doesn’t close the doors behind her when she walks into the mansion. +1
Diego’s outfit is central to introducing his character. However, it is dumb as hell and he probably stabbed himself with the knives in the harness multiple times. Especially the ones on his back. +1
Diego is a dick to Vanya at their father's funeral. I know Reggie was a jackass, but Jesus Christ, Diego. Have some tact. I know this is meant to show that Diego doesn’t have any tact, but this is such a severe line. +1
In the first shot of Reggie’s bedroom there are 6 freaking lamps. What is he, Bella Swan? And later, there are three more. +1
David Castaneda really brings Diego to life with his interaction with Luther in Reggie's bedroom. -1
I know I already took sins off for the special effects, but Pogo deserves another two off. Special Effects team, you did good. -2
“How long has it been since Five dissapered” is the most obvious bit of exposition/foreshadowing. To the point where it reads lazy. Another option would be Vanya asking “How long has it been since” and trailing off from there. Pogo knows what happened. This is a crucial reveal, let the audience wait for it a bit. +1
One sin off for Vanya being a good sister to Five. Fluffernutter sandwiches and leaving the lights on is heartwarming.  -1
Props to these child actors for being able to portray the way Reggie treats them and how that affects their emotions in the scene where they wanted to say goodnight to Reggie. -1
However, Reginald Hargreeves is a dick to his adopted children. I will keep sinning this. +7 
After Reggie shuns and ignores his children, Luther’s hand on Ben’s shoulder is a subtle way to show that Luther and Ben were sort of close, which is what an excerpt from Vanya’s book implies in the comics. Good job directors or actors for making that choice! -1
Robert Sheehan in the office scene. This is where we meet Klaus as an audience for the first time with dialogue, and he fucking nails it.  -1
“Thank God he’s not our real father so we couldn’t inherit those cold dead eyes! Ahh! Number Threee-” The delivery on that line is excellent. -1
Klaus’s dangly necklace that looks kind of like dog tags foreshadowing the real dog tags he wears later on in the show. -1
No way in hell Klaus’s skimpy outfit provided enough concealment for that massive box. In fact, in the shots we do see of his back, we should have seen the outline of the box. +1
Sir Reginald Hargreeves is as obsessed with lamps as he is with collecting children. His office is full of them! +1
“Do you think he wears that thing in the bathroom” “Like in the shower” “Yes, absolutely” Allison and Luther have some good interactions. This is where they really act like siblings making fun of another sibling. -1
A woman who told bedtime stories to her kid about her uncle on the moon forgets that said uncle has been on the moon and judges him when he doesn’t know about her divorce.+1 
“Rumor thing” Way to be specific, Luther. +1
Allison’s expression at the family meeting when she takes a sip of her drink. Emmy Raver-Lampman is what makes this character likeable. -1
Reginald Hargreeves was a dick to his children. The whole favorite spot thing? Yeah that. Golden child abuse victim. +7
Sir Reginald playing tennis with Hitler line. -1
Luther accuses his siblings of killing their father. Have some tact man, not at the funeral. This makes sense for the character and his circumstances, but I am still sinning it because Luther doesn’t think he did anything wrong. +1
I feel kind of bad for Luther after his siblings leave the room. Great acting on Tom Hopper’s part. -1
How did Allison get into the bank? +1
Luther straight up throws this man out of a building! That guy is 100% dead. And then he admonishes Five for being a killer later! +1
“Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!” is a line that would only be spoken by a twelve year old that has never faced the judgement of people he isn’t related to. Also, Diego practiced this line in front of a mirror. +1
But that throw was badass, so... -1
Also, how did Klaus, Diego, Five, and Ben get into the bank as well? We only see Luther enter. And presumably Five teleported in. So were the rest already in there? +1
Five manages to jump faster than a bullet here, but in episode two he’s a lot slower when jumping from one side of the table to the other. You could make the argument that the table is in the way, but there was a human being and a bullet in the way here. +1
“Woah! That’s one badass stapler!” This is the first sin off because Aidan Gallagher can act, and it will not be the last. For all his grumpy 58 year old man, he also manages to shine while playing a young version of said grumpy 58 year old man. You would think that one or the other would be a little weak, but no he nails both performances. -1
But, how did Five switch the gun and the stapler? And why do we never see him do this again with more useful items like a briefcase or one of the machine guns used by the local commission hires? Can he only switch items with a similar mass? How does this power work? +1
Luther is the one that tells Ben that there's more guys in the vault to kill. Not Klaus who could have been like “a ghost said there's more guys in the vault”. What exactly did Klaus do on missions? He isn’t shown helping the hostages or fighting in any way. +1
“I didn’t sign up for this.” yeah Ben, like it’s a summer camp and not your abusive father buying you as an infant and then forcing you to kill people. +1
Kenny’s mom appearance. Also, the woman mixes leopard print leggings, a black dress, a square pattern cardigan, and a hat with stripes and a pom-pom. +1
“Can we go home now” Ethan Hwang had great delivery on that line. -1
Sir Reginald Hargreeves is a dick to his children. He forces 6 of them to kill, and then makes it seem like it’s all fun and games to the one he isolates. +7
When did they get coats and scarves? Did Reggie bring them coats and scarves while coming down to address the crowd? +1
Also, Reggie was on the roof of a different building with vanya! What did the kids do while they were waiting for him? Stand around and look pretty? Not likely, Ben was covered in blood. +1
Also, when did Ben have time to clean up? He is significantly less bloody in the scene where Reggie talks to the press. Yet his mask, uniform, and a bit of his jaw still have blood. This suggests he had time to wipe down. What kind of magic wipes are these that soak up and remove blood quickly and where can I get them? +1
The way the children wear their scarves show their personality. Luther has it done properly, Diego has his flapping around, Allison and Klaus have tied it fashionably, Five has it done well, but not as proper, and Ben has it done like Luthers. Well done costume people or actors who made that character choice. -1
The entire scene when Klaus attempts to summon Reggie from the afterlife. -4
I forgot that Klaus actually calls him Reggie in this scene. I thought it was just a fandom thing lmao. -1
How did Klaus clean up the ashes without leaving evidence on the bar? Did he vacuum it? +1
The cutesy fighting posters are a great set design choice. -1
Allison had her trauma tattoo refreshed at some point. It’s faded on Klaus, but on her it’s perfectly visible and stark. I’m sinning because they don’t show or tell why Allison might want to do this. +1
Also, that guitar Klaus was cuddling in a later scene, was just in the kitchen for some reason. Why? +1
Five and Ben are not part of the I Think We’re Alone Now dance party. I know it’s for plot, but come on! They don’t even have another dance party later to make up for this. +1
Diego and Vanya totally saw each other when Diego went to close the door between the foyer and the living area. +1
Luther and Vanya’s dance moves. No hate on either though because I dance like them if it isn’t swing or any other partnered dance +1
Diego, Klaus, and Allison’s dance moves. -1
Also, the song is heard all the way in the kitchen. There is no soundproofing in this mansion. +1
Luther punching down the airplane is funny. -1
David Castaneda doing those amazing dance moves in character. -1
Oh hello Five. Nice of you to show up and kickstart the plot into being something other than washed up superheroes are really sad and abused. +1
“Daddy!” -1
Why were Five’s powers affecting random objects? +1
Klaus is the only one with self preservation. “I vote for running” +1
“Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me” is a great line because Klaus can see the dead. However, the dead don’t show up in massive portals, otherwise something like that would have happened when we see Dave in The Day That Wasn’t. +1
Five asks for an exact date and then Vanya gives him “the 24th” real specific, Vanya +1 
Five doesn’t close the fridge properly because that doesn’t matter in the apocalypse -1
“In the end I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time” “That makes no sense” “well it would if you were smarter” the mark of someone being smart is being able to explain concepts like this in layman's terms. If Five were as smart as he said he was, then he could have been able to come up with an analogy. That or the showmakers have no clue what they’re talking about and wrote a bunch of science-y bullshit to make Five sound smart. +1
Diego was ready to throw hands with Five, someone who looks thirteen and was thirteen until Five explained otherwise. +1
“Dolores kept saying the equations were off” so in other words, Five knew that his equations were off, but he still risked it. +1
But also, Five knew his equations were off, but he was so desperate to see his family that he risked it anyway. -1
Nations Gazette paper has articles that look like they’re actually about the headline. -1
“What part of the future do you not understand.” -1
Aidan Gallagher’s delivery in that scene really set the tone for his character. Impressive. -1
Five decides to dress in the full on school boy getup. Complete with the tie and the blazer when those items aren’t necessary. +1
Aidan Gallagher and Ellen Page are two kick ass actors. They play off each other surprisingly well. -1
“You mean like what happened to Ben” “Was it bad?” What happened to Ben? This remains a sin until they explain it. +1
“May the darkness within you find peace in the light” that sounds really bad. What a horrible thing to have on your statue. +1
Jordan Claire Robbins’s performance of Grace -1
Luther and Diego are so emo that they don't need umbrellas. You’re in The Umbrella Academy! This had to be a personal choice to not carry one. +1
Klaus’s face when Luther dumps out the ashes. -1
The camera cuts to Five when Diego says that Mom gave them actual names. -1
The fight between Luther and Diego is stupid. +1
Klaus and Five fight over who is going to protect who. +1
“Stop it!” “Hit him! Hit him!” -1
The detail on Ben’s statue. It shows his toe and knee have been touched many times by people who presumably miss him and love him. -1
Luther punches Ben’s statue in the crotch, which makes Klaus’s face 10x funnier once you remember that Ben was probably there too. -1 
Luther punches Ben’s statue in the crotch and beheads it, suggesting that Luther had something to do with Ben’s death. -1
Luther punches Ben’s statue in the crotch. +1
Klaus puts his cigarette out in reggie’s ashes. -1
Reggie narration +1
Reggie is a dick to his kids +7
The stupid, bright green jumpsuits +6
What is the point of this exercise? How does running up the stairs make them better heroes? +1
Young Diego either practiced “That’s not fair, Five’s cheating” or his stutter is only there when the plot calls for it. +1
Child Abuse tattoos +12
The fact that Vanya feels left out because she didn’t get a child abuse tattoo. Reggie, you fucked up these kids real bad. +2
We think that Reggie is comforting Luther after he got a child abuse tattoo, but no, he’s actually just attaching monitors to his head. +1
Reginald Hargreeves likes to watch young children sleep. +7
Vanya foreshadowing. Her monitor showing more activity then the cut to her taking one of the pills is brilliant. -1
Vanya still doesn’t close the academy door behind her when she leaves. +1
“An entire square block, 42 bedrooms 19 bathrooms” Five are you a real-estate agent now? +1
“Dad hated children too, but he had plenty of us!” Klaus would be excellent at cinema sins. Seven more for child abuse +7
What are the rules to Five’s jumps? We only really see him jump to places he can see unless he is time traveling or in the instance where he jumps to the car. Speaking of, the car had the keys in it. Reggie, are you trying to get it stolen  +1
Diego is a dick to Allison about her divorce. +1
Klaus and Diego’s interactions make me happy. -1
The Klaus theme is a wonderful piece of music. -1 
Robert Sheehan making David Castaneda laugh. -1 
We get our first glimpse of Luther’s arm here. It’s super weird and vague and only teases the reveal. This is where the ape reveal should have been for the audience and where it would have made sense. Doing the reveal in a later episode is weird. +1
Five doesn’t know how to break correctly, which contradicts “I know how to do everything” +1
Something I just noticed, Five completed the uniform not only with the tie and blazer, but with the hair gel too. +1
The towing guy chooses to sit next to Five at an empty counter. +1
Five looks so offended when Agnes refers to him as “the kid” -1
The creepy smile Five pulls in an attempt to look innocent doesn’t make Agnes scream in terror. Seriously Aidan Gallagher, what the fuck was that that was absoulutely terrifying. +1
Five attempts to relate to a man that looks the age that he should be, but it ends up exceedingly awkward because Five looks 13. +1
The tow truck driver helps him out, but how was Five going to pay for his coffee? We don’t see him with money. Was he just going to jump out to the car? +1
Five never gets his cup of coffee :( +1
“Istanbul was Constantinople/ Now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople”. This whole scene is great. Five plays with them like he did in the bank scene which shows that even if he did age, he didn’t do it around people so he doesn’t have maturity. -1
Five stabs a guy with a mop and kills him. -1
Five stabs a guy in the crotch with a pencil, then uses the same pencil to stab him in the eye. In between he throws a plate at another guy. This is badass. -1
Five jumps in a way that actually does make two of the idiots shoot each other. Which means that technically, Patch was right. -1
Five kills a man with his bare hands. -1
But he stops to put his fucking tie back on. +1
And yet after all that, the goriest thing is when Five pulls the tracker out of his arm.  Props to the makeup department  and Aidan Gallagher’s acting skill for making that look so real. -1
Five should be way sweatier when he walks out of Griddys. Unless he moped that up with some napkins? What are these super absorbent napkins and where can I buy them? +1
Agnes should be far more traumatized. And definitely shouldn’t have survived that. +1
Diego is emo with the monocle. +1
Luther flashback narration. +1
Klaus, thankfully interrupts this. -1 
“Number 6 “Ben” (deceased)” -1
We can see Ben depending on if it’s Klaus or Diego talking. -1
The vigilante mask Diego wears +1
Five jumpscare in Vanya’s apartment. +1
“Rapists can climb” yes Five. Continue with the criminals that can climb. Including you. +1
This whole scene is the best ending to an episode in the entire season. -1
Aidan Gallagher and Ellen Page play off each other with subtle expressions. This acting talent is amazing. -2
“The world ends in eight days and I have no idea how to stop it” “I’ll put on a pot of coffee” roll credits. I love this ending for many reasons. It’s a total mic drop moment. -2 
Overall review:
While actively looking for nitpicky things, I got to see the first in a whole new light. Both the great parts and terrible parts stood out in a way that they didn’t when I wasn’t looking for them. Robert Sheehan, Aidan Gallagher, and Ellen Page were the stand out actors in this episode. All three contributed something significant that didn’t heavily rely on the script writers. 
The child cast also really stood out to me. All seven of them had very limited screen time (I am counting Gallagher playing a child version of his character in this assessment) and they absolutely made the best of it. Out of all of them, Ethan Hwang stood out to me because of his overall great delivery. I hope that we see him play Ben in a more in-depth way in season 2. 
Don’t get it twisted, I genuinely like this series and I think that it tells a great story. I just think it’s fun to nitpick and look deeper. After over analyzing everything else, it’s time to get back to basics. Especially because the season 2 trailer could drop any day now. 
Total: 82 sins
Sentence: Tennis with Hitler and Sir Reginald. 
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 4 years
Introverted (Best friends to lovers/College AU)
A/N: I was looking at prompts and listening to Dear Evan Hansen if you’re wondering why I decided to write all of a sudden. This idea kinda came out of nowhere though. I think I write too many stories about passing out too, but oh well. 
Summery: You passing out is enough to make Shawn realize how much he cares about you. 
Word count: 1.5k+
Warnings: There are quite a few words we’d consider baddies
To Y/N: Where are you?
To Shawn: At my dorm
To Y/N: I thought you said you’d come to the party
To Shawn: Decided not to
To Y/N: I’m coming over then 
To Shawn: What? No
To Y/N: Do you have a real reason for me to not come?
To Shawn: You’re having fun at the party. Don’t bore yourself by visiting me.
To Y/N: Not possible. I’ll be there in seven.
You sighed as you read the text. To be fair, you didn’t have a real reason for him not to come over. It’s not like you had a boy over. Like you ever could when your hunk of a best friend acted like your boyfriend anyways. You had been feeling kinda sick and just overly anxious all day. A party was not the best place for you to be. 
You did agree to go to it a week ago when he asked you. You smiled as you recounted the conversation. 
“Come on, Y/N. I know you don’t like them that much but it’ll be fun.” 
“I don’t know, Shawn.” 
“Please? For me? Just this one time.”
You stared at him for a moment. 
“You never go out and do stuff with me,” he bargained. 
“Fine,” you huffed. He did stuff for you all the time. You could do this one thing for him. 
“Yes!” He jumped up and hugged you. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, I guess. You’re such a goof.”
“But you love me.” 
If only he knew how much you actually did love him; more than a friend. 
Six minutes later, a knock came on your door. You got up from your bed slowly and walked over to open it up. You were met with Shawn in a hoodie and athletic shorts, fairly similar to the hoodie and shorts you were sporting. 
“Why are you wearing shorts if you have a hoodie on?” you both say in a mocking voice, referring to the time when a snarky girl commented that as she passed you in the hallway. Shawn rolled his eyes and bumped into you as he walked into your dorm. 
“I thought you went to a party. Why are you in such comfy attire? Also, you’re a minute early,” you say as you close the door. 
“I went to my dorm and changed. I gave myself wiggle room to get here so I’m sorry I didn’t walk slow enough,” he replied, plopping down on your bed and grabbing your laptop. “What are you watching?” 
“Binging The Office.” You sat down next to him and moved the laptop to your lap. 
“Isn’t this like the eighth time?” 
“Yes. And?” 
“Don’t you want to watch anything else?” 
“I’ve already watched the One Direction documentary three times this week, so no.” 
Shawn leaned into you, causing you to fall on your side. “You’re so predictable.” 
You sat back up and shoved his shoulder. “If you have a problem with that, you can leave.” 
“Nah, I’m good. You look like you need some company.”
You didn’t say anything as you clicked play on your show. Part of you was glad he decided to join you. The other part wanted to be alone so you could wallow. 
Two episodes in and you couldn’t focus on the screen in front of you. You were really starting to feel like crap. It was probably because you had been laying in bed all day and didn’t have anything to drink. Maybe you had some Gatorade in the fridge. 
You got up to check the fridge but couldn’t find any, remembering that you drank the last of it a few days ago. 
“Hey, I’m gonna go to the vending machine to get a Gatorade. Want anything?” you ask as you put on some sneakers. 
“No, I’m good,” Shawn says, a look of concern washing over his face as he sees your disoriented look when you look up. “You okay over there? Need me to get it?”
“Oh no, I’m fine,” you wave off. “I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t watch without me!” 
“What’s the difference? You know exactly what’s gonna happen.” 
“Don’t unpause that show or so help me I will-”
“Yeah, yeah. Go get your drink.” 
You laugh as you walk out the door, your carefree demeanor falling as soon as you closed it. You were feeling more lightheaded with every step you took. 
Shawn sat on his phone in your dorm, wondering why you weren’t looking so great. You weren’t one to bail out on him like that, so something was definitely wrong. Maybe you were just being your true introverted self. 
Six minutes passed and you still hadn’t come back. He was worried. Maybe you saw a friend in the hallway. It’s probably nothing. 
Nine minutes. The vending machine isn’t that far down the hall. You wouldn’t blow him off twice, would you? 
Eleven minutes. That’s it. He needs to make sure you’re okay. 
He walked down the hallway, doing his best not to run. You were probably fine.
He turned the corner where the machine was located and found you unconscious on the floor, red Gatorade spilled beside you. 
“Fuck,” he mutters. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He kneels down next to you and starts to shake you lightly. “Come on, babe. Give me those eyes.” 
You started to come to it a few seconds later, eyes fluttering and a groan escaping your mouth. 
“Fuck, you scared me, doll,” Shawn said softly from above you. His hand caressed your hair as your eyes darted around the room. 
“What happened?” you ask as you start to sit up. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold on there, pretty girl.” He places a hand on your chest and pushes you back to the ground lightly. “You passed out.” 
“Shit, sorry.” 
“No need to apologize. It’s not your fault.” He brushed a hand over your forehead and frowned. “Y/N, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” He pulls you onto his lap and rubs circles into your shoulder. 
“I don’t know . . . I just . . . I don’t know.” 
“I’m gonna get you a Gatorade and we’re going back to your room so you can rest.” 
You didn’t say anything as he sat you up against the wall and bought a new drink. 
“Damn, you scared me,” he said as he looped an arm beneath your legs and one behind your back, picking you up and making his way towards your dorm. 
“I thought I could make it back but I guess not.” You shifted so you could lay your head on his chest.  
Shawn kissed you forehead as he rounded a corner, going to his room instead of yours. 
“My dorm is the other way.” 
“I know.” 
“Then why are we going this way?” 
“Because I need to keep an eye on you and I have medicine in my room.” He swiftly opened the door and set you down on his bed. 
“You really should lock your door, Shawn.” 
“And you should tell me when you’re sick.” 
You scoffed. “I didn’t want you to worry.” 
“Look where that got us.” He gives you a pointed look as he grabs a bottle of ibuprofen. 
“I’m sorry,” you say as you take the pills and Gatorade. 
“I know. I’m not mad, just worried.” He takes the bottle once you’re done and places it on the desk next to his bed. He gets in next to you and wraps his arms around your torso. “Get some sleep and we’ll see how you’re doing in the morning. 
Shawn would not leave you alone. You had been fine for a week and he was asking about how you felt every two seconds. 
“Shawn, I am okay. It’s been a week. I’m not gonna pass out again.” 
“I know, I’m just worried.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You sat in silence for a second. “We could go to that party on Friday. I need to make up for last time.” 
“You don’t want to go though.” 
“Ahh, you know me so well.”
“You’re so introverted, but you know what? I kinda like it. Nobody else gets to see the side of you I see when we hang out instead of going to a party. The real Y/N is so cute.”
“Stop,” you whine, cheeks turning a slight pink at his comment. 
“But seriously, Y/N. I need to tell you something.” 
“What’s on your mind?” 
“When you passed out last week, it made me realize how I felt about you. I know we’re best friends, but I love you more than a friend. You scared me so bad last week and I was so scared something really bad happened to you. It made me realize that I’m . . . I’m in love with you.” 
You stopped dead in your tracks.  
“Please say something. Y/N, I know we’ve been friends forever but-”
You cut him off by pulling him in for a kiss. It was enough to get the message across but it wasn’t enough. 
“You could’ve told me to shut up, you know.” His smile was growing by the second. 
“Yeah but this way is better,” you grinned. 
“Well I hope you never stop,” he muttered, bringing a hand to your cheek and kissing you again, pulling you as close as he possibly could.
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lixxiecorn · 4 years
Pink Glitter Everywhere
Read on ao3 here 
Guys, I love Bruce and Kamala with all my heart, they're my absolute favorite characters like ever.
“Ahh, a surprisingly quiet moment, when will it be ruined?” Bruce murmured quietly to himself, pushing his glasses back up his nose and looking down at the results from his last blood test.
“Bruce!” Kamala shouted excitedly as the science lab doors slid open and she bounded inside.
“There it is.” Bruce said, leaning back in his chair, lips twitching up into a half smile. “Hey Kamala, what’s- Why are you covered in glitter?”
“No reason!” Kamala squeaked, stopping in front of him. She scratched her arm absentmindedly, sending pink glitter flying everywhere.
Bruce crossed his arms, eyes narrowing slightly as he tilted his head at her. Kamala squirmed for a moment under his gaze before smiling sheepishly. “I totally didn’t cover one of Tony’s suits with glitter.”
Bruce snorted. “This is about your prank war, isn’t it?” He asked, amused.
“This is definitely about the prank war.” Kamala confirmed gleefully, grinning widely.
Bruce shook his head slightly but couldn’t help smiling. “And how did you come up with this idea?”
Kamala hopped up onto the lab table he was working at, swinging her legs. “Ok, so I was talking to Nat and we were brainstorming ideas in her room- also, did you know she actually put my name on the beanbag in her room? Like that’s the coolest thing ever! She said that she would, but I totally thought she was joking- “
“Kamala.” Bruce interrupted, raising his eyebrows slightly.
“Right, the glitter.” Kamala said, shaking her head and getting back on track. “Nat said that Tony hates stuff getting on his suits which made me remember when a bird pooped on him during a mission.”
“He complained about that for days. Something about how he could never fully get it off.” Bruce remembered.
Kamala’s face lit up and she pointed at him. “Exactly! Which got me thinking of other things that never fully go away, hence the glitter!”
Bruce nodded thoughtfully. “It is the STD of art supplies.”
Kamala opened her mouth to respond before a loud yelp of surprise followed by a strangled yell of ‘Kamala!’ startled them both. Bruce didn’t even need two guesses to figure out who it was, between the fact it came from the tech lab and how pale Kamala had gotten.
“You probably have about 30 seconds to hide before he comes storming in here.” Bruce warned her, eying the trail of glitter she’d left behind.
Kamala’s eyes lit up and she jumped off the table, looking around wildly for a hiding spot. Bruce glanced around as well, a bit more calmly. Under the stairs next to the support was a large piece of equipment, with enough space in between them to fit a person. He pointed at it and Kamala sprinted to it, slipping herself in the spot. She wasn’t completely out of sight but hidden enough that unless someone knew where to look, they weren’t going to see her.
As soon as Kamala’s foot disappeared behind the machine the science lab doors slid open, admitting a disgruntled looking Tony, wearing his suit without the helmet.
It took all of Bruce’s self-control to restrain himself from bursting out laughing at the sight in front of him. He had thought that the amount of glitter on Kamala was bad, but Tony’s suit had even more. It was completely coated in pink sparkles, to the point where you couldn’t see the different between the red of the suit and the gold accents. Everything was just pink.
And it didn’t stop there. Tony himself looked a bit like one of those trolls people used to keep on their dashboards. His hair was bright pink from all the glitter, with a thin layer covering his face as well.
“New look Tony?” Bruce teased, unable to help himself, a smile forming on his lips.
“Banner where is the kid.” Tony spat out, shooting an annoyed look his way. His eyes narrowed at the trail of glitter Kamala herself had left behind.
“She ran in here a minute ago saying something about Natasha and more glitter.” Bruce lied easily. The lie made sense, especially since Nat had given Kamala the idea for the glitter, albeit indirectly.
Tony’s eyes lit up and he dashed past him and out the other door, leaving a large trail of glitter in his wake. Kamala poked her head out of her hiding spot and climbed out, bounding over to him and engulfing him in a hug.
“You are the best!” Kamala said, squealing slightly. Bruce laughed and patted her back. Kamala released him and jumped up and down, shaking her fists in excitement, not even noticing that they doubled in size as she shook. “I am officially making you part of team Kamala!”
Bruce grinned. “And who else is on team Kamala?”
“Me, Thor, Nat, and now you!” Kamala responded, counting on her fingers.
“Not Steve?”
Kamala smiled sheepishly. “I uh, never asked. I didn’t know if he would, you know, approve of a prank war. And I did not want to be on the receiving end of his disappointed look again.” She shivered. “Plus, I think he would be on team Tony.”
Bruce tilted his head in confusion. “Why would you think that?”
Kamala grinned. “Oh, reasons.”
Bruce pondered that for a moment then shook his head. Standing up and stretching he turned back to Kamala. “Tony’s going to need some time to cool off and plot his revenge.” He said, walking towards the door Tony has left through minutes prior.
Kamala followed at his heels. “So where are we going?”
“How do you feel about taking a quinjet and finding a bakery? Some cookies for a job well done?” Bruce asked, glancing down at her, lips twitching up into a smile
“I love cookies!” Kamala shouted, pumping a fist into the air. “Ooo can we get ice cream too?”
30 minutes later-
The door to Steve's room opened and Tony stormed in, walking loudly. "Steve have you seen Kamala?" He asked, sounding annoyed.
"Uhh she went with Bruce out on a quinjet. Something about a reward for a job well done?" Steve said, not looking up from the paperwork he was filling out.
"They what?" Tony exclaimed before rushing out of the room.
Steve looked up, confused. "Tony what's- where did all this glitter come from?"
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enchantedtomeethyun · 4 years
Tumblr media
Cruel Summer: Part One
Warnings: language. Mild smut.
Paring: Bangchan x reader
Driving down the street it was hot even with the windows down and the air blasting. It was a fever dream looking back.
I arrived at the usual place we met those nights. 10:03 said the time on my cars screen. I peaked in the mirror to check myself one last time before getting out. He still some how makes me nervous. After all these months of sneaking around I would hate to say it out loud. So I won't Not yet.
Getting out of my car I make sure it's locked and that I have everything. I stuck my hands in my back pockets of my pants and begin to walk to the corner of the street. We would always meet there. After he finishes practice he would tell the others he was going to work out. He wasn't lying though. He would work out sometimes with me. That's for later though. The glow of the vending machine and the humming of it made me feel better about walking alone at night. It lit up my skin as I leaned on it feeling it's vibration on my back. I took out my phone checking the time.
He should be here...
Just when I thought of giving up on the nights clandestine meeting I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.
"Hey sorry Hyunjin wouldn't stop talking about his girlfriend." He smiled shyly rubbing the back of his neck. I felt insecure suddenly. I laughed quietly and looked back at him.
"Oh it's ok I wasn't waiting that long". I said now standing and facing him. I got a chill.
"Are you cold? Did you want to go now?" he said worried with his brows knitted.
"Oh no no it's summer how could I be cold haha." I tried to joke but I ended up sounding foolish. I hope he didn't notice how he makes me feel.
He looked at me and smiled sincerely taking my hands in his.
"Ahh let's get going .." he looked around cautiously. Right I forgot.
He recently has been getting more popular with the media. More people following him around trying to catch him doing something they can sell to make a quick buck.
"Chan I'm sorry i forgot.. we should of just.."
"No no it's ok I told you to meet me here remember? Let's go to the hotel." He said softly releasing one of my hands and still holding my other. Does he know he's got my beat skipping with the littlest things?
We walk to my car and I unlocked it. Getting in Chan makes sure to keep his hat on and face mask on to keep himself covered. I pull out of the lot turning my head back to make sure I don't run into anything. His hand naturally finds its way to my thigh and grips it. I look over to steal a glance. Lyrical smile. Brown eyes. That's him.
"Hey so how was practice?" I said breaking the comfortable since.
"Oh it was really good thanks for asking! We started working on new coreo I wanna show you if that's alright with you oh actually there's this funny thing Felix told me.." he went on and I drove down the street smiling to myself.
After we arrived at the hotel Chan got out of the car the second I parked. Before I could open my door it opened for me. Getting out I smiled at him.
Smiling back he reached for my face pulling it towards his. Kissing my lips softly and then pulling away he closed the door of the car. We walked to the lobby in silence. My thoughts were full of him. His arm was draped casually around my shoulder while he texted someone. I couldn't help but think negatively for a moment. What if I'm just a thing for him? What am I to him? A way to blow off steam maybe or a way of dating but without commitment. My thoughts were interrupted by his arm leaving my shoulder. I frowned looking over to him as we walked in the door. Chan was typing quickly on his phone.
"What's wrong?" I inquired heading towards the elevator with him.
"Uhhh one second babygirl uhhh shit hold on I'm getting a call." He said shuffling us into the elevator and pressing the floor button. I leaned on the wall facing towards him as he stood in the middle of the elevator answering his phone.
"Hyunjin hey what's wrong?" He said quickly. Muffled I hear his band mate speaking.
"Hyung hey uhh are you by chance at a hotel? My girlfriend was leaving after saying bye to her family one last time before the left and said she saw you?" Hyunjin asked confused. Chan's eyes widened.
"Uh no mate just at the gym haha." He said before the elevator dinged for the floor.
"Are you in an elevator? What gym is that?" Hyunjin asked more confused than before. Chan looked over at me scared. But before he could think of an excuse we heard his friends dog barking through the phone.
"Oh oops forgot bed time for kkami. Got to go!" Hyunjin said hanging up abruptly.
A sigh of relief left both of us. It hurt he wanted to hide me but I understood why. His contract won't let him date and if his fans found out or his company he could be in trouble. I guess I'm not worth it. After all we aren't together.
I look up and see we are at the room and Chan is fumbling around in his pockets for the keys. I giggled pulling them out of my bag and unlocking the door.
His mouth made an o shape and he laughed.
"Remember last time you told me to keep it cause you lost it.." I said opening the door and letting him walk in first.
"Yeah right sorry I don't know where my mind is tonight sorry." He said kind of troubled. I put my things down on the couch and walked to the bed room taking my shoes off. Chan swiftly followed me out of habit and did the same. He sat on the bed looking at me intently. I know what's on his mind. It's why we are here in the first place. Yes I wanted the same thing too but I wished it could be more. I wish he wanted to hear my laugh as much as my moans. I wanted him to want my company in the daylight. Not just after dark when no one was watching.
He reached over towards me and grabbing my frame by the waist and pulling my body closer to his. I went willingly still thinking of what couldn't be.
We laid close together for a few moments in an almost cuddle position. It was nice and had me delusional and thinking maybe he felt the same. But his erection growing behind me stopped that thought real fast.
It usually began similar to this is joking around then kissing or him holding me and then him initiating it all.
"Do you want this..?" He whispered in my ear making my spine shiver. God yes of course I did. He knew I did. I nodded silently as he groaned kissing my neck.
I feel out of it tonight. He kissed along my neck and jaw and I felt the familiar feeling in my stomach he always gives me.
"You're a fucking liar you know .. you say you never work out but your body feels so good." He laughed in my ear as he was on top of me now. Feeling around my body I would hate to say I'm use to his touch. In that moment I felt sad. This will end for sure one day. I'm not his to keep. I'm a temporary fix. I'm a solution to a problem. Of course he would never say that to me. He was too much of a good guy to say he's using me for pleasure. He would say something like "we enjoy our time together whats wrong with that?"
He takes off my tee shirt that's a bit too big for me which exposes my frame. He gives me a look and I acknowledge. He then takes off my bra still kissing me.
Chan goes to take off his sweatshirt and throws aside. He stares at me for a moment like he can read my mind.
"You alright with this?" He asked lowering himself back on me but with his arms supporting him on each side.
"Yeah... of course". I said hoping he didn't catch my lie in each word.
"You seem different tonight. Are you sure you're alright?" He asked now rolling off of me and I sigh. I don't want to get into this with him.
"Chan to be honest I'm not in the mood to talk. Just fuck me so you can go back to your life." I said more bitterly than intended. His face scrunched in confusion.
"Baby what are you on about? Did something happen?" He asked seriously his tone more serious than before.
"Jesus fuck.. stop calling me baby. I'm not your baby and I never will be." I grumbled sitting up reaching for my bra and putting it back on.
"Oh I'm sorry you didn't have a problem with it before I didn't know.. I'll stop calling you that then.." He said sounding a bit hurt
"Yeah well it does. You can't just use me for sex and call me baby." I spat. Feeling around in the dark for my shirt.
"Well hold on now where is this coming from? Is that what you think I'm doing ? Aren't you doing the same thing?" He said calmly handing me my shirt.
"You really have no idea do you." I said defeated. It's all fun and games until someone falls in love. Why did I have to be that someone. Getting up I left the bedroom leaving Chan in it. I can't do this anymore it will ruin me. It has ruined me. I grabbed my things ignoring Chan's echos asking me to come back so we can talk.
Before I walked out the door I saw him appear in the living room.
"Can we talk about this?" He asked quietly looking at his feet holding his sweatshirt in his hand.
"I said I wasn't in the mood to talk." With that I left.
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