#mafia!tony stark
pretty-bratty · 3 months
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Every Mafia AU
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winterspiderpurrs · 14 days
Okay but either nurse Peter or volunteer Peter at the hospital. He sees someone bringing flowers to one of the private rooms.
Him stopping the person and says" not allowed." The guy threatened him he got permission to bring flowers. He is adamant he needs to get his friend these flowers and plants.
They cause a big commotion. These guys in suits come out of the room to see what's going on.
And basicly said let the guy through they know him.
" Sure okay. But when the patient dies it's on you then"
" What?"
" Those flowers? They are toxic poison basicly. Gonna cause respiratory failure the whole plant is poisonious. "
The guy holding the flowers tries to say he didn't know, just thought they were nice.
Before the guys in suits can say anything Peter pipes up.
" Yeah? Then why are you wearing gloves when it's 90 degrees outside?"
Peter never found out what happened after the flowers got thrown away. Or who was supposed to receive them.
Until he comes home late one night to find a man on his couch.
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starker-sorbet · 11 months
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Mafia boss Tony spending a relaxing evening away form business to drink some whisky and watch his pet dancer perform for him
Tony Stark this or that 2023: Mafia au @tstot
card below
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huffelpuff210 · 5 months
His Obsession Part 2
Chapter 2
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Warning: Kidnapping, drugging, aggressive behavior, forced relationship, forced marriage. Mentions of past abuse
You’re heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, You don’t recognize the room, It’s was modern with a little bit of a barn look to it, gray walls, Barn looking furniture and A wooden bed frame, You slowly sit up You look down you are still in you’re scrubs, the bed was huge, with dusted red colored bed sheets and blankets, You’re head hurt as you were trying to make sense of what happened the door opens, You see then man you ran into a few weeks ago. He hand a glass of juice in his hand, 
“Morning sweetheart,” He says with a smile 
You were extremely confused he was smiling at you as if what had happened was completely normal. 
He chuckled I guess the look on you’re face told him everything. He set the glass on the end table. 
“I guess you have a few questions.” He chuckles 
“First off I am James Barnes but everyone calls me Bucky, I am the boss of the Mafia they call me the king of New York.” He says 
You’re eyes widen realizing why he looked so familiar, 
“Why did you bring me here?” You asked 
He smirked 
“Because I think it’s about time to settle down with someone.” He says smiling at me
You’re eyes widen 
“W-Why me?” You asked 
“Because you weren’t afraid of me.” He says his hand on you’re cheek
“You can’t do this,” You say 
He grips you’re chin, 
“I can an will.” He says smiling down at you 
“I’ll call the police.” You say glaring at him 
“Go ahead doll, this entire city is under my control, no matter who you call, I guarantee they are on my pay roll.” He says 
“No matter where you run I will find you.” He says smirking down at you
He forces you to you’re feet where you’re feet almost give out. he easily catches you. 
“Easy doll,” He says smirking down at you 
“You’re probably still under the effects of the sedative.” He says You just give him a really looking knowing he’s the one who forced you to you’re feet. 
“Now listen closely you are going to do as I say when I say it.” He says 
You glare at him. 
“And if I don’t?” You ask
“There will be consequences.” He says 
“Punishments to be exact.” He says 
His hands skimming over you’re sides 
His thumb pulling you’re lower lip down. 
“But if you’re good you get rewarded.” He says kissing the side of you’re neck. 
You try to push him away but he doesn’t budge. You don’t know what came over you but you Kneed him between the legs and right hooked him and sprang to you’re feet, sprinting out of the room and out of the house, there was nothing for miles as you took in you’re surroundings You shook you’re head and ran towards the woods it would be harder for him to find you. It would be you’re best chance to get away all you knew was you needed to get away from him, King of New York or not you were not giving in to a power hungry powerful man like him, He knew people and by the looks of it he got what he wanted and no one says no to him. You keep running twigs and leaves crunching under you’re bare feet. You look over you’re shoulder to see if anyone is following you. You only see one man, He’s big like James and tall, he’s got sandy blonde hair, You trip only to roll down an embankment rolling the world spinning as you roll grunting as you hit rocks, twigs and branches, once you stop rolling you realize you are on a road, you pick a direction and start sprinting, you see a car and flag it down asking frantically for a ride into town, the driver happily takes you. Only then you realize you are able to breath only then do you see the man that was chasing you talking on the phone glaring at you from behind the vehicle as he get smaller and smaller the further the car drives. You knew this wasn’t going to be easy but you knew you had to run. to do everything in you’re power to stay away from James who wanted a different fate than you wanted. You knew it was going to be a challenge, But if you learned anything from you’re stepfather is running was something you were very good at.  
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sunnysideprincess · 7 months
Last few days have been wild lol, had a cystectomy, finally met my cousin's husband and now people are asking me to get married and have a baby before "it's too late", so I wrote this instead of punching them
no actual cheating happens here
Steve Rogers is a respectable married man. But he's called in by Virginia Potts, told Tiberus Stone's husband needs a bodyguard and it's fine, he's fine. He can take the heat of a family known to sell weapons to death and destruction. Except the husband is Tony fucking Stark, a man who is so obviously trapped. A trophy for Tiberus like his mother was to his father. And while Stone gets to sleep around, Tony's kept on a chokehold by his own father, uncle and husband. He's a writhing chrysalis trying to evolve, trying to break free. And Steve is helplessly in love with those furious doe eyes looking at him with all the rage as he stops him from trying to sneak away. Again and again. But he is also in love with his husband for seven years. So there's nothing to be found here.
"It's for your own safety," he tries to tell Tony. But the man won't listen. He throws a punch, two. Accuses him for being his husband's spy. Steve assures him he's not. He tells him Miss Potts picked him. And that pulls Tony up short. Leeches the anger out and leaves sharp confusion instead.
"Pepper sent you?" And Steve is a respectable married man. But if those eyes don't stop looking at him with all the curious wonder of a predator, he doesn't know what would happen. All he knows is that he'll end up long buried.
There's a change. Where Tony's rage and struggle pulled Steve in like a depraved blackhole, his gentleness and wit tethers something inside Steve. Keeps him coming back. Tony is a genius. But he's not a psychopath like Stone, not a greedy bastard like Stane, not a businessman like his father. He has hopes and dreams that could save the world. He sees a future that's bright and green. And Steve is a respectable married man headed for ruin.
Steve tells Bucky he would be late. He tells him he's got priorities and his husband says nothing, just nods and kisses his cheek.
He should have known.
He finds Bucky beside James Rhodes, doned up in his Soldier regalia.
"I'm assigning Barnes to Tony's guard."
"We have Rogers."
"Well we've also got Ten Rings coming after him."
There's that. Even Howard Stark doesn't want his son dead. And though there's an ugly scowl on Stane's face he doesn't like, Steve is more worried about deciphering Bucky's blank stare and the gentle flex of his metal limb.
Things go differently this time around. Tony meets Bucky not with fury, but a gentle curiousity. Like he's trying to peek through the icy winds of a storm. He picks and prods at him like a cat sniffing a new scratch post. Asks about the arm. About the metal. About the joints. And the connectors. But never about how he lost the weighted piece of flesh in the first place.
Steve is torn between pulling them apart and asking Bucky to say something.
But Bucky has his back to him. And Tony's eyes are sharp as ever.
"You're lucky my Rhodeybear warned me about you. Or you would gotten the same treatment as him."
Steve can put it on paper. He won't even have to look to know Bucky's interest at that. He always loves it when someone shoves at Steve's immovable strength.
"I punched him. Twice," Tony explains, and like an automated machine Steve defends himself.
"It didn't hurt."
Bucky snorts, shakes his head and throws him a look which tucks the message home. We'll talk later.
"You came back all bruised like a peach."
"Oh," Tony breathes and then blushes. "Well, that's an image."
"I want him," he mourns to Bucky on the sparring mat. Once Bucky has beaten him senseless, gotten the rage of betrayal out of his system. Once Steve learns that he is a respectable married man. But he can learn to be not. "I want him for both of us."
It takes time. Bucky is wary. Skittish around this other guy.
There is Stane and his obvious displeasure. There is Ten Rings and their looming threat. There is Tony himself, pulling away, haunted by a sad, guilty shadow.
"I'm married. And so are you." There is that and more under. There is Stone and his pride. Bruises marking Tony's skin. There is rage boiling up inside Steve, checked by a cold press of Bucky's hand over his neck.
There is too much. And too little.
But when Bucky falls, Steve isn't there. He is trapped behind the rubble after someone blew up the building. He is trapped and worried about the old lady with him, calling for her son and her daughter, bleeding from her torso.
He isn't there. Yet when he gets home, Bucky is there with his fury and rage, his eyes dark and lips warm as he lunges at Steve.
"He's a fucking idiot," he snarls and Steve grins. "He's gonna get himself killed!"
After, Bucky tells him the story.
"He just fucking jumped in after the kid. Wearing a goddamn tom ford suit like it's armor. Ten Rings wanted him alive so of course they stopped shooting. Only saving grace is that I was there. Picked them off one by one."
"And now?"
"Fuck you, Rogers."
"You already did."
"Shut up. We gotta genius to save."
Now, Steve and Bucky are both respectable married men. But they are also known to be a little bit rotten on the inside.
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abbatoirablaze · 3 months
Deal With The Devil Master List
The five boroughs in New York City are run by the five families.
Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, and the most dangerous of all, Steve Rogers.
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But that's just where the story begins.
With Steve Rogers. The loud-mouthed kid who's charming, witty, and beyond manipulative.
He knows just how to get what he wants. And after hearing about the newest reason that the boroughs are up in arms, he wants his cut.
Inez Stark.
No one knew that Tony had a younger sister, That is, not until someone from his inner circle let it slip.
Peter's out, because he's Pepper's cousin.
And with Steve, Thor, and Clint all vying for the chance to get into the alliance between Peter and Tony, they all want her hand in marriage.
Only, Tony knows that.
He also knows that he can't protect his baby sister anymore. He has to make a deal with the devil.
Too bad Steve's number 2, Bucky Barnes fell in love with her first.
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The Hobbit
The Bachelor Party
Like A Dog
What Family Is For
Know Your Place
The Meaning Behind 'I Do'
Sex On The Beach, And Blitzed On A Binge
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starkersblog · 7 months
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Mafia boss Tony has a soft spot for his little baby and has sworn to protect him at all cost🖤
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
Atsushi's POV:
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monster-cock69 · 1 year
peter on the run from an abusive ex and desperately needing an unregistered gun only to fall straight into mob boss tony's hands when he tries to buy one off of his guys
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pretty-bratty · 3 months
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Mafia boss Tony getting Bucky to babysit guard his precious baby Peter. With Peter being a bratty terror, Bucky having issues, and Tony and Steve trying to deal with a looming threat, what can go wrong?
Mafia AU. Including brat Peter, Daddy boss Tony, Bucky who has issues but is warming up under Peter's influence, softie Steve, and Dum-E and Mark as Peter's dobermans.
Also including found family trope, lots of Star Wars reference, discipline and spanking.
Chapter 8 is up!!!
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winterspiderpurrs · 6 months
Where Tony and Peter meet because Peter runs the Maria Stark Foundation
Peter was reviewing the books, and the numbers just don't look right.
Peter was so focused on the good this foundation does he never realized the ties to the crime family.
But when it gets brought up to Tony. Well Tony gets mad.
1) His mother's organization was never supposed to be touched by his group - keep it clean
2) How come no one told him this cutie took over running it?
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authoressofdarkness · 11 months
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Summer Bingo Fill: Public Claiming @starkerfestivals
A little twist on this prompt born from seeing this idek how old post from @monster-cock69 this morning and frantically writing this in less than 30 minutes. This is completely unbetaed and straight from the dredges of my brain, fair warning.
Idk if anyone has written anything based off of it yet but still, I hope they (and all of you) enjoy it! (Mafia typical violence here, but nothing too graphic!)
Peter thanks every being in the universe that his jacket is still on as he rounds the corner, stumbling. It does nothing for the cold that seems to come from somewhere inside him right now, but there's another reason he is glad he has it, right?
He's lost a lot of blood – just enough for the world to feel fuzzy around the edges. There's a shallow slice on his throat that is weeping small tears of blood from where he very narrowly avoided having his throat cut a few minutes ago, and a split above his eyebrow from hitting his face on… something, he doesn't remember. It's all kind of a blur, now, and all he remembers is the gleam of metal, the way the turned down lights reflected off of it just right, and the punishing grip on his thighs.
He can't remember how he escaped or even how he got here, only that he'd ran and now he's here, however many blocks away from the club where he'd started and he's probably still being pursued. He needs to hide. No, he needs help.
But who would come running for someone like him? Not the police. The club hasn't stopped those people from coming in with the weapons, had escorted them to a private room, might have known–
Take this, sweetheart. Just in case.
Peter's hand goes to the breast pocket of his poor excuse for a jacket at the memory. Everyone knew who Tony Stark was. Peter isn't oblivious to who his regular customers are, though he would never dare even make eye contact with a man like that outside of work, especially not if they were a client. Rules and such.
The criminal had tucked the card in his pocket at the end of their last little tryst, and Peter had let him, though he had no intention of ever using it. But now… 
Shouting in the distance breaks through the fog making its way across Peter's brain, kicking him into action. Now isn't the time to be indecisive. And worrying about his life or his job after this was moot if he didn't survive.
He finds the nearest dumpster and crawls behind it, trying not to gag at the smell. His phone is somehow still tucked in the band of his fishnets, probably kept in place by the silky scarf tied around his hips. He pulls it out with shaking hands, retrieves Stark's card, and waits.
It cuts off after the second ring. Peter thinks he's been hung up on for a moment until a voice snaps into the silence, "Speak."
"Mr. Stark?" Oh God, he sounds like a literal child. If he even recognizes him—
"Peter?" The ice melts out of Stark's voice immediately, replaced with something like urgency. "What's wrong?"
"I–" The sob sticks in his throat, and the words stop. He can't summarize the horrors of what just happened, and the reality of how cold he is and the voices getting nearer is starting to set in. "They tried to–" His voice falters again.
Stark doesn't push him for the details. He hears the rustling on the other line, and something that might have been a door slamming. "Who?"
"I don't know– 'm cold, Mr. Stark, and I don't really remember– just ran–"
"It's okay, I'll take care of it, Peter. You did good to get away. Where are you now?"
"Dunno– went out the back door and kinda ran–"
"The back door of the club?" 
"We'll find you. Are you safe now?"
Peter stops to listen. "I'm not sure, I think someone followed me– I'm hiding, but–" 
"Stay hidden. We'll find you."
The line goes dead.
Peter stares at the phone in his hand, wondering for a second if this was even real. His vision is swimming, and the sounds of pursuit that seemed so close a minute ago are hard for him to grasp now. He looks down and realizes there's blood coming from somewhere on his torso, another wound he must not have noticed, wasn't feeling because of the adrenaline rush, but– oh, it's a lot of blood, no wonder he feels like this.
Eventually the voices get close enough that they start to penetrate the fog on his mind again, but Peter is barely holding on to consciousness and any sense of fear or urgency is not quite tangible enough to make him move.
Someone hauls him out from behind the dumpster. Peter struggles, but there's no strength left behind the movement. A kick to the ribs sends him to the ground, sprawled face down on the concrete.
Words float to him as if in a dream.
"Move, Stark, and I'll blow his brains out right in front of you."
"You and I both know you intend to kill him anyway."
"True. But you're not going to get your gun up quick enough to kill me first."
Peter raises his head a little. Mr. Stark is there, maybe twenty feet away, silhouetted by the street lights on either end of the alley like some dark angel. The man's eyes are on Peter, and his lips turn up in a little smirk.
"I don't have to. You'll never touch anything that belongs to me again."
The gunshot that follows makes Peter jump. Which is good, because if he can jump, then he's not dead, which means it wasn't directed at him. He prefers being startled any day.
"About goddamn time, Happy, what took you so long–"
"Things at the club were messy, boss, you're not gonna like this one–"
The words turn into a droning background noise when Stark appears in front of him, kneeling to his level. "Peter, focus up, doll. Are you alright?"
 Peter tries to nod, but his head just falls against Stark's foot limply. He's so tired. And cold, and–
"Peter." Stark sounds more frantic now. "Happy, find me a medic, now–"
"Everyone's a little busy right now–"
"I don't give a flying fuck– Peter, don't you dare go to sleep."
The words are directed at him. Somehow, Peter recognizes that much. Normally he wouldn't dare to disobey an order from Tony Stark, especially with that tone. But the frizzle of fear that runs down his spine isn't enough to stop him. His eyes are so heavy. He closes them before he can realize it. 
The last thing he hears is Tony Stark swearing above him.
It's also the first thing he hears when he comes to, just briefly, while they're working on him. The stinging in his side while they stitch him up – that has to be what they're doing, though the pain is dulled so much it's hard to be sure – is enough to pull him towards the surface of consciousness. 
Peter thinks he's in a vehicle, if the subtle thrum of the engine is anything to go off of. But he's laid out comfortably on something soft, and there's something warm under his head, and the hands that are prodding at him are gentle and surprisingly steady.
"He was in shock by the time you got to him. You're lucky he's alive."
Another voice, the one from the alley. Happy? "I can't believe he is. I can't believe he got away in that state."
Fingers card through his hair. Stark's voice, thoughtful, but tired, strained in a way he'd never heard it. "He was out of it, even when he called me. But he didn't say anything— nothing that indicated we were going to walk into a situation like that. He said they tried to do something to him, but couldn't tell me what. I thought someone raped him, not tried to slit his fucking throat. Nothing could have prepared me for that." 
"I wonder who orchestrated that kind of hit. It's so random…" 
"Unless they had some kind of clue…"
"Next time it won't be taken as random. We made our claim pretty clear."
The conversation devolves from there, but Stark's hand in his hair stays consistent. Peter never opens his eyes, finding them far too heavy and himself too tired to even try. The hand in his hair is just the right mix of possessive and comforting. As soon as the dull pain in his side fades, Peter is gone again, too.
The next time Peter wakes up, he's in bed. 
Well, someone else's bed. Not his.
For a moment, he wonders if everything was a dream. The card, the attack, the phone call, all of it. But then he tried to roll over and pain sparks through his side, and he realizes it was all very real.
"Take it easy, Peter."
Peter jumps a little and looks up, and yeah, that's Tony Stark on the other side of the bed. He wets his lips. "'M… sorry, Mr. Stark."
The elder man looks down at him, raising an eyebrow. "You've been awake for thirty seconds and you're already sorry for something? I just don't want you to hurt yourself more than you are, kid."
Peter flushes, mind flitting to all the other times Stark had called him kid when they were alone for just a second before reeling himself back in. "I– thank you, Mr. Stark. Not just for that, but for… saving me, and everything."
Stark turns to face him more fully. "Well, when my favorite boy calls for help, of course I'm going to be there." His fingers find Peter's hair again, and Peter tilts his head into the touch almost automatically. "It was a bit more of an undertaking than I had imagined, admittedly, but I would do it again, if you needed me to."
"I'm your favorite boy?" Peter's cheeks turn even redder as he looks up at Stark through his lashes.
"Do you think I give my personal number out to just anybody, you silly thing? Of course you're my favorite." Tony runs a thumb over Peter's bottom lip. "And you're my only, now. Would be a shame to keep you here and not utilize your services, wouldn't it?"
"You're going to keep me here?" Old fear sets in with a vengeance, but Tony grips his hair before Peter can pull away and leans over him.
"Shh, don't be like that. You don't have to be afraid." Tony sighs a little, stroking the boy's cheek. "I don't want to hurt you, sweetheart. But I made a very public claim on you by showing up last night. We killed… oh, at least eight people, and left the club in shambles. It's not going to take very long for word to spread." 
"You killed eight people? Because of me?" Peter hadn't been with it enough to have any understanding of that, but it was the logical explanation. He suddenly remembers the gunshot right above him and feels a bit queasy.
"I kill people all the time, sweetheart. Eight is nothing. Especially when they were putting their hands on my property."
My property. Peter is Tony Stark's property. A shiver goes through him.
Tony notices, and he offers him a small smile. "I killed the owner too, you know. Your handler is dead. Your contract is with me, now."
Peter swallows thickly. His contract is gone, too — but he doesn't allow himself to savor the freedom too much, not yet. "And how am I to work that off?"
Tony's eyes are bright and wicked. "I think you know, puppy."
Peter barely bites back the whimper that rises in his throat at Stark's pet name for him, and he raises his head before he's even conscious of the decision to do so, kissing him.
Mr. Stark kisses back, the hand still tight in his hair, keeping him right where he wants him as his tongue slides against Peter's, dipping into his mouth for a moment before pulling back. "Right answer," he murmurs, kissing him again, chastely this time. "But not now. You need to rest. I want you to enjoy it when I take you apart, Peter, not just be pushing through because you think you owe me."
Peter watches him sit up, breathing still a little shaky. "Don't I, though?"
"I suppose you do, but I'll take my repayment when and how I please. This isn't it." Stark stretches. "I'm going to get us some food. Stay there. Rest. I mean it."
There is nothing for Peter to do but comply.
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Final mood board for my IronStrange Mafia AU. Today I uploaded the last chapter of the series.
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gracescor3 · 6 months
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Hello, my name is Grace and I am a fanfiction writer. I am new to writing and I kind of enjoy it when I have time to do it.
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The Umbrella academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves (Platonic)
Five Hargreeves (NO SMUT)
Klaus x Dave
Alison Hargreeves (Platonic)
Ben Hargreeves (Any season)
Tony Stark’s daughter x Character
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson (Platonic)
Loki x Mobius (No smut)
Sam Wilson (Platonic)
Rebelde (Translated in English)
Andi Agosti
Rebelde x you
Other Characters I write for
Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds)
Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds)
Adult!Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds)
Courtland Gentry!Six (Ryan Gosling)
Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans)
Steve Kemp (Sebastian Stan)
Jack Sparrow (Johnny depp) (NO SMUT)
Ledger!Joker (Heath Ledger)
AUs I write for (So far)
Secret Relationship!Any character listed
Secret admire!Any character listed
Tattoo Artist!Bucky/Steve
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Rape ; Underage Sex ; Piss ; Scat ; Being used as human bathroom ; Abusive Bucky/Steve/Any Character unless it’s past abuse from someone else; Pedophilia ; Pederast ; Blood Related Incest ; Suicide ; Self Harm ; (More may be added)
My request are open!
Please be 18+
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fatchadee · 3 months
guys please help. there was a fic on here, years and years ago. it was a mafia/mob au, it had starker in it and at the end peter killed someone and was like "clean up this mess" or rug or something. and I can't find it and I need to re read this. it's been itching my brain like crazy.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 month
Deal With The Devil, Chapter 7
Word Count:  2.1k
Warnings: mentions of murder, talking of a woman like property.
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“What the hell is this about?” Steve roared as he entered Tony’s boardroom without so much as a hello.  Inez had been following closely behind with Sam and Bucky, and they were surprised to see just Clint, instead of his entire entourage, hounding Tony about something while he sipped lazily on a drink, “why am I getting a call saying that you, Barton, of all people, is questioning my impending nuptials?  Why are you harassing Stark about it?”
“Rogers…how kind of you to join,” Tony said apathetically as he took another sip from his drink, “and you brought Inny...”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked as he yelled from the walk-in closet towards his second and third in command, “what problem could Barton possibly pose that involves me?”
“Apparently, he’s at Stark’s right now…got a message from Happy saying that he’s getting pretty aggressive about not being the one to get Inez.  I guess Tony was going to lean into that relationship if you didn’t come for her.”
Inez’ eyes shot to Sam’s, “What?”
“You’re quite the trophy,” Sam smirked as he made his way towards the closet to talk to Steve.  She glanced at Bucky, and he refused to look at her, “and he’s not the only one throwing a fit about it.  But he is the loudest.  We should get over there quick to show Tony we’re in his corner.  Make him remember why he agreed to leave his sister in your care.”
“The fuck if I care if-“
“If my brother is in trouble, you are going to help him,” Inez growled as she pulled herself from staring at Bucky.  She got out of the bed and pushed past Sam, storming into the closet where Steve was just pulling on a pair of tailored dress pants, “you’re not going to let some low-life like Clint Barton storm in and harass him over me.  That’s not right, Steve!”
“Not like he stormed in on my club and demanded your body in his bed, Inez.  He’s just being a pain in the ass, like always.  It’s Barton.  Tony will hear him out and then push him off with the reminder that he already has Nat and her sister warming his bed,” Steve shrugged as he pulled a shirt from the hanger.  Inez ripped the shirt out of his hands and threw it on the ground, “Hey-“
“He’s my brother!” she replied once more, cutting him off again, “and your in-law, once we get married.”
Steve’s jaw twitched as he looked at her.
She had nerve. 
And she was fucking crazy. 
He could see it hiding just behind those innocent, sweet doe-eyes. 
But God was he turned on by the thought of her being grateful and underneath him.  A smile pulled at the corners of his lips, “if I help him, what do I get?  Do I get to fuck that little cunt of yours raw on our wedding night tonight?  You gonna give me everything you got, bunny?  You gonna be a good little wife for me?”
“First of all, you’re getting tested before that dick is ever inside of me-“
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Steve smirked, only really hearing the last part of the sentence, “just a day ago, you were saying I’d never be inside of you…and this morning you were trying to tease and ride me…and now you-“
“You’re getting tested first,” she hissed, cutting him off as she pulled another shirt from the hanger and pressed it against his chest, “that’s not negotiable.  But if you go and help Tony, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me…once you come back clean, that is.”
Steve’s brow raised, “Whatever?  You mean…whatever I want?  Nothing is off limits?”
“If that’s what it takes.  To me, family always comes first.  That includes being on Tony’s side,” She nodded and Steve’s smile grew.  He grabbed the shirt and slipped it on, then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest, and pressed his lips against hers.  She didn’t respond and he pulled away with a frown, “what?  No kiss for daddy?”
“Don’t call yourself that.”
“I want a baby!” he told her firmly, “we do this, you agree that we can get to work on it as soon as possible.  That means even before the wedding.”
“If you get tested and you’re clea-“
“I will be!” he remarked, “do we have a deal, Inez?”
Her eyes glanced down to his lips, and back to his eyes.  Steve bit his bottom lip and watched the gears turning in her head.
“Steve, I-“
“Do we have a deal or not, Inny?” he asked teasingly, “because I have no problem with ignoring your brother, and Barton!”
She looked towards the door of the walk-in, and when she saw that Sam had witnessed their ‘intimate moment,’ she leaned into Steve, “can we talk about this later?”
“We’ll talk about it now,” he said firmly in response, “you want me to do you a favor.  And you said anything.  I’m not asking you to let me fuck you in front of all of my men.  I’m asking you for an investment, Inez.  I-“
“A baby isn’t an investment, Steve,” she argued, “it happens because-“
“Two people fucked,” he pointed out, “look, I get it.  You’re nervous around others…and we’ll work on that…bunny.  Now, do you agree?”
“Fine!” she whispered, “but only after you’re cleared.”
“Great,” he grinned, slapping her ass lightly, “now, let’s go save big bro, shall we?”
“What the hell are you doing here?” Clint growled, glaring at Steve, “this isn’t your concern.”
“It is when my fiancé’s family is involved,” Steve said firmly before shooting a glance at Tony, “you okay, Stark?  Happy sent word to Sam that someone was…bothering you.  And, well, me and Inez here were about to start making some plans for the wedding, but we wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
“I have it handled, but thanks!” Tony said simply as he downed the rest of his drink, “as I was saying, Barton.  I can’t promise you my sister’s hand.  She’s already promised to Rogers here, right Inny?”
Clint’s gaze found Inez and she wanted to take a step back, but Bucky’s hand found the small of her back, keeping her in place. 
“I-I’m marrying Steve.”
Bucky’s hand dropped with the simple words, as it felt like a small knife going into his heart. 
“It’s unfair is what it is!” Clint argued, turning his attention back to Tony, “for Christ’s sakes, she’s a woman, she can’t make those decisions.  She’s not the head of the family that runs Manhattan, you are!”
“What’s unfair is you telling me how I should run my family!” Tony replied, “I am the head of it, as you loved to point out just a second ago.  And I’ll run it the way that I see fit.  And what I see as fit is Steve marrying my sister!”
“Your marriage fucked up the promises to the five families,” Clint growled, “Back when Barnes’ father had Staten Island, he was supposed to marry Potts.  Parker was betrothed to your little sister.  But then you married Potts so she couldn’t marry Parker, and Barnes got left out in the cold too.”
“By that logic she belongs to Barnes,” Tony smirked as he shot a glance to Steve’s third in command, “hey Buck, care to marry my little sister?”
“That’s not what I mean!” Clint growled, “she belongs to me!  Or Thor.  Not to Rogers.  His family wasn’t involved in the promise.”
“Oh, but he was,” Tony answered, “you see in that original plan my sister was supposed to marry Peter.  Pepper and Bucky were supposed to be married, and if I had another sister, she was supposed to marry Rogers, and vice versa, if Rogers had a sister I was supposed to marry her.  But none of that happened.  But I’m following through with the original plans.  Don’t you worry, Barton.  The five families always had a plan.  One that outsiders weren’t akin to.”
“What’s bullshit,” Tony started as he stood from his spot, “is the fact that you came into my place of business and demanded my sister’s hand when you found out she was promised to Rogers, almost like it was your birthright.  My sister was given an out when I married Pepper because her marrying Peter would be too close to wrong.  You are owed nothing, Barton.  You and Odinson.  The two of you took advantage of two old men and gutted them and their families.  The only people in this room that are ‘owed’ anything is Barnes.  He’s owed an arm that Thor took from him.  He’s owed a marriage that I took from him.  He’s owed his rightful place ruling over Staten Island, which the Allfather took from him.  So get off your bullshit and get out of my building before I kill you myself and give Barnes your territory.”
There was a tense moment where the two leaders stared at one another, and Inez stepped forward.  Clint’s gaze found her as her heels clicked under the marble.  But she’d only been looking to Steve.  He held his arm out to her, and she walked into it, playing the role of picture perfect, loving couple.
“I think you should leave, Mr. Barton!” you said in a warning tone, “For your own safety.”
His nose twitched and he looked between Steve and Tony for a moment before departing.  Sam, Happy, and Bucky followed him to the elevators. 
“You didn’t need to come, Rogers.” Tony grumbled as he moved to his bar and grabbed himself another drink, “I had it under control.” 
“Wasn’t my choice!” Steve admitted as his fiancé quietly made her way next to her brother, “Inez wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Tony didn’t look up from his bar as Inez made her way beside him.  She reached for the rocks glasses and grabbed two, before pouring herself and Steve one in silence.  Tony looked over at her, and he could see past her stiff upper lip.  He could see the tears hiding in her eyes. 
“I’m okay, Inny.” He said gently, reaching over to her.  When his hand found hers, she stopped pouring and looked at him.  The decanter wobbled in her hand, and he took it away from her.  He sighed, seeing the softness in his little sister’s eyes, “Inny…I’m okay.  He wasn’t going to hurt me.”
“We both know how Yelena, Natasha, and Clint work, Tony.” She all but whimpered, “they killed mom and dad…they were trying to take Manhattan once when-“
Tony cut off her words when he pulled her into his chest. 
Steve felt like an outsider as he watched this side of his fiancé that he didn’t know existed.  He’d managed to see her crazy side, her headstrong side, her sarcastic side, but not this.  Not the vulnerable woman. 
She sobbed into her older brother’s chest as she clung to him, and Steve felt something pang in his chest. 
He wanted to be the one that she clung to like that. 
He wanted to be the one that provided her with that comfort. 
“It’s okay, Inny…” Tony sighed, soothing her, “we’re okay.  They’re not going to hurt me…or Pepper.  Or the baby…”
Inez backed away from her older brother, shock lacing her features, “What?”
Tony smirked, “not the way we planned on telling you…but you’re going to be an aunt, Inny…Pepper just found out the other day…”
This time the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes were for an entirely different reason, “Tony-I-you-“
“I know,” he smiled, “we’ve been trying for a while…”
“Eight years!” she reminded him. 
“I’m going to be a dad…”
“Congratulations, Stark!” Steve offered, still halfway across the room.  Tony looked back, having almost forgot about the other person in the room. 
“Thanks, Steve…”
“Guess that means the next of the five families legacy has started,” Steve teased, “and seeing as Pepper and Parker are related and I’m marrying Inez, this kid’ll have their pick of the litter.”
“God willing,” Tony laughed, “Pepper wants a boy…but I kind of want a little girl…Inny was hell to raise, but it was fun…”
“If the baby’s a girl, she’ll kick your ass!”
“Speaking of which…Pepper and I had been talking…when the baby is born, we want you, and Steve to be the godparents.”
Inez’ eyes bulged, “What?”
“Well, you are my sister,” Tony shrugged, “and Steve will be your husband…”
“We would be honored,” Steve answered as he walked across the room and wrapped his arm around Inez’ waist, “Thank you for thinking of us.”
“We’re family now, Rogers,” Tony said solemnly, glancing to Barnes.  He noticed Steve staring at his sister, but her gaze was on Steve’s third in command.  His own mind thought back to what his wife had told him when she’d gone to the house the other night, “family looks out for each other…and they’re always there.”
“All too true!” Steve said proudly as Tony looked back to him and their eyes met. 
Chapter 8
Tag List:  @teambarnes72, @prokey16, @lohnes16
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