#mighty thor smut
yelenabelovasbxtch · 2 years
Valkyrie/Mighty Thor Fics
Yeah, so I am also down bad for Valkyrie and Jane's Mighty Thor...
Please send me requests for ideas for a really good fic with either of them...or both if you're into that. Yes, absolutely they can be filthy smut. I am feeling inspired. Do your thing Tumblr, my requests are open.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Different (and all the same)
Summary: Years after your breakup, you encounter Thor in New Asgard, and while your ex-boyfriend looks a little different, your love and desire for him haven’t changed at all. Pairing: Thor x F!Reader WC: 3.8k words Warnings: Fluff. Smut. Praising kink. Canon Divergence. Hurt/Comfort. Body issues. A/N: This is my love letter to fat Thor, who the MCU tried to make us think wasn’t still one of the hottest men alive - but needed a little bit of therapy to figure himself out.
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You put your bags on the floor, relaxing and sitting down, finally alone after the long trip you'd just been through.
A long flight up to Europe, a car ride to a near town and then a bike ride the rest of the way - because Asgardians could have magic and all, but didn't think they needed to get their roads car-friendly even after years of living amongst humans - were quite the effort for a visit, but here you were.
Brunnhilde had invited you to stay for a while there. The town, your friend was late to realise, needed a bit of work to adapt to life on Earth, and she didn't quite know any human that could help with what they needed aside from you.
Of course, Mrs Potts-Stark was very nice at giving them electricity, but there was a lot to be done. Now that the Asgardians were friendly with humans, they wanted to use phones and the internet.
But she didn't know how to ask or who to talk to, which was why she had asked for your help.
As a former ambassador, you had worked enough with the government that you knew the basics of everything: Which people to contact, how things were supposed to be done, how to keep them from being exploited... that kind of work.
As payment, she got you a little house, all equipped with the best the New Asgardian people could offer. And plumbing.
It was strange to think of her as King of Asgard.
Before the whole mess - before the blip -  someone else was lined up to be King of Asgard. Well, someone else was also your boyfriend.
But a lot of things had happened.
And a lot of things had changed.
Honestly, you understood him well.
Your father was gone with the blip, and after your mother had died when you were a child, losing him was something very hard on you.
Thor, though, was going through even worse feelings, and blamed himself for everything that had happened.
Breaking up was his idea, even though you had had to chase him down to get him to even tell you about it instead of just avoiding you.
Now the blip was undone, and while that had still left some terrible emotional scars on every single person on Earth, things were as normal as they could be.
Your father was home, safe and sound, and you had taken a sabbatical from work to come to New Asgard, not just to work from them, but also maybe take things a little easier on yourself after five years of having work as the only thing you did with your life.
You heard a knock from across the house and raised your head, leaving your things aside and walking to check on whoever it was.
"Heya," Brunnhilde leaned against your door frame just when you opened the door. "Welcome committee."
You shot her a confused look, but quickly smiled when a woman moved to her side with a bix box in hand and supplies by her side.
"Food," she told you.
"Lots of it," you chuckled, stepping back so they could walk inside.
The woman walked inside, just saying a quick hello before striding to your kitchen and probably organising everything for you.
"Does she need help?" you looked back.
"Oh, don't worry, she volunteered to do it and stopped anyone else from trying," Brunnhilde assured you. "Organising is... her thing. It's a little weird."
You looked back, finding the brown-haired woman just looking very happy as she put things in your pantry and used the back door, probably to get what she had left outside.
"How did you find the way up?" she asked, taking your attention back to herself.
"Long," you confessed. "We need to get those roads paved."
She grimaced.
"And that's the first thing we will do at our meeting on Thursday," she scratched the back of her neck.
You blinked a little, confused.
"Thursday?" you asked. "I thought it'd be tomorrow."
You had arrived at the country in the late hours of Sunday and rode with a car at the break of dawn of Monday - which was today. Had you known you had extra days, you would have slept off the jetlag!
Brunnhilde blinked, looking surprised.
"No, I said Thursday. We wrote it down on Thursday."
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Maybe I heard it wrong," you decided. "It's alright."
"But you have time to explore town now," she remarked. "We have some good beer, good food... and there is a festival happening now, you could go!"
"Nice," you nodded. "What are you celebrating?"
"Life," she shrugged. "Everything that is good."
You smiled together. Yes, it made sense.
"There's a dress for you over there," she pointed to your room. "And you'll probably get a crown of flowers the moment you step into the square."
You shook your head.
"Thank you," you told her.
She gave your back a little pat, not on for physical affection.
"I gotta go now," she told you. "But just scream my name if you are in an emergency."
You gave her another tap and watched her leaving, crossing your arms as she did, and sat back on the nearest chair, seeing the woman she'd brought organising things.
You stepped back into your bedroom, and weren't surprised when you closed the door and found a cloth bag hanging right there, and grabbed it.
Half an hour later you were dressed and had your hair nicely braided as you left your house, still tired but excited about the festival.
When you were dating Thor, he had brought you to more than one of their festivals, and they were always great.
Just as your friend had told you, a girl by a table with flower crowns ran to you, giving you one, and you placed it over your head, clapping along with the music around.
It was nice seeing people this happy, and you could imagine they were elated to just celebrate life after so many years of grieving.
You stopped surprised when your eyes met a familiar face in the crowd.
The last you'd heard if him he had either disappeared or just hid away from the world, completely isolated.
He looked a little different: his hair wasn't short anymore, but very long, and his beard was just as long, braided and decorated with many flowers.
You smiled to yourself as you realised how concentrated he was on the group of little kids surrounding him, letting them touch his beard and his hair, and braid his long locks, knelt as they surrounded him.
He always loved children, and always said you'd have as many of them as possible.
It was a nice idea, it made you sad that it never came true.
But maybe having a bunch of half-god children wasn't a good idea in the end, after all.
And then he saw you, and promptly bolted away.
Thor in his finest.
You walked after him, shaking your head, and raised an eyebrow at the sight of his wide shoulders behind a column.
"I can see you," you informed him.
He clenched his hands in fists.
"You cannot," your ex-boyfriend answered back.
You shook your head.
"So this is a talking pillar with blond hair and big shoulders?"
There was a moment of silence before he answered, not moving.
"Yes, ma'am."
You chuckled, amused, but sighed, a little sad.
"Alright, talking pillar," you held your own hand, a little anxious and sad with his reaction, but not wanting to cross a boundary. "I'll go now. You don't have to talk to me."
You stepped back, ready to walk away, but his voice stopped.
"Wait," he called you. "I... I do. I want to talk to you."
When you turned back, he hadn't moved.
"Like this?" you asked. "Through the pillar?"
He sighed soundly.
"Can we?" he asked. "Please?"
You hesitated. Why didn't he want to face you?
"Of course," you answered at last.
Thor relaxed and then crossed his arms, and you waited for what he had to say.
"So," you cleared your throat, realising one of you had to break the ice.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I... I own you an explanation."
You shook your head.
"Not really," you assured him. "I know everything was hard on you. You needed time."
You were never going to blame him for grieving.
"I wasn't the only one having a hard time," he pointed. "You had lost your father and I couldn't even..."
"It's alright," you assured him. "You had just gone through what happened with Loki, and you've known him for longer than I could ever know my dad."
He let out a little chuckle, and you shifted on your feet.
"I'm not upset with you anymore," you assured him. "I promise you."
Thor lowered his head, and you reached for his hand, touching it at his side, and he flinched a bit, pushing his own hand away from his body, but tangled his fingers with yours.
"I missed you," he confessed, a little quiet.
You smiled sadly, caressing his skin.
"What is it that you don't want me to see?" you asked him.
His hands flexed a little around yours.
"Why do you think I don't want you to see something?"
You laughed.
"Thor, I am talking to a pillar!" you pointed out, wanting to flick his ear.
He groaned, and then raised his hand to his face.
"I just... I have changed," he explained. "A little bit."
You rolled your eyes. That was it.
"When we met your hair was already long," you reminded him. "And the long beard is very hot."
Thor moved, uncomfortable.
"More than just my beard," he added.
You waited and then he dropped your hand, stepping away from the pillar and walking away from it slowly, finally standing in front of you.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for whatever he had to show you that you hadn't seen before.
"What am I looking for?" you asked.
He signalled to his body, looking frustrated.
Still, you frowned.
He had a body. He wasn't a non-corporeal entity.
"I am..." he tried to explain. "I'm not the same man I was when we last saw one another."
You looked at his body, and finally got what he meant.
Thor had gained weight. That was it.
That was the change he was apparently so ashamed of he was hiding from you.
"Is that your weight?" you asked. "That's what you mean?"
He frowned.
"I'm all soft," he argued. "You know what Rocket called me? He called me chunky. "
You frowned in turn.
Who the fuck was Rocket? What kind of name was that?
"Ba-" you interrupted yourself before you could say the pet name. "Thor, I don't think I get your point."
"I was chiselled when we were together," he affirmed. "Strong and manly. You couldn't grab a single bit of me."
You tried not to roll your eyes as you shook your head.
A decade or so on Earth, and he was starting to show it.
"Are you mad?" you asked him. "You can be as manly as you want to be and you are still strong. You are a fucking god, I highly doubt you can ever be weak."
Thor scoffed and you laughed a little.
"Thor, are you afraid I don't think you are hot anymore?"
He crossed his arms.
You looked at him and chuckled.
"Let's go to your place," you decided.
Thor frowned, completely confused.
You laughed, and looked for words, looking around and finding some kids dangerous close.
"The things I want to say to you shouldn't be said around children," you decided.
His eyes widened, and Thor gulped.
"This way," he pointed, grabbing your hand and pulling.
You were giggling as you followed him, apparently not as fast as him cause Thor stopped and looked at you.
"Hop on my back," he offered.
You did, laughing so loudly you were almost breathless. Your relationship was always spontaneous, and you were used to Thor doing this in the past.
You missed him so much.
You tried to push the sad feeling away, putting your arms around his shoulders and kissing his earlobe, sucking softly right behind it the way you knew he liked quite much.
His fingers squeezed your knees a little tighter, and you chuckled as he walked up a hill.
"We both know those are also not things kids should see," he warned you.
You just giggled more, kissing his neck.
"I'm just being affectionate," you teased him. "Nothing to see here."
Thor grunted.
"I'll show you nothing to see," he mumbled.
Oh, you really wished he did.
Thor stopped in front of a white house and opened the door, holding you with a single hand and kicking it closed with his foot before letting you stand on your own.
"You!" he pointed at your face.
You just grabbed his hand and bit the top of his finger gently, playful.
"I've kept my hands to myself," you reminded him.
Thor grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, and you cut the distance between your lips, kissing him just as you moved your hands up, cradling his face.
Thor was delicate as he kissed you, slow as you savoured each second of being close to him again, of tasting him again.
Oh, how sweet it would be if he was your Thor again, not just Thor.
Your life was so quiet without him, so cold. Even after everything - especially after everything - coming close to him only showed you how much you still wanted him!
"Y/N," he sighed as you stepped away from him.
"You stupid man," you clenched your fingers, holding him by his shirt. "Thinking I could ever not want you."
Thor pulled you closer, big hands pushing your dress up as you pushed your fingers into his hair.
You waited for what he wanted to do, unsure of how far he really even wanted to take this.
It’d been a long time since you two even saw one another, much less had sex.
So you pulled back and looked at his face, and your ex-boyfriend looked at your face.
“Don’t you…” he tried to ask.
“I do,” you confirmed. “But I want to know what you want.”
He stopped, eyes on your face, and you reached for his hand, kissing his palm.
“You said you had things to say about me,” he whispered, flushing a little. “That no children should hear.”
You laughed and kissed your hand again, raising your chin to stare into his eyes.
“I want to kiss you all over,” you affirmed. “From your lips to your thighs, adore you and show you how much I want you.”
You pushed him to the couch, and he fell sat, letting out a little whimper, and you moved your hand to the front of his shirt, pushing it off of his body.
“And when I’m done with that,” you continued. “I want to climb on your lap and ride your cock. Maybe tease you, uh? Not letting you cum until you’re a stuttering mess for me?”
He gulped, speechless, and you giggled.
“Do you want me to do it here?” you asked, throwing his shirt away, caressing his chest and soft torso. “Or will you let me take you to your bed?”
Thor blinked, stunned, and you caressed his face slowly, waiting, knowing well to give him his time. He stood, grabbing you and picking you up, and you chuckled, letting your head fall on his shoulder as he moved you two, so quickly that you barely felt his movement, and Thor sat down on a large bed, raising his bright blue eyes to you, and you were quick to kiss him again.
You took off your flower crown, letting it fall somewhere you couldn’t see, pulling on his soft hair and smiling when he whimpered against your lips.
“My silly Norse god,” you cooed as you scratched his scalp, kissing his chin and jaw over his beard, then his cheek and his nose, placing pecks all over him. “Thinking I don’t think you are the sexiest man alive.”
He closed his eyes, and you kissed his lips gently, standing up as you did.
“Thinking I don’t get weak on my knees every time I see that smile of yours,” you pushed him to lay down. “That I don’t shiver when I hear your voice, that seeing you doesn’t make me remember how much I just want to be with you all the time.”
You caressed his cheeks, scratching his jaw under his beard, and he whimpered a little, and you kissed your way down his neck and his shoulders.
“The only way to make me stop loving you would be if you stopped being yourself,” you smiled a little.
Thor inhaled sharply, and you didn’t look up, kissing the middle of his chest, inhaling the rainy scent he always had, and you couldn’t even find anywhere else, and raised your head when he pulled you up.
“Myself?” he asked.
You stopped, looking at his face.
“Your essence, Thor,” you told him. “It is the most important thing. It is what made me love you.”
He shuddered, and you smiled.
“You could change your hair, become shorter, dress up different, lose your teeth,” you chuckled. “And as long as you were you, welcoming growth, eager to always be a good man with a good heart, so damn affectionate I never found myself feeling unloved and the many other qualities that make you yourself… then you’d still be the same man.”
Thor smiled, finally, a little bashful and with a glim in his eyes.
“Besides,” you moved down on your body, back to kissing his skin. “More of you means I have more skin to kiss…”
You took your hands to his pants, unlacing them, and pulled them down his legs along with his underwear.
“More skin to touch and tease,” you tossed his pants back, running your hands on his thighs, and his beautiful cock welcomed you, hard and ready. “To bite…”
You wrapped your fingers around it, slowly stroking him.
“I bet you didn’t think about that, uh?” you teased him.
Your ex-boyfriend grabbed you, pulling you up to his side and kissing your lips deeply, passionate.
“Which gods looked at me and thought I deserved someone like you?” he asked, looking at your face.
You smiled, resting your forehead on his.
“I think you might have heard of him,” you teased him. “Thor, god of thunder. A hero with a heart of gold. He found me and slowly showed me the most happiness I have ever felt in my life.”
He closed his eyes, positively looking like he was about to cry.
“And then he left you,” he mumbled, sad.
“To grow,” you caressed his cheek. “And come back once he was ready.”
Thor watched your face, soft and sweet, and caressed your face, kissing you again, and you moved your hands to his arms and his body as he pushed your dress down your shoulders, a single hand moving to untie it around our waist.
“I want to see you,” he bit your lower lip. “I’ve missed you so much.”
You let him push the dress off of you, eagerly kissing you, and Thor’s big hand squeezed one of your breasts.
“I want to feel your skin,” he panted. “Feel your cunt squeezing me, hear your sweet moans again.”
His fingers pinched your nipple, and you whimpered, sensitive.
“Thor,” you sighed.
“I love you so much,” he kissed your neck. “Should have never let you go.”
You pushed your underwear down your leg while he was still kissing you, and only pulled away from Thor to climb onto his hips. You sat back on his thighs, still just as ridable as ever, and took his cock again, stoking it as your cunt fluttered around nothing, eager for him.
“You want me to ride your cock, Thor?” you teased him.
He grabbed your hips, raising you.
“Wanna see you riding me,” Thor affirmed, and you adjusted his cock, pushing the head of his cock against your entrance. “Wanna watch your pretty tits bouncing as I make you jump on me the way I know you love to do.”
You smiled, gasping when you felt his tip inside you, and sank down to take his cock whole, throwing your head back.
Fuck, he was so big.
Five fucking years had made you forget how much of a stretch it was to have him inside you.
“Perfect,” he raised your hips. “So wet.”
You whined, rotating your hips each time he bottomed out inside you, not daring to tear your eyes from him.
“Did teasing me made your cunt wet, my love?” his fingers caressed your skin. “Making me dumb and mad with your lips like the brat you are.”
You giggled, and he pushed himself into you, brushing against your sweet spot and making you yelp.
“A teasing brat,” he added, hand moving to your cunt and his thumb pressing on your clit.
You rested your hands on his chest, both your legs and his hands guiding you to bounce on him, riding his hard cock.
“Want to make you cum,” he commanded in a deep growl. “Been missing that cunt for years, that sweet squeeze...”
You threw your head back and cried out when his fingers moved on you, driving you mad and closer and closer to the edge, but looked right back at him again, wanting to look at him and see him, show him that he was the one who was making you cum and making you feel this good.
“Please, Thor,” you whimpered. “Make me cum on your cock, make me cum for you.”
His fingers moved fast, and your legs weakened, your muscles trembling as your peak neared you, his cock brushing and brushing against your sweet spot as his thumb played with your bud with the knowledge of having gotten you off so many times over the years.
“Cum for me, my love,” he coaxed you, sweet and firm. “Milk my cock with that sweet cunt, show me how pretty you look when a make you peak.”
You came listening to his moans and he held you as you did, trembling and shaking, and Thor squeezed the side of your hip when he himself came, fucking you with shallow strokes and moaning deeply as he did.
You lied on his chest, catching your breath, and planted soft kisses on his skin as you did, smiling as he caressed your skin gently, placing a little kiss on your forehead.
“Are you staying?” he asked softly.  “In Asgard?”
You nodded in confirmation.
“For a year, at least,” you told him.
He breathed slowly under you, and you raised your head to look at his face.
“And you?”
Thor looked at your face, eyes watching yours, and his hand moved to your face, caressing your cheek.
“I didn’t know if I would before,” he told you. “But I think I can stay for a bit. To catch up.”
You squinted your eyes.
“Catch up?” you asked.
Thor nodded and you smiled a little.
“I will love to catch up with you.”
. . .
"Different (and all the same)" was posted on my Patreon back in August! To have early access to my work, consider subscribing! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics��​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​​​​​ ​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @tayrae515​​​? @indecisiondecisions​​​? @afanofmanystuffs​​​? @patzammit​​​? @thevanishedillusion​​​? @widowsfics​​​? @alexisshoto​​​ @princess-evans-addict​​​ @dreams-of-feysand​​​ @xoxabs88xox​​​ @dragonqueen0606​ @izbelross @isabelle-faith
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emilyprentissslut · 2 years
your mighty captor 𖤍ϟ
a/n: part one of kidnapper jane 😎🧜‍♀️!! i love her sm
warnings: stalking, kidnapping, soft yet possessive jane, jane’s arms!!
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as you stepped foot into new asgard, a smile was plastered on your face. your mom had suggested the summer’s family vacation should be spent visiting different locations around norway. the plan was to spend a few days in the tourist destination, before moving on to the next place.
so far your family had been there for a few hours. in that few hours you had seen a live performance of an event called ragnorok, which you had learned was the reason for the existence of new asgard in the first place. moreover, you had gone on tours, seen the area, and even met thor himself.
you felt like the luckiest person in the world, especially when he introduced to you to the king. king valkyrie was as gorgeous as she was in the pictures that you had seen. her demeanor commanded power, you couldn’t get enough of it.
“it’s nice to meet you, milady.”
with a smile on your face, the king took your hand in hers and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“likewise, your highness.”
she returned the smile, before tending back to her people. unbeknownst to you, the queen wasn’t the only person with her eyes on you. in the corner of the room, the mighty thor played with her drink and watched you enjoy the sights of the day.
dr. jane foster was a lot of things, but one to miss an opportunity? no. you were here golden opportunity, and she wouldn’t let something like that pass by.
the day turned into nightfall, as your family opted to return to the hotel to rest for the next day. half past midnight rolled around, and you were wide awake. careful as not to wake up your siblings, you quietly left the room to go outside the hotel.
as you sat on the steps of the entrance, your eyes fell to the night sky above you. the stars had you completely hypnotized, they were of course the most beautiful stars you had ever seen. though the stars were your beauty, you were jane’s.
the former astrophysicist couldn’t believe how easy you had made this for her. naturally, she wanted to wait before she grabbed you. though seeing as when sunrise came, your last day in NA would begin, she knew there was no time like the present.
there wasn’t a doubt in jane’s mind that you were perfect. there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she keep you forever. all she had to do was wait for the perfect moment.
the stars held your attention for what felt like the better part of an hour. sitting on the stairs with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, you were at peace with your surroundings.
this was it. this was the time for jane to make her move, and she would do just that. emerging from the shadows, the mighty thor strode confidently down the street, attempting to pull your attention. as you caught sight of her, she was the first to speak.
“honey, it’s very late. any reason why you’re out?”
as you met her eyes, her beauty stunned you. she was absolutely stunning. from her beautiful blonde hair, to her amazing figure, she entranced you. most notably, your eyes fell to her arms. they were toned and they were big, but not too big. your mouth nearly watered.
“oh-, sorry, i was just looking at the stars.”
jane hummed in agreement.
“they are beautiful tonight, aren’t they?”
you nodded, studying her features in the moonlight.
“come here, the view isn’t as obstructed by the pillars.”
a smile crept across your face as you walked to wear she was standing. side by side, the two of you watched the stars. jane’s hand brushed against yours before holding it. you blushed at the action.
she was in. dr. foster had to make her move now, this was her best chance. you were putty in her hands. gently tugging your hand over to see the stars from a different angle, you followed her like a lost puppy. once you were out of view from anyone, jane’s hand clasped around your mouth, while the other tightly held your waist.
your eyes went wide as you struggled in her grasp. the blonde dropped the hand from your waist, while keeping your mouth covered. flailing in her grip, the feeling of hopelessness overcame you, when you realized you couldn’t escape her while she held you with one hand.
“shhhh…stay still. i wont hurt you pretty baby.”
the mighty thor’s free hand stretched out as she called for her transport. continuing to struggle, your breathing increased when you noticed a hammer fly directly into the hands of your soon to be captor. tears fell down your cheeks as the woman held the hammer to the sky, and a burst of rainbow energy took the two of you away.
between her unforgiving grip and the turmoil of the situation, you were met with darkness as you went limp in her arm. the woman sighed in relief. though she could easily overpower you, having you unconscious was much easier for her.
arriving at a secret location, the mighty thor threw your form over her shoulder before entering the house. taking you into the kitchen, she quickly plopped you on a chair and made sure the rope wouldn’t let you move too much.
the first moments when you wake up would be awful. having you tightly tied to a chair would minimize that chance for the both of you.
brushing some stray hairs out of your face, jane places a kiss on your forehead before leaving the kitchen.
when you came to, your vision was a bit blurred. adjusting to the light, you tried to move before realizing you couldn’t. as the panic set in, you struggled in the ropes. small cries of pain and distress left your mouth.
knowing that you had woken up, the blonde put down her dumbbell and made her to the kitchen.
as she came into your view, you struggled harder. the ropes began to cut into your wrists.
“shhh….sweetheart don’t do that. you’re going to hurt yourself.”
strong, yet gentle hands held your cheeks. wiping the stray tears, jane placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“welcome home, my love.”
fear crawled up your throat. home?
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Jane Foster x female reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 1150 words
Summary: Jane invites to her place after a beautiful date.
Warnings: heavy kissing, fingering, nipple play, swearing, humping, spanking, dom! jane, some lingerie kink.
Author’s Note: Here you go nonnie, thank you for this request. The request was about them sleeping together for the first time together after confessing their feelings.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Jane Foster Masterlist
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"Mind taking this to the bedroom?" 
Jane breaks away from your lips leaning her forehead against yours trying to catch her breath. 
"Thought you'd never ask." You hastily reply, the heat is already too much for you. She reaches for your hand gripping it tightly and drags you to the bedroom. 
"Holy shit!" You exclaim looking around in shock. The room had a king-sized bed with red satin covers on top and red velvet curtains surrounding the windows. There were many candles lit on the bedside tables and there were some clothes thrown on the nearby chair. 
"I wanted… " Jane mumbled gesturing around. "Wanted to make a good impression. Didn't want to get too much ahead of myself but…" She stops herself and looks at you. In response, you chuckle looking around and squeezing her hand. 
"Oh, you did perfectly." Jane raises an eyebrow and without further Ado pushes you on the bed. 
"Well then don't mind if I do." She bemuses her lips one inch away from yours. She forcefully kisses you, the earlier love confession wearing deep in your mind. Then like the stars aligned just for the pair of you two, your bodies connected with one another and your lips didn’t part for several minutes. It was desperate and primal. Something that could have happened long ago. Something that should have happened long ago. 
Her hands are freely roaming your body and yours are doing the same getting lower and lower cupping her in whole. She barely gives you space to breathe as she kisses you over and over again. Her knees are on your sides and slowly her lips leave your mouth only to assault your neck. She bites and she sucks the skin as if she needs someone to know tomorrow morning just what was happening tonight. 
“Jane!” Your moans only encourage her to continue moving her lips down to your collarbones reaching for your breasts. 
“Tell me you want this.” She mumbles, her lips trembling. 
“I do! I do! Please, Jane, I need you.” You breathe out rapidly not wanting a moment more to pass away from her touch. And just like that she pushes the fabric away from your breasts and begins a dance between kisses and bites, adorning and worshipping your breasts in every single way. 
“Fuck!” You moan out when her teeth reach your nipple. She moves like an expert, like a hunter finally able to devour their prey. The blonde woman smirks when she looks up at you as her right hand moves lower and lower reaching for your core. She keeps your nipple between your lips as her hand now pushes your dress upwards and then returns. 
“Feeling a little lucky, aren’t we?” She chuckles once she leaves your nipple, her hand palming the wetness on your panties. 
“Jane! Fuck. You feel so good.” There’s not much you can say, the way she works your breasts, the way her hand moves on you has your mind blanking. All you wanna do is give in to her. Any more and you surely won’t remember your own name. Your brain can only repeat her name again and again. 
There is not much to say. Jane had already asked if you had ever been with another woman and you said that you’ve had so this wasn’t new territory. There wasn’t any awkwardness to overcome as Jane seemed very confident in herself, rightfully so. All there was to do was to draw each other breaths till you both saw stars. 
“Fuck!” You jolt awake as Jane slaps your pussy, feeling it pulsate through your whole system. Of course, she’s smirking at your reaction as she pushes a finger inside over the thin fabric. 
“I wanna ruin you a little.” She whispers, as she lowers herself and rests her head on your stomach. “I wanna hear you scream my name.” She continues twisting her finger around. The rough sensation of the panties creates unique friction for you and all you can do is moan, God, you needed more. You had to ask for more. 
“A-anything. Anything you want, Jane.” You speak so fast afraid she will lose her appetite in just mere seconds. “Anything.” You breathe out.
“Very well.” She grins and starts moving her finger in a standard rhythm in and out, trying to stretch you out. So far she’s touched your clit but you know, oh you know, the minute she does you’re gonna be screaming. Her thumb almost brushes over it but it quickly goes away as she switches before pushing her finger inside and twirling it around. 
“Jane, please, baby, please. Jane!” You exclaim. “More.” It was too much and yet not enough at all. Your pussy was trying to clench her finger inside of you but it wasn’t easy. 
“Please what?” She asks feigning ignorance. “Is there something you need?” 
“I need you.” She grins again turning her attention back to your pussy. Her lips are on your inner thighs kissing you again and again as she adds a second finger scissoring them around your tight vagina. The panties were dripping wet now and it was much easier to push them inside of you. 
“I wanna cum.” There is a build-up in your core that makes your heart beat so fast, your body naturally chasing her fingers. Backing up each of her movements. That’s when her thumb finally presses against your clit.
“Cum for me, baby. I got you.” She rubs your clits harshly while her fingers are still inside you. 
“Jane!” You shout her name as your orgasm is rising over you, completely electrifying each cell of your body. The sheer intensity of it leaves you non-verbal and breathless as she watches your back arching and your pussy closing on her fingers. 
“Good girl.” She smiles at you and softly kisses your inner thighs. “Did perfect for me.”
“Thank you.” You breathe out, trying to look at her. She was still fully dressed, some lipstick smeared off her face and there was no sign of sweat on her. God, she looked beautiful.
“Mind letting me out?” She winks at you and she laughs as you watch how your pussy has trapped her fingers inside you. “I wanna have a taste of that sweet cunt and I am-” But the way your pussy is now drawing her further in, a new juice soaking her cuts her sentence in half.
“Wow.” She looks at you. “Looks like my snack time is delayed.”
You laugh in response but there’s something about the way she speaks, the way she’s so eager to have you again that makes the heat in your stomach return tenfold.
“Relax, baby girl. We got all night.” She muses and her lips return to your skin. 
And oh you had all night indeed….
fingers so good got that pussy prison
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for future updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications!
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rebecca--barnes · 2 years
I just saw Thor: Love And Thunder! ❤️+⚡️
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Definitely one of my top 5 favourite marvel movies!
If you loved Ragnarok I can guarantee you’ll love this movie! So hilarious but also emotional ♡
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Here is a little sneak peak everyone. Thank you @cthulhus-curse for the inspiration. This is a fic about stripper Thor x body guard Bucky x reader.18+
Your hand in his hair, his teeth drag down your neck teasing you, and his hands pulling your hips closer. Thor behind you his breath hits your neck. He gently nibs near your ear. They ouch and pull you closer.
You reach your hand behind you and feel the freshly shaved sides of his head. He leaves little kisses on your neck as Bucky nibbles down to your breasts.
Bucky gently bucks up to you, searching for some means of relief. “You look so beautiful doll.” Bucky says as he nips and moves lower. The feeling clouds your brain. “You are doing so good. Good job.” You softly moan.
“What about me?” Thor asks. “You are doing amazing Thor.” You try to get him to keep going. “Not about that....” he sounds a bit sad.
Bucky stops what he is doing and looks up at Thor. A shit eating grin comes to his face. He leans over your shoulder. “You look so handsome Thor.” He chuckles. Pulling Thor into a passionate kiss.
Feel free to send in asks about the story
@stonemags @chelleztjs18
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aphroditessaturn · 2 years
I'm really happy for all of those tik tokers who can go to the thor 4 premiere but please don't be like "I just saw thor omg bring..." or "my spoiler free review" it is not spoiler free.
some people (like me) want to go in there without knowing a thing JUST LIKE YOU — literally they always say they want to know and then post this
also (may be my fault) from those tiktok people I maybe know 2 and that's it the other bunch are whole strangers to me (like I know straw head thingy and that dude with that fluffy hair and glasses who could be a Peter parker variant)
everybody has their own opinion on this so please respect mine!
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imdoingsortagay · 7 months
Summary: You can see the way she wants to just let go and give up control, so you form a plan with your girlfriend to do just that
a/n: Here comes your Valcarol x reader brainrot homos
Warnings: Dom! Valkyrie, Sub!Carol, Switch!R, petnames, strap on use, Carol in subspace ? ( yeth)
Word count: 1.6k words
Smut below the cut ! 18+
Both of you could tell the moment that Danvers arrived to New Asgard that she wanted to just let go of all of the stress she was dealing with.
Wanted to just let someone let the reigns but a part of her didn't trust anyone enough to do it. There was a tiny moment between your girlfriend and Carol when Valkyrie had teased her a bit with a pet names.
Most time she'd just brush it off and make some joke back at your girlfriend but for a split second you could see the blonde react to that silly pet name.
" Aye Danvers," Valkyrie says," Everything alright?"
" Yep yep all good," she just says before heading into the guestroom for the rest of the night, leaving just you confused while Val just continues on with finishing the rest of her drink. One part of you wants to question Carol but the other just wants to let her have space to think over things.
You think it over and decide to just as Val.
" Did you see the way Carol reacted to you calling her princess?" You ask with curiosity as she heads into the kitchen to get herself another drink. She wasn't the type of person to do stuff like this, if Danvers needed space then of course she was gonna do just that.
" Honey i think Danvers just needs time to destress," She explains," it hasn't been a relaxing couple of years for the blonde ya know? the best we could do is give her time to relax and if she wants to talk about it, well she knows she can".
" Babe," you pause," this is Carol Danvers we are talking about. The big tough superhero who reacted to you calling her princess of all things. And she didn't make any jokes".
" Hmmm," your girlfriend says to herself," what's your plan"?
A part of you was unsure as to whether this plan would work with the blonde. She's been staying with the both of you for a couple weeks but her routine doesn't seem to change.
Being the lovely girlfriend she is, Val did most of the work when observing her friends routine. From then you both would plan for the moment that Carol would " Catch you in the act"
" My darling ready for daddy?"
The door to your bedroom is halfway open, just enough for Carol to see the both of you. Val is completely naked besides the strap on with the fake cock around her hips, a favorite one from your collection of sex toys.
" Cmon love," she tells you," use that dirty mouth on daddys cock now".
You waste no time the moment she stands in front of you as you kneel for her, grabbing the fake cock as you start off slow and sensual for her. While the woman above you can't really feel your mouth, it drove her crazy seeing the way that you suck on the cock.
" Cmon darling, Daddy needs that cock to be nice and wet when it goes in your cunt" and right on time when Carol comes back from her midday workout with Thor. Both of you don't hear the door open but Carol can definitely hear the noises you're making in the bedroom.
Working out seemed to distract her from the feeling she got when Valkyrie had made the princess joke. Seeing how dominant her friend was with you had honestly made her a bit jealous, if she had to be honest with herself.
All the one night stands all over the universe didn't help either, just made her want someone she can hand over control to.
Someone who can comfort her, let her be herself instead of the mighty Captain Marvel.
" Fuck your cock tastes so good daddy," Carol is snapped out of her thoughts at the line and she feels her mind going fuzzy. It would be the right thing of the blonde to just quickly walk by to her room but the door is also open so she has to be strategic.
" Be good for daddy then darling and take the rest of me in my mouth," the blonde can hear her friend say.
Curiosity gets the best of her and she slowly peaks through the door to see Valkyrie, very close friend and King of New Asgard fully naked while her girlfriend is also very naked sucking on the fake cock between her legs like it's their dayjob.
" Fuck," she whispers to herself, mind going fuzzy at the thought of suck on the toy along side you.
Forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding from the both of you.
“ imagine if someone saw you sucking my cock baby ? Seeing you act like such a whore for daddy on your knees”.
After years of being with Valkyrie, you knew that she heard Carol walk through the door instantly. Sneaking around the house to surprise or even scare her was something you've gotten used to not being able to do. Carol must be close to your room if Val was talking more while you were sucking her off.
" Daddy," you moan out as you take her out of your mouth," can you fuck me nowwwww?".
" Well be patient now baby," she tells you, " how about you show our special guest here some manners ?".
Carol's thoughts of the two of you are interrupted when she's met with her best friend standing next to her, no shame in being naked in front of you. Neither of them exchange words when Val takes out her hand for Carol to grab and she's led into the bedroom.
" Did you want to join us, Carol?"
The blonde hears you ask and so many thoughts go through her mind at the opportunity to sleep with both of you.
On one part, she can trust both of you and on the other, she's lost so many people close to her that she wouldn't want to ruin the friendship she has with you both. Knowing that if that were gone, there would be nobody else there for her.
" Oh princess," she hears you say, unaware of when you had put on a robe as you scoop her into a hug," Carol don't cry now ".
Val hugs her friend as well, while she might not be able to talk to Carol about her feelings at least she can give her some physical comfort.
" Honey, you know us well enough not to hurt you," Val pauses," not after all you've been through princess. You deserve someone who you can be yourself with and not the big badass superhero everyone knows you as".
" If you allow us Carol," you continue," me and Valkyrie will treat you like the pretty princess you are".
Val giggles when Carol nods, deciding to change the plans last minute to focus more on the blonde and show her just how important she is.
“ Be a good princess and strip for us,” Val orders Carol. The blonde follows the command quickly, like an eager puppy.
“ get on the middle of the bed “, Val says,” baby I want you to eat our princess out so she’s ready for my cock”.
You start of slow with Carol , leaving kisses between her thighs as a mean to not take things quickly. All Carol can do is whine and makes the prettiest noises as you leave kisses all over her thighs.
“ Must have not been fucking in space if you’re already wet from me kissing your thighs baby,” you mumbled and before Carol can respond, you slowly start to go at her folds.
“ no I was but I-“ All Carol can do is moan when you start to rub at her clit, mine starting to go fuzzy while you go down on her. While she did fuck in space there was nobody who seemed to make her feel good , until now.
“ Make her cum baby,” and without a second to waste you enter Carols pussy with one finger. You groan as she lets out the cutest moan when you enter her with one finger , she’s gonna be completely different once your girlfriend fucks her with the toy between her legs.
“ can I have another one -“
“ what was that princess?” Val interruptes Carol as you slowly finger her and continue to lick at her wet cunt.
“ Daddy,” she moans out ,” need more in my pussy , wanna be good for the both of you".
" this is gonna be a good night".
The Next Morning
When Carol has woken up, she didn't expect the both of you to let her sleep in her room, expecting that Valkyrie would carry her back to where she was staying.
If she had to be honest, she really liked being in the middle of you too. Had been years that Carol had been held, been treated like anything other than an Avenger, or an enemy to some people.
" What time is it?" Val says as she wakes up which starles Carol, assuming she'd still be asleep. The noise wakes also wakes you up and you groan your annoyance as you got to check your phone.
" 11am baby," you say in an annoyed tone," i'm gonna go back to sleep with Carol".
" What if our princess doesn't want to go back to sleep?"
" She wants to sleep babe not go out and workout so early on a sunday," you turn a bit to look at Carol," Am i right baby?".
" m gonna stay with y/n," Carol mumbles as you happy scoop up the blonde in your arms to get more sleep.
" Always a brat," Val chuckles as she gets up to get to working out, never one to miss a day .
Carol could get used to being with the two of you if it meant soft moment like this.
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Summary: Loki almost killed you during the Battle of New York. You struggle when he returns.
Warnings: If the title didn't give it away, choking. Also, Loki being an ass. Smut. 18+
AN: I'm a slut for comments and reposts!
Why wouldn't he just leave? That irritating smirk, as if something was so damn amusing, lingered on Loki's face, his eyes on you like prey. He was that constant itch that you couldn’t scratch away, the ever looming ache in your side that you couldn’t ignore. While the rest of the team discussed their next mission, you sat at the far end of the table incessantly tapping your foot while he reclined in a chair. It was bad enough that after all the destruction he had caused in New York that he decided to show his face again on Earth, in tow with his brother. But the fact that you had to see him every day, breathe the same air, act like everything was water under the bridge, felt almost impossible. Thor had framed Loki's return in the brightest of lights–that he'd changed, that he had been brainwashed and tortured and wasn't the same person anymore. The rest of the team was willing to be cautiously accepting for Thor's sake, and perhaps were starting to buy into the idea that Loki had turned over a new leaf. But the rest of the team hadn't looked into Loki's eyes, seen that possessive evil, when he had lifted you by your throat while smiling, slowly closing your windpipe as you struggled to break free.
That fateful day had been permanently etched in your memory. New York was under attack and you had been focused on surveillance for the team in Stark Tower when he had shown up, strolling proudly with his scepter in hand. Standing abruptly, your heart pounded as you sized up this towering giant and watched his movements; your combat and defense skills were good, but they'd never been put to the test by a god. "Are you going to attempt to appeal to my humanity?"
His demeanor was so high and mighty, like this was all so far beneath him. "And why would I do that? Clearly you have none."
Your legs mimicked his movements, circling each other around the open loft. He paused and cocked his head, an amused smirk pulling on his face. "Don't tell me you intend to fight me, girl. Adorable, but I can assure you I am no match for you."
"We'll see about that."
"And why would I waste my time fighting you? You could be quite useful to me." He aimed the tip of the scepter at your chest, but you were quicker than he’d anticipated and swiped the staff to the side before kicking him in the chest. It didn't do much, he was as solid as a tree, but it was enough to catch him slightly off guard to kick the scepter out of his hand and you both watched as it slid across the room. Adrenaline pumping, you attempted to lurch at the fallen weapon, but he was faster and grabbed your wrist, spinning you around.
"And where do you think you're going?" His tone was sinister and his large hand wrapped around your neck, lifting you off the ground as your legs flailed. Long fingers slowly squeezed on your windpipe and you struggled to pry them off. Tears blurred your vision and started to stream down your face. "Such pathetic floundering bottom feeders you Midgardians are. I should put you out of your misery."
He smiled while watching you struggle in his one hand, prolonging your agony. Squeezing tighter, the world moving out of focus into black. And then a window shattered and the Hulk emerged, ultimately saving you and smashing Loki in the process.
For three weeks, every time you looked in the mirror you were reminded of what he did to you. Your neck turned black and blue, then purple, then green, then brown and yellow. But even as the bruises faded, it was still raw in your mind.
So when Thor had pulled you aside to convince you why his brother deserved another chance, you screamed internally while plastering a smile on your face. He had to have known the trauma Loki had put you through. "Are you okay with this, y/n?"
The pleading in his eyes confirmed that if you said no, it would break his heart. Thor was like a brother to you, and while his brother was the spawn of Satan, you pushed your feelings aside and lied straight to his face. "If you say he's changed, then I believe you."
Loki knew who you were, what he had done to you. The recognition on his face when you first walked into the room and stopped short was evident. His eyes lingered as you leaned against the far wall, keeping a significant distance between you and him. Absentmindedly, you nibbled at your lip and fiddled with the hem of your shirt.
"Lady y/n!" The bellowing voice made you freeze as you watched the large blonde man stride over, dragging his darker haired brother behind him with a perturbed look. He wasn't actually bringing his brother over to you, was he? "I'm glad you are here," he smiled, like this was a family reunion, "Y/n, my brother Loki."
The expression on your face was blank as you tried to hold it together. "We've met," you deadpanned at the same time Loki said, "I don't believe she cares to meet me, Thor."
The oblivious blonde shook his head at your responses. "Nonsense! The last time you met was a misunderstanding. This is a chance to start anew."
Loki watched the vein in your neck as you clenched your jaw together, your nostrils flaring slightly at the thought of your near death being a "misunderstanding." The way your hand shook by your side. He knew you were not ready for this.
"Please excuse my brother. Y/n, it is a pleasure to meet you formally.”
You studied the carpet as he spoke, noticing a burn mark on the rug you'd never seen before. He turned to leave, pulling Thor with him.
“Is that it?” The words were so quiet you barely heard them yourself. But Loki paused and turned toward you. You didn’t want to look at him, didn’t want to be near him, didn’t want to be on the same planet as him, but you also didn’t want to be the weak girl that he clearly thought you were, so you pulled your eyes from the floor to look directly at him, your eyes blazing with anger. “Is that all you have to say to me?”
“I… No. I am sorry for any pain that I caused you. It is inexcusable, I know that.”
You willed yourself not to bring your hand to your neck, remembering how the person in front of you toyed with attempting to snuff out your existence without blinking an eye.
It's an act. It's just for show.
Glaring at him, you didn’t want to believe his words. If he was expecting forgiveness, he wouldn’t find it from you. "You're right," you replied. "It is inexcusable."
Pushing past him, you hated the feeling that perhaps he had been sincere.
The constant stress of being cooped up in a tower with him was weighing on you. The need to leave rooms, change directions, hide out in your apartment; was it childish? You didn't know. But every time you saw him, your pulse started racing, your throat turned to sandpaper, and your stomach tensed.
When Natasha announced it was time they all went out for a night, you were all in, needing to literally let your hair down and dance your cares away.
Stark paid an exorbitant amount of money to have access to an exclusive club that he and his friends could access at any time. You showed up in a little black number with a mission to let your cares go.
Dancing for hours had left you parched and you made your way to the bar. He was already there, arms crossed as he watched others with a judgmental look of disapproval. You ordered a rum and coke, telling the bartender to put it on his tab, causing Loki to roll his eyes but nod all the same. He turned his attention to you, the hairs on the back of your neck prickling. "Having fun?"
"I was," you snided, sipping your drink. "I thought you enjoyed this type of thing. Thor said you had your fair share of banquets and masquerades."
"Yes, well, my tastes are…a little more…refined."
You rolled your eyes at his snobbery. He was truly the worst. "When are you planning to leave Earth? I'm sure there are other planets just waiting to be conquered."
Hesitating at your remark, he studied you, no longer shaking from nerves and a more bold tongue, chalking it up to liquid courage. Leaning in closer to you, he could smell a mix of your vanilla body wash, sweat, and alcohol. "Why would I leave when my presence is clearly torturing you?"
The sinister smile on his face made the lump in your throat return and you quickly sipped at your drink again, the alcohol pushing your nerves back down. "Look at you. I don't even have to lay a finger on you and you whither in front of me."
Your cheeks went hot under his intense gaze, feeling small as he hovered over you. Swallowing, you looked up at him, butterflies erupting inside you.
"Fuck you, Loki," you breathed. Storming off, you could only imagine that arrogant smirk on his face as he watched you walk away. Heart pounding, blood boiling, you grabbed the first man you saw on the dance floor, gyrating with him under the strobe lights, trying to remove the image of him hovering over you from memory. When you looked up toward the bar, Loki was still watching you, a smile pulling on his lips like he knew exactly what he was doing.
Combat training with various team members was grueling but necessary work, dripping sweat and lungs burning. You and Natasha went at each other, you landing a blow to her ribs, her landing a kick which resulted in an armbar. A few rounds and the two of you had called it a night, her leaving to shower while you stretched weary muscles.
"Your combat skills have seemed to improve since the last time I saw them." You heard him before you saw him. Narrowing your eyes and putting on a braver face than you felt inside, you groaned, crossing your arms.
"You're like an annoying gnat. What do you want?"
"I'm curious, when the team goes on missions, who is the one that babysits you? Do they take turns or is it the same person?"
He was trying to goad you, trying to get a rise out of you, you knew that. Well two could play this game. "How exactly did you convince Thor that you changed? All that talk of torture, did you make that up? Is there even a, what was his name? Thanos?"
His face dropped for the quickest of moments and a part of you regretted your words. But when he recovered, the look on his face made you take a step back.
"Tell me, how many nights have you been kept up at night thinking about my hand around your throat."
Your hand reacted before your brain could and the crack of your palm against his cheek was heard before it was felt. He smiled when he turned his face back to you, taking another step in your direction. Fist clenched, your arm swung up toward him, but he grabbed it and held it in place. Another step, your knee came up to his stomach, and he grabbed that too. You felt the wall behind you, a shallow breath released as you tried to hold yourself together, his chest centimeters from yours. When you looked up at those blue-green eyes though, it wasn't the same look as last time. There was no darkness, no evil, no possession. His smile was covering something else. Slowly, your eyes locked on his, you guided his other hand to your neck. His breath hitched as he watched you wrap his slender digits around your throat.
"Wha–" but you silenced his question with your lips. What started as a desperate need to shut him up turned to lips hovering near each other, tongues dancing together, breaths being shared. He pulled away to look at you, a question playing on his face, his silver tongue clearly tied. Your eyes dropped down, embarrassment starting to flood your mind, and his hand flicked your face back up to his and kissed you again, hand gliding from your neck to the back of your head, gripping onto your hair. Your fist was dropped as he glided his palm down your side, wrapping around your ass, bringing you wanting core to him. A whimper left your lips and he pressed into you with need.
Brains turned off, hands scrambled to pull at clothes and feel every inch of one another. His fingers slipped inside your pants, running his long digits along your silky crevices and you shook as the tip of his finger circled your clit, smiling into your mouth. "Seems like you've thought of this multiple times, pet."
"Shut up,” you demanded, greedily scrambling to free his throbbing erection from its enclosure, pulling at zippers and buttons, a relieved sigh escaping from him when it was freed.
He was quick with his movements and flipped you around, hands pressed against the wall, pants yanked down with a swift jerk, fingertips drawing lines up your thigh, up your hip, up your spine, causing shivers. His hand came to rest on your neck, tilting your head back to him. His warm throbbing cock slid between your ass cheeks and through your thighs, playing with your anxious opening.
"Beg me," he whispered into your ear. A strained cry left your throat as he rubbed his hot erection up your slit.
“Please,” you breathed, then moaned loudly as he stretched your tight opening, flexing his fingers under your jaw.
“Is this what you want, pet?” You wondered that yourself as he smoothly pulled and pressed into you, but as he hit your cervix while locked against him, you knew this was exactly what you wanted all along. A secret desire you wouldn’t even admit to yourself. The noises you made were sloppy, no longer able to make sense. He pulled your head toward him again, gripping down a little harder while pounding into you. “I asked you a question girl.”
“Y…ye…yes…” you wailed. You were close, but if it were to coming or passing out, you didn’t know. His cock hit in places you didn’t know were inside of you, and as he reached down to circle your clit, your body shook violently. The world went black for a moment and you collapsed into him, but vaguely you could hear his words. “I got you. I got you. Good girl.”
Pressing yourself into him on the floor, your lungs burned. He rubbed your neck, your arms, your back, while you came back to full recognition. Looking up at him, he pressed his lips together while you bit at yours. “Do not tell anyone about this.”
He cocked his head, raising an eyebrow. “I doubt they would believe me even if I did, pet,” and kissed your hand. "Do you still want me to leave Midgard?"
Lowering your face into his shoulder, you hid your reddened cheeks. Your lips pressed together, unable to answer, but knowing you didn't want him to go.
Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/thoselatenightfeels
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wheredafandomat · 11 months
Misery loves company
Loki x female reader
18+ | basically a couple of cartel bosses, contains mentions of drugs, smut etc
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“So what you’re telling me is that we have two hundred kilos we need to move and no way of doing so?” Loki huffed, helpless as sighed into his hand.
“Yes, we’ve lost our pilot but—” Thor began nervously, pausing before Loki glanced up at him, prompting him to continue “there’s another way.”
“No! Absolutely not.” Loki shouted angrily in response, hitting his fist on the table in front of him.
“Loki, she’s our only hope.” Thor reasoned.
“I despise her, I will not do business with her.” Loki insisted.
“There’s someone here to see you.” Bucky spoke, taking you from your thoughts as you sat at the desk in your study. “You’re gonna like this boss.” He added with a small smile, your stoic expression unwavering.
“Well pat them down and send them in.” You answered. Moments later, none other than Loki Odinson entered the room, Bucky behind him before you dismissed him, turning your attention elsewhere, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Very thorough with his search that one, makes me feel I should tip him.” Loki spoke, stepping further into the room.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?” You replied, clapping your hands together.
“I need a favour.” He answered bluntly.
“A favour?” You questioned, arching one of your brows “and what pray tell could I help you with?”
“There’s been a slight blip with shipping and I know you’ve got routes that don’t require aviation and so I was wondering if my guys would be able to use them.” He asked.
“You want your guys to use my routes?” You smirked.
“Rousing.” You joked, causing Loki to roll his eyes. “Come, sit with me and have a drink.” You offered, gesturing to the chair in front of you. Loki sat as you stood, making your way to the small table with the crystal glasses and decanters. Getting two out, you poured some whiskey before returning to your seat, giving one to Loki. “So, Loki, how have you been?”
“I didn’t come all the way here to talk about my well-being, I’m here on business.” He stated, taking a swig of his drink.
“I’m being kind.” You shrugged nonchalantly.
“You know what, this was a mistake.” He huffed, standing to his feet angrily.
“Wait, wait” you interrupted his tantrum, standing too “how much is the supply?”
“Two hundred kilos.” He answered.
“I want fifty percent plus another ten for the agro.” You answered, stepping towards him.
“You forget that without me, you’d have none of this” he asserted as you stood level to him, chin tilted upwards to face him “I made you.” He continued, looming over you. Silence fell between you as your gazes met, each as intimidating as the other before you broke the silence.
“You simply planted a seed Loki” you smiled “can one really take credit for a flower that had to sprout alone, killing weeds along the way? That had to water itself, nourish itself?” You queried, standing closer to him “the answers no, you can’t.”
“Look y/n, I’m sure there is a way we could both come out happy from this.” He winked, gaze dipping to your lips.
“Are you propositioning yourself?” You tittered. “My my, how the mighty have fallen.” You tutted, standing between him and the desk.
“There must be a way we can do this that doesn’t involve you walking away with sixty percent of my profit.” He inferred.
“Simple, find someone else.” You clapped.
“I trust you.” He implored.
“Fine then” you exhaled “beg.”
“What?” Loki snorted.
“I’ll only take 40% if you get on your knees and beg me.” You explained. Looking into your eyes, Loki inhaled before pushing his chair out of the way and getting onto his knees, your gaze following him. Lifting his hand, he ghosted it over your calf remembering all the times you had had him like this, on his knees, surrendering to you.
“What happened to us?” He sighed, still stroking your leg.
“You grew distant and I grew heartless.” You stated.
“That’s where you’re wrong.” Loki disagreed, hand falling to your foot before reaching the heel of your stiletto. Balancing yourself on the desk behind you, you stepped out of them one by one. “I know you y/n, the real you, not the one that hides behind stilettos and the guise of dispassion.” He expressed, placing a kiss against your calf as he caressed it. You darent blink as Loki turned his head slightly, his cheek moving against your leg as he closed his eyes.
“Beg me.” You spoke just above a whisper, biting your trembling lip as you watched him. Loki’s lips traveled higher up your legs, his hands venturing below your skirt before he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. You fought down a moan as his kisses met your inner thighs, your body remembering the feel of his against yours. His gaze returned to yours as he reached your centre, eyes pleading. “Beg me.” You repeated, the meaning of your words blurred in this moment.
“Please.” Loki finally murmured almost desperately, brow twitching.
“Okay.” You breathed.
Lowering your leg, Loki’s hands ventured underneath your skirt again before he tugged your panties down. You barely had time to brace yourself before he was pushing your skirt up, mouth latching onto your pussy.
“Lokii.” You moaned, eyes falling closed as his tongue skilfully circled your clit. He explored your centre lavishly, his wet tongue moving through your folds leisurely as you steadied yourself with your hands on his shoulders. His hair was between your fingers, the images of passion filled nights shared between you both reverberating through your mind. You melted against him as he consumed you, his mouth engulfing your core. You glanced down at him, his eyes fixated on yours as your expression told him he could have anything. You were at his mercy as he was yours. He was your weakness, your strength, your god in this moment, this one venereal moment. “I’m soo close.” You gasped, hips rocking against his face as you chased your rapture. “Fuck.” You uttered, reaching your climax as the leg over his shoulder began to shake, your pleasure dripping from you.
Lowering your leg, Loki stood to kiss you before you pushed him back down, joining him on the floor. You straddled him as you kissed him, tasting yourself against his tongue. Your teeth clashed together as you kissed each other desperately, clinging to one another. Finally breaking the kiss, his lips ventured to your neck, claiming you as you moved your head to the side. Sitting up slightly, Loki lowered you against the floor, softening the feeling of the floor with his arm around you as you pulled him down on top of you. He kissed you again, hips grounding into yours as you felt his excitement. Reaching between you, Loki freed his erection before fisting himself a couple of times and lining himself up with your entrance. The both of you gasped as he pushed inside.
“It’s been so long.” He panted, bottoming out.
“Too long.” You agreed, moaning as he began fucking you. You clutched onto his arms urgently as he moved in and out of you perilously, not caring about the risk of being like this with you. He knew he was not himself when he was inside you; almost animalistic as his carnal needs took priority. He bit into the crook of your neck, the sting making you clench around him as he licked over the area, thrusting harder into you. You bucked your hips up into his, eyes tightly shut as your mouth fell open, vulgar moans escaping you. It was wrong of you both, truly indecent and utterly erotic for you to still derive so much pleasure from each other.
“I’m not going to last.” Loki warned, grunting as his thrusts grew sloppy.
“Neither am I” you panted “fuck, just cum.” You implored, eyes opening as you looked up at him. Almost on cue, his movements stilled before he came, both of you cursing.
Once you had both crashed back down from your frienzies, Loki pulling out of you, you rolled over, hand reaching up to the small table as you grabbed a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.
“You still smoke.” Loki noted as you bought one of the slim vogues to your lips.
“Only after sex.” You shrugged, lighting it and taking a drag before Loki took it, taking a toke too and bringing it back to your lips. “You get my routes, I get my forty percent.”
“Deal.” He agreed.
Humming in agreement, you stubbed out the cigarette before standing up and pulling your skirt down, Loki watching you as you walked away, leaving the room.
“Do you trust him?” Bucky asked once you were away from the room, walking towards your own.
“Not as far as I can throw him.” You answered with a small smile.
Meanwhile, Loki had finally sat up. Sheathing himself, he looked through the notifications on his phone.
Thor: Did she agree?
Spotting the panties you left on the floor, Loki picked them up as he replied.
Loki: Yes
Thor: Can we trust her?
Loki: Not at all
Smiling, he pocketed the panties before making his own way out.
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@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14 @donaweasley @sailorholly @lokidokieokie @gigglingtiggerv2
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theanimekid · 2 years
Sweet Nectar
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Thor x (Servant) Deity Reader
Synopsis: You're Thor's favorite servant, one that he alone can have. So what will happen when he finds out that you're a nature deity who left her homeworld because of your arranged marriage to a stranger?
Warnings⚠️🖤: Heavy Smut, breeding kink, scent kink, past abuse, dom/sub play
“A flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.”– Terri Guillemets.
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You loved flowers. Their beauty, colors, fragrances, everything.
You A diety of flowers and good fortune, but was before you fled your home, now you live secretly as a servant of The Mighty Thor. But at least it was better than the place you once called home.
Ever since that day, you felt as though you found peace in life, away from it all. But sometimes, while you served your lord, it feels like someone is watching you other than him. Out of all the servants, The Allfather had only you were able to get close to The God of Thunder himself, but you never asked why. Why does he let you get close? You know that Thor is a quiet man who hardly ever speaks to anyone if Loki was not annoying him all the time.
You started your routine as usual: Make breakfast, fix the bedsheets, Attend to his throne, water the plants. You have gotten used to life as a servant. You are not bothered by it. Especially when tending to his garden, well, your garden since he gave it to you after a long day of serving him, he wanted to reward you, A garden. The flourishing architecture, The flow of the river bank, the sound of the wind dancing in the flower beds. You sat alone on the marble bench and sighed as you brought the flute to your lips and played a symphonic melody.
Birds flew unto a small tree and sang along as you closed your eyes and continued to play. The wind blew softer than it ever was before. Flowers swaying ever so calmly. Unknown to you, Thor watched you from a near distance. His heart aching from his chest, eyes admiring your beauty when the sunlight shined upon you, your skin radiating like a gentle lamp. For the first time in his life. He feels as though fate has given him a chance.
Ever since Odin sent you to be his servant, he felt as though the whole world stopped for a moment, but he always hid his emotions. Thinking he does not deserve to feel this way. They were endless nights that he wished you were sleeping side in his bed, your skin pressed against him, your scent graved in his sheets. You had become an obsession to him. Not wanting to leave your sight when it come to you tending to the garden.
But this moment would not last long.
A flash of lightning burst the ground, making you stop what you were doing, and fearfully turned around. A tall man with a dark cloak appeared from the gray smoke. His eyes were furious and unwelcoming. He grabbed you by the arm, forcefully tugging you with him. You tried to fight back, but nothing happened. He then slapped you across the face. Making you fall in pain as he now carried you on his shoulder and ran out of the area.
You yelled and screamed, calling for your lord. " Thor! My Lord Thor! Help Me!!"
"Shut or else I'll make sure you won't ever utter another word again!" He warned in a raspy voice as he summoned a portal. Before he could take another step, he felt your body being dragged off his shoulder, making him almost fall on his back. He turned angrily, to now shudder in fear seeing who dragged you off of him. A red-haired god with lighting coming all over his body, and you standing behind him. Safe and protected. "Y/n, shield your eyes." He spoke calmly, but his face; leaned to say otherwise. You obeyed and hid your eyes behind him. With one swing of his hammer, he blasted the man into the portal he created, and the portal itself closed too. But there's a possible chance he won't make it back to where the man came from.
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You whimpered in his chest as you embraced him. "T-Thank you, my lord." Thor shushed you with reassuring words of affirmation, "It's okay, I'm here." He said calmly, as he carried you back home, with your legs wrapped around his waist. 
As he had carried you back to where you came, inhaling the sweet sensation of your hair, like a bouquet of flowers, at this point. He stopped in the middle of the forest. Thor laid his hammer on the ground, you awakened from sleeping in his chest, "What is going on-mmh".
You looked you to your lord with sleepy eyes fighting to stay awake. He trailed peppering kisses along your jawline and kissed away the pink mark on your cheek to your soft lips. You moaned in his as his tongue explored every inch of your mouth. He laid you on the grass floor, his hands wandering all over your body hiking up your dress, squeezing the flesh of your thighs, making you gasp in surprise, lips parting from his.
"How dare he try to take what is rightfully mine?" He said to himself. as unfasten your dress, untying the strings behind your back, revealing your perfect breasts. Not being to control himself anymore, he took one of the mounds in his mouth, sucking the nipple and nipping the skin. Your back arched at his advances. Then later, he repeated the same motion to the other.
He could feel you squirming beneath him. He finished the assault on your breasts with a loud pop. Your body felt hot, breathing out from your chest. The thunder god traveled down between your legs, hovering over the glistening entrance. He dipped his nose into your heat, smelling the sweet smell. She smells even better than I thought. He thought as he rose to look at your disheveled look, flustered and embarrassed. Just the way he wants you.
"You belong to me. And no one else, even if it means I'll have to make you a mother to make your stay with me." He mumbled into your chest. He moved the dress to the side and began his approach to your entrance. Using his tongue, he guides himself into your wet folds, stroking and sucking as a man starved. He can feel your thighs closing around him. Your moans and whimpers are music to his ears. He can feel coming to your climax, only for him to stop midway.
" Why y-you stop?" you asked breathlessly. Your fingers are wrapped in his long red locks.
"I am not finished with you yet. Now, be patient like a good little servant." He ordered. Being like a good little servant, you complied and waited helpessly for your next order. His tall stature stood above you as you watched him unclothe himself, reaveled his well toned body.
He spread your legs wide enough for your lord to come in. You knew he was huge but his cock was even bigger.
All loss of words came from out of your mouth as his cock entered your wet heat, feeling as though he will break you into two. You moaned and mewled as he pounded into your g-spot, his hands gripping at your hips making you keep pace with him.
Your mind was flooding with lustful thoughts. Keep going, don't stop, I love you, my lord, faster, harder, make me the mother of your children. Oh god. You started seeing stars, blabbering lustful desires to him, making him want you, even more, fuck you even harder.
"My Lord, please let me cum I'm so close," you whimpered as you feel your climax coming to you, your cunt squeezing him as he continued to thoroughly fuck you dumb. He can feel you." I know just a little longer," he groaned, as he is about to reach his peak too.
Moments later he ordered you to come to him, and make you his. You came harder than screaming his name like a chant as lightning struck from the sky. Thor sighed as he completely emptied himself to you, Your scent with his mixed with cum and sweat. He pulled you close and lay in the same spot which is now a flower bed of red roses. But you were too fucked to care, your body ached, and you didn't want to move from his warm embrace.
He nuzzled into your hair as you traced your fingers onto his chest. Feeling your eyes weighing down on you, " I love you, my Thor". He smiled into your hair, " And I love you, my little deity servant."
You'll ask him about how he knew later.
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mcufan72 · 3 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader (AU)/ 18+
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Warnings: contains fluff, smut, unprotected sex, alcohol and cigarette consumption, soft!dom/sub vibes, angst, and maybe some drama. It's a long chapter again so get some snacks and something to drink.
Shortly after Loki had made you lustfully shake in his passionate embrace, you arrived at his penthouse. Walker would wait for you in front of the building until midnight. He gave you his reassurance and handed you your travel bag from the tank. He gave Loki a threatening look and got back into the car. Loki huffed with a smirk, raised his eyebrows, and gave you his attention again. Nonetheless, he appreciated Walker's concerns for you.
“Let me carry this for you, Sugar.” Loki took the bag from your hand and his free hand clasped yours.
“Thanks, Luke. That's sweet of you,” and you lovingly squeezed his hand. Your cheeks were still glowing and your eyes shiny. You never had that kind of car sex before and to be consumed by him like this had been wonderful.
He led you into the building and you took the lift to the top floor where his penthouse was. He was nervous. Would you like his home? Would you feel comfortable? It was a risk to bring you here, for both of you. When he opened the door, a luxe penthouse, elegant and sumptuously furnished, with a big living room, awaited you. An amazing view of the Manhattan skyline by night through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, a big terrace in front of them, took your breath away. His home was gorgeous and inviting and no comparison to your small and too expensive apartment.
“Welcome to my home, Sugar. I hope you like it and feel comfortable here.”
“I like it very much, Luke. Your home is gorgeous. Thanks for letting me be here with you and letting me invade your privacy. That's not self-evident.”
“I'm glad that you like my home. Tell me, are you afraid? Being here alone with me?” he asked cautiously.
“No, I'm not afraid. I always feel good with you. Your home is a wonderful and cosy place. Cosier than I expected. Most penthouses I've seen were cool and impersonal, with cool, stylish but impersonal interiors. Just there to be shown and to impress others how far you had come. And the view is amazing, Luke. I've never seen Manhattan's skyline from this side of the Hudson. I'm impressed.”
“Yeah, the view is pretty good and even more impressive by night. And to enjoy this view with someone you like is even better.” He smiled at you and passed you your bag.
“You can bring it to the bedroom if you like. It's over there,” and he pointed to a room on the opposite of where you stand. You nodded and headed for the bedroom and placed it right at the door.
“Want something to drink, sweet thing? Champagne, whisky, or wine?” He asked you while you let your gaze wander up to the open higher floor with an open gallery. A curved staircase led to the higher floor where you saw the upper end of his impressive book wall, two armchairs, and a piano. Yes, it was really a cosy place.
“I fancy a tea or coffee,” You said politely.
“Of course, no problem. Anything you want, Sugar.” He made you some tea in his spacious kitchen and also prepared you a glass of water and placed both on the kitchen counter. You went towards his book wall and pulled one of the books out of the shelf. It looked a little bit antique and had a wonderfully styled leather cover.
“Nordic Myths and Legends,” you read out loud the title of the book and you opened it randomly and marveled at the beautiful illustrations.
“You could read something to me. Your voice would lull me to sleep, I guess,” and you smiled at him. He stood already next to you.
“What would you like me to read to you? The story of the legendary Allfather Odin or do you prefer the stories of the golden Prince, the mighty Thor? Every girl loves the golden Prince on his white horse, don't they?” You flipped through the book while he asked you and pointed it out to him.
“I'm always with the dark guys. I prefer the dark prince on his black war horse, willing to ride with me through hell and back. Would you read Loki's story to me?” and you looked at him asking.
His piercing blue eyes stared at you, inexplicable. He took the book out of your hand, closed it and put it back on the shelf, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Come, I have something for you,” he changed the topic, took you by your hand and led you to his large, comfy sofa. He brought you your tea and the glass of water and vanished into his bedroom. He came back and sat down next to you, a small black box decorated with a golden bow in his hand. The box looked similar to the box in which the dark green dress was packed.
“For you,” and he gave it to you.
“Thank you, you don't have to do this,” you said kindly and opened the lid. In the box, embedded in the same kind of black tissue paper, was a set of dark-green lace underwear, made of silk. You never owned such a beautiful, seductive lingerie set made of such pretty and delicate sensual floral lace.
“Gosh, Luke, it's so beautiful but I don't deserve it. It's too expensive and too pretty for me,” you said and your eyes teared up when you looked at him.
“You deserve much more, sweet thing and I owe you a new lingerie set. I destroyed your lingerie last time and you definitely need a new one, don't you?” He ran his thumb over your cheek.
“Yes, you might be right. And you still have my other thong in your pocket…Thank you, Luke, I really don't know what to say. It wasn't necessary but I appreciate your wonderful gift,” and you hugged him tightly. He wrapped your arms around you and inhaled your scent deeply. He would love to kiss you.
“Thank you for coming here with me. I feel extremely honoured that you trust me that much.” He broke the embrace to look at you.
“No, I have to thank you. You must trust me a lot if you're bringing me here, to your private place. And you should know that I trust you. I did right from the beginning. Otherwise, I couldn't have slept with you.”
“I think we both have… some issues with trusting someone, haven't we?” He wondered, holding your hand in his.
“Yeah, possibly. To feel used and be disappointed when you've given everything of yourself to someone …” you began.
“…and just being loved because of your sex appeal and for the fact that you're looking good…that doesn't feel like love at all and it doesn't make it easier to trust…” he added.
“Luke, I really enjoyed our last encounter. I'm genuinely sorry for being so… rude afterwards, I…”
“Could you please stop permanently apologizing? You don't have to, everything is fine. Who, for heaven's sake, told you that you have to be sorry for everything concerning sex? I can sense that you know very well what you want and what you like, and at which pace. You just showed me in the car how passionate you are. And that's okay. Believe me, Sugar, I enjoyed everything we did so far too and you never did anything wrong. The way you treated me recently was tender and caring and damn, you were so devastatingly sexy and tempting. And it felt so good to lay in bed with you and to hold you in my arms.”
He stood up from the sofa, walked to the house bar and poured some whisky into a tumbler. He took a deep breath and gulped his whisky. Sometimes he didn't know how to handle his feelings properly. He always felt so insecure about it. He was still aroused and on edge and holding you in his arms didn't make it any better. But he couldn't very well fall upon you like a starving wolf. He would've loved to do it but he didn't want to scare you. You were on unknown terrain in his home and he wanted you to feel safe, not scared. He turned around just to see you walking toward him.
“Want me to do it again, Luke?” Your warm hands explored the firm muscles of his torso, hidden under his tight dark green shirt. His chest lifted and lowered heavily with each breath, his eyes filled with untamed desire.
“Do what?”
“Treating you right, making you shivering and writhing. Your moans are such a turn-on, Luke.” He loved how you whispered his name and imagined how his real name would sound from your mouth. He wanted to lie on top of you, underneath you, next to you, be inside of you and all around you. Every night, every day.
“Look at you, sweets. So eager to get fucked,” Loki grinned smugly at you but could barely stand your touch. What he would give for a kiss from you. But he needed to stay in control. To show his soft side and how much he adored you would reveal too much of his heart and his vulnerability. Why did he even allow you to be this straightforward? But he enjoyed it, he wanted it and his need for you went straight down to his cock. He wanted nothing more than to be inside of you now, embedded in your warm silken heat. He liked the thought of you liking him and that you were taking care of him.
He knew your feelings were just pretended ones and not real but it did him good. Your proximity did him good, you did him good. He was shocked at how touch-starved he was because he wanted you to touch his bare skin. He couldn't show you that, he didn't deserve to get touched like that. He didn't deserve your hands on his body or your care and attention. He should not lose control, never but he was damn close to it.
“Me? Eager to get fucked? I think it's the other way around, Luke. You're eager to get fucked, especially after our session in the limousine, you're desperate for some relief, aren't you,” you teased him, your hands still working his pecs.
“Can you still taste me on your tongue? Want me to fuck you, Luke? Reckless? Merciless?”
You wanted him so bad, it almost hurt. Your craving and your feelings for him were already beyond pure lust but you refused to accept it.
“Try me!" He growled, lowering his voice. He was bursting with lust and desire. His dark timbre sent shivers down your spine and made you dripping wet and your nipples harden like pebbles. You slowly walked him backwards, pressed him against the kitchen counter and kicked his long legs apart so you could stand between them.
“Hey! What are you doing,hm?” He asked you, a dark softness in his voice.
“Taking care of you. You like it, don't you?” And you cupped his manhood gently with your hand, enjoying the growing firmness between his legs.
“Yes,” he hissed and gritted his teeth.
“Want me to continue? Under my conditions?” You rubbed him firmly through the fabric of his trousers, caressing and squeezing him, hearing him quietly moan.
“Yes… you can use me. Use me as you please, I'm yours. I want you so bad, sweet thing.” His fingers curled around the rim of the kitchen counter, searching for some support. He was putty in your hands.
“Will you accept my requests?”
“Am I allowed to make the rules, by considering yours?”
“Will you be my good boy?” You were skating on thin ice but you wanted to know how far he would let you take it.
“Yes, I wanna be your good boy,” he groaned.
“Do I arouse you?” a rhetorical question because you felt his erection growing and twitching in your hand.
“Yes, you do, sweet thing,” he sighed desperately.
“Loosen your tie, pretty boy, and give it to me,” you let go of his manhood and took a small step backwards so you could watch him.
He was a feast for the eyes and the impersonation of sin. You had never seen a man so full of lust and passion and craving for you that much. You were blessed to have him as your client and you dared to become bolder with your demands. You have never been this demanding before but he gave you the safety, respect and self-confidence to try it. He wasn't even obliged to do it. He was the one with the money and the one who paid you and could be demanding, not you. Loki did as he was told and gave his tie to you, which you draped around your neck.
“Open one more button of your shirt… slowly!” You murmured, biting your lower lip.
He did. You grabbed the open collar and yanked his shirt completely open and watched the buttons scatter down to the floor exactly the same way you had dreamt of. He was so beautiful, his scent beguiling and it intoxicated you. You wished you were allowed to let your hands travel over his naked sculpted torso and feel his soft skin under your digits, licking him down from his throat over his chest to his cock and peppering kisses all over his body.
“Bedroom! Now!” you commanded.
You felt how wet you already were. You were on autopilot, wanting nothing else than to make him and you shake with desire. He took your hand and led you to his bedroom, a king-sized bed with lots of cushions, soft silken bedsheets and a large duvet, all of it in shades of green, waiting for you. You had never seen such a snuggly and cosy bedroom before.
“Undress! Completely…and slowly please. I want to shamelessly indulge watching you getting naked for me.” You couldn't wait to get him out of his clothes.
“Yes, Ma'am,” he whispered obediently.
You were incredibly aroused and you'd loved to spend the whole night with him, enjoying him, making him happy. And you wanted to show him that you were worth the money he paid for your services. You secretly wished this wasn't the only reason why you were here.
“Lay down, I want you on your back. Show me your ethereal beauty,” you whispered commandingly.
Loki did everything you wanted him to do and waited eagerly for your next command.
“Has anyone told you yet how devastatingly handsome you are? Your body is divine and you have the face of a god and a heart so wonderful that I want to die.” You soaked in the stunning view of his gorgeous body, trembling with arousal and anticipation.
“It never sounded that good as when it comes from your mouth and no one was ever interested in my heart,” he stated, feeling himself getting harder if that was even possible. He loved how you looked at him and soaked up his naked form. Seeing you trembling with arousal was such a tempting sight. He propped up on his elbows when he saw you undressing with nimble hands.
You only had your knee-high leather boots on and you walked towards him, his tie in your hand, your nipples erected with anticipation, your skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat. You were an indecent, horny sight to behold and he had to control himself to not cum right now because of your seductive appearance and a desperate moan escaped his throat. You were the epitome of beauty to him.
“Dare not cum too quickly, loverboy. Sit up and spread your amazing legs!” And he followed your command. You placed your foot between his thighs and salivated over his throbbing, pre-cum leaking, erect member. You forbid him to cum just like this but you weren't any better. It seemed you needed just a little soft touch, a little lustful gaze and you would cum immediately. You ached for relief from this sweet throbbing pain.
“Be my good boy and take the boots off my feet! Slowly!” You murmured temptingly. It was so hard not to fuck him right away. To hold that tension high and slowly work towards the lustful finale was something that you never had done before. You had to meet him to find the courage to try. It felt heavenly to be the one in charge. And you couldn't believe that he let you do it. Loki obeyed and he slowly unzipped your boot and took it off of your foot and you placed your now bare foot back to the flooring. He almost burst with excitement.
“Now the other one, pretty boy,” and you placed your other foot between his thighs.
He unzipped the boot at the same slow pace, took it off, looked up to you, and saw how your pupils dilated with arising desire. You were burning with lust like him and he looked between your thighs and saw your almost dripping wet cunny. He gasped lasciviously and he wished he were allowed to eat you out. He wanted to taste you on his tongue and lick your soaked core. Maybe next time. He could wait.
You were both completely naked now for the first time when having sex and it doubled the eagerness to fuck each other. You climbed onto the bed, pushed him back into the cushions and straddled his lower abdomen without touching his cock and placed your hands on your thighs. You wanted to torture him a little bit more. Just a little bit because you were eager and desperate to feel him finally inside of you. He felt your wetness drenching his happy trail and wished he could suck your delicate nipples and lick your folds and your sweet throbbing clit. The mere thought brought him close to the edge again. But you haven't given him permission to do it.
You felt his engorged cock against your ass and moaned blissfully. You would lose control soon, that was for sure. You struggle not to move and get some friction and rub yourself over his pubic mound. You'd love to cum like this but you definitely wanted to prolong this sweet torture for him and you and he seemed to enjoy it as much as you did.
“Hands above your head, handsome,” and he did as he was told. You took his tie and wrapped it around his wrists.
“What are you doing, sweet thing?” he whimpered.
“Tying your wrist together, loverboy.”
“Because you want to be my good boy and to make sure you can't touch me and… Safety reasons. I'm in your private rooms and you could do anything to me here. You're so much stronger than me and I wouldn't even have a chance to send an emergency message to Walker.” you explained, tying his wrists carefully together.
You placed your hands on either side of his head and leaned down.
“They're very loosely tied, you can free yourself at any time,” you murmured to his ear.
“It's okay, sweet thing, don't you worry…I allowed you to play with me so just keep going. I love what you're doing.” He was well aware that he could free himself faster than you could even imagine.
“Okay,” you whispered, “Are you clean, Luke? I am and we can do it without a condom if you want. I'm on pills and I want to feel you completely, I want you to fill me with your cum.”
You knew he was the only one for you and you have not whored around but you didn't know if the same goes for him and if he would believe you. You were an escort lady at least. It was a big risk for you, you were pretty much aware of it but you needed to feel him, pure and natural.
“I trust you,” he whispered reassuringly. “I'm not whoring around, for me there's just you.” It was the truth, he wouldn't lie to you about that.
“And I trust you,” you whispered back, slowly raising your upper body again. “I'll ride you to heaven, Luke Larsson!”
“But in the end I'm always in charge and that won't change.” You were irritated for a moment but he winked at you and a slight smile on his lips signaled you that he enjoyed playing this game with you. Your game. He just wanted to provoke you a little bit.
“Too late, pretty boy,” and you winked back at him.
His hips were thrusting upwards to get some friction and he was writhing and flexing underneath you. You felt how desperate he was. His eyes, filled with pure lust, gave it away how bad he wanted you and you loved him for giving you the power over him, allowing you to be in charge, to be the one who decides what's going to happen next.
“I want you to feel like I felt every time you fucked me,” and additionally to his tied wrists, you blindfolded him with the fabric belt of your dress. You would give him a proper portion of his own medicine. In a good way. You wanted to take care of him, make him feel good, satisfied and wanted.
“What are you doing, silly girl?” You stroked him firmly a few times, making him gasp and he felt how you guided his rock-hard shaft into your silken heat until your walls were sheeting him completely.
“I'm riding you into oblivion, loverboy,” and you were consciously clenching your cunt around his length. Loki whimpered, his cock twitching impatiently inside of you. He waited desperately for you to move. Your nails scratched lightly and torturously slow from his collarbone, over his happy trail down to his pubic mound and the root of his cock, causing goosebumps on his heated skin. For a short moment, he didn't feel your fingers on his body but then you slowly gyrated your hips, rubbing your clit over his pubic hair, making you groan and tremble. You touched the place where you two were connected and when your fingers found your clit, you began to please yourself. Loki felt you squirming, your thighs clenching at the sides of his torso.
“Fuck, Sugar, please let me touch you.” Of course, he could free himself easily. But he didn't want to, somehow he enjoyed that you dominated him. Something he never thought would make him feel…safe and wanted.
“No, you're not allowed to touch me. Now you know how that feels.” Your one hand rested on his chest, while you shoved two of your fingers of your other hand carefully into his mouth. He sucked at them and his tongue circled your fingers. He moaned lasciviously when he tasted the juice of your arousal on them and tried to buck up his hips to get more friction and stimulation for his needy cock. He felt so hot and you knew that your orgasm would wash over you soon. You hopped up and down his cock, feeling the swollen veins on it which were fiercely pulsating under the pressure of your clenching cunt. Your fingers left Loki's mouth with a pop and you rubbed them, slick with his saliva, over your throbbing clit in delicious circles. You couldn't hold back a loud moan when you felt the coil in your lower parts tighten. You fastened your pace, your gyrating movements became sloppier, your wetness grew and Loki tried to thrust into you as deep as he could and hit your special spot inside of you.
He felt your walls pulsating, vibrating and twitching around his hard length, massaging him and your tightness and warm wetness made him go feral. He couldn't hold back all the whimpers and sighs and he was panting heavily.
“Close…I'm so close…,” you moaned, riding him faster and circling your clit more firmly.
“Can't hold it… fuck…anymore, Sugar.”
Without the barrier, his cock was so sensitive and you felt so good, the physical feelings he had were so much more intense, doubled by the fact that he couldn't look at you.
“Close…close your eyes…promise me…to close your eyes, …I'm…begging you…,” he whimpered, he desperately wanted to cum.
“Yesss….,” You came, hard, with relish, screaming his name, a mind-blowing orgasm washing over you, letting you see stars behind your eyelids.
Loki came hard shortly after you, a loud, primal moan leaving his mouth when he spilled his cum into you. You immediately came for a second time when you felt him filling you up to the brim and collapsed against his chest in urgent need to let your fingertips trail over his chest and his armpits, upwards to the undersides of his arms to finally clasp your hand with his and freeing his wrists. You wanted to caress every inch of him. But you knew you weren't allowed to touch him like that and so you didn't. You just reached upwards and loosened his wrists so he could free himself from the blindfold. Your head still laid on his chest, heaving up and down in the rhythm of his still fast breathing.
You two bathed in the post-orgasmic high for a few more moments before Loki sat up with you by holding you by your waist. When he looked at you he felt respected like never before. You were blindfolded. You had put a blindfold over your eyes before you impaled yourself onto his hard length. He took the blindfold from your eyes, grabbed you carefully by your hips, lifted you up and bottomed out of you, his seed dripping from your still clenching cunt. You already missed him and you wanted to cuddle with him. An escort, you were just an escort and cuddling was never part of the deal. That he held you in his arms and fell asleep with you the last time you had sex with each other had been an accident and it would never happen again. Was there a shimmer of blue on his skin again or did you just imagine it?
“That was amazing, Sugar. You treated me so well. I hope I was able to make you feel good. If I would be allowed to kiss your beautiful soft lips now I would do it,” he said softly and chuckled.
“What a pity that I will never kiss you, right?” you took a tissue from the bedside table and cleaned your folds, got off of his lap and the bed, and walked over to his bathroom with lasciviously swinging hips and closed the door behind you.
Your self-confidence was gone immediately with the shut of the bathroom door and you breathed deeply several times, swallowing down your tears and covering your mouth with one hand to muffle the sobs. It felt so good, he felt so good. You wished you were wrapped in his arms again right now, giving each other loving aftercare. You felt so safe with him. You wished you could've touched him and…kissed him. You trailed your fingers over your lips and imagined Loki would kiss you. You were sure his kisses would be passionate and demanding and soft and his taste must be delicious. You knew his cock and his juices taste good, sweet and salty, you just got a taste of it some days ago. You were sure the taste of his lips and tongue must be even better, sweeter. But he was your client, you an escort and you weren't allowed to love him. Your sassiness towards him after fucking and ending the intimacy quickly was just your way to hide the growing feelings you had for him.
Loki was confused by himself. You had been in charge, you took what you needed from him and he was on your mercy and… he enjoyed it. Also, you followed the rules, you were blindfolded, you didn't take the chance to look at him while he came undone and see him in a very vulnerable moment. And you didn't touch him…nearly. He was sure you hadn't been aware of your fingers trailing down his torso and he enjoyed it way too much to tell you that. He could've stopped you easily. But he didn't want to, your gentle touches felt too good.
He hoped you would kiss him, demandingly, passionately and gently. You didn't and he had to accept it. You were his escort and he was your client. What you just did had nothing to do with love and he wouldn't fall for you. He might feel some kind of addiction or obsession but it wasn't love he felt for you…it wasn't love.
When you came back to the bedroom, tears dried and your body cleaned, you took a fresh lace thong from your travel bag. You turned your attention back to Loki and smirked tantalizingly at him, a cigarette lingering in the corner of your mouth. You walked towards the bed where this piece of art was still lying in the rumpled sheets, head popped up on one hand. With half-opened eyes, he looked at you. His gorgeous hair was a mess and he looked well-fucked. It made you proud that it was your doing that he looked like this. You lit the cigarette and dragged joyfully on it, lasciviously blowing out the steam.
“It's okay if I smoke, isn't it?” You asked him playfully and Loki huffed, amused. You crawled onto the bed and laid down on your stomach, supporting your upper body on your elbows and looking at the handsome guy with tousled black curls next to you.
“I would've loved to clean you, sweets.”
“I'm sorry, Luke. I'm used to doing it myself. Old habits die hard,” and you dragged on your cigarette again.
“Then excuse me for a moment, I just take a quick shower. I'm back in a few minutes. Please wait for me, sweets, don't vanish, okay,” you just smiled at him and he left the bed and headed for the bathroom. He was afraid you could be gone when he returned from the shower. On his way to the bathroom, Loki presented you with an awesome view of his backside which made you lick your lips.
“Has anyone ever told you what a nice butt you have?” You wondered, lazily lolling on the rumpled bed sheets. "You have such a hot butt and such tight ass cheeks…I want to smack and bite them," you purred and you bit into your lower lip, your mouth watering. You didn't expect the speed at which Loki turned around and was back on the bed, his knees to either side of your torso, caging you between him and the mattress. He wrapped a hand around your throat, possessively but gently, and leaned over.
“You want to bite me. Is that so?” He growled darkly but softly and felt your pulse point beating faster under his digits. You didn't fear him, you felt safe with him and smirked tantalizingly.
“Yes, that's what I want to do, loverboy,” you cooed.
“Maybe next time, sweet thing. You have to be patient,” he murmured with a salacious grin.
“So will there be a next time?” You wanted to know. Loki let go of your throat, got off of the bed and headed for the bathroom again.
“If you let me… and you should stop smoking. It's not healthy,” he said as he left.
“I do what I want,” you stated cheekily.
“I know,” he replied tersely and vanished into the bathroom.
You smiled. To be with him felt so normal but it shouldn't feel like this because this was a professional relationship. You two had sex without feelings. But if this, what just happened was some kind of aftercare, you definitely liked it. He would never cuddle with you again after fucking each other but you appreciated this kind of teasing after having sex and you enjoyed every minute of it. You finished your cigarette, rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling, waiting for him to come back.
Your sassiness never failed to amaze him.He took a really quick shower because he wanted to return to you as soon as possible and he wanted to hold you in his arms again, feeling your skin on his. Was it even normal to feel like this with a paid escort? Probably not.
“Want me to hold you in my arms? Am I allowed to hold you?” He asked you when he returned from the bathroom, a black towel wrapped around his waist, his hair moist and extremely curly. He loosened the towel and tossed it away, sat down on the bed against the headboard and spread his legs invitingly. You smiled, nodded and crawled between his spread legs and sat in his lap between his breathtaking thighs, your back against his chest. You didn't expect this and it surprised you. He felt so warm, his arms wrapped around you like a soft blanket, his shoulder your pillow, his scent your drug. You felt comfortable and protected, maybe for the first time in your life.
“Do you feel good, sweet thing?” He wanted to know, lovingly cuddling you and pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“Yes, I'm feeling good. What about you? Are you okay? I thought I saw a shimmer of blue on your skin when you removed my blindfold,” and you took his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Which blue shimmer? You must have imagined it, Sugar. I'm good, there was nothing,” he lied but how should he explain to you that you haven't imagined it at all. How could he be so weak, he should control his emotions better.
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure that everything is fine, Luke.”
"It is Sugar. Thank you for caring.” He found your concern about him and the attention you gave him adorable but he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve you.
“Don't you want to open your hair bun? Isn't it uncomfortable to wear your hair like this all the time?” He asked concernedly.
“No, I'm used to it. It doesn't feel uncomfortable.” It was just half of the truth but the tight hair bun was a part of Sugar, a part of the masquerade and you'd never drop the mask you were wearing.
“Will you ever open your hair for me, sweets?”
“No, probably not,” and your fingers played with his. His fingers were so long and his hands so veiny, strong and beautiful and you loved it when his hands roamed up and down your body, cupping your breasts or when they held you in a protective embrace.
“Believe me, I don't look that beautiful with open hair or casual clothing. You wouldn't even look at me if you'd see me in casual clothes and my hair undone.”
“How do you know, Sugar?”
“Hmmm… all men want the pretty, sweet girl by their side, flawless, with perfect makeup, perfectly styled in bodycon dresses and matching lingerie and high heels, wanton all the time, willing to fulfill daddy's every sexual wish, sucking his dick and spreading their legs for him to get fucked like a whore. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. If you would see me in private, undone, with tousled and greasy hair, wearing an old comfy t-shirt, my tits hanging loose underneath it and my ass engulfed in an old linen panty, you'd never touch me again. 'Cause that's what I wear in private. Disillusioning, right?” You sounded so sad and it made him feel sad, too.
“Not a bit. To begin with, your beautiful boobs are not hanging, they're wonderful and just perfect. I don't care about perfect makeup or a perfect style combined with devouring lingerie. It's not that I don't like it, I do actually like it but I love the idea of you being comfortable at home more. You would still be the most beautiful woman I've ever met. And if you were mine, I'd prefer to see you wearing one of my t-shirts and the most comfy linen underwear you can find in your closet. Because I want you to feel comfortable around me and also… it would be more comfortable when I'm cuddling you. And honestly, I really wonder about what kind of men you met. They were never worthy of you, you deserve better,” and he hugged you a bit tighter.
Your eyes were suddenly filled with tears. How could he say something so utterly nice? His words felt like a soft blanket he just had wrapped around you.
“Unfortunately, I'm not yours,” you murmured.
“Yeah, unfortunately not, and I'm not worthy of you either,” he replied sadly.
All of a sudden you left the bed and walked over to the kitchen. You two shouldn't have such a conversation. Professional distance should be your goal and not you talking about emotional things with him. So you fled from his much too comfortable embrace.
“Can I have some champagne from your fridge?” you asked while walking away, Loki still surprised by your sudden action.
“Yes, of course. Take what you want, and make yourself at home. He answered genuinely but perplexed, raising his eyebrows.
Loki was still sitting against the headboard of his bed when you came back from the fridge, and you were close enough to him so he could smell your natural scent, mixed with the aroma of sparkling champagne you just drank. His gaze wandered over your naked form. You were almost bare for him, the skimpy black lace of your thong barely hiding your intimate parts.
“Please don't stare at me like this,” you told him softly.
“When was the last time someone looked at you like I'm doing right now?”
“I don't remember…,” your voice was merely a whisper and you were fidgeting with your fingers.
“How long has it been, sweets?” His voice was deep and warm.
“But you had sexual intercourse, intimate touches, didn't you?” You nodded hesitantly.
“But no one…stared at me like you do. Not that intense, never that long,” and you crossed your arms in front of your naked breasts to hide yourself from Loki's piercing blue eyes and his intensive but loving stare. You felt so fragile and vulnerable.
Loki sensed you were clearly unused to someone staring at you for longer than a minute. He got off the bed, strutting over to you and stood close to you.
“Drop your arms for me, Sugar. I want to see you. Please let me look at you,” he asked you calmly.
Instead of dropping your arms, you tightened them over your chest. Loki made a step toward you and let his fingers gently run from your shoulders down to your elbows.
“There's no need to hide from me, sweet thing, I adore every inch of you,” and he tenderly grabbed your forearms to make you relax for him and to show him your beautiful body again completely.
“You're safe with me. Always. You're so beautiful and I need to see you, sweets.”
His eyes were fixed to yours and when he saw the upcoming tears in your eyes his heart clenched painfully. Who, by the nine realms, had hurt you so much and why? Who was that prick who took that confidence away from you and how?
“No man ever wanted to see me, I mean, truly see me,” you sobbed quietly.
“I can't believe that, Sugar. You deserve to be seen and admired wholeheartedly. You should be treated like a queen.”
He wanted you to feel comfortable, to feel free and valued. He wanted you to let go and enjoy all the feelings he wanted to give to you. He cupped your breast softly and grazed his thumb over your nipple. It hardened instantly and so did his cock.
“No one ever did, I'm not lying,” you sobbed.
“Sugar…,” and Loki pulled you carefully flush against his chest. You buried your head into the crook of his neck and snaked your arms around his torso. So close to him, feeling his body and his warmth, inhaling his beguiling scent, fresh and manly, you couldn't hold it back any longer. You were desperately crying and sobbing and you clung to him as if you were afraid you would drown in your tears if you couldn't hold onto him.
Loki's heart pondered achingly against his chest. He felt your pain clearly. He wasn't good at comforting others but he pulled you closer and held you tightly. He didn't want to shush you so he just held you, one hand between your shoulder blades and his other hand on your lower back, his fingertips slightly crawling over your soft skin. He felt the goosebumps on your skin and your body wasn't only shaking from crying. He reached behind him and with a bit of magic you didn't recognise, he held one of the thin bedsheets in his hand and wrapped it around your trembling naked body. He tugged the loose end into the hem under your arm for a secure fit and hugged you tightly, pressing you against his chest again.
“Let it out, Sugar, let it all out. I'm here, I have you.” He wanted to be there for you now. And he did it gladly for you. He would do anything for you.
After some more minutes, your crying and sobbing became less until you finally stopped crying and loosened your grip on him. You wiped your tears away and leaned your head a bit backwards to look at him. With his thumb, he wiped away another tear and his finger traced over your cheekbone.
“Do you feel better, sweet thing?” And he leaned his forehead against yours, his breath lightly fanning over your face.
“Ye…yes,” you hiccuped, your nose nudging against his, your lips almost brushing his.
Loki was tempted to kiss you, just amicably perhaps but it wouldn't be the right moment. And maybe there would never be a right moment for it.
“Ple…please don't ki…kiss me,” you hiccuped while his tender hands cupped your cheek.
“Don't worry. I know I'm not allowed to do that…,” Loki responded and before you two could get any closer to breaking the rules you fled from his embrace again into the bathroom.
“Ex…excuse me…fo…for a moment…,” and you vanished and closed the door.
You opened the faucet of the sink and washed your face with ice-cold water to get your composure back and act professionally again. You couldn't behave like this. Were you outta your mind? Crying like a baby in a client's arms?
“I know it's close to midnight but we still have some time. Do you want to fuck me one more time as compensation for my unprofessional behaviour? It would be just a quicky but…,” you offered him when you returned to the bedroom. For a promise of a quicky, some men were ready to fuck and cum within a minute.
“You want to make amends? For what? No, Sugar and it definitely wouldn't feel right to fuck you now.” Loki was taken aback by your offer.
“Oohhh…but you paid for the night with me until midnight and also for a carefree evening so…but okay…you'll get your money back then, of course. This date can't have been to your satisfaction. You don't have to pay for unprofessionalism.”
“No, I don't want it back. Why should I? Because you cried? You've been wonderful tonight, this evening has been wonderful and I enjoyed every minute. Also, you need the money for whatever reason so please keep it. You haven't been unprofessional at all!” He stated. He didn't get why you were thinking you had been a disappointment tonight.
“No, no I cannot keep…,” you tried to convince him before he interrupted you.
“You can, Sugar. I know you need it, otherwise, you wouldn't do this job. I won't tell your agency about what happened. You have my word.”
Your eyes teared up again. Why couldn't you control your emotions better? You felt bad. You couldn't take his money without giving him what he had paid for. And on the other hand, you appreciated his decency and understanding of this special situation after your emotional outburst and the emotional outburst itself. You should get back to more professionalism. It was the second time you had become weak. You turned around because you didn't want him to see that you started crying again and you headed for the kitchen and poured some water into a glass. Your throat was dry and you swallowed thickly.
“I'm so sorry for my unprofessional behaviour. I shouldn't have… to cry in a client's arms is more than unprofessional,” you stated strongly.
Loki had followed you into the kitchen, hugged you from behind, pulled you carefully into his arms and engulfed you completely.
“You're adorable being unprofessional,” he cooed softly to your ear.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck. You were clinging desperately to him cheek to cheek.
“Then I'll do the most unprofessional thing now,” you murmured, cupping his cheeks and looking at him, tilting your head and latching your lips onto his.
He reciprocated your kiss immediately and you parted your lips so he could slide his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced with each other, exploring each other's mouth with wet, messy and longing kisses. While you were making out, your arms around his neck again, your fingers caressing his nape and tugging his soft curls, his hands roaming tenderly over your back, you both forgot the world around you. You were right, he tasted so good and his lips were so warm and soft. His passionate kisses sent shivers down your spine. His scent and how he tasted were a deadly sexy combination. He tasted familiar somehow but you were so lost in his kisses and touches that you couldn't define what he tasted like.
Loki felt like he was in Valhalla. To sleep with you was one thing but to kiss you was so intimate and satisfying in a different way. Your soft lips, your sweet taste, all of this, and how it felt to kiss you and to hold you in his arms triggered a feeling inside of him he didn't know he was still able to feel. He wanted you. Not the escort, who was now ‘dressed’ in his sheet that was still wrapped around you and that skimpy black lace thong underneath. He wanted the woman you were. You looked so sweet and vulnerable. And yes, in a t-shirt and jeans, you would still turn him on. He genuinely wanted the woman he was holding in his arms. He wanted to protect you, love you, and stay with you. You didn't know it yet but you were his now. He didn't want you to be an escort anymore. He would find out why you had to do this job and he would free you from it. Nobody else would be close to you like this again. Nobody else would kiss, touch, or sleep with you except him.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you broke the kiss.
“Why are you crying, Sugar?” He murmured against your lips.
“It's nothing, Luke. I'm just a bit overwhelmed.”
“So am I. But you've no idea how much I enjoyed it and how much I wished for a kiss from you,” and he smiled lovingly at you.
“I hope this wonderful kiss doesn't change anything between us. I still would love to meet you and be together with you.” He didn't dare ask if you two could be exclusive because for him it would be equivalent to you quitting your job as an escort lady. He would never share you with another man. But would you quit the job for him?
This kiss changed everything. Feelings were involved now and how could you escort him to events or parties and sleep with him and he continues paying for it? This wouldn't work. But he also wouldn't date the real you. He would never date a woman who dates other men professionally. Also, you couldn't quit this job that easily and you were sure he would never like the real you with all the flaws and secrets. It was far away from your fake personality. There wasn't a way out anymore. You were stuck in a dead end.
“I should get dressed. I have to go soon.” You tried to escape from this emotional situation again.
“What?” did you hear him right?
“Stay, I don't want to be alone tonight. I don't want to let you go.”
“I'm not bookable for the whole night. You know that.”
“What is your price? Tell me how much you want for the whole night. I pay every price you want but please don't go. Please don't leave me alone.”
You were considering his offer. You could demand a big sum of money, maybe the whole sum you needed. You could solve your problem tonight with one blow. But no, you couldn't do that and you wouldn't. Nonetheless, you loved the idea of staying with him until sunrise.
“The price per hour stays the same, Luke, there's no special price list. But I want to get Walker properly paid. He has a night shift now because of me…”
“I'll take care of it, Sugar. Thank you for staying with me, it means a lot to me,” and he kissed you tenderly. You wished he would never stop kissing you like this.
You had a little midnight snack before you went to bed again. Loki was spooning you and holding you incredibly close to him as if he were afraid to lose you. He nuzzled his nose into your neck, peppering featherlight kisses to your throat and your shoulders, softly suckling your warm silken flesh. He'd love to mark you as his but without your permission, he would never dare suck on your flesh like that. The physical proximity and feeling your soft skin against his, your pretty ass pressing firmly against his cock has made him harden again and before he could ask you, you already whispered the answer.
“You can have me, Luke, I'm yours,” you whispered. “Don't forget the blindfold.”
“Just close your eyes and enjoy sweets,” he murmured and with a further tender kiss to your nape, he entered your wet cunt, pumping deeply and slowly in and out of you. His hand wandered over your side to your stomach, further down between your legs until his fingers found your clit and circled gently around your swollen bud. Your silent moans and whimpers filled him with warmth and delight. Did he ever like slow sex that much? He kept fucking you at this slow pace, circling your clit just a bit faster than before. Your breathing became heavier, his thrusts sloppier and he felt you throbbing and tightening around his length. He wished he could stay with you like this, deeply buried inside of you and holding you tight. With his next slow, deep strokes you came, sweetly and almost silently, and feeling you like this, so calm and savouring the feeling of your orgasm, pushed him over the edge as well and he spilt into you with low moans and sighs escaping his throat.
Loki stayed buried inside of you, slowly getting soft again and still holding you in his arms. Your hand rested the whole time on his forearm and to feel his veins and muscles flex under your fingertips when he worked your clit was amazing. But there was something else that made you feel valued. He was not only physically extremely close, his whole attention and affection were close to you too. It has reached your heart. He finally captured your heart. And this was never supposed to happen. He bottomed out of you, headed for the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth to clean you gently and when he had finished, he pulled you back into his arms and gave you a devouring, passionate kiss which you tenderly reciprocated.
“Good night, sweet thing and thank you for this wonderful night.” Did your kisses mean that you'd fallen in love with him? For now, he didn't want to know the answer. You were here, you had captured his heart with your loving kisses, he was yours now and that was the only thing that counted.
“Good night, Luke. Thank you too,” and you snuggled up to him again. You've made a big mistake. You kissed him, and you only ever kissed a man when you truly liked them and had a genuine interest in them. Did it mean you were finally falling for him? This shouldn't have happened. This should never have happened.
You both fell asleep in each other's arms and with the first rays of daylight, you woke up. You needed to leave. Quickly, before this whole thing with Luke would take a course you both didn't want. You couldn't expect him to become an important part of your fucked up life. You couldn't expect him to love you. You tried to escape from his embrace, but in his sleep, he unconsciously pulled you back into his arms. Why? Why was he doing this? This wonderful man was just too adorable. You were close to crying again but finally you freed yourself from his grip without waking him up.
He was such a beautiful and peaceful sight when he was sleeping. You didn't want to leave without a word but you also weren't able to talk to him. It would hurt too much, both of you. You decided to write a letter and left it on the countertop in the kitchen, placing your tea mug from last night on it. When you quietly closed the entrance door of his penthouse behind you, your heart clenched painfully and shattered into a million pieces. You would never see him again.
Loki woke up, finding the place in his bed where you had been lying cold and empty. He got off the bed, put on his black dressing gown and looked for you but he couldn't find you anywhere in his home. Neither your travel bag was there nor the box with the lingerie set he gave you. You were gone. Without a word, without a goodbye.
Did he do something wrong? Has he been too demanding, too possessive? Had he been molesting at some point? Was it his fault? Or did he show his affection too soon? It was always the same. Whenever he showed his feelings he had for a woman and made himself vulnerable, they left him, ran away without a word and never came back. He headed for the kitchen to drink a strong coffee when he found a folded piece of paper under the tea mug you had used yesterday, the rim decorated with small faint traces of your dark red lipstick. He unfolded it and began to read your handwritten words.
My beloved Luke,
I'm sorry that I left you without a word, but I had to. Last night was the most wonderful night I've had for a very very long time and I'm genuinely grateful for it.
To sleep on your shoulder and in your arms, was so satisfying. Your embrace gave me a feeling of being protected. Your bed was the safest place I've ever slept at and your loving, passionate kisses will linger on my lips and my skin forever. But I have to go and it breaks my heart. We became too close to each other and I won't be able to see you just as my client anymore. I broke too many of my rules and my feelings for you got too strong. I can neither love you nor can I be your escort anymore. It just became impossible. I hope one day you'll understand. Anyway, I don't deserve your love and care but thank you for giving it to me nonetheless.
I don't want to leave you without letting you know about something. The reason why I need that much amount of money is a simple one but I cannot talk about it, to no one. I could've demanded an absolutely exaggerated sum from you for the whole night with me and my biggest problem would've been solved. But I couldn't. I want to earn my money in an honest way like I've always been doing in my life and I didn't want you to pay for a mistake I made a while ago. That wouldn't be fair. One day you will have forgotten me, and that's okay because you deserve a loving and decent woman by your side and I'm anything but decent. In the end, I'm just a whore but I was only ever your whore, Luke and I hope you believe me.
I didn't know how to tell you and to be honest, I didn't want to tell you at all but after everything that happened between us you deserve to know about it. Someone is blackmailing me and maybe I have to leave this country. I don't want you to be involved in this so please, do not search for me. I have to handle this alone.
I will never forget you, Luke Larsson. Thank you for everything, you wonderful, generous, beautiful, lovable man. Please forgive me.
In love,
Loki gasped for air, his eyes wide open and filled with tears. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His heart raced achingly in his chest and he got hurriedly dressed. Who did this to you? Who was blackmailing you? Why and with what? What bad thing could you have done that someone put you under such pressure? He had to talk to Rhea immediately. He needed a new appointment with you, as soon as possible, today, no matter what. He would talk to Rhea personally and he wouldn't accept to be put on hold. He urgently had to talk to you. You would need help. Help you didn't dare ask him for but he wouldn't let you down. Not now, not ever. He would never let the woman down who became a part of his life. The woman who kissed him so passionately last night, the woman who became more precious to him with every date, the woman he fell in love with.
He would find you and he would help you even if that meant he would have to burn down the world for it.
@lokisprettygirl @faesimps @gruftiela @anukulee @fandxmslxt69 @foxherder @depressedpolishgirl @buttercupcookies-blog @chantsdemarins @fictive-sl0th @justjoanne242 @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lovingchoices14 @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Hi, can you write a NSFW alphabet for Jane Foster?
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Pairing: Jane Foster x female reader (no other specifications)
Word Count: 1750 words
Warnings: multiple sex positions, oral, sex toys, sub/dom, voyeurism, squirting, mention of sadism, orgasm control, bondage, objectification, strap ons, if I missed anything major let me know!
Author’s Note: Here you go nonnie, thank you for this request, it was fun to explore Jane like this!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts​
Main Masterlist ・❥・Jane Foster Masterlist
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Jane allows her dominance to fall after the sexual act so she needs as much reassurance that she did well and treated you right as you do. Together you take a bath and help each other destress by kissing each other’s scars and bruises. She becomes soft for you and only you are allowed to watch her as vulnerable as she is. 
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Her favorite body part is her arms. She likes knowing she can lift you up or choke you or playfully pin you in to your place and she loves watching your eyes sparkle when she does that. As for you, her partner, her favorite is your breasts. She likes watching them and likes feeling them and watching them breathe under your shirt. Is hard for her to take her eyes away from you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Jane likes finishing together and she is a known squirter and she loves teaching you as well. Your pleasure is always more important than hers as she is a service top. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Jane’s dirty secret is that she loves it when you act out. She braces herself as a brat tamer and she loves nothing more than disciplining you. She loves spanking you, and she loves punishing you and changing the rules for you. She loves knowing you have such complete trust in her that you would be willing to push the rules every time. She loves knowing you love her just as much as she does. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Jane is well experienced all around. She knows her way around her body and what she likes and doesn’t like and she is also very aware of what she likes outside the bedroom as well. As a service top, she loves getting to know, and finding out about all of your tricks and treats, and doesn’t ever stop learning how to love you better.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Jane likes it when you are underneath her staring up at her and begging her to fuck you. She loves to watch you squirm and plead as she keeps on changing from riding your pussy to eating it. She loves keeping you on your toes like that, never knowing what to expect next. Oh, and she is a sucker for slapping your hand away when you decide to touch yourself. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Jane can be funny when she needs to, what she truly wants is to watch you relax in her arms. If you are the more humorous type she will match your type but usually, she is a little task-focused. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Jane is well groomed. She doesn’t like to wax fully and prefers to keep a little bit of bush there but she doesn’t mind whatever her lover has. She knows how to work it anyway. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Jane can be very romantic. She needs the sexual act to feel very intimate, very warm, very private, like an exchanging of souls kind of thing. Jane is more romantic at heart and doesn’t prefer one-night stands like that. She loves pleasing someone because she knows she loves them. 
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
Jane likes masturbating. She loves the relief it brings and she does it several times a day. She likes going slowly, pressing her middle finger inside her vagina and having her legs wide spread, her thumb rubbing her clit at the same time. She prefers not to be naked, choosing to push her clothing down and work her way like this. Is easy for her to cum, using her fantasy and the thoughts of you in her head. When she cums she usually stays like this for a moment or two with her fingers inside her trying to catch her breath.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Jane’s favorite kink is that of orgasm control. She loves knowing you are completely submitting to her and has her as your guide for finishing. She never wants you to cum alone, only to wait for you and never touch yourself unless she orders you to. Jane is also very much into bondage and likes tying your body up, whether it is just your legs or just your wrists, or perhaps all of your body. She likes it when you turn her into nothing but a doll for her to use. There is also a little bit of a sadistic side to Jane if you are also willing for it. She does love spanking you and marking you and leaving love bites all over your body. She likes watching your breasts covered in bruises. 
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Jane keeps some sort of a sex dungeon. She has a special room, filled with toys, a chair, a staddle, things that could contribute to your maximum pleasure. So that’s her favorite place to have you in.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Jane is usually motivated by your presence. Just like she doesn’t want anybody else or you to touch yourself, she can wait for you and when you will initiate it. Ideally, she would love to sleep with you at least once a day but she understands how life gets. She could wait forever for you and once she can have you, she doesn’t stop quickly. 
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Jane doesn’t like to have you with the lights off. She wants to be able to see you and if you are shy, she is more than willing to teach you how to love yourself and your body. And even though she really wants her partner to be submissive, she doesn’t want to be one to do all the work, she wants to see you work for it. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Jane likes giving oral a lot. She loves eating your pussy out and she is particularly in love with it. She always has you like that at least once. Her skill is truly unmatched, making sure to accentuate your pleasure each time, her personal favorite is to give you multiple orgasms in each setting. As for her, she loves receiving it, it is one of the things she likes the most. Especially you on the floor and her riding your face for life. She likes it a little bit rough and she loves to watch you struggle a little. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Jane can be a bit of both. Depending on how you behaved all day she will match the pace to whatever you deserve. If you were a good girl, she will fuck you nice and deep and if you were bad she will make sure to delay your pleasure for as long as possible until you are begging her. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)m
Jane isn’t that big on quickies, she much prefers taking her time with you and pleasing you in her own time. Sometimes if you particularly beg for it she might indulge you only to punish you later for being too needy but usually, she tells you to wait and behave. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Jane is always game to experiment. She loves new things and she loves trying anything on you. The whole real-life sex doll is very real for her. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Jane can go for a long time. If she needs to, she could go all night, her newly found powers allow her to do so anyway. 
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Jane owns toys upon toys. There isn’t any that she doesn’t own several pieces of and she also loves researching them and improving them. There isn’t one that she hasn’t seen that she hasn’t tried on you. From the smallest to the biggest. Her sex dungeon is filled with multiple chests full of sex toys. 
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Jane doesn’t tease that much, at least not outside of the bedroom. In the bedroom set she will tease you relentlessly, especially when she has her strapon, she likes to never push the dick inside and instead have it brush your pussy lips. But when it comes to eating you out, she never teases you, she wants your juices more than you do.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jane can be loud and she wants you to also be loud with her. She loves the sound of your wet pussy and the sounds of your moans and she loves it when she sees herself squirt all over you. She matches each of your sounds, groaning and growling as she does so. She is also known to moan when she is only kissing you. 
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Jane likes threesomes, if you asked her for one she would never say no as long as you recognized that you could only submit to her only. 
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Jane is simply beautiful, in every single way. Her breasts may be small but very sturdy as is the rest of her body, she might look tiny but her arms always let anyone know just how strong she is. She likes staying naked and sleeping naked and does admire her own body. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Jane has a high sex drive but she is really good at keeping it a bay. She always has a schedule when it comes to a sex session and she knows exactly what she wants.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Jane has a little trouble sleeping but never when you are together. The rougher the session the easier for her is to fall asleep in your embrace.
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for future updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on notifications! my inbox and my requests are open :D
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theaawalker · 6 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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the-broken-truth · 3 months
Welcome to the Word Weaver's Void
Greetings there, Shadow Pup. You have entered the Word Weaver's Void - The Domain of the Broken Truth. I'd like to invite you to gaze upon the selection of stories I have crafted during my time here and hope that you will find them interesting and entertaining. Remember that this void is a safe place and there shall be no disrespect or judgment here; however, I should remind you that there are certain things I cannot weave.
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Yandere (Romantic or Platonic)
Letters (Romantic or Platonic/Yandere or Not)
Mini-Series (If something is requested enough)
Twisted Wonderland (Leona, Jamil, and Idia are my favorites but I will write for others)
Naruto (Orignial/Shippuden/The Last/Boruto)
Greek Mythology
God of War
Resident Evil Village
Mortal Kombat 11
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Hircine is my Favorite)
Mass Effect [BEST GAME EVER!!]
Broken: Please, keep in mind: I do not write Polyamorous Relationships - it's not my forte. If you request a (Character x Reader x Character) Ask, I will only write if one character is a romantic interest while the other is platonic. I will not write two characters being romantic for one reader. Also, I am not a very good Angst Writer; I don't have it in me to write it. If there are bad elements, I will weave the words for a better ending. I hope that is alright.
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Mask: Hello, All - Mask is my name and that's all you need to know. As Broken stated, I am the NSFW Writer, however, there are certain things I will not write:
I will NOT write content regarding Pedophilia
I will NOT write content regarding The 'R' Word (You Know Which One)
I will NOT write content regarding urination on another person. (Utter Disgusting)
I will NOT write content regarding Vore.
I will NOT write content regarding incest.
Mask: If you want to request something from me, please be respectful and if you know a subject is too far, do NOT request it. Please, Shadow Pups.
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The Mighty Bear AU [God of War 4 - Ragnarök] [Co-Created by @nastyavolk-cp] - Follow the tales of Bjorn the Great Bear & Renva the Wise Raven as they navigate their lives as deities of Asgard and The Children of Thor and Sif while avoiding the past chasing them.
The Hardship Goddess AU [Greek Mythology] - The Goddess of Pestilence and Hardship separates her Divine Soul from her body and lives as a moral, however, without her, the mortals do not experience hardships and can manage without praying to the Gods of Olympus, causing them to lose their power slowly.
Dakota Blake [OC] [MINI-SERIES] [PLANOTIC YANDERES] - Daughter of Bruce Wayne who refuses to take up the Wayne Legacy; Bruce and Damian attempt to force it upon her.
The Young Lords AU [Residet Evil Village] [CO-CREATED BY @snowflakestree] - Follow the Children of the Lords: Eliza Dimitrescu, Diedre Beneviento, Sebastian Moreau, and Kaleb Heisenberg as they protect the legacy of their parents by slaughtering those who speak against them in secret.
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
👠 - “Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?” w/ our god of thunder thor pls bby <33
Life in plastic 👠 - Send me a hottie and a prompt from OP and I’ll write a quick fic (feel free to add AUs/tropes/etc. for some flavor)
Playing Filthy
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x f. reader
Genre: smut (lemon)
Warnings: pwp, oral sex (m. receiving), face fucking, teasing, dom!Thor, sub!reader, kinda breath play, very brief mention of spit, m. masturbation (it's quick so don't blink), cum shot, cum eating
Summary: Thor shows you what happens when you tease him in public
Word Count: 865
Notes: Hooray to my first Thor fic 🥳 I hope I did him justice lol Just by reading the title, you already know this is gonna be hella gross but no ragrets xD Thank you Laur for the dirty😏 request and @wint3r-h3art for sending me Thor pics to fuel my nastiness 😘😘 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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More info on the Barbie and the 900 Followers Celebration
​​You and your boyfriend were at a party with the other Avengers when you decided to mess around with him. You had been teasing Thor all night and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He dragged you away from the party, pushing you into the nearest room. Before you had a moment to react, he commanded you to your knees. 
“This’ll teach you to fuck with me in front of my friends.”
As you sat on your knees, Thor whipped out his throbbing cock that glistened with precum. Your mouth watered at the bulging veins, excited to take him into your mouth however he pleased. One hand held the base of his thickness while his other hand aggressively pried your mouth open. As your mouth widened, Thor plunged his cock in, causing you to immediately gag when just the tip grazed the roof of your mouth. Considering that you and Thor just recently became an item, you still needed some adjustments to his godly size. However, with the way you had been acting tonight, the mighty god didn’t seem as accommodating as usual. 
“Fuck, just like that!” Thor growled, throwing his head back against the wall. “Such a gorgeous little thing.” Your pussy clenched around nothing as you heard him call you ‘gorgeous.’ His baby blue eyes turned dark as he grunted and shoved more of his length inside your mouth. You violently gagged as the tip pressed against your uvula, grabbing his meaty thighs for support. 
“What’s wrong, gorgeous? Thought this was what you wanted.” Thor bursted into laughter as you struggled to breathe out of your nose. “You wanted to play dirty, but you forget that I’m a fuckin god and gods play filthy.” When he was only met with loud gurgles in lieu of words, he pulled out so you could catch your breath. You gasped and panted for air like a fish out of water, unbothered by the spit drooping from your lips. Meanwhile, Thor stroked himself in front of your face. His throaty murmurs made you wetter, causing you to reach down between your legs. He slapped your hand away, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Oh, no gorgeous. You don’t get to touch yourself after the shit you pulled back there.” Thor tapped the head of his cock against your lips, entering you once again with the same amount of vigor. “All you get to do is sit there and take my cock in that dirty mouth.” 
You peered up at him with puppy eyes, vision becoming blurry from the tears glossing over your eyeballs. A tear finally trailed down your cheek as the tip surpassed your uvula. Just as you thought Thor would maybe go easy on you, he held the back of your head to pump himself in and out of your mouth. The way he used you like a sex toy made your panties soaked and you were aching to rub your pulsing clit. You squeezed your thighs together as Thor fucked your face harder until his thrusts became desperate. He moaned your named as his huge cock palpitated inside you.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gonna come. Keep that mouth nice and wide for me, gorgeous.” With that, he pulled out with a pop and began jacking himself off at a rabid speed. Despite being out of breath, you kept your mouth open, impatiently waiting the taste of his seed. One hard thrust later, Thor bellowed a thunderous groan, spurts of cum landing on your tongue and chin. The blonde god released his last string of cum and he leaned against the wall, catching up to his breath. Without breaking eye contact with him, you drunkenly licked up the cum on your face. You were unaware of the remnants of cum that dripped onto your blouse until Thor helped you off the ground, smirking at the fresh stain.
“Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?” His large hands pulled your top off with elegance and you yanked the linen material, inspecting the tainted discoloring.
“Damn it, this was my favorite shirt!” You whined, tossing the ruined fabric on the ground. 
“Guess that makes us even from all the teasing you put me through.”
You scoffed and smacked Thor’s bicep, to which he barely batted an eyelash. Then, you started to rummage through the closet on the opposite side of the room for something decent to replace your stained shirt with. Luckily, Natasha had a stash of oversized headscarfs that you can easily tie over your breasts. Thor watched in awe as you tied the scarf together to create a make shift halter top.
“I don’t know about you, gorgeous, but I would’ve been perfectly fine with you wearing just your bra. Besides, isn’t that a new Midgardian fashion trend?”
“Well, if I went back out there without my shirt, then your friends would know that you and I fucked.”
“Next time, we should just let them know how good I fuck you.” You stood silent in the middle of the room, making Thor smirk cockily. He kissed the top of your head before leading you out of the room back into the party.
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