#steve rogers romance
callmissrogers · 2 months
There You Are Sweetheart. | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short.
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Summary: Y/n just wanted to bring her sister a package. What she didn't expect was being picked on by two soldiers or being rescued by a handsome stranger.
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 1,909
Warnings: fluff and some goofiness. Y/n does get harassed by some jerks, but nothing happens. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: very minimal editing and gold stars to anyone who catches what this is a reference to.
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It's beginning to feel like spring. The cherry blossoms have sprung into bloom, and Y/n has a date to bring her sister, Felicity, a package that was delivered to her house whilst Felicity was away. On the way there, her horrible sense of direction has her taking a wrong turn and into the pathway of some soilders on their lunch break. Will Y/N end up in some sort of trouble, or will someone dashing come to her rescue? Read to find out.
Hey! I'll be at on a coffee shop today at 3... Could you bring me my package then? It's a little hole in the wall place by all the fancy vintage stores you like.
Of course, Felicity would want to meet at a coffee shop. Y/n was positive her sweet younger sister couldn't survive even a couple of hours without a caffeine kick.
She looked around her office (which was really her apartment) for an excuse to stay in, but couldn't find any. All of the outfits that needed tailoring had already been tailored.
Plus, really, she hadn't seen her sister for a while, and they needed to catch up. Y/n just hated going out in the late afternoon. It meant that she'd likely be heading back during rush hour and would end up eating dinner late. If there was anything that y/n didn't appreciate, was having her routine messed up. . . She was well aware that she lived like a little old lady sometimes.
Closer to time, she got dressed in an outfit that was fit to be seen in. Her baby pink lounge set was incredibly comfortable for working long hours at home, but it was hardly a fashion statement.
The coffee shop in question was about 15 blocks away from her place, so she decided to walk. Admittedly, this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Y/n has a tendency to get lost in her local grocery store.
So, with an earphone in one ear, she listened to her favorite oldies playlist, as life was better when it had a soundtrack and was on her way.
A few blocks down, she took a left down an alley that was its own hole in the wall. It held a bar favored by military members and directly across from that there was a karaoke pizza joint. Y/n always thought that made an odd coupling.
Tho, a part of her wondered if the college girls who favored the pizza place went there just for the chance of getting with an army man without any understanding of what military life was really like.
She was musing on this when two soldiers stepped out directly in front of her and thereby blocked her pathway.
"Um. Excuse me." She gasped, trying to get around them.
"Looks like this little mouse lost her way," one of them joked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
She shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not lost."
The second soldier peered down at her with a grin on his face and then said, "This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her to get a drink."
Y/n was beginning to get nervous, and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this situation. She had never had any issues cutting through here before, but now she was wishing she had taken the route that passed the pet store instead.
All she could think to say was, "No thanks, my sister is waiting for me." Hopping that by knowing she had some place to be that they would just leave her be.
But they just shared a glance, laughing to themselves before the one of the right replied with a "We've heard that excuse before." Then the one on the left winked at her and said, "She's actually pretty cute for a mouse."
His pal chuckled and then reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, "How old are you anyway? Live close by?"
Now they were both getting uncomfortably close, and y/n had a terrible vision about being stuck having to sit in this bar with them until they had gone from just tipsy to black out drunk.
"Leave me alone!" She tried to yell, but it came out as more of a loud statement.
"You see, your personality scares all the girls."So I think she's cuter when she's scared."
She was done for, body stiffening up, hands trembling, trying not to drop the package.
"There you are, sweetheart," someone said behind her. Only when someone tucked their arm around hers and pulled her from the soldiers' grasp did she realize that the stranger was talking to her.
But she certainly didn't know anyone who would call her that. That much she was sure of.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He said, gazing down at her. She had to crane her neck just to look him in the eye. He was a tall, blond headed man with strong features. His bright blue eyes bore into hers with concern.
Did she know this man? No. No, she did not. But all she could manage to do in response to his saving her from these two was to open and close her mouth repeatedly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere." Her rescuer continued acting like they knew each other. Not only knew each other but were in some sort of relationship.
Oh boy, was y/n's head spinning now.
"Hey man, we were just talking to your girl here." One of the soilders tried to explain.
Her rescuer looked at the pair and then said, "Really? It looked to me like you were trying to force a lady into drinks after she said no. Time to learn some boundaries, gentlemen. We'll be going." And then he gently led her up and out of the alleyway, only stopping once they were completely out of sight of the bar.
"Are you ok?" He asked, his head tilting to get a better look at her face. This man had to at least be 6"2, and he made y/n feel positively tiny.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I will. I will never take that street again. That's for sure."I'm sorry that it did. Letting off steam is no excuse to treat a lady that way."
"Thank you. . . I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along like that." She said, pulling the hem of her cardigan sleeve.
"I was just doing what anyone should do in a situation like that,"
"But. Can I ask-- No nevermind." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
"No, no. Go on, please, " He encouraged, actually seeming eager to hear her out.
"Wh - why'd you pretend to be my boyfriend or something?" She asked, feeling really, really stupid.
Now he was blushing.
"To be honest, ma'am, it was the only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment." He said with a nervous laugh.
When her phone chimed, y/n pulled it out to see a text from Felicity.
where are you?
"Well, I thought it was smart. . . You're very much the gentlemen." She said with a smile, feeling much more relaxed than she had a moment ago.
He looked like he was about to say something when her phone chimed again
Beginning to freak out a bit, sis. Are you ok?
Y/n sighed, looking from the phone screen up to her rescuer. "I should... I should probably get going. My sister's getting worried about me."
"Where is it you're headed? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. How was it possible for someone to look so at ease and yet so uncomfortable at the same time?
"She wanted to meet at a coffee shop a few blocks away from here." Y/n replied, adjusting her bag and trying to look anywhere but at him.
They made quite the pair.
After shifting from foot to foot for a moment, he said, "I could walk you."
Y/n didn't know why, but that small gesture made her smile in the biggest way.
"Really? You don't have to."Ah. Well, now I'm invested after all. I've been looking for you all day." He said, matching her smile. If she could read his mind right now, she'd know that he just congratulated himself for coming up with something that was smooth as a response
So he offered her his arm again, and the pair made their way to the coffee shop.
Meandering past store fronts and other businesses as they went.
"This is it." Y/n fianlly said, stopping in her tracks.
It was a coffee shop that looked like it hadn't aged for about 60 years.
"I love this side of town," He said as a response.
"Things feel a little more normal here." "More normal?" Y/n asked, not understanding what he meant by that statement.
"That would be a very long story that we don't have time for at the present moment." He said again, smiling down at her.
"Oh. I see." Y/n giggled at her own confusion. This man saved her, escorted her to meet her sister, and now adds some mystery to the mix.
"I'll let you go. Don't want to worry that sister of yours anymore." He said with a tip of his head and he started to walk away.
"Wait!" Y/n blurted, forgetting herself. He turned to face her again, judging by the expression on his face, he was surprised by her sudden outburst. Then his brows shot up as if to say, "Go on."
"What's -whats your name?" She asked, willing herself to hold onto this bold feeling long enough to get this out.
He smiled and then said, "Steve Rogers."
Y/n's eyes widened, and her boldness melted into total embarrassment. Perhaps she was drugged or something to be out of her mind enough to not realize she had been with not just some kind stranger off the street, but rather CAPTAIN AMERICA. And he had called her "sweetheart", even if he hadn't really meant it, he had still said it.
She would dream about that for the next month while she hemmed dresses.
"Miss. Miss!" Steve said, having come closer again to get her attention. Y/n jumped when she realized he was right in front of her.
"Sorry. I'm y/n y/l/n. "
"Well, y/n y/l/n," He said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pocket notebook he scribbled something down and then gave it to her. "If you happen to be free this Friday night. There's a restaurant in this neighborhood. Very old timey, like me. . ." He said nervously, laughing again. "We could have a meal, I could tell you that story and I could learn more about you. I mean, aside from the fact that you have a sister and listen to 'Sh Boom' when you walk around the city."
He had noticed what she had been listening to?
All y/n could do was squeak a "yes." Before running back into the coffee shop and slamming the door in his face.
Felicity looked up in surprise, "What took you so long? Are you ok?"
Y/n sat down and, in one breath, said, "I think Captain America just asked me out on a date, and I said yes."
NOTE: I wrote this in one sitting, and at first, I thought it was sweet. Now, I think I might have actually made it corny. I'm going with it anyways but please let me know what you thought of it. Thanks!
Note 2: Part 3 of 'That's my Girl' will be coming out soonish keep an eye out!
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darsynia · 1 year
Nat and Steve romance pls!
I enjoyed this, thanks for the request! Requests are still open!
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Summary: Steve Rogers' mom had loved stories about romance, especially between two people who saw each other as equals. Pre-serum, fulfilling his mother's wish had seemed a hopeless ideal, and post-serum, equally so. Until he met Natasha.
Length/Warnings: 820 words, no warnings
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Steve’s mom had loved romance novels. Her favorites had always been the ones where a secretary falls for her boss, or a nurse for her patient, but he could remember her complaining: ‘Where are the stories where they’re equals, Stevie? I want to read about them being equals!’
He’d never forgotten, had held that hope in the back of his head like a talisman, but Steve had never expected his romantic life to bring her wish to fruition. He was weak, puny, overlooked. Women wanted someone who could provide for them, who could stand up for them-- and then suddenly, he’d overshot the mark. ‘This Hero Has No Equal!’ one article had crowed.
No equal.
Steve came out of the ice, but it took him awhile to thaw. Once he did, he handled the task of adjusting to modern life, of warming up fairly well, in every way but one. He was… distracted by Natasha Romanoff.
Yes, by her beauty at first, but once he got used to how luminous she always seemed to be, Steve never ‘got used to’ her competency. It always floored him, how Nat was strong in ways he’d never be able to master, lithe when it counted, clever always. Her quick wit and sharp strategic mind left him alternatively in stitches and in awe, and falling for her was so easy he was almost embarrassed it took him so long to realize that’s what he’d done.
He didn’t intend to tell her, of course. That would be an overstep, and if Steve couldn’t be her partner, at least he could be her protector, someone she could count on to see her as-- oh.
An equal.
A couple weeks after that realization, Steve found himself being shoved up against the wall during a sparring session with Natasha. She’d taken him off guard, which was fair. He was still coming to grips with… everything.
“Out with it,” she said, her smaller frame no less threatening or deadly as she held a static weapon bristling with energy at his throat.
“Lunch didn’t agree with me?”
Natasha pushed the weapon closer. If he so much as swallowed hard, it would sting him. “What else?”
He felt completely out of his depth. “Your, ah, uniform shirt is unzipped more than normal,” he admitted. It was the truth, and he’d caught himself staring more than once so far.
Natasha’s smile was feral. “True. And?”
He moved swiftly and without warning, darting sideways and catching her waist with one hand to spin her off-balance. As usual, Nat rolled with the movement and turned it to her advantage, shooting out a kick that stole away his breath for a few seconds. He was fast enough to trap her kicking leg in both hands, yanking her forward into his body.
She should have tried to escape.
She should have pressed her advantage.
Natasha did neither. Instead, she leaped at him, and instinct led Steve to catch her weight at her ass and her back, one leg falling behind to brace the two of them so he didn’t tip over.
“And?” she repeated, one leg on either side of him, a steady hand brushing back his sweaty hair from his forehead.
There was no way his feelings weren’t written all over his face, Steve realized as he looked at her unblinking, green-eyed expression. She’d tricked him into showing her, meaning that she’d figured him out.
The best he could do was hope she felt honored, instead of offended. He’d wanted to be different than other men, for her. He’d wanted to be her equal.
“How long have you known?” Steve asked, entranced, impressed, imprisoned.
“Kiss me and find out,” she suggested archly-- and oh. Oh.
Natasha Romanoff kissed like time was running out, like no one was watching, like she couldn’t get enough. Steve sank to his knees in self-defense, needing to touch her, to ground the two of them with his hands cradling her face, tangled in her hair. His heart hadn’t pounded like this when he’d jumped from an airplane, and when their lips parted enough to catch a breath, he told her exactly that.
“Mine either,” she said, taking his hand from her cheek and pressing it against her too-low zipper, so he could feel for himself.
“So, you’re saying--” he started to say, needing reassurance, but Natasha stopped him with a quick kiss, then drew back.
“I’ve wanted to jump from the airplane before,” she said, a shadow crossing her face for a split second before she refocused on his face, and smiled. “With you, I’m not worried about how we land.”
He pulled her close, unable not to, and as he kissed her hair, her forehead, and her tear-wet cheek on his way to her lips, Steve realized that she could either mean they’d never land, or that she wasn’t worried about the fall.
He was equally happy with either.
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waywardxrhea · 4 months
Part Thirty: Happy Birthday Steve!
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence, (potentially smut later on).
installment list
Word count: 5.5k
Emma and Steve try to come up with a plan to free their friends from the Raft and then celebrate his birthday together!
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The next day Emma and Steve wake up and make their way back to the lodge to stake it out once more. Once they get near the lodge, Emma drives the truck down a small road, almost invisible to the untrained eye, that leads to the back of the property. After she parks the truck a mile from the lodge, she and Steve make the trek through the muddy terrain. On multiple occasions, Emma almost slips and falls, so Steve decides to take her hand in his. He laces his fingers with hers and squeezes her hand with a small smile as he looks over at her to make sure it was okay. Seeing Emma's smile at the gesture fills Steve's heart with happiness, so grateful that he can finally hold her hand and comfort her as more than a friend.
After staking out the place and having SAM run multiple scans on the property, Emma and Steve decide that it would be safe to finally make the move into the lodge that day. The pair make their way to the motel to gather their few possessions before going back to the lodge to figure out their next steps.
When the pair arrive at the lodge, Emma gets out of the truck and slowly runs her hand along the sanded railing that lines the front stairs. Every other time Emma had been over since her grandparents' passing was just for the occasional checkup on the property and for Grammie's funeral, she had never really had time to be with her thoughts about the place. But now as she pauses her walk to look out at the lake they were all bombarding her and her mind is taken back to the day that she first moved in with her grandparents quite abruptly...
Thirteen-year-old Emma runs down the hall and into the linen closet in her grandparents' lodge. With shaking hands, she opens the secret door her grandfather had installed for her to escape from her father during times like this. She climbs down the ladder and runs through the hall to the attached storm shelter, tears streaming down her face. When she gets to her place of safety, she sits in the corner with her knees pulled to her chest for some meager sense of comfort.
Even though the shelter is a distance from the house, Emma can hear her father's shouting voice carrying on the wind outside. "Tell me where my daughter went, old man!"
Gramps raises his voice right back, asking, "Why? So you can take her back to that shack you're living in and just abandon her like you always do?"
"The little bitch stole Teresa's car to get here! She needs to learn her place!"
"You are not laying a finger on her, Derrick!"
"Tell me where she is!"
Emma doesn't hear the rest of the conversation over her crying, but what she misses is her grandfather saying in a low voice to her mother and father, "You two need to leave. Right now. Before I call the authorities to remove you." All Emma can hear over her choked sobs though was the slamming of car doors and screeching of tires, fearing the worst as she clutches her legs impossibly closer to her shaking body.
Meanwhile outside, Derrick and Teresa speed away from the lodge, not paying attention to their surroundings as they drive. As they make the turn out of the driveway of the property, they fail to see a semi-truck speeding down the road and get hit. When they hear the noise, Gail and Dave make their way to the site of the crash to see what the source was. When they see the truck stopped and the mangled car in front of it, Gail covers her mouth in shock. As much as she hated how the two treated Emma, that was still her daughter in that car and now she was gone... "Gail, get back to Emma. Make sure she's okay. I'll deal with this," Gramps tells Grammie, turning her away from the crash.
Back at the lodge, the door to the shelter opens and reveals to Emma her grandmother's tear-covered face. She climbs down the stairs and sits beside Emma, holding her in her arms. Gramps enters a little while later and sighs, shaking his head. He takes a seat beside Emma and Gail and puts his arm around them both.
"You don't have to worry about them anymore, Emma," he tells her with a kiss on her temple. "Everything will be okay..."
"Emma?" Steve asks, walking up behind her. He notices a tear slip from her eye and wraps his arms around her. "Is everything okay?" he asks, gently pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Emma sighs and shakes her head, trying to forget the memory. "Sorry, I was just...remembering a not-so-fond memory..." she whispers.
"If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you, Em," Steve tells her, turning her around and pulling her into an embrace. "After what you told me your childhood was like, being back here can't be easy. I just want you to know you don't have to pretend to be strong around me, okay?" Emma nods as she relaxes into Steve's strong arms and closes her eyes, the bad memories fading away for now.
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Steve and Emma spend the next couple of weeks in the lodge growing closer and getting used to living alone together while trying to come up with a plan to get the others out of the Raft. Also during this time with help from SAM, Emma takes the lodge off of renting sites so no one could accidentally stumble across them while they're hiding from the government. After a while of searching, Emma and Steve find the stash of cash Gramps had hidden before he passed due to his mistrust of banks and they use that as a means of buying some clothes and groceries.
One day after Emma gets back from the store, Steve helps her unpack the groceries. As he places the last can on the shelf, one of the burner phones he bought when they first went on the run starts to ring. They shoot each other a look as Steve goes to answer the phone. "Hello?"
"Steve, hey. It's Nat," comes Natasha's voice from the phone.
Steve puts the phone on speaker and says, "Hey Nat!"
Emma smiles and tells her, "I'm glad you got out of there safe."
From her end of the call, Natasha smiles. "It's good to hear your voice, Baker." She pauses before asking, "So Cap, what was your genius plan to get our friends out of prison?"
Steve chuckles and scratches the back of his neck, telling her, "I've actually been stuck on that one. I don't have a way of getting there without breaking into some sort of government facility and stealing an aircraft. I'm sure I could handle it once I got there, but getting there is the problem."
"I mean it's not like you haven't done that before," Natasha says, an audible smirk on her lips. "But I do have a way around that."
"A way around it?" Emma asks.
"Give me your coordinates and I'll show you," she tells them.
"And you don't have Ross or anyone on your tail?" Steve asks.
"No, I don't, Steven," she scoffs, "who do you think I am?" Steve laughs before telling her their approximate location. "Okay, I'll see you two soon," she tells them.
"See ya," Emma replies as Steve hangs up the phone. Emma smiles at Steve and tells him, "Hey that's great that she has a plan to get them out!"
Steve responds with a quiet, "Yeah," that makes Emma tilt her head in confusion.
"What's wrong? It's good news isn't it?"
"Oh yeah, it's great news, but..."
"But what?" Emma prompts when he doesn’t answer the question for a few moments.
"I just don't want to risk you on a mission like this," he tells her quietly.
"Oh, well I mean I do have my new tech that Shuri set me up with, I wouldn't be defenseless."
"I know that, but this is the most secure prison in the world, Em. They have top-notch security, the best in the biz," he says. He pauses and laughs a bit before adding, "And honestly I'm being a bit selfish here. I really wanna have my special girl to come back to and not have her get hurt on a mission that could go wrong so easily."
Emma giggles as she leans up to kiss him. When she does this, Steve puts both his hands on her hips as he smiles into the kiss. He pulls away for a second and rests his forehead on Emma's. After spending a few moments simply being in one another's embrace, Emma laughs a bit and admits, "You know, it's honestly embarrassing how long I've wanted to kiss you and now that I can whenever I want, I'm the happiest girl on Earth..."
Steve chuckles and asks teasingly, "And how long may that have been?" Emma turns her face away from his with a blush on her cheeks and mumbles the answer where he can't hear. Steve laughs and says, "I couldn't hear you, Em."
"At least three years," she replies sheepishly.
The words hit Steve as he remembers when he first started having feelings for Emma years before. Regretting not telling her before now, he decides not to admit how long he had these feelings and instead tells her, "Well how 'bout we make up for lost time until Nat gets here?"
"You don't have to ask me twice," she replies with a smirk as Steve pulls her close.
Soon after, Steve and Emma hear leaves crunching in the distance and look out the window to see what the source was. The pair get up quietly and make their way to ambush positions at the door just in case it was an unexpected guest. From a little ways away though, Emma hears a distinctive whistle, the pitch going from high to low.
"The whistle, it's Nat!" Emma tells Steve, her body relaxing as she opens the door and whistles back, changing the pitch from low to high. As she approaches the door, Emma calls out, "Hey!"
"Hey yourself," she replies while hugging Emma.
Emma pulls away after a few seconds and compliments Natasha, "I'm digging the blonde hair."
Natasha smiles, saying, "I did this out of necessity, but thank you. If you're going with us, I'd recommend dying yours too. Less chance of people recognizing you. As of right now, you're still listed as a missing person."
"So what's this big plan of yours?" Steve asks, walking up to them and breaking up the conversation.
"Straight to business, huh Rogers?" Nat asks with a smile.
"Oh come here," he tells her as he takes her into his arms for a bear hug.
Natasha flinches at his strong embrace and lets out a groan of pain, saying, "Watch the bruising, Cap."
"You too with the bruising? I thought you were fine after the attack in Vienna, what the hell happened?" he asks as he pulls away.
"I kinda took down the Red Room," she replies with a smirk.
Steve smiles and says, "Really? I'm proud of you."
"Thanks," she tells him. "But I'm not here to talk about me. We need a plan to get our friends outta their cells."
"And here I was thinking you had a plan," Steve replies.
"I didn't say I had a plan, I said I had a way to get there. That's something completely different."
"Well how about we discuss it over some tea?" Emma asks.
"Fine by me," Steve replies with a smile, following Emma to the kitchen where she starts making tea for all of them.
As the tea brews, the three discuss strategy going into the Raft, how they'll get everyone out, and finally what happens after. "Well, Baker can use her tech to hack into the security feed so no one sees us yeah?" Natasha asks.
"Emma's sitting this one out," Steve informs her. "It's too dangerous. The two of us will be enough to free everyone."
"Plus if anyone else is gonna be staying here I need to get rooms prepared," Emma tells her. "Who all do you think would be coming back?"
"You can probably plan on Sam and Wanda. Clint and Lang have families, I'm sure they'll strike a plea bargain to stay with them," Nat replies. "As for me, my family will be right here so count me in."
"Sounds like a plan," Emma replies. "What's my prep timeline looking like?"
"Probably a few days?" Nat asks cautiously.
"We'll need a little bit to get anyone off our trail," Steve agrees, subtly shooting Emma a worried glance. He hates the thought of leaving her here all by herself for that long, but they need to do what has to be done.
"While we're gone you can get stocked up on groceries and supplies," Natasha says, sliding the bag she was carrying over to her.
"What's in there?" Emma asks.
"Just some fake IDs, cash, and a piece of tech that will come in very handy for you," she replies. Emma takes out the tech in reference and Natasha informs her of what it is. "Put that on and you can change what people see your face as. It'll help whenever you go out so you have no way of being recognized as a missing person. I used it back in DC and when I was taking down the Red Room. It's foolproof."
Emma nods as she digs through the bag of fake IDs, picking one up that has Nat's face on it and laughing, asking, "Fanny Longbottom?"
Natasha laughs and says, "See, that's what I said too! The guy that made these though said it was a real name somewhere out there so I went with it." The three laugh about the names on some more of the IDs before finalizing the plans for the jailbreak.
Once they're done planning, Steve and Nat are about to head out and to the jet Natasha brought. Steve hesitates before walking towards the front door, worried about the what-if of it all. Emma notices and pulls him in for a hug, saying, "Steve, nothing is gonna happen to me while you're gone. No one knows I'm helping you right now. If anyone shows up - and they won't - for all they know I got away from the blast in Vienna and decided to take a break from everything and stay here for a while. It'll be okay."
"Okay..." Steve says quietly.
"Now you two go out there and save our friends," Emma tells him, kissing him quickly. "Be safe."
From the doorway, Natasha lets out an exaggerated, "It's about damn time! It was like watching grass grow waiting for you two to get together!"
Emma blushes and hides her face in Steve's chest at the comment and he wraps his arms around her, kissing the top of her head with a chuckle at her reaction and how cute it was. "And this gives me all the more reason to get back safe," Steve says aloud to make the smile on Emma's face impossibly wider.
Finally coming out from her hiding spot in Steve’s chest, Emma looks at Nat and laughs before saying, "Don't say anything to Sam, we wanna see how long it takes him to figure it out."
"Got it," she says with a laugh. She turns her attention to Steve and tells him, "Now let's get going, they won't break themselves out."
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While Nat and Steve are gone, Emma prepares the lodge for more guests by fixing up the rooms and stocking up the pantry. One day while at the store she also gets an assortment of hair products and supplies to change her and Wanda's looks as Natasha recommended. She also takes the liberty of gathering things to have a birthday party for Steve when they get back because his birthday is coming up in the next few days.
One afternoon Emma is rearranging the pantry again, a nervous habit she picked up while waiting for the others to arrive, when a pair of arms wrap around her and lift her into the air. Emma is about to go into self-defense mode but stops when she hears Sam's laugh and his voice in her ear, saying, "Man it's good to see you, Ems!"
Emma laughs as Sam sets her back on the ground. "It's good to see you too!"
"We were so worried after what SAM sent out when the...incident happened," he tells her hesitantly as he hugs her once more.
"So I heard," Emma replies.
When Sam releases her, she sees Wanda in the kitchen as well and quickly takes the few steps to hug her. "I'm glad you're here, Wanda."
"Me too," she replies quietly, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
Emma then hugs Natasha and finally Steve, of course spending more time in Steve's arms than anyone else's. After finally ending their embrace, Emma announces, "So for our three newcomers, I have good news and bad-ish news. The good news is that everyone will get their own beds, but the slightly less good news is that two of them are in one room."
"Wanda and I will take the shared room," Natasha volunteers.
"Great, so that leaves Sam with the second guest room," Emma says. "Second order of business is this: seeing as everyone is here and finally together again, tomorrow we are having a celebration. For a reunion of friends and to celebrate our Captain's birthday!"
"Hear, hear!" Natasha calls out while taking down a liquor bottle from the cabinet, the last week clearly weighing on her from her body language and demeanor.
"Sam, is it okay if you grill up some food? I bought stuff in hopes you would," Emma asks.
"I'd never pass up a chance to grill and celebrate friendship and Steve," he replies with a smile.
"You really didn't have to do all of this, Em," Steve tells her as the others are distracted talking to each other.
"But I want to," she replies. "I'm just trying to be the best girlfriend I can here."
"Well you're doing wonderfully," he replies with a smile and a gentle squeeze of her hand. Emma smiles and then turns her attention to the others once again, asking if Wanda could help her decorate in the morning and if Nat could come up with a drink menu from what they have in the cabinets.
After this, for the rest of the day, everyone takes a tour of the property and plays board games that were stashed in the den's entertainment area. The group laughs and jokes around, forgetting the past few weeks' events at least for a night.
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The next morning Emma is up early preparing for the day. She fixes breakfast and one by one the lodge’s occupants all wake up at the smell of it drifting through the vents. Steve is the first one out of bed, and when Emma turns to see that it's him, she smiles and says, "Good morning and happy birthday!"
Steve walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her, making sure not to interrupt her cooking. "Good morning sweetheart," he mumbles as he kisses the top of her head.
Emma feels her cheeks ignite in a blush at the cute nickname as she turns her head up to kiss Steve quickly before asking, "Did you sleep okay?"
Steve nods. "I slept a lot better than I have been, knowing that everyone was safe here."
"I'm glad," Emma replies, a small smile on her lips as she hands him a piece of the bacon she cooked a few minutes before his arrival. The two hear footsteps approaching the kitchen and Steve untangles himself from Emma and walks to the cabinet to grab a cup for a drink as Sam walks into the area.
"Morning Sam," Emma calls after seeing who was making the noise.
"Morning, Ems," he replies before basically tackling Steve and singing happy birthday out of time and off-pitch. Emma laughs at the scene as she starts the pancakes for everyone while still frying bacon.
Soon after, everyone is in the kitchen eating. "You know, I don't think I've ever been so grateful for pancakes in my entire life, Emma," Sam tells her after finishing his plate and heading to grab more from the serving plate.
Wanda nods and says, "The food they gave us in that prison was horrible. I'm glad to get an actual meal."
"And I'm glad to provide," Emma says.
From her place at the table, Natasha looks out the window and asks, "Why don't we swim later? Is it safe in there Emma?"
"As far as I know it is yeah," Emma replies. "If you guys want to go, feel free, don't let me ruin the fun. I think at some point Gramps installed a rope and tire swing out there, you guys go have fun when you're up for it! I still need to do some stuff here for the day."
"You don't have to tell me twice," Sam says and then shouts, "Today is a party day folks!" Laughter fills the room at Sam's excitement as everyone finishes up their breakfast.
After cleaning up, Emma and Wanda head outside to decorate the porch with streamers and lights for when it got dark out. As they work, Wanda and Emma talk about how the last few weeks were for them, supporting one another through the tough parts.
When they finish decorating, Wanda joins the others in going swimming in the lake while Emma elects to stay inside to start on desserts for later that night. She starts on an apple pie and some red velvet cake for cake pops, taking her time to make sure everything would be perfect for the occasion. After a little while, the timer goes off and Emma takes the baked goods out of the oven to cool. Right as she places the dishes on cooling racks, a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist and hoist her into the air. It takes her a few seconds to realize that she was tossed over Sam's shoulder as he runs out the back door of the lodge.
"Samuel Wilson! What are you doing?"
"You've been in that kitchen for far too long while we're out here having fun! It's time for you to get in on the action!" Sam exclaims as he runs toward the lake.
Emma tries to wrestle herself out of Sam's grip and tries to say, "Sam, I can't-" but she isn’t able to finish her sentence before she's tossed into the water. As water engulfs her, Emma struggles as she sinks further down, not knowing how to properly paddle her way back to the surface.
Meanwhile back on the dock, Steve and Sam look into the water, not seeing Emma resurface. Steve connects the dots and says, "Sam, I don't think she can swim!" He quickly dives into the water and finds Emma before she could drown. A few tense seconds later Steve gets Emma back onto the dock where she coughs up a bit of water that made its way into her lungs. He pats her back and moves the hair out from her eyes, asking, "Are you okay?"
Emma coughs one more time before saying to Sam, "I can't swim you jackass."
Sam puts his hands up in self-defense. "I had no idea! You lived here for years, there's a lake right outside the cabin, I assumed that you knew!"
Emma can't stay mad at him and his sorry-filled eyes, so she laughs and tells him, "Maybe listen to me next time and we'll be good."
"Deal," he says.
Suddenly though, there's a splash of water that hits Sam in the face. He looks around to see who did it but no one else is in the water; Steve is still sitting beside Emma on the dock while Nat and Wanda swing on the swings hanging from the tree. "Okay who the hell?"
Sam turns to Steve and Emma subtly turns her head to look at Wanda who winks as she sends another jet of water at Sam. What ensues once he figures out what was going on is an all-out water war. Emma laughs as she sprints off the dock to avoid the crossfire from everyone splashing each other. From the safe distance, she watches as her friends all have a blast with each other, just happy that they were all back together again.
After a couple of hours of sitting in the sun and playing games, everyone decides to head back to the lodge to get ready for dinner. Sam gets the meat seasoned and fires up the grill while Emma and Wanda finish decorating and bring a table outside and Natasha raids the liquor cabinet for drinks. When Emma and Wanda are done with their task, Wanda goes to help out Natasha while Emma heads inside to finish up the desserts.
Before heading back into the kitchen to start melting chocolate for the cake balls, Emma goes to her room and changes into a light blue sun dress she picked out just for the occasion while she was in town last. When she gets back into the kitchen she reaches for a pan in one of the tallest cabinets, standing on her tiptoes in her attempt to get it. Seeing her slight struggle, Steve comes up behind her and grabs it for her. She smiles at the gesture and says, "Why thank you," while leaning up for a quick kiss.
"Anything for you, beautiful," Steve tells her which makes a dark blush appear on her cheeks in response. After she regains her composure and starts working on the desserts, Steve asks, "How can I help?"
"You don't have to do a thing, hun. It's your day!" Emma replies. Steve sighs as he wraps his arms around her, giving in, knowing she wouldn't budge on the subject.
After a few minutes of being in Steve's embrace, Emma turns her head to look up at him and says, "I really like this. Just being in your arms..."
"I do too," he replies and gives her a quick kiss on the temple. A comfortable silence fills the air for a few moments before Steve says, "You know, for a while I thought that I didn't want to live the domestic life anymore after being an Avenger for so long, but this... I could get on board with this. Living in a beautiful house with my favorite girl. Life doesn't get better."
Emma's cheeks tint pink at the words and she giggles as she replies, "It is really nice."
As Emma moves to coat the chocolate on the cake, Steve untangles himself from her and goes to sit on part of the counter that she wasn't using. He looks to be deep in thought for a moment before he says, "You know, as strange as this sounds, there have been points when I've completely forgotten what's going on outside this property. It's just been so peaceful out here that it slips my mind that we're probably public enemy number one right now."
"Well I'm glad you aren't constantly worried about that," Emma replies. "And I'm really glad that Maria and Fury set it up to where this place and my family were off the books. Makes it a lot easier for this to be a safe house. Keeping you guys protected is the least I can do after all you've done for me."
"We're very fortunate to have you, Em," Steve tells her with a smile.
As Emma finishes up the dessert, Steve jumps off the counter and gets a bit of excess chocolate off the paper to have. Emma looks over to him and sees a bit on the corner of his lips and says, "You have a little something there."
"Right here," Emma says and kisses him right where the chocolate is.
Steve smiles into the kiss and after Emma pulls away he asks, "Isn't that the cheesiest thing ever from your romance movies? The thing you used to always cringe at when we watched them together?"
"Yes, but now I have you and I realized that it's cute, not cringy. Plus back then I had already sworn off feelings but now..." she retorts with a laugh. "Admit it, you enjoyed it."
At that moment Nat comes into the kitchen and calls to them, "Why don't the two of you stop making puppy eyes at each other and come eat? Sam just finished grilling."
"On it!" Emma calls back with a smile while she piles the cake balls onto a plate. Steve takes the apple pie that Emma warmed back up and follows her out to the porch where everyone else is waiting.
As the two of them emerge from inside and into the glow of the vintage hanging lights, Sam claps Steve on the back, saying, "Happy birthday again, man. What are you now, 98?"
Nat smirks from her spot at the table while she takes a swig from her beer saying, "Damn I forget how old you are, Rogers."
"Well this old man can kick any of your asses any day," Steve says with a laugh as he sits the pie down and takes a seat.
"Maybe ours, but not that spider kid's," Sam comes back with a laugh. "He totally kicked your ass."
"He did not!" Steve argues.
"He did knock you down several times," Wanda says as she makes her plate.
"And I dropped a shipping container on him!"
"But right before that he had you all webbed up and you couldn't move," Nat challenges.
"But I got out," Steve replies.
Emma takes in the conversation and asks with a smirk, "Did he go for your legs?"
Steve's mouth opens to try and come up with something to say back but all he can come up with is, "Whose side are you on here?"
Emma laughs as she adds, "I keep telling you Steve, you need to watch your legs when you're fighting."
Steve sighs and replies with a chuckle, "You got me there." Emma takes her seat beside Steve and squeezes his knee to make sure he knows she was just joking and he takes her hand in his in return, lacing their fingers together under the table.
"Oh one more thing, Cap," Sam says loudly which causes Steve to sigh and raise his eyebrows. "Didn't he get your shield at one point?"
"Okay, I didn't even know where the kid came from, Sam. There was no way I could have stopped that from happening," Steve tells him.
"Excuses, excuses," Natasha says with a wink in Steve's direction.
Emma can't help but laugh at the conversation and the sound fills Steve's heart with joy. He was happy they could all look back at that week with laughter rather than tears.
After the banter dies down, everyone eats their food, drinks, and tells stories of what Emma missed and even some from other points in their lives. After a few too many drinks, Emma and Wanda sit to the side and laugh with each other about Wanda levitating cake balls away from Sam's hand as he tries to eat them.
A little while later Emma checks an imaginary watch with a yawn and stands up from her chair, slightly off-balance, and calls to the rest of the group, "Well I'm gonna call it for the night folks!"
She is met with a chorus of goodnight calls and Steve notices her unstable state and laughs to himself before saying, "I think she may need a little help getting inside." So with that, Steve walks over to Emma and wraps his arm around her waist and walks her inside, guiding her down the hall to her room. When they're almost there, Emma stops Steve and looks up at him, asking, "Can you kiss me?"
Steve chuckles but nods, leaning down a bit to kiss her on the lips. Emma rests her hands on his shoulders and pulls him closer to her with a smile. Steve rests a hand on her hip as he kisses her again, still feeling like he needs to make up for their lost time together.
After a few more tender moments, Steve leads Emma to her room and grabs her some pj's as she brushes her teeth. When she emerges dressed in the garments, she gives Steve a bear hug, saying, "Hey, I hope you had a great birthday."
"I most definitely did, thank you," he replies and plants a quick kiss on her lips. "You made this day and our reunion with our friends amazing and I can't begin to express how grateful I am for that...and for you, sweetheart."
"And I, you," Emma replies with a soft smile. She yawns as she buries her head into Steve's chest once more, not wanting to let go. After a minute, she finally does though and tells him, "You go have some more fun okay? Goodnight."
"Goodnight to you too," he replies as he kisses her on the forehead, "sleep well."
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revwatts · 23 days
Petition to make
'loud, chaotic and dramatic husky girlfriend x sunshine, lovable and adorable golden retriever boyfriend'
to happen.
"Chaos follow me everywhere I go." Boyfriend x "Are you calling me chaos!?" Girlfriend
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buvkys · 8 months
“I watch Captain America movies for the plot.”
the plot:
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cevansbrat0007 · 17 days
Coming Soon: The Marked Ones
Introducing The Marked Ones, a brand new shifter romance featuring Bucky Barnes, Ari Levinson, and Steve Rogers on their quest to find their fated mates. More to come!
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I'm Writing Happy Little Family tonight. I'll be including various imagery in this fic, and Bucky won't look the same in every picture. Just choose the version you like best to imagine, I guess!
💖If you want to be tagged for this fic or others, please use this form. 💖
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It's like waking up from surgery. The smell of professionally scented, circulating air hits you first, and then a gradually increasing sense of awareness. You think you're somewhere very bright, but the more you blink your eyes, the more the brightness fades and your vision comes into focus. And ... there he is, sipping a crystal glass and looking like he's been waiting for you.
"Well hello there, sleepyhead. Welcome back."
You move your dry tongue in your mouth, trying to remember what happened. And then it hits you in waves, each one more devastating than the last:
James: He found you.
June: she's not there.
"How're you feeling, Hon?"
Windows, cabin: Shit, you're already on a plane.
"Steve. Set her down and get our girl a glass of water, will you?"
"Sure thing, boss."
And then the worst one of all. You look over and see the Winter fucking Soldier holding your baby:
They've got June.
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levans44 · 5 months
Apartment #3 - Chapter 6
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pairing: steve rogers x undercover!reader
warnings: 18+ SMUT*, Neighbors to Friends to Lovers, lots of angst, heavy mutual pining, hurt/comfort, eventual smut/romance/fluff
summary: as an undercover agent at SHIELD, her newest assignment involves moving in across the hall from her target. she's strictly ordered to keep her distance—no personal contact besides the absolutely necessary. the only issue? her new target neighbor turns out to be Captain America.
author's note: an idea that's been living in my head ever since steve asked sharon for that cup of coffee in their apartment hallway. as a SHIELD agent, the reader's real name has been [REDACTED] to preserve anonymity.
taglist: @tsofo26 @yvonneeeee @cass0419 @nekoannie-chan @felicitylemon @nada3000 @rorilisa @observantplum-blog @strepsils123 @mrsevans90 @smhnxdiii @rorilisa
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A loud ding from the timer marks 40 minutes.
She peers into her oven, nervously eyeing her little experiment—the best, fudgiest brownies EVER! as proclaimed by a complete stranger on the internet, but she figured that the thousands of likes and online reviews had to count for something,
She went all out for this particular recipe, fishing for ingredients she’s never even heard of—dutch processed cacao, single origin chocolate, maldon sea salt. Seeing as how she’s never really had luck with baking, she’s not sure why she had chosen such a complex recipe. And just to pack on the pressure, there was a lot riding on these particular brownies. It’s the only reason why, after the second time she knocks over the bag of flour while reaching for the whisk, she doesn’t give up, hastily wiping up the mess through gritted teeth. 
Because despite Fury’s orders to sustain minimal contact with her target, she could never stand to be in debt. 
And during these past few weeks, she’d been indebted to Steve in more ways than one.
With these brownies, she figured they were more or less even. 
One last time, and she could be done for good.
She waits impatiently, fingers drumming on the counter while the bake cools, before cutting up the brownies and draping some aluminum foil on top. She slides the tray off the counter and scoops it into her arms, balancing Steve’s thermos on top.
She slips out of her apartment and makes her way across the hall.
A tentative knock on apartment #4, then once more when no one responds after a little while. 
Must not be home. Great. She’ll just return his thermos some other time and take the brownies to work—it’ll earn her a few much-needed brownie points with her coworkers anyway. 
She’s just about to turn on her heels and head back across the hall, when she hears his door jerk open, revealing Steve in a white tank top and grey sweats. Her eyes falter for a second, a little taken aback by Steve’s unfamiliarly casual attire.
Eyes wide, he smiles, leaning forward with his palm resting on the door frame.
“Jess! Hey,” His brows furrow a little, eyes flitting down to the tray weighing down her arms. 
“Hey, Steve.” She nods, eyes still fixated on how relaxed he seems in his pajamas, before it suddenly sinks in that this might be his rare day off from work. The last thing he’d probably want is her company. 
She’s just about ready to thrust the brownies and thermos in his arms and run off, panic rising in her throat.
“Uhm, I’m just here to—“
“—hey, Steve, that the pizza guy?”
A male voice shouts from inside the apartment.
Shit, he’s got company. So definitely not a good time.
Steve swivels around, calling back to whoever is in his living room “Uh, no, Buck,  it’s my…”
He turns back to her, eyes hesitating with an unreadable emotion.  
“… my neighbor, Jess.” He finishes quietly. 
Though her heart already sinks at the mention of his name, her stomach churns a second time when she hears footsteps approach Steve’s side. And low and behold, there he was—the infamous Winter Soldier and Steve’s best friend. It’s the first time she’s seen Bucky Barnes in person, and he’s just as formidable as Steve at first glance—biceps bulging through a red Henley shirt, metal hand sticking out like a sore thumb under his sleeve, not concealed with the glove SHIELD advises him to wear during public outings. He immediately sticks his hand into the pocket of his jeans, surveying her reaction to see if she’d noticed. She feigns innocence, smiling politely.
Yet, not everything’s true to her memory. 
His hair’s a little shorter than how she’d pictured, and his eyes a little lighter, a strain of hazel running through the cool blue. Any lingering sense of intimidation dissolves when he smiles, casting a sideways glance at Steve then back down at her.
“So this is Jess, huh?” He smirks, leaning forward as he extends his flesh hand in greeting.
“Bucky. It’s nice to meet you.”
‘So this is Jess.’
That, and the way Steve’s perks up at Bucky’s words, the tips of his ears blooming crimson, could only mean one thing. It’s a glaringly obvious truth that she tries oh-so-hard to avoid. 
Instead, she glances down sheepishly at the tray of brownies in her arms, then back up at Bucky’s extended hand. 
“Oh, hey, let me get that for you.” Steve quickly reaches forward, taking the tray from her arm. She shoots him an appreciative smile before tentatively taking Bucky’s hand, feeling more than overwhelmed by not one but two super soldiers now crowding the doorway. 
Bucky’s grip is more calloused than Steve’s, fingers shorter and thicker. His grip is just as strong and warm, though, and the charming grin he flashes her way leaves her wondering whether he’s just as… forward in meetings with other strangers. The rumor around her office had always painted him as the silent, brooding type. 
“I-I was just gonna return your thermos, and uh…” her voice falters, gaze trailing over to the way Bucky was leaning over the tray still in Steve’s hands, lifting the aluminum foil on top curiously. Bucky looks back down at her, smiling sheepishly. 
“Sorry, these smell amazing. Are they… shit, Steve, they’re brownies.”
“Buck.” Steve mutters, subtly nudging his best friend’s side as he angles the tray away.
“Yeah, I baked ‘em this morning.” She nods, giving Bucky an awkward smile. She tucks her hair behind her ear, shifting her weight between her feet. 
Her gaze trails over to the blonde, who’s giving her that familiar warm smile.
“You didn’t have to Jess, really. Thank you.” 
His gaze is so earnest, voice deep as he thanks her. She can only nod hastily in response, swallowing thickly.
Steve clears his throat, taking another step toward her, and gestures toward the apartment with his head. 
“Do you… do you wanna come in for a bit? Bucky and I were just about to put on a film.” 
And maybe it was the endearing way he still uses the word film instead of movie.
Or the way he seemed so different from his usual put-together look—hair light and soft, standing up in small, unruly peaks as if he hadn’t styled it since he’s woken up. A white sleeveless shirt, clad tightly across his pecs, grey sweats hanging low over his hips. 
Or, maybe, it was just his characteristic way of making an honest offer—warm and earnest, without any pretense of false politeness. 
Whatever the reason, she finds herself nodding, slipping past Bucky as he steps aside to let her inside.
Steve carefully sets the tray on his kitchen island, quietly chastising Bucky when he immediately starts to fiddle with the aluminum, trying to sneak a piece. She shuffles awkwardly around the kitchen island, so that there’s 40 inches of beige linoleum between her and the two super soldiers. She refrains from peering around the rest of the apartment out of politeness. From what appears in her peripheral vision, though, she can tell that the layout of his house is pretty much the same as her own.
“Those are for me, jerk.” Steve mutters quietly, the corner of his lip quirking up in a smile as Bucky’s starts to pull a slice off of the tray. 
“Sharing’s carin’ Stevie.” Bucky mumbles nonchalantly, 
Steve gives in with a joking sigh, leaning against the counter as he looks up at her, brows raised.
“Do you want a piece, Jess?” 
“Oh, no, I’m okay thank—“
“—holy shit.” She’s cut off by Bucky’s loud moan, holding up a corner piece with a large section already bitten off. 
“Fuck, that’s amazing, Steve. You gotta try it.”
Bucky chews as he glances up at her, eyes glinting under the kitchen light. He swallows, licking his lips before asking:
“You a baker, Jess?”
Steve lets out a quiet chuckle, walking around the counter and reaching for a roll of paper towels at the other end. 
“She’s a nurse, Buck.” 
Bucky’s brows raise at that, eyes lighting up with renewed interest as he sinks his teeth in, taking another bite.
“You must like saving people, then, huh? Like Stevie here.” He juts his elbow toward his friend, who rolls his eyes and shoots her an apologetic glance. She tries to stifle a smile, settling down in one of the kitchen bar stools, feeling a little more relaxed as the two Avengers continue to bicker bout how many pieces Bucky’s allowed to steal from Steve’s tray.
“Bucky’s right, though, Jess. This is phenomenal. How long have you been baking?”
The truthful answer would have been 5 hours. Instead, though, she gives him a smile, shrugging innocently as she answers:
“Not long. Started a couple years ago.”
She figured the whole ‘home-baker’ thing tracked with Jess’s character—alongside the whole wide-eyed, girl-next-door look.  
“So what movie are we watching?”
She asks nonchalantly—a clumsy attempt at shifting the conversation away from herself, but it works nonetheless.
Bucky sighs dramatically at the question, while Steve shoots him an amused glance.
“Well…” Bucky starts, picking up another brownie square before walking around the kitchen island toward the living room. 
“… Steve was trying to convince me to watch Star Wars with him.” He sighs nonchalantly, plopping down on the living room couch. 
And she can’t help but let out a surprised snort at that, hand immediately flying over to her mouth to stifle the noise. Mortified, she glances over sheepishly at Steve. 
Leaned forward with both palms on the kitchen counter, Steve looks up at her with a raised brow, a slight twitch in the corner of his lip.
“Sorry, I just… that’s the last movie I would’ve guessed for you.” She murmurs quietly, still stifling a smile.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Steve shoots back almost immediately, his lips breaking open in an amused grin.
“Well, it’s just, you know… kinda nerdy?”
Steve’s eyes flutter shut as he lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. 
“That’s fair.”
From across the room, Bucky laughs too, scrolling carelessly through the TV channels as he tosses out a comment in their direction.
“Oh, you thought he was cool, Jess?”
She leans forward in her seat, staring directly into Steve’s eyes as a new sense of adoration blooms in her chest. 
Who would’ve thought that Captain America was secretly a geek?
She shrugs, a small smile tugging on her lips as she mutters:
"I'd like to think so."
And despite the fact that the rest of the night is filled with nothing but trivial moments, she feels the knot in her stomach growing tighter with each second she spends with Steve.
When he patted the spot on the couch next to him, gesturing for her to sit down, the fabric of his sweats brushing against her as he shifted to make room. The scent of soft oak and fresh linen as he occasionally leaned into her side, pointing out nerdy tidbits about the Star Wars franchise, eager to share the comforting alcove of fiction he’d found in the 21st century. 
Or even when the pizza delivery arrived and she finally got a peek at the box, discovering the name of his favorite pizza place. She had glanced over at Steve instinctively, lips stretched in a knowing smile as they exchanged a look completely unbeknownst to Bucky. 
With Steve, her heart beats immeasurably faster at the littlest of things.
And it fills her with more dread than she can bear. 
Apartment #3 Masterlist
note: aaaand after an eternity and a half, she finally makes an update. we've got some more shameless flirting coming up folks, brace yourselves
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steveandnatlover76 · 1 month
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Natasha: So are we ready for a romantic baby-making night?
Steve: We sure are!
Yelena barges into the bedroom.
Yelena: Don’t mind me. I got a mission. Natasha, I need to borrow one of your suits. *opening closets and secret compartments* I‘m also taking a few Widow‘s Lines and Widow‘s Bites just to be on the safe side. Thanks. … Steve, your chest is hairy. Not sexy, you should shave it! See you!
Steve and Natasha sit on their bed in shock.
Steve: Wow…what a turn off…
Natasha: Yes. My sister, the walking human contraceptive…
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callmissrogers · 2 months
There For His Girl | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short
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Summary: Y/n has reached her limit. Work has been difficult. People have been short, and some just mean. It all brings her back to her childhood, and right now, she just wants to pretend to be ok. So determined to pretend she tries to push her concerned husband away.
WARNINGS ⚠️ This contains mentions of a toxic relationship with the reader's mother and quotes some of their arguments. If this is a trigger for you, please DO NOT proceed. It also contains angst, fluff, and comfort. Also, very little editing and wrote on my phone.
Steve Rogers x wife reader
Word count: 1,370
Notes: The next part in the That's My Girl series will be going up today or tomorrow. I was feeling the need for some comfort myself, so this is what I wrote. Hope you like it!
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Y/n slammed the door, tears streaming down her face she pressed her back into the wall and slid down until she was a small ball on the floor.
"Why do I do this?" She sobbed hating herself.
Y/n had had a rough few days. It seemed like no matter what she did or said, people were short with her. Everything was going wrong, and after one mistake, which led to a snarky backhanded compliment from Tony Stark himself, well, Y/n was done. Usually, it didn't get to her like this anymore, but her emotions frayed to a breaking point.
Her dad always told her she wore her heart on her sleeve but she just thought her mom was right and that instead of enduring this made her a nuisance.
Why should she be so bothered when people utter unkind things to her?
Why can't she pull herself together?
"You're always start crying! Stop trying to make me feel bad"
"You're stabbing me in the back by trying to do something different"
"Don't you know I need you here? Stop thinking about yourself and making everything harder on me"
This and many other instances where y/n would be belittled, ridiculed, screamed at, lectured for two hours at 1 in the morning, and reduced to making herself as small and as unseen as possible while being a sobbing mess, had made her what she is today.
Too sensitive. At least that's what she told herself at times like this.
And why couldn't she just talk about it like a normal person instead of blowing something trivial out of proportion?
Literally five minutes ago....
Steve had come home the night before. Poor guy had been so tired that he fell asleep in uniform on the couch.
Y/n had been carefully tiptoeing around the kitchen so as not to accidentally wake him up. Intending to surprise him before heading to work.
She was supposed to be going over mission plans with Vision today. This was the kind of work that excited her. None of the agents would bother them while they were working, which meant that she could just disappear for the day.
She platted up breakfast and carried it over to set it on the coffee table in front of the sleep soilder.
Tho he didn't actually wake up until she set down his mug of coffee.
Eyes fluttering open he peered up at her groggyily. "Hi" He mumbled, pushing himself upright. "Hey sleepy head." Y/n said, trying to make her voice sound chipper.
Steve sighed contentedly as he stretched out his muscles before standing up.
"Mind if I go change clothes before I enjoy this masterpiece?" He asked. Y/n turned to face him, attempting to smooth down his wild bedhead and then said, "Go ahead"
He was back a matter of moments, settling down next to her and drinking deeply from his coffee.
"Thank you for this," He sighed leaning over and gently kissing her on the cheek. Y/n just nodded, trying to keep her mind on a healthy track she focused on eating.
"Did you sleep well?" Steve asked. Taking another bite, she thought about lying and telling him that she had had the best night sleep.
"Sorta" She said trying to stiffle a yawn. "What does sorta mean?" Steve asked turning to look at her. "Nothing really. I'm good! Nothing some strong coffee won't fix."
Steve placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him. He studied the dark circles, the faint tint of bloodshot in her eyes, how she held herself and her fiddling hands.
"Hm," He said, his voice low in his chest.
Y/n knew exactly what he was doing, shaking his hands off her shoulders and standing up she said, "I should probably get ready for work."
Steve stood up, grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Y/n, you look exhausted." "I'm fine" "You're twirling your hair, which means you're not telling the truth." "Steve, c'mon I don't have time for this" "Y/n, it looks like you've been crying" She pulled his hand off her wrist and started to walk away from him, "I'm going to work." "Sweetheart, please just tell me what's - " "Steve! Please just listen to me and leave me alone!" She yelled, cutting him off. She ran off to the bedroom, and that's when the door slammed.
Steve stood there a moment, thinking about honoring her request and leaving her be. But his protective nature overtook him and he decided that the best thing to do would be to be there for his girl.
In the bedroom.
Y/n sat against the wall still crying into her hands, body trembling, thinking hateful thoughts about herself.
She heard Steve knock on the door, saying "Sweetheart, can I come in?"
When she didn't answer him, he slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
She could feel him kneeling down in front of her, "Sweetheart," He whispered, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear to which she only buried her face further.
The next thing that happened, was Steve scooping her up into his arms and settling down in the arm chair that sat in the room.
Somehow this just made her cry more.
"Oh honey, come on now. Take a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth." He soothed.
After about ten minutes of this, her crying settled down, breath becoming rhythmic.
Once he was sure that she had calmed down enough to be able to communicate with him, he asked his voice low and rumbling through his chest, "Do you wanna talk about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
She nodded against his shirt. "Everything" she gasped. "Everything?" He asked, pulling her back so he could look her in the face. Dabbing away the leftover tears.
"I'm too emotional. Everything the last few days just hurts. I let everything get under my skin... I just. . Lately, people and Stark are just mean, or maybe I'm just too sensitive.. and now I've yelled at you, too." She said, trying to get up.
"Now hold on a minute, " He cooed, keeping her in place.
"What did Tony say?" "Nothing. I messed up and he was being sarcastic, but I'm such a mess that it hurt" she said her voice breaking. "Alright. Listen to me. One, you are not too emotional. The world tells everyone to button up and be cynical. You, my dear, are a light in all that mess. You do care and that's a very good thing -- I don't want you to listen to anyone that would belittle that, ok?" He asked getting a slow, uncertain nod in response. "Ok. Secondly, people can be mean, especially Stark. People also have power trips and want to pull people down to make themselves feel stronger or better. This means there's one thing you can always be certain of: Do you know what that is?" "What?" "They're wrong. Anyone who would belittle you to make a point or to win an argument or for any other reason, is just a bully." "But what if-" "ah. No what ifs. Thirdly, and this one is the one that's most important of the three." "Then why'd it come last?" She asked clearly beginning to feel a little bit better if she could tease him now. Steve simply rolled his eyes and continued,
"I want you to remember that when you're upset, you can always talk to me. No matter how silly it might make you feel, your feelings are safe with me." "Steve I just yelled at you for no rea-" "No. You had a reason. You were upset. I can see that and you know what that means? It means I can take it too. When I put this ring on your finger," He said taking her hand in his and running a finger across her knuckles. "I signed up for this. I'd rather have you get emotional than bottle things up and hide them from me."
Y/n looked down at their still intertwined hands and then back up at him. Nodding again and breathed out an "ok"
"Ok." Steve replied, giving her his usual comforting smile and kissing her forehead.
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darsynia · 1 year
Hand(s) Off | Ch1: Agony
(Steve Rogers/f!Reader sex pollen-esque multichapter)
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Summary: Bucky Barnes is the most important person in your life. When he confesses to you that he lives at the Avengers tower, and the 'Steve' you've been hearing about for months is actually Steve Rogers, you think that nothing can top that revelation-- and then you find yourself trapped in Captain America's bedroom getting a second-hand dose of NYC's favorite new aphrodisiac, Mistress.
Length | Warnings: 3,271 | None this chapter; story will contain explicit sex descriptions and situations, MINORS DNI
Note: I want to make clear that I'm treating the issues of consent with sensitivity. This is not even a dubious consent story in my eyes; the choices these characters make are kind, as clear-eyed as possible under the circumstances, and respectful-- in fact, that's what causes problems for Steve and Dee in the long run. I do want to be clear though: there will be sexual stuff in this story. I'm not teasing you. It won't be clinical or tortured :)
Fill: Adoptable 'Pheremones' from @allcapsbingo
Tags (please request!): @starryeyes2000 @munstysmind @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @tiny-anne @deepbatched @nekoannie-chan
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“You grew up with Captain America?” you ask, impressed. Bucky Barnes can really keep a secret.
“Not at all. I grew up with Steve. Skinny, brave Steve. Never backed down from a fight, and now he doesn’t have to. C’mon,” he says, nodding toward the Avengers tower that’s visible in the distance.
There’s something in the back of your mind that’s important, something-- “Oh my God, Bucky!” you gasp, almost stumbling in your shock. “I dragged you to that trivia night, and you did so badly on the Avengers questions! You let me answer the all Captain America ones myself! I totally went on and on about how wonderful and handsome Steve Rogers is. I talked about his ass-- and he’s your best friend?”
“You squeak any higher you’re going to start catching the attention of every purse dog in the city,” Bucky teases gruffly. You shoot a look over, noticing that he’s trying not to grin.
“You jerk!” you say, nudging his right arm with your left elbow. “Were you feeling me out?”
Bucky starts cough-laughing. “You’re going to have to define that one for me.”
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Chapter One: Agony
He’s falling and you can’t do anything about it.
Bucky’s shirt catches on a stub of a branch on the way down. You, the child whose balloon he was retrieving, and the kid’s mother all rush over when he lands in a heap.
“Oh my god, are you--” the mom starts to say.
“Here you go, kid. Hold tight, I’m not going after it again,” Bucky interrupts, hauling himself to his feet. 
“Wow! That looks like it didn’t hurt at all!” the kid says.
“It hurts. Everything hurts. I’m just trying to impress her.” He nods in your direction.
Even though it makes you crack up (because he’s absolutely not), this seems to do the trick. The mom takes a minute to tie a more secure knot in the balloon string before smiling nervously at the two of you and leading her son away.
“I’m sorry,” you wince, taking a picture of the hand-sized rip at Bucky’s armpit that reveals the metal of his arm underneath. You’ve never seen the whole thing, but you’ve felt the arm through his sleeve a couple of times.
“Why are you sorry? You told me not to do it.”
“I’m sorry to have been right?”
“Yeah, okay,” he says grimly, scowling at the phone you handed him and reaching around to feel the edges of the tear. “It shows the join, doesn’t it?”
You’ve been trying not to look, because, yeah, it does. The skin edging the metal graft looks burned and painful, definitely not appropriate for your museum plans. Bucky takes in your uncomfortable nod and his jaw clenches.
“We don’t have to go,” you offer.
“We’re going. I just have to…” He trails off, twisting the shirt around to get a better look. The two of you had decided to take the long way through the park. There’s about an hour before the interactive exhibit opens, but it’s the last day. He wouldn’t even tell you how he got the tickets.
“Okay, what if we swing by a corner store so I can grab a sewing kit--”
Bucky interrupts in a firm voice. “No need to waste the money. I’ll head back home to change; we can get a taxi from there. It’s a bit of a walk.” He shrugs the shirt back into position and starts back the way you’d come.
You have to jog to catch up. “That works.” There are a million things you want to say, but it’s Bucky who speaks first, after fifteen minutes of silence. The two of you reach a crosswalk, and he stops you with his left arm, which in your opinion is a choice.
“Spit it out.”
“You were keeping things separate. You shouldn’t change your mind unless you want to,” you say quietly. He’d said he wanted to keep this friendship to himself for a while, with no connection to the past, and no expectation for the future. You’d found that unexpectedly refreshing at the time, and you still do.
“I’ve been thinking about that,” Bucky says. “It’s time. I probably would have sat on it for another month anyway.”
It’s been a six month journey from friendly to friends to close friends for the two of you, and it’s only been two months since he’d opened up about his agonizing past. You don’t know everything yet, and that’s okay. You might never know. As long as Bucky knows he can trust you, that’s what matters.
The light changes, and he guides you across, his body language more relaxed now. Still, you want to make things as easy for him as possible.
“I can wait in the lobby--”
“Shit. That won’t help,” Bucky says, coming to a complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk. “Did you ever look me up?”
“No! You asked me not to.”
He looks at you like you’re some sort of rare creature for a minute, and a slow, appreciative smile grows on his face. You get it-- when he’d told you his actual birthdate, that he’d gone missing in the 40’s, you’d been tempted. But… when someone with a medically engineered metal arm asks you not to poke around in his past, you don’t. Not if you care about him.
“There was a good reason for that, I’m assuming?”
Bucky’s chuckle is deep and amused. “Yeah. I ah, live with the Avengers. Steve’s last name is Rogers. Steve Rogers.”
You’ve heard all about his best friend Steve, enough to feel affection for the man without ever having met him-- but this is not what you were expecting. At all.
“You grew up with Captain America?” you ask, impressed. Bucky Barnes can really keep a secret.
“Not at all. I grew up with Steve. Skinny, brave Steve. Never backed down from a fight, and now he doesn’t have to. C’mon,” he says, nodding toward the Avengers tower that’s visible in the distance.
There’s something in the back of your mind that’s important, something-- “Oh my God, Bucky!” you gasp, almost stumbling in your shock. “I dragged you to that trivia night, and you did so badly on the Avengers questions! You let me answer the all Captain America ones myself! I totally went on and on about how wonderful and handsome Steve Rogers is. I talked about his ass-- and he’s your best friend?”
“You squeak any higher you’re going to start catching the attention of every purse dog in the city,” Bucky teases gruffly. You shoot a look over, noticing that he’s trying not to grin.
“You jerk!” you say, nudging his right arm with your left elbow. “Were you feeling me out?”
Bucky starts cough-laughing. “You’re going to have to define that one for me.”
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“--stop by, that’s all I ask. Redwing would love it,” Sam grins as he opens the door to Tony’s lab.
“I’ll try, but did you have to say it like that?” Steve groans before heading into Dr. Banner’s workspace right next door. A new street drug named Mistress has been causing concern, and with SHIELD still in transition, the government has called on the scientific wing of the Avengers to help figure out how to combat the substance. 
Mistress is an aphrodisiac, a potent one. Banner’s preliminary tests show that it’s likely not of Earth origin, which has slowed down their testing considerably due to safety concerns. That’s where Steve comes in; Bruce thinks his fast metabolism could be the key to figuring the stuff out without putting too many others at risk. That and his lack of a romantic partner. 
Apparently the drug enhances a person’s desire to have sex to a strong need, strong enough that there’s no data on what happens if they don’t. The stuff reportedly burns through people, causing dangerous fevers that have officials fearful that someone’s going to get dosed and killed, not to mention the consent issues.
“Hey, Steve,” Banner says. “I don’t know if you’ve met Doctor Lyonne?”
“I haven’t. First or last name?” Steve asks the attractive female doctor.
“Oh, nice one. ‘Lyonne’ is my married name, though. Sorry to possibly disappoint,” she says easily.
Banner smiles at Steve’s wave-off gesture and says, “I’ll leave you two experts to the interpersonal stuff.” He ignores them in favor of a large glass jar with a bunch of warning labels stuck to it. The liquid inside is clear, and all signs point to it being the drug in question. “All right,” Bruce finally says, stepping away and scratching out about four things on his clipboard. “The plan is to expose you in measured doses and observe the results. It’s pretty volatile-- works if ingested, soaks into the skin, and we think it’s capable of being aerosolized under certain conditions. Drinking it will be the most controlled method, so Dr. Lyonne is setting up dosing cups for me. She’s got a class to teach in about forty minutes, so--”
“That’s his delicate way of saying I’ll be out of your hair and unable to observe anything you’ll be going through over the course of the tests,” Lyonne interrupts.
The door that joins the two labs swings open before Steve can respond, and Tony leans his head in. He’s wearing one of his Iron Man suits. “Before you ramp up Icy Hot here, can I show you my new toy?”
“This is a segue to a sex toy joke, Steve. Retreat, retreat!” Sam calls out from behind Tony.
“I’m wounded!” Tony says, muttering, “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that first.” He walks in and grins, holding up his left arm. “Check it out. Nav is still a little spotty, but--”
Steve watches as a shape lifts up from Tony’s bicep area on the suit, similar to Redwing but oval and smaller. 
“Tony, I’d be happy to look at it pretty much any other time, but--”
“You have the whole rest of the day blocked out, Bruce, just give me this!”
The friendship between Stark and Banner always makes Steve nervous. They are the closest aligned in terms of work ethic and smarts, but farthest apart in temperament-- and that’s before the Hulk is brought into play. Steve inches closer to the large glass jug of Mistress as Tony gesticulates wildly, sending the drone careening around the room.
It starts beeping.
“Shit!” Tony shouts. “Uh… apparently something I did set the self-destruct?”
“Why does your drone have a self destruct, Tony?” 
Bruce sounds incredulous and angry, and Steve doesn’t have his shield. As though Tony had set up the whole situation for maximum drama, the thing is headed straight for the jug. Steve lunges to protect it as Bruce maneuvers himself to take the explosion for the team. Someone screams for JARVIS to lock down the building.
Steve lifts the drug container high, meaning to leap out of the way with it, but there’s nowhere to go. The drone’s explosive impact brings forth the Hulk-- which sends Steve and the jug flying backwards into the lab equipment.
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Things turn a bit surreal when you enter the tower. Bucky takes you to a secret side entrance (to avoid the press, he says) but when he gets into the elevator, he seems confused when he can’t talk to it. You’re just about to make a Star Trek joke when he explains there’s usually an artificial intelligence that runs the building, but it’s not responding.
You’re used to pretty much anything apartment-related being out of order, so you’re not fazed. Once inside his apartment, you point out that there’s a sticky note on the opposite side of the door, and Bucky grabs it, his brows furrowing as he reads.
“Shit,” he grins, holding up the note. “Stay here? You’re not authorized for this area.”
“Better hurry!” The tickets for the exhibit are for 1:30, and it’s already 12:50. With a nod, he jogs back into the hallway toward the elevator, and just like that you’re alone in Bucky’s apartment.
It is immediately apparent that he doesn’t live here alone. Underneath a coat rack with multiple jackets is a shoe tray with at least five pairs of shoes in two different sizes. The living room is cozy and lived-in; you see the familiar sight of a bottle of Bucky’s favorite beer sitting on an end-table-- right beside a coaster.
You’re about to reach for it when an alarm sounds, accompanied by an urgent voice.
=Tier One protection activated. Retreat to an interior room and wait for further instructions. Attention: Tier One protection activated. Retreat to an interior room and wait for further instructions.=
You freeze in fear for a few seconds, but when the instruction repeats a few seconds later, you hear a grinding noise in the wall. It’s frightening enough that you dart into the hallway and inside the first open door. The reason for the sound becomes terrifyingly clear a few seconds later as a metal panel encased in the doorframe slides down, too quickly for you to slip out underneath it.
The room turns pitch black in the space between one frightened breath and the next.
After taking a minute to listen for danger, you make your way by feel to the far wall, looking for the light switch. On the way, you trip over something that turns out to be a pair of men’s slippers. You’re glad to let your eyes adjust to the light as you put them back, but when you straighten up, you immediately feel like you’re trespassing somewhere you do not belong.
The room is neat as hell, the kind of tidiness that must come from enjoying a clean space rather than a sense of obligation. However, you soon reassess: this is lived in, less frighteningly neat than well-designed. Everything has its place. It’s different from the easy chaos that Bucky has shown on the few times he’s slept over after movie marathons, so you’re pretty sure this isn’t his room. That, and the white cat plushie you gave him that he swears lives on his dresser? Isn’t there.
Instead, the tray with grooming materials in front of a small mirror are the only objects on the dresser top. There’s a low bookshelf next to an easy chair whose footrest has a worn-in divot. The nightstand is equally neat and functional, with a slightly askew sketchbook hinting that the room’s occupant is an artist.
Unfortunately, these observations are making you more nervous, not less. An intrusive thought that the alarm could be about a fire and there’s literally no way out sends you into a frenzy of banging on the inexorable metal slab. 
“Hello?? HELLO!? Please let me out, please, please let me out!” you scream, slamming your fists against the damned barrier until your hands hurt. You’re crying and frantic and yelling, and suddenly there’s someone else on the other side of the door also yelling, and in the next few minutes everything happens at once. 
You can’t see anything through your tears and fear; all you know is the feel and sound of strong hands and a soothing voice that isn’t Bucky but it should be. That thought sends you into more frightened tears, because he’ll be worried, he’ll be upset, and it might send him into a spiral like the one from a few months ago when he finally explained about his past.
Then, awfully, the grinding sound is back and the warm hands are gone.
You hear several shouted, imperative commands before the man falls silent. He’d set you down in a huddle on the bed wrapped in a blanket, and you kind of… drift back into awareness surrounded by the strong scent of coconut, with a not-unpleasant buzz of awareness deep in your gut.
You pull the blanket closer before you recognize it. You’d been working on it during the first few movie nights you and Bucky had shared, and he’d bought it as a gift for his best friend. That’s what brings you fully back to yourself: you’d handmade the thing that’s warming you up. You’ll be able to tell Bucky that. It’ll help, when the time comes.
Taking in a long, deep breath, you look around, expecting, since you’re no longer alone, to see anything but a metal panel completely covering the door. You’re wrong. There’s damage to the frame, as though someone had pried the previous slab out of the way-- but there’s once again a solid-looking metal barrier between you and freedom.
“Are you okay?” It’s Captain Am-- Rogers. Steve. Bucky’s Steve.
The unreality of your situation is fully hitting you now.
“That’s what you’re going with? Not ‘who are you?’ or ‘funny story about the door…’”
Rogers says, “I did. You were too upset to answer.” He’s tense, clearly uncomfortable, and his clothes are soaked. You wonder if that’s the source of the strange fruity smell. 
“Dee. I’m Dee.” It’s short for Chickadee, your stage-name-turned-favorite-nickname. You think you see recognition in his eyes. “Bucky needed to change his shirt. I didn’t mean-- you have to believe me, I never would have come in here, but he said he would just be a minute, and then a voice told me to hide and…” You’re babbling, but you feel like you’re out of your mind. Of all the people in the world, you’d probably pick Captain America as the one person you’d want to know that you’re eating your vegetables and being polite to your elders, that you wouldn’t invade someone’s private space. “Did something happen to the building?” you ask in a small voice.
“No, this--” Rogers winces. “Bucky asked for extra security or he wouldn’t move in. To slow him down.”
“The Soldier,” you whisper, closing your eyes tightly.
He makes a noise of understanding, then a louder, angry sound. “Everything has gone the exact worst-- I’m sorry,” he grits out. “I’m sorry.”
The depth to his voice prompts a heated curl of attraction that warms you from the inside out. It’s unexpected and strange, given the fear and confusion that’s ruled your reactions in the past minutes.
“I think I should be asking if you are okay.”
Rogers is looking at the floor now, his hands fisted in his pockets. “I was exposed to a… chemical. Tried to do everything right: activated security protocols, set the apartment Dark so I didn’t say or do anything I’d regret before the brain fog set in.”
“What happens when the brain fog sets in?” you whisper, sensing that the answer is what has this man’s body stiff as a board, in contrast with his broken and worried tone.
“How close are you with Buck?” Rogers lifts his head and the intensity in his eyes shoots you with an arrow of concern.
You lift your chin. “Truthfully? I consider him my best friend, why?”
“There’s nothing… more?”
There have been times, multiple times, when you’ve thought about it. But Bucky Barnes is a multifaceted man, and you don’t want to sully his progress towards becoming whole again by making things complicated.
“No,” you say, feeling heat in your chest from the look of understanding in his eyes. Your pause was unintentionally illustrative. “Why?”
“It’s important that I be honest with you: the building is on lockdown, its governing AI is too busy monitoring the Hulk to get us out of this room, and the chemical I was exposed to is Mistress.” He sounds like a soldier reciting battle parameters.
The name sounds familiar, but you can’t place it. Suddenly, you feel too vulnerable on the bed, his bed, so you slide over to the edge in preparation for getting up. The action bares your legs to mid-thigh, and Rogers immediately turns his back on you and hits the wall with the flat of his hand. 
That’s when you remember where you’d heard that name. Mistress. The aphrodisiac is the reason many women have flocked to your cousin’s restaurant to hang out, instead of at bars. Many establishments are offering complimentary test kits so their customers can ensure there’s no residue in their food and drinks. It’s become fashionable to carry around your own cups, just in case. Some bars are actually trying to skip requiring women to pay a cover charge, desperate to return to the status quo. Drinks containing coconut aren’t even served anymore, thanks to the scent association.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” you blurt out, rushing over to the easy chair and covering yourself with the blanket. Jesus, the whole room reeks of coconut. He’s practically steeped in the stuff. “What can I do?”
Steve Rogers’ voice is husky, but pained. “Don’t let today be your first impression of me.”
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Next chapter...
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waywardxrhea · 4 months
Part Twenty-Eight: Reunited
[slow burn romance between Steve Rogers and SHIELD agent Emma Baker]
Warnings: 18+, contains humor, fluff, mental health, family trauma, romance, angst, language, violence, (potentially smut later on).
installment list
Word count: 3.9k
Emma wakes up after the bombing in Vienna.
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The next morning, Emma regains consciousness and wakes up in an unknown facility. She slowly opens her eyes and lifts her head to look around. As she tries to sit up she's met with pain from the massive bruising all over her body. She lets out a groan which causes the young woman in the room to turn around. "Oh good, you're awake!"
Emma lays back down on the pillow in pain and asks, "Where...where am I? Who are you?"
"I'll start with introductions," the chipper girl responds with a smile. "My name is Shuri and you are currently in my lab in the great kingdom of Wakanda. How are you feeling, Miss Emma?"
"Like I was just in a bombing..." Emma replies in a strained voice as an ache presents itself in her head. She rubs her temple and asks, "What happened? How did I get here? Are my AI system and drone okay? What about my friends?"
"For someone who has a nasty headache you sure are asking a lot of questions," Shuri says with a bright laugh. "As for the first one, the bomb went off and messed you up pretty badly. You had a shattered tibia and fibula, a concussion, and some other miscellaneous injuries, along with the obvious bruising. As a thank you for the attempt to save my father's life, my brother insisted that you be brought here to heal. Our healers and I mended all your broken bits so they should be good as new. As for the headache, we can give you a special herbal tea to help with the pain, but those bruises will have to heal on their own."
At the words, Emma slowly sits up to look at the girl while she speaks to her. She swings her leg that was previously injured and sees that it was completely healed. "How did you...?"
"We are one of the most advanced civilizations in the world, we have our ways," she tells Emma with a wink. "Now I think that sufficiently answers your first two questions, so as for the third one, your tech is okay. It is a very loyal piece of machinery, Miss Emma. Once you got here I took the liberty of fixing it up, I would even say I made it better if I'm honest."
Emma notices her drone in a lab hood nearby and asks, "What all did you do to her?"
"So I did basic repairs from the blast and reinforced her body with vibranium so she's now virtually indestructible. I have been experimenting with some new tech for the Black Panther suit and tried it out on her as well. If it works properly, any blow that she takes will be absorbed and then you can deal the force back on your attacker."
"That's...wow..." Emma whispers, speechless.
Shuri smiles and says, "I'm glad you like it. I also took the liberty to fix some stuff in regards to the AI itself. Fixed some bugs and reprogrammed a little bit. Now she can only be accessed by you. Un-hackable, untraceable, and the more you train with it, the better she'll respond as she gets to know you. What was in there before was a basic AI that could respond to commands and things, but it couldn't do everything AI is capable of."
"And here I was thinking that Tony had the best tech in the world..." Emma mumbles.
"This stuff? I was capable of this by the time I was ten Miss Baker."
Emma can't help but laugh at the comment which sets off more pain in her head. She then asks sheepishly, "Hey, you mentioned something about some tea?" Shuri smiles and nods before taking a few steps out of the lab to inform someone of Emma's request.
When Shuri comes back, she tells Emma, "All of the upgrades should be done within the hour. Once you get that tea, if you want a tour of the labs I will gladly take you on one."
Emma looks around and finally takes in all of the tech surrounding them and smiles, saying, "That sounds fantastic."
After a tour of the lab with tea in hand, Emma and Shuri reemerge into her sector of the lab to take a look at the progress on SAM 2.0. Before Shuri takes the drone out from under the hood, she stops and asks Emma, "I saw in your AI previously that there was a function that could read your vitals and play music for you?"
"Yeah, it was something Tony added in for my anxiety. We also used it to help me train in hand-to-hand combat for a while."
"Well how about I make that feature better too?"
Emma hesitates for a moment before asking, "What would we need to do for that?"
"Well all I would need is a simple brain scan. I can then add on some tech that can have a micro scanner in the piece that you wear so it can read your brain activity and adjust based on that rather than just heart rate. I don't know what he was thinking, choosing to do this based on heart rate, that goes up under normal exertion circumstances, not just... Well anyway, I'll stop with the slander of Mr. Stark's tech. So are you down?"
"I'm down," Emma replies with a nod. After a surprisingly quick scan of her brain activity, Shuri does some programming and is done. "Wow, you work quickly."
Shuri smiles as she hands Emma a couple of small tech pieces that wrap around her ears. They are ornate and elegant so they look like jewelry, matching the feather quill tattoo Emma has behind her ear. As Emma puts the tech on, Shuri says, "I hope you don't mind me experimenting with the tech. It just needed some TLC."
"Whatever aids me more in a fight works great for me," Emma tells her. She gets the second piece on and smiles. "You know this seems a lot better than glasses for housing the AI. Glasses can fall off super easily. Hell, they almost have multiple times in a fight."
"Another thing I don't understand why he did," Shuri says, shaking her head with a laugh. "These are fashionable and effective at their job, I think you'll love them. They are also a lot easier to wear in your day-to-day."
"I think they're perfect," Emma tells her with a smile.
"So are you ready to test her out?"
"So with the earpieces, you can keep them as is and you can listen to everything stats-wise that is going on or you can give the right one a tap and it can produce a holographic screen with everything you need to know."
"Sweet," Emma says and tests it out.
The screen materializes and she hears SAM's voice saying, "It's good to be back, boss. I'm glad you're okay after that incident earlier."
"Me too, SAM," Emma replies softly. "Did you get back all my notes and stuff to Maria before...well you know..."
"As always," she replies.
"Great," Emma replies. "Now let's see what you're capable of with these upgrades."
When Emma says this, Shuri taps some commands into her own tablet. Emma checks on the mini-tablet attached to her wrist and sees that SAM shows an incoming drone out of the hall on the left. Before she can react though, it flies in quickly and hits her drone dead on. The drone absorbs the blow and Shuri says, "Now, you see how it's glowing purple? If you command your drone to fly back into that one, it'll deal the force of that blow right back onto it."
"Got it," Emma replies and gets the steering feature up on the tablet. She then smashes her drone into the other one and it goes flying into the wall behind it!
"Yes!" Both Shuri and Emma shout in excitement at the fact that the tech worked.
"Okay now let's see the stealth mode," Shuri says.
Another drone flies down the hall and Emma quickly commands SAM to send the drone into stealth mode. On the projected screen, Emma can see where exactly the drone is but can't see a thing in front of her. Without warning, Shuri sends a drone to execute a sneak attack on Emma's. The drone absorbs the blow and begins to glow on the screen, but once again it isn't visible to the naked eye. The two girls fist bump at the feat with smiles on their faces. "This tech is amazing, Shuri. You could put Stark Industries out of business. Why haven't we heard of you?"
"The kingdom of Wakanda has been a well-kept secret for many, many generations. It is disappointing some days knowing my tech isn't used around the world, but I'm just happy to be inventing."
"That's a shame...tech like this could put the Avengers into retirement. Bring peace to the world."
"In an ideal world, yes, but not this one," she tells her. Emma nods sadly as they end the training session.
After cleaning up, Shuri shows Emma to the room she'll be staying in for the night. "I hope it's okay that we're keeping you here for the night. I'm supposed to tell you it's for observation of your injuries, but if I'm 100% honest, the elders are discussing how to deal with the fact that we brought an outsider into our kingdom. You may need to be here for a few days."
"Oh, I'm so sorry to impose..." Emma says quietly.
"Don't you worry, it's all just traditional nonsense. If I can get your help in my lab and prove that you're useful, you'll get out easy," Shuri jokes with a laugh and a wink.
They get to the room that was set up for her and Emma's mind goes to what they were talking about before, the only question that Shuri didn't answer when she first woke up: what happened to everyone else at the meeting? Was Nat okay? Did Tony make it out? Then another thought hits her. What was Steve thinking? She lost her phone in the blast and there wouldn't be a way to contact her.
"Hey, Shuri?"
"Do you know anything about what's going on back in Vienna? Who all made it out and all?"
"We can try and find news coverage, but until our reps there get back to us, we're getting the same news everyone else around the world is."
"Is there any way I can contact my team?"
"You can try, but I will say, last I saw on the news, my brother was out there fighting Captain America and some of his friends."
Emma closes her eyes and whispers, "Damnit Steve..." She pauses for a moment before asking, "I'm assuming that's gonna be a violation of the Accords?"
Shuri assesses Emma's reaction to Steve's actions and nods slowly. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Feel free to use the TV in your room to catch up on the news."
"Will do," Emma replies as she walks into the room.
Laying on the bed is a pair of beautifully crafted pj's along with a steaming cup of the tea that helped her out earlier. Beside the cup is a note from one of the healers, saying, "Please enjoy. This will help soothe your pain and ease you into sleep. The elders may be undecided, and you may not have saved the King, but there are those of us who thank you for your heroism. Where others ran away, you ran into the danger to save someone else. That takes the heart of a hero and true bravery. Thank you."
Emma smiles at the note, dresses into the pj's, and sits on the bed to watch the news coverage from the day. She sips the tea as she watches the report of Steve and Sam getting arrested along with another familiar face: Bucky Barnes. Usually her mind would go to the worst-case scenario when she sees his face, but tonight it doesn't. Tonight, the strong herbal tea has a hold on Emma, and rather than slipping into anxious thoughts, she drifts to sleep with the TV still on.
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The next day, Shuri keeps Emma busy in her lab so she doesn't get bogged down by the thoughts of the bombing and her friends' arrests. The two work together in her lab, editing programs for various tech items Shuri is working on, fixing up broken tech that is sent to the lab from throughout the kingdom, and doing more work on Emma's drone and AI. At one point when they are working, Shuri asks Emma, "Do you think you need some weapons to have on yourself? The drone can only do so much and what if you're away from it during a fight?"
"Oh Shuri, I couldn't ask that much of you, you've already helped me out so much," Emma replies.
"But what if I want to?" Shuri asks. "It'll be a piece of cake, really."
"Well..." Emma trails off, "if you insist."
Shuri pumps her fist and begins programming and putting the commands into a computer to start the building process. For the next few hours, the girls work on the drone and weapons systems together. At one point, Emma takes a break due to her headache but Shuri continues her work. When Emma gets back, Shuri tells her, "I just added something really cool to the drone, but I'm not going to tell you what it is. You'll find out in time and with more training with it."
"Ooh, a mystery, I like it," Emma replies with a smile. Shuri then presents Emma with a pair of bracelets that match the ornate detailing of her earpieces and tells her to put them on. She marvels at the pieces and breathes, "Oh, these are beautiful, Shuri."
"They may be beautiful, but they can pack a punch. They take the energy you have behind your punches and double it. It's nothing too fancy, but I didn't want you to deal with accidental blasts to the hands. I don't understand how Miss Romanoff handles her weapons like that so elegantly."
"She is one talented woman," Emma tells her quietly, wondering what Natasha was feeling in all of this, what with surviving the bombing and then having some of her closest friends arrested... Emma's thoughts are quickly torn away from thinking about her friends though as she and Shuri move on to work on some other things being brought into the lab.
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Meanwhile in a different area of the building, Steve talks with his best friend. "Are you sure you want to do this, Buck?" he asks.
"I can't trust my own mind," Bucky replies with a shake of his head. "So until they figure out how to get this crap out, going back under is the best idea. For everybody."
Steve nods as the Wakandan lab techs put Bucky into the cryo machine. As his friend is frozen yet again, he sighs and goes to look out of the window nearby to be with his thoughts, feeling completely numb. He finally found Buck but now he has to give him up again, Emma is still missing, and the team he gathered to help him out is all in a max security prison... It couldn't get much worse... He lets these feelings of hopelessness go though as T'Challa approaches him from behind. "Thank you for this," he tells the man.
"Your friend and my father...they were both victims in this. If I can help one of them find peace..." T'Challa replies thoughtfully.
"You know if they find out he's here, they'll come for him," Steve tells him.
"Let them try," T'Challa says while looking at the monument to the Black Panther outside of the window. They both stand in silence for a second before T'Challa continues. "Captain, I think we may have something you've been looking for. In the other lab. Please, follow me."
Steve knits his eyebrows in confusion but follows T'Challa down the hall anyway. As they approach the other lab, Steve hears a familiar sound that brings joy and peace to his heart: Emma's laugh. A smile breaks out on Steve's face as T'Challa opens the door to reveal Emma working with a young girl in the lab.
Steve clears his throat and says loudly, "I thought you said I wasn't losing you any time soon, Baker."
Emma turns around at the sound of Steve's voice and smiles from ear to ear at the sight of him, a bit worse for wear, but there nonetheless. She meets Steve halfway as he wraps his arms around her in an embrace. Emma flinches at the pain from her bruising but ignores it because she was just so happy to see Steve.
"Let's give them some space, Shuri," T'Challa tells his sister and the two of them leave to give the pair some privacy.
Steve takes a shaky breath and whispers, "God, we thought you were gone, Em... Nat told me there was a body they couldn't identify and nobody knew where you went... I couldn't help but think it was you." Steve's voice breaks at the end of his sentence and he pulls Emma impossibly closer. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you..."
"Well I'm here and that's what counts," Emma mumbles into Steve's chest.
Steve finally lets Emma out of his arms and he sighs. "The man who did all of this...he said that he would make sure we lost everyone just like he did. I was so afraid that we lost you in that blast..."
A tear escapes Steve's eye at the thought of losing Emma and she wipes it away with her thumb, telling him, "It's okay Steve, I'm right here. A bit beat up, but I'm here." She pauses and then asks, "So what's the plan?"
Steve scratches the back of his neck and replies, "Well I'm not in the government's good graces right now, so I'm gonna have to go on the run for a bit while I figure out what to do about this whole situation. Sam, Wanda, Clint, and Scott Lang are in a prison called the Raft right now because of what they did to help me. I just need to figure out a way to make this right."
"Well I'm coming with you to help," she tells him.
Concern fills Steve's eyes as he says, "Em, I can't let you do that. If you come with me, you're going to be a wanted woman for conspiring with a war criminal and going against the Accords."
"Sure you can let me," Emma retorts, "because that's exactly what you would do for me."
"I'm just trying to look out for you."
"And I'm trying to look out for you. I wouldn't be able to stand myself just sitting around knowing you were out there running with no way for me to help."
"But what about your job at Stark Industries? You gave up being an Avenger to keep it. I don't want you to lose that stability you were talking about."
"Well, I've had some time to think while I've been here and I realized that it wasn't the job that was my stability, it's you guys. Plus, I have a place we can go to hide. My family has property back in upstate New York. It's super secluded, and no one at Stark Industries knows about it besides Maria. SHIELD kept it off the books when I was an agent and I've kept it a secret from almost everyone besides my clients that rent it. It's the perfect place to lay low until we can get all of this figured out."
At these words, Steve goes deep into thought, wandering over to the window to contemplate their options. Emma follows him and looks at his profile, battered and bruised, but still handsome. After a few seconds, Steve finally speaks again. "And you're sure you're willing to risk everything you have back home to help?" As he asks this, he turns to Emma.
She looks deep into his eyes and nods as she tells him, "For you, I'd risk anything."
The two hold each other's gaze for a few seconds before they hear someone clear their throat behind them. T'Challa approaches them and asks, "So, Captain, is Miss Baker heading out with you, or will you be leaving me with two of your friends? I'm sure my sister could use a helping hand in the lab if you choose to leave on your own."
"She'll be coming with me," Steve replies with a nod. "From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and your people for your kindness and help in healing them."
"And we thank you for letting us. My little sister needs a bit of a challenge every now and then."
"A challenge?" Shuri asks, offended. "You underestimate me, brother. I had Emma healed within hours and we had a whole day to work on her tech!"
The girl hands Emma the drone that had been entered into pack mode and Emma smiles, saying, "Thank you, Shuri. I do have one question though before we go."
"What is it?"
"Tony had a tracker put in this thing years ago, is there any way you can take it out?"
"Oh, I did that when you were still out from the bombing. It was in the way of something I needed to fix so I got rid of it," Shuri replies. She checks her watch and says, "Well I would love to stay and chat, but I have to start working on what my brother says my next 'challenge' is. Good luck out there, Miss Emma. It was a pleasure working with you."
"Right back at ya," Emma replies and gives her a fist bump.
Emma waves to Shuri as she turns to leave and then T'Challa speaks back up. "By now I'm sure the jet you requested to get out of here is ready, Captain. Just tell my pilot where to take you and you're there. Feel free to contact us if you are ever in need of help."
"Will do," Steve tells him with a nod. "Again, thank you, your highness. For everything."
"It has been a pleasure."
As T'Challa walks the two of them to the jet they'll be taking back to the States, Steve tells Emma, "So I know you said that the place your family has is secluded and was kept off the books, but I think we should stake it out for a few days just to make sure no one's there to get us when we arrive."
"Smart idea, Cap," Emma agrees as they make their way onto the jet. "There's a motel about ten miles from the lodge. We can stay there until we're sure it's safe. They take cash and are a no questions asked kinda place so we should be safe there."
"Safe is what we need right now while we figure out a plan." Emma nods as she tells the pilot the name of their destination and he taps in the coordinates to a clearing about a mile from the motel so he could drop them off secretly.
link to the next part
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natrogersfics · 3 months
Blinding Lights - A Romanogers Oneshot
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Read on AO3 Set in the So It Goes... 'verse
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If Natasha had to choose a word to describe the first few days following her glorious night with Steve, it would be just that – complete and absolute torment.
In her attempt to return to some semblance of normalcy, she jumps at the chance to be consumed by a never-ending barrage of emails and back-to-back meetings, but it is all in vain. The memories are all too novel. She could be neck deep in work, and all it takes is one glance at Steve before she’s immediately inundated with images of him pinning her down onto her desk, the scenes of how he had owned her body in the most delicious of ways flashing in her mind like a filthy highlight reel.
Then there’s the way he shows up at her door every morning. It wasn’t in any way different to how he’s shown up for the last year, but now she’s grown attuned to it. The sound of his voice is something she finds herself looking forward to hearing as she sits at her kitchen island, sipping her cup of coffee. She can’t always make out the words, but she can tell from the light-hearted tone that regardless of which member of his team was keeping vigil at her door that night, that they are always happy to see him. It’s then as the voices fade that she waits with anticipation, listening to the pad of his footsteps until there’s a light rap against the arch of her kitchen. His grin is boyish and lopsided when he sees her, giving her an unspoken confirmation that she’s under his watch now, and that’s enough to put a little spring in her step as she gets ready for the day.
Day. Night. It didn’t matter. Thoughts of Steve lingered with her, sticking to her like the most exquisite of perfumes. It’s why she makes it a point to never think too far ahead. To stay in the moment with whomever she’s meeting with. This week she’s been organizing a fundraiser for the orphanage, and with everything from invitations to menus to review and approve, she couldn’t be more thankful for the distraction.
Come the end of the week, she pats herself on the back for only letting her mind drift to Steve twice during her last meeting. As she exits the conference room with Wanda, Red Guardian’s Head of Marketing, she’s greeted with a nod by Sam, her daytime bodyguard for the day. Steve had informed her yesterday of his impending absence, citing a contract negotiation with a new client. And while there was a part of her that was disappointed that she wouldn’t be seeing him until later on, she also found herself relieved for the brief separation. Steve’s errand was a reminder that not only did he have his own business to run, but also that he, too, had something at stake if she didn’t get this misplaced longing of hers in order.
Sam follows behind her and Wanda as they make it down the hall, and as they’re about to head in separate directions, she places a hand on Wanda’s arm. “Send me videos of Billy and Tommy’s performance this weekend, okay? I can’t wait to see them in their costumes!”
Wanda beams at the mention of her boys. “I’m so excited,” she says, tucking a strand of auburn hair behind her ear. “I got extra storage for my phone and everything.”
“They’ll do great, I’m sure of it.”
With a final smile, she waves goodbye to Wanda before heading into the awaiting elevator. As the car heads up to her office, she catches the way Sam’s hand reaches up, tapping on his earpiece. With how quiet Sam’s voice is, she can’t quite make out what he says, but a part of her wonders if he’s reporting back to Steve at their HQ. Stop. With a shake of her head, she flushes the thoughts of Steve from her mind just as the elevator comes to a halt and the doors slide open. Get it together, Romanoff.
Sam opens the door for her as they reach her office. “Thanks, Sam.”
“Anytime, Miss-” Sam pauses when she arches a brow at him, a sheepish smile breaking out on his face. “Natasha.”
“That’s more like it.”
As she enters her office, she’s immediately greeted by the sight of Loki waiting for her. She and Loki had met when they were just teenagers in boarding school, the two of them bonding over their mutual hate of the cliques that were quick to form on campus and the occasional pack of cigarettes. His company, Mischief Inc., is notorious for organizing the most extravagant bashes in the nation, and the second she had selected her first initiative as CEO, there was only one person in her mind to call.
Loki waves from his seat on the couch. “Hello, darling.”
“So nice of you to wake before the sun goes down,” she says, smiling at the nonchalant shrug he gives in response as he rises to give her a kiss on the cheek.
“You call, I come running,” Loki says as they both settle on the couch. “I’m easy like that.” She rolls her eyes playfully, prompting him to chuckle. “But I have to admit, ever since your assistant sent over your proposal, I’ve been intrigued.”
“So you’ve read it, I take,” she says, ever grateful for Daisy’s efficiency.
“Read it?” Loki says, scoffing. “Darling, the team’s already working on the interiors as we speak.”
Excitement rushes through her. When she had submitted her proposal to the board, she had highlighted the need to bring in fresh clientele to their properties. While her parents had built an empire on selling the luxury experience at their flagship hotels, they hadn’t done the best of jobs at making sure that evolved with the times. Now that she’s at the helm, she’s made it her mission to change that – starting with revamping the rooftop lounge at the Red Guardian Las Vegas, the company’s hotel overlooking the Strip that hasn’t been putting up the numbers it used to. The plan is to install an invitation-only nightclub, to have prospective patrons clamor to partake in the most coveted, if not borderline hedonistic, experience in the City of Sin. Admittedly, it’s a ballsy first initiative to take on, but she believes in her vision, and if there’s one person she knows that can help her bring it to life, it’s Loki.
“This is going to be epic,” she says, unable to keep a smile from breaking out on her lips.
“It’s going to be the talk of the town,” Loki concurs, scooting forward to reach for his tablet. “Though I hope you don’t have any other large commitments coming up. We have our work cut out for us if we’re going to make the grand opening in five weeks.”
Loki’s threat of long hours and endless days is one she welcomes with open arms. In her view, this nightclub opening is an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone – providing her both with a means to further prove herself to the board and a distraction from all her thoughts of Steve. From the thoughts of his hands on her body, roaming all over. Of all the dirty promises he’d whisper in her ear as he took her hard and deep, clearing her mind and relieving her of every burden, making her feel as though her desires weren’t so… ignoble.
And there, she realizes, is another issue she’s been avoiding. While her night with Steve had shown her what she truly craved, the fact of the matter is she’s always been curious. Vanilla had never really done it for her, and while she’s always wanted to venture out, there’s a part of her that’s always been ashamed of it. As if there’s something wrong or inappropriate about positioning herself as the capable and driven face of an esteemed Fortune 500 company during the day, but wanting to be taken, all consumingly, in the bedroom at night. It’s a dichotomy she cannot quite reconcile, nor find a partner she trusts enough to help her do so.
Until last week, that is.
“Earth to Natasha.” Loki waves a hand in front of her, chuckling when she shakes her head to focus. “Did you wander off to a different universe?”
If only. “Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night,” she says. “You were saying?”
There’s a touch of suspicion in Loki’s expression as he regards her. “As I was saying,” Loki says, “if we’re expecting our guests to be high-profile individuals, the security here needs to be airtight.”
“Steve’s team can do it,” she says before she can even think twice about it. “At least, I can talk to him about it. See if they have the bandwidth.”
“Ah, yes,” Loki says, craning his neck as he looks around her office. “And where, may I ask, is your broody shadow lingering today?”
“He’s not here,” she says, taking in the way Loki’s brows lift in surprise. “Work errand.”
“A work errand? That’s oddly vague,” Loki says, smirking. “If I had to guess, the man probably had a long night with a-”
“Steve runs a business just like you and me, Loki,” she interrupts before her friend can go any further. “He has a duty to his team to secure the best deals that he can. But even if that’s not what he’s doing right now” – she shakes her head, swallowing down the unsettling feeling that’s suddenly washed over her at the thought – “what he does in his private life is no one’s business but his.”
It's strange, if not a touch troubling to her, how protective she suddenly feels of him. While she already knew that he laid claim to the most mischievous parts of her, she’s only now realizing that he’s wormed his way into the softest, most delicate aspects, too. How or when that happened, she isn’t really sure.
Across from her, Loki just shrugs. “Even so, you have to admit, the man is easy on the eyes.”
With that, she couldn’t argue.
It’s as she’s walking Loki to her door later on after they’ve settled on next steps that her friend turns to her, catching her by the elbow. “Is everything okay, Nat? I make light of it, but don’t think I haven’t noticed how dialed-in you’ve been in the last few days.”
“I’m fine, Loki,” she says, sighing when he stares knowingly at her. “It’s the new job, is all. You know how it is.”
While her explanation is only a half-truth, it didn’t make it any less of a fact. Loki and his sister, Sylvie, had jumped through hoops to prove to their own father that they were worthy of running their own company. If there’s someone who understands the burden of a new seat at the top, it’s him.
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” Loki laments, his expression softening. “Just don’t work yourself to the ground, all right? Unwind every now and then.” A smirk crosses his lips as he adds, “However you would like to.”
“Get out of here,” she says, the two of them sharing a laugh as she gives his shoulder a playful shove.
Loki leaves with a wink, and as the door to her office clicks shut, she slumps back down on the couch. While she had many siblings, it’s only with Loki that she’s felt that familial bond with. Loki was her first true confidant, and while she wishes she could tell him her current predicament, there’s a part of her that just isn’t ready. And it's not because she feared his judgment. In her heart, she knows that if she ever told Loki how she would prefer to unwind, he would be the last person to shame her. What she needs to grapple with here is herself. Specifically, her lack of acceptance of the part of herself that wants another surreptitious escape with Steve. For him to put her on her hands and knees and pull on her hair as he brings her to her crest. And then after, to do what she wishes he had that night, which was to scoop her into his arms, take her to her bed, and kiss her until they both drifted off.
Her hands come up to her face as she groans, longing for all these things – all these things that just don’t seem to go together. And, more importantly, the very things she can’t have with him.
With a huff, she sits up. Maybe she couldn’t get a grasp on that version of her, but she could focus on the one she actually had a handle on. The version of her that was brought up to run this company, to take care of the people who kept this well-oiled machine running. She reaches for her phone, scrolling through her contacts until she finds the number of her favorite bakery.
By the time she hangs up, she’s scheduled two cakes to be delivered to Wanda’s as a congratulations for her boys. The task isn’t much, but on a day like today, she counts completing it as a win.
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By the second week, her yearning begins to taper. She wishes she could say it was because glancing Steve’s way didn’t make warmth spread across her chest any longer, but in reality, she’s convinced it’s only because wanting him has just become part of her personality as much as craving success and liking the color red has. But she has a grip on it enough that she and Steve resume their Wednesday ritual at the gym, and though she has to put in extra effort to remember to breathe every time he touches her to correct her form or demonstrate a new maneuver, she’s glad that the physical exertion wears her down enough to let her drift off once she’s finally made it to bed.
Her imagination, on the other hand, has been a completely different story. It’s as vivid as ever, running amuck, and as Steve accompanies her to her various functions, she sometimes catches herself wondering what it would be like to not only have him be the man looking out for her, but also the man on her arm, supporting her.
Much like she’s doing right now, as he follows close behind her as she enters the double doors of the ballroom of The Empire, Red Guardian’s crown jewel in New York. The fundraiser for the orphanage has barely started, but the room is already brimming with guests, and she need not glance back to know that Steve’s eyes are already surveilling the room, looking for possible threats and taking stock of exit routes.
“Miss Romanoff,” a young albeit tall brunette greets with a smile. “Thank you for joining us. May I take your coat?”
“Please,” she says, shedding the candy red coat she’d thrown on for the evening. “Thank you, Kate.”
Kate smiles at the recognition, handing her a coat check tag before ushering both her and Steve further inside. The ballroom is abuzz with conversation and the voice of a blues singer crooning softly, the air laced with a mix of expensive cologne and the most decadent of hors d'oeuvres. At the center, couples pack the dance floor, covering every inch of it that, if not for the fact that she had done the final review of the details for this event, she would be none the wiser about its existence.
She takes in their swarmed surroundings, turning to Steve with a smile. “Everyone’s here.”
For a moment, he doesn’t respond, and she realizes it’s because he’s fixated on her dress – taking in every detail of the strapless number she had selected for the evening, the white material adorned with red, pink, and yellow petals as it cinches at her waist and falls just a few inches above her knees. When his eyes finally meet hers, she swears his gaze looks darker around the edges, and she has to look away briefly to calm the little flutter she feels in her stomach.
“Yeah,” Steve finally says, “turnout looks excellent.”
“Daisy sent me an update on the donation figures just before we got here. We’ve already topped last year’s haul for the orphanage and the night’s barely begun.”
Steve’s lips quirk up in a smile. “It’s really great what you’re doing for them. That place, those kids… they’re lucky to have you as their advocate.”
“I was lucky to have that place,” she says. “I always go back to the first moment I met Alexei and Melina. That… hopefulness that they’d choose me. And then to find out that they did?” She sighs. “I just hope all of those children get to experience that.”
“With the help of your work, they will,” he says, prompting her to smile. “And for what it’s worth, your parents were always going to choose you, Nat.”
She eyes him skeptically. “You seem oddly sure about that.”
“Believe me,” he says softly, “resisting you is the hardest thing in the world.” An effervescence spreads across her chest at his words, but before she can respond, a waiter stops by their side, offering them both a glass of champagne. She takes one flute off the tray while Steve politely declines, and it’s only when they’re alone once more that he leans forward, his hand finding the small of her back as he whispers in her ear, “Has anyone told you how sexy you look tonight?”
Want races through her veins, hot and heavy, as she takes a sip of her drink. He’s so close to her now that she can smell his aftershave, and she knows that if she turns to look at him, it’ll take nothing short of a miracle to not pull him in. It takes her a second to find her voice, but even when she does, it’s lower than usual. “First I’m hearing of it.”
“This dress…” His hand flexes behind her, his touch light as a cloud as he caresses the fabric. “It’s almost as beautiful as the woman wearing it.”
A shiver runs down her spine. Breathe, she reminds herself, looking out into the distance in an attempt to steady her thrumming pulse. As she does, she catches a glimpse of one of the couples on the dance floor, the woman’s eyes falling shut as the man pulls her even closer to him, leaning his forehead against hers.
“Do you ever wish that were us?” Steve turns slightly at the question, following her line of sight. “Because I do,” she confesses, looking at him now. “All the time.”
His growl is quiet as his eyes find hers, but she hears it just the same. “Natasha…”
“Natasha! There you are.”
She’s not sure whether to be frustrated or relieved by the interruption, but she does not get much time to ponder her answer because the second she turns, she finds Eleanor Bishop, one of Red Guardian’s long-standing board members, approaching.
Steve takes a step back from her, and quickly, she plasters on a smile. “Eleanor, hello.”
“Marvelous event,” Eleanor says, gesturing towards the room.
“Isn’t it?” she says. “We inked a new events partnership with Mischief Inc. recently. They’ve done a phenomenal job.”
“As have you,” Eleanor says, scoffing when she begins to wave off the praise. “I know a Natasha Romanoff event when I see one, so don’t you even. Many people would have gawked at the idea of waiving the rate for the ballroom tonight.”
“Short-term loss for long-term gain,” she says with a shrug. “Any smart business person would’ve done it.”
“Oh, honey,” Eleanor says, all but scoffing. “When everyone’s out to make quick money, that’s just not true.”
“Eleanor, I can assure you that under my watch, Red Guardian will be focused on the long game.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Eleanor says. “I can’t wait to see what you do out in Vegas.”
She’s in the middle of sharing more plans for the upcoming opening when Eleanor abruptly excuses herself, muttering something about keeping her fiancé in check. As they part ways, she continues to move through the room, Steve never more than a few steps behind her as she stops to mingle with the various guests in attendance, charming her way through the conversation until whoever has their checkbook out doesn’t even realize they’re adding another zero.
It’s as she’s just finished listening to yet another venture capitalist opine about their new super yacht that her eyes wander across the room, landing once again on the couples on the dance floor. She zeroes in on the pair whispering sweet nothings to one another as they sway. Taking in the woman’s heated gaze as the man pulls away from her, she can only wonder about their exchange. If he had suggested that they leave, promising to worship her the second they were out of sight. The thought makes her shudder.
“Natasha, are you okay?” She hadn’t realized just how closely Steve had been following her until his question prompts her to spin around and nearly collide with his chest. Concern paints his features, and she takes a step back. “Are you cold?”
“No, I’m fine,” she says, shaking her head as if that will set her right. “Excuse me, I have to run to the ladies’ room.”
When she slips into the bathroom, she checks each stall, and content with the confirmation that she’s alone, she stops in front of the sink, staring at her reflection. “Fuck,” she mutters, flipping the tap on and running her wrists under the stream before letting out a frustrated sigh. One man shouldn’t be able to throw her off-kilter this way, especially not after a single night. She’s Natasha Romanoff. Against the odds, she has proven to a board full of vultures that she, and not her spiteful siblings, is the rightful successor to their father. That she can lead and take charge of the largest real estate portfolio known to man. When it comes to business, she is fearless. She knows what she wants and she isn’t afraid to do what she needs to do to get it. Certainly, she’s more unflappable than this.
Just not, apparently, when it comes to the man she wants – the very man she can’t have.
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That fucking dress was going to be the death of him.
That’s the only thing Steve can think about as he follows Natasha out of the ballroom. Her coat is draped over her shoulders again, but it doesn’t matter. He had gotten a good enough look as he watched her chat her way through the room tonight, the damn thing clinging to her body in all the right places that if he hadn’t already studied the building’s blueprint last night, he’d be seriously concerned about his ability to execute his duties.
For the last two weeks, he’s succeeded at keeping a relative distance from her. That is, settling for being close enough to protect her, but not as close as he truly wanted to be. And he gave himself credit for that. When it took every ounce of restraint he had to keep himself from pulling her in every time she so much as glanced his way, that little smile playing on her lips, he counted remaining rooted in place as a win. When every time she sat in a meeting that went on a little too long, her mind drifting off slightly as she tapped her perfectly manicured nails on the glass of the conference table – reminding him of the way those same nails had dug into his scalp as he buried his face between her thighs, making her cry out – he took his ability to bat away the memory as a sign that maybe, just maybe, they could pull off going back to business as usual.
All those minuscule wins of his, erased by one intricately stitched piece of fabric.
As they approach the elevator bank, he’s reminded of the remark he’d made in the ballroom earlier, of how beautiful her dress was – of how beautiful she was. He had meant every word, and while he didn’t regret letting her know just how stunning she looks tonight, he still chastises himself internally for placing himself right on that slippery slope.
“What time does your shift end?” Natasha asks, stopping short of pressing on the elevator’s call button.
He glances briefly at his watch. “Your night guard should already be in the lobby.”
“Guess that means you’re off the clock, then?”
Natasha chews on her bottom lip. “Have a drink with me?” she asks, and taking in the skeptical look he knows crosses his features, she adds, “We can talk about Vegas.”
Every bone in his body tells him to say no. He’s already faltered once tonight. Surely, adding alcohol to the mix isn’t going to make it any easier for him to prevent himself from doing so again. Instead, he should head home, dive right back into the stack of paperwork he has on his coffee table. Or better yet, head to the gym. Go a few rounds in the ring until he’s expelled every image of her in this dress from his mind and every drop of desire he has for her from his body.
But that would be futile. He knows this for a fact because ever since that night, that’s all he’s been trying to do. But Natasha Romanoff is under his skin, and he hasn’t a clue how to get her out.
He must have stood there silently for too long because before him, Natasha suddenly shakes her head. “You know what? Forget I said anything,” she says. “You must have plans-”
“I don’t,” he interrupts, surprising them both. “I’d love to get a drink with you.”
The smile that breaks out on her face is infectious as she turns to call up the elevator. A few seconds later, the doors ping open, and he follows her inside. “Rendezvous at the top floor, Northeast corner,” he says into his earpiece as the car begins to ascend.
He hears the response within a split second. “Copy that. Heading your way.”
Natasha arches a brow. “James?”
“I didn’t realize Clint put in nights as well.”
“We do our best not to put him in rotation,” he says, “but with his wife and kids out of town, he said the quiet in his house was driving him crazy.”
They both chuckle at that, and in that moment, it occurs to him that maybe this is what he needs to focus on to ensure he is on his best behavior, to remind himself that there are people like Clint who have a family to support. That there are people whose livelihoods depended on him and on his ability to run this operation just like every other contract they have.
There’s a hum in the air when they arrive at the rooftop, and as the maitre d’ escorts them further into the back, his eyes scan the room. All around, patrons huddle in their own little alcoves, conversing and sipping on top shelf liquor under the dim lighting. They settle at a private table in the back, and as Natasha slides into the booth, he spots Clint stationed by one of the pillars. With a nod at his colleague, he follows behind her.
“Thank you for agreeing to cover Vegas, by the way,” Natasha says once their server sets their drinks down.
“Pretty sure I’m the one who should be thanking you,” he says, reaching for his Scotch. “You’re the one bringing the added business to us.”
“I know you don’t like to be away from your dad for long, is all,” she says, her finger circling the rim of her Vodka soda. “And like you said, Clint has a wife and kids. Sam has a sister and nephews. James…”
“Has a dog,” he fills in for her, nodding when her brows shoot up in surprise. “Roscoe.”
She giggles, the sound making his own lips curl in a smile. “For some reason, in my mind, I always thought he’d be a cat person.”
“Don’t be fooled,” he says. “He may act all aloof, but deep down, he enjoys that Roscoe needs him.”
“Noted,” she says, still grinning. “Regardless, thank you. I know you all give up a lot to protect me.”
There are many reasons why he craves this woman the way his lungs crave air, but it’s this, the kindness and compassion she has for everyone around her, that sits atop of the list. “You’re worth it,” he says softly, watching as she looks down in an attempt to hide the flush that colors her cheeks. “Besides, I’m sure the old man wouldn’t mind having a few days off from me nagging him to hit the gym.”
“You are a hardass at the gym,” she says, chuckling at the withering glare he shoots her way. “Have you ever been to Vegas?”
“Once,” he replies. “The scene over there isn’t really my thing.”
Her eyes light up with intrigue, and she shifts closer to him. “What is your thing, Steve?”
He stills when he feels the slight brush of her thigh against his, but the answer to her question comes to him almost instantly. You. But that’s not an answer you give your client. It’s not even one you give to a friend. So instead, he brings his drink to his lips, taking a sip as he contemplates his response.
“Consistency,” he finally says, “whether that’s with how I execute a job or how I go about my workout plan. Now, some people” – he smirks when she tips her chin up in challenge, her eyes narrowing at him – “find that stringent, but I think it helps me appreciate the outcomes more.”
Natasha’s gaze travels from his face, to his shoulders, and then down to his arms. “Trust me, you’re not the only one that appreciates those.”
“Natasha.” It’s the second time he’s said her name in warning in a matter of hours, but it’s a frivolous one at best, and they both know it.
Guilt races through her features. “I’m sorry,” she says, bringing her head to her hands. “I don’t mean to make your job any harder than it already is.” She sighs. “It’s just the last couple of weeks… They’ve been a struggle for me.”
“Hey,” he says, moving even closer to her, his hand falling to where the hem on her dress falls above her knee. He’s playing with fire now, but he’ll be damned if he lets her think that she’s alone in this affliction. “It’s been hell for me, too.”
“Doesn’t seem that way,” she whispers, and it kills him, how genuine the look in her eyes is as she stares up at him. As if keeping away from her could be anything but agony.
“Looks can be deceiving,” he says, running his thumb across her skin as he leans in. “How can I not be in hell when the mere thought of you…” He shakes his head. “Has me hard every goddamn time, Nat.”
Her glossy lips part at his words, her chest rising as she takes in a breath, and the only thing he can think about is how much he wants to lean down even further to trail kisses down the column of her throat, to nip at her pulse in the way that drives her crazy. His other hand tightens around his glass, so much so that he’s surprised it doesn’t shatter in his grasp.
Her eyes are brimming with desperation when he leans away, and he doesn’t need a mirror to tell him that his own are, too. “But nothing’s changed, has it?”
It would be so easy to tell her she’s wrong. To pull her in, and once and for all, end this mutual misery they’ve apparently been cohabitating in for the last two weeks. It’s all he wants, and yet, the truth remains. He sighs. “I’m never going to stop needing you to be safe.”
The way his words cause sadness to cloud her eyes is nothing short of devastating. Nevertheless, he finds that he means every word just as much, if not more, than when he first said it at her place that night. Only this time, doing what he has to do – the right thing – has become that much more difficult because he can feel his will dwindling, slowly but surely unraveling at the seams. It’s one thing to want to map every inch of her body, to lose himself in her in some vain attempt to satiate his need to know every bit of her sumptuous frame. That’s the easy part. What isn’t easy is the fact that he’s now certain he wants her mind and soul just as much, too.
The waitress brings them a fresh round of drinks, and that seems to be enough for them to leave the subject at that. They spend the next hour talking about anything else – Vegas, the latest documentary he’s been into, her sadness over her favorite bodega closing down. Somewhere along the way, they move onto scrutinizing their fellow patrons, creating stories about them and playfully placing bets on how their nights will end.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t actually bet any money,” he says later on when their drinks are just about done, nodding in the direction of a woman bidding a man goodbye two tables down. “They’re not going home together.”
“Yeah,” she says, looking their way. “Looks like you win.”
“I guess I do,” he says quietly, even when he knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. When he wants her as much he does, not being able to have her feels like the biggest loss there is.
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If affirming his need to keep her safe that night at her fundraiser was supposed to do anything, making wanting her any less was apparently not on that list. In the week that follows, Natasha’s schedule grows brutal in a way it’s never been since he’s come to work for her. With the opening of the nightclub and their impending trip to Vegas nearing, she’s all business as she and her friend and business partner, Loki, comb through every detail as thoroughly as they can. Despite that, as he shadows her from one commitment to the next, he finds himself longing for her more than ever.
It frustrates him if only for the fact that it doesn’t make any sense. If she’s not in a meeting, she’s shuffling across town trying to get to the next one, all while taking calls and shooting out emails in between. She barely has time to scarf down the lunch Daisy adamantly insists she eats everyday, much less talk to him. He hasn’t a clue what it is about seeing her this way that makes his mind continue to wonder about things it shouldn’t, but it does just the same.
Every single time she’s gotten her way in a meeting, the second it’s over, he’s wanted nothing more than to push her up against the wall of her office. When she presented the final plans for the Red Room – the name for the nightclub that she and Loki had settled on – he felt his heart just about ready to burst with pride seeing her win over even the most skeptical of board members. Then, at the end of each day, as she sits in the back of the SUV, nearly drifting off in exhaustion as they head back home, it’s only by a feat of strength that he’s kept himself from reaching out to her, from pressing his hands into her tense shoulders and dusting a kiss to her neck.
Hindsight being what it is, he realizes how superbly idiotic it was of him to think that giving into her once was going to miraculously get her out of his system. While she had become the star of his fantasies only shortly after he met her, now that he knows what she tastes like and what it feels like to have her in his arms, those images have only grown more crazed in his mind, more specific. And no matter what he does, what he forces himself to remember is at stake, he cannot, for the life of him, get her out of his head. His entire existence has ostensibly become a practice in resisting her, and for the sake of his sanity, he opts to take it one day at a time instead of wondering about just how long he can continue to withstand it all.
Days before they’re set to leave for Vegas, he follows Natasha into the elevator of her building. It’s two hours later than when they had intended to get back, but given how the last week has gone, he’s hardly going to complain.
“Daisy, I don’t care if he offers to unearth the Strip and carry it to the lobby,” Natasha says into her phone just as he leans back against the rail and the doors slide closed. “We’re keeping the guest list tight, so please tell Mr. Hammer that if he insists on taking every person in his entourage, Tao at the Venetian is very much still open.” With a thank you to her assistant, she hangs up, and in seconds, she toes off her heels, moaning in relief as her feet sink into the plush carpet. “Oh, thank God.”
“Natasha Romanoff without heels on,” he says, a smirk crossing his lips. “Someone alert the press.”
Despite her exhaustion, she manages to chuckle. “Be glad I’m too tired to hit you right now,” she says. “Besides, nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“Well,” he says, bending down to pick up her shoes. “If I remember correctly-”
The words die at the tip of his tongue the second he scoops her heels up by their straps, his throat growing dry as he takes in the shining black leather and the thin yet sky-high stilettos – the very same pair she had worn when he had let his desire for her topple his self-control. When he looks up at Natasha, the heat in her eyes is enough to tell him that she, too, is thinking back to that same night, all those weeks ago.
“Didn’t have to take them off then,” she whispers.
As she says that, he’s reminded of the way these heels had dug into the surface of her desk, screeching against the wood as he hiked her legs up and his fingers delved into the hot clutch of her body, making her keen. He swallows at the memory. “No,” he says, his voice sounding strained as he slowly, and almost hesitantly, hands her shoes back to her. “No, you didn’t.”
The elevator dings, signaling their arrival on her floor, and he nearly huffs out a breath of relief as they both exit. As he’s done every night, he walks her to the door of her suite, only this time, as they both linger outside, it’s as though the frame looms large.
Natasha leans against the door, her hand falling to the knob. “Steve…”
The way she says his name, like an invitation back into their lustful bubble, causes his hands to ball at his sides. “Natasha.”
His body aches with want as he stands before her, his hands desperate to curl around her hips and pull her flush to him. He wants nothing more than to kiss her breathless, carry her inside, and spread her out on her sheets, bound and begging – the way he knows she likes. The way he knows they both crave. And with one twist of the knob and a step inside, he could make all of that happen.
But then there would be the aftermath. Unlike that first night, he doesn’t think he has the wherewithal to walk away. Because he knows now that it’s not just sex with her. It never was. When all is said and done and they're both sated, he’ll still want the rest of her, too. And that’s something he knows he can’t have.
It’s with that thought that he lets out a wistful sigh. “You look great in those shoes,” he says, his eyes drifting to where they’re still dangling from her other hand before looking back at her. “And if it’s any consolation, you’ll be wearing them when I get home, too.”
The last thing he sees as he turns to leave is the way her lips part, her green eyes glimmering with unbridled desire. And as he makes his way back down the hall, he finds himself inwardly cursing. He’s not sure who it is that said time makes everything easier, but one thing he knows for certain is that whoever it is, is a bald-faced liar. All these weeks haven’t made resisting Natasha any easier, not one bit. It’s harder. So much harder.
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The nerves hit her a few days before the opening. It’s subtle, so much so that if it weren’t for the fact that he’s spent all this time watching her, it probably would be imperceptible. But from his seat across the aisle from her on the Red Guardian jet, he sees it – the faraway look in her eyes as she stares out the window, her fingers mindlessly twirling the charm dangling from her bracelet.
“Thank you,” he says when the attendant comes up to him, setting down the drink he’d requested. As she leaves, he picks up the cup and rises from his seat to make his way across.
Natasha looks up as he approaches, arching a brow in question when he places the drink in front of her. She peers under the lid to check its contents. “It’s tea.”
He settles down on the seat across from her, doing his best to keep from smiling at the way her lower lip juts out in a pout. “It is.”
“If I wanted to drink wet potpourri, I would just take the pouches in the lavatory,” she says, pushing the cup away from her before crossing her arms over her chest. “I’d rather have-”
“Watermelon Sour Patch Kids,” he finishes for her, shaking his head when her face lights up. “I know, but sugar will only make the jitters worse.” A mix of surprise and what he thinks might be embarrassment colors her expression, prompting her to look away. “Hey,” he says softly, scooting forward in his seat. “Talk to me.”
“It’s nothing,” she says, watching the clouds float by the window. Eventually, she looks back at him, sighing when she finds him still waiting patiently. “I don’t know, I guess there’s just a lot riding on this opening, and now that it’s almost here…” She shrugs. “I just really need this to go well.”
"And it will.”
“You don’t know that. Not for certain.”
“Yeah, maybe I don’t have a crystal ball.” He sighs in concession. “But if the last few weeks are anything to go by, what I do know for certain is that you’ve dotted every I and crossed every T that you can,” he says. “Now it’s time to trust your process. Watch it all play out.”
“Logically, I know that…” she says, resting her hands on the table in front of her before smiling. “I suppose patience has just never been my strong suit.”
“Now, even I know better than to answer that when you have a cup of steaming hot liquid within reach.”
“That you gave me, no less.”
“Clearly, I could learn a thing or two from you about decision-making,” he says, causing them both to chuckle. “Seriously, though. Everything will work out, you’ll see.”
“Yeah,” she says, her tone growing wistful as she quietly adds, “I wish they were here, though.”
There are days where she’s so prolific at masking her grief that it’s difficult to remember that that tragic day wasn’t so long ago. But as he looks at her now, the pain in her eyes clear as day, he’s reminded of how fresh the wound still is, and, as his own experience with loss has shown him, how it will continue to be for quite some time.
“I know it could never be the same,” he says, reaching forward to catch the oval charm of her bracelet between his thumb and forefinger – the same one that her mother had handed down to her when she was younger, and the same one she now keeps a picture of her parents in. “But they’ll always be with you, Nat.”
She nods at that, smiling softly and taking the charm into her own hands as he leans back into his seat. “Hey, Steve?” he hears her call out a beat later. He looks at her, eyes questioning. “I’m glad you’re here,” she says. “I know you’re technically working, but-”
“Natasha,” he interrupts. “There’s no place I’d rather be than right here, watching your six.”
There’s a flutter in his chest as she looks down, her hair falling around her face concealing the smile that was already breaking out on her lips.
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“Don’t you think this is a tad overkill?” Natasha says as they sit in the back of the SUV enroute to the hotel.
He looks to see her eyes panning from Sam, who’s behind the wheel, and then to Bucky in the passenger’s seat. His lip part to respond, but Bucky beats him to it. “It’s really more for Steve. Wouldn’t want him to get his ass kicked out there.”
“Hilarious,” he deadpans as everyone laughs, glaring at Bucky through the rearview mirror as the man smirks in response. He turns back to Natasha. “And since we’re going into new territory this week, the answer is no, it’s not overkill.”
“I guess you’re right,” she says as she looks forward, her brow suddenly arching in what he thinks might be amusement.
It’s as Bucky mutters a curse that he finally looks out the windshield to see the hotel come into view, a swarm of photographers forming a sea of flashing lights right in the roundabout leading to the front entrance of the hotel.
“Jesus,” Sam says, “I thought the opening wasn’t for another three days!”
“It isn’t,” Natasha says, completely unfazed by the scene as she lets out a little chuckle. “Fellas, may I introduce you to Loki Laufeyson’s penchant for everything grandiose and dramatic.”
He presses his lips into a line. “Sam, circle around back-”
“It’s fine,” Natasha says, placing a hand on his arm.
“Are you sure?” he asks, surprised. In the past, she hasn’t cared for the cameras, much less when she’s just trying to check into her own hotel. “We can get you through, but that’s a circus.”
“Normally, I’d say no,” she admits. “But this is all part of Loki’s media coverage plan for the opening. All press being good press and all that.” And then, cracking a smile, she adds, “Unless, of course, you think I’m too hideous to be photographed right now.”
He scoffs at the notion, turning to Sam. “Stay the course.” At his behest, Sam turns into the roundabout, the cacophony of clicks and rumbled voices growing louder as the car comes to a full stop by the entrance. “Vultures,” he says, more to himself than anyone else as he slips his aviators on. With his hand on the door handle, he looks back at Natasha. “Stay behind me, all right?”
“Lead the way,” she says, and despite the ruckus surrounding them, the smile she gives him is so confident and trusting that he can’t help but crack a smile too, momentarily forgetting his annoyance at the situation.
He exits the car first, nodding at the bellhop that motions towards the trunk and finding himself thankful when he sees that someone had at least thought to cordon off a path to the entrance. With the assurance that there’s a clear lane forward, he turns to reach his hand out to Natasha to help her down. The clicks and flashes intensify the second she steps out and into the view of the photographers, and it’s only when he sees Bucky slot in a few steps behind her that he begins to forge his way inside.
“See, now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Natasha teases the second they clear the lobby.
“Still harder than slipping through the back door.”
She sneaks a glance at Bucky. “Is he always such a Debbie Downer?”
“Oh, he can do that all day,” Bucky says.
He narrows his eyes at them both. “If the two of you-”
“Look who finally decided to show up.”
He turns towards the sound of the interruption to see Loki making his way towards them, the man looking ever dapper in a perfectly tailored suit and slicked back hair. “Took you long enough,” Loki says, pulling Natasha into his arms.
“Well, I would have gotten here sooner, but someone unleashed a jungle on my front lawn,” Natasha says as they pull away, jokingly shooting Loki a withering look before pointing her thumbs at him and Bucky. “You may or may not owe these two an apology.”
“Gentlemen, my apologies for making your jobs harder this afternoon,” Loki says, sounding sincere in spite of his light tone. “All a necessary evil, I’m afraid.” He gives Loki a single nod in acknowledgement, and if the man is at all bothered by the curt response, he does not show it as he turns his attention back to Natasha and points towards the elevator bank. “Shall we? Sylvie received some last minute documents from the contractor. There are a few things I wanted to go over.”
Natasha nods, and as she and Loki huddle over a tablet, their discussion already beginning, he leads the way towards the elevators. He’s about to press on the call button when the doors slide open, revealing a single occupant standing at the center, and quickly, he catalogs the stranger’s appearance – taking in everything from his lanky physique to the ruby red lenses of his spectacles that gleam underneath the fluorescent lighting.
The man takes in the scene before him, a smile suddenly breaking out on his face. “Natasha?”
At the mention of her name, Natasha looks up from the screen. “Matt,” she says, her eyes lighting up in recognition. “What are you doing here?”
He watches as the man – Matt, he reminds himself – steps out of the elevator, and he has to move slightly to the side as Matt comes to stand in front of Natasha, leaning down to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
“I had a conference that got postponed at the last minute,” Matt says before looking at Loki. “I was about to dive into some new cases until I saw that Loki sent over an invitation for the Red Room’s opening this weekend.”
He watches as a tinge of surprise paints Natasha’s features, but in a flash, she blinks it away as she turns to smile a little too sweetly at Loki, who shrugs nonchalantly in response. “Far be it for me to gatekeep a good time.”
“Well, I’m glad you could make it,” Natasha says as she turns back to Matt. “It’s been a while.”
“So am I, and it really has. It’s so good to see you,” Matt says before eyeing the rest of them. “The added audience notwithstanding.”
His brows furrow at Matt’s comment, and it is only Natasha’s chuckle that prevents a dagger of a glare from completely forming in his eyes. “I like to keep good company,” she says. “Matt, this is Steve Rogers and James Barnes. Their team will be running security for the opening.”
“We also provide round-the-clock security for Ms. Romanoff,” he says, giving the hand Matt stretches out to him a firm shake.
“I see,” Matt says before placing a hand on Natasha’s arm, his voice growing quiet as he adds, “Is everything okay, now? I know for a while there…”
He’s not sure why Matt’s words only stoke his mounting annoyance – the man is showing concern for Natasha, after all. And yet, something about this person being privy to something so personal about her makes him feel as though there’s a steel ball lodged in his chest.
“So far, so good,” Natasha says, shifting to meet his gaze for the briefest of moments as she adds, “helps to know someone’s watching your six.”
His lips threaten to quirk upwards in a smile at her words, and he looks away in an attempt to hide it just as Matt hums in response. “I’m glad things are looking up then,” Matt says before glancing at his watch. “I was actually just headed out to meet a few friends, but is there any chance you two are free for dinner?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Natasha begins. “There’s just-”
“We’ll be there,” Loki pipes in, prompting Natasha’s head to whip to him suddenly.
“We can even have it here in the hotel restaurant,” Matt adds, as if sensing Natasha’s reluctance. “That way, you two can get back to work right after.”
Loki beams. “Then it’s settled, we’ll see you this evening.”
“Great,” Matt says before glancing at Natasha once more. “It was great seeing you, Tash.”
“You too, Matt.”
Quickly, he presses a knuckle down on the call button, prompting the elevator doors to slide open once again. He walks in, situating himself in the corner with his back to the wall. Tash?
Bucky mans the panel, and the second they all filter in and the doors close, Natasha turns to Loki, her green eyes glaring. “What the hell was that about?”
“What was what about?” Loki replies all too nonchalantly.
“You know what,” Natasha insists, crossing her arms over her chest. “We barely have enough time as it is, we certainly shouldn’t be wasting it on some dinner.”
“Oh, relax, will you,” Loki says. “I know we have an endless list of things to double and triple check before the opening, but surely even we have to eat.”
“That’s what room service is for.”
“We might be here for business, darling, but it wouldn’t kill you to live a little.”
The ensuing smirk that finds its way to Loki’s lips causes his shoulders to tense, and he watches as an exasperated look paints Natasha’s face. “Loki-”
“Matty Murdock has always had a thing for you, and you know it,” Loki says before she can finish her protestation, and from where he stands, he has to shift on his feet. “And from what I remember of you two in boarding school-”
“Matt is married, ” Natasha says, and he nearly breathes out a sigh of relief at her words.
“Not as of six months ago,” Loki volley back, and he catches the way Natasha takes a step back in surprise at the news. “Look, I’m not telling you to start anything back up with the man, but we are in the City of Sin.” There’s a glint in Loki’s eyes as he suggestively adds, “Have some fun with the handsome devil.”
If Natasha responds, he does not hear it through the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. He looks up at the glowing numbers above the doors, watching them increase with every floor they pass as he bites on the inside of his cheek. While tight spaces hadn’t been a worry for him before, it’s as though the walls are closing in on him now, his chest feeling as though there’s a weight bearing down on it.
The telltale ping of the elevator snaps him back, and the decision comes to him in a flash, his eyes immediately finding Bucky’s as everyone begins to exit. “You got it from here?”
Bucky blinks at him for a second. “Sure…”
“You’re leaving?”
He looks to find Natasha staring at him, a touch of worry in her expression. “Clint wants to go through the security plans a final time.”
“Oh, okay,” she says just as he hits the button for the lobby. “I’ll see you later then?”
“Might be awhile,” he says, “but Sam will be in for the night shift.”
He doesn’t wait for her response, nor does he see it as the doors close and he turns to lean his forehead against the wall, letting out a long and winded sigh.
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“That Ossobuco was the best I’ve ever had,” Loki says as he sets his utensils down on his empty plate. “No wonder the Venetian hates you so much.”
Natasha smirks over her wine glass. It took a lot of convincing and a more than generous compensation package, but her first win in her quest to revamp this hotel was poaching the chef of the Venetian’s Michelin star restaurant away, and if Loki’s comment and the seemingly endless waitlist to get a reservation is any indication, the move’s already paying off in spades. “If they valued their assets enough, they would have paid them what they’re worth.”
“Ever the shark,” Matt says teasingly, smiling at her from across the table.
Next to her, Sharon scoffs. “Are you surprised?”
While she’s known Loki and Matt since her very first day at boarding school, Sharon had become part of their fold when she enrolled a few semesters later. Nevertheless, her spunky, devil-may-care attitude made them fast friends, and while they’ve endeavored to keep in touch, dinners between the four of them have been few and far in between with Sharon running her consulting firm out East. It’s only by a stroke of luck that Sharon’s visit to the country had coincided with the Red Room’s opening.
“I never said it was a bad thing,” Matt says, tipping his glass of bourbon towards her. “Eat or be eaten, right?”
“You know it,” she says, leaning back against her chair as they all share a laugh.
Despite her initial misgivings about this dinner, she’s glad that Loki had all but dragged her to attend. With the Red Room’s impending opening, her nerves have been frayed, and she’s glad for the temporary reprieve the last few hours have brought her as the four of them reminisced about what a handful their quartet had been back in their adolescence. All things considered, it’s nearly a perfect night.
Her eyes wander towards where Steve stands a few feet away, his hands behind his back as he keeps an eye on their surroundings. She didn’t quite know what to make of his abrupt departure this afternoon, or even if there’s anything to make of it. While she had grown accustomed to him accompanying her throughout the day, it’s not as though it’s been written in ink. He, too, had a company to run, and if Clint had something to discuss with him, then that’s something he should be able to attend to without her being overcome with some semblance of dread over his absence.
That’s the reality, and yet there’s a part of her that she can’t quite ignore – the part of her that senses that something’s not quite right. She was glad to see him eventually return, knocking at her door at six on the dot to escort her down to the restaurant. Even so, a silence lingered between them. It’s unusual given that if there’s anything that came easily to them since day one, it’s always been the conversation. And she knows it’s not due to Loki’s added presence, either. Steve’s never been reticent around her friend before, and she doesn’t believe there’s any reason for that to change now.
If nothing else, his sudden lack of words is jarring when just this morning, she thought they had shared a moment on the jet when he had helped alleviate her concerns about the Red Room’s opening and the absence of her parents. What’s shifted since then, she can only guess.
“What’s the deal with you and your bodyguard?”
Sharon’s question interrupts her thoughts, and when she blinks to focus, she sees that her friend has a brow arched at her in question. She steals a glance in front of her to see Matt and Loki engaged in conversation before turning back to Sharon. “Excuse me?”
“The gorgeous dreamboat that follows you around all day,” Sharon clarifies before nodding in Steve’s direction. “You’ve been looking his way ever since we got here.”
“I’ve been looking in that direction because we got intel that the woman seated in the table in front of him is a columnist from La Liste,” she says, reaching for her wine. “Her review could literally make or break this restaurant, so I’ve been trying to gauge her reaction.”
“Are you ever not working?” Sharon quips, to which she only shrugs unapologetically. “So, there’s nothing going on between you and…”
“Steve,” she finishes for her. “And, come on, Sharon, we work together. He’s the head of my security team.”
“And that’s a problem because…”
This time, she’s the one that quirks up a brow. “Do you fraternize with any of your consultants?”
“None of my consultants look like that,” Sharon counters, prompting her to roll her eyes in response. “Do you know anything about him then? Specifically, if he’s seeing anyone?”
“I don’t know,” she says, and she finds herself bothered by the fact that it’s the truth. Sure, they shared a night together a little over a month ago, and while they’ve been sneaking lingering gazes and errant touches in the weeks since, she realizes that she doesn’t actually know what goes on after he leaves. What she does know for certain though, is that the idea of him with someone else feels like a punch to the gut.
“It’s really just work between you two then,” Sharon muses before chuckling. “I have to hand it to you, Romanoff. You’re a better woman than I could ever be. Because if I had someone like that following me around all day?” She shakes her head. “I would get to know him very, very well.”
“Different strokes for different folks and all that,” she mutters, reaching for her drink.
“You wouldn’t mind me getting to know him then, would you?”
Her glass freezes midair at Sharon’s question, and, more saliently, at the suggestive smirk on her friend’s lips. Every cell in her body wants her to tell Sharon the truth – that yes, she does mind. She minds very much. Only, she knows she has absolutely no right to. Steve isn’t something to lay claim over, and even if that were the case, he still wouldn’t be hers. He couldn’t be. And that’s why, despite the unease that settles over her, she plasters on the best smile that she can muster. “Since when do you ask for permission anyway?”
“That’s true,” Sharon says, chuckling as she brings her glass to her lips, downing the rest of its contents in one go.
It’s as they’re saying their goodbyes at the end of their meal that she watches as Sharon makes a beeline for Steve, extending her hand out to him.
“Hi, I don’t think we’ve met,” Sharon says. “I’m Sharon Carter, Natasha’s friend.”
“Steve Rogers,” he says, smiling politely as he shakes her hand. “I’m-”
“The head of Natasha’s security team,” Sharon says, smiling. “She mentioned.”
If Steve is at all impressed by Sharon’s response, she doesn’t see it as Matt comes up to her, a little grin playing on his lips. “So, I was wondering…”
“I’m pretty sure those exact words got us into a lot of trouble way back when,” she quips, eliciting a laugh from Matt.
“Luckily, things have changed a bit since then.”
“Have they really?”
“Hey, I did say a bit,” Matt says before shaking his head. “Anyway, back to that thing I was wondering about… Any chance you’re still very much into ballet?”
She smiles. “Always.”
“Perfect,” Matt says, his face lighting up, “because there’s a show tomorrow at the Smith Center. Come with me?”
“Oh, Matt,” she says. “I would love to, but-”
“But nothing,” Loki interjects, draping an arm over her shoulders. “She’ll be there.”
She looks incredulously up at Loki. “The opening is literally the night after tomorrow.”
“So Sylvie and I will handle the final run-throughs,” Loki reasons. “If anything comes up, we’ll give you a ring. Hand to God.”
“I don’t know…”
“What if we play it by ear?” Matt suggests. “I know you’re busy, but if by the end of the day tomorrow, you happen to find yourself with some time to spare, the offer will still stand then.” He shrugs. “Give me a call, maybe?”
Even with Loki’s offer to cover the rest of the final arrangements, she doesn’t need to check her calendar to know that her schedule is brimming tomorrow. Nevertheless, the unadulterated sincerity in Matt’s tone makes it difficult for her to outright refuse. “Okay,” she says. “I’ll let you know.”
Matt beams. “Perfect.”
The silence is suffocating as she and Steve stand in the elevator as it ascends onto her floor, and as it bleeds into their walk to her suite, she finally turns to him. “Is everything okay?”
Steve shrugs. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Ever since you left in a hurry this afternoon, you’ve been off,” she notes, catching the way he steals a glance at something over her head. She looks back to see that Sam is already on the other end of the hall, the man dutifully staring forward, presumably to give them some semblance of privacy. With a sigh, she lowers her voice. “You know you can talk to me, right? Whatever it is.”
A litany of emotions paint his face, and for a moment, she’s hopeful that he’ll finally let her in on whatever it is that’s been bothering him. Instead, she’s disappointed to see him shake his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course not,” she says, feeling a little like she’s just been slapped in the face. She turns to continue walking, but sensing his presence still behind her, she looks back at him. “Sam’s down the hall. You can go now.”
She doesn’t bother to check his reaction – if he even has any – as she begins to make her way to her suite. Once inside, she leans back against the door, tipping her head back and closing her eyes.
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“Comms check. Confirm eyes on Red. Over.”
“Affirmative,” Steve says. “I have eyes on Red.”
As Clint acknowledges his response, he looks back towards the sea of flashing lights just a few feet away, watching as Natasha smiles for the cameras with one hand poised at her waist. Behind her, the logo of the Red Room glows crimson, providing a stark contrast to the jet-black two-piece number she had selected for the evening.
To say that his breath had gotten caught in his throat when he knocked on her door this evening to escort her to the rooftop would be an understatement. The second she pulled open the door of her suite and he laid eyes on her, for a beat there, it’s as though he had forgotten how to breathe altogether. From the deep V of her sleeveless blazer that showed off her perfect, alabaster skin to the satin dress pants that accentuated her shapely legs, there was no question that her suit was tailor made for her. She had kept her makeup light for the evening too, settling for darkened lashes that somehow made her green eyes look brighter and a light pink gloss on her already luscious lips. He isn’t certain how she managed to look both ethereal and still every bit the powerful CEO that she is, but just the sight of her was almost enough to make him forget the tension that’s built between them since arriving in Vegas.
Only, he can’t, and as he spots Matt making his way up the red carpet towards Natasha, pulling her in for a hug once he reaches her, he remembers why. As Matt and Natasha pose for pictures together, he shifts his weight on his feet, doing his best to prevent a scowl from forming on his face. Truth be told, if there’s tension between him and Natasha now, he knows he had precipitated it. To see her interact with Matt in the lobby when they arrived – that is, to witness the familiarity Matt had with Natasha and her life – was one thing. But once he caught wind of their history as Loki had all but encouraged Natasha to seek Matt out while they were in town, the very idea of Natasha with someone else had caused a hot streak of jealousy to singe its way down his entire being. Misplaced as the emotion was, he knew he needed to get out of there, which is why he had made up some lame excuse about having to meet with Clint.
A walk had done wonders to calm him down. With his emotions in order, he had found the courage to make it back to her floor in time to escort her down for dinner, fully intending to apologize to her for his behavior once he got the chance. But as luck would have it, as they were leaving the restaurant, he heard Matt ask her to the ballet. If she had accepted the invitation happily, he doesn’t know. Before he could hear her reaction, Sharon, her friend, had come up to him to introduce herself.
Not that it mattered. By the time he and Natasha had made it to the elevator, that unsettling feeling had returned to his gut, and though he felt terrible about the hurt look that crossed Natasha’s face at his curt response to her question about what was bothering him, all he could focus on was the idea of her potentially spending more time with Matt. But his premonition hadn’t been wrong, it seemed. By morning, when Daisy had emailed Natasha's agenda for the day, he saw that she had the entire evening blocked out for the ballet.
If there was any saving grace, it was that he wasn’t her night guard. And while he thought that avoiding the sight of Natasha and Matt together would provide him some sort of reprieve, his mind had other ideas. He had thought to sublimate at the gym, but it was to no avail. It didn’t matter how many times he pounded his fists into the sand-filled bag before him, no amount of force could exorcise the images of Matt peeling Natasha out of her dress from his mind.
As he focuses his attention back towards the carpet, he watches as Natasha begins to walk towards the entrance of the Red Room, and he grits his teeth when he sees the hand Matt places on the small of her back. With a sigh, he turns to follow them. He’d lost count of the number of night watches he’d done during his tenure in the Army, but somehow, something tells him that this night would shape out to be the longest of his life.
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“What’s Red’s shithead of a brother doing here?”
From his position by the bar, he looks towards where Clint is stationed up on the balcony, his arms resting against the metal rails as he keeps an eye on the teeming crowd from up above.
“Which one?” Bucky asks from somewhere by the dance floor.
Sam scoffs. “Does it matter?”
“I guess not,” Clint concedes, “but I hope his business acumen is better than his dancing. If not, Red’s really holding this entire family up.”
“He’s here because he can’t resist a photo op and because the board doesn’t want the press to know that there’s a rift amongst the siblings,” Steve says, his tone clipped. “And keep the line clear.”
As a cacophony of apologies fill his ear, he mutes his microphone before huffing out a breath. There’s a part of him that knows that he’s being unfair to the team. His foul mood has nothing to do with their banter – usually, their snarky back-and-forth made working shifts like this fly by – and all to do with the fact that he chose to be in the field today of all days.
The thought is one he finds himself lamenting as he turns his gaze to his left, to where Natasha is sitting on one of the oversized couches, nursing a Martini as she chats with Loki and a group of their friends. Matt sits next to her, one arm draped around the back of the couch, and he doesn’t miss the way the man’s fingers caress Natasha’s bare shoulder every now and then. Much as he’d like to look away, he can’t. Regardless of how much the sight causes his blood to boil, it's his job to watch her. Even so, every single time he catches the gesture, he can’t help but curse his inability to stay put. He could have been the type of business owner that kept to balancing the books and negotiating their contracts, but because he’s physically incapable of remaining within the four walls of his office, he’s left with no choice but to watch another man do the one thing he wishes he could: touch the woman he’s absolutely crazy about.
It's then that reality crashes over him like a ton of bricks. Everything from his fetid mood to the tension that’s found a home seemingly in every muscle in his body since they walked into the hotel lobby a few days ago has nothing to do with Matt Murdoch specifically. And, despite what he’s been trying to convince himself of these past few days, it doesn’t even have anything to do with the history Matt shared with Natasha. The latter was none of his business, and when it came to the former, he barely knows the man outside of what he’s heard about his life in passing during what felt like the longest elevator ride of his life. Surely, what little he does know about him isn’t enough to warrant the hate he feels coursing through him every time he sees him.
But as he watches Matt lean in to whisper something in Natasha’s ear, causing her to laugh, he realizes that what he’s truly envious of are the possibilities Matt has. If Matt wanted to and Natasha was so inclined, he could wine and dine her. Matt could take Natasha’s hand and intertwine their fingers as he guided her through a crowd. The two of them could be out in the open together and no one would bat an eye. With them, being together would have zero consequences – the complete opposite of what it would be like for him and Natasha.
He swallows the sudden tightness that’s formed in his throat, and he peels his eyes away from Natasha for a second as he taps on his earpiece again. “Stepping off,” he says, already turning. “Sam, take my 20.”
“You got it, Cap.”
With Sam’s confirmation, he weaves his way through the crowd and towards the back of the club before slipping into the bathroom. At the sink, he splashes his face, repeating the action once, twice, and then another time in hopes that the frigid water will temper the bitter cocktail of longing and jealousy still burning its way through his entire being. When it doesn’t, he curls his hands around the sink, groaning in frustration and wanting nothing more than to rip it right off the wall.
Natasha isn’t his to covet. He has absolutely no right to feel this way – especially when it was he who had told her that being together would only compromise her safety. And yet, the very idea of her with someone else feels like a blade slicing right through his chest. The risks are crystal clear in his mind, and while he knows he won’t be able to live with himself should they ever play out, it’s as though his heart outright refuses to accept the reality.
He looks up at the mirror before him, studying his reflection, and while his face is hardened by the impasse he finds himself trapped in, somewhere in there he recognizes parts of the man he still is. The man who, regardless of the circumstances, always does the right thing. Who puts the people he cares about first. And while he may be at a crossroads now, what’s clear to him is that he needs to find a way to go back to completely being that man. For that man would never jeopardize the livelihoods of his peers. And, above all, that man would never let anything get in the way of protecting the woman who’s covertly clawed her way into his heart – his feelings be damned.
It's with that newfound determination that he lets go of the sink, shuts the water off, and dries his face. As he exits, he reaches for his earpiece. “On my-”
“Fancy running into you here.”
He looks up to find Sharon standing there, looking elegant in a little black dress and her pin-straight mane falling down her shoulders like a golden curtain. He musters a smile. “Sharon, hi. Nice to see you again.”
“Likewise,” Sharon says, her lips coyly curling upwards. “I was actually hoping you’d be here tonight.”
“Is that right?”
Sharon nods, tilting her head to the side. “Any chance I could interest you in joining me for a drink?”
“Sharon,” he says, chuckling quietly as his gaze falls momentarily to his feet. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m on the clock-”
“Oh, come on,” Sharon says, taking a step forward so that mere inches separate them. “We’re at the hottest new nightclub in Vegas. Surely, even the big strong bodyguard can have a little fun.” Her hand falls to his arm, curling around his bicep as she stands on the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, “Besides, your boss is pretty preoccupied right now, so I doubt she’ll mind.”
“Oh, excuse me.”
The voice is one he could recognize anywhere, and as he and Sharon turn towards the sound, his eyes widen when he finds Natasha standing there, appraising them both.
“Pardon the interruption,” she says, shooting them both the most saccharine of smiles. “I’ll find another bathroom.”
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The techno beat pulses throughout the room, but Natasha doesn’t hear it through the sound of her own heart beating in her ears. She doesn’t really have a destination in mind as she pushes through the crowd of sweaty bodies, but what she does know is that she has to keep walking, to put as much distance between herself and the scene she just walked in on.
In all honesty, she doesn’t even know why she got up from her seat to begin with. First it was because the drinks that were being passed around the room were all too sweet and brightly colored for her liking. But as she rose from the couch to make her way to the bar, the sight of Sam standing in the spot a few feet away from her that Steve had previously occupied, stopped her in her tracks.
The irony wasn’t lost on her that in a room packed with people, somehow, she was the one fretting for her bodyguard. Absurd as the notion was, though, she decided to go searching on her own anyway – going as far as to let Sam know that he need not follow her when she saw him begin to move when she did. Unease flickered across Sam’s face at her request, but with one sweet smile and a promise to be back soon, he had let her go, no doubt radioing the rest of their team. Her eyes scanned the expanse of the room, searching the sea of bodies all but plastered together as they moved to the beat. Even the massive counter at the bar was filled with patrons, each of them watching as the bartenders put on a show as they poured their drinks. There was a part of her that knew that the sight should make her happy. Without a doubt, the Red Room’s opening was a success, and yet, all she could focus on was how none of these people around her were Steve.
At some point, she had wound up towards the back of the room, a wave of relief washing over her almost instantly when she passed the hall leading to the restrooms to see Steve’s familiar frame. Only the feeling was fleeting, dissipating almost instantly when she saw Sharon so close to him, whispering in his ear. She hadn’t meant to disrupt their moment, but the words had tumbled out of her mouth before she could bite them back, and it’s only by reflex that she managed to plaster on a smile for them both before excusing herself.
As she works to get away from them now, she supposes she shouldn’t be so surprised to have witnessed Steve and Sharon together. After all, Sharon had given her a heads up, and while she hadn’t even noticed her friend leave the little alcove they’d formed back at the couch, if there’s anything she knows about Sharon Carter, it’s that her determination is nothing but staunch. What she hadn’t anticipated, however, was just how much the sight of someone else’s hands on Steve was going to sting – hurting her more than she could have ever imagined.
She’s aware that it’s that very hurt that’s driving her to stop in front of a server now, but she doesn’t care. When her heart feels as though it’s just been ripped out of her chest, if she’s to survive the rest of the night, she needs to numb the feeling away. With that, she grabs a shot glass off the tray, bringing it to her lips and knocking back the contents in a single gulp. It’s only after the alcohol burns a stripe down her throat, momentarily blocking out the images playing in her head that she finds it in her to cross the room, making it back to where Loki and everyone else are still chatting animatedly.
She stalks up to where Matt is still seated, bending down to huskily whisper in his ear, “Dance with me.”
Matt turns her way, a smile breaking out on his lips as he rises from his seat and takes her hand. From the corner of her eye, she catches the brow Loki arches her way, but she ignores her friend as she allows Matt to guide her towards the dance floor. They settle at the center, and as Matt’s hands find their way to her waist, pulling her back flush to his chest, she begins to sway her hips to the beat.
If the music has lyrics, she doesn’t catch them. But it doesn’t matter. This is the type of music that’s meant to be felt, and it’s with that that she surrenders to the rhythm, raising her arm up to wrap it around Matt’s neck, holding him to her. Underneath the neon red lights that illuminate the dance floor, she allows herself to do everything one’s supposed to do at a nightclub. Bump. Gyrate. Hint at what lies ahead once the night ends. She and Matt grind together, and she can’t help but close her eyes when she feels his hold on her only tighten.
“Imagine what Principal Coulson would say if he saw us now,” Matt whispers in her ear, and she feels him smile against her skin as he nuzzles her neck.
“Probably the same thing he said when he caught us by the fountain,” she muses, her lips curling up into a smirk as she leans further into him and turns to catch his gaze as she adds, “That we’re bound to get arrested for indecency one day.”
Matt chuckles. “Far be it for us not to live up to his expectations.”
Before she can respond, Matt turns her, parking his hands firmly at her waist as he smiles down at her. And then he’s leaning down, but just as his face is mere inches away from hers, her hands suddenly come up, landing on his chest and pushing him away. “I’m sorry, Matt,” she says, her eyes wide. “I can’t do this.”
Confusion colors Matt’s expression as she turns away, and vaguely, she hears him call out to her over the music, but she doesn’t dare look back. Instead, she hastens her steps, the air suddenly too thick around her. It’s as though the presence of the crowd is all too much, and she knows she has to get out. Her eyes search for the glowing sign of the nearest exit, and she’s glad when she finds one close by. She turns the corner, stepping into the hall, only to gasp when she feels a hand on her waist, gripping her firmly and pulling her into a darkened room.
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“Did he kiss you?” The question slips out angrier than Steve had intended it to, but with how incandescent he feels, he can’t quite seem to bring himself to care as he backs Natasha up against the door of the storage room, caging her in as he rests his hands on either side of her.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Natasha spits out, her nostrils flaring even as she makes no move to get away. The room is dark, lit only by the light peering in from the hall through the space between the blinds and casting a red tint on the small space. Nevertheless, he sees the ire in her stare as she glares at him. “You’re lucky I didn’t take a swing at you!”
He ignores her remark, gritting his teeth. “Did. He. Kiss. You.”
“What’s it to you?” she says, tipping her chin up in challenge.
Guilt washes over him almost instantly, the fight he had in him suddenly extinguished by her question. Despite the blinding envy rushing through him right now, he knows he has no right to demand answers from her, much less about this. He sighs, his expression softening. “Natasha-”
“Why are you acting like this?” she cuts in.
“How am I acting?”
“Like a jealous ass!” she says, unable to keep her frustration at bay any longer. He looks away, ashamed of how easily she had seen through him. “You’re the one that said we couldn’t be together, remember? That there are too many risks.” When he finally finds the wherewithal to meet her gaze again, he finds himself taken aback to see her expression brimming with mutual guilt. “And I’ve been trying to respect that. But ever since that night, all we’ve been doing is stealing moments where we can, and I go along with it, because you know what? I’d rather have a piece of you than none at all.” Her bottom lip begins to quiver, but she sinks her teeth right into it. “But then out of nowhere, you just push me away-”
“I pushed you away because I couldn’t stand to see you with him!” he finally admits, watching as her eyes widen in surprise. “I watch him with you, watch the way he touches you” – he grits out the last word, his eyes falling shut as the images of her dancing with Matt only moments ago replay in his head like a special kind of torment made just for him – “I see it and it makes me feral because I don’t want anyone else’s hands on you but mine!”
“So what, if you can’t have me, no one can?” she challenges hotly, her brow rising. “You don’t own me, and you definitely don’t get to act like you do just because you want to fuck me!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“Isn’t it, though?” she says. “You can’t tell me that the idea of me with someone else all but sickens you when not half an hour ago, you and Sharon-”
“Sharon? Natasha, nothing happened with her.”
“I saw it,” she says, a scowl forming on her forehead. “I saw her all over you.”
“And if you hadn’t run off, you would have seen me tell her that I wasn’t interested!” he exclaims before scoffing. “God, Natasha, how could I possibly be even remotely interested in someone else when you’ve been on my mind every second of every goddamn day since I met you?” Her lips part at the revelation, and as he looks her right in the eyes, his voice softens. “You’re so far under my skin that I find myself rationalizing all the ways to bend my rules for you, and that scares the shit out of me! Because the rules? They keep me from slipping. And I can’t slip, not with you.” He sighs. “You asked me that night what it’d do to me if something happened to you,” he reminds her. “It’d kill me, Nat. That’s what it’d do. But maybe that doesn’t even matter because resisting you? That might just kill me first.”
“Then stop!” she says, her words almost a plea. She brings her hands up, cupping his face between her hands, and it takes all of him not to melt right into her touch. “Stop resisting me, Steve.” She runs her thumb over his jaw. “You said we couldn’t be together because you’re scared I’ll get hurt, but the only thing hurting me right now is not being with you.”
He shakes his head. “Nat-”
“I miss you,” she says, pulling him closer. “I ache for you. So much.”
“Baby…” His eyes fall shut as he leans his forehead against hers. It’s as though the wind’s been knocked right out of him, taking with it the last vestiges of his will. He knows he should walk away right now, but all he can seem to focus on is how much he’s been aching for her, too. “Fuck,” he mutters, and then he’s leaning down to slant his lips over hers, letting his desire for her consume him whole. He kisses her as though he’s claiming her – allowing himself to pretend, if only for this moment, that she’s his instead of someone he covets – and he can’t help but groan at the intoxicating taste that’s a mix of her cherry lip gloss, tequila, and just her.
When he pulls away, he can’t help but smile as her lips chase his. He leans further away, and she whimpers. “Ssh,” he says, giving her a conciliatory peck before maneuvering them back a step so that her back is against the door once more.
“People will wonder where we are,” she breathes out halfheartedly, watching as he raises an arm to slide the lock shut behind her.
“They’ll wonder where you are,” he corrects. “But don’t worry, we’ll be out soon.” A smirk forms on his lips. “I just need to properly apologize first.”
Her eyes darken. “Do you now?”
His only response is to gently turn her, guiding her until she’s facing the door. “Palms on the door, baby,” he whispers, catching the way her skin prickles at his words as she complies. “Let me show you how sorry I am for acting like a jealous ass.”
She laughs at that, but the sound quickly dies when his hands find her waist, and he hears her breath grow shallow as they begin to move upwards. A shiver wracks her entire body when he presses a kiss just where her ear meets her neck, and the second he cups her breasts, palming her through the material of her top, she moans.
“Is this how you’re going to apologize?” she asks, her voice shaky as she leans her forehead against the frame and his lips brush against the nape of her neck.
He chuckles against her skin before trailing open-mouthed kisses down the column of her spine. “No, Nat,” he says, his hands finding the front of her pants and making quick work of undoing them. A whimper falls from her lips when he pulls the material down to her knees, taking her panties along with it. And as he curls his hands around her hips, she goes pliant under his touch, allowing him to tug her back until she’s almost bent at the waist. With her rear in the air, he kneels behind her, pressing a kiss to each of her cheeks.
“Steve,” she sighs out, craning her head as though she can’t resist looking back at him. “Please-”
Her words dissolve into a moan when he presses his thumbs against her, spreading her open, and he barely contains his growl when he sees how slick she already is between her legs. “This is how I’m going to apologize.”
“Oh, God,” she cries out the second he kisses her throbbing center, his touch like a jolt of electricity through her body as it trembles underneath his ministrations. None of his memories of that night or his fantasies over the past few weeks could compare to having her right now, to losing himself in the decadence of her arousal – she tastes of salt and honey and like the woman he’s been desperate to devour again, and he can’t help but groan as he licks a broad stripe up her sex. He lavishes attention on her clit, and he hears her breathing pick up as he swirls and sucks on the bundle of nerves, his name falling from her lips in quiet little pants as she attempts to keep her voice down. She tries to push her hips back, seeking more contact and whimpering in protest when he holds her firmly in place. Her thighs shake, and coupled with the way her walls are fluttering against his tongue, he can tell that she’s close. He quickens his pace, working over her with deep, firm licks until she shatters with a whine. Even so, he doesn’t relent, pulling her even closer to him until another orgasm bursts over her hot on the heels of the first.
It's when her breathing begins to stabilize that he pulls her panties back up, followed by her slacks. She turns as he rises to his feet, quickly wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Her lips pull up in a dazed smile when they pull away. “I suppose you’re forgiven.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he says, dusting another kiss to her forehead. She looks up at him, her eyes so vulnerable that it pulls at his heart. He cups her face in his hand, running a thumb over the apple of her cheek. “What is it, Nat?”
“Come back to my suite with me.”
This time, he doesn’t even think twice before nodding. He can’t, not anymore.
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“Rogers to Comms, come in. I’m with Red. We’re inbound to base. Does anyone copy?”
The response is swift. “This is Wilson, I copy,” he hears Sam say just as Natasha swipes her keycard through the reader and he follows her through the doorway of her suite. “Making my way over.”
“Negative,” he says, closing the door behind him. “I’ll take the night shift.”
Natasha turns to him, the surprise on her face impossible to miss. He’s never done that before, but the implication of his words – of borrowed time for them – sparks something in her eyes that’s akin to hope. In his ear, Sam’s reply comes a beat later. “Copy that. Wilson out.”
He only manages to slip off his earpiece, tucking it into his pants pocket before Natasha closes the distance between them, her mouth hungrily finding his as she presses him against the nearest wall. He pulls her closer, letting out a moan when she nibbles on his bottom lip.
“Want this off,” she says between kisses, her hands balling around the collar of his shirt in emphasis.
A smile finds its way across his lips as he lets go of her, placing his hands up in front of him as if in surrender. Desire flashes brightly in her stare, causing a bolt of heat to tear right through him as she moves her hands down, her fingers quickly working to rid him of his vest and then his shirt. It’s as she pushes his button-up off his shoulders, baring his torso to her, that her eyes rake hungrily over his bare skin. She swipes her tongue over her lips, huffing out a sigh before looking heatedly back up at him. “You’re infuriatingly beautiful, you know that, right?”
“Look who’s talking,” he says with a scoff.
As she brings her eyes back to his chest, he catches the way her hands twitch, her fingers curling into her palms as though it’s taking a great deal of effort to keep them at her sides. “I-” she begins, only to shake her head. “Need you in my bed. Now.”
He pushes off the wall, letting her lead him past the living space of her suite and through the archway of the bedroom. A devious smirk paints its way across her lips the second they’re inside, and she plants a hand on the bare skin of his belly, pushing gently and walking him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed.
“Sit,” she commands, and even in the darkness of the room, he catches the way her green eyes have all but gone black as he sinks down on the mattress. She struts over to him, the tops of her breasts brushing over his face as she leans in, and like a reflex, he reaches to pull her closer, only for her to step back.
“Nat,” he says, the need to touch her growing only all too consuming.
She wags a finger at him, and as he ticks a brow up at her, he watches in intrigue as she reaches for his belt, undoing the buckle and pulling it out from the loops. She runs her hands through the leather, pulling it taut as if to test its strength. He chuckles quietly. “Didn’t take you for the flogging type.”
“I’m not,” she says, moving to place one knee on either side of him as she sits across his lap. “But never say never.”
She reaches her arms around him, tugging his hands on the mattress, and it’s as she adjusts them behind his back, securing his belt around his wrists, that his lips quirk up. “I thought you liked it when I took control?”
“Oh, I do,” she says, moving off of him again. She takes a step back as she brings a hand to the back of her head, feeling for the pin of her updo. She pulls it loose, and as her hair cascades down her shoulders, she smiles. “But maybe I like it when you lose control for me, too.”
His breath catches in his throat, and he watches as she slides her hands down the front of her blazer, stopping right at the hem. Her fingers find the hook and eye closure, and she makes a show of slowly unclasping it. She undoes one, and then another, working her way upwards until the fabric falls open and sashays down her body, landing behind her with a soft thud and baring her creamy skin to him. From where he’s sitting, he revels in the ravenous look that fills her eyes, feeling himself tenting even more uncomfortably against his pants as he takes in the flat of her belly and the perfect teardrops of her breasts, her rosy nipples tipping upwards as they pebble in the cool air of the room.
She holds his gaze as she moves on to her slacks, unbuttoning it before sliding the zipper down. With a coquettish tilt of her head, she turns around, and then she’s hooking her thumbs into the waistband and causing a groan to rip from the back of his throat as she bends to slip it down her legs along with her panties. He can see the evidence of her arousal shimmering between her thighs, and whether that’s from what he’d done to her up in the Red Room or simply from the show she’s putting on for him now, he doesn’t know. Nor can he bring himself to care as his mouth waters.
She’s about to step out of her heels when she pauses, stealing a glance back at him. “Oh, I almost forgot,” she says, smirking. “You like when I keep these on, don’t you?”
“I do,” he tries to reply coolly, but his voice betrays him. She saunters back to him, her hips swaying with her every step before she moves to straddle him. As she does, he feels the warmth of her sex against him, and with a growl, he strains against his belt. “Natasha.”
“You said you weren’t going to touch me again,” she coos, desire crackling hotly in her eyes even as her mouth forms into a petulant pout. Her hands find his shoulders, and she dusts a kiss to his jaw. “Luckily, I didn’t make the same promise when it comes to you.”
“I think we both know I didn’t make good on that.”
“Maybe not, but you did make me wait,” she counters, flattening her palms against his chest. “God, Steve, do you have any idea how much I’ve been needing this?” She shakes her head, leaning in closer. “Ever since that night, I’ve been dying to feel you again…” Her lips begin to follow the trail of her hands, staining his skin with the remnants of her gloss as they graze each of his pecs and then every plane of his sculpted abs. “To touch every inch of you.” Her hands slide even lower, brushing past the light patch of hair below his navel, and he lets out a grunt when she cups the outline of his erection through his pants. “I mean, it’s only fair, isn’t it?” she muses, looking up at him from underneath the fan of her lashes as she undoes the button, “seeing as there isn’t a part of me you haven’t touched.”
A grunt – loud and feral – slips from his lips. “Nat,” he says, her name sounding both like a warning and a plea all at once. But then she slides a hand past the waistband of his boxers, and he throws his head back. “Fuck, fuck.”
“You know, I tried,” she says as she curls her fingers around the base of him, causing his hips to arch off the mattress as she squeezes. With her other hand, she hooks his chin between her thumb and forefinger, pulling his head back so she can slant her lips over his. “I tried to be… good.” She begins to stroke him, his breath picking up with every languid slide of her hand up and down his length. “I tried to play by your rules. Keep you out of my mind.” She pulls away from him, sighing. “But I remember everything.”
“What… what do you remember?” he manages to sputter out between heavy breaths.
“I remember how you touched me,” she purrs, making him hiss as her thumb runs over the head of him, gathering the wetness that’s formed before shuttling her hand back down. “I remember how you felt inside of me…” His entire body grows rigid at wantonness that fills her tone as she says that, and another curse falls unbidden from his lips. “The way you filled me and stretched me… ruining me for everyone else.”
“Jesus, Nat,” he swears, feeling the sweat beginning to form on his brow as he pants. “I-”
She cuts him off with another bruising kiss. “I remember what you taste like, too,” she says, making him whimper. “I want to taste you again.” She cups his cheek with her other hand, tracing his bottom lip. “Do you want that, baby?”
“Yes,” he says, not caring one bit that he’s begging now. “God, yes. Please, Nat. Please.”
With a final kiss to his lips, she lets him go, sinking down to her knees right between the spread of his legs. She makes quick work of pulling his pants and boxers down his knees, her tongue coming out to wet her lips as his length, thick and flushed, springs free.
“Oh, fuck,” he cries out the second she wraps her lips tightly around him. When he strains against the belt again, she digs her nails into the skin of his thighs, imploring him to stay still. She looks up at him, and the unabashed lust in her eyes as her mouth moves fastidiously over his shaft is without a doubt the biggest turn-on of his life, sending a fresh wave of desire right through him. His lips lift in a dazed, intoxicated smile. “So fucking gorgeous.”
His words only spurn her on. She pushes at his knees, and he parts them wider, surrendering to her and the delicious pleasure building at the base of his spine as she takes him deeper. But then she lets a hand roam lower, and he cries out, her name falling brokenly from his lips once again when she cups his sack, gently kneading it in her grasp.
It’s when she hallows her cheeks, sucking him harder, that he feels his quads begin to tighten, the beginning embers of his impending orgasm already sparking. And while he’s spent many a night wondering what it would be like to have her mouth on him like this, there’s something he wants more right now.
“Nat, sweetheart.” The weariness laced with the desperation in his tone causes her to ease off of him, and when she shoots him a worried look, he shakes his head. “Please, just- Need to be inside of you.” In a second, she’s rising to her feet, and despite the desire roaring in his veins as she pulls his boxers and pants the rest of the way down, he finds the wherewithal to call out to her again, nodding towards his pants. “Wallet.”
Her teeth bother her bottom lip for the briefest of moments before she cups his face. “I’m covered,” she heaves out. “And I’ve been tested.”
“So have I,” he says, eyes finding hers. “There’s no one else but you, Nat.”
She groans at that, the look in her eyes rapacious. “Then I want you bare,” she says as she makes a move to straddle him again.
“Wait,” he says, managing a lazy smile when she whines his name in protest. “Turn around.”
For a second, she stares at him, uncertain. But her confusion fades quickly, and he catches the way her skin prickles with gooseflesh, her breath hitching with excitement as his request dawns on her. She swivels around, her back to him, and when she positions herself over him, he swears he feels his blood run thick when she reaches for his length and rubs the head of him over her folds. She leans back as they both moan, taunting him as her scarlet tresses fan across his chest. He wants to grip her hair firmly in his hands, tug her back, and kiss her neck. He knows she knows it – and that she wants it just as much, too.
“So wet,” Steve all but growls into the skin of her shoulder as she continues to tease him. “Is this all for me, Nat?”
“Only for you,” she says, letting out a mewl when she finally sinks down on him. He moans loudly, feeling as though flames are licking across his skin as she takes him in, inch by inch. Behind him, his hands clench into fists in an effort to keep himself grounded. He’s been longing to feel her again for weeks, and now that he’s enveloped in her warmth, not a single barrier separating them, he feels as though he’s slowly being driven mad with desire. It’s only by sheer will that he resists the urge to buck up into her, allowing her to control how much of him to take. She whimpers his name when he finally bottoms out, one hand shooting up to wrap around his neck, holding him to her. “It’s so deep this way.”
“It’s perfect,” he says, kissing her neck, her cheek – any part of her that he can reach. “You’re perfect.”
He feels her shiver against him, and they both gasp as she begins to move her hips. Everything from the way her walls grip him to how his name falls from her lips as though it’s a benediction feels like nothing short of a fever dream. But it’s real. He can feel it, real and raw and oh so right as she rides him, and he savors each rise and fall of her body over his length.
“Tell me again,” she says, leaning back against his shoulder and pulling his head to the side. “Tell me there’s no one else.”
“There’s no one else,” he promises, and she looks so beautiful like this, with her cheeks flushed and her eyes wild that he can’t help but kiss her. “I want you, Nat. Just you.”
The needy moan she lets out against the lock of their lips causes a tremor to roll over him. He wants so badly to touch her, to grab her hips tightly, to feel the weight of her breasts in his hands. But he knows her, knows that for as much as she loves bequeathing control to him that sometimes, she needs to be able to lead, too. So he lets her, electing instead to bask in the view of her gorgeous figure moving up and down on him, her hands trailing up her own body, rolling a nipple between her fingers as she chases her own pleasure.
Soon enough, her hips are moving faster against him. Even so, she whines in discontent. She’s close, he can feel it in the way her walls clench around him and by how much louder her moans are growing, but he knows this isn’t enough.
“Untie me, baby,” he says. “Untie me so I can fuck you the way you need me to.”
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She barely has time to react.
The second she frees him from his restraints, he springs up, wrapping his arms around her and maneuvering them until her back is on the mattress. He hikes her legs up on his shoulders, holding her down with his body. “This won’t last long.”
Her lips part to agree, to tell him how close she is already, but the words diffuse into a moan when his arms find her thighs, holding her in place as he enters her in one deliriously delicious thrust. She’s exquisitely pinned in this position, unable to do anything but wrap her arms around him, her nails scratching down his back as he pulls out nearly all the way before snapping his hips forward, burying himself deep into her. The pace he sets toes the line between pain and pleasure, but she welcomes it, luxuriating in being able to feel him in every part of her body, right down to her bones, as he drives into her hard, fast, and rough. Come tomorrow, she knows she’ll have bruises where he’s holding her, but she couldn't care less, only growing wetter at the idea of having some semblance of a keepsake to remember this moment by once it’s over.
“Steve,” she calls out at a particularly delectable push of his hips. He kisses her so hard and deep and consuming that she has to pull away, her lungs burning for air. “Oh, just like that.”
“Close, baby,” he warns, and she feels the way his thrusts grow erratic above her.
“Me too,” she whimpers as he reaches between them, down to where they’re joined. His hand brushes against her bundle of nerves, and she shrieks as he continues to drive into her, taking her body and claiming it with the hard and rough fucking that she’s been craving for weeks. She can see in the way his forehead is creased, a bead of sweat dripping from his temple, that he’s holding on for her – denying himself for her – and though she didn’t think it’s possible to want him any more than she already does, with every fiber of her being, she does. His thumb begins to rub tight circles around her clit, and as white spots start to flicker across her vision, she reaches for him. “Come on me,” she breathes out, pulling his face so close to hers that she can feel his breath across her skin. “Want to feel you all over me.”
She hears him groan just as the heat pooling low in her belly unfurls, causing her eyes to fall shut. Her stomach tightens, and as her orgasm bursts over her, curling her toes, everything around her blurs, save for the sensation of white-hot pleasure pulsing throughout her every cell.
Her body is still trembling when she feels Steve suddenly pull out of her, and as she forces her eyes open, she finds him kneeling between her legs, the muscles of his forearm flexing as his hand furiously strokes his length. Then he grits out her name, his hips bucking, and she gasps when she feels the warmth of his release against her belly, making the blood thrum in her veins all over again despite how boneless she already feels.
Steve collapses down next to her, and when she turns her head to him, her pride swells just a little at how thoroughly wrecked he looks. He peels an eye open once he gets his breathing in some order, reaching out to touch her face. “Are you okay?”
“Mm…” She doesn’t look away from him as she trails one hand down her stomach, rubbing her fingers across the warmth still strewn on her skin before bringing it up to her mouth. A curse falls from his lips, and she smiles as she licks her fingers clean. “Never better.”
It's later on when they’ve managed to clean up and make it under the sheets that he pulls her to him. Below them, Sin City is still alive and buzzing, the glow from the Strip casting her room in a neon hue. She rests her head on his chest, and as his hand begins to run up and down her arm absentmindedly, she revels in the quiet and the comfort of being wrapped up in his warmth.
“Do you think this’ll ever fade?” she asks, looking up at him.
“Wanting you this way?” he clarifies, to which she nods. “I don’t see how.”
“Then what are we going to do?”
He stares up at the ceiling, silent. Eventually, he sighs. “I don’t know.”
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Earlier that night…
“Your Old Fashioned, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Thank you, Brad,” Loki says, leaning back into his seat on the balcony as the server leaves and he takes a sip of his cocktail. Before him, the sea of bodies is still grinding to the beat, showing zero signs of slowing down any time soon. It’s nearly midnight already, and he can’t help but smile into his drink. In the morning, the success of this opening will be strewn across the publications, and it’s with glee that he’ll clip every single headline into his next presentation for the quarterly Odinson Holdings earnings call. How’s that for a measly subsidiary.
His reverie is broken by the feel of a weight on his shoulder, and he looks up to see Natasha. “I was wondering where you went.”
“Had to get some air,” she says over the pulsing music, and from the corner of his eye, he sees Steve lingering a few steps away.
“Everything all right, darling?”
“Everything’s fine,” she says. As he studies her appearance, he notes the way the color on her lips has begun to fade, and while her hair isn’t a mess, the slicked back updo she’s had on certainly isn’t as pristine as when she first arrived. Even so, he says nothing of it as she shrugs. “I might have had a little too much to drink tonight, though. Do you mind if I take off?”
“Not at all,” he says, setting his drink down on the table before rising from his seat to wrap his arms tightly around her. “This night is a certified success. Congratulations.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” she says, squeezing him back just as tight.
“Oh, you could have,” he says. “You just wouldn’t have had as much fun.” He punctuates his words with a smile, making her giggle before he turns to Steve. “You’ll make sure she gets back to her suite?”
Steve nods. “Of course.”
He bids Natasha goodbye with a kiss on her cheek, and as she and Steve make their way down the stairs of the balcony and onto the main floor of the club, he picks up his drink again before walking towards the railing, looking out into the vast expanse of the room. He watches as they both make their way towards the exit, Steve slightly in front of Natasha as he guides her through the throng of people.
“You know something.”
The statement prompts him to glance to his left to see that Sylvie’s joined him, her hands curled around the railing as she, too, watches Steve and Natasha leave. He doesn’t respond, electing instead to take another sip of his drink as he looks back out onto the floor.
“This little class reunion of yours… it isn’t the happenstance she thinks it is, is it?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he says, merely earning a snort from Sylvie.
“You’re not going to tell her that you know?” she asks, a touch of amusement in her tone. “It’s unlike you two to keep secrets from each other.”
He lifts one shoulder in a shrug, a smirk crossing his lips. “She’ll tell me when she’s ready.”
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crossthread · 7 months
There's something so inherently lovely about the trope comrades in arms falling in love. Are we so deeply entangled and connected by our common trauma? Would we ever fall in love if it weren't in the middle of a war? I'd kill for you. I'd die for you. But above all else I fervently wish to live for you. We're deep in the trenches, mud up to our knees and blood on our faces but your warmth makes it bareable. After the war, I wake up panting from nightmares and I always reach for you, even when I can't bear your touch. We've walked hell together. I've seen you commit the most atrocious of sins but I kiss your blood soaked hand so gently because I understand. I was there with you. I cannot bear to ever part from you.
Just. Falling in love in the middle of a war is so tragic and gritty but there's just something about finding softness in the hardest of places.
75 notes · View notes
ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Threadbare (4)
Steve Rogers x Fashion Designer!Reader
Part Four: Necking Region (see previous or series)
Summary: Chaos erupts at your Spring Show, but Steve is right there...at your feet.
Warnings for canon-level violence, Tony Stark's sass (obvi), kithes, and one hella-badass AND fluffy Reader! WC 4259
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For you, handsome.
Handsome? Steve can work with that.
Even in the fresh dark, he schools his face in hopes to hide the nerves fluttering beneath his skin. Steve is determined to talk to you after the show, and he won’t get waylaid like in the fall. He’ll order three of everything that crosses the stage just to spend time with you again.
Quality time.
That he pays for.
Shoot, is he making it weird? Is that better than lying?
The music cue is deafening, and Steve jumps almost imperceptibly in his seat. 
Yikes, he’s a nervous wreck. He adjust the collar of his shirt, clearing his throat in the split second while the noise is drowned out and the place is still dark, but when the lights come back up, Steve Rogers’ heart stops.
It’s like…it’s like he’s looking into the past through one of Wanda’s magic visions.
His heart swells even as his chest tightens. There’s a sharp tingle behind his sinuses but he can’t look away. He blinks away the discomfort. 
Each silhouette triggers a long lost memory because they’re him. You would have seen him.
He remembers buying children’s clothes sometimes. For a long time, his ma resewed every seam in every pair of slacks. After she died, he just rolled up the hem and tightened his belt.
Of course, your models look nothing like that. They look striking and regal. They are meant to be seen. He can tell by their faces they want to be seen in your clothes, and Steve’s proud to even know you.
He grew up stuffing newspaper in his shoes. Now, your name and men who look like him—like he used to—will be in the newspaper. You’ll be on the cover for this.
Steve compulsively sweeps his hand over his hair and his eyes fall to his lap, concealing a dopey smile. He thinks this is the single most fantastic surprise of his life…
Then he sees the tenth model.
A slight, blond man in a crisp, collarless white shirt, navy jacket, and red pants struts down the platform, and the audience goes nuts. He’s certain a monitor would register his heart completely stopping for the entire walk, but Steve can only feel right now. He can’t think. His unfocused eyes wonder to the shadow where you were before, but he can’t even see.
The group does a whole second, swift run-through, but he’s not there anymore.
You emerge in this red, white, and blue masterpiece of a gown, perfectly complimenting the coloring of the last model, and Steve’s mind, body, and soul are on fire.
He watches you cup the face of your model and beam a wide smile, leaning down to him. You kiss that slight man’s cheek, and Steve has an out-of-body—or original-body—experience that shudders his large frame. 
His mind runs away, picturing working and relaxing beside you for all things, sketching, reading, resting, but he’s little again and your face is exactly the same. You don’t look at him any differently. He’s just Steve, either way, both ways, any way, and always. 
It’s only when the person next to him bumps Steve that he, too, pops off his seat for your standing ovation. He gets lost in the joy written all over your face, clapping his hands so hard his palms sting, but he will cheer you on until he’s worn them to the bone just to—
Your face falls as the underlying noise changes in the venue.
He knows that sound.
Steve understood why flashbulb photography triggered veterans like gunfire, but nowadays there’s no mistaking the difference. Those are bullets, and someone is pointing guns directly into your event space.
The room is already in complete chaos when Steve turns toward the intrusion. Guests scatter everywhere in every direction, some so disoriented they run at the shots.
Steve whips out his phone and yells over the din for F.R.I.D.A.Y to call emergency services, police and medical, to his location, then starts what should be an easy, ten-foot journey, but you’re practically across an ocean.
The music hasn’t stopped. People closest to the neck of the stage are still clapping, unsuspecting of the crowd knocking them down in search of two stage doors locked from the other side.
Something is off though because nothing Steve sees is impacted until he swivels back, shoved off kilter by two terrified women who tilt his gaze higher.
The panels of sheer fabric he thought were moody decor are fielding bullets like baseballs in a practice net. He’s never witnessed anything quite like it, but at least it means Steve has time to get to you. He has to move you off the stage so you aren’t so easy of a target.
Smacked around like a pinball in high speed machine, Steve hastily rushes to the rose-rimmed platform, barely missing your ankle in his reach and shouting for your attention.
He thinks you’ve heard when you spin, but it’s too late. Someone has breeched the protective panels, and any temporary structures throughout the venue start exploding from a hailstorm of semi-automatic fire.
Steve checks that the stage doors have been unlocked. Guests are getting out, but the bottleneck is slow. Your models are stuck on the stage, their path blocked by fallen scaffolding and sparking lights. You need to get the hell down, so he raises a hand to call for you again.
And then…
And then there’s an enormous arch of navy and red, centered by the glowing star on your chest.
And then a bullet streaks across the silvery mesh on your stomach.
A gunman has come around your shield, and Steve’s seeing red—well, more red—as he scans to see you unharmed.
Screw that guy.
Steve vaults over the stage, decks the gunman square in the jaw, and waits till the limp body rests motionless against a fallen chair.
He looks up to see you, not smiling but not upset. You’re waving for the trapped models to come closer to the barrier before meeting Steve’s eyes.
“Go get ‘em.“ You pull at the cuff of your filigreed sleeve, ticking your head to signal Steve should, too. “You’re dressed for it.”
He studies the buttons on his jacket, those unique ones at his wrists that hold concentric circles like his shield…or so he thought. Now he realizes, they aren’t just buttons; they are activation buttons.
He grabs his forearms to press both, feeling a gentle tingle spread.
His eyes snap back up to yours.
You wink at him before all automated function of his body takes over, and Steve runs headlong for the goons with guns, wearing naught but a shockingly-useful suit separate and the ghost of his same goofy smile.
You think he’s handsome.
 Steve tucks and rolls behind one fabric screen, clocking the location of one gunman by the muzzle flare through the fabric. He rushes and drops one—two—three more until he sees a small grouping split off from a masked man’s side.
It’s Richard Fisk in a shock-white suit and with completely obscured face, but it’s absolutely ‘The Rose’ with a perfect blood-red bloom stuffed in his lapel.
The goons will stop if the boss goes down, Steve knows. He’s seen it a hundred times before, so he grabs the sidearm of the man he just leveled and fires at Fisk’s leg.
The bullet lands exactly where intended but hits like no more than a crowd-suppressant beanbag.
“Is that the best you can do, Captain?”
Great. You made Fisk a bulletproof suit, too.
Steve jumps behind the nearest screen, losing ground but crouching beside one of the other unconscious gunmen. A can of tear gas is strapped to the guy’s chest, and Steve just acts.
Fisk howls like a banshee, ripping the bizarre purple and black striped mask off his face to gasp for air and cough.
The Rose laughs, cocky and taunting. “You brought morals to a gunfight. You don’t even have your frisbee.”
Fisk sprays bullets randomly in the direction from which he saw the canister fly, and Steve sprints, sliding on his knees all the way to Fisk’s feet, arms up and shoved together as if he’s wearing his Wakandan guards. He feels some rounds bounce off his chest, hardly slowing him down, but the sound of bullets as they ricochet off his sleeves is intense. No doubt, Fisk would have landed multiple kill shots.
Armed police file in the entrance and scream for the goons to put their weapons down and their hands up.
Another coughing fit pauses Fisk’s assault. Steve chances opening his arms and swings immediately for the sneering, twisted face above him.
The man spins with the concussive force. Just before Fisk collapses in a makeshift bed of hot ammo shells and cold rose petals, Steve stands and adjusts his jacket.
“No—“ his hand smoothes over pristine and unfrayed midnight “—but I brought style.”
Iron Man swoops in to land on the other side of Richard Fisk’s body.
“Damn it, I didn’t get that on video. Can we reset and you say that line again?”
“Tony,” Steve warns.
“What?! It was so good, buddy. No seriously, I’m proud of that—“ Steve turns to check on you, watching the fabric of your skirt flutter back down to drape across the runway “—dare I say it’s my influence. I want proof you—“
“Tony,” Steve shouts again. Finally, the music is turned off from the media console.
“All clear,” Tony yells with his hands cupping his mouth. “Where’s your ‘girlfriend?’” He relaxes his arms after air-quoting and gives Steve a once-over. “Don’t think I don’t know you cut me in line for that.” 
Steve fiddles with his cuffs, attempting to swallow a blush and failing. He presses the buttons again. The tingling stops.
Tony frowns, pointing an accusatory finger as he watches Steve shrug. “That’s favoritism, and I thought you were better than that.” He turns deeper into the venue, screaming, “Sheers! You good?”
There’s no audible answer, so the pair make their way past the decimated decor.
Titanium boots crunch against the floor. “Looks more like my first dates than yours.”
“For the love of god, Tony, please…” but Steve is suddenly engrossed, rounding one last screen to see your models and several guests nervously huddled at your legs, your arms reaching out to comfort each and every one.
So strong. So soft. That’s you. That’s what you create.
“Hey,” you say with a huge breath and a soft sweet smile as Steve approaches.
He makes his way straight to your feet and holds out his hands. “Hey.”
“Hey?” Tony blurts, watching Steve lift you down by the waist like a princess. “Hey?? Yeah, sure. Cool. I love being upstaged. It’s not like I didn’t offer to fund this shit a year ago—“
“Language,” you and Steve say simultaneously.
“—or anything. No big deal.” Tony scoffs. “When else would I be perfectly within my rights to swear? We have to talk about this is my point.” He waves his gauntlet in the general area of you and clucks his tongue.
“Any other day, Stark.”
Tony, however, doesn’t need others to be as amused as he is. “Admit it. I’m an inspiration.”
“To find alternatives? To find feasible, reproducible options?” You break away from Steve’s grasp to step closer to Tony. “Yes, I did that. We can’t all be covered in nanotech.”
“Because it’s cost prohibitive,” you rage.
Steve stands ready to catch you, seeing the way your energy wilts after each sentence and that you can’t keep your hand up without them shaking.
Tony snorts. “What? Speak english.”
“Speak average,” you whip back, but before a staring contest can ensue, Abby pounces to swing you into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!”
You’re distracted by your assistant while Steve scopes out the venue, noting the triage area and cops beginning to take statements from unharmed guests.
Knowing Steve will ask, Tony interjects. “No major injuries. Mostly just bruises and sprains from people trampling each other.”
That’s incredible considering the pools of spent shells all on one particular side of those tall panels. They must be made of the same material—
“Stop fondling, Tony.” Steve smacks his friend’s hands off your skirts.
“I’ll have you know I’m fondling in the interest of science,” his friend hisses comically. He does drop the fabric though. “Fine. Then I’ll just be taking your jacket as payment.”
“Payment for what?”
“Letting you escort the lady home and bypassing the lovely, lengthy interviews the boys in blue are gonna want.“
It takes Steve all of three seconds to consider.
“Deal,” he agrees, imagining that with a crowd this size, you’d be busy until the wee hours of the morning, wringing your hands as you repeat yourself a dozen times, wrapped in a wool blanket, exhausted. He shrugs off the blazer quickly before any of the other officers come to speak with you and tucks one arm around yours to tell you the plan.
Abby encourages the escape.
Steve’s thrilled he did not walk to the event. He took a car in order to line up in the red carpet procession—as awful as he finds the practice—and luckily, the driver is still ready and able to maneuver the vehicle past a sea of police cruisers.
Seeing as most of your bodice and sleeves are sheer, you curl inward for warmth instead of lean against the cool leather of the backseat. Normally, Steve would offer his jacket, but in lieu of any decent layers to peel off for you, he drapes his arm over your shoulders. The flashing red and blue lights fade in the distance as you sink comfortably against his chest.
“So…” Steve starts, quiet and casual, “Tony wasn’t supposed to know you’d already sold Richard Fisk a bulletproof suit, huh?”
He can see your eyes are still open, staring out the window, but you don’t respond right away.
“Originally, I’d basically made a very thin kevlar, and that…wasn’t the end goal, so I made a few suits for a steep price to try for, well, what you saw tonight. Stark isn’t exactly subtle.” You shift an accusatory glance up to Steve momentarily. “Three days after Dominica delivered Fisk’s first suit, none other than the Tony Stark comes into my store asking questions. He tried to get me to develop under Stark Industries, wanted my work to be exclusive—and I’m sure completely under his own brand—so I said no. This was all spoken in hypotheticals, mind you. ‘Hypothetically,’ if I worked for him, the mob couldn’t get me, and ‘hypothetically,’ he could help speed my research along. He tried a few different times, too. I thought he was parading you in as bait at first.”
“You thought I was…what?”
“I thought Stark brought in the cute guy who looks perfect in my designs as some sort of dangling carrot to work for him.”
Steve’s floored.
“When did you know I wasn’t a plant?”
“Oh, one second after seeing your face. Nobody with an agenda is that good at looking clueless.”
He’d be offended if it weren’t entirely true. Steve had absolutely zero idea what to do or say being fitted and consulted on for civilian clothes, and he thought he was supposed to be meeting a man that whole time. However, he would not put it past Tony to have intended he be bait with no warning, and in fact, this would count as the greatest ‘long game’ Stark has ever played. Steve wouldn’t have needed more incentive to get close to you.
“Yeah, I invented the stuff,” you continue with a shrug and a yawn, “but he doesn’t own me and I like designing all sorts of things. I think that’s…”
Your voice trails off before Steve prods. “What?”
“I think that’s why he goaded me about my typical line. I told him I wouldn’t be pigeonholed into dressing superheroes, so I would look like a hypocrite if I still only made clothes for—“ you sit up and fake a deep, arrogant voice “—shiny, blond beefcakes.”
Steve’s hand slaps his forehead. Tony absolutely used those exact words.
“So I engineered the stuff alone and overhauled my entire collection in the last two weeks. That’s what Stark does, right? Control you without really controlling you.”
“It’s called being manipulative, and he and I have had several conversations about it,” Steve grumbles.
You’ve hit a second wind of energy but fiddle with your lap before asking, “what did you think of the show?”
Steve sits up straighter and clears his throat.
“Ya know,” you quickly interject, “prior to it becoming the Battle of Skylight Square.”
Just as Steve opens his mouth the car stops. The driver announces you’ve arrived at the atelier and thus your upstairs apartment.
Steve steps out and realizes the police car usually stationed at the curb is no longer there, likely called away to the scene earlier. He dismisses his driver for the evening and makes the executive decision to stay as your guard the rest of the night.
You shuffle to the front door, exclaiming that the real piece de resistance of your gown is your pockets from which you brandish your keys. Steve’s grateful you’re animated (if a little loopy) and distracted while his mind scurries to form words.
He can’t express what he saw and felt when he looked on that stage, so he hums in agreement with your rant on pockets and follows behind you, hands on your hips as you struggle to walk up the staircase.
You pause on the first step and peek at him over your shoulder.
“So…’Button,’ huh?”
He blushes furiously and focuses on your balance when you won’t. The dress train is long enough to require he lift it so he can see the stairs beneath his own feet. You two climb slowly.
“Well,” Steve blusters, repositioning the layers so one of his hands on your hip sits under your own hand that lifts the front bustle, “‘Handsome,’ right?”
One step up. You snort. “You say that like it’s odd that I’m attracted to you, but I think I thoroughly proved that tonight, mister.”
Another step up, and you’re about three-quarters of the way there.
Steve can’t hold back anymore though, not even till the top of one flight.
He uses his grip to spin you around and nudges his foot under your skirts, rising to the stair just below you. You’ve dropped all else and grabbed onto him for balance, cupping his cheeks like he saw you do earlier tonight. You have to lean down to him as his whole being screams ‘let me kiss you.’
Steve has a distinctly in-body experience, all his imaginings of touching a woman so sweetly and in exactly the way he would have a century ago come to fruition right there.
With a hard-working girl after a fight with a bully, just as it should be.
He loses track of his hands amongst the tangled yards of your dress, but your lips are soft and perfect. He ascends a few inches more by way of his tip toes and clings to the railing for balance. Steve has the fleeting thought that he might inadvertently be yanking you toward him with a palm over your ass—not on it because he can barely tell there is even a body part there—so he moves his hand up for assurances. Up is safer. Up is more gentlemanly. He teeters both on his toes and on the cusp of gentlemanly given how lost Steve is in devouring you.
Stunning and innovative as they are, your skirts are prohibitively fluffy, and Steve feels more and more of your weight resting on him, those last dregs of adrenaline draining away. He pulls back, ghosting a peck on your still eagerly pursed lips.
“Let’s get you comfy, Button,” he husks, rolling his thumb back and forth between what he now realizes are your shoulder blades.
You nod, your forehead against his, and although he’d normally think it forward, his desire to take care of you wins out, deliberately finding your thigh to coax your legs around him.
He carries you the rest of the way, nearly tripping but laughing the whole journey. “Sure it saved some people,” he jokes, “but then ‘bout took me down, so…”
He deposits you by your closet and goes to make you a very sweet herbal tea while you change. He’s surprised when you emerge dressed down with sweats for him in hand. 
“Menswear designer,” you remind him simply.
Even though it was never technically real until this moment, Steve falls back into the routine of kissing your temple so easily as he passes off the mug and heads to the tiny bathroom. 
When he returns though, you have a familiar thousand-mile stare.
He tries to change the subject, to get you talking about something other than today, tonight, and tomorrow. He draws a blank until the shuffle of paper sounds beneath his hand. It just so happens that on your dining table—or should he say, your work desk?—is a sketch for his Gala outfit. 
“Would you come with me?”
You hum softly in question.
“I mean, as my date. Will you go on a date with me? To this Hellfire thing?” 
The distance in your eyes shrinks until it’s just him and you. A smile blooms across your strained face.
“Yes. I’d like that,” you say softly before taking a huge breath that seems to physically toss weight off your hunched form. “Whatever shall I wear though…”
“Not to give you extra work,” Steve chuckles back, “but I know this great designer.”
You laugh into your tea, both hands around the ceramic, holding on for dear life.
“Should I open a window? You probably could use some more fresh air,” he offers. 
“Oh, they’re painted shut, possibly since before I was born, but we could go to the roof?” 
He’s not sure if that’s a commentary on you finding him lurking up there last week, but it’s a fine idea nonetheless. “Chairs?” 
You look around and counter. “Pillows?”
Steve takes another moment to think while you gather, and he ends up holding several cushions and your tea. As you both continue up the much tinier staircase to the access door, something occurs to him. 
“Wait, did you give me a prototype that was untested?”
You laugh nervously. “Um—“ you use your butt to open the door “—well, see, if anyone’s gonna be fine should a bulletproof and bullet repellant material fail, it’ll be a super soldier, right?” 
“So I was your guinea pig?!”
“I’m sorry,” you burst sarcastically. “You got a free, custom jacket—which you chose to wear to my show, might I add—and what would you have had ready without my ‘untested prototype?’” 
Steve makes doe eyes in the dark, ambient light pollution. “I just thought you cared about my safety there for a minute…” 
“I cared for everyone’s safety,” you chirp in retaliation for his heavy guilting. “I made those panels just in case, but I was never, ever going to cancel my whole show on the assumption Fisk would pull a stunt like that. Forgive me for not living my life in fear of what that lunatic, second-rate kingpin might do!” 
He shrugs at that, dropping his pillows in a makeshift seat pattern right beside yours. “Fair point.” 
There’s a comfortable silence while you sip your cooling tea. 
“Should have made myself one,” Steve laments in a soft breath. 
“Sweet, chivalrous beefcake,” you whisper, shaking your head. 
“Tony really said that, didn’t he?” 
“I think he wanted me to know he is my competition for your affection.”
“You aren’t…” Steve stops himself. He was going to say you and Tony are not competitors at all, but that isn’t true on multiple levels. He swivels to scoop up your legs and settle them over his lap, just like he used to on the couch at the Tower, and you squeak, clutching your sloshing tea. One of his hands circles your hip to rest at the top of one leg. The other lands at the strip of bare skin where your sweats don’t touch the ankle of your slip-on shoes. His pinky flicks over the fleece lining, rounding out his mental measurements of your body. For now.
“There is no competition,” his concludes in a low, deep tone. “You win.”
You stare up at him with glassy eyes now, in awe of something he can’t see but hopes to earn. This time it’s your expression that pleads for him, and he leans in for another lingering, thorough kiss.
Steve licks the sweet taste off his lips. “Should’ve made another tea,” he repeats.
Your eyes open again slowly, sleepily, reminding him of that daydream of waking up next to you and breakfast in bed.
He sneaks another peck before you can forms words.
“Is this a bad time to tell you…that I forgot my keys and the door shut all the way?”
Steve looks over incredulously at that stupid exit and sighs, scratching his jaw.
“It’s, uh, about as bad as—“ he debates admitting what he’s about to “—well, I can, I mean I could get us back in, but…” He glances over the side of the building. “How do you feel about sleeping with a window open, or rather, no window?”
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[Last Part]
A/N: probably not as well edited as it should be, but meh, I'm too excited to release this out into the wild! Comments, keysmashes, and asks always welcome. Thank you for reading!
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Author's note: Re-formatted for Tumblr's ToS
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📖"Alpha, Beta (& Omega)"
Story Rating: Explicit
Chapter Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1066
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: a/b/o, arranged marriage, domestic discipline, spanking, head of household, dom/sub elements, alpha Steve, beta Bucky, hurt/comfort, wedding night, alternate history, nobility/royalty au, Edwardian time period, m/f/m poly marriage, age gap (18/29), enemies to lovers
Summary: To save House Barnes from scandalous ruin, James must agree to a contracted marriage, accepting Lord Senator Steven Rogers as his Alpha, Husband, and Headship.
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1. A Contract of Engagement
Chapter Summary: It’s a lost cause. His father broke the law in a massive way and got caught, and as soon as word gets out, they’ll be ousted from their Senatorial position. Bucky and his sisters will inherit nothing, and it’ll be the scandal of the century. “Please, mom” Bucky says softly. “Please don't make me do this."
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Bucky sits despondently on one of the front parlor’s settees.
“Nobody,” he tells his mother, but of course she already knew that was going to be the answer to her question. Bucky hasn’t had interest in courting anyone, and nobody in society has expressed any interest in him. Not since his accident, leastways. His now-lame arm and the scarring that creeps up the left side of his neck have managed to dampen the interest he used to get from suiters. “I don’t want to marry, certainly not now. I’m eighteen for Christ’s sake.”
Winnifred sighs, the pen that she’s had poised in-hand lowering. “James, I love you and I’m sorry, but now is when you have to do it. You’re done convalescing from the accident, and thank God for that. Your finishing school is over, you need to do this.”
Bucky’s mother has never been one to suffer his bullshit. She shoots him a glare. “You know why. It’s only a matter of time before your father’s misconduct is made public knowledge. Once Frank Castle—”
“Don’t say his name.”
“Once that man testifies before congress, your father is sure to be ousted. Weapons smuggling, James? You’ll be completely ineligible. No one will have you.”
“No one like us, you mean. Not everyone has to marry into the Senate, mother,” Bucky snaps. “Christ, we’re probably all inbred at this point.”
“I have plans. I want to go to university!” He throws his hands up. “Who even marries their beta first anyway? What’s wrong with this guy that he can’t find an omega?”
“Please,” his mother scoffs. “Captain Rogers is a very reputable gentleman.”
“You don’t know him!” Bucky stands up from the couch, walking restlessly over to the fireplace. “Please tell me you haven’t written to him already?” Winnifred tenses, but then she seems to steel herself and she nods tersely. Bucky curses. “Mother!”
“It needed to be done, James. There are no other prospects and Captain Rogers—”
“Ugh, stop calling him that. What’s his name?”
Winnie purses here lips. “He’s the Lord Steven of House Rogers, and you will be respectful, James.”
Bucky huffs. “Well I’m the Lord James of House Barnes and I—”
“You’re the lord of nothing!” Winnie snaps, standing up from her chair at the writing desk. She’s glaring at Bucky now. “And you never will be, if you don’t marry this man. We’re about to lose everything. Your father has seen to that. Soon House Barnes won’t exist. There will be elections—elections, James! Can you even believe it? We’ll all be common.”
Bucky looks away. “What’s so wrong with that?” he mumbles.
“Maybe nothing for you. Maybe you could manage, go off to university and make something of yourself despite it all, but think of your sisters. They won’t be able to marry well, and they’re omega, so what are they supposed to do? Take positions as shop girls? Ladies’ maids?”
Bucky’s heart lurches and his eyes shoot back to his mother, reproachful. “That’s not fair.”
Winnie’s features soften in sympathy. “I know, Sweetheart, I know.” She gets up and comes over to him, the long hem of her dress brushing the carpet as she goes. She pulls him into a hug and Bucky can’t help but to lean into her. “Oh, Bucky,” Winnie mourns, using his nickname for once. “You’ve always been such a little grownup. Sometimes I forget how young you really are. But life isn’t fair, and I’m afraid this might be where you have to start learning that.”
“Don’t make me do this, mom,” Bucky whispers into the perfumed fall of her hair, though even as he’s saying it, he knows it’s a lost cause. His father broke the law in a massive way and got caught, and as soon as word gets out, they’ll be ousted from their Senatorial position. Bucky and his sisters will inherit nothing, and it’ll be the scandal of the century. House Barnes has held one of New Jersey’s two seats since the very inception of the Senate. A hundred and twenty years of tradition, gone down the toilet because of Bucky’s reckless father. “Please,” he says softly. “There has to be something else we can do.”
“It’ll be alright,” Winnie tells him, pulling away from the hug and looking him in the eye. “I promise you. I’ve corresponded with Captain Rogers for several weeks now, and I’m confident he’ll make a good husband for you.”
Bucky shakes his head, angry all over again. “No! He won’t. How could he? I don’t even know him!”
It’s a silly argument, really, since many men of Bucky’s stature enter into arranged marriages. But even still, Bucky is beta: He’s always had this luxurious assumption that he’d be able to fool around for a decade longer than most; get educated, make mistakes, have fun. And now that he’s finally come of age and is on the precipice of actually getting to do those things, he has to go off and marry some old man he’s never met?
The reality of it is worse than a bucket of cold water to the head. “I don’t want to marry a fucking stranger,” he grumps.
“Really, Bucky. Don’t use foul language.”
“And I don’t want to marry some old man.” At his mother's raised eyebrow, he says, “Well he must be old if he’s already assumed the seat?”
“He’s young, actually,” Winnie counters haughtily. “Quite young. Twenty-nine."
"Oh, is that all?" Bucky scowls at the carpet. Twenty-nine, Christ. "When did he assume the seat?"
"Two sessions ago. Senator Sarah Rogers had a state funeral, James. I’d have expected you to remember it.”
Bucky waves his left arm in disdain, showing off his crippled hand. “Forgive me my 'preoccupation' these past few sessions, mother." He regrets his tone as he sees hurt flash across Winnifred's face. Dropping his hand, he sighs and looks away. "This is House Rogers of New York we're discussing, I take it?"
"The sister-seat to House Wilson, yes,” Winnie says, expression perking up as she hurries back to her desk to fetch up the stack of correspondences. “Here, I have his letters if you’d like to—”
“No,” Bucky says curtly. He straightens up and makes to leave the room. “I don’t need to read them. It’s fine. Just arrange everything and tell me when to show up.”
“Oh, Honey …”
“Don’t,” Bucky says tersely. “Just don’t. It is what it is. Guess I’m moving to New York.”
He leaves the room, and assumes that his mother writes another letter to the Lord Rogers, confirming their engagement.
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