ashraintarot · 7 months
there is nothing esoteric about wealth
There is something profoundly cruel about telling people that the reason they're poor is because of their mindset- that the reason they can't afford basic needs like food, health insurance, transportation, mental health care, education, and etc is because they didnt think good enough.
not only because it's condescending, but because its nothing we haven't heard before: we have all heard that the reason poor people are poor is because it's a emanation of a personal failure. they didnt work hard enough, they didn't invest in the right stock, they didnt hold themselves accountable enough for their own spending habits. or better yet, the reason they are poor is because they lacked the intelligence, cleverness, and thirst for financial freedom that the wealthy has.
its always been especially menacing when they attach spiritual morality or exaltation- the reason you're poor is because you're faith is lacking, or you karmically earned your fate as a result of a past life, you didnt trust god enough.
whats new is that this this idea of poverty being a personal failure is being repackaged through the terminology of manifestation- you are poor because you manifested it. your mindset allows the reality of poverty to exist.
Yesterday I watched a video about how to obtain financial freedom at a young age. The woman in the video was herself, young, wealthy and free. she believes she achieved this freedom through and work and manifestation. (and totally not related at all, the video was sponsored by a very reliable and safe app that claims if you keep it running in the background for 24 hours a day you might make 30 dollars a month. that's totally not the impetus to making the video at all. )
her advice was the mundane, typical ''start an online business, do drop shipping, invest in real estate, become a landlord, stop saving money and invest it instead.'' but she centered the video around something interesting- she said: ''stop persisting in the poor girl mindset''- the reason we are poor is because we aren't affirming the right things, we're poor because we portion our paychecks each month to save money on the side, we're poor because lack the lucky girl mindset and therefore we have made ourselves unlucky.
how barbaric.
she then spoke a good lot of time discussing how doing our own work is a waste of time and money- instead, we could be paying employees to do the work for us while we sit back and relax as the passive income flows to our bank accounts. what she said was actually the lowkey version of ''your labor alone is not enough to produce sustainable income; you have to exploit the labor of a large group of people in order to achieve your desirable paycheck.''
The mass produced content of ''how to achieve financial freedom at so and so age'' is massively based on the metaphysical idea that you manifest your own reality, so- if you are poor then its because you believe you are. whats distinctly manipulative about this is that it shifts the blame from the systematic, hierarchal reason behind your poverty onto yourself. you are to blame- not the series of calculated, money-hungry decisions made by those who actually have power over you to keep themselves rich and to keep you poor. you are poor because your thoughts affirm you are, not because the people at the top have the ability to hoard their wealth and spend it stupid ventures that ultimately refund their own bank accounts. certainly not because capitalism is doing exactly what it was designed to do in the first place. no, thats not the convenient answer, thats not the repackged, pretty ''you have the power to change your reality in a broken system'' answer people want to hear. the truth is, the system isnt broken, its doing exatly what it was designed to do. you do have the power to change your reality, its just not the way they're willing to admit.
you want to be rich? you want to be in the top? thats determined by one factor and one factor alone: your willingness to exploit and fuck over large amounts of people.
thats it, thats all. there is no intellectual or metaphysical secert, there is nothing esoteric about wealth. the only quality the people have at the top that you do not possess is their ability to smile as they kill.
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ashraintarot · 7 months
Pick a Photo Tarot Reading - What does October hold for me?
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Photo 1
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The main themes that will be highlighted in October for you are passion, desire, sensuality and will-power. The first thing coming up has to do with how you view and connect to cycles in life. There are things trying to die away, to let you move past them and embrace a new, better future, but it feels like you’re grasping onto these things for dear life. This could be a romantic interest, a friend, a not so good habit, a job, anything that isn’t serving you anymore. It feels very ‘lost in the sauce’. If there’s not a toxic attachment there’s just a sense of holding onto life as it is too tightly. You’re so lost in whats going on and the emotions you’re feeling that you can’t see the way out. But it’s there. You might be often seeking answers in readings like this which I realize is ironic to tell you mid reading, but you’re meant to look within to find the answers you’re seeking. Spirit is really telling you you’re guaranteed to success eventually, but you have to trust yourself and take a damn risk! If you’re sick of where you are, make a change. I know it’s easier said than done, but you have to take a step, even if it’s a small one. For many this is a reassessing your dedication to your craft. I see you getting back to the drawing board this month, putting in the hours of practice you need to improve. It’s important to remember our taste is always better than our talent in the present moment. That’s because you’re always evolving, learning and improving, so keep that in mind when you might be hating what you’ve created. It’s just proof you’re getting better, but it doesn’t mean what you made isn’t good too! Give it love, be thankful for it for what it’s taught you. There might be some times this month you need to stick up for yourself or your fellow man. If it’s safe, be sure to stand up for what’s right. Use your voice, be a champion for those less fortunate than you are.
Photo 2
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Things might feel like they aren’t working out fast enough. You’ve planted a lot of seed and intentions recently and during October you might start to feel a little impatient. This is your reminder that things are falling into place behind the scenes. Let yourself breathe and relax for now. Focus on being present and enjoying yourself this month. I feel like you might be at risk of taking on more than you can handle, so really be honest with yourself when it comes to saying yes to things you don’t have the capacity or maybe even simply don’t want to do. It’s okay to say no! You’re also being reminded that you don’t have to go through this time alone. It’s okay to ask for help, to share the load. You’re not weak for not being able to handle something, humans need community, we were made for it. In that vein, there’s an emphasis on community this month as well. Whether it’s hanging out with a group, with family, or even just one person, surround yourself with those who make you feel loved, heard and understood. I see some fun times just in the living room watching movies with a friend. Don’t lock yourself away. I think some of you are going through quite a big spiritual upgrade and it’s easy to go into that hermit mode. If you need to recharge, by all means do so, but make sure you come back up for air and connect with loved ones. Your guides are also sccrreeeaming at me to tell y’all to meditate.
Photo 3
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October is all about self love and compassion for the self, especially regarding how you view yourself and the things you do/create. If you’re someone that’s always talking down to yourself as a reflex, this is for you. It’s important for you to remember that you still have so much learning and growing to do left. I get the vibe of ya’ll being worried about being “cringe” or awkward and saying the wrong thing. October is all about stepping into who you are and your power. There’s a feeling of scattered-ness and frantic energy here. It would behoove you to work on getting organized, trying out new ways to keep yourself accountable for self care routines and just routines in general that help you to feel better about yourself, physically and mentally. It feels like you’ve been trying to manifest and do spiritual work and there’s a sense of something being stuck. I really think it has to do with this self image. I really recommend taking time everyday to work with affirmations to solidify a better perspective of yourself. Play around and see what works for you, maybe writing them in a journal, or listening to a meditation on self love, maybe if you write your own you can record yourself reading them and listen first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. Put time for self love and reprogramming that image into your routine we were talking about before. You’re someone who has big dreams, some of which you haven’t even fully realized yet, but this is a reminder you’re building a solid foundation. You’re still becoming who you’re meant to be to make these dreams work out. Let yourself be a student of life. Let yourself make mistakes without beating yourself up for it.
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ashraintarot · 7 months
Daily collective tarot energy reading for 9/24/23 : Feel the fear and do it anyway
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Alt text: first photo reads - There may be some roadblocks or things to over come today. Esp if you’re embarking on a new routine, making new habits, there might be a lot of temptation to backslide into old ways, but you’re really being encouraged forward. To keep going and to not look back. Look around you, there may be more resources than you realize. It might come in the form of just having someone to talk to and distract you for a bit, or maybe someone has the insight you’ve been looking for. This is a reminder you’re not on your own, but it is time to take that leap of faith. Take that step in the direction of self worth and following your heart. We are needing to move on from older, more naïve ways of thinking and step into our power. If you’re being self destructive in any way, really try to pause and ask yourself if this is something that serves you and your purpose for being here or is it a distraction that holds you still? This may show up as a conversation that needs to be had for some of you.
Second photo is of the 5 of pentacles and The Fool from the Smith Rider Waite deck
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ashraintarot · 7 months
✨Open call to dreamers!
Hi friends, I’m a tarot reader and intuitive channeler / divinator who’s been practicing about 8 years now. I’m turning my focus to dream work, and how through understanding and examining our dreams we can grow, heal and even change the world, both in the micro and macrocosm. So this is an open call, if you have a dream that you can remember, please feel free to send it my way! Let me know if you’re okay with it being published on my page, otherwise I’ll respond privately. You are however giving permission for your story to be shared potentially one day in my future work as this is a study and practice.
It doesn’t matter if it’s an old dream from childhood or from last night, we can dissect it’s meaning.
Be sure to describe everything in the most detail you can manage. Feelings, tastes, sights, sounds, I wanna hear it all!
Excited to hear from you guys!
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ashraintarot · 7 months
Daily tarot reading for 9/23/23
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Alt text: photo of the smith rider waite ace of cups. Body reads “Keywords: are you open to love?” Today, take any opportunity that allows you to connect to people and the world around you. We’re being called to let emotions flow and deepen. Don’t be afraid to express yourself! It’s okay to be vulnerable. Your vulnerability may inspire someone else to do the same, creating a chain of connection and love. Be open to love in all forms as well, not just romantic. Take a chance today, jump into a new project or express yourself in a new way.
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ashraintarot · 1 year
Pick a photo tarot reading
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How to heal in regards to love and your next soulmate if you do the work you're meant to do
Photo 1:
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The people who picked this photo have been let down in the past as soon as they showed their true selves. You're someone who is constantly told their "too much" or ask for too much. I'm here to tell you that's simply not true. It's a scary thing to be vulnerable only to be met with negativity. But the good news is, if someone doesn't react well to you being yourself, that's a sign letting you know it's not a connection you want to be in. Instead of looking at your past relationships as a loss, or thinking you missed out on something, see it for what it is. They were someone who just wasn't secure enough with themselves to be with someone who shines so brightly. That's not to say you were totally innocent. I see a lot of crazy energy here that has only recently been tapered down into a healthy level of spontaneity and excitement. You might have been someone who made rash decisions at a detriment to yourself. The biggest advice here is that it's okay to take things slow. It's okay to let things have space to breathe and to blossom. Focus on rewiring those thought patterns that taught you you're too much. You are perfect exactly as you are. That's not to say stop working on yourself, but who you are in your soul, the person you are meant to grow into is perfect. Believe that you are enough, and that no other person can complete you. Some of you may have been looking for answers that you simply aren't supposed to know. I see you doing and getting a lot of tarot readings trying to figure out what's coming next but I'm hearing, "don't ruin the surprise".
Your next soulmate:
I see you guys finding this person right at the moment you least expect it. It will be a total surprise. I see a more masculine energy that's highly intellectual. Someone likely still in school who's always trying to learn more about the world or their passions. In fact they're someone who is deeply in touch with their passions and reason for being here. I don't see this relationship taking off and getting serious right away. It might take some time due to distance or just obstacles of life. You guys may even date other people and always just slightly miss each other. But one day, if you make the right choices and they do too to align your lives, you'll come together. You might even date for a little while at first or have some short type of fling with them, but they won't be able to get you out of their head even if you two are apart. I see a lot of mutual friends here as well. There might be a third party that's keeping someone back from making a move. Not necessarily anything romantic involved in this third person, it might be but it might be that they're afraid of their reaction to hearing about the two of you as an item. Possibly one of you are still working through the loss of a past relationship. Your north node may be in the same sign as their sun.
Photo 2:
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You might be someone that gets lost in the world you create in your mind. Which leaves you feeling disappointed with reality because it never quite matches up. It's important to let things play out how they're meant to and to actually be present in the moment. I'm getting that a lot of you feel like you have a shitty memory when really you just aren't actually there in the moment. I think you're someone that has struggled with communication in the past. Being honest about how you feel might just hard for you, possibly because you were told early on by people in your life that your emotions were overreactions or were gaslit into thinking you were wrong for feeling the way you did. It could also be that people misunderstand you even when you are being open and honeste. It may seem like no matter what your intentions are people seem to get upset and not get the point of what you're saying. It's important to know not everyone will speak the same language as you. Instead of mulling over all the connections where you weren't truly heard, focus on the ones where you are. There are many people coming into your life to teach you how to be loved. You're having a hard time cutting out those thought patterns that keep you stuck in the old version of your life where people walked all over you and took you for granted. But the work you've been doing to set boundaries is working. Now the universe is testing you. In relationships it's really important for you to find a good balance between time shared and time spent alone. You need alone time to recharge but also to spend on your passions and the things you want to do for fun. Some of the people you think are going to be romantic connections aren't really what you think they are. Something much deeper is coming for you. I see you waiting for The Ex to come back and to get some closure but I don't foresee that happening any any time soon, although they do keep tabs on you online so keep that in mind.
Your next soulmate:
A very nurturing, patient person, possibly an earth sign who's willing to do the work and grow with you. Someone rather andro presenting, with a really balanced blend of both masculine and feminine energy. The thing that pulls you in the most about them is their voice. It has a hypnotic sense to it that you can't stop listening to, seeing a lot of voice memos through text. I see them just being super cute and corny with you which is different from how they are with other people and you really like that. Possibly a fixed sign venus (leo, scorpio, aquarius, taurus). Shoulder length dark hair or at least at some point they had that length of hair for a while. Wears loose, flowing types of clothes, really values comfort but still is stylish about it. They have a simple, effortless beauty about them. I see this possibly being someone you met through the internet and haven't met in person yet but I do feel like you're in contact already or you knew OF them but will soon get to know them on a more personal basis.
Photo 3:
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I think you put a lot of work into past relationships only to be met with very little energy. It almost feels like "what the point"? You guys might be the group that's content with being single for now or even have sworn off dating entirely. You would just give and give with nothing in return. Now, you're being called to learn how to fill your own cup before giving to others. This group is sort of like the bleeding heart, the ones who would do anything for anyone but themselves. This period of alone time was crafted so you can learn exactly how to do that. Try to show up for yourself in the everyday choices you make. I think you're rebuilding trust with yourself. It's possible you even handled some things poorly in past relationships just due to how angry the energy discrepancy made you feel. You were acting out of hurt, not that it's an excuse but it's an explanation. You weren't crazy, you were triggered. I think you're learning a lot of the people who abandoned you in your life we're just really struggling to learn their lessons and therefore were unable to be there for you. That doesn't make the pain go away, but by removing some of the blame you can let go of some of the resentment you've been harboring. Give yourself the time to rest and recoup and heal that you need. But don't close your heart to love. Love comes in so many different forms and there are ways to feel fulfilled without romantic love. In fact I see a heavy focus on friends for you guys. You're building a community right now build on love and respect.
Your next soulmate:
Short-medium very light hair possibly with slight stubble/beard. More of a soft build but they're relatively pretty athletic they're just not like "chiseled" and I think that's probably your favorite body type. They have a soft calming energy that you just immediately feel comfortable around. You feel like you can tell them anything and everything, free of judgement. They're someone who's trying to pursue their passion as their career, and I think you have mutual interests as far as that goes. Maybe not the exact same thing but it's in the same vein. I think this is someone you've felt was destined to be with you at some point, or if you've been manifesting what you would like in an ideal partner, they're the answer. Sort of an ambivert, but very funny always making you laugh. I see a sort of friendly energy here, a bit of a will they wont they. Whatever vision you have of your ideal life and ideal partner, keep it in mind and keep the vision strong. I see this coming in and deepening in the next six months
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ashraintarot · 1 year
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The sun card is coming through today as a reminder to focus on your life force. What habits, routines and activities fill you with energy? What leaves you feeling as though you can conquer the world? That is where you need to focus your energy. The Sun is optimism, but more than that it’s knowing. Even when you can’t see the sun, it’s still shining. A reminder that the hope and love of life is always there should you remember to look for it. Consider how being too close to the sun isn’t ideal either, everything will burn up. There has to be a balance. Between night and day / active and receptive. Don’t push yourself too hard, and don’t have crazy high expectations for how things will go. Simply ask yourself moment by moment, what can i do that would make me feel good and happy to be alive right now? Do that thing! Even if it’s only for 5 minutes and you don’t have the attention span yet to keep going. Slowly you’ll make it to 6 minutes, then 7, then 10, then however long you desire. Move your body, be IN your body, take care of your body. But don’t forget to feed your mind and give yourself time to digest. I think the Sun embodies a time when we were young, before the concept of pressure ever made itself known. those with trauma accrued during their younger years can have a really hard time with not putting pressure on themselves. Then we have the inner child that gets stuck, not knowing how to do the things it was supposed to be able to do in childhood. The sun holds wisdom of a way we can reparent ourselves gently. So ask yourself what side of the sun are you on. Have you been pushing yourself too hard for too long? Are you not pushing enough. Try something new today. If you’re going to hard, challenge yourself to recede a bit. Take some time for yourself to just relax in whatever way you enjoy. Most importantly, practice saying no! If you feel as though you’re not pushing hard enough, just try something. If you do it for 2 minutes and get bored, try to make it to 3. Start doing that one thing you’ve been putting off for weeks. Try out that new healthy habit you really wanted to start. Try setting the tone for a different tomorrow.
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