carsonisdabomb · 4 years
I like your thinking
me before: what the fuck are fanfics?
me after: lol help, how much fanfics is too much fanfics?
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carsonisdabomb · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug - Harry Potter Crossover Part 4, The Talk
Marinette slowed to a walk as she went down the aisle. The whole room was staring at her, and the Hufflepuff students she walked past looked most scared. She went to sit down in the final spot open on the long Slytherin table, right next to Chloe Bourgeois.
“Why are you sitting next to me, Mud-Blood, I’m too good for you, you filthy Muggle!”
Marinette jumped, surprised at how angry her voice sounded. Marinette quietly whispered.
“There were no other chairs left. I didn’t have a choice.” Chloe smirked.
“Then sit on the floor, in the filth. I mean, that’s where you belong.” Marinette couldn’t believe someone could be so mean. She just ignored her, because she wasn’t worth listening to. Suddenly, the man with wild black hair, glasses, and gray robes stood up. Marinette realized no one had spoken a word since she was sorted. Everyone was still staring at her. Finally, the man made a move to speak.
“Greetings students, and welcome to another year of learning at Hogwarts. I hope you first years have a wonderful time learning as well.” Marinette could’ve sworn his eyes flickered over to her. “I am your new Headmaster. It is nice to meet you all. My name is Harry Potter, and this is my first year as Hogwarts Headmaster. Your house leaders here will be Cilene Bustier, Gryffindor, Wang Fu, Ravenclaw, Pomona Sprout, Hufflepuff, and Frankie Mendeleiev, Slytherin. Now enough with the speaking, because I believe you are starving, after that long train ride and sorting. As the great Albus Dumbledore once said, “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!, thank you, and now, let’s eat!”
The applause was not very loud, as it had been when the sorting had been done. People were still staring at Marinette. But she just shrugged it off, as a pile of mashed potatoes and gravy appeared in front of her. She was astonished. So THIS was magic. Chloe kept blabbering on about “Mud-bloods and their filth, thinking they can sit wherever they want”, while most people listened to her, trying to keep their eyes off of Marinette. She jumped when someone tapped her shoulder.
“The Headmaster wishes to see ya’ ”
Marinette looked up to see Hagrid looking down at her. Marinette gave him a kind smile and stood up. What little talk there was in the room quickly stopped, as they watched Marinette make her way up to the front, with Hagrid in tow. When she was up front, she got a better look at the headmaster. He was actually pretty short, about 5’8, Had messy black hair, glasses, and ...was that a scar? A lighting bolt- shaped divot on his head stood out. Marinette realized she was staring when the Headmaster smiled at her. He motioned for her to follow him, and she followed him out of the hall, quickly, with everyone staring at them. Once out of the Great Hall, the smile dropped off of the Headmaster’s face. He stopped in front of a classroom and walked in.
Once inside, the Headmaster spoke.
“Hello Marinette, it is nice to officially meet you. My name is Harry Potter.” Marinette smiled. He seemed nice enough.
“It’s good to meet you sir.” Marinette mumbled.
“Now you May be wondering why I pulled you out here to talk with me.” She nodded “Well, I’m just preparing you for the inevitable, because you are going to have a hard first year of school here.” Marinette frowned.
“Did the sorting hat tell you that you are the first muggle-born put in Slytherin?”
“How did you kn-“
“Never mind that, I have my ways” the Headmaster raised an eyebrow and continued
“Slytherins, don’t take well to muggle-borns, so expect a lot of bullying from them.”
Marinette questioned this for a second, but decided better of it.
“Well, I have already made friends outside of my house, I met them on the train, so I will be fine.”
The Headmaster shook his head, staring sadly at Marinette. She, of course, would not know the trouble she would encounter this year, for she was a muggle-born and wouldn’t understand. The Headmaster spoke again.
“Marinette, many students don’t like to associate themselves with Slytherins, because they are mean. They start fights, bully people, and even sided with Voldemort many years ago.”
“Who’s Voldemort?” She asked. Potter smiled
“You’ll learn about that this year in Defense Against the Dark Arts, anyways back to my point, just because you made friends on the train doesn’t mean they won’t throw you into the same boat as the Slytherins and stop talking to you. Because even when I went to Hogwarts, I stereotyped the Slytherins as well. So what I’m saying, is that this year, you will be bullied by your housemates for being a muggle-born, and no one outside your house, will talk to you. Not even the friends you made on the train.”
Marinette stared wide-eyed at him. She realized that he meant every word he said. Her smile dropped off of her face, and it looked like she might cry. Suddenly, Potter came over, and comforted her.
“Now I’m not saying that some people might not warm up to, but I want to prepare you.” He looked at her sadly, then handed her a slip of parchment.
“If you ever need to talk to me, just come to my office. The code is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. I’m sure Cilene, along with Wang and Pomona would be happy to talk to you too. But Frankie isn’t a fan of muggle-borns either.”
Marinette smiled slightly and hugged him. He didn’t seem to mind as he gave her a hug back.
“Sorry for keeping you for so long, I do believe that you housemates have already gone to their dorm room. I will get Filch to bring you to your dorm. The code you tell the man in the picture is ‘Scale Slither’, got it?”
She nodded and the man smiled before turning out of the classroom, leaving her alone. She waited for about three minutes, before an old man with long hair and a cat came and got her. He took her up to the dorm, without saying a word. She realized quite quickly that the cat was stuffed. She decided to ignore that fact, and simply turned to the portrait of a man with slick black hair, a long nose, and a curl to his smile. As Filch walked away, she turned to the portrait to see it trying not to laugh.
“Filch carries the cat around ever since it died. He’s a little upset”
Marinette laughed at that. Then she said “Scale Slither” and walked into the dorm, only for Chloé to be waiting, and for her to cast a spell that sent her flying back out of the dorm. This was going to be a long year.
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carsonisdabomb · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug - Harry Potter Crossover Part 3
Adrien Agreste had always been emotionally neglected by his dad. His dad had been cold towards the world since his mother passed away. He refused to see Adrien off, instead sending his assistant, Nathalie, and his bodyguard Raymond. Chloé and her father, the Minister of Magic, were the only other people who had been in the mansion, other than Adrien’s bodyguard and Nathalie. Adrien’s father had been a Slytherin to the bone, and rarely talked to adrien about his Hogwarts days. He insisted that Chloé and Adrien start dating, while Adrien used the excuse that they were too young. The truth was, that Adrien didn’t like Chloe. She was mean and snobby, and only acted nicely when Adrien was around. He even tried to get away from her on the train, only for her to pull him back to their compartment. She got mad at him, and refused to talk to him for the rest of the ride, which was ok with him. When he heard the brakes squeal, he was glad the train ride was over with.
“This way First-years, this way!” A big burly man with white hair and a long beard motioned for the First-years to follow him. “Hello Youngn’s, I’m Rubeus Hagrid, Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and Groundskeeper. You guys get a special trip to see the school, since it’s ya’ first time ‘round the place.”
He spoke with a deep voice, which scared some of the students. But Marinette could see, despite his size, he was really a caring, old man. He had a twinkle in his eye that Marinette had only seen from one other person. Marinette then snapped back to reality, after she notice Alya staring at her. Alya then spoke
“Girl, what are you staring at him for?” Marinette thought about it for a bit before answering.
“No reason, he just reminds me of my dad.” The big man had about a foot on her father, but they both were built roughly the same.
“Your dad?” Alya asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah.” Marinette avoided Alya’s eye contact for the boat ride. Marinette realized that her father was hiding something, but decided to keep her mouth shut for the moment.
The boat ride was fun, but it had to come to an end at some point. Hagrid dropped them off at the castle, leaving them alone. The group of First-years stood their awkwardly, until a young female walked out of the castle. She had red hair, which was up in a bun, and had teal green eyes. She sighed before speaking.
“That Hagrid, always leaving the First-years on their own.” She shook her head slowly before turning to the group.
“Hi, my name is Caline Bustier, I am the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Head of the Gryffindor house. I’m sorry Hagrid left you alone, he has done that the last few years.”
Marinette released a small chuckle before turning back to the teacher.
“Alright, get in line students. We need to get to the sorting ceremony.” Everyone got in line, and Marinette ended up at the end of the line. She sighed, figuring this would be a long wait. The class followed Professor Bustier up the steps, into the building. As soon as Marinette walked in the castle, she gasped in amazement. Inside, it was huge, with what seemed like millions of pictures, all moving and talking to each other. They passed classroom after classroom, seeing teachers prepare their classrooms for the year using magic. Finally, they ended up at a long room, with table after table of children sitting at them. Floating candles decorated the air, with the walls covered in a brilliant starry setting. The first years stood in line, while a Middle-Aged man, with wild black hair, glasses, and grey robes, placed a hat on a chair in the front of the hall. The room quieted down, as Professor Bustier called out a name.
“Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Half-Blood”
A young boy with tomato-red hair sat on the stool, while Bustier set the hat on his head. There was no noise, and the hat sat quietly on the boys head for about ten seconds, before it yelled.
Marinette jumped at the sound, and then realized she should’ve realized what was happening already. Alya and Nino explained this to her on the train ride. The Sorting Hat chose the houses for each person. Gryffindor, for courage, Ravenclaw, for smarts, Hufflepuff, for kindness, and Slytherin, for cunning. She dazed off into her thoughts, while Professor Bustier became background noise.
The hat went on and on. Marinette only snapped back to reality when she heard Alya’s name.
“Alya Cesaire, Half-Blood”
The hat considered Alya for a moment, before screaming,
Marinette cheered for Alya as she went to sit down. Next up was Nino, who was sorted into Gryffindor as well. Then the blonde haired girl Marinette saw on the train was called.
“Chloe Bourgeois, Pur-” Bustier was cut off by the Sorting Hat, screaming “SLYTHERIN!” the moment he heard the name. There was a strong applause from the Slytherin table, as Chloe went to sit down. Next up, was the blonde boy who came to their compartment on the train. The boy sat down, and he looked worried.
Then the sorting hat screamed.
The boy looked relieved. He went to sit down, and realized then she was the last one in line.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Muggle-Born”
Marinette strode forward and took a seat on the chair. Then, Bustier placed the hat on her head. Suddenly, a voice spoke to her through her head.
“I see, this one is a tricky one. You, my dear, have the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the courage of a Gryffindor, the kindness of a Hufflepuff, yet, you have the cunningness of a Slytherin. You would make a fine addition to any house. What to do, what to do……”
Marinette sat still, waiting for the hat to make a choice. Everyone was staring at her. This was the longest time the hat had taken to make a decision.
“Dear me, I have not had to make such a hard choice, since…” The hat stiffened.
“Since……... Harry Potter”
Marinette was surprised by the comparison. She had heard of Harry Potter, because apparently he was the new Headmaster at Hogwarts, since Professor McGonagall retired last year. He was famous in some way, but she forgot how exactly.
“Well, we better wrap this up.” Marinette forgot that the hat could read her thoughts, and quickly focused on the task at hand.
“Alright then, how about, SLYTHERIN!”
The hall stayed quiet. No one applauded. Bustier stood there, stunned, not removing the Sorting Hat from her head. Marinette was confused. She wondered why no one had even made a noise. Then the hat’s voice shot through her head, one last time before Professor Bustier removed it.
“Because you’re the first Muggle-Born to ever be put in Slytherin.”
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carsonisdabomb · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug - Harry Potter Crossover Part 2
As Marinette sat down, the male introduced himself
“Hi I’m Nino, Nino Lahiffe.” Nino was wearing a hat and robes, with the Hogwarts logo on them, and was also wearing thick-rimmed black glasses. He had brown eyes and tan skin, and was quite tall.
“H-Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Nino chuckled, seeing how she was nervous.
“No need to be nervous! It’s nice to meet you.” Marinette smiled softly and looked up at him.
“I met your mom right before I got through the barrier.”
“Oh, sorry you had to meet her.” Nino chuckled. “She is a bit ecstatic when she meets new people.” Marinette giggled.
“It’s ok, she’s cool.” Nino smiled.
“Hey, you want a Chocolate Frog? I have plenty.”
“S-Sure.” Marinette took the package and opened it. A brown frog jumped out and she squealed. Nino sat there, confused, and then started laughing. Marinette gave him a glare, and he finally stopped laughing.
“Are you Muggle-Born?” Nino asked.
“What is Muggle-Born?”
“A Muggle is a non-magical person”
“Well......” Marinette hesitates before saying “Yes.”
Nino sees that she is a bit self conscious so he says
“It’s ok, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
She smiled. She had never met such a upbeat person. They talked for a while, and Nino taught her some basic things about wizards that were different from muggles. She learned that pictures move in this world, food can move, and ghosts exist. She thought back to her home in Paris. She never had any real friends. Sure, she had some acquaintances, but no one ever really talked to her. Suddenly, as the train started to move towards Hogwarts, a girl knocked on the door. Marinette got up and opened the door, as the girl stumbled in, breathing heavily. She sat down, and talked.
“I can’t thank you enough for letting me in. The only other open apartment was with Chloe.” She said the name with a clear distaste.
“Anyways, I’m Alya Cesaire. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Nino smiled and offered his hand.
“I’m Nino Lahiffe. The pleasure is all mine.” The girl turned to Marinette and raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, I-I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Alya smirked and said “Girl, your name is a mouthful!”
Nino and Alya burst into laughter while Marinette chuckled. They got acquainted with Alya, when the trolley lady comes by, offering treats. Marinette jumped at the offer.
“I’ll take some. What do you have?”
In the end, she took 10 pumpkin pasties, 12 chocolate frogs, and a box of Bernie Botts every flavored beans. Her two soon to be classmates raise their eyebrows.
“My new owl Tikki absolutely loves sweets” Nino gave her a weird look.
“An owl? Eating sweets? Really?” Nino was surprised. His family had an owl, but he never touched sweets. He shrugged it off. Suddenly, a young male appeared at the door, and started pounding frantically. Alya got up to open the door, but before she did, a blonde female grabbed the boy, and pulled him away. Alya rolled her eyes, and spoke.
“Chloé is always all over Adrien. Poor guy.”
Marinette thought to herself “Chloé? I heard her name while I was getting on the train. I wonder why she is so important.” Either way, she just let the thought go.
The brakes started to screech, and everyone got their stuff, getting ready to get off the train. Marinette hoped that this would be a good first year.
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carsonisdabomb · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug - Harry Potter Crossover
Marinette Couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw a Hispanic kid run through the brick wall between Platform 9 and 10. She stood there, mouth wide open, wondering “WHAT THE HELL”
The women that was with the child turned around, and saw that Marinette was there, and the women softly smiled. Marinette realized she just said that out loud and her face turned a dark crimson.
“Hi! I’m Mrs.Lahiffe, and who may you be?”
Marinette was taken aback by the sound of her voice. She calmed down a bit, given the women was acting calm, given she just screamed those words.
“I-I-I’m M-Marinette D-Dupain-Cheng?”
“Is that a question or a statement honey?”
Marinette realized what she just said and burst into a fit of giggles.
“I’m sorry M’am, it was a statement, not a question” Marinette couldn’t help but smile brightly at the woman.
“Are you going to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry?” She asked quietly.
Marinette let out a relieved sigh. When she had received the letter, she thought it was a joke or a scam. Turns out, it wasn’t. A few days later a weird looking person in a cloak explained everything to her. She was Muggle-Born, and had no magic relatives. She couldn’t possibly imagine why they wanted her.
“Um yes, and I guess to get to Platform 9 3/4 is through the barrier?” Marinette asked, realizing what might be in the other side.
“Yes it is! Do you need help?” The woman asked.
“No I think I’m good. But thank you!”
“Ok, have fun at Hogwarts!” She said
Marinette turned to the barrier and ran through. She braced for impact, but never made contact, and was through the barrier.
Marinette got on the train. She thought about her parents and their bakery in Paris. Their reluctance to send Marinette to Hogwarts. Her pleading them. She was happy to have a loving and caring home. Before she knew it, she was at the back of the train. She looked into the apartment next to where she was standing, and saw the boy that was with Mrs.Lahiffe. She shyly knocked on the door, and the boy jumped. He looked up to where she was standing and he got up, and opened the door for her.
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