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Lainey Molnar
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LOOK i get that we in North America hear a lot of racist assumptions about China, but dear lord people, the genocide against Uyghur people is actually happening and people are dying.
The Chinese government has attempted to cover this up.
Blaming this on Chinese people and using it to vilify them is racist, but if I see one more person calling the Uyghur genocide a myth or a lie I'm gonna fuckin lose it.
An ethnic group is being targeted, put it in camps, and slaughtered. That's genocide.
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AU where the Justice League forms like usual, except Batman maintained his “totally a myth” status and has in fact been active for years before the JL forms. He’s very cautious about trusting them, but still joins, and the others sort of accepts that as long as they trust that Batman has a really hard time with trust, it will all work out in its own weird way
Then, one day, in the middle of a JL mission, the League gets in a tight spot. Out of nowhere, this blue and black blur swoops in and saves everyone’s ass. Maybe breaking some shackles that were proving very difficult, maybe disarm a bomb that the League was just a hair’s breadth too slow to reach without help, but whatever happens, the shadowy figure pauses just long enough to say, “Hey, Batman, you know you there are these things called cellphones now and you can just call sometimes, it doesn’t have to be this dramatic?” and bounds away after shouting ‘let’s do brunch! Bring your new friends!’
Batman is mortified.
No one lets it go.
The entire rest of the mission, the whole League is asking so many questions. Who was that? Do you know him? How do you know him? What’s going on? I didn’t know there was a vigilante in this area?? They don’t let up until he talks.
“That was Nightwing.” Batman is mumbling. The JL forces him to bring them to the Brunch. Brunch happens to be in a run-down apartment on the edge of a bad neighborhood, at five in the morning, in costume. Nightwing introduces himself as Batman’s lovechild with justice.
“I did not realize Batman had a child,” Martian Manhunter says, calmly enough that no one’s sure if he’s accidentally plucking a really loud thought out of the air or if he’s trying to make a joke.
Nightwing stares for a moment falling over laughing. He doesn’t get up. Batman starts trying to apply anti-Joker venom but Nightwing just kicks him and laughs until he cries. He keeps trying to wipe his eyes and his mask keeps getting in the way, so he asks everyone to leave so he can please get a hold of himself
He is still laughing when they leave. Everyone is confused. Batman is furious.  Nightwing manages to breathe long enough to say, “We’re just so glad you’re socializing now, Batman.”
Superman turns to look at Batman very slowly. “…’we’?”
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Please fucking lie to your employer. Like they don’t need to know your mental health issues or what drugs you do. Ffs
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It’s incredible how much women do behind the scenes. I know a realtor who relies strongly on his girlfriend’s charisma, beauty and personality to gain clients.
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A Stolen Dream Ch.1
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Here's the thing about shows like South Park and Family Guy that make their money off of being edgy and offensive. They fundamentally reduce their viewers' capacity for empathy. If I found a joke funny, and you found it offensive, you're just too sensitive. This is directly related to the ride of the alt right and the election of trump. In this essay I will
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Who needs cute?
@g-arya For one. And maybe @lenoreofraven who said she likes this au.
When Felix is seven he knows for sure his cousin Adrien is afraid of everything.
The other boy is afraid of spiders, big mean dogs, little mean dogs. Kidnappers (a reasonable fear), clowns (also reasonable), and going outside without his bodyguard or parents.
Adrien Agreste wouldn’t sneak out of his room if it were on fire.
Marinette, his very best (some said only) friend wasn’t afraid of much. Scary movies didn’t count because they were made to frighten people.  Dogs of all sizes adored her, she roamed the neighborhood unafraid and the one time Felix tried to sneak up behind her and scare her she flipped him on to his back and smirked at him. Adrien cheered for her and said, “Hail the Dragon Princess!”
His cousin was still the Dumb-Dumb Knight.
If there was anything that scared Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Felix hoped to never see it.
There was only one thing that really scared Felix and it was far, far away from him and Mummy and Daddy would never let him face it alone.
Felix never expected to find out what scared his best friend because he would never ask her. She always seemed so brave, even faced with a brat like Chloe and she always took spiders outside and released them before they could scare Adrien. If bigger kids tried to take her lunch they would also find themselves flat on their back wondering why someone so small and cute was also so ferocious.
Felix secretly thought of her as his hero.
The day he found out they were all playing at Felix’s house during a rainstorm. It was gentle and light at first but suddenly the sky grew dark and lighting flashed, accompanied by angry thunder.  Adrien began to cry and Felix held him, patting his back like a good cousin and trying not to make fun. 
Marinette’s answer was to make a blanket fort for them all to hide in. All she used were three blankets, some twine she found in the back of his closet and the chip clips off their snack bags. That girl was amazing.
She made a nest out of his pillows and the trio scrambled in, the blankets blocked out the worst of the lightning but the thunder still boomed around them.
“Let Adrien be in the middle, so we can protect him,” she told Felix.
The other boy scrambled into the middle of the pillow nest and covered his ears. Felix rolled his eyes and was about to make a joke when he noticed Marinette was trembling.
“Marinette?” he whispered, “are you…afraid of thunder?”
She was quiet before a loud rumble made her and his cousin jump. “Yes, a little”, she whispered back. The lightning illuminated her face for a moment and Felix could tell she was wide eyed and scared. “I know it can’t hurt me, but…”she chewed on her bottom lip. “It’s loud and that’s kinda scary.”
“You’re very brave,” Felix told her.
“It’s easy to be brave when someone needs you,” she told him, glancing at the shaking Adrien. She put her head on the frightened boy’s shoulder. “It’s harder to be brave for yourself.
They were all quiet for a minute while Felix debated with himself. 
They’re my best, my only friends. They trust me, so I’ll trust them.
“I’m…afraid of my grandfather.” Felix confided. He shivered as he thought of the stern, cruel man. “He’s mean to Daddy for marrying Mummy. He’s mean to Mummy for being French. He yells at me if I’m loud or ask too many questions or is better at chess than him.” Tears began to pool in the corners of his eyes and he felt ashamed for showing such an emotion as fear. “He thumped me hard on the ear once and told me if I were his son he’d cane me.”
Felix heard their gasps of shame and hope they hadn’t seen him crying. He hadn’t expected to confide in anyone but the floodgates were open and he couldn’t stop. “If I’m too happy or angry or feel bad he yells at me for not being a real man. True Englishmen are stoic. He tells my parents to sending me to boarding school. One time he said…” Felix hesitated; not even Mummy and Daddy knew what had happened. “…I was a mistake.”
The words were out before he could take them back and he closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see the looks on his friends’ faces after hearing his own grandfather thought he was defective and unlovable. He was afraid they might agree. 
Part of him wanted to jump up and hide from them in the bathroom but suddenly he felt Adrien reach out and take his hand.
“He’s wrong and mean,” his cousin told him, “sounds like he’s the dumb-dumb head, not me.”
Marinette nodded. “We love you, Felix. If I ever meet your grandfather, I’m gonna beat him up!”
Felix laughed. “You could. I wanna see that.”
Adrien crawled over him and pushed him into the middle. “Don’t be afraid of him, Felix. We won’t let him hurt you or talk to you ever again!”
As much as he wanted to believe his cousin he knew no one could keep his grandfather away if the mean, bitter old man wanted to see him bad enough. Still, it made him smile to think they’d try.
Felix took one of their hands in his. “I love you both too.” He cuddled them both and soon, despite the storm, they fell peacefully into dreamless sleep.
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it was also supposed to be temporary 
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26-year-old Jamarion Robinson’s grandmother Beverly Nixon said her grandson was bipolar and schizophrenic. Still got shot 76 (!!!) times. Would a white person get the same treatment?
The witness said he saw more than a dozen patrol cars at the complex where US Marshals killed Robinson on August 5, 2016. Why were there no behavioral specialist? Surely one of them would know how to interact with a bipolar schizophrenic better than the police.
I’m absolutely disgusted.
Here’s Jamarion’s mother’s GoFundMe in case anyone is willing to help.
#JusticeForJamarion   #BlackLivesMatter
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It’s hard to explain such a complicated matter in a short comic, so please forgive me for not diving deeper in some nuances. Also: I am not black, and I’m Canadian, so I’m not an authority on the matter. I just know how to draw. Listen to black voices.
White men: Don’t use the term Karen. Coming from you, it’s just misogynistic. Karen is a word coined by people of color, mostly black people, in reaction to acts of racism.
And if you’re a white woman campaigning against the use of the term Karen— wonder why you’re not campaigning against the racist acts of the ones that get called Karen.
(please don’t repost this comic on twitter or instagram, i posted it myself on both)
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Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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Okay non-European tumblr, I’m gonna explain to you why ‘white’ isn’t as simple here as it is in the rest of the world
- Shades of white in Europe range from ‘freshly fallen snow’ to ‘I am frequently mistaken as being from the Middle East’
- White European is a thing. When you fill out a form, under ethnicity, there are several options for white; white British, white European, white other. Because people make that distinction
- There are Europeans who don’t class their ethnicity as their skin colour, but as their nationality. I have family who don’t think of themselves as white, they just think of themselves as Italian and don’t really give much thought to their skin colour
- People here in Britain always question if darker skinned white Europeans are ‘actually white’. I get it a lot myself. My response is always ‘well I’m not anything else, so obviously I must be’
- Despite being white, a lot of Europeans from Italy, Greece, Spain etc, don’t feel white in the traditional sense. We’re not white like white British people. We’re not white like white Americans. We’re our own white. White British is one thing. White Italian is another thing. White Greek is another, etc
- Which is why we have this notion here in Europe of ‘nationality over race’. Being white isn’t as important as where you’re from
- So this really only becomes an issue if you’re an immigrant
- So being white in Europe doesn’t save you from racial discrimination, because sure, you’re technically white, but you’re not white white. Not the right white
- Here in England, Europeans with really blatantly foreign names, such as myself, find it more difficult to get job interviews, because they take one look at our name and don’t bother reading the rest of the CV. A guy I know was actually told by his boss to reduce the pile of CVs he had by ‘chucking away any with a name you can’t fucking pronounce’
- And then even when you do get an interview, half the time you walk into the joint several shades darker than everyone else and feel like you’ve walked into the ‘Swedish supermodel’ clubhouse and you just know you’re not getting hired
This is all basic stuff and it’s very much taken for granted here. Race and ethnicity are not as clear cut, so it can be very confusing for non-Europeans to wrap their heads around. Which is fine. But I implore you to stay in your lane, because when you say things like ‘no white person anywhere in the world ever knows what it’s like to face racial discrimination’, it’s really fucking offensive to all of the European immigrants who are denied jobs, harassed by the police and beaten by racists, because foreign is foreign to these people, and they don’t give a shit if you’re technically white. So when you mean white American, say white American. 
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This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!
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