winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 17 (Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 17 (Part 16)
In the evening, after keeping her sleeping baby gently on the mattress next to her, Sarah picked up the small jar containing the balm that Bucky had bought her to alleviate her, now, deeply aching nipples.
Not before thinking twice about it and finally surrendering to her body's pain, she opened her nursing gown's top buttons and unclasped the right side of her maternity bra, not knowing that she had not fully locked her dormitory's door. In fact, the door wasn't even closed properly, as there was a solid six inch gap there…Sufficient enough for someone to see whatever was happening in the room. And the view was even better with Bucky's brilliant eyesight, who was just crossing his room to walk towards the balcony when his feet stopped right in front of the only dormitory in his house. The man couldn't make out how tender, yet arousing the view was.
The woman was applying the nipple balm on her sore and slightly cracked nipple in circular motions using her fingertips, with her gaze concentrating on this task being very careful not to touch any painful wound around her areola. The man stood there, watching the scene, admiring the changes in the woman's body. Her aspect was better now, at least , weight wise. Her pale complexion had some color to it with a beautiful shade of pink adorning her cheeks. Her breasts were fuller than before, but he wasn't sure why exactly this was. Because she was eating more, or because she was a lactating mother .
It's not like her face was free from the scars she had from her past but her skin was glowing now, even though some of the bruises and cuts were still fresh there. Nevertheless, these thoughts quickly vanished as his mind got fully damp in this beautiful scene.
Thinking that she was in her privacy, she let her other breast bare too and scooped some soothing product in her hand, and gently rubbed it all around her dark pink large bud.
Bucky took a step closer to the door, to have a better look at the woman... almost unconsciously. Whilst applying the balm, the friction of her fingers was making her calmed bud tighter and beautifully creased... sometimes being utterly bare to his eyesight and other times being hidden by her fingertips as she massaged the balm on her skin.
Poor Bucky was so busy relishing this moment, when the lady finally met Bucky's tender gaze, he couldn't even react properly … but just a dreamy shy smile made his sealed lips lift up. The lady, who's one breast was partially covered with her fingers and the other bosom was naked, couldn't react at all… she just blinked some shyness before looking down… more in memory than in shame, remembering that she did do what he had asked her to do, she is taking care of herself the way he wanted her to… because he had requested her to. Hesitantly, she lifted her eyes up to stare into Bucky's own ocean blues and then... it's when he worthlessly walked away dropping his gaze to the ground…However, still having bits and pieces of that shy smile adorning his countenance whilst he disappeared.
On the same day, when the night had dug its nails on the day's flesh, Bucky was all alone in the hall with the door of his…well now her… bedroom locked. Not knowing what was awaiting for him, as the little baby had begun to suffer the first and most normal consequences of coming outside of his mother's warm environment.
Assuming that the woman and its baby both were asleep, he got rid of his glove and took off his long sleeve t-shirt, in order to fix his metal arm in its place as one of its joints had loosened up. Whilst doing this task by himself with his flesh hand, the bedroom door opened. Said door was facing Bucky's back before the lady took in the male's back view ... as well as his metal limb... leaving her astonished for a couple of large seconds. However, that emotion was provoked in the woman's soul due to a mixture of imminent fright, regret, confusion and concern for the safety of her son .
A terrifying arm…a terrifying titanium arm, attached to a well-toned physique... carrying a red star… and then ... shining steel blue eyes ready to offer an explanation were gazing at her insecurities through her complexion. The former Winter Soldier had turned, but did not dare to move from his place knowing exactly what the woman must be thinking about him. He… himself… was scared and dead frightened to even face this scenario all of a sudden without any sketch on how to approach this topic with her.
Meanwhile , in a far dim corner of the city, the man… the monster actually, was standing in a barely lit room facing the window with his hands crossed in front of his chest waiting for a messenger to come in and shed some light on his recent doubts about the past turbulent days.
After a couple of minutes, finally the messenger came. Upon hearing his footsteps the monster opened his mouth to sigh deeply before he made up his mind to speak.
“Did you find her?” The monster asked.
“No my lord,” the messenger replied.
“Then why are you standing here?” The Lord yelled, furious, unable to manage his anger issues.
“Because... because I had to inform you… that I couldn't find..”. the messenger replied, in a shaky and scared voice but was cut by the man standing in front of him who turned around and faced him.
“Then go... and bring her... and until that... do not show me your face…” the monster announced, walking towards him in a couple of the most terrifyingly intimidating steps that the messenger had ever seen... as if the monster was trying to control his urge to smack him in the face... And he would have done that too, if the messenger had not left the room in less than 2 seconds after he finished his words.
And because the anger had to come out, the object of his fury was the poor little black crystal antique vase that shattered on the floor after its master threw it on the floor and banged his hands on the chest of drawers that held him for many many years till now.
“I am going to get to you... wherever you are...no matter how far you are… you are mine and forever will be mine…”the man murmured with clenched teeth in a determination that shook the whole room's dead soul.
hi guys ! i hope you are liking this story. Its angsty in the beggining , but the ending will be a happy one . Slowly , i will reveal the full story of the female protagonist and the journey too will be a positive one of overcoming the emotional and past obstacles. I just wanted to write a story in which Bucky has tender moments with the baby , maybe father like scenes . Also , i want the proagonist to fall in love with bucky .I am a mess guys, please tell me if you like these tracks.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Chocolate fudge
Probably stargazing! I absolutely love anything to do with space and the planets. A dream of mine is to have my significant other (wherever he may be. Jack and/or Urban of course lol) name a star after me and buy me a telescope so we can see it! 😘💕
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
Hi there! Good morning or night wherever you are. I just wanted to know if I could be tagged when you upload chapter 3 of 'unconventional methods'??? Thanks for sharing your talents with us! ♥️♥️ xxx rae
Oh my god! Your comment just made my day. So very kind of you 😭 Thank you so much for showing interest ❤️ I'll tag you for sure!
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 years
Bestie. Babe. Could I be added to ur tag list 🥺 👉👈 I love ur work
Of course! I’ll put you down in my notes! 💜
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worksby-d · 8 months
Your Age is Showing
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Summary: Your Halloween costume makes Andy's old man brain short circuit, but he’ll get over it.
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Warnings: Age gap
Word count: ~400
Ghost kitty divider by @youngadulhood 🤭
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Making your way downstairs, you grab your sweatshirt off the railing, the one that Andy always jokingly threatens to throw away if you don’t start hanging it up. 
Laughing to yourself, you take the last few steps toward where he’s sitting at the kitchen island, working as always. 
“You’re sure you don’t wanna come with?” You ask, draping your arms over his shoulders to lean down and kiss his cheek. 
You know what his answer will be, but you like teasing him. A Halloween party definitely isn’t his scene, and you’re completely fine with that. When you brought it up to him a month ago, he told you he wanted you to go and have enough fun for the both of you. 
“I’m sure,” he chuckles. He brings a hand up to rest over yours on his chest. “Too late to get a costume now anyway. Which, speaking of…”
He hasn’t seen your costume yet.
Turning around in his barstool, his eyes widen instantly seeing how skimpy your outfit is. He doesn’t know what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t the short denim shorts and tied-up plaid top that’s barely keeping your boobs in place. 
“Cowgirl,” you wink, tipping your cowboy hat at him.
“That’s your costume?” His eyes wander to your exposed midriff. “Where’s the rest of it?”
You can’t help but laugh, putting your fingers underneath his jaw to force his mouth closed. 
“Your age is showing, babe.”
“There’s a lot more than my age showing right now,” he scoffs and you playfully hit him.
You pout, pretending to care about the stunned look on his face. “You really don’t like it?”
“Won’t you be cold?” 
The smirk that he’s trying to suppress tells you that he’s fucking with you now and you shoot him a glare. 
His gaze softens, and he reaches out to pull you closer, resting his hands on your ass as you lean down to kiss him. 
“Easy, partner,” you giggle, pulling away from him when you feel him deepening the kiss, warning him with a fake southern accent.
“I’m teasing,” he says softly, dropping his hands from your backside to hold yours. “I’d rather nobody else look at you the way I am right now, but…” He shrugs. “I know who you’re coming home to later, so that’s all that matters.”
“You’re sure?” 
“Of course.”
“Good,” you smile. “I didn’t want to take it off. That’s your job when I get back in a couple hours.” You bat your eyelashes at him and quickly escape his hold before he can trap you in place. “Bye, baby!”
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Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby
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lunarbuck · 1 year
Dance With The Devil (A/N)
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series masterlist | main masterlist | script | fic playlist
Chapter 7
Hello! I’d like to start by saying a ginormous thank you to @purpleshallot for being such a wonderful friend and beta!! This fic would’ve still been in my drafts if it weren’t for you <3 thank you also to everyone for reading; I hope I did Loki justice!! I’ve never written for him before, but I’ve always wanted to, so I figured why not jump off the deep end and write a whole ass fic for him lmao
Thank you to everyone who left kind comments and replies. It truly means the world to me to be able to hear what you thought of my writing. Thank you to everyone who supported me through writing this fic. I appreciate you all.
I can’t wait to write more for Loki; if you have any requests, please feel free to send them my way <3
Much love - Jane
please message me to be added to a taglist! must be 18+
Series tags: @huntress-artemiss @buckysteveloki-me @raelorns21 @yukiartistz @sarhabee @apollonshootafar @harlequin-hangout @mocswift @phantombaby @blog-the-lilly @vickie5446 @samsgirl93
General tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @searchf0rtheskyline @writerwrites @late-to-the-party-81 @jobean12-blog @prettylittlepluviophile @prettywhenicry4 @nekoannie-chan
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 15(Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 15 (Part 14)
"Don't worry… I'll bring it for you" Bucky declared, before turning to go to his room.
However, a sweet voice made him roll his body to face the gorgeous woman once again who had just addressed him in the most respectful manner.
"Sergeant Barnes" the nameless lady spoke.
"Yes…" Buck managed to reply, caught up in the bliss of this newly felt anticipation.
"Please... could you bring me the baby's blanket too?" The lady asked, truly taking Bucky's breath away with her kind request.
"Sure" he assured, before finally disappearing to fetch those things from his room.
And in no more than a couple of short minutes he was back with the things , which he kept on the coffee table and left to make the nameless woman and himself a steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee.
After the woman made sure that this stranger wasn't able to see her, she exposed one of her breasts and helped her baby to latch on her nipple to feed him. And immediately covered her breast and the baby with the blanket she had told the Sergeant to bring, in order to give her son some privacy while he is being fed in case the blue-eyed stranger came in front of them.
Shortly after, Bucky was back with the cup of caffeine and decided to keep it on the same coffee table in front of the breastfeeding woman. The truth being told, the man was dead shy for coming in front of a lactating woman. To an extent that he couldn't even meet his eyes properly with hers . He took a seat across from her on the single couch and kept his cup of caffeine opposite hers. The situation was made emotionally worse for the Army veteran when he realized that the lady had asked for a blanket because she wanted to cover her breast… and some of her deep wounds from his gaze. He still couldn't meet her ambers ... It was as simple as that for him.
However, he tried defeating his fear, by lifting up his nervous gaze… but poor soul... his attempt came to a halt abruptly when during one of his humble darings, the blanket slipped off letting the woman's irritated nipple to his gaze as the baby was fully satiated.
It was exactly that moment when the blanket slid down and the beautifully enlarged wet nipple sprung out of her child's mouth, exposing her full breast to his Siberian eyes... that he couldn't help but admire for a solid two seconds, before the beauty of this woman was shadowed by the painful scars she carried on the same bosom...caging this image in Bucky's head for a lifetime, perhaps. He lowered his eyes but that image never dropped from his mind… Those two relaxed seconds were enough for him to see the cigarette burns right above her dark pink areola… How the sharp knife cuts stained the fullness of her breast, all these scars kept his mind busy and his head down low in a silence that indicated grief.
"I am sorry...I… I shouldn't have asked you to feed him here… maybe he didn't eat as much as he would with you alone…" Bucky spoke, seeing that the baby had fallen asleep on her mother's beautifully enlarged pink nipple after she helped him to burp.
He felt so lucky, being perfectly able to see the enchanting view of this heart melting scene.
" No... it's fine… don't feel bad about it …" the woman assured, and continued admiring her baby, unaware that she had her bosom exposed , " he likes being with me… he always falls asleep on my chest" She added, staring at her child dreamily.
"Nothing compares to a mother's skin, to her warmth, to your warmth…"Bucky spoke, letting his tongue slip at the end of his words, disclosing his deepest thoughts, making him bite his tongue silently . Because… the poor man was so lost in this moment, that he truly wanted to feel the woman’s warmth. There was this new burning sensation in his heart … the desire to feel this woman’s tender skin. Oh ! How he cursed himself for thinking such a way for this woman …who most probably would hate any sort of male touch after what she has gone through.
To his luck, the lady did not mind the comment in the way Bucky meant .She still thought that he was referring to the motherly affection that her son enjoyed. So carefully, she adjusted her bra and her dress buttons and looked at the warm beverage right in front of her.
"Is this coffee?" The lady asked, bringing the man out of his thoughts to meet her merry gaze.
"Yeah…" he replied, drawing a compassionate smile on his countenance.
Bucky's smile was reciprocated by the woman's lips and she began thinking of where to keep her baby so she can have the drink.
"Wait a second…" Bucky said, before disappearing to come back with the newborn's pram that Natasha had bought for the lady and parked it in front of the large sofa where the woman was currently sitting.
" Allow me... "the blue-eyed man softly requested the woman to let him hold the baby.
After hesitating for a couple of seconds, staring at this new and weird object for her, she passed her bundle of sleeping joy in Bucky's protective arms, that he carefully placed in the pram.
" On these occasions, the pram comes very handy… well... more actually... it will be quite helpful for you when we go out... you can carry your child with you everywhere you go…" Bucky spoke, after taking his seat back across her on his single couch.
"Go out?"
"Yeah" Bucky insisted, intensifying his gaze on her.
"Will I ... ever go out of this house?"
" Yes …of course… there's a beautiful world outside of these four walls…that I am sure you will be thrilled to see and explore…" The man spoke, with honesty absorbing every word that came out of his mouth.
"But …what if he finds me…?" She said, with fear masking her prior sudden hopefulness.
"Great than! I will get the opportunity to break his bones if he tries to come near you!" He remarked, smiling, deliberately wanting to lighten the still nameless woman's mood, " Trust me… I won't let anyone harm you… and if this monster comes in my sight … I swear… I will make him regret every single scar he gave you… I won't hold back" Even after giving his assurances, Bucky couldn't shush the sadness away from the gorgeous set of amber eyes.Yet ,the woman flashed him a sad smile familiarly at the man sitting across her.
" Try the coffee... otherwise it will get cold " Buck,reminded the woman, in an attempt to bring her out of the worry.
" You are right," the lady whispered, and tried what would immediately become her favorite drink, a warm cup of cafe au lait .
The joyful excitement that shone on her face after the initial sip was what made Bucky go into another exchange of words with the young lady.
"You like it?"
"I do… it's so... comforting... and it smells so good…" the woman described the taste, in between sips while the amber of her eyes became a mirror of her heart's happiness.
During this moment, his memory kicked in and he took out a small plastic jar from his pocket and kept it on the table, attracting the lady’s gaze towards it. “What is this?” She asked, making Bucky's mind numb.
hi guys!!!! thanks a lot for your love and support to this story ! I hope you like the new chapter of this story , as Sarah is learning more about her surroundings and her bond with Bucky is getting stronger. I trully hope you liked the awkward scene that eventually took place in bucky's living room.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments bellow and dont forget to hit the kudos button!
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 16 (Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 16 (Part 15 )
" This is... uh… for you to… hum… the doctor said that… after she inspected your condition... that you should be using this for your… sore nipples…" The poor soul tried to explain, getting red in embarrassment in the process and struggling for the right words.
The woman's own eyes lowered, making the moment even more awkward for the former US soldier, whose cheeks were genuinely flushed and warm.
" My son... my son feeds from my breasts... What if after using this he gets sick? I... i... can't" The lady refused, breaking the nerve wracking wordlessness that previously ruled the living room.
"But you have to... the doctor told you to... your nipple is very irritated, you must be feeling pain while you breastfeed... please, do what the doctor says… take care of yourself so you can look after your baby "
The woman's eyes got wide when Buck commented about the condition of her breast... but then she realized that the man had probably seen it when she had fainted, and just thinking about this possibility, her cheeks mimicked the color of the man sitting across from her.
Before she could say anything, both adults heard a rather unpleasant doorbell which turned their gaze towards the door.
"I will check who it is," Bucky declared, before leaving to attend to the guests as the woman grabbed the pram's handle protectively, pulling it closer to her side.
After Buck opened the door, his eyes got rounder than blueberry pies seeing half of the Avengers standing right in front of his nose, with Tony taking the lead position, being the first one to enter his space in a happy go lucky way.
" Hi Ice boy! What's up? Long time no see?" Tony remarked while entering the apartment, before his whole body froze seeing the lady with the pram, who herself was completely shocked seeing the middle aged man.
During these short yet heavy seconds, Natasha, Steve, Wanda, Pepper, Sam and Bruce stepped into the winter soldier's place and the ones who did not have a clue of what was going on, were left with no words in their mouths.
" What on earth? A baby…You have… a… a baby… when did this happen?" Tony slowly began defrosting from his prior state, walking closer to the woman who was shifting her body's weight with every step the man took towards the edge of the sofa in horror.
" Who is this woman Bucky?" Steve dared to ask, puzzled more than shocked, to the man who was standing in front of them all but just behind Tony.
No one... no one said anything, letting the graceful silence take the throne for a couple of long minutes while Bucky could think of a good answer…Good enough to at least calm things down for the moment. Because he knew very well that this was not the time nor the way to explain the events of the past few days.
" Her name is Sarah... she... and her son... are my guests" Bucky announced, with a voice that was stronger than iron, but an emotion softer than warm wax as he gave this nameless woman a name, widening her eyes.
" Sarah ... just like my mother …" Steve whispered, smiling nostalgically, unknowingly creating a very awkward situation with his comment.
Natasha and Wanda were left dumbstruck by this reply , but did not say anything as they thought that perhaps the lady finally had remembered her name and shared it with Bucky.
"Sarah... Nice to meet you. I'm Tony" The middle-aged man said, extending his hand to Sarah who nearly had a heart attack seeing the man's flesh getting near her, making her move her torso behind in the attempts of distancing herself from the man's limb.
Tony was a bit disheartened that the lady reacted in the way she did, but he quickly dismissed it as his gaze noticed the gut wrenching scars on her face and arms forcing him to think further deep into the guest's definition of his friend.
Tony took a step behind and stared at the tiny creature sleeping profusely in the prem.
"You should have told us about your guests… would have brought some gifts for them. Congratulations madam, for the baby" Tony spoke, with a soft and amiable tone, hiding his hands inside of his jeans pockets, slightly disappointed in Bucky.
Tony noticed very closely Bucky's body language for a few seconds and leveled his position to Steve’s.
" Do you see... the way he's looking at her? Just look at him…" the brunet whispered to Steve, very discreetly in the ear, watching Buck stare at the amber eyed lady with love filled puppy eyes.
" I don't know Tony... the woman seems to be brutally abused by her... perhaps… ex husband?" Steve replied, in the same fashion as his friend.
" We don't know dude... this man won't speak…" Tony said, and put an end to this little exchange of words with his friend, mainly because he did not want to draw any eyes towards them.
" Hm… everything happened so fast... I…I…" Bucky tried to dismiss this topic, and found himself aided in the task by his lifelong friend.
" We are pleased to meet you Sarah, I'm Steve , Bucky's childhood friend and this is Natasha, my girlfriend" Steve spoke, , from his place grabbing Natasha's waist, a move that wasn't unnoticed by a pair of scared amber eyes.
Natasha wanted to say that the woman knew her, but preferred to not say anything so as not to ruin Bucky's plan. One by one, the ones who had not introduced themselves yet, did the honor of doing so. However, not without the confusion and mystery of the story of this visibly abused woman. During which Steve got a message on his phone, demanding his presence elsewhere.
" Guys... I will take my leave now. Bye love" And saying this, Steve kissed Natasha on her lips sweetly, drawing the nameless woman's gaze on this natural display of affection between two lovers.
Sarah, how Bucky named her only a few minutes ago, couldn't believe how willingly the redhead offered her mouth to be kissed by the blonde man.
That little smile that adorned Natasha's lips after he left made her wonder... How could this be possible? All she knew, due to her experience, is that five human digits dug into her face and pulled her closer to the wet dripping cave of a monster, who devoured her mouth so roughly... so ruthlessly against her will while she cried, trying to free herself from his strong grip on her forearm and it always ended up with her lower complexion damp in his dirty saliva, mixed with her own blood caused by the bites and his fingers... and that happened if she wanted to finish the torture before him. It always ended up with a bruised, and scarred face... never with a smile. Hence, this situation struck her like a lightning amidst a storm.
Immersed in her own stained past, she didn't even notice when all the people around her left. Her breathing too, had calmed down as her memory ride came to an end. Then only, she noticed the man standing right next to her.
" I hope it wasn't too much for you... I did not know that all of them were coming... "Bucky apologized, being completely aware of how awkward the whole thing had gotten.
The lady did not respond to his apology verbally, but only shook her head from left to right. And Bucky did not know what to say further, so he turned in order to leave.
"Sarah... it is a beautiful name…" the woman spoke, getting up from the couch and stepping closer to the blue-eyed man, who was facing the woman as soon as he heard the female voice.
"It is... Actually... Sarah is Steve's mother's name. I was very close to her, she was like my mother… it was like I had two mothers instead of one… she was a very kind woman... I think this name suits you very well... Sarah... Sorry… I.. . I couldn't think of anything else... I did not want you to go through the interrogation again... so I gave you this name…" Bucky spoke, with every word being as heartfelt as if it had emerged from the deep confines of his soul.
"Sarah…" the newly named woman whispered, smiling at him.
"Yeah… I hope you don't mind us calling you Sarah?"
"Not at all…" she sweetly replied, staring into his eyes compassionately.
Hello guys! This is a very important chapter of the story, as you get to know why this story is called, her name is Sarah. I hope you are enjoying this fanfiction, I promise it will get more interesting and beautiful as the story progresses. Please do not forget to hit the Kudos button and to write a comment below, trully it means a lot to me .
Please guys, write even two words for this story sometimes when you come home tired in front of the computer thats all i need to keep posting updates .
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah : Part 10 (Bucky Barnes)
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 10 (Part 9)
“I… I was captured by a horrible... terrible organization that made me do things… that I never wanted to do… but, they had brainwashed me... erased all my memories and I lost control of my own mind…then they programmed me to… basically kill... for 90 years… I was their slave... They used me to hurt others” Bucky began opening his heart to the woman, who was patiently listening to him, eventually joining him on the sofa.
Bucky turned his head to look at the lady, whose eyes were telling him that she wasn't mad at him… but in fact was feeling compassion for this man, urging him to continue his story.
“I had no control over myself, believe me, I did not know what I was doing... until my friend fought for me and successfully brought me out of that flaming hell” The brunet spoke, looking into her eyes, then chose to look in front, at the dark television screen, "and now... I am part of the Avengers. I have dedicated the rest of my life to help the people I can and to fight the evil…so… that's my story … and the reason why I have brought you here… it is a rather selfish answer but... I feel good helping you... it makes me feel proud of my own petty self, to be able to offer you assistance when you are in need of it … to be a better man, to make amends" Buck finally confessed, emptying the burden of his heart praying that the woman believed his raw confession.
And what followed was a long silence, especially when the amber eyed woman broke eye contact lowering her front a bit in order to keep her elbows on her thighs.
The wordlessness was worrying Bucky, whose breath left his lungs when the lady opened her sweet mouth to let out a screeching yet silent pain.
"That night when you saved me …he was forcing me…" the lady began sharing, with her eyes getting misty and voice getting broken," even when I had my baby inside of me …it was very… Very painful when he was doing it… during which I began feeling intense contractions…. I was so scared for my child "The woman paused, and wiped a tear that fell from her eyes while Bucky awaited a painful continuation.
" I gave birth… completely naked... on the same bed where he had just raped me minutes ago… with the help of some so-called medical professionals and then they took my child away saying that they would clean it and give it back to me after some minutes… but no one came... nobody. Only that monster came back. Alone…and said that he wasn't finished yet, he wasn't satisfied because the baby came out, disturbing him… and touched me …again… I just couldn't believe what was happening to me … I couldn't understand anything …how could he be so cruel? The entire thing... it was so messy… there was blood everywhere and I was going through enormous pain... my body was burning in agony… I was dying… but still I wanted to ask him... where was my baby that I gave birth to alive… to which he replied… that he had thrown him in the street's dustbin…" the lady broke down in tears, utterly, but had to gather herself up in order to continue.
"Then… he left me... to take a shower … because he was so filthy after what he had done to me … then when he had gone he forgot to shut the door of my room in haste to clean himself and… I escaped... I could not even walk properly... but I wanted to find my child… desperately… I've had so many last chances... previously he had made me abort when he came to know that I was pregnant … when he was around…once I even suffered a miscarriage due to the relentless beatings he would make me go through with a baton and… with what not…but this time he was away for work... He came to know very late about my pregnancy, when it was too dangerous for me to abort... so he had to carry on...but he continued beating me, torturing me... like always for years, this went on for years …he never stopped. Even when I was with this child he would hit me with hot iron rods... and... " the lady shared but stopped because she had become unconsolable and this time could speak no more as all her tears were passing through her mouth before falling down from her neck.
If one could take a look at Bucky, it was obvious that a tear or two head stained his stubbly cheeks, after he had heard the lady's broken life. He wanted to embrace the woman tightly, he wanted her to cry on his shoulder, he wanted to comfort her... but all he could do was lift his hand up to keep it on her shoulder, but that too… he couldn't do fully as his limb froze when his flesh digits were only two inches away from her skin, concerned whether the lady would find it appropriate or not. So he closed his fist tightly and smacked the sofa's backrest to let out his growing frustration on that monster... and groaned in impossibility… very loudly.
The poor woman was panting while she cried until she had no more tears left to cry in her beaten body.
"You have no idea from what hell you have saved me from… till the day I die, me and my son… we owe you every breath we are taking… I have no money, nothing to pay you with…" The woman sobbed, ashamed of being penniless and feeling miserable, looking down at her hands , not meeting Bucky's gaze whatsoever.
Hi guys hope you're enjoying this story, thank you so much for all the kudos and comments. They really make me write more and work better in the story. Thank you so much . This chapter is full of revelations, some of them not so pleasant. I would say it is a very emotionally heavy episode, so keep a tissue or two nearby .
Much love to you all , see you !
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 14 (Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 14 (Part 13)
The next thing Bucky did was to lift her unconscious body with his upper limbs and carry her to the bed, where he placed the mother next to her completely awake, still hungry child. After he had adjusted the woman on the mattress then only his eyes noticed the wetness on her breast. As a reflex, his eyes glared at the babies' equally damp lips, coming to the conclusion that the baby might have spilled some on her skin while lactating. Feeling a pang of pain in his chest, he quickly brought a napkin from the drawer and with an unusually shaky hand, dried the milk from the lady's breast, feeling incredibly shy and… unjust... thinking that perhaps, he was intruding on this woman's privacy. Having accomplished this task, he covered the woman with the blanket, and immediately called the gynecologist, whose number he had saved when he was going through the prescription paper where he found her contact.
" Hello doctor? I'm Bucky... I need your help…"
"Bucky... tell me... how is the woman?... and her child?" The doctor asked from the other side of the phone.
" She passed out… right now… please if you could come to the tower? "
"Passed out? Fine, I'm coming"
And after saying this, he cut the phone and looked at the baby, who was staring everywhere with his wonder filled eyes.
" Oh boy... were you having breakfast?" Bucky spoke, gently picking up the little bundle of joy from the bed and resting him on his covered metal arm, holding him with his flesh one, "your mama is asleep little boy... she'll wake up soon"Bucky softly added, rather nervously, to the baby in his arms taking a peek at the lady who was still unconscious on his bed.
In no time, the doctor arrived at Bucky's door which he opened carrying the baby in his arms.
" Bucky? Where is she?" The doctor demanded to know, after looking at the baby in his arms with a tender pity. "She's in my room... follow me" He replied, leading her to the only large dormitory in his house where the doctor entered quickly.
After placing her bag on one side of the bed, she sat down next to her patient, on the edge of it. Whilst checking her patient, Bucky explained the panic attack the new mother just had before she collapsed in his arms.
" I think she's going through a postpartum depression, which in her case… seems aggravated due to everything she has lived in the past... and not going much far, only a week ago she was at that… monster's house… she's scared... really… really scared of him… of him coming back into her life… you know Bucky... I believe that the fear of the return of her abuser diminishes the happiness and relief she must be feeling living with you…" the doctor spoke, releasing the lady's wounded wrist that she had grabbed to check her pulse .
Bucky wordlessly listened to every sentence the doctor was saying, not saying anything to interrupt her , cradling the baby in his arms.
The doctor then inspected the lady's lips and uncovered her torso, pushing the blanket down until her midriff, finding her breast exposed as Bucky did not have the sufficient heart to try to clasp the hook of her nursing bra.
"She is dehydrated too… her lips are dry… and her nipple is sore… it must be irritated from breastfeeding…. But bucky... didn't I write you to buy a nipple balm for her and you bought it too? I saw it… then, why didn't you tell her to use it?" The doctor commented after examining the lady's nipple and the areola with her gloved fingers.
"What are you saying doctor? I have no relation with her... how shall I say…I don't know… it's her privacy... and she doesn't breastfeed in front of me, for me to see how her body is doing …somehow I have convinced her to eat well during the day, because where she was kept, they only give her one scarce meal a day.Everything is very new to her… she wasn't even taking the medicines you had prescribed her…"Bucky explained, sweetly, cradling the baby in his arms so he stayed calm whilst the doctor was doing her job , but she was feeling very deeply every word that the owner of the house was telling her.
"And... What about the other people in the tower, Wanda, Natasha, Pepper?"
" She... she doesn't feel quite comfortable with them yet... "
"But she does feel safe with you?" The doctor asked, getting up from the bed and tenderly looking at the man's steel eyes after she had clasped the lady's open bra flap back in its place and closed the buttons of her dress too.
" I don't know… I only pray that she feels the much needed, yet deprived of, safety here… maybe... maybe she knows for sure that I won't harm her or her child as she has seen me from that night when I helped her and her son for the first time… on that street…" Buck replied, not meeting the doctor's eyes, as he was busy recalling that fateful night and their first meeting in front of that large dustbin.
" Buck... take care of this lady. I mean... if you want to... I know that you are not her... "
" Of course I want to, tell me …I will do everything in my hands to help her…"
" For a nursing mother it is very easy to get dehydrated. The intake of the lost fluids is of vital importance, help her as much as you can with her baby… and... give her company... try not to leave her all alone... because her fears will eat her mind due to the loneliness… don't worry about her now... she will wake up soon. I will take my leave for today" The doctor suggested, looking sympathetically at the man who was likewise paying full attention to her.
Bucky moved to a side, giving the gynecologist space to leave his room , shifting his gaze towards the sleeping beauty in his bed, whose fingers began showing some signs of movement, leading her to eventually open her eyes slowly, yet blinking lightly. As she gradually regained consciousness of herself and of her surroundings, Bucky chose to take a seat next to her on the bed, so that the baby was by her side.
" How are you feeling now?" Bucky asked, unable to decide whether to fix his sight on the most adorable child that he has ever seen or on his mother.
The woman brought her body to a sitting position on the bed, with her legs still on the mattress and her back rested on the bed's wooden backrest.
"I am sorry…" the lady muttered in a rather shattered voice, feeling guilty as the last seconds before her passing out came clear to her memory.
" It wasn't your fault… you don't have to feel ashamed for anything" Bucky comforted the nameless woman whose amber orbs stared at her completely awakened baby.
"I was feeding him… and I... I'm such a horrible mother…" the nameless flower spoke, lowering her head and hiding it with her hand.
"Why are you saying that? Anyone can have a panic attack, it's not your fault" Bucky corrected her, while she was busy caressing her son's soft, nut sized head.
After he had dropped the last syllable of his words, the lady's eyes met the deep ocean blues of the male who held her baby in his protective arms.
" Come outside in the hall…" Bucky began speaking, and heard a wordless question that arose in the amber gaze as if her eyes spoke a language he very well understood, " you don't always have to stay in this room… this is not your cage... you are allowed... to freely move around this house…come"
And saying this, Bucky stood up from the bed and after him, the woman followed, carefully... Yet once she was fully straight, her hand grabbed Bucky's forearm as she felt her body losing its balance. Consequently, the brunet's gaze fell on the soft hand that held him for support…so lovingly, internally feeling proud of himself for being able to win her trust.
In no time, they were out in the hall and she took a seat on Bucky's sofa, where he sleeps at night. And , once she was seated, he handed the baby in her arms, unknowingly brushing the woman's soft wounded hands.
"You can feed him here too... you will feel less alone…"
" I will go and make you some coffee," Bucky declared.
'' Coffee, what's that?"She asked, curiously as Bucky tucked one of his hands inside of his jeans pocket .
"Coffee… it's a beverage that helps you wake up, get going through the day um... haven't you tried it before?" He chuckled, before replying, surprised actually that the woman did not know what this seemingly common beverage was.
" Oh… well... then you will try it now…" Bucky spoke, and saw that the woman was preparing to get up, so he stopped her from doing so, placing his hands lovingly on her bare upper arms and leaning into her.
"Where are you going?"
"To bring a napkin for him…" she replied, softly,slowly taking in this sudden closeness, feeling a ting of awkwardness that made Bucky straighten his body .
hi guys! wish you all a very happy new year in advance ! Hope you are doing well. Here is the next chapter of my story , please hit the kudos button and write a comment bellow , it makes my day!
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 13 (Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 13 (Part 12 )
" I don't want this, I don't want anything... please…" the lady declared, furrowing her brow and looking at Bucky nervously... as if he was the only man who she knew in the whole world to be by her side when she needed it.
"It's all right … you don't have to use it… it's just a gift , we will never force you to use these …"Bucky said, melting the woman's pitiful gaze and walked over to Wanda, whose limbs were frozen midway as she was assembling the furniture.
"We can use this cradle to keep the baby's toys or something… "he added, helping Wanda to fully assemble the baby's bed while the woman had begun to calm down.
"How is the little angel doing? "Natasha asked the woman, walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge of it, trying to divert this topic.
"He's sleeping,'' the lady replied, alerted now seeing the redhead getting near her child.
Unknowingly, her eyes shifted towards Bucky, partly in shame for having denied a gift rudely and in a sleeping fear as the Black Widow approached her child. As an assurance, Bucky nodded, pressing his eyes close at the lady.
Then, he decided to stand beside her as he felt that his presence calmed her amidst this still unknown crowd.
Natasha dearly glared at the baby, who had begun showing signs of leaving the night's slumber. Her admiration only came to a halt when both hers and Wanda's phone began buzzing as a result of Fury calling them for the briefing of their next mission.
" Well… we will take our leave. Fury needs us" Natasha declared, before getting up from the bed and in no time both were gone… As well as Bucky, who was at home, but had left the lady’s room, closing the door when he had stepped out of the dormitory.
Following the departure, the lady took a seat next to her baby and scooped her life in her arms, cradling him in her still scared and shaky limbs.
The little boy had opened his big amber eyes to stare at his gorgeous mother, with an awe and began to smile as his mom's body was felt by his sensitive flesh.
''Good morning my love " the lady greeted her son, in the sweetest manner one could ever imagine, " it's been three hours love, you must be very hungry… but first let's change your diaper" she added lovingly and carried out the task.
After she was done, she comfortably sat on the bed, putting both her legs on the mattress. Then, she unbuttoned her clothes only the bare needed to let her baby latch on her breast, and began nursing her child. The little premature was unable to latch on her in the first few attempts, so she helped him by placing her nipple in between his little feather soft lips with her hand after which he could get some milk inside of his mouth.
The little one took his time to satisfy his hunger, suckling his mom's nipple while his mother was sweetly staring into his pure innocent orbs, as if she was seeing the reflection of her own eyes in his.
However ,once again, her surroundings began troubling her … but this time … it hit her hard.
Both ladies' she had encountered in Bucky's home, Wanda and Natasha ,were spotless.Their face was flawless, they carried no scars on their complexion, their skin had no bruises at all. That, compared to her own body, her skin, her face, was devastating. The harsh reminder of her broken life and horrific past, something that her eyes did not fail to notice while she was feeding her son, driving car sadness to cross the depression border. So much, that she did not even realize that her baby had spilled some milk on her breast... which she only realized some minutes after it took place.
Still drawn in her miserable thoughts, she kept her baby on the bed and got up from it to fetch something to dry the wet patch from the waist length chest of drawers. When she reached there, her head could no longer handle anymore, bursting into tears after holding the edge of the furniture with her hands and lowering her head down.
After cleaning the kitchen, when Buck came out in the hall, the sounds of despair reached his super soldier hearing, forcing him to rush to the source of that cry.
As he opened the door, the sight in front of his eyes broke his mind. The woman was crying, non -stop, uncontrollably with her curls covering both sides of her face.
" What happened? Why are you crying like this?" Bucky asked, shocked, after rushing towards the woman and forcing her to turn towards him, grabbing her by her upper arms.
The woman did not lift her head up or stopped crying at all, only her body was turned due to the brunet's movement. But what Bucky saw was an even more disturbing scene, the lady's face was red hot flushed and her right breast was exposed to his eyes, making him notice all the wounds that she carried on that skin, breaking the man's heart in many more pieces that it had already broken into. However, he quickly brought himself out of the shock that he had gone into, in order to act quickly.
"Please... tell me what happened? Why are you crying so much?" Bucky insisted, horrified.
"I... I... don't know why I am staying here? What am I doing here ?... When his hand prints are and will always remain on my body . It hurts… it burns... very much…" she cried to Bucky, slowly lifting her head up to speak these words to him.
"You are here because I have saved you… from him… you are here because you want to live for your son, remember?" "But… What if he comes again? What if he's searching for me right now...? And… if he snatches my baby away from me? I don't care about myself. I'm used to him... but... he will kill my baby... and I can't... I can't live without my son… I can't live with the killer of my son that I held in my arms… I won't be able to…. Look at me... he is so strong... look what he has done to me... you don't know him... he's a monster... I have felt his teeth on my bones…" the woman cried whilst explaining to Buck.
" No matter how strong he is... he cannot stand in front of me... as long as I am with you… no one can touch you... no one" Bucky spoke intensely, cupping the lady's face in his hands, trying to calm her down making her feel the heat of his palms.
"He will take my son away from me…" the woman helplessly sobbed, while strings of painful saliva stretched from her teeth every time she opened her mouth to speak.
At this point, the super soldier took a step closer to her, intensifying the passion in his orbs as he eyed the gorgeous woman's flushed complexion as he slid his fingers through her soft curls reaching to stroke her lower scalp, whilst his thumb was wiping the tears off her face.
"I promise…" he had just begun speaking when he realized that the woman whose face he lovingly held in his hands, was falling into unconsciousness and her body's weight was becoming apparent in his grip, " no... no… no… please, don't close your eyes" he pleaded.
Finally, when the gravity had pulled the woman into his arms, his metal hand protectively gripped her lower back as her face crashed on his hard chest.
Notes :
Hi guys! First of all , sorry for the late update ,  but now i am back .
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah : Part 12 (Bucky Barnes)
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 12 (Part 11)
"Sorry… I forgot to knock before coming in" Bucky once again thawed from his glacier, realizing that he had entered in a very intruding way.
"No it's alright, I had left the bathroom's door open to keep an eye on my baby … and…forgot to close the room's door…" the lady replied, bending down for a moment to pick up her handkerchief from the bed, making the male's gaze notice the open zipper of her dress, from where he caught some glimpses of her visibly battered and bruised back .
" Your zipper... is open" Bucky commented, in a trance-like manner .
“ Ah… I couldn't reach till there… it's alright.. as long as my dress doesn't fall down…” she answered, after standing straight in front of him again.
“If you want…I can do it for you?” He offered his assistance, silencing the woman's upcoming breaths, until she wordlessly nodded and turned around to let him do the task.
The moment was so unrealistically beautiful for Bucky because he couldn't believe that the lady had trusted him... to accept his aid when she needed it.
Keeping his non-stop thinking aside, he concentrated his gaze on the woman's back, and couldn't help but stare at the painful wounds dug deep into her flesh . Cigarette burns, cuts, bruises and whole teeth marks casting shadows on her skin. Somehow, because God knows how, he finally pulled the dress's zipper up. “ Done” He whispered, huskily, yet with an aching voice after which she turned around and got her glare on his chest level.
“I believe you are not using the ointment the doctor has prescribed you on your wounds. Maybe I should ask Wanda or Natasha to help you apply it on your back” Bucky suggested, feeling a nervous sexual tension in this room, where they're only he and this consciously attractive lady …well…besides the soundly asleep baby boy.
“ They don't worry me … they will go away by themselves... of course if they want to go…” she muttered with a pained heart.
“Did you sleep well last night? I heard your baby crying many times…”
“ He's a baby after all, he was waking up when he was hungry... the doctor told me that the breast milk is easily digested so he gets hungry quite often… did we disturb you?” The enchantingly beautiful lady spoke, after taking a seat on the bed next to her food and getting slightly worried about the sounds of her little boy.
“No… no... of course not. I was thinking of you. The doctor asked me to make sure you rested well, and I felt like you were awake for most of the night” Bucky replied, joining the woman on the mattress, only the tray of food separating them.
“ …That well... you have let me stay here in your place, that itself is a big rest for me. I never thought… that I could sleep…without worrying about … him… coming into my room” She replied, moving her gaze from Bucky to look away, remembering her gray past.
“You don't have to think about him anymore, he will never ever... come into your life again …never” Bucky assured, in a violently passionate way, softly yet fiercely, pulling the lady’s gaze back at him, to stare at the burning truth in the male's eyes.
For a couple of large seconds, silence ruled the dormitory as both of them were caught up in each other's beauty and honesty.
“Now finish your breakfast quickly, before your baby wakes up” He spoke, smirking, bending his face closer to the lady’s, making her lips break into a gentle compassionate smile. She nodded and proceeded to eat from the tray.
“But… Why are you not eating? Where is your breakfast?” She asked him, after drinking the milk from the glass and adoringly carrying the white potion’s mustache above her deliciously moist lips.
“Hum… it's outside"
" Do you prefer to eat alone?"
" It is kind of a habit…I almost always eat alone"
At this latest exchange of words, the lady smirked slightly and let out a sigh because… she too has eaten alone for the past 20 years... but somewhere in her memories, she began having light colored flashes. And she wanted to share them with him …with Bucky.
" I… I have a memory of when I was a child … that we used to eat together... many girls and boys… around the same table" the woman spoke, filling Bucky's Gaze with curiosity.
"Where did you live when you were a child? Did they bother you too? "
"No... no… never… there I recall… that I used to play in the open playground with kids my age… everything was so nice... everyone was so kind…"
" Were you in your parents house? Those kids… were they your siblings or cousins?" Bucky tried to know more about it but he internally bit his tongue praying that this query doesn't anger the lady.
"I don't have any parents… nor any brother or sister. My only family is my son and for him only I live" The lady declared, pain gaining control of her trembling voice.
Bucky thought that he was getting closer to the truth this time, and wanted to clear his doubts right now. He wanted to ask her if she lived in an NGO or in an orphanage… but he couldn't bring his guts together to discuss this delicate topic further.
His dilemma finally rested in peace when he heard a doorbell .
" I'll go and check who it is," he declared, before leaving gracefully to attend to the guests.
When he opened the door, he was first greeted with a baby's empty pram, followed by a redhead and the Scarlet witch, who carried a DIY cradle in one hand whilst a small mattress occupied her other limb.
" You guys? What is all this?" Bucky asked them, after the ladies made their way into his hall.
"Well...Natasha bought a pram for the baby and I got her a newborn's cradle. I am sure... the lady will like these gifts" Wanda spoke, hopefully, making Bucky smile in anticipation before leading both of them to the unnamed women's room.
When they were halfway there, Natasha handed the former assassin a book.
" And this is for you …you will need it..."she said, winking
"Baby and the mom?"
"Yeah …it's a very good book about how to take care of a newborn and the postpartum woman… actually , it's a very good book for her too…give it to her if you wish" Natasha concluded, and as a response Bucky nodded.
The lady's eyes widened in surprise as she saw both familiar faces with the never seen before objects in their hands as they entered when she was eating the last pieces of her fruit , basically freezing on sight.
" Hi" Natasha spoke first, then Wanda repeated the same while Bucky kept the book on a chest of drawers.
" What is this?'' The lady could not help but ask as the first pangs of fright began enveloping her body.
"These are gifts for your newborn… .Natasha brought you a pram and I bought your baby a cradle… humm… it's a bed for your baby where he can sleep" Wanda replied to the woman, beginning to unpack the wooden pieces to figure out how to assemble it.
Meanwhile,fear grew stronger inside of the woman's gut as she was having none of it and eventually she pushed her almost empty food tray away, getting up from the bed slowly.
"Why will he sleep in that? He will… he will sleep with me... on my bed…by my side" The fearful woman said, doubtful yet with a voice laced with pain.
Both ladies realized that they had made a mistake in bringing these gifts, as the distrust was now evident from every corner of the woman's body.
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah : Part 11 (Bucky Barnes)
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 11 (Part 10)
"No... Don't say that…" Buck immediately cut the crying woman's speech short, holding her hands dearly in his gloved   metal hand and bare flesh one, "please… it's not your fault that you are in this situation... and truly... you are the one who has given me a purpose to live…to have someone to take care of... to worry about… after a long time I am feeling proud of myself" Bucky added, ardently staring at the lady's eyes, who shyly met him after a few seconds. 
 Soon, the lady’s  gaze dropped on Bucky's grip on her hands, which made him consciously withdraw his palms from her tender flesh…  nervously, praying that she doesn't think anything wrong about him. In reality, the woman did not have much time to misunderstand him as what caught her attention was something else : his leather covered hand.
" It's really late at night so you should go and take some rest" Bucky said, not giving the nameless soul any time to carry on the conversation, mainly because he was scared of her saying anything about the recent grasping of hands. 
 The woman silently nodded  , but her eyes were glued to that dark leather glove that the man was wearing, and then she noticed how she had always seen him wearing only full sleeves, even when it was hot both inside and outside. 
Before she had a chance to form a question, Bucky had got up from her side and had extended his hand to her . She accepted it, to pull herself up, but she had gripped his flesh forearm as a support too, almost instinctively, sending chills down the brunet’s spine as the pressure of her slim fingers dipped into his flesh through the dark red full sleeves. 
" I am sorry…"the woman muttered, softening her tight grip believing that she might have caused pain to the male.
"Let me carry you to your room" She got as a reply, and in no more than a split second her painful feet were forgiven of her body's weight, as she stared at Bucky's intense eyes when she was lifted up in his arms in bridal style. 
Whilst being carried in his arms to her room, her past memory struck a chord. When she was enclosed inside that hell, a man had always used his hands to cause her pain, deep agonizing wounds.Never she could have thought that a male's hands could be used to provide her such relief to her aching body…soul... mind… All this while, Bucky tried looking in front of him, but his eyes were time and again drawn to the woman's innocent complexion, making his breath forget it's way out of his lungs whenever he got a glance of this divine creature. 
Bucky gently placed the woman on her bed, and took a seat next to her, letting her adjust her back on the makeshift backrest by herself .
" How are you feeling now?" Bucky asked and the woman who had just breathed  in to reply to him got distracted  by her baby who had woken up, moving and stretching his little limbs catching both adults' gaze. 
 " He has woken up" Bucky commented, while the woman scooped the tiny human in her loving arms.
"He wakes up every couple of hours... when he's hungry... but I had fed him before I came out to talk to you"The lady spoke, concentrating on her baby while the man seated himself on the edge of the bed, who could not take his eyes off her, watching this gorgeous  woman trying to figure out what her son needed .
"I believe that his diaper is wet,"she told Bucky, looking at him in his orbs. 
"Don't worry, I'll bring you one from the drawer" He announced, before leaving her side to fetch one.
" Hum… please bring me the wet wipes too…" the lady requested, hesitantly. 
"Sure…" and in no time, he was back with the things and adjusted himself on the bed, leaving some space for her to comfortably do the task. 
Bucky's gaze dropped from the gorgeous mother to her incredibly calm baby, and memorized the steps she was following to take off and to put on the diaper. He also noticed that the woman was having some trouble bringing her torso to the front. 
"If you want, I can help you change his diaper so you don't have to put pressure on your body…"Bucky suggested, seeing the woman in pain.
 The lady softly smiled at his offer of help, causing Buck to smile back at her. 
" You notice a lot…" the woman remarked with good humor.
 "It is so obvious… you can't do this all alone, you need some help. Your body has gone through so much… Childbirth  is not easy. I can see that… you couldn't answer me before, how are you feeling ? Have you taken the medicines that the doctor has prescribed?" Buck genuinely spoke, so earnestly, so honestly, melting the woman's heart like a lighted candle. 
As a response, the lady just lowered her eyes and the man understood the reason why when he saw the pharmacy's paper bag still untouched, that he had kept it on her night table. 
 "You haven't taken your medications yet… haven't you?" He asked hopelessly, knowing very well the answer of his question as the lady began to cradle her baby in her limbs. 
"If you don't take the medicines, how will you get better? You have to take them on time… " he commented, after grabbing the paper pouch in his hands.
"I.. . I was afraid… I am breastfeeding my son, what if he gets ill or something happens to him?"  She began explaining, like a little child who was caught in a naughty act. 
"Your doctor knows that you are a nursing mother… and she still prescribed you these medications, because I assume she knows that they are safe for you and your baby. She has written when and how you have to take these" he said, while taking out the medicine that the new mother had to take at night.
Shortly after Bucky finished speaking, the baby started crying inconsolably, no matter how many honey coated words her mother was pouring over him he wouldn't stop. 
" What happened honey?" The mother spoke to the son. 
"Can I… hold him?" Buck's tongue slipped in butter as these words came out of his mouth. 
The woman's eyes got round in astonishment, but then... she wasn't able to deny this kind man's request, so she gently smiled and let Bucky try his luck in calming her baby. He was surprised that the lady did not mind his sudden request and carefully handed the bundle of tears in his arms…which... surprisingly stopped the baby from crying almost immediately, as he got too busy staring at this blue-eyed man with his teary amber orbs.
Having a less than a week old baby in his arms,and that too, one that had stopped shedding tears after he got him in his arms, drew a larger than life smile on Bucky's face as he admired the little premature in awe. 
"You are the most beautiful creature in this world…" Bucky told the baby, overwhelmed in joy and then turned his head to look at the equally merry mother. 
" He is just like you …with your amber eyes" he whispered.
 "He is…"
 ''Sorry… I'm so overwhelmed... I have… I've never held a newborn in my arms…" Buck muttered, with a voice filled with immeasurable happiness and nervousness as well as his eyes becoming slightly misty .
"He likes you,'' the lady commented, caressing her baby's soft, scarce hair with her slim fingers. 
 "He does, doesn't he? He ceased crying" Bucky replied, incredulously, with a still emotionally drowned voice, immersed in happiness that had no limits for him. 
 As an immediate reflex, he began gently swaying the child in his arms which made the baby drift back to sleep. After which he locked his steel eyes with the lady's orbs, which had filled with a concentrated concoction of pain, regret and joy. 
 Especially, because she was seeing someone so happy holding a child, in contrast to what she had borne in her past home… well not home, prison basically.
 Very carefully, he placed the baby on the bed and looked at the woman's eyes again.
" Good night… if you need anything, I am out on the sofa, please don't hesitate to ask me" He spoke, before he walked out of the room as the lady kept staring at this stranger who had done much more for her than she could have ever imagined.
Bucky couldn't believe how fast the night went by, pondering about the many times he was woken up by sounds of a crying baby during the night. However, there he was, standing right in front of the gas stove and making breakfast. It was so new for Bucky, to make two plates, not one. To crack four eggs, instead of his usual two. Pour two large glasses of milk, and not to pour any, cuz he usually drinks it from the bottle itself. 
After arranging the contents on the tray, he felt like some fresh fruit wouldn't do any harm, so he cut and placed some slices of apple, orange and pear in a bowl to take it to her. 
Hesitantly, he entered her room, only to find her baby, wrapped in a blanket sleeping peacefully while the bathroom door was half open. 
"She's in the bathroom." Bucky thought , placing the food tray on one edge of the bed. 
At that moment, the lady appeared, walking from the restroom to where Buck was standing, watching her come closer to him taking slow and steady steps, still embraced in her body's  pain. 
 She was wearing a light yellow loose knee length dress and had her loose curls tied in a braid that fell on the right side of her bosom. 
To say that Bucky forgot to breathe for a minute when he saw her would be an underestimation, because he truly had never seen someone so beautiful and so delicate in his entire life. The amber of her eyes was looking ethereal  with the yellow dress , enhancing her overall features magically.
" I... brought you breakfast. I hope I didn't disturb you" Bucky brought himself to speak loudly, when his mind forced him to… because the lady was waiting for the man to say something, staring at his light blue orbs .
"Oh…" she muttered, after eyeing the tray containing her first meal of the day. 
 "Thank you... Sergeant Barnes" She said, looking back into his eyes, with her own pupils carrying emotions of gratitude and humbleness. 
Bucky wanted to correct her, tell her that she could call him Bucky, but there he stood, dumbstruck since the sweet female words fell into his ears. 
hi guys! Hope you are enjoying this story , here is the next chapter of this series , i pray you like it and if you do, then please let me know your thoughts in the comments bellow.
PS. and please , share , reblog and like my story ! thanks
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Heeeey. I just wanted to ask if you had any suggestions on a show to watch. I need a new vice to indulge in before my summer is over 😑
Oohhh omg okay lemme tell you what I've been watching lately
P Valley- based off a strip club in Mississippi girllll it's a hot mess but good story lines! RAUNCHY AS ALL HELL. Prepare to see ass and titties 🤷🏾‍♀️
Stranger Things- if you into that spooky shit
911 (the regular and lone star)- Angela Bassett is my on screen momma at this point
Golden Girls- a little throwback which is hilarious. I'm a 90s baby so some references I don't understand but still funny anyway
What happened to Monday- this is a movie on Netflix that will give you heart palpitations. very suspenseful
Hush- movie on Netflix also suspenseful. A deaf writer is in her cabins in the woods by herself and someone is trying to kill her. My ass was YELLING the entire time okay
Let me know what you end up watching! 😘💕
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worksby-d · 5 months
thank you for sending a prompt!!! 🤎
50 types of kisses prompts 
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Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Prompt: One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
Themes: Cheating (maybe!) (only if you choose to read it that way), sneaking around, a MINUTE amount of angst, I suppose.
Word count: ~500
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Standing in your bathroom, you watch Andy sit on the edge of the tub to run the water for a bath. You both threw on just enough clothes to walk across the room from your bed, so the steam from the hot water gives you back some warmth that you lost when you rolled out of his arms.
You're lost in thought, staring at the steady stream of water when he looks up at you. He doesn't know where the frown on your face came from. 
“What's that look for?” 
Avoiding his gaze, you look down and pretend to pick lint off your shirt. 
“You haven't told her yet, have you?” 
Your voice is quiet and he just looks at you, wondering how you knew. 
“I can tell you have something on your mind… Like your head is somewhere else tonight.” 
He lets out a deep breath. “I'm sorry–” 
You look toward him. He's been telling you for weeks that he's just been waiting for the right time to tell Laurie that he's been seeing you while they've been taking a break. 
“Do you not want to..?” 
Your voice trails off. There's always been a worry in the back of your mind that he's going to find it easier one of these days to just go back to her, to put his feelings aside and keep their family the way it is. 
“No, no. It’s not like that,” he swears, turning the water off and standing up to step closer to you. “I promise.” 
You shrug. What does he expect you to think?
“It's just… Complicated.” 
The famous line. You subtly roll your eyes. 
“The longer you wait, the harder it'll be.” you carefully remind him. 
“I know.” He wishes you'd look him in the eye to see he means it. He holds his hand out for you. “I know. Come here.” 
Hesitantly taking his hand, you let him pull you only a little closer. “I don't want you to hide me.” 
“I'm not…” 
He pauses to think about it though. The dates in other towns so there's no chance of someone he knows seeing the two of you before he has a chance to tell his wife… The only spending nights at your place... Ok. He gets it.
“I'm sorry.” He can't say it enough. “It’s not like I want to hide you. You know that.” 
“Do I?” 
“I hope so.” He furrows his brow, letting a silence take over as he waits for your eyes to meet his. “I love you.” 
Your frown is still there even as your eyes light up a little, finally finding his. 
He leans to give you a soft kiss, repeating his words. “I love you. I mean that.” 
A small smile tugs at your lips. You kiss him back, your smile growing wider. 
“I love you, too,” you whisper, closing the gap between your bodies with a hug. “The sneaking around was fun at first, but we can't keep doing it. It makes me feel like we're doing something wrong and we're not–”
“I know.” He's not the best with words, it's no secret. His hands rubbing your back is his best attempt at soothing away your worries right now. “I know.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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worksby-d · 5 months
thanks for sending a prompt 🤭
50 types of kisses prompts 
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Prompt: Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
Themes: Friends to lovers, morning after, split second of Steve worrying you regret it! 
Word count: ~400
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Being woken up before your alarm any other morning would have you groaning, probably kicking whoever’s touching you, but this morning is different. You know it’s Steve’s arm around you because you swear it didn’t actually let go of you since you fell asleep in this exact position last night. 
He hugs you closer, bringing your back against his bare chest. He’s warm, making it hard not to fall right back asleep. 
His lips meet your shoulder, pressing soft kisses against your skin, ones that trail up to your neck. Your face scrunches feeling his eyelashes tickle your cheek, kisses following and taking their place. 
You slowly turn toward him, onto your back so you can tease him with a kiss to his cheek before meeting his lips with yours. 
“Mm,” you sigh, finally opening your eyes. “You wake all the girls up like this?”
He shakes his head, blinking his eyes open as well, and brushes his nose against yours. “Only you.”
“Yeah?” You ask it teasingly, but you study the look on his face, hoping he isn’t teasing back. 
Instead of answering with words, he kisses you again, and you'll happily accept that as his answer.  
Your hand resting on his arm moves up to his neck, reaching higher to hold his face. 
When you break apart this time, your smiles mirror each other’s. You shake your head slightly, feeling like you’re failing miserably to suppress how giddy you feel. 
“What?” He chuckles watching you. 
A feeling of heat rushes to your cheeks as you shrug your shoulder. Your smile doesn’t falter. 
His does just a bit though. You catch it along with the way he squints his eyes at you. 
“It’s not gonna be weird between us now, is it?”
It’s the same reservation you’ve heard for years. And you’re not going to listen to it anymore. There was a time when you agreed, but how you feel right now proves you’ve both been scared for no reason. 
“No, it’s not,” you giggle. Your fingers brush through his tousled hair, savoring every moment of being this close to him. Finally. You shut down his anxiety with another kiss. “I promise.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @mrspeacem1nusone @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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