#[ i need more space to ran t about the bae ]
khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
This is War - A Crack Fic
All the chaotic, horny energy today had to be channelled somewhere, right? 
You can read the fic here on ao3 too :)
Central park was a vision to behold. There were no mundanes within sight. The warlocks had made sure to glamour the entire area just for today.
“We are not shadowhunters,” Ragnor had said. “We don’t half ass things.”
He of course had left immediately after securing the parameter saying he didn’t want to be involved in another one of Magnus’ childish squabbles.
“Welcome everyone,” Simon said, standing on a podium hadn’t been there before. Where was that from?
“Why is he wearing a robe?” Helen whispered to her wife. Aline just shrugged.
“For far too long we have been trying to settle this debate,” Simon said in a deep voice that was not that deep. “But today, we must settle on an answer.”
Jace rolled his eyes. “Can we get to the good part?”
“Jace, you promised you’ll let me have my moment!” Simon hissed at him and then cleared his throat. “Today we will decide the most pressing crisis of our time. Who broke the coffee maker in the Lightwood-Bane household?”
“Wasn’t me,” Magnus shrugged. “If I did, then I would have fixed it immediately. It was obviously Alec.”
“Liar!” Alec gasped. “I love coffee. I love that coffee maker. Why would I break it?”
“Well, to love is to destr-” Jace spoke up.
“Honey, not now,” Clary shushed him.
“Listen, the kids can’t obviously reach the coffee maker yet,” Magnus pointed out. “And I’m not the one who takes out my frustration on inanimate objects. I mean we all know what happened to the kettle in the institute.”
There was a soft murmur from the shadowhunters of the New York institute.
“I WAS HAVING A BAD DAY!” Alec argued.
“Just admit you broke the coffee maker, Alec,” Magnus said.
“I didn’t do it!” Alec replied. “You’ve always been jealous of the coffee maker.”
Magnus snorted. “Jealous? Me? Pfft. You’re the one who is obsessed enough with the darn thing to name it.”
“Treat lightly, Magnus,” Alec said. “Charles is already dead. Why would you-”
“ENOUGH!” Simon said into the microphone. When did he get that? “Like I said, this childish argument has gone for too long. Today we will settle it like the civilized adults that we are.”
Simon bent down and picked up a giant gun.
“PAINTBALL FIGHT, Y’ALL!” he yelled.
Everybody started cheering – with way too much enthusiasm for a Monday morning.
“Alright. Magnus, Alec – whoever loses the game will agree that they broke the coffee maker, and we will put this whole thing behind us and move on. Do you agree to these terms?”
Magnus and Alec looked at each other and then nodded at Simon.
“Alright!” Simon grinned. “Pick your teams!”
Little Rafe ran towards Magnus.
Alec gasped. “Betrayed by my own blood.”
Max ran towards Alec. “We are going to win. I always win.”
Alec grinned at that. “I pick Jace.”
Jace grinned back and ran up to his parabatai. “Ohhhh y’all are so going down.”
Magnus laughed. “We’ll see about that, blondie. I pick Emma.”
“Oh damn,” someone said from the crowd.
“Emma, this is a paintball fight,” Alec pointed out. “You can’t use Cortana.”
“Don’t worry, it’s just for emotional support,” she said with a wicked gleam.
“Alright,” Alec said. “I pick Julian.”
“Isabelle,” Magnus called.
“KIT!” Alec yelled.
“TIBERIUS!” Magnus thundered.
“Count yourself lucky that it’s daytime,” Alec said. “Otherwise, I would have called Lily and she would have destroyed all of you!”
“Already making excuses for your imminent failure?” Magnus chuckled. “I choose Helen and Aline!”
“You can’t pick them both!” Alec argued.
“I can and I just did,” Magnus winked.
“Yeah, Helen and I won’t fighting in opposing sides,” Aline shrugged. “Sorry, Alec.”
“I got the lesbians!” Magnus laughed. “You are going down, Alexander.”
“You wish,” Alec said and whistled. Diego showed up behind him. “I got the Inquisitor!”
“Clarissa,” Magnus said. “The Angel’s chosen one.”
“Babe,” Jace said. “You can’t!”
“Everything is fair in love and war,” Clary shrugged, pointing a gun that was bigger than her. “And this is war, biatch!”
“Kieran!” Alec called and the unseelie king materialised from some corner and ruffled Max’s hair.
“Mark!” Magnus called.
“Oh no you don’t,” Cristina lifted her finger warningly. She was perched on top of a tree. “I’m not going to be a part of this madness. I got a medicine kit right here. So, if anyone needs me, just holler, okay?”
“And I will excuse myself as the referee of course,” Simon pointed out. “Alright. Standard paintball rules apply. No serious injuries. If you get shot, then you’re off the game. Last team standing wins. And no runes or downworld powers. We are gonna fight mundane style.”
“YAS!” Kit cheered, already cuddling his paintball gun.
“Alright then,” Simon waved a flag. Where did he get THAT from? Did he have a bag of equipment just lying around?
And then there was chaos.
The warlocks – mostly Ragnor – had changed the area into a paintball area. There were places to hide behind and attack from. It was really elaborate. Maybe Ragnor had more fun designing this space than he had let on.
“Alright,” Alec said to his team. “Let’s keep this simple. Take down anyone you see.”
“Anyone? What about our significant others?” Jace asked. “Do we shoot them down too?”
“Of course not!” Alec chastised. “We are not animals! Is that clear?”
“Yes, Consul!” everyone yelled.
“YES CAPTAIN!” they all cheered.
They all broke out and ran to find their targets.
It wasn’t even five minutes since the game had begun and Kit ran straight into Ty.
“Hey,” Kit waved.
Ty pounced and pinned Kit to the ground. He pointed his gun at his boyfriend.
“Alec said we can’t hurt our significant others,” Kit put up his arms.
“Our captain said no such thing,” Ty replied. “You’re not-…Why are you grinning? I got you pinned down.”
“It’s my favorite place to be,” Kit smiled. “I open my eyes and there you are. You’re beautiful.”
“Stop flirting with me when I’m trying to fight you,” Ty blushed and then held out his hand. “Fine. I didn’t see you and you didn’t see me.”
Kit winked at him and ran away.
Mark and Kieran found each other next.  They both held their guns at each other – neither of them shooting.
“This is childish,” Kieran pointed out. “I’m already bored.”
“Wanna go sit on that tree and hang out with Cristina?” Mark winked.
Kieran grinned and the two of them ran away too.
Helen and Aline looked at them and shrugged.
“We could just live stream the whole thing,” Helen pointed out. “Lily would like to see this.”
“I don’t know what that means but if that’s what you want to do and that’s what we shall do,” Aline smiled and and kissed her wife.
“Clary,” Jace said in relief when he saw her. “Thank god! I thought someone-”
There was sudden pain in his chest and he looked down to notice the big green splotch on this t-shirt.
“You...You shot me,” Jace said, sounding hurt.
“Jace, I’ve already stabbed you in the past and you once set me on fire,” Clary rolled her eyes and ran away to find her next target. “Get with it!”
“JULIAN ATTICUS BLACKTHORN,” Emma yelled and ran towards him. “YOU’RE GOING DOWN.”
“Not today,” he winked at her.
Emma blushed furiously just before attacking him. It wasn’t easy. Emma was skilled at close range combat, but Julian knew all her weak spots. So, they were even.
They wrestled for a while before Julian pinned her to the ground. He was breathing hard, his pupils dialed.
“I’m sorry, but this is strictly business,” he shrugged with a mischievous grin.
“But we are still on for tonight, right?” Emma asked. “I finally got a reservation at that Italian place you like.”
Julian’s eyes softened a litte. “You did?”
“Yes,” Emma smiled and hooked her legs on his ankles and flipped them in the blink of an eye. She shot him on the stomach and kissed him on his lips. “See ya at seven!”
Unlike everyone else Isabelle was not going to be fooled or manipulated by her significant other. Thank the Angel Simon wasn’t a part of this. She really liked the feel of the paintball gun in her hands. It was huge, powerful, messy and colorful too. Her kind of weapon.
She ran around the park and took down the others mercilessly. There were only a few of them remaining now – everyone else had already been shot.
But not Isabelle.
She didn’t care about the coffee maker of course. The argument was a ridiculous one.
She just wanted to win.
In the distance, she saw Emma take down Kit and Diego shoot Ty. She was off to destroy the Inquisitor when she had a familiar cry.
“Baby,” she ran to him. “My little blueberry muffin. Are you okay?”
“I fell,” Max sobbed. “Somebody pushed me.”
“Tell me who did this and I will-”
“ISABELLE DON’T!” she heard Magnus yell.
But it was too late.
There was a giant blue splotch on her white blouse.
“Max?” she asked in betrayal.
The boy just giggled and ran away.
In this distance, she now saw Diego covered in red, with a very satisfied Rafael hanging upside down from a tree.
And then the rest of them went feral.
“Surrender, Alexander,” Magnus said an hour later, holding up his gun, which was covered in glitter. “Everyone on your team is down.”
“Well, I don’t see anyone from your team standing either,” Alec pointed out.
“I still am,” Magnus said.
“So am I,” Alec replied.
“Give it up, Alexander!”
“Never,” Alec said adamantly. “This is for the coffee maker. I loved it so much!”
“Then you shouldn’t have broken it,” Magnus argued.
“I didn’t!” Alec said in frustration. “I love it so much because…because that’s the first thing you bought for me.”
“Oh,” Magnus said, the grip on his gun softening lightly.
“I know you have bought me so many expensive gifts but the coffee maker…it’s always been my favorite. I remember walking into your apartment one day, we weren’t even properly back together then, and you just bought it for me.”
“Well, you drink a lot of coffee,” Magnus grumbled.
“Yeah and you noticed. And you got me something so I wouldn’t feel weird in your apartment. You bought it so make me so comfortable. That’s when I realized I really, really like you.”
Magnus blushed a little. “Well, then now it sounds stupid to think you broke the thing.”
“That’s because I didn’t, Magnus!”
“Well, I didn’t either!” Magnus put up his hands. “In fact, the day it broke, I wasn’t even home. I was in the spiral labyrinth all day.”
“I know! I wasn’t home either! I had to go to the Mexico institute for an emergency meeting, so I called Jace to babysit the ki-”
They both stared at each other.
“JACE LIGHTWOOD HERONDALE!” Magnus’ voice boomed across the park. “DID YOU BREAK ALEC’S COFFEE MAKER?”
Jace was sweating. “Listen, I was gonna say something and then y’all started fighting and it was very awkward, and I was looking for the right time and then Simon came up with this idea and I thought 'hey we haven’t done a fun group activity in a long time and so why not?', ya know?”
Magnus and Alec looked at each other.
“Everybody,” Alec called. “Change of plans. Attack my parabatai.”
“AND SHOW NO MERCY!” Magnus yelled.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
gross.. do it again
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authors note: I LOVE HIM OKAY DONT COME AT ME- i really have to up my game here i got some have high expectations for myself for this one so i hope you like it also low key y/n’s personality is kinda based off of my favourite bae @katsuhoee​
synopsis: you knew the stress of being a pro hero was tough, through it all you were there for him, on a particular day he was just burnt out so you spend the night together.
word count: 1.2k 
warnings; fluffy fluff fluff.
!pro hero! bakugou katsuki x reader
katsuki bakugou was really a force to be reckoned within the hero industry, he was too hard working for his own good, even as a rookie he was making great progress in climbing up the ranks. you were an ordinary person that worked at a cafe, that was how you met your doting boyfriend. he ordered at the cafe and you had to shut your co worker up and the moment you bowed to apologize you looked up to see some of the prettiest eyes you have ever seen and thats when katsuki felt infatuation for the first time. so every week he made it his effort to see you and what he thought was a dumb little crush turned into genuine feelings, and thats how you got in a relationship. 
bakugou had finally finished a mission today and he felt exhausted, his arms were sore, there were new callouses on his hands and his head hurt a lot. feeling lazy, he didn’t want to go to his apartment that was across town, so he went to yours instead since it was far more closer. he didn’t have his phone on him so he couldn’t text you before hand. he had already changed out of his hero costume and he was now in his work clothes, in a suit and tie. the sun was down already and the moon was out and bright as ever. 
he knocked on your door and waited for you to open the door, he just hoped that you were home. the door swung open to see you in casual clothing, your hair was a little messy but it was okay, ‘how adorable,’ bakugou thought. “b-bakugou?! what are you doing here? you know what never mind just get inside.” you lead him inside your apartment and you sat him down. “you want water or do you-” he pulls you onto the couch and wraps his arms around you.
he sighed, his head was on his shoulder, “baku-” “call me katsuki.” you eyes widened, the extra weight on your shoulder, “katsuki are you okay? do you feel sick? do you need water?” you gently moved him off your shoulder, “i’ll get you some water.” “y/n i-” you kissed his cheek and got off the couch, “i’ll be like three minutes, i won’t go anywhere.” as you skipped your way to the kitchen
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you were freaking out, ‘he told me to call him katsuki, he let me say his first name.’ you hands were shaking out of excitement. you hummed a little tune that was stuck in your head, as you reached for two glasses, ‘he trusts me..’ a small smile creeped up your face as you thought it through, ‘he’s such a little softy’ you filled the glasses with water and set them aside to get some fruit for the little gremlin on your couch. 
on the other side katsuki was on the couch and touched his cheek. ‘they kissed my cheek’ the tingly feeling left a feeling in his stomach, there was a beautiful array of butterflies in his stomach and his heart was pumping out more and and more adrenaline into his system. ‘they really are a special little person.’ 
the two of you were just cut out for each other right now, it felt like it was a fairy tale. 
and you both loved it.
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finally returning you returned to the couch and laid the fruit and water on the little coffee table that you owned, bakugou had his blazer off and you handed him an oversized shirt and sweat pants your guy friend had given you. as you sat back down you felt strong arms slithering around your frame, as the two of you giggled as you snacked on the fruit talking about your interests and the highlights of your week. the moment that the plate was empty “why do you have to be so kind to me.. i really am a top level jerk, a jerk that is complaining to his s/o but you know what it gets worse,” he let out a breathy sigh, “it gets so much worse.” a singular tear ran down his face, he felt pathetic and tired of everything. “katsu.. you can always count on me.. i care about you too much to let this go..”  looked him straight in the eye and softened the gaze as much as you could. you were scared that you would break him, he looked too fragile and beautiful. 
“here take my. hand katsu..” you stood up and held out your hand, “please.. i promise you are not a jerk, you are anything but a jerk.. you are in need of time, you need sleep” he slowly took your hand, he wanted to trust you with all of his heart. he needed to be sure that he would never hurt you. he squeezed your hand as you lead him to your bedroom. 
his pupils widened, ‘wait wait wait, this is going too fast, are they sure they want this?’ his hands were becoming sweaty. your giggles cut through the silence, “katsu, i’m not going to do what you think i’m going to do. i want you to sleep comfortably tonight.” and you sat him down on your bed. “so you are sleeping here and i’m sleeping on the couch.” you pet his head and turned your body away from katsuki, that was until a tender little tug on the back of your t-shirt.
“please don’t go.. i... i need you to stay, just..” his tug was more assertive and you lightly pushed his shoulder to where his back hit the mattress and you crawled into bed with him, “shh i’m here, i am not leaving anytime soon,” you cooed as you cradled his head into your chest. he was so gentle right now, like a baby, like a vulnerable baby. like the world didn’t matter anymore since he was in your arms, ‘what did i do to deserve you katsuki?’
“i am here for all your days, good or bad, and i promise that i will be here for you with open arms. you can alway come here, you can always come to me. this space?” you paused to catch your breath. katsuki felt warm inside with your words filling him up, your arms rubbing his back felt like heaven to him, his soreness was no longer there. it was like magic to him. after a while you checked on katsuki, his eyes were slowly staring to close and you wanted to help him sleep so you pushed his hair back to reveal is forehead and kissed his exposed skin. 
his eyes opened once again and groaned, “that was gross..” you jumped back a little and started apologizing as many times as you could. “i- i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, it was an accident i’m so sorry-” bakugou interrupted you once more but it was different this time..
he kissed you lips. 
it felt so fluffy, and his chapped lips were coarse against yours, as soon as it started, it was already over. 
he lowered his head again to bury his head , “wha- what do you want me to-” “it was gross... but do it again.” he huffed out and you gladly complied and showered him with kisses until his eyes were now covered with his eye lids. “i love you katsuki bakugou..”
“i love you too you sap”
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brelione · 4 years
Dating JJ and Rafe Alphabet
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A-Affection. These boys are probably the most affectionate out of the pogues and the kooks, always needing reassurance that you werent just a dream. One of them was always holding you in some way, a hand in your back pocket, kisses pressed to your neck and forehead when you made breakfast, hugs from behind when you made coffee. One of the boys will always drive and you always end up leaning against the other in the backseat.
B- “Babe.”One of them would grumble, grabbing the back of your shirt and pulling you back into bed, arms around you as they leaned against your shoulder.
C-Cuddling. You end up either sandwiched between them or under JJ’s arm while Rafe uses your thighs as pillows.
D- Dates. Rafe’s the planner, JJ is the driver and you just do what you’re told. “Before you ask what you have to wear, I think you should wear that cute striped shirt that you have over like the white shirt, right? But then you can wear your overall shorts with it.”JJ suggested.
E- Everything. Although they can be goofy sometimes they always let you know that they love you. “You’re my everything...you know that?”Rafe would ask, JJ nodding in agreement as he leaned forward to kiss you.
F- “Fuck….”JJ grunted, gripping your hips tightly as he came, Rafe’s eyes on the two of you. “Hmm….you should keep going, show her how good she is.”Rafe suggested, ghosting his fingertips over your cheek. “You’d like that, wouldnt you?”Rafe whispered.
G- Game nights. In the beginning of the relationship it was just a way to calm tensions but its become much more intense than ever intended.
H- Hugs. At least twenty a day and sometimes you even get picked up and dragged out to the car to go to a coffee shop.
I- “I love you.” “I love you too.”
“I love you.” “I love you too.”
“I love you.” “Okay.” “EXCUSE ME?”
J- “JJ, go to sleep.” “But cannibalism isnt-” “JJ!”
K-Kinks. Between the two of them you cant walk the next day. You’ll get spanked, tied up, blind folded, overstimulated, degraded, bitten. 
L-Learning. You learn new things about them everyday. JJ likes to wear dresses and dance around the house when hes alone, Rafe has a passion for adult coloring books and JJ ran an Avengers fan account when he was 14.
M-McDonalds. You guys go to McDonalds every Saturday and get happy meals, sit in the car and listen to early 2000s music.
N-NSFW. A lot of your texts are very….inappropriate. JJ accidentally opened a text from you when he was around the pogues and he still gets teased about it.
O- Orange picking. It was something that JJ had planned, the three of you getting into the truck one afternoon with a basket and spending the entire afternoon picking eachother up to reach oranges on the high branches.
P- Pranks. They pranked eachother at the beginning but now they work together to prank you. Nothing too serious, usually hiding your hair ties or putting them  in the pockets of your pants.
Q-Questions. You guys get a lot of weird glances and questions. Mainly from old white women. “Honey, your girlfriend is kissing another boy.” “Yeah, her boyfriend.” “No, no. She’s kissing another boy. She’s your girlfriend.” “Yeah, hes also her boyfriend.” “No hes not.” “Yes, he is. We’re both dating her.” “No youre not.” “Yes we are.” “No.” “Yes.”
R- Rides. A lot of car rides dont go anywhere, just driving down the quiet roads at night and enjoying eachothers company.
S-Shoes. They have a problem with accidentally putting on eachothers shoes or not putting on any at all. Half the time you have to remind them to put on shoes before you leave the house.
T-Texts. The groupchat is so chaotic. “What do you guys want from the grocery store” “A mother” “Tortillas” “JJ, seriously” “I seriously want a mother” “(Y/N) can be your mommy”
U- Unicorns. It was an inside joke since you had a unicorn snow globe in your bedroom and now whenever they see a unicorn on anything they buy it for you.
V-Videos. The amount of videos that they have of you dancing around the kitchen, driving and running around is ridiculous. They might have some interesting videos as well.
W- “You’re so wet for us and we havent even done anything yet.”
Z- Zombie movies. They have this obsession with zombie movies and shows and they always get scared after watching them. Rafe even started working on a secret room in the basement and wants to build underground tunnels just in case of an apocalypse.  
@nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart @broken-jj @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab @purple-vodka-99 @annmariek8 @harryswigss @imagines-07 @pink-meringues   @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @drewstarkeyobx @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae@sunwardsss    @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj  @prejudic3  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall                                                                               
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shewritestheblues · 4 years
The Elevator Bae x Chapter 2
Chapter TWO 
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
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It’s been a little over a week since the last time Phoenix saw Erik on the elevator. Everyday since she found out his name, she would wait at the elevator, hoping that when those big doors slid open, Erik would be waiting on the other side. But for 9 days, nothing. She found herself disappointed every time. She would beat herself up about being disappointed. This man didn’t know her and was probably not thinking about her at all. But, each time, without fail, she still would think about him. Where he was and when she’ll see him again. Regardless if she never saw him again, he definitely inspired some good music.
Phoenix was getting ready for a studio session. Studio sessions were usually a chill environment for Phoenix. She never allowed too many people to be around. To work with her, there was no rowdiness allowed in her sessions. Most people respected that. She was a vibe and her space always reflected that. She had a routine to prepare herself for her sessions. She placed her signature royal blue BEATS headphones on and played her ‘Blue’s Magic’ playlist. As she’s bobbing her head to the beat, eyes closed, her phone buzzes with a text. Her engineering friend, Coby, texted her.
DJ Coby: Hey, what time will be pulling up? Someone’s here to see you.
Phoenix was confused. Who in the hell would be at the studio to see her.
Phoenix: Hey. I’m getting ready now. I should be there around 9. Who there?
Coby responded quickly.
DJ Coby: Sza
Phoenix: Nigga! You lying to me!
DJ Coby: lol dead ass. Hurry up. She said she needs to work with you.
Phoenix: I'm coming!!!
Sza was one of her favorite artists. CTRL was probably the album of her life. She practically ran to her room to get dressed. She changed into a heather grey biker short and T-Shirt set. Those were her favorite fits to wear. Cute but comfortable. Phoenix was all about comfort. Sliding her feet into some rainbow Nike Vapormax. She opted to let her curls just be. She didn’t have time to figure that out. Sza was waiting for her. She couldn’t keep her waiting too long. Placing her BEATS around her neck and grabbing her keys, she books it out the door.
Of course! The elevator is taking forever and a day. Phoenix is tapping her foot, anxious to get to the studio.
When the doors open, she rushes in. Going to push Ground Level, but it’s already glowing green. She releases a breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding. A weight lifted from her.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
She didn’t even notice that someone else was already in the cabin with her. Turning to see who it is, her heart damn near stopped.
His smile made those infamous butterflies find their long lost home in her again. She had been preparing to see him. But, when she’s not even thinking about him, he shows up. Looking damn good at that. Black jeans with rips at the knees, a plain white V neck tee and black and red Jordan 1’s. He flashes that God forsaken smile at her.
“I haven’t seen you in awhile.” he says.
“Yeah. You’ve been missing.”
“You were looking for me?”
Yes, she was.  “I didn’t say that.”
“I was looking for you though.”
Her face goes completely red and she couldn’t hide the dorky smile she had if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to.
“Here I am.”
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Erik steps forward, standing between the now fully open doors. His body blocks half of the exit out. He holds his hand into the parking garage.
“Ladies first.”
Phoenix starts to walk out when her shoulder brushed against his chest. This man was SOLID! She stops and looks up at him and of course he’s already smiling at her. She playfully shakes her head at him and continues her way out.
“Have a good night, Phoenix.” He dragged her name. Was he doing this on purpose? She stops and turns to him, flashing her own smile.
“You too, Erik.”
Dragging his name they way he did hers. This time, she stood there to see how he would react. He licks his lips slowly like he knew what it would do to her. She watched him closely and her face went blank as she stared at his mouth.
“Don’t make me look for you again.”
“You don’t go missing again.”
They share another smile. Phoenix had reached her limit with him. There was no way that she could let him say anything else to her without jellylegs happening so she turned on her heels and headed to her car. Eriks stood firm in his place, watching her. She started her car and pulled out from her park and as she did, he waved at her. She watched him in her rear view mirror. He waited there until she turned out onto the road.
Sza was everything Phoenix imagined her to be, plus more. Their session was like two old friends catching up. They meshed well together with their personalities and with the music. Phoenix shared some hooks she wrote and they made nothing short of magic. They both danced around the studio as the two songs they made, played on repeat. Coby recorded them on his Instagram.
“All we make is hits!” he said into the camera.
“We need a pic for the gram.” Sza says to Phoenix.
They pose up and Coby doesn’t fail to make sure they got the right shot.
“Ohhh, we cute.” Phoenix says. “Send that to me now.”
They all chill back onto the large couch in the studio.
“So, girl… who are these hooks about?” Sza ask.
Phoenix looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Nobody.”
“You giving me this feeling…” Sza sings a line from the hook Phoenix wrote. “Somebody is giving you a feeling, sis.”
“No, no. It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” Coby asks.
“It’s just like a crush. Nothing serious at all.”
“Ohhh you got a crush. Who is it?” Sza says pinching at Phoenix’s arm.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix covers her blushing face.
“She’s blushing! Who is it?”
“He’s nobody.”
“I have never heard of a nobody making a nigga blush as hard as you blushing right now. Your face looking like a grape tomato.” Coby laughs.
Phoenix cuts her eyes at him, trying so hard to look serious but he’s right. She can’t stop herself from smiling, thinking about her ‘crush’.
“He’s just a guy that lives in my building. We met on the elevator.”
“You got me singing about your elevator bae?”
Phoenix lets out a huge sigh. “I’m not telling y’all nothing else.”
Sza and Coby laugh her off. Coby looks at his phone. “Yo, it’s almost 6am.”
They wrap up their session. Sza and Phoenix hug and say their goodbyes. Sza gives Phoenix her personal number so they could link again.
It’s a little after 6am when Phoenix finally gets back home. Parking her car, she drags her body to the elevator, waiting for it to come. When it reaches the parking garage and the doors open, Phoenix comes face to face with her neighbor from a few floors up, Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman that one could consider an ‘Instagirl’. Her body was amazing and she always had a slayed wig. Sydney was never caught without a designer bag. Even this early in the morning, she was sporting a 28in black wig, a PINK tracksuit and chanel bag.
“Good Morning, Philly.”
Ava was usually the only person to call Phoenix the nickname but Phoenix never protested when other called her that. Plus, it was too damn late/early for all of that.
“Morning, Syd.”
Sydney steps out of the elevator. “You had a long night?”
“Yeah. I was in the studio.”
“Damn girl and you’re just getting home?”
Phoenix nods her head. She wasn’t really in the mood to be talking to her. Sydney just kept talking and Phoenix was so caught up in pretending to be listening that the elevator doors closed.
“Shit.” She hits the button hoping the doors would just open but now it was that the cabin is already going up.
“Damn girl, I’m sorry. I’ll wait with you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. Her sleepy is now hitting her hard and the last thing she wants to do is listen to Sydney talk.
The elevator took forever coming back down. Phoenix had ran out of patience.
When the doors open, Erik is standing there with full workout gear on. Seeing him, made Phoenix perk up.
“Morning ladies.”
“Good Morning, Erik!” Sydney says with enthusiasm, voice powering over Phoenix’s. “You’re about to work out?”
“How long are you about to be doing that?”
He shrugs. “Couple hours. Why?”
“You should come through when you’re done?”
That’s it. Phoenix had heard enough. She steps around them and get into the elevator. Hitting her floor number, the doors start to close but not before hearing Erik tell Sydney, “Alright. I’ll let you know.”
She would be lying if she said that didn’t crush her. Her hands instantly became hot and her chest was heavy. The thought of them ‘linking up’ made her pissed. She didn’t think she had a right to be pissed. He was just a crush, not her man. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s last name.
Finally making it to her apartment, she closed all of the shades. Her apartment has floor to ceiling windows and she wanted all sunlight blocked. Her exhaustion seem to take over her body and she only made it out of her shoes before crashing on her bed and going deep into her sleep.
When she woke, it was well into the afternoon. A shower melted away all of her tension. Phoenix relaxed herself more with a well needed yoga session in her living room. She had plans to take a few days to herself but first she needed to do some grocery shopping to replace all of her snacks. Phoenix made her way to the store and to the farmers market. Stacking up on all of the food she needed to make her mini staycation at home, a good one.
Her day was going pretty smooth. She hadn’t even thought about the mornings situation with Erik and Sydney. She made her way through the parking garage and luckily she was able to get a spot close to the elevator. Phoenix stacked all of her grocery bags on one arm. She refused to take more than one trip. As she is closing her trunk, the elevator doors open. Looking up, she sees Sydney walking out, smiling and Erik right behind her. She stood back so they wouldn’t see her and she watched as they talked and laughed toward his car. She watched as he opened the passenger door for her and walked around and getting in, himself. She tried to hurry up and make to the elevators before he drove around. But the doors took a bit longer than she expected to open. Erik’s car drove passed her just as she was stepping into the cabin. He stopped by the doors and rolled his window down. Before he could say anything, the elevator doors closed and Phoenix’s stomach dropped to the floor with her bags.
She could feel her anxiety coming through her chest. The negative thoughts rushed her brain before she could even try to stop them. She felt stupid for crushing on a guy like Erik. Phoenix was a very chill, laid back kind of girl. Sydney was the definition of a ‘Girly girl’ and she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had. Phoenix’s brain went a million miles a minute. Of course, she’s his type, she thought.
As she reached her floor, she struggled to gather up the bags that fell to the floor. When the doors opened, her neighbor from across the hall, Mya was waiting.
“I got you, girl.”  Mya says. She helped Phoenix with her bags without a second thought.
“Thank You so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You know I know the struggle.”
Mya follows Phoenix into her place, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. Phoenix goes through one of the bags, pulling out a Kombucha and giving it to Mya.
“Here. This is my thank you since you won’t let me say it.”
“Now this is something I’ll take. Thanks girl.” Mya smiles and leaves out.
Phoenix leaves her groceries on the counter and sits on her couch. She had to admit her feelings were hurt. She wasn’t fully sure as to why but they were. She sat there for a moment, letting herself process the bullshit as much as she could before turning on some music and putting away her groceries. Just when she thought her mind was free, Yuna x Crush started playing through her speakers.
“Damn God, can you chill? I don’t need this.” She goes to pick up her phone that she left on the couch to change the song and sees that she has a bunch of notifications from her Instagram. She clicks the app and she’s tagged in a pic by Sza. It was the pic they took at the studio with the caption:
So much love for my girl @DJPhoenixBlue. This album is about to be amazing.
HER ALBUM?! To be a producer on Sza’s album would be a huge step for Phoenix. That post made her page blow up. She had gained at least another 1,000 followers. People were showing her so much love on her pics and videos. She clicked back on the picture and commented:
Love you boo! More hits coming soon!
That made her feel so much better. Erik slipped from her mind in that moment. She let the music continue to play through her speaker and she danced around her living room until a phone call paused the music. It was her manager, Alyssa..
“Lyssaaaa, what’s up?”
“Hey, Phoenix. I have some good news.”
Phoenix patiently waits for Alyssa to continue.
“You’ve been requested to DJ at a party next week. The promoters are offering to pay you double your rates.”
“Double? Who is the party for?”
“It’s the grand opening of that new club, X down in Hollywood.”
“Hell yeah! I wanna do it.”
“Okay, great! I’ll let them know. Also, a few labels have been watching you. I’m setting up a meeting for this Friday for you to meet them. This is could be big for you.”
Phoenix is being hit with so much good news that she can’t even contain herself. She’s bouncing on her feet.
“Okay! Just let me know where and what time and I’m there.”
“Cool. I’ll keep you posted. Enjoy your days off.”
Phoenix hung up, squealing. All of her dreams are slowly but surely manifesting right before her eyes. The rest of her evening was spent eating a pizza that she ordered and finally catching up on all of her shows. She sat on her couch, wrapped like a burrito in her weighted blanket, struggling hard to keep her eyes open.
A hand snakes around Phoenix’s waist. She bit her lip at the warmth and released a small moan. She laid her head back onto the large chest behind her. He trailed wet kissed up her shoulder and neck until he reached her cheek. She turned her head to him and he smiled.
“Lay down.” He said.
She followed his orders. His shirtless body stood over her. He snatched her panties off quickly and his head disappeared between her thighs.
Closing her eyes, “Fuck Erik! That’s feels good.”
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dreamgirl4certain · 5 years
The Elevator Bae
Chapter TWO.
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
Word Count: 4k. || Song Suggestions: Yuna ft. Usher x Crush
A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. I skimmed through this while at work. Shoutout to everyone that told me you liked this story. It gave me the extra push to finish this chapter. 
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It’s been a little over a week since the last time Phoenix seen Erik on the elevator. Everyday since she found out his name, she would wait at the elevator, hoping that when those big doors slid open, Erik would be waiting on the other side. But for 9 days, nothing. She found herself disappointed every time. She would beat herself up about being disappointed. This man didn’t know her and was probably not thinking about her at all. But, each time, without fail, she still would think about him. Where he was and when she’ll see him again. Regardless if she never seen him again, he definitely inspired some good music.
Phoenix was getting ready for a studio session. Studio sessions were usually a chill environment for Phoenix. She never allowed too many people to be around. To work with her, there was no rowdiness allowed in her sessions. Most people respected that. She was a vibe and her space always reflected that. She had a routine to prepare herself for her sessions. She placed her signature royal blue BEATS headphones on and played her ‘Blue’s Magic’ playlist. As she’s bobbing her head to the beat, eyes closed, her phone buzzes with a text. Her engineering friend, Coby, texted her.
DJ Coby: Hey, what time will be pulling up? Someone’s here to see you.
Phoenix was confused. Who in the hell would be at the studio to see her.
Phoenix: Hey. I’m getting ready now. I should be there around 9. Who there?
Coby responded quickly.
DJ Coby: Sza
Phoenix: Nigga! You lying to me!
DJ Coby: lol dead ass. Hurry up. She said she needs to work with you.
Phoenix: I'm coming!!!
Sza was one of her favorite artists. CTRL was probably the album of her life. She practically ran to her room to get dressed. She changed into a heather grey biker short and T-Shirt set. Those were her favorite fits to wear. Cute but comfortable. Phoenix was all about comfort. Sliding her feet into some rainbow Nike Vapormax. She opted to let her curls just be. She didn’t have time to figure that out. Sza was waiting for her. She couldn’t keep her waiting too long. Placing her BEATS around her neck and grabbing her keys, she books it out the door.
Of course! The elevator is taking forever and a day. Phoenix is tapping her foot, anxious to get to the studio.
When the doors open, she rushes in. Going to push Ground Level, but it’s already glowing green. She releases a breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding. A weight lifted from her.
“Hey, Phoenix.”
She didn’t even notice that someone else was already in the cabin with her. Turning to see who it is, her heart damn near stopped.
His smile made those infamous butterflies find their long lost home in her again. She had been preparing to see him. But, when she’s not even thinking about him, he shows up. Looking damn good at that. Black jeans with rips at the knees, a plain white V neck tee and black and red Jordan 1’s. He flashes that God forsaken smile at her.
“I haven’t seen you in awhile.” he says.
“Yeah. You’ve been missing.”
“You were looking for me?”
Yes, she was.  “I didn’t say that.”
“I was looking for you though.”
Her face goes completely red and she couldn’t hide the dorky smile she had if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to.
“Here I am.”
The elevator stops and the doors begin to open. Erik steps forward, standing between the now fully open doors. His body blocks half of the exit out. He holds his hand into the parking garage.
“Ladies first.”
Phoenix starts to walk out when her shoulder brushes against his chest. This man was SOLID! She stops and looks up at him and of course he’s already smiling at her. She playfully shakes her head at him and continues her way out.
“Have a good night, Phoenix.” He dragged her name. Was he doing this on purpose? She stops and turns to him, flashing her own smile.
“You too, Erik.”
Dragging his name they way he did hers. This time, she stood there to see how he would react. He licks his lips slowly like he knew what it would do to her. She watched him closely and her face went blank as she stared at his mouth.
“Don’t make me look for you again.”
“You don’t go missing again.”
They share another smile. Phoenix had reached her limit with him. There was no way that she could let him say anything else to her without jellylegs happening so she turned on her heels and headed to her car. Eriks stood firm in his place, watching her. She started her car and pulled out from her park and as she did, he waved at her. She watched him in her rear view mirror. He waited there until she turned out onto the road.
Sza was everything Phoenix imagined her to be, plus more. Their session was like two old friends catching up. They meshed well together with their personalities and with the music. Phoenix shared some hooks she wrote and they made nothing short of magic. They both danced around the studio as the two songs they made, played on repeat. Coby recorded them on his Instagram.
“All we make is hits!” he said into the camera.
“We need a pic for the gram.” Sza says to Phoenix.
They pose up and Coby doesn’t fail to make sure they got the right shot.
“Ohhh, we cute.” Phoenix says. “Send that to me now.”
They all chill back onto the large couch in the studio.
“So, girl… who are these hooks about?” Sza ask.
Phoenix looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Nobody.”
“You giving me this feeling…” Sza sings a line from the hook Phoenix wrote. “Somebody is giving you a feeling, sis.”
“No, no. It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like?” Coby asks.
“It’s just like a crush. Nothing serious at all.”
“Ohhh you got a crush. Who is it?” Sza says pinching at Phoenix’s arm.
“Oh my goodness.” Phoenix covers her blushing face.
“She’s blushing! Who is it?”
“He’s nobody.”
“I have never heard of a nobody making a nigga blush as hard as you blushing right now. Your face looking like a grape tomato.” Coby laughs.
Phoenix cuts her eyes at him, trying so hard to look serious but he’s right. She can’t stop herself from smiling, thinking about her ‘crush’.
“He’s just a guy that lives in my building. We met on the elevator.”
“You got me singing about your elevator bae?”
Phoenix lets out a huge sigh. “I’m not telling y’all nothing else.”
Sza and Coby laugh her off. Coby looks at his phone. “Yo, it’s almost 6am.”
They wrap up their session. Sza and Phoenix hug and say their goodbyes. Sza gives Phoenix her personal number so they could link again.
It’s a little after 6am when Phoenix finally gets back home. Parking her car, she drags her body to the elevator, waiting for it to come. When it reaches the parking garage and the doors open, Phoenix comes face to face with her neighbor from a few floors up, Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman that one could consider an ‘Instagirl’. Her body was amazing and she always had a slayed wig. Sydney was never caught without a designer bag. Even this early in the morning, she was sporting a 28in black wig, a PINK tracksuit and chanel bag.
“Good Morning, Philly.”
Ava was usually the only person to call Phoenix the nickname but Phoenix never protested when other called her that. Plus, it was too damn late/early for all of that.
“Morning, Syd.”
Sydney steps out of the elevator. “You had a long night?”
“Yeah. I was in the studio.”
“Damn girl and you’re just getting home?”
Phoenix nods her head. She wasn’t really in the mood to be talking to her. Sydney just kept talking and Phoenix was so caught up in pretending to be listening that the elevator doors closed.
“Shit.” She hits the button hoping the doors would just open but now it was that the cabin is already going up.
“Damn girl, I’m sorry. I’ll wait with you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes. Her sleepy is now hitting her hard and the last thing she wants to do is listen to Sydney talk.
The elevator took forever coming back down. Phoenix had ran out of patience.
When the doors open, Erik is standing there with full workout gear on. Seeing him, made Phoenix perk up.
“Morning ladies.”
“Good Morning, Erik!” Sydney says with enthusiasm, voice powering over Phoenix’s. “You’re about to work out?”
“How long are you about to be doing that?”
He shrugs. “Couple hours. Why?”
“You should come through when you’re done?”
That’s it. Phoenix had heard enough. She steps around them and get into the elevator. Hitting her floor number, the doors start to close but not before hearing Erik tell Sydney, “Alright. I’ll let you know.”
She would be lying if she said that didn’t crush her. Her hands instantly became hot and her chest was heavy. The thought of them ‘linking up’ made her pissed. She didn’t think she had a right to be pissed. He was just a crush, not her man. Hell, she didn’t even know the man’s last name.
Finally making it to her apartment, she closed all of the shades. Her apartment has floor to ceiling windows and she wanted all sunlight blocked. Her exhaustion seem to take over her body and she only made it out of her shoes before crashing on her bed and going deep into her sleep.
When she woke, it was well into the afternoon. A shower melted away all of her tension. Phoenix relaxed herself more with a well needed yoga session in her living room. She had plans to take a few days to herself but first she needed to do some grocery shopping to replace all of her snacks. Phoenix made her way to the store and to the farmers market. Stacking up on all of the food she needed to make her mini staycation at home, a good one.
Her day was going pretty smooth. She hadn’t even thought about the mornings situation with Erik and Sydney. She made her way through the parking garage and luckily she was able to get a spot close to the elevator. Phoenix stacked all of her grocery bags on one arm. She refused to take more than one trip. As she is closing her trunk, the elevator doors open. Looking up, she sees Sydney walking out, smiling and Erik right behind her. She stood back so they wouldn’t see her and she watched as they talked and laughed toward his car. She watched as he opened the passenger door for her and walked around and getting in, himself. She tried to hurry up and make to the elevators before he drove around. But the doors took a bit longer than she expected to open. Erik’s car drove passed her just as she was stepping into the cabin. He stopped by the doors and rolled his window down. Before he could say anything, the elevator doors closed and Phoenix’s stomach dropped to the floor with her bags.
She could feel her anxiety coming through her chest. The negative thoughts rushed her brain before she could even try to stop them. She felt stupid for crushing on a guy like Erik. Phoenix was a very chill, laid back kind of girl. Sydney was the definition of a ‘Girly girl’ and she wasn’t afraid to show off what she had. Phoenix’s brain went a million miles a minute. Of course, she’s his type, she thought.
As she reached her floor, she struggled to gather up the bags that fell to the floor. When the doors opened, her neighbor from across the hall, Mya was waiting.
“I got you, girl.”  Mya says. She helped Phoenix with her bags without a second thought.
“Thank You so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me. You know I know the struggle.”
Mya follows Phoenix into her place, dropping the bags off in the kitchen. Phoenix goes through one of the bags, pulling out a Kombucha and giving it to Mya.
“Here. This is my thank you since you won’t let me say it.”
“Now this is something I’ll take. Thanks girl.” Mya smiles and leaves out.
Phoenix leaves her groceries on the counter and sits on her couch. She had to admit her feelings were hurt. She wasn’t fully sure as to why but they were. She sat there for a moment, letting herself process the bullshit as much as she could before turning on some music and putting away her groceries. Just when she thought her mind was free, Yuna x Crush started playing through her speakers.
“Damn God, can you chill? I don’t need this.” She goes to pick up her phone that she left on the couch to change the song and sees that she has a bunch of notifications from her Instagram. She clicks the app and she’s tagged in a pic by Sza. It was the pic they took at the studio with the caption.
So much love for my girl @DJPhoenixBlue. This album is about to be amazing.
HER ALBUM?! To be a producer on Sza’s album would be a huge step for Phoenix. That post made her page blow up. She had gained at least another 3,000 followers. People were showing her so much love on her pics and videos. She clicked back on the picture and commented
Love you boo! More hits coming soon!
That made her feel so much better. Erik slipped from her mind in that moment. She let the music continue to play through her speaker and she danced around her living room until a phone call paused the music. It was her manager, Alyssa..
“Lyssaaaa, what’s up?”
“Hey, Phoenix. I have some good news.”
Phoenix patiently waits for Alyssa to continue.
“You’ve been requested to DJ at a party next week. The promoters are offering to pay you double your rates.”
“Double? Who the party for?”
“It’s the grand opening of that new club, X down in Hollywood. A lot of big names will be there.”
“Hell yeah! I wanna do it.”
“Okay, great! I’ll let them know. Also, a few labels have been watching you. I’m setting up a meeting for this Friday for you to meet them. This is could be big for you.”
Phoenix is being hit with so much good news she can’t even contain herself. She’s bouncing on her feet.
“Okay! Just let me know where and what time and I’m there.”
“Cool. I’ll keep you posted. Enjoy your days off.”
Phoenix hung up, squealing. All of her dreams are slowly but surely manifesting right before her eyes. The rest of her evening was spent eating a pizza that she ordered and finally catching up on all of her shows. She sat on her couch, wrapped like a burrito in her weighted blanket, struggling hard to keep her eyes open.
A hand snakes around Phoenix’s waist. She bit her lip at the warmth and released a small moan. She laid her head back onto the large chest behind her. He trailed wet kissed up her shoulder and neck until he reached her cheek. She turned her head to him and he smiled.
“Lay down.” He said.
She followed his orders. His shirtless body stood over her. He snatched her panties off quickly and his head disappeared between her thighs.
Closing her eyes, “Fuck Erik! That’s feels good.”
Tags: @purple-apricots @abeautifulmindexposed @lostennyc **If anyone would like to be tagged, let me know :)
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willardswritindump · 5 years
One Day More
Holland’s deep green eyes fluttered open as he felt his cheek laying against something much harder than he remembered falling asleep on. As his senses returned to him Holland began to realize exactly what his head was resting on and exactly who’s arms were around him as the memories of the previous night’s events flooded back to him a strong shade of pink flushed over his face. A soft tone escaped Ryerson’s throat as they softly gripped Holland tighter to their chest. Holland could feel his heart beating out of his chest as he lay in the grasp of the much stronger elf’s arms.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t fantasized about this and while he and Ryerson were dating holland knew he had to give Ryerson some space, hell they had volunteered to sleep on the floor when they found out the room only had one bed. Now that he thought about it holland remembered that they actually were when he had called asleep. As he ran over the possible reactions Ryerson would have when they woke up Holland gently began to run his hands up and down Ryerson’s back, feeling the definition of Ryerson’s shoulders and the scars he could feel through their shirt. Even on a cold planet like this one and in as little as a thin T-shirt and pants Ryerson was still a beacon of heat, much to the relief of holland. He had been cold from the moment they stepped off the ship and even under the blankets and in his sweater he had still felt a chill down to his bones. That chill had vanished in the night with Ryerson’s warmth radiating around holland as he felt one of Ryerson’s hands running up from his waist and up his back and neck before running through his silver hair. With this Holland couldn’t help but plant a small kiss on Ryerson’s chest in front of him. Holland’s eyes began to grow heavy once again as he pulled himself tighter to Ryerson who’s eyes had just opened.
Ryerson dropped their chin onto Holland’s head as they wondered what sliver of cosmic luck had somehow made them worthy of having someone as wonderful and sweet as holland in their life. Truth be told Ryerson still couldn’t wrap his head as to how Holland had fallen for outcast like them, but that didn’t matter now, if they had their way they’d never let the soft elven man go. Holland squirmed a little as he scooted his head up from Ryerson chest to their neck and planting a soft kiss on it, causing Ryerson’s face to go a slight shade of pink. “Are you awake?” Holland asked quietly as he nuzzled into Ryerson’s shoulder. Ryerson paused, taking a deep breath before answering, “Yeah, I’m up magic boy.” Holland looked up at Ryerson, a pouty look on his face in protest to the nickname. “I thought I told you to stop calling me that,” he continued to pout. “Yeah, but you’re cute when you try to pout”, Ryerson said before planting a soft kiss on Holland’s forehead. “Hmpf” Holland bit his lip for a moment as he looked Ryerson in their Amber eye. “Really, you stubborn little shit.” Ryerson laughed a little before saying, “Alright, I’m sorry.” Holland cocked an eyebrow before giving a cocky smirk, “really then, how do I know you’re sorry?” With that Ryerson automatically pulled Holland into a deep kiss. Their lips stayed locked together for several seconds before finally Holland smiled and pulled back, his breath slightly heavy. “How’s that for an apology?” Ryerson asked as they watched holland sit up, the baggy sweater he wore sliding off one shoulder. “Hmm”, Holland looked up and placed a finger on his chin in an imitation of being deep in thought. “Not really, maybe you should try again.” Holland said with a wink before bending down over Ryerson and softly kissing him quickly. After he pulled away Ryerson pulled Holland back again and sat up without breaking contact with the silver haired elf. As the two sat up holland took his hands and gently cupped Ryerson’s cheeks before pulling back, both of the breathing heavily as they pressed their foreheads together. Holland’s Head fell from Ryerson’s and into their shoulder as his hands fell from Ryerson’s shoulders to their waist Holland slowly started to wrap his legs around them as well as he sat in their lap. As he sat there holding Ryerson close to them holland planted kiss after kiss on the corner of Ryerson’s neck, softly coping into the stronger elf’s shoulder.
Slowly but surely he slipped lower down Ryerson before he was laying with his head in Ryerson’s lap, quietly sharing sweet nothings the entire time. As he sat there with the sweet elf’s head in his lap Ryerson began to mindlessly play with his silver hair, turning a lock between his fingers, being careful not to pull too hard. Eventually they took a lock from just above Holland’s ear and began to put a small braid into it. Holland waited for Ryerson to finish before softly piping up. “Rye... there’s something important I need to tell you.” He said before sitting up to face Ryerson. “Rye-“ he said before bringing himself closer to Ryerson once more, yet not having the courage to look Ryerson in the eye. “Rye, I love you” Holland said with a soft blush on his face. “I know” was all Ryerson could think to say as they softly pulled Holland’s face up to look him in his beautiful green eyes. A single tear fell down Holland’s freckled cheek before Ryerson pulled him into yet another deep kiss. Once they finally pulled away from each other with complete earnestness Ryerson pulled Holland into as tight a hug as they could. “I know, and I’m never going to let you go.” Ryerson paused and paused before planting a kiss on Holland’s cheek and continuing, “because I love you more than anything in this or any galaxy.” Holland couldn’t help but let go, tears began to flow down his cheeks as he and Ryerson laid back down, they both knew they weren’t going anywhere today, they were just going to stay there together as long as they could, the rest of the world could wait for just one day more.
(Art and Ryerson belong to the awesome @galway-bae )
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starwreathed · 7 years
TAGGED BY.  @cosmicdvst TAG 6 PEOPLE YOU WANT TO KNOW BETTER. @whoeverwantsto?
NICKNAMES.  Sina TIME RIGHT NOW. 10:01pm.  LAST THING I GOOGLED. myanimelist or something about pokemon because i am trash.  FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST.  ….currently? it changes by the week. I adore halsey, natewantstobattle, patd and fall out boy rn. SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD. fitz and the tantrums - ‘’hand clap’’ icanmakeyourhandsclap. LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED. supernatural, s2 ep1 - ‘in my time of dying’ WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW. red glasses, my Ginnie springs t-shirt from a million years ago and black sweats.  WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG. about a month ago?  THE KIND OF STUFF I POST.  shirosthetics currently, I haven’t started rps yet. hit me up! DO I HAVE OTHER BLOGS.  yep. DO I GET ASKS REGULARLY. nope. WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL.  there are a few reasons: when you think of a wreath typically, it’s meant to express sorrow or mourning, that’s why they’re usually found on graves. which is kind of a nod to Shiro’s ‘’death’’ to his life on earth and the person he was before he went to Kerberos. That kind of innocence.  Aesthetically, you can also look at it as a nod to his position and his power. He was a prodigy on earth who went on to trade one life for another and was thrown literally at the top of everyone’s hopes. he’s the leader of voltron, he surpasses all of them rank wise, he pilots the black lion and everyone looks to him for strength and a willingness to fight this insanity and rise above all of the shit the galaxy has undergone. heavy is the head that wears the crown, you know? and god knows he never wanted it. Allura’s talking about the final lion and he’s resigned but terrified like HE SCREWED UP SO BADLY HE’S SO DAMAGED INTERNALLY, HE FEELS SO BROKEN AND INHUMAN, in direct opposition to what everyone needs him to be. it’s such an interesting conflict between the man and the legend, you know? yeah, that’s why the url stuck tho. 
HOGWARTS HOUSE.  ravenclaw. POKEMON TEAM. VALOR.  FAVORITE COLORS. purple, red and black. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP. 8 LUCKY NUMBERS. 3. FAVORITE CHARACTERS. //cracks knuckles; Takashi ShiroganBAE, Matsuoka Rin, PIDGE, Kuchiki Rukia, Marco Bodt, Abarai Renji, Kuchiki Byakuya, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Castiel (4-6 ), Luna Lovegood, Yagami Hikari, Takaishi Takeru, Izumi Koshiro, AND I COULD GO ON FOREVER OKAY?! BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH.  4-5 >> I NEED A LOT OF SNUGGLES TO SLEEP OKAY? OKAY.
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teamkaiforever · 6 years
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Seven Minutes in Heaven
(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader word count: 6 036 / reading time: 22 minutes warnings: smut, smut, smut … summary: Kai and Reader have some history together, study at the same college, and end up going to the same party where during playing ‘seven minutes in heaven’  something happens. [to the anon who requested it: i really hope you like it, i know its a bit more smuff than smut and definitely came out longer than i anticipated but… let me know] *gif by me ________________________________________
Her eyes drifted towards the bottle, watching it spin maybe for the 10th time that night. Parties weren’t her scene but lately she had been doing a lot of things that weren’t her ‘scene’. Going to a party in her dorm which her upbeat roommate was throwing was one of them. The other? It wasn’t a thing so much as a who and well, he was there too. His eyes kept doing the same dance her eyes did – drifting from the bottle towards her and back again while he sat at the opposite end of the same couch, completely ignoring the girl trying to find a way to wrap herself around him. All night every single girl had tried to get his attention in every possible way – offering him drinks, flirting with him, asking him to dance but he only seemed interested in getting her attention and the only time he danced that night was when she was on the dancefloor.
Y/N had been dancing by herself, looking at him from a distance and trying not to feel jealous at the fact his hands were on some girl’s waist. Then she had lost him in the crowd and a guy had started dancing with her. It was like they had pulled each other like magnets and at first she hadn’t even realized those were his hands on her body, then she had panicked a little but in the end the moment he had spun her around and their eyes had met she had caved. Her knees had gone weak and being by his side, in his arms had been the only thing she had need. Just like that one night almost two weeks ago they had slept together.
Sleeping with him had been a reckless, rush decision. At least that’s what she told herself to explain her out of character behavior but the truth was different. Kai had caught her eye the moment he had walked in the room that very first day, just like it had happened with every other girl in campus. He was the forbidden fruit, in a way. Something unreachable for her because… why would he pick her out of all the girls throwing themselves at him? He was a ‘dream bae’ as her roommate would put it, beyond charming, funny, drawing her in even more with each day and it had taken him sharing his secret with her to fully understand why that was. And instead of being frightened he was a vampire/witch hybrid, she felt relieved because there was someone who knew what it was to be a supernatural being.
     “Kai –” her friend clapped excitedly. “Wonderful. And now for the girl –”
Her friend spun the bottle mouthing ‘Let it be me’. Kai rolled his eyes almost unnoticeably at the words and he pushed away the girl’s hands off him yet again. Y/N sighed and her gaze drifted towards the bottle watching it spin around and around again, not stopping or slowing down for a moment. A part of her knew what it felt to be pushed away by someone you like and she felt bad about the girl, the other half was doing a little happy dance in her head thinking how out of every girl at the party for him it was only her. Even though she still couldn’t understand why or how she had caught his attention. Besides her having magic, there was nothing special about her. There were rare times she dressed up or put make up on or dressed even remotely like girls her age did. It was mostly pony tail, leggings or jeans with a t-shirt and her favorite sneakers; headphones on, focusing on her studies. Their first night together had been one of those rare times she had dressed up for a blind date which had stood her up and Kai had swooped her off her feet. The second Kai had walked in the bar on campus – everyone and everything else had vanished around her and all she could see was him. Later on they had been laughing, talking, drinking and he had offered to walk her home just to be safe. But in the end he had taken her to his place a little off campus, spending the entire cab ride making out with her in the back. What he had done to her that night to get her to open up and let go completely was still a mystery to her. It had been one of those instant connection she always saw in movies and never thought really happen off screen.
Her fingers pulled down on her skirt and she shifted on the couch, moving her feet off the table so one of the guys could walk past her, not even glancing at her. Not that she would’ve noticed anyways because her eyes drifted towards the other end of the couch where Kai hadn’t torn his eyes away from her. His lips curled up a little catching her gaze and he ran his fingers through his hair. What wouldn’t she give for that to be her hands –
    “Oh…” her friend muttered, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice as the bottle stopped pointing at – “Y/N. You lucky girl indeed.”
Y/N glanced at her friend then at the bottle and shook her head, mouthing ‘No.’ “You go, I don’t want –”
Kai jumped up, quickly wiping his sweaty palms in his jeans before outstretching his hand for hers. “I want you.” his eyes remained focused on hers. “Those are the rules right? And I know you are not a rule breaker. Don’t tell me you haven’t been dreaming about this all night too –”
Y/N studied his face for a moment, outstretched her hand towards his and he pulled her up from the couch. A shockwave of electricity flowed through her body the second he took her hand in his and led her towards the small closet. Her roommate called out to them she was setting the timer and a moment later they were all alone in the small dark space. Barely 0.2 seconds after the door got locked from the outside Kai had her pinned against the wall and his lips collided with hers in a passionate kiss, not wasting a second. Took her a split second to respond to the kiss, pull his body towards hers and less than half a minute to push him off.
    “Damn, I missed your lips against mine–”
Her fingers ran through her hair, attempting to catch her breath while trying hard not to smile at how good the kiss and having him close to her again had felt. “I didn’t –“
    “Liar.” he smirked leaning towards her again but she held him an arms lenght away. “You’ve been avoiding me. Why?”
    “I am not avoiding you.”
    “Really?” he pushed her hand way and rested his forehead on hers, gently brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. “Every time I try to talk to you after class, you run off. All night tonight you’ve been avoiding me except for that one time we danced together for like two minutes before you ran off again and now you didn’t even want to come here with me. Have I done something to upset you?” Y/N shook her head, avoiding his gaze. His fingers gently brushed against her cheek and he tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “Then why?”
    “Because this isn’t me!” she said in a hushed voice. “I don’t dance ‘hands all over’ with guys, even if they are the hottest guy I’ve seen in my life –“
   “You think I’m hot?”
   “– not even if I’ve slept with them.” she continued as if the way his eyes had lit up at her statement hadn’t just made her heart flutter like never before. “Let alone with a guy I barely know –”
    “You do know me. Better than anyone actually.” he cupped her cheek with one hand. “You know every part of me and I still cannot believe you didn’t run when you found out what I am. Where I come from and what I’ve done. That’s how I know you feel something too –” Y/N shook her head while he placed his hand over her heart. “That and the fact your heart never beats like that around other guys, only around me –“
     “Doesn’t matter.” she whispered, clearing her throat. “I saw you earlier with that girl. You both looked pretty into each other–”
Kai grinned. “Awwhh you got jealous someone else put their hands on what belongs to you–”
    “What?! Me?! Jealous?! Don’t flatter yourself, Parker.” she scoffed. “What we had w-was a one night stand prompted by –”
      “– how beyond hot you looked that night.” he finished, trailing his fingertips up her skirt. “I mean you look hot 24/7, but that night was something and that short skirt you are wearing right now just – ” he licked his lip. “Honestly, its been driving me nuts how every time you danced tonight it kept finding ways to lift itself up. And the way your body grinded against mine, my hands on your waist and your hands reaching back for me –”
    “You just can’t keep your hands to yourself.” she took a shallow breath. “Just like right now.”
Kai smirked, leaning in a little closer. So close she could feel his breath on her face intoxicating her completely. “I don’t see you pushing my hand away.” he licked his lip, lifting her skirt up a little.
Y/N pushed him off her and scoffed, ending up pinned against the wall again. “Fuck it, Malachai –”
    “Well, if you want me to.” he grinned. “How can I say ‘no’ to the girl of my dreams?”
Her mouth fell open for a moment. “T-that’s not what I meant. I–”
      “Wasn’t it? Cuz your eyes, they look different. Kind of like they did that night when I pushed you against the wall, tore off that dress and we spend the entire night  –“
     “—getting lost in each other?” she involuntarily bit her lip at the memory, quickly shaking her head in an attempt to clear it out which turned out to be the hardest thing to do. Her mind instantly drifted to the memory, replaying every second of their night together in slow motion –“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Kai brushed his lips against hers, his eyes darting between her eyes and her lips. “So if I am to slip my fingers between your legs right now… you won’t be wet for me? You won’t melt under my touch, your knees won’t go weak just like they did that night –“
Y/N shook her head replying with a ‘No’, her voice barely audible with the music playing outside. Though that wasn’t the reason why she couldn’t hear herself say the words. With him standing this close it was way too difficult to think and breathe let alone speak. Her heart raced in her chest, beating so loudly she was worried everyone in the whole building could hear it. All because of him –
      “You are such a bad liar.”
His lips crashed against hers in a kiss that left her feeling dizzy. He had taken her breath away again and with every passing second she could feel her control slip away. He held her wrists on either side of her head, his lips not wanting to part with hers for more than a second while his body pressed firmly against hers as if he wanted them to actually merge into one soul. His crotch grinded against hers a little harder every time making her mind drift away into a fantasy of the two of them, what they could do during the remaining maybe 5 minutes they had in the closet and the fact she could feel how hard he was in that moment only added more to it. Last time this had happened things had been different, kind of like in a haze. This time she was more sober and aware of her actions than ever.
      “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” he whispered in between kisses, pushing his crotch against hers. “You drive me nuts just with being you. How you look at me and tear your gaze away with your cheeks flushed whenever I catch your eye.” He rested his forehead on hers, his eyes drifting between her eyes and her lips while his fingertips touched them gently. “You are not just a one night stand. Not to me. And if that’s all I am to you – I will spend however long it takes to change it. I want you, I will want you in my arms forever –”
   “Forever is a really long time, you know –” she took in a shallow breath, wriggling her wrists free. To her surprise he let her and she used her chance pull him closer, digging her fingers down his spine to her jeans pockets where they slipped in giving his ass a little squeeze. “Even as a vampire you can’t make this promise.”
   “I just did –”
    “You are just telling me what I you think I want to hear so you can get what you want—“
Kai pulled away a little, his eyes searching in hers. Her words had struck a nerve with him more than anything ever had. Maybe the old him would’ve done something like that, but the thing was with her everything was different. His feelings had gone haywire and each of them was connected to her. It had taken him a while to figure out it wasn’t just the physical attraction, that there was something else which he couldn’t control or push away. “You really think that?” A few seconds passed through to him they felt like centuries. “You want to know what I felt ever since I saw you and specially that night? Let me show you –“
Y/N barely managed to take a breath before his lips smashed against hers again, hungry, anxious. A moment later she was back at the bar where she had met with Kai two weeks ago, only seeing things from his point of view. Feeling everything he had felt – his heart racing, his palms getting sweaty, all the nerves he had to fight off while walking towards her. How the second their eyes had met the world had dissolved around him and all he could see was her; his heart nearly bursting hearing her laugh and call out his name, even more so when he had kissed her for the first time after daydreaming about it for weeks. Followed by the wave of panic as to what she’d do, stretching into eternity when in reality it had been barely a few seconds before she had gripped his shirt and pulled his lips towards hers –
A moan tumbled off his lips and she felt him rip her soaked panties straight off her. A moment later he pulled away, his gaze never leaving hers while he pinned her wrists together over her head, tied them together and then hooked the knot to a bolt-like clothes hanger on the wall.    “When I woke up in the morning and didn’t find you in my arms… a part of me died.” he trailed her lips with his fingertips. “Falling asleep with your head on my chest, my arms wrapped around you – that was the happiest I had felt in forever and… I kind of thought we were gonna stay in bed all day the next day. You know, I’d make you breakfast in bed… then have you for breakfast until lunch…”
     “You did?”
Kai hummed. “It’s been two weeks and I can’t sleep. I lay awake all night thinking about you. About us.” he unbuttoned her shirt button by button, his fingertips brushing against her skin lightly as he did. Every time it happened her heart skipped a beat and she could feel her skin turn on fire even more than it already was. “My mind goes wild and I can’t focus on anything but how much I want you. To kiss every square inch of your body like I did that night…” he kissed down her jaw line and onto her neck, going lower without taking his eyes off hers for a second. His fingertips trailed soft patterns on her skin sending shivers all through her body and turning her skin on fire even more. “Explore every inch with my fingertips; listening to your heart race when I touch you, just like it does right now. Two weeks I could almost feel your lips on mine, your naked body against mine every night. You know, you tore the sheets gripping on them that night and my pillow still smells like you –”
Y/N took a shallow breath, lightly biting her lip when he pushed her bra up and cupped her breasts with his large hands. All this teasing was driving her nuts; no one had ever been able to get her this crazy, it was a Kai thing. Her palms balled into fists and she found the urge to use magic to get herself free and bury her fingers in his hair while his tongue swirled around her nipple, rolling the other between his middle and index finger for a moment before he playfully slapped each of them. Every touch sent a thousand butterflies in her stomach, spreading the feeling all through her body and she couldn’t help but feel herself starting to drip down her thighs. “I’d say I’m sorry about the sheets–” she moaned quietly. “– but I’m really hot – not, I meant not.”
   “You’ll be burning by the time I’m done with you.” Kai smirked devilishly at her, lightly biting her stomach. Even in the dim light she could see his eyes had darkened and were no longer their usual shade of blue. Though there was something else too – they glowed like she had never seen them before. “So beautiful –” he whispered, drawing figurines with his fingertips all over her body not taking his eyes off hers for more a split second. “I can’t get you out of my mind. Your voice, your eyes, your smile …all the sounds coming out of your lips when we were together, tangled tight in the sheets –” he cooed, pulling her skirt down her legs until it was laying on the floor around her ankles.    “And then I see you in the hall looking at me, walking away from me –” he cooed, his fingertips brushing up her inner thighs all the way to her warmth, spreading her legs wider. “I sit next to you for 3hrs in class and all I want is to let my hand drop lower, slip where it’s not supposed to. I want to pull you in my arms. Kiss you until you need me to give you mouth to mouth then and there. No one would even know –“
    “Why didn’t you?” she wondered, her eyes darting between his eyes and his lips. Kai gave her a small smile, raising his eyebrows. “Oh –“
    “You are not getting away from me now.” he smiled innocently at her, drawing soft circles on her clit with his fingers enough to fuel the fire he had started even more. “Awwh, so wet you are dripping and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
Y/N bit her lip feeling his fingertips brush against her clit, spreading her arousal around for a moment and then his tongue against her swollen clit. A quiet moan tumbled off her lips and she couldn’t help but tremble at his touch. How long had they been in there? Five? Seven minutes? Less than that? Looking into Kai’s eyes she could feel herself getting lost in more ways than one. It was like they were stuck in a moment in time, frozen… just the two of them, the only two people in the world.
    “We have all the time in the world for me to drive you just as crazy as you drive me.” he cooed, lightly pinching her clit for a moment before sliding just his middle and index fingers inside her; slowly curling them around to feel every inch, pulling out to the fingertips and going in to the last knuckle again, thrusting them inside her a little faster every time. “Hmm, so tight, wet and fucking warm… I can barely wait to feel those tight walls wrap around me again –”
     “Kai –“ she bit her lip at the thought of what his words meant. “We are in a closet. With like everyone probably listening –”
    “I don’t care.” he leaned in closer, leaving wet sloppy kisses all over her neck and down her body. “I want you. Here. Now. I want to hear you beg for me to hold you up against the wall and make you cum around me again… and again.”
Y/N started saying something but all that came out of lips were moans. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she threw her head back, feeling his tongue against her clit; lapping slowly around it and straight through the middle while his fingers continued to drive her wild. Every curl was like a match, every pump adding more gasoline and the way his lips enveloped her clit, sucking and tugging on it was enough for her to give into him completely. All those girls who have been throwing themselves at him all night and even before that…  and he wanted her. The shy girl who kept to herself, never did anything even remotely close to breaking the rules or getting out of line in any way. A complete opposite of who he was and perhaps that was the reason why the attraction between them was so big.
    “Someone will walk in any moment –” he whispered. “Our seven minutes are almost up. You don’t want us to get caught in this position do you?”
Kai bit on her clit, making her squeal for a moment. “No. They are not.” Y/N furrowed her brows. “I cast a little spell –”
    “Fuck, Malachai –” she moaned, her lips curling up in a lazy smile. He had cast more than one spell otherwise her legs and arms would’ve caved by now, especially with his fingers thrusting inside her almost at vampire speed. “Cheater – You had me right where you wanted me the second our eyes met on the dancefloor. Hell, I was yours the moment I first laid eyes on you –”
   “I admit. I did cheat… to make sure no one else got the chance to come here with you.” he thrusted his fingers inside her a little rougher, slowly curling it around, pulling out to the fingertips and going in all the way again while her walls clenched around them. “I want you all to myself. Just like you want me – don’t think I haven’t noticed you doing the same.”
Y/N threw her head back, her back arching a little off the wall and bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from moaning louder.   “Guilty.” she moaned softly, feeling him suck and tug on her clit while his fingers continued to thrust inside her a little rougher. Her breathing was becoming more ragged every second those freakishly perfect long fingers continued to play with her. Everything they could do to her, all the ways they could drive her wild… that was something she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since the first time she had felt them curled around feeling every inch, thrusting inside her rougher and deeper until his fingertips hit her spot making it harder for her to keep quiet. Her moans were turning into whimpers and all she could think about was him and how much she needed all of him in that moment.  “Please?”
     “Please what? Tell me –”
     “I need you –” she tried to drown off a moan. “All of you. Every inch –“ Kai smirked at her, cheating for a couple of seconds with his vampirism to pump his fingers inside her faster, getting her almost at the edge. Her back arched off the wall and she balled her hands into fists, trying to get herself free with no luck. All she wanted in that moment was to pull him up, kiss him as if her life depended on it and get her hands on him. Right before he shoves her against the wall –  “Please, fuck me –”
     “I love it when you beg.” he thrusted his fingers inside her a little rougher, hitting her spot. Her body convulsed for a second and again when he did the same. “But, sweetheart, I don’t just want to fuck you. I want to spend the rest of the night making love to you. Worshiping every inch if your body, feel you pull my hair while I slip my tongue inside you; watch you grip on the sheets again while you beg me to stop teasing you and let you cum –”
     “You won’t really hear me beg until I’m on my knees in front of you with your fingers around my neck; my wrists tied together and my mouth pressing against your cock while you look at me with those gorgeous blue eyes darkened with lust trying to decide if you should let me get what I want still wrapped up nice and tight in those jeans or push me on the bed and have your way with me.” she blurted out without thinking.
Kai grinned, kissing up her stomach while his fingers slowed down a little/ just enough to delay her release. “I love a girl who knows what she wants. So fucking hot –“ he licked his lip. “I can easily spend the rest of the night teasing you until you can’t take it anymore –“
Y/N leaned towards him, struggling not to let herself go over the edge while her hips pushed down grinding on his fingers. “Try me.” she moaned, watching a devilish spark flash in his eyes. Damn that look, she thought. It was enough to turn her skin on fire all over again –
    “Damn it –” voices came from outside and someone pulled on the door. The lock opened and closed again just as fast. “I think its stuck.”
Neither of them seemed to care they were about to get caught at any moment. Their eyes remained fixed on each other and nothing else mattered but the other. Kai smirked devilishly at her and wound her leg around his waist to get better access and continued to tease her; getting her to the edge again and delaying. Quiet moans mixed with whimpers and his name tumbled off her lips, getting a little louder when his fingers thrusted and curled inside her almost in vampire speed, slowing down to give her a small chance to cool off for a few seconds before picking up where they had left off. “FUck Malachai – I’m so close – “
Kai’s lips pressed against hers in an attempt to drown her moans and he could feel her slipping down the wall and her legs starting to shake while her orgasm approached fast.  (‘Get the door open!’ voices shouted from the outside.) His lips pulled away from hers and he shushing her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “I will stop teasing you and let cum you if you tell me what happened to my t-shirt from that night. You know, the one you’ve been wearing for the past two weeks in your dorm… pacing near by the window with the curtains open.”
Y/N bit her lip, trying to drown out a moan. Of course he knew about it, he had been watching her watching him hide in the shadows outside her dorm. “I don’t want you to stop. Your fingers down there feel so good, though I’d love it even more it if it was something a little bigger, thicker…” Kai grinned at her, getting her right to the edge again. Something flashed in her eyes for a second, a hint of fear mixed with excitement. Was she scared he’d be mad at her? Or aroused at the thought what he will do next? Or both?  “You tore my dress in half –“ she said as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “A-are you mad?”
    “Are you guys okay in there?” called out her friend, lightly banging on the door. “It’s been so quiet since you walked in –”
   “No. I’m not mad, princess.” he smiled innocently at her and placed his hand over her lips, feeling her body starting to shake as her orgasm began tearing through her body. His eyes remained fixed on hers, watching her eyes roll in the back of her head and her mouth hang semi open while he continued to thrust his fingers inside her. “I am raging I don’t get to see you wearing it up close going to bed and waking up with it pushed up your ass afterwards.” Kai smirked at her and called out to her friends outside.   “No rush guys. We are perfectly fine. Though I think Y/N might need some fresh air or she might faint into my arms.” He pulled out his fingers and brushed the back of his hand against her cheek for a moment before trailing her lips with his fingertips, slipping his fingers between her lips for her to clean. Her eyes remained focused on him the entire time her tongue swirled around his fingers, moaning quietly as she did. “You are such a naughty girl, I should punish you for leaving me that morning. Maybe I will make your wish come true and fuck this pretty mouth of yours too. I haven’t been able to get the way your tongue and lips felt around me, how looked at me with those innocent eyes just like you are right now.” he bit his lip for a split second. “Drives me nuts –“
A snap of his fingers later her wrists were untied, her shirt buttoned up and her skirt got back on her body as if it hasn’t just been laying on the ground. Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes away from Kai for a second, and he couldn’t look away from her either. “You and I –” she tried to calm down her breathing. “We um –”
    “‘We’. I love the sound of that word.” his lips curled up a little at the same time the lock unlocked and got locked by itself again. “There is something I need to know. I want to know how you felt the same the first time we –“
Y/N bit her lip, flicked her wrist to lock the door again and nervously reached for his hand before longingly gazing into his eyes, her other hand teasingly brushed against the bulge in his crotch. “What do you think?”
Kai moaned quietly at her touch and leaned towards her – “Show me.” he barely whispered before his lips crashed against hers.
Her hand moved up his chest until she cupped his face with one hand and let him inside her thoughts. There was no holding back from her – everything poured straight out. From how her heartbroken she had felt sitting alone at the bar to how the world had vanished around her the second her eyes had met with Kai’s. Her heart beating faster than humanly possible, almost ready to burst when he had smiled at her, saying her name for the first time that night and their hands had accidentally touched on the bar counter when he had gotten her a drink.
Their lips moved hard against each other, both moaning into the kiss, and her back hit the wall again. Kai braced one hand against the wall and pulled her towards him, continuing his trip in her mind. He felt the butterflies in her stomach when he had leaned in to kiss her the first time; how out of breath he had left her only after a single gentle kiss, making her crave more of his lips… Making her crave him like she had made him crave her. And to his surprise, his girl showed him the morning after, how happy she had been to wake up next to him; her fingers running through his hair, her fingertips gently trailing his lips before she kissed him briefly… How hard it had been for her to go, thinking he wouldn’t want her there in the morning. That everything had been a one night thing –
   “Take me back –“ he whispered when she pulled away to take a breath. “I want to see more. I need to see more –“
Y/N stared at him as if seeing him for the first time and in a way that was exactly what had happened because this time the connection had worked both ways and she had found out his little secret. “It was you. You didn’t stood me up. You –”
    “There you are –” the door swung open at once. Y/N balled her panties into a ball and shoved them in Kai’s pocket before anyone could see and both of them jumped away from each other in a split second. “Are you okay?” her friend asked.
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, glancing for a split second at Kai before returning her attention to her overly peppy roommate. “Drunk. I feel… drunk.”
   “Drunk?” her friend raised her eyebrows. “You never drink. W-why are your cheeks red? Wait – did you two –”
    “No!” Y/N said.   “Maybe –“ Kai smirked.     Y/N gestured around them, trying hard not to stare at Kai who had a visible bulge in his jeans in that moment. Her mind drifted a little at the thought of getting him alone somewhere. He had explaining to do and even though she should’ve been upset with him for hiding the truth, she just couldn’t. Not with the way he was looking at her in that moment – like she is his entire world. “Closet. No windows… and it got kind of hot in here.” she glanced at Kai, placing her hand over her forehead for a moment. Sweat drops. “Like really really hot –“
  “I’ll say –“ smirked Kai.
  “With the lack of windows, I mean –“ Y/N laughed nervously.
   “Oh –“ her friend glanced between them.
Kai scratched his chin. “You know, you can blame it on the lack of windows but we both know it’s because of me.”
     “So freaking full of himself…” she gestured towards him, avoiding her friend’s questioning looks.  “Thinks he can get what he wants –“ she took a shallow breath. “—because he looks like a freaking greek God w-with those blue eyes, that smile.. t-those toned muscles and those freakishly perfect long fingers, I –“
      “Hey, don’t blame me.” Kai raised his hands. “Not my fault I am just your type.”
Y/N bit her lip lightly, shaking her head. “I hate you.”
Kai winked at her. “We both know you love me – “ Y/N’s eyes widened a little and she stumbled, still having a bit of a hard time to stand up on her feet. Kai caught her just in time, swinging his hand under her legs until he was holding her bridal style but still being careful for people not to see what he had done to her. Her hands instinctively hooked around his neck while he held her tightly towards him, bridal style. “I got ya, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I’ll take a really good care of you. You look like you need to lay down –“
     “More like hover on top of your lips and ride your face until I collapse.” she said so quietly if he wasn’t a vampire, he would’ve missed it. “I’m driving.”
Kai grinned. “Whatever you say, princess.” he leaned in whispering in her ear. “I wouldn’t be able to get enough of you either way.”
________________________________________  MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17  MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17 / MASTERLIST - FLUFF/ANGST ‘18 
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“…” [read] || one-shot
Summary: Nemo’s grandfather who…uh…tried to abduct him reaches out after months of silence. Nemo struggles with what to do.
tw: anxiety, depression, familial kidnapping
Nam-min. That was how the message opened. Nemo’s hal-abeoji had texted him sometime during the night. It was the first message he saw when he rolled over and picked up his phone. The contact glared back at him through the brightness on the screen. Nemo shoved his phone back under his pillows. He stared up at the thatched-work ceiling, taking one long, deep breath in that felt like inhaling water. Why didn’t I block the number? Nemo thought. His heart thudded on his tongue. Why didn’t I delete it? He should delete the message now. Nemo flexed his fingers against his bed sheets and he reached back under the pillow. But he couldn’t click on the message. His hal-abeoji had written with roman characters. Nam-min, he read again without even needing to think about it. He’d wanted Nemo to understand. Nam-min, I know it has been… and then he couldn’t see the rest, not without clicking it. Nam-min… “Nam-minnie!” Appa barked from downstairs and Nemo flinched in his own bed, looking toward his door like Appa was about to burst in and catch him doing something bad.  He darkened his phone screen again and scrambled out of his bed. “Nam-minnie, you up?” “Coming!” Nemo called frantically. He fluttered to his closet, grabbing his clothes and shoving himself into his work-out sweats and a t-shirt. On his bed, his phone buzzed. It was a tiny sound. Gentler than a bee humming. Nemo felt it in his whole body, like he was about to come apart. He tossed his phone in his bag without looking again and fluttered downstairs, making sure to smile as brightly as he could at Appa putting toast and gimbap on the table. He’d forget about it. That’s what he’d do. He’s forget about it, and by the time he got to school, his phone would be full of messages from all his friends, pushing Hal-abeoji’s message all the way down, like it had never been down there at all. ** Hal-abeoji texted again in first period. Nemo wasn’t going to look. He was paying attention: face forward, eyes pinned on the whiteboard where the teacher was talking about verb conjugations for French. He needed to be focused, he sucked at this class especially– English and Korean and French tangled up in his brain like a spiderweb. The phone buzzed a second time. Maybe it wasn’t him. It probably wasn’t him. What time was it in Korea anyway? No, don’t think that– Nemo didn’t care, remember? (17:35. It was a little before dinner time. Nemo knew because when his grandparents were in town, they’d eat together at 19:00. They took him to every restaurant in town. Halmeoni wanted to know what his favourite dish was at each one, and she had ordered whatever he ordered for herself. It didn’t matter what it was, she had done it with a smile. Maybe I’ll like it too! We’ll have something in common.) At the third buzz, Nemo reached into his bag, eyes darting from the board and down again so the teacher wouldn’t see. He flipped his phone around to see the screen. There was one text from Hal-abeoji, one from Tae. Tokki: Hyung said yes to tonight. ;) Right. It was Friday. He was supposed to go over to Tae-yah’s for a sleepover. But Nemo couldn’t focus on that one. It was the one below, texted to Nemo just four minutes before Tae: Hal-abeoji: I understand if you don’t want to … “Mr. Bae, no phones in class.” Nemo looked up, his face turning red at once. “Sorry, my abeoji. My dad,” he corrected quickly and felt the water in his lungs again. His chest burned, heavy and wrong. He put the phone back in his bag. “How about you translate this sentence then?” The teacher said. Nemo shrunk a little in his seat as she tapped the English on the projector. I ran quickly to the store. “Uh…I…빨리–thorns, I mean,” Nemo stumbled as his face brightened. He shrank more as the class erupted into giggles. Mei K shot him a sympathetic look from her corner of the room. “Hmm, perhaps we should wait until after class to text our parents, Mr. Bae? Anyone else want to help him out?” Nemo just ducked his head and rubbed at his forehead like he could scrub all the words of his hal-abeoji out. ** At lunch, there were two more messages. Nemo should not open them. But would they just keep coming? Maybe it was better to tell his grandfather to fuck off, the way he should have done in the first place when his grandparents came to town. “Nemo?” Nemo lifted his eyes from his lunch and saw Tae staring at him. “Uh, you okay?” “Yeah,” said Nemo. “Yeah, sorry, uh– I spaced. I had this stupid French pop quiz. My brain’s totally fried.” “Oh, yeah– I just uh, asked if you still wanted to come over? You didn’t answer my text so…” “No, of course!” Nemo glanced to the left and his smile got wider as Louie and Finn approached. He slid his foot under the table to bump the toe of his sneaker against Tae’s. “Definitely. Hey guys!” “Okay mates, I’ve narrowed down the list for Operation: Romantic Flash Mob down to ten songs!” Louie declared as he sat down and pulled out his own phone. “Lean in, we gotta go through the pros and cons of each one…” ** He excused himself during biology. His brain seriously felt like a bomb, ticking down to absolute destruction. He couldn’t ignore the texts anymore. He was gonna call, Nemo decided– he was gonna call, and sneer at Hal-abeoji to leave him alone. He scrambled into one of the washroom stalls, locking the door and then fishing out his phone, holding it in his sweaty palms. He clicked on the thread, finally, at all four messages back to back to back to back. Hal-abeoji’s English was good. He wondered if he used a translator. He wondered if his aunt had helped him, actually. She had swore she had no idea about their plan back in Augustbut– what if that had been a lie too? What if this was all part of a new plan? They want to steal you again. He should not read these messages, knowing all that. But he clutched his phone, and his shoulders hunched, as he read each one slowly. Nam-min, I know it’s been awhile. You are owed this apology much sooner, but the truth is I did not know how to say it, and when was appropriate. I wanted to give you space, and your father space. But I am hoping this apology will not be too late, and you will understand how sincere I am when I say that we never wanted to hurt you and that I love you. It was the greatest joy in my life to finally meet and talk with my So-yong’s beautiful son. If this is the only time we get to talk, it will always remain a gift. But I hope it won’t be. When you are ready, I am hoping we can talk again, and I can repair what I broke. Two tears dropped onto his phone’s screen. I understand if you don’t want to acknowledge this message, or if you are not ready yet. Please do not feel obligated to respond. I want to do this on your terms. Your aunt wants to say she is sorry too; she did not want to text you since we already know this is intrusion enough. Please know that this offer will never expire. This will be our last message, but we hope to hear from you one day. Eat well, and good luck on your placement in the next few moons. We are very proud of the person you have grown to be. Love, your grandfather and aunt. Delete them. Delete all of them. No– drop your phone in the toilet. This wild thought gripped him and he thrust his hand over the bowl, his breathing ragged and a few more tears falling from his eyes, but right before he let go, he pulled his hand back. Don’t be stupid! It doesn’t matter! None of it matters! Why are you upset? Nemo shoved his way out of the washroom and splashed water on his red-rimmed eyes. This was all his fault. If he had blocked the numbers moons ago, he would have never gotten these texts. His grandparents and his aunt could disappear from his life like he never met them at all. And that was what Nemo wanted, wasn’t it? To forget all about them, and their kindness, and the dinners, and the gifts, and the stories of  his eomma, how they had made Nemo love them so foolishly, and led him straight into their trap. He hadn’t been good enough then. Nothing had changed since. Nemo pulled up his phone, went to his contacts and found Hal-abeoji and Halmeoni’s numbers, saved there with silly little heart emojis. It was the emojis that made him stop again. His vision got all blurry and he shuddered in a breath that felt like he was swallowing rocks. Nemo pulled up his texts with Tae instead. Sorry, he typed out with shaky fingers. Forgot I have a scout thing. Can’t. And then he turned his phone off so no one could reach him, and he could disappear too.
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All Through the Night Rated Explicit
Smutty one-shot for the @a-monthly-rumbelling January prompt: “I don’t mind if we sleep in the same bed tonight.”
Bae's nanny, Belle, harbors a secret and - she's certain - unrequited crush on her employer, Bae's father. But secrets can be tricky things to keep when people get trapped together by a thunderstorm, with no electricity and only one bed.
Bed-sharing!smut with some feels and added child!Baelfire cuteness bonus. Tropes abound!
A/N: Big thank you to @rumple-belle for both encouraging me to just go ahead and write this and for beta-ing it!
“I don’t mind if we sleep in the same bed tonight,” Baeley asserted, holding up a corner of his quilt to welcome her under it.  
Belle bit back a smile at his earnest little face, completely unaware of dimensions and how she’d never possibly fit in the nook he occupied. A growing boy of six and a half, he’d be too small, himself, in a year or so.
“Well that’s very sweet of you but I’ll be just fine on the couch.” She smoothed the blanket up under his chin.
“Oh. Are you sure? It’s kinda lumpy.” The boy’s expression twisted with distaste.
Belle cocked her head to one side, “Are you worried about my comfort or does someone not want to sleep alone like a big boy? Is it because of the storm?”
Bae’s lips pursed. “Nuh-uhh. I am a big boy! I’m just being nice. You can sleep wherever you want.” he grumped, sounding oddly like his father in his rush of obstinate defensiveness.
Accustomed to her young charge growing more mercurial at bedtime, Belle gentled her tone. “I know you are, Bae. You’re growing up so fast! But even big boys can dislike big scary sounds like thunder. Even I get scared of it sometimes, you know.”
He wrinkled his nose at her. “You don’t get scared of nothing.”
“Anything,” she corrected automatically.
“Anything,” Bae echoed dutifully. “Right?”
“It’s alright to be afraid, sometimes,” she assured him, rather than face more questions. If only he knew…
Sure, she was lying about the thunder. That hadn’t frightened her since she was younger than Bae. But Belle definitely lived with a large and overarching fear. One that consumed her thoughts and left her more than her share of sleepless nights. It was as adult a fear as she had ever felt: the fear of revealing her most secret heart to one who would surely reject it. Belle lived in the shadow of an undeniable and overwhelming attachment to the most unsuitable and indifferent man she knew  - her employer and Bae’s father, Mr. Gold.
Loving Bae was easy. Most days, when he wasn’t cranky from staying up too late, he was an absolute delight; sweet, intelligent, and highly inquisitive. He kept her on her toes and she treasured the way his eyes lit up whenever she helped him to discover new facts about salamanders or satellites or whatever new subject had caught his fancy that week. They went to the library every weekend so he could stock up on books for them to read together. Now that he was on chapter books, he would even insist on reading to her, at times. Bae was her little darling and she loved him unequivocally.
His enigmatic father, on the other hand, was another story. He should have been nothing more to her than the father of her charge, the man who signed her checks. He should have been a glorified roommate, since she’d finally agreed to move into their guest room after that messy break-up with Garrett left her homeless. He should have been a friend, co-parent, or mentor. He should have been anything but the object of her increasingly embarrassing fantasies, the one person in town whose very silhouette could make her heart jump into her throat, the man she couldn’t stop picturing as the quintessential part of her someday Happy Ever After.  
Belle had been raised on fairy tales. Or rather she raised herself once her mother passed away and her negligent father stopped even trying to be a parent. Belle had wanted that knight on a white horse so badly as a girl, as a teen, even into early adulthood. Unfortunately, in Storybrooke, there had only been Garrett and his gas guzzling car, and his possessive grasp, and his wandering eye.
Mr. Edmund Gold was certainly no Prince Charming but he had rescued her anyway, in her time of need. And his brusque manners weren’t so off-putting once she’d gotten to know him. He could be surprisingly funny, even charismatic when his guard was down. And the way he was with Bae these days was so alien from the way she’d first seen him (the way the whole rest of town still saw him), all warm affection and playful teasing. Belle liked to think she’d been an influence for the better in that regard.
It was just about three weeks ago, while Gold and Bae were playing, that Belle had first realized she was falling in love. In a moment of weakness, she’d let herself imagine what it would be like to have Mr. Gold look at her with the kind of affection he only ever bestowed on his son.
The velvety voice of the man himself, broke Belle’s reverie. He stood in the doorway of the tiny room dressed in flannel pajama bottoms and a shaggy robe, his long hair still damp at the very ends. He had a battery powered lantern slung around his wrist on a cord, the blueish light throwing his already striking features into a deep, shadowy bas relief.  
They’d been just coming back from the lake, the sun sinking fast toward the horizon, when they got caught in a sudden downpour. A streak of lightning lit the sky, followed in seconds by a roll of thunder. The raindrops felt sharp as needles against Belle’s skin, blown hard by the rising wind. Returning to town on foot, as had been the original plan, would be impossible. They made a snap decision to head to Gold’s cabin, instead. All three were soaked and shivering by the time they arrived. For a day that had dawned quite warm and sunny for fall, it had come to a rather miserable end.
Belle had ushered Bae into a hot shower to warm his numbed fingers and toes while Gold attempted to build a fire. Unfortunately, the wood was all damp and refused to catch. There was a single electric space heater that helped a little, but was useless once the electricity went out. Bae’s room wasn’t too chilly, small as it was, and the boy was packed in with as many blankets as he could tolerate.
“Papa!” Bae threw back the quilts and blankets to extend his arms toward his father.
Gold looked askance at Belle. “He’s still up?”
Belle blushed and rose from the edge of the bed where she’d been sitting. “We were… just talking about the storm.”
“Is that so, son?” Gold perched on Belle’s abandoned seat, bracing one side with his cane as he hugged Bae back thoroughly with his free arm. “I hope it’s not too loud out there for you to get some sleep.”
Bae shook his head, his eyes already drooping with exhaustion. “Belle is scared of the thunder so I said she could sleep here with me. Is that okay?”
Gold chuckled and ran his fingers over a cowlick in Bae’s dark curls. “Well, I don’t quite think there’s room for her here, but I’ll make sure she stays safe and dry, alright?”
“Okay. So she can sleep with you, tonight?” Bae asked, settling drowsily back against his pillow.
Gold made an indecipherable sound at the back of his throat before turning his head to cough politely into his forearm. Belle’s cheeks burned, the air suddenly thick in her throat. There was a moment of stark hesitation before Gold leaned in to kiss Bae’s forehead.
“I know you’ll sleep like the dead once you settle down. Just all this excitement keeping you up. Close your eyes,” Gold ordered softly.
Bae obeyed.
Belle could tell him something a thousand times, cajoling and convincing, occasionally even bribing him to do it. His father need say it only once. Such was the kind of quiet power Mr. Gold could exude.
Belle would never admit it aloud but she’d had more than one little fantasy feature Gold giving her orders of an entirely different nature. She closed her eyes and rubbed the spot just between them, above her nose. It was an entirely inappropriate thought to be having at this time. Gold was probably a little peeved at her for not getting Bae properly settled. This was the third time father and son were saying good night, Bae having bounced up and out of bed twice to ask Belle for another story.
They hadn’t brought his reading material for a day by the lake and the only book Belle had on her was definitely not child friendly. Instead, she’d told him variations on fairy tales that her mother used to tell her, personalizing lead characters with traits Bae would recognize as his own.
Two such stories in, Belle had felt herself being watched. She’d looked up to find Mr. Gold’s eyes fixed on her, his expression intense and unreadable. Bae had also noticed his father and gotten so excited to share Belle’s stories that he leapt out of his blanket nest and it took several minutes to ease him back into it.
Third time, it seemed, was indeed the charm. Bae’s face had gone slack, his breathing even, as his father rose slowly from the bedside.
Gold inclined his head back toward the living room and the two of them adjourned, shutting the door to Bae’s room to just a sliver. He hated when his door was fully latched.
Belle shivered in the main room of the cabin, the higher ceiling and poorly insulated windows making it much draftier than either bedroom. She didn’t have a change of clothes, but luckily Gold had found a spare pair of fleece pajama pants and a sweater. The clothes smelled musty and were comically long in both arms and legs, but she was grateful enough to be dry that she didn’t complain. Gold was similarly outfitted in his spare pajama pants and a T-shirt with that ugly, tattered bathrobe thrown atop it for warmth.
Belle turned to face Mr. Gold, hoping he wouldn’t be too upset at having to put his son to bed a third time that night. She had no real defense for not putting her foot down. The truth was, she spoiled little Bae like he was her own. She’d never really been a nanny before this, and now she was starting to understand that perhaps she ought to have stayed a babysitter and part time librarian instead. It was easier when there were dozens of children to mind. With just one to focus on - and one she already adored - her judgement could get a little clouded. Then again, Belle could see such a world of difference from the unhappy child Bae had been a year ago. It was little wonder that she couldn’t help but indulge him.
Mr. Gold had been rather stiff with his son when she first met them both, as though he feared the child would break if he handled him too often. Mrs. Gold had only recently left and it was clearly a sore spot for both father and son. Bae was pale and entirely too serious for a five year old child. Gold was distant and uncertain in his attempts at showing affection. He’d apparently only hired a nanny to provide supervision and enforce the house rules, seeming genuinely confused the first time he came home to find the two of them crawling around on all fours, pretending to be dinosaurs.
Early on, he had even reprimanded Belle for letting Bae “take advantage” of her “tender nature.” She’d have taken the latter part as a compliment if it weren’t for the way he frowned when he said the word “tender,” almost like it was a dirty word. It was one of the few times Gold had really gotten her goat. Children needed tenderness, she told him, emphatically, to be reassured that even when they were naughty, they were loved. She’d let everything she’d been holding back up until that point pour out of her: how lonely Bae was, how he longed to spend time with his father, how difficult it was to be a child expected to behave like a small adult. Gold had listened to every word she’d said with a grave expression. Belle feared for her job by the time she was through, but she could not have stayed mum if her life depended on it. She should have known even then that she was already too far gone. Gold had been silent a long time before simply nodding and dismissing her from the room.
She’d spent a week on tenterhooks, flinching every time he addressed her. Yet he never reproached her for her tirade, or even mentioned how inappropriate she had been to lecture him in his own home. That weekend, however, was the very first time Gold stayed home from work and went with them to the park on Sunday. Bae had been overjoyed for the chance to play with his father and it quickly became a new part of their routine. Gold could still be prickly at times and Belle had learned to read when he was getting overwhelmed so she could step in and distract Bae with another activity. Overall though, the relationship between Bae and his father had grown in leaps and bounds - much like the youngster himself, who seemed to shoot up like a weed in the sunshine.
After that, Belle had also been a lot less afraid to speak her mind, when it counted.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Gold,” Belle began, noting how heavily Gold leaned on his cane, his shoulders slumped with weariness after such a long day.
He waved his free hand. “It’s no matter. He’s had a lot of excitement today, it’s only natural he’d have trouble settling down.” He limped to the couch and lowered himself gingerly. “I, on the other hand, may need to sleep through the next century just to recover,” he smiled thinly.
Belle returned the smile with a tired one of her own. “Well, Rip Van Winkle, I have a feeling a certain human alarm clock won’t let that happen any time soon.”
He gave a short huff of amusement. “Just as well, not really sure I’d like having a long, white beard just yet.” Gold ran a hand down his very clean shaven face.
“It was good enough for Gandalf,” she shrugged, wrapping her arms around herself and rubbing her forearms for warmth.
“Ah, now there’s a fashion icon worth emulating,” he replied dryly. His brow creased. “You must be freezing. My apologies. Let’s get you to bed.”
Belle blushed again at his words but he didn’t seem to notice as he was focused on standing up. He inhaled sharply, swearing under his breath as he heaved himself to his feet. Belle flew to his side, attempting to help support his bad side but he waved her away.
“I’m not an invalid,” he snapped, wincing again as he tried to take a step forward.
Belle frowned. “I know… but, it’s been a long day and I thought…”
“I don’t need a nurse, Miss French.”
Belle sighed. She was exhausted too but it wasn’t in her nature to stand by and let someone suffer. Even if they were being a pratt about it. “Well that’s good because you’d be a terrible patient. Now, do you want a hand or would you rather be stubborn and suffer?”
His lips thinned as he gave her a hard look. When she returned it, flatly, the corner of his mouth quirked upward for just a moment before he looked away. He cleared his throat. “There’s, ah, there are some extra blankets in the chest at the foot of the bed. I was… going to fetch them.”
“Okay then. I’ll be right back.” Using her phone’s torch function, she went to the aforementioned chest and threw it open. Inside was a mess of fabric, tarnished silver, and and what she really, really hoped was not a giant spider web. She tried not to think about that last part as she reached in and fished around for something that felt blanket-y. She pulled out two swaths of scratchy wool, grimacing at the way they felt in her hand. After a few more minutes, she determined they were the only passably blanket-like things in the pile and closed the trunk.
She returned to the living room to find Gold on the sofa, bent double to massage his calf. She held up the hunks of tartan patterned wool. “Did you mean these?”
He looked up, quickly pulling his hands from his leg, fingers flexing in the open air before settling in his lap. “Yes. Those would be the ones.
Belle bit back a face of disgust. She didn’t fancy sleeping under these harsh, dusty things but beggars couldn’t be choosers and at least she was dry. She set one down to shake out the first.
“Ahhh, Mr. Gold?”
She held up the blanket - what was left of it. “I think you might have a moth problem.” There was a gaping hole in one side and several smaller ones dotting the rest like Swiss cheese.
Gold’s face fell. “How about the other? Let me see…” He started to stand and reach for it, grunting and swearing again, then muttering an apology for swearing as he regained his seat. Belle handed him the first blanket and picked up the second. Unfurled, the second was almost worse than the first; nearly as much hole as blanket.
Gold’s jaw went still and tight as he stared at the woolly remains, nostrils flaring.
“Mr. Gold?” Belle eased onto the seat beside him.
He swallowed audibly and spoke without turning to look at her. “Mothballs. They told me I’d need mothballs. When I put the blankets in the trunk, I forgot.” He ran his hand over the tattered cloth in his lap. He looked at at her, almost unseeing. “They’d be very disappointed.”
“Who?” she asked, softly.
Gold’s mouth fashioned the tremulous ghost of a smile. “My aunts.”
He looked smaller than usual and rather lost in the thin, pale light of the lantern. Belle was overwhelmed with the urge to pull him to her, to rest his head against her breast and stroke his hair. Instead she gripped his upper arm, very lightly, just a little touch to know she was there, that she cared. Gold looked at her hand on his arm as though he’d forgotten he was capable of being touched.
Belle leaned in just as a flash of lightning illuminated his face. He was oddly beautiful in his sorrow and she was immediately ashamed for thinking so.
“They… they meant a lot to you,” she surmised.
Gold met her eyes, again, his own dark and fathomless. He nodded. “They were all I had,” he stated simply. “And these,” he indicated the blankets, “were all I had left.”
Belle knew it was just the storm and the quiet dark, just the exhaustion setting in and tearing down both their walls, but she didn’t care. She was fully and brilliantly alive in this moment, only inches from the man she loved, and he was being more candid with her than he’d ever been before. She might never get another chance to be with him like this, again.
“I know what that’s like,” she admitted.
“Do you?”
Belle nodded. “When my mother died, I was left on my own. All I really had were her books. They became like friends, cold comfort for a lonely little girl.” She huffed a small laugh at her own self pity. “When we moved, my father made me choose only one favorite to bring with us. He said we wouldn’t have room in the new place. One out of a whole library. I thought he was so cruel for that.”
“He was.” Gold agreed solemnly. “Monstrous.”
Belle paused, uncertain if she was being mocked, but Gold’s frank expression didn’t change. She allowed herself a small smile. “The joke was on him, though. Rather than work in his flower shop like he wanted, I got a job at the library after school. So I could read all my favorites as many times as I liked.”
Gold gave a low little chuckle. “I always knew there was something of a rebel in you, Belle French.” His voice was a low rumble, accent deliciously thick, the ‘r’ rolling off his tongue in a way that made her want to chase it with her own.
His breath was warm as it wafted across her face, still smelling sweet from the lemonade she’d brought to the lake. She tilted her face toward his just a fraction more and his gaze flicked from her eyes to her mouth and then back. A crack of thunder sounded, so close it may have well been in the room, and Belle shivered.
Gold pulled back, blinking rapidly, “I… I think I ought to get some rest.”
Belle deflated against the couch cushion. “Oh. Oh, right. Well, uh, at least let me help you.”
His brow furrowed. “Help me what? I’m already here.” He indicated the couch. He hoisted the holey blankets over his lap. “These are… less than expected but they will suffice for the night.”
Belle crossed her arms over her chest. “You are not sleeping on this lumpy couch with barely enough blanket to cover one limb at a time.”
He pursed his lips, “Miss French….”
“Mr. Gold….”
“Well, where on earth should I sleep, in your expert opinion?”
Belle rolled her eyes. “In the bed.” She stood, grabbing his cane from where it had fallen to the floor. “Don’t be such a fussbudget. Come on, I’ll help you into the bedroom.”
Gold made a blunted noise of outrage. “Do you think I’d be such a negligent employer - nay gentleman - as to let you freeze to death out here on the couch?”
“So, what? You’d rather martyr yourself for my comfort?”
“Yes!” he splayed his hands in exasperation.
Belle paused in her efforts to get him to take his cane and stand. “That’s… sweet. In a misguided sort of way.”
Gold’s eyes scrunched closed and he pinched the bridge of his nose, just between his eyes, with his forefinger and thumb.
Belle sighed. “Look, I know the mattress isn’t huge but it’s bigger than Bae’s bed so I think there’s plenty of room for the two of us to share.”
Without moving, Gold made the same strangled sound as he had before at Bae’s similar suggestion that they share the bed. He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly through his nose before opening his eyes and removing his hand. “I hardly think that is… appropriate,” he said, without much conviction.
“Appropriate is in the eye of the beholder and the only one to behold it would be the six year old who suggested it in the first place. I think we’re on safe territory, Mr. Gold.”
It rankled her just a little that he was being so dense about this. In a little over a year, he’d barely just begun to treat her as a human being, let alone any kind of companion. Tonight he’d been so open, almost easygoing, or as easygoing as the Town Misanthrope got. She’d started to think maybe there was a chance… the way he had leaned toward her, the way he’d looked at her just moments before… that perhaps her attraction was not wholly one-sided. If that was the case, why wouldn’t he want to share a bed?
He licked his lips and, without a word, held out his hand. Belle placed his cane into it. He leaned on the cane, but did not object again as she came around to his bad side and helped him rise. Leaning on her and the cane, he limped into the bedroom.
She helped him get situated before crossing to the other side and sliding under the heavy quilt. The bed was chilly and also covered in a layer of dust (Belle made a mental note to send a cleaning service out once they got home). The blankets were unevenly distributed and sheets twisted down at the foot so she found herself sitting up and running her hands along the edges to try and fix them.
Gold shifted uncomfortably beside her as her wandering hands brushed his legs once, and then a second time. “What are you doing?” he demanded.
“They’re uneven,” Belle groused, tugging at a sheet.
“Good God, woman, relax. You are off the clock. I am not Bae and I can fix my own blanket,” Gold snatched it out of her hands, rolling onto his side, away from her.
“Well, at least Bae knows how to share properly,” she replied, snaking an arm over his shoulder to pull the blanket back. “You’ve got the long end and if I don’t flip it, we’ll both have cold feet!”
He resisted for a moment before releasing it with a grumble. Belle set them to rights, smoothing the sheets up and blanket down. Gold was curled in a tight, unmoving ball and she made a face at his back.
At last she sank into the mattress, her body relaxing. She closed her eyes and let her mind meander through her day. It had been a beautiful day at the start. Gold had taken them out in a rented motorboat and shown Bae how to fish. They didn’t catch anything but that hadn’t been the point of the exercise. Bae had happily listed every fish fact he knew while his Papa listened attentively, and Belle had wished she could take a surreptitious photo. Gold looked ten years younger, lounging in the sun with his boy, relaxed and thoroughly happy. He’d even smiled at her a few times, in the brisk distracted sort of way he occasionally did these days.
Once they got back to shore, Belle had taught Bae how to recognize edible berries and they’d collected handfuls to add to the picnic lunch she’d packed. Belle kept stealing glances at Mr. Gold over Bae’s curly head. It was just so rare to see him out of a suit, dressed as he was in jeans and long sleeved shirt. The suits were always lovely and well tailored, and gave her plenty of thoughts about slowly unwrapping him like a present. Dressed down he seemed… human, like his sharp edges had been filed down. He’d caught her looking more than once, and they’d both quickly looked away.
Now she could feel the warmth of his body beside her, seeping into the sheets. She breathed out heavily through her mouth, fighting down the urge to snuggle up behind him. It was ridiculous, feeling this way for a man who could be so infuriatingly opaque. One minute they were swapping childhood stories and he looked very much like he wanted to kiss her. The next he was a human boulder, shutting her out in every way possible.
She must have drifted off at some point but a crack of thunder jolted her awake. She and Gold had rolled closer in their sleep, he on his back with an arm flung over his head and she on her side, facing him. He must also have shed the bathrobe at some point because he was only in the T-shirt now. There was barely enough light to make out his facial features but it occurred to her that he was smiling softly, unselfconsciously. She pulled herself up onto her elbow, cupping her cheek in her hand.
What would it be like to wake up like this and belong in a bed together? To lean in and kiss him awake? To have a playful little tussle before stripping each other bare and making love ‘til morning?
He made a soft little sound and Belle fancied that he was agreeing with her fantasy.
“What do you dream about, Mr. Gold?” she whispered, lowering her head back to the pillow.
Another little sound, low and masculine, greeted her query but then he fell silent and Belle fell back asleep.
The second time she woke, the rain had stopped and the moonlight shone strongly through the window. Belle had curled into Gold’s side, one arm slung over his waist. She held very, very still, listening to the thud of his heart beneath her ear. Despite the rain and the dust and the old fusty clothes, she swore she could still smell a hint of his cologne and she inhaled it deeply, trying to commit this moment to memory. The arm beneath her had fallen asleep but she couldn’t bring herself to move just yet.
She felt a rush of warm breath against the top of her head.
His voice was more air than sound but it was loud enough in the now-quiet early morning.
Feeling guilty of trespassing, Belle began to shrink in on herself. Until she realized he’d used her first name. Gold had never called her anything but “Miss French” or, rarely, “Belle French”,” never just Belle. She loved the way it sounded on his lips.
He released another, shakier, breath. “You’re awake.”
“I… I need you to move.”
Disappointed, Belle began to slide her arm away when she realized that it had not been, as she thought, at his waist. Her arm had extended across his belly at an angle toward his hips. So as she began to roll away, her hand skimmed across… oh. Oh.
They both froze.
Belle moved first, lifting her hand away and pulling herself up on her other arm, tingling with pins and needles, to look at his face. Gold was wide eyed and slack jawed, his lips parted as he seemed to be taking one very deliberate breath after another. He studied her with an expression that bordered on fear.
Belle gathered all her courage, though her mind was sluggish with sleep and foggy with pent up desire.
“Is that… Is it because of me?” She lay her hand on his chest, noting how his heartbeat had accelerated.  
“Belle,” he whispered again, almost a whimper as he added, “Belle, please…” His eyes roved her face in the moonlight, asking a question he could not seem to form with words.
“Please, what?” Tentatively, ready to pull back at any sign she was unwelcome, she slid her hand downward, toward where she’d felt him hard and straining beneath the sheet. “Is it… I want to touch you, Edmund. May I?” Her heartbeat was thudding in her ears and her pulse seemed to have relocated itself to the apex of her legs. She’d wanted him so badly for so long and it seemed like she must be imagining this happening, even now. It took every effort to keep her hand from shaking.
He shuddered just slightly as she said his name, his eyes closing briefly before reopening on her face. “Why?” His tone was incredulous.
Belle hiccuped a giddy little giggle. “Because I’ve wanted to for months? Because if I’m just dreaming again, I don’t want to waste it? Because… because you’re finally letting me? Pick your reason, Mr. Gold.” Seeing the look on his face, she self-corrected, “Edmund.”
He made a needy little sound at that and lifted the hand that lay between them to stroke the side of her face. “And how do I know I’m not the one dreaming?”
Belle smiled gently, leaning toward him until her mouth just barely hovered over his. “Only one way to find out,” she breathed. Her eyes shut, she made a silent wish before closing that infinitesimal space and kissing him. For half a second she feared he’d push her away but then the hand at her cheek slid into her messy curls, his fingers tangling between them as he held her fast. His other arm came up to wrap around her shoulders, lips parting to allow the tip of his tongue to dart between them.
Belle met that volley with a flick of her own tongue and Gold moaned into her mouth, tightening his grip. She slid down the bed, needing to be even closer, flinging a careless leg over his hips. And oh yes, there he was, pressing hot and insistent against her inner thigh. He ground himself against her as he devoured her mouth, the hand not buried in her hair tracing her waist and hip like he was learning every curve by heart.
She snaked a hand upward, running her fingertips through the baby-soft silver hair at his temples. She’d always wondered if it would feel as good as it looked and it absolutely did. They broke apart from kissing only to gasp for air, Gold breathing half a swear word into her shoulder as she moved to straddle him completely. Belle nipped at his earlobe as she centered herself on the rigid line of his cock, bringing both knees forward to gain friction where she needed it most.
His lips found purchase along the long column of her neck, trailing biting kisses up and down its length as she shivered with pleasure and shimmied her hips against his. His hands traveled down to grasp her arse and squeeze. Belle hummed her approval and he did it again, the tips of his fingers sliding to the crease at the back of each thigh, agonizingly close to her heated core. She was embarrassingly wet already, her panties sticky and clinging, twisting with her increasingly desperate undulations.
Growing frustrated with the many layers between them, Belle sat up.
Gold’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he looked up at her. “Is, ah, is everything….?”
“Oh God yes,” she nodded. “Just... too many clothes, don’t you think?”
Gold made a low sound of agreement, a smile on his kiss-swollen lips. “Whatever you say, Miss French.”
“Mm, can I get that in writing?” she teased. “And I thought we were on first name basis, now.”
He looked down. “I’ve never been fond of my first name.”
“Oh.” Belle bit back a frown.
“But I like it when you say it.” He met her eyes again, his tone the quiet, confessional one he’d had on the couch earlier that night. “I… like a lot of things when you say them.”
Belle felt herself melt a little inside and dipped down to press her lips to his. He kissed back hungrily and it was all she could do to pull away long enough to tug off the loose sweater. They teased and tasted one another until they were both breathless and she touched her forehead to his.
“I’d like to see you,” he murmured.
Happy to oblige, Belle kissed the tip of his nose and sat up again, feeling his cock twitch against her.
He inhaled deeply, “Fuck. You’re…” His hands shaped her waist, gliding over her ribs to cup each small breast, the nipples already pert with arousal and the chill air. She trembled as he flicked his thumbs simultaneously under their sensitive undersides before then running a thumb over each nipple. He shook his head, hair fanning on the pillow below him. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life.”
Belle blushed deeply, the color running from cheeks to chest.
Gold continued caressing her nipples with his thumbs until she was squirming, little mewling noises escaping her involuntarily. With a hand at her waist, he wordlessly directed her to lower one breast over his mouth, using his lips and tongue tease her as his other hand moved down toward the juncture of her thighs. She shifted her hips to allow him better access and he slid his hand beneath the elastic band of her borrowed pants, finding the soaking gusset of her knickers with his fingertips. He groaned at this discovery, the sound reverberating against her breast. Belle turned to allow him access to the other breast and gasped as one knuckle slid deftly along her cleft.
“Less clothes,” she mumbled, moving off of Gold to shuck her pants and underwear. Before she regained her place atop him, she tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, giving him a meaningful look.
He frowned. “Are you certain?”
Belle raised both eyebrows. “You ask that, now? Maybe I should remind you what you do to me, Mr. Edmund Gold…” Kneeling on the bed, the cold causing gooseflesh on every exposed patch of skin, she pulled his hand between her parted thighs. His fingers just barely skimmed her nether lips, coming away glistening with her arousal. He stared at them, spellbound before returning his gaze to her face. The pure adoration in his eyes was enough to leave her momentarily stunned.
She choked back an unexpected lump in her throat before gingerly reaching for his shirt, again. “Yes?”
Gold nodded, allowing her to help him sit up and divest himself of both shirt and pants. The moment they were both nude, he hauled her atop him and fervidly captured her mouth. She kissed him back with equal exuberance, rolling her hips as her slickness coated his erection. The blunt head nudged her clit and she made a needy, throaty sound that Gold eagerly swallowed. He bucked his hips beneath her, hitting the same spot again and Belle pulled back with a swear on her lips.
“Please, no more teasing… I need you,” she pleaded, almost mindless with the steadily building ache at her core. She ground herself against his cock, the head nearly slipping inside her.
“I don’t have any…” He forced the words out with some difficulty, his thighs below her tense, the muscles strained and quivering.
“Protection? It’s ok. I’ve got an IUD. And I’m clean.” Raising herself up and wrapping a hand around his shaft, she bit her lip and looked down at his face. “Please, Edmund?”
“Fucking hell, Belle,” he rasped, gripping her hips with both hands, nearly hard enough to bruise. As he lowered her hips, she guided him inside her, both hissing with pleasure as flesh met flesh, wet and hot and oh so deliciously ready. Inch by inch he filled her, her inner muscles already clenching and fluttering, until he was fully seated.
“God, you feel fucking amazing.’ His voice was almost a growl, hands still at her hips as she adjusted to the feel of him inside her.
Belle leaned in to kiss her way up his jaw to his ear. “You do too.” She canted her hips, rising up just a little before sliding back down, then repeated the motion. He rolled up and into her downward movements, echoing and answering the language of her body. “So good…” she crooned, as they began to establish a rhythm of short, sharp thrusts.
Gold’s breathing was harsh and ragged, his parted lips brushing her neck, her shoulder, her ear, whatever they could reach. Belle ducked her head to kiss his cheek, his jaw, nipping playfully at his earlobe and at his voluptuous bottom lip as heat began to spiral up her spine and down her legs. Conscious of how quiet it was without the storm, Belle held back the moans and half formed words that kept bubbling up, bursting to escape in shuddering gasps. She was getting close, slipping a hand between them to press at her sensitive little nub and riding him faster. Every fiber of her being was focused on their joining, on the way their bodies seemed to fit perfectly together, his hands moulding to her flesh as he hit all the right spots within. Her peak hit her suddenly and with a blinding force. Gold’s dull nails dug into her skin as her pussy milked him hard. She felt his teeth sink into her shoulder to muffle his moans as he reached his own completion.
Belle grasped his face between both hands and kissed him soundly. “That was worth waiting for,” she murmured against his lips.
He made a sound of agreement, pulling out of her reluctantly as she moved to lay on her side. “I’m only sorry I ever made you wait, sweetheart.” His tone was half amused bewilderment, half pillow talk.
Pulling the blankets up, she tucked herself against his side again, his arm curling automatically over her shoulders - as though they’d done this a million times. “Apology accepted. Just don’t let it happen again.”
“I like when you say that word, too. Again.” He kissed the top of her head.
“I mean it.” Belle tightened her arm around him, kissing his chest, just over his heart, in reply. Cocooned in his warmth, she began to drift off, noting that they probably had very little time left before dawn. It wasn’t light yet but she could almost feel the morning coming on.
Drowsily, he added. “I did dream of you, by the way. Just like this.”
Her heart gave a powerful thump in her chest and she tilted her head up to share a sleepy, lingering kiss. “Me too.”
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tragicquartet · 6 years
G/t OT3 Holiday Drabble: Hustle and Bustle
So yea, I intended to have this up a good week or so ago, but thanks to some extraneous circumstances (mostly involving me having a recurring fever/illness and my mom suddenly busting her ankle at work) it was delayed. But regardless, here we are, and here I am, back on my G/t OT3 bullshit.
Regardless, have some fluff: premise for this drabble is that things are busy around Pepper Paradiso around the holidays, and it has fallen on Lewis to help with some last-minute stuff around the place...and Vivi and Arthur decide to try and help him and cause a little more chaos and trouble than they intended too.
There's also a bit of angst tossed in here and the holiday aspect ended up getting pushed to the side pretty strongly but hey, have some stuff. Enjoy.))
It was that time of year again, and Lewis knew that there was still much to do.
He still had to pick up gifts for Belle and Cayenne, had a few things to get for the restaurant, and had to make sure everything was ready to go for when the relatives showed up...all on top of his usual waiter duties.
Yes, it was a busy time of year, but he wasn't to be deterred.
"Mom, Dad?! I'm going to the store: was there anything else you needed?!"
"No sweetie," came the tired voice of Mrs. Pepper, busily cleaning up the kitchen after a long day of feeding the hungry public...and enjoying the shock on their faces at the spiciness of her dishes.
"No, thank ya' son!" yelled Mr. Pepper just after, returning to his work preparing some of the components for the next day's sweets and confectionary catering orders, a great accumulation of sweat on his brow.
There were few times of year as busy as this: everyone in town was looking to impress their friends and families by bringing something from Pepper Paradiso to their table...
Lewis nodded to himself as he passed the kitchen, making his way down the hall and poking his head into each of his sister's rooms, checking in with them as well, making sure they didn't need any help with anything, all of them responding with a resolute no...well, save for Paprika, who shoved him out of her room quickly, loudly telling him not to look, bits of wrapping paper and tape stuck to her fingertips.
Certain that everything was at least moderately handled here, Lewis turned towards his room, determined to get ready and head out to the mall, knowing it'd be open quite late at this time of year...and needing to get everything done before his tired body and mind caught up with him.
As he entered his personal space, he went through a ritual that was as second-nature to him as breathing, these days: he knocked, waited a moment, then sloooowly opened the door, staring around the room.
First, he looked down, making sure they weren't at his feet, then to his desk, then to his bookshelf and chair, then to the bed...
And ah, THERE they were, or, should he say, just one of them.
"Heya Lew!" Arthur chirped as the towering human approached him, the usually skittish borrower not even phazed by the tremors of Lewis' footfalls as he got close, nor the rush of air that washed over him as Lewis knelt down beside the bed, offering Arthur his hand as he spoke to his diminutive boyfriend:
"Hey Artie...where's Vivi?"
"Up on the rafters, last I heard: she wanted to talk to your Mom about something."
The tiny borrower hopped up onto his partner's hand, Lewis bringing him in close to his chest, fingers gently arched around him as Arthur pressed up against him.
Arthur couldn't exactly talk to anyone outside of Vivi, Lewis, or this house about it due to the inherent taboo, the deep horror it would surely cause any outside borrower hearing about it, but...he couldn't quite describe what it was like, being held by a human you trusted.
It was one of the most soothing experiences he had ever experienced, and even as Lewis walked around the room, pulling his winter jacket out of the closet and gathering up a few of his things with his free hand, Arthur couldn't help but feel safe, warm, and secure in his towering boyfriend's grasp.
He and Vivi saw so little of Lewis at this time of year: he was always so busy with work and family stuff. Arthur and Vivi's best bet to get ahold of their human bae was usually to wait until the end of the day, when Lewis would come in (and promptly fall asleep) or try to catch him during his breaks during the day...the later of which usually didn't go well, what with all the bustle in the kitchen and all the work needing to be done.
As an alternative, Vivi liked to go up to the rafters and watch the restaurant during the day, trying to catch Lew's eye when she could, but Arthur didn't particularly like joining her up there. Just the thought of being in a big room, full to the brim with hungry humans, the thought that any of them would spot him up there, or that he'd fall and end up on one of their tables...
He shuddered: what a terrifying thought.
The borrower was startled out of his thoughts as he was gently placed back down onto the bed, Lewis sliding on his coat as he explained:
"Well, I hate to cut this off early Artie, but I gotta go to the store."
"The store? This late at night? What for?"
"Last minute stuff: gifts, supplies for the restaurant, that kind of thi-"
The bean turned just fast enough towards the sudden voice to catch Vivi as she jumped down off of one of the rafters, the man letting out a startled squeak as the woman smiled, carefree, up at him, Arthur rolling his eyes from the bed...
No sense of fear, that woman.
"What's that you were saying, Lew?" inquired the blue-haired borrower, "You're going to the store?"
"Yea," Lewis explained, gently putting her down next to Arthur, "I hate to leave you two alone again, but I have to get this stuff done while I have time..."
The two borrowers watched as Lewis did up his jacket, wrapping his purple scarf around his neck, sliding his gloves on, checking his pocket for his wallet again...
Meanwhile, Vivi turned silently to her borrower partner, and what followed between them was a series of silent nods, hand motions, and worried and determined expressions, respectively, exchanged between one another...
True to form, Vivi couldn't and wouldn't be dissuaded by Arthur's warnings, and, true to form, Arthur wasn't about to let her do something this reckless alone.
None the wiser to his baes' plans, Lewis headed out the door, his mind much too focused on the task at hand (and keeping himself awake long enough to complete it) to notice that his scarf felt a little heavier around his neck than usual...
Lewis sighed, working his way through the grocery store, making a mental note of everything he had picked up already.
He'd stopped at the craft store, grabbing a new set of friendship bracelet supplies for Cayenne, and a big construction set for Belle.
He'd picked up the extra catering boxes, parchment paper, decorative sprinkles here already, and baking chocolate for the restaurant...
And now for the last part of his trip, and the LONGEST: picking up groceries for the big family dinner in a few days.
He sighed, the muscular man leaning down against his cart, yawning and scratching at the bags under his eyes, waiting for an opening to get down the overcrowded aisle, full of people bustling about, grabbing last minute ingredients, attempting to quickly toss together a meal that they hadn't expected the in-laws to show up for, grab something else to serve after messing up the main dish...
And so on and so forth, a loud, clattering crowd of tired, stressed people and their carts between Lewis and the stuff he needed to pick up so he could go home and get some rest...and even then, the line at the register was going to be loooooong.
Lewis sighed again, running his fingers through his hair as he blinked, tiredly, shuffling his cart down the aisle the first opening he got and-
Immediately getting run into by another shopper...and receiving all of the yelling and discontent that came with them:
Lewis flinched back at the woman's yelling, holding up his hands as he meekly replied:
"Miss, I'm sorry, I-"
Lewis flinched at the sudden, familiar voice, the woman's eyes going wide as Lewis felt something shift against his neck...
Vivi popped up out of his scarf, loudly berating the woman, shaking her tiny fist as she hollered:
The woman looked from Lewis to the borrower and back, then quickly and silently fled away with her cart, not looking back once.
Meanwhile, Lewis stood there, eyes wide, trying not to panic.
He quickly shuffled out of the way to the aisle farthest back in the store, assuring multiple times that no one was nearby or headed his way before carefully feeling along his neck, pulling his hands back when he felt a couple of familiar pairs of hands press against his fingers. Bringing his hands in front of him, the human bean looked down at his two tiny partners, absolute shock in his eyes. Meanwhile, Arthur crossed his arms, shooting Vivi a glare before casually stating to his towering boyfriend, matter-of-factly: "This was Vivi's idea." Vivi huffed loudly, protesting: "Oh, c'mon Artie-" "Vivi." The woman turned from Arthur to Lewis as the human spoke, noting the worry in his big magenta eyes as she looked up at him. "C-Can you, uh, ex-explain?" Vivi smiled up at the bean, gently patting one of his fingertips. "Well, Lew, you were stressed, had so much stuff to do, and you were sad you didn't get to see us...soooooo I figured we'd solve all of those problems at once. We'd come with you, help you with your shopping, help you relax a little and keep you from passing out and-" "AND THEN get stuck hiding for HOURS because there are beans literally EVERYWHERE," chimed in Arthur, arms still crossed, "she FORGOT about that part." The two borrowers clung tightly to Lewis' fingers as he slowly sunk to the ground and sat down, still a bit flabbergasted. "...are you two okay?" "Yep!" "Yea, mostly." Lewis let out a sigh of relief, gently bringing his partners in close, planting a few small kisses on top of their heads. "I'm glad you're both okay, just...let me know next time you pull something like this, okay?!" He let out a shaky little chuckle, smiling as he felt his baes kiss him back, taking a moment to gather his composure and tackle the situation at hand. "Well, now that we're all here, we need to come up with a strategy: I can't just walk around with you out in the open, not with all these people around..." Arthur chimed in again, raising a cautious hand as he suggested: "How about you finish your shopping first, then we can regroup. Besides..." Lewis blushed slightly as he saw Arthur pull one of his fingers closer to him, planting a small kiss on top of his fingertip. "...we'll be here to help you get through the night, big guy." Bolstered and re-energized knowing that his partners were here for him, Lewis nodded and stood back up, gently bringing Vivi and Arthur back up to his scarf, resisting the urge to giggle as they wiggled their way back into the fabric, tickling him a little as they got settled. He addressed them one last time as he started pushing his cart back towards the busy area of the store: "Alright, you two, I'm gonna get going again: I'll let you know when the coast is clear." --- It was a bit past midnight when Lewis placed his grocery bags next to the bench on the second floor concourse of the mall, overlooking the atrium below. The mall was still open for a few more hours, and although it was mostly cleared out now a few people still made their way, weighed down with bags and heavy eyelids, through the bright, festively-decorated lobby below.
Taking a few more glances around him for good measure, Lewis flopped down onto the bench, letting out a tired, exasperated sigh, enjoying a moment of peace and stillness after so many hours of shopping and being up on his feet...
"Alright you two: coast's clear."
He felt the scrambling of tiny hands and feet against his neck, trying not to move as his boyfriend and girlfriend made their way down from his neck, the both of them moving down to stand on top of his leg, looking down at the vast atrium.
Lewis softly smiled down at them and their wide-eyed wonder at the bright display below: he forgot at times just how isolated from the wider world they were, always living in the walls of his home, relying on him and his family for food and shelter, having to remain hidden from the entire world, just to survive...
They had probably never seen a big indoor space like this before, let alone one all dolled-up for the holidays: full of twinkling lights, big, tinsel-ladden trees, and bright baubles everywhere.
"This is so beautiful," Vivi exclaimed, leaning over the edge of Lewis' knee a little, Arthur looking over her, noting how the light radiating up from below reflected off her face, caught on her glasses and eyes, illuminating the face of the woman he loved with a soft, golden glow...
"Yea," he cooed, smiling, "it is."
The borrower tilted his head back, his gaze locking with that of Lewis, the human glancing down at the diminutive man...
Gosh, it must have taken so much for Arthur to come out here and be with him today: Lewis had never gotten it out of him himself, but Vivi had alluded to Arthur having a pretty traumatic event happen in his childhood involving humans, and Arthur himself had admitted to losing his parents at a young age...not to mention all the moments, early on in their relationship, where Arthur had struggled with being close to him.
There had been a lot of fear, a lot of discussion and practice and slow, careful trust-building, but in the end...
Arthur was a much braver soul than he or Vivi gave him credit for, Lewis concluded, watching as the borrower approached Vivi, gently looping his arm over her shoulder, Lewis grimacing slightly as the light filtering up from below glinted off of Arthur's mechanical hand...
He looked away from his lovers for a moment, seeing that little piece of machinery: call him dramatic, but to this day he still worried about hurting them.
He was the reason why Arthur had needed that hand, after all...and even if it was due to an accident he hadn't directly caused, it was still a reminder that, as a human, even a small mistake on his part could be devastating for his partners.
The man's eyes narrowed as he continued this train of thought, worry growing in Lewis's mind that he thought he had long since buried, panic rising in his tired mind, realizing that his partners were indeed out in the open right now, far away from home, relying on him and-
"Hey, Lew! Don't go falling asleep on us yet!"
Lewis shook his head, pulling himself away from his negative thoughts as Vivi yelled up at him, Arthur's head tilted back to look up at him too, giving Lewis a small, concerned, and loving smile...
Lewis closed his eyes, letting out a long, relieved sigh, his worries melting away at the sound of his partners' words and the sight of their smiles: how did they always know what to do make him feel better?
"Heh, don't worry, I won't."
He watched as the borrowers turned away from him again, settling down top of his leg, holding each other close, Lewis following their gaze to watch the bustling people below.
Call him sappy, but despite all his worrying, he knew his partners had his back, and he had their's...
And he wouldn't trade having them in his life for anything else in the world.
When they got home, Lewis put away the supplies and food in the kitchen, checked on his father, hid away the gifts he'd bought for the girls in the back of his closet, took off his coat, stretched...
And then promptly collapsed onto his bed, scarf still wrapped around his neck as he let out a low, exhausted groan.
It wasn't long before the human had maneuvered himself under the covers, weakly sliding his scarf off once he felt Vivi and Arthur clamber out of it, the towering man letting out a tired sigh as he felt the two borrowers moving around on the pillow next to him, getting settled themselves.
"Thanks for the help today guys," murmured Lewis, "it means a lot."
"No problem Lew," purred Arthur, lying down next to the human's face, letting out a content sigh himself as he stretched, then allowed his eyes to slide shut.
Vivi, on the other hand, wasn't so fast to get settled.
She stood on top of the pillow, looking across it at her two baes, at Arthur flopped out next to Lewis' face in particular.
Arthur was quickly falling into unconsciousness, his characteristically loud snoring cueing up as his legs and hands twitched, the skittish borrower still ever the active one, even as he fell asleep...
Gosh, Artie must be so exhausted after today: she knew how much being around humans stressed him out, and spending hours tucked away against Lewis, nowhere near solid ground and surrounded by beans in all directions...
Yea, maybe he'd been right about this being a bad idea.
She carefully made her way across the pillow, kneeling down next to him, gently draping his outstretched arm over his chest: knowing him, he'd end up with a sore shoulder if slept completely flopped-out like that.
Certain that Arthur would sleep peacefully now, the tiny woman stepped over him, walking up to Lewis, feeling the rush of his warm breath over her as he snoozed...
Staring up at the bean, she tilted her head: how many times had she been told as a child that getting this close to a human was dangerous? How many times had she been warned that if you felt a human's breath on you, you were as good as dead?
Hmm, she couldn't remember...but it had certainly been a lot.
She glanced behind her again, looking down at Arthur, then back at Lewis, before promptly settling down where she was, happily sandwiched between her two baes, content.
She could hardly think of anywhere else in the world she'd like to be right now, a thought that, thinking about it, kind of shocked her.
She had spent years adventuring, always taking the biggest risks, the hardest missions, and scoping out the most dangerous of bean residences, seeing if and where her fellow borrowers in the area could settle safely...
Reminiscing as she sat here, Arthur's snoring to her right, Lewis' breath washing over her from the left, the tiny woman feeling perfectly safe and beyond comfortable, she thought back to the early days. She remembered how much she and Arthur had argued at first, being paired up to scope a few places out: his overly cautious attitude rubbed her the wrong way continuously, and he had screamed at her so many times that she was going to get herself killed, or worse...
And then she'd found out about his childhood, and, well...she had kind of regretted everything, hadn't she? Every little angry snap she'd had at him, every argument and petty squabble: he'd only  been trying to protect her from a threat that was not only very real to him, but that he'd experienced in the past.
Reaching out in the dark, she clutched Arthur's hand, feeling the cold metallic surface of his mechanical fingers subconsciously twitch against her's, the woman continuing to delve through her memories as she grew more and more tired, remembering...
She had to admit, she'd only really gotten to know this family because of Lewis: she was a big proponent of understanding the beans you borrowed from. Sure, it was risky eavesdropping, getting close enough to them to overhear their conversations, observe their habits and work around them instead of just waiting for the dead of night to take what you needed...
This time, she decided she wouldn't bother with all that, though: the Peppers had several kids, and they lived attached to their restaurant business, the building always bustling with humans, day in, day out. It was too risky trying to investigate them further...but Lewis, well...
He'd changed her mind.
He was such an odd, endearing fellow: kind and sweet, a bit of a dork and a dreamer, his head always in a book of fairytales, a tome about mythology, or Sailor Moon manga, all while still caring for and looking after his family, his kind, innocent, and loving nature in stark contrast with his hulking, powerful physique...
He was a mystery, too: the Peppers had adopted him, didn't know where he was from, and Lewis didn't seem to remember himself, either.
He had been an enigma to her, a mystery to be cracked, and all her training, all her patience and risk-taking and careful planning had fallen apart as she had watched him, followed him, understood him and his family more and more...
She had broken one of the fundamental rules of borrowing, had gotten emotionally involved with the beings she was borrowing from...and had fallen in love in the process.
Turning to him in the dark, Vivi reached out towards Lewis's face, gently resting her fingertips against his cheek, feeling the human's warm skin against her's, any and all fear that had been instilled in her from birth long since forgotten...
So much so that when a tired, lazy, and gigantic hand reached up from beneath the covers, draping over the two borrowers, gently holding them close, neither stirred nor flinched away, Lewis letting out a low, content sigh as his barely awake mind registered the tired, tiny movements of his lovers against his fingers as they got settled, the three of them nestled in close together, warm against the cold and rising holiday hustle and bustle outside, if only for a few peaceful, quiet hours before sunrise.
Yes, if you were to ask any of them, their answer would be quite clear: despite all the troubles they had faced, the hurdles they had tackled and the ones they still had left to conquer...
There was nowhere else in the world they'd rather be than here with the ones they loved.
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brelione · 4 years
Thief (TBB Headcanons)
okay okay hear me out ... a “compilation” of moments when the reader wears the boyz clothes 🥺
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Rafe had a habit of leaving his shirts all over your house.He had his own section in your closet for all the things he left.One of those things was a gray button up.He had worn it to some sort of meeting with Wared, ripping the material off as soon as he entered your house, claiming that he was ‘over it’.You figured that meant that you could keep it, wearing it over a black tanktop with some sweatpants.Those sweatpants were also his but if you folded them just right he would never know.You heard him beep from outside, pulling on your backpack before walking out of the house and shutting your door behind you, getting into his truck.You two were going to the craft store to buy some string and beads to make some bracelets, Kelce and Topper too busy doing whatever it was that they did in their free time.Probably rock hunting.Rafe grinned at you, reaching for your hand as always before backing out of the driveway, not noticing your outfit until he pulled into the dunkin donuts drive thru. “Where did you-what?”He asked, trying to figure out when you had got that shirt. “What?”You asked innocently, grinning. “Thats not-you cant just-why?”He asked, staring at you.You raised your eyebrows, shrugging. “I don't know what the hell you’re talking about.”You replied, taking the iced coffee from his hand.
You yawned, standing up.You found one of Kelce’s pastel shirts on the floor, unclipping your bra and sliding it on over your body.It waws one of the many shirts he had ordered online that ended up being far too big for him which meant it would be more fun for you to wear.Your hair was a mess, a few pieces sticking out but you couldn't care less, walking down the stairs slowly.You werent sure if the boys had stayed the night or not, last seeing them at two in the morning the previous night.Kelce and Topper were the only ones who stayed over which meant that Rafe had to go to some sort of business meeting with his dad or he needed to let Wheezie know that he was still alive.The two boys were currently on the floor, their hair just as messy as yours as they scrolled through their phones as they struggled to stay awake. “The sleeping beauty has awoken.”Topper grinned, looking up at you. “Shut up.”You replied, going into the kitchen to make a coffee.Kelce got up, his face having the imprint of your couch as he stumbled into the kitchen to grab himself a mug, glancing at you.His eyes widened, turning entirely to face you. “(Y/N).”He spoke, no longer tired.You hummed, leaning against the counter as you waited for your coffee to brew. “That is my shirt.”He poked at the fabric.You shook your head. “No its not, I got it from Walmart the last time we went.”You told him, trying not to laugh.He frowned, trying to figure out if it were true or not. “No, its not.I ordered it from Amazon two weeks ago.”He argued. “No.”You answered, taking your coffee and scurrying away with it.
Sleeping over Topper’s house was always really fun.You’d get greek salads and boba tea and sit in his mother’s bedroom to eat.She was never home and her room was huge.The bed was large enough for three people and the tv was the size of your kitchen table.You guys always fell asleep on the bed by 9:30 without Rafe and Kelce there to keep you guys awake with their comments about movies and playful bickering.You woke up on the floor, being kicked off the mattress by Topper.He was currently in a starfish position on his stomach, snoring into a pillow.You grinned, wishing you had your polaroid camera.You headed into his room, opening his bottom drawer to where he kept his ‘trash’ shirts that he’d wear whenever he was painting or rock hunting because he didn't care if they got dirty or not.You found your favorite one, a dark purple one with a rip towards the bottom.You pulled it on over the tank top you were currently wearing, going down into his kitchen to make yourself a smoothie bowl, hearing his footsteps not too long after. “Hey, have you talked to-is that my rock hunting shirt?”He asked, stepping closer to you as he looked for the rip. “Is that my bra?”You asked, pointing past him.He turned around, glancing around his kitchen.You quickly ran upstairs, laughing as you locked yourself in his room. “YOU LITTLE SHIT!”He shouted, running up the stairs after you.
You walked into your kitchen, doing a double take.Topper was wearing your oversized sweater, chuckling at something Kelce had said while he sipped his coffee.Rafe had one of your bandanas holding his hair back, a light green t shirt on his torso that only reached his belly button, leaning against the counter as he scrolled through his phone.Kelce was wearing your Frozen pants and a white tube top, waiting for the microwave to beep.When had they even been in your room? “Oh, hey.”Kelce smiled at you.
@sweetlittlegingy    @nicolefarley603 @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @newsies-yeet @butgilinsky @jjjmaybank @gracelovesbroadway  @one-stella @spn-marvel-nerd @lovelyelinor @chinamolina602  @sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae@sunwardsss @meaganjm  @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj @joshy-obx @classygirlything  @annmariek8 @stupidpendeja @killjoyybsinner @pink-meringues @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @rae131415 @annmariek8 @harryswigss @ibookofstars @popeheywards​ 
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darkwing-katy · 7 years
Second Chance - Part Three
(I can’t find a good gif…*sheepish grin*)
Holy crapoli. I’ve said it before and I’ll gladly say it again, y’all are amazing. The comments, the PMs, the reblogs and the likes…it’s mind-blowing that this story has gotten as much of a positive response as it has. Tank you for everything, and I hope you all enjoy chunk three! Again, lemme know if you’d like to be tagged in the next chapter!
Also, I love @sannvers because she literally sat on the floor and pretended to be an unconscious Gaston so I could figure out body movements and such. You’re a good sister. And editor.
Title: Second Chance
Pairing: Eventual Gaston x Fem!Reader
Rating: T
Words: 5,794
Summary: You try to stop Gaston from shooting the Beast and falling to his death, but you arrive too late to save him. As you sit there, sobbing, the Enchantress offers you a second chance to save him.
Tagging: @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aioli @leah5684 @princessbelgoof @hobbithorse19 @captainskyline @theoncergames @geeky-girl-394 @were-allstoriesinthe-end084 @brooke-supernatural16 @certainasthesvn @jordyhaley @superlokidwholock @smilesnjh @prongspower @bitchingqueenoferebor @scarletdarkholme @hemmingbaes @bae-kage @areuslow @lovelylpevensie @uknwwhttheysayboutthecrzy1s @moonbeams-and-pie @17gnomes-in-a-trenchcoat
Previous Chapter
You found Belle amongst a crowd of not only townspeople, but what looked castle servants, decked out in elaborate clothing and hugging one another. She stood next to a man with long light brown hair who wore nothing but an oversized white shirt and blue pants and had the hugest grin on his face that you’d ever seen on anyone. You had no idea where he’d come from, but then again, you had no clue where the castle servants had come from, either. You hadn’t seen them when you’d ran into the palace.
“Belle!” you called, making your way to her.
She spun around at the sound of your voice. When she saw you, she smiled. “(Y/N)!” she exclaimed joyously.
You ran to her and hugged her. “Is everything alright? What happened? I saw the Beast earlier—what happened to him?” you asked, noticing that several townspeople were embracing the servants as if they were loved ones.
Belle pulled back and looked at you solemnly, but still smiling. “There was a curse,” she began, then stopped. She held up her finger to indicate a moment before running back to the man. She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over to you. “(Y/N), this was the Beast we were all talking about. Adam, this is (Y/N). I told you about her.”
“Ah, yes!” He nodded, still smiling. ”I’ve heard a lot about you.”
You studied the man. He was tall, with what you supposed was an attractive face. He stood straight, shoulders back and head up. It was almost royal. It’s like he’s a king or something, you thought. Your observations complete, you turned to your friend. “I’m confused,” you said bluntly.
Belle laughed. “I think everyone is.” She placed her hand on the man’s arm, and you noted that he seemed comforted by her touch. “He’s a prince. He was placed under a terrible curse that transformed him into a Beast.”
He IS a prince. Ha, I knew it. “So the curse must be broken, then,” you concluded.
She nodded. “Yes.”
“How’d that happen?”
“Love,” the man—no, Adam was his name, right?—answered, his voice deep, looking at Belle with nothing short of pure adoration. “It was love that broke the spell.”
You felt your eyebrows raise at his words. “Like in a book?”
He winked at you. “Yes. Just like a book.”
You grinned back at him. Suddenly, you had a strange thought. Gaston shot the Beast, didn’t he? “Wait. If you were the Beast…” You stopped yourself, not sure if you wanted to go there yet. Instead, you grabbed Belle’s arm. “Belle, I need to talk to you.”
She frowned at the tone you’d taken. “Okay,” she said, but then an older woman, dressed like a maid, ran up to the three of you.
“Belle, oh, I can’t possibly thank you enough!” she exclaimed, wrapping your friend in a giant hug. You stepped to the side to give the strange woman more space for her embrace. “Thanks to you, my boy is a boy again!”
“Belle!” A boy, looking around the age of eight or nine, rushed up to her.
“Is that you, Chip? I almost didn’t recognize you!” Belle teased, booping him gently on the nose.
The little boy giggled. “My Papa remembers me now, Belle!”
She wrapped her arms around him. “That’s wonderful, Chip! I’m so glad!”
You shifted your weight between your legs awkwardly. Belle clearly knew these people, and they knew her. In fact, more and more of the gold-clad strangers were approaching, all eager to express their gratification. You moved more off to the side, allowing them to crowd her. From the little snippets of conversation you heard, you learned that they were servants, but they’d also been cursed.
“…that man in the red coat—what happened to him?” a man asked the beautiful dark-skinned woman holding his arm as they passed by you.
“We saw him run upstairs, right?” the woman replied.
The man nodded. “Oui, he did, but have you seen him since?”
The woman shook her head, and then they were past you.
You felt yourself blushing at their words, but it wasn’t out of embarrassment; it was guilt. How on earth were you going to keep Gaston a secret?
You spun around at the sound of your name. Belle waved at you from the now dissipating crowd of servants. You waved back, and she motioned for you to join her and…Adam. His name is Adam. Come on, (Y/N), you should probably remember the prince’s name. You walked over to them. “You said you wanted to talk to me,” Belle said.
You looked around. There were still quite a few townspeople and servants nearby. “Yes, but can it be somewhere in private?” you replied, voice low.
Both Adam and Belle frowned. “Is something wrong?”
You laughed nervously. “Well, that depends. Maybe?”
Belle looked at Adam, raising an eyebrow. “Can I have a moment alone with (Y/N)?” she asked.
“Of course.” He smiled at her, a tender smile, one that made you feel a tiny bubble of jealousy. I want someone to look at me like that, you thought. Adam left, and Belle grabbed your arm, leading you to another part of the castle. You couldn’t help but notice how stunning the inside of the castle was as you walked, mentally oohing and ahhing at the sight. Then you reached a ballroom that was grander than anything your imagination could conjure. You actually gasped when you entered it, which made Belle giggle.
“It’s—I can’t—wow,” you managed to say, which made her laugh again.
“It is magnificent, isn’t it?”
You nodded dumbly, staring at the ceiling. It made you a little dizzy, so you moved your gaze to the walls, absorbing their beauty and trying to commit it to memory.
Belle led you to the piano, where you both took a seat on the bench. “Okay, (Y/N), what’s going on?” she asked, concerned.
You felt yourself flush again. You faced her and put both hands up in an innocent gesture.
“Okay, you have to promise to hear me out and to not get mad.”
She frowned. “I promise.”
“I mean it. A real promise.”
She gave an exasperated sigh. “(Y/N), I promise. Will you just tell me?”
You inhaled deeply. Here goes. “Did you see what happened to Gaston?” Your face heated up even more at his name.
Belle’s eyes narrowed. “No. I lost sight of him after he shot Adam.”
Oh, so he did shoot the Beast. “But Adam’s okay, isn’t he?”
Belle shifted, crossing her arms. You were surprised to see tears forming in her eyes. She blinked them back before answering. “He died, (Y/N). Gaston killed him.” One tear escaped, rolling down her cheek. You placed your hand on her arm as a sign of comfort.
“I’m so sorry, Belle.”
She shook her head. “Don’t be. He’s alive now, and that’s what matters, isn’t it?” She gave you a weak smile, which prompted you to wrap her in a hug.
“That’s what matters,” you repeated.
And now I have to tell her that the man who tried to kill the man she loves is in the castle.
She pulled away, her smile a bit stronger than it had been before. “So. What did you need to tell me?” She furrowed her eyebrows. “And why were you asking about Gaston?”
You can do this, (Y/N). Just be honest about it. “Uhm, because I may or may not know where he is…” You trailed off as you watched various emotions sweep across Belle’s face. She opened her mouth to respond, closed it, then opened it again.
You coughed in an attempt to buy time before mumbling, “He’s in a cell in one of the towers.”
You held up your hands again. “You promised! You promised you’d hear me out!” She crossed her arms again, more firmly than her previous gesture. Her face told you that you’d better explain yourself, and soon. So you did. You told her about getting separated and going the wrong way. You told her about seeing the Beast jumping to her. You told her about how you’d continued to run in the hopes of getting Gaston to stop.
As you explained, you could feel her disappointment grow. “He died, Belle, I watched him. He fell from the bridge, and I had been so close to saving him.”
“So then how is he currently in a cell if he fell to his death?”
“Okay, this is where it gets complicated.” Belle huffed. “I saw Agathe. A glowing gold Agathe. And she offered me a second chance. A second chance, Belle. And…” You paused. “…I took it. And then somehow, through magic, I think, she sent me back in time. It was just far enough that I knew where he’d be, so I ran, and then I pushed him away from the bridge before it could fall.”
Belle held up a finger. “Let me make sure I understand: You put yourself in danger of falling off the bridge and dying in order to save the man who locked up my father in order to force me to marry him? And then proceeded to kill the man I love?” She rose from the bench and started pacing around the piano, keeping her eyes locked on you.
You chuckled weakly. “Well, when you put it that way…”
“Are you insane?”
You winced as she raised her voice. “Belle, I—”
She threw her arms up as she turned away from you. “You could’ve died, (Y/N)! Did you even consider that? No, I doubt you did, because you’re impulsive—,”
“That’s funny, coming from you,” you muttered.
She ignored you. “—and did you think about the consequences? I lost the man I love, but he came back! You…” She stopped and faced you, angry tears in her eyes. “If you’d died, you might not have come back. And I would have lost my best friend.”
You felt yourself beginning to cry at her words. “Belle, I’m sorry,” you mumbled. Your soft voice seemed to quell her anger, at least for now. “I just…you watched the man you love die. So did I.”
Belle froze. “What?” she demanded in disbelief.
“I love him, okay? I love Gaston! And I didn’t realize it until I saw him fall. I know, you’re probably wondering how I could possibly love someone like him, and I have no clue how either, but I do! And when he fell, a part of me did fall with him.” Your voice rose with emotion. “So no, I didn’t think about the possibility that I might fall. I didn’t think about the fact that he’d tried to ruin your life. I thought he deserved a second chance, and I made sure that he could have one because everyone deserves a second chance.” As you finished speaking, your voice grew softer in volume. “Everyone deserves a second chance,” you repeated in a whisper. You’d continued to cry as you ranted, and now you swiped at your face to get the tears off before they could dry.
To your surprise, when you’d finished rubbing your eyes, Belle was watching you with sympathy. You sighed, the energy from the earlier magic spent. She walked back to you, mirroring your earlier comforting touch. “I had no idea you love him,” she said.
You laughed bitterly. “Neither did I until last night. Or this morning. Whenever it was.”  You avoided looking at her face, instead choosing to look up at the ceiling. “Do you hate me?”
You felt her give your arm a gentle squeeze. “(Y/N), look at me,” she murmured. You did, feeling your eyes water once more. She smiled at you. “I could never, never hate you. You and Papa were the ones I missed the most while I was here. I talked about you all the time—how we read together, how you helped me with Gaston, how you offered to stay behind when I knew you wanted to come with me.” She took your other hand in hers. “Am I happy about this? Not exactly. But I could never condemn you for your actions.”
You sniffled. “Okay,” was all you could think of to say in response.
Belle pulled you into a tight hug. “I have to tell Adam. You know that, don’t you?”
You nodded into her shoulder. “I know.”
The two of you pulled away from each other, although Belle still held your hand in hers. “We’ll figure this out. I promise,” she said reassuringly.
You wiped your eyes with your free hand. “Okay. You’re right. We can deal with this.” You took a deep breath. “I mean, after all that’s happened, this should be a piece of cake, right?” The comment received a laugh from Belle, and the two of you began laughing together. You were still giggling when you found Adam, who was deep in conversation with Monsieur Jean. His arm was wrapped around the waist of the woman who’d hugged Belle earlier, and the small child named Chip stood in front of him. They make an adorable family, you found yourself thinking. You glanced at Belle, who raised an eyebrow and nodded. They ARE a family! you realized. Well, that’s nice.
Belle tapped Adam on the shoulder. He bent down so she could whisper to him. Whatever she said made him straighten, which added to his aura of regality. He said something to the Potts family, and they all nodded happily before leaving. Once they were outside, Adam turned to you, smiling at you like he considered you a close friend.
You felt reassured by his smile, which was probably why he continued to smile as he spoke. “Belle mentioned you had something important to tell me?”
You sucked in a deep breath before repeating everything you’d told Belle not too long ago. As you explained about the unconscious man currently locked in a tower, Adam’s smile wavered, and you noticed that he straightened even further, staring intensely at you while you spoke. It effectively made him seem more intimidating, although you knew it wasn’t directed at you. He remained like that until you got to the part about everyone deserving a second chance, even Gaston. The moment the phrase “second chance” left your lips, his entire demeanor softened. You puzzled over the change until you realized that he must be finding it relatable, what with his curse. He’d gotten a second chance, so he couldn’t say that Gaston didn’t deserve one.
“Are you willing to be responsible for him?” he asked when you’d finished your tale. You blinked at the bluntness of his statement.
“Uhm, yes?”
Belle wrapped her arm around his waist. “I need you to be certain, (Y/N),” he said seriously. “Are you willing to be responsible for him?”
You took the time to consider his words and the meaning behind them. You assumed that he meant responsible in all aspects of the word, from providing food to ensuring that he wasn’t causing trouble and everything in between. Gaston would be a prisoner, and he would remain in the cell, but perhaps he could have a few comforts while he reflected on his wrongdoings.
If he even realizes that he was wrong, a dark voice inside your mind hissed. You ignored it. Surely Gaston would see the error of his ways eventually, wouldn’t he?
“Yes,” you repeated, this time firm.
“So be it, then. You may stay here—we have plenty of room—if you wish to be closer to him.”
You nodded. That was an excellent idea. “Would it be alright if we were the only ones who knew about it, at least for now?” You indicated the open door, where a few townspeople remained, admiring the well-kept garden out front. “I have no clue how everyone else would handle it if they knew he was still alive.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Belle said, glancing from you to Adam. “He almost led them to kill their friends and families. I can’t imagine they’ll be too happy about that.”
“Exactly,” you agreed. Adam shrugged.
“Do what you want. You’re Belle’s friend, and I trust that you will handle this.” Despite his serious face, you thought you saw a twinkle in his eyes. “Feel free to move in whenever! I heard that you like books. Perhaps Belle should show you the library.”
You gasped. “There’s a library?”
Both Belle and Adam laughed at your amazement. “Of course there is. You can’t be a prince without knowing how to read.”
You froze. For a moment, you’d forgotten that he was a prince. “Wait, should I be curtsying?”
Adam gave a boisterous laugh. “Of course not. Unless you really want to—then don’t let me stop you.”
Belle shook her head, amused at his words. “Come on, (Y/N). I’ll give you a tour.”
Your energy had returned. After all, you were going to be moving into a castle! Of course, you were also going to be responsible for a conceited man-child, but that could wait for later. Now…“Can we start with the library?” you asked hopefully.
Belle snickered. “Of course.”
I still can’t believe this is my room now, you thought, staring at the lavender canopy above your bed. With a happy sigh, you sat up. There was just so much gold everywhere! The vanity was gold, the armoire was lined with gold, the poles holding up the canopy were covered in vines of gold. Even the walls and floor had a goldish hue to them. It wasn’t just beautiful; it was magnificent, reminiscent of the magic you’d witnessed.
Thinking about the magic suddenly reminded you of Gaston. “Think he’s awake yet?” you asked, directing your question to the armoire across from your bed. Your voice echoed in the huge room. There was no response, but you sighed as if there had been. “Yeah, I should check on him.” You swung your legs and hopped off the soft bed.
Belle had indeed taken you to the library first, but naturally, the two of you had spent over an hour perusing the vast collection. You’d only stopped because Belle had realized that her father was still uninformed of the events of the previous night, and thus the two of you had decided to return to the village. You’d checked in on Gaston prior to your departure. The man remained unconscious, which worried you, but you’d brushed it off. After all, it was only morning. And last night had been a long night, so maybe he was catching up on some sleep. (Did you truly believe that? No. It made you feel better, though.)
You and Belle had ridden back to town to let Maurice know that everything was alright and to gather things for moving into the castle. Adam had extended the offer to Maurice to move in as well, which he respectfully declined, saying that the knowledge of Belle safely nearby was all he needed to remain happily in town. And besides, he could always visit whenever he wanted.
You’d gone to your small cottage and packed several of your favorite dresses and homely items, such as the copy of The Adventures of Arabella your mother had given you before you’d moved (“Don’t tell your father,” she’d whispered, passing it to you with a wink) and a small wooden carving of a sitting dog that your father had bought you for your fifth birthday. You also grabbed the small painting of a woman running through a field of dandelions at sunset that Maurice had painted for you as a gift. You smiled at the picture. The woman had her back to you, but you knew by the hair color that she was meant to be you.
Once you had everything gathered together into a trunk, you’d carried it back to Belle’s house. Somehow she’d talked Maurice into visiting the castle with the both of you, and then you’d all returned to the castle. Belle had introduced Maurice to Adam, who made the most sincere apology you’d ever heard (apparently he’d accused the old man of being a thief and locked him in the very same cell Gaston resided in—which had been the whole reason Belle had vanished for so long, as she’d taken her father’s place as prisoner). The two men had embraced, and you’d been shown your room by the woman from earlier, who introduced herself as Mrs. Potts. She was a kind woman, almost motherly in her desire to ensure your comfort. She’d even brought you a cup of tea, which you’d accepted before unpacking.
And now here you were, making your way to the cell with a silver tray of soup, fruit, some water, and a small cup of tea. You hummed as you walked, a tune you’d heard at a play once and loved. You reached the cell and peered through the bars.
“Are you serious?” you muttered at the sight of the slumbering man. With an annoyed huff, you pulled the lever that opened the door, using your foot to pull it almost shut behind you. “It’s been almost a whole day!”
Gaston didn’t stir at your words.
You rolled your eyes and set the tray on the floor to his right, joining him on the floor once you made sure you wouldn’t accidentally bump into the food. Is he hurt? Is that why he’s not awake yet? you wondered. You examined him, but found no evidence of a wound. Then again, if he was hurt, you might not be able to see it through the red jacket he still wore.
I’m going to have to take it off, aren’t I? You sighed. “Okay, (Y/N). You can do this.” You tentatively reached forward and poked him with your index finger. “You awake?” you whispered, almost hoping he would wake up to spare you the awkwardness.
“Right, then.” With a deep breath, you grabbed his arm, trying to do it gently enough that he wouldn’t wake up. Fortune seemed to be on your side; he remained asleep. You began to slip the heavy red coat off of him, freezing almost every time his head shifted in the process. Almost there, (Y/N). You got this. You finally got it off and set it aside. You reexamined the man, who was now sitting there, head propped against the wall, wearing a ruffled long-sleeved white shirt and a brown vest along with his pants and boots.
Well now what? You sat there, staring at him, before determining that you should probably check for wounds once more. You began with his arm, lifting it gingerly and checking the sleeves for bloodstains. You saw none, but you were sorely tempted to feel his arm for broken bones, even though you couldn’t see any. You gave yourself enough time to wonder if this was a good idea, then shrugged.
“It’s not like he’s waking up anytime soon, is he?” you said to yourself, shifting to sit on your knees in order to make yourself more comfortable. “Besides, I should make sure he doesn’t have any broken bones.” Yes, (Y/N), validate your actions, because you’re absolutely not using that as an excuse. You ignored your subconscious and started feeling along his arm. You truly were trying to make sure he wasn’t too hurt from…well…everything, and this was just a great opportunity. You started at his shoulder, pressing down gently with your hands. You worked your way down to his bicep. You tried not to let your hands linger because this was supposed to be purely for medical purposes, not for personal enjoyment. Your hands slid down to his forearm, which was also firm with muscle. You didn’t feel anything odd, so you moved to his hand and stopped feeling, letting the callused fingers rest on the palm of your left hand. Okay. No broken bones on that arm, which is good—
“Well, don’t stop there,” a low voice said, almost right in your ear. The hand that had previously been resting on yours suddenly closed around your wrist.
With a shriek, you fell backwards onto your butt and scooted away. Or at least, you tried to, but the wall prevented you from getting further than a few centimeters. The hand not currently being gripped flew backwards to the floor as you attempted to brace yourself, However, instead of landing on stone it landed on the saucer, which in turn knocked the teacup over and spilled the warm drink all over your hand. You sat there, feeling like a fool.
You heard a chuckle, and you realized that the only other person in the cell with you was Gaston. Cheeks burning with humility, you looked at the no-longer-unconscious man, who was watching you with an amused smirk. You frowned. Well, obviously he must be fine if he’s smirking like that.
“I must admit, I never pegged you as the sly type, but then again, even I can’t be right all the time.” He leaned forward to get a better look at you, then winced. “Is there a reason why a beautiful woman such as yourself was massaging my arm?”
You opened your mouth to answer his question, but your eyes darted down to see that he still held your hand in his. “Are you going to let go of me?” you asked instead.
Gaston’s eyes flicked to your hand as well, then back to your face. You raised your eyebrow at him. “But of course,” he replied smoothly. He hesitated for a moment, allowing the tension to linger, then he dropped your hand. He interlaced his fingers and rested them gently on his abdomen, likely to make himself seem impressive. He folded both hands over his stomach. “Now will you answer my question?”
Despite being knocked unconscious for a day, he seemed fine, especially if he was flirting. “I wasn’t massaging you; I was making sure you didn’t have any broken bones.” You wiped your tea-covered hand on your skirt. You could see him getting ready to ask his follow-up, so you beat him to it with your own question. “What do you remember?”
He furrowed his brow, perplexed. “What do I remember?” He scoffed. “I remember seeing you running towards me, screaming like a madwoman.”
You fought the urge to smack him. “Is that all?”
He frowned as he thought some more. You could actually see the moment he remembered everything from the previous night—as schooled as he kept his face, he couldn’t keep all of the emotions out of his eyes. You saw traces of anger, frustration, and was that fear? You almost wanted to laugh at the great Gaston being fearful, but then you flashed back to his face, full of terror right before falling. You shook your head slightly in an attempt to clear it of the memory. It worked, but you no longer wanted to laugh at him.
“I remember leaving the village. I remember storming the castle. I remember shooting the Beast.” He spat the word as if it was poison.
This time you didn’t resist the urge to smack him. Your hand hit him squarely on the shoulder, and he flinched in response. Oops, maybe he’s hurt a bit more than I thought. “That ‘Beast’ you shot was actually a prince under a curse. I don’t suppose you remember anything else?”
“What are you talking abo—,” He stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening. “Wait. ‘Prince’? As in the Prince?”
You frowned at his words. “Yes?”
He lunged for you, grabbing your arms. “I remember the prince! And the castle, and all the people who’d vanished from town so long ago!” He was speaking quickly now, his voice growing steadily louder. “I remember them all!” His eyes focused on yours. “Why?”
“I-I don’t know,” you stuttered, caught off guard by his reaction. Belle had explained it to you en route back to town, but you still didn’t quite understand it. “Belle said there was a curse and it erased everyone’s memories.”
“Belle?” The mention of your friend piqued his interest. You felt the little bubble of frustration at his inability to take a hint rise up again as he released your arms.
“Yes, Belle. Look, I’ll explain everything, but first I need to make sure you’re not hurt.”
He gave you a roguish grin. “Ahh, yes. I interrupted you before, didn’t I?” He held up his other arm. “Feel free to inspect it and anywhere else you think might need a closer look.”
You felt your face heat up at his words. “If you keep acting like that, I’m going to smack you again. I don’t care how hurt you are.”
“My, my. We haven’t even eaten dinner together and you’re already getting physical.”
You glared at him. He winked. You grabbed his arm, prodding it roughly, almost hoping he did have some sort of wound just so you could poke it. “Gaston, I would never eat dinner with you. You’re too stuck-up for my taste.”
Unfortunately, his other arm was fine. In fact, you noticed that it was actually firmer, almost as if he was flexing it to impress you, though you didn’t give him the satisfaction of commenting on it. He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Then what’s that?” He indicated the tray of food behind you.
“That doesn’t count. It’s food for you only, not both of us.” You grabbed his shoulder and tried to lean him forward a bit. He resisted. “I have to look at your back! Stop fighting me!”
“Excuses, excuses,” he muttered, somehow still managing to sound flirtatious, but he obliged, scooting forward enough that you could maneuver behind him.
You grabbed the bottom of his shirt, then stopped, realizing that he needed to take the vest off so you could lift it up. Oh, God, this is not going to help me at all, you thought. “Uhm, I’m gonna need you to take off your vest so I can look under your shirt.”
You winced at your own words, knowing how they must sound, especially to him of all people. Sure enough, he chuckled.
“Gladly.” He leaned forward, arms moving to begin unbuttoning. You tried not to think too much about the fact that he was doing such a thing. To distract yourself, you started explaining all that had happened.
“Belle says that the entire castle was cursed. The prince that you remember? He was turned into a beast until he could learn to love someone and earn their love in return. Apparently the servants here were turned into household items, and all memory of this place and the inhabitants was erased from the minds of everyone in Villenueve.”
You examined the back of his head as you spoke. You didn’t see any blood, but his hair was long and dark, which could easily hide an injury. Without thinking, you reached up and gently pressed your hand against his scalp. You felt a slight bump, but nothing too serious, which surprised you considering how hard you’d tackled him. You wondered if Agathe’s magic might have prevented any serious injury. “But then stuff happened and Belle came here and she and the Beast fell in love, which broke the spell.” No thanks to you. Your story done, you marveled at how well his ponytail had held up despite all it had been through. The red ribbon was still perfectly in place, although there were several strands of hair that had worked their way out of it and gotten tangled in the process. You continued to press the back of his scalp with one hand while your other hand started tugging at one of the small knots.
“What are you doing?” Gaston asked. You stopped what you were doing and stared at your criminal hands.
Oops. “Uhm.” You had no response. It had been an automatic reaction to start untangling a knot with your fingers. At least that made sense. “Does your head hurt?”
“Now that you mention it, yes. I’ve got a blinding headache.” He shifted, and you leaned back so he could take his vest off.
“Well, there’s water over there. You should probably drink some.”
“Can’t you hand it to me?”
“Get it yourself, lazy.”
He sighed and reached for the cup of water, also grabbing some grapes. You frowned at the sight of red on his white shirt. When you lifted it, you grimaced. Bruises had begun to form all over his muscled back and shoulders, and there were quite a few scrapes that had started bleeding again with all of his movement. His left shoulder seemed to have taken the brunt of the fall, as it was an ugly shade of purple, which made you wonder if perhaps he hadn’t been flexing earlier but flinching. It was nowhere near as bad as it could’ve been, though, and for that you were thankful. With an internal sigh, you leaned back and released the shirt.
“Well? Will I live?”
How does he manage to turn everything he says into something so…flirty? It’s like a magical power.
You stood, brushing your skirt off and stepping back in front of him. “Yes, you’re fine. You’ll probably be a little sore for a while, but I’m pretty sure you’ll survive. It’s fortunate.”
“How so?” He threw a grape up in the air and attempted to catch it. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t have been a challenge. However, in his endeavor to catch it, he tipped his head back too far and hit the wall, earning a soft “ow” from him. You briefly wondered if he’d hit the bump you’d felt earlier. The grape bounced off his forehead and landed in his lap.
You grinned as he frowned at the troublesome fruit. “Your big head must have cushioned your landing.” He threw another grape at you, which you sidestepped easily. “Alright. I’m gonna go. You’re not dying or anything, and I’ve got dinner to get to.” You took a few steps towards the door before Gaston’s voice stopped you.
You spun around. “Yes?” you asked, putting your hands on your hips.
He gestured to the lower part of his body. “Aren’t you going to examine the rest of me?” he asked with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes and resumed your exit. “Nope.” You left the cell and shut the door. Before you could fully leave, Gaston caught your attention again.
“So I’m to remain locked in here, then?” His eyes were big, reminding you of a small child.
The feeling of pity returned. “Yes,” you sighed.
“For how long?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
He didn’t say anything else, and you walked away, your footsteps echoing down the stairs.
Next Chapter
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
@joylee56 prompted: “A follow up to History? I don't have much by way of ideas except that it could contain Gold clueless that Bae knows about him and Ms French. Teenage eye rolling from Bae is certainly inevitable though.”
Rated: T
History, one of my earliest rumbelle fics, can be read here.
As with all my earliest rumbelle works, this is set in the UK.
Bae Gold liked school trips. He liked them even more when his dad wasn't supervising them, but sometimes you had to accept that you couldn't have everything.
At any rate, it was a Friday, they were going on a field trip to the science museum to look at the historical medicine exhibits, and Miss French was the other staff member supervising.
Bae was amazed at how his feelings towards Miss French had changed. When she had first arrived at the school a year prior, he had done everything in his power to try and keep Dad away from her. It hadn't worked, and after a year of the formidable head of history losing the ability to speak every time the sweet young librarian walked into his classroom, after a year of awkward flirting (thankfully out of Bae's earshot) and frequent lunch dates in the library office (Bae pretended he hadn't seen them laughing in there when he went to check books out at lunch time), and the occasional 'chance' meeting outside of school, Bae was getting to the exasperated stage of locking them in the science department's dangerous chemical cupboard and not letting them out until they admitted their feelings for one another.
It was odd for a teenage boy to feel this way towards the possibility of a potential stepmother, but he had seen first-hand just how happy Miss French made his father. And she was nothing like the stepmothers of fairytale stereotype. She was kind, and smiling, and she didn't take any nonsense from troublemakers, up to and including Ms Mills, the headmistress.
So when Bae came downstairs on the morning of the school trip, the first thing that struck him about his father wasn't that he was absolutely failing at making sandwiches, but that his father was not wearing his wedding ring. He had not taken it off since Mum died, eight years ago, and it was conspicuous by its absence.
He decided not to make any mention of it in case he put his father off whatever it was that had finally convinced him that it was time to move on. The ring never came off, not even in the bath, so he must have done it for a reason. That reason, Bae surmised, was Miss French. It was really quite funny how Dad kept trying to hide their relationship, and Bae was content to humour him for the moment. Still, it did offer up ample material with which he could needle his father.
“So, Miss French is coming with us to the museum,” he began, pouring himself some cereal and sitting down at the table.
“I wonder why she volunteered.”
“Probably because she doesn’t need to organise cover for lessons like any of the other teachers would,” Dad replied. Bae rolled his eyes unseen. Dad really was absolutely oblivious to the fact Bae knew about the two of them and he wondered how long he could go before he accidentally let something slip. Watching Dad try to deny it and explain away these things was really very entertaining.
“Yeah,” he said, trying not to make the sarcasm in his voice too heavy. “Yeah, it must be that.”
Dad turned then, and looked at Bae through narrowed eyes, and Bae gave him his best innocent smile.
“Come on, eat up and go and brush your teeth. We need to get going.”
Bae turned back to his cereal with a smirk. Yes, he was having a lot of fun.
It was late into the evening when the coach arrived back at the school and the students were collected in dribs and drabs. Bae was leaning against Dad’s car, kicking his heels against the tires. Dad - and by proxy Bae - couldn’t leave until all the other students had been safely collected. Still, Dad didn’t seem to mind too much. He was talking to Miss French after all, and they were laughing and smiling, and Miss French’s arm was slipped through Dad’s.
“Your Dad and Miss French seem to be getting along really well, if you know what I mean.”
Bae turned to find Morraine standing beside him, a grin spreading over her face.
“Yeah. He’s still convinced that I don’t know about them, but really, they’re not exactly subtle.”
“They look like they could do with a date, you know.”
“Hmm.” Bae looked across at the two adults again. Dad looked tired, leaning heavily on his cane, and Bae knew that all the standing and walking around the museum couldn’t have been good for his leg, and that they would be going home to fish and chips, eaten out of the newspaper on the living room floor.
“Yeah, I don’t think losing Nicholas in the science museum did anything for his nerves,” Bae observed. That had been an interesting turn of events, even if Dad had been almost apoplectic with rage once the boy had been found hiding in the replica space shuttle. But Miss French seemed to be helping him get over it. An idea started to come to fruition in Bae’s mind and he turned to his friend.
“Say, Morraine, could I come over to yours for tea?” he asked.
Morraine grinned. “I don’t see why not. I’ll just check with my mum.”
She ran over to the car that was just pulling into the school carpark, and Bae looked over at Dad and Miss French again. They really did look like they needed a date, even if it was just eating fish and chips on the living room floor.
“You can come,” Morraine said, bounding over to him again. “Mum says we’ll drop you home later.”
Bae sidled over to Dad and Miss French, noticing the way Miss French pulled her arm out of Dad’s and both of them tried and failed to look nonchalant.
“Dad, Morraine’s invited me over to hers for tea,” he said. “Is that all right? Her mum’s going to drive me home.”
Dad nodded, and he glanced over at Miss French. Bae could almost hear the cogs turning in his brain.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” he said. “You don’t have to rush back, it’s not a school night.”
Bae grinned, and gave Morraine a thumbs up as he came back over to her. Everything was coming together.
The house was comparatively quiet when Bae arrived home that evening, just the smell of fried fish in the air telling him that it had seen any life at all. In fact, it would have been silent had it not been for the hastily stifled but undeniably female giggle that came from the direction of Dad's bedroom.
"Sh!" he heard Dad's voice hiss. "Bae's home! We need to be quiet!"
"Rum, anyone would think you were the teenager. It'll be fine. Did you put a tie on the door?"
"A tie on the door. To show you're... otherwise engaged. One of my friends at school used packets of bacon. Her dad said that if she was having sex with a boy to put a packet of bacon on the side. If she was having sex with a girl, put two packets of bacon on the side. She used to try and wind him up by leaving three or four packets out.”
“No, there is no tie on the door. The point is I don’t want him to know!”
“He’ll know when I’m still here in the morning. Unless you plan on turning me out of your bed as soon as the deed is done, Mr Gold?”
“The deed won’t be getting done at all if you keep that up.” Dad’s voice sounded slightly strangled. “With any luck I can convince him you slept in the spare room.”
“He’s fourteen, Rum. He won’t believe you.”
“I can hope.”
Bae grinned.
“Goodnight, Dad,” he called.
“Night, Bae,” Dad responded.
Bae considered wishing Belle a good night too, but decided against it. Instead, he simply pulled his school tie out of his pocket and looped it over the master bedroom door handle.
He couldn’t wait to see Dad’s face in the morning.
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cielospeaks · 7 years
another meme w si’s
o- probably to keep cro safe, as much as she loves saving him she would rather he be safe
t- gets up begrudgingly early to practice and/or study and lives off tea and the somewhat chance to see senpai’s bedhead sometimes cro’s words of encouragement when he’s up that early too
r- all the good people in the musical company, maizono’s words of encouragement, when loki shows up and is more fun than a threat, senpai’s smile and cute voice and face, cro’s laughter that gives her the butterflies
s- an endless list of 80s ish original quintet songs, canonically transylvanian lullaby but all of em would count
p- probably cro or pluffle, maybe hans’ bros? id like to think space fantasy erlend is the one they all talk to so he can nerd about composers to tsun tsun
a- why does there need to be one? definitely an adult lol but no specified age
c- most of the time i feel like space would shitpost at 2am or just midday shitposts
e- cr probably? or pluffle later in the show lol
k- lmao would she? maybe one of her baes in the 15 au perhaps? it would have to be a gentle one for this softboy troubadour
a- probably early 20s? maybe 20 when the stuff went down in 14 and 21 or 22 in 15
s- probably a song she loved from where she lived in the past, it was one that calmed her down and was for her friends and/or lovers as well
u- idk how fantasy panties work, probably grey? lmao but w swirls of red and purple in it bc fancyyyy ~jazz hands~ its not sexy per se, like bloomers or pumpkin pants, more cute than anything
m- if she had one she wouldnt reveal it ;D
i- “im crying right now” it depends, probably at the last battle at someone’s injury
h- probably the same as me lmao ;v; henshin’s backstory isnt too far off w irl me
e- the tamashii friends for sure, maybe cro in season 2 but definitely the tamashii. which is weird bc whats the chances of feeling more comfortable sharing ur feelings w the ghosts of ur fave histfigs than w rl ppl lol
n- only child like me lmao
s- don j and moz caught her humming la ci darem and decided to play wingmen, much to her embarassment
i- lmao whoops..... at least 3 ppl. girl is a homewrecker as one of em is kinda sorta engaged? but his fiance is a jerk and probably at the end of s1 she breaks it off, but thats not even mentioning the hot bug alien duo that are totally cuties
k- oooh but who would let her kiss them? id say kiss on the hand (either given or recieved) from gareth, kiss on the hair (like a gentle up to interpretation why one) to marie (rerun when), and kiss on each cheek by sturm and drang bc thats cute as heck
i- whooo boy yes w like everyone? shes got a very loidliszt view on love- “its ai yo~” and as such isnt too much of an edgelord as everyone else to not view her relationships as being in love. mostly sturm and drang but to a lesser extent marie and gareth. dang why does granbloop have such cute ladies
s- probably something basic to teach to the kids, or something elta and the other musicians are all doing that she ended up joining in for (as conductor? or would ran/djeeta be conductor? lmao)
u- the cutest panties!!! pastel colored, gbf has like regular pantsu so yea, theyd probably have lace around them and the whole lingere is like pastel dom bc thats her
m- idk if shed even have one as most of the gbf characters go by just one name
o- that the whole cast can be happy. shes the original “i ship everyone w happiness” that and that they wont hate her when she reveals her true job but she thinks thats basicaly impossible lol
t- depending on the day, sometimes she gets up w the sunrise and goes out to the garden, sometimes bringing music and sometimes a watering can to help out kanae w the housework. other times she sleeps like a rock until her alarm goes off
m- also idk if she reveals it its treble tho lol
e- surprisingly enough the cryptid gremlin, somehow he tends to know whats up and hes so outgoing and somehow it puts her at ease. though shes got best kouhai to thank for putting the dirty tiger cage thoughts in her mind lol. honestly she loves all the loids + sousuke and kanae, even mitsuru who she may or may not work for
also the crew too bc whyyyynot
m- idkkkk? swordgirl? saniwachan? the boys try to guess to no avail
i- idk if she really has feelings for anyone? definitely a senpaicrush in bygone days for arisato
s- the udon song! sing it again hasebe!
a- 20, but probably 21 now
k- omgggg all the smuttttttt idk maybe shed give mouth to mouth to one of the boys? or they get hurt and she gives a kiss on the bandage to make it better
t- he rarely sleeps on the nights of night battles or expeditions, but besides that he is usually awoken by one of the girls and her kind words
a- 20 boiiiii tho technically hes prolly 21 by now
n- technically 2, an older sibling and his twin sis misaki, though the older one is a half sibling
j- his luxury is days off spent w shipgirls, when he can afford the time to he likes to just go down to the beach/docks and get all broody- tho then one of them drags him off to go swimming and his mood is uplifted
i- he doesnt really think much of love, and can’t help the flush at the mention of tadeo, though he feels so guilty of his obliviousness
r- the shipgirls, his new friends, and the knowledge that somewhere maybe his twin and bestie are happy and safe
o- he thinks its greedy but to see misaki and tadeo again, that they can return to this world
t- he gets up whenever, and after going to the world of spirits usually w a cute girl snuggled up to him, he’ll get great delight in brushing a hand to her hair if shes ok with it and waking her with gentle kisses to her brow
a- a yr older than the twins, hes 21
d- idk what he drinks, i like to think its like pj verse and the drink is whatever he wants it to be, so he makes it something he remembers drinking w tanjiro, the poor angst boy
e- probably furitia or his self appointed sister rukoa, furitia is the first girl/starter and is so kind and well meaning and hot/cute af. the starter trio of kuura, rauisu, and ogu are also his confidantes
o- he wants the world of the spirits to be safe and them all to be happy- and for misaki to be yknow, not dead.
a- she’s possibly tadeo’s age, possibly a year/half a year older, so 21 or 22
r- that theres still possibilities, even when things looked bleak, and that all the author boys are so kind and not as she expected
i- probably mizaki shiroi not gonna lie,,,,,
s- probably humming along to the music from the library, maybe even making up silly words. “hei-chan, you arent the best at this are you?” one of the boys probably
t- shes a bit of a late riser, sometimes gets up to the bos and has a habit of falling asleep in the comfy chairs of the library
o- to find shiori and the appliance girls, and that somehow they and her new author boy friends will get along and they can all live together
c- idk for me its nearly 2am lol ;v; chihay would latenight blog and just do shitposts about pineapple and how much he loves his friends and family
h- idk maybe half? -le makes everyone half- or full japanese but im kinda in it for half chihay
i- depends on verse. in fef hes defs in love w someone (who exactly idk yet) and in es verse he loves everyone. romantically, as a friend, and as a hecking partner. hes very good w aftercare and gives the best snuggles. he loves all chests and vagoos equally, is like don g but actually genuine. hes got nice things to say about everyone
a- probably 19? feverse probably 19 or 20 ish?
y- he loves anything made with love, good cooking is a plus but not necessary, he’ll even eat terrible cooking if someone he likes makes it. maybe takoyaki  trademark krghost fave food
r- that shes somehow survived all this against all odds, and as long as shes alive shehas a future
i- idkkk if shes in love per se, but do i ship her w sidlieri? absohecking lutely
l- probably when she had to leave monstri, if before then when she first arrived, eyes still wet and teardrops icy from the cold of the strange land she left
a- probably 18/19? idk? not younger defs
n- idk? if shes a rin expy she might have a lil sis whos a saku expy
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