#''you cant be the only source of positivity'' then i will die trying
semercury · 1 year
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sassykinzonline · 1 month
thank you @heavensculled for reminding me to make this post through your post.
okay so.
theres a reason that naruto specifically phrases his double-suicide the way he does: hes answering the question posed to him by itachi.
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theres a misconception that naruto is stubborn and stupid. naruto is steadfast in his conviction, but like anyone who truly believes in something, he is always thinking deeper about what his convictions mean and how to get there. he also doesnt discount information or ideology just because of the source-- he is rather literate, likely due to his skills with empathy. we know this because of his conversation with nagato.
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so if itachi, someone he knows to be extremely important to what he cares about and knows that person intimately, why would he discount itachi's perspective on it? and by the time he actually makes his proposal, he is now aware of itachi's truth and his true feelings.
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recall that actually in the little gay heart-to-heart glitter space (GGS for short), naruto says hes "not gonna lose", not that he doesnt plan on dying. so obviously he has a different goal in mind than "live or die". we also know that before the GGS, this is how "blows are exchanged".
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no kill shot from either side. although this was just said...
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what can we gather from this? that a certain someone is full of shit, and naruto now has re-confirmed this (just like with "i spared your life on a whim"). but whats the reason naruto cant actually die?
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so now naruto knows this. he also knows this after sakura is almost killed:
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naruto also knows that an implicit part of the plan involves neverending pain that will only end with death, because its intended to bait all battle from every shinobi in one direction. this is the start of it:
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as i previously joked about, naruto's confession/proposal is calling a bluff but also a way of stating his intentions. we know this because in the actual battle he says:
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in summary, naruto's lovers' double suicide plan isnt about bending someone to his will. its the opposite. it's his final guess at putting together all the things he has understood until now, and presenting it as his position. this is the stand he is taking. it's a promise, because he never breaks his promises. part of the final battle is a test whether to see whether or not he can keep the promise alive:
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why would you be mad at someone youre trying to kill for almost dying? hmm...i wonder.
in any case, naruto's final guess is the right one.
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and he proves himself after all, and it's a happy moment...but not just for him.
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adhd-merlin · 11 months
unpopular opinion: arthur (as much as i like him as a character) was useless in terms of prophecy and liberation of the magic people. not just bc he never ended up lifting the magic ban but bc literally anyone sitting on the throne could have done that. i see no reason why it had to be arthur specifically. but the show liked to pretend like he was the only way to achieve a positive future bc the opprressed community cant simply help themselves that would be silly ig? no no they need to patiently wait that maybe one day their oppressor (whos literally continuing his fathers genocide even if less zealously) has a change of heart and they wont be hunted down like animals anymore. never mind the countless people that will have to die in the mean time. merlin can kill a bajillion people on screen and thats fine and for the greater good but if someone tries to kill One guy sitting on a fancy chair with a fancy hat suddenly thats too extreme. half the time it felt like the show was pointing to merlin as a poster child of how to act when oppressed. the fact that morgana growing bitter about uthers reign is framed as inherently bad and what directly lead to her becoming evil tm is particularly infuriating to me. the choice to create this very ya dystopian setting and then cast the oppressors as part of the main cast and the final solution is just very weird to me. i think it wouldve been objectively for the best if the magic community had overthrown arthur (or uther really but thats not really contested.. unless youre the bbc. this show is so british (derogatory))
in that vein: mordred has never done anything wrong in his entire life and that includes killing arthur
one more for the "arthur was a loser" folder
[ok but about the rest!! I have many thoughts about it. merlin as a member of an Oppressed Minority. his betrayal of his own kin. I'm putting it all under a cut bc you guys don't need to see me rambling about this and the disir again]
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you make a good point — the way in which a story is framed, even the moment we choose as a "beginning", determines what characters we'll feel sympathy for, even when the facts at our disposal are the same.
I don't think the writers were trying to create any kind of deep social commentary btw. just so we're clear. merlin is the hero of the story and his mission is to keep arthur safe. we've got to root for them both.
to have a king with a hatred (fear) of magic gives us a convenient antagonist within the court. merlin having to defend the men that would have him killed for his magic is a great source of dramatic tension. it sort of follows that the people he has to fight against to defend the king/prince are other magic users, or magical threats. (it also keeps things interesting because there would be no challenge for merlin otherwise).
there isn't much of a point in exploring the motives and backstories of other characters with magic (with the exception of morgana, perhaps). They are only briefly touched upon — so these characters remain vaguely antagonistic for the most part. Neutrally aligned at best (see mordred).
We are shown that the druids are (mostly) aware of the prophecy that marks merlin/emrys as the saviour of their kind.
what I find fascinating are merlin's interactions with magic people who are either not aware of this prophecy (gilli) or have no faith in it (kara, possibly?) Because we're never given the chance or the time to see things from their perspective. To see merlin through their eyes.
When gilli says:
"It is time that someone struck a blow for the likes of you and me. And if you're too weak, then I will." (!!!)
It makes him sound like some kind of extremist, but really, when you think about it. isn't his anger kind of justified? I'm not condoning his violence, I'm just saying — it's understandable. uther has killed so many innocent people. literally drowned innocent children. and merlin's like "violence isn't the answer!" — and I can see his point!! but I can see gilli's just as well. and I find it so interesting that he's still addressing merlin as a brother ("the likes of you and me"), even when expressing disappointment in his actions and calling him weak. because they are the same. he's saying "you're deluded, and cozying up to the enemy won't save you"
this episode also contains what is (probably) my favourite dragon call. when merlin summons kilgharrah in other episodes, he's usually in the middle of some Urgent Situation. matters of life or death. there is nothing urgent here, really. yeah, it is arguably a matter of life or death, but nothing merlin couldn’t have stopped on his own. he really just called on kilgharrah to have a heart to heart with a friend — a member of his class.
("You are a creature of magic, and only a creature of magic could hope to understand.")
this episode is about merlin looking for kinship and still feeling isolated from his magic brethren. there's something tragic about the way the prophecy makes him unable to connect to some of the people who would be best placed to understand him.
and gilli plants a small seed of doubt in merlin's mind. "You've been pretending for so long now that you've actually forgotten who you are" (!!)
but kilgharrah reassures merlin that there's a golden age coming. so merlin does what he has to do — he saves uther once again. before gilli leaves, merlin reassures him that one day they will be free.
he tells mordred the same:
"It won't always be like this. One day we will live in freedom again."
and then, when he has the unique opportunity to use his influence on arthur to sway his opinion in the right direction. he fails.
he condemns himself, and the people he spoke to of freedom, to keep living in fear and in hiding — and what's even more upsetting, he does so while talking of a "just and fair kingdom"!
("You must protect the world you spent your life building, a just and fair kingdom for all." What an interesting choice of words. camelot isn't just and fair to all — as merlin knows well. he's lying to arthur, and possibly to himself.)
imagine being gilli or mordred and hearing him say that "there can be no place for magic in camelot." (!) What a slap in the face.
I've read meta suggesting that the disir were testing merlin just as much as arthur (or even more so than him). I'm inclined to believe it — I want to believe it. If anything because it makes the story all the more interesting and tragic. (I know what some are going to say — if mordred's destiny was to kill arthur, it would've happened anyway. but remember what else kilgharrah said — the future is never clear. there are many paths).
I understand why merlin did what he did, I really do. but for a moment, the fair and just kingdom he spoke of was within reach, and he failed to grasp it.
so was gilli wrong after all?
[and kara. I feel quite sympathetic towards her. we know arthur. she can't see him from our (merlin's) perspective. for her, he might as well be uther. magic people are still persecuted under camelot's law. she has spent her life on the run, she has seen people she loved be killed. and from our (arthur's) perspective, she looks like some kind of fanatic. but in reality. put yourself in her shoes. when arthur offers her a chance to save herself by "repenting" for her crime, she says she has nothing to repent for. "it is not a crime to fight for your freedom". that's the belief she's willing to die for. did she deserve to die for it?
(I also think there's an interesting parallel in merlin failing his kin in the disir, and arthur failing mordred in ep 5x11 by condemning kara to death. something about pinning all your hopes on someone who's going to fail you, and doom you both. idk idk.)]
sorry anon. you were saying
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makowo · 1 year
i think people go through dr and forget like. the setting. the whole point is that - and this is mainly trigger happy havoc - its a bunch of high schoolers in an extremely fucked up situation. NONE OF THEM are meant to be killing people or holding trials or any of this and i think people like. expect more out of them. when it comes to the other games i guess i kind of get it? especially since the cast of goodbye despair just felt a lot older since i guess they were. but especially trigger happy havoc its so much more crushing if you acknowledge that none of them are used to it. which is why characters like makoto are overlooked because he doesnt seem as cool or mysterious as the other characters and the fact that he's trying to be a source of positivity for other people isnt enough for some people. again its been years but i will never stop being upset over makoto's treatment in fandom.
also on despair makoto. this is very fast but i think he's a cool concept when taken the right way. from what i recall he wasn't meant to be super cool he was in like. extreme distress. and thats so much more crushing than the concept of just "hey you see this nice guy? yeah he's evil now isn't that cool" like. good god this is making my interest come back. hang on
It's definitely because of the sequels, i think; the tone from sdr2 on is SO different. There's still the pretext of these people being brought into a horrible massacre framed as a game, but like. the outlandish humor that dr1 juxtaposes with the suffocating psychological horror of being isolated from the outside world with only total strangers just as desperate as you to get out to be with is just. thrown SO off balance with the changes to setting and stuff, trying to one-up dr1 with more elaborate set pieces and character backstories. it's all made to be far less down to earth as a result. and thus the characters that are more "normal" are looked down upon for not having 50 layers of depth to their motives, or being perfect in their reasoning for doing the things they do, or the writing not being as... idk if i wanna use the word great actually. we'll go with "intense". it's so much to think about and i cant get all of it out but yknow. You Know.
and Despair Makoto i love talking about him. facts of me. he IS such a cool concept, and i adore how they handle the concept tbh. i still think it would have been fun to see this guy be just so fucked in the head for a little while but that's all self indulgence. it outright debunks munakata's arguments of all these people in despair being evil villains and just showing someone suffering from it. being brought down to such a low point that he's willing to die with a smile. it's horrifying, and so fucking. ufghaguh......... im so happy they didnt shove in Evil Makoto i think we would be in so much worse a world if that happened.
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rocaillefox · 1 year
i feel like in part orv fic suffers from the source material being like. Too good. how in the world do you write something that stands alongside that? etc so thats why there are so many aus that i personally believe lack a sense of morality (not saying the kinds of aus bc they are with fandoms that are large and transphobic and racist so. i dont want to draw that here lol)
in addition, no fic could be longer than the source material (positive) (orv is very good at having a satisfying, full, and intentional story length)
(orv spoilers in the paragraph below btw bc i wound up writing a snippet lol)
that being said. i just want a 30k postcanon fic of kim dokja recovering from the events of canon and learning how to relax *not* under the threat of death. i want him to go to therapy. i want him to undergo the healing process SO badly. and i want a long story about it and i want it to be almost purely fluff (i think mourning bihyung for example or stuff like that would be great) but like only conflict that has its basis in canon, i dont want anything new introduced hes got Enough to unpack and work through. i want him to have the opportunity to work through it. i want a three year long timespan and i want the last lines to be about him actually relaxing surrounded by his family. ok. i want it to end on the line 'and kim dokja, surrounded by family and friends and those he loves, feels the sun on his face and isn't immediately reminded of the demon realm's fight for survival, but instead it feels neutral, even comforting. his thoughts aren't racing, trying to solve some world-ending problem or to distract himself with something so he won't think of his past; he's seen his past, he's stared it in the face, and he has now embraced it as part of him. and in turn, kim dokja's thoughts have also settled. he is finally able to find himself fully present. and he smiles' or something like that OKAY. it doesnt have to be exact i just want to see him go through the experience of healing and doing all the things that 51% of him did not get to do, because that part of him was still preoccupied with MAKING SURE HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY DIDNT DIE AND WITH SACRIFICING HIMSELF. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh do i have to write this myself. i usually do not write humans but i swear i will if i cant find something that satisfies these conditions .
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vermwerm · 1 year
very normal queenkaard headcanons (1/2)
sorry this has to be a 2 parter cuz. i legitimately could not fit the entire thing in here
I totally dont have problems /s Yippee rou headcanons that make no amount of sense and that i wont explain!! For rou ive probably repeated some of these as, the list is very. long. He takes good care of his hair He likes pirates a very normal amount He hast adhd Rou very frequently forgets his accent around Queen He disregards his health in all aspects, a lot He uh. Eats raw meat- i dont know why i added this tbh, maybe its cuz i gave him sharp teeth He constantly wears Queens sweaters n stuff Ok ive seen this hc like. 3 times, but he can play piano He doesnt really, find himself worthy of much at all. Unless his worth is “given” to him by other people he doesnt believe he can give himself any sort of hint of being more than a laughing stock He has heterochromia He is. Always sleepy I have an entire list of things he would try and eat, theres like 30 things on there He smells like rainwater or coffee He does that thing ferrets do, where they like dont wake up when you try n wake them but they arent dead He either doesnt know how to cook at all and will set the kitchen on fire or he knows how to cook very well cuz malewife He is either a fucking god or just this silly little guy everyone laughs at He make bug noises Yeah he can blep, the entire family (lancer, queen, rou) can!! He hates King (hes just like me fr) He hates being alone, ironic cuz he lives alone but lancer visited him, and then ofc que appeared and ghhhsjhrenerggjfr Why did i add this wth, he has hydroreceptors or smth He doesnt have bones, why would he?? He can melt into a little Rou puddle He likes to snuggle up to que all the time, and for the most part immedietly reciprocates any affection he gets from her Im torn between if he can down an entire bottle of that psycho serum hot sauce shit and not feel a thing or eat one taki and die He calls Que “schönes” a lot (basically means beautiful in german) He cant stand sweet things/overly sugary things, but he does like black licorice and cinnamon candies He has memorized how to play a lot of card games, and in Card Castle would often play said games with Lancer
He prolly has to ask every like. 3 seconds what the fuck Que is saying cuz her frequent use of internet slang Rouxls gets swooned when Queen, yknow? He very rarely gets positive attention, so he normalized (kinda glorified) negative attention in his head, but ofc que andnshujrfhrhrghkrgh and basically he kind of always wants her attention cuz he knows she wont be.. A dickhead- If he got positive. Affection. He would cry He probably likes Will WoodHas the possibility of being emo when teenager Very rarely gets sleep, either temp insomnia or just forcing himself to stay up Im not too sure abt this one, but what if, jelly organs His posture is terrible, he looks like a blue shrimp when he sits Awwww the scrunkly 🥰🥺🥺🥺 double tap if youd scrunkly the when 😆 (imsorry) He can kinda mold his skin- cuz yknow… slime…. But he can only do it for a short period of time I have a list of blue moths, aka Rouxls moths I maybe partially imagine his mother is a crunchy mom and thats one of the sources for his problems He often misjudges how loud he is, so he could be talking like. To what seems to him as yelling but it seems very neutral to everyone else. And what he imagines neutral in his head is very quiet- that makes no sense Rou prolly has agoraphobia, like a lot of phobias tbh Ok time for huge block of text: he has a lot of mental illnesses tbh (oemgee hes just liek me-) but he tries to push them into obscurity, which isnt healthy at all!! What a surprise. But im unsure of whether or not mental help would exist in Castle Town, so he doesnt really know what hes doing is really fucking bad, he doesnt really tell anyone, and he also cant get help for his mental problems. He constantly tries to ignore his problems, using either an unhealthy or very rarely healthy . ignoring?? Mechanism????? Thats not the right term but whatever. Like any, bottled up mental problem, he sometimes lashes out. But he feels really horrible afterwards, he doesnt do anything detrimental but like yeah.. anywaye I dont think mental health problems would be stigmatized in castle town, but considering Rouxls is well. Rouxls. its more likely for people to immediately form a bias against him for something that if he was anyone else, they wouldnt hold said bias. hypocritical but common, some people who stay by their beliefs wont but like i said, its common for people to hold something over someone they dont likes head that they otherwise have said they hold no negative opinions on. I drew him in, Lady Demistrescus dress once. I now expect more people to draw him in that /j Whenever he tries to get back into the hobbies he originally gave up on, hes always quite scared of messing up his hair (at least with hobbies that can. Do that- like painting) so yippee bun rouxls He has a list of his favorite moths, almost every moth you can find is on there He has probably gotten a nose bleed so bad hes passed out. This has also probably happened multiple times He is transmasc, transfemm, and enby at the same time He loves doing his makeup <33 He sometimes, gets dressed all nice somedays even when he has nothing to do. He just “wants to feel pretty” yknow
He eats kitkats the immoral way He may have a heart chamber, but as much as i love adding bug aspects to characters i like im unsure if i want to keep this headcanon
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guideaus · 1 year
That post mentioning apocalyptic media and someone mentioning hbo's tl*u actually reminds me though, with trigun I saw a post in the tag that said this
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(i'm assuming this is abt tl*u hbo, since why would someone be talking abt this in 2023, otherwise) And absolutely no offense to the op, they probably just meant it as "what if they were happy together and choose to be with each other and die together", but its just kind of crazy that the other day i was lamenting that trigun stampede wasnt more diverse compared to a series that came out in the 90s, i even said she ra's reboot spoiled me, but other people seem to think what hbo did with tl*u concerning "rep" is... good?
trigun's main conflict arises from knives. its a sci-fi story where it went that route of humans had to leave earth due to ruining it in some way and they seek to colonize a new plant. knives learns humans created plants and didnt see them as equals, they tortured tesla, so he decides to try and damn humanity. his plan doesnt entirely work, and later the plants are used as an energy source, being the only thing keeping humans alive on a planet not originally meant to sustain them. there are a limited number of plants and no alternatives, leading to people constantly fighting over them to survive. knives uses this as an example people are bad, despite him being the one to cause these circumstances and the conflict on the planet. vash, our star, is his extreme opposite, constantly seeing the best in humanity, shouting love and peace, admiring acts of good will, and is staunchly against violence. wolfwood is constantly stuck between the two ideologies in multiple ways, he's good at heart, but keeps getting put in situations where he's forced to do bad things until he breaks free.
in tl*u, bill is an american libertarian who survives the apocalypse and is a loner, hoarding goods, and booby trapping an entire town so he can survive. he is constantly paranoid for enemies, no matter who it is, and is actively against helping people. he had a partner named frank, who eventually got fed up and left due to his attitude and ends up killing himself while bill continues to bitterly live alone and tells the main character to get out of his town after begrudgingly helping him. the difference in hbo's adaptation is that they turned their relationship into a full fledged romance. bill finds frank in one of his traps and decides to make an exception and help him. frank gets close and they start a relationship. nothing changes about bill's attitude and way of life, though. the show creates a connection between bill and the main character joel by frank convincing them to meet up bc frank is tired of bill's behavior, and that's about the extent of their relationships outside each other. they exist like that for a long time. i think eventually raiders attack once, frank ends up getting sick, then bill decides to join him and they both kill themselves. the general response for this change from the original is positive, saying even if it was tragic, it was better because they had a whole romance before (even if he still kills himself in the end). here is a really good article discussing it better than i could, also mentioning the director being a zionist.
i think vash and wolfwood suddenly being like frank and bill would be flat out bad. myself and many others wish that the end of trigun felt happier, he starts out the series getting hunted down out of misunderstandings, his brother tries to enlist him in hating humanity, vash cant even hide away because he has to learn that knives is still killing people and the only one who could do anything about it is vash, and he has very few close relationships in the beginning. the end of trigun doesnt resolve those things, in fact it attempts to parallel the beginning framing it in an apparently resolved way, when you just cant accept it that way, vash still being on the run and w/o a strong support system isnt good, he also lost his new best friend and brother. Wolfwood also has people who imagine him not dying, his entire arc is thinking he's damned for his actions, and his final act is sacrificing himself for others. I can understand why people would imagine a happier version for these two, but i dont think what happens with bill and frank is it. Vash desperately wants to connect with people, wolfwood does as well, they're both charitable, friendly, and care about others, and that inherently conflicts with the "hermit actively warding people in need off his property while taking any remaining resources" thing going on.
I've complained about trigun stampede's lack of diversity, and even how trigun's manga seems to have diverse characters, but then said characters are almost exclusively antagonists, but i dont think this fantasy would exactly be a win, lol. I said its bad because it politically disagrees with their beliefs, but its bad in regards to "representation", too. I'm gonna pretend tristamp doesnt exist atm, bc thats a convo for a diff post, but i've thought about this a lot and the manga does have characters that are disabled, trans, women, etc., but they are just about entirely antagonists. Normally, I would say that's a red flag, and this might not be any better, but somehow i feel like the 90s-2000s type of character is better? just for this hypothetical au like tristamp did do what tl*u's reboot did, it feels very similar to disney's "here's our first ever gay character!" for the 20th time. the extreme focus on representation, not thinking about the characters themselves, and druckmann obviously has his own political agenda he's pushing, but it truly is just an evolved version that's full on pinkwashing.
nightow's characters werent perfect (in fact i firmly believe he did it almost in a fetishizing way, thinking these things made them cool without being serious about those specific aspects), but i'd vastly prefer that over pinkwashing. this is probably a lot to type up for some rando's post, but it does kinda suck that the internet seemingly overall thinks positively of that depiction. and not to also compare a completely unrelated thing, but a lot of chinese fiction will have lgbt characters be kind of "vague" and a lot of western fans will criticize it as if censorship and tokenism is the same thing? i dont think characters need to be explicitly romantic to trump everything else they do. i also dont know if fandom's obsession with shipping is relevant, but vash being surrounded by friends isnt exactly a bad outcome, either... i think that post did mention them possibly interacting with the orphanage again, but i think its kind of another example the general viewer for that ep just looked at frank and bill thriving and went "nice." instead of like... thinking abt what they were actually doing
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
mpc pls post december 24 thank you!!
ah hello. happy christmas eve.
first of all, to everyone. im sorry. i was a god and i knew your hopes were banked on me. im sorry for betraying all your effort to rescue me, for wasting these valuable assets. for abandoning my responsibility. for being so carefree during the fight. if id been thinking of you all, and that fucked up society, rather than my own enjoyment, maybe i wouldve seen sukuna coming. im sorry for leaving you a giant mess to clean up (twice!) when i was born with the potential for change. and im sorry, that you had to see someone youd looked up to, die in such a horrifyingly short moment. i cant begin to imagine the amount of terror that single scene mustve carved into you. but you all are strong. and im positive you can do it. trust!
almost my entire will is dedicated to the school and you all (that is, if my family doesnt come stealing). after all this, go get yourself something nice, eh? i think you allllll deserve it!! oh and! dont come see me anytime soon!!!!! but if you visit, bring me some sweets and cake! its winter, they wont go bad. set them beside my headstone, will you?
and to my one and only. suguru.
happy xmas eve! ive heard of homoerotic fights, maybe we should spar on this romantic day? haha. isnt it funny we have the same death anniversary? the universe aligned to make this happen! see? soulmates for real…
…im sorry. i think you deserved it! but im terribly sorry. watching you go cold in my arms was filled with panic and tears. but not regret. im not sure what im trying to get at here, or what i feel exactly. you had your reasons, i had mine. but despite everything, i still love you! i think thats significant! in source i get to spend every christmas eve forever with you. but /i/ didnt get that afterlife segment. in this world i miss you more than anything. it hurts a lot! to not know if youre here or not — very much different from our ten years apart. i was keeping an eye on you then, but i dont have enough eyes now (haha). wherever you are, stay safe! know that i love you! though im sure you didnt need reminding.
yours, satoru. #🌌🌊
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Chemical warfare used to teach coworker manners... #Pettyrevenge
A few years ago I used to work as active duty in the USAF in the Security Forces squadron. Basically military police. A typical workday would have me spend 12 hours checking ID's at the front gate, patrolling the base or being put in a non-moving post in the middle of nowhere in which you would spend most of the time contemplating your life choices. The last one is where our story takes place.
At the time, we were combining two different work groups (night and day shift) to build up our manpower for the week because we were expecting some important people to fly into our base. Also, all this was happening in the middle of January, so the average temp outside was around "Too F@#$ing Cold".
I was tasked with being posted on the flight line in a truck with two other airmen. One of the guys I was partnering up with, we'll call him Nate, was from my group so I already knew him. The other guy, we'll call him Jimmy, was from the other group. I didn't know much about the guy so I asked around about him.
The best way to describe him in one word would be "cornhusker". Jimmy was what you would call a good-old Midwestern boy. A good guy honestly and a decent coworker. However, he had this one particular quirk that could quickly get on your nerves. Jimmy was well known for farting and never apologizing for it! I would have understood if he had some kind of medical stomach issue or digestion problems. But nope, Jimmy was healthy as a horse and just loved ripping ass at his fullest potential.
Oh, and his justification for never apologizing for it was also priceless. Jimmy was well known for saying "What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?" every time. Hearing this kind of rubbed me the wrong way and so was Nate, so I decided to prepare in case he tried to pull this stunt with us. I told Nate what I had planed and his reaction said it all.
Nate: Dear God, I hope it wont have to come to this.
Me: It'll hurt me more than it will hurt him.
On the first day of us working together, it didn't take long before s!#t started to go down. Nate and Jimmy were sitting up front in the truck and I was sitting in the back seat. After about two hours of just us talking and trying to stay warm, Jimmy did exactly what we were warned he would do. Jimmy not only let out a fart that made me question if he was medically clear to serve our country, he didn't apologies or even roll down his window. This of course lead to us reacting appropriately.
Nate (while rolling down his window): Dude what the hell!! Are you dying?!
Me (while trying to cover my face because I cant roll down my window): Bro you can apologies, or at the very least commit Seppuku for this dishonor!
And of course Jimmy gave his trademark excuse.
Jimmy: What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?
Me: Dishonor on you, your family and your cow!
This ticked me off and so I decided to immediately take action and initiated plan F. Without Jimmy seeing, I took out a box of pure high fiber breakfast protein bars from my gear bag that I got from the commissary right before work. I don't remember how many their were in the box, 6 or 8, I just know that I ate them all in like 20 min. 1 hour later I began to feel the inner demons working their way though my intestines, so I start a conversation with Nate to give him the codeword to let him know that things were about to get bad.
Me: Yo dude, any plans this brake?
Nate: No not really, you?
Me: I was thinking about re-watching the Last Airbender movie.
Once Nate herd our code word "Airbender", and the fact that I mentioned that movie, he knew it was time to leave. Nate then excused himself to go read some "important" government emails (YouTube) in the building we were closest to and that he would be gone for a bit.
Side Note: Our post had a specific rule we had to follow. Their had to be two people at the truck at all times. One person can leave for however long to go to the bathroom, smoke, get food or whatever. But until that one person comes back, nobody else can leave. Now back to the story
At this point, Nate had been gone for about 5 min, Jimmy was chillin in the front seat and I was in the back getting ready to exercise the horror that raged inside me. I gave myself my last rights and one min later it happened. I let out the most aggressive and physically demanding fart you could ever expect a 160 lbs. Filipino to be able to do. Jimmy's initial reaction was surprisingly positive.
Jimmy: Damn boy, where I'm from we call that a tree bender! HA!
But then, 3 Seconds later, the smell hit. Jimmy began to gag and franticly started to roll down his window and stick his head out the truck.
Jimmy: Good Lord what died and decided to haunt your ass!!??
I just laughed a little and started to text Nate everything that was happening. After about another min the smell began to dissipate and Jimmy brings his head back in from the freezing cold. Once Jimmy was done rolling up this window, I once again let loose another and even bigger fart. Pretty sure I made the truck vibrate. And once again the smell forced Jimmy's head out the truck.
Jimmy: Ok seriously, what the hell?!
At that moment I just decided to just sit back and let karma take the wheel and gave back to him his famous catchphrase.
Me: What?! Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologies for breathing too!?
This started a vicious cycle that lasted over half an hour. Every time the smell would begin to die down and Jimmy thought it was safe enough to stop sticking his head out the window, my butt would just lion roar again and reclaim the land. It got to the point that Jimmy just had enough and decided to just get out the truck.
Jimmy (While stepping out of the truck): Nope! That's it! Cant handle it! My eyes are burning! Your messed up cuz this isn't natural!
Me (In a stereotypical Boston accent): Hey, you mind! I'm breathing back here! One hundred percent O'natural!
Jimmy got out and because of the rule we had to follow he couldn't leave the area or go inside the closest building with Nate. All Jimmy could do was stand outside the truck in the cold until my lower intestines decided it was done, which was about another 2.5 hours. And don't worry, we all had some decent cold weather gear.
When it was all said and done, we all worked the rest of the night and week without any more incidences. I don't know if he went back to his old ways when he went back to night shift, I just know he didn't pull anymore stunts like that with us. Because of that, I like to think he learned his lesson.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this and if you know what exact laws I broke in the Geneva Convention, please let me know because I pretty sure I violated a few of them. Thank you, and I'll end this by simply saying
"Respect is a two-way street"
(source) story by (/u/PinoySilver)
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viriyanon · 3 years
that one (or two) #jesusreference that i absolutely love from ep 15
today i officially throw all my biases away and admit that tdj's approach towards finale is super delicious. this episode is the real definition of chef kiss. making the antagonist step on the almighty protagonist an episode before finale? other-worldly. "killing" both yohan and gaon without touching any of them? show-stopping. #jesusreference throughout the episode like hansel and gretel's bread crumbs? love it. this is the first drama that successfully reels me back to my early excitement and anticipation, after those two dreadful episodes full of tug of war, uncertainty, and pessimism.
i kinda had seen it that kang yohan would not actually back down after min jungho and kim gaon's press con. (talking about min jungho i really want to know this man's background) he's always on the civilians' side, never leaving them from his consideration. although it seems like he's pulling a pontius pilate (damn, another #jesusreference), shifting the power of his decision to his people in the name of democracy, it's not entirely wrong. theoretically, it is democracy that we all wished for but couldn't achieve. for the sake of law and order and quick process. but really, it made me question myself again, who are those people to decide that progress should be quick? that the democratic process to reach a consensus must be done in several days, weeks, months? well, i'll get back to this very very later.
then at one point, during yohan's quarrel with gaon in his office, a thought flashed in my head. i used to... question myself, what kind of madness a kang yohan is? what makes his monstrosity more tolerable than jung sunah, cha kyunghee, heo jungse, and their gang, even the jukchang and madame chacha's son? yohan also manipulated people, caused casualties, beat up people, and almost shot a bus driver. even though it's for a good purpose but what is good and what is bad is always subjective to the owner's moral sense. then, it came out clear to me.
"ah.... kang yohan is not a monster. he is a child."
it appeared to me that yohan's childishness didnt stop at his endless bicker with elijah and his pouty pout whenever gaon pulled him out of his tough turtle's shell. he was trying to bring down all hell that these powerful evils created with his childlike mind.
when he said he's just providing "the quick way", and he apologized for all the accusations min jungho threw to him, and the mass didn't give up on him, it clicked. when he was mad at gaon for calling him a monster, and insisted that he's just giving "the quick way" for the poor and oppressed in this corrupted society. it freaking clicked.
kang yohan, people's guardian angel, was a child in a middle-aged man's body. look back to the day he killed the bird for the girl. he SAW fear in the girl's eyes (thats why dont be an overdramatic bitch) and immediately responded to it. he lived with fear every single day without knowing the safe solution to it. he knew how it felt to be very scared and noone stood up for you. so he "killed" the source of fear for the girl.
but then? his friends couldn't understand it. hell, even his teacher just spacedive into conclusion. i assume they didnt even call his dad to resolve the situation. cus it'd be no avail with his jackass dad. plus, self-righteous brother, ignorant maid, and psychopathic same-age maid. young yohan who was not well cared and taught to be empathetic had his character building imperfect and impeded.
im not a psychologist cant really talk abt it but i felt like kang yohan was pictured as a child who was responding to the world, well, in his child way. this reminded me of thag one verse from Matthew about having an innocence of a child. it goes like:
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
that's why kang yohan placed himself among the poor people, giving justice to the wronged and weak ones. that's why no matter how cruel the accusations he received, he still could humbly admit it and everyone supported him. it's cus yohan was seen and depicted by the writer as a child.
he was like a little boy who hadn't known abt bureaucracy and the nook and crannies of this crooked world, encouraging him to take the dark, quicker alleyway. generally, children are innocent and simple. by opening a live court, he quickly took an action and solved a problem without much complication. therefore, his straightforward approach was more favourable than other formal courts. but some people thought he was being a barbarian.
when he asked gaon to let go soohyun to be able to finish their goal, it felt like a baby's babble. "i want this car toy, i dont want other toy! if you dont buy me this toy, i wont eat." smtg like that.
soohyun needed to be avoided bcs she didnt know anything abt yohan while yohan's just executing his plan that only gaon knew. the people surrounding yohan didnt try to understand yohan too and could possibly mislead her. with soohyun giving gaon false information abt yohan while theyre working tgt, their goal could fail as the judge had to reassure gaon over and over.
lastly, the thing that differentiate yohan and other antagonists is yohan didn't kill, even in the heat of the moment. because the "child" in him knew killing wasnt acceptable and a child usually doesn't have the mean to hurt others completely even until die, unless there are other factors. while those antagonists, their dirty works must consisted of killing one or two men. and that's why they're the real monsters. yohan was a guardian angel that has a monstrous facade.
and he couldn't be understood by the "older" people (gaon, soohyun, the maid, elijah is just another baby, min jungho, the devil gang) bcs he was simply a child who was extra careful to handpick the person he could trust his little secret to. and gaon was the only person who could do that.
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
Yandere Life Ship
Can I have a yandere life ship plz? ^^~ ok so! I’m really awkward, shy, and introverted! I’m open and accepting to everything! I cant be around people who aren’t 😅 I like time to myself and I have social anxiety but! When I’m close to someone I literally give my everything its all or nothing with me. I’m kind of clingy. I’m quick to cry and be manipulated. But once you piss me off all that goes away lmao I can be really smart mouthed and say cruel shit in the blink of an eye Part 1/3
and not care for the persons feelings at all. And with that being said it doesn’t take much to piss me off lol and I can’t be silenced like... at all unless you’ve completely broken me but even then I’ll probably still try you... if you try to silence me before breaking me then you’re in for me mouthing off at you and I’m brat for a reason you know lol Part 2/3 
I love music, alternative(Lolita,yume/yami kawaii,e-girl,kawaii,etc. /mainstream fashion(“baddie” fashion) my fashion depends on how I feel, I have A L O T of kinks so I wouldn’t do well with someone vanilla 💀 I’m not sure if that’s enough but here it is!  Part 3/3 -MILLI 
Yandere 1: (Main yandere)- Jay Park
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  Jay is a top dog when it comes to yanderes, he doesn’t mess around and what he wants, he gets no matter what. No one knows exactly how or when Jay became infatuated with you but you do quickly find out why; he likes someone who can put up a fight whether it be verbally or physically and you can do exactly that. This yandere makes it evident from the get go that he’ll let you yell and talk, hell, he’ll even let you punch him and try to knock him down all the while smiling at your futile attempts but, in the end, you’ll always learn your place after he’s put you through what he deems as a “reward” for your attitude. Your life with him is going to be interesting because he’s going to do every to brake you down into becoming a submissive victim but, unlike other yanderes and their victims, he’s also going to simultaneously mold you into a powerful “sidekick” that everyone will love and fear just as much as they love and fear him once he’s deemed you well-behaved enough to go public with him.              
your friend that is victimized by yandere one: Mint
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Mint is a supportive friend who is quick to dry those tears when you come to her in an upset state of mind. She doesn’t fool around when it comes to her friends feelings which means that if she learns that someone is hurting you in any way then she’ll doing everything in her power to bring that to an end. She may not be able to do much but she knows that sometimes all a person needs to feel better is some time out with friends or some time away from everyone, which she is more than willing to let you spend time at the extra house her parents bought for her. What drew you to together as such close friends was actually that facts that you two are nearly polar opposites from each other, she’s more outgoing and isn’t quick to start confrontation or talk back while you are, but you two did share commonality in being open with everything, loving the kawaii style of cutsey things, and with being emotional.                            Jay won’t like this one bit. He hates the thought of some tiny, 4′11 chick being an emotional support buddy who can clear your mind and has the resources to give you time away from him. Although she can’t do much else, he still hates her guts with every nerve in his body, just the sight of her or mention of her name can bring his blood to a raging boil. Although she isn’t much of a threat, except when she sends you away for some private time in her other house, Jay quickly writes her off as someone who needs to vanish from your life and he can think of many different ways to make that happen but his two favorite options are that he can either snap her like a twig and hide her body somewhere or he can have his shady friends take her and do with her what they please. Either way, Mint with disappear at some point and the likelihood that anyone, especially you, will ever see her again alive is less of a chance than a snowball has at surviving a trip through hell.
where they’d keep you: the studio
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Jay is constantly working on new music whether it be for himself or for other artists so the best place to keep you is where he spends his time most often. Jay loves this option not just because he’s around you often but because this gives him a chance to have more ‘lively, productive’ breaks when he needs a break from pressing keys, strumming strings, recording or mixing. It’s also a good place to keep you because it limits the space you have when trying to be away from him and you have no option but to beg him to get you food or water or to let you out whenever you need to use the restroom.
your chances of survival/escape:   survival: 5/10, escape: 2/10
Jay may enjoy that fiery passion that you have to not be controlled/manipulated or abused but he does have a point in time where he’ll get tired of it and, if you don’t brake and bow down to him at some point, then he will consider killing you eventually. Jay isn’t afraid to use his strength to get what he wants from you so you’ll not only deal with him mentally destroying you piece by piece but also doing that with you physically as well. The best thing you can do to survive with this yandere is by swallowing your pride from time to time (at the very least) if not completely and letting him say and do to you what he pleases without any interruptions from you. By doing so you’ll ensure less punishments, which are both immensely emotionally and physically straining to your body and mind. 
As for escape, he may keep you in a small studio so it would seem as though it should be relatively easy for you to get away from him but what you’ll fail to realize until you make any attempts is that smaller spaces severally limit your sources of hiding or dodging his advances towards you when he arrives to check up on you and/or work. It’s also hard to escape the studio because you only have one means of escape, which is through the single door that he enters which is kept locked with many different dead bolts and locks.           
Yandere 2: (yandere that wants to steal you from yandere 1)- Haechan
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Haechan actually gets to know you before Jay even knows of your existence because he knows you through his connection to Mint. Just as you are close friends to Mint, you easily become close friends with the boy who shares common ground with you when it comes to mouthing off. The both of you enjoy having competitions to see who can be the most sassy and, sometimes you both reach the point where you actually hurt each others feeling because of what you say in an attempt to one-up each other during the playful fights. You both end up forgiving each other by giving one another backhanded compliments then move on to conversations about fashion, even though his sense is far different than yours. Haechan is a clingy person so to have someone who can be equally so once they’re comfortable around him will be something that he enjoys whenever he gets to hang out with you.
When you go missing after Jay takes you, Haechan will be distraught and will use his detective stalking abilities to try to find you and bring you back to safety. He knows that you’re not the type of person to just up and leave without saying something first so he knows immediately that someone else is involved and he’ll go through the list of people that you know well or only met even just once to try and find you. If Haechan ever finds you after being taken by Jay then expect him to be 20000000000000000000x more clingy and obsessive with you. You’ll quickly learn that you may no longer be with Jay (if Haechan is successful at helping you escape, which isn’t a likely case) but you’ve landed in the hands of yet another yandere, one who used to be (and apparently still is) your friend.  
why yandere 1 & 2 fell for you:
What draws these two men to you is your ability to switch from a quiet, shy introverted girl to a smart mouthed, tough girl within a blink of an eye who also has the ability to not back down easily. Jay , especially, loves brats! so he sees braking you as a challenge that he is faaaaar too willing to take on, and to say that he’ll love every moment of braking you and molding you into the badass, “ride or die” but submissive victim that he wants is an understatement. He loves seeing you cry but he loves that fire in your eyes and the silver tongue that you use when you step up to fight back against his abusive advances. For both of these yanderes, the more you talk back, the more excited they become for the punishments they will dish out to you once they’ve had enough of letting you speak your mind before taking back the control and getting the final word in.     
Oh, another thing that they enjoy, (again, especially Jay) is the sex life that you two will have. Jay is a very adventurous, kinky, thirsty man so knowing that he’s got a victim who has claimed that they aren’t up for that vanilla shit  (whether they’ve taken that back or not since becoming his ‘puppet’) will definitely send his non-vanilla sex drive overboard. He’ll enjoy putting you in positions that  you’ve never even heard of, he’ll enjoy seeing just how kinky you can be and how far he can push you overboard with his endless sex-capades. 
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offtopicoverload · 3 years
Howdy there!! Who are the li’s you fancy the most from LITG??
hi! thanks for the ask!
i honestly dunno who’s my top answer, cuz they’re all interesting in their own way
I’m only going to talk about female LIs cuz the only male routes I’ve finished are Bobby and Jake, and I tapped through most of Jake and only ended with Bobby on my first run cuz I never unlocked Marisol, so I’m not the best source lol
She’s just so chill but has no problem standing up for MC, she has her back no matter what
Which, like, what a queen
She’s the original and only one of 4 LIs, which maybe it’s just me, but for a game based on an incredibly heteronormative reality show, allowing representation for queer audiences from launch is such a big deal and so cool to me, so Talia’s kind of special in my mind
She was also my first LI so nostalgia points
And she’s such an easy LI, not much drama on her route outside of Lucy, just her having MC’s back as the boys make themselves look like idiots
And she has so much potential, like I know some people think her only personality trait is fancying MC, which I mean, is a little fair, but there’s so many opportunities for her in fics and headcanons to develop the good amount of information we got on her in 13 days
I absolutely love how self-aware and confident she is
She just went for what she wanted, struggled a bit with commitment at first, because who wouldn’t, but after that it was smooth sailing
Like obviously what she said in the Beach Hut at the beginning of the season wasn’t great for MC, but she knew exactly what she wanted out of her time on the show
She was confident in herself and her sexuality so much so that she was just down to have a fling with a girl and not worry about how it would effect the show
And then she *coupled up* with that same girl, not even giving a shit about the rules or anything
A queen
I know she’s not an official LI, but her arc is what got me into writing so she gets a million points for that
I love what could have been done with her progression if she was given an actual route, I’m a sucker for some good enemies to lovers, but alas, she’s canonically a bad bitch with a lot of internalised homophobia yet enough confidence to ask MC out
I still love her
I know so many people hate her, and I get it, but I do really like her growth
Maybe it’s cuz I’m pretty analytical too, but her analyses never bothered me or anything, and now that I’ve played her route so many times, it’s pretty obvious that that’s a defense mechanism, and I understand that
She very much so has a “figure their weaknesses out before they have a chance to figure mine out” attitude, and I’m 99% positive it’s because of the ex that Elisa reminded her of
So not only has she been burned in the past, I’m willing to bet it was by the only woman she’s been in a serious relationship with
I really have no problem with her commitment issues, it’s understandable, and I can really empathise with her fear of coming out, it’s absolutely terrifying even if you’ve accepted it and bought a flag, saying the words can be really difficult
My biggest issue is her entitlement and immaturity, I guess?
Like her using Graham to make MC jealous just feels like an excuse to crack on with him and still have MC available for when she’s ready
I understand her being scared to couple up, but playing games to distract herself just made things with MC worse
And unless youre on her route, and sometimes even when you are, it’s clear to me that she expects things and has no problem saying what they are, but going after them is a problem?
Like her going after Lurik even though they don’t have a connection, or Gary even when he’s with Hannah
But then it never works and she gets sad and I melt because I’m weak
ALSO, can I just say how awful it is that Lucas and Henrik don’t pick her unless they have to???
Like cmon she deserves MC after that
And when they finally couple up? And she’s all soft? The GROWTH ohmygod
Anyway I love who Marisol became, maybe not everything she started out as, but definitely the person she ended the season as, more confident and self assured and willing to be vulnerable
It’s precious
I still haven’t done an Elisa route
I tried to a couple months ago, but dumping Marisol felt so cruel, what the hell was Fusebox thinking with that?? 
I do really like that they learned from their mistake though, even if they went in the opposite direction
From what I’ve seen of Elisa, she can be pretty sweet, I’ve seen her described as a Lucas-Bobby hybrid, and while that’s not the most interesting personality to me, I will say that she’s a really cool character that FB messed up on
Why did they make her a straight up villain???
And why ONLY her???
None of the other female LIs have been villains or had such a complete 180
Like her going from shouting at Chelsea, who is literally meant to be MC’s ride or die and the person outside of your LI that youre supposed to want to defend and avenge, to “i cant even sleep because im pining so hard”
I know the treatment of black women has been discussed before, specifically in regards to Hope and Erikah, and it is by no means my place to speak on it, but I definitely think something’s going on with Elisa
Anywayyyy, I love her archetype
The celebrity and influencer has so much potential, to the point that I wrote a one shot without even knowing her lmao 
And she’s so confident in a way that’s so different from Marisol
She doesn’t even care if MC’s happily coupled up, she WILL get in her pants and I respect that
In conclusion, Fusebox did her dirty and I’m probably going to try and retcon some canon for her in the future
A goth babe
Yeah, anyway, so I love her
Her growth is just unbeatable in my opinion
Yeah, she still has her flaws by the end of the season, but she went from ready to rip everyone’s throat out to biting her tongue around Hannah
And her and MC???
And the development between them??? 
No matter what way you swing it, you’ve either got best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers and I adore both
And her aesthetic is one of my favourites, I’m alt myself and having a character like that is just so cool
My Runaways MC is a ball of sunshine with some hidden darkness specifically because Lottie’s such a dark cloud but can start shining with the right person, and that’s my absolute favourite trope
But man were the wedding episodes a cop out
Why couldn’t they give her the Noah treatment? Or the single treatment? Where they just get together after the show? Same with Hannah, why are they giving such an intense confession after who knows how long of literally nothing, like no communication even????
Don’t get me wrong, I kinda simultaneously love it for the angst and yearning, but it just… makes no sense?
So yeah, amazing bat lady that I seriously vibe with and wish my MC could have wifed up
I know this is a little controversial buuuut
I fucking love Hannah
But only OGHannah, Returning Hannah was butchered and I will never let that go
And it was such a toxic message too, that she needed to change herself and her appearance just to get a guy to like her?
Fuck that, Original Hannah was amazing and perfect exactly as she was
I love her trope, too, the naivety and how obvious and clear it was that she’s still learning about the world and relationships, to the point that it’s going to get her in trouble
And her obsession with fairy tales? 
Fucking adorable ohmygod
I started a fic a while ago that I think I’m gonna scrap, that just indulged in the fairy tale metaphors and stuff because I just love how cute it is lmao
If she wasn’t dumped, I think she could have had amazing growth alongside Lottie, and their friendship/kinda, probably, most-definitely-if-MC’s-not-there-more-than-a-friendship growing together would have been so good
In an alternate reality Hope was dumped instead, and that helps me sleep at night
I firmly stand by the fact that Noah should have been the deciding factor between Hope and Hannah/MC, where Lottie said something that screwed with his head earlier in the day to make sure her friends were safe
Noah should have saved Hannah/MC and Hope should have returned with Rocco, hellbent on revenge and proving herself
That would have been so good for Noah stans and such good drama, that actually made perfect sense
Hope was fully expecting that she’d get picked by Noah because they’d spent three days attached at the hip and then to just… not have that happen. It would have driven her insane and if there was then a scene with MC where she just like, gives up
Like she’s spent the past two days grafting Noah but he won’t make up his mind and she’s just done and MC can comfort her or fight with her and you just get to humanize her make her vulnerable and hurting and I fucking WISH they did something like that, even for RHannah
And Hannah’s growth in the Villa would have been so amazing
I think her idea of a perfect guy is definitely too much, and I’m not advocating that she settles by any means, just that she could have learned that there are things more important than money
That conversation on day 1 where you choose between money, kindness, and intelligence still baffles me
Like why are you a gold digger Hannah?!?!
Why don’t you just want a Prince/ss Charming???
Her and Hope should have swapped and I don’t understand why they weren’t
I mean, I do really like Hope, but Hannah’s just so cute and has so much to learn and her struggling in the Villa just to have a lightbulb moment with MC would have been precious and now I want to write it dammit
Anyway, Hannah is adorable and had so much potential and she never should have returned if they were just going to scrap everything that made her Hannah, except for snooty literature
I wanna listen to her rattle on about Belle and Mulan and every other Disney Princess and what they meant for representation and progress in media and then compare them to their original stories like a dweeb and I would have melted on the spot
Like yes, please tell me more about how gruesome Cinderella is
She should have shown up at the finale and hugged MC and been innocent and sweet so I could have just lost my shit for like a half hour
But stan OGHannah, burn RHannah
Adorable, precious, denied an arc outside of coming out
I am not exaggerating when I say that I cried at 4:30 in the morning at her blushing face when playing the first two days
It’s just so fucking cute and I’m a sap and I don’t know why it made me cry, but it did okay?!
And her coming out was such good representation!!! By far the best thing in Boat Party, and I’m so proud of the progress FB’s made in queer representation at the very least
I know she’s pretty one dimensional, but most of S3 is unfortunately
Her being available right off the bat was also such a win, I’m positive it’s the reason she had so many stans
If her and Yasmin had switched or her and Lily, they would have been the ones that were dominating Reddit polls and stuff
And I know she’s written as masc but I just can’t really see it? Like I can’t see her in a dress, but outside of a few clothing items, I guess I just can’t see it? Maybe androgynous is more the word for my image of her, like definitely a mix
She’ll wear a skirt under the right circumstances, but never a dress, a crop top with a flannel, her prom outfit that’s like a frilly jumpsuit, stuff like that? idk im not a lesbian
Her route for me was so glitchy, but I know that if MC’s stolen from her by Yasmin, Tai, or Ciaran, she has some really cute scenes and I wish I could have seen them
And I know some people were ragging on her for the eyelash at the end of the scene but I thought that was just a perfect callback - maybe it’s the writer in me
Basically, AJ’s adorable and why did Ciaran have to split her and MC up, not cool dude
I forgot I was doing a Yasmin route a while ago, but from what I’ve seen and played, she’s really sweet 
I hate that she’s almost nonexistent outside of her route
Give us a mysterious musician friend, you cowards!
I saw that she sings to MC on the final date and damn is that cute
Her eyeshadow kinda throws me off, but her stuffed animal makes up for it
And I’m salty that Yasmin the Lamb disappeared too, that was such a nice detail that made me start a Yasmin route
She’s distant and self-assured, but has a soft, gooey, nostalgic center and I wish we saw more of that, even if we weren’t on her route
My final thoughts on Yasmin: An artsy indie icon that I really need to stop getting distracted from and finish her route
Again, don’t know much about her, but she seems really cool
Her shaving her head between the finale and Boat Party is such a flex and I wish she did it right before Boat Party so we could see her in all her bald glory
She’s into cars, right? And… architecture?
Idk, I barely remember my own name, let alone a 10 minute date from months ago
But I’ll definitely get around to doing her route at some point, maybe just to write for her, we’ll see
I know she’s not an LI, but MC so should have been able to run away with her
I missed that option in S3
I kinda get why they didn’t do that, but Boat Party’s just so messy in general
And I would include Genevieve here, but she’s so cute with Seb that I’d feel bad splitting them up
But Elladine had actual problems with Nicky!!!
Why did they mention it for it to never pay off??
And I’m so mad that the hype around her died when it was revealed she wasn’t an LI or the badass of the season, because I still adore how sweet she is
I also want to brag that before we got a name I was calling her Emma and that’s just on example of my almost psychic-ness
But yeah I wanted Ell to be a run away option and I’m salty that she wasn’t
Know what, fuck it, Viv too, she’s smart and cool as hell, let us love these awesome women FB, you cowards!!!
I have no idea who would be my number 1 based on canon, but if we’re talking hypotheticals, I think my answer, as strange as it is, is Hannah.
I just love what she could have been, but by no means what she is. 
It’s so awkward to know her for three days, not see her for three weeks, then spend a couple more days with, a couple weeks at most, just for her to write a whole ass book about MC?? And tell her about it with that hair????
No thanks, I’ll stick with closeted sapphic horse girl nerd Hannah because I guess that’s somehow my type??? Oh god what the fuck I swear I’m not a total weirdo
13 notes · View notes
bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-03-12
I have been told only a few things about the upd8 that just landed, over Discord by two people:
upd19 feat. 4,901,157 read it. now. note: the featuring note is accurate if in a different base than what you might be expecting
What the fuck does that even mean.
Okay Pretty good chapter.
...from another friend who VERY dislikes HS^2?  Oh shit.
I also glimpsed a post that may or may not have been about Homestuck at all at the top of my Tumblr feed for an instant that said “YES YES YES YES YES” in huge bold print.  I have no idea whether to be excited or nervous.
Okay, it’s not a Bonus update... let me comb through from an earlier page to be careful not to get a spoilerlook at the pagecount...
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...huh.  That seems... like a conversation that would be up my alley, but not necessarily unique so far or worth all this crowing about.  I thought we were about to get Dirk-aliens with a full Horschestra backing... are we getting something else?
> CHAPTER 6. A Conversation Regarding Relevance
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Hmmmmmmmm.  With the contrast between their reactions and this ominous buildup, there’s got to be a serious fun-twist coming.  Right?  --I’ll stop with that talk for the moment though.
space is vast. an unproductive statement, almost a tautology. [...]
Alright, that and the starry background are riffing the fuck off Star Trek.  Nice homage to Andrew’s roots.
the lives of the many are far too volatile and instinct-driven
Alt!Callie what the fuck are you doing.  This is intentional now.  You can’t play this off as “what’s a Star Trek”.
tautologies are, in general, reserved for stories. for narrative device. for finding new and inventive ways to tell an audience that which they already know.
God damnit she’s still doing it
neither of us ever able to convince the other of the righteousness of our stance. we were never meant to agree. it isn’t in our blood.
Blah blah overanalyzing classpect blah
when they scoff at my tautology ‘space is vast’, what do they really know? nothing. as far as any of them have experienced, space does not exist.
It’s still nice to see some real personality leak through on Alt!Callie.  We definitely know from her other self that she can develop quite a relatable and colorful one.  Have the years helped?
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dramantic pouse... ........
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-look at that collar.  Damn, Callie, that is a collar
very few have stood and looked into the abyss, the true gulf of nothingness that spreads out around the single point of consciousness adrift in a constellation. all the combined weight of sentient endeavour would quail underneath that sheer, irresistible truth. the realization that they are so small, that the universe cares about their puny lives so very little. sitting in the glowing light of the stars this becomes even more apparent
In the official aspect quiz I never took the time to analyze, the aspects were put on a wheel where Space was a neighbor to Void, if I recall correctly.  I wonder how much those aspects engender feelings of goddamnit I’m doing it again aren’t I
are we out of orange juice?
Yesss let more personality Alt!Callie bleed through, more of it~
Wait, does Alt!Callie even taste through Jade?  Isn’t this remote control?  Is she vicariously drawing pleasure from Jade’s not-just-meat-or-candy mostly-human taste buds or?
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JADE: are you talking to me? JADE: because if you are i would like to remind you that i hate!! orange juice!!
no you don’t.
JADE: well i guess i never really had a strong opinion on it before JADE: but now i cant stand it!! JADE: its all you drink!
i like the pulp.
JADE: its my body and i dont want orange juice! JADE: i hate pulp, and i didnt just make that up to spite you JADE: who wants strings in their juice?
i do.
JADE: ughhhhhhhhh
I have had friends hopefully fantasize about and/or therapeutically roleplay this exact situation with Jade breaking through and arguing with Alt!Callie’s control to make this all a fair bit more palatable but I didn’t dare to hope we’d get even THIS much
Maybe the HS^2 authors DO care about not leaving us wallowing in hopeless witness to the characters’ constant torture and existential turbosuffering!!!! :#D
i realize that jade’s situation is less than ideal from a characterization perspective, but i still politely point out that nobody likes a whiner.
Fuck you, this isn’t CALIBORN you’re trying to repress you asshole!  Leave Jade some AGENCY!!!!!  She deserves it!!
JADE: fuck you rude calliope inside my head!
JADE: why dont you try being possessed by the spirit of some other version of a good friend of yours, and floated around a spaceship full of people you love JADE: unable to affect anything or say hello to anyone! JADE: then tell me about whiners!
i killed my brother and consumed him.
JADE: sounds like a you problem
Compromise and give her some agency finally come on compromise and give her some agency you red-text twatwaffle
i suggest to the witch that i have spent untold eons in the void between universes, waiting for the moment i would be needed to prevent the dissipation of reality as we know it. her appeals to emotion will not help her. i will remain unmoved.
Oh god damnit.
JADE: well i had to watch my boyfriend and my brother die in front of me on a tiny scaled version of a world that i shrunk for them! JADE: and then spend the next three years talking to myself, wracked with guilt that id killed them!
Oh. God. Damnit.  This had better not be where the Suicide trigger warning was coming from.  Are there going to be any characters left who DIDN’T emerge from this mess feeling suicidal?!?  (I mean if there were any understandable case it would be three years alone on the golden ship Jade but-- I mean COME ON, we have to discuss that in our FIRST GLIMPSE at her since the epilogues?!?)
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i remind the witch that my time was in the void, which is far darker and lonelier [...]
Oh fuck you don’t compare suffering as an excuse to COMPLETELY body-enslave and squash the agency of someone when you probably don’t have to.  You’re just doing what’s COMFORTABLE alt!Callie admit it.  There’s a way you could give her some leeway, I’m almost positive.
JADE: even if i had the powers of a first guardian, my brain still worked in modules of human pattern recognition! JADE: three years is a long time for a human teenager, i dont care how many of her molecules are made of a god!
(i love it when jade talks smart, that bit of the epilogues was a treat too, plz reveal more of the big brain on jade)
It seems Jade can’t see or quite understand the full import of there being a “narrative”.  Or THINKS she cant, because she still says:
JADE: your voice is impossible to read and i cant see your face
If she’s “reading” alt!Callie’s remarks, that means she’s breaking through to understand the narrative to SOME extent.  She might be one of the ones who learns to do that a little more and better in the future, especially with alt!Callie almost unintentionally training her to see it.
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Oh, good.  So A!C’s not above being considerate.  That’s a step in the right direction.
> ==>
D’aww, Jade conceding and trying to empathize like her usual self.  I appreciate it.  :)  --but Alt!Callie’s definitely in the wrong here.
JADE: but i think it is a very natural thing to be silly when you are used to being able to control your own body, but now cant
i will allow that, yes.
Thanks.  Learn some damned reason.
jade smiles. dave and karkat will always be a source of pain for her, a low ache somewhere in her center of gravity, but she is happy for them. she knows that there is really no other alternative for how to be. they chose each other over her, and they always will. they are the two people who matter to her the most in every universe, and that will not change, no matter how much she wishes it would, no matter how--
JADE: do you actually know that?
pardon me?
Oh, shit.
JADE: do you actually know that im doomed to pine over dave and karkat across every iteration of reality? JADE: like, can you actually see that? JADE: because youre a space player, like i am. JADE: i know that you are more powerful than me, but i dont think you can see other timelines any better than i can JADE: so i think you are just being dramatic JADE: for the “audience”, whatever the heck that means
i experience a moment of unease as jade looks at me. keeping her out of my thoughts is proving to be more difficult than i had first assumed it would be.
That’s a damned interesting question.  I was giving the narrative the benefit of the doubt, but given everything the Epilogues warned us about when it came to the narrators and alt!Callie’s occasional slips into her own bias, I really should have known better.
i had begun confident that i could keep her consciousness sleeping peacefully inside the shell of her body, tamed and quiescent, but she has proved to be more irascible than i initially gave her credit for.
JADE: heheh JADE: i have never been particularly tamable, and my consciousness is huge!
This might end up playing out more like my friend’s Jade-breaks-out roleplays than I initially assumed.  (What does she mean “huge consciousness” though?  Superpowered due to part-First-Guardian, like she alluded earlier in the conversation?  That never got much play before, so it’s great to see that potential realized here a bit...)
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...I’m a fucking idiot.  Of COURSE “huge consciousness” and the whole line around it was just an unsubtle double-entendre.  A small part of me actually wondered if it was and dismissed it as a clumsy reading in an instant.  How stupid am I?  Jade is the best.
If only this sort of thing worked on Cherubs.
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Yeah.  It really doesn’t.
...Alt!Callie, you are a fucking war-criminal for bottling all these double-entendres up where none of the others can appreciate them.
> ==>
JADE: you are a pretty tough crowd, evil callie JADE: but yes, i can hear most of what you are thinking to yourself JADE: it took a little while to separate it from my own thoughts, just like it did with dirk JADE: because thats what he was doing the whole time, wasnt it? JADE: controlling our thoughts JADE: making us believe things we never would, things he thought we SHOULD believe
Fucking excellent.  She’s definitely training herself on this shit.  The more people who have a harder time getting fooled by this nonsense the better.
jade knows all of this, i don’t have to tell her. she is a very bright girl, and even if she didn’t have partial access to my thoughts, she is good at compiling data and using it to fill in gaps. as she herself had rather licentiously mentioned, her brain is quite large.
and all of these reasons are why i know i can count on her to be reasonable and realistic about her situation. i need a body to continue interfacing with this timeline, and her body is the only one that will do.
Dammit.  Trying to get her to logic her way back into keeping Alt!Callie in complete control.  That’s a tactic that will probably work.  :(
what about [kanaya], jade? she is a space player, it is true, but her powers are nothing compared to yours. for one, she isn’t god tier, and for two, she is dead. a living dead, but dead nonetheless.
Hm.  Are you saying she maybe has less relevance, less of an effect on her surroundings because she spent some of her “cred” on unconventional partial resurrection?  To the extent where she’d make a less influential vessel?  Hmm.
For that to even matter, you have to be planning to use Jade’s Space powers too.  Taking a far more active role in things than narrative beacon.
and a sylph’s specializations lie on a different end of the spectrum from my own. a witch is a far closer match.
Sounds like details of the classpect system that we don’t know will have relevance in HS^2, and we’re indeed gonna possibly get some actual new, clearer details about the system Andrew invented unlike the dearth of new info the Epilogues brought us.  That is... promising.
no, jade understands and sympathizes with my assurance that her body, and her body alone, will do for my purposes.
JADE: um...no i dont!
YES.  Jade is now officially immune to absolute command! :D :D :D
she does. after all, she would not wish this sort of state of being on anyone else, and especially not on one of her friends. jade may have undergone a lopsided number of narrative hardships in her life, but at least she is used to them. why spread that suffering to another?
What the fucking shit???  You’re using that on her?  You think it’ll WORK?!
jade understands and accepts her place in the story, which has always been to enable events to play out around her, just as it has been mine.
..........yeah Jade’s gonna bust the fuck out on the very next page, isn’t she.
What the fuck is Alt!Callie thinking, here?  Wasn’t the other Calliope the one to let us know that the Witch is one of the most active classes there is??  ...what exactly does a Witch officially do anyway, for Alt!Callie to think saying such a thing wasn’t dead wrong?  This sounds MUCH more like the sort of statement someone might make after breezing through Homestuck and confusing the old Jade (cough) for the person she grew up into.
And the fact that you’re phrasing this as a narrative command to try and make her forcibly THINK this way deserves you a smack in the non-literal depictive face.  Let’s see if you get one:
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Oh wow, no smack yet?!  That’s some restraint!
because what is a story, truly? nothing but a series of misadventures and connections, actions spurring reactions, tumbling into one another, over and over and over. with so many competing interests, clearly the story cannot account for all perspectives, for all threads? it would be laughable, childish, even selfish, to demand that they do.
in other words, not everyone will achieve a happy ending. this is a truth that jade had come to grips with a long time ago.
JADE: wait. JADE: stop. JADE: why are you saying all of this?
Ohh.  Because she still had even MORE smackworthy stuff left to say, to make the smack even SMACKIER, didn’t she.  Alt!Callie you asshole.  If this gets you kicked out of her almost entirely and jeopardizes the crew as Jade struggles to combat Dirk’s narrative influence on her OWN, then I’m fucking blaming YOU!  Do you realize how horrible it’ll be if Dirk gets to almost singlehandedly write the whole story around her and the others for the first section of HS^2 with only one or two characters aware and trying to mentally avert it??  We already TRIED that in the Epilogues!  It was awful!
jade’s body is my vessel, and it is through this realization that she will understand her true role in the story. her true relevance.
Go fuck yourself, Alt!Callie.  Read the audience a bit!
if i released my hold on her consciousness, there would be no guarantee that i would be allowed in again. therefore i cannot permit her the control of herself that she so desperately craves, and she understands that.
THAT’S your reasoning your used-to-surpressing-Caliborn ignorant--!??
JADE: wait. so...you could give me my body back, and then just hop back in when you need to?
in theory, yes.
JADE: then what the hell callie!
because i don’t trust you to cooperate when the time comes.
(or real existing equivalent that’s just off the top of my head)
JADE: why not? JADE: i thought you said i was a reasonable girl with a huge brain!
you are, to an extent.
she is. but the truth of the matter remains that humans are capricious and emotional. and even jade herself can admit that she hasn’t been the most...committed example of her species in the last few years.
Oh my fucking god.  I know they’re trying to make this more satisfying when she actually DOES take control in a few panels, but, Alt!Callie, seriously, get more on your other self’s level!!!
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Yes, please >:O some more
moving from lover to lover, job to job, interest to interest. over the last few years jade had found herself listless, unable to settle and unwilling to commit to anything or anyone. she knows there’s nothing wrong with that on a moral level, but on a personal level she’s always believed that she could be more, could do better. be better. and now, because of this, she realizes that sacrifices must be made.
and that she, as a space player, is uniquely built for sacrifice.
JADE: yeah JADE: i guess youre right JADE: i have been such a silly little slut! JADE: hey callie
yes, jade?
JADE: oh my god, whats that!!!!
You are so fucking screwed Alt!Callie.
this space is utterly under my control. jade could control it too, if she had any access to her own powers. but with my grip around her cortex, there is no chance of that.
(Wait, there’s an extent to which this space is “real” and not imaginary?  Or does holding her space powers in check also mean keeping her imaginary space powers in check?)
Anyway, here comes the smack.  And, though Alt!Callie deserves this, I hope Dirk isn’t let in too often amidst the others as a result.
> ==>
Yup, poising to pounce...
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I thought there was a weird infinity symbol underneath them but it’s just two spotlights and a shadow cast by her head.
and here i make my first mistake.
No you made your first mistakes WAAAY earlier in this conversation.  And what you did to Jade in general.  She’s a hero/player for a reason, she doesn’t take stuff lying down forever.
but bringing her into a place where we can both physically manifest has left me, foolishly, vulnerable.
First, physically manifest?  This isn’t pure imaginationspace?  And second, she’s going to blame her polite concession to Jade for this and hold on even tighter the next time, isn’t she.  God damnit, not looking forward to that.  Alt!Callie won’t learn her lesson til the end, will she?  :(
her fingers tear at my throat, trying to find purchase. she won’t be able to kill me here, but it is certainly unpleasant, and not to mention slightly repetitive. we just saw this in the previous chapter, although this particular fight will not end as amorously as the last one did. so don’t get your hopes up.
JADE: who! JADE: are you talking to!
I really hope Jade ends up with full narrative powerOOOOOHHHH FUCK THEY COULD GO FOR THAT HUH
Dirk was able to become an Ultimate Self in his own body because it was the uniting of an irrepressible “self” that he always unbreakably represented.  The others had more trouble.
But Jade
has a BIG PART-GOD BRAIN as reinforced in the narrative repeatedly!!
Meaning that later, SHE could Ultimate Self without ANY PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCE.  :D
I was hoping Jade would end up with full narrative-dictating-and-reading power when she wants to use it, at some point, but I might’ve been aiming too low! :D :D :D
Now all the playfully-horny omnipotent Jade fanfics are true, what that totally isn’t part of why I love this go ahead and admit she doesn’t deserve it
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Yesss flashy gif struggle against control!  (Though, not as elegant as one of Andrew’s might’ve been. Gotta say.)
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Blinky-eyes about to resolve normal-Jade-colored....!
> ==>
Wait, what?  I thought Jade was about to snap in and--
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during the ship’s trip through space, there have been numerous experiments; modifications to the nutrition output of the various machines designed to create sustenance for the various species on board. i myself have been content with orange juice and synthetic proteins, but dave and roxy have both expressed longing for various ‘earth snacks’, and so the trials and errors began.
What the fuck?  I don’t even know where this is going if it’s punways.
Is there like a dog treat somewhere that’s gonna push her over the edge?  Where is this headed even.
> ==>
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the results were mixed. as roxy told us in a previous chapter, alchemized food all sort of tastes the same, although the visuals really help to bring about the flavor. and at the end of the day, isn’t it the journey that is more important than the destination? the stories you tell as you create the strangely flavored nutritional paste?
JADE: ????????????
Um??  What’s even going on.
so far, everyone’s favorite attempt has been a vaguely peanut-butter and chocolate flavored creation called "Rices'". nobody eats them really. they just sit in a bowl on the counter.
i’m not actually sure what the witch is trying to accomplish here.
Is Jade trying to humorously gross Alt!Callie out of her body with a candy she doesn’t like or?  But, “suicide threat”? Why joke--
JADE: you dont? JADE: really?
i don’t know what she is trying to accomplish, because surely she would not be doing what it appears she is trying to do. making such a meaningless threat.
JADE: meaningless? JADE: do you even know anything about the body you stole? JADE: shouldnt you have run some sort of psychic physical before you possessed it? JADE: its definitely what i would have done!
Oh SHIT.  You mean Jade has the same peanut allergy JOHN does?!?
> ==>
jade must know that i am well-aware of her family-wide peanut allergy. a story thread that has been extremely important and weighed in on in multiple parts of the narrative. how could i have forgotten such a key detail?
...yes, she totally forgot, but more than that.
I’m betting John is the ONLY one with a peanut allergy.  That Jade is USING that fact to bluff like hell.  :D
(Allergies aren’t usually inherited that way you alien!)
there is nothing remotely just or heroic about dying from self-imposed anaphylactic shock in the throes of a childish tantrum. at the most i’ll get a relaxing few minutes of sleep.
Is Alt!Callie bluffing now?  Even a resurrecting death could throw her off.
> ==>
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JADE: do you really want to risk it?
what are you talking about, jade? i just said--
(i say in the most witch-connotatively and non-classpect-related way)
JADE: i dont know, callie JADE: ive never really understood the rules that govern the death of a god tier, have you? JADE: it seems pretty arbitrary from where im standing JADE: who makes the decision whether or not something is heroic or just?
...that’s unclear. but it certainly isn’t you.
JADE: right, of course not JADE: but are you so confident that youre a good guy? JADE: are you sure that the alpha timeline WANTS you to be here?
JADE: youve done some stuff, callie JADE: im only saying you shouldnt be so quick to assume that me killing you wouldnt be just JADE: and that taking my own life to do it wouldnt be heroic
Even with JUST this one fucking situation Alt!Callie put her in, throwing off her control forever by dying would be shortsighted but HELLA JUST.  What Alt!Callie is doing to her is a crime.
Oh shit!?!?
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What is this, HTML5?  *clicks play*
...for a second, I thought this was gonna launch into a huge thing with that clock ticking song from the Felt album.
Having Rose and Dirk’s colors competing here really reinforces that... Prospit vs Derse vibe that was feeding the whole this-is-the-basis-for-the-game’s-structure-and-the-birth-of-Paradox-Space theory more earlier.
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i don’t let the witch manipulate me. i refuse to falter in the face of her whispers. without my careful planning and swift action, the prince would have taken full control over this timeline. none of my friends could even begin to imagine the turmoil.
In the end, you’re ignoring what’s right and brave in this instance to instead do something EXPEDIENT, to the exclusion of trust and compassion when things COULD work out just as well without taking the worst actions -- which is textbook villainous.
> ==>
JADE: they arent your friends!! JADE: you took them from me!
Now isn’t THAT a way to put it. :D :D :D
Alt!Callie is sinning almost as badly as Dirk, here.  Viewing everyone else as characters in a story, the only way she’s ever viewed “friends”, and her as the not-so-humble narrator doing what’s best for all of them.  If she’s going to win against Dirk -- or if that victory is going to MEAN anything -- she will HAVE to realize that she needs to be different.
JADE: you keep saying that youre doing all of this for my own good, but youre just lonely! JADE: i know you are, because so am i!
Will Alt!Callie force her to swallow it?
JADE: you said that being a space player is all about sacrifice JADE: well
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JADE: bet
...I guess she really might have an allergy.
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Aaaand the candy drops.  A W A K E ! ! ! !
Yaaaaay Jade is BACK and we’ll get to see even more of her!!!
...please tell me on the next page she grabs the candy, noms it, and mentions she doesn’t have a peanut allergy after all.  That would be sweet.
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Nope, you just leave us on a sad.  Dammit, why do you gotta be all adult and showin’ us both sides in a moment of triumph, HS^2.  Shucks.
Anyway, YAY JADE!  C:
I am happy by this, if slightly too emotionally-rollercoastered by the past 24-hours to give this the full-rejoicing it deserves.  That, and worried about the openings Dirk will get because of this... joy now for potential frustration later, even if Jade tries her best to let Alt!Callie back in in-time.
See y’all next time!  And, uhm.  I guess I’ll comment on whatever other asks I promised to comment on another less-eventful day.  Keep reminding me and holding me to it though!
31 notes · View notes
rendevok · 4 years
are you still working on plenty of fish in the sea? I love your art style and the story's so cute ^^
Hi, dear anon. Thank you so much, I'm glad you seemed to like that particular project! However, I regret to inform that i dont really intend to finish the story any longer. It HAS been a year now after all, so my style and interests have vastly changed.
Still, i do believe i owe it to those interested to explain the story as it would have played out (in fact i had a stream on instagram last month where i explained it some), so without further ado... here is the story of Plenty of Fish in the Sea...
The story had been organized into words & themes, as you may have noticed. So here is that list and then, my notes on the projected story that eventually devolve into my specific brand of storytelling and very poorly thought out (but cheesy) dialogue. Try your best not to judge me since it would have likely been altered and improved once i worked my way through it, and keep in mind i am 100% an amateur.
waking up/scale
sighting/caught - (i made it this far in terms of finished/posted art!)
missing/heart to heart
ship in the night/hostage
in knots/jailbreak
savior/drown (ll)
scale/waking up (ll) - ^these were intentional mirrors of the first 2 main parts
heart on a string
plenty of fish in the sea
Here are my notes that follow these themes:
The story with a prologue, wherein, a young Lance saves a young Keith from drowning, and Keith is left with the memory of a boy and a brilliantly colored scale
Ffwd to the future, Keith is a sailor (not a captain, sorry) who is secretly hunting this mer with the scales that are impossibly valuable (or so he’s been told his whole life). Sure being a pirate gets him some riches but nothing like what the whole tail of scales would! Keith is not truly sure why he’s spent so much of his life fixated on this scale, but he has. So he’s done everything in his power to learn about mer people (what little there is known) to be able to properly track down and capture this mer.
One stormy night he is disturbed from his slumber, called to the deck for help and soon enough he sees the cause for alarm - a mer has been caught in their nets while the storm tossed it about. And of course its not just any mer, it’s the mer. Keith, being Keith, does what he can in the moment - he attempts to cut the nets free of the ship (after all, this is HIS mer to catch), but not a moment after succeeding in his attempt, the sloshing throws him overboard, and soon enough, he falls prey to the violent crashing of waves, sending him into a chilly darkness.
When he awakens, he finds himself on a shore, and soon enough he realizes its an island - he is in fact, marooned. He does what he knows he should first- look for sources of fresh water and food. He has some luck with the food, though not so much with the water (that has him concerned but not entirely hopeless). In his wanderings about the island, he finds that he is not alone. The merman is there with him, which would be a curious thing, were it not for the nets he’s still tangled in and a wide gash across his back. He attempts to approach to appraise the damage more closely, but is met with the hostile hissing of the merman. Keith does his best to try and reason with him, but he simply does not want his help
However, Keith is not really one to let things be. Never has been. He finds his own food, and a small amount of water. He offers some to the mer (who has managed to untangle himself, though still very much injured) responding with only hisses and glares. Keith leaves the food within reach. This process continues for a day or so, before the mer finally gives in and accepts the food. Keith finally asks again if he can help. The mer declines.
So this continues- Keith offers what food he can, the mer picks what he wants and leaves the rest. After a week of this, the mer disappears from his spot, and Keith assumes he’s finally left, only he is met with the mer in a different shore of the island (the one he had been spending his nights)
Now that he is mobile he seems much happier (though maybe not 100% active). He talks with Keith, and Keith cant really do much about it. He asks him things about humans, showing much more interest in humans than his first impression let on. Keith has his own burning questions, but most of them stem from all that time convincing himself he wanted to find this very mer and skin him alive.... kinda hard to imagine doing when he’s becoming much more human. Lance (as he has finally given his name) finally admits he cannot leave because he is still recovering. He can fish for small kills around the island, but he cant leave and swim out in the open ocean just yet. Keith internally feels a stone drop in his stomach. If only he had such a positive future to look forward to.
One day, Keith brings Lance a handful of oysters to feast on, and during he finds none other than a pearl tucked in the muscle of his meal. He is less ecstatic than Keith, who offers how rare and precious they are to humans. Lance gives him the pearl, which he tucks away with the scale that he keeps tucked by his heart in a small container on a string. Keith smiles quite a bit after receiving this gift, and Lance is left to feel conflicting positive emotions over it.
One sunset, after a quiet day (from Lance, he hadnt been very talkative) Keith notices him resting over by some rocks, back turned to Keith. Keith approaches and before he can keep Keith from seeing, he sees Lance is playing with a blank spot in his scales. Keith knows just what is missing but he asks whats wrong anyway. Lance is nervous but he responds: He lost a scale. He was still very young, and he saved a human from drowning - something he was scolded for back then. Interacting with humans is forbidden, but Lance wasnt about to let some kid like him die. However, while not completely unheard of for mer, losing a scale so young was not a good thing. He often felt ashamed for that blank spot in his tail - a reminder that he was missing a piece of himself - and this was just one of those times. Keith sits close and offers his condolences, and continues to say that saving someone was very kind and heroic of him - he only wishes humans were so kind to him as child. He lived most of his life as an orphan, finding a mentor only to have him leave on a ship and never return. Lance is sad to hear this. He misses his family right now, sure, but he knows he will find his way back. He will never miss them like Keith misses his. Lance might have a missing scale, but its nothing compared to the love Keith has been missing nearly all his life.
And so, tied up in the depths of Sendak ship, Keith sits with his guilt. He got Lance caught by the most ruthless hunters out there and was helpless to do anything about it. And he... he thinks that he would rather see Lance free. He’s a person, and he cares more than anyone he has ever met. He has a family. His life is worth more than anything a king could offer for his scales. He’s irreplaceable - especially to Keith. But now.. there isn’t hope. He’s stuck, and probably falling for a merman whos about to get skinned alive. He sheds a tear, hoping beyond anything that Lance somehow manages to escape.
Not a moment later, someone bursts through the door: Shiro. Keith is shocked to say the least, as is Shiro, but there really isn’t much time to spare seeing as how he’s being broken out. Keith grabs his belongings from the corner and shuffles out with him to the deck, where they emerge into the fray. Keith can see that all the mer are being kept on deck in cages, and sets off, blazing a trail through the fighting to go and free them.
He breaks through every chain, telling the mer to leave as soon as they can, he finally makes his way to Lance, who had been set apart from the others. Its closer to sendak, who is crossing swords with shiro. He slices through the chain one last time, freeing Lance, who is startled and tries to speak, but before he can, keith is being affronted by Sendak. They lock swords, Keith pushed to the rail, barely holding off. Sendak suddenly hisses - lance has picked up a sword and swiped at the back of his legs. Keith thinks this is his moment to slip from this position, but before he can move, Sendak kicks the wind out of him, and sends him overboard. He crashes into the icy waves, quickly choking on the water and struggling to find which way is up. Slowly, he chokes, he sinks, and finally, he gives into the creeping darkness. He sees a faint flash before his vision fades to black and he loses consciousness. At least, he thinks, that Lance has a chance at freedom.
To say he is surprised he opens his eyes again is an understatement. The sun glares and makes his head ache, his lungs and throat are sore and raw from the seawater, breathing is painful, but he’s alive. The sun is suddenly not so bright, and when he tries to see why- Lance is above him blocking it out. It reminds him of when he had been saved before. Lance is saying his name and it’s like an angel calling to him.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”
Lance makes a confused coo “I’m pretty sure the last time, you were the one to find me.”
Keith lets out a small laugh, which is painful, so he smiles instead. “I was the child you saved. Thats what i was trying to tell you before...”. When he looks at Lance, even in his tired state he can see the wheels turning in Lance’s head. Keith sits up, to face him better.
“I didn’t know for sure until you told me you saved a human all that time ago. If you’re not convinced, I think this should be convincing enough” and he pulls his little bottle out to let it display it’s contents: the pearl, and of course, a glimmering scale, it’s beauty only rivaled by the tail it once was a part of, sitting a few feet away.
Keith opens the bottle, and takes it out, to hold and admire in his open palm.
“For a long time, this was my only belonging. People tried to take it, to buy it from me. They told me it was worth more money than i could ever imagine, but... I could never bring myself to sell it.” He looks up then to see Lance stunned into silence. Keith smiles, in a sorrowful sort of understanding. “I’m glad I didn’t.”
He then holds his hand out to Lance, offering him the scale he said was like a missing piece of him.
Lance lifts shaky hands and settles them on Keith’s one, not touching the scale. Keith continues:
“Thank you, Lance. For saving me then, and now.”
After a long moment of silence between them (the shushing of the beach hardly audible) Lance finally speaks.
“I never thought I’d see this again,” he speaks quietly, as he stares down at his scale in Keith’s hand. “But knowing that you found it, cherished it, took care of it, and kept it safe.... I know it’s where it belongs.”
Lance gently closes Keith’s palm around the scale and kisses his knuckles. “Keep it,” Lance looks up, and when he looks into Keith’s eyes, its like he can feel his heart and soul pouring out, “and promise me you’ll think of me every once in a while.” Lance smiles rather sadly.
Gaze flicking back to his hand, where the scale lies, Keith’s heart flutters at the implication behind his action, but stutters at the thought of Lance going away forever (as the words seemed to imply). He takes a deep breath, looks back into Lance’s eyes, their depths calling to him, as though this is the only moment he will ever have to express himself. Maybe it is. His hand reaches up to caress his face, and hold his gaze.
“You’ve saved me from drowning twice. I could hardly manage to forget you before I really even knew you. I’ve been looking for you for what feels like my whole life, and now that I’ve found you... you think i could somehow manage to not think of you every day?” Keith leans in, and kisses his cheek.
“I’ll always have a piece of you here,” he brings his closed fist to his chest, “right by my heart. I am the one who should ask to be remembered.”
“Though...” his thoughts trail as he looks down at Lance’s lips, “I selfishly wish I wouldn’t have to.” Lance breaks his stunned silence, hand coming up to hold Keith’s on his cheek. “Keith....”
Keith lets out a small pained laugh as his heart constricts, removing his hand to help replace the scale to its place in the bottle, and around his neck. He looks at it fondly and softly speaks, “There is this saying we have - about finding love - ‘There are plenty of fish in the sea’ -and it’s true. There are plenty of people I could learn to love, but... the one I want is you.”
The relief Lance feels upon hearing this has his heart swelling, pushing him forward to crash their lips together. Keith is startled at first, but quickly melts into the kiss, moving to wrap his arms around Lance’s neck. They kiss until Keith feels like he’s drowning again, though this time he’s not opposed to it.
And THAT, dear anon, is why you should never be afraid to ask questions. I hope this maybe gave you a little peace, a laugh, something to stir your little klancer heart.
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rockshortage · 4 years
Your video where hector got killed and gage was like "oh shit" gave me an idea: hector's limb issues doesn't get discovered until X gang betrays him and he gets an entire arm/leg/portion of him blown off in the confrontation at the plant and by the time its over gage is like "fuck fuck fuck oh fuck he's gonna die if aint already" but hector eventually comes to going on about some sciency shit he cant understand and acting /mostly/ fine
I was gonna show my approval for this scenario with additions in keywords as usual but that didn’t work and then this happened
There’s an explosion. A big ball of fire, pieces of shrapnel going everywhere. It’s not the first time Gage thinks that Hector needs to be more aware of his surroundings, but this might just be the worst possible instance of it. The leadership of the traitorous gang is dead, but there are still stragglers all about the power plant, one of which opted to aim not at Hector directly, but at the gas tanks he was taking cover right next to.
His body goes flying, and Gage has to tear his eyes off the scene so he can take down the bastard who caused it, before he gets the chance to shoot at Gage too. When the dust settles, he takes note of Hector lying there, his left arm a few feet away from where it’s supposed to be attached to.
After making sure there’s no immediate danger anymore, he runs over, muttering a string of curses under his breath. Fuck, fuck, fuck, no, fuck, why now? Now that two gangs are working together in a common cause, the third gang is pretty much dealt with, they’ve practically won! And now Hector’s going to fucking die if he hasn’t already-
It’s hard to tell with his ears still ringing from the explosion and with all the fucking layers Hector wears, but Gage is pretty sure he’s still breathing. He tries to make sure it stays that way, properly positioning one of the tourniquets Hector is already wearing and pulling it as tightly as he can manage to staunch the bleeding. It causes Hector to rouse with a grunt, instinctively trying to pull away.
Gage exhales, relieved, as Hector lifts his head a bit. Then braces himself again when Hector turns it to look at the source of the pain.
“Scheisse,” Hector groans and lets his head fall back. “Not what I needed today. Ok, shit, where’s the rest of it…”
Hector raises his head again, and Gage stares at him. Hector isn’t freaking out or panicking or screaming or whatever the hell else Gage thought he’d do. He’s very obviously in pain, yes, but he sounds… more annoyed than anything.
Gage looks over to the rest of the arm, grimacing at the tattered ends of flesh and bone. Reattaching it doesn’t seem likely, at least not without ending up with a significantly shorter arm.
“Fuck okay, I’m gonna need a big vessel, sterilized, airtight seal, like one and a half to two times the volume of the arm-“
Gage doesn’t tune him out on purpose, but it’s hard not to with how absurd the situation is. Hector just survived an explosion point blank and lost half an arm in the process, Gage is kneeling in a sizable puddle of his blood and all Hector is doing is babbling on about bio-gel or whatever the fuck. He doesn’t seem like he’s dying at least.
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Gage blurts out, maybe a little more aggressive than he meant to. It makes Hector pause, if only for a moment.
“Replacing the arm? Growing a new one? I’ve told you about this, Gage, though you didn’t seem like you cared-”
Gage looks at him like he grew a second head, his voice fading into the background again. Did Hector tell him? He’s pretty damn sure he’d remember something as important as that. Unless he meant that time at Safari Adventure, where he was saying some stupid shit about re-growing limbs-
“—didn’t want to annoy you—wait. Wait a minute, is this why you were such an ass about the bones?! What the hell did you think I made them for?”
Hector did make some skeletal limbs out of metal. Spent ages on his little project, and even longer perfecting everything. Hell, he even went through the trouble of peeling all the flesh off real limbs to make sure his replicas were as accurate as possible. Why not just clean those instead? And bleach them so they don’t stink up the place? Hector did probably mention a reason but it just seemed like a stupid excuse for wasting so much time and energy for his collections or whatever. And Gage generally didn’t care to listen to excuses.
Well, shit.
“I thought you were joking!" He says in his defense now, exasperated. Hector didn’t seriously expect Gage to just take him at his word, did he? Boss or not, Gage wasn’t naïve enough to just believe shit like that without any proof.
“Well, I wasn’t. Now, I either need to get back to fighting to keep the adrenaline going or the fuck out of here so I can crash in peace—” Hector keeps babbling and now makes an attempt at getting up.
Right, they’re still in the middle of this power plant warzone, and gathering a bit of an audience as it turns out. Great, this is gonna spread like wildfire. Gage clears his throat and helps Hector to his feet, keeping a close eye on him. Can’t have him collapse in front of everyone.
“You did enough fighting today, boss. The gangs can handle the rest of the stragglers.”
He has no idea how to feel about all this, but what matters now is that Hector is alive and that he needs some actual medical attention. Turning on the power can wait for a little while longer.
“Wait, don’t forget my arm.”
Gage sighs and bends down to pick up the severed appendage, eyeing the bloody stump warily for a moment. This sure as hell wasn’t what he expected to be doing today, but he figures it could have been worse. 
Not detailed:
gage going through a whole internal crisis the span of multiple pages about what he’s supposed to do now without an overboss in the time between the explosion and checking up on hector
accurate depiction of hector not actually being cool as a cucumber rambling about shit but rather trying to keep a horrible medical emergency at bay by means of keeping his mind occupied
general sense of urgency and confusing emotions
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highwaytohell-a · 4 years
Wait what is ARS? Also I knew Chernobyl wasn’t exactly historically accurate but I thought it was mostly the gist of what we know happened? Is the official story too different?
ARS is acute radiation syndrome. 
well.. the answer is complicated. technically the gist of it is correct.. like yes, it blew up bc of faulty design that was kept from the plant workers, yes there was also some fault that lies with Dyatlov and his crew that night, yes the plant workers and firefighters did get radiation poisoning and die, yes the government did try to keep it as a secret, or more accurately tried to keep people as much in dark about everything related to chernobyl as possible, yes legasov did commit suicide. 
but the finer details...
you must already know ulyanna was a fictional character based on all the scientists working with legasov. but the thing is no one went on days long mission, interrogating plant workers, trying to find out what is it that caused the explosion. the scientists figured it out in 36 hours or so, legasov himself was already aware of the faulty design.
legasov was not a whistleblower, giving a brave testimony at court about what caused the explosion. he wasn’t even a part of the chernobyl trials. yes he gave a testimony in austria but he kept the truth to himself (which he later regretted), he killed himself (after failing once before tho some sources say he tried twice) bc he lost all credibility, he lost his position at the uni he worked, no one had much of respect for him anymore after chernobyl and what is more, they were denying his accomplishments at chernobyl as well. the thing is legasov was never the sole figure leading things at chernobyl, he had a sort of rival  Evgeny Velikhov, so other scientists kind of took sides. and in the following years most of his accomplishments would be denied and creditied to velikhov and that especially drove him mad. he tried to publish an article suggesting safety regulations for other rbmk reactors but it was denied. so all these stuff just added up to his suicidal tendency. so yea technically he did commit suicide partly to bring attention to safety regulations etc. but mostly bc his life was totally ruined and he was v sick as well. 
the thing with ARS is that its portrayal is kinda iffy. no people didnt bleed when they come into contact with radioactive surfaces; they were not contagious, radiation is internalized so once a person is showered and their clothes are changed they are not dangerous to anyone. the make up look that they gave the patients was very overly done. that is not what ARS patients look like. yea their hair falls off their skin flakes and changes color they develop ulcers and gangrenes but they do not have that bloody, white fleshy look. also show makes it look like most of those ppl were goners. in fact 175 ppl out of 204 had their radiation poisoning reversed, so most of them actually survived. and these 204 only include the plant workers and fire brigade.. not like actual citizens of pripyat. civilians did not suffer from ARS. they especially say at the end of the show “no one who watched the fire from the bridge survived”. please. most of them survived. only a few of them died from cancer later. 
yes there is a spike in cancer rates among the ppl who are from the affected zones and liquidators but world health organization cant strictly prove that two are correlated (altho i would personally say that statistics are rly hard to dismiss) dyatlov was not the villain show made him out to be. neither fomin or burkhanov. was dyatlov strict? did ppl fear him? sure. but he was also respected as a professional and he was not a heartless monster.
lyudmilla’s baby did not absorb radiation from vasily.. that is scientifically not possible. the problem with inaccuracies is that they used Chernobyl Prayer as a main source (it is an amazing book i def recommend it) it is a book of first person witness accounts. which is like great. but they did not have scientific guidance. at least not in terms of radiation poisoning and such. yea lyudmilla herself says in the book that ‘doctors told me baby absorbed the radiation she was already born w radiation in her body.’ but that is about it. there is no proof. which was kinda irresponsible for them put in the show bc needless abortions were a huge thing after chernobyl. they estimate that hundreds of thousands pregnancies were terminated out of fear of radiation related birth defects.
and then there is the whole thing with the way USSR is portrayed.. it is just.. it has a flavor of hollywood-ness to it. i would explain further but this thing is already pretty long.
if u would wanna read further, these two sources should be a good start:
https://www.historyvshollywood.com/reelfaces/chernobyl/?fbclid=IwAR0FOGEpr2QDILwJnPyiC370_PhsbU55l-z_wLVBUocSJmZEt-gJJYqnZiE https://cancerletter.com/articles/chernobyl/?fbclid=IwAR1Yp8i3v1TwKeERjg4malQP5AT7T6j_DVg6xm-QjAlb_PAMjspzAMmH9u0
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