#(also he's autistic... your honor)
alienwlw · 1 year
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I hope that someday you will see the real me better.
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deansmom · 11 months
Everytime I point out that Dean Winchester is autistic, people get mad or look at me like I’ve spontaneously grown a second head, as if this man’s existence isn’t just checking off boxes for the diagnostic criteria
Special interests: westerns, cars, mechanical engineering stuff in general, 1960’s & 70’s music - specifically classic rock, monsters. You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that it’s totally normal for someone who was born in 1979 to have borderline encyclopedic knowledge of two decades of music????? Hundreds of years of monster lore??? — for fuck’s sake, he had a train thing when he was little!!!! Those are special interests!!!!
Restricted diet: it’s mostly for Jokes but dean genuinely doesn’t eat much beyond burgers, diner food and pie.
Dean didn’t speak for months after Mary died and there’s 15 years of canon evidence where he loses his voice during moments of Big Emotions!!! He’s going nonverbal!!!!!!!
Trouble with social cues: literally look at every single instance of Dean trying to interact with strangers, ESPECIALLY in the early seasons. He’s not playing dumb, he just doesn’t get it. Also, watch any scene of this man TRYING to flirt and tell me that he’s any good at it. You know why? That bitch is mimicking the fucking movies and tv shows he grew up watching.
Sensory processing disorder: DO YOU THINK HE WEARS 87 LAYERS FOR FUN???? FOR FASHION????? WHAT DID YOU THINK ALL THE FLANNELS WERE ABOUT. THEY’RE SOFT. Also think about how much he liked the nightgown and the robe. ALSO, ALSO: school!!! It’s loud, it’s smelly, it’s dirty (his germ thing), the lights are too bright, there’s too much sensory input happening at one time. Between being so overwhelmed in school that he couldn’t focus and John pulling him left & right for cases and Sam, no wonder dean dropped out :(
14.04. The comic book episode is an ENTIRE episode about dean and his special interests!!!!!! And his social anxiety, hiding out in his room at the beginning of the episode because of all the strangers in his home 😤
Emotional regulation problems: those angry outbursts?? Destroying the Impala??? LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THATS NOT A MELTDOWN
His whole personality is a mask! He based his whole life and personality around the men he grew up around! John, Bobby, the other hunters - we all know that dean isn’t this rugged manly man he puts on. Sure people can have layers, but my man literally wore his dad’s actual jacket for fucking years
Black & white thinking: this doesn’t need anything else tbh
Strong sense of Justice: “how many people do you have to save?” “All of ‘em. Whole wide world of sports.”
Literal thinking: half the show is about how they both have to learn to look at monsters and not immediately go “monsters bad.” Also literal thinking is hard to explain, but I promise he does this.
Hyperlexic: “what? I read?”
“Too blunt”: all those times you thought “that was kinda harsh Dean” or “wtf that was so mean” - he doesn’t like lying to people when he doesn’t have to!
Hyper empathy: “The baby in the well? My bad.” “I do my best to be brave.” Sacrificing himself for people over and over again. The djinn episode and the speech he makes in front of John’s grave. His whole life he’s been told he cares too much!!!!
As a fellow AuDHD bitch, the most AuDHD thing Dean has ever said was “we know a little about a lot of things. Just enough to make us dangerous.” Also: “I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude, and I’ll figure it out.”
Like I could dive into the nuances of all of these and explain them in great detail and find textual evidence for basically everything, but it’s too early in the morning for that much work when I know that I’m right. Yeah he has adhd, obviously, but I will eat my left hand if that man isn’t autistic.
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ramadejazmin · 7 months
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So I drew my and a friend's (@furstriker) Eltingsonas/Eltingville's Self Insert because we've been just HELLA going at it for like a month. He's the purple one (The one in the left) and is the secretary of Arts in the Eltingville Club, while I'm not in the club because I have beef with Bill lol. He's dating Pete while I'm dating Jerry.
We're just silly little guys that love two locals assholes.
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clowncacophony · 1 year
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Hi tumblr here is my interp of azul… I did the brows wrong so he doesn’t look as menacing but that’s okay. I think he is chubby, ftm, and also has my nose. I tried to give him more octopus-y features (beak mouth and slit eyes)
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babykleptomaniac · 1 year
so i wrote the introduction to a essay on matt murdock and ableism but i couldn’t do my homework
Daredevil is Matt Murdock. A lawyer who was blinded at the age of 9 while saving a man from being hit by a truck carrying some type of radioactive material. After it got in his eyes he became blind. However his other senses became heightened to the point he could hear a heartbeat from 5 blocks away. He kept these heightened senses a secret from everyone including his now dead, single father. When his best friend foggy nelson found out about his vigilante nightly activities his first question was “Are you even really blind?!?’’
In this essay i will explain my #1 reason why i think no one has guessed that Matthew Murdock is daredevil, Ableism.
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societysonlooker · 1 year
Growing up adhd/autistic afab is Literally being faster than the (broken buttons, proccessing speed slower than your typing speed) calculator that your shitty minimum wage job gives you instead of a proper register and then sitting at the counter waiting for an elderly republican man to type his (Handwritten By You, because you have no register) itemized receipt into the calculator on his phone, holding up the entire pre-dinner rush, only for him to say "Look! You're wrong" and having to show him how to go into the calculators history to show him that he typed 120.25 as 12.025 and that you are, in fact, correct, just for him to ask for your manager, get the girl (Who KNOWS how much you love number families and addition) whos basically your work-sister instead because your manager is gone for the last three hours of every workday (understandably, shes older than your parents and takes one day off a week, you feel bad for her, yet customers expect her there 24/7), and now you're down another staff member as he makes her put all of this into the calculator while you redo the maths by hand, and you still finish up before she does, but the both of you get the same answer this time cause your coworker knows exactly which buttons are finicky today and has the self control to type slow enough for the calculator to process. The man then pays his over $300 bill, cursing the audacity of women these days, and leaves. (He'll be back this same time next week, and make a fuss about the new prices since supply has tanked)
But hey! No one else in that line complained about you Not using the calculator, and a lot of the older women (mostly teachers and accountants, made you happy) gave you comoliments and complained about His audacity, so it was fine, really.
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once-was-muses · 9 months
@knightlier | send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
be honest. my death couldn't have hit you that bad, could it? [ kyle to brodee about his uh. missing year after he becomes the life equation— ]
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The question hits him like a tidal wave, crashing down over his head and threatening to drag him under. Memories never seem to sink far below his mind's surface, all too easily dredged up once more. The notion that his dear friend may doubt the depth of his love for him only adds to the undertow, but he will keep his head above water. He has to.
With brow furrowed and head-tail coiled tight against the small of his back, Bro'Dee sets a hand gentle yet firm on the human Lantern’s shoulder. Large, black eyes study Kyle's face for a moment, betraying the concern in their depths as they search the others.
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"It did. I assure you." He doesn't mean to prompt any feelings of guilt or remorse, but it's vital to him that Kyle understands.
But he just can't say it in plain words. There have been far too many lives lost as a direct result of him. More than could be counted on he and Kyle's hands combined. He already lost two families, two planets-
"Your life is a precious thing. As all lives are, yes, but personally as well. I-" could never forgive myself if I caused your death. I cannot endure losing anyone else. I am a failure and a curse.
"...I do not want you to ever doubt this. Please."
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
okay to beat back the rest of the brain bad momence i wanna,,, share the picrews i’ve made of eden and the major characters in his story in the campaign. because i love and adore them all.
all made in this picrew, which is wonderful for fantasy characters: [link]
First up, Eden Linnaeus himself (he/him), my angry artificer/warlock who just wants to be enough:
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Eden Linnaeus, a tiefling man with purple skin, pointed ears, black horns, orange eyes, and white hair, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Eden’s hair is long and somewhat curly, pulled back into a ponytail. He has prominent cheekbones, bags under his eyes, and darker spots on his face like scales, as well as a curled scar near his right eye. His ears and left eyebrow are pierced, and he’s wearing a dark shirt under a brown jacket. Behind Eden is a yellow background with a white design similar to an abstract sun. End ID.]
Eden’s mother, Hannah Linnaeus (she/her), who passed away when he was young after a lifelong struggle with severe chronic illness:
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Hannah Linnaeus, a tiefling woman with brown skin, pointed ears, darker brown horns, and yellow eyes, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Hannah’s hair is black and kinky, hanging partly in her face while the rest is pulled back into a bun. Her face and shoulders are covered in freckles, and both of her ears are pierced. She has a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and is wearing a ruffled purple dress, with a black pendant shaped like a moon around her neck. Behind her is a grey background with a white design behind her head shaped like a large star. End ID.]
Eden’s father, Dr. Abdiel Linnaeus (he/him), a prominent scientist who walked out on him and the rest of the family, cutting off contact and support for many years:
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Dr. Abdiel Linnaeus, a tiefling man with purple skin, large black horns, pointed ears, dark grey eyes, and white hair, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Abdiel’s white hair is long, straight, and pulled into a braid, and his beard is well-groomed. Similarly to Eden, Abdiel has darker spots on his face similar to scales, and he has two scars across the bridge of his nose. Abdiel has a pair of black-rimmed glasses and wears a brown suit with a red tie. Behind Abdiel is a brown background with white lines leading out from behind his head. End ID.]
Eden’s younger brother, Michael Linnaeus (he/him), who did everything he could to support Eden but ultimately lost contact with him and isn’t even aware that Eden died:
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Michael Linnaeus, a tiefling man with lavender skin, black horns, pointed ears, orange eyes, and white hair, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Michael has a wide smile on his face, which is covered in both freckles and darker spots similar to scales, and he has a small, thin beard growing. His long hair is styled in thick twists, pulled back into a bun. Michael is wearing a long-sleeved green shirt with a high collar, closed with gold clasps, and a pair of black suspenders. Behind Michael is a green background with a stylized white star behind his head. End ID.]
Eden’s best childhood friend, Kader Al-Masri (he/they?), who stood by him until it got to the point where he was too tired of trying to keep up with him--unfortunately, the last thing he said to Eden’s face was telling him that he’s just as bad as his father </3 He feels very bad about that even to this day. Anyway here he is:
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Kader Al-Masri, an elven man with deep brown skin, brown eye with monolids, and long, thick, curly hair that is pulled back into a ponytail, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Kader has a wide, gentle smile on his face, which is lightly freckled, and he has a light beard growing. He’s wearing a blue collared shirt under a darker blue vest, with a blue tie to match. Behind him is a blue background with a white design behind it similar to an abstract sun. End ID.]
Aaand finally, the character that I think probably thinks the least about Eden overall, though he did have a huge effect on her life, his best friend in college/academic rival, Laurette Wright (she/her):
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[Image Description: A picrew of my OC Laurette Wright, a fat, pale-skinned elf with wide, blue eyes, brown hair, and a slight cleft in her chin, shown from the shoulders up and facing forward. Laurette’s hair is long, thick, and slightly wavy, hanging loosely around her shoulders. Her face is covered in freckles, and she has a pair of round, silver-rimmed glasses. She wears a pink sweater under a red and gold scarf, with a gold choker around her neck. Behind her is a purple background with an abstract white star design. End ID.]
i’m still figuring out if/how i’d want to approach telling eden’s story as its own thing, but if i DO do that, then these characters will be there, though they’ll appear differently <3
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tbookblurbs · 3 months
Shadows of Self - Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era 2, #2)
3.75/5 - reluctantly not higher, very interesting new concepts and political criticisms introduced
For as much as these books do read as fairly neoliberal due to the police propoganda of it all, Sanderson really invests in a critique of capitalism that I appreciate. The overarching villain is an evil banker? "Money isn't real" discourse? Personally, I'm charmed.
I enjoyed questioning Sazed and his methods of remaking the world. The concept that, by overcorrecting and making it too easy for people to live, Sazed stunted their development is quite fun and builds on how Sazed as Harmony is still a human, fallible entity. It is also such a Sazed flaw to have a timeline for how quickly humans should develop. Furthermore, from a Doylist perspective, war motivates a lot of human invention, so it makes sense that those arenas remain relatively undeveloped.
Other highlights from this book includes the intra-kandra dynamics in the subplot, the Tensoon appearance, and Steris. She's my favorite character and I do not care if she's only in this book for a few scenes, she's easily one of the most genuine and fun. Marasi is a close second in my ranking.
As for the reluctantly low score, and this is truly tragic, I am not attached to the two main characters. Wayne got slightly less annoying and more interesting this book with the introduction of his backstory and how that continues to affect him, so I hope to see that trend continue in Bands of Mourning and the Lost Metal.
However, I just don't like Wax. Nothing against him as a character, I just find that he is somewhat selfish, cowardly, and altogether too self-pitying. These are all traits that could be forgiven if I liked his character attributes, but I don't find him super appealing as is. Moreover, I do not enjoy reading other characters going "well why is it always about him", the character in question going "it is about me", and then seeing that belief hold true. Perhaps, if it is subverted in later books, I will look on this period more favorably but for now I do not find myself charmed by either the titular Wax, nor Wayne.
EDIT: I do also find myself drawn in by this book much more than the first. Somehow, Elendel feels much more lived in in SoS than in AoL. It feels more like we're entering a world and less like we're skimming over the surface of it, but such was the nature of a opening novel focused largely on a noble.
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eldaryasharbinger · 1 month
MCL New Gen Ep 3 Review
I finally finished the episode! I'll give a more generic opinion about it here and put all the spoilers below the cut!
I think it was really nice, I didn't check how many APs I used but I saw someone else mention that it's around 1200 APs which I think is fair! I was scared about it at first because I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed that, ususally, the first episodes are either shorted/cheaper and that new episodes that come out are much more expensive... I hope that won't happen!
The outfits are pretty cute, also I noticed that if you want to, you can unlock the other outfit you missed for 150 hearts! It's just to unlock it in the shop without having to replay the episode, you still have to purchase each piece separately but I think it's alright since the prices are really cheap!!
I don't really know what else to add and still be spoiler free, so now it's time for spoilers! you've been warned!
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I'm so so happy with how they get Candy to react everytime... I love that she changes expressions accordingly and it's much more fun!! Also I think I screenshotted(?) almost all of Jason's scenes,, I'm sorry I'm just so down bad I kept giggling everytime he said anything,, I think that's why it took me a while to finish the episode lol...
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Petronilla you're so real for that... Me too... (he awakens the goblin inside me...)
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Honestly I really think that we should keep this in mind everytime he opens his mouth because it's actually so true... Also how are you so obsessed... Keep it going...
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He wants to kiss her so bad I just know it... He's like that one kid that bullies you just because he's into you and doesn't know how to behave
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"Little kitten"
I'm so done with this guy he's so shameless and I love him for that,,
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The illustration is very pretty! He's so handsome why can't he just do a backflip off of Goldreamz's roof (He's so pretty sometimes it p*sses me off lmao)
I think I'll try to edit this one soon too!
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I think it's pretty funny that she calls him that, yeah I can see how he's a loser... (I be calling him things just cause he's pretty and annoying I swear)
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She's so... I'm so gay leave me alone,,,,,
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ALSO ISTG she's going to be the end of me and my wallet, I can't help but always buy both her's and Jason's special scenes (I still haven't understood if you can get the illu's without buying the scenes... help,,) and on top of that of course I'll say that I'm going for Jason's route and then buy Amanda's illus because I can't live without it,, Beemoov let me be poly for once, Petronilla has two hands for a reason!! Either let us (Me and 'Nilla) have the same outfits for both Amanda and Jason so that I won't have to spend 350 extra gems or idk;;-;
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The doomed yuri... The forbidden yuri... Petronilla you're so gay... Idk I think I can hear "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl In red from miles away... We're so over ;A;
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If I get the time I think I'll try to edit this one as well!! So so pretty!
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I also wanted to mention this... Man he's just like me this guy is autistic as F**K I'm telling y'all... I relate to that so much, especially the fact that he apparently seems to be thinking in percentages as well (By that I mean that at least I tend to make my decisions based on calculations and such... That's why I like to joke about having a computer for brains lol)
Looks like Beemoov's writers did their homework on this guy cause if he's actually autistic-coded I think they did a great job! Autism is a spectrum in the end but I really resonate with how they're potraying it with Thomas! Kudos!
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Last but not least... Jason's text after finishing the episode... I'm shipping Jason and Petronilla so hard,,,,,, I love the blue&pink contrast, they were made for each other your honor... If we add Amanda they can be the Bisexual flag together...
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devizakura · 23 days
Autistic people of the Hazbin fandom, please help me out on this one.
Do you, from your or your peers' experience, think Sir Pentious could realistically be headcanoned as such based on canon evidence?
I see a pretty large part of the fandom agree on it and I'd like to also, but given that I haven't seen anyone give a detailed explanation, I'm not sure if there's any solid evidence, or if it's mostly just "I like this character and making them autistic is like a badge of honor" (which is very valid, but not how I roll) or simply strereotyping the awkward genius trope.
It feels like he's harder to clock than, say Genshin's Alhaitham (who, besides being a standoffish genius, also deals exclusively in logic, is unsubtle to the point he can appear condescending and doesn't really exhibit much empathy, though it's clearly shown that he also cares deeply for his roommate, even if his emotionally-driven poor choices exasperate him. AND he has noise-cancelling headphones, so there's that!), but I'm not very intimately familiar with autism, and having ADHD myself, I know neurodivergences can have a lot of less discussed symptoms, some of which don't even show up on tests, you only find out about them through the community and it finally clicks for you like "oh. So it's not just a Me thing, it's a My Neurodivergence thing".
So, if you do have a reason for believing Pentious to be autistic, I'd love to hear!
UPDATE: I already got my answers! No need to send in more, but I do recommend everyone to check the reblogs, they make some great points!
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the-goya-jerker · 1 month
do you have any thoughts on nine inch nails/their song “closer” and the music video for it?
to preface: i am autistic and nine inch nails is a special interest for me. “closer” has a deeper meaning than “the sex song” and is part of a big concept album, and i genuinely think trent reznor is a great artist & director, but people brush off his music/videos because it’s “just” sexual or controversially erotic. well, like klimt or whoever said, all art is erotic!! everything has value no matter what part of your brain it is appealing to. the-goya-jerker dot tumblr dot com i think you are the only guy who actually understands this. you dont have to agree with me i just respect how you view art from the perspective of a nine inch nails fan
Thank you for bringing your special interest to me, dear stranger. I am a king, presented a beautiful gift on a velvet cushion. A princess being given the dearest of unicorn foals to nurture here.
I never knew that The Downward Spiral was a concept album. (My music knowledge tends to be broad and shallow over narrow and deep, y'know?). I knew a few songs (The Only Time is a personal fave) but I didn't know much about the band.
So, just as an overview of the album it's about the narrator's titular downward spiral. Wikipedia lists the themes as: "religion, dehumanization, violence, disease, society, drugs, sex, and finally, suicide."
Just looking at Closer, it's not hard to see why people think of it as a "sex song", honestly. But much like a lot of popular art, I encourage the audience to really listen to the lyrics here, to examine it in a different way.
The backing track (hiiii Iggy Pop! Iggy Pop cameo here!!) has a strong rhythm. The breathy vocals add to the sexual feeling of the song. The lyrics are, on a surface level, talking about sex. But there's some pretty loaded language included. The narrator doesn't just use your typical words like making love or fucking. He "desecrates" he "violates" he "uses". The use of the phrase "I wanna fuck you like an animal" isn't about the intensity, it's about self-degradation.
I think a pretty fair general interpretation (and do come correct me if you think otherwise anon!) is that the narrator wants to escape himself, his flaws, his self loathing, by having sex with people. He wants to be someone else.
This isn't a song about just having sex, this is a song about hating yourself so much that sex feels like it must be degrading for the other person just because it's with you.
There's also some things going on with religion and sexuality here. Sex is a desecration of the partner, it is making them worse, it is using them. But also there's this desperate devotion to this person. The way he says "You make me perfect / Help me become somebody else", the constant pleas for help dispersed throughout, even the section where he offers up himself entirely... it feels like borderline religious devotion. But this contrasts against the desecration in a way that's very fascinating to me.
As a review? I give this a 9/10. It's erotic, but not in the way most people assume. The devotion and degradation as constant themes really sell it. The religious themes add to it wonderfully. And I love to hear a man beg.
The only reason it's not 10/10 is because I know Closer to God (the reworking of this track) gets that honor. I think it just elevates the track even more when the two are presented side by side, and for me Closer to God wins out. The more staticky track is really right up my alley (I enjoy the more industrial and distorted sound of it).
In the end though, both feel transcendentally erotic in their own way.
The songs in question for anyone who wants them:
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 1 month
saw ur vents abt dungeon meishi and while I haven’t read the series yet or watched the anime I have seen bits and pieces and already saw the blowup scene where Toshiro attacks Laois and like. even I with zero context didn’t totally hate him. It sucks majorly that it had to happen but like. Toshiro is going through his own shit and plenty of other characters ALSO don’t like Laois! I think people just see that scene and project the amount of times that’s happened to them with someone in real life, which like. I get it. I’m autistic and reading that scene hit like a gut punch bc it was something I had experienced directly in real life: trying to be friends with someone, thinking you are friends, only for them to reveal one day that they couldn’t stand you and hated your guts from day one. You wonder why the fuck they pretended and let you hurt even worse than outright initial rejection. You wonder why they’d put themselves through enduring you. It makes you feel like you can’t trust anyone, makes you feel like utter shit. I 100% get why it bothers people. But you can’t project real life people you experienced onto this character that does not align at all except for this one moment. Also knowing about the author, she probably put that in on purpose as commentary for how autistics in Japan generally have to go through shit like this bc of the way their social culture is. She’s made plenty of autistic commentaries before, I doubt she stuck that scene in there for no good reason. The fact that Toshiro kept quiet and didn’t say anything until he couldn’t take it anymore is VERY indicative to me of the ways Japan’s typical social system is a struggle on all sides. Not to say these are problems unique to Japan, but the nuance needs to be understood. Toshiro isn’t being a dick just for the sake of it. I want to read it sometime so I can better understand the guy, but I don’t want to hate him based on one scene where he was an asshole. Laois is an asshole plenty of times himself, being very overtly written as autistic doesn’t absolve him from the responsibilities of being an adult.
TLDR: People tend to infantilize Laois and demonize Toshiro, which comes down to the prejudices preconceived for both of them: people see Laois, as an autistic man, as an innocent sweet guy who needs to be protected. They see Toshiro, as an Asian man, as someone who should be “polite and honorable” or whatever and are appalled when he acts like a fallible human being and not some appropriation of a fictional romanticized samurai. I understand feeling betrayed and angry seeing a character be a genuine asshole about something (social expectation does not completely absolve Toshiro of his own antagonizations however much of a reason he had) but when it’s so damn one sided, and especially in a series where almost NO one is without complete asshole qualities that round them out, I find it kind of gross that people hate on him for that. Anyway. Just wanted to send a message of support and understanding. Hopefully after I read more I can offer more analysis to corroborate with you on.
100% CORRECT thank you anon
i also understand the people who are sympathizing with laios bc that scene is very easy to relate to for many autistic or otherwise neurodivergent people (i also got a cold sweat when i was watching it bc. like. having someone you thought was a friend straight up tell you there are parts of your behavior that they can't stand is one of the worst things to experience of all time, ESPECIALLY if you were only showing that behavior around them bc you thought they were your friend and you trusted them) but it's so frustrating seeing so many people have such shallow opinions about toshiro bc of it. im on hands and knees begging people to consider the characters in three dimensions and/or develop better reading comprehension because like!! toshiro's official meeting with laios's new group literally leads with 'oh his name is actually toshiro and we never knew bc our leader had a misunderstanding and microaggressed him and he was too polite to correct him' laios is not an innocent party here!! he is not an innocent uwu autistic baby he's a grown adult man with responsibilities, in that whole time he was partied with toshiro he never learned his real name!! plus using toshiro's crush on falin as a reason to hate him, falin's adolescence was spent in a school and a social setting where she was expected to mask + her being a girl also means she is expected to mask by default -> she is better at masking than laios so why are people saying that toshiro hates laios for the same traits in falin bc clearly not?? also saw one person saying 'he only likes falin because she's hot' NO HE DOES NOT HE WOULD NOT RISK HIS LIFE HEALTH AND RETAINERS IN A DUNGEON ON A FOREIGN CONTINENT FOR THE SAKE OF A WOMAN HE ONLY THOUGHT WAS SEXY!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DUNMESHI FANS THINK WITH YOUR BRAAIN
the whole fight he had with laios where laios points out that their party is more serious about finding falin and resolving everything also drives me nuts because i've seen at least one take saying that toshiro doesn't care about falin as much as team laios because of this. which yes the fact that team laios understands the importance of health in pursuit of a goal is very very important but for many cases in east asian culture (and actually any culture with emphasis on capitalism and economic growth) productivity will get valued above all else which leads to neglect of personal health, i.e: what toshiro was doing. so this is just a clown take to begin with
also interesting to me that almost every character in dunmeshi thus far has demonstrated some kind of racial bias/misconceptions (i.e: chilchuck about elves, senshi about half-foots, etcetera etcetera) and laios and falin are no exception. race and racial differences and conflict and coexistence is also one of the underlying themes in dungeon meshi, with the elves of the west being considered a major issue to many dungeon-goers and the mayor hating dwarves and having to contend with those elves, and then marcille's motive for studying black magic and even thistle's motive for being the dungeon keeper. so it's real fucking ironic that the fans are really quick and happy to demote toshiro to 'asshole side character who is bullying our autistic rep' instead of, you know, using nuance and thinking about it
tldr; dungeon meshi has great commentary on what it's like as an autistic person in society. but dungeon meshi fans are too quick to write off toshiro as an asshole japanese guy who is ableist and getting in the way of their white woman yuri, therefore helping to promote this website's enduring legacy as the piss-poor reading comprehension website
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spdrvyn · 2 months
I loved your post about Miguel x autistic reader and I really want more pleease
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overwhelmingly peaceful
summary: you found your place in spider society, but that didn't take away from the fact that it can get intensely noisy. you don't hesitate to turn to where you know for sure you'll be safe.
tags: fluff. suggestive joke/s. autistic reader. reader is gender neutral. hobie's here too i guess. author doesn't know how to write british slang.
notes: i'm really glad that you guys enjoyed the autistic reader drabbles i posted so i'm more than happy to write this request! projecting even more in this one, thank you for letting me self-indulge <3
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The mere existence of The Spider Society was always enough to astound you. You thought that people didn't Miguel enough credit for basically building the place from the ground up, not to mention how many times he's had to travel to different universes to recruit all different kinds of Spider-People.
Of course, you were more than honored to be one of those people. There was a very good chance that you just got lucky to be on his team, Miguel caught you in that one moment where your abilities were at their peak and your light was really shining through. Luck or skill, you didn't care. This was the result of it, you were content with that.
Unfortunately, the society has its downsides. Considering the sheer amount of spiders that pass through, the hustle and bustle is too hard to ignore. You can't exactly carry around headphones every time you're there because where would you leave them just in case you'd be tasked to another mission? So you just tried to avoid the noisiest places, even then, it's hard to get any semblance of quiet.
"Oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, as you silently glared at the cafeteria table next to you. Charisma was just a natural trait to any spider, with that came very boisterous laughter from other people too. Surely, they were nice people, but in front of your salad? Really?
"You good, mate?" Hobie intervened, he leaned his head to the side to get a better look at your face, a small grin came onto his features. "Lads beside you 've always been that noisy. Can get them to shut their traps if you want."
An inaudible sigh left your lips as you shook your head, combing the hair out of your face. You gazed down at your untouched food for a moment, you liked hanging out with Hobie. He understood you and he was funny, but you weren't quite sure if you could handle being in an environment like this right now.
"No, no- it's fine." He raised a brow at your lie. "Okay, it's not. But you don't have to do that for me," you picked up your small take-out box of salad and juice, "The canteen is just too much right now for me, sorry."
Hobie shrugged, picking up a fry and expertly throwing into his mouth. "No problem, always got my drummer to bother. You going to hang with your boyfriend now, eh?" His smile turned more cheeky and you stared at him meanly to take away from the fact that your cheeks warmed at his comment.
You huffed and stomped away, "Oi, you didn't deny that!"
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Miguel's office (a.k.a man cave) was dark and decrepit. For some odd reason, also liked a smell of any kind. You designated each area of the headquarters with a scent, but his area lacked any of the sort which you enjoyed. Not to mention, silent.
It wasn't like he really allowed any loud noise anyway, he had a strange list of items that were prohibited from entering his corner. Bells, blenders, on occasion, phones but that was from one time Gwen forgot to shut her alarm off and she got a small lecture on being considerate because the acoustics caused every sound that passed through to reverberate and increase in volume.
That means it would only make sense for Miguel to also hear your footsteps from a mile away, his platform already lowered for you to hop on and he's hunched over his desk. Sparks fly (not just from the sight of him, I swear) from the spot that he worked on and if you're not mistaken, there's a band wrapped around his head which meant he was wearing goggles.
You set your lunch tray down on the one empty spot on his desk before approaching slowly, you bend down to rest your hand on his shoulder and to lean your head against his. "What are you working on now, beautiful?"
Miguel put down the small soldering tool and took off his goggles, putting the freshly made panel closer to his eyes. "People submitted suggestions to make the wrist devices less bulkier," he blindly wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his thigh as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Why are you here?"
"I'm an assassin, I've come to take your life." You spoke lowly, ominously. When Miguel doesn't turn to face you, you pout. "The noise in the cafeteria is overwhelming," you shift and properly situate yourself on his lap.
"I was just about to head out for lunch," Miguel sighed, before placing the panel in a small container.
"So... back to the cafeteria? People are sure to go speechless from catching a look at you," you joke, but there's a somber fry in your voice that he doesn't ignore. His warm breath tickled your neck as he pressed brief pecks down the column of your throat, the low hum he let out vibrating against your skin. "Are you that hungry, hermoso?"
"What I meant was," he paused, brushing more hair out of your face, properly tucking it behind your ear. "I was going to head up to my place for lunch. Where there's no people?"
You breathe a small 'ohhh' and Miguel chuckled, "That checks out, actually." You nodded. "Obviously there's no people, would've been weird to have anyone there two nights ago when we–"
"Okay, that's enough." Miguel cut you off, nearly smiling from ear to ear. "Get your lunch, mi sol."
"My hero."
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sakuralovespossums · 3 months
JJK Teachers x Autistic Student Reader (Platonic)
Satoru Gojo 🩵
It’s obvious that jujutsu society still lives by old fashioned and bigoted ideals (ie. hating women and non-sorcerers) so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were also ableist.
As a result, it can be pretty challenging being a neurodivergent sorcerer student without options for accommodations or counseling, as if being a sorcerer student itself wasn’t hard enough.
Still, you tried your best to mask your autism and keep up with your peers the best you could.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Gojo though (the guy sees through everything, c’mon)
He would quickly take notice of your behavior and habits (stimming, disassociation, difficulty grasping social queues)
He suspects that you may be on the spectrum and looks into your student files to confirm. Once he’s proven right, he decides to do some research on it himself so that he can better understand and help you.
One day after class, Gojo calls you to stay for a minute so you guys can talk.
“Hey y/n! Mind if we chat for a bit? It’ll only be a minute!”
You feel nervous as you walk towards him, hoping you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Listen, I know we’re not exactly in the same boat, but I know what it’s like to mask around others all the time.” He says while pulling his eye mask.
He tells you he gets feeling different from everyone and having to put on a persona to make them like you.
“Just know that you don’t have to wear it around me. I’m your teacher and I wanna get to know the real y/n. Course, it’s up to you though. I’m not pushing.”
He then tells you that he’ll make the accommodations you need to help make your classroom experience less stressful.
And if any of those old geazers complain about it, they’ll have to take it to him.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he hands you a napkin with your favorite character printed on it.
It’s a gift he got for you from his recent mission.
You happily accept it and wipe your tears away before embracing him in a tight hug. He returns the hug with one arm as he looks down at you with a genuine smile.
He’s glad he could reach out to you and make you feel safe around him.
Since then, Gojo takes more note of your autism and accommodates to it however he can.
You’d think he wouldn’t care with how……insensitive he can be, but he does acknowledge the impact mental health can have on people. He couldn’t be there for Suguru, but he’ll try to be there for you.
He asks you what kind of foods you like/don’t like before he leaves for his missions, so that he knows what kind of snacks to bring back for you.
Makes sure you understand the instructions and materials in class. He’ll check on you privately, just in case you don’t want him asking you in front of the other students.
Will still make you the butt of some of his jokes (but it’s never to make fun of your autism).
He just finds your difficulty with grasping his sarcastic humor too good an opportunity to not poke fun at.
Can still come off as insensitive sometimes (it’s Gojo) but is trying his best. Just let him know when he’s said/done something to upset you and he’ll stop.
Sometimes when it’s just you two, he’ll listen to you explain your current special interests.
Imagine him listening to you talk about your favorite show on the phone while fighting a special grade curse.
“Mmhmm, yeah? Hold on a sec y/n.” He finishes killing off the giant curse in front of him. “Sorry about that, you were saying?”
He knows what it’s like to be easily overstimulated since his six eyes enhance all his senses. He also gets migraines a lot because of it, just like you.
If you have/had a Digimon hyper fixation, you’re his #1 student now. He will test you on your Digimon knowledge. You’ll both get lost in back-and-forth conversations about the lore, show, and games. If he deems you a worthy fan, he’ll even let you play his old Digimon games.
The highest form of honor you could receive from him.
When you and your class are out in town and enter a crowded area, if you feel extremely overwhelmed, Gojo will teleport you out of there to a place with less people.
Either that or he’ll grab you and turn on his infinity, giving you space from the bumping crowd of bodies around you.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be away from people for a bit, he’ll understand and probably leave a candy outside your door.
He knows you need extra help and accommodations with your disability, but he never treats you differently from his other students and knows you’re tough enough to handle whatever’s thrown at you.
You are a sorcerer, after all.
He wants to guide the next generation of stronger sorcerers where no one gets left behind, including those like you.
“Gojo-sensei, why are you staring at that corner?”
“Just trying to figure out why you’re always staring at it during class. What makes it more interesting than me?”
Nanami Kento 🥖
He also quickly notices your autism and makes sure you feel comfortable unmasking around him.
He does NOT tolerate discrimination/unfair treatment of any kind towards people based on their disabilities.
I imagine one of his coworkers at his old accounting job was on the spectrum and understood how challenging it could be for them. So he would try to help them however he could.
Because of this, he has more personal experience under his belt to better understand how to work with you.
He thinks it’s shit how a lot of society and the education system (both in and out of jujutsu society) are so unaccommodating to people with physical/mental health needs.
If you have a hyper fixation with bread and/or cooking, he’ll gladly listen to you talk about it however long you want while donning his usual stoic expression.
Don’t worry, he’s not bored or annoyed. As a fellow culinary lover himself, he’s genuinely interested in listening to you talk and will engage in the conversation.
The way you enthusiastically talk about your interests reminds him a bit of Haibara.
He admires your attention to detail and strong sense of empathy towards people, animals, and inanimate objects.
His low voice is very calming to you.
If you follow a specific schedule and/or organized, he’ll admire that too since he also hates falling behind schedule.
If you are spacing out during an important briefing about a mission, he’ll say your name to get your attention or gently pat your shoulder.
“Oh, sorry!”
“That’s alright. Do you want me to repeat what I just said?”
If you’re in a dissociative episode, he’ll calmly ask you what’s bothering you and help you work through it however he can.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be alone for a while, he’ll understand and give you as much space as you need.
He might knock on your door to give you a small packaged pastry. He hopes it helps.
He understands you may have some internalized ableism, so he makes sure to speak positively of your autism to help you build your confidence.
“L/n-san, why do you have a coat with you when it’s March?”
“Oh, well it was pretty cold this morning. And…well…it’s not anymore but…..”
“I see. That’s a rather smart decision on your part.”
“It means you’re always well prepared for anything. That’s an important skill to have as a sorcerer.”
“Thanks, Nanami-sensei.”
“………………….so can I try on your gogg—”
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buttered-milky · 5 months
Really enjoy that Gimli just pulls autistic rizz on Legolas. They are sat on horseback together. Nothing really brings up the topic, but Gimli starts going off (read: infodumping) about Algarond’s Caves. Legolas is just. Enthralled by this. So much so that he immediately plans not one but two (2!) dates for them to Fangorn and Algarond. And invites Gimli to wander middle earth with him.
Your honor this is peak weird guy rizz. The relationship dynamic ever.
IMO this was The Moment at least for Legolas.
I love them. Love that their dynamic is You Must Hear About My Special Interest and also What If We Did a Bit Mid-battle. They’re so ✨✨
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