#(it was not intentional i swear LMAO)
miguxadraws · 2 months
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something awful (Not the forum)
@spitinsideme i'm sorry
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…Meanwhile, somewhere in Gerudo Canyon
Link’s intentions were of good nature and he never intended to hurt that poor innocent Korok. However, he did laugh when they rolled and rolled mid air until they no longer did
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lightishpurple · 9 months
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I was gripped by the need to make this reference before anyone else could (no one else would) (it's an extremely specific basketball reference) (you would need to have watched Root last season) (points if you know the pattern on his jersey btw)
Jams are created by @andy-jam-blog :]
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mothslimes · 1 month
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projecting ur experiences(and outfits) onto ur ocs is normal and healthy
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forcedhesitation · 6 months
the “criticism” that larian should never have added good minthara recruitment and that that was just “pandering” to fans is so unbelievably ridiculous. what else were they supposed to do about the sheepthara exploit?? attempt to patch it out and likely fuck up plenty of people’s game files? the solution they offered literally just acknowledges the exploit without dramatically changing anything, other than the player’s ability to have both minthara and halsin in their camp. if you want to kill minthara, recruit halsin, and play an authentic good run, then do so. if you want to abandon halsin, attack the grove, and authentically recruit minthara, then do so. the sheepthara method being simplified and added into the game has absolutely zero bearing on anyone’s ability to play the game normally. some people are just making a problem out of nothing. perhaps go complain about something actually worthwhile, like the lack of content for wyll and karlach.
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karebear923 · 5 months
OK, before the year 2023 ends I just want to take a moment to mention this!!!
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Sea has seen 5 of my Instagram stories about him this year!!! He liked the first one, which was a birthday post to him!! 🥰
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The other 4 he has seen, and even though he didn’t “like” them I feel so lucky that he even looked at them!!! It’s not like he’s seen me since I’m not in these posts and my face isn’t in my profile picture either but he saw me expressing my love for him!!! 🙈 I’m so happy that he saw them and I hope he enjoys seeing all our posts in support of him and that they give him strength and comfort!! 🩵
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^ This is the only one where I forgot to screenshot him in the list of people who saw it but you can see his profile pic in the bottom where it says Activity.
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I hope he sees more of my posts in the future but even if he doesn’t I’m happy he saw these!! 🥰 I’ll continue to support him for as long as I can!! Sea, I truly love you so much!! Here’s to an amazing 2023 and an amazing 2024 to come!!!
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cyrassol · 11 months
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yes mr officer those are just popsicles i swear
[psst no they're not]
@ohnopeepo i blame you for this!!! the top one, anyway, the other is entirely my own fault
these are Vincent and Arden, two of my four PCs! i was gonna add a third one to the popsicle-sucking extravaganza but A) i got lazy (as seen on Arden's legs 😭), and B) i also got impatient lol
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furballfaggot · 9 days
ok its not entirely done yet (still need to put info on the back + color in the name) BUT the perlers purpose has been purposed
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materials: perler/fuse beads (paw, face) - kandi/pony beads + stretch cord (thing attaching paw to head -- fun fact: i made the way the paw faces match my dominant hand when viewed from the front) - old sterilite brand container lid (badge backing, wings)
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unusualwhatsits · 11 months
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Can this count as a WIP Wednesday if I never intend to finish it. Spidey!Will's design by Kidovna
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cartelheir · 2 months
even though the backstory i have up on my carrd is already shorter than i'd like, i really wanna make a shorter version of it in bullet points so that hopefully it's easier to introduce pat to new followers who don't feel like reading a multi-paragraph bio. but god there's just so much to much to unpack here
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grimalkinmessor · 10 months
What would an AU where Mrs Shigaraki managed to run away from her husband with her children look like? How would that have changed AFO and Yoichi's relationship?
Well, if we're still imagining that it's in a No Quirks AU, then it would've changed a lot of things!
The catalyst for their relationship (in my own headcanons) was the fact that Takashi and Yoichi were left alone to their own devices. If their mother runs off with them—let's say she has some family back in France that she can stay with for an indeterminate amount of time—then 1) their mother is still around to take care of Yoichi, and 2) the house is likely filled with other people, other relatives that give them all varying amounts of affection and attention. This makes MAJOR waves in what Takashi's original role would've been, because now there are competent adults taking care of he and Yoichi, there are multiple other people for them to socialize with, and their mother is there with the time to teach Yoichi right from wrong. In this AU, Yoichi likely learns about the wrongness of being intimate with family far earlier.
(Jesus CHRIST this got long. Under the cut it goes.)
Now, under these circumstances I could reason that Yoichi wouldn't develop romantic feelings for Takashi at all (I do not think I could ever reason out a way that Takashi does not love Yoichi in a completely unhealthy and mildly terrifying way) because he's got people around him to not only help him develop proper morals, but a healthier mindset that doesn't latch onto its one and only support pillar, because there are now other support pillars and all that love and affection and tension has a proper outlet.
BUT THAT'S NO FUN! So I'm gonna take 'Yoichi still falls in love with his brother anyway' for five hundred, Alex.
Takashi falls for Yoichi on sight, obviously, and as they grow up Takashi is ungodly protective of Yoichi. It's partly the lingering trauma from their shitty dad, and partly him being a possessive little shit. Yoichi doesn't go anywhere with anyone without Takashi knowing about it. The one time they took Yoichi to the dentist without informing him, Takashi attempted to chase the fucking car down and eventually crashes in through the fuckdamn skylight when they stop at a red light. After that everyone always either takes Takashi with Yoichi or carefully explains where they're going and what they're doing.
Now, in this scenario you'd think that the previously Mrs. Shigaraki would do something, right? Would scold her child? Try to reign him in? Keep him in line? NOPE. Because Miss Shigaraki still remembers every time she watched her husband beat her eldest son, watched Takashi take beatings meant for Yoichi without stepping in, even sometimes redirecting her husband's anger towards one of her sons on purpose to protect herself. And so does Takashi :) And he does not hesitate to remind her of it when she tries to parent him in any way :)) She keeps away from him, and he keeps away from her, and they keep civil.
Yoichi is the common denominator between Takashi and their mother, and though he loves his mother, as he gets older he starts to notice the fact that she keeps trying to separate he and Takashi. Putting distance between them, making them sleep in separate rooms, even purposefully trying to start fights and arguments between them. Yoichi's love for his mother fades a little when he realizes that she only really loves them when it's convenient for her to do so :') And when Yoichi keeps wanting to hug Takashi, sit in Takashi's lap, be carried around by Takashi, kiss Takashi—and his mother is the one that keeps pulling him away and telling him "No, you can't do that." "Stop that, it's odd." "You shouldn't act that way.", he knows why, yes, but he also is convinced by then that she's trying to alienate him from Takashi and make Yoichi hate him (she is).
Did I mention that Yoichi is still the pursuer in this AU? Because he is :D
Takashi is so busy trying to ensure that no one comes between him and Yoichi that he doesn't really have time to examine exactly why he's so determined to keep him close—and because of Mrs. Shigaraki always telling Yoichi why being so affectionate with his brother is bad and odd, Yoichi is the one who figures his feelings out first. And (I hate to say this it sounds like sacrilege lmao) Yoichi is an honest god spoiled brat. Not in the 'screams and cusses and won't share his toys' way; I mean this in the 'Yoichi smiles at people and they find him so cute that they give him whatever he wants so he comes to expect his desires to be tended to or to be given a damn good reason as to why they won't be" type of way. Yoichi nags and whines and pouts and climbs on you when you don't give him what he wants. Takashi will get quiet and maybe slash your tires or shave your cat if you deny him something—Yoichi gets far more manipulative when he wants something and you don't give it to him. He's very good at making people think that his ideas are their ideas. Yes Auntie Yoichi understands that cookies would ruin his dinner, it's just that he was playing really hard earlier so he forgot to eat lunch and he's really hungry so he just wanted one. Just a little one, for a snack. But if you think it's best to wait....Really Auntie, oh that's so kind of you, you're Yoichi's favorite forever 🥰
All that to say that when Yoichi discovers that he wants romantic kisses from Takashi, he throws a fucking fit when Takashi denies him. He cajoles and cries and shouts and all the while Takashi is shouting right back because in THIS verse, Takashi knows that they've got a good deal. They've got food and shelter and a hefty inheritance coming when their relatives die, and a cushy stay in the meantime—he's a smart boy, he processes the consequences of giving in before he processes the fact that he actually wants to. He knows that they'll likely be disowned if their family finds them, ahem, romantically entangled.
Yoichi does not win that first argument. He pouts and refuses to speak to Takashi for four whole days—practically forever for these freaks that have never been separated for longer than a damn hour—and eventually Takashi breaks, and they fight about it again.
The thing I didn't mention about this AU is the fact that the healthier environment actually DOES help Takashi learn a bit more shame, a bit more of a sense of right and wrong, and that it kind of does the opposite for Yoichi. But only slightly, in BOTH directions.
So the next time that Takashi breaks someone's arm, or sets someone's garden on fire, or cuts someone's car breaks—Yoichi finds out about it. He doesn't like that Takashi ruins other people's things or hurts them, but you know what he doesn't like even more? Not getting his rightful fucking kisses, that's what. So instead of being normal and telling on Takashi, Yoichi blackmails Takashi into being with him romantically :) After getting a promise that Takashi will never hurt anyone on purpose again, of course. That Takashi lies and agrees to, of course. Those rascals ✨
Takashi really doesn't need much prodding after that though—once he uncovers the root of his desires, they just get that much stronger, and Takashi is not really in the habit of denying his impulses, even in this AU. He's just learned how to be quieter about it and not get caught :3
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
I. Am a huge fan of characters interacting with their modern counterparts. If you couldn’t tell/hj
Another ASL Brothers one! This is also loose where you could switch to any of the brothers because it’s fun <3 anyways, one of the brothers from canon find themselves in the modern universe where their counterpart from there has gone missing. The problem is is that the brother that has traveled to this new universe has lost his memories. So the two other brothers have found him, took him in, and are trying to help regain his memories. Only some of the memories their sharing sound right, some sound wrong, and some sound almost right and almost wrong.
But then the kicker starts when the brother who lost his memories start showing off superpowers that holy shit how the fuck did you get that????? What happened when you disappeared????????
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shiawasekai · 4 months
Confession time: I have to remind myself constantly that the grimoire in Nela's hip isn't, actually, a weapon and grimoires fulfill another purpose in games and settings not called Final Fantasy XIV and Fire Emblem.
Nela would love the Ifrit Book Bonk if she ever saw it, though.
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embraquil · 1 year
The ending of totk was something I knew I was gonna be disappointed with but man I wish Zelda wasnt "cured" at the end :/ I knew it was coming cos the ham fisted need for a happy ending. But either way the idea of Ganon and the royal family being each other's demise in the end and having the average citizen of Hyrule needing to pick up the pieces themselves. Each nation dissolving themselves from being under hyrule's banner would've been so cool. But bleh get a Luke warm happy ending 😭
Okay I'm done complaining I swear
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inkykeiji · 2 years
does anyone else have a seemingly innocuous phrase that triggers the hell out of them because an abuser used to use it very often????? mine is ‘y’understand? / you understand?’ ._.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
UHHHH not many, just two
First is the typical post-game/next gen AU a lot of people make
The other one is based on my sims 4 playthrough (I learned how to use blender and make custom CC specifically bc I couldn't find a good one for Lamb's hair plus I wanted to make the crowns. They're just re-colours of existing accessories in game but I'm still happy with them)
Basically, most characters are humans, save for the bishops and some characters like Forneus. The bishops are gods that the human/mortals worship, and in their dimension gods are born and have to fight their way to the top, and currently these 5 are on the top (does that make sense???).
It goes similarly as it did in canon, Narinder becomes power-hungry, his siblings try to put a stop to it which leads to a fight, which leads to them trying to imprison Narinder but instead he manages to break free and flees to the human realm where he takes on a human disguise and now has to try and fit in. He can't return home, or he'd be killed or imprisoned for his crimes.
Lamb ends up being his weird neighbour who's very into the occult and is for whatever reason hellbent on making friends with him.
Ratau was a crime lord but turned his life around after he died and was shown mercy and given a second chance by Narinder, in exchange his loyalty. He leaves that life, goes into hiding with some of his old friends, becomes very devoted to the god of death and also eventually even ends up adopting little Lambert and raising them on his own. When he first sees Narinder it basically goes "Hmm that guy looks awfully familiar.....well, anyway-"
Fox is Ratau's ex crime partner and ex husband, and he's hellbent on hunting Ratau down for what he percieves as a slight to him.
Also Baal and Aym are Narinder's kids because dadrinder my beloved 💜 He and Forneus aren't together, she just wanted kids and he provided, but on the account of having his kids she goes with him to the human realm because she worries her sons won't be safe. Thankfully the other bishops don't know of their existence.
I decided to make Aym and Baal just a little unhinged as teens. They mellow out with age but they gave their parents many, many heart attacks when they were young
Also, the crowns are their own beings, so Narinder has a little buddy with him
I think Narinder's fake name was Nathaniel, or something like that?
Oh, also, at some point Lambert dies because of Fox, and Narinder already got attached to the weirdo so he risks his own hide to go get them from the afterlife, which us also how it comes out that he's the god of death. Lambert is surprisingly chill with it
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