#(she was but also that's an argument a lot of people use to not be called white)
nightgoodomens · 1 day
The Kate Winslet article you just posted made me finally go ahead and send you this ask. I don't think your David/Michael theories are very likely, just lurking for the drama. But it's absolutely hilarious how the naysayers point to the positive reception of Aziraphale/Crowley and use this as proof that David and Michael are happily partnered. Their logic is if they really wanted to be with each other then there would be no pushback from gay-friendly Hollywood.
But uh. David and Michael are well-known mainstream actors from way before Good Omens and the fandom doesn't represent media consumers in general. Do people not remember the massive uproar from the sizable religious-nuts contingent after Good Omens Season 1 dropped? Remember how casual cishet viewers in general insisted Aziraphale and Crowley being more than friends would be icky? Doctor Who fandom is STILL full of dudebro DT fans who acted like whiny pissbabies over Fourteen. Scifi incels and nostalgic boomers are probably a huge chunk of DW watchers!
I was into The Hobbit for a while. Personally I'm remembering Lee Pace and how he was forcibly outed because his orientation was seen as scandalous. Famous actor, gay-friendly Hobbit fandom, still made to feel small and dirty for his sexuality. Richard Armitage was closeted for years. Then there was the whole Ian McKellan outing his fellow actors thing. Ok, if media is so gay-friendly and the only reason Michael and David would get pushback is because they were cheating, why wouldn't they just use a narrative of "we didn't know about our sexuality until later in life and it's not our partners' faults, we're sorry?"
I'm not gonna deny that they probably have real love or at least genuine feelings for their partners. I just think the argument that there's nothing holding them back from being together if they really want to, therefore they don't want to, is full of plotholes.
Thanks for this, anon, that’s a lot of really good information. Even if you’re here only for the drama ;)
I will just add to it that both men spoke about the struggles they faced growing up too. Michael just very recently how he wouldn’t dare anything in 80s Port Talbot. David was in tears on his podcast, and also spoke about being called names. A lot of David’s podcasts were focused on coming outs where he was asking if it was worth it. Michael tweeted about being possibly outed by the Queen, asking if she has radical gay politics, talked about his first crush - who was a man - and how he processed it. Three times he mentioned him. Didn’t Anna RT a pic of him saying he’s bi (photoshop) and he liked it too? A man married/partnered to a woman doesn’t mean he is straight. And these men grew up in completely different environment than today and entertainment industry still has deep issues.
There are so many things that can be discussed and people can agree or disagree on, but suggesting that basically homophobia etc doesn’t exist is… so uneducated. How ignorant does a person need to be to everything that is happening around them to suggest nothing stops people from coming out and being themselves? That backlash doesn’t exist?
Sometimes, instead of shouting nonsense into the void, it is worth doing research and reading books.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 days
I can easily imagine a situation where Wukong is actually fem or trans actually. Like, China, especially ancient China, is a hugely patriarchal society, and Wukong is born into a matriarchal society. One that has a pretty significant language barrier considering Wukong describes speaking chinese or any none monkey language really as "speaking human." It's easy to imagine a situation where there wasn't really a good descriptor for what Wukong was to her tribe other than "Chief" or "King" or little baby Wukong not knowing the proper pronouns to a language he's not quite fluent in yet accidentally claiming herself to be King when Queen or Chieftess would be a more appropriate title. And history just... never realizes it was a translation mistake or that Wukong was actually a girl until MK becomes Wukong's successor. It could even be a situation where Wukong hid her gender when one considers the views of women at the time and the fact she spent several years in the presence of a very aggressive flirt and pervert, even if Baijie probably wouldn't have ever actually done anything just his presence done would make her uncomfortable
Just little ideas based in what you said about the story not really changing much if Wukong were female
I can def see a situation in LMK where Wukong identifies as a girl (personal hc is genderfluid) and just... got tired of correcting people.
Younger Wukong didn't exactly have the correct word for her status amongst the troop in "Human" language so she uses "King" since it's the closest. "Queen" didn't sound right cus that meant the King's mate from what she saw.
We know that Subodhi takes on acolytes of all genders, so he had no problem with Wukong (then Shihou) wanting to learn daoist & buddhist magic. He did think Wukong was a guy at first simply cus he didn't think to ask. He did have some old-fashioned "Women = Yin. Yin is bad" views though, and that led to a few arguments between him and his most outspoken student.
No one in Heaven or the Seas bothered checking cus "Thats a Monkey". Except for whoever was in charge of electing Wukong for the stable-monkey job - that was a directed hit at her (in ancient china female monkeys were kept around horses for luck/scaring off wolves). When Sun Wukong realised that she had been given a job even below a stable-boy simply for her body and/or gender identity, she flipped out.
Being elected a Peach Orchard Maiden was a lot better, which made her even more upset that she wasn't allowed to attend the Queen's Banquet - the Orchard Maidens got to go! Why couldn't she!? The real reason turned out to be that the other Maidens were actually the Jade Emperor and Xiwangmu's daughters - a fact that's often forgotten amongst even the nobles of the Celestial Realm. The Maidens hadn't been able to explain that it was an immediate-family-only party when Wukong decided to crash it.
Bonus for Stone Matriarch au: Xiwangmu immediately recognises a startling familiar destruction in this little demon. Like she's seeing a mirror of her younger self; a wild queen destroying the Heavens to prove her worth. The Queen Mother even pauses at the sight of the chaos on Flower Fruit Mountain, thinking she's seeing one of her own daughters throwing a tantrum.
Ofc the relationship between Fem!Wukong and the Brotherhood gets altered a bit. I feel that they knew Wukong's gender and supported her 100%. DBK goes full "You looking at my little sister, punk!?"-mode on anyone that even looks at Wukong. PIF helped a lot with understanding "human girly-stuff" when Wukong joined the Celestials.
Macaque knew from day 1, and it doesn't change his level of devotion to his King - though he makes a point of referring to Wukong as the "Beautiful Monkey King". Guaranteed to leave Wukong blushing. Macaque's own gender identity is a question mark - he takes what gender he can steal from others.
It also only served to reinforce Azure's projected martyrdom onto Wukong - who would be the best figurehead for the rebellion than a woman who suffers as much pain as the Bodhisattva Guanyin?
Tripitaka likely faints once or twice at the revelation that his bodyguard is a bloodthirsty woman - but quickly gets over it cus thats the least of his worries. Tthough he does panic at the thought of Wukong being like certain other female demons towards monks -Wukong quickly puts his worries to rest; Tripitaka isn't her type.
Sha Wujing and Ao Lie didn't mind but they made sure to have Wukong's input for when she preferred to be addressed as male - usually amongst humans or celestials.
Zhu Bajie on the other hand...
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It took Bajie a lot of rejection to get the point that the Monkey King was not a free lady. After a few years their relationship became a lot more "annoying siblings"-vibes, but the initial creep factor always made Wukong uncomfortable.
MK (he/they transmasc) discovers the Monkey King's true gender and *immediately* works to correct his language.
MK: "Monkey- wait, do you prefer being called King or Queen? I don't want to misgender you if possible." Wukong, surprised: "Uh, King is fine bud. It's sort of my brand now anyway." MK: "Okay! Never be afraid to correct me if I mess up." (*points to trans pride pin on his jacket*) :D Wukong, honestly touched: "Aww."
Later when the rest of the Noodle Gang meets Wukong, there's a little surprise - mostly from Tang who's rambling how all the translation inconsistencies finally make sense! Mei shrieks with glee - the Monkey King is "The Ultimate Girl Boss!". Sandy politely asks for Wukong's preferred pronouns if she's comfortable sharing them. Pigsy is a lot more understanding of why Wukong felt the need to hide her gender for so long.
Pigsy: "Let me guess, you pulled a Mulan cus of a certain... pervert in your travel party." Wukong: "Eh not entirely... Bajie figured it out after a few months, but by then he already saw me as One of the Guys. Felt weird to bathe or sleep near him though - dude stared." Pigsy: "Gross." Wukong: "Mega-gross."
Wukong's dynamic with Spider Queen becomes a bit funnier, since she likely doesn't know Wukong's gender. Second she learns that her opponent is "a fellow Queen" she gains a lot more respect for her. Female spiders are overwhelmingly the strongest after all.
If it becomes wide knowledge during LMK, then Wukong gets an intense public reaction, not just from fans (she tells Fire Star to deal with the media dumpster fire) but from demons that knew her back in the day that never knew and are surprised, or did know and are extremely proud of her for coming out.
DBK loudly declares "MY BABY SISTER HAS RETURNED!". The king he's been forced to fight felt like a complete stranger until Wukong started owning her gender identity again. He is extremely supportive to an embarassing extent. Red Son feels elated, especially since they're coming to terms with their own gender indentity.
And ofc a lot of this is me projecting as a trans masc person - I tend to automatically see Sun Wukong's as afab either way. This idea can have Wukong either as afab genderfluid or trans fem, whatever tickles the brain.
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5starluvr · 12 hours
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Paring: Kim Seungmin x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: Violence, blood, arguing, mentioned injuries
Wc: 7.5k
A/n:I’m sooo sorry for putting this series on hold.I’ve been really overwhelmed with life and I’m pretty much about to fail two of my courses BUT I’m finally done with all my exams so I’ll hopefully start posting again!
Spider Kids
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The rain hammered against the penthouse window, blurring the glittering cityscape of Seoul. Inside, Seungmin, still clad in his battered Spiderman suit, winced as he peeled the clinging fabric from his damp skin. Fatigue gnawed at him, a familiar ache after a night of battling supervillains and rescuing civilians.
Across the room, Y/N sat on the plush sofa, her face a mask of worry etched with the faint lines of past arguments. Her normally vibrant eyes were dull with unshed tears. Seungmin knew this look. It was the look that followed every close call, every late-night return.
He joined her, the silence between them heavy. He reached for her hand, but she pulled away, her voice tight. "Seungmin, how long can we keep doing this?"
Seungmin's heart sank. He knew this conversation was coming, but it never got any easier. "Y/N, we've talked about this. People need me."
"And who needs you?" she countered, her voice rising. "Because all I see is a man who walks out the door every night, not knowing if he'll come back!"
Seungmin winced. He hated seeing fear in her eyes, fear that was entirely his fault. "I know it's scary, but-"
"Scary?" she interrupted, her voice cracking. "Seungmin, I can't plan a future with you if I'm not even sure you'll have one! We were supposed to get married, start a family, remember?"
The weight of her words settled on him, heavy and suffocating. He longed for that life, a normal life with her by his side. But the city, the people, they were his responsibility. He couldn't turn his back on them.
"I can't give that up, Y/N. This is who I am."
"And who am I?" she whispered, her voice breaking. "Am I just the woman waiting by the window, praying you come home safe?"
Seungmin felt a surge of helplessness. There were no easy answers. He wasn't just Seungmin, the man she loved. He was also Spiderman, the city's protector. He couldn't abandon either part of himself.
"There has to be a way," he pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "We can figure this out together."
Y/N looked at him, a flicker of hope battling the weariness in her eyes. "Can we, Seungmin? Because right now, all I see is a future filled with fear, and I don't know if I can face that anymore.When do we get our turn at normal?"
He felt a pang in his chest. Normal. It was a word that felt increasingly distant, a forgotten dream in the face of his duty as Spider-Man. He reached out, his hand hovering over hers, but she pulled away, a silent rejection.
"There's no normal for us, is there?" she whispered, a tear tracing a glistening path down her cheek. The vulnerability in her voice cracked the dam within him. He pulled off his mask, the familiar weight a heavy burden tonight.
"There has to be a way," he pleaded, his voice rough with emotion. "We can figure this out. Together.I promise"
Y/N looked at him, her eyes searching his.
Defeat gnawed at Seungmin's insides. He knew a solution wouldn't magically appear overnight, but the weight of her words pressed down on him. "Look," he started, his voice thick with emotion, "This is a lot to unpack. Let's just go to bed and think about it tomorrow, yeah?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes clouded with a mixture of exhaustion and unshed tears. They climbed into bed, the silence deafening. Seungmin could feel the distance growing between them, a physical manifestation of the emotional  chaos they seemed to be standing on opposite sides of.
He lay on his back, staring at the rain-streaked window, his mind a whirlwind. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a soft voice broke the silence.
"Seungmin," Y/N mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. He turned his head slightly, just enough to see the outline of her form in the dim light. "You know I didn't mean what I said with bad intentions, right?"
Seungmin's heart ached. He knew. He knew her frustration stemmed from love, a fear of losing him.  "I know," he replied, his voice equally soft. He reached out a hand, hesitating for a moment before gently placing it on the space between them.
The touch seemed to bridge the invisible gap.  Y/N spoke again, her voice laced with a hint of desperation, "I just… I want a life with you, Seungmin. A normal life, where we can plan for the future without this constant fear hanging over us."
He understood. The fear was a constant companion, a shadow that loomed over their every happy moment. Scooting closer, he took her hand in his, the warmth spreading through him. "I want that too, Y/N. More than anything."
He pulled her gently towards him, his arms wrapping around her familiar form. The rain continued its relentless assault outside, but here, in the sanctuary of their bed, a fragile hope flickered.
"Maybe," Y/N murmured, snuggling closer, "maybe there's a way to have both. Maybe there's a way you can be Spider-Man and we can still have some semblance of normal."
Seungmin squeezed her tighter. He didn't have all the answers, but the sound of her voice, and the warmth of her body, filled him with a renewed sense of determination.  "Together," he echoed, his voice firm.
The next day the city lights bled a pale orange into the pre-dawn sky as Seungmin swung through the through the city, his heart heavy despite the cool air. He landed silently on the rooftop of the discreet skyscraper that housed the Sect Hero base.
Inside, the usual morning bustle was fading as  he found three of his teammates around a holographic strategy table, coffee mugs clutched in their hands.Chan was frowning at a projected map while Minho was cleaning his weapon with meticulous care and Han leaning back in his chair, eyes glued to a glowing tablet.
"Rough night, Spidey?" Han greeted, his voice laced with a knowing smirk.
Seungmin sighed, pulling off his mask and running a hand through his already messy hair. "You could say that." He slumped into a nearby chair, recounting the argument with Y/N the night before.
Chan listened intently, while his brow furrowed further. Finally, he spoke, "This is serious, Seungmin. Maybe it's time to consider expanding the team. Someone who can cover for you when things get hot."
Seungminsoffed. "No. This is my city. I won't be replaced."  His voice held a defensive edge that surprised even himself.
Minho, ever direct, snorted. "Being replaced isn't the point, Spider-stuff. It's about having a safety net. We can't have you constantly burning the candle at both ends." His gruff voice softened slightly. "You gotta think about Y/N too, right?"
Seungmin knew they were right. But the thought of another ‘Spiderman’ taking care of his city, his responsibility and taking his place, felt like a betrayal. "There's gotta be another way," he muttered, his voice laced with frustration.
Han places a hand on his shoulder. "Look, Seungmin, Spiderman," he said, his tone serious, "We get it. You're Spider-Man. You feel this intense responsibility. But you can't be a hero if you're constantly sacrificing your personal life. Maybe it's time to get creative?."
Seungmin stared at them, their concerned faces reflected in the holographic map. He knew they were right. He just had to figure out what "creative" meant in this situation
"Creative, huh?" Seungmin mumbled, rubbing his temples.  "Any brilliant ideas bouncing around those genius brains of yours, Einstein?" he challenged Han, a hint of teasing returning to his voice despite the weight of the situation.
Han snorted. "Actually, yeah. You ever heard of the Hero Academy program? City's been running it for a few years now. Trains rookies with basic hero skills, teaches them the ropes. Maybe one of them could be your..." he air-quoted, "...wingman."
Seungmin scoffed. "A rookie? Seriously? How much help would that be against, say, the joker or something?" The very thought of some inexperienced trainee fumbling around during a major villain attack sent a shiver down his spine.
Minho chimed in with a raised eyebrow. "Look, Spidey, even a rookie could handle the smaller stuff, the muggings, the petty thefts. Frees you up for the bigger threats.Don't be an idiot, Spider-stuff.”
Han sighed “plus we're not suggesting you throw some newbie against the Demolition Duo. But a rookie could actually help you in the long run dude."
Seungmin crossed his arms, a stubborn crease forming between his brows. "Look, I appreciate the concern, guys, I do. But this is my city. I know these streets, these villains, better than anyone. It doesn't feel right letting someone else take over, even for a little bit."
Chan chimed in, his voice calm and soothing. "We understand, Seungmin. But maybe there's a middle ground here. Maybe a trainee program within the sect itself? Someone you can mentor and train."
Alright, alright," he conceded, dragging a hand through his hair. "Fine. I'll look into it. But," he added, a glint in his eye, "don't think this means you get out of any training sessions, Einstein."
Han playfully swatted his arm. "Hey, I do my part. Besides, who else keeps your fancy web-shooters calibrated?"though their playful banter was cut short by a sudden blare of the alarm system. A holographic map flickered to life, displaying a pulsating red dot over the location of the attack. "Looks like The Magpie's back at it," Chan announced, his voice grim. 
Seungmin rose, his mask already halfway on panic rising in his chest. "I'll handle it."
Minho grunted. "You sure, Spidey? Looks like a big operation. Maybe you should take someone with you, especially considering…" He trailed off, a knowing look in his eyes. Seungmin's gut clenched.
He hesitated for a beat, the memory of Y/N's worried face flashing in his mind. The urge to confide in them, to explain the situation, warred with the need to be strong, to prove he could handle things.
"Nah," he said, forcing a smile. "I-I’ve got this don’t worry”
He knew it wasn't the wisest decision.  But right now, the thrill of the chase, the familiar adrenaline rush of being Spider-Man, felt strangely comforting. With a quick nod, he shot out the window, disappearing into the pre-dawn sky. His teammates watched him go, a mix of concern and understanding etched on their faces. They knew Seungmin was stubborn, but they also knew him better than anyone.  They knew the city was his responsibility, his burden to bear. And they knew, deep down, that tonight, that burden felt heavier than ever.
The city blurred beneath him as Seungmin swung through the air, a knot of dread tightening in his gut with each passing second. The memory of the pulsating red dot on the holographic map mocked him, leading him straight towards his own apartment building in the heart of the financial district. It was The Joker , alright, but the location of the attack sent a fresh wave of panic crashing over him.
He wasn't just worried about stopping the villain anymore. Fear, sharp and cold, gnawed at him. Was Y/N home? Had she woken up to the commotion? Was she safe?  Images of her worried face, her tear-filled eyes from the night before, flashed before his eyes. The guilt of leaving her alone, of not being there, threatened to consume him.
He pushed the panic down, focusing on the task at hand. He had to get to her. He had to secure the building before The Magpie could get to any valuables – and most importantly, before he could get to Y/N.
 Was Y/N home? Had she heard the commotion? The thought of her witnessing a villain attack, let alone being caught in the crossfire, sent a jolt of terror through him.
He pushed himself harder, the familiar cityscape morphing into a blur of concern. He could almost hear Y/N's voice, laced with fear, echoing in his head. His guilt gnawed at him. Maybe he shouldn't have brushed off Minho's suggestion of backup. Maybe having someone by his side wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Especially tonight, when his focus was fractured, his heart a tangled mess.
The tension crackled in the air as thick as the morning fog clinging to the city. Seungmin landed with a silent crouch on the fire escape overlooking his apartment building. Every muscle in his body tensed, straining to pick up any sound of a struggle, any sign of The Magpie's thievery.
Silence. An unnatural silence that prickled his nerves. He crept closer, his spider-sense tingling with a strange unease – it wasn't the high-pitched screech that usually warned of The Magpie's nimble fingers. He peeked around the corner, his heart leaping into his throat.
There, perched precariously on the ledge of Y/N's open window, was a figure that sent a jolt of confusion straight through him. It wasn't The Magpie's sleek black and white. Instead, a flash of purple fabric caught his eye. A sickeningly wide, painted grin stretched across the face of the figure fiddling with a crowbar – The Joker.
Seungmin's breath hitched. The Joker at his apartment building? This wasn't part of the plan. Panic clawed at his throat. Had he gotten the wrong intel? Was Y/N even home? He had to get to her, now.
The image of Y/N's worried face from the night before flashed in his mind. The guilt of leaving her alone, facing a villain like The Joker, was a weight he couldn't bear. He pushed the panic down, focusing on the task at hand. He had to secure the building, get The Joker out of there, before he could get anywhere near Y/N.
A surge of anger, hotter than any he'd felt facing The Magpie, coursed through him. The Joker was unpredictable, a walking, laughing nightmare.  This wasn't just about stopping a criminal anymore, it was about protecting his city, protecting Y/N.
He was about to launch himself into action, a battle cry forming on his lips, when a soft sound stopped him cold. A voice, muffled but unmistakably the Joker, drifted from inside the apartment. He was singing?.  It didn't make sense.  The off-key singing abruptly cut out, replaced by a terrified gasp. Seungmin's heart hammered against his ribs. Y/N! He lunged for the window, his spider-sense screaming a warning he barely registered.
A chilling chuckle drifted out, followed by the Joker's voice, dripping with amusement. "Well, well, well, looks like the little songbird decided to join the party!"
Seungmin froze mid-leap. Through the window, he saw Y/N pressed against the far wall, her face pale with terror. The Joker, a manic grin plastered on his face, held a wickedly glinting switchblade to her throat. Strapped to the back of her chair, a bomb – a crude mess of wires and a blinking red light – sent a jolt of pure dread through him.
"Seems like Spidey wasn't the only party crasher, sweetheart," the Joker taunted, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight. "But fear not, this little device strapped to her lovely chair? It's rather…sensitive. One wrong move, one little gasp for air from you, and well…" he trailed off, gesturing dramatically to the window with the switchblade. "This whole building goes up in a glorious fireworks display!"
Seungmin landed back on the fire escape, his mind racing. He couldn't move recklessly. One wrong step could spell disaster. "Joker," he said, his voice strained but firm. "Let her go. This isn't about her."
The Joker tilted his head, chuckling softly. "Oh, but Spidey, that's where you're wrong. This little game? It's all about you! See, this building? It's crawling with my little surprises, just like this lovely lady's chair. One wrong move from you, and boom! Instant confetti shower for the whole neighborhood!"
Seungmin's breath hitched. The entire building? Panic threatened to consume him, but he forced it down. He couldn't let the Joker see his fear. He had to play this smart. "What do you want, Joker?"
The Joker's grin widened. "Ah, the age-old question! Now, where's the fun in just telling you? Let's just say, Spidey, this little game is going to test your webslinging skills to the absolute limit!" The Joker's laughter echoed through the night, a horrifying counterpoint to Y/N's whimpers. Seungmin gritted his teeth. He was trapped. The city, Y/N, it all hung in the balance. He had to find a way out of this, a way to disarm the bombs, a way to save everyone , to save her . But how? He looked at Y/N, her terrified eyes pleading with him. He wouldn't let her down. He wouldn't let the Joker win. "Stay here," he mouthed ,despite the tremor in his hand. He knew fear could cloud judgment, and he needed her clearheaded. "I'll get you out of this."
Y/N gripped her chair, her voice barely a whisper.  "Be careful, Seungmin." Then, with a burst of speed fueled by adrenaline, he shot a web at the ceiling and launched himself through the broken window, back out into the morning ky.
The city lights bled a pale orange over the rooftops, casting long shadows that danced with the rising smoke from the flour explosion.  Seungmin's spider-sense thrummed a frantic warning, guiding him towards the source of the Joker's distorted voice – the building's central air conditioning unit, a metal Container perched precariously on the roof.
As Seungmin neared, a chilling cackle erupted from the vent shaft.  "There you are, Spidey!  Come to join the party?"  The Joker, a grotesque figure dusted white from head to toe, emerged from the vent, a manic glint in his eyes.  In his hand, he clutched a remote detonator, a cruel smile plastered on his face.
Seungmin landed with a crouch, his eyes narrowed.  Panic threatened to engulf him, a chilling image of Y/N strapped to the chair flashing in his mind.  He had to act fast, but recklessness wouldn't save the day.  He needed a plan.
"Let's cut to the chase, Joker," Seungmin said, his voice laced with a steely calm that surprised even himself.  He needed to appear in control, to throw the Joker off his game.
"Oh, Spidey, so impatient!" The Joker taunted, waving the detonator playfully.  "Let's just say, they're scattered like confetti throughout this lovely building.  One press of this button, and boom! Instant city-wide confetti shower!"
Seungmin knew the Joker thrived on chaos.  He had to take control of the situation.  "Why are you doing this?"  Seungmin demanded, hoping to distract him, to buy himself some time to formulate a plan.
The Joker tilted his head, a chilling seriousness replacing his usual theatricality. "Because, Spidey, sometimes the world needs a good reminder of how fragile it all is. A little chaos to wake the people!"
Seungmin gritted his teeth.  He couldn't reason with the Joker.  He needed to act.  But how?  His eyes darted across the rooftop, searching for anything that might give him an advantage.  A discarded metal pipe glinted in the faint light.  An idea sparked.
With a flick of his wrist, he launched a web at the detonator.  The Joker reacted with lightning speed, swatting the web away with a manic laugh.  This was it. This was his chance.
The fight that ensued was a whirlwind of movement, a deadly ballet high above the sleeping city.  The Joker, despite his age and seemingly flimsy physique, was surprisingly agile.  He dodged Seungmin's web attacks with ease, lunging at him with surprising ferocity.  His long, purple coat flapped wildly.
Seungmin used his spider-sense to his advantage, anticipating the Joker's every move.  He dodged a wild kick, using the momentum to propel himself past the Joker.  He grabbed the discarded metal pipe as he flew by, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
The Joker spun around, a twisted grin on his face.  But before he could react, Seungmin launched himself back at him, wielding the pipe like a bat.  The Joker, caught off guard, barely managed to block the blow with his arm.  The metal clanged, sending a jolt of pain up Seungmin's arm, but he ignored it.
This wasn't just about neutralizing the bombs anymore. It was about revenge for the terror the Joker inflicted on Y/N, for the city he threatened to tear apart.  Each blow of the pipe was fueled by a righteous fury.
The Joker, surprised by the ferocity of Seungmin's attack, stumbled back.  He recovered quickly though, a manic glint returning to his eyes.  With a shrill laugh, he lunged at Seungmin, grappling for the pipe.  They both went tumbling to the ground, A tangle of limbs and grunts, they rolled across the rooftop gravel. Seungmin landed with a harsh thud, the metal pipe clattering away from his grasp. A searing pain lanced through his ankle – a misstep on the uneven surface.  The Joker, fueled by his own twisted sense of amusement, straddled Seungmin's chest, his cackle echoing in the night sky.
"Looks like the spider got caught in his own web, Spidey!" he shrieked, raising a gloved fist.
Seungmin gritted his teeth, the city lights blurring at the edges of his vision. He couldn't give up. Not with Y/N still in danger, not with the fate of the city hanging in the balance.  He focused, pushing past the throbbing pain in his ankle.  With a surge of adrenaline, he bucked his hips, sending the Joker tumbling backwards.
Scrambling to his feet, Seungmin ignored the white-hot stab of pain with every step. He had to disarm the Joker, disarm the bombs.  His spider-sense thrummed with a renewed urgency, guiding him towards the discarded detonator lying precariously close to the edge of the rooftop.
The Joker, regaining his footing, let out a frustrated yell.  He lunged at Seungmin, a switchblade glinting in his hand.  Seungmin barely dodged the swipe, the blade whistling past his ear.  He couldn't afford to get into a close-quarters fight with a weapon like that.  He needed to use his agility to his advantage.
He launched himself into a series of web-slinging maneuvers, zipping across the rooftop, the Joker hot on his heels.  The night air whipped past Seungmin's face as he dodged the Joker's lunges and wild throws of the switchblade.  His injured ankle screamed in protest with every jump and turn, but he pushed on, fueled by a desperate hope.
Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind.  He shot a web at a nearby water tower, propelling himself upwards.  The Joker skidded to a halt at the edge of the rooftop, his face contorted in rage.  Seungmin hung precariously from the web, dangling just out of reach.
"Come on down, Spidey!" The Joker taunted, his voice echoing across the rooftop. "Let's finish this!"
Seungmin gritted his teeth.  This was it.  He closed his eyes, focusing his spider-sense.  He felt a faint vibration in the air currents, a subtle shift in pressure.  The air vent!  The Joker must have used it to access the rooftop.
With a renewed surge of determination, Seungmin launched himself back towards the building, aiming for the vent cover.  He landed with a thud on the metal grating, the stale air of the ventilation system rushing over him.  He ignored the sting of scraped skin and pushed open the cover, squeezing himself through the narrow opening.
The Joker's surprised yell echoed from above.  Seungmin tumbled down the ventilation shaft, the metal scraping against his already battered body.  He landed hard on the floor of the control room, coughing and gasping for breath.
He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the dim light.  There, in the center of the room, stood a complex web of wires and blinking lights – the central control panel for the building's air conditioning system.  And nestled amongst the wires, a red button – the activation switch for the bombs.
Seungmin knew he had to act fast.  He ignored the throbbing pain in his ankle and scrambled towards the control panel.  But before he could reach it, a chilling laugh filled the room.
The Joker, having squeezed through the vent opening, stood behind him, a twisted grin plastered on his face.  The switchblade glinted menacingly in his hand.  "Well, well, Spidey," he drawled. "Looks like the party's come to you.
The Joker's cackle filled the cramped machinery room, echoing off the metal walls. Seungmin's heart hammered a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He had almost reached the control panel, almost disarmed the bombs. But the Joker, with his manic agility, had outsmarted him again.
"Game over, Spidey!" The Joker shrieked, raising the switchblade high. But instead of lunging at Seungmin, he darted towards the control panel. In a flash of green light, the Joker slammed his gloved hand down on the red button – the activator .
Seungmin's blood ran cold. He had failed. The neighborhood , Y/N… they were all doomed. Despair threatened to engulf him, but a flicker of defiance sparked in his eyes. He wouldn't give up. Not yet.
With a surge of adrenaline that ignored the throbbing pain in his ankle, Seungmin lunged at the Joker. He tackled him to the ground, a desperate gamble to buy some precious seconds. They grappled amongst the wires and flickering lights, a chaotic struggle fueled by fear and determination.
"You'll never win, Spider-man!" the Joker shrieked, his voice distorted with rage. But Seungmin, fueled by the image of Y/N's terrified face, wouldn't be deterred. He fought with a ferocity he didn't know he possessed, momentarily pinning the Joker down.
"Get out of here!" he yelled, his voice hoarse. Y/N. He had to get Y/N out of here. He knew the explosion wouldn't be immediate, maybe a few seconds, maybe a minute. Enough time… perhaps.
The Joker, momentarily stunned, stared at him with wide, manic eyes. In that brief moment of hesitation, Seungmin saw his chance. He shoved the Joker off him, scrambling to his feet. Ignoring the searing pain in his ankle, he sprinted towards the ventilation shaft, forcing himself through the narrow opening.
Back on the rooftop, the pre-dawn light painted the sky in hues of orange and pink. He pushed through the pain, his lungs burning, his vision blurring. He had to get to Y/N. Now.
He burst through the broken window, coughing and gasping for breath. He found Y/N still tied to the chair, her face pale with fear.
"Y/N!" he rasped, stumbling towards her. "There's no time! The bombs… they're set to go off. You have to run! Don't look back!"
Before she could even speak, he used his remaining strength to whip out a web and slice through the ropes binding her. With a final look, etched with a mixture of love and fear, he pushed her towards the broken window.
"Go!" he screamed, his voice hoarse. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them back. He wouldn't let her see him afraid.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then with a tearful nod, she scrambled through the window and disappeared into the pre-dawn sky. A choked sob escaped her lips, but she ran, not daring to look back.
Seungmin watched her go, a wave of despair washing over him. He had failed. He hadn't been able to save the city, hadn't been able to save himself. He closed his eyes, bracing for the inevitable.
But just then, a powerful shove sent him sprawling across the roof. The Joker, a manic grin plastered on his face, stood above him.
"Seems like playtime's over, Spidey," the Joker taunted, his voice laced with a chilling glee. "Let's see how you do in the grand finale!"
The world seemed to slow down for Seungmin. The city lights shimmered below, a distorted reflection of the chaos swirling within him. Despair threatened to consume him, the weight of his failure crushing him. He was injured, alone, facing a madman with a detonator that could tear the city apart.
Yet, a spark flickered deep within him, a defiance fueled by the memory of Y/N's tearful face as she ran. He couldn't give up. Not yet. Not while there was even a sliver of hope.
Seungmin forced his eyes open, meeting the Joker's manic stare. A plan, desperate and risky, began to form in his mind.  "You think you've won, Joker?" he rasped, his voice laced with a bravado he didn't quite feel. "Look closer."
He gestured weakly towards the sky, where the faintest light of dawn was beginning to peek over the horizon.  "The sun's rising, Joker. You hate the light, don't you? It exposes the flaws in your little game."
The Joker's eyes narrowed. He hated being outsmarted, hated anything that disrupted his carefully crafted chaos.  Seungmin pressed on, his voice gaining a hint of strength.
"Maybe," he continued, "the bombs are just a distraction. Maybe the real game is proving you're not afraid of the light. Prove it, Joker. Press the button again. Show everyone you're not a coward hiding in the shadows.Cut the time."
A flicker of uncertainty crossed the Joker's face, a chink in his usual manic facade. Seungmin knew he was gambling, pushing the Joker's fragile ego to the limit.  But it was their only chance.
As the silence stretched, the tension crackled in the air.  The Joker's hand hovered over the button , his face a mask of conflicting emotions.  Was he considering it?  Seungmin held his breath, his injured body screaming in protest.
Suddenly, the Joker threw back his head and let out a loud, barking laugh.  "Oh, Spidey," he cackled, the sound echoing across the rooftop. "You are a cunning little spider! Always trying to play mind games. But you underestimate me!"
He raised the detonator high, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Perhaps the light bothers me," he hissed, "but the thought of all those screaming people… oh, the beautiful symphony of chaos!"
The Joker shrieked in excitement , his eyes burning with amusement . His grip tightened on the controller , his manic grin replaced by a snarl.  Seungmin knew he wouldn't hesitate to press the button now.
With a surge of adrenaline fueled by a desperate hope, Seungmin launched himself forward.  He ignored the searing pain in his ankle, his only focus on the Joker and the detonator clutched in his hand.
He tackled the Joker with a cry, sending them both sprawling across the rooftop agap. The controller flew from the Joker's grasp, clattering across the gravel.  Seungmin lunged for it, his fingers brushing against the smooth plastic.
Just then, a powerful kick landed on his injured ankle, sending him whimpering in pain.  The world tilted on its axis.  A sickening crack echoed in the night air as his wrist bent at an unnatural angle.  Agony lanced through him, momentarily stealing his breath.
The Joker, fueled by rage, scrabbled towards the object .  Seungmin reached out with a web strand, the last reserves of his strength leaving him. But it was too late.  The Joker snatched the detonator, a malevolent glee twisting his features.
With a maniacal laugh, he slammed his thumb down on the red button.  A harsh digital voice echoed through the night air.  "Explosion sequence initiated.Time cut in  half. Two minutes and thirty seconds remaining."
The Joker's laughter died in his throat, replaced by a look of sudden terror.  He hadn't meant to activate it so soon!  Panic flickered in his eyes for a brief moment before a twisted grin returned.
"Oops," he cackled, a hint of hysteria in his voice.  "Looks like playtime's over for everyone!"  He turned on his heel and darted towards the edge of the rooftop.
Before anyone could react, the Joker launched himself into the air, a purple He turned on his heel and darted towards the edge of the rooftop.
Before anyone could react, the Joker launched himself into the air, a purple
parachute blowing out behind him like a monstrous cape.  Seungmin watched, a mixture of pain and horror gripping him, as the Joker drifted away, a chilling echo of his laughter trailing behind.
The Joker's manic laughter echoed in Seungmin's ears even after he disappeared into the night sky. A digital voice, cold and unforgiving, filled the air: "One minute and fifty seconds remaining."  His ankle throbbed like a trapped bird, and a shard of bone jutted out from his wrist at an unnatural angle.
Y/N… where was Y/N?  Panic threatened to consume him, but he forced it down.  There was no time for fear.
Scrambling to his knees, the world tilted sickeningly.  Ignorance was no longer an option. He had to disarm the bombs. The control panel… it had to be in the ventilation shaft.  He forced himself to his feet, a wave of dizziness washing over him.
But with each agonizing step, a terrible truth settled in his gut.  He wouldn't make it.  The pain, the distance… it was all too much.  He was a broken machine, and the clock was ticking too fast.
Despair threatened to overwhelm him, but a primal instinct for survival flared within him. He couldn't save the city, but maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for him.  His eyes darted towards the open window behind him, the jagged edges a stark contrast to the blinding light above.
The digital voice chimed again, a cruel reminder of his dwindling time: "One minute and fifteen seconds remaining."  His breath hitched.  He wouldn't disarm the bombs.  He couldn't be a hero this time.  But he could try to live.
With a surge of adrenaline fueled by a sliver of hope, Seungmin lunged towards the window.  The broken glass tore at his clothes and flesh, a fleeting pain compared to the agony already coursing through him.  He launched himself through the opening, the wind whipping past him, a chilling song of finality.
He barely registered the screams from bellow , the blinding flash of light that engulfed the building, or the earth-shattering roar of the explosion.  The world became a blur of colors and pain, a cacophony of sounds fading into a distant echo.
Then, blessed darkness.
Seungmin blacked out before he could even feel the impact. He was a broken man falling and had no control anymore.
The harsh fluorescent light felt like a blowtorch to Seungmin's eyelids. A dull throb pulsed in his head, a metronome keeping time with the sterile beeps of nearby machinery. The sterile scent of disinfectant stung his nose, a stark contrast to the acrid tang of smoke that clung to his memory.
He cracked open an eye, wincing at the sudden intrusion of light. His vision swam, the white ceiling a dizzying expanse. Slowly, the room came into focus. Sterile white walls, a heart monitor with its jagged green line, a vase holding a single, wilting carnation. He was in a hospital room.
Memories flooded back in a sickening rush. The building, the glint of chrome seconds before the world went red, the heart-stopping noise , the jarring impact… then nothing.
His throat felt like sandpaper. He croaked out a weak, "Hello?"
A strangled sob cut through the sterile silence. Y/N sat beside the bed, her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking with silent tears. Seungmin's heart lurched. He turned his head, panic clawing at his throat.
"Y/N?" Her name came out raspier than intended, but it was enough to draw her gaze up. Her eyes, red-rimmed and glassy with unshed tears, met his.
A choked cry escaped her lips as she threw her arms around him, burying her face in his hospital gown. The scent of her shampoo, a familiar comfort, filled his senses. The world faded away, leaving only the frantic beat of his heart and the tremors wracking her body.
"Seungmin," she choked out, her voice thick with tears. "I… I saw the news. They said the explosion...and I saw the fire…" Her voice broke, replaced by another sob that tore through him. "And then they mentioned Spider-Man. Seungmin, I thought… I thought I lost you."
He winced, the memory of the near-death experience sending a fresh jolt of pain through him. He held her close, whispering reassurances into her hair. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm alright."
She pulled back slightly, tears glistening on her cheeks. "But you could have… You could have died, Seungmin." Her voice rose, laced with a raw desperation. "What would I have done without you?"
He cupped her face with his uninjured hand, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb. "I know," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "But I couldn't just stand there. People were in danger…you were in danger."
Y/N's eyes searched his, a mix of worry and a simmering anger swirling within them. "I know you," she said softly. "You're a hero. But you're also my hero, Seungmin. And the thought of losing you…"
Her voice trailed off, a single tear rolling down her cheek. He leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, the vulnerability in his eyes echoing the fear in hers. "I promise, I'll always try to come back to you."
She took a shaky breath, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "Just… promise to be careful, okay? For me? Don't you dare scare me like that ever again." There was a desperate plea in her voice, a fear that transcended just the potential loss of a hero.
He squeezed her hand, a silent promise hanging between them. The world outside the sterile walls might be filled with danger, but for now, in the quiet sanctuary of the hospital room, they had each other. And that, for Seungmin, was all that mattered. Yet, a nagging guilt gnawed at him. "Y/N," he started, his voice barely a whisper.
"Shh," she hushed him, nuzzling closer. "Just rest. You need to get better."
But he couldn't let it go. "I need to tell you something," he confessed, his voice thick with guilt. "About… about me,the Spider-Man thing."
"So,uhm…" Seungmin began, his voice still a little raspy. He squeezed Y/N's hand, finding comfort in her warmth.  "Remember how we were talking about Spider-Man and how scared you were?"
Y/N sniffled, wiping away a lingering tear. "How could I forget?" she admitted, her voice thick with emotion.
"They suggested I… train someone," he explained, his voice hesitant.  "An apprentice, someone who could learn the ropes and help out with the smaller stuff, the muggings, the petty thefts. Freeing me up for the bigger threats and eventually maybe…take over?."
Y/N listened intently, her brow furrowed in thought.  "That could be good," she admitted.  "You can't be everywhere at once, Seungmin. And maybe having some backup would ease your mind a little."
He reached out, taking her hand in his.  "It's not just about my mind," he confessed.  "It's about being there for you too. I don't want to put you through this constant worry every time there's trouble."
Y/N squeezed his hand back, her gaze filled with understanding and unwavering support.  "I understand," she said softly.
Seungmin squeezed her hand, a silent vow echoing in his heart. He was Spider-Man, the protector of the city. But he was also Seungmin, and Y/N was his rock. Together, they would find a way to balance his heroic duties with the life they shared.
"Finding an apprentice won't be easy, though," he mused, a thoughtful crease forming on his forehead. "There's a lot at stake. They need to be trustworthy, brave, and quick on their feet."
Y/N tilted her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, you wouldn't need to look very far to find someone brave, would you?" she teased, nudging him playfully.
Seungmin chuckled, his heart swelling with warmth. "Maybe not," he conceded. "But there's more to it than that. They need to be able to keep a secret, understand the risks involved, and be willing to put themselves out there for people they don't even know."
"Sounds like tall toddler ," Y/N admitted. "But you know your team better than anyone. They wouldn't have suggested it if they didn't think it was possible."
Seungmin nodded, a newfound determination burning in his eyes. "They're right," he said, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice. "Maybe this is the answer I've been looking for. A way to be Spider-Man and still be there for you."
A curious glint sparked in Y/N's eyes. "So, where exactly do you find these… apprentices?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.
Seungmin chuckled. "Actually," he began, "the city runs a program called the Hero Academy. It's for aspiring heroes, people with potential who want to learn the ropes, develop their skills, and maybe even one day join the ranks of the city's protectors."
Y/N's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A Hero Academy? That sounds… official. I always thought heroes were more like, lone wolves, you know, brooding on rooftops."
Seungmin laughed. "There's definitely some brooding involved," he admitted with a playful wink. "But there's also a lot of training, teamwork, and strategy. The Academy would be a great place to find someone who's already dedicated to the cause, someone who understands the responsibility that comes with being a hero."
Y/N pondered this for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "So, you'd be training someone who already has a basic understanding of heroics? That could be good. Less time spent teaching them the difference between a fire escape and a villain's lair, more time focusing on the real threats."
"Exactly," Seungmin said, relief washing over him. Not only did Y/N seem okay with the idea of an apprentice, but she also understood the logic behind it.
"So, what's next, Spidey-teacher?" Y/N asked, a playful smile dancing on her lips.
Seungmin grinned. "Next, I guess, is a little visit to the Academy. Maybe they have some promising rookies who wouldn't mind learning from the best." He winked, earning a playful swat on the arm from Y/n."And you know I’ve been at it for a while,plus being a hero is amazing, but…" Seungmin trailed off, squeezing her hand gently. "Sometimes, a guy just wants a normal life. You know, the kind with… events like this, when you and I have to worry about our future…."
A soft smile tugged at her lips.Y/n understood. The adrenaline rush, the constant danger, it wasn't something most people could handle forever.
"Are you saying...?" she prompted voice barely a whisper.
Seungmin met Y/n’s gaze, his eyes filled with a warmth that sent a shiver down her spine. "I'm saying, maybe after a few more years, when things have settled down a bit… maybe it'll be time for me to hang up the webs."
Her breath hitched. "For good?"
"Well," he continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "there's always the chance a supervillain decides to crash our retirement party, but…" his voice softened again, "mostly for good. I want a life with you, Y/N. A real life, where we can build something together, a family…"
The unspoken question hung in the air.Y/n’s heart hammered against her ribs, a joyous counterpoint to the city's soft hum below. Leaning forward, she closed the distance between them, whispering the answer he longed to hear, "Yes, Seungmin. I want that too."
Seungmin closed the remaining gap, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that was both hesitant and full of yearning. It was a soft exploration, a taste of what was to come. The taste of coffee and something deeper, a connection that transcended their years of friendship.
As the kiss deepened, a spark ignited, sending a jolt of electricity through both. It was a kiss filled with the unspoken words of love, relief, and a future brimming with possibilities.
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against hers . His eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, held a universe of emotions. "I love you, Y/N," he breathed softly.
Taglist: @juskz @blackhairandbangs @sxnset-angel @emossssss @hanjsquokka @feelikecinderella @starlostastronaut @kpopsstuffs @lixxpix @jinnie-ret @bangchans-angel @puppyminnnie @michelle4eve @kpopsstuffs @skzswife @saiko-skz @quailbagutte @briqnne @ilychee08 @dollce-exe
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etrsilk · 2 days
Hi! Can you do the main four X toph reader ? Like she's blind but can still walk on her own, fighting and do basic things,and how would they react to her using seismic sense and metal bending?
(By the way I love your blog so much,I honestly think this is the best hxh blog I have ever seen! Sorry for my English it's not my native language).
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₊✩‧₊˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⇝ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐡 .ᐟ
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙨: 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘢,𝘎𝘰𝘯,𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘢,𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘰
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 — ✘
˗ˏˋ ➛ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
⎝ 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚:: First, thank you so much, you don’t know how much this makes me happy ♡🥹 and don’t worry about your English! I'm not an English speaker at all either and when I reread the headcanons I published, I notice the HUGE mistakes I made XD and apologies for the delay! I had a very important exam to prepare for!! Then: know that I have very, very limited knowledge of the character of Toph and her universe because I never watched Avatar, so I did my best by learning as much as possible about her, her powers and her character ! But despite that I tried to do my best! ♡ otherwise it was a very fun challenge to do and I hope you like it!! (Also I really like the way you worded your request, I like it when they are specific and precise!! 🥹)
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 —𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ When he learned that you were blind, he was both annoyed, very surprised and curious. He felt quite a lot of power emanating from you; but can a blind person really live up to the strength he felt coming from you?
➘ the reason he was annoyed was because of his childhood and everything he was taught when he was younger, he places great importance on the power of others even when it is just a simple potential mate or a friend (or girlfriend 👀)
➘ Obviously, he has never been around a blind person so he has no idea of ​​the lifestyle of people with this disability and to what extent most of these people are independent or not, so he quite naturally thought that someone suffering from blindness struggles in daily life and needs a lot of help!
➘ And honestly, it would bother him to be in the company of a “weak” person given his lifestyle!
➘ But he remained with you, curious about what you could do in view of the presentiment he had about you and when he saw you fight so perfectly and manage in almost everything without his help, he must admit that even if he suspected that you were not weak, he had no idea that you were so powerful!
➘ To say he admires your independence would be a euphemism...he'll never tell you but he's really proud of you!
➘ You didn't explicitly explain to him the fact that you have powers and how they work, you just use them in front of him like it's normal lmao
➘ He was like "what?? What the hell is she doing"
➘ Needless to say he was particularly surprised and curious, of course thanks to his natural analytical gift he started trying to understand how your powers work….he half understood 😭
➘ The main subject of your arguments: “he thinks you are weak” because he often insists on giving you his help, as if you could not manage on your own; But no!! You are wrong, he is so aware of your independence! He just wants to help you as much as possible!
➘ Thanks to your personality, you help Kurapika to relax and laugh more often, and in general your relationship has good dynamism!!
➘ Kurapika would be really impressed and proud of you, he would really be in “that my girl”
➘ he thinks your power could be useful to capture the Phantom Troupe !!
➘ the demonstration of your powers not only reinforces his admiration for you, but also his affection!
➘ A bit like Killua, he's trying to understand how your powers work
 —𝐆𝐎𝐍ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ I can imagine Gon being there saying "such a powerful blind woman? OMG" but not reacting more than that
➘ Gon understands and fully respects your desire to be independent and does not interfere with that, obviously, he protects you enormously whether you like it or not because he cares about you and, obviously if you need his help he will will happily help with no judgement.
➘ Like Killua, he has never been around a blind person and therefore has no idea of ​​the lifestyle of people with this disability and their level of independence. So when you made him understand that you could manage just fine without him, he just let you do your thing.
➘ During your training sessions, you are used to setting yourself a lot of challenges! you are both very competitive
➘ He discovered your powers during one of your training sessions, you did it a bit to impress him because he was showing off his nen and his superhuman strength a bit!
➘ you simply said "so cool! look what i can do too!!"
➘ You placed your hands on the ground and began to describe your environment and these "movements"
➘ You then notice an old rusty metal plate abandoned on the ground. You grab it and start shaping the metal as if it were clay.
➘ he finds your powers really incredible and very interesting, he begs you to teach him and is very, very curious XD
 —𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎ꫂ ၴႅၴ
➘ He would be shocked literally every time you fight or are very dependent like "well if I went blind I wouldn't be like that..."
➘ As a doctor, he has already dealt with blind people and already knows that even if most of them need a little help with certain things, most of them manage quite well. So he didn't force it too much and didn't go too far against your desire for independence! ( So basically he had a very different vision from that of these other friends.)
➘ I think your relationship would be very intense because of your two strong personalities! At first, you didn't really like him (and he didn't like you very much either)
by revealing your powers to him, you only reinforced his admiration for you 😭😭
he thinks your power would be very useful in the medical field !
“I can do a lot of things too, okay?”
—English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
/(this made me so want to watch Avatar for the first time lmao, I honestly think Toph will be my favorite 😭)\
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misc-obeyme · 1 day
I remember when my older sister used to drive and I would ask to play some music, but she would never let me because she thought my taste in music was "wack." One time, when my sister invited her friend while driving, her friend had the same music taste as mine. As we enjoyed the ride with her songs, I felt like I got a form of revenge on my sister. After we finished driving, I told her friend that we had the same taste in music, and my sister always refused to let me play music because she thought my taste was "wack." The friend was highly offended and it led to an argument between my sister and her, and I walked away pretending like nothing happened.
What I'm trying to say is that it would have been funny if the MC had manipulated the situation and made the brothers get into a fight or argue with each other.
It would actually give them a complex personality, cause I always see them as goody-two-shoes and perfect silent human being.
Well, I have to say that I don't think MC would have to try quite that hard if they really wanted to get the brothers to fight with each other. They kinda seem like they do that a lot anyway?
Of course if you have a more manipulative MC, I'm sure they could easily increase the amount of fights between the brothers!
Generic MC is indeed written as being very nice and perfect. They do have occasional dialogue options that are completely out of left field and sometimes they do some things that are completely chaotic. But I think that's more for the humor than because that's how their character is actually written. Far more often, MC is the one that's working out everybody else's problems.
Perhaps this is why I like to hear about other people's MCs. It's interesting to see how other MCs would react to things because they always have a much more interesting personality and complex character.
It's kind of inevitable that they have to keep generic MC... well, generic lol.
But if you had a manipulative MC that does this kind of thing just to create arguments, it'd be easy to do amongst the brothers. I mean, all you'd have to do is like... choose someone for something and they'd already start fighting over you. I think it'd be more difficult to do this with the side characters. They don't already have that sibling rivalry going on, you know? Like could you even manipulate Barbatos at all? Let alone in such a way that caused him to get into a fight with Diavolo? Solomon would be easy enough, just tell Barb that he's in the kitchen or something lol.
Anyway, I wonder if they'd ever figure out what MC was doing? I think Lucifer might. And Belphie probably would, too. He's smart, but he's also manipulative, so he'd recognize the tactics.
Imagine if manipulative MC and Belphie teamed up. Neither of them would ever need to do another chore 'cause they'd just get everyone else to do them all the time. Either that or they'd cause so many arguments that the HoL gets destroyed.
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
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arty-cakes · 7 months
horribly curious because I've seen lots of different takes on this and I'd like to know what the general consensus is
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ante--meridiem · 4 months
Well. Potentially inadvisable message I sent a few days ago not really expecting a reply to did, in fact, get a reply.
#personal#for those with enough knowledge of blog lore to know what I'm talking about here:#I caved and messaged First Ex/Former Closest Friend again#out of a mixture of the fact that I keep circling back to that friendship breakup on an approximately monthly basis that I knew#I'd never be able to really let it go unless I at least tried once#and the confidence from my knowledge of him that if our positions were reversed *he* would have tried#in any case. He's not sure if we'll succeed in being friends again but he *is* willing to talk#on the condition (which I offered in my initial message) of me not telling any of the people we mutually know#that he ended up having issues with#that we are speaking with#& there is (unsurprisingly since there was clearly a lot missing from the stories I'd gotten) more to said issues than I'd heard about#which it sounds like he's going to elaborate on when we talk#I think the biggest difficulty for me in re-establishing contact like this is going to be accepting that he and my mother#outright despise each other now#which. l mean - I'd never claim she's perfect#she can be very blunt in a way that comes off as just *mean* and hurtful and I've been hurt by that too#but she's also been a much better parent to me than most people's parents seem to be to them#it's possible maybe even likely that if some of our arguments when I was younger had ended in us cutting ties rather than#eventually talking it through that I would see her the same way Former Closest Friend does#but they didn't and she's been at certain points amazingly supportive since#so it's likely I'm going to have a hard time reconciling the version of her he's going to present to me with that#even though I'm totally open to believing that he's justified in how he feels about whatever happened#& I'm not going to be able to process it out loud irl bc that would violate the 'not telling people involved about this' clause#so there may be a lot of venty personal tumblr posts coming soon to a blog near you
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biblicalhorror · 7 months
The most frustrating part of engaging in any of this discourse with pro-Israel people is that they claim there's just something ineffable about "seeing and understanding" how supporting Palestinian liberation is directly calling for the eradication of Jewish people (as if that type of rhetoric isn't exactly how actual antisemitism often manifests in online spaces but that's a topic for another day)
They get through people debunking the "the land belongs to the people of Israel anyway" argument and the "LGBTQ Palestinians are safe in Israel" argument and the "Genocide isn't what's happening here so you should educate yourself" argument and when all of those points are meticulously disproven over and over they still stand with "Well, myself and your Jewish friends see the hate you have in your heart for us" and it truly doesn't matter what you say at that point because even if you yourself are Jewish they will claim that refusing to support the state, government and military of Israel is inherently hateful and bigoted, as if a religious ethnostate is some inherent human right that is being taken away from them. I know many of them are blinded by the relentless propaganda that's been around their whole lives and how hard it is to break free from a belief system that is so tied to your core identity as a human being but it is so frustrating watching people being led straight to the point over and over again and just turning around and refusing to see it.
It's also so frustrating to see people using the momentum of this movement to casually tack on actual antisemitism to these discussions, as if having Jewish people in positions of power is why the US bends over backwards to excuse the actions of Israel and not, yknow, the fact that our government directly benefits from having a military stronghold in the middle east. I've talked to some well-meaning pro-Palestine friends irl who casually use antisemetic talking points because they've ALSO bought into the narrative that Israeli = Jewish and so they blame the actions of Israel and the IDF on Jewish people's "religious values" and ignore the fact that this conflict really has almost nothing to do with religion itself and everything to do with capitalism, imperialism and maintaining the US's status as a so-called "global power".
#dont get me wrong there are lots of people on the pro palestine side who are very much aware of and vigilant against antisemitic rhetoric#but i genuinely worry about some of my non-jewish leftist friends and allies falling down some super shady pipelines because of all of this#i spend a lot of my time on my public facing social media sharing articles and graphics and whatnot about antisemitism#and how careful we need to be when calling out these atrocities and our government's complicity in them#but when one side is genuinely claiming with no evidence or argument that being against colonial occupation is just antisemitism#it makes it so hard to call out actual antisemitism within these spaces bc it delegitimizes antisemitism as a concern#i just want to scream#like. im not even jewish and i vividly remember when we had a special lesson in girl scouts about how wonderful Israel is#and they had us make little mini versions of the israel flag and they told us that israel stood for the safety of the jewish people#and i came home and i told my mom about how cool israel was#and she promptly pulled me out of girl scouts#which at the time felt unfair because she didnt explain why#but also how do you explain the horrors of colonialism and imperialism to your newly zionist 10 year old#anyway the point is that if i as a non-jewish girl scout was exposed to that kind of propaganda#i can only imagine how inescapable it must be for many american jews in the US#and i truly empathize with the amount of unlearning that needs to be done#and how hard it must be to let go of some of these ideas#but that doesnt make it any less frustrating to watch these dynamics play out on such a massive scale#and i hold so much respect for people in white jewish communities re-educating themselves and standing on the right side of history#as well as for all of the people of color and especially American Palestinians standing up and using their voices as much as they do#personal
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theygender · 5 months
Does anyone have any good book recommendations that talk about transmisogyny in a way that would be entry level to like. A 50 year old cis lesbian
#especially ones that talk about the ways that our society primes even trans allies to view trans women in a negative light#my mom is trying but i think she could use some help understanding in a way that i dont think i could just talk her through#she seems to think my gf is more like standoffish than she actually is and she thinks my gf is being rude when shes emotional about smth#and im talking her through it from the perspective of like#'as a human being and as someone who is all too familiar with homophobia please understand what this is like from her perspective'#but i feel like. theres some unconscious transmisogyny going on here and i really wish my mom could understand that#but i dont think shes ever even heard of transmisogyny before. she has no context#i cant try and talk her through it from that perspective bc she would need a lot of background to understand what im saying#and i dont think trying to explain transmisogyny theory in the middle of an argument would be helpful#if i could recommend her a good book under the context that it would help her understand me and my gf as trans people#and if she read through it and took the time to understand it which i do believe she would#i feel like it might help her to kind of analyze if the thoughts shes having are influenced by transmisogyny and start unpacking that#and also importantly i feel like she could look at what my gf is going through not just from the human and lgbt perspective im asking her to#but also from her perspective As A Woman#bc i feel like theres a missing piece there right now. my mom supports us and respects my gfs gender#but i dont think shes looking at these situations in context As A Fellow Woman#idk#rambling
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
do i dare write the post looking at and trying to explain Queen Kristina's behavior? probably. i swear im trying to be less annoying about it but also like. i do what I want.
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cj-can-art · 7 months
saw someone on instagram call abby schmidt annoying and i think that maybe MAYBE we should move on from the whole "child doing child things = annoying" thing
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Starting pride month with the pharmacy denying me my testosterone prescription until mid-June and my doctor saying she can't do anything about it because it's a controlled substance 🙃✌️
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wingodex · 1 year
the fact that basically all the main girls in naruto are medic nin and literally none of the boys are sucks, but it's so frustrating with ino because it actually makes no sense for her to be the one on her team with medical ninjustsu. like, first off, the nara clan literally make medicine. why would shikamaru not be the obvious choice from that alone? but even outside of that, tactically it makes no sense. ino's abilities often leave her temporarily incapacitated when it's super important for medic nin to be mobile. both her and shikamaru are mid-range fighters so it has nothing to do keeping the medic away from harm. on top of that, she literally already has a job within the team as a sensor nin, so she's already spreading her abilities thin by have 2 specialties that don't synthesize well!!! and arguably her ability to use sensing in battle is more useful, but she can't sense and heal at the same time. and shikamaru can strategize and heal at the same time so... maybe one of her teammates should do some work for once, i'm just saying! she's literally a medic nin because she's a girl and for no other reason, which is why by the end of the series, she's almost never uses those abilities because it never made sense for her to have them in the first place! ugh!
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moodlesmain · 8 months
while im (takes a deep breath to hold back my rage) sympathetic to the fans of Those Wizard Books who're taking a death of the author approach so long as they're not supporting the series financially or actively promoting it and are sticking to fan communities, I really, *really* wish people would put away their merch. Because when I see someone in public with merch from it, I always have to wonder if I'm safe around them as a trans person, if my trans friends are safe. And that's a sucky feeling to have, especially when talking to people who otherwise seems perfectly fine and nice!!! A lot of HP fans are just, people!!! Who maybe don't know what the big deal is, or have chosen to deal with the problem by doubling down to spite the author!! But even when I know for a fact they're totally safe or even trans themselves, I don't want to be constantly reminded of the series whose author is an incredibly rich and powerful person whose whole agenda for the past several years has been to push back against the rights of people like me, and who people like my own god damn mother is more willing to listen to about trans people than her own nonbinary child.
I know it's irrational to feel surges of rage at the mere mention of a popular multimedia franchises, but while I know not every trans person is bothered by it, I also know that a lot of trans people and even allies *are* bothered by it. Just... begging for some understanding, and for people to just PLEASE dial back their fandom-ing in public spaces, especially mostly queer spaces. You don't know how much difference it might make in the comfort and feeling of safety for the trans people around you
#maybe this matters less in the US#or like anywhere else in the world#but in the UK............. please holy shit terfs are a bigger force here than anywhere else#PLEASE stop openly showing support for the multimedia franchise that made the one with the most mainstream influence insanely rich#that she still uses to prop up her arguments about trans people#do you know that she's claimed the fact that people still like her wizard books means that shows people support her beliefs?#do you know that she's compared queer people to the villains of her books?#do you know how much she hates us? how much she hates our transfemme sisters especially?#im just a short afab nonbinary weirdo#i'm not seen as a threat by anyone#i can't imagine how trans women must be dealing with this#vent post#technically#ugh#sorry this has been on my mind for a while and i'm in a weird mood rn#don't come at me for this just block me if you're going to be bothered enough by this#because if you do bother me i'll just block you first lmao#edit: not that not being seen as a threat is necessarily a good thing because in the case of us afab enbies we're mostly just dismissed#there's a lot of us but it also feels like we're so invisible outside our own communities#we're just assumed as queer women most of the time especially those of my generation who haven't had any opportunity to medically transitio#except the lucky few who were able to get a diagnosis relatively early in life#or had the money to turn to private healthcare#trans men who don't pass too#moodle rambles
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diapause · 9 months
I went to a Mabon gathering on Sunday and it just really made me think about how I was in a group of people whose identities are discoursed about online constantly and how it... did not matter because we were having a good time. like I am not wording this well at all but I don't get why so many people care about these things? other than the fact that they obviously spend no time with queer people in real life aside from maybe a few they deem acceptable.
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