#3 faunus 1 human
ursajr-rwby · 2 years
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So I made a team boyz cough.
They are team CHRT (Charoite) aka a purple mineral. Their themes are 'kings'. All of them are good noodles (most of them..I guess?) All of them are surprisingly well mannered and kind natured. And by no means are they perfect
They all have first name but no surnames hahaha ^^;
They are all currently in their mid 20's and have longed since graduated from Shade.
Clarence: King of Poison
A human passing faunus. (Blue ringed octopus) His semblance and mere touch to skin causes burning sensation to anything with an aura. His faunus trait is located on his finger which appears like rings. He is easily the most soothing voice of the bunch, kind, and not easily angered. However, his team has a deep fear for him, he frequently touches stuff (and is very self-aware) when he is using or not using his gloves. The mark he leaves on victims is like a blue water color edge. While growing up, he was initially told to never touch people as it would hurt someone. When he grew older, a person enjoyed mentally torturing Clarence in deciding between two options. Having had enough of this, he asked for a third option that would lean in his favor while using his power on the person. The person couldn't handle the feeling of the pain, and ultimately let Clarence win. Initially, Clarence was a bit regretful; however, he learned that he couldn't hate himself. So he embraces his ability without remorse.
Hans: King of Urien
He is a raven faunus. He is also the ex-boyfriend of Valhalla. He and Valhalla were always close (a little more like study mate turned love interest....but study mate first.) Both of them got a long great but Hans had a habit of barely passing major tests. When he and Valhalla studied for an entrance hunter exam. He noticed his grades were higher than normal in which he realized Valhalla used her semblance to have him answer a few right answers. He felt betrayed and humiliated and his trust for Valhalla shattered. He tried to forgive her but ultimately couldn't bring himself to continue with the relationship. Hans was ever so more studious at Shade and became quite the bookworm. His use of dust and fighting style is through his analysis of his opponent and then countering their attack. He might appear 'stoic', but he is fairly nice and straightforward. You can smile at him, and he will smile back. He appreciates hard workers and isn't really much into flirting with others. People could flirt with him and he may reciprocate depending on how well he knows and likes you.
Rufus: King of the Jungle (Tarzan)
He appears like a wild fun-loving man. While people use dust for offense, he uses it for parkour and creating obstacles. His semblance allows him to attract two (same element) deactivated/non active dust towards each other. He is actually adopted by two faunus that were former hunters. He wanted to follow in their footsteps so he sought out to become one. His parents (both were not on the same team nor did they ever have interactions during school) gave him a lot of advice. He was told that a team could experience hardship and that people sometimes do not get along because of clashing personalities, but that ultimately, he should still find a way to work it out as a team. Rufus is slightly naive at the comment and wholeheartedly accepted his team. Whenever his team does anything remotely questionable, he seems to not question it and carry his day out like normal. Out of the 4, he is most emotionally supportive person that anyone could lean on and has a truly gentle heart.
Terne: King of Lycaon
He is a wolf faunus. He is a replacement of Aomi that joined between 2nd and 3rd year of Shade Academy. He is actually an undercover officer (and 2 years older than his team). He is dispatched to Shade to help regulate crime activities and harassment in Vacuo. Thanks to his abilities, the crime rate dropped significantly. He is able to play mind games with target if needed and is the only person who is willing to play chess with Clarence. (Clarence likes to play chess even though he loses plenty of time to anyone.) Clarence enjoys making complex moves on the chessboard with anyone just to see the other person struggle...Aside from that, Terne is a bit more extroverted and is easily the easiest person to talk to. (He is also the most active member to actually make a positive difference.)
Aomi: King (Azure) Dragon
He is an aquatic (unspecified) faunus. He was part of team CHRT for a few years before he had to ultimately quit. He is very much a team player and has the personality of a kind teacher. He doesn't know Terne but still offers any help towards him. While with the team, however, he is stronger than Clarence (there is still an unfair fear that Clarence use when things do not go unfavorably), he lends his old text and books about dust to Hans, and likes to learn about different movement/ parkour from Rufus. It is rather unknown why he had to leave, but the strong speculation was that his parents requested him to come back after something catastrophic happened in his hometown. As per request, he decided that he should stop his hunting school activities to tend to his hometown.
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bumblebyweek-blog · 9 months
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Drumroll Please...
Bumbleby Week 2023's prompt list has arrived!
Day 1, Sept. 11th: Faunus Princess & Human Partner Day 2, Sept. 12th: Sacrifices / "Your life is more than a sacrifice for others" Day 3, Sept. 13th: Flowers Day 4, Sept. 14th: Cuddly Bees Day 5, Sept. 15th: Jealousy Day 6, Sept. 16th: Vampire & Human AU Day 7, Sept. 17th: AU Day Day 8, Sept. 18th: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
As always, we thank everyone who submitted prompts and participated in this year's poll! The official tags for the event will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2023 ! We'll send out another announcement concerning the tags once the date of the week nears, but for right now keep in mind that these are the main tags that we'll be paying attention to during the week! One last thing! We made a small mistake when we initially announced the date of the week. The official date is from the 11th of September until the 18th! That should be all for now! Once again, thank you for your support and participation! Make sure to check the Q&A as well as send us an ask if there are any questions! We can't wait to see what will be made this year! See y'all!
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arc-misadventures · 10 months
In the dragon Faunus au, what Adam up to or is it eve in this au?
The Splintering
Upon a stage before a throng of faunas strode one, Adam Tauras: He was called many things by his enemies: radical, extremest, terrorist. But, to his fellow faunas he was much more than the lies they spread about him; for he was a leader, an equalist, a hero!
Adam: Brothers, and sisters of the, White Fang! Here is our would be king! The supposed dragon faunas. This human in sheep’s clothing’s… But, do not take that as a note of disdain towards him. For he possesses many faunas traits, unlike use who posses one trait, with some minor additional sub-traits. Jaune Arc, the Dragon King possesses five unique traits! An elongated tongue, and retractable fangs that can bite through solid metal! Retractable talons hidden within his hands, the ability to breath fire. And, based upon the reports of our field operative, his majesty is currently in the process of growing horns, these are no doubt to become a crown that signifies his rank among all faunas. As our king!
Adam: Now, many of you have no doubt heard that his majesty has made contact with, Kali Belladonna, and High Leader Khan. They are no doubt trying to sway his grace towards their side. A side of human lovers…
Angry jeers, and cries of outrage echoed throughout the hall. Some even spitting in disgust on the floor at this revolting piece of news.
Adam: I know! I know brothers, and sisters that is grave news. But, worry not! For we will not allow this to stand! For the glory of the faunas, and for the glory of our future king! All shall see the true might of the faunas! For we shall send our most valuable assists to meet with his grace, and tell him the true might of the faunas!
As, Adam step back, a pair of fox faunas step forward, one with a tail, and another with a set of ears. The Albain Brothers, Fennec, and Corsac Albain.
Fennec: Brothers, and sisters we bring forth tidings of great joy; The legend is true: The Dragon King is among us!
The crowd cheered, and howled as the news echoed throughout the crowd.
Corsac: Legends for told of his, Majesty coming, for his arrival will bring forth a golden age for all of, Remnant, and more importantly, a better age for all faunas!
Fennec: His, Majesty may have aligned himself with the more… peaceful faction of the, White Fang. But, my brother, and I shall be heading to, Beacon Academy to tell him of the glory of the faunas, so that he will know how to lead all faunas to a brighter future!
Corsac: We must move swiftly before others dig their filthy claws into his, Majesty, and spread lies to him! But, worry not brothers, and sisters, for we shall set them right!
FC: For the glory of the Faunas!
The crowd cheered, chanting, ‘Glory to the Faunas’ over, and over again. Adam let them cry out for a time before stepping forward, and silencing the crowd before him.
Adam: Now, before we make our preparations for our departure to meet out, King, is there anything you lot want to ask?
Adam’s voice demanded silence, for he knew none would dare ask anything, forhis word was law amongst his brothers, and sisters. And yet, a single hand shot up into the air. Adam gritted his teeth as he held back a snarl within his lips.
Adam: What is it…?
A faunas with white streaks in his brown hair, no doubt a squirrel, or chipmunk faunas of some kind. He held out his scroll as he yelled out his question to those before him.
WF Grunt #1: Uhh… Question! Why are the males, and the female faunas having two separate meetings?
Adam: …
Adam: Eh…?
WF Grunt #2: Yeah, why aren’t their any woman here?
Adam: There aren’t any woman here…?
WF Grunt #3: Ya, ‘der’s just a bunch of boys ‘ere.
Adam: Wasn’t word spread among the ranks about this meeting?
WF Grunt #1: Well yeah, but they told the guys to come here, and the girls to go elsewhere. Why did you do that?
Adam: I didn’t do that! Did you two do that?
Corsac: We have nothing to do with this.
Fennec: This is a matter for all faunas to attend to; why would we exclude half of our kind?
Adam’s mind raced as he look about the crowd. He had no idea why this was happening, but he knew how to find them.
Adam: Where is this meeting taking place!
WF Grunt #1: In the conference hall. I heard they needed to use the monitor in there for something.
Adam jumped off the stage, and rushed towards the hall, a few other members along with the Albain brothers chased after him.
As, Adam reached the conference hall he saw something, and someone he didn’t want to see.
Adam: Ohh… fuck…
Adam could only swear in fear as upon stage before a picture of the Dragon King, was the one person he feared about hearing about the, Dragon King.
His older sister, Eve Taurus.
Eve: Hello ladies~!
The crowd cheered as she waltz across the stage, her large breasts bouncing with every step.
Eve: Alright girls, see this handsome bastard?
Eve pointed to a smiling photo of, Jaune Arc.
Eve: This sexy son of a bitch is the, Dragon King, Jaune Arc~! A short name that rolls of the tongue, that I for one love~!
Adam: Eve?! What the hell is this?!
Eve stopped in her presentation to address the sudden interruption.
Eve: Oh hey little bro! I’ll talk to you in a moment, Mama’s busy.
Adam: With what?!
Eve: Female faunas stuff. You wouldn’t understand.
Adam: What?
Eve: Okay! I know everyone here, especially me, wants nothing more then to pounce this handsome specimen till you look like you’re three months pregnant~!
Adam: Wait what?!
Eve: But, if anyone wants a chance with this guy, all of you must learn the does, and don’ts of seducing this man.
Eve: Okay, there are a few things you must understand about the, Dragon King’s faunas traits. First off, unlike any other faunas, Jaune Arc posses several traits, and is in fact developing more as we speak.
WF Grunt #4: Seriously?!
WF Grunt #5: How many traits does he poses?!
Eve: In total, he has five traits!
WF Grunt #4: HOLY SHIT!
WF Grunt #6: We usually have one main trait, and a few sub traits! But, five traits?!
WF Grunt #5: What are his traits!
Eve: Okay! First off: He has retractable fangs, and is capable of opening his jaw very wide like many snake faunas can.
A photo of, Jaune appeared on the screen showing his mouth wide open, sharp fangs bitting down, and shattering what appeared to be chains.
Eve: See ladies, these are the fangs that our, King possesses. Notice how he is capable of biting through threw metal. So don’t try to chaining him up, he’ll just break the chain.
Eve: With this he has, my personal favourite trait, one hell of a long tongue~!
A photo appeared on the monitor of someone pulling out, Jaune’s rather long tongue from his mouth, much to his disdain.
WF Grunt #6: Holy fuck!
WF Grunt #5: I’ve seen snake faunas with shorter tongues than that!
WF Grunt #4: And, thinner ones at that…
Eve: I don’t know about you girls, but I’m for one interested in finding out what he can do with that~! Now, another one of his traits is his fire breath.
A new photo appeared showing, Jaune roasting marshmallows with his fire breath.
Eve: Now this is rather self explanatory, he can breath fire, hence the moniker of him being a dragon faunas. Just be careful, and try not to get burned. So, sorry, Trifia you won’t be able to wrap him up in your little webs, despite the fact we all know you’re the one into bondage.
Trifia: No I’m not!
The crowd soon started laughing at the poor spider girl’s expense as, Eve continued on with her presentation.
Eve: Now a lot of you feline faunas know what’s these are like. Boom! Talons!
Many of the crowd, particularly the cat faunas oohed, and awwed, at his, once again, rather unique talons.
Eve: These are your pretty standard talons, or claws, whatever you want to call them; The talons hidden under the fingernails can appear on command, yada yada yada. Moving on! Now, there isn’t a photo for this one, for this trait, for this is the trait he is currently developing: Horns. He is currently growing horns.
WF Grunt #5: Horns?
WF Grunt #7: What kind?
Eve: No idea, our sources have just reported on this as a new fact.
Adam: How the hell did you find out about all of this?! You have way more detail on his traits than I do.
Eve: Internet.
Adam: Internet, seriously?!
Eve: Yep, faunas girls like to talk about a hot man. Now quiet, Mama’s busy.
Eve: Now, like most faunas, he also has two common sub traits: A heightened sense of smell, and sight. Now the first one here, his hightten sense of smell is very, very important!
WF Grunt #6: What’s so important about that; lots of us have a good sense of smell?
Eve: Well~! Here we have the lovely Milf of Menagerie, Kali Belladonna.
WF Grunt #5: Preach it sister!
Eve: Before, Kali Belladonna met with, His Majesty, he not only sniffed her out, but he was able to identify that she was the mother of, Blake Belladonna…
Adam: My beloved!
Eve: SHUT UP! Anyway, he was able to tell that she was her mother by scent alone. And, because of his heightened sense of smell, he can easily identify… A prime mate~!
WF Grunt #7: A prime mate…
WF Grunt #6: He can find this just by our natural scent…?
WF Grunt #5: How does he do that!
Eve: Behold! Exhibit A: Deputy Headmistress of Beacon Academy, Glynda Goodwitch~! And, I gotta say, his Majesty has great taste~!
WF Grunt #8: Hello mommy~!
Eve: Based upon reports, Jaune Arc~! Ahem! His Majesty smelt her natural body odour by accident, and went into a panic attack, mostly because he didn’t know what was going on. Now, that he knows that he can sniff out prime mates he hides the fact he smelling them out. He’s not doing it intentionally, his sense of smell is just that strong. Look for his nostrils to be flaring, when they are he has picked up a tantalizing smell~! Good, or bad is the question; he used this to hunt, Adam’s little spy so be careful.
Adam: He did?!
Eve: Yeah, so get ready for, Sienna to give you lot a beat down.
Adam: Eh?
Eve: Also, Sienna has been potentially marked out as a prime mate. Again, he has such good taste.
WF Grunt #8: Can you blame him?
WF Grunt #5: I’d pick her if I could.
Eve: So ladies, now that you know his graces traits, you shall now learn how to seduce his, Grace! No shampoo, or any scented fragrance, or at the least something weak. We gotta let him smell your natural aroma to know if he’s interested.
Eve: Next, don’t come after him screaming you want his babies. He’s a family man, you’re either in it for the long haul, or not at all. His preference are more on personality than your body, but he does appear to like the thic hourglass figure, and who can blame him?
WF Grunt #7: Whoo! My odds are getting better all the time! Suck it!
Adam: Wha… Who the hell is giving you all this information?!
Eve: An information broker on the internet.
Adam: You’re paying for this?!
Eve: Hey, ThunderThighs gives good information, it’s well worth the price.
Adam: ThunderThighs?! Who the hell is that?!
Nora: ACHOO!
Jaune: Bless you. Hey, where did you get all that, Lien?
Nora: Internet.
Jaune: Internet?
Jaune: …
Jaune: You’ve been selling information about me, haven’t you?
Nora: Yes, but this is mostly from selling the photos I’ve taken of you.
Jaune: Photos? What photos?!
Nora: …
Nora: Oops…
Eve: Don’t know, don’t care. All I care about is the results, and achieving our goal.
Adam: That goal is having him lead the faunas to a brighter future?
Eve: No, the goal, at least our goal is getting into his pants!
Adam paled as he heard the crowd of woman cheer, and howl in agreement at his sisters depraved words.
Fennec: How dare you! His Majesty is far more than this!
Corsac: You should be on the ground worshiping his Majesty, with the respect, and reverence he is due!
Eve: Oh, but I will. But, while you worship him in your silly little temple, I’ll be worshiping him in the bedroom~!
The men that had trickled into the hall mouths dropped in shear shock, and horror. While the ladies in the hall burst into laughter, and cries of agreement.
Eve: Alright ladies, now you know some of the does, and don’t, there’s nothing to be said, but this: ‘Happy hunting ~!’
Adam: Serious, Eve?! The Dragon Faunas has appeared, a being that will lead the faunas into a golden age, and your more concerned about bedding him; What is wrong with you?!
Eve: You’ll never understand woman, little brother. Haa…No wonder, Blake dumped you.
Adam: What…? S-She didn’t dump me.
Eve: …
Adam: Right…?
Eve: Yeah, you just think that, Adam. Now if you’ll excuse me; Mama’s is on the hunt~!
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howlingday · 1 year
Ruby: Hey, guys? You know how Jaune's a shark faunus, right?
Yang: Yeah?
Ruby: Well, what kind of shark is he?
Weiss: ...Blake?
Blake: It's... an interesting question. I'm a cat faunus, and so is my mother, but my father is a panther faunus, so I could have been like him, too. What specific species Jaune is, though...
1. Thresher
Weiss: Thank you for your help, Jaune.
Jaune: No problem, Weiss! I'm always happy to help!
Pyrrha: Jaune? Could you come here for a moment?
Jaune: (Turns around) Sure thing, Pyrrha!
Weiss: (On the ground, Dazed)
Fun Fact: Threshers have the longest tails compared to body size of any shark, about three meters (9ft) long. In fact, there is an old myth that they would hunt whales together with swordfish.
2. Hammerhead
Ruby: Whoa! You aced all of your classes, Jaune!
Jaune: Oh, it was nothing...
Velvet: Let me get your picture, Jaune!
Nora: OOH! Get one with all of us!
Jaune: (Covers face) No! Please don't!
Fun Fact: Hammerheads are the youngest and most advanced in the shark evolutionary timeline, which may account for their higher social interactions than any other sharks. They are also extremely shy.
3. Great White
Pyrrha: Jaune, could you do this?
Jaune: Yes, ma'am.
Yang: Hey, Jaune! You up for a spar?
Jaune: Uh, n-not really, but if you really need me to.
Nora: Jaune, I need you to do this thing!
Jaune: (Sighs) Yes, ma'am...
Fun Fact: Great Whites, despite being the largest of the predatory sharks, are conflict-avoidant, and the males are often dominated by the females.
4. Mako
Blake: Mm, fish- Huh?! How did you get here so fast?!
Jaune: (On his third plate) I ran here, just like you did.
Blake: (Grumbles, Sits next to him)
Jaune: Uh, Blake-?
Blake: I'm sitting next to.
Jaune: Uh, okay?
Blake: (Thinking) How is he always so warm?
Fun Fact: Makos are the fastest sharks in the world, capable of swimming up to 25mph, bursting at 60mph. They also have specialized blood vessels that allow them to have a higher body temperature.
5. Bull
Jaune: Hm? What's up, Ruby?
Nora: I'm not Ruby. I'm Nora!
Jaune: Oh! Uh, m-my bad... So, uh, what did you and Pyrrha need my help with?
Ren: Ren
Jaune: Oh...
Fun Fact: Bulls have small eyes, resulting in poor eyesight. This is commonly attributed to their poor reputation of attacking humans more often than other sharks, along with their ability to live in both sea and fresh water.
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aspoonofsugar · 10 months
Blake's Animus Journey
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The animus/anima is one of the 4 archetypes that describe the development and function of the human mind (according to Carl Jung, at least).
They are:
The Persona - What a person shows to others, the part of the self they wear as a mask
The Shadow - What a person hides from others and themselves, the repressed part of the self
The Anima/Animus - The feminine side of a man and the masculine side of a woman, the complementary part of the self
The Self - What the person is, as a whole, the sum and combination of all other archetypes
RWBY uses these ideas in many different ways. For example, each girl embodies 1 specific archetype:
Yang is the Persona - She is "more than meets the eye", which is the whole point of this archetype. The persona is what's worn on the sleeve and shown outside. Yang's whole character is built on her projecting multiple personas (eye-candy girl, badass fighter, pun loving himbo) to hide her vulnerability. This is also why she is linked to light, which is symbolic of this archetype.
Blake is the Shadow - She is "the beast that descends from shadows" and her own semblance is called Shadow. The shadow is what isn't shown, both negative and positive. Blake initially runs away from her mistakes and hides herself. Her story is about facing Adam (negative part of the shadow) and growing confident enough to reveal her true self (positive part of the shadow). Her "beast" symbolism ties into this because "inner beast" is another way to call this archetype.
Weiss is the Animus/Anima - She is queen and knight, Snowhite and Prince. The animus/anima is about reconciling opposites, which is the heart of Weiss's story. She is "the grandaughther of a hero and the child of a villain", she is a Huntress and the Schnee Heiress. She can hold her own in a fight and wears frilly clothes. This archetype is conveyed also by her avatars: the Arma Gigas symbolizes her masculine part and the Queen Lancer is the integration between the feminine and the masculine.
Ruby is the Self - She is both the microchosm and the macrochosm. The self encompasses all the other archetypes, so Ruby has her own story, but her story ties with that of the world. She is her own person, but she also deals with everyone's burden. This is why Red Like Roses is a song about her team. This is why every trailer quote can be applied to Ruby herself. The Ruby/RWBY duplicity symbolizes exactly this archetype.
That said, the RWBY girls deal with all these archetypes. This is because by integrating them one reaches self-actualization, which is the main objective of the characters and of the series, as a whole.
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Blacksmith: True balance finds its own equilibrium. It only requires love and the patience to see things through in the end.
So, Blake represents the shadow, but her arc also deals with the persona and the animus. In particular, she needs to let go of her dark and anti-social persona (the ribbon), so she can show everybody how good the shadow can be (her Faunus heritage). In order to do so, though, she also needs to grow more active and this happens thanks to her integrating the animus.
The animus/anima is linked to 3 ideas:
activity/passivity - the animus (masculine) is linked to proactivity and energy, while the anima (feminine) is associated to passivity and self-reflection
mind/heart or logos/eros- the animus symbolizes mind (logos) and ideals, while the anima represents heart (eros) and emotions
romance - a mature animus/anima leads to healthy and deep romantic bonds
So, the integration of this archetype is basically a person obtaining the traits they lack (active/passive and heart/mind) by growing mature enough for a long-lasting love story. Because of it, narratives often convey this psychological process through (usually) romantic relationships, which bring out the desired attributes.
This is the case for Blake, as well. Our cat girl needs to develop her animus (activity + logos/mind) and goes through a journey, which follows 4 stages. All are linked to different archetypal figures:
Tarzan: man as physical power
Byron: man of action and romance
Lloyd George: man as a professor or orator
Hermes: man as a spiritual guide
By going through all the stages, Blake becomes a full fledged individual and grows mature enough to be in a healthy and balanced relationship:
Blake: When you've been at someone's side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that's just it, they're only a part of you. Don't forget about the rest.
But how do these stages fit Blake's story? Actually, they are pretty easy to find because 2 factors make them obvious.
Each stage is linked to a specific character
Blake shares a song with all these characters
Bonus - the songs actually follow the right order :P
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From shadows, We'll descend upon the world, Take back what you stole. From shadows, We'll reclaim our destiny, Set our future free, And we'll rise. And we'll rise.
Tarzan is the "stud", who protects the woman and is linked to physical strength. Adam embodies exactly this:
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In the Black Trailer he is introduced as an incredibly effective fighter, who takes the lead in his and Blake's fight against the robots and even saves Blake physically. This fits his ideology rooted in violence:
You'll see I'm their hero I'll be lionized I have the strength to do what's needed Unify our people with no compromise Champion the truth until they recognize Lead them to salvation and regain our lives
Blake starts the story by Adam's side and this means 2 things, when it comes to her animus:
She depends on Adam's perceived prowess
She believes the faunus/human conflict can only be solved with strength
In other words, she is passive and her ideology is simplistic and radicalized. This last point fits very well a person who still has to integrate with her animus:
The animus is like an unconscious mind. It manifests negatively in fixed ideas, unconscious assumptions and conventional opinions. A person unconscious of her masculine side tends to be highly opinionated—animus-possessed.
Blake is initially animus-possessed, which is narratively conveyed by her relationship with Adam being abusive. Adam manipulates and enslaves her to the point Blake can't leave and is caught in her partner's dangerous mindset. Her growth lies in separating herself from Adam and finding her own path.
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation…
This quote has a double meaning.
It is about Blake finding her personal freedom and growing into her own person (active)
A person’s animus becomes helpful only when she can tell the difference between her inner man and herself.
It is about Blake finding her own ideals when it comes to the faunus/human conflict (logos)
A person must constantly question her ideas and opinions, measuring these against what she really thinks. If she does, the animus becomes an inner companion who gives her enterprise, courage, objectivity and spiritual wisdom.
These two sides are interconnected in Blake's arc, which really starts with her saying goodbye to Adam:
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And it keeps going with her meeting Sun, her Byron.
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Go where you need to Know I won't leave you I'll follow you like morning follows night You can run 'till your pain's through One thing I won't do Is let you go alone to face the fight
Byron is the wanderer who accompanies the woman into new excting adventures. This description is perfect for Sun, who is introduced as a stowaway who loves exploring the world:
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Moreover, the literal definition of the second stage is man of romance and action:
“I’m more a man of action,” Sun said. “Actions speak louder than words.” (RWBY: Before the Dawn)
Thanks to Sun, Blake grows more assertive:
In the second stage, analogous to the anima as Helen, the animus possesses initiative and the capacity for planned action. He is behind a woman’s desire for independence.
This is conveyed in their 2 major fights:
Blake and Sun vs Torchwick in volume 1
Blake and Sun vs Dragon in volume 4
In the first fight, Blake takes action to confront the White Feng. She investigates the robberies and discovers how much the organization has degenerated. In the second fight, Blake faces a giant Grimm to protect a ship. In order to succeed, she is forced to work with others, despite her stubborness on being alone.
What is more, the 2 battles are the result of Sun following Blake, when she runs away from a teammate. Both times, Blake is fleeing a conflict:
She runs from Weiss, who is linked to the human/faunus divide
She runs from Yang, who is linked to the consequences of Adam's abusive relationship
And yet, Blake is only superficially running away. On a deeper level, she is facing parts of her past, so that she can come back stronger. On the one hand she confronts the White Feng in volume 1. On the other hand she goes back to her family in volume 4. Sun stands beside her in both situations and encourages her to open up and lean on others:
Sun: So… have you told your friends any of this?
Sun: You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it's because we want to. So stop pushing us out. That hurts more than anything the bad guys could ever do to us.
At the same time, Sun helps Blake develop her ideas in regards to the faunus:
Blake: Sun… Are you familiar with the White Fang? Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me! Blake: I was once a member of the White Fang.
Blake: That's not the point, Sun! We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do. So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal. That we're still second-class citizens.
Sun is a faunus like Blake, but he is also different in the sense he is mostly ignorant on the history of faunus rights and movements. This means he has somehow of a simplistic vision, but also that he challenges Blake to explain herself. In other words, he helps her nurture her logos and ideals. This may be why they share a conversation about words:
Blake: No, it's okay. Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, "They are the personification of this word"?
After all, logos literally means word other than thought, so this scene symbolically ties with Blake's inner animus growth. Specifically, it marks a shift in Blake's mentality. Initially, she links others to fixed words. Still, with time she realizes people are not so simple:
Blake: At first I thought Adam was "justice", then I thought he was "passion". But over time, I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was "spite". Not "hatred", not "rage", "spite". He won't accept equality, only suffering for what he feels the world did to him, and his way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam, not yet at least, but I don't know how long that will last.
Blake leaves her black and white vision behind and embraces complexity. This is why Sun remains indefinite:
Sun: What am I? Blake: Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards "earnest".
Blake and Sun's relationship is a transformative bond, which keeps challenging our cat girl and helps her change. In this way, she finds a new inner determination to move forward:
Blake: I'm going to try and help her the way you helped me. You showed me that sometimes you need to be there for a friend even when they don't want you to be. I was drowning in guilt and fear, I tried to push you away, but you didn't give up on me. And I can't give up on Ilia. It's about time I saved my friends for once.
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This time The ways of the past we'll get over We'll climb Enlighten a new state of mind And now I'll stand with you shoulder to shoulder Out of the ashes a new flame ignite Rise up from shadows and into the light We'll stand undivided Our futures aligned A new brotherhood This time
Ghira is the only one of Blake's 4 animus, who isn't a romantic interest (obviously). Still, he fits because Lloyd George is the professor or orator:
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In the LLoyd George stage, the animus is the Word personified, appearing as a professor, clergyman, scholar or some other authoritarian figure.
Ghira is Blake's father and mentor. Not only that, but he is also an inspiration Blake repudiates when she follows Adam. So, our cat girl's healing journey naturally brings her back to him:
Blake: I should have left the White Fang with you and Mom. I should've listened to you, and I'm sorry. (turning away) I'm so, so sorry. Ghira: Blake, it's fine. We never held anything against you, and I never feared you would fail. The only thing I ever feared was that you would fall down the wrong path, and I am so proud to see you haven't
Ghira's immediate forgiveness is key for Blake reforging herself. She has hurt and left him, but Ghira doesn't hold it against her. He even highlights Blake's bravery in coming back and facing her mistakes. He answers Blake's shame with pride and shows people can forgive a loved one's mistake. This helps Blake with her twisted self-perception.
Moreover, Ghira is extremely important when it comes to Blake's ideals. After all, he is the founder and previous leader of the White Feng and the one who brings Blake up to be passionate about faunus right and political activism. By reconciling with him, Blake also reconciles with his ideals:
Blake: We're not going to destroy the White Fang. We're going to take it back.
She vows not to destroy the White Feng, but to make it as it used to be, better even. In other words, she vows to follow in Ghira's footsteps and to surpass him. And she delivers:
Blake: Humans didn't do this. We did this: Faunus. We did this to ourselves. We are just as capable of hate and violence as the humans, but I don't think any of us would jump at the chance to point that out. So why are we letting Adam do it for us?! By doing nothing and staying silent, we let others speak and act in our place. And if we're not proud of the choices they make, then we have no one to blame but ourselves. This is the message that Adam Taurus will bring to the world if no one stops him. But we can stop him!
Volume 5 opens with Ghira failing to make a speech and it ends with Blake succeeding. She inspires her people and finally finds her personal answer and belief-system:
Blake: You have to understand that all of you are looking for simple answers to a very complicated problem. And I can't give that to you. I don't know how to make hate go away, I don't. But I know that this kind of violence is not the solution. I understand that to ask you to leave your homes and protect Haven Academy is asking you to put your lives at risk. But that's what's at stake. So I'm going, and I'll stand by myself if I have to.
This is true also on a personal level:
Saber: Huh? You're just going to forgive her? After everything she did?! Blake: I am.
Ghira: She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older: That there is strength in forgiveness.
Blake forgives Ilia, just like Ghira forgives her. In this way, she also fully forgives her past self and moves forward. And her new found passion, hope and determination spread all around. To both Ghira, who starts a new movement and obviously to Ilia, who is saved in two ways:
Ilia: I still don't feel like I deserve the freedom you and your family granted me. Blake: Well, you're going to have to get over it, Ilia. Saving Haven had a huge impact on how Faunus are seen in Mistral. Now it's up to you all to take the progress and keep running with it. Ilia: Right. The White Fang may have been a failure, but with your father starting up a new movement, I've got more faith than ever before. Thank you, Blake, for everything. I wish you didn't have to go.
She is given freedom and she finds a new motivation in Ghira's new group. Her finale mirrors Blake's state of mind after Haven. She is a new person, ready to enter her finale stage of animus development.
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Nevermore Nevermore You'll torture my heart and my head Nevermore Nevermore Will I be afraid Nor will I run away It's behind me Freedom is finally here You may have taken the lead but I'll even the score You won the battle you won't win the war Not now and Nevermore
Hermes is the highest stage of the animus and the incarnation of spiritual meaning:
The animus mediates between the conscious mind and the unconscious. He is a messanger and a helpful guide.
Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us anymore. Keeping secrets, taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're gonna have to go to keep doing the right thing. Yang: Blake. Yang: We did… what we had to do. Blake: I know. But next time, I wanna make sure we don't have to, and I can tell you, ambushing a Huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing. Blake crosses her arms, and her cat ears completely fold over. Yang: Then, maybe we shouldn't.
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Sexuality for a person with such an animus is imbued with spiritual significance.
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As shown above, Yang fits this archetype. As a matter of fact, she and Blake are opposite, so they balance each other out, both when it comes to macro issues and in their personal relationship.
Their confrontation on how to deal with Robyn in volume 7 is a perfect example of this:
Yang: Do you… Do you think we should've told Ironwood about Salem, before he put so much on the line for Amity? Blake: Sounds like you do. Yang: I trust Ruby, but I think he deserves to know what he's stepping into. We all did. Blake remains quiet, her cat ears folding over a little. Yang turns and looks at her. Yang: You don't agree. Blake: Look around. The embargo, the military presence, the restrictions on assembly. He's a bit prone to overreacting. Yang: Yeah, hard to argue with that. Still, he didn't have a lot of good options.
The girls disagree on what is better to do. Blake thinks they should prioritize the stability of Atlas and Mantle, at the cost of lying to Ironwood. Yang instead believes Ironwood as a person has the right to know what he is really fighting against. In other words, Blake thinks about the macrochosm and Yang about the microchosm. This is important because it is just another way the bees are complementary. In order they are:
dark (Blake)/ light (Yang) > shadow/persona archetypes
feminine (Blake)/ masculine (Yang) > anima/animus archetype
macrochosm (Blake)/ microchosm (Yang) > self archetype
In other words, they complete each other when it comes to all the major archetypes. It is from these differences that an enriching balance is found. And the compromise they come up with in Atlas ties into it. They trust an individual (Robyn) hoping it will lead to a more stable situation in the whole Kingdom.
At the same time, this equilibrium between opposites can't be found without a proper inner balance, which is the result of the girls' individual development. When it comes to Blake especially, she has to:
Find her own personal answer to the faunus/human rift
See and accept others in all their complexity (light + shadows)
This last point especially ties with the animus journey, which is about seeing a partner as an individual with both flaws and strengths. This fits Yang in particular:
Blake: And I'll protect you. At this, Yang's eyes widen and her expression turns into a frown.
Adam: Heh, do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to scare me away so you won't have to die trying to protect her?
The major conflict upon Blake and Yang's reunion in volume 6 is that they struggle to symbolically reconcile the feminine and the masculine, the damsel and the knight. The answer is that there are not such specific roles in their relationship:
Blake: She's not protecting me, Adam. And I'm not protecting her. We're protecting each other.
They are both damsels and knights, beauties and beasts. Yang is the embodyment of strength in Blake's eyes. Still, she is also a person with her own vulnerabilities. And Blake is ready to accept all about her.
The same goes for Yang too, who is able to defeat Adam specifically because she never loses sight of Blake. She knows who Blake really is and is ready to embrace her as a whole:
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Bumbleby's fight against Adam is the moment they affirm their own complementarity and willingness to see each other as wholes. The bridge scene in volume 9 is a top off and confirmation of this wish.
Blake: I… think, you're an extraordinary person.You're… always the first to lighten a situation. You act bravely, when you're afraid. You do what you say.
Yang: Even when they (people) hurt you. You never give up. You know what matters to you.
They can see the beauty in each other and also accept the other's beast:
Yang: I like that you've never been intimidated by me. Even when you didn't like me all that much. Blake: I was a little wary of people in general. Yang: But you never gave up on them.
At the same time, they reach the platform and so symbolically unity because once again they are complementary. Blake is mind (the result of her animus integration). She's got "a really good brain" and eventually figures out what they have to do to move forward on the bridge:
Blake: Maybe it's… saying things we never said. To each other.
Yang is heart (the result of her anima integration). She is the one who starts complimenting Blake first and opens up a path for them. Eventually, she is the one who starts the confession and shows vulnerability, leading them both on the platform:
Blake: (in thought) I think we're already falling. (turns to Yang) Just, say it, Yang. Yang: I think I love you.
There they unite, which marks Blake's final step of integration with her animus.
This was a short summary of Blake's arc through the anima/animus lens. One final thing to add is that this specific way to interpret her story also fits with her fairy tale: The Beauty and the Beast.
This story can, in fact, be read in 2 different and complementary ways:
It is the story of how an individual can combine light (beauty) and shadow (beast) into one harmonic unit > persona and shadow
It is the story of 2 individuals, one encarnating the masculine (beast) and the other the feminine (beauty), who forge a strong relationship and find balance > anima/animus
This is really Blake's arc in a nutshell, so it is really fitting she is the RWBY embodyment of Beauty&Beast!
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strqyr · 9 months
Here are some dots for you to connect: 1) Raven guards the Relic of Knowledge, but her Amity Arena bio puts emphasis on Choice 2) Ozpin says he took extra precautions when hiding the Relic of Choice (there is a fan theory that it is not at Beacon) 3) the Relics attract Grimm 4) when Yang went looking for Raven with Ruby, she found an abandoned house full of Grimm 5) in the Fairy Tale of the Indecisive King, the Relic of Choice drives the King insane with knowledge of the future
okay, so. i have many thoughts on this so apologizes beforehand if i start rambling a lot and this all goes all over the place.
anyway, starting with the vaults: i'm assuming the vaults were made by the god of light to keep the relics safe until ozma found them, and thus originally ozma was the key to all of them via the four blessings he has, and by giving one blessing to one maiden each (the wizard summoned as much of his magic as he could, and bestowed it upon four maidens), the maidens became the key to their respective blessing (winter for creation, summer for destruction, etc.)
if this is the case, then i doubt that ozpin managed to do anything to the beacon vault that would necessarily alter the vault itself, bc it's not in the realm of his magical abilities; that is to say, if it's currently not at beacon, i'm doubtful it has ever been there in the first place—unless this can be filed under "who knows what else ozpin has hid from us over the eyes" in which case, well. what i just said goes out the window lol. anyway, thanks to the haven vault, we also have some level of understanding of what "more challenging" might mean: the haven vault had a secret elevator revealed by a pocket watch inserted into a slot meant for it in a statue. so whatever ozpins means by "more challenging", it needs to go beyond additional object as a key to reveal the entrance to the area were the vault resides.
so, let's talk about choice for a moment. every chance they get, choice is, to an extent, categorized as change. humanity was given choice, the ability to use the knowledge they had gathered and to choose between the paths of light and darkness. the shallow sea is a story about humans having the choice to join the god of animals on their island, to jump into the waters below and turn into what would become faunus. ascension is about change, but the tree doesn't force anyone to ascend; afterans can ignore the call, or in some other cases they can be stopped from ascending by someone else, and whatever they become afterwards is their choice to make, by using information they gathered in their previous life.
(perhaps it's interesting then, that no matter how much knowledge the cat has, no matter how much they learn, they don't have the choice to ascend.)
ozpin gave the branwen twins a choice to accept the gift he offered in form of shapeshifting. they accepted, just like the maidens did before them. the maidens became keys to the vaults... if an object as an additional security to a vault is out of question, what's the step above that? is it another person? perhaps.... two?
it doesn't surprise me that choice pops up so much with raven; she is the maiden of knowledge, and choice is to knowledge as creation is to destruction: they're two sides of the same coin. you really can't have one without the other. but it's the weight behind it—and how the crown in the story gives a glimpse of future and how sure raven was the ozpin would fail and beacon would fall—that gives it the air of "maybe there's something more to this", and based on what we do know, the safest bet currently is that the shapeshifting came with something extra that raven and qrow probably didn't agree to (and that maybe, raven found out.)
(it would also be funny if by "more challenging" ozpin really meant "good luck getting raven to cooperate lol")
as for the location of the beacon vault... i've discussed this to much detail and i've gone between "ozpin said the tower couldn't fall and all those (now destroyed) gears could probably do something fancy if the long memory with its gears can store kinetic energy" and "tai is sus for being so vague about his reasons for not going after ruby—"i've got to... look after some things."—and staying solidly on patch no matter what" and at this... in universe it's been over a year since the fall of beacon and whoever coughsummercough is looking for the vault at beacon is not succeeding at it even after all this time, so that does maaaaaybe give more credence to the possibility that is has never been there in the first place? but if it's on patch, then it probably wasn't a secret all of team strq was aware of—and i think it's interesting how qrow says "summer secret" so... casually? like, the summer rose who never lies? which makes it sound like keeping oz-related secrets from each other was the norm for team strq and this was understood across the board and trying to fish for more information was a no-go from the start—so it being a secret tai had to keep would make sense. and if that's the case, then the old abandoned building that was probably tai and raven's old home since yang thought she could find raven there would be the prime suspect.
but really, i have no idea where the vault actually could be located at. i'm more certain that raven and qrow are extra keys to its exact location, but the vault itself could be anywhere: could be at beacon, could be on patch, or forever fall, or somewhere in the ruins of emerald forest where new students choose a relic that puts them onto teams... could be mountain glenn.
honestly, if change is central to choice, then who knows, maybe it moves around between few select locations. could be all of the above. let the vault be free to choose lmao
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
A kind of body change AU Blake wakes up and sees that she is human as he searches for Yang and discovers that Yang is now a faunus. Unlike a dragon I like to think of Yang as a Tiger or a Lion.
Team RWBY returns to their shared room at Shade Academy after clearing out a horde of Grimm located in what locals have deemed the Cursed Faunus's Lost Citadel. After cleaning up, they all hunker down for a well-deserved night's rest.
Blake: (waking up in the middle of the night) What the?! (looks around in a panic) Why is everything dark?!
Weiss: (groaning) Because it's night...
Blake: It's night, and I'm a Faunus!
Weiss: Oh... (snaps straight up) OH!
Ruby: (groaning) What's going on?
Weiss: Blake can't see!
Ruby: Uh...okay? (lays back down only to shoot up again a few seconds later) OH, COOKIE CRUMBS!!!
Blake: (stumbles out of bed and shakes Yang awake) Yang, Yang, wake up! Something's wrong! I can't see!
Yang: (grumbling as she wakes up) What? What's wrong? (opens eyes and blinks blearily) Blake, why are you in grayscale? What happened to your ears?
Blake: What? Grayscale? Yang, it's pitch black in here.
Ruby: (falling out of bed, stubbing her toe on a desk, and reaching for the lamp) Light in 3...2...1!
A dull, yellow glow illuminates the room and everyone gasps. Blake's cat ears are gone, and Yang has a burnt orange and black striped tiger tail sticking out of her lower back.
RWBY: (screams indistinctly)
Thanks for the idea, Anon! Unfortunately, now I have a whole idea for a fun little story with this. Curse you for putting another fic idea into my head!
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constantvariations · 5 months
What about the crew members?
I cannot get over this line from the black trailer for a few reasons:
1. This is a world where there's fully functional soldier robots and AI. Why is the train manned by people in the first place? Jacques clearly motivated by money, so the less people he has to pay the better
2. We never see these supposed crew members, so there's no chance of having a visceral reaction to either their safety or demise. The only SDC workers we ever see iirc are the ones from the Adam short who smirk after throwing a smoke bomb. If we were meant to sympathize with them, it would've been better to make them shaking and scared because they're maintenance engineers instead of security (because having two types of security is expensive and stupid)
3. The SDC is enslaving and branding people, and everyone not fighting it is complicit. Blake has rescued Faunus from literal cages in SDC factories and has seen Adam's face, so she knows this intimately. Why does she care if a few accessories to slavery get blown up? Does she care more for complacent humans than suffering Faunus?
What about the crew members? Fuck em, that's what
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oddlyhale · 8 months
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I was already going to say James had the biggest falloff, but then I remembered how horribly the writers handled the racism/Faunus/White Fang arc and how they threw all of Adam's goals straight into a garbage disposal just to make him the coo-coo bananas ex-boyfriend.
Like it or not, Adam is tied to the Faunus racism and White Fang arcs and they muddied it for the sake of Blake's relationship arc. And after they killed Adam? They put the faunus arc on the back-burner, even though Blake is right there and could continue it. But they knew they fucked it up and had to quietly shuffle Blake and the arc aside.
Meanwhile, James was villainized for having a disability, mentally and physically. It extended to Penny because being a robot meant they were both not humane, thus changing Penny for their comfort and killing James to prove some point of "humanity."
They twisted him in the writing just so Volume 8 could work in their favour to forcibly not let Team RWBY face consequences, yet still failed to make Team RWBY the good guys in the end, seeing how the tension still carries on to V9. But then, they just walk away from everything with the final message, "we're perfect just the way we are and we're not wrong for destroying Atlas and Mantle and ruining almost everything, because everybody is bending backward for us like we're Jesus Christ reborn. Every huntsman makes a mistake but at least we're still good."
Adam and James are tied to me.
Meanwhile, Cinder has gone from a big villain to a time waster. She has had plenty of times to be killed off, yet the show wants to keep her alive as though they want to have 1, 2, 3, and 10 more chances to prove why Cinder is worth our time. Snore.
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sunnysunsins · 2 months
RWBY kill count
Soooo we all know a lot of people have died over the span of the series. So i took it upon myself to count them up. All of them. Yes, the nameless grunts and dead bodies in the background. Yes, the ones that no way in hell would survive something like what happened to them. Every single death in this series.
This originally was a doc, but tumblr doesn't allow those, so i'll put all the research under the cut. And it's long, so buckle up.
Rules: 1. Dead person has to be shown on screen (off-screen deaths counted in rare circumstances - heard them, heard about them and details of their death enough to count). En-mass kills are counted up depending on previous scenes of this group and logic. I only count what i see and can logically assume from what's on screen and told by dialog.
2. Aura exists, so most fighters are assumed to survive unless the person doesn’t have active aura or there’s no way in hell someone survives that.
3. Salem «deaths» will be counted, but with an asterisk*, since immortal. Same for Ozes, we see an Oz - we count him, since we know all of them are dead by nature of reincarnation - an exception to «death off screen» rule. 4. Book information included as much as possible since i haven’t read them lol
5. Ascension is counted with an asterisk*, as it is death of self and rebirth into a new form (same as Oz, in a way). +intention of the characters ascending will be counted.
The count:
Volume 1:
Ep 16: 3 WF members (by Penny yoinking/slicing ships)
(total - 3)
Volume 2:
Ep 1: Tukson (shot by Mercury)
Ep 4: 32 car drivers (flipped into air by Roman, They’re civilians in cars, doubt they lived through that, not with 5 flips)
Ep 11: 12 WF members (thrown off train by RWBYO. Grimm and/or explosions got them if they didn’t die on impact)
(total - 45)
Volume 3:
Ep 7: Marcus Black (killed by Mercury)
Ep 9: Penny (acc. kill by Pyrrha), 12 atlesian pilots
Ep 10: Brawnz, Roy, May (killed by grimm), 1 man killed by Adam
Ep 11: Roman (swallowed by gryffon), Amber (shot by Cinder)
Ep 12: Ozpin (burned alive by Cinder), Pyrrha (shot by Cinder)
(total - 22)
Volume 4:
Ep 2: 3 villagers, 1 huntsman in Shion (killed by bandits, grimm)
Ep 10: An Ren (crushed by the house), Li Ren (killed by Nuckelavee)
(total - 6)
Volume 5:
Blake short: Ilia’s parents, 1 known dust mine worker (died in a dust explosion)
Ep 2: Percy the pilot, at least 3 more mistral pilots (woman said “everyone, abandon the ship” before it blew up from lancers), Pilot boi (died on impact), Sienna Khan (stabbed by Adam)
Ep 5: Ghira’s messenger (killed by Yuma)
Ep 8: 1 WF member, 2 guards
Ep 10: Fennec (crushed by balcony/blown up)
Ep 13: Vernal (bled out)
Ep 14: Lionheart (stabbed by a seer)
(total - 16)
Volume 6:
Adam short: 1 human man (by Adam)
Ep 1: 7 WF members (Adam’s hissy fit), Dee (mauled by grimm)
Ep 2: Mistrali woman (by Cinder)
Ep 3: 3 ancient warriors, Salem’s father, 1st gen humanity (163 shown), 4 daughters, *Salem: 5 *Oz: Ozma (x3), Ozma 2.0, old man, drunk, inventor, mustache, hermit-wizard, King of Vale (total 10)
Ep 5: 12 dead people (drained by Apathy; 2 corpses shown, 11 houses in the village, “it’s the same in every house”)
Ep 6: Dead huntsman (drained by Apathy) Ep 7: Tock (beheaded by Maria)
Ep 10: 1 Argus cct tower worker (killed by Adam)
Ep 12: Adam (stabbed by Blake & Yang, fell off a cliff)
(total - 208, 212*)
Volume 7:
Ep 2: Person Tyrian killed (seen blood, implication is clear)
Ep 3: Forest (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 6: 9 thirsty moms (killed by Tyrian)
Ep 12: Clover (stabbed by Tyrian)
Ep 13: Fria (passed away)
(total - 13)
Volume 8:
Ep 1: Councilman Sleet (shot by Ironwood)
Ep 6: Madam, step-sisters, Rhodes (killed by Cinder) Ep 7: ~ shown 303 atlesian soldiers (crushed by grimm army. There were a lot more, but those were shown stomped through)
Ep 8: 1 pilot (blown up by grimm), Hound faunus (finished-off)
Ep 9: 306 dead bodies, Hazel (blown up by Oscar) *3 Salem kills
Ep 13: 13 people (blown up by Cinder), 17 atlesian compound technicians (killed by Cinder, Neo and Watts), Jacques Schnee (blown up by Ironwood)
Ep 14: Vine (blown up by IW’s bomb and Harriet’s stupidity), Penny (mercy-killed by Jaune), Watts (burned alive), Ironwood (died on impact)
(total - 652, 655*)
Volume 9:
Ep 3: 2 toy soldiers* (beheaded)
Ep 4: Herbalist* (taken by the Tree)
Ep 5: Hawker (eaten by Jabberwalker) Ep 7: 15 paper pleasers*
Ep 8: Little* (stomped by Neo), Ruby* (suicide-ascended), Neo’s parents (killed by Neo and Roman, bodies shown in picture)
Ep 9: Alyx (killed by Cat)
Ep 10: Cat (eaten by Jabberwalkers), Neo* (ascended)
(total - 5, 26*)
Named characters/shown deaths/significant deaths: 71
Background | logic deaths: 907
*Salem: 8
*Oz: 12 (3 shown)
*Ascensions: 21
All people (no *): 970
Full total: 998
You may have noticed that i did not include Summer. Bc we still have no fucking clue what happened to her actually. We can speculate, but that's it. At that point last spring maiden has more reason to be added to the count than Summer. Once we find out what happened, she will be added. And if we add them both, the count will be a shiny 1k. I also didn't count the Jabberwalker bc it's unclear if Neo killed it or just made it serve her and the real one is among her copies. You can add 1 to the count if you wanna count it.
Deadly volume order: 1 -> (9) -> 4 -> 7 -> 5 -> 3 -> 9* -> 2 -> 6 -> 8
Murder board:
Cinder: 39
Neo: 19^ (personal 2)
Tyrian: 12
Adam: 11
Salem: 7
Penny: 3
Mercury, Ironwood: 2
Pyrrha, Maria, Blake, Yang, Oscar, Jaune: 1
Grimm: 29
And that's that. Fuuuun. Now let's hope for good future for RWBY and hope in future volumes we can get the count even higher. Though i doubt anything will pass v8 now, not with that battlefield bloodbath.
Thank you for reading till the end. Leave your favorite and least favorite death scene in the comments and nothing else, to confuse people. Not your fave dying, but the scene itself. Like, i don't care for Vine at all, but his death scene was beautiful. An then there's Ozma, who should've worn a mask and could've prevented the world from ending.
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bestworstcase · 8 months
I like your analysis on many things and I generally concurred on your points regarding Salem not seemingly doing anything but a thought did occur.
How does the idea Salem wasn't engaging in a secret war align with her killing Silver Eyed Warriors? No one else has anything to gain from their demises after all, so it wouldn't make sense for someone we've not met to be doing it.
the worldbuilding gremlins in my brain will not permit me to answer this without first noting that people are absolutely fantastic at rationalizing pointless violence and there’s a fine line between a savior and a scapegoat.
all it takes is one rumor that the warrior who turns grimm aside with a mere glance is really their master, sparing the faithful but unleashing the monsters on those who do not fall in line. or someone putting old myths about the maidens—witches whose power you can take by killing them—together with silver eyes. or one charismatic zealot blaming silver eyed warriors for the massacre of a village they couldn’t save. you know?
but, realistically, if silver-eyed folk are all descended from ozma, they’d have to be pretty rare to begin with—man doesn’t seem like he’s done a lot of settling down to have kids on the regular—and i don’t imagine there’s ever been enough of them for anyone but salem to be consistently picking them off.
although i will add that our data points here are: 1. maria, who was unambiguously targeted because of her eyes, 2. summer rose, who sought salem out on purpose, 3. hound guy, who salem fucked up good, and 4. maria’s father’s theory that the only reason silver eyes could possibly be so rare and obscure was if someone was hunting them down, which… isn’t logically sound actually, it requires the presupposition that silver eyes were common once and aren’t anymore, which probably isn’t the case bfjrhrk
and then like, look at the circumstances surrounding the three silver eyed people that we know FOR SURE that salem crossed paths with in some way: maria was a legend who styled herself as the grimm reaper. summer chose to go after salem, not the other way around. the hound… we have no idea where, when, or how salem found that guy, but we do know that he was the first, bc the hound was an experiment.
2 out of 3 are clearly atypical, and the 1 who isn’t was a SUPER high profile huntress, and combined with V9 establishing that summer’s “normal” was constant false alarms and ‘emergencies’ that turned out to be nothing? to me that raises the question of whether salem made a regular practice of culling silver-eyed warriors or if she went after maria bc maria’s fame brought her to salem’s attention?
i do think it’s pretty likely that salem regularly put bounties on the heads of SEWs of maria’s caliber, and may have exerted more effort than that (although if so, those efforts seem to have tapered off in the postwar era—it beggars belief that summer, ozpin’s protégée, would have slipped salem’s notice).
why? salem’s a grimm. grimm are very clearly shown to be… not mindless demonic monsters; they’re social creatures, they’re way smarter than huntsmen give ’em credit for, they have a drive to live just like any other living thing. and they’re all salem has. she’s been exiled from human and faunus civilization for thousands of years, but the grimm have never rejected her. it makes sense to me that she’d want to protect them?
and also, if she made the same connection maria did, and assumed silver eyes derived their power from the god of light… well. all the more reason to strike them down.
but, more to the point, salem taking maria out was entirely unrelated to whatever conflict she may or may not have been engaging in with ozpin at the time, because maria… didn’t know ozpin, wasn’t party to his conspiracy, had zero knowledge of salem’s existence. she was a lone, legendary hero doing her thing completely separate from what ozpin had going on. (which if anything supports the broader theory that salem was Focused On Other Things besides him; ‘other things’ need not necessarily be ‘good things’ hrgjshk)
there’s this pretty widespread fanon that ozma recruited silver-eyed warriors to his cause / that there is a power struggle of some kind over silver eyes akin to the one over the maidens, but i’m not… sure how well that holds up. certainly ozpin placed some importance on ruby’s eyes, but the impression i get is that ozma sees silver eyes as a proxy for his ‘smaller, more honest soul’—he’s not looking for the power so much as he’s looking for a particular purity of character. & obviously there’s silver-eyed folks out there who don’t answer to him or even know him.
so salem targeting silver eyes might sometimes overlap with taking out an agent of his, but equally it might just as often be motivated by—somewhat ironically—wanting to protect the lives of grimm.
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
I started thinking about rwby/the white fang and how terrible they handled the plotline again so ranting under the cut (if you like rwby and don't want negativity about it do not read. I was one of the watchers from when the red trailer dropped.)
I used to be a massive rwby fan, I'm talking forcing people to watch the show with me, rewatching every season, pulling up individual fight scenes and watching them on repeat. I had the lore locked into my mind and convinced my friends to jump on call with me and watch season 2 episode 1 when it aired. I was locked in, front and center every week when episodes dropped through the end of season 3. Now I didn't watch season 4 when it was airing due to complex feelings about what supposedly happened behind the scenes in between 2 and 3 but in taking a step back from the adoration it also meant I could start seeing the flaws in the show.
Specifically the white fang. It's already been stated how badly this was handled, a group of white men writing racism without considering the nuances and simply wanting to push a "violence is wrong" narrative even though they themselves admit in the text that violence was the only thing getting results. As a younger teenage white girl I couldn't immediately spot the issues of the writing, especially not when I adored the series too much to think critically on it.
But with each passing season every time the faunus plot got brought up it was just handled worse and worse. When I tried watching season 4, Blake consistently had my least favorite scenes because so much of her story felt retconned and contradictory to what we'd already learned about the faunus and the white fang. Her parents themselves added a whole arc that just felt like it was almost retconned in.
Weiss going from a clear racist to someone who actually isn't racist with no on screen development because the writers seemed to realize that was actually something incredibly dislikable some fans wouldn't forgive. (And honestly if fans still don't like her for it I don't blame them.)
The thing is despite the issues I could've seen myself pressing on in the show because I genuinely enjoyed so much about it. But the most glaring problem was Adam. Now I'm a fan of one piece so I'm not stranger to the idea of writing in a violent extremist who would kill their own people just to push their hatred and conflict. And maybe if they'd taken the Hody route of having Adam not actually be someone with personal experience with humans who simply hated them on principle and refused the idea of peace I could've handled them killing him off.
But to make him one of the only characters with a physical reminder of human brutality through fucking BRANDING, and then to kill him. That is the one part of rwby that always keeps me from catching up. Because I genuinely get so angry every time I think about it. He got the schnee dust company branded onto his face, no wonder he hates humans and wants them all to burn. It makes complete sense. And if the writers were taking that angle and opt to use someone being branded, why would you choose to have it be a character you were only ever going to villainize?
In general the faunus plotline has been mishandled, but that was the moment that just made it impossible for me to enjoy rwby like I used to.
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phoenix-fell · 1 year
LOL @ the weirdo who reblogged you to jump on your post. Just shows they'll take any opp to attack people who don't agree with them. So assuming that it's not just because it's a lesbian ship (lol), what are your favorite things about bumbleby? Why do you ship them?
Haha thanks, it's okay though, I feel they told on themselves more than anything🤣. As for my favourite things about BB! Well...
I love that from the get-go Yang just seems to genuinely love making Blake laugh and smile - to the point it's even, very sweetly, referenced in the Manga anthology. I love the fact that Blake was introduced as this reserved character and after her initial hesitation, she smiles so much after becoming partners with Yang. Immediately after killing the Ursa, at the relics, watching Yang admire Ruby - and it's just so consistent throughout and grows until Blake's eventually laughing at Yang's dorky jokes. That always stood out to me, that Yang made her smile more than anyone.
I love the fact that Yang just believes in Blake so much, even so early on. We see it when Blake outs herself as a faunus - there's no doubts in Yang's mind whatsoever, she just wants her safe. We see it when Yang volunteers to help with the WF mission, she just volunteers to help, no questions asked, to support her (the 'I love it when you're feisty' and the look they share after this is one of my all time favourite moments). We see it again in Mountain Glenn when Yang tells her that she's 'not one to back down from a fight'. We see it again at the dance, when Yang was so confident in being able to get Blake to the dance, trusting that Blake would relate to her past and achieve her goals - and that's just some from volumes 1-3. Blake, when she arrived at Beacon, was a little broken from everything that happened to her, and I genuinely believe that she needed someone like Yang to bring that sunshine into her life and believe in her unconditionally. And she pays her back by believing in her after the fight with Mercury, trusting that she wasn't like Adam. But also, she needed someone who would restore that faith in humans too - as she referenced in the confession scene. Even if they technically speed-ran the whole 'enemies' part of enemies-to-friends/lovers, Blake was still wary of humans at the beginning of the series. I genuinely think Yang was a massive part of helping her overcome this.
I also love the way that Blake is with Yang. She started off so reserved, making herself quiet and small but just seems to find a strength in Yang. And, likewise, Blake seems to ground Yang and bring out a more serious side in her as well as the silly. It's just so balanced.
I love the symmetry in their partnership - whether it's the sun/moon, yin/yang, opposites vibe or even the way their semblances and fighting style are like two halves of a whole. We see their partner combinations so often throughout the show and they get increasingly more powerful and fluent as the two grow in confidence together. I love that for them. That their strength on the battlefield strengthens as they grow closer.
I even love the fact that they had that conflict and came out of it wanting to protect each other, because it wasn't a straight-forward path from friend to lovers. I loved all the things above so early on, and then you see a pattern when they're separated that they're clearly thinking of one another. The fact that they had something they needed to work through together made it feel all the more realistic to me, because it set it apart from other relationships in the show, there was angst and a build-up of tension. You can see the moment that they accept their feelings go deeper, that it's safe to explore them, and the gentle shifts in their relationship. I love the fact that they healed together, that Blake showed Yang that not everyone who leaves won't come back.
I shipped BB yeeears before I was involved in the fandom - so it's always amusing to me when Antis come at me with accusations that it's a sheep mentality. Like my dude, I was shipping this before I knew it was a thing. Back when I was at uni with roommate telling her that I genuinely thought something fruity was going on with the two of them. It has a special place for me, because I discovered it back when I was first realising I was bi, and BB had a similar dynamic to me and my best friend that I slowly fell in love with. You might want to comfort yourself by believing that people apparently only like the ship cos it's gay, but the truth is that this ship has so much to offer. I DEADASS DIDN'T EVEN GO INTO MY REASONS THAT STEM FROM VOLUMES 6 ONWARDS I COULD WRITE THIS FOREVER HAHAH.
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perfectsystemdx · 10 months
so i made a background for that ruby rose redesign i made and wrote lore
Tumblr media
(don’t think of much beyond vague vol 1-3 similarities and the character trailers as canon to this au, it’s halfway made from the ground up)
So, we already know that humans used their ingenuity and resourcefulness to survive from nothing but dust. Thus, Dust was given its name.
But... The details surrounding faunus, they’re a bit more... Uncertain.
After all, faunus are a “recent” invention. Only 90 years since the first lab-grown faunus, and given their natural birth rate, it’s safe to say they’re not going away. But nobody knows what it means to be a faunus for sure. Not yet.
But that uncertainty, it means that they can carve out any path which they want. From foggy uncertainty, comes a forged, unique self to tell the tale and make a mark in the collective unconscious of what it means to be a faunus. Thus, Fog was born.
Dust is represented in particle animation. Flashiness, universal flair, an amplifier that can bring you up from 0 to 100 and energy incarnate.
Fog is represented in art style. In short, every faunus is rendered uniquely. The laws of the world, the restrictions on how one might be visually represented, just about everything can warp around Fog, yet... It is not a resource. It will not grant you the means to output any sort of energy attacks, nor can it be stacked, it’s simply a personal modifier on what you do and what you are.
Silver eyes, an unexplained phenomenon, grant Ruby access to both.
This, among other reasons, is why she chooses to hide her face.
The other reason is just because she doesn’t shower enough.
She lives in a cabin, after all! Water was limited. At least, before being accepted into beacon.
(to be continued when i feel like rambling some more, will be tagged under untitledrwbyau)
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patrickdiomedes · 6 months
RWBY/X-Men crossover thoughts
So, I've been thinking recently about a "What if Magneto was Pyrrha's dad?" fic, what with the magnetism. And then I started wondering about just bringing all the X-characters into RWBY. (possibly in the wake of whatever shitshow the end of the Krakoa Era turns into.)
Now, on the one hand, it'd make sense to have all the Mutants be faunus, but I don't wanna go that route. So instead, various mutants have been appearing for all of Remnant's history. Some of them remember their past in the 616 universe, most don't, only having vague feelings of deja vu sometimes when meeting another mutant. Not that they're technically "mutants" here, as the X-Gene is replaced by semblances. So on the one hand, mutants are no longer hated and feared. On the other hand, they're living on a death world with an immortal being who controls an army of monsters. (It's honestly kinda nostalgic for the Arakki mutants).
So far, the only concrete idea I have for any of the mutants is Magneto being Pyrrha's dad, and Wanda, Pietro, and Lorna being her siblings (Fuck you marvel, Wanda and Pietro are his kids and they're mutants) I'm thinking that Charles actually was part of Oz's inner circle several lifetimes ago, and they tried using his telepathy (along with some kind of power amplifier) to tell a whole kingdom (or a chunk of one) about Salem. It went...poorly, and was a contributing factor in Oz's secrecy in the present day.
Other ideas:
Sebastian Shaw is one of Jacques Schnee's chief business rivals. Doesn't remember his previous life, other than the odd bit of deja vu, and having an instinctive knowledge of how his semblance worked as soon as it activated. Worked in either a dust mine, or a dust refinery, and his semblance activated during a workplace accident. Ghira Belladonna's chief competition in the "Remnant's Most Glorious Chest Hair" contest.
En Sabah Nur would be a relic of the early humans, before the gods wiped them out. He still sleeps beneath the sands of Vacuo (possibly along with his kids and wife). Could do something with the Crown from the two Team CFVY novels wanting to awaken him, rather than just restoring the Vacuan Monarchy.
Just realized that the Aura Transfer tech Ironwood was developing could've been developed by someone who studied Apocalypse's mind transfer stuff. Even though if this is krakoa era Apoc, he no longer needs to do that.
the O5 x-men would be contemporaries of team STRQ, along with the team from Giant Size #1. That's Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Bobby, Warren, Nightcrawler, Storm, Wolverine, Banshee, Colossus, Thunderbird, and Sunfire, which does make for 3 teams of 4, if we're assuming that all of them were students of the huntsman academies. Maybe they were all from the other 3 academies, with STRQ at Beacon? Though Rogue, Havok and Polaris throw those numbers off. Though Rachel and Betsy bring it up to 16, so i guess it still works out.
I personally would have Hank as part of Ironwood's inner circle after the fall of beacon, with both of them exacerbating each others negative tendencies. I like Hank's villain turn, and feel like it's a natural progression of his character since at least the 90s (Justice for Threnody, motherfucker)
I'd put the New Mutants as a bit older than team RWBY, probably around the same age range as Winter, Cinder and the Ace Ops.
That's Cannonball, Mirage, Karma, Cypher, Magik, Wolfsbane, Magma, Sunspot, and Warlock. Not counting Warlock (who I have no idea how to work him in) that makes 8. Kitty would probably fall into this group too
This leaves Generation X and Academy X as contemporaries of team RWBY.
this is the group I know the least about. But that would be Chamber, Jubilee, Monet, Skin, Synch, Bling!, Eye Boy, and Quentin Quire for Generation X. Maybe have them be upperclassmen to RWBY's freshmen
then Academy X is Elixir, Icarus, Prodigy, Surge, Wallflower, Wind Dancer, Dust, Hellion, Mercury, Rockslide, Laura Kinney and Wither. Anyone else from the X-Men training squads would fall in this age group too.
Deadly Genesis was obviously not a thing in this universe, and the only one of those X-Men I care about is Darwin.
Selene is...around. Honestly I think it'd be hilarious if she just hung out in the Land of Darkness, eating grimm and really annoying Salem, after they figured out that Selene couldn't kill her. She still busts down Salem's door to drain some of her life force occasionally, but honestly it's the closest thing to friendship either of them has.
Mystique predates the Great War, and does Huntress work occasionally, but these days she mostly stays home with Irene (At least that's the official story). No one knows if she's human or faunus. Her relationship with her biological son Kurt (we're going with Claremont's original plan here, Mystique was the 'father' and Irene was the mother) and her adopted daughter Anna Marie is...strained.
Fuck it, replace Glynda with Emma Frost, it's not like Glynda is that important in the grand scheme of things. (y'all know I'm right)
Characters I'm not sure what to do with:
Forge (combine him with pietro pollendina/have them be colleagues?)
the Stepford Cuckoos
honestly, it might streamline things to have all the time traveler characters come from the same dystopian future
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
faunus culture. Go
don’t mind if I do o7
there’s a lot (me when I lie) I’m changing about how the Faunus themselves and Menagerie are shown in canon for “Black Horns, White Fang.” I always felt there could’ve been a lot more to be done with em? So… here goes. Just sort of a list of a bunch of things I (currently) have planned out.
The Faunus
•First and foremost, fuck the 1 trait rule, all my homies hate the 1 trait rule. While many of the characters still have that singular trait, many I’ve changed to have a bit more. Example; Sienna’s stripes are no longer tattoos, but naturally apart of her skin, and Ilia can now move her eyes in separate directions. Speaking of Ilia, similarly to how her canon trait was shown in her spotted skin, many Faunus have similarly unnoticeable traits. Whether it be eyes, finger nails, skin texture or teeth.
•Adding onto that, if two Faunus of differing traits (i.e: pig and leopard, falcon and pelican, etc) have a child, that child will either A; inherit the traits of one parent (i don’t know how the fuck genes work <3), or B; inherit both traits. As an example, a child whose mother held traits of a Tiger and whose father held traits of a Ram may be born with their mother’s stripes, and their father’s horns. …um, if that was a little specific for you, just… read chapter 2 :’)
•Pearls are a specific fashion staple amongst their kind, often being worn as bracelets, necklaces, adornments or earrings.
•The island is as diverse geographically as it is with the people it houses. While a great majority of Menagerie is made up of a vast, uninhabitable desert, the areas in which life flourishes are often comprised of thick jungles or lush beaches.
•There are many kinds of plant life not found anywhere else in Remnant on this island. As an example (bear with me hear I don’t know how plants work, fantasy setting), a particular form of plant, which starts out as a simple, inedible purple fruit, grows into a full leaf plant once placed on the ocean water. The leaves are then harvested to create either food or medicines for illnesses, such as fevers. These plants are often harvested by aquatic faunus, but many others, including those in the White Fang itself, are always willing to lend a helping hand.
•Livable settlements are filled to the brim with markets of all kinds, from cloth to furniture, foods to medicine, and again, members of the White Fang are within these areas to ensure all is smooth and well.
•On that note, lower-ranked or in-training WF members will often be seen carrying heavy cargo, harvesting plants, selling goods or just generally helping their fellow Faunus in the meantime before they are ready to go on more serious missions.
While there are many different subgroups of religion, the Faunus have 3 “main” religions.
Mau Loa: Followers of this religion believe in no greater, divine power, nor do they believe in any afterlife; Rather, when one dies, they are reborn and given a new life, over and over again. This religion is the most widely practiced among the people.
Vasa Paia: Vasa Paia is the only Faunus religion which “centers” around the existence of any sort of god or deities. Followers of the religion believe that when one dies, their soul shall depart to the ocean—in which they shall find themselves in a kingdom ruled over by five gods; each of whom represent the traits many Faunus have. The way this religion is practiced in every day life is that a ceremony will be held every year in which candles are cast out over the ocean’s surface, and when one dies that is a follower of the religion, their body is often left to sink down into the sea after a funeral ceremony.
Api Besar: A religion that was nearly snuffed out by human forces, followers of the Api Besar believe in no deity, nor god. When one dies, there is no afterlife, and your soul remains “stagnant.” It will remain as such until the day “The Great Fire”, which is believed to have created the Faunus in the first place by the religion, returns to the world, where all will be reborn within it as all cruelty is destroyed. It is the oldest known Faunus religion, but one which has nearly gone extinct due to meddling by Humanity.
I’ll probably make a couple more separate posts, but a lot of this stuff is still in WIP and I don’t want this to get too long. Feel free to give me feedback, I adore worldbuilding in general but I’d love to hear all of your guys’s thoughts!
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