#30 to 60 min gameplay
bird-in-thesky · 2 years
decided to refine a previous post on why exactly I believe sky children of light is a failed MMO. 
In this, let’s think of time as money; in a way, you’re making an investment choice when you choose to play the game, let alone when you choose to actively buy things from it. You could be playing xyz other games, or doing other things.
And in that case... what is there even to invest in? 
The gameplay loop is very grindy, and it’s not exactly fun in any way. Most MMOs have games (think a kiddy website) or a raiding aspect (think WoW) that they focus on to varying degrees, even if it’s just a way of earning in game currency/items. 
Sky doesn’t really... have that. Calling the quests a game is stretching it; it’s just “go to locations A, B, C, and D” most of the time, which isn’t exactly fun. Each season, the season-based quests are interesting, but again not very engaging as far as gameplay/challenge goes outside of Prophecy, and add roughly 30 minutes of content every 2ish months. 
The game is well crafted for a person to spend a month-ish on it, exploring and doing all the main quests, doing Eden once or twice, and then being done with it. What is there to stay for? The primary answer is your friends, but the ways of socializing in this game are extremely limited, primarily due to the aforementioned lack of engaging content (minigames/raids/etc). 
I personally realized at some point when I was considering letting a bot grind candles for me and not play otherwise that maybe playing this game just wasn’t fun. The cosmetics are just cosmetics, and often ridiculous prices, and the seasonal stuff comes back anyways for the most part, which really lowers incentive to buy it. I bought stuff for exclusive items and to give some money to TGC, but those items stopped being exclusive (you’re basically paying $10 for just the end items and to get them early if you’re a long term player) and the money doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, what with the small and clunky design of the new seasonal areas (30-60 mins of content + some clunky design choices that leads to areas never being visited again except for lights, such as lack of wax in Abyss and why isn’t the stage a passive wax area???). 
I think when you’re a new player, Sky is really fun. It’s a very beautiful and impressive game, and giving it a playthrough like Journey is just perfect. But as an MMO, as something you hypothetically could dump a lot of time into over months, years? I think it’s a failure; there’s not enough there. I only stayed because I wanted it to eventually be good, because it became habit... but a majority of people will trickle off just as I have. 
tl;dr/conclusion: Sky doesn’t really have anything that makes it worth staying, let alone buying, and I believe this lack of engaging content will lead to it dying a slow death. 
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intothestacks · 5 months
Cool Board Games for Your Library
Ragnarocks – $60 CAD
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Type: Board Game Players: 2-6 (2 ideal) Mechanism: Area Control Playtime: 15-30 min Age: 10+ Skills You Practice: Strategy, Spacial Perception
Take on the role of a Viking clan using Runestones to mark your clan’s claims of land. In the advanced game, your clan worships one of these powerful beings from another realm who lends you their power to help you outwit rivals and claim territories for your clan. At the end of the game, the clan who controls the most territory in Midgard wins!
Why it’d be good for a library collection: 
Versatile player number
Popular topic
Adaptable gameplay
Not literacy-dependent
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
You are a Sims 3 pro so I must ask: does installing the game on an SSD reduce the lag in live mode or does it just shorten loading times?
hiii 🥺💗 omg me?
my laptop died because the hard drive failed and the repair shop replaced the hard drive with a SSD and omfg, it was lifechanging
hard drive loading time: 20 to 30 minutes to load my CAS world with all my cc in it i would literally get up to shower/make coffee/do laundry while waiting
ssd loading time: 5-10 min with a fuck load of unmerged cc packages, it'll be even faster for small worlds/low cc games
in live mode, the camera moves significantly smoother and faster, buildings load faster, much less lag during gameplay, CAS also loads faster
having an SSD + limiting the FPS to 30 or 60 made the biggest difference for me!
in general my laptop is a lot faster when loading websites and applications. the SSD improved EVERYTHING. make sure your laptop settings are properly set up to work with the SSD though, if it had a hard drive before. i had to do some googling and fiddling on my own after i got my laptop back. i'm sure it's different for every machine.
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rachelbethhines · 1 year
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - T. Baker 4th Review
Lost In Time - Video Game
Look a game that’s actually available to play!
Sure is a shame that it sucks.
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Okay let’s get this out of the way first and foremost...
This not a ‘pay to win’ game. This is a ‘pay to not play’ game!
The gameplay centers around this asinine collection system. You upgrade stuff to make the collection of other stuff go faster and to complete missions, so that you can collect more stuff to upgrade more to collect more stuff. ect. ect.
The problem with this is threefold.
First, it takes way too damn long to collect the stuff that you need. This is intentional as all of the in-game-purchases are build around skipping out on the game play itself. Thereby defeating the purpose of even having a game to begin with.
Second, the mission system is contradictory and borderline unattainable without busting out the cash money.
You’re constantly asked to upgrade stuff, which cost resources, yet at the same time you are asked in other missions to collect certain amounts of resources. Which means that if you go for the upgrade missions you can’t complete the collection missions. Yet you have to complete missions in general in order to obtain certain resources. It’s a no win situation, unless you buy the resources with real money. (or watch tons of ads, but even these are limited)
The third problem is that you have to start from scratch each round. All those upgrades and resources you busted your ass for last round are completely gone come the next. The only thing that caries over is the character upgrades, which still have to be reactivated using more resources that you now have to recollect.
This means there’s no real sense of accomplishment. The gameplay doesn’t get easier as you go along and it’s not made interesting with new challenges. It’s just the same repetitive shit over and over again, just each time it gets longer and more unnecessarily drawn out.
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I will give the game two things.
If you step away from the game it will keep collecting even when not logged in. Meaning, if you’re patient, you can put it down and then come back to it for maybe 15 to 30 mins, and then put it back down again. You also get free rewards each day you log back in which will allow you to complete a hand full of missions relatively quickly.
This still means that you’re waiting like 24 hours for just a single minute of cut-scene time. The further you go along the longer you’ll have to wait to complete episodes/rounds. A single ‘episode’ can potentially take up to a week to finish and there’s so far like 30 episodes.
I don’t think it’s worth it, but it is possible to get through the game without paying anything if that’s the route you want to go.
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The other thing I’ll give the game credit for is the blend of New Who and Old Who characters. Unlike Legacy, we get classic Who characters from the start and they get to interact with the new series characters. Martha and Liz even team up at one point!
Yeah, in the beginning there’s more favor given to the 70s era of the show over the 60s or 80s, but I feel pretty confident that this will be rectified as the story progresses.
Shame I’ll never get to watch it, as I’ll be deleting it off my phone. Hopefully one day a dedicated Let’s Player will post the story to YouTube or something.
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okay but watching Woolie and Reggie having trouble trying to start silent hill 3 just makes me laugh so hard because i have a feeling that's what the rest of the game is gonna be like 😭 ex. the health status being fucked randomly. Also didn't realise they had twitch too, which would explain why I'm seeing the second episode of their SH3 gameplay just now 😂 But yeah I'm really enjoying them so far! thankyou for recommending them!
Fhfhfhsfhd I’m glad you’re enjoying them! They’re a lot of fun to watch. They split their twitch streams up into ~30-60 min long videos for YouTube and trim a little bit of the fat (breaks and stuff), but they’re actually all the way up to the locked door you have to jump onto the tracks for in the subway.
They have a highlights channel too!
I also love how chaotic them just trying to get a decent copy of SH3 to *run* is tho. And I’m still baffled at their copy starting up in Spanish too lmao — I’m used to jank with these PC ports, but that’s new. It’s insane that it’s still the better choice compared to the HD collection — that version of Silent Hill 3’a audio is totally fucked, the new VA’s are horrible and I think they just dubbed directly over the old audio, and it just randomly shuts down and corrupts your save so finishing the game comes down to pure luck lol.
I’m also honestly wondering what ending they’re gonna get with how aggressive Woolie is playing this one in comparison to SH2, too. 🤔 (Granted I also make most of my kills in the mall as well, but yeah lol.)
Also today is actually Silent Hill 3 Session 2 on Twitch, btw!
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gertlushgaming · 6 months
Relic Hunters Legend Preview (Steam Early Access)
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For our Relic Hunters Legend Preview, we play an online looter-shooter Action RPG featuring fast-paced gameplay, powerful equipment and weapons, and a fun pack of rowdy rebels with different skills and abilities you can finely tune to match your playstyle.
Relic Hunters Legend Preview Pros:
- Decent graphics. - Download size. - Full controller support. - Graphics settings - fullscreen, resolution, v-sync, shadows, fps cap, keyboard interface scale, fps counter, gamepad interface scale, anti-aliasing, and fps limit on menus. - Can rebind controls for both the keyboard and the controller buttons. - Controller auto aim - on/off. - Cool pop-out menu animations. - Mouse camera movement option - on/off. - Story introduction is an optional tutorial-like experience that lasts between 30 and 60 mins. - Character creator allows you to choose your gender as male/female/both or neither. You answer questions to determine your in-game sign. - In-game cutscenes. - Aiming can be set to one stick or twin stick. - Earn EXP and unlock new skills and attributes. - You can quickly and easily add players to your four-player team. - Each character has three skill trees - destroyer, constant, and savior. - Loadout is a circular menu and uses an easy-to-equip system and you can compare gear. - The Galaxy screen is your planet-select screen. - Very accessible and easy to get into. - Help others system - matchmake and jump in to help other players and earn kindness points for Rewards. - Weekly dungeon asteroid where you play a sequence of dungeons with each having unique modifiers and parameters. Gives big rewards. - World map level selection that allows you to replay levels. - Bright and cheerful atmosphere. - Every level has a gear level requirement. - You can easily enhance (upgrade) items and gear through the load-out menu. - Feels like an arcade-looser shooter. - Interact with characters with multiple-choice questions. - Internal chat system. - Main storage chest to store items and you can increase the storage size. - The secret Market is the central area you can go to and here you can buy and sell items and gear, choose missions, and sort out your storage. - Special missions are only available for a limited time and offer unique rewards and events. - Five hunters and each is unique and has their own rank and level. You start as Seven and unlock the rest. - Very bright and inviting game atmosphere. Relic Hunters Legend Preview Cons: - The menus use the right stick and a mouse cursor. - So much early access information on the screen at all times. - Cannot skip the credits intro. - One of the early levels - follow the Stranger is such a boring level that outstays its welcome. - The initial load can sometimes be really long. - The view can make seeing ledges and stairs harder. - Combat can take some getting used to especially when you start getting multiples. - The opening tutorial sections are needed but they do feel dragged out. - No way to know what you have to do in order to unlock new hunters. Related Post: Yet Another Zombie Survivors Preview (Steam Early Access) Relic Hunters Legend: Official website. Developer: Rogue Snail Publisher: Gearbox Software Store Links - Steam Early Access Read the full article
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news24fr · 1 year
Vous ennuyez-vous encore?Jeux de sociétéVous ennuyez-vous encore? Battez la fatigue festive - et votre famille - avec sept des meilleurs nouveaux jeux de société Dodo, vainqueur du meilleur jeu pour enfants au salon des jeux Spiel '21 2021. Photographie : Dpa Picture Alliance/AlamyDodo, vainqueur du meilleur jeu pour enfants au salon des jeux Spiel '21 2021. Photographie : Dpa Picture Alliance/AlamyDe la stratégie diabolique aux cartes rapides à apprendre, voici quelques excellentes façons de remplir ces longues nuits d'hiverDan Jolin@DanJolinjeu. 29 déc. 2022 02h00 HNEJes jours où les jeux de société étaient une activité hivernale de dernier recours sont révolus depuis longtemps. Que vous ayez besoin d'un jeu familial distrayant pour les enfants ou que vous cherchiez à passer une longue soirée sombre en compagnie d'amis, vous devriez envisager ces friandises en carton...Dodo(2-4 joueurs/10 min/6 ans et plus)Une course contre la montre colorée et coopérative destinée aux jeunes enfants mais agréable pour tous. Après avoir installé une montagne en carton 3D avec le nid d'oiseau éteint titulaire au sommet, les joueurs doivent travailler ensemble, lancer frénétiquement un dé et découvrir des jetons cachés pour construire des ponts et livrer en toute sécurité l'œuf bancal et lent du dodo à leur navire.Sel de mer et papier(2-4 joueurs/30 min/8 ans et plus) Photographie : Mateusz ZajdaCe jeu de cartes rapide à apprendre et éminemment rejouable présente une magnifique vie marine en origami sur chacune de ses cartes. Mais c'est dans son gameplay qu'il prend vraiment vie, alors que vous vous dépêchez de marquer des points avant qu'un autre joueur n'atteigne le minimum de sept points requis, crie "stop !" et termine le tour … Ou prend un risque, montre sa main et accorde à l'autre joueur un tour supplémentaire, gagnant un bonus majeur si son pari est payant.Cascadie(1-4 joueurs/30-45 min/10 ans et plus)Le gagnant du très convoité de cette année Spiel des Jahres (jeu de l'année), et pour cause. Cascadia est suffisamment léger pour les joueurs occasionnels et suffisamment profond pour ceux qui recherchent la stratégie. À chaque tour, vous choisissez une tuile d'habitat hexagonale pour construire votre propre paysage du nord-ouest du Pacifique ; plus un jeton d'animal à placer sur un habitat approprié, visant à former des modèles de points dans un puzzle agréable d'un jeu.Long Shot : le jeu de dés(1-8 joueurs/25 min/14+)Pouvant accueillir jusqu'à huit joueurs, ce jeu de courses hippiques des années 1930 est parfait pour les grands rassemblements, d'autant plus que tout le monde fait quelque chose à chaque tour. Une fois les dés lancés pour décider quel cheval avance, vous pouvez parier sur ce cheval, l'acheter, influencer son jockey ou même gâcher la course elle-même, en ralentissant les chevaux sur lesquels d'autres joueurs ont parié ou en accélérant le vôtre.Star Wars: La guerre des clones(1-5 joueurs/60 min/14 ans et plus)Le jeu coopératif révolutionnaire de 2008 Pandemic (vaincre une maladie mondiale grâce au travail d'équipe !) a été adapté à différents contextes, de la Rome antique à World of Warcraft. Cette dernière implémentation transpose parfaitement Pandemic dans la populaire émission télévisée dérivée animée de Star Wars, mais cela ressemble à un jeu à part entière, car les joueurs choisissent chacun un héros avec leurs propres capacités uniques et s'attaquent à l'un des quatre méchants différents à travers cette galaxie loin, loin.Inébranlable : Stalingrad(2 joueurs/45-60 min/14 ans et plus)Revivant la bataille la plus sanglante de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce jeu de construction de deck à deux joueurs est tout à fait convaincant. C'est simple - jouez aux cartes pour engager vos soldats sur le champ de bataille en forme de tuiles - mais ingénieux, se développant au fur et à mesure que vous jouez sur une série de jeux, au cours desquels les tuiles changent à la suite de vos actions de guerre, et les cartes (c'est-à-dire les soldats) sont mis à niveau ou définitivement perdu.
Croissant de lune(4-5 joueurs/150-180 min/14+)Situé dans le califat abbasside et donnant à chaque joueur - Sultan, Calife, Murshid, Warlord ou Nomad - son propre ensemble de règles distinctes, c'est le jeu le plus complexe ici. Mais c'est intuitif, et il ne faudra pas longtemps avant que vous fassiez des affaires avec (et/ou poignardiez) d'autres joueurs pour vous frayer un chemin vers la domination. Dan Jolin est éditeur et co-fondateur de board-game magazine SénetLes sujetsJeux de sociétéVous ennuyez-vous encore?JouetsNoëlFamillecaractéristiquesRéutiliser ce contenuLe plus regardéLe plus regardéJes jours où les jeux de société étaient une activité hivernale de dernier recours sont révolus depuis longtemps. Que vous ayez besoin d'un jeu familial distrayant pour les enfants ou que vous cherchiez à passer une longue soirée sombre en compagnie d'amis, vous devriez envisager ces friandises en carton...Dodo(2-4 joueurs/10 min/6 ans et plus)Une course contre la montre colorée et coopérative destinée aux jeunes enfants mais agréable pour tous. Après avoir installé une montagne en carton 3D avec le nid d'oiseau éteint titulaire au sommet, les joueurs doivent travailler ensemble, lancer frénétiquement un dé et découvrir des jetons cachés pour construire des ponts et livrer en toute sécurité l'œuf bancal et lent du dodo à leur navire.Sel de mer et papier(2-4 joueurs/30 min/8 ans et plus) Photographie : Mateusz ZajdaCe jeu de cartes rapide à apprendre et éminemment rejouable présente une magnifique vie marine en origami sur chacune de ses cartes. Mais c'est dans son gameplay qu'il prend vraiment vie, alors que vous vous dépêchez de marquer des points avant qu'un autre joueur n'atteigne le minimum de sept points requis, crie "stop !" et termine le tour … Ou prend un risque, montre sa main et accorde à l'autre joueur un tour supplémentaire, gagnant un bonus majeur si son pari est payant.Cascadie(1-4 joueurs/30-45 min/10 ans et plus)Le gagnant du très convoité de cette année Spiel des Jahres (jeu de l'année), et pour cause. Cascadia est suffisamment léger pour les joueurs occasionnels et suffisamment profond pour ceux qui recherchent la stratégie. À chaque tour, vous choisissez une tuile d'habitat hexagonale pour construire votre propre paysage du nord-ouest du Pacifique ; plus un jeton d'animal à placer sur un habitat approprié, visant à former des modèles de points dans un puzzle agréable d'un jeu.Long Shot : le jeu de dés(1-8 joueurs/25 min/14+)Pouvant accueillir jusqu'à huit joueurs, ce jeu de courses hippiques des années 1930 est parfait pour les grands rassemblements, d'autant plus que tout le monde fait quelque chose à chaque tour. Une fois les dés lancés pour décider quel cheval avance, vous pouvez parier sur ce cheval, l'acheter, influencer son jockey ou même gâcher la course elle-même, en ralentissant les chevaux sur lesquels d'autres joueurs ont parié ou en accélérant le vôtre.Star Wars: La guerre des clones(1-5 joueurs/60 min/14 ans et plus)Le jeu coopératif révolutionnaire de 2008 Pandemic (vaincre une maladie mondiale grâce au travail d'équipe !) a été adapté à différents contextes, de la Rome antique à World of Warcraft. Cette dernière implémentation transpose parfaitement Pandemic dans la populaire émission télévisée dérivée animée de Star Wars, mais cela ressemble à un jeu à part entière, car les joueurs choisissent chacun un héros avec leurs propres capacités uniques et s'attaquent à l'un des quatre méchants différents à travers cette galaxie loin, loin.Inébranlable : Stalingrad(2 joueurs/45-60 min/14 ans et plus)Revivant la bataille la plus sanglante de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce jeu de construction de deck à deux joueurs est tout à fait convaincant. C'est simple - jouez aux cartes pour engager vos soldats sur le champ de bataille en forme de tuiles - mais ingénieux, se développant au fur et à mesure que vous jouez sur une série de jeux, au cours desquels les tuiles changent à la suite de vos actions de guerre, et les cartes (c'est-à-dire les soldats) sont mis à niveau ou définitivement perdu.
Croissant de lune(4-5 joueurs/150-180 min/14+)Situé dans le califat abbasside et donnant à chaque joueur - Sultan, Calife, Murshid, Warlord ou Nomad - son propre ensemble de règles distinctes, c'est le jeu le plus complexe ici. Mais c'est intuitif, et il ne faudra pas longtemps avant que vous fassiez des affaires avec (et/ou que vous poignardiez dans le dos) d'autres joueurs pour vous frayer un chemin vers la domination. Dan Jolin est éditeur et co-fondateur de board-game magazine Sénet
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noppythepon · 2 years
Octopath Traveler Review
I remember writing this one while really angry at the game:
Octopath Traveler is a lovely game with a genuinely fun battle system that plays around using the right moves at the right time to break your foe's defenses then go wild with attacks. It is very satisfying. The music is amazing as well! The stories are all basically their own thing so it feels like its actually 8 small jrpgs standing on top of each other in a trench coat. This isn't necessarily bad as the stories don't drag on longer than they should so you get plenty of good solid moments. Tressa's tale genuinely touched me and almost had me in tears as well as Olphilia's. Olberic's felt like a true epic from the days of Arthur, and even Alfyn's raised good philosophical points. On the downside characters never have meaningful interactions so despite having fun side banter that is easy to miss, they feel like they stay strangers. There is such a big disconnect between narrative and gameplay at times that its really jarring. 
There is also one REALLY big point where it fails. The balance is absolutely garbage at times. The game is made to be played by clearing all chap 1s, then 2s, 3s, 4s, and each town has a level recommendation. These are usually good. Unfortunately you at times have to go through areas that are significantly higher level than the quest recommends (go through level 30s area to get to level 20s quest). I got oneshot multiple times due to that. The biggest culprits are the bosses. Some are absolute push overs, and some are pure BS (Lunar Roar....). Not to mention the HP pools are awful. At the recommended level bosses took me 30-60 min. Some were genuinely a great 30-60min (Olberic's were fun) while others killed you inside (Primrose wtf is your final boss). Now there is an optional true end where you fight the most BS boss ever where you need a fairly specific party and strategy that eliminates almost all sense of freedom or experimentation and requires you investing an absurd amount of time (500k hp when highest before was around 300k). I refuse to give it another attempt after investing 2 hours in the actual fight after getting best gear. Now the other good point. The world feels lived in. There are plenty of small details to make the world come alive. I give it 8 BP out of 10 if you love jrpgs. If you don't love jrpgs then its a 2 BS bosses out of 10.
For the curious, I kept coming back and trying that boss and managed to win and WOW was it not worth it. I proved my gamer skill at least.
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skoomroom · 3 years
Actual Play Podcast Rating: Rusty Quill Gaming
Hi! I listen to absurd amounts of Actual Play podcasts and I’ve decided that I want to do in depth ratings of them. This is my first since I recently finished S1 of RQG, and I have some thots. I’ll be doing these for every podcast season I’ve listened to. There won’t be any spoilers for the story but obviously if you want to go into these podcasts completely blind, don’t read this review. 
So I’m gonna break it down into categories. DM, Players, Misc, and Total. Each category will have multiple sections, and I hope to keep it consistent for any podcast I review. Obviously this is just my opinion, but since I’m always looking for podcasts I thought this might help people who are picky like me: 
Dungeon Master: Alex Newell
Setting: 9/10 The campaign is set in the real world, kind of. It is a steampunk version of 1800 Europe. Cities are not exactly the same in the campaign as in the real world, but it is familiar. The first season is almost entirely in London and Paris. I like this a lot more than I thought I would. Usually, real world based games turn me off but the familiarity in this story actually makes it better in my opinion.
NPCs: 5/10 The NPCs are just okay. There are a couple interesting ones that are worth remembering but they all have similar personalities. Voices are somewhat limited. I wouldn’t really care if any of them died. 
Gameplay: 7/10 The combat/puzzles are interesting most of the time, but not exceedingly memorable. This is pathfinder 1E so combat is definitely a sludge if you are used to DND 5e or pathfinder 2E. Combat and puzzle creativity is definitely better than an average home game and there have been a couple of memorable scenes, but I’m not jotting down notes for when I DM. 
Pacing: 5/10 It is a sludge for the first 30 episodes. Sometimes the same combat will take 2 or 3 full weeks (again, this is pathfinder which is SLOW). There have been 60 episodes and they are barely level 4. The story doesn’t really pick up much until the last 20 or so episodes of the season and things only really get exciting in the final 10. Luckily, episodes are only 45 mins or so without commercials and you don’t have to wait for any to come out so you can power through them. 
How they treat the players: 6/10 Alex treats his players harshly. Combat is often unforgiving and bad things happen that maybe aren’t best for audience retention. Nat 20′s are not as exciting as they are in other games. That being said, it makes for higher stakes situations and it feels like characters don’t have plot armor. I personally don’t really like this but I definitely understand why some people do. 
Overall: 6.4/10
Players/Party: Sasha Racket (Lydia Nicholas), Hamid Saleh Haroun al-Tahan (Bryn Monroe), Bertrand MacGuffingham (James Ross), Zolf Smith (Ben Meredith)
Sasha: 6/10 Sasha is a rogue, and she reminds me of rogues that I’ve had at my table. Sneaky, awkward, shy, materialistic. I do like her, I think she is one of the characters that holds the party together, but she does feel like a character one of my friends or I could have created. 
Hamid: 7/10 Hamid is a sorcerer who thinks he is a wizard, but is slowly discovering his powers come naturally. It is an interesting concept. He is very polite, grew up very rich, and is well connected. Hamid is the other person who holds the party together. Sometimes his speeches are too melodramatic.
Bertrand: 8/10 Bertrand is a human fighter who is an asshole. James, his player, aims to make him be viewed as a horrible person to the audience because Bertie is loud, classist, and just generally a bad dude. That being said, he’s probably the character least like a PC that I would see at my table and is very entertaining. He is not a very realistic person and doesn’t feel real. I am actively rooting against him in season 2 and I hope he dies. 
Zolf: 6/10 Zolf (who is a dwarven cleric) also reminds me of a character that you’d just see at your table. It takes a hot minute for him to blend into the group. He seems to be constantly on the edge of a breakdown which is kind of fun. The relationship with his God seems to be on the rocks for no real reason.  
Party Cohesion: 7/10 When this podcast started, the charisma between the group was not fantastic. I had a hard time figuring out the group dynamic. Now, I can see why they are all friends and they riff off each other more easily but I don’t feel there are major stakes in their relationships. They don’t seem super bonded together in the same way parties from other podcasts are but their relationships feel more in depth than most tables I’ve been to. 
Combat Ability: 5/10 I blame the combat issues on the system more than the players, but my god low level pathfinder characters truly cannot do shit. On top of that, the characters don’t seem all that optimized. Sasha hits with a -1 and gets -1 damage on a d4. Hamid uses magic missile and consistently does 1 or 2 d4 damage. It hurts me physically. That being said, the players have personality in combat and make decisions based on what their characters would do and not necessarily what is best, which I think is a good thing in a podcast. 
Overall: 6.5/10
System: 3/10 I hate listening to pathfinder 1e podcasts. You might not hate it if you’re into the crunch, but my god. 1e was my first system and honestly I still don’t completely get the rules. It is anticlimatic (for example, you don’t always crit on a nat 20, you have to roll to confirm), slow to level, slow in combat because there is just so much calculating to be done. Combats will take multiple hours in this podcast and to me that is entirely because of the system. Crunchy can be fun to play but it is not fun to listen to. 
Music: 9/10 I enjoy the soundtrack a lot. They add in things like footsteps or cave noises as ambient sound which is not something I see a lot of podcasts do. It makes you feel more involved and gives a completely different vibe from other shows. I also like the theme, it is extremely British sounding in a fun way. 
Sound Quality: 6/10 The sound quality is not great, just on a volume and noise level. I think they just need better microphones and that’s fine. It’s not impossible to listen to but sometimes certain players are much quieter than others especially for the first half of the season and that makes it difficult to listen to out loud. Headphones are usually fine as long as you have decent quality headphones. The editing is good though and you don’t hear background noises. 
Humor: 7/10 It is a funny show but not a hilarious show. I don’t think I’ve laughed out loud ever but the jokes are creative and typically broad enough for me to get and I literally know nothing about pop culture. Everyone is pretty witty and group dynamic gets better as time goes on. 
Story: 8/10 I would give this a lower rating for the first half and a higher rating for the second half of the first season. My least favorite part is that the character backstory involvement seems a bit forced sometimes, and comes out of left field. I think when you are doing a podcast the story should be completely focused around your characters, and this feels like the characters were placed into the story a bit. But, the story itself is super interesting. I love the setting, the plot is maybe the most original out of any podcast I’ve listened to. It’s a good mix of sci-fi and fantasy in a way that I think both groups of fans would enjoy. It does take a hot minute to get interesting but once it does it REALLY does. 
Overall: 6.6 (but should be higher, pathfinder 1e just sucks bad nuts) 
Overall Rating (Averaged) and Final Thots: 
Overall rating: 6.5/10
I like RQG, I like the story and setting in particular. I think the characters are fun but not endearing. I don’t like the system. It is not the best for character development or interactions but if you need something to listen to and can get through like 45 episodes of meh, the end of the season is really interesting plot-wise.
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as students studying
king of self-care! but studies for 15 minutes then take a 2 hour break and calls it self-care (omg he thinks he’s me or smth)
has power naps every single day at least 30 mins because he’s Stressed
always thinking of ways to drop out during the middle of lectures
that one kid that talks to nobody & sits at the back of the class with his hood on to hide his airpods
doesn’t do it anymore bc one time it disconnected and “there’s some whores in this house” blasted out loud & now he’s paranoid
shows up to group studies but lets the group carry him,,, but he puts out One Really good idea to get his name on the paper
only cares about topics he’s interested in, other than that he’s just astral projecting
“yo can you send me your answers so i can compare mine?” but he copies it and says “we got the same answers” (all men do is lie</3)
calculates his marks; “ok so i need at least a 80 on this...oh wait no, a 95...damn okay...”
the type to arrives late with ice coffee
wakes up at 5 am to study instead of staying up
scented candles and lofi music for the ~studying mood~
a linguistic learner
learns best by teaching others so he’ll do group studies often to help other people
teaches people without making them feel dumb
uses grammarly for his emails with 3 paragraphs asking 1 question with a proper greeting and a ‘sincerely, park seonghwa’
professor: ok - sent from iphone
you’ll never see him during exams week, he’s Gone
a loyal user of the outline method
his desk must be cleared at all times! a clean workspace makes it easier to focus
brings extra pencil just in case anyone needs them bc he’s the sweetest person ever (he’s fully aware that he’ll never get them back but it’s okay bc sharing is caring)
does his readings on time (you’ll never catch him slacking)
actually has his shit together for the most part 1/2
writes “i love you” or “sorry” at the end of his tests (that he bombed)
the type to ask you to print “just one thing real quick” and it’s 15 page and at 2 am
uses emojis like :D & \(^o^)/ when sending emails to his professors
has a bad habit of copying word for word on the slide and he doesn’t actually understand/learn anything
goes to the library bc he thinks that’ll help him be in the ~studying vibe~
it doesn’t. ends up texting or watching youtube gameplay
has never heard of the colour-coding system in his entire life and ends up with a page filled with neon highlight
snacks breaks are the only thing keeping him Normal
leaves himself an encouraging note at the end of the reading page so when he’s finished he feels good !!
friends with all of the professors and uses all office hours
strongest points are his guessing skills in multiple-choice questions (process of elimination ftw!)
he tries his best, doesn’t care about marks that much because he knows it doesn’t determine him (and he’s right!)
probably runs a studyblr/gram
has the cutest note ever, his handwriting is so pretty!!
he thinks that buying an ipad pro & apple pencil will make him smarter
likes it bc he can doodle on it then erase them easily :”)
has to wear blue ray glasses because of how he looks at a screen so much
mildliners, muji 0.38 gel pen, 6 ring binder, minimal planner, washi tapes, you name it! he visits muji and daiso every other week
buys wayyy too many planners and notebooks which he never ends up using
only uses pastel mildliners because they’re easy on the eyes. cringes every time he sees yunho’s highlighters v_v
his flaw is that he spends 10 mins writing his header with brush tip pens
mutes the group project gc but gets his part done like the good classmate he is
sweats every time he gets an assignment back, takes a whole ten minute to mentally prepare himself
a visual learner; makes mind maps, flow charts, etc
actually has a working printer that he uses pretty often to prints lessons before class just to be Extra prepare
tells everyone he slept well but his bullet journal habit tracker for sleep says otherwise (plz rest!!)
exclusively uses college ruled paper like the sane person he is
uses wide-ruled paper (unfortunately not everyone is perfect</3)
starts off very positive, motivated, and organized
then everything goes downhill by the second week
will definitely set byeol on top of his keyboard, take a picture, and send it to his professor as an ‘excuse’ as why he needs an extension (it works)
can’t sit still for any longer than 30 mins, his legs are always bouncing or fidgeting with pen
flashcard king! spends a lot of time on them but it’s worth it
a utensil chewer (always willing to share his pencil but when ppl saw the bite marks they’re like No Thanks >_>)
can’t study well with groups or himself bc he’ll be distracted,,, so he needs one person that can ground him bc when they’re in the zone, he will too be on his x game mode
sends his assignment at 11:58 pm hoping his professor will take the Hint (plz don’t be afraid to ask for help u_u)
prefers listening to ghibli studio soundtracks but then he either gets emotional or sleepy
sometimes forget to mute his mic and we just hear him groaning in frustration
“haha sorry i just stubbed my toe...”
then mutes his mic and goes back to his mental breakdown
the only person that studies every single day just to get his brain used to the information and running
probably listens to anime op or edm music for that Energy Boost
everyone either hates or love him because...
1. loves him bc he always comes clutched with study guides (and willing to share if he likes you enough)
2. he’s good at everything even if he’s not paying attention/doing it last minute
just naturally good at retaining information and applying them
asks Big Brain question that even the professors are shook
sometimes he gets super into the topic and wants to know Everything
“i’ve never failed an exam in my life” and he’s right! big brain mingi
fetal flaw is that he forgets easily (hence why the last minute) and has to write on his palm as a reminder
clicks his pens All the time so he switched to pens with caps just to keep others from jumping him
takes naps 10 mins before classes
actually has his shit together for the post part 2/2
“if no one got me, i know khan academy and quizlet got me. can i get an amen”
y’all know that one mf that doesn’t have a pencil?
yea he’s been using the same one someone lend to him before a test and never returned it
it’s been two months and it’s still working well and they’re never going to get it back
a minimalist,,,, but in a bad way</3 bc he carries his stolen pencil and paper that he spilled his energy drink over and that’s about it
just throw loose papers in his bag and forgets about their existence
doesn’t do binders or notebooks, just crumbled up paper
sometimes carries a textbook just to show everyone that he’s got his life together
really noisy for No reason, always wants to know other’s marks
a kinesthetic learner
hides his screen with he gets the kahoot questions wrong (you’ll never catch him slippin)
plays coolmathgames.com during class
doesn’t really know what to study/prioritize so he overwhelms himself with every single topic ever
thinks he’s god by pulling an all-nighter to look at the 60+ slides last minute
Swears he’ll change and do better next semester,,,</3
goes to the cafe, takes pictures of his notes & laptop, post it on his story, then leaves
thrives off of red bull and ice americanos
gets notes and study guides from his upperclassmen because everyone loves jongho
an audio learner so he’ll probably work out or go on a jog while listening to lessons/audiobook
never pulls all-nighters bc it messes up his sleep schedule and says he’ll do it in the morning but he never does
doesn’t even own a highlighter, he’ll circle or underline stuff with a red or black pen
has never touched a textbook in his life
only the study guides and slides, his textbook is collecting dust rn
his notes are literally Only for him because his handwriting only makes sense to him
has questionable handwriting,,, it’s like decoding
multitasks a lot but it ends up taking a lot longer than he wanted to (bc it’s a myth)
very spontaneous; he’ll grind for 5 hours straight but sometimes he won’t even touch a pencil
works best when he talks about the work in groups and share information with each other, like having a convo about the topic
unmutes his mic Once after the lesson to say “bye”
does his work right after the lessons but then takes a short break & doesn’t even Look back for the rest of the night
a/n: tag yourself ! i’m a bit of hohong (i projected myself on all of them in some way lmaooo)
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how do you get the rest of the soulstones i want tails cookie so bad-
Unfortunately the only way to get Soulstones is the Lucky Gacha (6 for both) and then slowly getting coins to get the 7 Emeralds a lot. But since it's a chance thing, the best way to get them is if you get all the non-Emeralds first meaning your only things left to get is the Emeralds. If you get Sonic, you get his stones. If you get Tails, you get his stones. You then finish their quests to get more stones.
But it takes ~30,000 Gold Coins to completely fill every spot up. And another 30,000 to fill it up again after you reset it. So you need 60,000 coins in total.
And each level takes 20+ shoes, which (currently) refill every 30 mins. It starts at 200k power and goes up to 310k near the end. You only get more rings if you have Sonic/Tails in your party. You can have 60 shoes charged and own more if you pay for shoes. (I've seen someone with 200+.....)
Basically, hope for the best when you try the Lucky Gacha.
Note: Free to Play user since release, it took months to reach 310k as I do not pay for extra things and earn them through gameplay and I've only played at a 'slow' pace compared to others. If I started this event when I was new, I'd have extreme difficulties.
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evwuniverse · 4 years
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is it Still Worth it in 2020?
The main question that puzzles a lot of the Animal Crossing fan base. Is Animal Crossing Pocket Camp still worth it in May of 2020? It’s all based on opinion but I’d have to say no. I do still enjoy picking it up every now and then when boredom strikes but overall I wouldn’t suggest it. It went from an immense excitement when it first released to a money grabbing scheme from those who support the community. Everything that would be free in lets say the new Animal Crossing New Horizons game isn’t free here. The fact is so sad but true. The game released its micro transactions shortly after launch which was the beginning of the applications downfall. Now almost everything costs leaf tickets which is currency you buy with money to obtain to craft special items that could always come back or to buy fortune cookies that may return during random times throughout the year. 
However, I won’t say that you still shouldn’t play it if you want a small time waster for about 30 mins to an hour. It’s fun for the short term but definitely not the long term. If your careful and don’t buy into the micro transactions with the leaf tickets, shorter crafting times and now their latest money grabbing scheme which is the Pocket Camp Club subcriptions which I’ll get into in a moment. As you can see my main issue stems from the micro transactions. Most mobile games have them and yes! I’m one of those people who tend to easily buy into it but recently I’ve noticed that it’s not always worth it. Below I’ll have sections so you can find what you want to read easily. This is going to be another longer post for the fact that there’s a lot of information to tie into this to answer this question thoroughly. 
Pocket Camp Club Subscriptions:
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp recently debuted a subscription plan. How fun! there are two different ones depending on what type of pocket camp player you identify as. Do you like to collect rare items and furniture through fortune cookies? or do you tend to buy into the micro transactions more often then you would like? there are two different plans for two different types of players. I’m going to explain each one and what they entail. I’m by no means promoting this product I’m staying as non biased as I can with this post while arguing my point of view. 
Happy Helper Plan: 
You might think $3 a month for this plan is nothing and to be honest it’s quite appealing for someone who really does enjoy the game, collect items, and finish quests while creating their perfect camping oasis. However, this adds up with time think about it $3 a month and there are 12 months this is $36 a year. Now this might not seem bad but think about what else you could do with that $36. To be fair I had this plan for about 3-4 months after it made it’s first debute. I loved Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and still do it’s one of my favorite apps that I pull out when boredom hits as I’ve implied before. But the micro transactions just get annoying. If I’m on the go I’ll play the app if i’m home I’ll either play Animal Crossing New Leaf on my 3Ds or Animal Crossing New Horizons (my new love) on the Switch. However, if you’re someone who is really into Pocket Camp and buying a game system with the game just isn’t in the cards then this could be a nice happy little alternative for you. I completely understand that mobile applications are more affordable and most are free to start unless you want to add more premium content to your experiences. Which is why I’m going into detail my experiences, opinions, and viewing it from a different perspective as well. The Happy Helper plan was the first subscription to be released for the mobile application. It currently comes with the following perks:
60 leaf tickets per month
Ability to walk around with your camp care taker (walk around with your favorite Animal Crossing character in the mobile application)
Your care taker can complete tasks for you when you’re unable to log into the app.
Your care taker will gather items for events when you’re not on the app. 
Crafting times in the game with be shortened (depending on when you first started playing Pocket Camp).
Ability to read the new Pocket Camp journal which comes with news and events in the world of Animal Crossing for your mobile device. 
Let’s be honest $3 a month for all of this is definitely not a bad price and 60 leaf tickets with the other perks I’d say this is pretty well priced. Normally 60 leaf tickets would cost about $2 since 30 leaf tickets is $0.99 each time you buy a set of 30 leaf tickets. So they only added an extra dollar for the extra perks you recieve with the Happy Helper subscription. If you’re someone who plays often and tends to buy the leaf tickets a lot this is probably the right route to go. I also feel like you get more for less. This is my highly recommend suggestion if you want to buy one of the subscriptions in the application. This also helps somewhat save on micro transactions. Since most of the time you’re spending tickets on shorter crafting times, etc. This was the right plan for me when I was playing. 
Furniture & Fashion Plan:
I’ll be honest, I have yet to try out this subscription. This is a newer subscription that just came out for $7.99 a month and I’m not sure if it’s worth it or not yet. I’ll keep this section updated but for the time being I’m going to list what comes with this plan. It definitely feels like it comes with less then the Happy Helpers plan but from what I know this plan revolves around collecting rare items, decorating, and customization which is normally appealing to me. If I wasn’t so invested in Animal Crossing New Horizons I’d probably give this a try sooner. Below are the perks for this membership:
Choose five fortune cookies each month (each fortune cookies is 50 leaf tickets for 1 or 250 leaf tickets for a pack of 10 from one fortune cookie pack) with this you can apparently choose from past fortune cookies and current ones. Which could be great if you’re a collector of rare items, furniture, and outfits. 
Store your extra items in a warehouse so you’re not taking up space in your games inventory. 
Ability to save layouts you create to your saved sets
Crafting times will be shorter (depending on when you first started playing Pocket Camp).
Ability to read the Pocket Camp Club journal which is seen under the Happy Healper plan above.
As you can see this plan revolves around creation and customization which basically is the whole fun of this game. The whole idea of Animal Crossing that makes it so appealing is the customization, creation, and sandbox feel it provides. The getaway from reality into a virtual place that is our own. This would probably be good if you find yourself consistently spending leaf tickets to buy fortune cookies. But it doesn’t come with the 60 leaf tickets per mont instead it’s the fortune cookies. To delve a little bit into the price aspect $7.99 per month for 12 months comes out to a yearly cost of $95.88 so in this case we will round this up this is $96 per year. You’re spending almost $100 for virtual content per year. However, if you put it into the perspective that each fortune cookie for just one is 50 leaf tickets each and you get 5 per month that’s 250 leaf tickets. 200 leaf tickets cost $7.99 alone then to add 45 more is $1.99 and then to make it 50 add another dollar for 20 more. So about $11 for the same. Overall, you come out cheaper in the end with the subscription plan by a few dollars. Don’t you just love how companies do that? So in that case it would actually come out cheaper for those who love to collect and customize in pocket camp. 
Customization of Places:
Customization of Your Camp:
When customizing your camp you have restirctions. These restrictions can be somewhat annoing for anyone who wants something in a specific place. The customization system runs off of a grid system. It ran off of a grid system in New Leaf as well. Call me spoiled but in New Horizons you can precisely place things in a more intricate way for customization so something like this now bothers me in the mobile versions. For someone who has only played the application this is a small thing to overlook. You can freely wander and walk around your camp and everything you craft to invite animals over can be used to decorate the camp for all of your animal friends. This is definitely nice and I enjoy mixing, matching, and redecorating quite often. It’s the most fun in the game and I spend hours making it look perfect and the way I want it. With all of the items you obtain throughout your gameplay. Everything needs to be crafted. 
You can customize your camp in any way you would like this is what makes the application version so addicting in my opinion. I’m not going to lie I’ve shelled out money in this game for leaf tickets to obtain special items through fortune cookies. You can also spend more money through micro transactions which is super tempting to decorate the background scenery, sky, fencing, and front section of your camp. The sad fact is you can’t interact with any of it just like with most of the furniture you can’t interact with either in the application version. But your animals can and I’ll be honest it’s kinda fun to watch my animals interact with everything I place out but I wish I could do the same it would make the game so much better. Maybe it’s an idea they could use for a new subscription or something who knows? 
You have main sections that you have to decorate with a tent and ameneties that you can upgrades as you get the materials to continue crafting them up to full level. Depending on the animals on your site and what there themes are these leveled amenities can boost up your animals level as well as unlock more leveling for specific animals. An example of this is if you have animals that match the elegant theme and you buy an elegant amenity this will unlock more leveling for those characters. So if they were locked to only go up to level 10 with the amenity it allows that character to go up to level 15. This is fun, challenging, but can be annoying with the crafting times which is where the subscription might be useful for players who have played since launch or for months previous towards considering the subscription. You can also tend to your own garden which is nice. 
Customization of Cabins:
As you level up you will unlock a whole new floor to your very own cabin. I’ll be honest I’m only level 50 and I’m not 100% sure if there are more levels or rooms you can unlock yet but I’ll definitely edit this post as I continue my experience. The cabin is very similar to having a house in the console versions except this is a place for all of your animals to enjoy with you. Very similar to the camp site they interact with the furniture you place in and you’re able to decorate it in any way you see fit. 
Customization of Campers:
Yes in this game you get a camper to customize as well very similar to the homes as well except this is more your private space without any animals. It’s nice and you can upgrade and customize the outside and inside of your camper as you move forward in the game. 
Multiplayer & Playing With Friends:
So, this is something that really bothers me. I really wish that people could visit their friends in real time. This isn’t possible but you’re able to visit their islands and see a botted version of your friend standing on their island that gives you options such as giving “kudos” kind of like giving a “like” on Facebook. You also have the option to buy things from their market at whatever price their selling their items for. You can also show that you’ve been to their island and water their plants in their garden to keep them growing and healthy. When it comes to events if your collecting bugs then you can place some of your bugs on your friend flowers for them to keep when they capture them during the event before planting new flowers. It’s nice to explore other friends and players islands but I completely dislike not being able to be with them in real time and not being able to have a chat feature. This is what I love about the console version. I’m a huge advocate for virtual worlds and since Animal Crossing in general is categorized as a “social simulation” I feel like there should be some socializing in multiplayer mode. Maybe in the future they might add this but this a mystery yet to be discovered. It’s kind of sad this app has the opportunity to be something great but it always falls short with something. There’s always something missing from each category. What I’d like to see at some point is Animal Crossing for mobile that you pay one price for like for the console versions and it has everything! I’d adore that.... But these are just my thoughts and opinions on multiplayer. 
Overall, a lot of things in this app are very nice and help with my OCD a lot. Everything is organized and works in a specific way and the interactions are specific. I love chaos but I’m more the type for order. This gives that sense of order which I love, however, I enjoy the Animal Crossing console games for it’s ability to be customizeable, openworld, sandboxy, and just an escape from my everyday reality. I feel like this version is a mini game with glorified micro transactions all over the place. Which let’s be honest the application never used to be this way on launch but I do understand that Nintnedo has to make money through the app somehow and this is how they chose to do it. It’s definitely fun and enjoyable for the short term but I find myself escaping to my consoles and playing either New Horizons or the older version for the 3Ds Animal Crossing New Leaf. Everything that would be free on the console version you have to buy in the mobile. It just makes more sense in my opinion for someone who has a Switch and DS to spend the money on the game and be able to do more than I can do on the mobile app. But as i’ve said before I do understand that game consoles are expensive and your phone is what you use for both entertainment, work, etc. In this case spending the money to have a very similar experience could be worth it. Just for me and this is where I’ll be a little biased it’s not for me even though the micro transactions are always tempting because I’m always afraid the item will never come back or the fortune cookies are a one time thing making those specific items rare. I do enjoy the game but the micro transactions are my biggest problem.... If this is a small con for you then this is definitely something you will enjoy just don’t always give into those micro transactions. You can have a whole lot of fun without spending a dime in the game don’t get tempted. 
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leafygoodnis · 5 years
I got to play Luigi's Mansion 3, thoughts on it:
It's visually really exciting! I love the original for its weird almost-realism but this aesthetic is far more expressive. Luigi fits right in with his animations and stuff too! Feels very cohesive, cartoony but still with a bit of eerieness. Like Scooby-Doo or something.
The demo was running at around 30 fps. It wasn't an issue (the GC original is also 30 fps and I love it lol) but I think it'd look incredible at a full 60! Fingers crossed for that.
I expected the gameplay to be pretty similar to the first one (I didn't play Dark Moon), but it surprised me! It feels more fluid and even a bit more skill-based - you need to actually catch a ghost's tail in your vacuum to really start reeling them in, whereas in LM1 it was basically Stun > Vacuum and you'd have a full lock on them. Positioning and movement are more important! That's fantastic for long-term play and the multiplayer as well!
The new mechanics are slick as hell. The air burst-jump is interesting (didn't have a reason to use it in my 15 mins tho) but the slam feels fantastic. People are worried about it being too powerful - it does about 20 damage now, it could do closer to 10 or 15 - but I feel like it overall blends smoothly into the classic gameplay without fully overriding it.
Gooigi is so cool and I love him, the puzzles are going to be so fun! Switching back and forth between him and Luigi was really slick and didn't feel like a burden on the single-player experience.
The boss was really well-done - he was a jousting king-looking ghost. If he catches you with his charging attack, he snags your backpack, lifts you up, and slams you down hard. I straight-up thought he impaled Luigi with his lance like a Dark Souls boss. It was awesome.
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gamechanblog · 5 years
Tumblr media
Gameplay Update 7.21d - Dota 2
Recipe cost reduced from 1250 to 1100
Recipe cost increased from 1700 to 1800
Cooldown increased from 16 to 18
Cast range reduced from 1150 to 1100
Target attack speed increase/reduction changed from 70 to 80
Agility gain increased from 2.1 to 2.4
Tempest Double duration increased from 16/18/20 to 16/20/24
Strength gain increased from 3.2 to 3.4
Base damage increased by 3
Double Edge damage increased from 40/60/80/100% to 60/80/100/120%
Level 20 Talent increased from +50 Retaliate Damage to +70
Divine Favor duration reduced from 14 to 8/10/12/14
Elder Dragon Form slow increased from 30 to 40
Level 10 Talent increased from -20% Breath Fire Damage to -25%
Level 15 Talent increased from +300 Health to +350
Level 20 Talent increased from +150 Gold/Min to +180
Level 25 Talent increased from +1.75s Dragon Tail to +2s
Agility gain increased from 2.5 to 2.8
Base agility increased by 6 (base damage unchanged)
Base armor increased by 2
Base strength increased by 1
Base intelligence increased from 17 to 19
Base damage increased by 3
Level 10 Talent increased from +200 Health to +250
Omnislash cooldown increased from 130 to 140
Diabolic Edict damage reduced from 11/22/33/44 to 8/20/32/44
Rage cooldown increased from 16 to 18
Agility increased from 16 + 1.5 to 23 + 1.8
Strength gain reduced from 3.6 to 3.2
Spear of Mars vision AoE reduced from 500 to 300
God's Rebuke manacost increased from 55/60/65/70 to 65/70/75/80
Level 20 Talent reduced from +1.5s Spears of Mars Stun to +1s
Mirror Image illusion incoming damage reduced from 400% to 350%
Base armor increased by 1
False Promise cooldown increased from 100/65/30 to 115/80/45
False Promise manacost increased from 100 to 100/150/200
False Promise cast range rescaled from 1000 to 700/850/1000
Lucky Shot can no longer apply both silence and disarm at the same time
Lucky Shot chance reduced from 20% to 17%
Rolling Thunder manacost increased from 100 to 100/150/200
Dream Coil no longer latches on Spell Immune units for non-scepter version (primarily affects new leashed status effect)
Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +125 Cast Range
Level 10 Talent changed from +10 Intelligence to +5 All Stats
Flesh Heap regeneration increased from 3/6/9/12 to 5/8/11/14
Base armor increased by 1
Sand Storm damage increased from 20/40/60/80 to 20/45/70/95
Burrowstrike cast range increased from 350/450/550/650 to 400/500/600/700
Base intelligence reduced by 2
Glaives of Wisdom damage increased from 25/40/55/70% to 25/45/65/85%
Mystic Flare damage increased from 600/1000/1400 to 700/1150/1600
Shrapnel replenish time reduced from 50 to 40
Take Aim active cooldown reduced from 15/12/9/6 to 9/8/7/6
Charge of Darkness cooldown reduced from 12 to 11
Intelligence increased from 22 + 3.7 to 23 + 3.9
Static Remnant damage increased from 120/170/220/270 to 120/175/230/285
Electric Vortex pull distance increased from 140/180/220/260 to 180/220/260/300
Agility gain increased from 2.8 to 3.2
Meld debuff duration increased from 10 to 12
Base armor reduced by 1
Poison Nova scepter damage increased from 60/85/110 to 75/100/125
Agility gain reduced from 2.8 to 2.5
Nethertoxin cooldown increased from 5 to 6
Base strength increased by 1
Focus Fire attack speed changed from 425 to 450
Intelligence increased from 20 + 3.1 to 21 + 3.3
Static Field damage increased from 4/6/8/10% to 5/7/9/11%
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