#ARC medic coy
bibannana · 1 year
Cody *who's blaster has been destroyed, spin kicking the head off a droid*: Who brings a knife to a fist fight?!
Rex *dodging behind some debris, grabbing a discarded knife*: Better question, who brings a blaster to a knife fight!?
B1- battle droid *facing Ahsoka as she spins through the air, lightsabers ablaze*: Who brings a lightsaber to a blaster fight?
Coy *watching Ahsoka bound around the battle field*: Uh most important question, who brings a child to a fight?!!?
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
It’s months post-Starcourt, but the “fire” is still a mainstay on every local station. Newscasters pluck experts out of the woodwork, investigators and fire marshals, even a conspiracy theorist or two, and every stupid interview fades into the background as the mundanity of Hawkins, Indiana settles across the town like a well-worn blanket. It has become a part of the local color, rolled out at events, when cameras spotlight the new mayor, the new police chief, the high school sports teams trotting out in thinner numbers than before.
Steve skulks away from all the pomp and circumstance of the pep rally, the echoes in the gym sealed inside as the heavy metal doors slam shut behind him. He shoves his hands in his pockets, glances right and then left, over his shoulder and back again. Why is he nervous? He shouldn’t be nervous. He checks his watch, taps it as though the hands are lying to him, as if he needs to shake them awake. Time is moving too slow. He decides to trek out early.
This is for Billy. Steve repeats this in his head over and over again, a reminder, because Billy is healing but the healing is slow, and he’s in so much pain all the time, and nothing is touching it, — nothing is helping him. Steve’s pretty sure that Neil’s restricting his medications, that he’s not giving Billy the best chance at getting better, and the mere thought of it makes his blood boil. His heart breaks at every wince, every sharp inhale, every coiled muscle. Steve has held Billy, sobbing, in agony, for too many nights. He can’t just do nothing. He feels useless and he hates it. He has to do something. He has to help somehow.
The thought entered his brain sometime in the last week, on one of the many sleepness nights he’d spent hunkered in the dark of Forest Hills Trailer Park, the trailer empty save for Max dozing on the couch in the living room, Billy curled miserably in Steve’s lap in the bedroom.
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispered, stroking Billy’s tear-stained cheek. “I’m sorry, baby. I know it hurts.”
He’d already shaken every last orange bottle cluttering the nightstand, all of them empty. Max had scrounged in the bathroom but only came up with a few Tylenol capsules and some kind of muscle cream, neither of which would do Billy much good. Neil was supposed to refill Billy’s prescriptions, had snatched them from Susan’s hands when she’d offered to do it, but so far he’d only come home with brown bags of bourbon and the occasional six pack.
Steve had been holding Billy, rocking him, trying desperately to comfort him, when the arc of Eddie Munson’s headlights across the way caught his attention. An idea formed, and now Steve is sitting at a rickety picnic table in the middle of the woods staring at the black lunch box Eddie had slammed onto the wooden slats.
“It’s not for me,” Steve says, leaning over to peer into the box, reaching in and frowning at the little baggies of weed. He plucks one up, sniffs it, is surprised to find that it’s not some knock-off. He’d almost expected oregano. Such disappointment would align with his mood.
“You don’t have to lie, Stevie,” Eddie says, coy, teasing, as if he thinks that Steve is trying to keep whatever reputation has clung to him since high school.
Steve shakes his head, admits the truth, “It’s for a friend.” Well, a half truth. He eyes Eddie, wondering how much he can trust this boy he’d barely looked twice at since elementary school.
“Sure, man,” Eddie shrugs, still not believing him. “As long as your friend can pay.”
Steve resumes his shopping, sifting through Eddie’s supply. “You got anything stronger than this?” he asks, pinching a baggie between two fingers.
Eddie whistles. “Harrington still likes to party.”
“Listen,” Steve says, harsher than he means to, and Eddie stills. “It’s— I’m…” He sighs heavily, flings the weed back into the metal box and scrubs his hands over his face. Eventually he says, “It’s for Billy.”
“Oh.” Eddie’s features soften.
“I know his family moved out by you,” Steve says, choosing his words carefully. “I don’t know how much you’ve seen of him.”
“Not much,” Eddie admits. “I know he was in the fire,” he says. “That he got hurt.”
Steve can’t help but snort — derision, disgust, annoyance all bubbling to the surface. “The fire,” he scoffs, shaking his head. Then he remembers himself, recalls the purpose of this particular mission. He composes himself, says, “He got really hurt. It’s bad. I’m…worried about him.”
Steve isn’t sure he likes the way that Eddie looks at him when he says, sincerely, “Yeah. Sure.” He looks like he knows something. Hell, he probably does. Steve gets sloppy when he’s nervous, and visiting Billy sets every nerve-ending ablaze. He doesn’t doubt that he’s parked too close to the trailer once or twice, that Eddie may have seen the Beamer cut through the back entrance of the park.
“I just want to help him,” Steve says.
Eddie looks down. He digs a bitten-down nail against the knotted wood of the table, bites his lip, scuffs the heel of his sneaker against the dirt beneath him. “I like Billy,” he says after a while, and when he looks up Steve can tell that he means it. “I mean, I don’t know him well. Not like you do.” Again, that look, that wisdom, that knowledge. “But I like him. We smoked together a couple times. He’s a good guy, underneath it all.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees. “He is.”
Eddie is quiet for a moment, and then for two. Steve finds himself anxious, worried that Eddie might decide that he doesn’t like Billy enough to help him. Then Eddie takes a deep breath and asks, “How bad’s the pain?”
“Really bad,” Steve answers quickly. “If it’s a scale of one to ten, he’s off the chart. He’s supposed to be on— I…I don’t remember the name of it. But, his family…” This isn’t Steve’s business, not his story to tell. He bites his tongue, keeps it simple. “Money’s tight. He can’t always get his meds. But he can’t survive on baby aspirin and ibuprofen, you know? He’s not in good shape.”
Eddie takes this all in and then he asks, “Will you be with him tonight?” When Steve fumbles, Eddie clarifies, “All my stronger stuff’s back home. I don’t carry it around — too expensive, not worth the risk. But for Billy…” He opens his palms. “I’ll stop in. He can take what he wants. But someone should probably stay with him. I’ve got prescriptions. Safe enough. But, new meds and all, and if he’s as fucked up as you say…”
“I’ll be with him,” Steve says. Eddie smiles and Steve thinks that he’s got him, that he’s got them, all figured out.
For his part, Eddie keeps his promise. He arrives at the trailer under the cover of night. Max is gone for the night, a much-needed sleepover with El granting a brief reprieve. Steve is on the couch with Billy lounging against him pretending not to be uncomfortable. The pain gets worse at night, and Steve can feel in setting in, can tell by the way Billy’s muscles spasm and tense, by the soft little whines that escape when Billy shifts in his spot.
Steve is relieved when Eddie knocks on the door, a feeling that is only half-tempered by Billy’s lack of reaction to Eddie seeing them together, so close, so exposed. Billy’s shirt is off, the fabric too scratchy and painful to bear. Only a thin veil of gauze hides the worst of his still-healing injuries, red, angry scars snaking out from beneath them. Billy barely moves away from Steve, even grabs onto him to help ease himself upright, as Eddie lets himself inside.
The transaction is swift, easy. Eddie presents pill bottles like offerings and Billy turns them over in his hands, selecting a drug with a name he recognizes. Eddie is casual, friendly; he charges a nominal fee that Billy scoffs at even as he downs the pills, dry-swallowing in one gulp.
Eddie lingers after the exchange, settling at the far end of the couch, watching music videos with Steve and Billy as the night stretches on.
It’s not long before Billy begins to slump against Steve, body uncoiling as he snuggles close, his head tucked beneath Steve’s chin, resting on Steve’s chest. Steve holds him there, cards a hand through Billy’s hair, wants to cry because Billy isn’t and he’s so damn grateful for that.
As Billy drifts off, Steve looks to Eddie, opens his mouth to thank him, but stops when he sees Eddie’s furrowed brow, his frown. “What’s wrong?” Steve asks.
Eddie blinks, tries to look away from the roadmap of scars cross-crossing Billy’s back but can’t. “It wasn’t a fire,” he says plainly, eyes flicking to Steve’s, “was it?”
Steve is quiet for a long while. He holds Billy closer, as though afraid that confessing the truth will somehow take him away. He’s spent so many nights dwelling on the look of him, small and bleeding, gasping for breath, on the floor of the mall. He’s spent so much time scared of losing him.
“No,” Steve says eventually. “It wasn’t a fire.”
Eddie slides closer. He places his hand on top of Steve’s, which is holding Billy’s. He looks like he might say something, but he doesn’t. He just sits there, squeezing Steve’s hand, which squeezes Billy’s. Steve finds he likes the feeling, the warm weight of Eddie’s quiet understanding, his gentle support.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
What are Those?!! XII
Glynda: “You two are highly compatible…” Oh gods… can this day get any worse…
: Glynda?
Glynda: …
Glynda: Glynda, you fool!
: Glynda~!!!
Glynda: H-Hi Junip-Grk?!
Juniper: Oh, my little sister! I’ve missed you so much!
Nora: Wait, Glyn-Glyn’s your sister?! Does that mean she’s my new aunt too?!
Glynda: Grr…?! G-Get off of me!
Juniper: Naww… No hugs for your big sister…?
Glynda: We are not sisters, Ms. Valkyrie. I am orphan like you, while Mrs. Arc is the youngest of three. She has, ‘adopted’ me as her honorary little sister after we spent some time on a mission during our younger years. We are in no way a relation of any sorts, so therefor I am not your aunt!
Glynda: …
Glynda: Wait…? Why did you call me your aunt, Ms. Valkyrie?
Nora: Cause I thought you were, Mom’s sister.
Glynda: Mom?! Ms. Valkyrie, what are you going on about?!
Juniper: Ah ah ah, Glynda~! You’re not talking to, Nora Valkyrie anymore!
Glynda: I’m not; Then to who am I talking to?
Juniper: May I present to you, Nora Valkyrie Arc~!!!
Glynda: Nora Arc…? Please tell me you didn’t marry off your son to his teammate…?
Juniper: What, no I didn’t do that! To her…
Glynda: Then what happened?
Nora: I got adopted!
Glynda: You did?
Nora: Yeah! Now I got a new mommy, a new daddy, seven sisters, and Jaune-Jaune’s now my older brother! Everything’s coming up, Nora!
Glynda: Oh, well congrats, Ms. Arc.
Nora: (Gasp~!) This is the best day ever~!
Glynda: I see… Haa… May I ask why you are here, Juniper. I doubt it has nothing to do with you wanting to adopt a child?
Juniper: No it’s nothing to do with that. It’s about me getting a whole slew of adorable faunas grandbabies!!!
Glynda: Oh… This about the whole problem about, Jaune being a faunas isn’t it… Of which, why didn’t you tell me your son is a faunas?
Juniper: Oh, that? Well, none of us cared he was a Faunas. Jaune is my son, the fact he has retractable claws, can breath fire, see in the dark, has an incredible sense of smell…
Glynda: Eep!
Juniper: Chew threw metal, and retractable fangs, doesn’t mean he’s any less my adorable little knight~!
Glynda: So, he is your son then.
Juniper: Of course he is, what are you insinuating?!
Glynda: I’m sorry, Juniper, but one can’t help but speculate: You, and Acheius are both humans, and your son is a faunas.
Juniper: Glynda… I hope you’re not in…!
Glynda: I would never dare insinuate you of infidelity, Juniper. But, nonetheless something is amiss here.
Juniper: There is faunas, DNA in our family’s blood. The visual traits may have been breed out over the generations, but it is still in our blood. And, Jaune’s just picked up all those old family traits.
Glynda: But, still…
Juniper: Glynda… Genetics are weird; genetic medical conditions, genetic physical traits, and genetic tics sometimes skip a generation, or two. So it skipped a few until it came crashing down on, Jaune. So what? He’s still my son, he’s still my husband’s son, my daughter’s brother, even my new daughter’s brother~!
Nora: Hehe~!
Juniper: It doesn’t matter; human, or faunas, he is still my son. And, that’s all there is to that. Okay?
Glynda: I’m sorry, Juniper. I didn’t me anything by what I said. It’s just… perplexing.
Juniper: I understand, and it’s okay. It happens more than I like. Now then, there’s something I need to ask you.
Glynda: What is it?
Juniper: What was that little, ‘Eep,’ I heard there?
Glynda: ‘Eep,’ what, ‘Eep?’
Juniper: Don’t play coy, Glynda: As soon as I mention, Jaune’s sense of smell you reacted to it rather strongly. So tell me, what happened, Glynda~?
Glynda: N-Nothing! Nothing happened!
Juniper: Does that look like the face of nothing, Nora?
Nora: No way! Something definitely happened. Something juicy happened!
Glynda: No! Nothing happened! Nothing happened at all!
Juniper: Really? Is that why you’re wearing such strong perfume?
Glynda: No, I-I just happen I like the smell is all.
JN: Righhhhht~!
Glynda: Haa… Juniper, there isn’t anything…?!
Oobaleck: Ahh, Glynda!
Glynda: …
Glynda: Fuck…!
Oobaleck: Oh? Mrs. Arc! How wonderful to see you again!
Juniper: Bart! Its so nice to see you again. Oh, may I introduce you to, Miss Nora Valkyrie Arc?
Oobaleck: Arc? You’ve been adopted, Ms. Valkyrie?
Nora: Yep! I have a new family now!
Oobaleck: Congratulations are dew then, Ms. Arc.
Nora: Hehehe! Oh sounds so amazing to hear that! By the way Professor…
Oobaleck: Doctor!
Nora: Why is your face all burnt?
Oobaleck: Ahh, yes! You see, I went to see, Mr. Arc, and tell him, and explain to him why he had such a violent reaction to being around, Ms. Goodwitch.
Juniper: Oh~? Did he now?
Glynda: Oh no…
Juniper: Do tell, do tell~!
Oobaleck: You see, Mr. Arc had an acute reaction to smelling, Glynda without her perfume. A reaction that made him have a panic attack of sorts, so I decided it would be best to explain to him what happened!
Glynda: Y-You don’t need to know, trust me it’s nothing bad, e-everything is fine!
Oobaleck: No! As his mother. Mrs. Arc has a right to know about her son’s condition.
Juniper: Condition?! I do hope it’s nothing bad!
Oobaleck: No, not at all! You see, Jaune Arc has a highly acute sense of smell! And, with this he can detect a prime candidate!
Juniper: A prime candidate? What do you mean by that?
Oobaleck: If he smells someone’s natural body odour, and if he finds it pleasing, it means they are highly genetically compatible!
Juniper: Compatible~?
Oobaleck: Yes, I went to inform Mr. Arc, that Ms. Goodwitch is a prime mate for him!
Juniper: A prime mate~?
Oobaleck: Yes! A prime mate! He was however, so shocked by my answer he set my face on fire. I don’t see why he was so upset about it though. I think he, and Glynda would make a fine couple!
Glynda: Bart…
Oobaleck: Hmm?
Glynda: Shut. Up.
Oobaleck: Hmm? What is wrong? I thought you liked Mr. Ahhck?!!!
Glynda: I said shut up! Ahem! I-Ignore what he said! B-Bart’s just really into understanding Ja… Mr. Arc’s! F-Faunas traits! D-Don’t think about it!
Juniper: Hmm~? Tell me, Nora. What do you want more~? An honorary aunt? Or, a new sister-in-law~?
Nora: Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!
Juniper: My thoughts exactly~! So tell me, Glynda~? How do you feel about getting a new mother too~?
Glynda: …
Glynda: Haa… Shit…
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s-creations · 1 year
The Forgotten - Chapter 5 'In Which Sparks Fly In More Than One Way'
The BeanBean Kingdom has lived peacefully for centuries, due to the wild ocean and towering mountains that surround them. No one being able to get in or out. Which makes it strange when a stranger enters the kingdom, but not in an expected way.
Close to death and with little memories about his previous life, Peasley has to uncover where this 'L' came from. As well as who would want to hurt this confused human.
Fandom: Super Mario & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Luigi & Mario (Nintendo), Luigi/Prince Peasley Warnings/Additional Tags: Luigi don't remember who he is, AU to Super Star Saga, There will be mentions of torture, PTSD, Bowser's gonna be intense in this, At least far more than in comparison to the games, Mario's a worried older brother, It's a dangerous game of cat and mouse
“L? What are you doing?”
The human jumped, turning slightly towards Peasley as the prince approached. L was in his wheelchair resting by the large window in the medical wing. His wrist and arm had been officially marked as healed. Even though his leg was still recovering, L could officially move on his own. Not meaning he actually would go anywhere without Peasley with him.
L had expressed his fear about leaving the wing alone. Wanting the prince to stay by his side when L traversed the large building. The announcement, the kingdom knowing he existed, had done nothing to calm L. As now he feared more curious eyes on him, which placed him on edge. L had more or less confined himself to the quiet wing for the mornings and evenings when no one was available. Peasley wasn’t thrilled that the human had basically imprisoned himself. But he wasn’t going to argue about it. His focus was on keeping L safe. 
To make up for his own faults. 
Peasley had walked into the medical wing to retrieve L, wondering if he could convince the human to go back to the garden. Hopefulness turned to confusion when, upon finding L, Pealsey also saw strange blue lightning. Flickering in and out. Pealsey’s call out caused the strange light to completely disappear. L offered a sheepish smile as the prince now stood before him. 
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
Peasley crossed his arms with an unamused look on his face. “Don’t play coy with me. I saw that…whatever that was.”
“...Promise you won’t be angry?”
“I’m more concerned than angry at the moment.” Seeming convinced, L gestured for Peasley to walk closer. The prince doing so with raised brows. Amazement perking up as L was able to produce lightning in the palm of his hand. An absolutely beautiful blue, energy arcing from finger to finger. “L…is this what you used in the garden?”
L nodded weakly. “Yeah, apparently.”
“What is it?”
“I believe it’s a technique called Thunderhand.” Both jumped at the arrival of a new voice. Dr. Pinto raises his hands with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, didn’t mean to cause a shock.”
“Dr. Pinto, was that a pun.” Peasley asked, deadpanned.
“T-Thunderhand?” L voiced as Dr. Pinto drew closer. Allowing the doctor to take one of his hands.
“Long, long forgotten technique. Very powerful. Very dangerous. I’ve read reports that state this power is tied directly to the warrior’s emotions. Explains why the previous event caused such a strong reaction.”
“I was scared.”
“Why didn’t he use this ability on his captor?” Peasley asked. 
“My guess, not enough energy,” the doctor answered, “You weren’t able to produce what was needed for you needed to attack. But now that you’ve been cared for and are getting your strength back, your abilities also returned. Meaning we have a whole other issue to worry about.”
L frowned softly. “So…”
“You need to be trained. Or, retrained as the case may be.” Peasley answered with Dr. Pinto nodding. 
“Which means you need a teacher… Well, you two have fun with that.”
The Beanish prince faltered as Dr. Pinto started to walk away. “Wait, what?”
“Prince Peasley, L needs someone who knows about patience and control. This is right up your alley. Good luck!”
L couldn’t help but laugh at Peasley’s look of absolute disbelief. “You okay?”
“I suppose so. I just wasn’t ready for the turn this day was going to have.”
“Did you have something else planned?”
“I wanted to take you out to the gardens again.”
L’s smile faltered slightly at this. “Are you sure? I mean, after last time…”
“It was a bad outcome, I’ll admit. But it’ll be different this time! I wanted to show you something and I even had a wonderful meal prepared for us. You’ve been inside for a few days. Going outside again might be beneficial, please?” Peasley gave his best pout to the human. Which resulted in L laughing again while playfully pushing the prince away. 
“Alright, alright! Show me what this surprise is.”
The pout turned to a wide smile as the prince took his position to push L forward. The day was bright and sunny, L letting out a small sigh as the warmth hit him. Allowing his shoulders to relax as he’s taken into the magnificent garden once more. 
“Here we are.” said Peasley, gesturing towards a small table set up with two delivery carts placed nearby. One held a tea set while the other held an array of different foods.
It was an amazing spread, but L was more shocked by where they were eating. Mainly where his attack had landed and the foliage had been burnt away. Only to see them in full bloom once again. “The roses…they’re back.”
“They sure are.” Peasley beamed at L’s face as it turned towards him.
“H-How? They look like nothing ever happened.”
“Eh, I have a bit of a green thumb.”
“Sorry, but it’s true! Here, watch this.” Peasley bent down to place his hands on the ground. L watching in amazement as the ground began to crack slightly with green light pouring through. The prince pulled away to allow a beautiful array of different colored roses to grow in its place. Not as large as the surrounding bushes, but impressive nonetheless.
“Peasley…that’s amazing.” L whispered softly as Peasley casually cut the newly produced roses. Cutting off the thorns before weaving them together. 
“It’s a trait I inherited from my father. A rare, almost completely extinct form of magic from the kingdom. Only a few other citizens can do this. Not as well as I can, but they’re very helpful with keeping crops alive and well.”
“You said this was your dad’s garden..” L flushed softly as a crown of roses was gingerly placed on his head. The green cap was moved to rest in his lap. Offering a small smile as Peasley’s thumb gently rubbed across his cheek. 
The prince pulled away before continuing. “This is what he and I bonded over. Taught me a lot about how to control my abilities. Showed me the difference between growing something new and maintaining an already healthy creation. He said it was kind of like ruling the kingdom. You need to know who needs what and when. Not everyone will need the same thing.” 
“He sounds smart.”
“He is…he was…”
L didn’t miss the way Peasley’s shoulders dropped, eyes becoming slightly dull. He wheeled himself over to the small table. Eventually maneuvering himself to face towards it, settling down before smiling over to Peasley. Who was watching it all with a raised brow. The human waved his hand towards the empty chair across. “Why don’t you tell me about him?”
Peasley smiled softly as he took the seat. Biting his lower lip before admitting, “I’m not sure where to start.”
“How did your parents meet? That’s a safe starting point.”
“The farmer’s market,” the prince chuckled softly, “Mom had snuck out of the castle. She was supposed to have escorts with her whenever she left the grounds and did she ever hate that.”
“I wouldn’t count Queen Bean as a rebel.”
“She says she’s calmed down quite a lot since then. But she went to the market and was instantly drawn to a stand that held the best roses she had ever seen.”
L’s eyes darted over to the numerous bushes with a smile. “Like yours?”
“Ah…his were a bit more impressive. But I’m getting there. Anyway, when mom got to the stand, she asked who grew the flowers. She said it was love at first sight. Something about seeing a strong man covered in dirt or something equally as weird.” Peasley made a gagging sound while L laughed. 
“You drama queen.”
“Uh, excuse you, drama prince.”
They shared a laugh before L asked, “So, they fell in love?”
“Eh, sort of. Mom says she fell hard. But dad said he was a little oblivious for a while. He liked her, but wasn’t aware she felt the same way… Until she kissed him in front of the whole kingdom.”
“Oh Grambi, really!”
Peasley couldn’t help but laugh at L’s look of shock. “Mom said she was getting irritated and impatient. It was all she could think to do.”
“Wow… Were people upset that your mother fell for a commoner?”
“Goodness no! It’s actually expected. Our kingdom is closed off. No one gets in or out, and we can’t marry family relations, obviously. Plus, it sort of provides the royal bloodline a connection to our citizens in some way. People tend to feel comfortable if they have someone who’s been in their shoes before.” 
Peasley smiled, running his finger along the lip of his cup. “Dad was great… I got to see his family farm a few times before it was sold…”
Feeling the emotions shift to a more somber tone, L cautiously asked, “What…happened to him?”
“...He died… He became really sick and wasn’t able to recover… Passed away in his sleep after fighting for a few years…”
“How old were you?”
“About 7… I wish I remembered more about him. I can still hear his laugh, I remember that his beard would scratch my cheeks… But the older I get I feel like the less I really remember of him. I can’t see his face anymore, it’s all the paintings of him that surface when I think about it. How his face has been preserved in oils and not how he actually looked.”
Peasley huffed but continued, “Mom was more affected by it then what she let on. She’s strong and sturdy. Would rather put on a wide smile and deal with other’s issues more than anything else. I think Lady Lima’s the only person she truly opens up to. The citizens support her in any way they can. They were hurt by the loss as well. But they can also tell that their Queen…wasn’t the same afterwards.”
“What about you?” L asked. 
“Me? …I feel selfish for saying I miss him. I know that sounds stupid, he was my father. But he’s been out of my life longer than he was in it. It feels unfair that I could claim to be affected by this. So, I do what I can to be the perfect prince, to make my mother’s life easier. To make everyone’s life easier. Maybe to replace what they lost? I make connections, I train, I offer my input on discussions, I lead the army with the captain, I…”
“You play a part.”
“No! I mean…maybe? I’m doing all I can to learn what I can. I’m next in line for the throne. I feel that I need to care for my mother, to give her something of a relief. I worry if I’m doing enough, if I’m…going to be enough.” Peasley was unaware his hands had begun to shake until another pair took his own. Looking up to find that L had moved closer. 
“I know my words aren’t going to hold much merit… But I think you’re going to be a great king,” L offered softly, “I mean, if you’re as honest and as open as you have been with me, you have nothing to worry about. It’s clear you want to help, to be better. I feel like that’s the mark of a good leader.”
Peasley couldn’t help but giggle after a few moments. “You have a way with words. …I’ll have more confidence in what you’re saying when I’m able to completely help you.”
“I trust you.” 
L’s words felt so sincere, Peasley became a little flustered. Even more so when he realized how close they’d become. His cheeks no doubt became a deep blue if the warmth he felt was any indication. Peasley was a little surprised when he watched L’s cheeks turn a deep shade of red. 
“Are you okay?” The prince asked, freeing a hand to gently cup L’s cheek. 
“‘M fine.” was the mumbled response, L never pulling away.
Time seemed to freeze between the two, having gone completely quiet as if the world was waiting to see what would happen next. Peasley on his part had his eyes flitting between L’s bright blue eyes and the human’s parted lips. From the movement he could catch from the human, L seemed to have been caught in the same loop. Peasley’s breath caught his throat in excitement in possible hopes that L was thinking the same as the prince was.
Taking a chance, Peasley began to lean forward. Giving a slight pause to allow L to move away if the prince was reading this all wrong. But the human remained still. His breathing became shallow, as if excited. Seeing no signs of discomfort, Peasley leaned further in. 
Only to pull away fully when he was zapped by a sudden and strong surge of energy. Peasley let out a small hiss of pain as he quickly pulled away and rubbed his hands together. 
“I’m sorry!” L panicked, “Oh Grambi, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine, I’m fine, no worries. Just wasn’t expecting it.” Peasley attempted to laugh it off. But it didn’t seem to have eased L in any way. The human goes so far as to place his green cap back on his head, the rose crown being knocked to the ground. Eyes now covered with his cheeks a vivid red. Peasley frowned softly as he bent down and picked up the fallen crown. “L, you’re okay, I’m okay.”
“I can’t believe I ruined it,” the human muttered, “Why can’t I do anything right?” 
That caused Peasley to worry. “L, I’m serious, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
L didn’t pull away when Peasley removed his hands from the cap. Which was adjusted back to its proper position. The human’s eyes, however, wouldn’t meet Peasley’s, “I’m sorry.”
“...Why do I feel like there’s more than an apology for such a shocking touch?”
“I…feel like I’ve done something wrong. Or, well, no, that’s not right. That I’ve messed up a few times and this is just another moment? Like this is normal and I just…” L sighed weakly and rubbed his face, “I keep thinking back to Mario.”
“Do you remember them?”
“No…not really. I don’t know who they are or what they look like or my connection to them. I just know they’re important. Like I know I’m supposed to know who they are, that once I do, everything will just make sense…” 
Peasley bit his lip before cautiously asking, “Do you think this Mario…that they hurt you?”
“What, no! No, a-actually I think it’s the opposite. I’m not afraid of the name. I feel…safe, happy. That everything I do is to try and make them proud…even though I think they’re already proud of me. Which is why I feel horrible, like being in this state… I’m alive and well, but they probably think I’m dead or just missing still, having no idea where I am. I’m happy and safe, but they’re probably worried sick.”
“Then focus on what you can do now. We’ll find where you belong. I promise.”
L smiles softly at Peasley’s words. “...Thank you Peasley. For everything.”
“Of course… Now, how about we start on that training, shall we?”
The moment L was back in the medical wing and under Dr. Pinto’s care, Peasley left to find his mother. While the afternoon was successful, L even ending it with holding a sphere of pure energy in the palm of his hand, the prince couldn’t help but think about their talk. Or, more specifically, that moment when neither of them were talking.
Peasley would be lying if he said his stomach didn’t flip thinking back to it. How he felt more like those giddy fan-girls did when they saw him than his normal self. Swooning and flushed. How he wanted to hold the human close and never let go. Peasley’s feelings were becoming too strong to ignore. 
He was falling for L, and he felt…confused. 
Peasley entered the familiar throne room. Thankful to see that Queen Bean was not meeting with an audience that evening. “Queen Bean?”
The queen pulled her attention away from Lady Lima as Peasley walked forward. “Good evening, Prince Peasley. Have you come with your daily report?”
“I…was going to request an audience… Between mother and son.”
Queen Bean’s attitude shifted immediately. Going from formal and regal to one of a worried parent. There was a command of ‘Everyone, out please!’ and she waited for them to be alone before approaching Peasley. Looking worried. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I…wanted to ask you a question… About dad?”
This was clearly not what the queen was expecting. But she recovered quickly. “Of course, what did you want to know?”
“When you met dad… Did you really fall in love with him, right away?” Peasley swallowed weakly as he waited for an answer. 
He didn’t argue as he was moved towards the nearby balcony that faced the gardens. Which was currently bathed in a golden glow due to the setting sun. Peasley’s eyes closed in comfort as a gentle breeze moved through his hair. 
“I suppose what I’ve told you is a bit of a romanticized recollection.” When Queen Bean finally spoke, she was very quiet. Peasley no longer sees a ruler. But a mother, an individual, who has carried a lot on her shoulders.
“What do you mean?” Peasley asked. 
“Love was really more of a curiosity. Curious about the overly bubbly gardener with a large smile. Curiosity led to fascination. Which then led to…I suppose love.”
“How did you know he was the one?”
Queen Bean sighed softly, giving a small smile as she stared off dreamily. “Because it hurt to be away from him. My spare time was spent thinking about what he could possibly be doing. I knew he was the one when I realized being with anyone else would be like a knife to my heart. If I may ask my own question, why the sudden curiosity?”
Peasley’s eyes traveled down towards the medical wing. No doubt where L would be enjoying his dinner while reading the prince’s latest selection of novels. “I feel…torn, mother.”
“How so?”
“I’m…almost ashamed to admit that I feel something for our unexpected guest.”
Queen Bean gave a small nod before saying, “I see.”
“The way you described your connection to dad, I feel I’m experiencing the same thing. B-But different. Because L is not from our kingdom, he has a life far away from this place. As well as his life is in danger. Our kingdom is in danger! How could I even…think about these things?” Peasley crossed his arms, while shutting his eyes tightly.
“I want to follow this… But so many things are holding me back. I feel so selfish for thinking this way.”
Queen Bean knelt down and pulled her son close. Smiling softly when arms wrapped around one of her own. “I don’t want you to live with regrets. Every day we have is such an unknown. I won’t say your fears are not unfounded. But that doesn’t mean you let it control your life. You’re not selfish…you’re living.”
Letting out a shaky breath, Peasley allowed himself to relax further into his mother’s arms. Eyes going once more to the medical wing. “Am I wrong…for feeling this way?”
“No, we really can’t help who we fall in love with sometimes. I believe you’re merely following in my footsteps.”
“What if L turns out to not be who I thought he was?”
“Even with his memories lost, do you believe he’s lying in any way?”
Queen Bean couldn’t help but laugh softly at how quickly Peasley had responded. “Then I believe you have nothing to worry about. If you feel so strongly about this, then I believe you need to pursue this.”
It was as if a large weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Peasley gave a wobbly smile as he replied with a quiet, “Thank you, mom.”
“Of course… Although, now I’m in an awkward position.”
“How so?” 
“I don’t believe Dr. Pinto will look kindly upon me for threatening a patient.”
Peasley allowed a few moments to muddle this comment over before letting out a laugh. “Mom!”
“I’m allowed to make sure you’re going to be taken care of!” The queen playfully stated. Placing a gentle kiss on Peasley’s brow as he continued to laugh. “Chase this love, my dear son. Do what you feel is right for you.”
“Thank you… Um, how do I do that?”
Oh, this child.
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sustraiii · 3 years
Back with the Rossi family this chapter following the clash against Nieve and Wisteria.
As divisions begin to form over the handling of their enemies, Belleza steps up her plan for her endgame.
Belleza took in a sharp breath as the needle pierced her skin again. Her eyes studied the wall opposite her as Sparrow got to work, following the step by step instructions being given to them by Theodora Crest via Belleza's scroll.
There was a small tug in her shoulder, and Belleza heard a snipping sound as Sparrow cut the string. A moment later there was a small clink as Sparrow dropped the needle into the metal bowl by the side of her.
"It is done," Sparrow said.
"Let me see it," Theodora requested. Sparrow took a moment to carefully remove the gloves they were wearing, dropping them into the bowl with the needle before picking up the scroll and moving it close to Belleza’s now stitched up wound so that Theodora could inspect it. On the screen, Belleza could see the young woman frowning slightly as Sparrow moved the camera to show different angles of their work.
“Well?” Belleza prompted once Sparrow had moved the scroll away and Theodora didn’t immediately respond. Theodora coughed nervously. “Well, it's a bit messy, but it should hold for now. Though I would have preferred it if you had allowed me to send Euphemia to bring some supplies to you,” She admitted.
“And we’ve already talked about this,” Belleza reminded her, rolling her eyes as she did so.
“I know, I know,” Theodora conceded. “At the very least I’ll be able to tend to it myself once you all return to Olympia.”
We’ll see. Belleza thought to herself.
“How is the cut feeling? Does it hurt at all?”
“I told you it’s fine,” Belleza snapped, already beginning to tire of Theodora’s insipid line of questioning. Despite her remark, she had to admit that it was feeling a little tender at that present moment in time; likely not helped by Sparrow’s recent stitching. It had been worse in the days following the attack against Nieve and Wisteria, keeping her awake at night with a deep throbbing pain. She had managed to soldier through thankfully, finding enough of a distraction in the company of Miho to keep her mind off of it whilst they stayed away from their base of operations for a few extra days to keep up the pretense that they were looking for Calantha as per Bianca’s request.
Theodora continued to ask after her wellbeing for a few minutes, before realising she was fighting an uphill battle and wrapping up the conversation. 
No sooner had she wrapped up the call, a familiar click of heels from down the hall began to draw close. A moment later, the door to the office Belleza, Miho, and Sparrow were all standing in was wrenched open and Bianca stepped inside. Judging by the scowl she had had on her face, Belleza figured her sister had heard the news by now.
“Leave us,” Bianca said, looking at Miho and Sparrow in turn. The two of them hesitated, looking between each other first and then to Belleza for confirmation. Before Belleza could give her permission for them to leave, Bianca spoke again. “Leave us,” She repeated, this time more forcefully. Miho grunted in submission, and patted Belleza on her good shoulder before leaving the room. Sparrow quietly gathered up the metal bowl and the medical supplies before making their leave, giving a small curtsy to Bianca as they passed. Bianca turned to watch them leave, before turning rapidly on her heel to face her sister, boring into Belleza with an intense gaze.
“Did you do it?” She asked with a demanding tone.
“Do what?” Belleza said, following up her sister’s question with one of her own.
Bianca’s gaze narrowed. “Don’t play coy with me, Belle,” She warned.
“I’m not!” Belleza grinned, throwing her hands up. “You just need to be more specific, Bianca. I’ve done a lot of things, so for all I know you could be referring to anything.”
“Did you kill Nieve?”
Ah, there it is.
“Oh, yeah, that. Yes, I killed her - what of it?"
“Are you out of your damn mind!?” Bianca yelled. “What were you thinking?”
“If we’re being specific I didn’t actually kill her, that was Miho.” Belleza pointed out with a smirk.
“This isn’t funny!” Her sister protested. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“Punishing someone who has double-crossed and lied to us for months is what I did,” Belleza responded calmly.
“No, what you did was take away the one thing that ever kept her loyal to us,” Bianca said, crossing her arms. “With Nieve gone there’s nothing to stop her from turning against us fully. You especially.”
“Agree to disagree,” Belleza said with a shrug.
Bianca frowned and did not say anything back to that. Believing the conversation to be done, Belleza stood up from her seat and retrieved her red jacket. She had just tucked it under her arm when Bianca drew her back into a conversation.
“I suppose we shall see who is in the right once we get to Highpoint.”
“Highpoint?” Belleza repeated, genuinely confused at the mention of the northern town. “What has that got to do with anything?”
“You see, Belle, I always knew you wouldn’t go looking for Cala,” Bianca began to explain. “Whilst you were off killing people, I was actually tracking down our sister. Thanks to Ulysses’ old code which Lunick was able to complete for us, we were able to sneak a probe into the Atlas military databases, and we discovered she has been sent to Highpoint and put under the protection of Special Operatives there alongside Team ZRCN.”
“And what does this have to do with Wisteria exactly?”
“Nothing at first,” Bianca admitted. “But your insistence that Wisteria won’t betray us now gave me an idea. I was planning on telling you we’d be heading out to Highpoint soon to retrieve Cala anyways, but now I figure we can test your theory about Wisteria at the same time and bring her with us.”
It took Belleza a moment to respond to what she was told. Admittedly, she was a little impressed at the careful plan Bianca had laid out, but she was also annoyed, and it was a struggle not to show that annoyance in front of her sister. Impressive though it may have been, she had some nerve to fool her like that.
“What’s the point?” Belleza asked. “You know she won’t come back.”
“She’s our sister,” Bianca argued.
“She’s a weak link and a liability,” Belleza said coldly. “If she had carried on the way she was going we both know it wouldn’t have ended well for her. Just as it was with our mother.” The mention of the late Diantha Rossi caught Bianca by surprise, and Belleza used the moment to inch closer. “Believe me, Bianca, it’s better this way.”
Belleza extends her free hand towards her sister, intending to touch her cheek in an act of comfort, but Bianca uncrosses her arms and smacks the hand away, glaring at her as she does so. Bianca took a step forward and closed the gap between them. She then proceeded to put an arm on her shoulder. For a moment, Belleza thought she was trying to comfort her in that same odd manner she had been about to attempt, but she was surprised when Bianca shifted her hand ever so slightly so that her thumb was resting against Belleza’s wound, before pressing down hard.
Belleza grunted in pain, even dropping her jacket as she tried to move back. Bianca leaned in close to her and whispered, “You’re a heartless bitch, Belle.”
She gave one final sharp squeeze before letting go and storming out of the room leaving Belleza alone. Her shoulder was now once again throbbing in pain, and Belleza winced a little as she touched where Bianca had moments before been pressing down. The more she touched it, the more her annoyance at her sister’s actions began to grow. 
If Bianca wanted to play games then so could she.
Snatching up her jacket from the floor, Belleza tossed it over one shoulder, retrieved her scroll from earlier and stormed out of the room herself, looking for Miho again. It didn’t take long to find her stalwart companion, who hadn’t wandered far after being dismissed by Bianca. Belleza was about to speak to Miho about a special “task” she wanted her to complete when Sparrow happened to walk back in on the room.
Although Sparrow turned to leave, Belleza decided to bring them in on the task too, deciding that they had proved themselves to be loyal enough in recent weeks that she could trust them with this mission.
“We are due to leave for Highpoint in a few days time,” Belleza began to explain to both of them. As she continued talking, she got her scroll out, scrolling through her images until she found the one she was looking for. “Before we leave Atlas, I would like to find a souvenir to bring home with me. As you can see, I am somewhat indisposed at the moment, so unfortunately I cannot fetch it myself hence where you two come in.” She zoomed in on the chosen image and held out the scroll to show the pair of them what she was referring to. “Bring this back for me.”
Smiling back at them was a picture of a smartly dressed teenage boy with silver-grey hair and deep blue eyes.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
Bless Me With Your OTP
Rules: answer as many of the following questions as you want, and add art/screenshots to show off your OTP!
Tagged by @starsandskies, tagging @haledamage​, @storyknitter​ and @allisondraste​, if you wanna ;) Also anyone else who wants to do this; I didn’t wanna go overboard with specific tags.
Gotta do Tragen/Jaesa, because I’m having feels again.
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(fab art by @the-upper-shelf​)
Do they fight often? If so, what is their dynamic like?
Not really. They’re of the same mind on a lot of things, so really the only thing they fight over is when one is planning to do something self-sacrificing and dangerous and the other is worrying about them.
Who is the most skeptical of the two?
Tragen, only because he spent his teens growing up through the Sith Academy on Ziost and saw the very darkest side of sentient beings’ nature. Not to say everything was roses for Jaesa as a handmaiden(especially on Alderaan, OY), but even the shrewdest of political maneuverings can’t really match the savagery of a Sith who wants something. Considering his experiences, he’s still surprisingly optimistic, but he’s also much quicker to write a person off as a lost cause than she is. He wants to reform the Empire, but first of all realizes that’s probably just a pipe dream; they’re fighting an uphill battle against millennia of tradition, and second figures the way to effect change is through a new generation of more light-leaning Sith, not “redeeming” the ones already in power.
Who would be most likely to suggest a night of dancing?
Both of them would love to dance, and they would be amazing at it. Tragen would be the more likely to suggest they do it, though, simply because he’s the bolder personality of the two. Jaesa’s more quiet/shy, and would happily accept if he offered, but would be too hesitant to suggest it herself and now I want art of them dressed to the nines and slow dancing ohno 
What would they do if the other was injured in battle?
If Tragen gets hurt, Jaesa becomes laser focused on getting him out of danger so she can heal him. Even if the threat is still out there, as long as she can get him away from if, that’s good enough for the short term. They can deal with it later, it’s more important to make sure he’s safe.
 If Jaesa gets hurt, Tragen’s gonna throw himself even more fully into whatever fight they were waging so he can kill anything that’s a threat. He’s not good at anything healing related at all, so the only way he’s gonna be able to even attempt to help her himself is if there’s no threats to worry about nearby. He’s still more likely to try and get her to a medic than do anything himself for fear of making things worse. . 
How do their fighting styles complement each other?
They’re both very skilled... saberists(?), though they focused on different weapons: Jaesa has a doubleblade and Tragen dual wields. The different techniques they’ve each learned work very well for watching each others’ backs. Jaesa’s also fairly skilled with Force healing, which is good bc Tragen is very much a frontline defender brand fighter; he wades in and tries to keep the enemies’ attention on him so they’re not hurting other people. He’s more focused on melee combat than using the Force, she’s very attuned to the Force but still relatively skilled at melee combat. Add in their Force Bond and the two of them almost literally move as one when fighting. They can pretty much read each other’s mind/emotions, so always know exactly where to be.
Do they want children? Does it frighten them? How many do they want?
It’s not something they’ve talked about yet.  (can you imagine how gorgeous their kids would be? Just A+ gene pool right there)  Them as a couple is a fairly recent development that kinda caught both of them off-guard, so they’re still working through all of the Stuff(TM) that comes with it. HOWEVER. Neither of them would be opposed to kids, for sure. Tragen might’ve been more reluctant when he was Wrath, just because of the danger and any kids being one more things that could be used to hurt him if his true... uh, beliefs were discovered(it was real fun playing a LG paladin Sith lemme tell ya xD). But now that he has some level of autonomy as Alliance commander, he’d be very open to the idea. He loves Jaesa so much, the idea of having a family with her would delight him.
Jaesa would probably likewise love to have a family with him. She’d be a little more hesitant just due to the basic state of the galaxy. Even knowing things will never completely calm down, it’s nerve-wracking to think about bringing a child into the mess that is the current state of affairs. But it really isn’t ever going to be “safe” and she’s grown more comfortable with being bold and taking risks for the things she wants, and this would be something she wants. 
Both of them would be ferociously protective parents; RIP to anything that tried to hurt their kid(s).
What happened when they took them home to their families? If their families aren’t in the picture anymore, how do they feel about it?
Well, fun fact, the very first time Tragen took Jaesa with him to visit his family was before they were a couple. Before the Wild Space Expedition, even, not long after he was made Emperor’s Wrath. His parents and sister all like Jaesa immensely, and his mother can TELL there’s Something there with this girl, but she doesn’t say anything bc they need to figure things out on their own. Whenever he gets around to telling them about the change in relationship status from friends and master/apprentice to lovers, he’s gonna get a round of “Saw that coming” and “Took long enough”s
Technically, so far, the only time Tragen’s met Jaesa’s parents is during the SW quest arc on Alderaan. He was polite, and merciful, and told them he only wanted to talk to their daughter, he meant her no harm. They took some convincing, their Jedi guardian even more so, but he did talk them into cooperating before instructing them to go to Dromund Kaas. When he found out Baras was poking around them, he kept an eye on the situation, but thankfully things with Baras came to a head before that particular problem got too dicey.  He’s currently hoping things resolve enough with the Alliance/Republic/Empire that he and Jaesa can track them down again, make sure they’re safe, and that they’re okay with their daughter dating an ex-Sith. (Jaesa’s an adult who can make her own decisions, so it’s not really asking permission; more he doesn’t want to be a point of contention between her and her parents after they’ve been apart for so long)
How does each person show affection towards the other?
There’s a lot of affectionate touching, and I don’t just mean hugs and kissing, though there are plenty of those.
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Jaesa tends to brush her fingers against his arm whenever she walks past him, lean her head on his shoulder whenever they’re sitting/standing next to each other, that sort of thing. Tragen likes to slide an arm around her waist or hold her hand. Both of them have a history of being forced to repress feelings for various reasons, and finally being in a position where they don’t have to, where they can say I love you and kiss each other whenever they feel like it and be touchy-feely affectionate... why would they pass up any chance to take advantage of that?
On top of the physical affection, they’re both big fans of encouraging and reassuring each other. They’ve been doing that since well before they fell in love, so it’s only natural it gets folded into their romantic relationship as well. 
Who cries the most? Who is better at comforting?
Jaesa for both. She’s so very tender-hearted, and one good thing about being trained as a Jedi rather than a Sith, compassion’s not seen as a weakness. So while Tragen’s super accustomed to burying the vast majority of his emotional vulnerability(other acolytes would’ve torn him apart, forget about full Sith after his summoning to Korriban), she’s more willing to show it. When Tragen’s feeling sad etc he tends to just go sit somewhere alone(preferably with a good view of the stars) and work through his feelings inside his own head.
BUT since Jaesa’s such an empathetic person, she’s really good at picking up on the more subtle signs he’s feeling down and their Force Bond only makes it easier. So she usually gives him a little while to have some privacy, then offers to help with comfort or company or whatever he needs if he wants her to. (He always wants her to. But she always makes it his call, even if she thinks she knows the answer)
Who is the bigger flirt?
Neither of them are all that flirty, actually. The two of them are more earnest declarations of love and support than attempts at seduction. (Neither of them is particularly good at it, either. Jaesa’s tried being coy a time or two, and Tragen will occasionally pitch his voice lower bc apparently that’s “sexy”, but since they both realized independently they were in love with each other and confessions were made so fast in relation to being reunited, any flirting is more joking/playful “I’m so lucky and glad I have you” teasing than anything else. They’re dorks. Vette rolls her eyes at them even as she grins.)  
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evien-stark · 5 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 32
While somewhere deep in your unconsciousness you were resolved to stay in bed for the entire day, not having slept this long or this well in quite some time, the smell of food dragged you out of your slumber. Not just the smell but the sound. Something sizzling away in the kitchen- not your kitchen- not at the house. Right. You remembered.
In the penthouse suite in Manhattan.
Because you and Tony had nearly died last night at the Expo. Because of Justin Hammer. Who was probably out on bail by now. And Ivan Vanko who was no longer alive at all. Right right right.
The house in Malibu was still destroyed, no doubt. The two of you could throw money at it to get it fixed all you wanted, it would probably still take a couple weeks before it was livable again. Which got you thinking.
Wasn’t it strange that Stark Industries had no headquarters in NYC? One of the biggest cities in the United States. At least then you could have sectioned off a small floor for bare bones living quarters. Something more familiar and desirable than- well… you couldn’t really complain about waking up in the luxury you were surrounded with.
Grabbing an overly plush robe from the hook on the bathroom door, you padded over to the kitchen, where Tony was humming away to some song playing on his phone and flipping what looked to be a quite fluffy pancake. Feeling bold, you wrapped your arms around him. “Good morning.” Your voice a mere croak.
“Good morning. Relatively speaking. I was just about to start contemplating calling a hospital.”
Moving aside him, you propped yourself up to sit on the counter. “Why’s that?” You didn’t feel worse for wear- and he seemed peachy keen.
All smiles, in fact, as he looked at you. “It’s one o’clock. You were pretty far gone.”
“One o’clock?!” You’d never slept so late in your life. Well. Not your professional adult life anyway. “How is it one o’clock?!” There was too much to get done for it to be that late in the day.
“Well, you know. You had a pretty big day yesterday.” Ah, yes. Finding out Tony may have just had a chance to come back from dying. Not having slept the night before- ...and the night before that? Was that right? How is it you hadn’t collapsed? And then being whisked away to meetings and then- oh yes, almost dying again. “And a pretty big night.”
The grin he was aiming at you earned him a little smack to the arm. Something he chuckled at as he turned the burner off on the stove. “You still shouldn’t have let me sleep that long.”
“Yes I should have. Which is why I did.” Said in that matter-of-fact way of his when he was sure he was right about something. And the only smart person in the room. He tilted the pan over on the opposite counter, plating the one pancake he’d been cooking on top of a large stack.
You ran your hands through your hair and then rubbed your face. “No.” Simple as that.
“I let you sleep in, I cook you breakfast, I set up the press briefing for this evening and the SHIELD debrief for tomorrow, get started on the clean up of the Expo, put our lawyers to work on the case against Hammer- and this is the thanks I get?” He lifted the plate, jamming a fork into the stack, digging out a piece, shoving it right into his mouth. Still full as he said, “If that’s how it is I’ll just eat these myself.”
You were sure you must have been glowing with happiness as you touched the sides of your face in a mock gasp. “You did all that?” Despite the expression, you were actually genuinely surprised.
“You guys act like I’ve never run my own company before.” In the process of taking a second bite.
Narrowing your eyes, only playfully so, “But did you really though?”
He pointed his empty fork your way. “I’m gonna let that go. Because it might be a fair point. But because I’m letting it go, we won’t discuss it.” Finally he handed over your plate, which you gratefully accepted, but he turned to the counter and then dipped back to you to offer you a glass of orange juice. “Wash it down with this.”
Pursing your lips to the side, you gave it a squint. “It’s not a screwdriver is it?” You doubted it. But one could never be too sure with him.
“No. Just your average run of the mill orange juice Plan B cocktail. Very tasty.”
The two of you shared a long, long look before you grinned, accepting the glass. “Why aren’t you just the most romantic gentleman in town.” Not even going to question where the hell he got his hands on that. But, on second thought… “Did you actually drink some??”
He smiled back, propping his hip on the counter, reaching over to a little open tub of blueberries, popping a handful in his mouth. “I had to make sure it tasted good. I’m not going to serve you the best pancakes known to man with a glass of bitter orange juice.”
Tony Stark may have just been the most ridiculous man in the world. Truly. “Well thanks for looking out for me.” Down the hatch it went.
“Any time, honey.”
About as much discussion as you needed for not only why he had the pills in the first place, but why he was giving them to you. Maybe sometime in the future- the very far future- you’d revisit it. Until then… orange juice cocktail it is.
 While Tony had actually done the work he’d claimed to do while you were knocked out, setting up a briefing in one of CNN’s borrowed press rooms, he hadn’t bothered to start writing pointers out for himself. Which was why you knew it was extremely important that you do all the talking, and write your own speech. Letting him go off the cuff had gotten you in a lot of trouble twice now. There was no need for a third time.
The noise outside was bothersome, though, despite the private room. You really only had to focus on a few key points- most of the important ones being blaming Justin Hammer for everything. Because it absolutely was all his fault, and letting the public know you were pursuing him.
But as your hands stilled over your laptop, a sigh escaping just as two interns collided with each other in the hallway, Tony looked up from his phone. “You want me to yell at them?”
At this you couldn’t help a brief smile. “We don’t work here. They’re doing us a favor.” Though that really wouldn’t stop him if you said yes. And they’d probably run off all the same. “That is an interesting thought, though.”
His brows went up. “What? You want me to buy CNN?”
“Why doesn’t Stark Industries have a building in the city?” It made perfect sense. An expansion. And having a dedicated place to go when you actually had to work here would be wonderful.
“Haven’t gotten around to it yet.”
“I think we should.” Nodding in agreement with yourself as you went back to your brief on the laptop screen. When he didn’t follow up, “It’d be good for press. It’d be good to have a place to go when we come here- and we do. A lot.” More often than you’d like to mention. “With the Expo, too. We could put a lot of people to work… open a whole new bout of research and development… and maybe we could start looking into all that clean energy...”
Though you weren’t looking at him, you could feel his grin. “You don’t have to ask me, you know. If you want to start looking at land, that’s well within your rights as CEO.”
“Who said I was asking?” Coy as you shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe I’m just talking out loud.”
He stood up from the stool poised at the makeup table, moving to come behind you and put his hands on your shoulders, leaning in. You looked up. “Keep talking.”
“I think it’s a great idea.”
“Me, too. Big tower. Huge. With Stark in big letters on the top.”
A half giggle half snort escaped you. “Now I feel like you’re trying to talk me out of it.”
“Too on the nose?” His smile warmed you to your core, but more so was the kiss he pressed to the tip of your nose as he leaned down. As if making a point.
Only encouraging more giggles. Probably his goal, as when he pulled back he looked mighty pleased. “Not as much as that, maybe.” Reaching up you put a hand over his on your shoulder. “Let’s look for a spot after the conference. We’re here for a few more days, anyway.”
“Let’s do it.”
 The lights were white hot as the two of you stepped out onto the press stage. Cameras had been going the second you stepped into the room. Voices lulled to a murmur. Tony only leaned into the podium to say, “I’m gonna uh… I’m gonna let her do all the talking this time. Less trouble that way.” Getting a laugh across the room.
Something you smiled at as you put both hands on the side, and then took a deep breath. “Thanks everyone for coming. The events last night at the Stark Expo were shocking and appalling, to say the least. It is only with the efforts of the police force and firefighters of New York City, Iron Man, and Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes piloting the Iron Man Mark II suit that nobody was severely hurt, and we owe a lot to them. At this moment in time we will be shutting down the Stark Expo for cleanup and reassessment, but we will be reopening the gates in October of this year. Anyone who purchased tickets will be able to get a refund through the Stark Industries website, or you can hold on to your passes and they’ll be redeemable later in the year.
Stark Industries is also setting up a family fund for those effected in the events last night. Anyone that needs medical bills looked after can contact our fund through our website and we will handle everything and anything you need. No questions asked. In addition to that...” Another deep breath.
You’d have to be as calm as possible for this one, no matter how much you felt otherwise. “Justin Hammer has been taken into police custody, and Stark Industries is now pursuing him to the fullest extent of the law. His absolute negligence- his disgusting need to try and show up Stark Tech led him to act wildly, aiding and abetting the criminal Ivan Vanko in order to secure stolen plans for a primitive version of the Arc Reactor. To power primitive suits that in no way could stand up to the force of Iron Man himself.
Let me be clear about this, every one of those suits was destroyed last night. Ivan Vanko lost his own life as a result. Justin Hammer will face a life behind bars, make no mistake. And it is why Stark Industries is also assisting any family, any individual, that wishes to file in a class action lawsuit against him for his rash and vile actions. Our lawyers are at your disposal. Pro bono.
We are deeply saddened that Justin Hammer used the Stark Expo, a venue that was about coming together to create technologies that help the world, as a playground for destruction. Stark Industries will do everything we can to make it right.” Pausing, taking a breath, and then opening the floor for them. “I’ll take only a couple questions.”
Even doing this was dangerous. Now that you were done, you’d much rather take off and not have to deal with any more of this at the moment. But you could only control the headlines so far with an impassioned speech like that.
Pointing at one of the reporters at the right of the room, she stood up. “How is it that Justin Hammer was able to get this dangerous presentation together without either of you being any the wiser?”
You figured this one was coming, so at least you were ready. “While in what little credit Justin deserves, I don’t believe his intent was to cause mass hysteria and violence last night. But his negligence in doing so anyway, and the means he took to get there, is not going to be looked the other way on.” When she tried to speak over you you raised your hand to stop her. “I’m not finished.” Because you weren’t dodging her question. “His presentation on the docket had been severely altered to hide its true nature. He only allowed his own workers on stage to get it ready, and bribed one of our Expo managers to get it rushed and to look the other way on the coordination. This is why we are shutting down the Expo at this time and reassessing.”
“And that staff member?”
“Will go unnamed for right now. But be assured they will also be punished.” Breath in. Breath out. You picked another person in the back.
“Excuse me- are the rumors true that you and Tony Stark entered into a romantic relationship before the co-assignment of the company?”
You allowed the utter disgust to take hold of your expression. “I’m sorry- are you asking me about my personal life after people were hurt last night? Is that really your focus?”
The man in the back tried to speak up, but Tony took hold of one of the little mics on the podium and leaned in again. “I’m right here, you know. If you wanna ask, ask.” But when the guy tried to talk again Tony cut him off. “Are you really just asking if I’m single because you wanna take me out? Because I’m flattered at the offer. Really.”
Taking the mic forcibly from his hand, you pushed it back into its position forward. “What Tony is trying to say is that trying to assess either of our romantic lives after the events of last night is incredibly tacky and short-sighted. And, frankly, I’m embarrassed for you. We’re done. Thank you, everyone else, for your time.”
Hands and voices all raised to get over one another. Shouting hundreds of other questions. You left the stage, Tony following only after you stepped down. The walk through the back halls to the green room again was a short one, but even so you felt exhausted again once there. “We really should say something. Eventually.” Another reason you really wished someone had not asked that. You didn’t need him thinking about it.
“You want to?” Then again… You slung your laptop bag over your shoulder and picked up your purse from the table. “Are you really sure about that? What if your image can’t survive playboy being shaved from your title?” Teasing. Mildly. You were slightly concerned- or at least concerned that he would be concerned. ...should be concerned? Now you were getting yourself confused.
It was hard to tell anymore.
He put his hands in his pockets as you came over to him by the closed door. “I can survive anything.” Little smirk, self assured.
You squinted your eyes at him. Scrutinizing. But more putting on a show than anything. “So you say. Why now, Tony?”
“It’d be easier to get through pressers if you weren’t always asked about it. Or me. Either. Because if someone just asks me while you’re not around I’m liable just to say yes.” Being the smart ass that he was. You believed he really would, too.
Reaching up to lay a hand over his chest, you sighed. “Not that I’m saying you’re right-”
“Oh. But you are.” Grinning widely.
“Not that I’m saying you’re right.” You doubled down. “But you may… have a point. A small one. Very minor.”
Taking your hand, he pulled it further up to lay a kiss to the back. “Uh huh. A point. So what should we do about me and you?”
Turning your hand over you cupped his cheek in your palm. “I’d prefer something subtle...” Not especially his forte.
“Hm. So no big banner on the back of the jet?”
You couldn’t help the snort. “No. Don’t you start getting tacky on me, too.” If not something completely subtle, it at least had to be tasteful. Slipping your hand down to take hold of his own, you opened the door, finding Happy waiting with a nod on the other side to escort you out of the building. People already knew. There really was no point in hiding it anymore. “What about the gala after Basel?”
He hummed out a thought. “The art show? Look- I’m not interested in buying back all those pieces-”
“Neither am I. But...” The art show in Switzerland, at least the after party where all the media would be poised out front, and all the rich people that you loathed cavorted… “I’m picturing you in a nice suit. And me in a beautiful dress. You can lead me by the hand out of the car, and we’ll go up the steps arm in arm and dance the night away...” Ah. What a blissfully wonderful life.
“Painting quite the picture, aren’t you?” A light chuckle in his voice as the two of you exited the building and he held the car door open for you.
“It’s better than a banner in the sky. Or a press release. We’ll let them feel like they’ve finally caught us.” Pretending you were going to throw the media a bone.
It was his smile that told you you’d gone too far in your head. Because he was already half leaned in the car, hand on the door, too close to you, with cameras flashing on the sidewalk fifty feet away. His voice was low and warm. “Haven’t they already?”
The car door blocked the pictures snapped thousands at a time, and the rush of raised voices faded as he kissed you. In that easy way of his making the rest of the world disappear. No matter what trouble he was causing.
 Damn him.
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consoledacup · 5 years
AoS Episode Showdown -- Yes Men
This episode has good scenes that develop the Uprising arc. But boy, oh boy, is that all I can say.
This is an episode that’s extremely dated in hindsight. I’m actually very grateful that this is an episode from the first season and aired in 2014. I liked watching all of the other little scenes with the characters, but it was pretty rough watching any scene with or involving Lorelei.
If Lorelei were a man, this episode would’ve been handled differently. And wouldn’t have had such a humorous, upbeat tone. And that’s not ok. 
The whole idea of men sharing an inherent weakness that women don’t have comes dangerously close to “boys will be boys.” 
The plot is blaringly heteronormative. Embarrassingly. 
And then no after effects of the episode were addressed afterward. If anything, Ward had to apologize. And Fitz was the comic relief. 
This storyline has been played around with since this episode. And each time, accompanying trauma is acknowledged. Daisy had a huge arc coming to terms with who she was when she was swayed and her anger at Hive. Fitz had an even bigger arc in dealing with the effects after Aida and the Framework. There wasn’t always a perfect resolution, but there was acknowledgement and the issue was addressed. Hell, even Kara’s brainwashing was acknowledged. Agents of SHIELD can do better than this. And thank goodness... it has!
In this episode, 1x15, Simmons attends to Skye as her medic after Skye was shot twice. In 2x15, Jemma tries to help Skye heal from her newly acquired powers. In 4x15, after being shot twice, Daisy dryly tells Jemma that she needs medical. 
In 1x15, Coulson meets up with Sitwell. In 5x15, a young Hale interacts with a young Sitwell.
Coulson’s an icon with his It sucked, I can’t.
When Fitz is showing off the new ICERs, he keeps accidentally aiming one at May, and it’s the best. 
While deciding to use an ICER, May says, “when you’re up against people who are being controlled, sometimes it’s hard to distinguish friend from foe.” The delivery of this line...
May clearly is hurt by Ward. Which really sucks because he’s the worst. 
In 1x15, Fitz’s devotion to Simmons is diverted towards Lorelei. In 4x15, Fitz’s devotion to Jemma is diverted towards Ophelia. 
In 1x15, Simmons and Skye feel like it’s them against the Bus. In 4x15, it’s Jemma and Daisy against the base. 
In 1x15, Simmons asks Coulson, “Are you... you?” In 4x15, Simmons vehemently tells Daisy, “It’s not you. It’s not you!”  
When Coulson punches Fitz, Simmons says he’s always getting knocked out. Fitz has been knocked out two times up to this episode. In “FZZT,” Jemma practically knocks Fitz out with the fire extinguisher. I’m sure she was including that statistic. In “Seeds,” Fitz is knocked out by a Night Night gun or something similar. 
I really love the ending scene before the tag. Coulson holds nothing back and is completely honest with Skye about the source of GH-325. He wants to spare her the pain of being kept in the dark about the drug. I think Skye likes that she and Coulson are seemingly in the same boat and share something in common. I love their bond.
I’m not playing coy with this episode. It’s the worst of the show and will remain at the bottom. I’m confident that even after season 7 airs, my ranking will be unchanged.
The Magical Place
The Hub
The Bridge
The Well
Eye Spy
Girl in the Flower Dress
The Asset
Yes Men
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nitewrighter · 5 years
I know its a very rare pair, but could you write some short fluff for Faustine and Samir? THANK YOU
Whoops this ended up not-short.
He followed her out from the Casino’s dance floor to the pool area. It should have been closed off from the rest of the party but he assumed she could probably go wherever she pleased in the casino, seeing as her guardian owned it. 
The lights beneath the pool lit up the whole area in an aquamarine light. She was slumped on a pool chaise lounge, the tulle of her skirt hiked up to expose her legs as she pressed her fingers to the neuroprosthetic nodes at the side of her knees and swore under her breath, trying to extend her leg but seizing up and flinching back on herself. Her head jerked up as she picked up on his presence and she quickly shoved the fabric down.
“How’s your infiltration going, Detective?” she said, still slumping forward.
“It’s going,” he said with a shrug, “I was half-expecting to see you on the dance floor–”
“Shut up,” the words fell out of Faustine, harsh and reflexive, a far cry from her usual coy and smirking manner. She seemed to catch herself and her eyes flicked up at him, wide. Nearly purple, their depth enhanced by the neuroprosthetic nodes that pocked the ridge where cheekbone met temple.
“Leg on the fritz?” asked Samir, tilting his head.
“It’s fine–I shouldn’t have been on my feet all day–It’s fine–” she seemed to be talking to her leg as well as him. She huffed and her shoulders slumped. “It’s probably hilarious seeing me like this, isn’t it?” she said quietly.
“Why would it be hilarious?” he asked, looking up at her.
“Just so you know, all I have to do is hit a button on my comm and three men will come down here and break your kneecaps,” she said stiffly. Then she said half to herself, “But of course your training would probably have me in a position where you can negotiate for at least a few minutes before a sniper gets in position to take you out…” 
“We are on your turf,” Samir conceded. He motioned at her leg, “Does it hurt?” 
“No–just…numbs and tingles and… I just–it just needs a few minutes to set itself right because my knee keeps doing this stupid jiggling and—” she caught herself, “Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“Go back inside and play your stupid, ‘I think I know what suave is because I watched spy movies when I was a kid’ act, I can handle this,” she said, waving him off.
“Will you be able to get back inside?” asked Samir, getting down on one knee next to her.
“I can handle it,” she said more insistently.
“Can I see it?” asked Samir.
Her lips thinned to a line twisted by annoyance, but he met her eyes with a disarming patience. Not breaking eye contact with him, she hiked her skirt back up to expose the offending leg. She was already pale, but the bluish light of the pool rendered her leg moon-white, though still lined with neuroprosthetics. Samir pulled back the cuff of his sleeve to reveal the hard-light projector on his hand. She flinched back at the sight of it but he put up both hands in a ‘It’s okay,’ motion and she eased up a bit where she was sitting. He extended a hand to support her leg but hesitated before touching the bare skin, “May I?” he asked.
Faustine waved him on, still frowning.
He brought one hand under her knee and the other at her achilles tendon then gently bent and extended her leg, watching her knee tense and twitch with the movement. 
“A sniper, a detective, a world-class swimmer, and now, suddenly, a nerve damage specialist,” Faustine muttered bitterly as he puzzled over her leg.
“Grandma’s a medic,” said Samir, supporting her leg a bit more, “She taught me some stuff. I think I can get you walking for another hour or two though.”
“Really?” hope bled into her voice and she caught herself before looking off bitterly again, “Well… I suppose you can’t make it much worse than it already is…”
Samir extended the palm of his hard-light projector hand upward and projected a small hologram of several arcing straps. “Bear with me,” he said, semi-materializing the hard light and securing it just above and below her knee, forming a compressive brace around her knee. “Better?” he said, looking up at her.
She bent and unbent her leg, noticing it more steadied with the brace, “It should work if I keep weight off of it…” she said quietly.
Samir stood back up, rolled his cuff back down, then extended an arm to her.
“Oh please,” she said flatly.
“We don’t have to dance,” said Samir with a smirk.
“What’s the angle, here?” asked Faustine.
“The angle is, despite you being… pretty much pure evil, I do respect you,” said Samir, “When I beat you–”
“When. When I beat you, I don’t want it to be because of this,” he gestured down at her leg.
“Oh, it wouldn’t be sporting,” said Faustine with an eye roll, “Thank you, Samir Amari, for your charity.” Her shoulders bunched up, “This isn’t a game. You have friends, family, teammates hanging in the balance here. I’m the enemy. You have to accept that.”
“I do,” said Samir, keeping his arm extended, “I know this fight isn’t going to end with us, though. And it isn’t going to end tonight. And trying to take advantage of your leg fritzing out is… probably going to get me killed.”
“It will definitely get you killed,” said Faustine.
“So… are you going to let me walk you back in there or not?” said Samir, gesturing with his elbow a little.
Faustine reached up and took his arm and pulled herself onto her feet, shoving the skirts of her dress back down with a few brisk brushes of her hand. She swayed a little but kept upright, walking with him with only a minor dip of a limp.
“Medical applications of hard-light technology,” Faustine said quietly, “It’s actually quite impres–”
The heel of her shoe suddenly broke and she flailed. Samir nearly managed to deal with the shift in her weight for all of two seconds before he stepped on the hem of her dress, slipped, and both of them fell in the pool. She knocked the wind out of him as they broke through the surface of the water and he quickly surfaced again, spluttering and coughing as Faustine scrambled on him, clinging to him like a cat in a barely-concealed panic.
“You okay?” he said, keeping her supported above the water. The tulle of her skirt clouded around her, like purple food coloring diluting in the water.
“My Louboutins!” her voice thinned to a near violin-shriek as she looked at the offending broken heel resting on the edge of the pool. She looked down at her dress in alarm. “My Dior!” 
Samir followed her eyes down to the dress, then quickly jerked his head back up and away when he noticed that the sheer fabric of the bustier-style bodice of the dress got a lot more sheer when wet.
“…So you’re okay,” said Samir, still looking off.
“This was your plan all along, wasn’t it!?” She shoved forward with her hand, splashing him.
“I didn’t break your heel,” said Samir, still looking off, treading water and keeping one arm under hers to support them both, “If I meant for this to happen, I assure you, you would be the only one in the pool.” 
She narrowed those purple eyes at him, already a little bloodshot from the chlorine. With her hair wet, her bangs were swept back from her face, exposing the other neuroprosthetic nodes at the outer corners of her eyebrows. “You should have just left me alone!” she snapped, “But nooo, you have to be Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes detective. All ‘Oh, let me help you my poor little Faustine.’ Well I can handle myself! I’ve been living with these stupid limbs and this–this whole—apparatus stitched into my body and I don’t need anyone’s help! Least of all some–some– GODDAMMIT, SAMIR, LOOK AT ME!”
Samir was still looking off and he flicked his eyes back to meet hers before he stammered, “Uh… water’s a little nippy.”
“What–No, the pool is heated, why would it–” Faustine glanced down at the bodice of her dress, her face dropped, and she splashed him again.
“I wasn’t looking!” said Samir.
She splashed him again.
“I’m not looking!” said Samir.
“Get me a towel!” she barked.
Samir moved to swim off. “Wait–! Don’t let go!” she said and she clawed her arms around his shoulders and pretty much floated piggyback as he swam until he reached the edge of the pool. They both climbed out and sat on the edge of the pool for a few tense, quiet minutes, Faustine still rubbing at her leg, the hard-light brace still around her knee. Samir brought a towel over and Faustine wrapped it around her shoulders with a sullen “Thank you.”
“This would probably be a funny story if we weren’t trying to kill each other all the time,” said Samir, taking off his shoes and trying to dump some water back into the pool from them.
“It would, wouldn’t it?” said Faustine. They made eye contact and both realized how ridiculous they both looked in waterlogged formalwear, Faustine’s makeup running down her face and Samir’s previously neatly gelled hair now making him look like a greasy drowned rat. They both laughed.
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bibannana · 1 year
Echo *sitting down next to Kix in the mess hall*: I think I'm having an existential crisis.
Kix *rolling his eyes*: It is no longer an existential crisis if it happens everyday Echo.
Echo *huffs*: You can't be so sure.
Kix *shakes his head*: I'm a medic. Yes I am su-
Pickup*nods*: Right. Because the certification you got from some sea worms is-
Coy *slaps Pickup over the head*
Fives *slides in next to Echo*: I think you're just dramatic.
Tup *head tilt*: It could be a mid-life crisis?
Jesse *flops ontop of the table*: You going to die in 5 to 8 years Echo?
Echo *placing his tray on Jesse's chest*: Wasn't planning on it.
Jesse *picks food off Echo's plate*: Guess it's not a mid-life crisis then.
Dogma *who is actually having an existential crisis after telling Anakin to go kriff himself after he stole the last of the caf*: Everything is a-okay!
Hardcase *shoves Jesse off the table*: So we're all agreed that Dogma is dying right?
Rex *standing with his tray of food*: See this is why nobody sits with you all.
@soliloquy-of-nemo @staycalmandhugaclone @nekotaetae
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calzona-ga · 7 years
Grey’s Anatomy is digging into Dr. Andrew DeLuca’s backstory – and that means meeting one of his immediate family members.
Giacomo Gianniotti revealed that in the 14th season of ABC’s hit medical drama, viewers will be introduced to DeLuca’s sister, who will be walking the halls of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
“We are bringing my sister [in] as a new character. She is going to be a new presence at the hospital. She comes from Italy, as my character is Italian, and you get to see us exchanging some blows in Italian, which will be very interesting,”Gianniotti told ET, who has played DeLuca since season 11, at the Disney/ABC cocktail party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday.
Gianniotti wouldn’t divulge DeLuca’s sister’s medical expertise or the reason driving her to settle in Seattle, Washington, but offered this telling nugget.
“Her profession, although we can’t disclose it, is a very interesting one,” he hinted. “It’s going to keep a lot of the doctors on their toes, make some doctors uncomfortable [and] some people will be glad about [her coming on]. She’ll stir things up with a European background and take on medicine.”
The 28-year-old actor, who was born in Rome, expressed excitement over the opportunity to dust off his Italian for the small screen: “It’s great!”
Gianniotti revealed that the part is already cast and played coy about the actress who plays her. “I can’t wait for you guys to meet her. She’s lovely. She’s going to be a great new addition to the show,” he said, staying mum on when viewers will first meet her, though it’s expected to be a multi-episode arc.
But despite the secrecy, Gianniotti promised that the new season will see more of DeLuca’s layers being peeled back.
“This season, we’re definitely going to get to know DeLuca a lot better. The writers have told me that they’re fleshing him out a lot,” he assured.
Grey’s Anatomy kicks off season 14 with a two-hour premiere Thursday, Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.
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June 12, 2019: Obituaries
Eric John Sloop, 62
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Mr. Eric John Sloop, age 62 passed away peacefully in his home in Wilkesboro North Carolina on Saturday, June 8, 2019 surrounded by family. Eric was ill for only three weeks.
Memorial services will be held 2:00 PM, Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at Scenic Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel with Rev. Alfred E. Andrews, Jr., officiating. The family will receive friends immediately following the service.
Eric was born January 15, 1957 in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, the third of four children to John Ralph Sloop (deceased) and Ruth Perry Sloop. Eric began his career at Statesville Pallet Company as a partner in 1991 and then became owner in 2001 at the death of his father, John Sloop. The company has grown exponentially under Eric's leadership and co-worker Regina Pierce his sister. His son, Dylan Sloop joined the family business in 2013 and it continues to thrive.
Eric loved God and his family, the foundations of his life. He enjoyed time with his wife Michelle, hunting adventures with his sons, Dylan and Jordan, family gatherings, golfing, and took great pride in his work.
He was preceded in death by his father.
He is survived by his wife; Michelle Arce Sloop of the home, son; Dylan Rhodes Sloop and wife Risa of Moravian Falls, a step-daughter; Taylor Gann of Wilkesboro, two step-sons; Jordan Pearson of Wilkesboro and Kyle Gann of New York, two sisters; Teresa Sloop Church and husband Mark, Regina Sloop Pierce and one brother; Davy Sloop and wife Pam all of Wilkesboro.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Catchadream.org/inmemory/.
Online condolences can be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Mary Martha "Mim" Whelan,  91
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Mary Martha "Mim" Whelan, age 91, passed away peacefully on June 6, 2019 at her son's home to begin her new everlasting journey with God. Mim was born on February 17, 1928 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of George and Mary Hlavaty. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her husband, Robert, the love of her life.
Mim worked for Mellon National Bank in Pittsburgh until her retirement. Mim was a snow bird in her later years but moved here permanently 11 years ago to be with family. She was a loving, caring person, who was always willing to share with others, especially her cooking and homemade soups. She was an avid animal lover and especially loved to spoil her felines.
She is survived by her son, Robert of Moravian Falls.
The family would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to her caregivers, Sandra and Sue, who showed such loving care over the past four years. Also, thanks are given to the Aides (Courtney, Jessica, Lynn and Sally), Nurses (Rhiannon), and staff of Mtn. Valley Hospice for providing her with exceptional care and service. The compassion shown by all can never be repaid.
Funeral service and burial will be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A memorial mass will be held at a later date at St. John de la Salle Catholic Church in North Wilkesboro. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Mtn. Valley Hospice, 688 North Bridge Street, Elkin, NC 28621 or to the Humane Society of Wilkes, PO Box 306, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Robert Lee "Bobby" Jones
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Mr. Robert Lee "Bobby" Jones, age 76 of Lexington passed away Thursday, June 6, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center.
Graveside services were held 2:00 Sunday, June 9, 2019 at Lewis Fork Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Sherrill Wellborn officiating.
Mr. Jones was born March 16, 1943 in Wilkes County. He was the owner of Golden Triad Plumbing Company.
He was preceded in death by his mother; Freda Della Blevins Jones and a brother; Terry Clyde Jones.
He is survived by two sisters; Betty Wiles of Kernersville and Linda Christenson of West Palm Beach Fl.
In lieu of flowers, the family wishes that memorials be made to the Donor's Choice.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
 Ella Schmitt, 85
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Ella Jean Schmitt, age 85, of Moravian Falls, passed away Thursday, June 6, 2019 at her home. Mrs. Schmitt was born January 29, 1934 in Alleghany County to Jesse Martin and Mary Cain Billings. She was a member of Moravian Falls Baptist Church. Ella was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Floyd Schmitt; and sister, Willa Crysel.
Surviving are her sons, John M. Schmitt (Sheila Harrington) of Wilkesboro, Karl Schmitt and spouse Sabrena of Grover; daughter, Teresa Rhodes and (Jerry E. Pearson) of Moravian Falls; grandchildren, Tiffany Kilby, Emily Brown, Ian Schmitt; great grandchildren, Grace Kilby, Hunter Kilby, Kailee Brown, Carley Brown, Keegan Brown, Caiden Brown; sister, Ada Walker of Moravian Falls.
Funeral service was June 9,  at Moravian Falls Baptist Church with Pastor Joe Sturgill officiating. Burial followed in Moravian Falls Cemetery.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Health and Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Dare Blevins, 57
Mrs. Dare Spears Blevins, age 57 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at SECU Hospice of Yadkin.
Funeral services were June 7,  at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home with Pastor Richard Blevins, Pastor Mitchell Owenby and Pastor Mark Barlow officiating. Burial was in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
Mrs. Blevins was born May 23, 1962 in Wilkes County to Hubbard Lee Spears and Hazel Bumgarner Spears. She was a CNA. Mrs. Blevins was a member of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church. Her favorite hobby was to crochet which she loved.
She was preceded in death by her parents, four sisters and a brother.
Mrs. Blevins is survived by her husband, Pastor Richard Blevins who she was a wonderful wife to for 40 years, a daughter; Dorothy Boyden and husband Jeff of North Wilkesboro, a son; Matthew Blevins and wife Amanda of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Victoria Cunningham, Alexus Bowlin, Zackary Blevins and Austin Blevins, a twin sister; Clara Harris and husband Clayton of North Wilkesboro, a brother; Don Bumgarner and wife Bonnie of North Wilkesboro and a special niece; Tammy.
Flowers will be accepted.
 Robert  Billings, 93
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Robert Willard Billings, age 93, of Traphill, passed away Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at his home. He was born December 3, 1925 in Wilkes County to Granville and Beatrice Wiles Billings. Mr. Billings was a US Army Veteran and a member of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Traphill. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Sally Jeanette Mitchell Billings; and grandson, Tucker Pearson.
   Surviving are his daughters, Linda Felts and spouse Michael Kim Felts of Olin, Vicki Billings of Traphill, sister, Lena Pruitt of Mocksville; grandchildren, Michelle Ellis and spouse Chris of Advance, Jonathan Felts and spouse Gretchen of Burnsville, Laura Pearson of Traphill, Carrie Absher of Boonville; great grandchildren, Landyn Ellis, Sydney Ellis, Jackson Ellis all of Advance, and Opal Felts of Burnsville.
Graveside service was June 6,   at Round Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
with Rev. Allen Lunsford and Rev. Tracy Nichols officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, 223 Absher Road, Traphill, NC 28685.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Terry Langley, 52
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Mr. Terry Lee Langley, 52 of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Tuesday, June 4, 2019.
Terry was born on June 19, 1966 in Harrisburg Pennsylvania to Phillip Dale Langley Sr. and Dorothy Elizabeth Rehrer Langley.
Terry is preceded in death by his parents.
Terry is survived by his brother, Philip Dale Langley Jr., of Silver Springs Florida, 2 step brothers, John Coy Hurt and Henry Lee Hurt also of Florida; nephew, Mason Hays and wife Amanda of Hays, and there children Scarlett, EmberLette and Nathen Carlton, Niece Kayla Marie Langley of Florida.
No formal arrangements are planned.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes, P.O. Box 396 Moravian Falls NC, 28654 to help with finale expenses.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving Langley Family
 Mary Acosta, 48
Mrs. Mary Louise Call Acosta, 48, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Wednesday, June 4, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Mary was born on June 23, 1970 in Wilkes County to Clinton Call and Evelyn Louise Call.
Mary is preceded in death by her parents and brother, Randall Call.
Mary  is survived by her daughter, Leah Lambert of North Wilkesboro; son, Chris Call (Savannah) of Boomer; sister Debra Bauguess (Mark) of North Wilkesboro; 8 grandchildren, Isaiah Sheets, Selena Rodriguez, Skylar Lambert, Taylor Greer, Jaylen, Kaelyn, Josselin and Madelyn Call.
Memorial Service information will be posted at a later date.
In addition to flowers, memorial donations may be given to Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes, P.O. Box 396, Moravian Falls, NC 28654 to help with final expenses.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Acosta Family.
 Jessica Jennings,  37
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Jessica Renee Jennings, age 37, of Hays, passed away Monday, June 3, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born September 11, 1981 in Wilkes County to Jerry Dwayne and Ruth Ann Rudd Jennings.
Jessica loved music and dancing, hiking and butterflies. She was talented in various craft and very good with children. Jessica was preceded in death by her father; grandparents, Don and Velma Jennings, Marvin and Margie Scott.
She is survived by her daughter, Renee Lewis of Hays; mother and step father, Ruth Ann and William Hodgdon of Statesville; brother, Andrew Dwayne Jennings of Statesville; nephew, Dalton Jennings of Statesville; and companion, David Query of Hays.
The family   will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 2:00 until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, 2019. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the family, c/o Ruth Ann Hodgdon, 165 Harriet Lane, Statesville, NC 28625.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Ted Nichols, 74
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Mr. Ted "Dale" Nichols, Sr. age 74 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, June 3, 2019 at the home of his daughter in Stanfield, NC.
Funeral services were June 7,   at Center Baptist Church with Rev. David Key officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mr. Nichols was born March 30, 1945 in Wilkes County to Ted R. Nichols and Ethel Holcomb Nichols. Mr. Nichols was a member of Center Baptist Church where he served as a Deacon and Sunday School Teacher.
In addition to his parents, Mr. Nichols was preceded in death by four sisters; Louella Brown, Della Sears, Jan Farthing and Christine Blankenship.
Mr. Nichols is survived by his wife of 53 years, Mrs. Carolyn R. Pilkenton Nichols of the home, a daughter; SFC DeAndree Watson and husband Joe of Stanfield, two sons; Ted Dale Nichols, Jr. of North Wilkesboro and Marty Len Nichols and wife DeAnna of Hickory, two grandchildren; Deyton Watson and Mystery Watson, two sisters; Deborah Pruitt and husband Tom of Asheville and Judy Nichols of Purlear, a sister in law; Jean Waters of North Wilkesboro and a brother William Nichols and wife Shirley of Purlear.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Center Baptist Church 205 Center Baptist Church Road North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Jeremy McGuire, 39
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Jeremy Dale McGuire, age 39, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, June 3, 2019 at his home. He was born March 24, 1980 in Wilkes County to James McGuire and Patricia Hart. Jeremy was a movie buff and an avid collector of things.
Surviving are his parents; James and RoseMarie Battaglia McGuire; his biological mother, Patricia Hart of Ennice; brothers, Barry Croft of Bear, Delaware, Joshua David McGuire of Obituaries
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Sparta, sisters, Jamie Marie Mendenhall and spouse John of Bear, Delaware, Nancy Battaglia of North Wilkesboro; favorite canine companion, Kaos; grandmother, Doris Vandeveer of Lancaster, South Carolina; nieces and nephews, Emily Croft, Dominic Pruitt, Cassidy Pruitt, Halo McGuire, Jacob McGuire; great nephew, Gannon Anderson; close friend, James Kessler of North Wilkesboro; numerous aunts, uncles and cousins; and sure to be missed by his many friends.
Memorial service will be 11:00 a.m. Friday, June 14,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Brother Matthew Higgins officiating. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, 38105-9956.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 June  Bumgarner, 83
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June Elizabeth Minton Bumgarner, age 83, of Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, June 3, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center. She was born February 3rd, 1936 in Wilkes County to Richard and Vena Osborne Minton. She was a member of Gordon Baptist Church. Mrs. Bumgarner was preceded in death on November 6th, 2006 by her husband of 54 years, Woodrow Bumgarner. June will be remembered as a sweet spirited and loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her sisters, Barbara (Bobbie) Minton Byers, Betty Minton Adams, Kaye Minton Rogers and a granddaughter, Dana Goodwin.
Survivors include two sons, Dan Goodwin and wife Alice of Statesville, Dickie Bumgarner and wife Reba of Moravian Falls; two daughters, Sherry Barlow and husband Mark of North Wilkesboro, Terry Stamper and husband Gary of Wilkesboro. She is also survived by nine grandchildren, Chris Stamper and wife Shena, Matthew Stamper and wife Heather, Leslie Stamper and Justin Anderson, Benjamin Stamper and wife Essence, Greg Barlow and wife Renee, Daniel Barlow and wife Erin, Holly Bates and husband Nick, Justin Bumgarner and Kierstin Bumgarner; ten great grandchildren, Noah Stamper, Hydie Stamper, Alexis Stamper, Levi Stamper, Isabella Anderson, Sofia Anderson, Gabriella Anderson, Grady Bates, Eden Bates and Laken McGlamery; two sisters, Jane Canter of Moravian Falls and Rachel Elledge of Wilkesboro.
Funeral service was June 6,   at Gordon Baptist Church with Pastor Mark Barlow and Brother Larry Adams officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.   Flowers will be accepted.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Sue  Long, 77
Sue Harrald Long, age 77, of Laurel Springs, passed away Sunday, June 2, 2019 at Alleghany Memorial Hospital. She was born February 6, 1942 in Alleghany County to Ivey and Nora Reeves Harrald. Sue was preceded in death by her parents; son, William Long; brothers, Dean Harrald, Russell Harrald; and sister, Louise Hooks.
Surviving are her husband, John Ashley of Boomer; daughter, Jewell Ashley of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Floyd Harrald, Hilmer Harrald both of Laurel Springs; sisters, Norma Harrald of Laurel Springs, Yonnie Sheets of Statesville, Barbara Lewis and spouse Henry of West Jefferson.
Funeral service was June 7,  at Miller Funeral Chapel. Burial   followed in Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Piney Creek.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Ina  Poe
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Mrs. Ina Winona Elliott Poe of North Wilkesboro passed away on Sunday, June 2, 2019 at her residence.
Ina was born on Friday, May 4, 1945 in Ashe County to the late Clarence Glenn Elliot and Annie Clyde Eller Elliott.
Ina is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Carl Richard Poe; daughter, Cynthia Jane Roten; sisters, Janis Elliott, Edna Campbell, Vilea Shepherd and Mary Mahaffey.
Ina is survived by her daughters, Mylinthia Wagoner (Allen) of North Wilkesboro, Donna Sue Smithey (Bucky) of North Wilkesboro, Tammie Woodie (Steve) of Laurel Springs; sons, Timothy Poe (Tina) of North Wilkesboro, Tony Poe ( Kim) of Hamptonville; sisters, Betty Powers (Pete) of Lansing, Juanita Walton (Thomas) of North Wilkesboro, 9 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.
A memorial service was June 8,  at Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes Chapel, 2109 Moravian Falls Road.  Rev. Joey McClure, Rev. Fred Richardson and Rev. Wiley Boggs will be officiating.  
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Poe Family.
 Robert Morris, 70
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Robert "Bob" Eric Morris, age 70, of North Wilkesboro, passed away peacefully Saturday, June 1, 2019 at his home following a courageous battle with cancer. He was born March 8, 1949, in San Francisco, California, to Jack and Dorothy Morris. Mr. Morris attended Westmoor High School in Daly City, CA., and following graduation enlisted in the army, serving in both Vietnam and Korea. Upon leaving the military, he spent the next twenty years in the retail paint business before becoming a professional painting contractor, a skill he exercised until his death.
He and his wife and daughter moved to North Carolina in 2007, where he was later employed by First Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro as Maintenance Director. Bob was preceded in death by his parents.
Surviving him are his wife, Helen Marie Morris; daughter, Elizabeth Morris; sister, Marilyn Morris; step-sons, Jason Anderson, Jon Anderson, Simon Dudley; and the wives and children of the Anderson and Dudley families.
A Celebration of Life will be held at 2:00 pm Saturday, June 15, 2019, at First Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro with Pastor Bert Young officiating. Following the service, family and friends are invited to gather in Wayland Fellowship Hall to honor Bob by sharing stories and memories. Light refreshments will be served.
While flowers will be accepted, the family prefers donations to the charity of your choice: Pruitt Hospice, 924 Main Street, Suite 100, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659; DAV (Disabled American Veterans) P.O. BOX 14301, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45250-0301; or FBC Pantry Ministry, 510 D Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Bud Lane, 78
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Mr. Bud Lane, age 78 husband of the late Lois McGrady Lane of McGrady passed away Thursday, May 30, 2019 at his home.
Funeral services were June 3rd,  at Rock Springs Baptist Church with Elder Dan Edwards officiating. Burial with Honors by the Wilkes County Fireman's Association Honor Guard was held in the church cemetery.  
Mr. Lane was born July 15, 1940 in Wilkes County to Sanford Ford and Elvia Royal Lane.  He retired from Gardner Mirror.  He also enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren, mowing, and gardening.    
Bud served as a deacon at Cane Creek Baptist Church and Rock Springs Baptist Church. He was an active first responder and served as a volunteer fireman for the McGrady Fire/Rescue for twenty two years and received Fireman of the Year Award.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by this wife: Lois McGrady Lane, grandson; Richard Allen Matheson, two sisters; Rosie Sutton and Linda Royal and five brothers; Pete, John, Charlie and Robert Lane and Bob Royal.
He is survived by a daughter and son-in-law; LeAnn and Jeff Odle; two sons and daughters-in-law; Michael and Donna Maynor Lane and Daniel and Jamie Swaringen Lane all of McGrady six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren, one sister and brother-in-law; Betty and Bud Perry of Millers Creek, one brother; Larry Lane of Jonesville, one sister-in law; Wanda McGrady Teague and a brother-in-law; David McGrady and wife April Parsons McGrady.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to McGrady Fire/Rescue , PO Box 87, McGrady, NC 28649.
 Billy Michael
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Mr. Billy Ralph Michael better known as "Bill", passed away Thursday, May 30, 2019 at Caldwell County Hospice and Palliative Care in Lenoir.  
Funeral services were June 3rd, at First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro with Dr. Bert Young officiating. Burial with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.
Mr. Michael was born May 12, 1938 in Wilkes County to Amos Taft Michael and Elizabeth Wilson Michael. He owned and operated Wilkes Honda for 25 years. He was currently employed by Wilkes County Government in the Appraisal Department. Bill was a member of First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro where he   served on the Diaconate, was an Usher, a member of the Lockup Team and served on various other committees.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Mr. Michael is survived by his wife; Elaine Moore Michael of the home, a son; Gregory Martin Michael of Wilkesboro, a sister; Barbara Ann Darnell of North Wilkesboro.
 The family requests no flowers but ask that memorials be made to the First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro Department of Music PO Box 458 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to the Caldwell County Hospice and Palliative Care 902 Kirkwood Street NW Lenoir, NC 28645.
 Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
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sherrybaby14 · 7 years
Listen To Me
Summary:  You stay in your room when the Saviors come, only to be surprised that the one Savior you’re trying to avoid comes to see you.  Smutty threesome with Negan and Rick
Category:  Negan X Reader X Rick 
Warnings:  Non-con, SMUT, NSFW,  things that happen in a threesome 
A/N:  This is the first threesome I ever wrote.  I think it might have gotten a little long.  I wanted to write it for Valentine’s Day.  If there’s enough interest I might develop this into a bigger arc.  
Tags: @theonethatgotaway213 @megandrawsspace @marauderice @kellyn1604 @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers @unicorn-blood-splatter
               The pages might as well have been blank.  You sat crossed legged on the bed trying your hardest to focus on the book, but your eyes kept darting towards the window. The Saviors were out there.  They came for their pick up early and Rick had rushed down to meet them.
                 You glanced at the empty space in the bed next to you.  Rick was lying there only a few minutes ago, taking a much deserved rest.  You hated the amount of stress he was under and tried your best to be the caring, understanding girlfriend he needed.  You sigh, feeling a bit ashamed that you’re not by his side now.  
                 Negan scared you too much.  You wanted to stand proud next to your man, but the way the Savior’s leader stared at you made you too uncomfortable. The last time he cracked a joke about taking you home and making you one of his wives.  At least you thought it was a joke.  
                 Your eyes move towards the window again and you debate on standing up and taking a peek outside.  The image of the dark haired man with his baseball bat sends a shiver down your spine.  Of course the devil would be gorgeous.  That was the way the world worked now.  
                 The door to your room opened and you jumped up, sliding to the edge of the bed.  Rick appeared, with his eyes fixed to the ground.  
                 “That was quick.”  You rose and walked towards him. “Was it smooth this time?”
                 “No Doll.”  A hand grabs the end of the door and pushes it all the way open. “I’m never quick and things are always rocky around here.”
                 Negan stood in the doorway behind Rick, a huge grin covered his face.  His barbed wire bat resting on his shoulder. You stopped walking and your heart flares, unsure why Rick would bring the man up here.  
                 “Your boyfriend told me you weren’t feeling well today.”  Negan walked around Rick so the three of you were in a circle. “I wanted to check on you myself.  See we have an actual doctor, so if you were sick I told Ricky we would take you back to the Sanctuary and get you some real medical attention.”
                 You don’t know how to respond. You divert your attention towards Rick who has a guilty look on his face. Whatever Negan threatened him with must have been bad.  Taking a breath you turn back towards the Savior.
                 “Just a small headache.”  You cross your arms. “Feeling better already.”
                 “You do look fine to me.”  Negan’s eyes run up and down your body.
                 He turns on his heel and walks towards the window. You use the opportunity to wrap your arms around Rick.  He returns your hug and you hope he realizes you’re not mad at him.  
                 “Unfortunately your boyfriend doesn’t look so good.” Negan grabbed the desk chair and placed it at the foot of the bed. “And that worries me Doll.”
                 The last thing you wanted was Negan to sit down. You glance up at Rick and see the stern look on his face.  
                 “He looks fine to me.” You give him a squeeze.
                 “Nope.” Negan took a seat. “See all that tension in his face.  He’s far from okay.  I think the man deserves some stress relief.  Maybe in the form of something you’re not giving him.”
                 “We’re good.” Rick wraps his arms around you tighter. “Let’s leave her alone and head back outside.”
                 “I don’t think so.” Negan patted the end of the bed with his bat. “Have a seat Rick.”
                 You don’t have a good feeling about this, but you’re not sure you have any options. Rick’s arms drop and you have no choice but to let him go.  He walks over to the bed and sits across from Negan.  The chair is set lower almost making it look like Rick is the one in charge for a moment. You glance towards the doorway and debate on slinking away hoping this conversation will have nothing to do with you.
                 “Come over here too Doll.” Negan reaches behind him and sets the bat on the desk. “We’re all friends. No need to act coy.”
                 You decide the best thing is to comply and hope that Negan stops messing with you and leaves.  You keep your chin up and head towards the bed.  You’re about to sit next to Rick when Negan speaks.
                 “Un-un-un.”  He is shaking his finger at you.  “The treatment I’m prescribing for Rick requires you to get on your knees.”
                 “Fuck off.” You spit out the words without thinking.
                 Negan responds with a loud laugh and starts clapping his hands.
                 “Stop this.” Rick is trying to hide his fear, but you can see it on his face and hear it in his voice.
                 “Remember what we talked about Rick. You can be replaced.”  Negan raises an eyebrow. “Or maybe I was wrong and your woman is the one who needs replacing.  Is it her who isn’t seeing to your needs? Maybe we could swap her out for another one. Is that what you want Doll?  Me to go grab one of your girlfriends and have her in this position instead?”
                 You flash your eyes between Negan and Rick. Whatever Negan has planned is going to happen regardless of who the participants are.  You know Rick would never put someone else in the madman’s hands and you aren’t about to either. You no longer hold your head high as you drop to your knees in between the two men.  You feel like you’re in some sort of cage with Negan sitting behind you and Rick sitting in front of you.  
                 “Am I going to have to instruct you on every little thing?”  Negan sounds annoyed. “I thought you two were lovebirds.”
                 Your hands are shaking. You stare at Rick’s pants and don’t make eye contact as you reach out and unbuckle his jeans.  His hand grabs your wrist and you pause to look up at him.  There is an almost feral look in his eyes.
                 “You don’t have to do this.”
                 “Actually.” Negan leans forward so his mouth is next to your ear. “She does.”
                 Rick drops his grip and you continue undoing his pants.  You tell yourself this is no different than any other time you two have fooled around, that you will pretend that Negan is not there.  Rick lifts himself up as you pull his pants down, his underwear slides off with the jeans.  
                 “Someone looks like he is almost ready to go.” Negan claps.
                 You’re never going to be able to zone him out. His comment hits you, Rick’s erection is growing. How could he be turned on by this?  You crane your neck to look up at him, but he doesn’t look back at you. Then there is a hand on the back of your head, forcing your eyes back to Rick’s cock.
                 “Doctor’s orders.”  Negan drops his grip on you.  
                 You lick your lips and position yourself between Rick’s legs.  With one hand you grab the base of his cock and start with your tongue at the bottom of his shaft before running it up to the tip.  You feel Rick shudder as your wrap your mouth around the head of his cock.
                 “Lie back and enjoy.”  Negan is standing over you, pushing Rick’s shoulder.
                 Rick lies back as you slide more of him into your mouth, twirling your tongue as you take him.  You let some of your saliva pool to give your hand enough lubricant to start moving with your mouth.
                 “I ordered a blow job, not a handy.”  Negan grabs your wrist and pulls it away.  
                 You lose your balance slightly in the process and fall forward.  You let out a gag as too much of Rick’s cock goes into your mouth. You swear you heard Rick groan and can’t believe he is enjoying this.  
                 Too much of your concentration was on Rick and you didn’t pay attention to what Negan was doing.  Not until the feeling of tightness encompasses both of your wrists. You push your head back and Rick’s cock falls from your mouth.  You twist yourself and try to pull your hands apart at the same time.
                 “What the hell are you doing?”  Before you turn to face Negan completely his hand is on your scalp.  
                 He moves you forward and guides your mouth back to Rick’s cock.  You try to protest, but the head goes back inside and you only make another gurgling sound.
                 “Don’t worry about me baby doll.”  Negan does not release his hand from your head and instead pushes you further down onto Rick. “Relax your throat and swallow, it will make it easier on you.”
                 You struggle, but don’t want to hurt Rick. So with little else to do you try and follow Negan’s instructions, gagging as the dick hits the back of your mouth with a burn.  Your jaw aches from stretching that you forget about your hands.  
                 “What a good girl.”  Negan lets go of your head.
                 You try and pull back again, but before the cock is out of your mouth his hand returns, forcing you to slide your mouth back down.   You let out a whimper, realizing that if you don’t try and deep throat Rick again Negan will force you too. You try and take a heavy breath from your nose as you lower yourself, doing the swallowing action without closing your jaw again.  It burns and you fight off a gag.  
                 “Fuck.” Rick’s voice makes you try and look upwards at him.  
                 “See? I said you had too much pent up frustration.” Negan pushes your head down further.
                 You let out a muffled scream, sure that you’re going to choke on Rick’s cock.  In a reaction you try and pull your hands, hoping to brace yourself on the bed only to realize with certainty that they are secured behind your back and are not coming loose anytime soon.  
                 Negan’s hand lessens up and you slide yourself back, breathing heavy from your nose and trying to soften the pressure on your jaw without biting Rick.  There is no chance Negan will give you a break and you realize the only way to end this is to get Rick off.  Instead of trying to let the cock fall from your mouth you move back down, hoping to bob your head enough to build up Rick’s excitement.
                 “Now we’re playing right Honey.”  Negan’s mouth is right next to your ear. “But Rick shouldn’t be the only one having fun here.”
                 With that sentence Negan’s hand are now on your waist.  You let out a scream and try and raise your head all the way, but his other hand is back and forces your head down further.  The burn returns.
                 “That feels so fucking good.”  Rick has never talked dirty any of the times you’ve fooled around.
                 The shock of his words make you stop screaming and fighting against Negan. Your eyes tear up, but you’re certain it’s from the blow job and not from the humiliation. There is cold air between your legs and you realize your jeans and panties are around your knees. Negan releases your head.  You slide your mouth backwards and with the same speed a thick finger slides inside you.
                 You freeze at the top of Rick’s cock, eyes wide with confusion.  Negan’s hand is gone and then it’s right in front of your face.  There is no mistaking the glistening on his fingers. More tears form and your certain these ones are from the humiliation.
                 “Don’t feel the least bit bad about all of this Rick.” Negan spreads his fingers and displays your slickness.  “She is soaking wet and loving this more than either of us.”
                 You let out a whimper.  Negan pushes your head back and moves his hand back between your legs.   He try and close your legs, but can’t.  You realize Negan is on his knees too, with his legs between yours, pinning them open. He slides a finger back inside you and starts patting your head.
                 The memory of your original plan comes back and you start swallowing harder, remembering your goal of making Rick cum and ending this ordeal.  You try and move your head faster, taking as much of him as you can without gagging.
                 Negan’s fingering starts to speed up and you feel yourself start to rock against him.   You can’t believe that you’re taking pleasure out of this, but there is no denying the feeling starting to boil inside you.   You try and deep throat Rick on your own, hoping that it will please Negan enough to push you over the edge.    
                 “Fuck. Fuck.Fuck.”  Rick repeats the cuss word.
                 You notice his cock is rock hard in your mouth and hope that he doesn’t blow his load before Negan finishes you off.  The thought disgusts you, but at the same time you don’t care anymore.  You wish he would rub your clit, knowing that it would send you into orgasmic bliss. You start to buck your body, hoping that Negan will take the hint.  
                 Suddenly his finger is gone and you let out a loud whimper.  There is pressure on your wrists and you’re hoisted up.  Rick’s cock falls out of your mouth with a pop and you are panting. You see Rick sit up on the bed with a flash, but you’re twisted by your wrists to face Negan.  
                 “Both of you and looking at me like you want to kill me.”  Negan smiles. “I don’t think it’s because you don’t like the situation you’re in either.  I think it’s because you are two horny kids daddy didn’t let finish.”
                 Negan’s hands are on your shoulders and you drop your head, face flushing with shame because he is right.  A finger is under your chin tilting your head up.
                 “Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.” Negan gives your pants a push and they fall all the way to the floor.  “I don’t want the party to end when it’s just getting started Doll.”
                 You step out of your pants and a feeling of dread washes over you. The sexual haze is lifting and you feel a strange pit in your stomach along with the urge to run.
                 “Stop. I don’t want to do any more.”  You look him in the eye. “Just leave.”
                 Negan rolls his eyes in response.  He traces a finger on the collar of your t-shirt.
                 “I lied earlier.” Negan is staring down at you. “And I’m not a fan of lying. You were never replaceable.  Rick was, still is. Don’t worry.  In a few minutes you will be enjoying yourself again.”
                 Negan’s fingers stop moving and each hand grabs a hold of the side of a seam.  You let out a gasp as he yanks hard, ripping your shirt in two.  The ruined garment falls down your arms are rests on top of whatever he has used to tie your wrists together behind your back.  His eyes are on your chest and he frowns.
                 “If you lived with me I would never let you wear this crap.” Negan reaches to the front clasp of your bra and you wish you wore one that hooked in the back. “Nothing but lace and silk would cover these.”
                 The clasp undoes and the bra slides down your shoulders, joining the tattered shirt at your wrists.  Negan brings each hand to the side of your breasts.  He slowly starts to move his fingertips to your mounds and then rubs each of his thumbs over a nipple.  You let out a whimper and close your eyes.
                 “Rick get her on the bed.”  Negan’s hands disappear.
                 For a few second you forgot about Rick.  He is standing next to you, turning your body towards his.
                 “Are you alright?” Rick bends down to your eye level.
                 “Did I say comfort her or did I say get her on the bed?”  Negan is near his baseball bat.
                 You give Rick a quick nod, unsure what his role in this has been, but certain that it wasn’t voluntary.  Rick starts to guide you backwards and you notice Negan is taking off his jacket.  You get to the edge of the bed and Rick sits you down. You pick up your legs and move over the comforter, certain that you will have to burn it after this.  Rick stays by your side as you scoot back.
                 “Now it’s your turn to be the center of attention Doll.”  Negan walks over to your other side.
                 You had expected him to strip, but he still has on his pants and plain white T.  Rick is still wearing his shirt too and suddenly you feel too naked.  You try and push yourself up and pull your legs to cover yourself when Negan places a hand on your knee.
                 “Now you already have your hands tied behind your back.” He pushes your legs back down. “Would you rather I tied you spread eagle to the bed?  Because that can be arranged.”
                 You start to shake your head.  
                 “Good girl.”  Negan presses on your shoulder and you lay back down.  “If you behave maybe I’ll take the belt off in a little bit.”
                 You realize that is what is binding your hands and whimper.  The way they are tied together hurts as you settle on the bed. It makes you thrust your chest out in an even more obscene way and you desperately want them gone or to turn on to your side.
                 “You…are…stunning.”  Negan’s eyes roam your body as he sits on the bed next to you.
                 You try and turn your attention to Rick, only to find that like Negan he is studying your body making you feel doubly small and helpless.  Whatever Rick signed up for he is not about to change his mind.  Nobody is coming to stop this.
                 Negan moves a hand to your stomach and started sliding it upwards.  He cups the breast closest to him and squeezes down.  You gasp as he releases it only to much his palm over your nipple and start to knead.  
                 “Rick if you don’t want to participate that is fine by me.”  Negan says as he lowers his mouth.
                 You shut your eyes as his warm lips encircle the pebble.  He start to suck in quick pulse.  You arch your back more trying to relieve some of the pressure on your wrists, only to smash your breast harder against his lips.  Then you notice a similar sensation on your other side and a moan involuntarily works its way out.
                 You pop your eyes open to see Rick has attached himself to your other nipple.  He is flicking his tongue and circling your sensitivity making it harden in his mouth.  You’ve never had both nipples played with like this before.  Each man is doing something different.  Rick is using more tongue while Negan is using more suction.  The different sensations are feeling amazing and you let out a groan. There is no way you should be enjoying this, but you squeeze your thighs together, hoping to create some sort of friction for the need that is growing there.
                 A hand slides up between your thighs and parts them, recognizing your need.   You moan and arch your back even more as a finger slides inside of you.  There is no way you could lift your head far enough to see over Negan and Rick to figure out who is the one finger fucking you. Your wrists start to ache and to your surprise the feeling is starting to turn you on.  
                 Another finger runs across your folds and stops at your clit.  It starts tapping lightly making you buck your hips, needing more pressure.  A second finger joins the one inside of you and you start to mewl, unable to control your noises.  Negan responds by biting down on your nipple as the finger fluttering against your clit finally pushes down and starts rubbing.  Rick sucks hard on your other pebble and you can’t take it anymore.  
                 The heat has finally boiled over and you throw your head back, forcing your chest higher in the air as the orgasm spreads through you like fire.  You’re barely seeing straight and can make out voices in the background, but aren’t sure what they’re saying.  The sensations on your chest and pussy have vanished and you whine in disappointment.
                 A hand is on your face turning your head.  Lips crash against yours and you hungrily kiss them back.  You start to roll on your side, eager to dull the ache in your wrists, when a warm wet feeling hits your cunt.  A tongue moves against your lips and you part them, letting it dance with your own.  At the same time the mouth between your legs has attached itself to your core and you feel it dancing outside your entrance, trying to probe its way inside.  
                 You’re too familiar with the maneuver and it brings you back down to earth.  You pull away from the kiss and plop back down on your arms.  Negan is smiling down at you while Rick’s head is between your thighs. You scowl at the man, annoyed that he went in for such an intimate act while you were so vulnerable.  
                 “Get to work buddy.”  Negan tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “I want to see her face when she comes.”
                 You whip your neck, rolling it to the other side. Your breathing has regulated and you close your eyes, hoping the tears don’t come feeling ashamed at your recent actions.  Negan reaches over and grabs your chin, turning you back towards him.
                 “Come on Doll.”  He slides his hand down and around your neck. “Don’t be like that. Was that not the best orgasm of your life?”
                 You feel yourself blushing and try and wonder if it was.  No. It wouldn’t be.  Before you can respond Rick licks up your slit and his mouth attaches to your clit. He sucks down and prods his tongue against your bundle.
                 “Ahhh.”  You pull your legs up and try and shut them around his head on reaction.  
                 “Oooohh.”  Negan slides his hand down and starts massaging your breast.  “Do that again.  I think she liked it.”
                 Rick does as he is told and another squeal escapes your lips.  Negan’s fingertips move to your still hard pebble and he starts to squeeze down.  It hurts, but sends a bolt of pleasure to your pussy where Rick is giving you better oral than he ever has before.   Negan’s eyes are on your face as he begins to tweak and pull at your nipple.  You can feel the arousal starting to build already.  
                 There is a finger poking at your entrance and you try and relax your legs.  Rick moves his digit inside of you and your mouth drops open.  Negan moves his head forward and kisses you again.  You don’t pull away, but don’t respond as his tongue moves against yours.  He pinches down hard and pulls your bud away from your chest and you yelp.   Your tongue comes to life against his and he moves back to lightly teasing you.  Negan breaks your kiss and pushes his forehead next to yours.  
                 “Good girl.”  He brushes his lips lightly against yours. “Let me know when you’re going to cum. I want to study your face.”
                 You nod and then his lips are back on yours. This time when he opens his mouth you push your tongue against his.  Rick’s feverishly moving his mouth against your sex and his finger is curling inside you against your g-spot, poking it into life. You start to move your hips the best you can against him, hoping to encourage him.  It is hard with your arms pinned behind your back and you start to want them undone.  You moan and try and pull back from Negan.  
                 He responds by grunting and moving his mouth harder against yours.  You turn your face and finally break free of his kiss.  You’re still panting against Rick’s mouth.  Negan looks down at you with lust filled eyes.
                 “Please take off the belt.”  You beg him.
                 “Will you behave?” He takes a deep breath.  
                 You nod your head vigorously.  Rick chooses this moment to stop sucking and start flicking his tongue against your swollen clit.  
                 “Ahh.”  You jerk forward and let out another pant.  
                 Negan grabs your shoulder and almost sits you up. In a few seconds there is relief in your wrists and you pull them in front of your body.  Rick slides a second finger into you and you let out another gasp.  Negan lies you all the way back down again and goes in for another kiss.  You shake your head and put your hand against his chest.
                 “I’m going to come.”  You can’t believe you told him.
                 A wicked smile spreads across his face and his eyes glue to yours.  You feel your eyelids getting heavy as Rick curls his hand harder inside of you.  
                 “Keep those eyes open and on me.” Negan orders.
                 You  pop your lids back and stare back at him.  He is looking down at you with ownership and a strange sense of pride. A tongue darts out across his lips and for whatever reason it was what you needed to send you over the edge. The second orgasm rips through your body.  You try and keep your eyes open and focused on Negan, but you’re starting to see pools of blackness as your vision blurs.
                 There is no way to be certain, but you are fairly certain you are screaming or at least moaning very loudly.  Rick has started to ease up with his tongue and fingers and you feel a strange euphoria settling over your body.  
                 Negan brushes the hair off of your forehead and you realize you’re covered in sweat.
                 “Absolutely fucking beautiful.”  He is beaming down at you.
                 The looks his is giving you cause a smile to form on your face.   Then he leans down and places a kiss on your lips.  You return the small kiss, but soon a dull ache starts to form in your wrists. You turn away and look down at them. Red welts have already formed and you’re sure bruises will join them.
                 Your panting has stopped and you force yourself up on the bed. You’re exhausted and your body is sore and over sensitized. Rick is looking at you with hungry lust and his chest is moving up and down faster than normal.  You don’t dare look at Negan certain his features will be more threatening.  You feel like a piece of prey between two very dangerous predators.  
                 “Remember you promised to behave or the belt comes back.” Negan’s hand wraps around your shoulder and he pushes you closer to Rick.  “Don’t you think Rick deserves a reward for all the hard work?”
                 You nod your head, exhausted and hoping this was over with.  If Rick wanted it to end he certainly wasn’t letting that on. He keeps his eyes on you as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and strips the rest of the way before settling on the bed.  You crawl towards him with shaky legs, ready to resume the blow job.  
                 “I think Rick’s had enough oral for today. Besides, he worked hard enough he deserves that puss.”  Negan lightly spanks your ass and you lurch forward.  
                 You move to lay down next to Rick.
                 “Come on Doll.  Give the man a break. Take some control.”  Negan stands up from the bed and walks around to the other side.
                 Rick has no objection and you glance down, noticing that his cock looks at least an inch bigger than normal.  You realizes that he is so hard he won’t last long so with shaky tired legs your straddle him.  
                 You’re soaking from the two orgasm and your pussy gives little resistance as you impale yourself on him.  As you ease yourself down on him little sparks of pleasure make you feel weaker and your legs spread further.  Soon he is all the way inside of you.  His cock has brought a satisfying feeling of fullness you did not know you were missing.  A moan escapes your lips and you start to rock back and forth.  
                 You have to lift yourself up a bit, hoping to avoid attention to your clit, afraid that even the slightest brush might hurt it. You put your arms on Rick’s chest and start to rock faster, knowing you should be focusing more on the in and out motion, but too tired to really ride him.  Rick lets out a grunt and then his hands are on your hips.
                 A yelp escapes your lips as he digs in fingers into your waist and starts to raise you on his own, obviously not pleased with the speed you’re going.  You want to fall to the side and have Rick on top of you, setting the pace and slamming into you.  Your body starts to twist when another set of hands stops you.  Negan.  You let out a whimper.  
                 “I want you on top Doll.”  He releases your arm.  “This might help though.”
                 His palm is on the middle of your back pushing you forward.  You bend until your chest is against Rick’s.  The new position has given Rick more movement and requires less energy on your part.   Rick thrusts from underneath you and each time he moves us his body makes contact with your bundle of nerves.  To your surprise it doesn’t hurt and is starting to send electricity through your body to the point you start moving yourself with Rick, hoping to increase the action against your clit.
                 With every movement Rick’s chest brushes against yours and in a manner of seconds your nipples are hard again.  The sensation from your chest and bud mixed with the feeling of fullness from Rick’s cock is starting to feel good again. You’ve never had three orgasm so close together in your life and the idea excites and worries you at the same time. You’re certain another one will make you delirious and a cry escapes your lips.
                 “Don’t get upset.”  The bed dips down behind you. “We’re in the home stretccccchhhhh.”
                 As Negan draws out the word stretch you feel something poking at your rear entrance.  A cold slippery feeling covers you and a rod slides up your rear.
                 “NO!”  You immediately try to crawl forward off of Rick and the invasion in your ass.  
                 Rick’s hands are still on your hips though and he pulls you right back.  You look down at him with surprise. It doesn’t matter what he’s being threatened with. This is too much.  You bring your hands forward and start to smack him in the chest.
                 Negan flushes to your back and wraps a single arm around yours, pinning them to your sides.  You stilled, impaled by Rick’s cock with Negan holding you and something inside your ass.  Whatever is up your rear channel starts to move in and out and you let out a sob.
                 “It’s just my finger love.”  Negan says. “I’m warming you up.”
                 He is sliding in and out slowly a few times. You look down at Rick who has stopped moving inside of you.  You glare at him, but he seems unmoved and digs his fingers into your waist harder. A second digit is prodding your back hole and you start to whimper.  To your humiliation it slides right inside.  
                 “Are you going to be a good girl or do I need to get the belt?” Negan pulls you closer towards him.  
                 You can feel everything his fingers are doing inside of you, spreading themselves and trying to loosen you up.  You don’t know what he used as lube, but you’re grateful he used plenty of it.
                 “Please.”  You breathe. “I’ve never had anything up there before.”
                 “You’re going to love it.”  Negan bites your ear. “Relax and It will feel amazing Doll.”
                 Negan pulls his fingers almost all the way out, but then spreads them apart and you let out a gasp and try to move forward.  
                 “Relax.”  He kisses your neck.
                 There is no escaping this.  It is going to happen.  You let out a huge breath and then force your muscles to soften.  You groan as he spreads them with ease this time.
                 “That’s a good girl.”  Negan licks up to your ear and releases his grip on you.
                 His hand is on your back and he pushes you forward so you’re flushes to Rick’s chest again.  His fingers disappear and you take a few deep breaths.  Then you feel is against your back channel.  His cock.  You’re happy you didn’t see it because you have a feeling it is huge.  
                 “Rick, a little help here?”  Negan asks.
                 Rick’s hands slide from your hips to your ass and he grabs a cheek with each hand and pulls them apart.  You let out a sob.
                 “Just relax baby Doll.”  Negan pushes the head of his cock against your tiny flowered hole.
                 You try your hardest to do as your told, but your assumption was right.  The man must be huge.  His head slides past your muscle and you let out a screech.  Rick lets one of his hands go and puts it behind your head. He crashes your lips against his. He tries to kiss you, but you’re more screaming into his mouth.
                 It hurts so bad as Negan continues pushing inside of you.  You’re certain his dick is at least a foot long and is going to rip you in half.  It doesn’t help that Rick is still buried in your pussy.  His dick being made more and more noticeable as Negan pushes further up your rear.  
                 Finally he stops moving.  You yelling stops and you hear all three of you panting.  You wonder how the hell the two of them could sound so out of breath.
                 “This is the tightest my dick has ever been squeezed.”  Negan spoke first.  
                 Your mouth was still against Ricks. You felt his tongue run across your lips and decide to part yours.  You’re so angry with him for letting this happen, but it is happening.  A hand reaches between your bodies and finds your clit.  It starts to rub in a light circle and you respond by squeezing.  
                 “Ahhh.” Negan groans.
                 “Fuck.”  Negan grits out between the kiss.  
                 You are skewered on their cocks and there is nowhere to go.  The ache in your ass is dulling as the pleasure from your clit is increasing. Hands are on your hips again, this time from behind.  Negan pulls out a little and you whimper.  He moves back inside and you moan.  
                 “I’m starting slow baby Doll.”  He pulls out a little further.  “By the time we’re done you’ll love it so much I promise I’ll be slamming in and out of you.”
                 He pushes back inside and you move up and down on Rick’s dick in the process.  You thought the hand on your clit was Negan’s, but now you’re not sure.  You can’t focus on who’s hand is who’s.  Soon Negan is moving about half his length in and out of you.  Rick has started to thrust his hips forward at the opposite time.  It doesn’t take long until you feel like they’re taking turns, thrusting in tandem. Your body is all too aware of their invasions.  
                 You hadn’t noticed when it happened, but you found yourself trying to move with the men.  The burn in your ass was still there, but it came with a new sensation, one that was exaggerated when Rick’s cock filled your pussy.  You found yourself liking it.  
                 The finger was still dancing on your clit, but you didn’t think you need it anymore.  You knew the orgasm building inside of you was coming from a different place.  You pulled your lips off of Rick’s no longer wanting kisses.  You started to move more, wanting a quicker, harder performance.
                 Negan was the first to notice and started to increase his pace.  Rick figured it out soon after and started moving his hips faster as he slammed inside of you.  You pushed yourself up and your back went flush with Negan’s chest.  He wrapped an arm around you and started to move your body with his and he lowered you on Rick’s cock with his buried in your ass.
                 His other hand traced up your neck and he cupped your chin.  He did this for a few strokes and you panted against him.  Then he held you upward as he slid out of you to the tip before slamming your body down, sending both his and Rick’s cocks deep inside you.  
                 It felt like thousands of gallons of water were dropped on you in that moment.  You crumbled up into a ball and cried out.  Your body was wet and burning at the same time.  There were no black spots as your vision crumbled away and electricity shot through you. Your brain seemed like it was somewhere else, but you were all too aware of your body and the feeling like it was meant for one thing. Pleasure.  The voice and moans of the men inside you faded away and a smile crossed your face as you fell into the abyss.  
                 “Shhhh.”  You were in Rick’s arms as he rocked you back and forth. “Shhhh.”
                 You were still naked, but under a blanket.  Your body was sore and you desperately wanted some water. It felt like you were moving and you were certain you needed sleep more than anything.  
                 “Shhhhh.”  Rick cradled your head against his chest and you moved closer. “Good girl.”
                 Rick had never called you that before. You wondered if he was going to start taking cues from Negan.  Another wave of tiredness came over your aching body and you didn’t fight it as you drifted back to sleep.
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rightsinexile · 5 years
This paper “outlines the academic debates on the topic of migrant and refugee integration. Given the diversity of migratory statuses, experiences and conditions around the world, we argue that the concept of integration needs to be carefully unpacked and contextualized. In rethinking integration, we contend that integration is not just about macro-level policy-making decisions, meso-level implementation or political discourses on these. A conception of integration must also include the perspective of those that are being told that they have to integrate. We therefore pay particular attention to the aspirations, experiences and actions of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs), whether “integration” is a concept they think about, how “integration” is interpreted by these targeted subjects and how the diverse nature of migrants and their multiple characteristics shape integration opportunities and challenges.” Migrants and refugees are asked to integrate: But what does integration actually mean? The politics of integration: adjusting to new lives in host societies. Michelle Pace and Dogus Simsek. Sirus Working Paper. January 2019.
“The World Refugee Council was established by the Centre of International Governance Innovation in May 2017 to support the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and leverage the skills and experiences of its diverse membership in order to realize transformational change for the refugee and IDP systems. This report makes actionable recommendations, with a focus on four key areas: political will, responsibility sharing, financing, and accountability. Among the key recommendations is to: create an independent Global Action Network for the Forcibly Displaced; promote leadership roles for women and youth, thereby giving a voice to more than half of those who are forcibly displaced globally; and hold perpetrators accountable before the law.” A Call to Action: Transforming the Global Refugee System. Centre for International Governance Innovation and World Refugee Council. 2019.
“The boundaries of refugee status remain one of the most important aspects of the protection afforded to forced migrants by international and domestic law. In this lecture series - Current Thinking in Refugee Law - two of the foremost thinkers in refugee law, Mark Symes (Garden Court Chambers) and Hugo Storey (Judge of Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber), present a series of four discussions addressing the key constituents of refugee status.” Current Thinking in Refugee Law: State Protection and Internal Relocation. Mark Symes and Hugo Storey Refugee law initiative, Podcast. 2019.
“The relationship between the European and African partners seems to be gradually calmer after the tensions that followed the 2015 EU ‘migration crisis’ and the discussions in Valletta. The conclusions of the Senior Officials Meeting on the Valletta Process and those of the recent EU-AU ministerial meeting evidence a more positive dialogue on migration emerging between partners.” Win-win-win: Africa and Europe in 2019 should move towards solutions that benefit migrants too. Amanda Bisong, ECDPM blog, 28 January 2019.
“With the exception of Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya, where predominantly Somali refugees have been gradually repatriated since late 2014, nearly all MSF mental health programmes in the East and Horn regions of Africa have seen a significant increase in the number of patients. This includes projects in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.” Displaced and distressed: People’s mental health in East Africa. Medecins Sans Frontieres. 22 January 2019.
“For six years the people of Central African Republic (CAR) have had little respite from conflict. The horrific consequences of the ongoing violence have been witnessed by teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). In recent months, armed groups have deliberately targeted civilians in towns such as Batangafo, Alindao and Ippy, where MSF has assisted the victims of the violence. MSF has published the results of our investigation into the attacks against civilians that took place in November 2018 in the town of Batangafo, northern CAR, where we have run a hospital for the past 12 years.” Unprotected: Report on violence and lack of protection for civilians in CAR. Médecins Sans Frontières. February 2019.
“[This paper] examines issues related to push factors in Egypt, pull factors in Libya, security and economic hazards behind the return in 2011 and 2014/2015 and the long-term implications of the return of Egyptian migrants.” Understanding the impact of the Libyan Conflict on Egyptian Migrants. Sara Sadek. The Center for Migration and Refugee Studies. February 2019.
“This report presents country of origin information (COI) on Darfur between 1 September 2017 and 2 December 2018 on issues identified by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to be of relevance in refugee status determination for Sudanese nationals. This report is an update of the Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation’s (ACCORD), Darfur COI Compilation, September 2017.” Sudan: country report on Darfur between 1 September 2017- 2 December 2018, Asylum Research Center (ARC), January 2019.
“This memorandum provides guidance to immigration officers in US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regarding the implementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), including supporting the exercise of prosecutorial discretion by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).” Policy Guidance for Implementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols. USCIS policy memorandum on guidance for implementation of the migrant protection protocols. US Department of Homeland Security. 28 January 2019.
“The immigration crisis has shattered the American sense of decency: It is fair to assume that a significant number of the migrants arriving at our southern border seeking a new life are legitimate asylum seekers [and] leveraging the agony of prolonged detention in order to compel asylees to ‘voluntarily’ give up their asylum claims is disgusting.” Asylum on the US Southern Border. Jo McIntire. 2019.
“This Legal Sidebar examines asylum claims based on gang and domestic violence, the AG’s decision in Matter of A-B-, and recent guidance from DHS’s US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in light of that ruling.” Asylum and Related Protections for Aliens Who Fear Gang and Domestic Violence. Congressional Research Service. 15 January 2019.
“Lucas is a high school student on Long Island. In 2017, he applied for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), which would put him on the path to obtaining a Green Card and eventually citizenship. Lucas had never been arrested or charged with a crime, but he had been suspended from high school for five days after a school official searched his backpack and found a drawing with the area code from his home country in it. He returned to school after his suspension and did not get in trouble again, but several months later, Immigration and Customs Enforcement came to his home on Long Island and arrested him. He was detained for over four months before an immigration judge ruled that the government’s allegations of gang membership were baseless and ordered his release.” How Vague Gang Allegations Impact Relief & Bond for Immigrant New Yorkers: Stuck with supspicion. Paige Austin, JP Perry, Irma Solis, and Camille Mackler. The New York Civil Liberties Union The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) . 2019.
“In Trinidad and Tobago, refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants cannot regularize their status unless they satisfy various criteria stipulated under the Immigration Act − criteria that the vast majority cannot meet. Since the country’s migration policy remains a work in progress, Venezuelans who have fled their country are left without any means to reside legally or support themselves and their families. RI was told that, as of November 2018, an estimated 440 people were in detention in Trinidad and Tobago where they lack adequate access to legal assistance and medical care. There have been no panels organized to independently monitor conditions of detention.” Forced into illegality: Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Trinidad and Tobago. Melanie Teff. Refugees International. January 2019.
“Social cohesion and peaceful coexistence is a fundamental need for Cox’s Bazar. Congestion in the camps is a big issue until the repatriation with dignity. Quality education and life skills are also essential for the refugees to be self-dependent before they return to their homeland. Operationalization of these issues and advocacy with government for this is fundamental.” JRP 2019 Hardly Responsive to Conflict and Security We Demand Full Transparency of Humanitarian Aid. Cox’s Bazar. 11 February 2019.
“There is a growing evidence base of how Hong Kong, China is a destination for human trafficking, particularly as it relates to people entering to work as migrant domestic workers. But to date there has been little exploration of how individuals may be transiting through Hong Kong as part of their experience of human trafficking. This research offers a “first step” towards that examination.” Non-stopping here: Hong Kong as a transit site for Human Trafficking. Justice Centre Hong Kong. January 2010.
“A report on the use of AMIF funding at the national level 2014-18 presents a comparative critical analysis of the use of AMIF funding at the national level during 2014-18, drawing on the outcomes of the national and European interim evaluations of the Fund and the perspectives of civil society and other actors involved in national AMIF implementation. It builds on the findings of the first Follow the Money study, published in January 2018, which assessed the programming and design of national AMIF funds from a civil society perspective.” Follow the money II: Assessing the use of EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) funding at the national level 2014-2018. Rachel Westerby. UNHCR and European Council on Refugees Exiles (ECRE).
“The final report is based on assessments made by project partners of how the morphing of ‘reception’ into ‘detention’ at the borders of their countries is undermining asylum seekers’ right to liberty. The GDP’s role was to assist the project in using UN human rights mechanisms, like the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, to raise awareness of these trends at the international level. In addition, the GDP worked individually with each national partner to use the GDP’s online database, the Global Immigration Detention Observatory, to develop comprehensive detention data profiles of each country’s key immigration detention-related indicators as well as operations at the main detention centres covered in the report.” Crossing a Red Line: How EU Countries Undermine the Right to Liberty by Expanding the Use of Detention of Asylum Seekers upon Entry. Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Global Detention Project, Greek Council for Refugees, Italian Council for Refugees and Foundation for Access to Rights. February 2019.
“Access to health care for refugee and migrant children varies across the region. France, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Spain explicitly entitle all migrant children, irrespective of legal status, to receive equal health care to that available to nationals. Asylum-seeking children have comparatively limited entitlement to health care; however, in certain Member States unaccompanied asylum seeking children may have better entitlements to health care than those who are accompanied.” Health of refugees and migrants: Regional situation and analysis, practices, experiences, lessons learned and ways forward. WHO European Region. 2018.
“The management of migration and protection of our external borders are top priorities for the European Union. For several years, Italy was at the forefront of managing migration along the Central Mediterranean route. The Commission continues to support Italian efforts to improve the situation by mobilising long-term and emergency funding.” Managing Migration: EU financial support to Italy. European Commision. December 2018.
“Addressing the refugee crisis and managing our external borders are top priorities for the European Union. The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) supports Greek national efforts to improve reception capacities, ensure that asylum procedures are in line with Union standards, integrate migrants at local and regional levels and increase the effectiveness of return programmes. The Internal Security Fund (ISF) supports national efforts to achieve a uniform and high level of control of the external borders and to fight cross-border organised crime.” Managing Migration: EU financial support to Greece. European Commision. December 2018.
“Four and a half years have passed since the Russian Federation occupied Crimea in 2014. Over this time, the peninsula has become a ‘grey zone’ for human rights, subjected to the rule of the Russian Federation and practically inaccessible to independent international scrutiny. At the same time, the information that does leak out – primarily thanks to modern information technology – indicates that the human rights situation remains dire and that serious violations continue to take place. During this time, the majority of the human rights community in Crimea has had to leave the peninsula due to persecution and threats, and those who still work on human rights run grave risks of persecution and are forced to work under the surface.” Crimea: Breaking the wall of silence. Human rights mission to Crimea by three Human Rights Houses. November 2018.
“Since the onset of the ‘refugee crisis,’ Slovakia has pursued restrictive immigration policies and employed anti-migrant rhetoric, despite the fact that the country has not faced the same migratory pressures as its European neighbours. Rarely granting alternatives to detention due to strict eligibility criteria, non-citizens are held in facilities that observers have described as punitive in nature, and where detainees are required to pay for their own detention. Monitoring bodies have also raised concerns that the country’s legislation enshrines a presumption of majority in cases of age disputes, resulting in some unaccompanied children being held alongside unrelated adults as they await the results of bone analyses.” Slovakia Immigration Detention: Punitive Conditions Paid for by the Detainees. Global Detention Project. February 2019.
“In September 2018, the Turkish authorities fully transferred responsibility for the registration and processing of asylum applications of non-Syrians from the UNHCR to Turkey’s Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM). Although the transfer had been planned for at least two years, its implementation was sudden and came in the wake of a surge in Afghan arrivals in 2018. In October and November 2018, a Refugees International (RI) team visited Turkey to research the effects of transferring registration and processing operations to the Turkish authorities.” “You Cannot exist in this place”: Lack of registration denies Afghan Refugees protection in Turkey. Izza Leghtas and Jessica Thea. Refugees International. 13 December 2018.
Middle East
“The report draws on the large amounts of data on Syrian refugees collected by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in addition to its own surveys. The results were compared with other refugee situations around the globe, ranging from Iraqi refugees in pre-war Syria to Somali refugees in Kenya. This analytical approach allowed for a better understanding of the complex set of factors that refugees must navigate as they consider a return home.” The mobility of displaced Syrians: An economic and social analysis. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank. 2019.
“This report documents the settlement experiences of recently arrived Syrian refugees in Albertan cities. It compares them across the three streams of sponsorship to better understand the perspectives of the refugees, the sponsors, and the social agencies that work with them. Our findings suggest that all three government and private sponsorship programs were largely successful in bringing in Syrian refugees, from various asylum countries in the Middle East, to safe places in Canada. However, the settlement experience of refugees varied after they arrived in Canada.” Settlement experience of Syrian refugees in Alberta. Sandeep Agrawal and Seraphine Zeitouny. Social science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC). 2017.
This paper focuses on the Syrian refugee crisis, which incurred a variety of negative social and economic impacts upon many countries in the Middle East, as well as in Europe. “The aim of this study is to analyze the divergent attitudes of Germany and Hungary in the face of Syrian refugee crisis and the diversity of measures that these countries have adopted to tackle the refugee problem.” The Effects of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the EU Through the Lens of Social Constructivism: The Cases of Germany and Hungary Toplumsal İnşacılık Perspektifinden Suriyeli Mülteci Krizi’nin AB’ye Etkisi: Almanya ve Macaristan Örnekleri. Derya Buyuktanir. Alternatif Politika. 2019. 
0 notes
bibannana · 10 months
Fives *holding up a fancy set of dice*: Dice are just math rocks.
Echo *shudders in disgust*: Excuse me?
Fives *unfazed, unaffected, undisturbed*: You are excused.
Jesse *catching a dice Fives threw at his face*: Why are you calling them math rocks?
Fives *throws another dice hitting Kix on the forehead, that falls straight into his caf*: Because they're rocks??? With numbers on them???
Kix *ready for murder*: Fascinating.
Pickup *watching as Kix pours hot caf over Fives hand that threw the dice*: Uhhhh what if the dice are made from plastic?
Tup *watching Fives throw a handful of dice from his belt, only to throw them in Kix's face*: I don't really think that matters.
Rex *walks into the room only to slip on the dice all over the floor*: Agh-!
Hardcase and Coy *keels over wheezing from laughter*
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @nekotaetae @staycalmandhugaclone @jiabeewrites @sexy-rex
140 notes · View notes
bibannana · 1 year
Coy *trying to cover Ahsoka's montrals*: Young brains are like sponges! Do not curse infront of her!
Pickup *disgusted face*: It's like a sponge?
Ahsoka *who can hear them perfectly well*: That's fucking gross.
Rex *snaps around to face them*: Who taught her how to swear?!
Fives *snorts*: Ha! You messed up jagyc'kovid!
Pickup *smirks*: So did you osi'kovid, so ne shab'rud'ni.
Echo *sighs*: You're both making this so much worse.
62 notes · View notes