#AU thoughts
hockybish · 18 hours
will mas talk to luke soon about them getting back together ?
I Can't Do It Like This Anymore
l the cute photographer au l luke x maisie l masterlist l
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This girl had really been laying on the charm with Luke at the concert. She was trying to get him to come back to her hotel room with her, but he didn't want to.
"You know my hotel isn't to far from here. Whatdaya say we ditch and and go back?" The girl -Mallory as Luke had learned- flashed him a glimpse of her smile and a hotel key.
"Oh no thank you. I'm can't. I'm here with my brothers and friends. And you know it's kind of rude to um leave them?" Luke started off strong in his attempt to get Mallory to leave him alone.
He looked around at the group he had been with hoping one of them would come over and save him from this interaction, but no one was coming.
He felt Mallory slip the key card into the pocket of his pants and lightly pat the area. Letting him know he can have it, just in case her door is always open.
"I said no. I'm taken." Luke tried giving the key back, but she was already gone by the time he had gotten it out of his pocket.
Sighing he shoved it back into his pocket instead of throwing it away, an action he might regret later, and returned to enjoying the rest of the concert. But he couldn't, he couldn't get the interaction with Mallory out of his head.
During Fire Away, he walked out without saying anything. There were still so many people walking around, but Luke managed to find a quiet corner. He dialed the number of the person on his Lock Screen, the only person for him.
Maisie flopped on the couch, Roger the cat was making his way over to sit on her chest. It was the end of the day for her she was ready to climb into some comfy pajamas and continue her rewatch of grey's anatomy.
That was going to have to wait when her phone rang. She sat up and scrambled to answer before it went to voicemail.
"Hey Lukey! How's the concert? Wait you're still at the concert aren't you? Why are you calling? Is something wrong with you or Jack or Quinn? Or?" Maisie's happiness at the fact he called quickly turned into worry that something was happening and she wasn't there.
"Everything's fine Maize. I just miss you, that's all." Luke sighed. He slid down the wall he had been leaning against. There was another purpose to this call, but he'd get to that later. "How was your day?"
"My day" She paused for a second "was a day. Spent most of it with your mom trying to get her to like me and I just got back to the house when you called. And aside from talking to you, I'm heating up dinner." She grabbed the left overs from the fridge to heat up.
"What are you having?" Luke asked to keep her talking, building up his own courage to ask her something else.
"Fried rice from that one restaurant we like in town. I have a tiny bit leftover from when I got take out the other night."
"Is that it? You should really have more than that. I think there's some dino nuggies left in the freezer, eat those too, and a banana."
Maisie appreciated Luke taking care of her by reminding her of what she should be doing. Sometimes she forgot.
"What song is he singing now?" She could still hear the music in the background. Luke held the phone back to he identify it.
"Broken Halos"
"Oh I like that one! You're missing it, I should let you go, so you can listen." He knew that but he didn't care. He'd rather talk with her. He'd rather be with her than that Mallory chick.
"Luke? Are you okay?"
"No" He whispered
"What's wrong?" Maisie became alarm, and was ready to message Jack or Quinn while still talking with him.
"It's nothing bad. Please don't freak, but I can't do it like this anymore Maisie. I want us to be us again. Because I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I know, I know I promised I said I would wait for you for forever long it took you to be okay with us again. But I can't. I want you. I want to love you now."
"Luke .." Maisie knew this was going to be coming soon. She was going to have this talk as soon as he got back to Michigan. She believe's she is ready again.
"I got hit on tonight. Well I get hit on all the time, but it was different this time Maize. She openly told me she wanted to sleep with me and gave me her room key. I tried to give it back, but she was all like just in case and walked away. I didn't want to and I couldn't stop thinking about you and those nights when you snuck into my room at the house. And you're the only one I want"
Luke laid it all out on the line, hoping, wishing, praying that she would say what he had been dreaming she would.
"Are you done? I was hoping to have this talk in person, not over the phone." Luke's began to race, this was it. "I want us again too. I think I'm ready. If we go slow. Because I love you too. And I'm becoming too emotionally attached again for us just to be friends again."
"Really?" The biggest smile etched on Luke's face. He needed someone to pinch him, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
"Really Lukey"
"God I love you Maisie. But I gotta go now. Concert's over. I'll talk to you later, mkay?" The couple bid their adieus. Luke already had plans to look at rearranging his flight plans, but right now he needed to find his brothers.
"What's got you smiling?" Quinn cocked an eyebrow when Luke returned.
"Oh nothing." Luke tried but failed at hiding his smile which the guys teased him about on the ride home.
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streaminn · 3 months
Im not crazy but enid picking up wednesday's jacket that was lowkey slipping from the back of her chair and righting it before walking off, totally unaware of the fact that wednesday is a selkie and what enid has done has consequences
Lowkey, i just think itd be funny if enid is just a simple and unaware that her friends are supernatural
She still has similar issues to canon but! Ive replaced them with a different factor to make up for the fact that she isnt a werewolf
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whereonceiwasfire · 6 months
Look. Look. I am as invested as the next person in a nuanced, well-developed exploration of the fractured relationship between the college trio, but I contain multitudes, and also just really need more AUs in my life where Maddie actually knows Vlad is now a ghost loser simp intent on getting Jack out of the picture and plans on ctrl-v-ing himself in his ex-best-friend's place like a badly photoshopped family picture, because I think this has the potential to be absolutely HILARIOUS.
Neither of them tells Jack because Maddie can't bear to break her husband's heart by revealing the truth about their long-lost friend, and Vlad won't tell him because, on top of the obvious reasons, Jack also keeps inviting Vlad to stuff. Family dinner? Danny's school events? Camping trips? It's remarkably convenient as it puts him in a great position to play Uncle Vlad until he can successfully enact his bonkers plan.
Except now, in addition to Danny knowing Vlad is up to no good and being very much not on board with the Fruitloop's whole shtick, Maddie's in the same boat too. But Maddie and Danny are keeping this info from each other because she still doesn't/can't know her son is Phantom and if Danny outs Vlad, Vlad will turn around and spill his little secret too. And for Maddie's part, she probably just doesn't want her son knowing that Vlad is a ghost. It's a bad look to admit you've welcomed a specter from the afterlife into your house (on multiple occasions) when you've spouted off how dangerous these creatures are since your kiddos could walk.
This sets up a scenario where you've got Jack: oblivious, Danny: trying not to reveal his secret while also keeping Vlad from murdering his dad, Maddie: being a badass ghost hunter protecting her family and blasting Vlad into next Tuesday every chance she gets, and Vlad: just, being very...Vlad about everything. Chaos and hilarity ensues.
Can you see my vision?
Jack's humming to himself while making dinner, back turned, unaware anything is amiss as Maddie saves his life, firing a blaster at Plasmius and sending him through a wall before he can attack her husband. She immediatley hides the ecto-weapon behind her back, giving a too-enthusastic "how was your day sweetie!" when Danny walks in the door, brows raised. Jack turns around at the interruption, giving a bright, oblivious, "Where'd Vladdy go?!" which prompts a groan and a "that guy's here again?" from Danny.
Maddie and Danny can bond over their shared aversion to Vlad's general existance, though neither of them admit there's a little more to it than just "he's an arrogant asshole." Or, better yet, they're both putting on the facade, keeping up pretenses, pretending they don't despise the dude, because how are they supposed to explain why they despise the dude? Vlad is impossibly amused by the whole song and dance they're doing, because of course, he's the only one who realizes that Maddie and Danny both know he's a half ghost and are keeping that from each other. And like, as if he's going to let them in on that little tidbit unless it directly benefits him.
Sometimes Maddie and Danny run into awkward situations where they're both trying to protect Jack, but they don't realize it, and they can't be overt about it without the other person realizing what's going on. "Don't you have homework? You go do that, I'll check on your father and...uncle Vlad." "Oh, no, no, don't you worry about it, you're so busy, Mom. I can go check on them!" "That's really not necessary. I don't mind at all." Meanwhile, Vlad is in the kitchen like "why don't you check that cooking oil with your face, Jack? Oh, I know it sounds unorthodox, but I swear that's how they do it in France."
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theshadowrealmitself · 6 months
Batman still being a legend but not quite a myth anymore as other heroes know about him even if many hadn’t actually met him
But his sidekick isn’t known at all, so when Dick starts moving on as Nightwing, no one outside of Gotham is prepared for him, and all other heroes get so shocked when he reveals he was trained by Batman
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island-in-the-shadows · 4 months
Alright so I'm gonna need a little help with this one team: @ollieapologist @wormswurld @coldblooded-angel @ib3li3v3you off the top of my head feel free to tag more of the Hivemind lol
Genderswap Felix AU
Name: Felicity River Catton
- Still super tall, still super gorgeous, still super charming.
- The kind of thin where she eats whatever she wants and never gains an ounce.
- Still accidentally fingered her cousin.
- Elspeth is jealous of her but says nothing because Felicity is still her favourite.
- Elspeth told her she should model but Felicity didn't want to. She kinda just wants to faff around.
- One of the Henries tried to molest her she used her size against him.
- Went to a posh all girls school.
- Still a meh student.
- Dresses laid back but wouldn't be caught dead in Juicy track pants.
- Has slept around but not nearly as much as people think she has.
- Brought a female friend over and her friend still wanted Venetia.
- Terrible dancer with great confidence.
Please add in more I know y'all have ideas.
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meatinternetpng2005 · 1 month
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i made this anti-hero darkwing duck au
explanation below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
bleeeehhh :333
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nightmare-ghoul · 2 months
I want to add some of your ideas to the fic. So during the episode 'The Chase', whilst Azula is chasing the Avatar. What conversations/activities is she doing with Mai and Ty Lee? Because I know most of it will be about them tracking the Avatar. But what else will they be talking about.
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zionnie · 2 months
There are certain pain that comes with loving someone who doesn't want to be loved. Enid Sinclair knows it too well.
Wednesday is kooky, that is a fact. An acquired taste that Enid can't let go of, someone she just seems to crave but can't fully have. She knows her roomie. Wednesday is not someone to be kept, not someone who takes her family's concern and attention well, someone she just doesn't understand. Because if she can just be someone loved even a pinch of how loved Wednesday then that would make her world.
But for now, well maybe Enid can show Wednesday is loved without showing she love love her right? And maybe, if she can do it right she can stay beside Wednesday for a moment longer.
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inkher0 · 4 months
How does Ticcimask work in your story? I don't know if you've talked about it before, or if you're tired of this question, I just wanted to ask due to how there are so many conflicting depictions of the ship.
Depends on what you mean? If you're referring to their ages, Origin is about Tim as a teenager. It'd be weird if it was Marble Hornets, Red Flannel Tim dating 15 year old Toby (STARES LOUDLY), but this is a prequel to MH, and they're roughly the same age. The love-hate dynamic that people associate with Ticcimask works better when they're the same age, imho, and that's always been how I've seen the ship. They're rivals to each other, rather than an adult bullying a child because he's Kind Of Annoying (and mentally disabled, which. Yikes).
In Origin, they're both obsessed with each other, but for completely different reasons, and those reasons change over the narrative as their ideologies shift.
In Tim's eyes, Toby is this captivating, all consuming flame. Toby doesn't languish over what's right and wrong, what makes him a "good boy" or a "bad boy"- he does as he pleases, and demands everyone witness it. He spits in The Operator's face and openly questions the nature of their rearing and their orders, even though that hurts his standing. Though that usually pisses him off, he can't help but find it a bit admirable. Toby is very compelling to Tim, in all aspects, and he can't help but want him around even though he finds him so antagonistic. Toby understands Tim's anger at the world, and- most importantly- he validates it through his actions and reactions. At the same time, though, he challenges Tim intellectually, which very few people do. Kate tells him "don't do bad things", but Toby asks him "why?"
When it comes to how Toby sees Tim... I fear saying too much. I kind of want it to be something you interpret yourself. But I'll say that for however intense Tim views Toby, Toby views Tim three times as intensely. Like, don't ever read Toby's mind when he's thinking about Tim, you will feel compelled to Call Someone (therapist, doctor, a priest, or all three). It's very hard to describe how Toby sees Tim without using some very heavy-handed biblical imagery, because from the start, Toby has seen Tim through the lens of believing The Operator is God. You can infer from there how he might see Tim- sometimes as a messiah, sometimes as Satan, and sometimes as both simultaneously. He wants to be close to that light, but he knows in his gut that there's something deeply Wrong about it.
Despite how they are obviously Aware of each other's dangerous faults and how badly things could go, they still choose to rely on each other. Simply because that, despite everything I said above, they get along horrifically well. When they agree on something, that thing is done with brutal efficiency. They are The Operator's Boys, and they're both his Best of The Best. They complete each other in the worst possible way- they're dangerous for each other, but deadly for everyone else. If things go according to The Operator's plan, they will be exactly as Toby fantasizes: Literal Kings, sitting atop a throne of bodies and ruling the humans on Earth like apex predators.
The thing is... is that really what they want? And are they willing to do what it takes to achieve that?
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hockybish · 2 months
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teenage mom and quinn
the next day at school mom sat next to quinn at lunch. and she immediately apologized for getting him in trouble. quinn's blushing like crazy again and just barely manages to mumble an it's okay before she's talking his ear off about something else
after the bell rang and mom left, brady and josh hound his with questions on how exactly he knows the new girl.
a couple of months go by of these lunch dates and Quinn finally asks if she wants to go out on maybe like a real date, like alone, by themselves, without these losers watching us. she of course says yes.
mom never stops talking, like ever, she can match a few of jack's friends on that matter, and quinn listens to everything she has to say and usually responds with a little hum or a shake of the head, so she knows he's heard her and is paying attention.
mom is really craft and can sew. once they're official, she'll make a few custom items with his name and number that she'll wear to games.
one time quinn tries to break up with her, and she literally tells him no.
jack and quinn get in a fight over her
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streaminn · 4 months
Suddenly reminded of a semi lighthearted but could be super fucked up time travel idea I had ages back.
So everyone dies save for Enid. Goody uses their ambient magic, the Blood Moon situation, the land she cursed and herself to fuel a spell to launch Enid back in time.
Except Enid is not the perspective character, its still Wednesday.
The thing is, when she sees Enid she is low key freaked out because she is not seeing what everyone else is seeing save maybe her mother who is just raising further questions.
Because Enid's face is obscure in a shadow that resembles a screaming, thrashing wolf ready to murder. Endlessly bleedings scars adorn those shadows and only her eyes of piercing light can be made out.
Her every instinct screams 'wrong, wrong wrong!'
But Enid is friendly and helpful and strangely seems to know intimately how to talk to Wednesday to make her feel relaxed and at home at Nevermore. Like she might not hate being there and like Enid might make an amiable companion.
Naturally she is caught between very intrigued and super freaked out.
She may team up with the other psychics to try and figure out what Enid is, including Rowan whose issues zero in on her instead perhaps or its a Wednesday exclusive thing. Though I think Yoko might always be able to smell that Enid is bleeding from the face but can't place why.
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lowkey, i like that
just enid unable to hide what she truly is in the inside is nice, i'll just.. nab this idea rq
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bitchyvoidland · 3 months
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(Park Jay x Fem Reader)
(Warning: 18+‼️, unprotected sex, Jay as your perverted boss)
(Authornim<3: I made this from 11 to 12 am. So I'm probably sorry for this work. It really sucked tbh. But anyways, have fun reading it...🎀😭)
Jay is your boss and you are his assistant.
One time, you woke up late and you prepared yourself for work as fast as you can. After that, you ran to the bus stop to take the bus you even forgot things to bring for work. When you arrived at the building, you ran towards the closing elevator but you took it on time. You started to worry about Mr. Park.
'Can't this elevator go any faster?' you thought as you shake your hands to cool off and relax.
When you arrived in the office's floor, you ran towards his office. You quickly opened the door and bowed politely. You started to cool down as you took a look on the clock and you were just 5 minutes late. You sighed as you hope that he will forget and forgive you about this little mistake.
You heard him sighed and got up from his seat. You could feel that he was looking at you, when you looked at him. He was inspecting you head to toe. His face formed a smirked as he sat back down to his seat.
"Come here" he wiggled his two fingers, signing you to come closer to him so you did. As you came near him you saw him patting down on his lap. You aren't really sure what to do so you asked him.
"Wh-what is it sir?" You asked him curiously.
"Isn't obvious?" He looked dead in your eyes as he smirked.
"I-i'm sorry sir. But I can't do that" You told him nervously as your hands are shaking cold.
"Sit down on my lap. Fucking now." He pulled your waist on to his. You sat on his lap. You were flustered by his sudden action. You tried to pull away but he held your hands tightly. You can't get out from his grip.
"M-Mr. Park? Why a-are you doing this?" You tried to pull away but his grip got tighter on your hands. You tried to resist but you can't. He is too strong for you to handle.
"Don't you dare disobey my orders. Also keep your fucking slut mouth you cunt" He smirked as he started to kiss your neck. The shivers in your body made you pull away from him fast and strong.
"What the hell are you doing?" You shouted at him as he pulled you again to sit on his lap. His grip was tight as if he won't let you go forever.
"Did you just talk back? You are 2 hours late" He whispered in your ears as he covered your mouth. You couldn't really breathe. You tried to bite his hand but you couldn't. Your mouth was completely shut and you couldn't move from Jay's grip. He whispered in your ear.
"Just let me do it again. I have noticed that I wasn't really rough last time. Now let me make it up to you" He smirked and bit the tip of your ear. All you did was nod and now he is looking at you full with lust in his eyes.
He started to lower down the strap on your shoulder that is connected to your dress. You let him do whatever he want. You closed your eyes as he began to mark kisses on your neck. Your back was rested well on his chest.
"Turn around and spread your legs for me" He said and you obeyed him. You stood up from his lap and you turned around to spread and sit on his lap. You wrapped your hands around his neck as you looked in his eyes. Your eyes were telling him to do more.
"I didn't tell you to do this" He smirked and pecked a kiss on your lips. He was amazed by you. And added "You're being a good girl today. You are hungry for my touch, aren't you little cunt?" He smirked and started to kiss you aggressively. You let your tongue in him and he also did too. You started to grind and you moaned under your kisses.
"Jay? Please do more" You grind against his harding cock. You could feel the cock rising up and touched your wet pussy. It even turned you on even more. You took one of his hands and you put it on your neck making him choke you.
"There's really something with you today" He pulled his hand away from your neck and started to take off his belt and pants. He released his cock making you gasp how it stood hard. You couldn't help it anymore. You pulled your dress away from your body, finding yourself just in your black bra and thongs. You untie your hair. After that, he started choking your neck. He starts to throb his cock and told you "Fuck~Mmphh~you little slut." He threw is head back as he let in his cock without your permission but you don't mind it at all.
He started to thrust as his other hand was on your waist making you thrust up and down faster. You two moaned not really minding the people outside the office walking in the hallways. "Ugh. I'm close" He moaned and threw his head back opening his mouth while he moans.
"I'm not close yet" you moaned still thrusting in and out from him.
"Then let's make it close" he pulled away from you and pushed you to the desk. You are now facing the desk with your two hands holding the plain desk for support. Jay let his huge cock inside you again as he thrusts more faster, roughly and aggressively. You moaned as tears formed in your eyes. He released a hot liquid inside you but he kept going until you're on your climax.
You began to rub circles around your clit while he thrusts more. "That's very pretty" He said as he smirked and rolled his eyes and moaned. The more he thrusts, the more cum he is releasing. He kept moaning and moaning as he held your waist. You look so dirty in him, you were a total mess. He pulled his hands away from your hips and began to hold your boobs for support. He squeezes your boobs aggressively.
"Jay? I'm close" a tear fell down from your eyes. Too much pleasure was felt inside you. Your toes began to curl as he keeps grabbing your boobs.
"I'm not-satisfied yet" He said as he breathes more air. "Ugh this pussy- fuckfuckfuck-Mmphh-you're so tight" you could feel him smirk and he did.
"Jay?? I'm-" you released a cum from your pussy as while he keeps thrusting. "Jay? Stop it please. I already came-" you tried to stay up your shaky legs while he keeps on thrusting in you even though you both released your cums already.
"Ugh. This pussy making me feels so good" He screamed in pleasure. He released a cum all over your back. You felt a shiver in your spine. You cried, you felt tortured even though you also like it. After that, he pushed his cock inside you again. He kept pounding hard and rough.
He didn't stop even just for a second.
Cum keeps releasing from both of you. You moaned and screamed telling Jay to stop. You were too weak to push him away. The room was warm and hot. You could only hear your moans and the wetness from both of you, sounds of Jay pounding and whimpers. You kept crying and crying begging Jay to stop as you kept releasing hot liquids. "Ugh~Mmmphh~Don't you feel that?" The way he squeezes both of your boobs. You felt so desperate right now.
"Ugh~Jay? Please-stop-" you closed your eyes trying to take all the pleasure. He kept pounding even though you came already 2 minutes ago. "Good girl. You took my cock so well" He said as he kept on pumping and pumping in and out from your beautiful pussy as you kept cumming. Your legs were full of heated cum from both of you. Wetness were tickling your legs as it flows down. You couldn't take it anymore, you squirted to his huge thick cock. He smirked and said "Keep cumming. I want you to not come to work tomorrow. Then I would be able to-do this again.” He whispered in your ear. You nodded and said "Yes sir" (SIR? HE IS NOW FUCKING YOU AND YOU KEPT CALLING HIM SIR?!)
"Next time, when it's just the two of us just call me daddy okay?" He said with a soft tone. You just nodded. He didn't stop pounding in to you. You cried and cried until he stopped but his cock is inside you. He slowly pulled out making you whimper. "Very good of you" He smirked and pecked a kiss on your neck.
You're wobbly legs made you fell to the ground. You're legs were swollen and wet. "Jay? C-can I go home?" You asked him as you were on the wet ground. You're legs did not stop shaking. You took too much pleasure today.
"Sure. Go home safely" He placed a soft peck on your cheek. "Just don't be late again tomorrow, okay?" He smiled as he kneeled down and added "Take care. I'll meet you in your house. What food do you want me to bring you?"
(Authornim<3: this was bad. 🎀)
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dylan-duke · 5 months
here are some au thoughts of the day!
ryleigh and rutger
rutger has been spending a massive amount of time in the hospital with ryleigh. not many people know yet, but he did have to tell brandon and jacob who both immediately gave him some grace
ryleigh is proud because he got an A for the second half of the season! she smothers him with kisses
her leg surgery is tomorrow so everyone is preparing for that
jack is there as well and complaining about the couples PDA any chance he gets
there's a new get well package or delivery for her everyday
whether it be from a friend or one of her brothers many teammates past and present
mackenzie and tyler
kenz is looking forward to umich coming to osu in two weeks and seeing ty
they haven't seen each other since december and they're missing each other
tyler is still enamored by mackenzies natty performance and couldn't be prouder of her
her relationship is now super public so she is getting some hate from umich and osu fans about dating someone who goes to michigan
the osu series is also the first time she'll be meeting tylers parents and alyssa, which she hasn't had the chance to do yet
shes scared
jj and adam
jj came to the devils game and spent the weekend with adam, and the hughes family who also drove down from michigan
she will also be meeting the team in st louis to go to the game with her parents and family
kevin is already texting her things he's going to chirp at adam during the game she rolls her eyes everytime
adam has a surprise trip planned for all star break and bye week for them and JJ has no idea
he's been planning with luca who is getting maggie to get jj to come to the Columbus series so that she can 'surprise' him but really its so he can surprise her with this trip
she's also started light training again after getting clearance from her doctor super sad that sam mewis is retiring she was her favorite athlete
munchkin and gavin
munchkin is basically inseparable from her boy
she knows that cbj is talking to him consistently and she knows he's going to sign when the season ends
and shes proud! so so proud of all he's done this season
but she doesn't want him to leave umich or her
shes making good progress through her recovery and the doctors are hoping to get her back onto skates by june
shes also struggling with not being on the ice or being able to play
so shes dealing with a lot emotionally, and with no hockey as an outlet shes bottling it all up
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aaeeart · 6 months
Ok. I seen bodes reaction and seen the three options and I would take either option 2 or 3. Option one I don’t think will work. Oh one more thing. Bode you better hope your daughter knows about the meaning of, “kick your Shebs to the next system.”
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(commission info)
Oops I forgor asks exist. Please accept Bode and Kata in their rebels/survivor outfits pfpvpfb
I think three might be the most fun, so, let's say Bode has himself a chance at redemption.
I'm thinking after Cal's and Bode's duel, right when Cal has lightsaber to Bode's throat and Kata asks her father to listen, he does.
But after what he's done, the Mantis crew doesn't trust Bode, doesn't want him around, but for Kata, they give him a chance.
He's not allowed to leave Tanalorr and he doesn't protest that. He's still not happy about Cal's idea to use the planet for the Path, and he's very likely not fond of the first refugees that come to live with them.
But after a while Bode seemingly accepts the situation, for Kata's sake. But the fear of the Empire still lives on in his mind.
Safe to say he's not very happy when Kata comes home one day to tell him Cal brought a certain rebel cell onto the planet.
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hekateinhell · 5 months
i've already written sex worker!armand AU twice and i'll do it again but sex worker!lestat AU when??? 🤧
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starscreamgirlfriend · 11 months
Saw this fantastic fucking comic again where idw!Brainstorm performs Wacky Hijinks that zap the Lost Light into the tfa universe and ever since I saw it, I’ve been thinking about an au where idw!Megatron and tfa!Megatron switch places after their respective series end, and so both sides need to get back their own Megatron and deal with The New Guy in the process.
So in the animated universe, idw!Megs is stuck in a jail cell trying to convince this shortstack of an autobot (who he later learns is Sentinel Prime, and isn’t surprised he’s an asshole across every universe) to let him talk to Optimus Prime just so he’s got SOMEONE he can talk sense with. Meanwhile in the idw verse, Rodimus is upset he lost his best buddy co-captain, and now has to deal with a new Megatron who has THEEEE worst vibes imaginable but he and the rest of the crew still want to try and give tfa!Megs the same chance they gave their own Megatron.
Notable moments include:
tfa!Megatron being absolutely bewildered at the idea of any version of him acting the way the LL crew says he did, and trying to emulate it in a ploy to gain their trust and greater freedom to walk around the ship-
Which is subsequently made to be impossible as Rodimus INSISTS upon spending his every waking moment with New Megs, partly in an effort to get to know him better, partly since he still doesn’t trust this new guy yet and wants to keep an eye on him, but mainly because he just misses his own Megatron.
idw!Megatron being floored by how small the autobots are in the tfa verse compared to decepticons, and generally more cartoonishly inept.
But that ineptness has NOTHING on this universe’s decepticons, each of which make idw!megatron want to lose his mind (Does that Lugnut guy ever shut up? Why is Shockwave so unnervingly loyal? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STARSCREAMS?????)
He’s especially offput by how young Optimus is. He’s genuinely at a loss for words at the sight of this young bot who’s very much still Optimus, but unrefined in every way.
And most importantly:
tfa!optimus: wait, so if ultra magnus isn’t in charge of your cybertron, who is?
idw!megatron: promise you won’t laugh-
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