#Adventures of Link
kikker-oma · 4 months
A late birthday present for @telemna-hyelle !!
You're a lovely writer and I've been meaning to draw something for you for ages🥰 this story was so so sweet and soothed my soul❤️
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turbofanatic · 3 months
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A bunch of ink studies and sketches.
I love Tiny's nose. It's so fun to draw. And I think I'm getting a handle on drawing him as a kid. He's an adorable little weirdo with a thousand-yard stare.
Ravio is another one of my favorite Zelda characters, I like the idea that he's a heavily sarcastic scam artist who also makes one of the most harrowing ethical choices ever seen in a Zelda game. While wearing a bunny hood. Also Sheerow is the most competent one on the top row.
I've been trying to figure out everyone's height in relation to each other, and wow, the downfall and adult timeline Links are tiny. To some extent with video game heights you just have to accept that getting exact values is a fool's errand. Oh sure, you can pull out the model and measure it, but then you have to account for the fact that there's lots of size multipliers applied to models that can change throughout the game, and that the entire world might not quite use the same measurements as ours, plus stylistic differences, and... yeah it's hard. It's pretty clear most Links are tiny (except Tiny, who ends up being huge canonically) and I'm going to make Ravio about 4'7" / 140cm. Since it's hard to reconcile the wide range in sizes of Hylians, I think there's just a tendency for some to be very small, just like the Gerudo have a tendency for some to be very large, and certain ethnic groups have more or less of this. The ones surviving in the harsh environments of flooded and downfall timelines tend to have more of the smaller Hylians.
In the middle we have Link from OG Zelda and Adventure of Link. He's probably even shorter than Ravio. I've given him a Phrygian cap, which is pretty cool and loaded with symbolism. I've also drawn his fairy form, and tried to keep the curly hat shape. He's green because of course, but also a little red for the color shift when he uses the shield spell.
At the bottom we have a rough idea for a shadow beast from Twilight Princess, because they were hugely influential to me and one of my favorite designs ever, though I think I have to refine this further.
Also a maneless lynel! No thoughts only big kitty.
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fallenleafofmaple · 3 months
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Guess who rewatched Puss N Boots recently
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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My last post is a sneak peek to the next chapter of my crack fic which has just been dreamworks movie references so far XD
The most recent chapter can be found here
The BG are just the ones from Trolls 3 but I killed the trolls
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linked-history · 3 months
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The completed hero lineup!! 23 holders of the hero spirit, in one way or another. From left to right we have Spirit, "Link", Loft, Mini, Kiri, Shade, Forest, Jay, Aster, Poppy, Shadow, Healer, Prince, Ravio, Beast, Gull, Ghost, Beat, "Calamity", Hermit, "Linkle", Captain, and Nomad.
Not included in the line up: Lin and Lee (Triforce Heroes)
Below the cut are cropped close ups of groups
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linked-world · 6 months
Sum doods
Featuring Adventure(Advent)(left)
And Age(hyrule warriors right)
He is prematurely grey haired
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Gonna start using tags for the names of these guys
Ex: Lw Time <3
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salmon-artist147 · 1 year
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I decided to jump onto the Links Meet AUs that are popping up all over Tumblr as I’ve been inspired by a few including but not limited to @linkeduniverse , @minas-linkverse, @bonus-links so here's mine. I went with the title Linked History because I had the idea of delving deeper into the lore and the timeline and started building from there. So the timeline with be switched and I have more that will be joining the line up in the near future. But here are the main ones finished along with an OC. I will share them each separately and give more details on them then. Otherwise please feel free to ask questions and I will try my best to answer though the story is still a Work and Progress so I’m still working on fleshing it out.
I will also be adding some of the “not-canon” games/characters to the line up and story cause I want to. These include Cadence of Hyrule and Triforce Heroes.
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deiliamedlini · 1 year
Because so many of my favourite stories of yours revolve around this concept: Zelda finding out what freedom is with link helping her figure it out.
Okay, not sure if you'll like this one because I used Zelda II's Link and Zelda and no one but me likes that game LOL! I tried to be different with the Zelink since, like you said, I have a couple of fics already like it!
Also on Ao3!
"Link, tell me some more. What happened in these years since my slumber?" 
Link sat on the steps of North Palace with the Princess Zelda by his side. She looked around with her eyes filled with wonder, a new light she'd never seen before. She'd never seen this Hyrule. Her Hyrule had passed by some hundred years ago, and she was set in a constant state of wonder and amazement. 
"The new Princess Zelda was in need of my assistance as Ganon tried to steal the Triforce. We stopped him, and then Impa passed along that you'd been asleep since your curse. And I just... I don't know. I had to help you. If I could." 
"You did. Goodness, you did. To see the world again, to be able to breathe the air and taste the sea. I can smell it from here. And there's another thing that is far more difficult to see, but it is felt just as clearly: there is no fear here. You've taken their fear and cast it away. As you've done for me." 
Link shrugged. "I didn't. I just... I did what was expected of me." 
"You did far more." 
"How does it feel," he asked instead, "To be a princess, but not the Princess? Do you feel relieved?" 
"Confused. I don't know how to be anything else. But it seems P... Princess Zelda... the other one... has the Kingdom well in hand. How could I possibly seek to impose?" 
"You don't have to. You can just... be free." 
"Free," Zelda scoffed, shaking her head. "What even is that." 
Link stood up off the steps of North Palace and held out his hand. He wriggled his fingers. "Come on, Princess. Or... can I call you Zelda?"
"You saved me from eternal slumber. You can call me whatever you'd like." 
"'Beautiful?'" he asked, the word slipping out as he stared at her red hair. She was gorgeous. A stark contrast from the equally beautiful brunette princess, but a unique beauty that had him rapt in her. 
Her brows shot up as she brushed her hair off her shoulder and took his hand. "Oh, you're one of those charmers, are you?" 
"Only if you thought that was charming." 
"I did," she smiled, blushing. "It's been centuries since someone has complimented me. I suppose I'm more open to the corniness of such lines after all this time." 
"Did you used to hear them before your sleep?" He led her down a path, taking off into the expanse of Hyrule field. He could feel her hesitating, and tapped his sword. "I can keep you safe, but we'll keep to the paths. Don't worry."
"I'm used to worrying about everything," she muttered, following beside him with her hand tight in his. "And no, no silly Hero would dare flirt with me before. I was as isolated then as I was at North Palace. Worse, because my brother was so controlling. Anyone who looked at me... the way you do... well, they'd be... taken care of." 
"Like I do?" Link asked with mock offense, smiling as the former Princess' laugh rang out in his ears. 
"Yes! You have these puppy dog brown eyes." She pulled him to a stop so she could touch his cheek. Soft, light, she took a moment to truly feel him. "Like no one I've met before." 
He blushed viciously and pointed back to the road. "We're almost at Rauru." 
"Rauru? Who's that?" 
"Not 'who'. It's a town." 
"This used to be around where Leoch was. Is that still here?" 
"I don't know who that is, so no." 
She smiled. "It's a 'who', it's a town." 
"Forgive me, Princess." 
Her smile grew. "I'm not a Princess, am I?"
"No," he said, grinning. "No, you're not. You're free. So come on, Zelda. Let's go see what's new. Let's go see how you get to live." 
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robert-jennex-art · 2 years
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You got this Link! Just don't look behind you.
A homage to the “Adventures of Link”, the first Legend of Zelda I ever played.
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fredandcheese · 3 months
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Low-key first post ugghh
This is kind of an introduction, I'm thinking of making my own "Links meet" Comic. I was originally just making Linked universe fanart but decided I wanted to make my own story and plot, so some of the designs are similar
anyways these are just some silly sketches for designs I have planned out, they might change a little though,,
Bonus from a scrap idea
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bumpingbees · 1 year
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My friend and I just had this convo and I made a meme.
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sonicasura · 1 year
You know what would be an insane idea? The CD-I and first two Legend of Zelda games being completely remastered with graphics on par to either Sonic Unleashed or Rayman Legends. Also the Legend of Zelda cartoon being upscaled to Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lego Monkie Kid style graphics.
It's ironic that the stuff people considered cringe such as CD-I and the old cartoon gave LoZ characters like Link and Zelda more wall breaking personality. We usually get stuck with a mostly polite damsel in distress alongside a dork knight that doesn't get to be snarky or goofy more often.
Sure the series is known to be quite dark but it doesn't mean there isn't room for light-heartedness and more comedic moments. Hell, the original Rayman trilogy especially Rayman 2 got dark at times but balanced it with well aimed comedy.
As for the first two Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo really doesn't give that much attention to them. The series is just as important as Mario but it's classics have either been ignored or abused like the limited time release of Four Swords. (I played this btw. It's a really great game which sucks when others can't experience it.)
You can't move forward without paying proper respects to the very start of your most popular franchises. I bet a Kickstarter for these would explode as Zelda has been barely utilized unlike Pokemon and Mario. Hell, Metroid actually came back into the spotlight with major success similar to Kid Icarus when Uprising was released!
Legend of Zelda deserves some love and remastering these is a games alongside the cartoon would be a good start.
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letsplayzelda · 1 year
Hey Listen!
This is my Zelda sideblog to word vomit about my fav lil guys throughout the series. Here I go by Twilight and use they/them pronouns. I'm currently playing through Tears of the Kingdom rn and may post spoilers about it.
Anyways, here's a list of which games I've played (thoughts and word vomit included):
The Legend of Zelda: I've beaten the first quest! Did not 100% it bc this game was too hard for me to manage that. This forced me to have quicker reactions in games and I'm greatful lmao
Adventures of Link: I cannot for the life of me progress. I'm definitely overleveled for where I need to be, but Death Mountain simply bests me every time. I'm still trying tho.
A Link to the Past: I've played the opening, but that's about it.
Link's Awakening: Finished the Switch version! I wanna play the DX version at some point, but that probably won't happen until I play all the other games in the series at least once. I get a little depressed every time I think about Marin...
Ocarina of Time: I have played this game like three times. First on GameCube, then the 3D remake on 3DS, and then the N64 multiplayer mod. I plan on 100%ing it at some point, but I just dread doing heart containers and skulltulas. I wanna play Master Quest at some point too. Agh Link at the end of this game just makes me wanna sob.
Majora's Mask: Similar situation to OoT (I have the Collector's Edition for GC), except I never finished the original version. I've only beat the 3DS version. Recently started the multiplayer mod, but we've only done like 2 cycles.
Oracle of Seasons: I have the 3DS Virtual Console version, but I haven't played it yet.
Oracle of Ages: I played a little bit of this game, but it's been so long that I'll probably restart it when I plan to finish it.
Four Swords: I literally bought a used dsi to get this damn game. I've beat this game, but I've yet to 100% it. Kinda hard to bc it's not as fun playing it single player.
Wind Waker: Playing this game was such a treat. I played the GC version so sailing took literal ages but besides that, I rly enjoyed Tetra <3 tho Nintendo did her dirty. On the trend of beating games, I haven't 100% this one either. There's so many side quests that I simply cannot invest my time in. Like the Goron one? No clue what's going on there.
Four Swords Adventures: Ik there's a sub-fandom that rly loves this game but that's literally the most ik about it. I've yet to play it but I'll have to hunt down a copy at some point.
Minish Cap: oooo I fucking love this game. I haven't finished it yet, but that's because I got sidetracked by so many different things. I've wasted so much time trying to get all the figures it's insane. Plus this game is gorgeous <3
Twilight Princess: I played the Wii version of this game and honestly, I wished I didn't. Not bc I don't like this game, but because I did not like the motion controls. And this was the first time Link was right handed which is kinda lame. So I'll probably play one of the other versions of this game at some point. BUT, I adore the story in this game. Love Wolf Link and Midna. I literally cried at the end of this game, it was absolutely devastating.
Phantom Hourglass: I'm like halfway through this game I think. I'm not a big fan of it's controls or graphics, but I enjoy the follow up to WW. Also Linebeck's character development is very sweet.
Spirit Tracks: Once I finish PH, I'll play this one. Ik I probably don't need to, but I like following timeline stuff.
Skyward Sword: I played the Switch version and it's probably the only way I would've been able to get through it. I mainly played with motion controls but would switch to button controls for certain fights bc I was sick of struggling. Link and Zelda's relationship in this game is very cute. I also rly enjoyed the dungeons and getting more of Hyrule's history.
A Link Between Worlds: My second Zelda game ever, and I still consider it one of my favorites. Ravio and Hilda are some of the best characters ever. I can't remember if I 100% this game, but ik I got very close if I hadn't. If ALttP is as good as this game, I will probably love that game as well.
Tri Force Heroes: I've played some of this game, but I feel it suffers from a lot of the same issues as FS since no one ik has this fucking game. Have I finished it? No. Will I? If I can find two people to suffer through this game with me. I enjoy that the game doesn't take itself too seriously and has a bunch of fun outfits, but that's all I can rly say about it.
Breath of the Wild: My first Zelda game!! I've spent almost 500 hours in this game and still haven't 100% it. I'm at like 86% with just 150ish koroks left but now that TotK is out, it will be a while before I touch the game again. I fucking adore this game (although I hated it at first) and the relationship between Zelda and Link is just. Mwah. Mipha, Sidon, and Urbosa are my favs from this one <3
Tears of the Kingdom: I've been playing this since release day and have been loving it! It definitely fixes a lot of the weird quirks BotW had, but I'm finding I have more issues with this game so far. I'm at around 130 hours with 3 dungeons done so far, but I'll likely dive deeper into my thoughts once I finish the game.
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thesouldieson · 2 months
Part three for the Soul Dies One is most likely going to be a multi chapter fic
Introducing the first hero, the fic will explore Winds relationship with the heroes soul and Legends all consuming grief over Hyrule's death along with Times feelings of sacrafice.
I have one sentence I hate written
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ryssbelle · 8 months
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Linktober/Inktober day 11 Wander and Beasts
using adventures of Link link for this! it was a trip askjdvnksjdv I said i would just make a sketch then made a whole finished piece lmao
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linked-history · 4 months
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Almost done!! Just one more Hero and then I can start working on the Zeldas or NPCs. May draw some interactions as well or redraw scenes from the games using my designs, like I've seen others do, If there's a specific interest in one or the other let me know in an ask.
There won't be as much for Healer, may change name to Mage, because I am not as familiar with the games.
Despite this Leil remained adventurous and grew their skills in magic and traveled between the hidden fairy fountains to pass messages and check in on family. During one of these trips they run into Impa, someone who worked closely with royal family before they fell, and he takes her to one of the caves that the fairies have been using as they traverse hidden, though the tunnels between caves are too small for Hylians to traverse.
Leil was born to one of the few "Great Fairies" who remained after the fall of the hero and the rise of Ganon. During this time in the timeline there were no true settlements as the populace of Hyrule remained in hiding, for fear of Ganon's power as he contained a member of the fallen royal family within his lair.
Impa explains what the princess did as her last attempt of protecting Hyrule and Leil offers to help. With Impa's direction, Leil traveled across Hyrule and gathered the broken fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom.
In the end, using their magic and the items they gained on their journey Leil was able to defeat Ganon and free Zelda, a descendant to the fallen royal family, from Ganon. From there Zelda works with Impa to start rebuilding Hyrule.
It is a few years after his first adventure that Leil gains a strange mark on the back of his hand. He travels to the rebuilding palace and finds Impa and Zelda who he had saved on his previous journey as well as another. This individual introduces themselves as Ahgin Daltus Hyrule, father to Zelda. Leil shows them their hand and Ahgin explains the Triforce and the history, and how his sister was attacked by a follower of Ganon, looking to gain power of the Triforce to waken their master. When she refused to reveal its location the follower of Ganon had cursed Ahgin's sister into a deep sleep. Ahgin has killed Ganon's follower but still his sister had remained asleep. Only by reuniting the peices of the Triforce that Leil had with the fragments of the Triforce of Courage that were hidden in a number of temples around Hyrule.
As the kingdom was rebuilt Leil worked on their magic further, finding a way to cast an illusion that would be able to hide their fairy features that remained while in their larger "Hylian" form. This illusion hide his wing and tail from view while also altering his hair and skin to help them further blend in with the now growing populace of Hyrule.
Leil receives six crystals that act as keys and from there the followers of Ganon start attacking Leil and they are forced to to hide themself further whenever they enter one of the rebuilt settlements as the populace of Hyrule fear the monsters that would arrive should they follow Leil into town.
In the end Leil is able to rebuild the whole Triforce and returns to the palace to wake Ahgin's sister, also named Zelda but upon waking up she chooses to go by her middle name Aurelia to avoid confusion
Leil instead returns to the wild and spends most of their time travelling between the Fairy fountains just like they did before their journey started, though they are unable to avoid the royals completely considering they will look for them on occasion to ensure that Leil is still doing well.
Even after the fall of Ganon and Aurelia's return the populace of Hyrule avoid their Hero due to the fear of Ganon's return or the wrath of those who Follow Ganon attacking people who would house or help them. Due to this Leil limits any time he spends within any settlements as well as the palace, even though the royals within have shown no hatred towards their presence.
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