#Bro I even have like a bunch of drafts on tumblr
yellowanz · 10 months
guys I have like 7 quadrillion unfinished or barely even started art, writing, or other things I need to do help I’m like drowning in wips rn
and as for the writing I get like. Nothing done because I’m scared I’ll mess up bcuz I want my grammar, uniqueness, formatting, and spelling of the texts to be just right and on point and I will not accept any mistakes possible‼️‼️💥💥
moreover, with the art it’s like. Im too afraid to try anything new and I’m scared I might screw up so I leave it in my gallery to rot and collect dust. And then my style changes so I like, never touch it again 😇 y’all won’t believe how many art wips I have on every single device I own like DAMN‼️‼️ how did my gallery get to 1,228 so fast??
Lastly, I still have things to do with remembering things because every single second of my existence I feel as if I am forgetting something and it’s nagging me so bad. Like I don’t know what I’m forgetting but my dumb pink scrambled mess of a brain doesn’t know what it is 😻 also Im about to accept a commission (if I fully decide on it and I’m not sure yet bcuz I’m kinda disinterested… I might DM the person right now and ask them what they want so I can accept or decline just by what they want yk) and ooh boy ygs KNOW that shit is prolly gonna take me a month because of
1. the pressure,
and 2. I have too much on my hands.
but like. There’s also schoolwork, and now it’s past the first week of school so u know after everyone’s settled in in the first week it’s like. Im gonna have mountain piles of work next week so yk I’m not gonna be able to have no time besides this weekend so I’m making da most of it‼️‼️
wow I’m rambling now
anyways yeah I have way too many WIPs and I have problems. Help I have a chapter in my notes for my AO3 + Wattpad books and deadass have NOT even started it LMFAOOOO💥💥 like bro it has gone untouched and the only thing I wrote is da bland ass name 💀 im a mess
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(guys I forgot to add this image so here u go 😁😁 im out here forgetting things 24/7)
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anantaru · 8 months
saying this as someone who also writes for fun/someone who just dumps the sudden thoughts i get onto a draft and either decide to post it or not based on my mood, just why?
like, i genuinely don't get it.
if you don't like someone's writing style or if it bothers you, just don't read it? no one forcing you to consume content that bothers you. only you choose what you consume.
and, as you said, god forbid if someone has a first language that is not english. 'are you even living on this planet?'
as an asian, this especially pisses me off.
united states, uk and whatever other english speaking countries are not the only places in the world. there's hundreds of languages around the world. if you're that great, i'd like to see you learn an entirely different language that you haven't grown up around and write paragraphs upon paragraphs without making mistakes.
sorry, i never really rant this much or get this particularly mad, but that post just pissed me off to no extent.
and, i absolutely adore your work. i can even recognise it without looking at the author's name if i'm going through random fics on tumblr or ao3 without actually paying any attention. keep enjoying what you do, that really does show up in your works ❤️
(i kind of realize my post is almost as big as that persons and i'm sorry lol, i didn't realise how much i kept writing while ranting what was in my head.)
hello love 👼🏼 first of all, don't apologize for ranting i don't mind at all, especially when i completely agree with you 💓 i think some people tend to forget just how many languages there are on this planet, for example "europe" isn't just europe and i always need to giggle whenever someone says "im visiting europe" and you ask them, "where in europe?" and they reply with, "just europe🧍🏻‍♀️" like bro WHAT COUNTRY THERES SO MANY and almost all of them have another language like, there's just so much and as someone who speaks a bunch of languages it can happen for me to just lack a little in grammar here in there, but i do read a lot and i do try and study frequently to keep myself fluent in every language i know.
the way they typed this ask out was just very tone deaf and rude, it gave me the impression that they never really thought about the fact that english is not the focus in many many places all around the world, even though it is the "world" language it is not talked frequently in various places, which is just ??? the way it is 🧍🏻‍♀️ so i totally get you on that, i completely understand and i hope you feel a little bit better after typing this out since in my opinion, writing down your thoughts like that truly helps 💓
also thank you so much, you're so kind and i'm so happy you like my writing 💓 i appreciate this so much and i cannot stop smiling rn, thank you for being here on my blog <3
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mildiva · 1 month
Against Talking, For Sharing Bathrooms
alright despite three paragraphs of my first draft getting deleted i will Bravely begin again
(Prescript: tumblr has marked this as “mature.” is it because of the word bathrooms? do they think I’m advocating for gay sex? scholars remain divided.)
scene: beautiful, not-quite-lazy not-quite-spring saturday. what else is a girl to do but go out dancing? i’d already missed a great party, perverse, the night before. frankly i expected it to be kinkier than a bunch of gay guys in jockstraps, but who else would pay $40-50 for a night out? or who else could? instead I’d spent the night trying to fit a very nice and hairy boy’s monster cock inside my designer pussy.
what was i talking about? right, dancing. the first thing i saw on RA looked good: A/S/L? at Neptune Room, hosted by Associate. A bar and a DJ I wanted to check out what could be better? I rotated a thousand outfits in my mind, landing on a slutty White Lotus guest look.
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Whenever I go to a new bar or venue, I go straight to the bathroom so I can assess the pee situation and begin a preliminary vibe analysis. All gender bathroom? good sign. matrix on the TV? Also a good sign but points towards a nerdy clientele. as I started looking at everybody else in the bar I noticed one mean trans girl I know from around everybody else seemed… can I say this without sounding rude? Very 30- Somethings-bisexual-practicing-ethical-non-monogamy-coded. There’s nothing wrong with being that; I have a wonderful coworker who fits the description. However, not necessarily the group I most want to get down with or that I think will be the most fun to dance with. Unfortunately, my prejudices were right. 
I pee, I down a gin and tonic, and I shuffle my way to the teeny tiny dancefloor. Like, illegal basement Bushwick apartment bedroom. On a dancefloor that cramped, real dancers need every inch of real estate they can get it. So why was it filled with people standing there talking? As an empath, I get that not everybody wants to dance — however, the dance floor has a purpose, and if you don’t wanna dance, make space for the real dancing divas. Especially with music that’s supposed to be groovy as the party was billed! House, six different flavors of disco. hat is things and then switch to groove to die. Even punks need room to skank, and techno bros need room to move like those musical cactuses from animal crossing. Just putting it simply: if you don’t wanna dance, get off the dance floor, you can stand to the side or sit somewhere. Or fuck off! I’m not your mother.
Obviously, the crowding annoyed me to no end. So I get on Twitter and start complaining. This turns my night around. Ms. Gabberbitch69 told me come to Suns, a small theater frequented by film bros and film hoes where DJ Michelle Harvey was throwing For Your Pleasure, an Italo disco party. I chew on this, go to the bathroom again to take pictures (because I looked fucking good!). Aside from that, the only thing that’s really been a plus for me was a house cover (?) of a Björk song (Leash Called Love by the Sugarcubes) which frankly was the only reason I stayed as long as I did. When I came back to the dance floor people were at least two-stepping, so I thought I might stay for a while, but then simultaneously three different heterosexual looking couples started making out. When I saw that, I closed my tab and got my white ass out of there.  
A 10 minute drive and 30 minute parking adventure later, I roll up at Suns. I knew it would be good when I walked in and felt the temperature rise 30 degrees. Both floors were absolutely packed, so I put in my time waiting at the bar, one eye on the bartender wearing a top surgery scar tank. After my G&T is drained, I squeeze into a spot on the dancefloor and groove in my allotted half-square-foot of space. Some Japanese movie about… magical cats?… is being projected on the wall behind the DJ. It’s stunning. I don’t think I’ve intentionally gone dancing with a crowd that straight since the last time I went to Fl@sh (censored as to not invoke its demonic energy), but it was still a good crowd! I felt slightly out of place as one of five people dressed slutty but I made it work. The music was exactly as described: so 80s people should be doing coke off the tables.
(Okay coming back to this a month later I’ve dragged on far too long, lemme finish this)
I spent the rest of the night partying as I know how: dancing until I neared heat exhaustion, running outside to chat with friends of friends and friends to cool off, debating getting one more drink, sharing a bathroom and a bump with a man i was flirting with whose mouth unfortunately tasted too foul to continue anything with. The last DJ of the night closed with “Waking The Witch” by Kate Bush, a song I hadn’t listened to since starting SSRIS. So unexpected and dreamy.
Was I going somewhere with any of this? Not sure. Looking forward to the next For Your Pleasure though!
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unknownths · 3 months
WHAT  MADE  YOU  PICK  UP  THE  MUSE  YOU  HAVE  ?   autism probably
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  DON'T  LIKE  TO  WRITE  ?  aside from the like. illegal and morally reprehensible stuff i'm not very good at writing action since i don't do it often, so i skirt around it lol. if i were going to write for more than a hobby i would probably practice and get better at it and hate it less. i also just don't really find cheating as a plot device interesting or sexy lol but i can't really think of anything that's a super hard no for me
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  REALLY  ENJOY  WRITING  ?   hurt/comfort makes me want to eat glass /pos
HOW  DO  YOU  COME  UP  WITH  YOUR  HEADCANONS  ?   autism again. no uh i just. idk exist. i'm possessed or something probably. my mind just wanders. sometimes i black out and my phone notes are full of headcanons. i'm super normal about it
DO  YOU  WRITE  IN  SILENCE  OR  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  ?   varies based on how overstimulated i am LMAO a lot of the time i'll write on my phone just in notes or on a google doc because that's what i have energy for, so that's usually silent. if i'm sitting down to knock out a bunch of drafts i'll usually pick a playlist of the character i'm writing to get me in the zone :)
DO  YOU  PLAN  YOUR  REPLIES  OR  WING  THEM  ?   i want to say i wing them but truthfully i think i plan most of it. not like hardcore planning, but if a thread is going somewhere i've usually had some sort of conversation with the other writer about the general direction of the thread or our muses' relationship whatever that may be. i don't like to have everything super plotted out usually because at that point like.... why am i writing it if i've already let it rotate in my head for 10 million years, but sue me i like some structure
WHAT'S  YOUR  ALIAS/NAME  ?   My middle name technically haha. I used to go by the name of one of my first ocs, but then i started writing her on tumblr and it got weird, so i started using my middle name which then got shortened to christie. since i'm a performer i've also had to think about my stage name a lot, and i ended up including it in that which is kinda fun
AGE  ?   22 baby let's gooo
BIRTHDAY  ?  September 29, same as my Aether and also Annie @actstogether <3
FAVORITE  COLOR  ?   It used to be orange but tbh? Green has kinda been the vibe lately
FAVORITE  SONG  ?   it's either francesca by hozier or fake out by fall out boy, i don't think anything else even comes close to those
LAST  MOVIE  YOU  WATCHED  ?   dune part 2! for once i've seen something recent lmao i don't watch a lot of movies but my dad loves dune so i had to watch the first one and then he dragged me to the new one last week
LAST  SHOW  YOU  WATCHED  ?   like casually i think it was psych, as far as like binging a whole series i'm not sure
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO  ?  red wine supernova by chapell roan don't look at me like that
FAVORITE  SEASON  ?   i dont even know anymore bro. spring maybe?
DO  YOU  HAVE  A  TUMBLR  BEST  FRIEND  ?   i have a crew :^) my little gay people in my discord server <3
tagged by: @mischiiefs hi mak xx tagging: well u see. mak also tagged the rest of the aforementioned crew so if you wanna do this go for it i can't stop you-
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marquisguyun · 5 months
For the fic writer asks: 1, 15, 30
Happy new year!
What's something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I wasn't sure what to say here bc the things that came to mind weren't actually *new* this year, just something I'd improved on. But I did actually think of something! I used an AO3 work skin & some super helpful tutorials to create a fictional tumblr dashboard for Unconventional Fanworks Ex! I liked how it turned out, and I might do it again in the future? It can definitely be used effectively even if it's not something that I'd want to use all the time. I just read a Yuri on Ice fic recently that used this format to great effect!
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
assigned siblings by the transmigration system that fucked off and left us to figure this shit out ourselves 3.2k, Gen, T Surprise Shen bros - Shen Yuan gets sent back to his original (not dead) body and finds out he has an extra brother now that looks suspiciously like Shen Qingqiu
30. What's something you want to write in 2024?
I'm sure 2024 will be a lot like 2023 in that most of what I'll write will be for other people as part of exchanges. That's just how I manage to actually get things posted lol. And because of the way that works, I have no way of knowing what I might write this year! Which is kinda fun honestly! But also, I do have a few specific things I'm looking forward to writing in the near future. (Aside from surprise plot bunnies and old drafts that may or may not be dusted off.) 1) Three Sentence Ficathon! This is one of my favorite events all year, I'm so excited that it starts up again this month! Also they're on tumblr now and y'all should check them out @three-sentence-ficathon 2) This post that I didn't plan on writing but I keep thinking about again since I've been watching Season 2 of TGCF... It still might not happen, but I've been thinking about it lol 3) Another Lang Qianqiu & Xie Lian canon-divergent plotbunny 4) Hualian Soulmate Fic Those are the first things that come to mind! All TGCF, but I am sure I'll write a bunch of other fandoms as well!
Thank you for the ask! Happy New Year!
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su-era4-comic · 4 years
This is cute but you stole the design for ivory from ask-whitepearl-and-Steven aka thechekhov and I think that’s super messed up
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You know, I was just gonna ignore this ask but, honestly, I knew this was probably gonna come up again sometime in the future. 
“Again? Lee, what do you mean again?!”
I say AGAIN because a week ago I got a different ask saying that I was ripping off @omy-chan01 ‘s design for their THEIR version of “White Diamond Steven!”
So, this is gonna be a little long but I feel like if I don’t THOROUGHLY explain this, this is gonna come up again and again and I wanna be able to just...plop down a link to this post just in case.
Alright, so...did I steal @thechekhov ‘s WD!Steven design for Ivory.
No. I didn’t.
And you wanna know something? That wasn’t Ivory’s original design. I had tried several different designs for Ivory! He was actually the most difficult of the Diamond Bros to design BECAUSE of his gem AND because of the fear of this very scenario!
So, lemme explain my entire thought process when I was trying to design Ivory.
This is a bit of an obvious point to make but the Diamond’s gem placement/positions clearly mirror eachother. Yellow and Blue: their gems are just a legit mirror and similar shape so the Gem placement for Gold and Azure was easy, their Gems are basically their hearts.
White and Pink are the same: they have the same cut of Gem but they’re just rotated to be vertical mirror images.
I wanted to keep that theme with the Diamond Boys so I wanted Ivory’s Gem to “mirror” Steven’s. But here’s where I got tripped up a little.
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This is one of the design drafts I made when creating the boys. As you can see, I made 5 different designs for Ivory’s Gem placement. My first design was actually the bottom one but, as you can see in my notes, THAT was a no go (the amount of spinal issues that poor boy would have to go through lol)
So I just stuck with the head placement which was the obvious choice but I still didn’t know how I was gonna rotate it. I didn’t want his gem to be upside down, it just looked...weird to me.
I thought about just having his gem rotated to the same position as Steven’s but just on his head but still...looked kinda off to me. So I had decided on either one of the designs in Column B. I thought both of those were pretty good! The top-right design still have an up-side down gem but just moved back to be at the center of his skull. And I thought the bottom-right one would be perfect because “hey, mirror image, just flipped and I could get some jokes outta this later down the line in the comic!”
In the end, I had ORIGINALLY decided to go with my Top-Right choice cause I thought that’d be more interesting and I thought maybe it would make him look a little more original!
But a few weeks later, as I was scrolling through Tumblr, a Steven Universe AU comic showed up in my feed. This AU comic was the @theeldritchgemsau. I read through it (and you guys should too, it’s REALLY interesting and really good) but then I saw THEIR design for “White Steven’s” Gem...
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Oh dear...
Welp, guess I couldn’t use that design because I thought “Aw crap, better go with one of my other choices otherwise people will think that I ripped off this Comic’s design and I don’t wanna do that!!”
But here’s the OTHER issue I now had to deal with!
I still didn’t want to use bottom right design because I was VERY WELL AWARE OF (and a fan of) @thechekhov “Ask White Steven and Pearl” comic series at this time so I had the same issue of “SHIT, I can’t use that design EITHER because I’d be copying” but I still didn’t want to use my other 3 designs because they just didn’t gel with me but I still couldn’t use the options in column B because then I was afraid I’d be accused of stealing other peoples designs and it was just a spiral of “FUCK WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW!!?”
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Yeah. Fucked with me real bad! Then a thought creeped into my brain that was like “Oh shit, what if came up something that was already done and I get accused of copying them too?!” So I started looking through Tumblr and DeviantArt for “White Diamond Steven” to make sure I didn’t accidentally copy someone else...and..
LOE AND BEHOLD I actually DID find @omy-chan01 ‘s WD!Steven design! And even worse!? They came up with a similar “All 4 Diamond Sons existing in the same place” thing too!
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I panicked, over thought a lot of stuff, tried to change my ENTIRE STORY AND DESIGNS and I almost SCRAPPED my entire comic idea JUST because of this! It was just an anxiety triggered domino effect...(-_-)
So then I took a break, calmed myself down and began reading up on “how to be original” and all that stuff. Then I came to a realization.
Like...yeah, Omy-Chan01 and Chekhov both have a version of WD!Steven with the same Gem placement but I don’t see people accusing them of copying the other. The only thing that same about these design IS the Gem placement but everything else about it? TOTALLY different. The design of their clothes, the design of the hair, hell the art styles are absolutely different. The only common factor between these characters is the Gem place/rotation. And...
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It’s the same with Ivory. Aside from the Gem, my character is completely different from theirs. Why am I panicking over such a small detail? I shouldn’t be! I said “Fuck it, don’t worry about it.” And continued on with my work.
NO. I did NOT steal @thechekhov ‘s design for WD!Steven. I just happened to come to a similar design conclusion for my character. I didn’t rip them off. I didn’t try and pass off their design as my own. This is all just a bunch of coincidences. 
Thank you and have a nice day.
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rudysrings · 4 years
Twin Pogues of the OBX - 1
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A/N + Summary: SO I’m currently obsessed with the Outer Banks right now, and I had no idea that there was so much hype about it until I hit tumblr after watching the show. It kind of got me back into writing for a bit so I thought I would go ahead and publish something that’s been sitting in my drafts. It’s essentially a fanfic that goes through the entire show from the perspective of the reader, who is John B’s twin sister. Let me know if it piques anyone’s interest, because I don’t want to keep pushing out something that people hate lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cursing, slowburn
Word count: 3056
You didn’t want to admit it, but you were tired of listening to the waves. It made you sick to your stomach. It didn’t help that the Chateau was so close to the water that it was all you could hear at night. The waves crashing on the shore. The waves colliding with each other. The waves fighting to topple boats that made the mistake of trying to take on a storm too big for them. 
You listened for your father in every wave. You hoped you’d at least hear the ghost of your father.
Unlike John B, you had no hope that your father was alive. At first, you didn’t bother voicing that thought, but as time went on, and John B continued to have delusions, you started getting more and more vocal about your opinion. Your dad was dead. Period. 
And it was time that John B accepted that, too. 
The two of you may have been twins, but you were as different as two people could get. John B was, for the most part, quiet, reserved and mild. You, on the other hand, had a fuse shorter than the short end of the stick you had pulled. You were hot headed and often misjudged situations too quickly. John B was the calm before your storm. You preferred to call yourself passionate. You smoked, John B did not. You slept around with far too many tourons. John B did not. John B was a dense motherfucker. You could read the room the moment you walked in. The only thing that really bonded the two of you was your love for surfing, your love for the pogues and your love for your dad.
Now that one of those things had died, or simply “vanished,” as John B would say, all that was keeping your two member family together were the pogues and surfing.
The last few months had been hell, and all you wanted this summer, was to have a good time, all the time.
Speaking of which, you and the pogues had decided to break in the summer with a little rule-breaking. Kiara wanted to check out one of Gary’s new beach-house developments, which was being built right over a turtle habitat. You all shrugged at the suggestion and agreed. 
You threw a can of beer up, JJ catching it instantly, wrinkling his nose when he looked at the label. “This is the shit stuff, Y/N,” he complained. 
You rolled your eyes. “Next time I’ll boot-leg champagne for ya, sweetheart,” you drawled.
JJ winked. “That’s more like it.”
Rolling your eyes, you tossed two beers to Pope, which he promptly dropped and bent down to grab, dusting himself off, embarrassed.
You rolled your eyes, watching as he threw one to John B, who was far too drunk to hold onto it, dropping it on the deck of the house, causing it to burst. 
Before you could comment on Kie’s overly concerned “Please don’t kill yourself,” to John B, you heard voices yelling “Hey! What are you kids doing up there?!”
“Shit,” You said, looking for your hat.
“I second that shit,” said Pope nervously.
John B swiftly made his way down, grabbing Kie’s hand and leading them out, Pope on their heels. 
“Guys, have you seen my-”
Suddenly, you felt something slip over your head, and you smiled up at JJ, who patted the top of your head and pushed you down the stairs and out of the house, all five of you laughing as Gary and his men chased after you.
As John B jumped the fence, he held his hand out to help Kie over, doing the same for you once she made it. You rolled your eyes, slapping his hand away and smoothly making it over yourself.
Pope, as expected, fell over onto the ground as he jumped, JJ shoving him further jokingly. You glared at the boy, and he held his hands up as you helped Pope up, pulling him by the hand into a sprint.
JJ held his hand out of John B’s beat up old van, pulling your laughing body in. Pope closed the door as John B gunned it, but you opened it again, teasing Gary, who was struggling to catch up with you guys. 
You tossed him a beer, which he tried to catch, but failed as he stopped running, his hands on his knees.
JJ laughed as he too leaned out of the van, “They don’t pay you enough, bro!” He yelled to Gary.
Your hair blew in the wind, strands of it tickling JJ’s cheeks. 
He spat overdramatically, coughing, “Hey, uh, Y/N? You mind not choking me with your hair?”
You simply gave him a playful punch in the gut, taking a seat in between Kie’s knees, who was sitting on the bench behind John B.
Kie took your long, wild hair in her hands, taming it into a french braid. JJ watched with a goofy smile on his face, his conversation with Pope getting too boring.
John B drove down to the docks, where you guys took out the HMS Pogue for the rest of the day. You tried to slap the book out of Kie’s hands, holding a freshly rolled blunt out for her to share with you, but she glared at you, turning back to her reading. You noticed Pope doing the same thing.
JJ grabbed the blunt from your hands, lighting it. 
You leaned an elbow on his shoulder, tutting. “Didn’t realize we ran with a bunch of nerds…”
Before Kie and Pope could retort, John B turned around, releasing a pile of freshly caught fish onto the deck of the boat and you cheered. “Nice, John B. We eatin’ good, today.”
“Yeah we are. You’re cooking.”
“I’m what?” 
John B smiled smugly, “I did the catching, you do the cooking.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “Fine then I’ll also do more of the eating.”
“I never agreed to that,” John B argued.
You turned to him, “And that’s because you’re a greedy, cocksucking parasite and-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. We’re here to have fun, you guys,” said Kie, her hands out to the two of you.
“Man, I’d really like to go one day without you guys at each other’s goddamn throats,” Pope groaned.
“Forget the fish, there’s a party tonight. First summer party. We gotta be there,” said JJ.
“Hell yeah, I’ll take a touron dick appointment over fish and chips any day,” you put your hands on your hips, looking at the rest of the pogues.
John B rolled his eyes at your blunt words, while Pope and Kie shrugged, agreeing.
Everyone looked to John B and he sighed before saying, “Yeah, I’m down.”
You all cheered, running over and piling on top of him, laughing.
The party was one of the best you had been to yet. While Kiara got on her soapbox about plastic and the boys were looking for girls to flirt with, you were on the hunt for someone who could make your night count.
As you waited in line at the keg to fill up your cup, the guy behind you spoke up. “You look too good to be hanging around the cut.” He flirted.
Your blood boiled as you turned around to get in this guy’s face. You stopped short once you saw what a nice face it was. You weren’t shallow, just… horny. “Am I now?” You smiled slightly.
He nodded, “Oh yes, too good for North Carolina even. The likes of you belong in Hollywood, babe.”
He had neatly trimmed blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Guess you had a type, after all, you thought fleetingly. 
“Wow, can I get a name, kind stranger?” You flashed your teeth.
“It’s Asher ma’am, and you are?”
You shrugged, handing your cup to the guy near the keg, who handed it back within a second, full. You put your hand on Asher’s cheek, tapping it as one would a small child, “Oh, sweetheart, you gotta earn that.”
Asher’s eyebrows rose, walking with you down the beach. “How might I go about that?” He asked, suggestively.
You smirked. “It’s not how, honey, it’s where.”
And that was all you needed to let this guy rock your world that night.
You woke up alone the next morning in the hammock outside the Chateau, having crashed there after the party. Groaning, you rolled over until you fell on the ground, struggling to pick yourself up. John B appeared out of nowhere, helping you up.
He handed you some water, which you downed immediately, his hand on your back.
“You alright, kid?” He asked. You nodded, “Yeah, I just need a shower like yesterday,” You moaned. 
John B nodded, slapping your shoulder. “Next time don’t drink so much, eh?”
You rolled your eyes, flipping him off as you walked inside. You were heading to the bathroom when you passed John B’s bedroom. You noticed JJ, half-naked and leaning over some blonde on your brother’s bed, his forehead practically touching hers. He noticed you instantly. Some emotion flashed across his face before he glared. “Dude, come on. Get outta here,” he said and you smirked.
“Get some, JJ,” you encouraged, barely dodging the pillow he hurled at you as you shut the door.
As you walked into the bathroom, you couldn’t understand why your stomach lurched when you thought about what JJ was probably doing with that blonde in John B’s bed. You shrugged, it was probably just the alcohol.
That afternoon, you and John B had an appointment with social services, who basically confirmed that you two would be put in foster care after they confirmed that your uncle wasn’t home to look after you two tomorrow.
As John B expected, you didn’t take it well. To your credit, you kept it together in the social worker’s office, but you practically had a meltdown the moment you stepped foot outside.
“How can they just fucking take us away! What did we even do wrong? It’s not our fucking fault Uncle T decided to split! Can’t they see that we’re better off on our goddamn own, John B?!” 
John B shrugged. “Not much we can do, Y/N. It’s the law.” 
At that, your breaths came even faster, “But it’s not fair, John B! What if-What if they split us up?” You were almost hyperventilating now, pulling your own hair.
John B furrowed his eyebrows, pulling you into a hug. “They’re not going to do that. I’m not going to let that happen, Y/N, you hear me?”
You pushed him away from you, “We’ll see, John B.”
The two of you caught a break. Hurricane Agatha came in the same day DCS was supposed to do your assessment. Your mind immediately went to the sick waves that would be forming. You tugged on John B’s shirt, pulling him away from the TV, “Call DCS and call them to reschedule. And then grab your surfboard.” Your grin stretched across your whole face, your eyes probably wild.
John B looked confused, then concerned. “You can’t be serious. There’s a hurricane?”
“Dead serious.” You crossed your arms. “Like you can resist these waves.”
John B shrugged. “Yeah, I’m in.”
The two of you ran out to the ocean, the dark clouds and harsh winds not fazing you, Pope having bailed on you guys, claiming that these weren’t surfable waves. 
As you surfed the waves, constantly getting wiped out due to their sheer size and speed, you couldn’t help the thought: Did a wave like this kill Dad?
John B tried to surf a few waves, but he lacked not only your skill, but also your tenacity. He gave up and simply watched you from his seat on his board. 
When you noticed a clearly fancy boat being tossed around in the waves, you pointed it out to John B, who squinted, trying to make it out. He agreed that it was strange. Who would go out in a storm like this?
The next morning, after surveying the damage that Agatha had caused, John B suggested that you guys go fishing, given the likeliness that there would be a whole lot of fish to catch in the marsh today.
Happy to put off cleaning up for a day and high on the fact that DCS wouldn’t be able to catch a ferry down here for at least a couple of days, you agreed. 
After practically kidnapping Pope from his dad and picking up Kiara, the five of you drove down to the marsh, Pope steering. 
Giggling, you pulled JJ by the hand up to the bow of the HMS Pogue and handed him one of the beers that Kiara had brought. He smirked and held it up along with you as he shouted for Pope to go faster. Pope groaned. “We’ve tried this like six thousand times.”
You shook your head. “I’ve got this. It’s gonna work.”
And it did. Kind of. You and JJ were downing your beers, Kiara complaining that it was getting in your hair. You looked over at JJ from your peripheral and smiled slightly at his silly face, mouth open like a fish as he attempted to get all of the beer that was being hurled out of the bottle.
Until the boat lurched to a sudden stop, catapulting you and JJ into the air. You felt your entire body flip as you fell into the water with a loud crash, water surrounding your ears. You broke the surface immediately, blinking against the sunlight. “Fuuuck,” you groaned.
You felt JJ reach you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “You good?” You nodded at him, resting your hands on his shoulders as you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
John B called out, “You good, Y/N? JJ?”
“I think my heels touched the back of my head,” JJ groaned.
You swam back to the boat, JJ right behind you. “Pope, what did you do?” You asked.
Pope looked as confused as the rest of you guys. “Sandbar. Channel changed.”
As you made it onto the boat, JJ pulled himself up, too, saying, “No shit.”
As your clothes were soaked, you slid your shorts and t-shirt off, leaving you in your teal halter bikini. 
You didn’t miss how JJ’s eyes dragged up your figure, his ears turning pink when he reached your eyes and realized you noticed. 
Biting your lip to keep from laughing, you turned to Pope, who had his eyes on something in the water.
“Guys...I think there’s a boat down there,” He said.
John B scoffed, “Shut up.”
Kie smiled, “No way.”
But Pope didn’t let up, “No, no, guys. I’m serious. There’s a boat down there.”
You all leaned over the side of the boat and sure enough, there was a large shadow, vague, but obviously in the shape of the hull of a boat.
“Holy shit. He’s right; let’s go!” You said, jumping into the water. 
As you swam towards the shadow, you heard Pope muse, “You think there’s a dead body down there?”
You couldn’t stop your subconscious from immediately thinking Dad.
You almost threw up at the thought of stumbling across your own father’s drowned corpse.
But you knew that if that was the case, you would handle it far better than John B. You swam faster, trying to get down there before him.
The five of you made your way to the boat, your eyebrows raising against the water as you saw what kind of boat it was. This was a rich guy’s boat for sure. You recognized it as the boat from yesterday. You all took a peek inside, but couldn’t make out a body. You sighed aloud, bubbles releasing in the water. 
As you guys resurfaced, you all laughed. 
“That’s a Grady-White,” JJ laughed in shock, “A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy.”
You guys climbed back into the boat. John B gave you a look. “That’s the boat we saw when we surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something.”
Kie looked confused. “You surfed the surge.”
You smirked. “Well… I surfed the surge. John B mostly just watched.” Your brother rolled his eyes but he didn’t correct you.
JJ was getting on the boat when he heard you say that and his entire face lit up. “Yeah, that’s my girl, pogue style,” he said, giving you a high-five. 
You grinned back, your stomach involuntarily tumbling at the words my girl.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself. Kie noticed, shooting you a look.
You blushed, looking away.
Pope asked, “Wait, wait, do we know who’s boat that is?”
John B opened the hatch on the deck of the boat, looking for the anchor inside. “No. but we’re about to find out.”
JJ shook his head, “Dude, it’s too deep.”
“Only for the weak and feeble, JJ,” John B said.
“Well, I’m not resuscitating you. I’m just making that clear up front.”
You worried that there could still be a body down there. Your father’s body. John B couldn’t see that. Plus, something about the thought of diving felt like a challenge. You took the anchor from John B’s hands. “I’ll go,” You said.
“What the fuck, no Y/N,” said John B.
JJ grabbed your upper arm, “Yeah, not a good idea,” he said.
You shook him off lightly. “I’m doing it,” you insisted.
JJ shrugged. “Well, I wouldn’t mind resuscitating you,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes, “You wouldn’t even know how.”
JJ smirked, “Yeah, but I have experience with-”
Pope interjected as you walked to the edge. “Diver down, fool,” he shook his head in slight disappointment. But then again, when was Pope not disappointed in you?”
JJ came over to you. Looking you hard in the eyes, he gave you a questioning look. You steeled your eyes. “I’m ready.”
He smirked, “You better be.” He gave you a shove on your shoulders, pushing you backwards off the bow of the boat and you could hardly hear him say “Diver down,” and John B say, “The fu-” before the water hit you, swallowing you whole as you quickly sunk with the weight of the anchor.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep12: Brand New Mokuba Just Dropped
My tumblr has decided that it can’t save drafts again. Which sure is a problem I keep having but no one else seems to have...but were back. Back and ready to talk about cards.
First off, lets address the best thing about this episode, it’s the return of The A Team animation team! Dunno if it’s the same ones that did the seasons before, but it is a pretty good team this episode, so there’s lots of that to look forward to. Everyone is now 2 feet taller (Kaiba is 4 feet taller) and there’s just some really nice shots going on. It’s not as shiny as other seasons, which makes me think it might be a different team or a different studio using a different method (you don’t really see them playing with line weights anymore which makes it seem like a different method to me) but still--it’s a nicer looking episode today.
So we start off this episode with Seto begging us all to forget the hell that just happened and just get on with it. Of course, no one’s gonna do that, because yo, what just happened was kind of weird.
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And because there’s only like...I dunno...maybe 2 episodes left in this arc? (kind of a quick arc, honestly) Leon decides to do a complete personality reversal. Although, it’s really hard to do a reversal when you didn’t have a personality in the first place...so I guess this more Leon showing us A personality--and I’ll take it.
He’s a little jackass now, but it’s youknow...still Leon so it’s not really that bad. Like we deal with Seto on the reg, so I feel like Leon as a jackass is just like...well that’s just how you play cards in this universe.
Everyone speculates whether or not Seto actually did a crime, and a SURPRISING number of them said he did not! Weird! But hey...I’ve gone over a billion times before, their memory is like when you throw popcorn into the ocean--it just fffzt’s and then it’s gone.
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Roland was THIS close to actually saving Kaiba corp a huge hassle for once. This Close, Roland. You almost did it.
(read more under the cut)
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I love that Roland has decided to give all these teens maybe the uncoolest nicknames in the entire world, and the teens have not made any indication whether they do or do not appreciate their alliteration nicknames.
But despite the fact that although Roland uses these opportunities behind the microphone to embarrass them just SO MUCH, the Kaibas still persist in having him introduce most of the matches. It makes it feel like the Kaibas freakin love this. They love his Dad jokes. I cannot tell if they are like “yes, please embarrass my friends.” of it they’re like “yes. Roland that was so cool. Yeah Leaping Leon. Good one! You’re so cool!” Because they don’t know what fun is.
Also, look what I see in the sky.
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Truly a sign that they have overcome their trauma of seasons 2-3.
Or maybe they had a lot of blimps laying around and this is a completely unrelated blimp? Either way, I’m glad they can still handle the sight of a blimp.
And then, just out of nowhere, Mokuba hit puberty.
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Which I mean, it was inevitable. It was going to happen some day. Luckily, we will be getting a new Mokuba this episode to make up for the fact that this one has done A Flirt and it was probably a completely innocent turn of phrase he has no idea is a double entendre but do the writers know that?
And while we ruminate the decisions there, lets bask in the glory of purple staircase.
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This is such a purple staircase!
On another, identical staircase walks Leon, who gets to have a discussion with Zigfried, who probably just stood next to the wall and just chameleon’ed in here without getting caught cuz coincidentally this staircase dresses like him.
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Freakin Mai?
Anyway, lets start this duel where like...I dunno, it’s a little late to start stealing souls, but maybe Leon will do a stab? (He will not)
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So glad the storyboarder is back to kind of flex. I don’t normally see Roland drawn with this much attention. Look at him go. That’s the stance a grown man takes when he’s ready to embarrass a bunch of teens.
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Kaiba writes a speech introducing himself, or Roland just kinda made up a speech as if Kaiba hadn’t asked him to do that. Either way it’s kind of a big way to talk yourself up--but he is trying to talk up the theme park so people will actually like...go. So it makes sense.
Also what is this nonsense where people worldwide are watching a theme park opening match? Card culture is so weird because we’ve noticed in other seasons there are people that don’t play cards, and I feel like they’re not watching this for fun. It’s like when I watch news unfold--they’re watching to see if they have to raid the toilet paper aisle and the canned goods again to prepare for yet another onslaught of card nonsense.
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Legit Mokuba was like “Look at my bro. Look at how he gave up dueling to throw this nice tourney for everyone!” and it’s like...Mokuba...he just dueled...Mokuba...he’s putting all the profits directly in your pockets this is hardly a martyr up here.
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Seto Kaiba decided to inform the world that he would have won if he was actually playing and that was sure a statement he made after losing to Yugi like...3 times now? Several times.
Everyone else converses how Leon’s acting weird. I don’t know why they care all of a sudden, because no one acts normal playing this game, but the plot desires them to care.
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Which is when we find out...
...the new Mokuba...
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That’s right. He was a Mokuba the whole time. For once we haven’t abducted Mokuba, instead...we have too many Mokubas.
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This Mokuba even has hella long hair, too. I imagine if Mokuba proper had a ponytail it would probably look just like this but black. It would have been just--so good if he whipped off that ribbon and shook out his hair and it fluffed into a horrible Mokuba mess, but you know, that’s one of the many reasons why I don’t write for this series. That and I was like in high School when this came out.
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(Please admire Kaiba’s head of Security who looks like he’s about to drop a poop out of terror. It’s a really small detail, but I appreciate that the storyboarder had him kind of antsy in the background)
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Seto insists that the only one to beat Yugi Muto will be himself and it’s like...I know. That’s why I keep expecting someone to get stabbed by this tiny purple haired Mokuba. But instead, Leon’s too busy feeling mad that he’s not necessarily playing the game for fun.
But he’s still playing the game though? so I feel like Yami doesn’t have many stones to throw here. Leon hasn’t even cheated yet. (As if Yami isn’t cheating basically all the time by being 2 people in one body)
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I can’t BELIEVE this show would throw that at me after the number of times I have seen Yami Muto nearly murder other people (and sometimes literally do a murder) out of revenge. Yami is basically a revenge god...like...show...what? It’s season 5, I thought we’ve basically cemented this in. Occasionally the show will just be all “card games are supposed to be fun though!!!” and it’s like...these are the last children on Earth who are playing card games for fun.
If anything, it should be Leon lecturing them on how to have fun. They just murdered a Great Leviathan with cards. Before that they were dealing with Noah, with Marik, with Pegasus, with Bakura. The times that Yugi has just played a game for fun has been...This Arc.
So maybe Yami is just begging himself to have fun for once. Maybe he’s just mad that he can’t play a single tournament without someone getting possessed? Maybe his frustrations really aren’t about little Leaping Leon, and more to do with Yami sick and tired of being a protagonist.
But, youknow, it’s not an anime, unless the protagonist hypocritically can get away with every sin out there and everyone else gets punished for it. So lets find out just how far Leon fell from fun-having grace with a flashback.
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This Belle cosplayer went off in like...one of the most hilariously bad accents I’ve heard in a while, it was just so much, I’ll probably cap it because lolol.
But since Leon wasn’t actually in line to inherit the company, he has to sort of hole up in his room for his entire childhood. It’s kinda weird, since we can’t assume that Zigfried will either a.) live forever or b.) have or adopt or raise children in any capacity. But they’re pretty sure Zigfried will live forever, and in this universe--maybe.
Also, I’m really not sure why they have to dress like it’s 1890, but they sure are. The Victorian era just never left the Von Schroeder house. Like these women are wearing corsets to be in that dress, and you can’t BUY a corset to match this type of dress, you have to make your own, and I know, because in Quarantine, I got really into historical sewing videos.
I can’t believe I spent an entire year watching historical sewing videos. Holy crap. I don’t even sew.
But then again...Seto is kind of drawn like he wears a corset...so maybe people are still wearing them in the Yugioh universe? Maybe that’s how their fashion just works?
Guys...I analyze Yugioh fashion a lot but the fact that the Edwardians never freakin left this worldly plane is just...that’s canon to Yugioh. I really just want to sit back and analyze Yugioh fashion with a moodboard and try to connect all the dots logically as if they aren’t just one-off jokes, but I don’t know how I’d fit that on this post.
And like, one of y’all brought up in a comment in the last post that what’s neat about this arc is we are seeing Zigfried as what Seto would have been like if he hadn’t like...gotten cursed by Yugi Muto. So, going off that idea, I think it’s kinda fun that Zigfried’s outfit is a bit of a younger take on Pegasus’ whole look with the wrist lace and a fusion of Gozaburos look of wearing a cravat with a smoking coat. It’s fun to imagine that this is what Seto’s inner gremlin dresses like (which...now I think about it...was a thing from S1 where Yami defeated a Seto gremlin but...I don't remember much about it) Of course, Seto would also be hella dead if he hadn’t gone through the Yugi cycle, but it’s still a fun road to think about.
Plus, when we go down that road, it really makes this arc look even more like it’s just about Seto Kaiba’s therapy sesh to recover from the last several seasons that he’s accidentally (or intentionally??) invited the entire world to watch and that’s very funny to me.
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Bro has informed me you can make a deck out of Jerry but could not show me any receipts.
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...I mean that is Dartz right?
Like I know all the characters have cards of themselves IRL and all the characters are also based on cards that were made before they were on TV (with the exception of our main cast that was...youknow, a horror manga) but like...
...what’s up, Dartz?
Anyway, our little Mokuba decides to sneak out the house and run around the world at the ripe ol age of ... what I’m guessing is like 10-12, and is pretty sure he can just get away with that. Luckily, the crimes he’s committing are exactly the type of crimes that Zigfried needs.
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(Pretty sure their Dad died or is incapacitated but OK, dub, go ahead and pretend that plot point didn’t go down last episode.)
Also, I’m really glad we got a good storyboarder for this part who was like “Zigfried looks...like that?” and still managed to make this character design really work this episode. In some parts they even gave Zigfried those wide Marik Eyes that are kind of ubiquitous with Yugioh. It just needs the right hands to draw it, and then any amount of...this outfit...can work.
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So, just like when we met Mokuba in S1, he’s gonna do a duel on Yugi to save his family and probably also like Mokuba, not give a damn for how this game is supposed to be played. Luckily, this time Pharaoh doesn’t have any star chips lying around for this kid to just run around and steal before booking it out the back gate.
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Yugi over there with his twitter-brand hot-takes, not knowing the difference between actual brainwashing and blackmail/family pressure.
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Look at that hatching!
Ah this is the 00′s content I’m here for! Check out the soft brush! The dodge and burn! Ah! Man this sure was an era of computer art! and stuff like this cost a lot of money to make and it looked ... like this!
Now I’m pretty sure we can make art that looks this dated on like...a free phone app.
PS please do not ever shade your art like this. This is what you don’t do. Do not do this. I will shed a single tear shaped like the Photoshop symbols for dodge and burn.
next episode is Ep 13. Every season so far this show has been like “we’re normal, everything is normal” getting us complacent until exactly Ep 13, when everything gets really effed up. So...
will that happen? Will they continue this tradition into S5 or has it been a coincidence until now? Excited to find out.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is the link to read these from the beginning in chrono order:
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flyingcatstiel · 4 years
Sooooo, it finally happened to me as well. Tumblr just ate my answer to anon, but well, I had a draft. Here you go nonnie!
I think most current Cas/Destiel fans are Dean/Jensen fans. Period. They beat their chests about Dean apologising to Cas and instead we got Dean forgiving Cas and yet they screamed Destiel. Now the same bunch say Cas dying and Dean saying Cas I love you after he dies is also good enough for them. When Cas has fans like this, who needs enemies. No wonder the writers and show treat Cas so badly. I personally think Misha is not in final episode - he will be shown as a memory / flashback. That's it.
Oh, there’s a lot of unpack here. Spoilers ahead!
I’ll start with the most pressing issue right now. I’m very upset about the show playing “where is Misha” game in regards to the episodes 19 & 20. I’ve seen some positive takes on it like - Cas is so IMpoRtAnttttt, that’s why they are keeping his appearance a secret! Lol no. Like we haven’t heard that one before. And usually, if the show doesn’t mention Cas, it’s because he is not there like it was with the 200th episode or s11 mid season finale. (And fans hoped that Cas is being kept as a secret then) Other take - Cas has different clothes in finale! So what? Keep those clothes a secret, post more trench coat Cas. Some folks think it is done to generate chatter on soc media, which is already happening, true, but also, it’s not a good thing? And other folks think that Cas fans are hysterical, again, because lol duh, of course Cas will be in the last episode because destiel is happening because Cas is important character!
I personally think that all this secrecy around Cas/Misha in the 15x20 is manipulative and cruel. TPTB are intentionally yanking fandom and the longer it goes, the more I’m ready agree with you that we will have very little Cas/Misha in the series finale. Maybe it is already filmed. Maybe it can be filmed with green screen and only Misha on the set. I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that the hook SPN has for the final episode of 15 seasons is the mystery of Where Is Cas. Like, what logic is there? We just killed fan favorite, unofficial third lead in 15x18 but please keep watching the show! He’s very dead! We know you loved him! Have some Mark P in exchange!!!
I mean, the only reason I would be excited to watch 15x20 if Dabb personally assures fans that yes, Cas will be back. Otherwise, why bother? It’s not a secret that a lot of fans kept watching only because of Cas. To kill Cas again and to toy with his fate, again, is just so, so low. We just went through all this emotional rigmarole afters s12 finale. And before that, s10 finale. And before that was 7x01. Cas being killed for good is not new or original. Uncertainty about the number of Cas episodes in every season is not new. To rub this again into Cas fans faces is just plain cruel. What kind of surprise element is there left? Is this how SPN show runners want to be remembered? Sigh, SPN writers are really trying to snatch the title of the worst show runners from those Game of Thrones dudes.
Other stuff under the cut.
You know, I also used to think that most of destiel metas were written by Dean fans. And metas are the tool that frames fans’s opinions and feelings, so the overall feeling, at least for me, was that destiel metas and majority of fans don’t care much about Cas. After every pivotal destiel scene there were plenty of metas that explained why and how the scene is a step towards canon destiel etc. And quite often in the haste to prove it, Cas’s feelings and motivations were ignored while Dean’s explored and justified. Just remember how destiel metas treated “beer run” scene in s11 finale. How much effort was put into dismissing Cas’s hurt feelings, how Cas fans were told to shut up because we are getting destiel soon. It took months for meta writers to admit that the scene was harmful to Cas. I don’t even want to talk about this so called apology in s15x09 and how wrong it was on how many levels. After building up destiel conflict for 3+8 eps, after Dean lashing out at Cas with passive aggressive comments during that time, we got half baked apology for wrong issues via prayer! Not even face to face. (And Dabb admitted that their issues are not fully resolved, meta writers didn’t mention that at all) So yea, I feel you. But I have also been visiting Dean stan blogs, and well, they think that most of destiel metas are written by Cas stans who don’t care about Dean’s feelings at all. Curious, isn’t it? So, now I personally think that most pro destiel metas are written with one goal only - to prove that destiel subtext exists (duh), that it is intentional and it will lead to some kind of canon acknowledgement. They cherry pick stuff that helps to prove that writers are building up destiel and ignore scenes where the same writers insert No Homo or bros only stuff. Notice how Dean and Cas patching up their relationship in 15x09 is followed by a wacky episode where Dean and Sam are super wacky? It happens all the time, after a destiely scene we get a tribute to that other ship.
Next. There always have been fans who were OK with destiel going canon if Cas (or Dean) dies. This fandom in particular loves angst and character death. I’ve my theories about it, but it’s not surprising that these sentiments are getting more popular now. Folks care about the validation of their ship, if Cas dies, who cares because suffering is what matters. I personally think that now, halfway through s15 it’s too late to make destiel canon. There’s no time left to resolve the main conflict, the trust issues. And without emotional resolution of their last conflict, what’s the point? We don’t have another season coming. 
The beauty of canon ship is that they had positive, enriching time together, even if the big ILY happens at the very end, we witnessed them getting closer. And make no mistake, SPN writers did really good job at separating Dean and Cas ever since s8. Half of the time Cas was on the show, he was away from Dean. So, when the shippers are denied actual scenes between Dean and Cas, no wonder they don’t care if Cas lives or dies.
Now look at s15 and tell me if this is something to cherish - all the time they spend apart, all small jabs Dean threw at Cas, Dean blaming Cas for Mary’s death, sending Cas to Hell with Belphagor without a second thought and then chewing him out for making a decision not to die there. And of course the crown jewel of Bobo, Dean telling Cas “Then you are dead to me!”. That’s the stuff soulmates are made of, I’m telling you. /sarcasm/
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mull3ts · 4 years
Ok errbody,  it's the peachy family's or neocrackheads group chat's 2nd month anniversary 🍷✨
*insert wine glass clinking coz fuck it*
Peachy family in a nutshell 🍑:
We’re all just Pokemon that type like  t h i s 
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@nct127grass | GRACE! 😎
Oh lord- OK SO gracie sweetie ✨ hello :D aH yEs the first person to litterally type
"hey fam 😎" with that exact emoji
Grace, you've lingered on my blog for a while honestly ahEm ik what u be doin to the point where I can say: I've known abt your existence before the gc. You've honestly made me feel like I'm in middle school again saying "fam" and "dope" so congrats ✨. anYwhOdLeZ you're vv nice and could be one of the nicest people I've ever met 👀. You're always vv supportive and understanding so I thank you for that 🤧 I dAre to say that sometimes, you're like the internet sister i've always wanted 👁💧👄💧👁.
What remindes me of grace: earrings, plushies, sharkies, smuts, more importantly my smuts 😏, asks, anons, cute goth lolita kinda things, bangchan from straykids dont ask, wedding rings
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@sunflowerhae | GWEN! 👼🏻
Hai gwennie :D The time we evolved from ot4 to ot5, thank you for being our pokemon evolution 🤧💫
Gwennnnnn, you just keep it real 💅🏻. The owner of the "👼🏻" emoji 😔✋. Gwen legit, I love you death. (boop period.) (but i wuv all of you to death so,,, 😌). You're the only calm-ish one. And I also feel like you're if not ooper then kinda adventurous with your collabs and ✨jazz✨. And I vibe 🤧. I shant forget when the group chat was so heated on everyone's face 😌. In a summary: I wuv you gwendolyn.
Gwen thingz: tarot cards, the sun, the movie lolita, bright ass crayons, sunflowers, zenon the movie, yellow pencils
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@nanajaems0308 | JUJU!
Part one out of two for accepting them into the gc coz you think your kids know them 😌
Juju, hello :D. You were actually the first person that I talked to oUt of the gc, as in, sending eachother asks but them bAm we got discord 🔥. I've probably had the weirdest convos w you so thanks for accepting my "crackhead nature". and you're sucessfully my bro's favourite niece so congrats ✨ AND WE'VE TALKED AT WINX CLUB AND THE BARBIE MOVIES 😌✋ I FUCKING STAN. pLus you're on your way to becoming a comedic legend 😎 so in a summary: juju you're vv easy to talk to and you're ooper nice and i will deck any dood or woman or anYOne that tries to come @ you
Juju TiNgZ: my laptop 👁👄👁, my lotion 👁👄👁, haircombs, jaemin, seventeen's dino wtf ik , hulahoops, strawberries, the color teal or turquoise
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@kunswifegwen | GWEN/GGTRJ!
Part 2 out of 2 of accepting hoomans into the gc coz you assumes your kids knew them so you added them
GGTRJ HIIIII HOE~sOO idk if you count as my child or in law, but I'll count you as an in law just incase gwen and grace wanna adopt you 👀. anywaySSSsSsSs I distinctly remember having kinda of a awkward convo w you in the gc coz there was just a bunch of exchanges of "fam" and mOviNg oN. I'd be down to virtualy sip wine with you anyway fam 😎 you just give me those "clink clink bitch" sorta vibes. You've only been in the gc for like a month but whatever, wuv ya.
ggtrj tinGz: dilf jeno, pewdiepie, frogs, Lionel Richie, the titanic, Versace, that one juul ad i always see on tiktok, dinosaurs
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@huangvibez | Zainab
oMG hi! Lmao im sorry anywOdLez *iNhALe* an ot4 member 👁💧👄💧👁 hol up im switching tomy laptop coz tumblr's being wonky
HAI ZAINAB you’re vv easy to talk to and I vibe w it. A moment I remember the most abt you is when I told you that Robert Paterson would yell at me if his ketchup packet was 1.4 ounces instead of 1 ounce and when you wanted to see a vampire fic and I told you I had a Jeno one and it still lays in my drafts to this day. Yeehaw wuv ya <3
Zainab tinGz: Zayn Malik idk, big time rush, blue pens, renjun’s shoulders, grapes, hello kitty lunch boxes, soccos, lemons and socks.
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@bbjisungg​ | CISSY!
oK sO,,,,we honestly don’t talk much but lEgiT i really don’t care tho coz I still wuv you thy talented child :D
cissy tiNgZ: grass, trees, basically pLants, bunnies, glitter, the we go up era, gummy bears
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@bbyyangiex2​ | ELIE! 🍄
O heY elie :D sO Imma start off by saying that honestly,,,,you’d be gr8 friends with npc me 😌. She’s like me but only 4 months older than you 🤩. Anywhodlez let’s gOoOooOoo 
oK so elie, you’re vv talented likE IDC WHAT OTHER HOOMANS SAY BUT I THINK YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Like stop stfu- yOu cAnt cHangE mY minD eLiE yOure dOpe. Anywhodlez, I remember that one time although idk if you’d know but whAtEvEr. When we were dropping pics of ourselves and you suggested that i was like one of those ullzangs? idk, but then I got a pic of one and you didn’t question in so i was kinda sitting there like 👁👄👁 and proceeded to laugh my bOOty off. Dw tho, I still wuv ya sweetie, I wouldn’t question it either tbh ;-;
Elie tiNgZ: WayV, toenails, sprite, boba, matcha boba, any boba, eyeliner, the middle finger, roller skates, Yangyang, orange juice?, a kid that’s able to hold a convo with me even when you pee (if you know you know)
OK SO mkAy peachy family! Hi it’s just mEeeeEeEeEe so in a summary I wuv you all...alot 💖💖💖
abi your resident milf <3 
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the truth of when hypmic takes place: part two
Now that I have argued my point, it is time to actually use this information. Let’s start with birth years for everyone. This is, of course, assuming that the HypMic universe is currently at the date of 7/7/27, because this theory (and everything else tbh) revolves around Dice and Dice’s birthday. So, without further ado…
Jakurai: January 9th, 1992
Doppo: May 15th, 1998
Jyuto: May 30th, 1998
Hifumi: June 22nd,1998
Rio: June 21st, 1999
Samatoki: November 11th, 2001
Ramuda: February 14th, 2003
Gentaro: April 1st, 2003
Dice: July 7th, 2007
Ichiro: July 26th, 2007
Jiro: February 6th, 2010
Saburo: December 16th, 2012
These dates could easily be moved around if you change up which day we’re going by, for example, if we changed it to be December 31st, many of these characters would have been born a year later. These are simply estimates, but they are close enough for them to be useful.
So, with this information, let me tell tell you a thing. Jakurai? A millennial, through and through. He’s also a real 90’s kid. Jyuto, Doppo, Hifumi, and Rio are all fake 90’s kids that no one respects because they can’t remember shit about the 90’s. They, and potentially Samatoki, Ramuda, and Gentaro, all grew up thinking they were millennials but then people started calling them Gen Z and no one is quite sure which they are because they’re in that middle ground. The rest? Gen Z. They’re all constantly joking about how they want to die and playing Fortnite. Also, Saburo was born only days before everyone thought the world was going to end. This means there is a possibility that the bros are orphans because their parents drank like it was the end of the world because they thought it genuinely was and then they died.
I am aware that Japan almost definitely doesn’t have the same generational structure as the west, and I have been told that all of the characters were born in the Heisei era, but I have no clue what that means and I’m pretty sure Japanese people don’t stereotype people based on which emperor was ruling when they were born??? Eh maybe they do. I’m not an expert. However, we’re not here today to learn the good info and make accurate posts, we’re here for me to project myself onto these characters. So now, using these dates, lets analyze the childhoods of everything… through my American eyes.
Jakurai is a 90′s kid, which means he grew up in the prime era of moon shoes, tamagotchi, furbies, and of course, the gameboy. Jakurai played the original Pokemon games because he was Cultured like that.
Doppo, having no friends, absolutely started playing Pokemon when he was old enough to know how to press buttons. He probably really wanted to play Gold and Silver, but they came out before he knew how to read and his parents didn’t want to buy him some random video game. As soon as Ruby and Sapphire were released, however, he cried for days until his parents finally gave up and got him a copy of Sapphire. He played the fucking shit out of it, his first starter was a Mudkip and he adored it. When he and Hifumi met, he was appalled that Hifumi had never played Pokemon before and practically forced Hifumi to get a copy of Ruby so they could trade and battle each other. Doppo was such a hardo, he had a perfectly balanced team that could overcome pretty much any type weakness and he leveled up all of his Pokemon and tried to teach them really good moves. Hifumi literally just caught any cute looking Pokemon and didn’t train them at all. He never beat the Elite Four. His starter was a Torchic but as soon as it evolved into a Combusken he started crying because his adorable fire-chicken turned into a weird fighting penis-chicken but he still loved it and tried his best. Hifumi’s favorite part of the game was contests. They continued playing Pokemon for years and they still play it even in 2027, they will always buy the latest game no matter how old they get. Hifumi still sucks at it but Doppo doesn’t mind. They bought the game for Jakurai and got him to play it and he is so confused because like??? Horde battles? Mega-evolution?? What the fuck is this new shit he hasn’t picked up a game since Platinum??? And yet even without knowing what the fuck he’s doing, Jakurai is still better at the game than both of his other teammates and they don’t understand how he’s managed to perfectly EV train his team when he has never heard of EVs before.
Gentaro and Ramuda were around 7 when Silly Bandz got big. We all know that Ramuda fuckin loved those things. He was the kid who made his parents buy all of the newest designs, he would always make unfair trades with other kids like “I’ll give you my tiger if you give me your penguin, dolphin, and princess.” Ramuda was also the kid who had so, so many of them and he would wear all of them at the same time so he always had to be sent to the nurse for potentially cutting off circulation to his hands because he had Silly Bandz, in rainbow order because he was good at art class, from his wrists up to his shoulders. Ramuda got them banned from his school and every one in a 20-mile radius.
Now, let’s look at how old these characters all are today, this very day, April 22nd, 2019 (in my timezone). This is accounting for birthdays that have already happened, but if you are seeing this post at a much later date it will probably be wrong. It also will need to be adjusted if you don’t believe the Hypmic universe revolves around Dice like I do. However, the ages are close enough for shitposting purposes.
Jakurai: 27
Doppo, Jyuto, Hifumi: 20
Rio: 19
Samatoki: 17
Ramuda, Gentaro: 16
Dice, Ichiro: 11
Jiro: 9
Saburo: 6
What does this mean? Well, it means a lot of things.
Jiro is playing Fortnite at this very moment, yelling Russian slurs at random-ass people. Several other characters could also be playing Fortnite, like Dice, but Jiro is that fuckin kid that keeps beating the shit out of you and spending all of his brother’s money on v-bucks. Saburo is just a little boy, probably dealing with Jiro playing Fortnite at every opportunity. I don’t know what six-year-olds do with their time in this day and age but if I had to guess from the ones who constantly yell at each other in my vicinity, it would probably be roasting each other and playing Fortnite so… I guess Saburo is roasting Jiro over Fortnite?
The 29-year-olds are currently 20 which means they are adults in Japan and can get drunk off their asses legally! It also means they’re probably in college and their bloodstreams have been replaced with vodka and ecstasy. Jyuto does not have ecstasy in his system because he wants people to stop being drug addicts but he does keep going to parties and offering to be a stripper as long as he gets paid.
Samatoki is running a hardcore feminist Tumblr blog right now. Some people think it’s creepy that a 17 year old boy is reblogging posts that say something along the lines of “All men should fucking die they’re all scum” but he’s just being respectful. 
Gentaro? He’s writing fanfiction now. That really nicely written rarepair slowburn with a bunch of poetic smut in the later chapters? Gentaro wrote that. He’s got some drafts for an original story he wants to write but he keeps putting it off and writing fanfiction instead. 
There’s definitely other shit that I’m forgetting but these are my interpretations of Hypmic life that I can remember. Feel free to fight me or add your own interpretations, whichever makes you happier.
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perry-the-deer · 5 years
it is EXACTLY a month before i’ve had this blog for a year (marking my like, 6th year on tumblr fnjdsng), and lets see my development babey..
Posts: 5,607
Followers: 78
Drafts: 1
Queue: 2 (Zubat...)
My most popular post...
is Homestuck Time....
ima be an emotional lil bastard to my friends who’ve stuck with me >:3c under the read more
@chorbie-the-orbie​ (Met: 08/01/17) HEY so you’re gone rn but yknow its ok bc im still gonna be a gay. Youre my darling fucking moirail!! Bro i can’t believe its almost been 2 and a half years?? like?? hello??? Charlie u’ve meant like, the WORLD to me since we met and we’ve had our ups and downs and our,, Mistakes lmao, but even still!!! im.. A!
Our moronic asses were like ‘haha we dont have any feelings for eachother’ and you would call me at 12 in the morning and sing love songs to me like the big dork you are whenever i was panicking and we pretended to be dating for like a day and failed horribly bc This Just In; we’re stupid!!!
and then we dated and That went WOOPS but now we’re settled as moirails and i think this is how it’s supposed to be?? We’ve been through literally so much together by now and it’s kind of funny because like we can be sitting there and.
“remember the sburb freakout?” “GOD DAMMIT” and i love that.
@chaotic-becquerel​ (Met: 08/13/2018, Dating since: 01/01/19) BABE holy SHIT ITS ALMOST BEEN A YEAR???? ITS ALMOST OUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY???? IM SO EXCITED??? im gonna draw a bunch of shit for it bc im VERY gay and excited.
But anyway ur?? so calming to be around?? Ur very quiet which is something i really love about you and ive never been happier than when we’re just sitting together and your humming is slipping through your mic when youre tired and sitting up at night is so much more comforting when i can hear your breathing and know i can wake you if i need you and,, a,
ok i need to stop gushing but i,, love you,, so much,,, im so excited for it to have been a year, i love you
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okokok Calm Down Time BUT a!! Kat you are MY Blue and MY sibling and not to be possessive but *hisses at everyone bad who comes near you ever*
I love u #Kantosquad <3
@honeycombjuice​ (Met: 12/31/16) HELLO?? ALMOST 3 YEARS?? GOD? GOD??? You and I are the embodiment of ‘met at the wrong time and re-met at a good time’ and you’re my 2nd moirail and so very important to me?? I will always love sitting with you and playing minecraft or gushing about old OCs that we both know will never truly reemerge in rps lmao.
Youre?? so sweet now, you used to be such a dick and im so Shook at how much youve changed and like, i loved u then but also i was Stupid but aw shit now ive fallen head over heels in pale for you (remember when you asked me to date you back in 2017?? fun fact i was watching a video about luigis di.ck size when you did and i almost lost my shit)
anyway i love u u piece of garbage
@ant1grav1ty​ (Re-met: 07/16/19) Oh SHIT its my Metal-obsessed asshole moirail! that i dont know the main blog of so i tagged ur aezthetic blog! anYWAY Im still pale for u after all this time like A Moron and i hope im doing better as a moirail this time around?? Anyway ur super fun to talk too and also?? kind of funny sometimes but like
words dont work! I have a hard time articulating my emotions and you know this (the dave kinnie jumped out) but YOURE GREAT AND I LOVE YOU!!! Haha what if i came to britain and Hugged you (or air-high-fived u if you didnt wanna be touched), haha just kidding.... unless
ANYWAY i love u
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I want to talk about what I am going to call “posting anxiety” which basically feels like second-hand anxiety. I am going to start off by saying that I am an abuse survivor of many kinds, and while I am thankfully not traumatized by such things I understand the importance of keeping things tagged so that everyone is comfortable. The main reason I do not smut on any of my blogs is that for the longest time I had a mutual that was so sex repulsed the slightest thing could give her a panic attack. I’ve now kept up that rule of mine just to make sure any other similar aces or minors won’t be bothered by, as well as tagging any posts with even the SLIGHTEST hint of abusive content as well as other things like blood, gore, and other dark mental themes. One would think that would be enough to keep things smoothed over right? WRONG, and that’s where I keep struggling and second guessing myself. I should not have to walk on eggshells to keep my partners happy, I should be able to openly state that I just don’t like this ship or headcanoning canon characters as trans without being labeled a transphobic or homophobic c**t. I sometimes ask people to tag their ship content because this ship or that ship bothers me to an extent because of toxic traits, but I will never grumble about those that purposely write dark toxic content, and even if someone is untagged that makes me squirm I’ll just be like “Heeey bro could you tag that next time?” and that is the end of the problem. I’ve even had sweet people give me their ship tags to blacklist without being asked because they know I don’t like those ships, and when I say those tags don’t work then they tag it special just for me. But this feels like a one way street. I have been blocked/softblocked just for LIKING a few posts that gave this or that person a panic attack and automatically assume that I’m a toxic person. Now here I am flipping through images and drafts worrying that if I dare to post them they could be seen to someone as just the slightest bit of suggestive non-concent and then I lose another mutual over it. Everyone’s mental illness is valid, and putting your mental health first is definitely important, but there comes a point where I just stare at people and wonder “why are you here?” If I have asthma and decide to go for a walk, only to take a step outside and see a bunch of people smoking in every direction then I’m just gonna nope and go back inside where it’s safe. Tumblr is no different because there is often “trash” everywhere you look, yet I feel like those of us that are desperately trying to keep everybody comfortable and being the best person we can be are also getting punished for it just because we MIGHT be trash for a couple of questionable posts. But of course, if I dare to update my rules saying I won’t rp with anyone that has extreme anxiety due to the handful of people of blocking and noping out instead of at least trying to have a gentle and mature conversation then I’M automatically the butthead. No matter what I can’t win. I’ve accepted this, but that doesn’t make it any better.
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Ok, so this is my first time posting any of my own work on Tumblr for other people to read.   its just one scene from a current WIP novel.     It’s still REALLY rough   i am just trying to get the first draft of the entire novel done  then i will go back and do massive editings for content, writing style  ect ect       but i wanted to be brave and put something out.  
Walking in the front door of the two story house I share with my bestie, her mother and her little sister, ok share is a strong word… walking into the front door of my best friend’s house that I am currently squatting in,  thats better, I starting calling out for Tori.     “She isn't home” I hear from the living room,  I drop my bag and my books by the front door and hop over the couch landing on the cushion next to Vivi, almost knocking the bowl of popcorn off her lap.   This obnoxiously smart 12 year old, wears her  blond hair in pig tails, to make her self look even younger, mostly to lure innocent bystanders into her web of deceitful cuteness in order gain sympathy or candy. I still haven't figured out if she is just working the angle she was born with, or if she is really an evil genius who brandishes her cuteness like a broadsword. Seriously it doesn't matter the situation, she can get whatever she likes from almost anyone, and if they wont give it to her right out, she will get it by any means necessary, she is ruthless and her petite frame and all around adorableness, makes people underestimate her intelligence.  Which is something that I don’t know if that makes me admire her more, or if I am a little afraid of her.  Probably both.   Defiantly both.  One time I saw her con a bunch of teenagers out of about $20 worth of pixie sticks. Do you know how many pixie sticks that is?  Hundreds.   Meh, mean at least she shared.  She, Tori and I went on a 3 day non-stop sugar induced movie marathon.  The eventual sugar crash was hard, but worth it. At least until we found out that she recorded Tori and I singing everysong in Grease, loudly and very badly while watching the movie.  She hasnt put that video on social media yet, she says she wont.  But I see her little evil mind saving it for it’s epic black mail potential. “Where is your wayward sister?”  I question stealing a handful of popcorn.   “She went for a run, something about overbearing life choices and blah blah blah,  I don't know, I tune her out when she starts talking about college and responsibilities and adulting.  I mean really I am 12  I don't want to hear about adulting, or choices that impact your whole life.  That shit is scary.” “You have no idea kid,  but watch the fucking language.”  I smirked at her. “Ok so what are we doing until she gets home?” “Well, I finished all my homework for the next few days,  really this stuff is too easy.  So I was thinking about begging you to order a pizza,breaking out the big puppy dog eyes if I need to” She looked up at me starting to make her eyes really big. “Pizza sounds good, put the puppy dog eyes away” laughing at her antics I grabbed the computer to place the order. “ and then can we maybe binge watch some netflix.  Since mom is away do you think we can watch that show with the one main character who has to be slutty or she starves… and has the awesome best friend with epic fashion sense?” “No, you are too young for that show” “But I am really old for my age, I mean you know I am already soo much smarter than anyone else my age, and most ages. So I should be able to handle more mature TV shows too.” Vivi started rambling, getting ready for a fight to watch this show. “Your humility is heart-warming really,but your mother would skin me alive.  And then who would order you pizza with pineapple on it, which by the way is gross.” “It is not, but fine..   Hot hunter bros it is then.” As I finish ordering the pies Vivi queues up the show on netflix and hands me a brush,  I start absent mindedly running it through her hair as we wait for our dinner.   My mind doesn't focus on the tv  it keeps running through the events at the parlor.  I need to know who those guys where.  What they know about my mother, I mean she died in childbirth, and left me alone with an alcoholic father. Or did she?  Maybe there are things I don't know.  My father never really talked about my mother while sober, but if he was drunk and feeling nostalgic, he would ramble about her.  I could sometimes make out some of what he said in between sobs and hiccups before he passed out.    He would call her his angel and how she radiated this beautiful light.   I always thought that maybe her death is what drove my father mad and it was my fault she died.  What if there is more to the story? Maybe she was also in whatever this mafia or gang thing is that Cole is tied up in.  I should of questioned Cole before I left. I should of made her tell me what was going on, and how my mother was involved. Instead I ran. Why do I always run before thinking?   About 20 minutes into the first episode I notice that it is starting to get dark out, and Tori still hasnt gotten home.  I know she drives to well lite parks to run and she tries to stay safe, but I will always worry about her.  She watches the news and knows what can happen, so I know she is practical.  But she has never had to face any violence. She has never had to fend off an attacker, and she doesn't always realize that being practical and trying to be safe, doesn't really  mean she is safe.  And the pizza will be here in another 20 and I have seen that girl eat.  It’s scary.    Just as I am about to call her to check her ETA my phone starts to vibrate Tori’s name popping up on the screen. “Oh my god, why don't people just text, seriously who uses their phone to call anyone anymore.  Don't they know they are interrupting my viewing pleasure. How rude!” Vivi grumbles, as she turn the volume on the TV up a few more notches.  I can feel the annoyance radiating off of the small blond, so I grab my phone and take it into the kitchen to answer it. “Hey Tori, are you on your way home?  I ordered pizza. The small blond and I have started the demon-hunting without you.” I say into the phone. “Really, one would think having the pizza first would help with the demon hunting.  I mean you could use the pizza as a very effective bate to lure a poor unsuspecting demon into your trap before you spring and attack him with your no doubt alluring feminine wiles.  Now is there a sign up list for demons to volunteer or do I just have to wait for you to find me?” A smooth deep and very male voice spoke over the line. “Who the fuck is this, and why do you have my friends phone.” I could feel the rage in my voice masking over the fear. “Whoa chicka calm down. My name is Murmur.  Your friend was in a little car accident, she is fine, but she is staying here tonight with us” I could just hear the smug smile in this assholes voice.  That just fueled my rage.  Take a deep breath I try to keep my voice calm and quiet, I dont want to worry the small blond before I have to. “Oh, I am sorry, are you a medical professional calling from the hospital to inform me to come pick up my friend?” I ask, my tone dripping with sarcasm.  “No? Well then maybe you should give the phone to my friend so she can tell me where to come pick her up. And I swear to god if a single hair on her head is even slightly out of place I will own your ass. Do I make myself clear you arrogant douche nozzel. Now hand her the phone!”   Seriously I know life is a bitch, but today it is having puppies. This shit is ridiculous. “Douche nozzel,  you know if I had feelings they might almost be hurt.  I mean I am trying to do the stand up thing here.  I helped rescue a damsel in distress, putting a smudge in my perfectly shiny white knight armor in the process I might add, and then I call her friend so no one worries about her.  And this is the thanks I get?  Harsh.” Under normal circumstances, I would find his banter amusing  if not even a little charming.  Today is not a normal circumstance.  In fact today, all his witty banter has done is insure that any regret I may of felt about being a tad harsh is just gone. “Give Tori the phone” I growl. “No can do, cupcake. She is being seen by our Medic at the moment, and she is kinda out cold.  But I am being assured she is fine and I will have her call you when she is awake.    Tootles!”   The line went dead, oh   hell to the no.  Om Sarah  breath, inhale, exhale repeat as necessary. Once I am sure I am at least sort of in control of my rage, I calmly grab the phone, and call Tori’s cell.   Ok I will be civil, collected, calm and I dare say courteous, so I can find out what happened, where my friend is and get her home.   “Aw, sweetheart did you miss me already? Really its cute but its getting a little embarrassing.” The condescending male voice answers “WHO ARE YOU, AND WHERE IS TORI” Well, so much for calm and collected. “I told you, princess.  My name is Murmur, and your friend is fine. I will personally make sure she calls you as soon as possible. And since you have no idea where I am, or she is for that matter, and I have disabled the GPS on her phone, you are just going to have to take my word for it. And although I am sure you do a very sexy impersonation of a fire breathing dragon and are so ready to storm the castle to retrieve your wayward friend here, you wouldn't know what castle to storm. So you are just SOL.  Sorry Xena, no warrior princess impressions for you today, so put away the circle blade and have a seat, someone will contact you shortly.” Then the line went dead Calmly setting down my phone, so I dont throw it against a wall.  I take a few deep breaths to try and get my anger under control.  Breath in breath out  Breath in, breath out.   I start to repeat my mantra, “sun is warm grass is green, sun is warm grass is green….  Fuck this  sun is hot grass is fucking dead.”   Time to get some help and get shit taken care of,  heading back into the living room, I wonder how ethical my favorite small blond is. “Hey, Vivi..  If someone where to turn off the GPS in a cell phone,say Tori’s for example, could you still tell me where it is, or where it was when it was last turned on?”   Vivi turned towards me and raised an raising an eyebrow considered my question. “Could I?  Yes, I am all knowing and my powers of intellect are indeed beyond measure,  will I?   Well, its unethical, an invasion of privacy and illegal, so it depends on why and what I get out of it.” “I’ll learn how to play D&D and I will play for at least 2 hours once a month.” I offer knowing how badly she wants to play on a table top and not just with her friends on line. “3 hours twice a week, Tori plays too AND I get to watch the that show with the slutty not a demon chick” she countered. “No, I would let you watch it but your mom would kill me.  THen resurrect me just to off me again.   But I will agree to 2 hours once a week with me and Tori, and I will take you to buy more figurines.” “Fine, no show. But 3 hours once a week and one weekend a month where we play a long mission, I mean an all nighter with junk food and a lot of caffeine.” “You mean you want to take one netflix binge night and turn it into a D&D night?” “Yes” She nods “Done”  We shake on it and she grabs her laptop.  “So how long will this take you and your mad hacking skills” “I will have a location before the pizza gets here, and the delivery guy just pulled up.”  THe door bell rings and I go to answer the door. Once I am walking back to the living room with the boxes and a roll of paper towels to use as plates, Vivi already has the laptop open and sitting on the table. “She was at fountain head park running in circles, like a crazy person,  seriously who runs around a park In Arizona in the summer.  A small man made lake does not an oasis make.  Still hot, still crazy.  Anyway, then she left, or at least her cell phone did and the GPS was turned off in downtown phoenix. Right off central ave, in a really nice area. Looks like its right by those newish condos  the ones that look like a massive castle. She probably met some hot rich guy and is off making poor life choices.” “You hacked into the GPS on Tori’s phone and got all of that in two minutes?” I am just stunned.   “Ok first off its not like you asked me to hack the pentagon and get nuclear codes, honestly.   But no, I didn’t hack anything, mom has us all on a family plan for our phones, and she has some parental control thingys, so I just logged in and looked at the GPS logs,  then I used that with google maps and bam  info.  Common sense, really isn’t a super power ya know.”  She grabbed the pizza boxes from me and grabbed her first slice of pineapple pizza and started picking all the pineapple off. “I also went ahead and checked her car’s GPS and emergency system thing. It was also at the park,  but it logged a minor accident.  The incident report says it was a minor accident no injuries, and only a little cosmetic damage to the car itself. It said owner verbally confirmed no injury and that they had someone who would take the car to get it repaired.  It also noted police were not called, and that insurance would not be used because the other party was at fault and is paying for the damages out of pocket.  Since the report said owner verbally confirmed I am not overly worried.  Tori, isnt dumb and she is a big girl she can take care of herself.” I am not worried.”   I hate to admit it, but I think she is right.  I did get a call saying she was alright, and as long as I get another call in a few hours I shouldn't start panicking. She probably did find some hot guy and is making poor life choices. It isnt something she does often but it has been known to happen. Plus, she has been super stressed lately  maybe it will do her some good. “Fine, if you are soo smart tell me why, for the love of god, you make me order pineapple pizza and then pick all the pineapple off?” “Because I don't like to eat the pineapple, I just want a little pineapple flavor, like pineapple essence pizza, now can we get back to supernatural?  Or would you like me to get you the D&D guide, I play the 5th edition.”  As we settle on the couch ready to watch a few more episodes and eat our cheesy greasy dinner of awesome, I cant help but to think about Tori and where she is and if she is ok. Most of what Vivi told me matches the story that guy with the weird name said, but its just not really clicking me for me.  When I pick up my phone I see a text from a number I dont know. Unknown: Hey warrior princess, I figured you might be a little pissed off with our previous conversation, so I figured I would shoot you a message to assure you, again, that your friend is ok.  I would really hate for you to tail spin into an evil plot to hunt me down and murder me. And if I am being completely honest,  your cute little threats are pretty sexy, so I was hopeing for a few more of those to hold me over for the night. My god the nerve of this guy. Who the fuck talks like this? Sarah: OMG Douche nozzle,  you are disgusting.  But why would a text from an unknown number make me feel better about you kidnapping my friend? Unknown: Again  the name is Murmur,  not douche nozzle, but I will answer to mother fucker.  And here, for your piece of mind and spank bank.   I cant help a quick laugh as a picture comes through on my phone of a very attractive man who is doing the worse duck lips face I have ever seen in true selfie tradition. Sarah: And what exactly is that picture suppose to prove?  How do I even know that is you.  You probably googled selfie and just downloaded the pic of the first almost attractive person you saw. Unknown: that is a pic of me I just took  #nofilter   and what do you mean ALMOST attractive.  I will have you know I am considered adorable by some, pretty     by most and 100% fuck-able by all.   But I sent the pic so if your friend isnt home by tomorrow morning, you know what to look for when you start hunting me down for the maiming. Sarah: I still dont believe its you, you could be starting me on a quest to go hurt some innocent little European model while you are at home, in your moms basement eating nachos and playing World of Warcraft after selling my friend into slavery. Unknown: Ok dollface, what will it take for you to believe that is me.   And dont think for a second that I didn't notice you said I looked like a European model,  seriously I am blushing over here. Sarah:  send me a pic with a fork balancing on your nose. Unknown:  … uh  ok   give me a min.  I actually have to get up and find a fork. A few moments go by and my phone chimes with another message.  Its a picture of the same man balancing a fork on his nose. I stifle the a laugh and the true ridiculousness of this pic, and I save it to my phone and create a contact for this guy.  I need to save his number so I can make sure he gets Tori home. Kidnappy douche nozzle:  Believe me now sweetness? Sarah: Well that could be anyone with a fork on their nose Kidnappy douche nozzle:  Really, Really?  Riddle me this batgirl why would anyone take that pic, except in this specific situation.   Sarah:  Fine,  so the pic is you.  But that doesnt mean you have my friend and she is safe or that you are bringing her home. Kidnappy douche nozzle:  Well I would take a pic of your friend for you, but she is in my friends bed, and from what I have been told  taking pictures of women in bed without their knowelege is frowned upon.   Its just past the level of creepy I am willing to go to,  even for  a feisty thing like you.   Now it only seems fair that since I sent you 2 pics you send me atleast one  ;) Sarah: Life isnt fair, I am not sending you anything.   But you will return my friend in the morning or all hell will break loose and I will kill not only you     but everything you have ever even liked. Kidnappy douche nozzle: I will keep you updated on whats going on and when she is headed back home. Sarah:  then you may yet survive this. Kidnappy douche nozzle: now kitten, dont make promises you arnt willing to keep.
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haikyuutext · 6 years
haikyuutext’s fanfic rec (hq!! only)
structured as: 
ship. word count. rating.
italicized fics are my favorites!
Conquering the Great King
iwaoi. 105k words. explicit.
Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
Arrest me Officer
iwaoi. 122k words. general audiences.
‘Perhaps getting mugged at two in the morning isn’t such a bad idea’ Oikawa thinks as he eyes the world’s hottest policeman settled in the seat across from him.
In which Oikawa is a news reporter head over heels for a commanding police officer.
NOTE: This is fic is mainly Oikawa/Iwaizumi - There are also other side pairings (look in tags)
to be first, to be best
iwaoi. 26k words. teen.
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
new phone who dis
iwaoi. 57k words. teen.
Oikawa texts the wrong number when complaining about Ushijima, and then keeps texting Iwaizumi.
Trial by Fire
iwaoi. 76k words. explicit.
Iwaizumi is a young, bright-eyed criminal prosecutor fresh out of law school. After half a year of trying misdemeanor cases and learning the art of argument through his mentor, Ushijima Wakatoshi, he finally gets his first felony case: a murder of an affluent CEO by his son, Daishou Suguru.
But when he meets Daishou’s defense attorney, a talented and extremely successful lawyer by the name of Oikawa Tooru, he finds himself wavering in his ability to prosecute the case. Especially when Oikawa looks like that fucking good in his pressed suit and tie.
(lawyer!AU - in which Iwaizumi loves his objections, Oikawa is beautiful, and they have more chemistry than two opposing attorneys probably should.)
I honestly didn’t expect this story to pop off as much as it did.
I like the way your clothes smell
kagehina. 75k words. explicit.
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper
kagehina. 30k words. teen.
Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
Come and get lost with us
kagehina-centric. 150k words. mature.
Kageyama is a thief, betrayed after his last raid, and left to die alone in the forest.
Hinata is the one to find him, determined to save his life and nurse him back to health.
In a forest that is growing more dangerous by the day, tension is running high, and neither of them can anticipate the impact they'll have on each others life.
There are good fics, and then there’s Come and get lost with us.
gold star, ash sky
kagehina-centric. 147k words (INCOMPLETE). mature.
Hinata Shouyou dreams of becoming a samurai, but there's a problem: he can't kill a dragon.
You’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly
daisuga. 25k words. general audiences.
“Oh. You're. Not Asahi.” Calmed down enough that he can speak again, Daichi takes a deep breath, his smile settling on his face easily and wide. “Not as far as I know, no.”
Suga accidentally calls a stranger instead of his best friend, tells him all about his burned batch of cookies before realising, and that particular mistake might turn out the best one he ever made.
The Stars in Summer
daisuga. 36k words. mature.
‘ “We’ll take you to our favorite ice cream shop,” Daichi tells Suga. “It’s not fancy, but it’s really good.”
Suga waves a hand over himself, his soft, frayed shorts, and plain white t-shirt. “I was really hoping for fancy, Daichi, so I don’t know if this is going to work out.”
Daichi laughs, that warm rumble that starts in his belly, and Suga thanks all of his lucky stars that he’s walking through this nothing town right now, with this boy who is definitely something.’
butterfly in the subway
daisuga-centric. 62k words. teen.
Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate.
It’s a You’ve Got Mail AU. Can you hear my crusty ass screaming?
cool kids don’t wear skinny jeans
daisuga. 31k words. teen.
'He was supposed to ask Suga for his number or ask if he was busy next Friday night and if he was interested in seeing a movie or something. Instead, he said in a slightly cracking and not at all calm voice, “I think I lost my kids.”'
that fic where babysitter no. 1 Daichi loses three kids in the city, gets into a bunch of shenanigans, and tries to ask Suga on a date.
Rough Draft
kuroken. 16k words. teen.
Kozume Kenma's a novelist tasked to write a romance into his action-adventure stories in order to attract more readers, something he has no idea how to do. At a loss, he recruits his attractive next-door neighbor Kuroo Tetsurou to assist him in experiencing what a relationship feels like.
He should have anticipated the way things grow more complicated.
How Kuroo Found Kenma
kuroken. 37k words. explicit.
"Oh my God," Kuroo said, eyes growing wide. He slowly turned to fully face Oikawa, "I'm in love with Kenma."
Oikawa brought his tea to his mouth. "Yeah," he said, smiling through the steam rising in front of his face, "I know."
This is actually a spin-off from Conquering the Great King, but you don't need to have read that beforehand to enjoy this.
Liked, Commented and Subscribed
kuroken. 45k words. teen.
" 'Hey, Bokuto?' Kuroo interrupted his friend. They were both sitting on his couch, Bokuto telling some silly story that happened the previous weekend and Kuroo reading the comments on his latest video. He was quite happy with how it turned out – a lot of people seemed to enjoy it and he even saw a few memes on tumblr titled ‘The actual signs as Kuroo’s signs’. There was only one thing bothering him. 'Yeah, bro?' Bokuto answered, a little annoyed for having his great story be interrupted. 'Do you know who Kozume Kenma is?' " -- Everyone is a youtuber and tumblr ships KuroKen. A lot.
Never Fly on One Wing
bokuaka. 23k words. explicit.
'This was not what Koutarou had planned out for his evening. Yet here he was, sweating, scratches on his arm, and a shaking cardboard box in his lap.'
In which Bokuto rescues an owl.
tea-stained polaroids
bokuaka. 5k words. general audiences.
“I'm gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
Come Downstairs
bokuaka. 50k words. teen.
Akaashi Keiji is pretty certain that he’s got love figured out. Or at least, he’s figured out that love isn’t for him. It isn't until his new downstairs neighbor moves in that he realizes even intelligent people make mistakes in their calculations.
Iron Curtain
kurotsukki / bokuaka. 4k words. mature.
Desperate times, Tsukishima thinks, call for vicious measures.
(Kuroo and Bokuto are, predictably, impossible to live with; Akaashi and Tsukishima hatch a plot. Nothing goes as planned.)
This one’s too fucking hilarious not to add to the list.
Mannequin Men
bokuakakurotsukki. 76k words. mature.
The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
I remembered liking it the first time around and the second time was even better.
national hot dad alliance is not calling...
not ship-centric. 58k words. teen.
Sawamura Daichi: What the fuck.
(Or, the captains' squad interactions that definitely happen outside of canon, presented in Skype chat form.)
I think that’s all for now! I might make a second list later with more stories I fall in love with, so stay tuned! I didn’t include everything that I love for the sake of space and variety, but let me know if you’d like more recs.
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franeridart · 6 years
Happy 1000th post to one off my absolute favorite artists on Tumblr!
This is it!!! The 1k post on this blog!!! It’s me finally getting my ass into gear and answering the asks in my inbox!!! As good charm in hope of not waiting so long from now on hahaha thank you so so much, by the way!!!! :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERY KIND WORD AND ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TODOROKI ONES HOLY SMOKES!!! I don’t draw him much sadly but he’s super fun and comfortable to draw for me, it’s nice to know he also comes out well!!!
Anon said:So like,,, I really miss your bokuroo ;^; Will you ever post with them again???
I haven’t taken a vow that forces me to never draw them again, so, possibly! At the moment posting for the haikyuu fandom is giving me more sad feelings than anything else though, so I can’t promise that’s gonna be any time soon, I’m sorry 
Anon said:bruhh i listened to that chiodos song under ur halo, and that one by memphis may fire that was w that bakugo art that was called not enough and uhhhhh ur music taste is dope care to share some more songs?
SURE I’m glad you liked those! Everything by Memphis is A+ and I love it so if you haven’t you should check out more stuff by them ( No Ordinary Love is super nice, That’s Just Life is very dear to me and so is Divinity, Speechless is… my otp song for every otp ever tbh) -  Bring Me The Horizon is my fav post-hardcore band and both MMF and Chiodos are that genre so if you don’t know them give them a try! (Blasphemy, Run and Doomed are between my faves out of the latest album, and since you liked Under Your Halo you’re probably gonna like Follow You too) the album right before is amazing too if you’re okay with less melodic stuff, but the further back you go with BMtH the harder to listen to they get, just a heads up - Sleeping With Sirens are on the softer side of post-hardcore lately, Fly, Left Alone, Trouble, Fire and Empire To Ashes are some great ones, between the many, and, uhhhh, at this point I might have recced Nothing More a hundred times but let’s make it a hundred and one, try Funny Little Creatures, Do You Really Want It and Go To War out of the newest album! If you’re into punk and female voices you should check out Tonight Alive too, Jenna has one of my two fav female voices in rock right now (Crack My Heart and Temple are the latest two songs out!) and since I always rec stuff but I never rec anything by my favorite band ever, you ever heard of Alter Bridge? They’re more towards hard-rock/alternative metal, but check out Blackbird, Fortress, I Know It Hurts, Cradle To The Grave and Broken Wings just to make it one for every album I really, really adore this band and everything they ever made
Anon said:I adore all of your art, especially your bnha art!!! I had so many of your drawings saved to my drafts before I read the manga and was really looking forward to catching up so I could look at them all!! They’re all fantastic
AHHH THANK YOU!!! This made me smile lots, I’m so glad you like them!!!
Anon said:What’s coming up? Fluffy, dorky or angsty? (I’m talking about your next work XD just to be sure) Have a great day my friend!
LMAO this was about this one right? I’m sort of a fool honestly cause as I drew it it… didn’t feel actually all that angsty to me? I mean, obviously it doesn’t come after anything happy, but they’re working things out! Making an effort! Loving each other enough to try and understand each other better!! I drew it as something positive but in hindsight I should have expected the reactions lmao so I honestly dunno, I feel like telling you it’s most probably gonna be something happy but as it seems I angst without even realizing, lately #rip
@not-enough-kaneki​ said:Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
!!!!! my cats!!!! tea and coffee!!! Bakugou and Kirishima and Bakugou-and-Kirishima and the squad!!!! not having an headache!!!!!! the sound of ocean waves and the sun on winter days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new music I like!!!!!! nice asks and lovely tags under my art!!!! that’s more than five things but a lot of stuff makes me happy tbh !!!
Anon said:one of my favorite parts (i love every bit of it) of the holiday pic you drew of the squad, is they each have their own personal mug. 10/10
I didn’t think you’d be able to notice Mina’s!!! I’m glad it was visible, I thought I had made it disappear into the background hahaha thank you!!!
Anon said:i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and, honestly, gay (also ur art is soooo good and pure and thank u so much for all the content u make for bnha 💖💖)
It is very gay, isn’t it? The other day I was going through my old stuff and I think I might have slowly turned them mushier oh my hahaha I’m glad you like my stuff, by the way!! Thank you so so so so much!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for sharing the beautiful Bakusquad Christmas! It’s very colorful and warm & it gives me such a comforting feeling! I love looking at all the details! Kami & Sero’s ribbons, everyone’s mugs, the decorations, all so cute! Especially Mina’s bulletin board with the photos, charms of the boys, & the little alien dude (?) Each time I look at it, I see other cute details!! Sorry to bother you, but thanks again for sharing your art with us! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
It’s not a bother at all!!! Thank you so so much for looking at it long enough to notice all those details!!!!
Anon said:You are so good at giving advice omg
I wouldn’t say I’m especially good at it, I just say what was useful to me lol but thank you! It’s a nice thing to be told
Anon said:Dude, your bakusquad drawings are awesome! Keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad you like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The new chapter made me think about Bakugou dealing with his squad as babies all over again. Toddlers would probably be worse.
Depends?? Actually??? Like, at least toddlers aren’t gonna steal his gauntlets and tell him he’s lame and punch him just for the hell of it and be a bunch of smartasses and assholes like. Compared to this bunch of baby-Bakugous he has to deal with in the new arc maybe the squad as toddlers would actually be refreshing lol
Anon said:Um I have a very real crush on ila? Can we please know more about her??
I’m ??? so happy you like her!!!!! I don’t wanna say too much about her cause until I draw her in comics I won’t be too sure about who she really is, but she’s!! a pianist, very tall and sorta insecure about her physical appearance, very soft spoken, incredibly gay, scared of sensory deprivation of any kind. Her full name is Ilaria! Dav calls her Aria, which means air in Italian~ they’re pretty good friends, I have a comic about that I’ve been meaning to draw…
Anon said:So, you like KiriBaku with songs, so what do you think of You Had Me At Hello by A Day to Remember? Particularly the lines, “What have I gotten into this time around, I know that I had sworn I’d never trust anyone again, but I didn’t have to. You had me at hello. I’ve never seen a smile that can light a room like yours, it’s simply radiant, I feel more with every day that goes by.”
s o f t…………. ;; also incredibly fitting considering Bakugou decided Kirishima was his new favorite hero the second time he spoke to him, like, god bless I love those two s o m u ch this one I’m listening to it right now and having feelings (is it Baku to Kiri? Kiri to Baku? why not both for double the feels)
Anon said:Hey Fran!! Have you been keeping up with haikyuu? If so what do you think about the Miya twins? (Personally I think they’re pretty okay, they’re funny when they interact with each other. My favorite of the two is Osamu haha)
I don’t mind them! My fav out of Inari is Kita tho, have to admit - that said I have… sort of been ready for this game to be over for months, now………………
Anon said:Okay but imagine….. Kirishima with freckles
I’ve drawn that, now and again!!! the latest one was this one, and another one I remember is this one :D I’ve been liking the idea of him with freckles even more since it’s become official his hair isn’t naturally red? So now and again I add them in, even though they’re usually not much noticeable haha I do so with Bakugou too from time to time, actually… and the rest of the squad… I just… love freckles a lot… haha
Anon said:Love the squad, love the squad kisses.
HECK YES the goal is to draw at least one smooch for every couple sooner or later !!!
Anon said:I hadn’t even realize that I stuck around for a whole year OwO, anyways, congratulations! Your art style has improved much more than you think, especially since you’ve gotten more into coloring ^o^ I noticed that you’ve also been doing more complicated poses too, so, it’s the little stuff that counts ♥️👍 Hope to see more spontaneous art next year, love you Fran!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I love you lots too??? honestly??? This ask means the whole world to me, I really can’t see much improvement after all but knowing you can DOES help a whole damn lot
Anon said:So I came across this fanfic where Uraraka and Todoroki were a thing. I’m personally not a fan of this rare pair, but the whole scenario was the cutest thing ever. Todoroki basically asks Uraraka to help him confess to Midoriya, but in the process falls in love with her instead.
Awwww that sounds cute! Can’t say I have any particular feelings about the ship, but I am up for Todoroki with nearly anyone so why not!
Anon said:Bro bro bro I’m sorry if this is the wrong channel to go through or something but holy shit I just spent hours going through your entire tumblr and your. Art. And. Concepts. I… can’t??? DUDE YOU’RE AMAZING AND YOUR TATTOO AU!! I?? Just thank you so much for all the awesome work you do honestly made my entire fuckin week with your blog, you are WICKED GOOD AND FUNNY AF. That’s all I got go on with your day you talented ass fiend
I’M CRYING!!! OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!!!!! I’m gonna pick this ask and frame it right on top of my desk!! The heck!!!!!!
Anon said:Why is Bakugou such a fuckin meme
The real question is why is everyone in class 1A a meme. How do they even keep up. How much of the shit they say on a day to day basis is actually just catchphrases from other 1A kids repeated over and over again. How much of the deadpan ridiculous shit Todoroki says has become an inside-joke. How many 1A kids move and talk like Iida just for the hell of it. How often do they yell DIE at inanimate stuff when it pisses them off. How much stuff is defined as manly even though it has nothing to do with manliness. Do they say “going wheey” instead of “frying one’s brain”. Can anyone outside of 1A even understand them when they speak at this point.
Anon said:You are amazing human bean and I love you 💖 Keep being great ✨👏
Thank you??? ;O; I’ll do my best!!!
Anon said:Just annonly passing by to tell you I F'ing love your take on Ashido And the Kids XD … Way to much fluff And laugh for my heart
THANK YOU!!! I’m happy I can make you laugh!!!! :D :D :D
Anon said:I love you god bless you and your art! THANK YOU!
Anon said:Hi! I absolutely /adore/ your BakuKiriKami art! I was wondering if you had any headcanons about them/what inspires you to draw them?
More than headcanons for them I have an incredible amount of scenarios I’d like to see them in! And when they’re compact, complete things I usually draw them, which is what inspires me really haha that, and seeing them interact in the manga! Lately I’ve been really drawn to Bakugou and Kaminari’s friendship, actually, so the romantic stuff has fallen in the background while my mind is preoccupied with thinking about them as platonic good pals ahhhhhhh as soon as I’ll work through it I’ll probably get back to drawing them as romantics, that’s just how my mind works lol
Anon said:I love the casual clothes you design for MHA characters! And I really enjoy reading your headcanons-always creative and fun! Is there anything you’d add to anyone’s hero costumes in class 1-A (something that might prove useful/practical for them, or something you’d add just for the heck of it)? Sorry if this is a stupid question or if you’ve answered a similar question before. Thanks for your time!
It’s not a stupid question, don’t worry!! But I generally like to leave myself in Horikoshi’s hands for this sort of stuff, since I both enjoy the costumes as they are AND don’t want to be disappointed in case what I hope for doesn’t actually happen - that said, I’ve mentioned before that I’d really like Aoyama to get redirectors for his laser on his palms and for Kaminari to get a close combat weapon, since with the quirk he has anything metal would actually work wonders for him! He mentioned a sword, but I rest my case that tonfas would be cool, I really want him to use tonfas. A “costume” I don’t understand is Hagakure’s, by the way - would be nice if she got an actual costume and also I don’t really get why she’d wear gloves at all?? Mirio’s costume was made using his hair, I really want her to get something similar! That’s about it tho, I haven’t really thought much about anyone else in that sense~ 
Anon said:Hello! A few weeks ago I asked about the bracelets you drew for Baku & Kiri. (That art is so beautiful!!) I was wondering if there’s a story behind them; such as, did one of them buy the pair, or did they pick them out together? I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question and if I’m bothering you.
THIS ASK I had lost it, thank you so much for sending it my way again! Actually, Kirishima bought it for himself and Bakugou - I mean to draw a small thing for it, be patient with me while I try to get my ass into gear for it ;O;
Anon said:It’s been a while since you’ve done any BakuKiriKami, do you still like that ship?
I do - as I said a few answers above this one, I’m just finding myself weirdly invested in a platonic relationship between Bakugou and Kaminari at the moment, and also Bakushima stole my focus and soul, but I do still like the ship a whole damn lot, definitely still my fav ot3 in the manga~
Anon said:I love your drawings so much, they always make my day seeing them. But I gotta say that kiri with his hair down is my weakness. He just looks so pure, the cuteness factor goes through the roof.
Thank you???? The Kiri thing is true for canon Kiri too, I’m glad I can bring it in my art!!! Mostly cause when I draw him with his hair down I’m never really sure what the hell I’m doing, I’ll be honest with you lmao
Anon said:hello, holy fUCKin shit how are you this damn good at drawing? like, fuck? thank you, bless you, have a nice day
THANK YOU! And all I do is draw, really lmao I wouldn’t say I’m all that good, definitely not anywhere near the artists I admire, but since all I can do is draw as long as I keep doing that I guess I’ll get there, sooner or later hahaha
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