yakkitylylac · 8 months
hash tag writer struggles be like
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laurapetrie · 10 months
She felt she was made for jewels and dresses alone. She wanted so much to charm, to be envied, to be desired and sought after.
Guy de Maupassant, "The Necklace" (1884)
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brawlite · 2 months
i can't explain it but sometimes you can just look at a fic with a 15 word description, less than 10 extraneous tags, for a fandom & pairing you know literally nothing about, and go: "ok, yeah, i'm going to enjoy that one" and you're RIGHT. the vibe check is vital.
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samanthamulder · 9 months
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DAY 6: favourite monsters of the week
credit: concept insp. - layout insp. - paper - paper clip
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turtlecleric · 5 months
Your Donnie art has me in a chokehold I hope this is okay to tag you in
He's smiling. This fucker is smiling, casually leaning back in his chair while he watches you pant and tremble. You're going to make him pay for this later. Y'know, when you can think straight again. When you're not losing your goddamn mind.
"What's five times seven?"
"Incapable of speech already? Come on, I know you can do this. What's five times seven?" His thumb brushes teasingly across the buttons of the remote. The sight makes you whimper, and his smile ticks into a smirk. "I asked you a question, Dove."
When you still don't answer, he tsks. His thumb presses down and the vibrations intensify, making you gasp and jerk involuntarily against the ropes.
He lets out a pleased hum, and the vibration lessens to something more bearable. You see him reach over and pick up his pen, writing something in the notebook that rests on his desk. Then his eyes find yours again.
God. That smirk. You're going to-
"Spell 'world' backwards."
You'll finish that thought later. Right now, you really need to focus.
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raycatz · 15 days
hey hey hey guess what! I was hospitalized around this time in May in 2014 for anorexia nervosa. I spent two weeks in the hospital and then three weeks in an inpatient program. I struggled with anorexia through high school and college and returned to restrictive eating multiple times. Food for the longest time wasn't safe. It's something I thought about day in and day out and it brought me a huge amount of anxiety and distress.
It's been a decade since I was hospitalized. I've come a long way since then and I'm proud to say that food isn't something I'm afraid of anymore. For four years now I haven't restricted or done any of my anorexic habits. There are still things that trigger that ED feeling, and I think there always will be, but I haven't felt the need to listen to it. I eat what I want, when I want, without any guilt or fear. This is something that would have been unimaginable to 2014 me. I've come so far. I'm so relived to be able to find joy in food again. I'm really proud!
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sinnbaddie · 2 years
People love to say Jason is “Dick with anger issues” like Dick isn’t literally “Dick with anger issues” himself
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b0bthebuilder35 · 24 days
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lyculuscaelus · 3 months
Ody Does Math
“Good morning, teacher.” sang the kids, faces radiating vitality.
Indeed, it was a good morning. You can hear the larks chanting in the forest, oak leaves whispering secrets of the wind, and see the open fields bathing in the blazing sunlight casted by Lord Helios. Every bit of this scenery was calling for your attention.
But now is not the right time for that. Commented Athena, in her mind. Now is the time for their math class, and none of them can escape this fact.
So she simply nodded to their greeting. So far so good. She gave a quick glance around the classroom. Odysseus, her favorite student, seemed rather eager for the class. He’s doing good as always, Athena thought. Eurylochus, on the other hand, seemed quite unsettled. Curious. Is it because of his homework? Athena wondered. And as she set her eyes on the next student, she called:
“What are you doing there, Mr. Polites?”
She could see his panic alright. But soon as Polites reclaimed himself she heard him say: “Sorry, Ms. Athena. I was just trying to pack this bag real quick.”
“What for?”
“Er, Ms. Athena…I don’t suppose this is the right place to say—”
“What for, Mr. Polites?”
He sighed. “It’s for a friend of mine, really. Today’s his birthday.”
As he finished, Athena caught a glimpse of the mild blush on Odysseus’s face. It wasn’t hard to figure out what exactly was happening here, but she merely said:
“Well, in that case, I might as well congratulate this friend of yours with a ‘happy birthday’. Hope he gets to be a valiant warrior, a warrior of the mind. And yes, you may sit down, Mr. Polites.”
As everybody settled on their seats, Athena quickly chalked a line of Greek on the blackboard. It reads: ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΙΚΑ (Elements of Geometry). As soon as she finished, she said:
“Welcome to today’s math class, everyone. We’ll begin with a discussion on a simple problem in your textbook. Now, please turn to page 43, and evaluate the problem quickly. I’ll ask for your ideas in a few minutes.”
It’s not hard. Thought Odysseus. Just some simple geometry. You draw a perpendicular BC at point B with half the length of AB, and…
“Mr. Eurylochus, if you may?”
Eurylochus’s hesitation was all written on his face. And his silence was loud enough to speak for his cluelessness. I should help him. However, it’s not my turn. Thought Odysseus.
Athena apparently noticed something. “Mr. Odysseus, if you may?”
“Yes ma’am. You need to draw a perpendicular BC…now we have an auxiliary right triangle ABC, right? Draw an arc with center C and radius BC intersecting the hypotenuse at a point D. Then draw an arc with center A and radius AD intersecting AB at a point, say E. Now E should be the golden ratio point.”
“Good job. Now prove it.”
”Prove it?” now it was Odysseus’s turn to hesitate, but he hoped that he didn’t show it. However, Athena was quick to pick up something…else. “Well,” he started, “all I gotta do is…huh, what’s this bag for?”
A look at Polites was sufficient to explain everything.
“Mr. Polites! You seem quite eager to hand the present out, I see. Why don’t you give Mr. Odysseus a hand, by proving this point E to be the golden ratio point as he claims?”
Polites was eager, alright. He stood up swiftly, and said, “May I have a chalk, Ms. Athena?” After a moment Polites finished the proof on the chalkboard, saving the day. Then Athena complimented both Polites and Odysseus, and the class moved on.
But Eurylochus was uncomfortable with the compliment that Odysseus had received. Geometry is his strong point alright, thought Eurylochus, but let’s just wait till we get to arithmetics.
And soon they got to arithmetics. But there were only 10 minutes left for the class. So Athena decided to give a little quiz.
“I have a challenge, a test of skills.” said Athena, “the problem is, are you all ready for it?”
All nods. Ok. “Then let us begin by introducing a geographic fact. This is Troy, 600 miles away from us if you travel by sea. Now suppose that a ship travels at a speed of 5.755 miles per hour without the wind, and it is heading from Troy to Ithaca in full speed, and when it is 2.8 miles away from Ithaca it takes a turn to Temesa, sailing through 290 miles in total, and from there to Aeaea 158 miles away. Suppose the ship sails in a uniform speed, without any wind. How long does it take in total?”
Odysseus could see their expressions clearly. He could see Eurylochus busy doing the calculations, which wasn’t a surprise at all since he was so good at it. I could use a good right-hand man like him. Odysseus thought. And let’s see how Polites is doing. He seems to be struggling with it, which is not a good sign…
But what are you doing, Odysseus?
He had no idea. To be honest he haven’t even figured out how a decimal point works, but he’ll do it anyway, after all he’s a warrior of the mind! What do those miles add up to? 420? 420 divided by 5.755 is…730, right? Wait that 730 looks so familiar…isn’t that twice as long as 365 days? My goddess, that’s a really long time!
“Mr. Odysseus, what’s your answer?” From afar, he could hear Athena calling to him. But this time, there is no more hesitation. He had found his confidence. He knew his result to be true, though somehow he doubted the validity. But he’s gonna answer it anyway, knowing that had it been wrong, the fault was not his at all, but Athena’s. She provided the data, didn’t she? So nothing can go wrong. Just you chill, just you stand, just you answer.
”Ma’am…it’s two long years.”
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stormbow · 1 month
it's legit so funny watching all the hardcore rule-loving bros on instagram shit their pants just because they were 'forced' to watch someone else dm in the main campaign. cry about it. aabria iyengar be upon ye.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 month
Go, and Maker be your shield.
And that's the last one. Admitelly Kokichi run was much shorter than Gonta one, since I already knew what to do, so not that much has happened - but I still managed to get a few neat clips!
Also that glittery pink effect in one clip was my doing, yes... but the sunrays were not. The game just decided to suddenly become Visual Novel for a second, and frame Gonta all fancy and charming-like.
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(Is this meant to be Kokichi's POV? lmao. I see, I see.)
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insinirate · 10 months
I'm glad you don't get into Vash mpreg but I also have no idea how Nai could possibly turn up his obsessive, possessive, overbearing behavior considering it's already at 110% right now. Like... How could he possibly get more weird over Vash?
you cant even begin to imagine the insane amounts of fussing that man is capable of
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dailytomlinson · 1 year
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chelshiart · 1 year
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just a good and a kind and a rational mind
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finn-shitposts · 20 days
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hiiiiii look at my drawing of me and my friend (bnuuy) as creatures and salt box (idk what its for) ok gud naight (its 2am)
OH YOU TWO GOT LITTLEGUYIFIED!!! (3 dabloons) Man what a lovely style, esp w the warm colours and the rimlighting + shadows to match the environment they are just truly There, mwah 10/10 <3
also salt box where i live is usually for winter to salt the roads so they dont get icy!
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birlwrites · 2 months
this is in really really really really REALLY early stages (i have a mindmap and ~300 words of prose) but... workin on an original story........... it's about a girl who's forgotten her own name who doesn't want to die
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