#Crimson's Pinned
crimescrimson · 4 months
Hello and welcome to my gifset blog!! I have a couple of important messages for this one which contain some rules for interaction:
• First and final warning guys! Don't tag my stuff with any type of Cleon tags please! Someone just did and the ship makes me very uncomfortable! I don't like blocking people because of this kind of thing but I have and will do so if you refuse to listen to me. It's the one and only boundary I have for now when it comes to my gifs, please respect that!
• Q. Can I make use of your gifs?
A. As long as you use them in things that wouldn't be uncomfortable for me to see, I've had people use them on like hard-core smut fics before and because tumblr sends me a notification every time someone uses them I have to see that shit 😭 Another thing I wouldn't recommend is using or reblogging my sets to negatively comment ON the set or game I made a set about in the first place. You can easily just scroll or make your own post for that instead of being disrespectful in my tags like I've had recently experienced. Aside from the aforementioned points you're good to go! I don't mind at all and I actually appreciate being asked for once! No-ones actually asked me before lol
If you have a negative opinion on a positive post please don't reblog my gifsets bashing the positive its based on. I.E if I make a post tagged with a certain ships tag don't reblog that set with something like EWW THAT SHIP SUCKS. Make your own post.
I use many tags to get around so if you have a specific ship, dynamic or thing you're looking for, follow one of the following:
Crimson's Gifs: [insert fandom] for a fandom (for example Crimson's Gifs: Resident Evil)
Pairing: [insert ship wording I feel represents them] (for example Pairing: Keeping Score)
Brotp: [insert two characters] (for example something like Brotp: Ashley and Leon)
That's about it for the things I should make you aware of. I'm only one person working on gifs of their favourite games as a hobby and I'm not looking for trouble or anything besides sharing what I love with people. Please be kind and enjoy!
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st4rd0lly · 4 months
im sorry i CANNOT stop thinking about being BEAST dazai’s sweet lover, to have such a dangerous and terrifying man absolutely WHIPPED and head over heels for you….. he treats you so so gently, kissing every part of your skin like a place of worship <3 sitting on his lap so patiently as he finishes work, you’re just too good to him !! 
he gets so dizzy when he fully realizes that you’re actually real and that you’re here with him, he gets drunk off of your smell and any amount of contact you give him. he starts to get so handsy with you, he can barely help himself.. but you’re so sweet and that’s why he knows you’re gonna be good and help him ! he knows exactly how to rile you up and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t make you feel like you’re in heaven when he fucks you, he may be selfish but he’s not completely cruel (at least to you)
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goneinthemourning · 4 months
ljg is a man... dyke objective failed. try again
suck my genderqueer tits and beg me to terf
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sneakypunmaster · 9 months
✩₊˚.⋆☾Bonjour tout le monde!✩₊˚.⋆☾
My name is Théo but you can also call me Sneaky. My pronouns are (they/them/may/hem/it/it’s) I’m a French-American writer and resident tumblr veteran.
You can read all of my works on my (ao3 link)
My main fic is called (The Crimson Horror) a slow burn, murder mystery with vampires, serial killers, a religious small village in the countryside and our favourite DCA animatronics with the cliche reader insert. Current word count: 59k
If you by chance read the Moonikens one-shot, there's an updated version sitting at 15K words can be found (here)
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c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s · 1 month
Lil pin haul from my birthday
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I’m also in search of a good chuuya pin if anyone finds any!
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paintermagazine · 1 year
‘Firm and Fruity!’
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“But would any man dare allow her close enough to his prized pear?”
Artist: Howell Dodd
Published: 1950
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astrummorte · 3 months
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howdy howdy, welcome to the best thing that could be on this blog: a reason to let me bombard you with terrible (and terribly cute) things at random intervals. welcome to the interest checker slash permanent interaction call!
by liking this post, you give me free permission to:
occasionally draw your character or both of ours in silly or serious situations as practice for me and a gift for you. (this will be rare but not impossible.)
send you random asks when i have an idea for something, or if i think one of my newer muses may fit the bill of your own.
make you unprompted starters of various genres and possibly even making aus with you, and send you memes from ages ago if the situation deems fit.
jump into your dms and or ask for your discord (or you can ask for mine). (i wanna talk to you guys but i don't want to be a bother!)
send you random actual memes that i think suit our characters (or multiple, if you're a mumu like me).
happy trails everyone! fingerguns!
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luriluth · 5 months
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do you guys remember them
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crimescrimson · 1 year
Welcome to my gifset blog! Here is my one and only rule from my previous post:
First and final warning guys! Don't tag my stuff with any type of Cleon tags please! Someone just did and the ship makes me very uncomfortable! I don't like blocking people because of this kind of thing but I have and will do so if you refuse to listen to me. It's the one and only boundary I have for now when it comes to my gifs, please respect that!
Gifset Masterlist Tag: #Red's Gifset Masterlists
Below is my tag masterlist! Happy viewing!
|| = RE || = TEW || = DMC
|| = SR || = TWAU
Basic Tags:
Crimson's Gifs: Resident Evil
Crimson's Gifs: Devil May Cry
Crimson's Gifs: The Evil Within
Crimson's Gifs: The Wolf Among Us
Crimson's Gifs: Saints Row
Relationship Tags:
Pairing: Encantado - Romantic Pairing of Ashley Graham & Luis Serra
Pairing: Keeping Score - Romantic Pairing of Leon S. Kennedy & Ada Wong
Pairing: Billy Coen Is Dead - Romantic Pairing of Rebecca Chambers & Billy Coen
Pairing: I've Got You Super Cop - Romantic Pairing of Jill Valentine & Carlos Oliveira
Pairing: Come On Supergirl - Romantic Pairing of Jake Muller & Sherry Birkin
Pairing: See You Around... Wolf - Romantic Pairing of Bigby Wolf & Faith
Pairing: Is This What You Want? - Romantic Pairing of Nero and Kyrie
Pairing: From My Gunsmithin' Days - Romantic Pairing of Lady and Nico
Pairing: I Need My Partner Here - Romantic Pairing Of Joseph Oda and Sebastian Castellanos
Partnership: Fill Your Soul With Light! - The Dynamic Duo that is Trish & Dante
BroTP: Ashley and Leon - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Ashley Graham & Leon S. Kennedy
BroTP: Claire and Sherry - Platonic/Siblingly Pairing of Claire Redfield & Sherry Birkin
BroTP: Devil May|Never Cry - Platonic Pairing of Lady, Trish & Dante
BroTP: I Had A Hunch Myself - Platonic/Familial Pairing of Nero and Trish
Relationship Type Tags:
Theme: DMC Ships - Red's Preferred Devil May Cry Pairings
Theme: Red's RE Ships - Red's Preferred Resident Evil Pairings
Theme: Minor Pairings - Any pairing between secondary characters in a game
Theme: Pairings With History - Pairings that obviously have had previous history off-screen
Theme: Sparks In Dystopia - Romantic Relationships that grew further in apocalyptic settings
Theme: The One That Got Away - Romantic Pairings that end up losing one another or one party assumingly passes away
Theme: LGBT Pairings - All sets with LGBT relationships
Theme: Pride 2023 - All sets related or made for Pride Month 2023
Theme: Like Father Like Daughter - Father-Daughter relationships or Parallels in sets
Theme: Soulmates - Platonic or Romantic Pairings that have so much dynamic chemistry that they cannot be separated and come as a set
Theme: Saviour And The Saved - Sets featuring somebody saving someone else and the dynamic of that!
Theme: Power Pairings - Platonic or Romantic Duos that kick ass together
Theme: Iconic Duos - Famous character Duos in sets!
Theme: DMC Power Duos - Powerful two-person team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Power Teams - Powerful team-ups in DMC
Theme: DMC Interesting Dynamics - Sets studying dynamics between characters in DMC
Theme: DMC Mentor/Student - Sets studying the relationship between a person setting an example for someone else in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Platonic Relationships - Sets exploring platonic or familial relationships in Devil May Cry
Misc Tags:
Theme: Dedicated To Friends - Sets I've made for my friends
Theme: PTSD - Sets exploring canon depictions of PTSD in games
Theme: Grief - Sets exploring canon depictions of grief in games
Theme: Insanity - Sets exploring imagery or games where the characters lose their minds
Theme: Introductions Aside - Sets that introduce characters
Theme: RE Parallels - Sets that compare Resident Evil scenes
Theme: RE Set Pieces - Sets featuring Resident Evil Scenery
Theme: Classic RE - Sets featuring Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, CVX, RE0 or RE1R
Theme: RE Romantic Parallels - Resident Evil Romantic Parallels between multiple couples
Theme: Jill Valentine's Fashion Sense - Sets involving Jill Valentine's Outfits
Theme: Umbrella's Legacy - Sets depicting Resident Evil Characters affiliated with the Umbrella Corporation
Theme: RE Dream Cast - Red's Preferred cast for a new Resident Evil game
Theme: Pieces On The Board - Resident Evil Sets depicting each faction or Affiliation within the games
Theme: Hidden Gems - Relatively unknown or unpopular games I've made sets of
Theme: Character Death - Sets featuring the death of characters
Theme: Faked Character Death - Sets featuring the false death of characters
Theme: The Heroes - Sets featuring main characters or heroic characters
Theme: Supporting Cast - Sets featuring NPCs or side characters
Theme: City Of Ruin - Raccoon City Tag
Theme: Blood and Gore - Game typical Gore tag, can range from horror game typical to mortal kombat typical
Theme: Infection Spreading - Sets that involve zombie/zombie-adjacent behaviour or infection
Theme: Morally Grey - sets that feature Morally Grey characters
Theme: Morally Sound - sets that feature Morally Sound characters
Theme: Take My Breath Away - Scenes that are very attractive or aesthetically pleasing
Theme: Women Of My Dreams - Red's Favourite Female Characters Of All Time general tag
Theme: Favourite Female Characters Of All Time - dedicated tag to this set series
Theme: Feminine Power - female empowerment! Typically found on female-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Masculine Strength - male empowerment! Typically found on male-only sets or sets that display women at their best!
Theme: Character Development: found on character sets displaying a change in behaviour or a comparison to the past and present!
Theme: Red and Redder - Characters affiliated with the colour red for my namesake
Theme: Colour Palette Blues - Sets with Blue tones
Theme: Colour Palettes - Rainbow - Sets with multicoloured tones
Theme: Resident's Fashion - Resident Evil outfits tag
Theme: Game Interface - Depicting game title screens, menus etc.
Theme: Dream Cast - Red's Dream Casts for any game
Theme: Truth and Lies - Depicting paralleled scenes where a lie is told and a truth is revealed
Theme: SR Parallels - Saints Row Parallel Sets where scenes are compared
Theme: TWAU Pairings - Pairings I prefer from Telltales: The Wolf Among Us
Theme: TWAU Set Pieces - Scenery from TWAU
Theme: Dream Dream Dream - Sets that feature dream, nightmare or hallucination sequences
Theme: Red's Favourite DMC girls - Devil May Cry Women I adore in gifs
Theme: DMC Alternative Costumes - Ex Colors and Alternative Costumes in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Parallels - Scenes in Devil May Cry compared
Theme: DMC Iconic Moments - Famous Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: DMC Hilarious Moments - Funny Moments in Devil May Cry
Theme: Domesticity of DMC - Domestic Bliss in Devil May Cry
Theme: Favourite Male Characters Of All Time - Favourite Male Characters Tag!
Theme: Favourite Characters Of All Time - My Favourite Game Characters
Theme: Best DLC Of All Time - My personal favourite DLCs in games that are the best of the best
Theme: Aesthetically Pleasing - Gifs based around the beauty of what's featured in the set
Theme: TEW Set Pieces - Set Pieces from The Evil Within
Theme: Gothic Horror - Gothic Horror in video games
Theme: Goth - Gothic elements in video games
Theme: Demons and Devils - Demonic related content in video games
Personal Tags:
Theme: Red's Personal Preference - Anything to do with my own interests, basically a get to know me tag!
Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for reading!
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honmonoyuzu · 1 year
Fairy's Tale
A/n: Sorry for the long wait, I'm so busy with school ;-; i'll try to update more regularly.
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Chapter 2: Crystal and Her
“No, I’m not. I’m just a traveler, that’s all” - (y/n) answered  Leopold’s question.
This strike Fuegoleon’s interest a lot. 
From their interaction and the way she speaks and reacts to his actions, Fuegoleon was sure that if she’s not a royalty then she must be a noble. There’s no way a simple commoner could behave in such a way as an upper class could. This made Fuegoleon very surprised. Where is she from? Why did she lies? Those are the questions running through his head at the moment. Yet, he did not ask a single one of them. He thinks she must have a reason to lie, at the same time, it could be quite dangerous if he let another Kingdom’s royalty roam freely in the Capital.
“Then, would you want a little tour of the Capital miss?” - Fuegoleon suggested, this is the perfect opportunity to figure out who this girl is and what is her intention here in the Clover Kingdom. That’s what Fuegoleon thought. But to other, the suggestion is a sign that the Magic Knight Captain took an interest in the mysterious girl.
“Would you not take a rest for the day brother?” - Leopold asks, not forgetting their reason to even enter the cafe.
“No need Leo, a walk around the Capital would be just as nice” - Fuegoleon said - “So, what do you think miss (y/n)?”
‘This is great. A free tour around, there’s no reason to decline’ - (y/n) thinks, completely unaware of the red head’s motive.
“That would be lovely”
“Hahaha ok then, I’ll leave you two to it. I’ll be continuing my patrol now” - Leopold said, waving at them before turning a corner to continue his duties.
The two started their tour around the Capital, the Magic Knight Captain asks (y/n) questions from time to time.
“Miss (y/n), may I ask where you came from?”- He asks, wanting to know more of her profile.
‘Ah shoot, I didn’t think this through’ - (y/n) panic a little - “How about you take a guest, Sir Vermillion?”
‘Smart’ - He thinks - “Huhm… well, from the way you dress, I would say somewhere hot.”
“Close, go on” - She encourages him, wanting him to just blur out a random name and she is just gonna agree with it.
“I’m not sure. There's a lot of Kingdom with hot weather. I don’t want to disrespect your orientation” - He dodged her trap completely. - ‘Now what are you gonna say’
‘Damn this guy. Come on, think. A country in the human world. It doesn’t have to be hot, I can come up with an excuse later’ - “Mali. I came from Mali”
“Oh is that so. You came from a very beautiful country indeed.” - Fuegoleon said - ‘Mali…I’ve never heard of this country before’
This went on as Fuegoleon kept asking more and more questions to know more about (y/n) reason of coming to the Capital and each time, (y/n) would avoid the question or just make up nonsense for answers.
‘This is not how I imagine the tour would be like’ - (y/n) cried inside.
Then, at the corner of her (e/c) eyes, she saw a shop, a crystal shop to be exact. Spotting how (y/n) keeps looking in that direction, Fuegoleon turns his head and a small shop greets his eyes. Thinking that maybe if she lets her guard down, he would be able to pull more information from her, Fuegoleon suggested:
“Would you like to visit that shop?” - He asked, leaning down slightly
“Would you mind?” - (y/n) said, genuinely wanting to go visit that shop. Unlike humans who think crystal is just a decoration, to fairies, crystal can be used as a decor, a healer, it’s a symbol in the Fairy’s Forest. That’s why (y/n) wanted to see what kind of crystal the humans have in store.
“Not at all.”
And with that, they headed to the store. In there, the floor and walls are all made of wood, there’s crystal everywhere. The shop owner spotted the Crimson Lion’s Captain and immediately jumped on the opportunity.
“My, my, what does the great Magic Knight Captain need in my humble shop?” - He says, trying to lick Fuegoleon’s boots.
“I’m here to accompany my friend” - He replies.
The shop owner turns his head and is greeted with a beautiful girl with (h/c) and (e/c). ‘This must be someone important if she’s a friend of a Royal’, thinks the shop owner. He thinks he must present whatever most of the people of wealth and status fancy, expensive and rare products. He takes out a small box with intricate details all over its surface.
“Well, it looks like you just got here at the perfect time, miss. What you see here is THE Fairy Crystal that the Fairy Queen blessed herself with!” - He said in a high tone.
‘My mother? What in the world? This must be a scam’ - (Y/n) said, already feel like leaving this place.
“Is this some kind of joke?” - (Y/n) asked deadpan.
“M-my Lady, why would you ask such a question! Who am I to even dare to trick you? Of course not! This crystal was blessed by the Fairy Queen herself, it can even bring good fortune too. I can guarantee you that!”- said the owner.
Knowing that is not true one bit as the Fairy Queen hasn’t blessed a single soul for thousands of years let alone crystals. And even if it is blessed by the Queen, there will be no chance of the artifact being sold in this store. 
‘Is he trying to joke around? No. He’s trying to fool me into buying that thing. How unfortunate.’
“Is there something not to your liking, my Lady?” - Fuegoleon asks, noticing (y/n)’s change in behavior.
“Sir Vermillion…” - (y/n) trailed off. - “Do you perhaps have any kind of relation with the owner?” 
“Hm? No, what made you ask that question, miss (y/n)?” - Fuegoleon asks not knowing what make (y/n) thinks that the two of them are related. If the owner is a Vermillion, there’s a high chance that he would know that the shop existed earlier today. 
(y/n) gestures Fuegoleon to come closer. Him, understanding what she meant, leaned down with his arms now crossed across his chest.
“I think that the shop owner is trying to scam us” - she said with a serious tone.
Fuegoleon raised one of his brown.
“What makes you think so, miss (y/n)?” - he questions.
“I think it’s quite clear that that crystal was not blessed by the Fairy Queen, besides, it looks kinda dull, there’s nothing special about it except for its color. If I’m not wrong then it’s just a cheaper type crystal in a luxury box.” - she whispers in his ear, not wanting the owner to overheard them.
This took Fuegoleon by surprise. 
‘She knows a lot about crystals’
‘Is Mali a country that has a close connection with crystal?’
All of this runs through his head at the speed of light. All of this he can’t answer, but he knows for sure that (y/n)’s right about the scam.
“Hahaha, thank you Sir for the offer. I will send people over later.” - Fuegoleon said to the owner. His hand guiding (y/n) out of the shop. This make (y/n) feels so betrayed. Why does he want to send people over? Does he not believe her? What? Whyyy??
After escorting a confused (y/n) out of the shop. Taking in what had just happened,  (y/n) snapped, creating more distance between the two of them. Facing the redhead,  (y/n) browns slightly scrunched together, her eyes are staring holes through the man’s face. Cold sweats lightly drip down Fuegoleon’s forehead. It looks like he’s trying to come up with something, some kind of excuse.
Masterlist: here
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spideyskrunkly · 1 year
Everyone in the CC community who are Spanish speakers: Stop saying co!jones 😃
Me who's Latin and started it:
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I hate that I didn't know this 💀💀
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excaive · 2 years
Hello! Name’s Sun [they/them | 23+] 🤙
I draw my own characters and make comics, all related to (if not stated otherwise) my universe/story Black Orbit!
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It’s a bio-punk story about gangs, parasites, gods and Bad Personal Choices, following the story of Keith Sun, gang leader of 🔷Black Orbit who disappeared after being ambushed by their rival gang, 🔺Crimson Maw, only to return a year later with a powerful parasite - infected by God themself.
Black Orbit takes place in the massive metropolis 🌞SUNJIN - Which consists of 7 regions: 🔷Corr - 🌄Kaesu - 💊Futou - 🏭Javrune - 🔺Danshui - 💧Veisem - 💜Devi [District]
Parasites in this universe are Kin of Kqo’twec [pronounced quo-tech) who is also known as ✨The Parasite God. Parasite’s are widespread and been a part of life for many centuries. However, modern advancements have found a way to commercialize parasites, disturbing the balance of host/parasite relationships.
Read my short comic 🌺Lasting Bonds on WEBTOON to get insight into Kqo’twec and what exactly parasites are.
visit my website https://black-orbit.com/ where you can find all my B.O. comic projects, (main) character introductions and story summary!
Worth mentioning Black Orbit contains Explicit Language, Violence, Dark/Sensitive & Suggestive Themes. I’d give it a Mature Rating (17+) I won’t get around to making the comic for the main story any time soon, but shorter comic projects more focused on characters can still have these themes, so be mindful of that!
☕ KO-FI (Just a tip jar if you’d like to support me!) 🎨 ART TAG 🌌 WEBISTE
I also reblog art I like, friend art, posts I find funny or posts that give me any given oc’s vibes. Most is queued, so it posts a handful of times per day!
👀 RELEVANT TAGS (for easier exploring of my blog)
[even linked so they’ll show stuff in chronological order]
#cai. txt - my own misc text post #cai arts - my art tag, as linked above #ocs - any art of my ocs! #cai tunes - my music tunes! #friendo art - reblogged art from friends #[ocs name]core - posts that give oc vibes, so e.g. #killjoyecore, #rogercore, #keithcore etc.
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velvetwarfare · 3 days
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nullians · 1 year
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@celeryw Happy Valentines Day and a very belated happy birthday!! ✨💜✨❤️✨💖✨🧡✨💙✨
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elliecupcakes · 7 months
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The first order of November ⭐️✨
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floral-grunge · 2 years
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