#Feat. Lowlander
azhdarcho · 1 year
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craftingcreatures · 10 months
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Welcome to Spero
Exoplanet Ahuizotl 593-d is about 15 light-years from Earth, located in the habitable zone of a yellow dwarf star much like our own. It is a rocky world, with an axial tilt of 7.2 degrees and a diameter of just over 12,000 km. It has a single large moon, somewhat smaller than earth's and very different in origin and composition; this moon is a recently-captured long-period comet, composed mostly of water ice beneath a dark protective layer of organic dust. Ahuizotl 593-d was renamed to Spero (meaning "hope") when it was chosen as a candidate for terraforming and colonization.
Prior to human arrival, Spero was a dead world. Though once tectonically active, it ceased to be so long before humanity arrived, and countless aeons of erosion have ground down the mountain ranges and filled in the ocean basins with sediment. Where once tall mountains stood proudly, small, wind-blasted rocks are all that remain; and where once vast oceans surged, endless fields of sand dunes stand still and lifeless. The only true topography that may be found is the rims of innumerable impact craters, slowly being worn away by the ravages of wind and sand. The largest of these is over 1,000 km across, and is relatively young, at a mere 80 million years old; It has not had time to erode away as completely as some of the other craters, and its eastern rim contains mountains that are much higher than anywhere else on the planet - nearly 3,000 meters high.
The oceans are not completely gone - they are buried, to be certain, but the water still exists deep beneath the sediment. In certain places, scattered across the globe, ancient seawater seeps to the surface, forming saltwater oases - in the depths of the largest crater, these springs seep into the basin to form a permanent lake. However, by far the largest body of water is the Mare Vagus, the so-called "wandering sea": a shallow, hypersaline body of water which travels around Spero's lowlands, propelled by the forces of erosion and deposition. On the windward coast, soft rock and sediment are slowly carved away, only to be re-deposited as sand or silt on the leeward coast; harder rock resists erosion, and may deflect the Mare's trajectory against the wind to the north or south. in this way the seas move across the planet, leaving behind them a trail of salt crystal evaporites that can be seen from space. These bodies of water fuel a small but consistent water cycle - a few freshwater rivers snaking down from the highlands are fed by rainfall.
Despite the bleakness of the landscape, the planet is habitable. The air is breathable, the rivers drinkable, the soil nontoxic, and the sun is almost identical to our own. In a universe where habitable planets are exceedingly rare, Spero is a veritable oasis, and within ten years of the planet's discovery humanity was already putting together a plan for colonization. However, the sheer distance from earth to Spero makes for an imposing barrier; the fastest starships in the human fleet (at 1/6th the speed of light) would have to travel for 95 years to reach it. It would be two hundred and fifty years between the arrival of the first probes and the arrival of humanity on the planet's surface. And humanity did not arrive alone. They brought with them their crops, their livestock - everything needed to prepare a planet for permanent human habitation.
Transporting plants and animals across interstellar space is not an easy feat. Due to the 95-year time gap between launch and arrival, everything living must be either put in cryogenic stasis or maintain a breeding stock on the spaceship for the duration of the flight. Since storage space is a limited resource on ships and carrying that many moving animals, plants, and people (not to mention food and water and life support systems) would be unimaginably expensive, cryostasis was by far the preferred option. For most plants and some animals, this made transport downright easy; simply keep the desiccated seeds or cysts into a low-temperature freezer and thaw them out upon arrival. Thousands of seeds could be transported this way while barely taking up any space at all. Hundreds of species from over 450 different families were brought to Ahuizotl.
Animals, on the other hand, needed a little more consideration. Cryogenic stasis is a complicated affair (though much simpler than transporting moving, breathing animals for 95 years) and requires some specialized equipment. Multiple tanks of liquid nitrogen were needed for every individual animal, plus the metabolic suppressors and the actual stasis chamber itself. For an average-sized human this resulted in a set of equipment which weighed some six hundred pounds and took up almost 2.5 cubic meters of cabin space. For a fully grown cow or camel, the requirements were even more ludicrous.
Fortunately, these huge apparatuses could be shrunken, if the animals themselves were also shrunken. If transported as embryos, with development completed in artificial wombs upon arrival to the planet, each individual animal only took up one-eighth of a cubic meter of space. This was much more reasonable, and so many more individuals could be transported, enough to preserve genetic diversity for multiple species. Even so, space was at a premium, and only 18 species of animal were introduced (three of which could undergo cryptobiosis and were simply chucked in the freezer with the seeds).
Colonization occurred in several waves; the first wave included bacteria, algae, and certain lichens and fungi, and began the process of terraforming by beginning soil production and establishing the foundation of the artificial ecosystem the colonists hoped to create. The second wave included more complex plants, including mosses and ferns, and the first animals - tardigrades, rotifers, and other small creatures which would recycle nutrients. Once these organisms were established and thriving (as determined by robotic probes), the third wave - including the first hardy crop plants, larger invertebrates, and the first fish - arrived. Finally, in the fourth wave, humanity arrived (accompanied by the remaining seed species) to be greeted by a thriving, if taxonomically limited, ecosystem.
Seed List
All species introduced to Ahuizotl underwent genetic manipulation and hybridization to increase hardiness and heterozygosity, maximizing chances of successful establishment and survival into the future. Species were chosen based on hardiness, adaptability, and – most importantly – usefulness to humans. The vast majority of plant species introduced were crops, producing food, timber, or other important products such as rubber and medicines. Animals were either livestock, herding animals, or detritivores necessary for healthy soils and nutrient cycling. Pest species were strictly avoided. Thanks to the extended time spent in cryogenic stasis (as well as close inspection and quarantining by scientists prior to freezing), diseases and parasites were almost completely eliminated.
(Plants not included in this list; there are too many to count. If it's reasonably hardy and useful to humans, it's safe to assume it was brought along.)
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Domestic Goat ~ Capra hircus Cattle were rejected for colonization due to their size and feed requirements - the productive pastures needed to raise them effectively simple didn't exist. Goats were introduced instead, as they could survive better on the sparse scrubby vegetation which had been established by that point. Goats were introduced for their milk, meat, and leather, and for their ability to survive in harsh environments.
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Domestic Sheep ~ Ovis aries Sheep were introduced for meat, milk, and (most importantly) wool. The sheep arriving on Ahuizotl were hybrids between several different wool-producing breeds, mostly of the fine-wooled merino type. Though unable to survive without human care due to the need for periodic shearing, the breeds chosen were very hardy and could survive in harsh climates.
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Dromedary Camel ~ Camelus dromedarius Camels were introduced as pack animals and long-distance transport to desert outposts. They were also used for milk production. Camels were chosen based on their hardiness, pre-adapted to the desert climate of Spero as they were; able to survive on very little food or water and carry heavy loads for long distances, they would be invaluable, especially since Spero had no oil or petroleum deposits to produce fuel for motorized vehicles.
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Domestic Donkey ~ Equus africanus asinus Horses were considered for colonization as a means of transportation on a world where fuel was a highly limited resource, but were ultimately rejected in favour of donkeys. Donkeys were smaller than horses, but much hardier and required fewer resources. Donkeys were also used extensively for plowing and transportation in pulling carts - they were also significantly easier to handle and more comfortable to ride than camels.
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Domestic Dog ~ Canis familiaris Dogs were introduced as herding animals for goats and sheep, much more efficient than robotic substitutes. They had the added bonus of providing companionship to the human settlers (on a planet with a total population of less than 500 spread out over a vast area, loneliness was an ever-present problem). The dogs brought to Spero were all mutts with strong herding dog histories; border collies, blue heelers, and Alsatians were all prominently featured in the pedigrees.
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Domestic Pig ~ Sus domesticus Pigs were introduced mostly for their meat, but also for leather, manure, and disposal of organic wastes. They were also introduced for their unique ability to provide organs and tissues useful in medical applications, such as their heart valves. Hardy animals, able to survive on garbage, pigs were well adapted for surviving the turbulent early years of colonization.
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Domestic Chicken ~ Gallus domesticus Chickens were introduced for their meat and eggs, and their feathers were also used as a natural fiber for stuffing cushions and other necessary textiles. The chickens introduced were hybrid mixtures most similar to Indian and Polynesian breeds, but also included genes from western breeds such as leghorns, orpingtons, and wyandottes.
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Common Carp ~ Cyprinus carpio Fish was a critical nutrient source for the developing world, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that could not be efficiently produced by plants. Although humanity makes use of many kinds of fish, most species require more advanced ecological environments to thrive. Carp, on the other hand, don’t; and while not typically considered food fish by western cultures their meat is tasty and nutritious. It is their ability to thrive in low-quality environments which made them better choices for colonization than more popular fish.
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Flathead Mullet ~ Mugil cephalus Mullets were introduced for many of the same reasons as carp. Adaptable, hardy, and able to survive in a wide range of temperatures and salinities, their diet of algae and bacterial scum allowed them to thrive in Ahuizotl’s estuaries. Unlike carp they congregate in large schools and so can be harvested in large quantities, an invaluable attribute once large numbers of colonists began arriving and expecting to be fed. The mullet introduced to Spero were genetically modified to have a flexible life cycle and a broader tolerance of salinity; they do not need to return to saltwater to breed, though they can still survive there just fine.
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European Honeybee ~ Apis mellifera mellifera On earth, bees are of critical importance, pollinating a huge proportion of the crops we rely on to produce our food. Thus, bees were practically guaranteed to be included in the seed list. Not only do they pollinate flowers, but the honey, wax, and other products produced by beehives are valuable commodities. The bees introduced are exclusively from the Western subspecies (A. m. mellifera); this is to prevent aggressive and swarming behaviours exhibited by hybrid bees on earth.
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Common Woodlouse ~ Armidillidium vulgare Woodlice were introduced as detritivores, aiding decomposition of excess organic matter and helping to keep soils fertile. This particular species was chosen based on its adaptability and hardiness compared to other woodlouse species, as they can tolerate drier conditions.
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Common Earthworm ~ Lumbricus terrestris Earthworms were introduced to aerate the soil and help keep croplands healthy. They also help to remove organic detritus such as fallen leaves and help mix soils, bringing nutrients within reach of plant roots. This species was chosen due to its ability to survive in diverse habitats.
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White Rat Springtail ~ Folsomia candida Springtails were chosen as detritivores, recycling organic matter and keeping the soils fertile and healthy. They also serve as extra food for woodlice and earthworms. This particular species was chosen due to the ease of culture and adaptability.
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Cherry Shrimp ~ Neocaridina davidi Freshwater shrimp were introduced to help control the growth of bacterial and algal mats in riverine environments, keeping waterways clear. They also serve as a secondary food source for carp. This species was chosen due to its ease of culture.
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Ramshorn Snail ~ Planorbarius corneus Like the cherry shrimp, freshwater snails were chosen to help keep down algal growth and keep waterways and rice paddies healthy and productive. They, like the shrimp, also serve as a secondary food source for carp.
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Brine Shrimp ~ Artemia franciscana Brine shrimp hold little value to humans, except as a food source for mullet, carp, and other marine species. They were mainly included because, as eggs, they can survive being frozen for long periods of time and so did not require the heavy cryogenic stasis equipment needed for most other animals. During early colonization they were used as a feed for the recently-thawed fish fry, and continued to be eaten by subsequent generations of larval fish.
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Rotifer ~ Brachionus plicatilis Like the brine shrimp, the rotifers were included as larval fish food and because they could be transported easily and in large numbers with nothing more than a simple freezer. They were one of the first animals introduced to Ahuizotl, along with tardigrades, and were intended to form the base of a self-sufficient aquatic ecology.
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Tardigrade ~ Milnesium tardigradum Tardigrades were chosen as pioneer animals to help create usable soils. They also provide food for larger invertebrates such as snails, isopods, and springtails. Thanks to their ability to withstand low temperatures for long periods of time in a cryptobiotic state, they could be brought in large numbers in a simple freezer.
These eighteen species of animals - and hundreds of species of plants - were cultivated to form a self-sufficient ecosystem in the dusty, dry wastes of Spero. Croplands, orchards, and timber plantations were planted along the banks of the rivers; farther from water, scrubby grasses and hardy forage plants grew in the infrequent rainfall. While the vast majority of the planet was still hostile desert, endless sand dunes or bare rock swept clean by the wind, humanity managed to eke out an existence along the narrow inhabitable margins of the rivers.
Until a cataclysmic event destroyed humanity's hope of creating a new home... and simultaneously laid the groundwork for Spero to become a thriving paradise far beyond their wildest dreams.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 2nd of February 1645 a Royalist army led by James Graham, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Montrose, routed the Earl of Argyll’s Covenanting forces in the Battle of Inverlochy.
Montrose and his army had wintered-down at Inveraray, which had been taken from the Campbells, scouts determined that the Covenant armies were closing in on them, so they pulled out, heading to Loch Ness-side, near Kilcumin. While facing new threats, namely the Earl of Seaforth and his 5,000 men based at Inverness, word of an army of around 3,000 Campbells and lowland troops at Inverlochy, close to where Fort William is today, Graham already knew that the Earl of Seaforth and his 5,000 men based at Inverness were a threat.
With Campbell troops coming at them from the south, and Seaforths from the north, Montrose and his men took to the hills; the Covenanters found only an empty glen when they met up with one another. Reasoning that they should attack the strongest enemy first, Montrose was led by Cameron scouts, by little known paths (the actual path taken is still debated) to Inverlochy. This route is said to have been one of the most arduous and daring feats of Scottish military history.
What is known is that from the Roy Bridge area they forded the river Spean near Corriechoille and traversed a secret way via the old townships of Kilchonate and Leanachan after two days and nights they were at the foot of Ben Nevis’ “shoulder” of Meall an t-Suidhe just before dark. They observed the tower of the ancient castle of Inverlochy and many Campbells moving around their camp. The Campbells saw them, and assumed that they were only raiders, or foraging parties. Montrose and his army rested for the night in freezing temperatures and at the break of dawn the Campbells, including their chief Argyll, were awakened by the pipes of Montrose’s assembled clans charging down upon them.
Even though Grahams army were outnumbered by approximately 1,000 troops and were facing some cannon fire, the army of Montrose broke the Lowland soldiers on the wings, forcing them to flee the field. The Campbells in the center of the line held firm, but soon were cut into groups and eventually fled. To state that little quarter was given is an understatement. One account, by poet Iain Lom, recorded the action from his first-hand vantage point at the field of battle.
A nice wee add on to this story is from Iain Lom MacDonald. Although it is widely believed that Robert Burns was Scotland’s first Poet Laureate, Charles II named Iain Lom MacDonald as Scotland’s Poet Laureate during his 17th century reign. However as the Stuart line was unseated in 1689, and the subsequent Jacobite Risings failed to permanently restore the Stuarts, their status became a moot point. His stature has further been diminished by the fact that he composed exclusively in Gaelic, which even at that time was a language in decline.
Famously stating, when offered a sword to battle, “You battle; I’ll tell”, Iain Lom MacDonald sought out a high vantage point above the battleground below to record a blow-by-blow account.
As is only right I  shall post the Gaelic version first, below this is the translation……you can also listen to Gaelic supergroup  Mànran sing it as it should be…….
“S e Caimbeulach a bha am Fear Ghlinne-Faochain. A reir coltais ’s i a bhean aige a rinn an t-oran’ [i]
Ho, gur mi ‘tha air mo leònadh, Na i ri ri ho ro; Ho, gur mi 'tha air mo leònadh, Na i ri ri ’s i ri ri ho ro.
Bho latha blàr Inbhir-Lòchaidh; Bha ruaig nan Eireannach dòite,[ii]               'Thàinig do dh’ Albainn gun stòras, A bha dh’ earras air an cleòcaibh. Thug iad spionnadh do Chlann-Dòmhnaill;
Mharbh iad m’ athair is m’ fhear-pòsda, ’S mo thriùir mhacanan [grinn] òga, ’S mo cheathrar bhràithrean ga’ n stròiceadh, ’S mo naoidhnear cho-dhaltan bòidheach.[iii] Loisg iad ma chuid coirc’ is eòrna. Mharbh iad mo chrodh mór gu feòlach, ’S mo chaoirich gheala ga’ n ròsdadh,[iv]
Ho gur mise 'th’ air ma chlaoidheadh Mu Mhac-Dhonnchaidh Ghlinne Faochain; Tha gach fear ’s an tìr s’ ga d’ chaoineadh Thall 'sa bhos mu Inbhir-Aora, Mnathan 'sa bhasraich ’s am falt sgaoilte.
Ho gur mi tha air mo mhilleadh, Mu mharcaich’ nan srian ’s nam pillein, 'Thuit 'sa chaonnaig le 'chuid ghillean, Thug Mac-Cailein Mór an linn’ air, ’S leig e 'n sgrìob ud air a chinneadh.
'The lord of Glen Faochain was a Campbell. In all likelihood, it was his wife who made the song’
O, I am wounded sorely, Na i ri ri ho ro; O, I am wounded sorely Na i ri ri ’s i ri ri ho ro.  
Since the day of the battle of Inverlochy, Since the grim Irishmen’s pursuit – They came to Scotland without resources, Other than the goods they carried  – They gave strength to Clan Donald,
They killed my father and my husband, And my three [handsome] young sons, My four brothers were torn to shreds, And my nine comely foster-brothers; They burned my crops, my oats and barley. Gleefully, they killed my cows, And roasted my white sheep,
O, I have been tormented At the thought of Mhac-Dhonnchaidh of Glen Faochain, Every man in the country mourns you In and around (about) Inverary, Women are wringing their hands and tearing their hair.
O, I have been despoiled, By the horsemen of the bridle and pack-saddle, You (?) fell in a skirmish with some of (your) lads; Mac Cailean Mor made for the pool, And permitted that blow for his kindred.
The pics are from a couple of visits to the Inverlochy Castle in 2014 and 2020.
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tigerrampage · 1 year
The Intense Singing of Hatsune Miku, Miku’s 8th Birthday ver. feat. Hatsune Miku - Lowland Jazz | album: Hatsune Miku “Magical Mirai 2015″ OFFICIAL ALBUM (2015)
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 05, 2022)
23:59 JESSY J - Soul Kisses (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 23:55 EVERETTE HARP - Old School 23:51 BRIAN SIMPSON - One and Only 23:47 NILS - Dance With Me 23:43 MEKIEL REUBEN - That Girl Told Me 23:39 BOBBY WELLS - She's Playful 23:35 KIM SCOTT - Emerge (Feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 23:31 DARRIUS JAMAR - Bounce Back 23:27 JULIAN VAUGHN - Time Is Now 23:23 ALTHEA RENE - Let Me Love You 23:18 DERRICK HARVIN - When You Say 23:13 ALEX FALDIN - Cold Wind 23:09 JAREZ - Lil Jazzy 23:04 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 22:58 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 22:52 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 22:47 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (Dj Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 22:41 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice of Star (Union Sense Remix) 22:37 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 22:33 MENZI - Zug nach nirgendwo 22:25 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent bay (original mix) 22:21 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 22:17 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 22:12 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into the Blue (Mark de Clive 22:05 KITARO - A passage of life 21:59 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 21:55 THOMAS LEMMER - Through My Father's Eyes 21:51 SYLVERING - Just an Illusion 21:46 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 21:41 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 21:39 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 21:32 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 21:27 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 21:22 MICHAEL E - Promise 21:17 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 21:11 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 21:06 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 21:03 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 20:59 LEO ROJAS - The last ot the Mohicans 20:54 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny mix) 20:49 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 20:45 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (JB feat. Shine) 20:40 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 20:34 JES - Heaven (Orange Project del Sol Interpretation) 20:29 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 20:24 ATB - Still Here 20:18 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 20:14 LAZY HAMMOCK - Star 20:09 GUENTER HAAS - Secret Diary 20:06 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 20:00 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 19:54 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 19:48 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge remix 2011) 19:45 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 19:40 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 19:36 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 19:30 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 19:24 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 19:17 AMBITUS - Answers 19:13 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 19:10 KATO, JON - Turn The Lights Off (Bullytrax Campfire Mix) 19:06 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:02 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 18:57 NUAGE, N4M3 - Sunday Morning (Original Mix) 18:53 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 18:49 LOWLAND - Children (Orchestral Version) 18:42 LERRY MULLER, ANETTA GRANT - Dreaming (Original) 18:38 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 18:35 MODJO - Lady (Acoustic Version) 18:30 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 18:26 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 18:23 MARIUS NEDELCU, RED HEAD - Rain (Acoustic Version) 18:19 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 18:13 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 18:10 MOBY - Porcelain 18:05 LUIGI LUSINI - I'll Be Home (Original Mix) 18:01 MAX MILLION - Do You Believe (Original Mix) 17:57 MARCELA MANGABEIRA - Don't Stop The Music (Lounge Version) 17:54 JOEL HIRSCH, ROXANNE EMERY - Neon Dreams (Cinematic Version) 17:50 MAKIS ABLIANITIS - Love Secret 17:46 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 17:43 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 17:39 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 17:34 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 17:28 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 17:23 MEHMET CEMAL YESILCAY - You And I 17:19 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:14 MARGA SOL - Prayer For Love (Soul Avenue's Balearic Blues Mix) 17:10 NIK LLOYD - Number 1 (Acoustic Cover) 17:06 SIMON G - Crazy (original Mix) 17:03 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 17:00 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognise (Acoustic Version) 16:55 DEE LUCAS - Dollar Bill 16:51 AL DEGREGORIS - No Holding Back (Feat. Nils) 16:47 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 16:41 OLI SILK - Steppin' Out 16:37 TIM BOWMAN - Love Forever More 16:33 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - March On (Feat. Jeff Lorber) 16:29 SEAN U - Electrify 16:24 STEVE COLE - Looking Up 16:21 SHAWN RAIFORD - Magic Man 16:17 BOBBY WELLS - End of Summer 16:13 GREGG KARUKAS - Daylight 16:09 DARRIUS JAMAR - Heaven 16:04 NELSON RANGELL - Clutch 15:59 DERRICK HARVIN - Gone 15:54 BOBBY LYLE - What Kind Of World 15:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - From the Hip (feat. Chuck Loeb) 15:45 JEANETTE HARRIS - Groovin' 15:41 JAREZ - Its Over 15:37 BLAKE AARON - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (feat. Kim Scott) 15:33 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 15:29 ALEX FALDIN - Hand Claps 15:25 AL DEGREGORIS - All Over The Place (Feat. Eric Marienthal) 15:20 AL GOMEZ - Sip Thy Wine 15:16 JACKIEM JOYNER - Southside Boulevard 15:12 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ecstasy 15:08 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tonight Is the Night 15:03 TIM BOWMAN - Columbus,Ga 14:58 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Emotions 14:54 MARION MEADOWS - Andalusian Sunset 14:49 BOBBY LYLE - Spirit Song 14:45 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Jukin' and Jivin' 14:40 DERRICK HARVIN - Another Day in Paradise 14:36 BRIAN SIMPSON - Bonita 14:32 JAREZ - Slow Motion 14:28 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 14:24 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 14:20 DARRIUS JAMAR - My Everything 14:17 DEON YATES - First Day of Summer 14:12 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 14:08 BONEY JAMES - Sunset Boulevard 14:04 ALTHEA RENE - Barbara Mae 13:59 AL DEGREGORIS - Follow Your Dreams 13:54 FREDDIE FOX - Sensual 13:50 JC SOL - Our Groove 13:46 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Saxophone 13:42 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ride Along 13:38 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Waiting For You 13:35 ALEX FALDIN - Throwback Vacations 13:32 JUSTIN KLUNK - Dive 13:27 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 13:23 RANDY MULLER BOOM CHANG BANG - Sunnyside Up 13:20 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Through the Rain 13:15 AL GOMEZ - Catchin' a Vibe 13:11 BRIAN SIMPSON - So Many Ways 13:07 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Loving 2 13:02 DERRICK HARVIN - From Here 12:58 JAREZ - Mr. Sexy Saxy 12:53 JACKIEM JOYNER - Beautiful Seduction 12:48 MARION MEADOWS - Magic Men 12:45 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Force 12:42 BOBBY WELLS - My Sweet Butterfly 12:37 STEVE COLE - Neo Sol 12:31 EUGE GROOVE - Chillaxin 12:26 GREGG KARUKAS - Believe in Me 12:21 CHRIS STANDRING - Fat Tuesday 12:17 BRAD ALEXANDER - Yearning for Your Love 12:14 AL DEGREGORIS - Sunnyside 12:09 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - After Hours 12:06 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Keepin' the Groove On 12:02 FREDDIE FOX - So Much Love 11:57 BRIAN SIMPSON - A Soft Touch 11:52 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - In the Mood 11:48 MARCUS ANDERSON - Mel-Ow Mood 11:44 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sunday 11:39 DERRICK HARVIN - This Time Around 11:35 JAREZ - Around The World 11:30 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - EBF 11:25 MARION MEADOWS - Celebration Road 11:21 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Jubilee 11:17 CHRIS STANDRING - Living the Poetry 11:11 BOBBY WELLS - Bella's Pier 11:06 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Morning In A Distant Land 11:01 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Nobody But You (Feat. Billy Mondragon Of DW3) 10:58 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Thinkin' Back on When 10:53 JEFF KASHIWA - Back To Love 10:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - When I Found You 10:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Give Love (Feat. Anthony Saunders) 10:38 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - On the Move 10:34 TIM BOWMAN - Flyin Away 10:29 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Set Me Free 10:25 PIECES OF A DREAM - Steppers ''D'' Lite 10:21 J. WHITE - Mr. Nugroove 10:17 NAJEE - Happiness (A Felicidade) 10:13 LOWELL HOPPER - See the Light 10:08 DERRICK HARVIN - Colombiana 10:04 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 10:00 JAREZ - Together Forever 09:57 JOYCE COOLING - Coasting 09:53 NORMAN BROWN - Keep The Faith 09:49 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Feelin' Good 09:45 MARION MEADOWS - Last Ticket To Somewhere 09:41 CAROL ALBERT - Love Again 09:37 LOUIE FITZGERALD - When I Look into Your Eyes 09:33 MARCUS ANDERSON - Backseat Drivers (Feat. Adam Hawley) 09:28 JULIAN VAUGHN - Waymans Way 09:23 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 09:20 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Happy Cause I'm Going Home 09:15 PIECES OF A DREAM - Give U My Heart 09:11 NAJEE - Modern Lovers 09:07 JIM ADKINS - Turning Point 09:06 TONY SAUNDERS - Uptown Jazz 08:55 TIM BOWMAN - Friends 08:51 BOBBY WELLS - Tee It Up 08:45 CHRIS GODBER - Chips 'n' Salsa 08:42 LOWELL HOPPER - No Turning Back 08:40 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Give And Take 08:30 NATE WHITE - Ducie's Groove 08:19 MARCUS ANDERSON - Let's Not Wait (Feat. Nicholas Cole) 08:19 DANNY LERMAN - You Take My Breath Away 08:04 NAJEE - Dr. Dolittle 07:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - Fired Up 07:54 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - I Want Her 07:51 KIM SCOTT - Best Part 07:46 TIM BOWMAN - Glory to Glory 07:42 RHODA GRAHAM - Finally 07:37 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Poppa J 07:32 DEE LUCAS - The Grady Curve 07:28 LOWELL HOPPER - Affection 07:23 JEFF KASHIWA - Hyde Park (The 'Ah, Oooh' Song) 07:19 UNDER THE LAKE - Bridgetown 07:16 WARREN HILL - Play That Funky Music (White Boy) 07:11 MARION MEADOWS - Mother Earth 07:07 OLI SILK - Meet Me In The Middle 07:03 MARCUS ANDERSON - Understanding (Feat. Brian Culbertson) 06:58 NAJEE - Savoir Faire 06:54 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 06:49 SEAN U - Second Wind 06:43 PIECES OF A DREAM - Feelin' Good 06:38 BRIAN SIMPSON - Sunlit Sea 06:33 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 06:30 SHAWN RAIFORD - It Feels so Nice 06:25 NELSON RANGELL - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 06:21 HANK BILAL - Perfect Harmony 06:17 JEFF KASHIWA - Thanks To You 06:13 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 06:09 TIM BOWMAN - Just Another Day 06:04 KIM WATERS - Nightfall 05:59 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 05:54 NAJEE - Isla Hermosa 05:51 MARION MEADOWS - Dream Catcher 05:46 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Time Marches On 05:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Limited Edition (Feat. Steven J. Collins ) 05:38 LOWELL HOPPER - Resurgence 05:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Night Jam 05:29 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 05:25 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 05:21 DONN BYNUM - Mercy Mercy Me (feat. Lew Laing Jr.) 05:18 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Morning After 05:12 STEVE COLE - Toronto 05:09 BRIAN SIMPSON - Whisper To Me 05:04 JEFF KASHIWA - Show Me Love 05:00 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Hip Hug 04:55 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 04:50 NAJEE - Bounce 04:46 GREGG KARUKAS - Coyote Party 04:42 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Better Days Ahead feat. Jeff Pescetto 04:38 KIM SCOTT - I'm Every Woman (feat. Althea Rene & Ragan Whiteside) 04:34 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 04:30 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 04:26 BRAD ALEXANDER - A Matter of Time 04:20 MARCUS ANDERSON - Dandelion 04:16 PIECES OF A DREAM - Going Home 04:12 ZOLBERT - On My Way 04:08 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 04:03 BALANCE9 - 110 at Night 03:59 JEFF KASHIWA - Something About You 03:54 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 03:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Don't Make Her Wait 03:46 NAJEE - Hurricane 03:41 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 03:37 BRIAN SIMPSON - What I'm Waiting For 03:33 LOWELL HOPPER - Ever Lasting 03:29 WALTER BEASLEY - She Can't Help It 03:24 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 03:20 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Bittersweet 03:16 MARION MEADOWS - Real Time 03:12 DANIEL DOMENGE - Between Your Hands 03:08 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - 102 Degree 03:03 BONEY JAMES - You Can Count on Me 02:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 02:54 FRANK MCCOMB - Movin' In Traffic (For Russell Ferrante and George Duke) . 02:50 MARCUS ANDERSON - Can I Come Over 02:46 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 02:42 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Check Please (feat. Chris Camozzi) 02:39 NAJEE - Luna 02:35 DANIEL CHIA - Say You Will 02:31 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tell Me Why (Feat. Paul Brown) 02:27 BALANCE9 - Sway 02:23 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 02:20 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Now I See 02:16 ZOLBERT - Smile 02:12 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 02:08 WALTER BEASLEY - Lovely Day 02:04 PHIL DENNY - Around the Block 01:59 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 01:55 THREESTYLE - Missing You 01:52 FREDDIE FOX - Feelin' It 01:48 MARION MEADOWS - Invisible 01:44 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 01:40 LOWELL HOPPER - Change of Seasons 01:36 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 01:32 NAJEE - Bottom To The Top 01:27 JEFF KASHIWA - 3 01:22 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Smooth Jazz Alley 01:18 PIECES OF A DREAM - Livin' The Life 01:14 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 01:10 MARCUS ANDERSON - Will Power 01:05 JAREZ - Just Can't Wait 01:01 JAZZ IN PINK - Positivity 00:57 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 00:53 FRANK SUTTON - Its Gonna Be A Lovely Day 00:48 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 00:44 VANN BURCHFIELD - I'm Holding On 00:40 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 00:36 THE SAX PACK - Back In Style 00:32 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 00:29 ZOLBERT - Frappe 00:25 BLAKE AARON - Dreamland 00:21 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 00:16 NAJEE - Valentine Love 00:12 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride (For George Duke) 00:07 JEFF KASHIWA - The Good Life 00:03 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout
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angeliquenoir58 · 2 years
The Rodovia dos Imigrantes has 44 viaducts, seven bridges, and 11 tunnels, along its 58.5 km stretch. The highway has recently been expanded, in one of the most audacious feats of Brazilian highway engineering, with extremely long tunnels and high strutting six-lane bridges constructed over the tropical rain forest, which covers the steep faces of the "Serra do Mar", the cliff range that separates the São Paulo plateau from the seaside lowlands. During sunny weekends, more than one million automobiles commonly cross its near 60 km run, separating the city of São Paulo from the sea.
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heart4buddie · 3 months
let your spotify predict your 2024! shuffle your on repeat playlist, and the first twelve songs represent your 2024
January- Sad Song by Annika Bennett
February- Turn Into by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
March- Vedawoo by Lowland Hum
April- The Soup by Regina Spektor
May- The Ghost on the Shore by Lord Huron
June- I Wish You Would (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
July- Sand in my Shoes by Dido
August- Odell by Lowland Hum
September- Sunday by Sia
October- Northern Attitude by Noah Kahan
November- No Promises (feat. Demi Lovato) by Cheat Codes
December- Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Ray
Tagging anyone who wants to do it
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nohiro · 6 months
kaleido proud fiesta / UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
ソシテミンナノ / ウマ娘
アコガレChallenge Dash!! / ウマ娘
救世主 / 月詠み
ソングオブザデッド / KANA-BOON
Glorious Moment / ウマ娘
ドキメキダイアリー (feat. Chinozo) / asmi
誰も彼も何処も何も知らない / ASOBI同盟
innocent arrogance / BiSH
コイコガレ / milet & MAN WITH A MISSION
ホワイトノイズ / Official髭男dism
イビツナコトバ / ダズビー
ヨトギバナシ / カノエラナ
燦々デイズ / スピラ・スピカ
恋ノ行方 / あかせあかり
青春コンプレックス / 結束バンド
BAD CITY (BUG HUMAN) / Lowland Jazz
ブルーバード / いきものがかり
紅蓮華 / LiSA
Make debut! / ウマ娘
ユメヲカケル! / ウマ娘
グロウアップ・シャイン! / ウマ娘
ALIVE / ClariS
花の塔 / さユり
UNDEAD-NOID / 伊東歌詞太郎
インフィニット / 岡咲美保
サイレントマイノリティー / 伊東歌詞太郎
ダブルシャッフル / 水樹奈々
story / 前島麻由
so far so good / 小田和正
yourself / 野田愛実
過呼吸愛 / トンボコープ
命日 / ちゃんみな
BUS STOP / ホリーズ
ユアーズ / 菅田将暉
マ人間 / 新しい学校のリーダーズ
Angry / ザ・ローリング・ストーンズ
タイムトラベルメロン / オレンジスパイニクラブ
ミチヲユケ / 緑黄色社会
倶(とも)に / 中島みゆき
しょうもな / クリープハイプ
こんなに悲しいのに腹が鳴る / クリープハイプ
忘れないで 忘れないで / サンボマスター
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moraricardo19 · 6 months
Modern History: Aqueducts
The aqueduct system is an incredible feat of engineering that has stood the test of time and required careful planning. Essentially, these structures are like bridges used to transport fresh water to populated areas across valleys or lowlands to meet their basic needs. Although in modern technology, an aqueduct is a system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels and support structures used to transport water from the source to the main distribution point.
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From 850 BC BC the first long-distance water canal system was built in the Assyrian Empire. These great engineering feats made it possible to build aqueducts on a more direct path between source and outlet. The first large-scale water management projects in Greece took place in the 7th century BC. and often includes the provision of public drinking fountains. From the 6th century BC both Samos and Athens were supplied with water by long-distance aqueducts. Another innovation in water management is rope. Qanat is an underground tunnel system that transports water that percolates through the soil, surface or spring water to the earth's surface using gravity alone. The qanats were used for irrigation and drinking water, helping to feed and sustain the population. Rope was present throughout the ancient world, from Egypt to China.
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In 750 BCE, the Babylonians also implemented this sophisticated and extensive system of water canals. Around 312 BCE Rome's first aqueduct was constructed. Thanks to engineering advances and ambitious Roman projects, they were able to overcome challenging terrain and led to the creation of magnificent aqueducts, supplying the cities of the Roman Empire not only for basic needs, but also the great Roman public baths, decorative fountains (nymphaea) and private villas.
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During the Middle Ages, people were forced to go back to water supply through wells and local rivers, as the development of aqueducts had come to a complete halt. The population during that time had to make do with other alternatives anyway, so much so that during the 14th century in Brugge they elaborated a system that used a large collecting cistern from which water was pumped, by means of a wheel with buckets on a chain, through subway conduits to public places. The most recognizable feature of Roman aqueducts may be the bridges constructed using rounded stone arches. Some of these can still be seen today traversing European valleys. However, these bridged structures made up only a small portion of the hundreds of kilometers of aqueducts throughout the empire. Thanks to the invention of the arch, they discovered materials such as concrete or waterproof cement, which prevented the unfavorable characteristics of the terrain and allowed them to conduct the water in a route as straight as possible through a slope.
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Aqueducts freed Roman cities from dependence on nearby water sources and proved invaluable in promoting public health and hygiene. Aqueducts were and still are an important means of transporting water from one place to another. Whether it was 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome, Italy or today in California, aqueducts were and are essential for transporting water from where it was available in sufficient quantities to places where it was scarce.
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We can conclude that the creation of aqueducts was another miracle of hydraulic works that supplied water to society and gradually developed its infrastructure until today, where some This ancient water aqueduct remains stable and useful to meet human needs. population. population. population. Thanks to Roman society, many alternatives were implemented to modernize these structures to the point where they became more sustainable
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outfitterhimalaya · 2 years
The Annapurna Base camp Trek guide for 14 Days
Annapurna base camp Trek is a world-renowned trek to the lap of the Annapurna Himalaya where you will be greeted by unforgettable views of the surrounding peaks. Annapurna base camp trek starts in the lush lowlands and continues up to a high-elevation amphitheater at the foot of Annapurna. We have thrilling views of Annapurna I, the first peak above 8000 m to have been climbed, a feat accomplished by a French team in 1950. The feeling of being in the heart of the Himalayas will never be forgotten.
Annapurna Base Camp and the Annapurna Glacier
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The Annapurna Base Camp Trek lies in the Annapurna Conservation area and is one of the most popular trails among many trekking trails in the region. The Annapurna Base Camp passes through many villages of different ethnic communities having different cultures and lifestyles with terraced fields to forests of rhododendron and bamboo with a wide range of flora and fauna and eventually the alpine heights. It provides non-stop natural diversity with lovely mountain views and the Himalayan landscape. The sub-tropical forests come alive with an immense variety of bird life, waterfalls thunder down from cliff sides and monkeys chatter from the tree-tops. Trekking higher into the green, terraced hills you will wander through ancient, mossy Rhododendron forests to reach the cooler Buddhist and animistic middle hills, where chortens and prayer flags send prayers out to the gods and the Gurung and Magar inhabitants look more Tibetan than Nepali. Terraced fields and tropical fruit trees surround the neat, white-washed Gurung villages of the higher regions, leading the eye to vistas dominated by some of the Himalayas' most majestic peaks. The Annapurna is truly the heart of the Nepal Himalayas.
Our Annapurna base camp trek starts with a day scenic drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara ( you have the option of taking 30 minutes flight to Pokhara instead of driving as well) the charming lakeside town with scenic views of the Himalayas and the lake.  After staying overnight at Pokhara, you will take an hour and a half drive to Nayapul – the trekking starting point and your trek continue to the Base Camp by staying overnights at Tikhedunga, Ghorepani, Tadapani, Chomrong, Dovan, and MBC. You will visit Poon Hill with a breathtaking panorama of the peaks on this trip. The trail continues up a gorge to eventually enter the majestic sanctuary near Machhapuchhre Base Camp, below the towering Machhapuchhre Peak. It is gentle ascents to Annapurna Base Camp, the high point of the journey at 4,130 m. you will take time to ample enjoy the magnificent surroundings of nearly 360˚ of peaks unlike anywhere else in the world.
There are numerous options for exploration in the Annapurna area for all types of visitors including the world-famous Annapurna Circuit Trek with Thorong La pass, Tilicho Lake, Ghorepani Poon hill, and Mardi Himal Base Camp.
We have a unique 14 days itinerary for the ABC Trek which includes your arrival and departure days plus a day sightseeing tour in Kathmandu; however, we are always ready to customize your trip itinerary if the set itinerary is not suitable for your time frame.
Outline Itinerary:
Day 01: Arrive at Kathmandu airport and transfer to hotel
Day 02: Full day sightseeing of Kathmandu
Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara
Day 04: Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul and Trek to Tikhedunga
Day 05: Trek to Ghorepani
Day 06: Hike to Poonhill and trek to Tadapani
Day 07: Trek from Tadapani to Chomrong
Day 08: Trek from Chhomrong to Himalayas
Day 09: Trek from Himalaya to Annapurna Base Camp
Day 10: Trekking from Annapurna Base Camp to Dovan
Day 11: Trekking from Dovan to Jhinudanda
Day 12: Trek from Jhinudanda to Nayapul and transfer to Pokhara
Day 13: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu
Day 14: Transfer to the international airport for your departure flight
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tekutiger · 3 years
I love this song~ it is so beautiful, sweet and soothing. I first heard it when I was really small, so I think it genuinely fits as a nocturne, or a lullaby for me 🎼🎶
There’s also a Japanese lyric version of this song that’s equally as beautiful 🥰
I can see this being a song a person/character would use to soothe a child/self/other person or small creature in fanfics/stories. Just an idea 😉
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ggukkieland · 3 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2021 March pt. 1
I appreciate all these fics as they’ve provided me comfort, distraction, etc during these times. So thank you dear authors. Sending you love 💖
If you end up checking the fics in this list, please don’t forget to show appreciation by reblogging or giving positive feedback to these authors 🥰.
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted] 🥕 Completed - completed one shots | series 🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst 🌷 with commentary on completed fics (if reading these help)
--- Some are new, some re-reads, while some are past reads that haven’t been reblogged yet. Mostly mature.
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🥕[Ongoing Series] - Social Media AUs (SMAUs)
Catching Feelings @na-na-na-nanna​ - MYG | smau | Goblin!Yoongi, Fantasy, must kiss humans to gain human emotions | Crack, F, A, S [12/?]
Cursed @bloomsuga​ - KTH | smau with written parts | Supernatural AU, Witch!Taehyung, Cursed!Reader | Crack, F, S, slight A ! [3/?]
Just Facts @yoongiiverse​ - JJK | smau | Rich Idol!jungkook, Model Dancer!Reader, Enemies to Lovers | Crack, F [5/?]
Kinda Hot @kimnjss​ - KTH | smau with written parts  | Campus Flirt!taehyung, Bestfriend!Reader, Bestfriend AU, College AU | S, F, A [15/?]
Made of Honor @suhdays​ - KTH | smau with written parts| best friend AU, made of honor!au (like the film) | F, A [18/?]
Best Man @yoontaethings​ - KTH | smau | enemies to lovers, player taehyung? | F, A, S (written) [6/?]
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🥕[Ongoing Series]
🌹 Jungkook
Almost Home [reposted/revised] @angelguk​​ - JJK | 27k+ | Single Dad AU, Nanny, slight Fake Dating | A, F [2/?]
Bands @xpeachesncream​​ - JJK | 55.9K+ | Idol AU, Stripper AU | A, F, S [14/?]
Confident @h0neypjm​​​ - JJK | 13.1k | Fuckboy AU, Virgin!Reader | S, F, A ~ [2/?]
It’s a Heartbeat @inkofyoongi​​ - JJK | 23k+ | Enemies to Lovers, College AU, their parents are dating, Jungkook is the South Korean Patrick Swayze and this will turn into a Dirty Dancing!AU nobody asked for 🤭 | A, F, S [1/?]
No Harm List @crazy4myself​​ - JJK | 93.5k+ | Mafia AU, Gang AU, Slow Burn | A, F [10/?]
Normal Kind of Love @/yoontaethings - JJK | 2.5k+ | Actor AU, Exes AU, Enemies to Lovers | A (so far) [1/?]
Open When @iluv-hobi​​ - JJK | drabble series, 2.6k | idol au, established relationship, epistolary | F ~ [2/?]
Picture Perfect @cosmoguk​​ - JJK | 5k+ | parents AU, exes AU (divorced) | A, F | [1/?]
Sleepyhead series @jkstompers​​ - JJK  | 18.2k+ | College AU, Seatmates AU, Crush AU (lol is there such a thing) | F, S
Sleepyhead - “you fall asleep during class next to the uni heart throb jeon jungkook, will you fall in love as well?” 1.8wc
Just to Study - “your seat partner asks if you’re free after class, just to study.” 7.4wc
Passing Notes - “a year of crushing and jungkook’s finally asked you out on a proper date.” 9k wc
Supermodel @koogalore​​ - JJK | 10K+ | Exes AU, infidelity AU, Jungkook is a jerk, Curvy!Reader, talks of body image | S, A [3/?]
The Realm @nottodayjjk​​ - JJK | 3.5k+ | Mystery, Fantasy, OC wakes up in a dark place not knowing where she is, afterlife feels | A [3/?]
The Weeping @themfchase​​ - JJK | 6k+ | Medieval, Dystopian, War, Fantasy AU, Romance, angels/demons | A [1/?]
Wasteland @iridescentjin​ - JJK | 4.5k+ | Sci-Fi AU, Post-Apocalyptic AU, isolation | A (so far) [1/?]
Your Love’s the Only Hoax I Believe In @sparklingchim​​ - JJK | 12.7k+ | College AU, Fuckboy AU, FWB AU, Tutor AU, Unrequited Love | A, S [2/3]
🌹 Yoongi
Birthday Girl @btsarmy9593​​ - MYG | 22K+ | one night stand AU, Noona AU, Professor!Reader, Post Grad AU | F, S [5/?]
Daechwita @/jinings (temp deact) - MYG | 20k+ | servant!yoongi - king!yoongi, princess!reader, period drama, Historical AU | All that Yoongi knows is that King Park must be killed- he just didn’t plan falling in love with his daughter along the way. | A, F, eventual S [2/?]
Silent Dreams @starlightauroras-writes​​ - MYG | 5.7k+ | Best Friend AU, sleeptalking OC while dreaming dirty thoughts about her best friend | S, F [1/?]
🌹 Multi/OT7
Holy Trinity @koyalov​​ - JJK x KTH x PJM | 9k+ | FWB AU, infidelity AU (other woman), Rockstar AU, Band AU, Bestfriend!Jungkook, FWB with other maknaes (yes it’s complicated) | A, S  [1/?]
Playmates @scribblemetae​ - OT7 | 22.6k+ | Idol AU, Sex Worker AU, Strangers to Lovers | S [2/?]
Roses @heejinnien​ - OT7 | 12.7k+ | Crime AU, Mystery, Horror, OC becomes target of the unsub | A [4/?]
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by Author
Foxymoxy [AO3] - (JJK)  been following this author since last year (A Sea of Indigo, Hybrid AU) and her fics are amazing. Currently subscribed to these three (out of four) fics which get updated weekly:  🌷
Meadow (Wolf, Shifter AU, Arranged Marriage)
Amended (Arranged Marriage, Fake Marriage, Police Office AU, Childhood Friends, Enemies to Lovers)
Lowlander (Fantasy AU, Enemies to Lovers, Fighter Jungkook)
@jimlingss​ Drabbles 2021
Three Peas in a Pod || Fluff || Namjoon || Single Dad!AU 🌷
Suspended, Seduced, Surprised! || Fluff || Jungkook || E2L
Lotus Blooms in Mud || Angst || Jimin || Historical!AU
Buttering Up || Fluff || Yoongi || Chef!AU
The Office Trip to Pound Town || Smut, Fluff || Taehyung 🌷
Snow White and the Park Ranger || Fluff || Seokjin 🌷
Humdrum Amore || Fluff || Hoseok 🌷
Awaken Again || Angst, Fluff || Namjoon || Sci-Fi!AU 🌷
The Soulmate Gift || Angst, Fluff || Yoongi || Soulmate!AU
Floof’s Tail || Fluff || Jimin || Hybrid!AU 🌷
Take What Isn’t Mine || Smut, Angst || Jungkook
Crocodile Tears || Fluff || Hoseok || Pirate!AU 🌷
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🥕[Completed Fics/Series]
Little Red @/bloomsuga - one shot | 22.5k | Werewolf AU, got lost in the woods, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood | S, F, A
Pheromones @rmnamjoons​​ - one shot | 17.5k | Spaceship Captain!Namjoon, Botanist!Reader, Sci Fi AU, Pining | S, F, A 🌷
Stuttering @moonlightchildz​​ - one shot | 11.6k | Tutor AU, Underground Rapper, College AU, Secret Identity | F, S  🌷
There’s a Fly in My Soup @sahmfanficbts​​ - drabble | 1.8k | Cafe Owner x Customer!Namjoon, Cafe AU, Strangers to Lovers, Crack  | F, A (in form of one very stressed OC) 🌷
You’ve Got a Friend in Me @wwilloww​​ - one shot | 3k | Bestfriend AU, Roommate AU, interesting idea to reduce stress levels | S 🌷
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All I Ever Wanted @hayjeon​ - one shot | 10k | Teacher AU, Enemies to Lovers AU | F, S 🌷
Voicemail @joonary​​ - one shot | 7k | College Podcast AU, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Bestfriend AU | F (💕fluffy day reblog)  🌷
What Made Us Feel Human @joonsgalaxy​​ - drabble | 2.3k | Neighbor AU, thought neighbor’s noise is due to sex but it’s something else, Crack | F 🌷
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Accidents @jungxk​​ - drabble 2.4k | Dad AU, Comedy | F (💕fluffy day reblog)🌷
Are You Still With Him @/joonsgalaxy - drabble | 1.7k | Roommate AU, Producer AU, Friends to Lovers, secret pining, use of song lyrics in the fic | F (I really love how it made use of different song lyrics in the story) 🌷
Avec Mes Souvenirs @palpitate-hyperventilate - one shot | 3.5k | Nikita!AU, Assassin AU, Trainer Yoongi | A
Dad Yoongi + Pawful Experience by obiwrites (through reblogs of her old posts) - drabble | 2.1k | Husband AU, Dad AU, presence of Holly and one resistant Yoongi | F (ugh this is the cutest) 🌷
Earn It @sugasbabiie​​ - one shot | 5k | College AU, Professor AU, PWP,  PLOT TWIST! | S, A 🌷
Hidden Stars @jungblue - series [5/5] | 37.3k | Idol AU, Love Triangle, some reference to infidelity | A, F, S  (a reblog of old faves) 🌷
In Character @kookingtae​​ - one shot | 5.7k | Pornstar AU, “actor au where yoongi plays a burglar who breaks into your house and has his way with you.” | S 🌷
Listen Closely @avveh​​ - one shot | 12.2k | Office AU, Coworker AU, accidently received a recording of Yoongi 🌶🥵💦 | S (reblog) 🌷
Love Language @gukslut​​ - one shot | 5.3k | Established Relationship, use of the Love Language concept | A, S, F (reblog) 🌷
Overstayed Welcome @kaep-jjjang - one shot | 7k | secret crush on yoongi, yoongi to the rescue when a one night stand won’t leave, friends to lovers | S
Selfish @write-this-way-please - two shot [2/2, sort of discontinued] | 3.8k | Coffee Shop AU, kinda hated each other, then a bit of surprise by end of Part 1 | Part 2 feat Namjoon | S, A
Slip @kinglykook​​ - one shot | 5.2k | Roommate AU, Enemies (kinda), OC slipped | S (a rediscovered fic 🤩) 🌷
Tsundere @dovechim​​ - one shot | 11.2k | College AU, Resident Advisor | S, A (a reblog) 🌷
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To The Beat of My Heart @jeonggukingdom​​​​ - one shot | 7.2k | Dancer AU, use of mirror 🥵💦| S, pwp 🌷
Written on Our Veins @army-author​​​ - two shot [2/2] | 33.2k | Soulmate AU (💕heart day reblog) 🌷
This is Not a Love Story @sincerelyourfangirl - one shot | 8.7k | breakup au, infidelity, but happy ending for OC | A 🌷
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Cordially Jimin @kpopfanfictrash​ - one shot | 6.1k | Office AU, Epistolary (through correspondence), Humor | F (💕fluffy day reblog) 🌷
Saturday Mornings @craztextae​ ​ - drabble | 2.2k | Pining AU, Strangers to Lovers(?), Plot Twist! | S 🌷
Girls Like You [Don’t] Run Around with Guys Like Me @ktheist​ - one shot | 4k | popular!reader x shy!jimin, Rich Kids AU, FWB AU, College AU, ends as CEO (PJM) and Racer (OC) | A, F
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A Letter in Roses @artaefact​​  - one shot | 8k | Husband AU, CEO AU, appearance of Yeontan | F, implied S
A Timely Malfunction @/joonsgalaxy - drabble | 2.9k | time travel, friends to lovers, prompt:  “What? No, I never said that.” | F
College FWB Drabble + PDA + Miscomm @yukheii - drabble | FWB AU, College AU | F (seriously this is super cute) 🌷
Handsy @jinned​​​ - one shot | 3.7k | Roommate AU, Bestfriend AU, Childhood Friends AU, Pining | taehyung helps her during time of need | S, F 🌷
Hold Still @/joonsgalaxy - drabble | 2.1k | CEO AU, use of flashlight 🙈 | S, pwp ( I’ll Never look at flashlights 🔦 the same way again)
Not Even Close @lovetrivia​​ - drabble | a powerful 600 wc | enemies to lovers, college au, hookups | S, pwp, A 🌷
Of Mages and Swords @masterninjacow​​ - one shot | 40k | Fantasy AU, King Arthur AU, Royalty AU, Action, Romance | A, F 🌷 #holygrailfic
Potent But Not Real @whatifyoulivelikethat​ - one shot | 5k | Assassin AU, Office Worker Taehyung | S, A
Talk Slow @writtenwhalien​​ - one shot | 6.4k | brother’s best friend, Exes AU, never have I ever game | A, S, F
The Temp @jkeuphoriadreamland​​ - one shot | 8.2k | Enemies to Lover, CEO AU, Taehyung has arranged marriage with someone else (headed for divorce) | S, F 🌷
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gets a separate post due to too many fic reblogs 😬 (see link below for PART 2)
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I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic posted: 2021 March 24 link to other reading lists  | Mar Part 2
1K notes · View notes
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Clementine Blackwood Thompson *Supporting character
Singing Voice Claim: (Juliana Daily) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF9T9m4w9FY
Partner(s): None. Parents: Samuel Cullman-Thompson & Adrian Blackwood. Kids: None. Siblings: Echo Blackwood Thompson. Age: Immortal but translates into mid-late 20′s. Birthday: Undecided/not born yet. Height: 171cm (5.6ft) Body type: Slim. Eye color: Jade green and chocolate brown. Classification: Immortal. Shape shifter/wolf shifter. About: Adaptable, Creative, Open-minded, Balanced, Elegant, Adventurous, Disciplined, Considerate, Independent, Calm, Feminine, Confident, Fair, Patient, Helpful, Supportive, Organized, Protective and Respectful. ~ Has long silky auburn hair. ~ Very close to both her parents and her twin brother. ~ Sexuality: Bisexual. ~ Has a really lovely singing voice, but doesn’t wanna do anything professional with it. ~ Sings when she does the dishes though. ~ Plays guitar and harp very well. ~ Excellent cook! ~ People often mistake her for a snob or high maintenance, really isn’t.  ~ Very warmhearted and caring. ~ Smells like: Cherry or deep warm rose notes. ~ Lives with her twin brother. ~ And their cat Baldrian. ~ Photographer, artist and freelance writer. ~ Both paints and sculpts. ~ Works part time as a barista at a local coffee shop owned by close friends. ~ Believes kindness, understanding and love, is the key to solving most problems. ~ Has a family of hedgehogs living in her garden, she feeds them every day. ~ Drinks a lot of tea, mostly made by home grown herbs from her parents. ~ Rarely watches tv. ~ Prefers to stare at an art project instead. ~ Knows her own worth. ~ Considers studying to become a biologist. ~ Enjoys a glass of red or white wine after a long day. ~ Can be a bit bossy, but only for your own good. ~ Would love to write a childrens book. ~ Is rather obsessed with butterflies, and always wears butterfly earrings she got from her parents as a kid. ~ Hikes a lot with her brother or dad, Sam. ~ Environmental friendly. ~ Bakes the worlds best bread. Possibly. ~ Is mostly called Cleo, Clem or Clemmie. Last mentioned is only her brothers doing, and she hates it. ~ Doesn’t like very cold beverages. ~ Always ready with a helping hand. ~ Can be a bit of a workaholic. ~ Likes to unplug from social media and be unreachable for a while. ~ Wears dark red lipstick every day, cause it makes her feel empowered. ~ Likes to help people achieve their dreams and goals. Is a pretty passionate person and always pours her whole heart into whatever she does. ~ Loves: Her family, her pets, singing, writing, playing guitar/harp, frogs, orchids, butterflies, nature, rabbits, caring for her family and friends, work, new art supplies, photographing, hanging out with her brother, cooking, cheese, wine, pistachio nuts, olives, hiking, areas with no cell service, cardamom, brown sugar, figs, plums, crispy leaves, the smell of earth after it rains, sunrise/sundown, the moon, badgers, moths, ladybugs, fog, snow, knitted sweaters, tea and helping wherever help is needed. ~ Her style is: Feminine and elegant. ~ Doesn’t like promises, cause they so often break.
Cleo’s tag Cleo’s house/home Cleo’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe her: Incubus - Promises, Promises Personal Playlist: 1. The Rolling Stones - Ride 'Em On Down 2. The Velvet Underground - Venus In Furs 3. Of Monsters And Men - From Finner 4. Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times 5. Arborea - Son Of The Moon, Daughter Of The Sun 6. Bob Dylan - Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands 7. NewDad - Ladybird 8. The Paper Kites - Take Me Home (feat. Nadia Reid) 9. The Lumineers - Ho Hey 10. Aerosmith - Eat The Rich 11. The Doors - Touch Me 12. Angus & Julia Stone - Grizzly Bear 13. Paolo Nutini - Let Me Down Easy 14. Pink Floyd - High Hopes 15. Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymna
30 notes · View notes
chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 28, 2022)
23:56 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 23:52 KEN NAVARRO - Walking Each Other Home 23:49 VINCENT INGALA - Snap, Crackle, Pop 23:45 BE'NE MUSIC - Missing You 23:41 PAUL DOZIER - No Ordinary Love 23:37 JEFFERY SMITH - Groove You Tonight 23:33 JEANETTE HARRIS - You Can Dance 23:29 KOOL&KLEAN - Cruise 23:24 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fall Departs 23:20 BRIAN SIMPSON - Here with You 23:15 NICHOLAS COLE - Between Us (feat. Michael Stever) 23:11 BLAIR BRYANT - Red Tiger 23:06 NILS - Hey Ya 23:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Clean Heart 22:55 ROGER SANCHEZ - Another Chance (Afterlife Mix) 22:49 R.I.B - I Look At Sea Horizon 22:45 FILIPE NARCISO - Forbidden Love (Original Mix) 22:41 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (feat. Shine) 22:37 LOWLAND - Seven Cities 22:32 SEXY LIYA, DEEMA - Chemistry Of Love (DJ Shved Remix) 22:26 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 22:21 DJ SHAH, ADRINA THORPE - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Version) 22:18 SWEET EUPHONY - After We Close Our Eyes (Chillout Version) 22:13 ANN GRACE - Moon In Love 22:08 ABOVE & BEYOND, OCEANLAB - I Am What I Am (Original Mix) 22:05 ZARA, SNATT & VIX - No Angel (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 22:01 DUBDIVER - Desert Land (Eternal Calling Mix) 21:58 SCUBBA, IVETTE MORAES, RONAN - The Sweetest Taboo (Remix) 21:55 SENSPROOF - Starflight (Alex Atmospheric Chillout Remix) 21:52 ACTIVA, JULIE HARRINGTON - You Are Here (Ambient Mix) 21:49 ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, ELLEAH - These Walls (Album Mix) 21:43 SHERRIE LEA - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 21:37 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 21:33 BLANK & JONES, ELLES - Mind Of The Wonderful (Acoustic Version) 21:28 YIRUMA - River Flows In You (N-Drew Fate Remix) 21:24 SYLVERING - Strangelove 21:21 LEO ROJAS - Flying Heart 21:15 MILA - Impation 21:11 FOR FOUND FUTURE - Time Is Moving (Chillout Lounge Mix) 21:07 GARBAGE - Milk 21:02 MEDINA - You & I (DJ Petroff Remix) 20:58 TYDI, TANIA ZYGAR - The Moment It Breaks (Original Mix) 20:52 JOHN DAHLBACK - Everywhere (D.O.N.S. vs. Tranquillo chill mix) 20:48 ZAZA, JORGE NAVA - Broken (Chill Mix) 20:43 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 20:39 SOLID SESSIONS - Janeiro (Chiller Twist Blue Line Remix) 20:33 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 20:28 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 20:22 20SABANCI - As Faces Fade (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Chill Out Remix) 20:15 AUROSONIC, KATTY HEATH - My Good Place (Mark Otten Downtempo Remix) 20:12 DJ PAULBASS, DJ GORODNEV & P.KOLVINKOVSKY - Call Me (Lounge Mix) 20:08 HEAVN - Bright Lights 20:01 TORNIKE - Night Steps (Original Mix) 19:55 GREEN POINT ORCHESTRA - Miriam Dub 19:50 GARY B - Time To Slow It Down 19:47 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognise (Acoustic Version) 19:42 ATB - Let U Go (Schiller Remix) 19:38 MICHAEL E - People Watching (Rubber Neck Mix) 19:32 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 19:28 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:23 ANDAIN - Much Too Much (Zetandel Chill Remix) 19:19 EMMA HEWITT - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 19:13 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 19:08 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Lost (Chill Version) 19:04 ALY & FILA, JWAYDAN - We Control The Sunlight (Chill Out Mix) 19:00 MICHAEL ANGELO, MELISSA LORETTA - Hearts Unspoken (Christopher Breeze Chillout Mix) 18:53 KITARO - Matsuri 18:49 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 18:44 SAGI REI - Fall Again 18:39 RHEINGOLD ENSEMBLE - Deja Bo 18:35 SUPER8 & TAB, JAN BURTON - Free Love 18:31 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 18:27 AREA CODE 51 - Chillout In Paris 18:22 BISSEN, THE CROSSOVER - Washout (Piano Mix) 18:19 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 18:16 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 18:10 GAZEEBO - Shiny Lust 18:05 IT'S DIFFERENT - Tell Me 18:01 PELARI, COLLIN WEX, DOMINIQUE FRICOT - Oasis (CollinWex Chill Mix) 17:56 BLUE STAHLI - Corner (Ad Astra Remix) 17:53 MARIUS NEDELCU, RED HEAD - Rain (Acoustic Version) 17:48 ZETANDEL, TIFF LACEY - Cosmos (Original Mix) 17:44 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 17:41 LEMON ICE - Hello 17:34 LA NUIT DEL MAR - Everybody (Luxury Lounge Cafe Mix) 17:29 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 17:25 GORDON GECO - Fade In Away 17:20 HARD GREY, HOUSE REPUBLIC - Music Sounds Better With You (Eat More Cake Remix) 17:15 HESS IS MORE - Yes Boss 17:11 GABRIELA MENDEZ FUENTE - Romance In Ibiza (Orchester Lite Edit) 17:06 ATB - Still Here 17:00 LUSTRAL - Someone (Original Mix) 16:55 NAJEE - Center of the Heart 16:51 UNDER THE LAKE - Can't Believe It's True 16:47 MARION MEADOWS - Miami 16:42 PETER WHITE - Bittersweet 16:38 BLAIR BRYANT - Smooth Sailing Tonight 16:34 WALTER BEASLEY - Expressway 16:29 DREW DAVIDSEN - Double or Nothin' 16:25 BLAKE AARON - Shine 16:21 WAYMAN TISDALE - Way Up 16:17 ROD BEST - A Moment In Time 16:12 CHILLAXONIC - Quintessence 16:08 JACOB WEBB - Near the Amazon 16:04 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 16:00 VERNON LOUIS HICKS - Je'anne (feat. Austin Jay) 15:55 BRAD ALEXANDER - Through the Fire (feat. Andrew Gouche) 15:51 PAUL DOZIER - Myrtle Beach 15:46 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Later Tonight 15:42 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Catalina Kiss 15:38 SEAN U - Xlr8 15:34 PAUL BROWN - Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise 15:30 NILS - The Hump 15:25 MICHAEL LEMMO - Nobody Knows 15:22 PEET PROJECT - Bring Me To Life 15:18 PHIL DENNY - Ride With Me 15:14 NORMAN BROWN - Spirit Power 15:09 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Keep Holding On 15:05 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Surviving the Storm 15:00 NICHOLAS COLE - Feelings 14:56 AL DEGREGORIS - Mauritius 14:53 DAVE SERENY - Talk To Me 14:48 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Morning In A Distant Land 14:43 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 14:39 RAINFOREST BAND - Annisa 14:35 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Saxophone 14:31 RICK HABANA - Eclipse 14:27 BENNETT B - MIdnight Passion 14:22 KIM WATERS - Go 14:18 GREGG KARUKAS - Show Me The Way 14:14 KEN NAVARRO - Into The Light 14:10 JAREZ - Take My Time 14:05 BRANDON WILLIS - Bring It On 14:00 PETER WHITE - Our Dance 13:56 DEON YATES - Suit and Tie 13:52 CAROL ALBERT - Sometime 13:47 JAY KING - Soulful Bossa Nova 13:43 THREESTYLE - Prime Time (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 13:39 CHRIS STANDRING - Snowfall 13:34 LIN ROUNTREE - Fluid 13:30 DANIEL DOMENGE - Always to Run 13:26 NILS - Waiting on Hold 13:21 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Miles And Miles To Go 13:17 JEANETTE HARRIS - Thankful (feat. Joel Bowers) 13:13 STEVE OLIVER - Chips And Salsa 13:09 RICHARD ELLIOT - Ricochet 13:04 EUGE GROOVE - Tango in Rio 13:00 ANDRE DELANO - Vocalistic 12:56 OLI SILK - the Limit's the Sky 12:52 NILS - My Friends 12:48 JACKIEM JOYNER - Trinity 12:44 PIECES OF A DREAM - One for the Money 12:39 NELSON RANGELL - Welcome Home 12:35 NORMAN BROWN - Up 'N' At 'Em 12:30 GERRY SMOOTH - Let's Dance 12:27 DEAN JAMES - Georgia On My Mind (feat. Salio) 12:24 WALTER BEASLEY - Be Thankful 12:19 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Attitude Indicator 12:16 NICHOLAS COLE - It Ain't Over 12:11 KEN POWE - Wish You Were Here 12:08 VINCENT INGALA - Personal Touch 12:03 JEREMY HECTOR - Islander 12:00 MARK JAIMES - ABC 11:56 BENNETT B - Buenos Aires 11:51 MICHAEL LINGTON - Til the Morning Light 11:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - Hazelnut 11:42 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 11:37 KEN NAVARRO - By My Side 11:32 GEORGE JINDA - Beautiful Gold 11:29 DAVID BENOIT - @Home 11:24 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ecstasy 11:20 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 11:17 DEON YATES - Wiseguys 11:12 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 11:09 JAY KING - I Once Had Your Love 11:04 ROB TARDIK - You Know What I Mean 11:00 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 10:55 TONY LINDSAY - Soul Soldier 10:51 LES SABLER - Tranquility 10:47 ADAM HAWLEY - Just A Friend Of Mine 10:42 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Carmelita 10:38 LEBRON - Red Hook 10:34 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Wake up the Groove 10:30 JOY RIDE - Joy Ride 10:25 EUGE GROOVE - Of Course 10:21 PAUL BROWN - The Rhythm Method 10:17 NILS - Don't Hold Back 10:13 FOSTINA DIXON - More 10:09 JACKIEM JOYNER - Europa (feat. Keiko Matsui) 10:04 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 10:00 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 09:55 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Gonna Fly 09:51 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 09:46 DAVE KOZ - Surrender 09:42 PAUL JACKSON JR. - B.F.A.M. (Brothers from Another Mother) 09:38 FREDDIE FOX - No U Turn 09:34 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - That Moment 09:30 VINCENT INGALA - Sexy Mama 09:25 JOYCE COOLING - Jelly on My Jacket 09:21 CHAN HALL, TONY CRADDOCK - Stay Awhile 09:17 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Your Smile 09:12 PIECES OF A DREAM - Just Do It! 09:09 JESSY J - Mr. Prince 09:05 BRANDON WILLIS - Next Friday 09:00 KEN NAVARRO - Stoned Soul Picnic 08:57 ERIC DARIUS - Heaven Sent 08:52 RICHARD ELLIOT - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing 08:48 JULIAN VAUGHN - Loving You 08:44 RICK BRAUN - Me And You 08:39 ANDY SNITZER - She Loves Me 08:34 DREAMING IN COLOUR - Yearbook 08:29 AL DEGREGORIS - Odyssey 08:24 BOB BALDWIN - It's a New Day 08:20 MARION MEADOWS - Consequences 08:17 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pocket Love 08:13 PETER HEROLD - Something About The Name Jesus 08:09 CRAIG SHARMAT - Outside In 08:04 PETER WHITE - Walk On By 08:00 JAY KING - Baby Lets Dance Tonight 07:56 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - If I Told You 07:50 CINDY BRADLEY - Sonny's Home 07:45 PAUL BROWN - Las Vegas 07:41 PHIL DENNY - Kinda Wanna 07:36 JAREZ - All Night 07:31 JACKIEM JOYNER - In Love Again 07:27 MICHAEL ROSS - On the Beach with You 07:22 CHRIS GODBER - Energy 07:16 MARCUS ANDERSON - I Surrender All 07:12 RAGAN WHITESIDE - How Do You Know (vocal) 07:08 DAVE KOZ - Together Again 07:04 BE'NE MUSIC - Journey 07:00 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - When I See The Sunshine In You 06:56 BLUEY - You Are the One 06:51 GERALD ALBRIGHT - So Amazing 06:47 DEE BROWN - Deep Secrets (feat. Blair Bryant) 06:44 KENNY PORE - Love Crossover 06:39 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 06:35 PATRICK YANDALL - Down at the Shell 06:31 NILS - Let's Bounce 06:27 DREW DAVIDSEN - I'm Into You (feat. Ron Tyson) 06:23 ERIC DARIUS - Jean Maries Groove (Dedication for Prvcy Jeans) 06:19 PETER WHITE - Stormfront 06:15 REGGIE CORDINGTON - Waterfalls 06:10 VINCENT IOIA - Caribbean Nights 06:04 OLI SILK - This Was Then, That Is Now 06:00 DAN SIEGEL - A World Away 05:56 GREGORY GOODLOE - All the Way 05:51 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - That's It For Tonight 05:47 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 05:42 RICHARD ELLIOT - Moomba 05:38 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Beautiful 05:34 VINCENT INGALA - Baby I'm Hooked (Right Into Your Love) 05:30 TONY SAUNDERS - Celebrate You 05:26 FREDDIE FOX - Southern Ways 05:22 MARCUS ANDERSON - Paisley Red 05:18 KIM WATERS - Hidden Treasure 05:13 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Plantation Key 05:09 ROB TARDIK - Flip Flop 05:05 AL DEGREGORIS - Connect the Dots 05:00 MEKIEL REUBEN - Stop Stalling 04:56 JAREZ - Driving Force (feat. Willie Bradley) 04:52 NORMAN BROWN - Won't You Stay 04:48 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Hook, Line & Sinker 04:44 JIM ADKINS - Into the Storm 04:40 CHUCK LOEB - Springs 04:36 BONEY JAMES - Solid 04:33 MILES GILDERDALE - Where I'm Going 04:29 EDGARDO CINTRON - Together Again 04:25 MARK ETHEREDGE - Resonance (Remastered) 04:21 DEE LUCAS - Zimbabwe 04:17 PETER WHITE - Life Story 04:12 KEITH MASON - He's Holy 04:08 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Let's Ride 04:04 MARCUS JOHNSON - Sunday @ Sequoia 04:00 DAVE BAKER - California Dreaming (feat. Rich Kurtz & Walter Runge) 03:56 MARC ANTOINE - Groovin' High 03:52 JEANETTE HARRIS - People Make The World Go Round 03:47 ANDRE CAVOR - Heaven 03:43 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Second Date 03:38 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Flower Child 03:34 GARY MEGGS - Life's Little Changes 03:30 DON VINO - Worried (Feat. Tye Platinum) 03:27 WADE C. LONG - Happy Go Lucky 03:23 TERENCE YOUNG - Love Ballad 03:19 JAZMIN GHENT - Kickin It Up 03:14 REZA KHAN - Painted Stories 03:11 BENNETT B - Together We Stand 03:08 ADAM HAWLEY - Dance With Me (Feat. Gerald Albright) 03:04 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Sexy Love 03:00 CHRIS STANDRING - Whatever She Wants 02:57 VINCENT INGALA - Look At Me (I'm In Love) 02:52 JOHN E. LAWRENCE - Photo Shoot 02:48 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Simply Beautiful St. Lucia 02:44 CAROL ALBERT - Fly Away Butterfly 02:40 GIL - You & Me 02:35 GINO ROSARIA - Island Life 02:31 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 02:26 AL DEGREGORIS - East 86th 02:22 DAVE KOZ - Can't Let You Go (The Sha La Song) (feat. Luther Vandross) 02:18 JAREZ - All Of Me 02:15 PEET PROJECT - Down to the Lake 02:11 DEE BROWN - Love You Too 02:07 EUGE GROOVE - Hey Boo 02:03 2UNES - Rock Steady 02:00 RICK HABANA - LA to KC (feat. Blair Bryant) 01:55 DEE LUCAS - Dollar Bill 01:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Close 2 You 01:45 DEE LUCAS - Take The L 01:41 PETER WHITE - Venice Beach 01:36 NELSON RANGELL - That's the Way of the World 01:32 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Night Out 01:28 KENNEY POLSON - Love on a Two Way Street 01:23 MARC ANTOINE - Follow Your Bliss 01:18 MADOCA - Surrender 01:13 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 01:09 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 01:05 PETER HEROLD - The Way You Are 01:00 RANDY SCOTT - Intimacy 00:56 SONIX - Cloud 9 00:52 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Chica Timida 00:47 DAVID DAVIS - If Your Girl Only Knew 00:42 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Now I'm on My Way 00:38 GREGG KARUKAS - Fly Away (Thinking of You) 00:35 BEN TANKARD - Afternoon Nap 00:31 J. WHITE - Just Ride 00:27 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Flowin' with It 00:21 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 00:18 DANNY LERMAN - Saxsultan 00:14 JOYCE COOLING - Take Me There 00:09 LOWELL HOPPER - Night Song 00:04 CHRIS GODBER - Soul Searchin 00:00 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Hang On To Your Love
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gophergal · 2 years
Clans of the Fading Hollow
For around half a year, I've been working on a group of warrior cats fan clans that's sorta become it's own thing. I really want to write a story set in the world, but for now I'll just make some posts about the worldbuilding and some characters *shrug*. Maybe write a few short things. This time though, the setting and clans
The Setting Of Fading Hollow
The clans live in and around a hollow (for those unaware, it's the lowland in a series of hills, usually with a body of water at the lowest point) in Appalachia. They're the descendants of feral cats and housepets who'd been left behind after a major disaster. One that made the land unlivable for it's former human inhabitants. The animals, however, have survived. The cats in particular have done well for themselves, some even forming their own societies in the form of clans.
The cats of CloudHill live on around the high point of the woods. Their camp is the clearing on top of the hill where they shelter in fallen logs and old stumps. They're well known for their ability to climb even the tallest trees and move through the woods as if they were creeping mist. They're soft spoken, and love jokes.
These cats have made their home in the small caves and rocky overhang in the valley. They value strength, mostly physical, but also sheer willpower and emotional strength. Most cats here love to wrestle and challenge each other to absurd feats.
Meadow cats build their nests in the soft grass tangled by the wind. They're known for their speed and grace, both of which are hard to match. They weave feathers and dried plants into their fur for rituals and gatherings.
SunDen cats made their camp in the abandoned home of a human family. They value high intelligence and honoring tradition. They're very religious and have an intricate altar in front of the east facing window of the house. They keep track of time better than the rest of the clans due to there reverence for the sun. Somehow, over the years the house is still relatively well kept for having a bunch of cats living in it.
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resbangmod · 3 years
Resbang 2020 Promo, the Thirteenth
Follow the Rain Home
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presented by author: @soundofez​ [AO3]
with artist: @azroazizah​
Pairings, if any: Ox Ford & Harvar D. Eclair, Jacqueline Dupre & Kimial Diehl
Rating: T
Warnings: Minor character death, pacing is garbage, canon-typical violence
Oscar and Harv make their way deeper into the mountains to look for their lost companions. The fact that they have family to welcome them both is helpful, but not necessarily welcome on its own. In the meantime, Jack and Kim walk the path that has been paved for them to the consequences lying at its end.
Featuring Kilik Rung and Casper Graves-Grey, correspondence from Liz Thompson and Sebastian Black, and the triumphant(?) return of one Soul Evans. Set in the Leagues & Legends universe.
Please enjoy the story preview below the cut!    
Names have power. Humans have forgotten, sort of— or perhaps they have warped it, by granting power to families instead of to titles. Oscar knew the power of his name. He did not like it. Power was not meant to be flung like that: it was meant to be held, to be treasured, to be saved and carefully metered. --- Names have power. Monsters know this: the fairies of the forest, the sphinxes of the desert, the trolls of the lowlands, and the harpies of the mountains all guard their names, that strangers might not know them. The last of these have a long reach: they remember the names of all who are theirs and all who were, and the names of those who might be. --- The mountains have a long reach. They claim those who wish it and those who do not, those who flee and those who are cast out. So, too, do people lay claim to the mountains: heroes and vigilantes, mayors and citizens, monsters and men.
The mountains have their own names, some old, some new. The Giantkiller is an old one, and has been carried by many; ours would not be the first to be hated and feared. The last had been both vigilante and titled hero; ours would be neither. Jack would burn down a giant with golden fire, would help build a castle from his bones, would rain terror on the mountains who hated to claim her. They would call her Giantkiller because they knew her feat but not her name. They would call her the Seeress's because she would, because she stayed as close as a shadow, forever on guard, the poison that dripped from the Seeress's fangs. They would call her a traitor because the first time a mage had thrown fire at her master, she had caught it and torn it apart the way only a mage could. ---
The mountains have their own names, some old, some new, and the Seeress is a new one. The first had believed, painfully, in the cost of innocent lives; ours would not know what she believed, exactly, only that the work had to be done.
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