How it feels to like the music of someone who is cancelled and everyone hates
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spaghetti-l0v3r · 17 days
the macdennis brainrot is STRONG
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sickxpuppy · 8 days
if u haven’t listened to GRLwood i do NOT want to speak to u until you do. /nsrs
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fandomwe1rd0 · 28 days
You're gonna do what I tell you, you're my sidekick, follow my rules.
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Don't speak unless you're spoken to, this whole room don't need to know you.
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I fucking hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa.
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I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa.
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It'd be better if you grew some balls, but not too much, where you act too tough.
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Do more of this
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But don't do that.
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That's too much red.
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Eating makes you fat.
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I fucking hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa.
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I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa.
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I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa.
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I could replace you, but I don't!
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You should say "Thank you!"
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14-year-olds like you are too young to know abuse.
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Why can't you just listen to me like a good sidekick would?
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Oh! I hate my grandpa! I hate my grandpa! I hate my grandpa. Oh, I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa!
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I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa,
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I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa, I hate my grandpa. I hate my grandpa,
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I hate my motherfucking grandpa!
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I hate my grandpa.
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~ I Hate My Mom by GRLwood
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delusionsofanidiot · 2 months
Sometimes you just gotta separate the art from the artist yall.
To be clear, I'm talking about Mindless Self Indulgence and GRLwood.
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Regina Mills listens to I Hate My Mom by GRLwood
I don't make the rules.
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starstruckbaby · 7 months
why are lead singers always terrible people????
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mossymushroomzs · 5 months
Can't you just fuck boys like a normal girl would
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psychwardpup · 11 hours
would you send me a song rec ? :3
here are some good ones if you like louder music >:3
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nighttimenarcotics · 9 months
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koledoomer · 30 days
xtra stuffs
im kole or eric , call me either u want , i use he / him prns most of the time , u can ask what other ones i use if u wanna know ! n im tkn by my lovely bf , dylan :)
some of my fav bands / music artists r :
KMFDM , NIN , mcr , foo fighters , nirvana , GRLwood , mars argo , mother mother , baby bugs , girl in red , rio romeo , taylor swift , guns n’ roses , alex g , motley crue , hanoi rocks , palaye royale , marilyn manson , penelope scott , bo burnham , caroline carr , KISS , metallica , iron maiden , aerosmith , the oozes , florence + the machine , hozier , cavetown , $uicideboy$ , rebzyyx , roar , eyedress , tokio hotel , pearl jam n many many more !
some of my fav movies / shows / documentarys r :
zero hour , zero day , thirteen , mean girls , legally blonde , tokio hotel TV , all the saw movies , the terrifier movies , the texas chainsaw massacre , heathers , 911 , NCIS
feel free to send me asks / talk to me if ur an alter from sum1 in my source <3 :)
oh and js ask me 4 my discord if u want it !!
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xollii · 9 months
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gnashiingovteeth · 5 days
Saw GRLwood last night with my sister and it was so sick! Completely spontaneous too and yet it was one of my fav shows of the year so far 🥹 posting random shit from the night
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sickxpuppy · 6 days
“i want you body to want my body like my body wants your body, but your body don’t want my body like my body wants your body. so i hate my body so i hate my body so i hate my body so i hate my body i hate my body.”
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darkwitch1999 · 1 month
@darkwitch1999 Mother’s Day must have been a living hell for Noelle and Devin! Do they even celebrate at all?
Well, @princessbutterflysposts, Noelle and Devin still celebrate Mother's Day, but Devin celebrates it his own way. And I wouldn't necessarily call it a "hell" for Noelle. Let me explain:
He doesn't celebrate Mother's Day with his birth mother, Chandler Nolan, for a couple of reasons:
Chandler is always busy and absent from home.
Chandler thinks of Mother's Day as a ridiculous commercial holiday and a waste of time that could be better put towards studying and hard work.
Chandler is a massive BITCH who has made it perfectly clear that she doesn't have even a pinch of maternal love for her son.
When Devin was a young child, he would try to give his mother an extraordinarily beautiful card that he made for her (seriously, those cards were made with a professional level of skill that you wouldn't expect a child his age to be able to create) and a bouquet of very beautiful flowers.
His mother then proceeded to tear the card in half in front of him and threw the bouquet back at his face, scolding him for wasting his time, talents, and intelligence on such "nonsense".
Devin stopped trying to celebrate his mother on Mother's Day when he finally realized that his mother doesn't love him at the age of eight.
Now for Mother's Day, Devin visits the grave of his REAL mother, Uma Khatri, who was his nanny who raised him from birth until she died of a terminal illness when Devin was three years old.
When Devin visits her grave, he disguises himself by wearing the glasses that he needs but his mother won't allow him to wear because they are an "imperfection" and his original Kitty Section hoodie that he had anonymously commissioned Marinette to make for him, secretly orders sweets from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery (aka his forbidden fruit since his mother's strict diet for him doesn't allow sweets), and buys the loveliest flowers that he can find to place on her grave.
While Devin is visiting Uma's grave, this is one of the rare moments that he allows himself to become vulnerable. He talks to her, tells her how much he wishes she was still here with him, and just really lets out his bottled-up insecurities and feelings.
Noelle's feelings towards her mother are...complicated.
Noelle just can't bring herself to hate her mother completely yet despite how terribly she treats her father and brother (and she's not a huge fan of how her mother criticizes her interests). The good memories that she has of her mother still keeps her attached to Alyssa.
Noelle and Alyssa still share some mutual parent-child love for each other despite their differences (not as much as Alyssa and Anais, but still).
That being said, Noelle still makes an effort with Anais to make Mother's Day special for Alyssa.
Anais always wants to cook breakfast for their mother so she and Noelle get up early every Mother's Day to cook breakfast for Alyssa.
After breakfast, Alyssa and her daughters would have a "Girls' Day" together by going to beauty salons to get makeovers, clothing stores to try on/buy clothes, having lunch together, and later getting desserts.
Anais has a blast doing these activities with her mother, though Noelle is not too thrilled about having to try on dresses or getting her make-up done.
However, Mother's Day is the one day a year that her parents are not fighting with each other at all, so Noelle is willing to swallow her pride and act "girly" for just one day to make her mother happy.
Michael doesn't celebrate Mother's Day with them.
Before Michael started going to therapy and getting sober, he would binge drink the strongest alcoholic beverages he could find and listen to Grlwood's "I Hate My Mom" on repeat while he laid on the floor quietly sobbing "I fucking hate you, mom..." until he passed out.
Now Michael spends Mother's Day with his father since his sisters are out with their mother all day and his boyfriend is spending Mother's Day with his mother.
Michael and Ronan usually spend Mother's Day working together at the photography studio since the studio is still open for Mother's Day pictures and strengthen their bond as they talk about what is new in their lives.
After they finish their work, they typically head back to Michael's place to hang out and eat snacks and desserts.
And there you have it. That is how Devin and Noelle celebrate Mother's Day.
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thew4nder3r · 1 year
"Oh look at this new band that i fou-" "Oh my god the singer SA'd the drummer."
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