demifiendrsa · 1 year
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New Year 2022 illustration by Shouji Sato.
Happy New Year.
It's New Year, so I wanted to draw a Japanese-style beauty... and I could only think of Senpai(-_-;)
I'm pretty sure I started drawing on New Year's Day, but it's already the 3rd...
I hope we can continue having a good relationship this year~
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a-bluedream-posts · 1 year
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Saeko by Araneesama
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Haunted's Song of the Day 126: 777 by Danzig
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russenoire · 9 months
my voice is really husky today for some reason...
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i don't remember where this track appears in the show, but i prefer it to the OP (which... also bangs, ngl).
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faytelumos · 3 months
#10 for this ask game bc I'm curious
Which of your OCs would be most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Which would die immediately?
Oh man! :0
This one is a bit tricky, because half of the cast is trained in survivalism, but that's not the only thing that determines your success in a zombie scenario.
Hmm… I would say that Narak would definitely survive, and if he's alive and kicking, he's protecting Ohrik with his life. That being said, Ohrik is at very high risk of dying from being Too Cocky and taking too big of a risk on something. An accident leading to an injury or pissing off exactly the wrong person come to mind.
Shryth is someone who could die in the initial shift to survival society, but if she survived it, she would probably make it really far.
Athetæm would 100% survive as long as he has the chance to talk. His Charisma modifier is ridiculous.
Lutem would actually probably die early on or in the mid-range of the timeline. She's huge and a trained boxer, but she has a big heart and would struggle to commit true and mortal violence, even in self-defence. Actually — she'd be the one who her death makes it very clear to everyone else in the cast that Shit Is Real and This Is Not a Game. She would probably be the first person in the group who gets bitten and turned, and it would be extremely terrifying because, again, she is huge.
This one gets dark, but Syfreth would die in a political power struggle. The enemy would kidnap him to try and use him for his insight/abilities, and his home faction would break in to recover him. The enemy leader has their back against a wall, and their hand around Syfreth's neck. There's no way for the main characters to get to him in time. After a tense standoff, the enemy decides that he's too dangerous to lose, and they pull out a knife and kill him in front of everybody.
Ræs could go a couple ways. Either he's out in the fight and he gets killed or bitten, or he stays at the base and helps grow food. Probably the latter, I think.
Hhamath, my sweet boy, I love him, 9/10 odds that he dies when Lutem turns. He doesn't believe that she's trying to kill him, he stays too close for too long, and she gets her teeth into him or just bats him full-force with her claw. It's tragic, and it makes a bad day so much worse.
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diinferi · 10 months
[THE FIGHTER] National championships, martial arts exhibitions, the perfection of lost arts. All of these are your claims to fame. You’ve excelled at the physical skills, becoming a cultural icon. You more than likely know one or more classical combat styles, and could teach them to others. You probably would, after Z­day.
[FINESSE] Your bodily coordination is perfect, to the point that you can dodge bullets by the smallest of margins­ if you’re aware of them. With this perk, you have the grace and poise of an olympic gymnast or world­ renowned dancer, no matter what form or figure you have. Every motion is a work of art.
[FASHION] Your clothing and entire body acquire defensive properties equal to the most superior protective items you have currently equipped. Emphasis on protective item­ an iron or steel ring won’t give you metal ­tough skin­ the minimum is things like knee pads from extreme sports, helmets­ even an apron would count, though all that’d do is protect you from the dangers of a kitchen…
[FUNCTION] You have a definitive grasp of your chosen skill sets, and this commitment to excellence propagates through your entire being. As a base effect, this perk grants national tournament levels of mastery in a specific martial art, including close combat weapon styles. You also have mastery over the unarmed aspects of those styles. (Swordsmen are trained to fight without swords too, after all). The secondary benefit, is that as long as you maintain one skill, all other skills in that category do not degrade from lack of use. In fact, you see a small increase in overall competence­ gains in a primary skill show a modest improvement in other related skills. This perk functions on categories; martial arts improve martial arts, while culinary arts improve culinary arts, and so on.
[FORM] To be a peerless warrior, you need more than personal skill. You need awareness of the world around you, of all the things and beings, down to the texture of the air itself. This perk improves your environmental awareness and allows you to break down any street ­level combat situation into its component parts. Because of your environmental sense, you may maneuver at full speed with only an image or quick glance at a location. Blindness, Deafness or other non balance sensory disruption has no effect. You also will never trip on any surface or obstacle you have present knowledge of. You are automatically aware of any opponent who is not actively hidden, and know all the likeliest hiding places based on what you know of your foes. This tactical mastery and mental breakdown tells you the most dangerous individuals relative to your own position and objectives. You will have an objective sense of their threat level, though you might not know why they’re threatening. This means you can pick between people with concealed weapons or without.
[HARD TARGET] You’re a tough nut to crack­ because you know how to wear armor effectively! This perk ensures that any armor or protective gear you wear feels comfortable and doesn’t get in your way no matter how bulky or awkward it seems. Further, your skills make rips and breaks in the armor much less likely, and far easier to repair. One of Them won’t down you with a lucky one­bite hit!
[THE GUNSHOW] You are fit, sleek and toned, just what you need to survive in a chaotic apocalyptic world. This perk improves your endurance, changing how you respond to exertion. You can move or work faster and harder the longer you’ve spent exerting yourself, like the reverse of being out of breath. Your actual endurance has not changed­ you’ll get tired in the same amount of time, but you’ll be working at your peak right up until you collapse. As an added effect, you look good no matter how hard you’ve been exerting yourself. Better even. Perspiration is always flattering, and the way your hair gets tousled during bursts of high action is a thing of beauty.
[COMBAT OUTFIT] It looks like a blend of a school uniform, a soldier’s tactical gear, and maybe some sports equipment. Regardless, it is surprisingly flattering and easy to wear. The armored parts will provide good protection against Them or other things that can bite or claw you. If damaged, it will repair itself overnight.
[COMBAT SPEARHEAD] This is an 8” long, razor sharp knife with a serrated back edge. It’s heavy but easy to carry and wield as a combat weapon or a normal tool. It can be used as a pry bar without risk of breakage. More importantly, the hilt comes with a mounting brace that can attach to either a pole of some kind, creating a spear, or the barrel of a gun like a bayonet. In both cases, the combined weapon will not break, dull or get stuck in an opponent.
[SOUL OF THE SAMURAI] Normally, a sword requires careful care and ritual to keep it in condition­ cleaning to prevent rust, regular sharpening, replacing bindings­ not this katana. You could cut slabs of solid steel with your katana. Thrice as sharp and thrice as hard as any mundane blade, it basically does everything any other sword could do three times better. You can explicitly use this blade to bisect a man with a simple vertical slash, to say nothing of how easy a decapitation would be­ you wouldn’t even feel the resistance. Even though it’s three times harder, it won’t ever shatter or dull. That was dealt away with somewhere in the mystical process of being folded over a million times in construction. This is, quite simply, the best sword the world has ever seen.
[NOT-QUITE-OMICON] This tome is bound with a thread that isn’t human hair, and covered with leather that isn’t human skin. Really! It just looks like that, because someone, somewhere, is tasteless. It’s just a prop. Seriously. It has infinite pages­ that look like vellum­ but not a drop of ink is anywhere in the book. Opening the book with a subject in mind will cause the correct page be opened to. Killing can fix that. Every time you kill something, a page fills itself out, providing a detailed and insightful analysis of your victim, with conjecture as to what will be common to a ‘species’, how to recognize more, and how to best injure, maim, or kill them. By touching the book to the body, or splashing a bit of their blood (or blood­alike) on their page, the breakdown is widely expanded, as if a dissection (or vivisection) was performed to truly understand all they would have been capable of. Ominously, as you fill the pages, you can’t help but notice a certain organizational system. It’s less like the book is adding information, more like it’s being revealed to you, and the book already knew…
[I’M FEELING LUCKY!] When society falls apart, you can’t just Google or Wikipedia for the answers for random­ yet horribly important­ knowledge. Luckily for you, you have the Ultimate Pocket Encyclopedia. If you think about a subject while you open it, you’ll find a complete entry on the subject. It’s accuracy, relevance, and detail will be the equivalent of using the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky!’ feature of the Google search engine.
[SHOOTER’S GAUNTLETS] You have in your possession a pair of custom made forearm guards with the option to have fully gloved hands, fingerless gloves, your index finger fully exposed, or some combination of the above. Looking like a tactical badass aside, as protection these bracers offer the standard benefits against hand to hand and head­-to-­hand attacks. More importantly, they improve your resilience against powder burns, chemical burns, explosive damage and so on. This is a combination of the armor protecting your arms, and it granting you a steadier hand when using firearms or explosives. If you need to set up a claymore mine, measure out a drop of nitroglycerin, or overload a rifle round, these gloves will make sure nothing blows up. And if it does, you won’t get burned.
[THEM ​DEFENSE KIT] This sleek, incredibly tactical roll­away bag has everything you need to survive in the field, medically speaking. Inside is a constantly replenishing supply of ointments, clean bandages and sterile field surgical tools. As long as it’s nothing like an organ injury or internal bleeding, this kit has what you need to fix it.
[BIOHAZARD] There are more things out there than just Them... By taking this complication, Their ranks will be punctuated by mutants and abominations, violent and horrible variations on humans somehow optimized for hunting humans. They’ll be faster, stronger, tougher and stranger than you can imagine. Combat will be much more difficult. Prepare accordingly. If you are one of Them, the survivors quickly arm themselves with better and more exotic weapons.
[EMP] In the face of crisis, the world leaders have fallen back on some of their most terrifying weapons. They believe the ongoing chaos is the work of rival nations and fear has gripped the governments of Earth. Fortunately for the world, cooler heads among the lower ranks have ensured that nuclear weapons, when deployed, are set for tactical EMP burst and not city­busting. As a result, fallout is negligible as is structural damage. However, as a part of this complication, a nuclear weapon/EMP device will be detonated above whatever city you happen to be in, immediately destroying any active unprotected electronics, along with a lot of inactive ones. This occurs every 5­-6 months. If you are one of Them, a city is reclaimed from the hordes every six months. Try not to be inside the city limits when the kill teams arrive.
[CARRY ON] After these ten years, it’s been a trip and you’ve learned a lot about yourself, what you’re willing to do to survive, and what you’re not willing to do. Going forward, you’re that much tougher, but also that much more humane. Ish. Still, there’s all kinds of worlds left to explore!
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pessimisticgoldfish · 2 years
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aaejeger · 4 years
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animebabesblog · 4 years
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I wish I could be gaming rn. 
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loor-101 · 5 years
I created this edgy AMV to help release some of my anxiety. It features all of my absolute favorite Anime series. I worked very hard on this one after I recently updated some of my editing software, it was supposed to be my last video ever but since I’m still alive it won’t be. :p Please be sure to like/comment/reblog or share if you enjoyed!!
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Haunted's Song of the Day 127: East Hastings by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
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fefetama · 5 years
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Down with 420
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akuman0mi · 6 years
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This is another OC of mine named Hana.
She doesn’t come from the same time-line as Ai but still one of my favs.
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anime-rerendering · 5 years
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HOTD OC AI Mizushima.
This is her at Rika house and what she would wear in the anime.
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pessimisticgoldfish · 2 years
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