#I blame Nicky for this
siriusblackisdead · 7 months
What makes no sense about Andrew killing Tilda is the fact the he must have known that after her death, him and Aaron would probably end up in the foster care system, which would go against everything Andrew ever tried to achieve for Aaron. After everything he’s done to protect Aaron from everything that happened to him it would make no sense for him to change an abusive mother (what is bad enough as it is dont get me wrong) for sexually abusive foster families he went though. And while yes, there was a possibility that Luther and Maria would adopt them and take care of them, that option is bullshit too since Andrew knows too much how big of a piece of shit Luther is, so he also wouldnt let a man he didnt trust take care of Aaron too, mostly since he couldnt even know if he would even survive the car crash to be able to protect him. That takes me to a conclusion, that the only way Tilda’s death could work out for them and actually fix things instead of making them even worse was to make sure that Nicky, the only family member that wasn’t a danger in Andrew’s eyes, would take care of Aaron (and possibly Andrew too). So i suppose that before the whole accident happened, he talked to Nicky about the whole “would you take care of my brother” thing in a “what if” way, and that Nicky actually did know about the coming of Tilda’s death before it happened, even if he never realised it.
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ineffablyendless · 9 months
i watched the Old Guard yesterday bc I was interested (it was very good) and I wanted to give Hob Gadling, my blorbo, some immortal friends in my head and after wathing a couple of times and puttering about the fandom I came to the conclusion that Hob would make the Guards uncomfortable.
Not least bc his circumstances are different in the ways that matter (its will to live per century, and he can die whenever he'd like) but bc Hob doesnt have the sense if martyrdom the rest of them do. They never chose their immortality; they do the best they can with it.
Hob DID choose his immortality. He CONTINUES to choose it. He RELISHES in it.
Already that marks him as different, by core of faith and belief. Men like Hob are dangerous; bc people who deeply enjoy life, enjoy immortality on the scale he does without much regard for what it means are the kind of people who would kill for it. Whatever it takes. He can and will and HAS left things and people behind for the sake of it. If it took killing a man once a century he would have done it. Hes done worse. Theres always someone out there who deserves to die, by mercy of themself or others.
Hob is CONSTANTLY compared to the Corinthian by the sheer apetite for life; his own and others.
Thats bound to make the Guards uncomfortable. It would probably explain how Andy would prefer not to have him in her ranks. Hes too dangerous, and hes not a good person. His motivations are not something she understands, and definitely not something she trusts.
Theres a fanfic premise in there somewhere
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eternalchemy · 1 month
i think a lot about nicky hemmick and about how nicky during high school, especially before germany, was a shell of a person. he was not picking fights with anyone and he had definitely not had any fight left in him. and again after returning to the states and having to leave the safe space he had carved out for himself in germany with erik. and then when nicky got attacked outside edens and andrew protected him... i am thinking about how nicky might have been thinking "oh, this is it." and then realising that he's not as upset as he should be. he does have things to live for at that point. the twins rely on him. he has erik (kind of). but still. the specific situation probably brought up horribly traumatic memories that momentarily overpower that and the 16 year old nicky that remains in the wake of those memories is just relieved that it might be over. and then the nicky after realising that he can't leave the twins, now more than ever, because andrew just got into the worst trouble possible. and the fact that that's nickys fault (at least in his mind) makes it even worse. so now he doesn't just have a responsibility, he has an obligation. also dont think about the dr*ke encounter and nicky, maybe for the first time fully realising just how much the meds fuck andrew's brain up and how he's kind of responsible for that, because the reason andrew had to take them in the first place was because he was protecting nicky. nicky who was supposed to be the protector. nicky who failed andrew just like every other adult in andrews life. nicky who wasnt enough. again.
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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Over years and years and years
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 8 months
Who is Toph’s favorite child?
Probably Suyin because the way Toph would "see" it (haha) is that her younger one was less in her way. She was off breaking rules and doing her own thing while Lin was kinda trying to emulate her mother and she probably didn't want that necessarily (point in case, Toph not really caring that Lin became a cop to become like her mother).
And for that reason, I'd say Toph viewed Su as the easy child and therefore, her favorite.
Also where the fuck was miss grandma when Lin lost her bending? Suyin gets kidnapped by her own adoptive daughter and oh suddenly it's time to leave Shrek's swamp and go far far far away to rescue the ungrateful offspring. Like come on. Don't be SO full of shit.
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how is it that after almost a year my obsession with the manics is the strongest it’s ever been 🙃
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missinggirlzzz · 17 days
Nicky would definitely be someone who stirs up a fight between ivan and Maritza, and then leaves Enzo to stop the fight while Trinity lectures Nicky lol
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prettypipedream · 2 years
aftg has literally taken over my entire algorithm, like I cannot even open my Pinterest in public without someone looking over my shoulder and seeing gay mafia boys or something disgustingly sad from 2000s era tumblr
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morally-gray101 · 11 months
god neil chewing andrew out about being "violently self destructive" was the sexiest thing he did. in exites of all places. he actually cared for andrew so much and rebranded it as curiosity. boy you're in love with the short blond!!
the sad bit is that other people ruined everything andrew wanted for himself first. he botched the adoption to never see drake again. he didn't help officer higgins so he wouldn't have to confront his trauma and show it to everyone. he killed aaron's mother for his safety, but aaron made the deals with andrew and resents ANDREW for it. he doesn't like nicky's parents because they're insane and are hurting him! but nicky is pushy and tends to say off colour stuff andrew doesn't like, but nicky is family so andrew lets him stick around. he wants kevin to help him build a new life so badly but finds kevin like, the most annoying person ever. "are you afraid of your own happiness or do you honestly like being miserable all the time?" it's not his fault!!! he isn't ruining stuff, it was never going to be good anyways!!
people's refusal to work with andrew is what has always denied his happiness, not the other way around. he deserves more.
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flowercrowns-n-punks · 6 months
So what im hearing that i should also blame @kaseyskat and my response more lovesong art. Only correct response.
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I love how sparrow's hairrr came out
Once again nick design by @iersei [also tagging ya cause hey more lovesong art] i need to figure out how i wanna draw nick lol
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ship bingo 4 spicynoodles & dragonfruit?
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I think Spicynoodles is the closest thing (besides Freenoodles) I have to romantically shipping something, but they are cute as heck.
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Neil: *steals Andrew's strawberry flavoured granola bar*
Andrew: Baby now we got bad blood
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The Crown depicting how George V turned his back on Nicholas *niiice*
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few minutes later
The Crown messing up the timeline showing the IF already in Ekaterinburg when the English withdrew their offer and implying that Mary is to blame for the murders *enough, you've gone too far*
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never pegged coach wymack to be a swiftie
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dwreader · 9 months
when i finally make my lestat - henry viii, louis - anne boleyn, claudia - elizabeth i post what then
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raspberryzingaaa · 2 months
The funniest thing about Aaron Minyard is that people think he's homophobic but every scene is like. "Stop being a freak in public wtf im going to pretend I don't know you"
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