#I crave moreeeee
iamchaos1234 · 2 months
Holy crap I'm living off these chibi tales
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It gives me hope that they are still making owl house ones 🥹
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Look at how cute it issss! Omg I need moreee ah
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This was horrifying though
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Ive been perpetually craving wings for the last like 3 months 😭
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
heyyy, could you maybe write a fic with the entire sully family x reader, where she is part of the metkayina clan, and after they get to stay she has to introduce the family to everything (instead of tsireya and aonung). They get closer and she’s a good friend to them.
She is very sweet, loves children and treats tuk like her own (this is a key element hihi)
So one day, after she goes out with tuk to entertain her, they get attacked by someone you can decide (I’m sorry but I need something angsty😭) and reader protects tuk and saves her life.
But, and here comes the “plot twist”, the sully’s misunderstand the situation and think reader did it on purpose or was trying to hurt tuk and they’re all angry and furious at her, not letting her explain.
So she retreats and doesn’t leave her marui pod for days, until someone from the clan clears it up, and they apologise to her… YOU CAN DECIDE THE ENDING, WETHER ITS HAPPY OR SAD!!!!
Thank u in advance and I have to say, I absolutely love your writing, every time I finish one of ur fics I crave moreeeee!!!❤️
summary: [y/n] saves the life of tuk, but at what cost?
a/n: hopefully this turned out good !! i’m kind of bad when it comes to misunderstanding trope because i kind of hate it ( whoopsies ) but i think it turned out okay ?? i’m just glad i finally was able to publish something after a few days. reblogs + feedback are always appreciated !!
tags: @rafeslovergirl@wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @itssiaaax @grierpilots @fleurbeass @nyotamalfoy @23victoria
warnings: mentions of blood, injury, fear, a monster-like creature pursuing tuk and [y/n], jake and neytiri being kind of mean, scars, almost dying, passing out, a lil angst, happyish ending
words: 2.4k
i would do it again
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she hadn’t meant for it to go the way that it did. everytime she replayed the scene in her head, tears pricked [y/n]’s eyes. what could’ve happened—what should’ve happened. she continued to thank eywa that both her and tuk made it out alive and safe.
it’d been that morning when the youngest sully bounded up to [y/n] in the middle of her chores. “[y/n]!” she cried, joy evident in her voice.
[y/n] could not help but grin, looking up from the net that she was busy detangling. “good morning, darling tuk!”
the sully family had been in awa’atlu for several months at that point, but [y/n] had been friends with them since they first arrived. [y/n] was a former warrior of the clan, despite how young she was. she was only twenty years old, but after a former event resulting in a very severe injury, [y/n] was quickly deferred to a safer alternative that still allowed her to help her clan.
after the incident, [y/n] found herself working with the children. it was her job to begin teaching them the ways of the water, which included breathing, swimming, and free-diving. when they got to the age of learning to hunt, they were passed along to another teacher.
that was how [y/n] first met the sullys.
after tsireya and ao’nung toured the village with them, the future tsahik introduced them to [y/n]. “she will be helping us teach you our ways.”
and so she did. although her schedule was far too busy to always attend the lessons, [y/n] was there as much as she possibly could, rewarding each and every child on their progress.
[y/n] was also introduced to neytiri and jake sully by tonowari. the ole’eyktan was quick to tell them of her honorable history, especially regarding the injury. [y/n] didn’t miss the way the toruk makto’s sympathetic eyes flickered to the large scar that still burdened her up and down her right leg. but, for the first time in a long time, his careful stare did not cause her insecurity. instead, it made her feel safe, especially as she limped up and down the beach.
it did not take long for the sully family to entrust [y/n]. she was kind, caring, and she was always there to help them. a part of [y/n] drifted to the sully family once neytiri began treating her as if she was one of their own, often inviting her over for dinner.
for the first time in years, ever since the deaths of her parents, [y/n] felt like she had a true family again.
so, given their history, [y/n] was not at all shocked at the arrival of tuk on that sunny morning.
“[y/n]!” she yelled once again, stopping in front of the metkayina girl. “oh my eywa, [y/n],” tuk panted, hands clasping her knees as she caught her breath.
“oh, my!” [y/n] laughed, smiling up from where she sat on the dock. “what is the matter, dear?”
“it is so nice out today!”
[y/n] chuckled at that. “oh, isn’t it?” leave it to tuk to cause a panic only for her to exclaim that the weather was good.
“we should go out,” tuk decided, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she gave [y/n] a look.
[y/n] only raised the muscles above her eyes. “you think so?”
tuk nodded vigorously. “yes, i do! kiri is busy with mother, lo’ak wants nothing to do with me, and neteyam refuses to take me out ever.” once she finished her short rant, she stuck out her bottom lip and widened her eyes. “please, [y/n]?”
“tuk,” [y/n] groaned, covering her eyes with her hands. “that’s unfair. you’re too adorable to refuse!”
tuk grinned pridefully. “i know, isn’t it awesome?”
just like that, the two soon found themselves sharing a ride on an ilu through the reef. [y/n] smiled at the way tuk’s arms flew outwards, allowing her to reach out and feel the tingling sensation as they passed through the thick waters.
the coral was gorgeous that morning thanks to the rays of sunlight that beamed through the surface, lighting up the seafloor. “look,” [y/n] signed to tuk, pointing out a crab that waddled across the ground.
a chuckle left the sully’s lips as indicated by the small trail of bubbles that floated above them. [y/n] grinned at the way tuk raised her hand, waving at the small creature that strolled across the ocean floor.
of course, it could only stay perfect for so long, and unfortunately, the perfection did not last long enough.
[y/n] immediately felt something was wrong when the water turned the slightest bit colder. although the sully girl did not notice, the chills rising on [y/n]’s arms sent her panicking. when her ilu rumbled in dismay beneath them, she knew they needed to turn around.
“it is time to go back,” [y/n] signed quickly, the annoyance being difficult to ignore from behind her. before tuk could sign anything back, the older girl rose her hand and gestured for her to stay quiet.
just as she directed the ilu to turn around, [y/n] noticed how quiet it was. for once in her life, [y/n] could hear nothing. it was just them and the ocean.
the fish were gone, fleeing into their homes. the crab on the ground was quickly sheltered by his hole in the sand. not even the water swayed all that much. a chill settled deep in [y/n]’s bones.
she panicked at the feeling of tuk’s arms wrapping around her waist, the sully’s small face pressed into her back. it was when she felt tuk’s hand hit her that she was prompted to look up from where she observed the quiet reef.
[y/n] nearly choked on the salty water when the sight of large animal. it loomed overtop of them, a shadow cast on top of them from his mere size. it’s flippers were large, but not nearly as large as his teeth were.
although it was only split seconds, it felt like a billion years until either of them made their first move.
when the creature attempted to close the distance between them, [y/n] sent the ilu flying beneath the beast. she swallowed a yelp at the feeling of the water by her ear, his mouth nearly having chomped it off had they not moved so fast.
unfortunately, the monster was as smart as it was quick, and it was soon adjusting. with one last look over her shoulder, [y/n] sent the ilu shooting forward.
tuk’s arms clasped [y/n] desperately, her eyes hidden from reality due to the fear it brought. at that, [y/n] urged the creature they rode on to swim even faster.
as much as the ilu tried, it was nothing compared to the fins that carried the monster behind them. once [y/n] felt it catching up, the only thing she could think to do was unattached her queue from the ilu and grab tuk. as they rolled off the side, [y/n] choked back a scream at the sight of her ilu being swallowed by the beast in one quick gulp.
blood blossomed in the water. tuk stared aimlessly, her cries not going unheard. [y/n] grabbed her face, pressing a hand overtop her mouth. not only could the beast hear, but tuk was losing breath.
“hush, darling,” she signed, eyes attentive to their surroundings. “you must be quiet. it will all be okay, do you understand?” tuk only nodded.
they hid behind a large rock-like structure, and [y/n] carefully peeked out to catch an understanding of where they stood versus the beast. she instantly rolled back around, back pressed against the textured piece of nature. he was close. dangerously so.
and so, [y/n] began to hatch a plan. as she would swim out, tuk would start swimming towards the surface. [y/n] was a trained warrior and swimmer, she could outswim the monster if she used the coral to her advantage. tuk just had to get back to civilization.
just as she turned to tell tuk of her plan, it appeared that it was far too late. she only whimpered once she felt the cold temperatures of the shade once again.
[y/n] grabbed tuk’s hand, praying to eywa that tuk would stay strong and stay smart. at least one of them needed to make it out alive, and it had to be tuk.
with one last squeeze of her hand, [y/n] stood up and locked eyes with the creature. behind her back, her fingers moved gracefully to communicate to tuk.
once she was done, she brought her hands above her head, making herself seem bigger as a small attempt, although it was more of a signal to tuk. with her arms up, tuk launched herself out and up, and the beast launched itself directly at [y/n].
she dodged almost perfectly if it weren’t for the spikes that took over his skin. she hissed as her skin caught one of the thorns, flesh tearing quickly.
[y/n]’s plan was, unfortunately, not at all fool-proof. dread settled in her gut as the beast’s eyes broke away from her and instead watched the distance thanks to the sight of a swimming na’vi.
“no!” she tried to scream, although the words came out extremely muffled because of the quick water.
and so, she let every primal instinct she ever had take over.
[y/n]’d never swam so fast in her life. she let the water take over, let eywa bless her and her senses. for the first time in a couple years, she could not feel the injury of her leg. it was just her and the sea.
her eyes did not leave tuk once, not even when the swam side-by-side with the monster. not even when he nearly ate her. she was far too quick for him.
they were throat-to-throat, and yet, at the last second, [y/n] sped ahead of the beast and launched herself on top of tuk. she cradled the girl as the water seemed to burst in every direction.
and then she blacked out.
when [y/n] awoke, she found herself in the comforts of her own home. the sun blinked through the marui, a feeling that caused [y/n] to smile.
that smile was quickly gone once she remembered exactly what happened before she’d passed out.
when [y/n] shot up, tsireya was quick to attend her side. “[y/n]!” she calmed, voice quiet and gentle. “[y/n], it is okay. you are okay! you are safe.”
[y/n] couldn’t even form full sentences. “tuk.”
“tuk is alive and well. she’s been awake for an hour or so, waiting for you.” tsireya’s smile faded. “but.. the sullys are keeping her from visiting.
[y/n]’s eyes narrowed at the news, confusion clouding her head. “what? why?”
“they think you did it.”
days go by, and [y/n] was quiet. quieter than she has been in years, ever since her injury. ever since her parents death. the guilt was nearly the same, nearly just as heart-wrenching.
they did not trust her. they thought she would hurt tuk. the mere thought of it sent [y/n] spiralling.
the olo’eyktan’s family tried to visit her often, but she was cut off. even when they did somehow make it inside, she was dry, often not even answering them. it was as if she pretended they didn’t exist.
[y/n] didn’t look so good either. she was leaving her own health as the last of her priorities, as if they didn’t matter compared to the fact that they didn’t trust her.
it was only thanks to the trustful word of tsireya that the sullys finally had clear enough minds to come and visit.
it was a quiet night, the only sound heard being the crash of the waves against the shore. [y/n] was busy poking at the food ao’nung delivered just moments before. she couldn’t find an appetite to even attempt eating the food, despite what she promised him.
at the sound of two bodies walking into her pod, she jumped onto her feet. ever since the incident, she was on extremely high alert. even when she slept at night, all she saw were the jaws of that monster… and then the way that the sea exploded around her.
time froze when she saw the guilty faces of jake and neytiri.
“[y/n],” jake’s voice was quiet, broken. almost as bad as she felt. “[y/n], we are so sorry.”
[y/n] only blinked. “why?” she swallowed, putting her food down behind her before taking a step towards the couple. “why in the world should you be sorry? it was only like i risked my life for your daughter and you didn’t even have the kindness to come and talk to me.” she shook her head. “i had to hear it from tsireya that you hated me. you didn’t give me a chance.”
neytiri sniffled, eyes full of guilty tears. “we understand. and that is why we are here.” she attempts to step towards [y/n], but retracts when she feels the younger girl tense. with a quick sigh, she continues. “we were worried. worried about our baby. all we knew is that you washed up together, and tuk was hurt because of something out on the reef. you were the only one with her. and we just… we thought, since you knew the reef so well, there was no way you could have run into such trouble.”
[y/n] paused before shaking her head. “i don’t know what that monster was,” she whispered. “i have never seen such a ghastly thing in my life.”
jake nods. “we know. we know that now, and we should have never doubted you. for that, we are so extremely sorry, and we are so extremely thankful that you kept tuk alive.”
[y/n] paused. after the years she spent grappling for approval from everybody on the island, after gaining it through risking her life, this was the first time that she truly felt fulfillment.
when tears welled up in her eyes, she allowed the parents to hug her. at the warmth of their arms around her trembling body, she whispered, “i would do it again.”
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pinkarsonistwizard · 11 months
A love confession
Hehehe, the truth is I wrote this letter for me because I am terribly obsessed with ♥ Colonel Roy Mustang ♥, I also enjoy letters in general, usually writing them in character with my DnD OCs but now that I've read almost all the Roy Mustang x Reader fanfics I could find, I'm craving for moreeeee. Left possible scenario for it to happen as well, I hope you like it.
----- Colonel Mustang, who usually confronts things directly instead of writing letters, has decided to confess his love for you through one. He knows you are a sensitive girl and judging by the number of books you read, it's obvious you like written expressions and admire different styles of writing. You find it among one of the reports you are about to file on a rainy afternoon.
My dearest (y/n),
Words fail me as I try to write this letter, for the feelings that flood my heart are too great to describe in ink and parchment. From the first day you entered my office as my assistant, you brought a light into my life that I never knew existed. Your grace, intelligence, and unwavering dedication enchanted me, captured my thoughts, and filled my days with indescribable joy.
In the realm of duty and military affairs, I have always stood strong and been guided by the principles of justice and order. Yet inside my heart I have discovered a vulnerability I never expected. The strength and determination I display on the battlefield are nothing compared to the fierce passion and adoration I have for you, (y/n).
Your presence alone ignites a fire within me that burns brighter with each passing moment. Your smile, so radiant and genuine, has the power to lift the weight of the world from my weary shoulders. Your unwavering support and commitment to our cause inspires me to be a better man, a leader who deserves a woman as extraordinary as you.
I am aware of the complexities that arise from the intertwining of personal and professional lives, especially within the confines of our military hierarchy. However, my heart compels me to put these considerations aside and speak the truth that I can no longer withhold: (y/n), I am deeply and unequivocally in love with you.
Every fleeting glance, every touch of our hands in the midst of shared tasks, every stolen moment we steal away in conversation, all of it fuels the flame that burns within me. I can not imagine a future without you by my side, and I long for the day when we can embark on a journey of love and partnership.
But please understand, (y/n), that I respect you and the professional boundaries we must maintain. Should my feelings not be desired, or should our circumstances prove too complicated, I will bear the burden of this unrequited love in silence, for the sake of our working relationship and the stability of the mission.
However, should there be even a glimmer of hope in your heart that returns the affection I have for you, I would be honored beyond measure. In a world where chaos and darkness so often reign, our love could be a beacon of hope, a shelter that protects us from the storm.
Please take time to reflect on my words, (y/n), and know that regardless of your response, my commitment to our common cause remains unrelenting. My duty as a soldier will never waver, but if fate allows, I hope to stand not only as your commanding officer, but also as the man who cherishes and worships you.
With all the love my heart can hold,
Colonel Roy Mustang
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SO SO SO!! A little backstory for this- these are are Rickie’s notes from his journal and the journal was torn apart and these were the only ones that stayed readable! some stuff are removed incase of quill seeing this lmao (this is a long ramble apologies!)
Today marks one month of me being in the cabin. It hasn’t been long, but things have already gone weird. The red walls start to bleed if I don’t get enough sleep, which reminds me, I’ve started sleep medication. I got it from Sage, since she was in town. She looked tired when I opened the door, but that isn’t odd, that’s just her. Apparently the camp is starting to pick up again in campers, meaning I’ll have yo go back to the camp at some point. Every time I go to wipe the walls, I keep getting rashes and itches afterwards, and the Mark seems to be growing redder. I hate it. I think I need to start putting up wards but not what Sage is doing. She’s knowledgeable, but I don’t trust her judgement when it comes to that. I don’t even know if she actually wants to help me or if this is just the Goat telling her what to do. Anyways, I think I need to hang up the cross Mum gave me over the door.
Update on the Mark as always. It’s now grown across my face, and down my neck and breathing’s starting to become harder if I get stressed. Check with Sage if that’s something relating to anxiety or OCD or whatever she thinks I have. I’ve now been in the cabin for two, nearly three, years. I’ve carved some more crosses out of the wood and hang them up over my bed which makes it easier to breathe. Tyche was wrong it seems, I don’t have to kill anyone. I haven’t gone into a murderous rampage like they said I would. They either lied or I’ve outsmarted them. I don’t know which one I’d prefer. Signing off here since I have to go check on the trap outside.
I keep hearing tapping on the walls. I keep hearing water in my eats when I close my eyes.
[Date that I can’t share]
The Mark’s disappeared. It was reaching down my chest at that point, but I woke up this morning and it was gone. As if it had never been there. I’m able to breathe without coughing now. I’m sure it’ll come back; this is probably Tyche pulling the strings. I’m going to take a shower today; I can’t run my hands through my hair at the moment. Sage hasn’t visited in a bit. Hope she’s okay. Unless she’s dead. Maybe that’s why the Mark disappeared. Maybe she killed Tyche. Or they killed her. Weirdly I’m not as worried as I should be. All my feelings seem numb. I had a dream and all I can remember was a a kid [REDACTED/j nah i can’t share the details dammit] Something started with an O. I can’t remember it. Probably nothing.
Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened it Sasha hadn’t dared us that night. Since the Mark has gone, I’ve started thinking back to what happened. Which isn’t bad. Turns out Ellery and Harmony got married. I remember when Harmony asked Ellery out so that’s good for them: I think I need to buy more gunpowder.
I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT RICKIEEE. He’s literally just willy stampler/lark/henry oak garcia in one character. Willy stampler is the way of his anger and how he deals with it. Shaking him in a jar. I hope you enjoyed this random loreeee :]]
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shaking him so hard holy shit these entries go hard asf i crave moreeeee /nf
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junipers-insects · 3 months
Now that someone sent me an ask I crave for more so send so moreeeee
I love answering questions
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
It was soooo good, I wish I had this in a book so I can have it with me forever!!
Really, I am so in love with this and I don't want to say goodbye to it 😭😭
🥺 I'm so flattered you enjoyed it so much!! There's a little collection of short stories related to it you should keep an eye on for further reading if you want it, Footnotes and Afterthoughts! I've got a lot of little Amended drabbles in my queue that'll go up there.
Thank you for reading and for your kind words!
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I am so not over neither Thief trilogy nor the 2014 game. Like fucking hell. The original is so absolutelt perfect its honestly insane its such a great fucking game
And the 2014 one, even if not as good, is sure as hell did a great job of the atmosphere. Also the phenomen of shippering Garret with Corvo based purely on the fact that those games have similar vibe? Perfect i love it give me more
Give me MOREEEEE i need the old trilogy back so badly. I crave the old rpg medieval vibe of it and the way the city looked, no one does shit like that anymore
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
I keep seeing awesome ones shots of it lately and I’m craving moreeeee
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miioouu · 4 years
I literally can’t. I am unable to can. You have awakened the true exhibitionist in me. That one where reader gets fucked in front of the bakusquad?? 😩😩😩😩 I crave moreeeee I neeeed ittt I NEEED ITTT
Uuuummm i don't know what this is, but it's something?! Thank you for thirsting with me!! ❤️💜❤️
Warning: smut....
Sitting at his desk, it became a ritual these past few months to face time the squad since he can't physically see them. Whilst Bakugou always complained, said he didn't miss them, everyone knew he was lying, he loves his friends dearly. And since you've been stuck with Bakugou at home, you've seen their cute interactions and you can't help yourself, your mind giving you the dirtiest idea ever.
Sometimes, you shouldn't listen to your horny thoughts, but this time it wasn't the case. You've been ignoring this lewd dream for the longest time, dirty secret that was supposed to ho to the grave with you, but at this point, you gave in, you'll make your fantasies come true. Slowly entering the bedroom, in the corner of your eyes you could see your boyfriend on video call with his friends. Pretending to not be aware of this activity, you started to slip out of your clothes, piece by piece hitting the floor, leaving you with nothing but your underwear. Well it wasn't your simple, day to day underwear. Sexy baby blue and lacy lingerie that hugged your form perfectly. From their view the squad could only see your back, all of them having their eyes on your ass. Barely covered, but the lacy detail poping against your skin making you look like an angel. And when your turned around the sheer bra accentuating your cleavage, you looked so beatiful it's getting harder and harder for them to concentrate on Katsuki and not you. Moving around, swaying your hips in a little dance moves, even behind a screen you can feel their stares. Slowly approaching Bakugou who seemed a bit irritated, wondering why no one was paying attention to him until he felt cold fingers on his cheeks. You forced him to look at you as you leaned down, taking his lips into a passionate heating kiss, not giving him the opportunity to push you away. Plopping yourself in his lap, taking out his earphones so you can listen tk what everyone has to say, but all you could hear was their heavy breathing. Your hips grinding against his, your hands messing his hair while his were roaming over your body, from your side to your ass, gropping it so hard as his hips bucked up to meet yours. He almost lost himself in you until he heard an unfamiliar moan. Looking at the screen, red hues from embarrassment, he was about to end the call but you stopped him. "Come on daddy, don't you know that it's a sin to be so selfish? Let them watch, let them have fun." And he didn't have time to argue with you. Standing up and backing his chair the slightest, angling the camera so it hit your bodies right. Giving them a little wave and a devilish smirk you took off your undies. A string of your arousal connecting your sopping pussy to the lacy material, seeing them go wild, their eyes following your form and you walked backwards, knowing that Katsuki already pulled his boxers down.
Slowly sinking onto him. His dick making you arch your back, whine leaving your lips as you relished in the feeling of being so full. Your eyes never once left the screen, watching each and every single one of their reaction. Kaminari, the man knows no shame, has his head already thrown back, hand jerking him off as he bit his lip. Mina, another brave one has also angled her camera down so you could have the perfect view of her fingers delving in and out of her, you couldn't help the little moan of her name escaping you, earning you a harsh thrust from the man behind, or well, inside you. Sero on the other hand, a little bit more on the shy side, his face red as he tried to hide it, but in vain. You could see the movement of his hand, up and down his shaft, precum oozing from him making you go crazy. Your hips rolling faster at the sight before you, the knot in your stomach forming faster than ever before. And last but not least, Kirishima. Your boyfriend's dearest, best friend. Oh how he felt wrong to watch something so intimate, but he can't deny how many times he wanted to be a part of your more sexual life. The sight in his screen driving him seeing you bounce up and down on Bakugou's shaft, watching your breast move in rythm to your thrust. Katsuki's hwad buried deep in the crook of your neck, bitting and sucking, leaving his mark on you. Kirishima tries his hardes to match the movement of his fist to the one of your hips. With everyone's eyes on you, you felt your orgasm approaching quick, and so did your boyfriend. Pulling you up just the slightest, angling his hips so he could hit that sweet spot inside you. Each thrust making you edge closer and closer to your high, it's only when you heard your name being moaned not only once, but twice, from both Kaminari and Mina that the knot inside of you broke. With a loud scream of his name you came, your walls clenching around Katsuki's cock your head thrown back as your body was still twitching from your orgasm. Each rolls of his hips sending you to overstimulation, his eyes focused on your face in the screen before him, loving the way you bit your lips, the red hues on your cheek making you look so good. He couldn't help but feel jealous, and a little bit proud, to hear Sero's moaning out your name as he cam, white liquid landing on his shirt and his hand. Going harder, hitting that gspot again so he was sure another orgasm was approaching. Your walls clenching around him a second time, your body shaking trembling as you begged him to cum inside you. Which he did, you both reached climax together, he spilled inside you and to everyone's surprise, Kirishima came too, but what shocked everyone was not your name coming out of him in a breathy moan but also the name of your boyfriend as the redhead shoot his white liquid all over himself. While quarantine was getting a little bit too much at time, at least it helped you get to know your boyfriend's friends a little more.
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sableflynn · 3 years
Plssssss write the next out unseen chapter I’m dyinggggggg I must have more Marcus and Felicia and Kailo and dARYA, COURAGEOUS, DEFIANT, DARYA!!!! And elYSE. And- and AMALIA AND ANNALYSE AND JUST ALL OF THEM I CRAVE MOREEEEE
omg i’m so honored that you love it so much!! 😭😭 this is perfect timing because i just finished up a draft of chapter 3, it needs a ton of editing but it’s something and hopefully will be up this weekend! the main out unseen story is gonna be mostly felicia and later marcus having a bad time vs volkan for a while lol, but i will continue to supplement with little drabbles and one shots of everyone else in between! 
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alien-girl-21 · 3 years
Sorry, I need to vent with a bestie. DREAM. Why is a singular strand of hair so hot? And karlnap? Excuse me. So perfect. We’ve been well fed tonight and yet I’m still craving moreeeee.
Shy moot <3
We were fed so well like.....dream's outfit??? The fucking cargo pants??? The discs???? The mask??? The sign???? And karlnap with the face cams??? The hand kiss??? What a great night it was to be an mcyt fan <3
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
do you have any bts angst fics/oneshot recommendations? i’ve read all of your work and i’m craving moreeeee HAHAHAH
@jincherie @jimlingss @honeymoonjin @gimmesumsuga @btsaudge @fatrainbowmermaidunicorn @taetaewonderland @gukslut @suqakoo  @rmnamjoons @geniuslab @adonis-koo 
I have so many!!! I’m going to try and sort my Rec account out and apply a theme to it so it makes it easier for you all to search through it I promise! But those are some others I love and read a lot on my main account so I’ll try and update my rec account later
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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barry-j-blupjeans · 4 years
hellO that cyberpunk au tho!!!!! I'm so intruiged I crave moreeeee
Ever since the Hunger took over, life hadn’t been the same. Lup remembered when she was small, living with her aunt and her brother Taako. Their home was still rundown, leaky, and cold, but the warmth in the city was indescribable. Nowadays, there was only one word that Lup would use to describe the city: Shitty.
Bot fighting was how they made their money these days. She and Taako lived with five other people. Davenport designed their bots, Merle was their resident medic, the rest of them went out to the rings to fight. Money was tight. No one outside this little group could be trusted.
There were spies, people said. Bots made to look like dwarfs or elves or humans or whatever. You couldn’t ever tell unless you split their stomach open and wires came spilling out. Lup knew they shouldn’t be trusting, but there were still parts of her that needed to help others. She couldn’t help but see herself in the people on the street, sick and poor, and left to die.
That’s probably the reason they took in Kravitz. Left on the side of the street, injured, couldn’t remember his own last name, starved half to death. He couldn’t be a bot if he bled. The technology implanted in Kravitz’s arm almost made Lup think otherwise.
But it wasn’t her problem to worry about. She had other things to get done. Taako was bedridden from whatever sickness was going around, they still had meds and food to pay for, rumors of Hunger spies were spreading like wildfire.
There was nothing she could do to help Kravitz besides give him so food and be on her way. Hopefully, he never showed his face again.
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hushedlover · 2 years
i trieddd but my brain craves moreeeee
Mmmm have you tried putting a stream on in the background
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