#I love how blown away they are by her knowing a cultural reference
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sugar coated brain (the fluid ain’t to blame): unraveling Conor Aurelian
I don’t know if this is me admitting to have read embarrassingly little in terms of Actual Books since I turned 18 but. Wow. I loved sword catcher, and for once I was there eating up the plot rather than only relating to the characters so much I was obsessively hoping for a happy ending for them. 
I’ve said before that sword catcher was good, so good it’s almost above fandom discourse (like a Beethoven symphony perhaps, you think twice before making arrangements of a masterpiece like that) but even the best symphonies deserve, actually they’re honoured by, critical analysis of the phrasing and melodies and that which are used. And this is a Cassandra Clare book after all. The beauty comes from beautifully (read: realistic, somehow more human than real humans idk I’m blown away every time) constructed characters, and then from the plot. Which was character-driven and so, so delicious, but we’re not talking those kind of spoilers this early in the game. 
While I’ll admit that Kel was the most relatable character, followed by Lin or maybe Ana, there were some things about Conor that just cut a little too close in ways I hadn’t thought about in years. Taking me back to some worldbuilding of my childhood, a ‘reluctant princess’ I came up with based on feeling trapped and overprotected and that fantasy world has long since been archived in my head and it’s entertaining to think this weird kid in western sydney who didn’t get to run quite as wild as some of the other kids (but still did get to run quite wild) felt like that when we were the furthest thing from royalty. I didn’t expect to be reminded of that in an adult fantasy book, but here we are, and I’m being entertained to see all the different takes on Conor: some driven to fascination, some to annoyance, and somehow in the 5 of us who’ve actually read sword catcher already everything in between. 
But let’s be real for a second: who hasn’t heard the ‘oh you can’t be depressed you have everything you need’ and been like. Really hurt by it?? Who hasn’t sat among know it all adults in their younger years who would just judge the hell out of other young people who supposedly ‘never got to hear no’ and now they have ‘no resilience’ and ‘no wonder they’re having problems’? Referring to people you actually relate to and thought, well this definitely isn’t a safe space to be vulnerable I’ll just suffer in silence? I’ve grown up enough now to see Lin’s trauma behind the way she says this about Conor but part of me is still a little mad at her. As for Conor?? He’s everything I’d expect from someone in his position and I actually don’t think the majority of it comes from ‘never hearing no’ and ‘getting everything he wants’ but rather the things that those try to make up for: a lack of real autonomy over his life, not being allowed to feel Normal Child Feelings, having no one he can relate to and see as an equal, a heavy burden of responsibility before he was ever old enough to understand it, and the many levels of fuckery that’s all done to his parents making them not just emotionally unavailable but frivolous, trying to maintain their own autonomy and connection doing silly little rich people hobbies that just make the divide between and resentment of them vs Every Other Person greater (constant stargazing or Decoration and Control). Sugar-coated brains: how could they not be when everything revolves around you but there’s so little you can actually do but pursue the pleasure you’re told you’re entitled to? 
I didn’t expect to be this mad at the royal family culture within SC but when I look back on it I’m not surprised. Not when the setting of the book is on the edge of a revolution, the unraveling of a society that feels so much like today and allows me to zoom out in a way that makes my little revolutionist heart happy. But oh, the angst and the bad decisions as the world teeters on that razorblade. The lives that are lost in the fray. I don’t know what’s happening in our world now but after Cast Long Shadows and an arc I know that she’s proud of (our dear Matthew Fairchild) I do trust Cassie. And in the meantime I’ll let her convince me of what I already know: the lives of nobility are simply pawns in a much bigger game no one (except maybe Ana) knows how to take the reins of, and the life of a pawn, no matter the luxuries, is a sorry life indeed. 
This little revolutionist brain of the 2000s had one thing right, and I feel vindicated to see it in such clarity here: the relationship between social class and genuine connection. From the stark contrast of the opening with Cas and Kel, even also Mari and Lin, against the disaster that is the royal family, it couldn’t be clearer to me: when you’re nobody, when there are no expectations of you, you can be who you really are. Maybe not in the eyes of the authorities, and that’s an important distinction to make, but there’s no need to pretend around your nearest and dearest and sometimes that’s worth so much more than hypothetical safety. Because yes you can get away with things when you’re rich but you’ve also got more people trying to assassinate you for who you are specifically rather than just running the risk of getting killed because you’re unlucky and too unimportant for anyone to think you’d be missed. When you’re royalty (or just have parents with really high expectations or are a gifted kid even) you’re given a mold to grow into and no one really asks if that’s who you really are: why would they, when their worldview depends on you being exactly who they want you to be? So if you’re not it you pretend and even with those, like your children, who are close enough to see behind the ruse, you never quite show them who you really are either. You can see how that would drive one insane. You showcase that the only way to exist is to mask until you snap, or lose the ability to be yourself at all. Which leads me to the second type of sugar coat. 
(And I’m quoting songs as my inspo behind this post as always, title quote is empty wallets by 5sos and I’m about to move onto sugar coat by little big town aka the band with an irl fairchild in it): this sugar coat is politeness and etiquette. There’s a quote somewhere in Kel’s narration I believe that I can’t find but basically views social etiquette and the like as you know. War strategy or something, which is another little segment of the reminder it’s cassie writing this and there’s a lot of accidental neurodivergence, or neurodivergence existing in a world so very different to ours, because that’s a very neurodivergent way of viewing it imo. And in this case, the sugar coat is like a constructed mask you spend your whole life trying to perfect, wear it as it’s handed down from your predecessors: in Conor’s case, lilibet (passed down from my mum, she wears it so well, put it on my shoulders said it’s colder out there than you think/would I recognise myself, would anybody else, if I took the damn thing off and burned it up?) who does make the frivolity and politics of being queen into her whole personality. She’s equally a pitiable and annoying character for that. 
But as for Conor? He’s a Cassandra Clare Created (TM) young man. Of course he can’t quite manage this kind of sugar coat business. The politeness, the etiquette, the little social dances: he longs for real connection (and now we’re back in empty wallets territory, get you high when I’m high, so we see eye to eye: to me this sums out how he makes connections with those who are nowhere near his equals but he wants to have some sort of equal footed connection with: Kel and *[redacted minor spoiler, see below cut]). He’s snapping from the pressure of it, and that’s exactly the kind of driving force for the narrative Cassie uses excellently. We see him coming undone, and hate it (or at least I do) but hope maybe, maybe it’s the path for liberation for him from the life that’s obviously making him (more) depressed (than he otherwise might be), and as the audience we don’t care if the kingdom burns down for this, as long as it doesn’t cause too much collateral damage. And we know it’s going to be a wild ride to get there. 
I don’t reckon this is obvious to everyone else but it is to me, with my experience of Christianity and life and just everything that if you’re a leader in any way, you’re a better leader for being liberated in yourself, having autonomy and appropriate boundaries and Conor has none of that and he’s coming undone and yes there’s a lot of other characters (who I will post about later) with their own arcs and A LOT going on (seriously it’s so deliciously complex and so much more so than tsc ever was with maybe the exception of tec which is kind of adult fantasy anyway). But oh. She really knows how to deliver, all through the first book and I can’t wait to see what the next one has to offer!! And to me the characterisation of Conor is just proof on how expertly the whole world of Castellane and it’s stories is being carried out. 
*and Lin later on, kind of
tagging: @daisymylove and feel free to mention anyone who might like it in comments/reblogs!
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 4: the fashionista caper
Liveblog for @csweekly
I’d like to start off by saying how blown away I am that the writing team keeps each caper so unique and fresh in a formulaic series. It’s one of my favorite things. I never once find myself truly bored with this show even watching it so many times.
Player….making a My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference? Out of anything they could start the episode with. Not sure what to make of that one besides cultural osmosis. It’s a little before his time.
Love Dash Haber as a villain. Capers not boring and neither are the operatives.
Lol the Cleaners just stop. Don’t react. Move on. Not dramatic enough for their viewing pleasure.
Is this when we get to say “no capes”?
Ever since Paper Star clipped Carmen’s hat once, Carmen is able to save it every time.
Tug of war over the hat is so funny to me.
Carmen doesn’t win all the time. Keeps things interesting.
You know, since it’s coming from Carmen, I legitimately can’t decide if she’s being overtly satirical, or if Coach Brunt actually does knit as a hobby. …no. No way Brunt has the patience. Carmen’s just mad.
APOCALYPSE. One of my favorite Zack moments.
Ahh the home base conversation. Equal parts touching and even mORE guilt wrenching for Shadowsan to hear. “If only I knew more about my past..” If only we could see his face when she says that line.
“The only thread I could pull…” Player making puns literally in his sleep at this point.
Shadowsan filling in Fashion Fest and the team’s REACTION to it. And then just his “Countess Cleo always took an interest.”
Cleo backstory!!! At least a basic one. Just makes me yearn for more. I get the feeling we would have gotten a lot of criminal backstories if we’d had more seasons.
Cookie! I’m glad they had her back for a full caper. Really tho, Carmen totally got her entire look from her LOL. There’s not as much ode to 90s Carmen in this episode through her than the laying it on thick they did in the first. I can’t decide if I like that or I’m disappointed there’s not more. Because in this caper she’s her own thing.
Zack is ALREADY including Shadowsan as dad please I’m so emotional about those two and what it says between the lines of Zack and Ivy’s past. This boy LATCHED onto the first male adult he was allowed to and said “we are going to bond”.
Julia it should be illegal to be this adorable.
Yeah. Different capers like I talked about in the opening paragraph. Going after 16th century gowns. This is a homage to older CS. Always the caper is something historical and unique rather than simply money or jewelry. Keeps the vibe from older iterations.
Also. Again. This entire episode foreshadows the dark red arc, everything leads to it. Brainwashing Carmen was ALWAYS on the table.
Oops. Sorry Zari (Stockholm is totally revenge for this moment)
Ahh and the beginnings of trusting Julia. Carmen’s got her pegged completely. Knows her heart is in it for history, and that whatever act she’s putting on isn’t really her. All that she could glean from their first and only interaction in India. Carmen almost ALMOST knocks her out like Zari, but ever the quick thinker, Carmen takes a chance with the knowledge she’s been given. She’s done the math and needs one more person.
Although I absolutely would have roared if Shadowsan got up on that stage.
The runway scene. Fantastic. And really you get a feel that this is actually the beginning of Julia’s arc in gaining confidence in herself. She already sticks up for herself, but this scene is what cements that 1. Carmen is not the bad guy 2 if she can get on that runway, she can stick her neck out with confidence for what she believes in. She doesn’t waver after this.
Also color theory. Carmen gives her her hat. Julia’s red shirt is gone but Carmen gives her this lifeline of friendship. Literally by verbally putting her in charge she’s telling Julia that she trusts her and wants to let her in on what the team is doing.
Ivy and Zack PLEASE. I love you enough already. You don’t have to go so hard on the runway.
It’s kinda cool how the models still walk like models in between the fighting.
Shadowsan’s strength is literally terrifying
LOL her eyebrow of incredulity to “which modeling agency are you with”
“Hackers can wear white hats after Labor Day” my gosh I love their banter. Everything is building up to Player’s s4 zinger of all time.
This hq idea is SO clever. Literally hiding in plain sight. The most home that Carmen can get right now. It’s my favorite thing.
“Zack got to have gelato and pizza” I love this family.
Huh I wonder if some or most of those silhouettes are based off of older iterations of ViLE operatives.
Such a solid and fun episode.
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readingrobin · 2 years
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A little bit late, but here are the rest of the books that I managed to finish before the end of @logarithmicpanda's summer readathon. By some miracle I read 22 books during the month of June. Absolutely bonkers.
Books Finished:
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao - One of the most refreshing books I've read in a LONG time. Just the pure, raw emotion poured onto the page that comes to a satisfying and cathartic head at the climax. Honestly, we need to carve out more of a space for women's anger in fiction without making them out to be horrible monsters for actually being upset at their situations. So much in YA fiction, the female lead always has to be merciful, always has to be the bigger person in the end, but here, there's really no time for mercy and no one that won't ultimately take advantage of it. Can't wait for the sequel! (5/5)
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward - An ultimate mindfuck of a book. It's the kind of story you immediately want to reread just so that you can go back and see everything knowing what you do now. Also, has such a strangely satisfying and hopeful ending that you don't really see in horror too often. (4/5)
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett - Not my first time with Good Omens, I've probably read the book maybe three times now, but it's my first time with the audiobook. The one I listened to had a full cast, complete with David Tennant and Michael Sheen as Crowley and Aziraphale. Naturally, their performances were excellent and it was neat to see them put new spins on dialogue that they had already read for the show, as well as put their voices to scenes that didn't make the transition to the screen. (Aziraphale's possession world tour was a highlight.) The rest of the cast was amazing as well, like Arthur Darvill as Newt, Gabrielle Glaister as Madame Tracy and Louis Davison as Adam. Definitely recommended for those who love the show. (5/5)
No One Is Talking About This by Patricia Lockwood - Had to read this one for work and I wasn't too blown away by it even though it was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. It's a sort of almost autiobiographical story about a woman's experience with her rise in social media fame, with the first part mostly being tiny chunks of texts of "hot takes" I've seen a lot around the Internet and the second half taking a more emotional, personal turn. However, because of the writing style, I never really felt attached to the main character, and her grief and loss just rang a little hollow for me because of it. It's a book where you have to be familiar with Internet culture to get all the references and nuance, but not too familiar to the point where all these takes are just expected at this point. It'll have an impact on some people, but I wasn't one of them. (2/5)
How to Fracture a Fairy Tale by Jane Yolen - An anthology of fractured fairy tales that I had a better time reading than Yolen's other collection The Emerald Circus. There was a lot of variety in the kind of stories told, there was even a good smattering of Jewish stories which I rarely see, so it's not just your Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty retellings, though there are a bit of those here, but they find a new sort of charm through their reframings. (4/5)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol. 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - Though the writing style of the translated book was a bit tough to settle into at first, I had a blast reading this one. Wei Wuxian is such a little ass and I love how his personality conflicts with the more stoic Lan Wangji. I love me a good odd couple. (4/5)
Real Hero Shit by Kendra Wells - Sort of your basic, D&D one shot plot of a ragtag group of adventurers going out on a mission to investigate disappearances in a certain town. We got the flirty fighter, a snarky spellcaster, the good-natured cleric, and the mysterious rogue. The art style was pretty good, it's something I would probably pick up if it has a continuation. It just has the one trope that annoys me of "clearly these two characters have some sort of tension, so they're just going bone it out and get it over with." (3.5/5)
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afamafrofuturism23 · 11 months
Final Post...
Beyonce’s Lemonade and Childish Gambino’s This is America
When I first looked over the syllabus and noticed that in this class we would be discussing and analyzing the music videos of a few songs I love and listen to on a regular basis I was shocked. Beyonce is viewed as an icon and inspiration to many, but after re-watching her music video for Lemonade and Black is King, the respect I had for her as an artist and brillian tcreative only sky rocketed. I had no idea that the smallest of details included in her videos were references to past films, stories, artwork, and artist. When learning that she paid ohmage to Daughters of the Dust, a 1990 film, in her music video for Lemonade I was blown away. In the vidoe, she turned her stage/set into a special portal for Black womanhood, celebrating something that truly does not get enough support, awarness, apprecaition, and recognition. The goddess imagery throught the video not only embodied a mythological “feel” but her overall performance including the wardrobe choices and choreography brought Afrofuturism to live, of course with a spin and unique touch of modernism. Although in the video she was seen wearing traditional African clothing, the modern choices of wearing acrylic nails add a modern spin to this vision. In this music video and in Black is King, she encapsulates the beauty of Afrofuturism well. 
This is America is a song and music video that depicts the life of the Jim Crow era, how black culture continues to go on and on, depsite the chaos in the world that tends to hault the progression of many inidivudally and as a community. As discussed in lecture, this reveals how our culture continues to evolve. Before taking this course, I did not realize or know that many popular short films, movies, or music videos contain tons of elements that allow one to categorize teh piece of work within the Afrofuturism genre. In this video, we see a depiction of the harsh reality we sadly face, being treated like another number, another statistic, rather than the individual and human person we truly are. To many, we are just another object that has human like features and abilities, and sadly despite the progression the Black and African American community has made over the decades, we are still perceived in this manner. In this piece of art, Childish Gambino depicts the portrayal of the Black man and woman, in the way that many white and others that are viewed as superior feel we truly are, nothing. Although Gambino is not everyone’s fan favorite, I feel that it is important to look at art in a different light/lens, looking at it from the perspective of what is the creator trying to tell me. It is no secret that some things are hard to watch and unpack, but after being exposed to many stories, books, films, and videos within the Afrofuturism genre, I now have the ability to look beyond the screen to unpack the true and implied message of the creative. 
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malaysiankpopfans · 1 year
Malaysian SWITH Charmed by STAYC's Youthful Energy at STAYC 1st Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur
"Malaysia MANTAP!"
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South Korean girl group STAYC held their first ever overseas fan meeting for the year of 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, continuing their tour after Manila and Taipei in December last year. STAYC, which is an acronym for 'Star to a Young Culture', is a 6-member girl group comprising of Sumin, Sieun, Isa, Seeun, Yoon, and J, debuted in November 2020 and has been garnering a lot of attention and love for their addictive and hooking songs.
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STAYC began the fan meeting by performing 'BEAUTIFUL MONSTER' and also their debut single, 'So Bad', making their fans which lovingly referred to as SWITH, excited with their energetic and bubbly stage presence As the one who created the 'Teen-fresh' genre, STAYC definitely lived up to the title as they brought out the confidence of teenagers with their own vibes on the stage.
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All of the members individually introduced themselves in Malaysian language, impressing the fans with their admirable efforts. Yoon excitedly said "Ini kali pertama saya datang ke Malaysia, jadi jaga saya baik-baik tau! (This is my first time in Malaysia, so please take good care of me!)" Sieun expressed that "It's so good to be here with you guys! Thank you for coming and let's enjoy tonight!". STAYC sadly said that they have not got the chance to try any Malaysian food as they were busy rehearsing for the fan meeting but they have heard a lot about Malaysia's fried rice, and would like to try it the most.
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SWITH had the opportunity to get to know all of the members, connecting with them better as they answered a few questions from the fans, as well as displaying their teamwork and also competitiveness while playing games on stage. Besides that, the fans also had the chance to get on the TikTok's trend and did the #PoppyChallenge with STAYC, which the video has been receiving immense response by the fans with more than 500,000 views in just two days! STAYC continued to amaze the fans when they sang a popular Malaysian folk song called 'Rasa Sayang' which united everyone as they sing-along to the song. STAYC then hyped up the night with an addicting bop song, 'RUN2U', before taking it slow and comforted the fans with their assuring song, 'SO WHAT'.
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As the fan meeting was coming to an end, the members expressed their gratitude, especially to the staffs and crews who had worked hard in making the fan meeting successful, whilst member Sieun conveyed her "Thank you  for this unforgettable night as I was so blown away by how passionate SWITH are! Thank you for coming, singing along, and especially for your amazing fan-chants!". STAYC performed 'I'LL BE THERE', as well as 'ASAP' as their encore song, thus ending the night with a promise to come back again to Malaysia, hopefully for a concert next time!
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drerin-blog1 · 2 years
How to Coach Narcissistic Abuse | Recovery Series
Hi Spiritual Superstar! 
There I was, on stage in front of about 150 women, when I asked the question...
How many of you have been in a toxic relationship?
Almost every woman in the room raised their hands!
I was blown away...
Did you know that some researchers believe that as many as 9 out of 10 people have been in a codependent relationship? 
Years ago, after healing from my codependency and narcissistic abuse, I realized how insidious toxic relationships were in our culture and globally. 
So, as a coach (whether you are coaching your clients or yourself), you are going to need to understand the levels of dysfunction within a toxic relationship to be able to get radical results. 
In this week’s podcast, I am sharing the How to Coach Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse
In this episode, I'm talking about my personal story of healing and some important distinctions to help you become a powerful coach. 
What You Will Learn: 
The One Thing that finally healed my Narcissistic Abuse
How to distinguish the level of the Toxic Relationship 
How to coach any client, regardless of the label of their Dysfunctional Relationships or Narcissistic Abuse Trauma
💎 If you’re NOT already a member of Soulciété, join me for a LIVE Wednesday Breakthrough Call to discover how to make your dreams a reality and to find out more about our community. This is not a high-pressure sales pitch >>> Register Here: www.soulciete.com
This week in Soulciété, we are embodying the Universal Law of Harmony
We are beginning to showcase our community trauma healing wins on the Dr. Erin Podcast & in the E4 Book and Documentary Project - I will be discussing how you can be a part of the E4 Project at the end of our call within the community this week. 
We are getting ready for the fall Graduation Ceremony for levels 4 & 5: Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method® & Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioners!
And, we are officially going to be holding LIVE Events! (TBA)
Level 1 Spiritual Warriors: This week, we are doing E4 Trauma Method® 1:1 Coaching in our group call – transform your trauma transform your life ⚡
Level 2 Spiritual Entrepreneurs: This week, we are learning how to Launch Online – It’s time to take a quantum leap! 🚀 
Level 3 Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®: This week, we are learning Trauma Informed Coaching.
Level 4 Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner: This week, we are diving deep into Practitioner Sessions and learning Spiritual Mind Treatment! 🤯
Level 5 NTG Teachers-Speakers-Ministers: This week, we are learning how to teach Metaphysical Mastery! ⚡
Level 6 Doctors of Divinity: Taking applications
P.S. Binge my podcast series on Money Breakthrough
P.S. If you're a member of Soulciete and you'd like to monetize referring people to our community >>> click HERE
With Love, Dr. Erin
Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother.
Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity.
Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.
“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes
Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. See our Terms 
There I was on stage in front of about 150 women. When it asked the question, how many of you have been in a toxic relationship? Almost every woman in the room raised their hands. I was blown away. Did you know that some researchers suggest that as many as nine outta 10, people had been in a codependent relationship? Wow. Years ago, I was absolutely in a codependent relationship, an abusive narcissistic abusive relationship. And I'm here to say years and years later, that there are definitely things you need to know, whether you are dealing with a toxic relationship or whether your clients are in a toxic relationship, whether they're codependent or whether they're dealing with narcissistic abuse. You definitely wanna listen to this podcast. I'm gonna break on down everything from my own personal story and how it was a final one thing that healed my narcissistic abuse and how I distinguish the levels of toxic relationships. 
So I can understand whether I should be working with this client or referring them to intervention and how to coach any client, regardless of the label of their dysfunctional relationship or narcissistic abuse trauma. You definitely wanna listen to this. And I would suggest that you share this podcast with all of your friends that are dealing with toxic relationships. Let's do this thing. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world. 
Hi, my soul family and community. I am super excited to be with you today to break on down how to coach narcissistic abuse, but not only that, but really how to coach anyone that is dealing with a dysfunctional relationship or toxic relationship. As stated earlier, some science is suggesting that as many as nine outta 10, people are dealing or have dealt with codependency. And so it's really important as coaches, or if you are just trying to coach yourself and trying to break through some stuff that we break this on down. So today you're going to learn the one thing that finally healed my narcissistic abuse and how to distinguish the levels of toxic relationships so that you actually can figure out, should you be working with this client, or if you are your own client, right, should you be putting yourself into an intervention, right? 
And then lastly, how to coach any client, regardless of the label, whatever they've been labeled, because spiritually we don't believe in labels. We believe that everyone is whole and complete of themselves and that anything that's out picturing in their life, in their dysfunctional relationships or in any kind of a label is really just the cause and effect of what we've chosen to create and all the trauma and programming and everything. So let's break this on down. So first before we begin, I just wanna say that I love you guys so much. Our community is so extraordinary. And this week in our community, we are learning and embodying the law of harmony universal law of harmony. And every week in our community, we embody one universal law. And in fact, the universal law, Oracle cards are coming out. Um, I think in a few more weeks on Amazon, I'm super excited. 
You guys, and also we have an accompanying book with it as well for the 52 universal laws. But so this week with the law of harmony, we're gonna break that down at the end. And I also just wanna say that I'm super excited because we are excited to have our graduations this fall in our community. And we have, of course, all of our weekly live coaching calls with myself and all of our teachers in our community. So I just wanna acknowledge our community and how amazing, how extraordinary, how just profound life changing everything is. And my life would never be the same without you guys. So I wanna say thank you. And if you're new to our community or new to this podcast, I would recommend a couple things I would begin to binge this podcast. There's series on everything from money breakthrough, to relationship, breakthrough trauma series and metaphysical series and all kinds of things. 
And what we found is this is a lot of people that binge this podcast end up coming into our amazing community called society. And you can check out the links below here, but let's break this on down. So how to coach narcissistic abuse, that's the title of this podcast? And the reason why is because people need to go to extremes to get real and to get coached. Okay. And my personal story, as a lot of you guys know, and I'm not gonna get into too much because my goal on these podcasts actually is to have them stay under 30 minutes, more like 20 minutes so that you can binge them, go on a little walk to whatever, get your mind right. And then move on. Right? So my story, as you guys know, probably is I was extremely codependent. I was raised by a mother who was codependent and she would be in and out of relationships up and down in her relationships, an emotional mess when it came to relationships. 
So that was my patterning, all my trauma, of course. And we won't get into that, but I found myself years ago in a narcissistic abusive relationship with a Grammy winning rock star. And it was, uh, the hardest master class lesson I ever had to go through in my entire life. I actually think it was harder than having a stillborn son at the age of 22. I believe it was actually harder than being date raped in high school or stumbling and falling down into spiraling, down into bulimia from 17 to 20, the actual experience of, of narcissistic abuse, which really is codependency. It's just the out picturing of the perfect, you know, experience of my own belief that I'm not worthy of love. And so here I was, years ago, I was in a very narcissistic abuse relation, abusive relationship. And there was a moment I'll never forget it. 
He had been on and off the wagon. He was an alcoholic drug addict, always trying to get sober. And I was in the role of, let me try and fix you and heal you and, and save this love, making the love, my higher power. And I'll never forget. One night he called me asking for me to come help him. He had fallen off the wagon and he was in a bar over on kind of the east side of Los Angeles. And I drove across the city thinking, oh my gosh, I get to actually save him. He's actually not gonna fall off the wagon. It's not gonna be this terrible thing. And I went to go pick him up and he was totally drunk. And he was obviously yelling and abusing me along the way as we drove back. And when we got back, cuz he was staying over at his mother's house. 
And um, he, I brought him inside, got him showered up. And then he began to go into a rage and was yelling at me and was like, no, you get outta here cuz you're gonna go through my phone and then you're gonna, you know, it's all you, you are crazy all stuff. And guess what I was, this is how my, this was my low you guys. Okay. And sure enough, I began to leave the place and right, well, as I was leaving his mother's place, his phone was sitting on the kitchen counter and I grabbed his phone and I went, let me just see what's going on here. And don't ask me how it wasn't locked or anything. But I began, I drove off, I pulled off on a side road and I literally went through his phone and I saw pictures of his, his privates, two other women. 
I saw about 10 different texting to 10 different women of telling them that I love you. We're gonna spend our life together. Meanwhile, I was engaged to this man and I sat there for an hour in the middle of the night with the reality. It was like the universe just like punched me in my stomach. And I saw all of the conversations, all of the sex sexing, all of the manipulation, all of the lies. And I literally wanted to throw up, I was so ill and in that moment I realized something's gonna change and it wasn't him anymore. I realized how delusional I really was. But that story, I only tell you that story because that was one of, probably 20 stories that were that intense in that. And I was so humbled by that because I had been doing my inner work for years before that I had even had clients before that. 
And I was so embarrassed. I literally, what happened was I ended up shutting down my entire, uh, social world because I was so I had so much shame here. I was, you know, doing all this work, doing all this spiritual work coaching and being going down this track. And yet I was still dealing with a level of it, total insanity in my life. And so what happened is, as we have shame, I began to basically get smaller and smaller and smaller in my consciousness and re and basically repel from everyone and anything. And this is the true definition of, of a dis disease is you begin to, you know, as I say, we get as sick as our secrets. So I didn't mean to go that far into that story, but I think it's important to have something that's relatable for you to know that no matter where you are, whether you are in a narcissistic abusive relationship or whether you have some toxicity and you're having some big upsets in your relationships and it's beginning to actually have some trauma, you know, triggering trauma within you and things like that, regardless of where you are. 
I wanna say today with such incredible honor in my heart, I am fully healed from my codependency. It's been years and years and years, so many years. Oh my gosh. And it has been such a blessing in disguise. I realize that when I look back, I realize that I chose that situation from a spiritual perspective because I decided I wanna be the greatest leader and a spiritual, you know, badass to be able to deal with anything with my clients. And I could never ever be the leader I am today without having going, gone through codependency and narcissistic abuse. So let's break this on down. So first of all, we have to distinguish, you know, and I wanna finish with my one story. The one thing that finally healed my narcissistic abuse. So of course I had to surrender and take responsibility. Okay. Absolutely. I could never, I could no longer point the finger at him. I had to re begin to realize that he was simply a projection of my own limit to beliefs of my unworthiness and my lack of understanding that I really did not believe that I was worthy of love. Okay. But that was not what fully healed me. Of course, that was the beginning. Then going into the trauma work, going into all that was imperative. Of course, that absolutely stopped the energetic cycles. 
But the one thing that finally healed my narcissistic abuse like experience was I realized that I still loved him that at core, after I'd done all my trauma work, after I didn't, I had neutrality around it, I would go into meditation. I would go into spiritual mind treatment and into prayer. And I would begin to communicate because there was something that wasn't fully complete for me in my heart. And I realized it wasn't until I admitted that I still loved him at some level, I would not be in a relationship with him, but there was still a part of me that had love for him. And this was the actual one thing that actually shifted the final thing for me to be able to love him fully. And I love him to this day because there was parts of that relationship that were absolutely things that I could never exper I could never explain. 
There was profound love there for me, whether there was for him, it doesn't matter. There was profound love for me with him. And until I admitted that I still loved him. There was still a lie. And therefore there was a separation, a division in mind, and therefore it was actually keeping me in a lie and in a limited perspective. And so when I went into the space, sent him love and also know that I couldn't be in a relationship with him. That's when I finally healed fully from my narcissistic abuse. I realized that everything he did, all the line, all the cheating, all the manipulating, all the insanity was just because he had his own abuse. He had his own traumas. He had his own insanity in his lineage and his karma and in his, you know, ancestry. Right. So I don't have to take it personal. 
I didn't have to take it personal anymore. I get to just love him and know the perfection of where he's at and his cause and effect of this lifetime. Okay. So this is important. And this is so important because this is how to coach somebody, you know, in our coaching program. Obviously I can't teach you everything here, but I'm gonna break on down what you really need to take a look at for yourself or for your clients to understand the level of toxic relationship you are in or your clients in so that you can decide, are you somebody that can coach somebody or do you need to help them get intervention? And so I'll never forget when I was going through my codependency, some of my friends that had gone through codependency said, you are going to be codependent and stay in this relationship as long as you need to not one day more and not one day less. 
And so part of the thing is this is that I realize that I needed to be in app. And the same thing with your clients, your clients may say, they're ready to be healed and they may not be ready yet. They may need to go through some, a lot more dysfunction to hit their low, to be able to finally surrender. But so if I'm working with somebody, these are some of the basic things that I wanna take a look at for what's the level of their toxic relationship. And one thing you guys need to know is this is a podcast based in what we consider spiritual psychology. I'm not a psychologist, I'm a doctor divinity. And we actually do study the soul. That is our entire thing. The doctor divinity actually, and spiritual psychology coach and everything that we train in, uh, spiritual psychology master practitioners is really diving into the actual soul, traditional psychology, um, more deals with the cause and effect and the external world and measures the trauma and measures the results of all the trauma informed stuff. 
Okay. From a spiritual psychology spirituality is a reality that everything comes from spirit, your true self consciousness and psychology is the study of the soul. So we are actually looking at what's actually happening within somebody when there's trauma, not what happened to them. So we don't believe in big traumas or little traumas. We look at what happened within the subconscious. What happened? What did you decide? What were the commands and limited beliefs that you decided that energetically set the patterning into your soul and tagged your epigenetics and has you have this energetic experience of narcissistic abuse or traumas or whatever the, the title might be from a psychiatrist perspective? There is what's called the N CBI, which is the national library of medicine medicine. And so we have to take a look at narcissistic personality disorder is a manmade concept. It's a manmade concept. The truth is that even my ex is a divine, spiritual being. 
And just like you, you are not codependent or a narcissist, right? You are, you are a divine, spiritual beam. We don't believe in labels. Um, within our work, we believe in being able to heal by self, through energetic, um, patterning and through transmuting, the energetics on the soul level, clearing out the soul. That's our core work. Okay? So if you're somebody that is dealing with a toxic relationship and you want to actually heal, you can actually come into our community. And even in our coaching accreditation, we actually have practice calls and you actually do your work and you receive the work and you witness the work it's called triads and you do all three perspectives. So you're having breakthrough expanding consciousness and becoming really profound coach around all this work in our practitioner, you are actually holding consciousness. It's a, it's a real high, high level of work where you actually can create miracles just by holding neutrality for your clients and be able to spot the limited beliefs and be able to do spiritual mind treatment, which is also called spiritual scientific prayer. 
Okay. So we have processes for coaching. We have trauma work E for trauma method, as you guys know why I got the 20, 20 Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey and Greg Braden and Michael Bernard Beckwith is for these processes. Okay. But you, as the coach need to distinguish, should you work with this client or not? Or if you are in the toxic relationship, do you need to get help? Okay, so let's break this on down. So when a client comes to me and they are, you know, dealing with whatever, and oftentimes people aren't coming for the relationship, sometimes they're coming to deal with relationship, but most of the time people are coming to me because they wanna monetize their spiritual gifts. They wanna get trained and everything. And this is what we found about nine outta 10 of the women and men in our community are actually dealing with co a level of codependency. 
And actually the one thing that's holding them back from having success in their life and beyond the actually have a successful career in spirituality is their codependency. Because when you're codependent, we know what it's like. I remember what it's like. I couldn't show up fully. I was a disaster. I was emotionally drained. I was just all the above. So how can you have success in all areas of your life? If you're still in a toxic relationship, imagine the butterfly effect of the negativity that's happening in your life because of your toxic relationships. So we need to break the sun down. So say a client comes to me, say they are trying to heal their relationship or say they are coming because they wanna make more money. Okay. It doesn't matter because the thing is in what we train in is it doesn't matter what anyone's dealing with. 
The same. We do the same processes, no matter who it is, no matter if I'm working with a big celebrity, no matter if I'm training somebody in the methodology, no matter if I'm dealing with somebody dealing with narcissistic abuse or if they are doing whatever the processes are exactly the same, but there are things that I'm looking for. Okay. And that's one thing as someone comes in and I discover that they are in a toxic relationship because it's gonna come up, trust me, consciousness will come forward. And they begin to talk about how they're having big upsets. Maybe they are in a narcissistic abuse, abusive relationship, or whether they are dealing with just regular toxicity. This is what I'm gonna look for. I'm going to have them recognize one thing. If they are in an environment where they are in a narcissistic abuse relationship or toxic relationship, if they're in that relationship still then, and they're getting, you know, so upset, then it is retriggering their traumas. 
And what we say is it's kind of like having a wound, right? So you have a scab, a wound and it's scabbing over. And every time it's about to heal, you pick off the scab and it starts bleeding again. Okay. You can't heal a client. If they're still in that environment, you can't heal somebody. If they're still in that environment, if they're not able to do their work, if they're not in an abusive narcissistic, abusive relationship. And they're just in kind of a, somewhat of a dysfunctional relationship, it's possible, it's possible in any of the areas that they could stay in that environment and heal if they really did their healing work. But I'm here to say that majority of people won't be able to, because we are habitual human beings in these bodies and in our subconscious right, we're divine spiritual beings, but we're having the experience through this particular, you know, soul, which is all the epigenetics in your lineage and all the patterning and all the programming and everything. 
So what I would do is this is I first discover the level of where they're at. If they're in a narcissistic abusive relationship, they most likely are probably gonna need to have daily, daily recovery calls. They're also going to need to maybe even have an intervention and get out of the environment they're in. Okay? You guys need to know that domestic violence and narcissistic abuse ruins lives. I'm gonna say that again, domestic violence and narcissistic abuse, ruins lives. It is dangerous. You guys, it's dangerous. People take their lives by suicide because of these different diseases, right? This is an extreme level of life. And I can speak from a personal level. I remember a point in time where I did not wanna live because the abuse in that relationship was so bad. It was so dysfunctional. It was so hurtful that I, I didn't even see the point in life. 
And, and I would never have taken my life by suicide because I have a son, but I literally was that low. So you need to know if you are dealing with narcissistic abuse, please seek medical and professional help. Okay. Our programs are for group. Okay. If somebody's in a narcissistic abusive relationship, they need one-on-ones, you can come in and hire our practitioners and our coaches for that. Okay. But you need to get some one-on-ones if you're in that of an extreme case. Okay. So if I'm dealing and the title of this podcast is how to coach narcissistic abuse. I'm gonna tell you something. I don't, I wouldn't say it's the truth. It's not an absolute truth, but from a human perspective, it is the majority. If someone truly is a narcissistic, a narcissist, they actually most likely will not get help. And the reason why is because they are so extreme in their habitual things and all their trauma, that the only way that they can actually survive is by being right. 
And so most narcissists will not get help. That's not saying that all narcissists will not get help, but the reality is they probably would not get help at the level. They probably go into an intervention, or most likely they're sitting in the rooms of drug addicts and alcoholics in those rooms. Okay. That's nothing bad or not to judge that. Okay. But that's just the truth, because the only way that they generally, in a general perspective from a spiritual perspective will get help, is if they go so far low in taking them out, and we are such actual good spiritual beings, that the, if we don't use our energy for good, we take our own powers away. So most of the narcissists will take their own powers away via alcohol and drugs or extreme, um, gambling, extreme porn, addiction, things like that. And they will end up actually going into rehab. 
That's the majority of the place. Okay. If you are in how to coach a narcissist abuse, meaning you have been abuse, you are the quote victim of this. And the reality is that you are dealing with codependency, okay. Or your client is dealing with codependency. So we have to know that that this is possible to heal, but the codependent, the only way the codependent actually heals is by realizing that they can no longer point the finger at the narcissistic abuse abuser. The only way that you or your client is going to heal and get help is if they're able to admit that they have the problem, that they are the one that needs to held, they're no longer looking to fix change or help, or, you know, crucify the narcissist. They're actually ready to take full responsibility. So if I have somebody in front of me and a, are they willing to take a hundred percent responsibility and heal themselves and not look at how they're gonna fix the situation or the person, okay, that's the number one thing the other one must have for me to coach somebody who's gone through narcissistic abuse is they need to not be in the environment or the relationship. 
Okay. So say they are, when they come in, then I might have an agreement. And the agreement is that in, you know, the next 30, 90 days, that if they are still getting upset and getting retried and retraumatized, that one, they will not be working with me anymore. They'll have to put their, their contract on hold or they, um, will, they will make an agreement that they will go out of their environment. They'll go stay with their family or go into intervention, whatever that is. But I will not work with somebody for more than say, I won't do it personally at all. I don't, I wouldn't do that at this point in my career. But back in the day when I did work with high celebrities, um, and addicts and things years ago, I used to work, um, doing that with some AA plus celebrities, by the way that I can't disclose, cuz I send, I, I, uh, signed NDAs when I did it, but a plus big, huge, huge celebrities. 
Okay. Um, and the point is, this is that I wouldn't work with somebody dealing with an active addiction at this point because I, I train in group, but we do have practitioners that will and coaches that will. So if you are somebody who is a coach, you would already know this. Cuz I train all of our coaches on what they, how to deal with somebody that's dealing with narcissistic abuse or not. So obviously narcissistic abuse looks like this, right? Somebody who's manipulating somebody who is lying, somebody who's in fantasy. So one of the things I realized when I was in that narcissistic abuse relationship that I was like, trying to figure it out. I was like Googling, like what is a narcissist? What is borderline? What is a bipolar, what is going on? He didn't understand what was going on. And for my ex, he kind of fell into a, a bunch of the categories. 
He was absolutely narcissistic in that he would manipulate and do whatever it took for him to get wherever he needed in his career, in his relationships, whatever it is that he wanted, he would figure out a way to get it. And it didn't matter if someone got hurt, harmed, you know, did anything. Um, he would do whatever it took for him to get whatever he needed. Okay. He was also somewhat borderline in that he would, he had no identity. Like his identity was in his rock star role. He had no identity. In fact, he would just get attached to the next project, the next person. And that is what he would get excited about. He couldn't get excited with just being with himself. He had to actually morph into whatever the project was, whatever the person was for him to even have an identity. And when he'd be in one side of the identity, he would make the other project or people wrong because he was also afraid of life. 
Cuz he had so much trauma, right? He was also what we'd call a, you know, a bipolar and we don't do any of these labels spiritually, but from a traditional psychologist, psychiatry world, you would label him all these things. Okay. He was also borderline. He would, I mean he would also bipolar. He would get really, really depressed and go into his addiction and then he'd come out of his addiction. He'd get, you know, start getting sober and he would get actually high on life. So high on life that he'd have so much energy and he'd wind himself up so tight that he would again, snap into his, falling into the demise of, of his addiction and falling all the way back to the bottom. And it was like a big up, a big down, a big up, a big down. Okay. So these are all the distinctions and inside of our coaching, we're gonna dive way, way more into all the, um, trauma informed work, doing all the processes, how to distinguish these things further and further. 
But today to just complete the cycle, how to coach narcissistic abuse, you've got to first discover. What's the level of abuse. What's the level of toxicity in you or your client. You've gotta make that distinction so you can decide, is this something that can even be helped if they're still in the environment, they generally cannot be coached until they're out of that environment because they're just getting retraumatized and retried all the time. And then what is the answer? How do you actually deal with somebody when they're ready to heal? When they're not in the environment anymore, they're ready to do their work. And it's absolutely a hundred percent trauma trauma trauma E four trauma method. For sure. Getting all the energetics clearing out all the, I had total PTSD after it. Right? Doing all the PTSD work again. If you have extreme PTSD, please go seek medical help first to make sure you're okay. 
Okay. All that stuff. So they want to be able to, you wanna coach through E four trauma work you wanna coach and getting all clearing out all the soul, all the energetics and clearing off, off all those tags on their epigenetic DNA so that the client can become neutral and become cause over their life and no longer needing to have some perpetrator come in their life for them to keep having the identity of I'm not enough. I'm a victim. Something's wrong with me. All that stuff. Okay. And in this, I hope that you got something out of this. May you share this with your friends so that you can all heal together and have more, more wisdom and knowledge to know that you are divine, spiritual being, let's take a deep breath in together in the nose, exhaling out, doing a spiritual mind treatment, expanding our consciousness into the one divine consciousness, your highest consciousness, the consciousness. 
That absolutely is one with everything. It's one with that narcissistic abuser. It's one with all of it. It's here to say, I'm here to reveal the truth. I know no matter what you've gone through, no matter what upsets and breakups and manipulations and all the insanity, I know no matter what has gone through whatever your past is, whatever your your traumas are. I know that right now, right here, you have the ability to heal by self. You have the ability to become unrecognizable. You're here to become the highest version of yourself. And in this I know no matter what's happened that you are the creator. You're one with the creator, the force within you, the source within you is the same source that lives and breathes in everything. That is the one source that's created all of life. And in this field coming into that neutrality, I release all discord and I say, thank you suffering. 
Thank you, abuser. Thank you all that. Because without my narcissistic abuser, I would never be the woman that I am. The leader that I am today. Thank you for being my teacher. Thank you for being my guru. Thank you for leading me cuz I know love is the way. And the love always is the teacher love is a teacher. Maybe we know that we are love that we can never seek love out there. That we're the one that we've been waiting for. We are the love of our life because when we fully love our life, we fully love ourselves. We're able to love another. When we see ourselves unconditionally in love, we're able to unconditionally love another. And in this I'm knowing profound healing of codependency, of, of narcissistic abuse, of toxic relationships, of all of those things, all the relationship goals that we have in this spiritual psychology and in knowing the truth of our one divine love. 
And in this I say, yes, yes, yes. To you healing and knowing the truth as together we say. And so it is amazing. You guys, okay? If you're all not, not already in our community, there's a couple things you can do. Number one, you can go right below here. There's links into our free community on Facebook. There's also all, uh, you can come binge all the different podcasts in here so you can get your mind, right? And then also you can come into a Wednesday call right now, I'm doing a call. Um, if it's not Wednesday, it'll be on the website. If you go to soul society.com, S O U L C I E T e.com. It's right below here. Also we update that link. So even if I'm not doing a Wednesday breakthrough call, wherever, wherever I am live, cause I always have live events for free for people to discover breakthrough and discover more about our community. 
We do not do high pressure sales. But what we do is we're gonna really help you get clear of what your goals are and what it's really gonna take to get there from a spiritual perspective from, from doing all your inner work and from whatever it is. If you wanna monetize your spiritual gifts, we work with people that don't wanna turn their love for spirituality into a career. We work with all different dynamics of people doing their spiritual awakening and transformational work. And so I will see you there hopefully on Wednesday. Be amazing to get to know you dive deep and let's do this thing. Okay. Have you beautiful day have bless. And Hey, if you've listened to this podcast and you have not already subscribed and given a review, do it, come on, you gotta give back girl and guy seriously do it. Okay. I love you guys have a beautiful blessed day and may you live your truth?
New top spiritual podcast episode!
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
"You want to know what death is? I'll tell you. Death is the loss of life. Despite everything doctors like me attempt... a patient's life can still fall through our fingers. You think death lies in the apex of science? Anyone with such little regard for life will die by my hand."
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Character Analysis: Yosano Akiko
Age: 25 || Ability: Thou Shalt Not Die
table of contents:
1. Author counterpart.
2. Yosano's history.
3. 'Angel of Death' defined.
4. Yosano and Atsushi.
1. Author counterpart.
Having been given the “Sho Ho” at birth, Yosano Akiko’s counterpart—the real-life author—was known for her zealous take on both feminism and pacifism.
Side note: Once again, to avoid confusion, I will use the name Sho Ho in reference to the real-life author, and Yosano in reference to the BSD character.
Sho Ho's writings were pretty much out-of-the-ordinary in her time, and despite being suppressed by the social norms of gender hierarchy, she sought to reform society’s view on the cultural perspectives of women and their sexuality (She expressed her love for a woman in one of her poems, but many still argued on whether she identified herself as queer or not.)
"Thou Shalt Not Die," Yosano's ability, is actually named after one of Sho Ho's most famous, controversial poems. She wrote it for her brother, who was a soldier in the war between Russia and Japan (1904-1905). In her poem, she expressed her general distaste for war and how her brother was a part of it.
O my young brother, I cry for you Don't you understand you must not die! You who were born the last of all Command a special store of parents' love
Would parents place a blade in children's hands
Teaching them to murder other men Teaching them to kill and then to die? Have you so learned and grown to twenty-four?
- excerpt from Sho Ho's poem, "Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare"
Her words were blunt enough to inflict guilt on her brother's conscience, as she wasn't afraid to express her disapproval over how her brother took part in the typical violent bloodshed and manslaughter of war. Such opinions perturbed the authorities, and her work was eventually banned from the public for a period of time. Later on, it was used as an anti-war statement.
2. Yosano's history.
Now, as for the character in BSD, Yosano is seen to be generally strong-willed, and later on, we see that she is terrifyingly compassionately ambitious in the way she treats her patients. She treasured life itself, and hated the thought of losing a patient.
Yosano had developed her relations with Mori Ougai back in the Great War, when she was just 11 years old. Her ability was a great benefactor in saving lives. Realistically speaking, she was used for her ability to heal injured soldiers and diminish the effect of any casualty acquired.
Initially, she wasn't aware of this, until one of her close friends pointed it out by subtly accusing Mori of manipulating her to participate in the War under the close-to false pretence of 'saving lives.'
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As much as her ability did save lives, it also forced soldiers to return to the frontlines and suffer injuries over and over again. The soldiers were never given the opportunity to return to their families because of her ability. This obliged them to carry on in the war without any excuse, inserting them into a vicious cycle they had no escape out of.
Metaphorically speaking, Yosano's hatred for Mori sort of mirrors Sho Ho's disdain for war and fighting, don't you think? The way Kafka materialised Yosano's past was quite interesting because he used chapters 65 and 66 to explain Yosano's dislike for Mori, reflecting how Sho Ho used her poem to explain why she condemned the idea of war and how her brother was part of it.
Before the effect of her ability was fully understood, however, every soldier praised and thanked her for what an angel she was. One of the soldiers she had befriended and gotten close to even kept a tally of the number of times she had saved him. He was the one who gifted her the butterfly hairpin she wore all the time.
The weight of the truth that her ability was a curse rather than a blessing fully dawned on her when her soldier friend ultimately committed suicide, because the fact of being indefinitely trapped in the throes of war agonised him until his spirit gave out. This drove Yosano to loathe her ability, or rather, how it was used.
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In the time she participated in the War, Yosano was given the alias 'angel of death' due to the control she retained over the battlefield, but I thought that perhaps Kafka had a reason behind giving her this title, so I did my research.
3. 'Angel of Death' defined.
Side note: I wouldn't want to disrespect any culture or religion, so if my citations are inaccurate and/or disrespectful, do feel free to correct me/let me know! I did research out of pure curiosity, and I don't intend to twist the significance of any of the interpretations.
I had to grow up learning about the basics of religious stuff, so it's kind of nice to study something out of the box, and very much against my father's rigid belief system :D
(archangel: an angel of higher rank)
I came across the few characteristics of angels/goddesses and their roles, and the one which really caught my attention was the female archangel, Ariel, the angel of nature.
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[ source ]
In Hebrew, the name Ariel means 'altar' or 'lioness of God,' and her role is to heal. In addition to that, she is also recognised as a helper to another one of the seven main archangels, Raphael, whose role is to provide physical and emotional healing, too.
She is the protecter of the environment and the animals therein, and is bestowed with the duty to oversee the order of heavenly bodies as well as earth's natural resources. She assures the sustenance of food, water, shelter, and supplies of human beings, much like how a nurse is to a patient I suppose.
In relation to Yosano, I think this part is pretty self-explanatory, or perhaps this is blown out of proportion HA, so take this as a suggestion rather than a fact, because I'd like to believe that Kafka had a reason for giving Yosano a title as such.
In the past, I've come across the angel of death only to perceive it as a female grim reaper of some sort, so it was pretty cool to find that the word 'angel' and 'death' made up a title of a someone like Ariel, one of the purest forms of humility and compassion.
For my beloved (wannabe/or not) students of Greek mythology (much like myself, let's make a cult!), you've probably heard of Panakeia, the goddess of healing. Medicine finds most of its vital significance in Greek history, and in its mythology, Panakeia is actually known for her ability to heal any kind of sickness.
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Her name means 'panacea,' which is actually defined as a remedy for all diseases. Terminal diseases and injuries lead to death, right? This would bring us back to Yosano's ability to nullify any injury's effects on a person, keeping them from death itself.
Now, we know that in order for Yosano's ability to work, her patient, or victim, has to be in a near-death condition in order for her treatment to take effect. This can't exactly fit into the description of resurrection, but it can be described as some sort of rebirth.
So another goddess which reminds me of Sho Ho/Yosano, is Persephone, the goddess of spring and rebirth. Before Hades, the god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone to take her to live with him, Persephone lived a happy life.
Hades, with his nature of darkness and the like, was captivated by how pure Persephone was, and stole her away from her former life to live in an environment which differed sharply from her natural aura of purity.
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Remember when Yosano's friend left a note behind before he killed himself? The note said nothing except for, "You are too righteous." Take that as you will, but figuratively speaking, you could say Mori takes the role of Hades in the story, while Yosano can be portrayed as Persephone.
Sho Ho can also be a parallel of Persephone, in that she had to adapt to the realities of war and disharmony, while Persephone had to adapt to the raw darkness of the underworld with Hades.
Sho Ho stood against society's norms and decided to reform it, making her one of the most well-known feministic pacifist in history, while Persephone managed to escape from the underworld to return to her former position, earning the title the 'Bringer of Life,' or the 'Destroyer of Death.'
Furthermore, the way Sho Ho's anti-war poem took its effect later on, reflects the way Persephone restored balance in the world after returning from the underworld.
4. Yosano and Atsushi.
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chapter 66; Yosano: "It's my fault that those close to me died... Is there some place where it's okay for me to live?"
chapter 8; Atsushi: "If I have any chance of saving them all, of returning them home safely, would that mean it's okay for me to keep on living?"
I couldn't help but think of Dazai and Atsushi back when I was reading through these panels. Ranpo (my beloved), along with Fukuzawa, accepted Yosano as she was, despite how her ability was a cause of despair and misfortune.
Ranpo looked past her mistakes and the entirety of how dark her past was to welcome her into the Armed Detective Agency. Dazai, on the other hand, knew who Atsushi was and what his ability had made him do before anyone else, and still decided to provide a safe place for Atsushi to find his sense of belonging, journeying with him as he learned to use his ability properly.
For more info about Dazai and Atsushi's dynamic, you can check out the analysis I did for Dazai :D
Atsushi desired to save people to prove his right to live, while Yosano made her wish to achieve the recovery of all her patients the reason for her existence.
Others would prefer to accuse both Yosano and Atsushi of having a saviour complex, but the reason why they pursued to save people with utmost dedication, stems from the nature of what their past was like. You know the saying 'from broken to beautiful?' Yeah, it's something like that.
The way their pasts were written out gave them a desire to change, which was, I daresay, initiated by the people who took them in: Ranpo and Dazai. Their abilities were demonised because of how they were used, but once they broke from their abilities' effect over their lives, they honed their skills to control them for the right cause instead.
In a less cynical point of view, I believe both Yosano and Atsushi stood for what was right, and wanted nothing but to achieve peace and harmony in whatever way they could, even if it meant risking their own lives to save others.
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So yeah, that's it for my rants today. Thank you for reading, and if you have anything to add, go ahead! I'm open to discussions ;)
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aangarchy · 4 years
Reasons people have listed for hating Aangs character and me debunking them
1. He ran away from his responsibility as the Avatar and got encaved in ice resulting in the airnomad genocide. A bullshit reason. Aang was a 12yr old monk who only just mastered airbending, found out he was the Avatar sooner than he was supposed to (they’re not supposed to know until they’re 16) and then found out they were planning on seperating him from his mentor. He was an upset child that ran off and because of stupid coincidence he got into a storm, resulting into his Avatar spirit kicking in and protecting him. It’s not his fault that it lasted for 100 years and it’s not his fault that a dictator decided to eradicate an entire race.
2. He crumpled up the note for Bato containing the map to Hakoda’s camp. Katara and Sokka promised to Aang that they would stick by him. They were his new family. They said so themselves. By telling Aang this they not only agreed to accompany him to the North Pole, they agreed to help him save the world. Of course they would want to see their dad, but their responsibility is to Aang first now. Aang was excluded the entire evening at Bato’s. He tried to include himself in the conversation several times and got dismissed. He has a right to be upset by that. Then he hears that the people who promised to accompany him and who promised they were his new family might leave him to go see their father. Once again, Aang has the right to be upset. Crumpling up the note and hiding it was a shitty move, but Sokka and Katara’s reaction was shittier. Instead of letting him explain they yell at him and tell him to go to the North Pole by himself and with that, save the world by himself. They went back on their promise. This situation was a miscommunication on everyone’s part. Solely blaming Aang is not only wrong, it’s bullshit.
3. He pushed his beliefs onto everyone. Show me a scene where Aang forces Katara and Sokka to eat vegetarian. Show me a scene where Aang forces everyone to meditate. Show me a scene where Aang gets upset when people eat meat in front of him. You can’t. Why? Because this statement is simply not true. The only scene you could possibly pull up is Aang begging Katara not to choose revenge. He tries to help by telling her he knows what she’s going through. He tries to help by giving a metaphor that the monks taught him, because it helped him. All of this comes from a place of love, not a place of wanting to force everyone into airnomad beliefs like Zuko suggests. Aang never tells Katara explicitly “I forbid you from going on this journey and executing your revenge.” He even acknowledges that this is a journey she has to make. He just asks, because he knows how toxic revenge is. He tries to relate to Katara by going “how do you think I felt when the sandbenders took Appa.” This is a valid point to make bc he nearly killed all of the sandbenders in a blind rage fueled by revenge. Katara stopped him then, now it’s his turn to stop Katara.
Another point I’d like to make with this one: everyone else was pushing their beliefs onto Aang when they were trying to force him to kill the firelord. They never asked kindly like Aang did, they said “you have to.” Why? Because they believe there is no other way. Aang believes otherwise because once again, revenge is a toxic notion.
4. He didn’t kill the firelord. Are you seriously wondering why a 12yr old pacifist monk in a kid’s show didn’t murder a man on screen? Really? I’ll refer to number three to tell you exactly why this is bad: it’s other people forcing their ideas and beliefs onto Aang. I’ll also refer to a few other Aang posts I’ve made where I talked about how this outcome, where Ozai isn’t dead, is better than a scenario where he is. His supporters would have used him as a martyr to demonize the Avatar. The same thing happened in the Chin village with Avatar Kyoshi. She killed their dictator leader, and 300 years after that they still hated the Avatar (not just her, all Avatars) and even charged Aang with murder. Killing Ozai would have backfired immensily. The cycle of violence wouldn’t have ended, it would have continued. With Aang showing him mercy and taking his firebending away he broke the cycle and a new era of peace could begin.
5. He’s immature. This is a short one: he’s a CHILD. He’s not supposed to be mature. Think back to how you were when you were twelve. Think back on how twelve yr old boys behaved when you were at school. Aang might have the responsibility of the world laying on his shoulders but he’s still twelve, you should at least expect him to act his age, even if he sometimes has wisdom beyond his years.
6. He lied in the great divide. Lmao pls don’t act all high and mighty here. Everyone has told a little white lie to save themselves once in a while. Yes Aang lied to those clans about that age old ceremony, but it ended up solving a 100yr old fued. Sometimes lying to make people feel better is good. I’m a very honest person but I have told lies to make people happy or to save my own skin. It happens.
7. He’s a bad father. This was started by LoK, when two of Aang’s kids, Bumi and Kya, suggested that they were neglected by him because Aang took his other son, Tenzin (the only airbender) on trips without the other two. At that point Aang and Tenzin are the only two airbenders known to exist. Aang wants to keep his culture alive, it’s why he started the Air Acolytes, therefore he must have been thrilled to finally have another airbender to share his knowledge with. I don’t think we can fully blame Aang for spending more time with Tenzin while trying to teach him about airnomad culture. It’s Aang’s job as the Avatar to keep the balance and without airnomads the balance is disrupted.
Then we have the fact that kids memories are often blown out of proportion, or not reliable bc they don’t have all the facts. For example, I remember several times in my childhood where I was left out by my older friend when she found someone her age to play with. Those are the memories I have of her. But through looking at pictures and hearing stories from my parents, I realized there had been several times where I wasn’t left out by her and that we got along great. I don’t remember those, I only remember when I was left out. There might have been plenty of trips that Bumi and Kya did attend, but they only remember the ones where they felt left out bc they didn’t come. Kya and Bumi are also older, there might have been years before Tenzin was even there where they had Aang all to themselves. But they don’t remember that. And even if Kya and Bumi were to come on these trips, they’d probably be complaining that they were boring bc Aang would only be talking about his culture and teaching them about it. Then the complaint would be “dad would drag us along on these boring trips just to teach tenzin airnomad stuff”.
Let’s all also remember that Aang is in fact the Avatar, as in, one of the most important people in the world. He must be a busy man. And while yes, your children should be your number one priority, the Avatar is an exception to this rule because his responsibility is to the world first. Not to his wife, not to his kids. Aang has struggled with this before (choosing to save Katara over mastering the Avatar state) and probably struggled with this later in life too.
This is a long way to say that you can’t judge someone’s parenting over one scene in LoK where Bumi and Kya aired their frustrations about Aang to Tenzin in a moment of stress. Later on Kya even showed them a happy family picture, and they didn’t seem to think Aang was that bad anymore. People definitely jumped the gun to claim Aang was a bad father after hearing one (1) complaint about his style of parenting.
If you guys find more weird reasons people have given to hate Aang’s character, definitely send me them!
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stars-trash-18 · 3 years
Adventures of Mando and his emotional GF
I’m so sorry for everything being posted as late as it is but depression is a bitch and I managed to kick her out long enough to write this. I’m surprised I got as many notes as I have been on this story but I forget we go feral for men in masks who are absolute units.
I everything spaced the way it is because my eyes can’t read large paragraphs close together, it bleeds together, so sorry if it’s annoying and maybe a little wrong in writing terms, also I hid a reference in this chapter-
Mando hired you for the sole purpose of keeping his antique flying, yet here you are sitting in the co-pilot’s seat rewiring the nav system while the child is in a crawl space doing your job of trying to get the control panel working. , “Mando tell me again why you put a literal toddler into the wall to do a job you pay me to do, correction did pay me to do,” you stated, using the space tape to keep a lever from going in the wrong direction. 
 Mando gumbled something before trying the panel again, “because he’s the only one small enough to fit, he has less of a chance of getting stuck and causing more problems,” he seethed. You knew he was more angry at the beeping panel than you, but you still glared at him for the tone he took with you. Before you could say anything he left the seat and went to check the child. “Now, you’re going to plug that red wire where the blue wire goes on the board, don’t let them touch their opposite charges and will electrocute you,”. Was this man seriously explaining electrical engineering to a toddler, a toddler you didn’t know if he was color-blind or not? 
“Mando my dear I don’t think the child knows his colors yet much less basic electrical engineering, now stop acting like my dad trying to teach me and let the person with an actual degree do it,” as soon as the words left your mouth you heard the tell tale sound of somebody being slightly electrocuted and smoke puffing out. Without even thinking you jumped out of your seat and shoved the tin can away to pull the child towards you in a motherly embrace, cradling him into your chest as you rocked him slightly. More for your sake than his since he was giggling. Mando just stared at you, you thought because you were crazy, but really because he had never loved you more than in that moment. 
Mando set course for Nevarro while you prepared what was left of the broth, when Mando finally came down you turned your back to him so he could eat, he started to take his helmet off just enough to let his mouth stick out so long as you sat back to back during meals. You loved that you finally trusted each other enough to eat your meals together instead of in separate rooms like you used to. Even though you tried to get him to use a straw but he was a stubborn mudhorn, much like the signet on his shoulder and around your neck. 
  Your thoughts were interrupted by Mando, “Cyar’ika why do you never call me Din, you know it’s my birth name but you still call me mando?” he asked quietly, you almost missed it. The question startled you at first but it made you soften realising he sounded a little insecure, you entwined your fingers in his before answering.
  “Your true name was revealed against your wish, the man who destroyed your people revealed it without your consent, so I don’t say it since you never gave me consent to say it, because where i’m from we have a public name and a true name, the true name is only revealed to partners and family and that requires consent,” you paused to take a breath, his hand squeezed your tightly as encouragement, “so until you give me consent to use your true name i’ll call you by your nickname,” you finished. 
 The silence between you two was thick and heavy but a chuckle sliced through it like a hot blade, “Cyar’ika I had no idea but you had permission to use it the moment the I gave you that signet necklace, in Mandalorian culture the signet is a sort of family crest, so we’re technically family.” He explained, nervousness tingling near the end at the mention of family. It took a minute for it to dawn on you that in a sense you were married.
“Din Djarin did we get married without my knowledge!” you shrieked, shocking both of you with the use of his full name rolling off your tongue. To Din it was music to his ears, but to you it was so much more. On your home planet, from what you remembered from your short 14 years there, saying somebody's true name for the first time was often in a loving manner, not to scold like you just did, and was a moment of great emotion for both parties. But Mando, Din you had to mentally correct yourself, just turned around and hugged you with his melodic laugh ringing in your ears.
“No cyar’ika we did not, I would have made sure you knew and proposed, Aliit ori’shya tal’din, family is more than blood so we aren’t married but you are my clan,” he explained resting his chin on your shoulder. “You mentioned earlier your father, would you mind telling me about him?” he asked patiently, giving you the option to close him out. Din had told you about his parents once and it moved you to tears, you had wanted to talk about your parents but you never thought of a good time.
You took a deep breathe before starting, “ my father was a flight engineer and my mother was a diplomat, they met on one of her diplomatic trips to Naboo and had me before the clone wars,” you gripped onto Din’s hand before continuing, “I only knew my parents for a few short years before my mother died during the Siege of Mandalore when her ship was mistaken for a Republican transporter, and my father died shortly after I turned twelve and a ship’s engine blew,” you muttered, as you had spoken Din pulled you into a tighter embrace, placing the child into your lap so you could stroke his ears. 
      “From what I remember my mother taught me various things of diplomacy like how to blend in or stand out, to notice weaknesses or strengths, and how to negotiate deals,” you laughed remembering one of her anecdotes she’d say in her haughty voice, “everything is negotiable nova, if they say it isn’t then they want something you have, she’d always tell me during these lessons,” you remarked before continuing, “my father was who I spent more time with, we’d always run off into my mother’s ship and take everything apart so I could put it back together, our hands n faces covered in grease and our hair always frizzy from the many times I electrocuted myself or going to the junk yard so I could learn how to repurpose parts from one ship to another.” you began to tear up remembering your parents and how they taught you how to survive in their own ways,how your mother always fretted over your clothing whenever a festival happened in town, your father cooking enough to feed an army so your mother would have a taste of home on her work trips, and how they always called you their little supernova. 
Before Din could say anything the alert that you had arrived at Nevarro went off, making you both jump up to prepare for landing, already knowing you’d have to strap yourselves down for the rough landing. 
When you both touched down and were greeted by Cara and Greef, who promptly took the child from your arms like a grandfather would, You reluctantly let other engineers go near the ship, a weird feeling settling in your stomach but dissipating when Din took your hand. The man never showed PDA until recently, and you weren’t complaining the least bit being as touch-starved as you were, and promptly made your way into town.
“Mando what the hell happened to your ship,” Cara asked once they were out of the child’s earshot, said child’s eyes caught something in the market and Greef excitedly showed him the stall, you giggled at the question hearing Mando give his signature sigh.
“Had a run in with the Republic,” he answered briskly, causing you to hit his arm before turning to Cara.
“More like Mando wouldn’t stop getting holes blown in the ship, then when we thought it couldn’t get worse he sunk us in a harbor where I threatened to let haunt him if I died,” you stated matter of factly, before continuing on with your tour of the town. You prayed it was going to be a relaxing trip, but you would find out in 10 minutes that it was anything but and that you were about to regret your choice of going to college for engineering.
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 12 "Dorkus"
"I think you did it."
"These morons need someone to tear them a new one."
"I am going to write the missive to end all missives."
"I don't want your first time to be with a murderer."
"I love you. I would never, ever hurt you."
"I promise you're safe. That was part of the deal."
"You could never be touched."
"How many lives could you have saved?"
"Our mission never involved killing anyone."
"And it's not just wearing raw chickens on their heads and calling each other gay slurs while jumping around naked."
"It was a conspiracy."
"Stop rationalizing it. You killed people. You are not allowed to just say, "yeah, but I had a super good reason for it."
"Who did you kill?"
"What, are you gonna kill me now?"
"I would never hurt you. I just can't let you leave."
"If you could just stop, hear what I have to say, to understand---please--why I did what I did, you could still love me."
"Don't try to justify it all after the fact."
"They showed up one day thinking that I was a double agent, that I couldn't be trusted. They were going to kill me."
"Hey, hey, you can trust me, you can trust me! Ask me and I'll do anything. I'll prove it."
"Don't you see that they did that on purpose?! They knew that if you actually killed someone, you would be their slave!"
"We were the good guys. We were in this together!"
"I did this for you. Don't you understand?"
"The more I hear about this whole thing, the more I'm starting to think the idea that there are good and bad people in the world is just something adults use to get children to stay in line."
"I mean, aren't we being naive?"
"You took me literally?"
"You are already a murderer, [NAME], you don't have to be a douche as well!"
"This is not a philosophy course. This is murder-- serial murder!"
"I was so young and desperate to be special and loved."
"I never had a real girlfriend before."
"I was vulnerable enough to share my darkest fetish with you, and now you're making me feel self-conscious."
"Just come in and take me now."
"You are ridiculously and laughably gullible."
"What self-respecting man wouldn't do anything to get revenge for being degraded like that?"
"Unfortunately, I don't have great aim with a crossbow and I can't see anything in that mask."
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"I feel sick. This isn't what I wanted."
"Don't judge me for what we both know had to happen."
"You know what? Let's just run away together. You and me. Forget everything."
"Don't you see what I'm willing to do for you?"
"No! I don't want to speak to your supervisor!"
"I've gotten zero swipes on my profile!"
"Do you remember any aspect of this super simple plan?"
"I literally think you should consider undergoing a surgical procedure to remove your ovaries/testicles, thereby sparing human race exposure to your DNA."
"I mean, I'm all for public shaming. I practically invented it. It's the sign of a healthy culture. But not when I'm the one getting shamed."
"I wanted to be famous, but not like this."
"To all the so-called mainstream media, including weird web sites that nobody has heard of who have used my name as clickbait, and to all the relentless unwashed hordes on Twitter, who have taken every opportunity to mock and attack me mercilessly from the safety of their stained futons, I offer the following heartfelt sentiment. You can all suck it!"
"Despite my outward bravado, I was dead inside."
"I knew my glamorous reign of terror was over."
"I ordered an asp online so I could kill myself like Cleopatra, and now I'm just waiting for it to sense my body heat and come out and bite me so this will all be over."
"I understand that what you're going through is really intense. And I know you and I haven't really always seen eye to eye, And you say crazy-mean stuff to me all the time. And I have a real problem with your casual racism,
which is something we need to work on. But, girl, I promise I got your back."
"You're young, smart and beautiful, and you got a lot of living ahead of you."
"Maybe this is one of those teachable moments, you know? Like my grandmama says. Maybe this is where you learn the lesson that words really mean something and they can hurt people, so you just can't always say the first horrible thing that pops into your head all the time."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Get me out of this suit!"
"What the hell is going on? Who is that guy?"
"Everyone on campus but me is a dork!"
"I'm gonna explode."
"When I woke up, I was wrapped in dynamite!"
"Oh, my god, it's a bomb."
"Yes, a totally innocent man who seemed super nice and probably did nothing wrong at all just got blown up in our living room. Bummer. Now, let's honor his memory by moving on."
"Can you not make it about you for one second?!"
"Stop wallowing and start concentrating on what's really important here--restoring my reputation."
"I need to go on an apology tour. You know, like celebrities, when they say something offensive, they just go on tv and apologize, and everybody forgives them, even though they don't mean it at all."
"I'm gonna fake apologize, you'll record it, we'll post it online, and it'll all be fine."
"But I thought that you said that you weren't the person who put the acid in the spray tanner."
"Why do you think the devil let me live?"
"I think you saw what you wanted to see."
"You can't kill people from a loving and positive place."
"Invasion of the dad bod snatchers."
"If it's good enough for the CIA, it's good enough for me."
"Get ready to make the most important playlist of your life."
"Well, I decided to stop denying what you and I both knew the minute we laid eyes on each other. And once I did, something inside of me, I don't know, it just, just clicked. And I guess I just wanted to get a little crazy."
"So you just decided to break into my house in the middle of the day?"
"I've been a very bad boy."
"I'm just trying to figure out what your angle is. What are you trying to get out of this?"
"You know what I'm trying to get? 45 minutes alone, so I can go crazy on you."
"Turn out the lights!"
"These are my minions."
"Those are the hounds."
"How do you know I'm not the killer?"
"This whole file is made up."
"Somebody just swiped right on me on Tinder."
"Any guy swiping right on you is a miracle."
"You want a drag?"
"That was the best sex of my life."
"I think you're just relieved to find out that intercourse doesn't have to be followed by hours and hours of crying and a weird purchase of an engagement ring."
"Look, I never knew sex could be like that. At first, I was like, I was like, "wow, she's being really loud. Are the neighbors gonna call the police?" And then I was like, "wow, now I'm being really loud. why am I screaming so much? They're definitely gonna call the police." And then I was just stunned at how flexible you are. I mean, I thought you had to be a gymnast to get both feet behind your head."
"I just think that maybe you and I were meant to be together after all."
"I find her unbearably annoying."
"I recognized the island splash scent of that douche you use."
"What movie are you even referring to?"
"Don't patronize me. I look like a monster."
"Well, have you thought of a little plastic surgery?"
"What are you doing? I thought you came here to apologize."
"I apologize for nothing."
"All evidence points to you."
"I know it was you. Have fun in hell, bitch. And fyi, this is probably gonna hurt a lot."
"Stop recording!"
"I knew that bitch was a nut burger the minute I met her."
"But remember, she's armed and dangerous."
"Oh, please tell me you did not bring your insane and obviously blind Tinder hookup back here."
"I lost my virginity to a Nickelback song."
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strawberry1212 · 3 years
“IU - Celebrity” Analysis
I know it’s unhealthy to simp for celebrities...but IU is an exception. I have been rewatching her new comeback an unhealthy amount of times so I thought I’d share some things/details/background info :))
1) Background
So IU wrote about the lyric writing process this time and OMG I have to copy and paste her whole statement bc it’s so beautiful:
"I have a friend who has often been treated as an eccentric person due to her eye-catching outfit, her unique taste, dynamic talents, defensive mechanisms stemming from shyness, and a personality that clearly knows her preferences. I loved her even more because of these unique characteristics of hers, but for the same reasons, she has been living under more scrutiny and hateful eyes. These are the words I wanted to tell my 'unusual friend' that turned into the lyrics to this song but as I worked on the song, I realized that this is also my story as well. After completing the song, I thought that anyone can be the main character to this song. I'm sure everyone has felt left out at least once in their lives because they dont' meet the standards others have made. I want to tell everyone, including my friend, who were born rough around the edges but special. You are not a person from the star (common saying in Korea to mean someone weird/different) but are like a star."
OK THIS IS SO CUTE!! Because like first of all it’s so poetic...the play on words with you are not from the star, but a star yourself. And the fact that we are getting yet another song from IU that is not another romantic song. One of my long standing frustrations with the music industry (American, Korean, and Japanese), is songs tend to always center around romance, and IU tends to break those stereotypes (Bbibbi, Palette, 23, I-Land, 8, just to name her title tracks), and not only that but the fact that this is about her friend is just so beautiful T_T. Also did anyone else think of Sulli when they read this? Sulli was known for her eccentricity, different style, and being misunderstood, but the translation writes “I have a friend” in the present tense...so idk. 
And just her wanting her fans/listeners to feel like the main character (ಥ﹏ಥ) (I’m not crying you are). This is especially such an important message for Korean and Asian fans in general. I only have my experience in Japan to speak to, but Asian collectivist cultures really punish those who stray from the norm, which not only ends up discouraging those from being unique and themselves, but also impedes social progress (feminism, environmentalism, social justice, animal rights, etc.). 
And I also think it’s key where she wrote “as I worked on the song, I realized that this is also my story as well,”--more on that theme later when I break down the music video.
2) Music Video Analysis
The star motif
So she sort of does a play on words by putting a lot of star stuff in, star being another word for celebrity. And as the lyrics “You're a star painted with a left hand,” she’s talking about how this person isn’t the perfect/usual star, but perhaps a crooked/left-handed one...like the one shown to dot the “i” in the first image of the music video:
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The star motif also features later around 1:09 in her dance, she draws a star with her finger.
The music video story
So basically it seems IU is playing two people--one is herself, a celebrity type figure dressed in glam clothes, and the other is the unique, “star” character (a stand in for her friend that she wrote the lyrics about). IU sings about the “star,” “A troubled outsider The walk, the style Through the earphones The music is all minor You have no idea Above your lowered head What the bright lights are Shining towards.”
The music video shows IU in glamorous clothes:
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While this “star” character is in her unique/non-glam clothing, walking through the crowd.
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We can also sense IU’s isolation, she’s dressed like a princess in this glamorous pastel pink room, but she is alone, and the lights flash almost ominously outside, like the constant threat of paparazzi/people always surrounding her wanting to look in on her life:
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Or how the clothing racks gradually disappear, revealing her standing alone worriedly:
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The next we see IU standing off to to the side (I believe it’s IU bc she’s in an undercover outfit, but it’s clearly very glamorous), as she hides from fans chasing her:
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When the crowd passes, she looks around and catches sight of “star” IU, and is seemingly very taken by her unique beauty:
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IU chases the “star,” but loses sight of her, and is once again alone:
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The irony here is that a) despite being adored and chased by many, the celebrity IU feels alone, and that b) despite being this glamorous celebrity, celebrity IU adores this unique “star,” that is just living her life, and not universally adored like celebrity IU. Celebrity IU almost seems envious of her freedom and unique style. But as the lyrics say, she also is upset at the way society treats the unique “star:”
“Your weary face looks like/ Someone powered you off/ The heartbeat went too quiet/ The glow you have/ The imagination, identity/ Are on a diet” “
These lyrics I had the most trouble with...I think it means the “star”’s imagination and unique identity are being starved/mistreated by society, like they are being forced to put on a diet. 
Next we have:
“You have no idea/ Still not fully bloomed/ Written for you/ A bygone love poem” as celebrity IU works, it seems, on a love poem for the “star.”
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Here the star motif features pretty literally, as she is surrounded by her poem writing as the stars fall across the sky. The “written for you, a bygone love poem” could also be a reference to IU’s other song, Love Poem? Also going back to how this could reference Sulli, I could help but be reminded of how IU wrote the song “Peach” about Sulli’s beauty and how much she adored her friend. 
Next we see IU in front of this huge tapestry of celebrity IU, but this time she is wearing a dress studded with stars, and looking further up. She passes through the tapestry, and this could be like a sign of her growth? Like moving past her huge blown up celebrity image of herself to find her true self in a star studded dress?
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She then enters into a dark vacuum where she is surrounded by people dancing with lights (another continuation of the star motif):
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I think this is the turning point to the music video. Because now it is celebrity IU surrounded by stars. The next scene shows the people (all the people that once chased her) simply walking past her on the steps, perhaps alluding to how fame is ephemeral. She looks unsure and insecure here.
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The next scene is most steeped in symbolism; she is in the same room that she was in alone before looking out at the city, but now the curtains are drawn (symbolizing privacy?) and IU reaches out towards an identical version of herself. Now the line between celebrity IU and “star” IU becomes blurred:
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It seems that the left is “star” IU, and the right is celebrity IU, who continues to pine and look up to an almost indifferent “star” IU. “Star” IU gets up to leave, and morphs back into her “star” outfit from the beginning of the video, re-affirming that this is in fact “star” IU.
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When celebrity IU notices she’s gone, she rushes up to find her (again paralleling her chase at the beginning of the music video), but when she goes to where “star” IU disappears, she is simply confronted with a mirror: she was the unique star all along!
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In a sense, the message here could be that our own unique beauty may seem obvious to everyone else (the viewer knew that “star” IU was the same person (IU) as celebrity IU all along, but it took celebrity IU the whole music video to figure it out.
Almost as if this whole sequence has been inside celebrity IU’s head, she seems to come to this realization on a red carpet surrounded by flashing cameras:
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Here she breaks the fourth wall, looking directly at the camera, as if to now realize: “I have been my own unique “star” all along.” She looks at the camera as the music sings, “you are my celebrity,” perhaps to mean that the viewer is her celebrity, or that she herself is her own celebrity, and runs off, away from the cameras (as if running away from her fame for a moment), in her beautiful red dress, free and confident at last. In the past she has always been running to chase “star” IU, but now she seems to be running simply for herself:
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I think there are a couple of final messages here, and it is truly to IU’s credit that she was able to pack so many themes/messages into one music video. I think the dynamic I’m most interested in is how it runs the age old theme of the harms of celebrity fame, but it puts a very unique twist on it. While it shows the isolating aspects of fame, it also has a positive spin, that the love and affection bestowed upon celebrities isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but rather that we should redistribute that love and affection towards those closest to us, and see each other the way IU saw her friend. It also shows that fame and adoration don’t matter when you are insecure in yourself, given the irony of celebrity IU chasing after “star” IU.
This message that what matters most is cherishing and being cherished by those closest to you is interesting, because it can apply to both celebrities and non-celebrities. Celebrities may be adored, but it can be superficial, so they need the genuine love of close friends. Conversely, non-celebrities may feel super connected to their celebrities, but ultimately they need real life close friends. I think the message serves to both humanize celebrities in this way, while also saying that non-celebrities, and even weird/eccentric people, are deserving of the love and adoration we usually only reserve for picture-perfect celebrities.
I think perhaps the most poignant part, is the message of self-love: how at the end she realized that perhaps despite being pigeon-holed in certain ways as a public figure, she can reclaim her unique, beautiful parts. How we can be envious of others who seem set on their unique path and unafraid, but that we are unique and different too.
Also can we talk about how she served LOOKS!!! All of those outfits were GOLD. Anyways, I hope her music and its message reverberate with people who feel undeserving as “outsiders” and being eccentric. Being different is amazing. And as IU suggests, even though we may not be pop stars, we are all “celebrities” to someone. As the saying goes, “to the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
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cicaklah · 3 years
Ooh please share your "excellent A++ TFA fic ideas!"
Ooh this is a good one to pick because I think this was a very early document in my TFA writing life!
Finn has never kissed anyone before...because he only had five minutes to fuck back in the first order and chose rimming and deep throating instead. Poe is perplexed, then blown away. Literally.
Finn is a secret sex expert. Behind the first order bike sheds.
Poe is captured by the first order and causes hux to fall in love with him by being Scheherazade from arabian nights - seduces him with stories from the other side of a cell.
Poe was a teenage heart throb - he was literally in galactic one direction, and is now a war hero, but people still see him and go ‘OH LOOK ITS POE DAMERON MY BFF WANTED TO MARRY YOU’
Finn/Rey pegging
Evil Finn is Kylo’s apprentice
The first two became feel you from the inside  and I really really wanted to write Poe was a teenage hearthrob. Some of the themes from that idea I ended up using in consent to be wrecked and others in the rose of terok nor but here’s the other parts of it because it amused me.
So like it starts when Poe and Finn are out and a woman in her Early 30s at a market stall SCREAMS when she sees him, and Finn thinks its because she’s going to try and kill them and then she’s like EURMAGERD and Poe is SUPER EMBARRASSED but signs all these things for her. And then Finn goes back and Poe says ‘I’m sure you want to know what that was about’ and Finn’s like ‘yeah?’ and Poe says ‘Hmmm yeah so I was a child star, it was only a few years, people have mostly forgotten.’ So Finn looks on the holonet and read’s the rebellion version of wikipedia which he expects to be 90% ‘this glorious hunk of a man blew up starkiller base what a fucking war hero’ but its actually ‘Poe Dameron was in the GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME that CHANGED POP CULTURE FOREVER we NAMED HAIRSTYLES AFTER HIM also he’s a war hero who blew up starkiller base [citation needed]. And Finn is vaguely outraged but also intrigued.
Also at the same time Ben Solo is the Charlotte Church (very english reference) of Jedi skills, and concerned parents are like ‘why don’t you have a poster on your wall of that nice padawan rather than those boys with their tops off’ and people on the internet see Poe and Ben being friends and write tinhat fic about how they’re in love, that kind of skeevs Poe out because Ben IS evil, and when Ben falls and as the boy band lose their popularity Poe’s like “fuck this, I bought my dad a house” and quits to join the military and its like Zayn leaving one direction/Robbie leaving Take That.
Finn ends up in angry debates online by people who are like KYLO REN AND POE DAMERON ARE SECRETLY STILL IN LOVE and Finn's like NO that is WRONG and they're like 'YOU’RE A SHILL FOR THE PEOPLE KEEPING THEIR LOVE APART'
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what do you think about the aang is possessive comment? about EIP ruining kataang? also about there being an implied (and nonexistent) love triangle thrown in nearing the end of the series as a tease?
I think fandom just likes to complain, lmao, but I’ll address each of these one at a time!
1) “aang is possessive”
This argument is honestly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard because it’s just so obviously false?? Possessive is literally defined as “demanding someone’s total attention and love,” which Aang never does? Aang always respects Katara’s position in their relationship, especially after the EIP kiss, which everyone knows was entirely inappropriate and wrong of him. Aang recognizes her hesitation and makes no more romantic attempts towards her after that moment. Not one! Katara is the one who initiates them getting together in the finale because the war is finally over and she is no longer afraid of losing him. I beg people, do point to the “possessiveness” you’re referring to, because the closest we get to any character being possessive is Zuko in “The Beach”:
Zuko: [Side-view of Zuko and Mai walking.] He thinks he’s so great. [To Mai.] Well, what do you think of him?
Mai: I don’t have any opinion about him. I hardly know him.
Zuko: You like him, don’t you? [Mai sighs and walks away.]
Ruon-Jian: What are you doing?
Zuko: [Close-up. Angrily.] Stop talking to my girlfriend!
Ruon-Jian: [Side-view. Walks up to Zuko.] Relax. It’s just a party.
Frontal view of Ruon-Jian. Zuko knocks him across the room into a vase, which breaks from the force.
Yeah, Aang never acts like that. 🤷
Now, this isn’t to say Aang doesn’t get jealous. Jealousy is a perfectly normal and natural emotion, and honestly I’d go so far as to say that everyone has been jealous at least once in their life. What’s key about Aang is he doesn’t act on his jealousy. He doesn’t throw anybody across a room, for one. Sure, he doesn’t want Katara to kiss Jet, so he makes a little quiet comment about it. Pretty normal, and it ends there. Not dissimilar to Katara’s bit of snark about On Ji! Even the EIP comment, which everyone uses to argue that Aang is “possessive” (which again, blatantly untrue, because he does not demand or expect a relationship with Katara as a result of that scene; also all he does is nod lmao and tbh that’s such a healthy reaction to jealousy I mean he doesn’t grab Zuko and chuck him onto the stage like his name is Ruon-Jian, does he?) - Aang literally just gets upset about the implication from an imperialist play that Katara doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. Why?
Let’s be frank: Aang knows, or is fairly certain, that Katara does like him by this point in the series. That’s why he doesn’t ask her “do you like me”. Instead, he asks:
Aang: But it’s true, isn’t it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we’re not.
By this point the show, the viewers know their feelings are mutual. Katara knows how Aang feels about her, and Aang knows Katara likes him, too - he just isn’t sure about how ready she is for a relationship. So him getting upset about the propagandist, pro-imperialism play implying Katara isn’t interested in him, when he essentially knows she does like him, is honestly kind of understandable? Imagine if you were watching a really rude movie about your life and it included a scene of your best friend who you’re already kind of in a relationship with saying that they’re in love with the dude who used to bully you and only think of you as their sibling. Like, that’s kinda wack? I’d be a little upset - and definitely weirded out - too.
(I’ve also seen people argue Aang leaving Guru Pathik to save Katara also somehow demonstrates his so-called possessiveness, as if his love for her and her love for him wasn’t established mere minutes earlier to be the love of the Air Nomads reborn. I don’t think the show could have been any clearer about how mutual, powerful, and honest their love is through that scene. Also, he proceeds to let her go to enter the Avatar state at the end of what? The next episode? So again, any arguments that he was “possessive” and “didn’t let her go” are thus moot and entirely inapplicable points.)
Basically, Aang isn’t “possessive” and people who think he is are just looking for an excuse to hate on him, lmao.
2) “eip ruined kataang”
The only way EIP could have ruined Kataang would be if all the previous Kataang buildup was either terrible or near-nonexistent. And great news! Kataang was built up very well throughout the series, growing from a close, deep friendship to cute, blushy crushes to a true, lasting romance (pretty iconic of them). Even if someone doesn’t ship them, they can acknowledge that within canon, Kataang had a very strong foundation (it’s one of the core relationships of the show, the other being Zuko and Aang as narrative foils). The implication that one poorly written episode somehow cancels out the previous 56 episodes and the following four is embarrassing.
Now, I certainly wouldn’t have minded if there had been a scene dedicated to Aang and Katara discussing his poorly-timed kiss. I ship Kataang, so there is absolutely no reason for me to be opposed to more Kataang content! But A:TLA has a very clear trend of not showing such discussions on screen - example: Zuko never sits down with Katara and apologizes for using her mother’s necklace to manipulate her; Katara never apologizes to Sokka for her callous comment about their mother - so the fact that Katara is the one to initiate their relationship at the end of the serious clearly demonstrates that she has forgiven Aang for his inappropriate kiss and is ready to be with him. (And I’ve said it before - if she can forgive Zuko for all the shit he put them through, she can forgive Aang, her best friend and the guy she loves, for one poorly-timed kiss.) Narratively speaking, ’twas resolved.
Also, it’s incredibly important to consider EIP within the context of the series as a whole. If someone really feels entirely devastated by that one episode, then… their loss? I’m sorry to hear it? 56 episodes of near-flawless buildup - a slight dip + a healthy, logical finale where Katara chooses to be with Aang because she is at last no longer afraid of losing him = more than good enough for me. People can argue her decision doesn’t make sense all they want, but it actually makes perfect sense when you consider what has been built through every previous episode: she was in love with him! You can’t isolate a single episode and expect it to speak for the series as a whole, after all.
Basically, EIP gets blown out of proportion because some people like to pretend it was the only Kataang episode ever written, lmao.
3) love triangle
I always laugh when I see this because where?? The only love triangle in A:TLA was the one fandom invented. Within the canon narrative, Katara and Zuko were never romantically interested in each other. I don’t care about “shipping-goggle interpretations” or AUs or post-canon or early planning that didn’t make it into the final drafts. If you look at A:TLA, if you look at the creators’ intentions, it’s plain as day that Kataang and Maiko were the only romantic pairings planned for Katara and Zuko. And that’s okay! That’s why fanon exists. But people have got to stop whining about a love triangle and ship teases that just… didn’t occur. If they read Zuko and Katara’s interactions as romantic, well, that’s great and all, but it’s also on them, lol. That sounds so mean oml I’m sorry y’all 💀. I just mean that Kataang was very clearly written into the show from episode 1 and Maiko from Book 2 (or Book 3 if you really, really don’t like the flashback), so expecting Zuko and Katara to get together doesn’t make any sense (to me) when they never had any romantically-coded interactions.
Yes, of course I’ll admit there were a few Zvtara gags, but that’s exactly what they were - gags. There’s three primary instances:
- June calling the owner of the Water Tribe necklace (whom we know is Katara) Zuko’s girlfriend in Book 1. This moment is mainly hilarious because Zuko promptly redirects the conversation to Aang, lmao, but thinking about the context of A:TLA itself? The assumption of the Fire Nation crown prince being in a relationship with someone from the Water Tribe is honestly pretty concerning given how the Fire Nation is an imperialist conqueror and has all but destroyed the Water Tribes (and has certainly worked to sever the connection between the North and South). So, not exactly a great conclusion on June’s part.
- The EIP gag. I ALWAYS laugh at this one because their reactions are so funny? I love the little disgusted nose wrinkles and scooting away. That’s hysterical to me. But again, thinking about the show itself, EIP is an imperialist play full of Fire Nation propaganda. With that in mind, again, the implication that their crown prince was with someone from the SWT, a nation they brought to its knees by killing all of the waterbenders (but one) and thus eradicating so much of the SWT’s culture? Major red flags! People need to consider the implications of EIP as imperialist propaganda, basically, because that’s what it is. Ignoring that aspect means missing the entire point of the play.
- June part 2. What I said above still applies. Also, they both get embarrassed and hotly deny it, which is kind of the opposite of a ship tease to me? They don’t exchange like an “oh, but what if” glance or anything, lol. And June backs off immediately, so... 🤷
People who interpret that as serious ship teases are, bless their hearts, a little misguided. Those are just funny moments! It’s like Katara and Sokka dressing up as Aang’s parents in “The Headband”. It’s funny! It’s contextual! Sokka and Katara are not romantically interested in each other just because they dressed up as husband and wife (ew), just as Katara and Zuko aren’t romantically interested in each other because there were three jokes about it. I really don’t know what else to say lmao.
Now, I don��t know all about what Bryke did outside of A:TLA in regards to Zuko and Katara’s relationship and fans of it. I wasn’t here for that lol. But I do know that A:TLA built a beautiful, platonic bond akin to surrogate siblings between Zuko and Katara (highlighted by the final Agni Kai with Katara and Azula as foils). Not a love triangle. “The Southern Raiders” was an episode about Katara and Kya, not Zuko and Katara. “The Crossroads of Destiny” paints an aching, gorgeous parallel between Oma and Shu and Katara and Aang, not Katara and Zuko. “The Boiling Rock: Part 2” was an episode involving the loyalty and love of Mai and Zuko, not Katara and Zuko. Katara and Aang had romantic parallels, Mai and Zuko had romantic parallels, while Katara and Zuko - within canon - had strictly platonic development. And honestly, fandom should appreciate that more! How often do we get such an iconic relationship between a guy and a gal that isn’t shadowed by romance? (The answer: not often enough.)
Now, this doesn’t mean don’t ship Katara and Zuko. I don’t care what people ship lmao, and there are some interpretations of Zvtara that I really enjoy (post-canon Zvtara has so much potential,, I die a thousand deaths oml)! But insisting there was some love triangle thrown at the end of the series is a discredit to how well Aang and Katara’s and Zuko and Katara’s relationships were written in A:TLA, and I’m honestly tired of hearing such tomfoolery. A romantic relationship between Zuko and Katara within canon would have completely undermined his entire redemption arc, which further emphasizes that their canon bond was meant to be solely platonic, because why would the writers want to undo what most consider the best redemption arc in animated history? (Simply put, I don’t think they would.)
Also, A:TLA had a very clear history of staying away from love triangles. There’s no Aang x Katara x Jet love triangle. No Yue x Sokka x Suki love triangle. So why would there be an Aang x Katara x Zuko love triangle?
Case in point: there isn’t. Fandom invented it.
So that’s my thoughts, anon! It can be summarized as this: fandom makes up a lot of nonsense that simply rewatching the show can dispute, so maybe we should just start providing episode timestamps to people, lol.
A general note - people are free to disagree with this post, but I ain’t looking to argue, so… make your own post if you want to develop a “counterargument”, I guess? I’m just chillin™ lol I don’t want to fight with people. I can give you my PayPal if you’d really like to engage in a proper academic debate? Anyways. Much love! 💕
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goodgirlwhoshopeful · 4 years
okay, so, here are some of my provisional thoughts on ‘folklore’:
       1. The 1 - A swear word right away!! Yeah!! Get it, bitch!!
     2. Cardigan “Chasing shadows in the grocery line”! The imagery! The CHORUS lyrics!!The guitar sounds. It’s her indie record!!
     3.  The Great American Destiny Super country & alternative and I LOVE IT. - I originally thought she was talking about the Hitchcock film/book Rebecca, because That would have made ‘Rear Window’ an Easter egg, but that wouldn’t make sense.  But it’s about Rebeckah Harkness, the oil heiress who used to live in Taylor’s house at Watch Hill. 
- “After graduating in 1932, Rebeckah and a group of female friends formed the Bitch Pack, a kind of sub-culture of local debutantes who enjoyed subverting society events—lacing punchbowls with mineral oil or performing stripteases on banquet tables.”
this imagery is great and totally can picture it when listening to this song. 
    4. Exile       Feels more forgettable but I think it will definitely grow on me. Feels a little like the archer and The Last Time 
    5.  My Tears Ricochet      “If I’m dead to you, why are you at the wake.”      Amazing, amazing, amazing. 
     6. Mirror ball       “I’ve never been a natural, but I try, try, try.”        Yes, you do and we love you!!
      7. Seven       Acoustic Joni vibes       “Are there still beautiful things?”        Fiddle!!        “India forever” - THIS IS MY LYRIC forever okay, I know she didn’t mean it as my name but it is my name okay.       UNRELEASED SONG REFERENCES: “Sweet Tea (and God’s Graces)” “Cross My Heart”
       8. August       I fcuking LOVE IT. All the acousticy layers and the lyrics!! Fuck!!
       9. This is Me Trying       “So ahead of the curve that the curve became a sphere. Got behind all my classmates and ended up here, pouring out my heart to a stranger.”
      10. Illicit affairs       STRINGS!! Strings!! Strings!!       - “You’ll be flushed when you return”       - “It does and it does and it does, a million little times.”       - “You know damn well for you I would ruin myself a million little times.”
        11. Invisible string          GUITAR!         - “Wrapped all my past mistakes I’m barbed wire”
      12. Mad woman        The little strings!!        - “Does a scorpion sting when fighting back”        - “Every time you call me crazy, I get more crazy, how about that.”        - “Women like hunting witches too - doing your dirtiest work for you.”
      13. Epiphany       - sounds like a soundtrack song!       - “Sir, I think he’s bleeding out”       - “Hold your hand through plastic now” - a pandemic lyric
       14. Betty        COUNTRY VIBES        About fucking over a friend, clearly. So SO beautiful.       This is like Fearless come full circle!!       KEY CHANGE!!      Betty is “August” told from the perspective of the guy who she thought wasn’t for her?!
       15. Peace         I LOVE the electric guitar sounds.        - “Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother”        - “The rain is always going to come if you’re standing with me”       Quite sad because she’s basically asking Joe if their life together is enough that he wouldn’t mind if she’s famous her whole life. 😭
       16. Hoax      - “My best laid plan” – LYRIC PARALLELS      - “It still hurts beneath my scars from where they pulled me apart.”       OUCH.       This is lowkey a strange way to close the album so I’m intrigued what The Lakes will sound like and whether that will feel more like an ending. 
I am SO blown away you guys – SO MUCH to unpick!  Thank you @taylorsparklingswift​ for waking up to zoom listen to it with me. 
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uta-no-sin-sama · 2 years
The Ballad of the Little Unicorn - Chapter 2: Guiding Starlight
Trying something a little different with presentation for this chapter compared to last chapter. I find that using related gifs seems to help my reach a bit compared to not using gifs for longer works, so let’s see how that goes. The first chapter for this work didn’t do very well at all, so I’m hoping that finally introducing the STARISH boys into the fic and putting in a gif will help my reach a bit. 
As always, I hope you all enjoy! Chapter is under the cut (and kinda long lmao)
Word Count: 2,178
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Compared to the atmosphere of urban Tokyo earlier in the day, it was a seemingly calm mid-afternoon when Eri and Haruka walked out of a shoe store just a stone’s throw away from the park where they had met just a couple hours before, the former of the two jumping in excitement when she discovered that her new shoes lit up with each step she took. The older of the two watched in amusement at the younger girl’s delight, content for a brief moment when she found a place for them to rest for a short while. 
A strange urge came over Haruka to check her phone as she remembered that she didn’t quite know what time it was and never bothered to check after taking the little girl under her wing. She almost instantly regretted not stopping to check it earlier as her phone was nearly blown up with notifications of missed calls, voicemails and texts from the boys she worked with, her face turning white as a sheet as she counted a total of nearly fifty missed notifications. It was only then when she’d noticed that it was already quarter to four. 
“Oh no!” she muttered to herself, hoping young Eri didn’t hear her. “I can’t believe I’m almost 20 minutes late!” 
Unfortunately for her, the girl’s head tilted in confusion as she innocently asked, “Late for what, Miss Haruka?” 
“I’m late for a very important meeting for work,” Haruka explained in mild frustration, quick to add in seconds later, “Don’t worry, Eri, it’s not your fault! I should’ve finished my other errands earlier is all.” 
“... If you say so, Miss Haruka,” Eri replied hesitantly, not fully believing that she wasn’t the reason why the young woman was late for work. 
“So much for resting here, huh?” Haruka asked with a light albeit forced laugh in a feeble attempt to change topics. “Anyway, it looks like you’re coming with me to work, Eri. I’m sure the others would love to get a chance to meet you!” 
“Others?” inquired Eri as she grabbed onto Haruka’s hand and tried to keep up with the older girl’s quickened pace. “What kind of work do you do?”
“I’m a composer,” answered Haruka with a soft smile. “I write songs for this group of very talented guys to sing. They perform in lots of competitions, which is actually what this meeting’s about if I’m remembering it right.... Anyway, these guys are all so nice, so don’t be shy with them, okay?” 
Eri nodded and hummed in reply, recalling the concert at UA’s culture festival just a few months prior. The very moment she had truly smiled for the first time. She thought back to the culture fest, then felt all of her worries of how she was going to return home disappear when she made the connection that Haruka and the guys she was referring to also had that power to make someone smile as big as she did that day. She felt safe with the orange-haired woman holding her hand as they nearly ran to the agency where Haruka worked, already viewing them as the sort of heroes that save someone’s heart and soul rather than their physical being, the kind of hero Eri knew in her heart she wanted to be when she grew up. 
Just like Miss Kyouka, Eri thought to herself with a small smile as she lightly squeezed Haruka’s hand when their running pace finally slowed to a stop. 
“Well, here we are!” Haruka exclaimed with a slightly exasperated sigh, a relieved smile on her face as she knew she wouldn’t be too much later for the meeting than she already was. “Welcome to Shining Agency, Eri!” 
The little girl’s red eyes lit up at the large fancy building in front of her. It was about the same size as the UA dorms, except it was slightly taller and less U-shaped than the latter building. Eri couldn’t even begin to fathom the things that could take place inside that building, but her thoughts and amazement were interrupted as Haruka laughed slightly at Eri’s reaction before gently tugging at her hand. 
“Come on, Eri!” coaxed Haruka once the little girl’s attention finally turned back to her. “Let’s go inside!” 
With that, the two hurried into the building, not wanting to keep Haruka from being any later than she already was. A few moments and checks from the older girl’s phone later, they finally arrived to the room where the meeting was to happen. Haruka slowly turned the door handle, opened the door and walked into the room with little Eri following close behind her. Profuse apologies spilled out of the yellow-eyed woman’s mouth as the white-haired girl took in her new surroundings once again from the safety of behind Haruka’s legs. 
The meeting room looked somewhat similar to a classroom in one of those high-class stereotypical rich private schools, nothing like what Eri had seen back in UA. Even with the lights on in the room and sunlight pouring in from the giant window on the right side of the room, it still seemed to be a tad dark inside. Seven young men were also inside the room, waiting for Haruka’s arrival. All of this overwhelmed Eri to the point where she decided it was best to keep her mouth shut and stay as hidden as possible until Haruka told her it was okay to come out. 
“You had us all really worried, Nanami!” exclaimed one of the guys, a handsome young man with red hair and matching eyes. “But we’re happy you’re okay!” 
“Sorry about that, everyone,” Haruka answered as she reached into her messenger bag to pull out a somewhat thick stack of papers. “It took a little longer than I hoped to get these printed.” 
“No way!” a short blond donning a dark blue fedora gasped as he snatched a copy of the papers Haruka was holding. “You already printed out the sheet music for our next piece?!”
“Would you really expect anything less from our Lady, Shorty?” inquired a tall strawberry-blond with a hint of teasing in his voice, chuckling a little at his friend’s sharp response of “I’m not short, Jinguji! You’re just tall!” 
Haruka let out a small sigh of annoyance at this and lightly squeezed Eri’s hand in her own when she felt the little girl’s nervousness growing in an attempt to reassure her that she was safe. Another of the young men - one with short blue hair and a seemingly permanent scowl on his face - seemed to catch on to Haruka’s annoyance, still unaware of the other presence behind her, and scolded the two for their antics. 
“Before I go too far into discussing the sheet music, there’s someone I’d like for you all to meet,” Haruka began to explain. “She’s actually the main reason why I was running a little late today.”
The boys all turned to each other in a mix of confusion and excitement before they all watched as their composer tried to coax the girl behind her out. 
“It’s alright, Eri,” Haruka reassured. “Don’t be shy, they’re not going to hurt you.”
Eri nodded slowly, knowing that it was her cue to make an appearance. She took the deepest breath her little lungs could allow before nervously stepping out from behind the safety of the short orange-haired woman to where all seven young men could see her. 
“Hello,” she stammered slightly, not being able to help the anxiety flowing through her veins at that moment as she tried to introduce herself. “My name’s Eri.”
A few moments of awkward silence fell into the room before the face of a tall glasses-wearing blond lit up like a Christmas tree. Haruka nearly began to panic at the sight, knowing what he was planning to do as she remembered the first time they’d met back in high school many years prior. Luckily, another young man with short dark hair stopped him before she needed to worry about hiding the frightened little girl. 
“Don’t even think about it, Shinomiya,” he deadpanned, earning a pout from the taller of the two men. “You’ll scare her half to death!” 
“No, I won’t!” ‘Shinomiya’ replied with a huff before a smile slowly made its way to his face. “Besides, look at her! She’s almost as cute as Elizabeth and Piyo-chan combined!”
“I never thought I’d hear Natsuki say that, but here we are,” the final guy - a tan man with dark brown hair and green eyes - mumbled to himself before he turned his attention to the composer. “Haruka! Why didn’t you tell us you have a little sister?! And a cute one at that!” 
“Um... Cecil, you got the wrong idea....” Haruka tried to explain before being cut off by the guy with the hat.
“So you kidnapped her?!” shrieked the short blond. 
“Miss Haruka wouldn’t do that!” Eri responded, still a bit shaken from her current situation. “She’s just trying to help me find Dadzawa, not hurt me!” 
A small laugh bubbled out of the redhead before he chimed in, “Oh, I get it now! You got lost and Nanami was just trying to help you. Is that right, Nanami?” 
A nod from Haruka later and the guys seemed to calm down a little compared to the way they initially presented themselves before finding out about Eri’s presence. Then, the redhead had a realization.
“Wait, did we ever introduce ourselves to Eri yet?” he asked, leading to the rest of the group thinking for a moment before shaking their heads.
Somehow, that managed to slip the boys’ minds as they were more caught up in figuring out how Haruka and Eri managed to cross paths in the first place rather than attempting to make themselves more approachable. 
“Ittoki’s right,” the peacemaker between ‘Shorty’ and ‘Jinguji’ piped up. “I just can’t believe I’ve been so rude as to not introduce myself. Anyway, Eri, my name’s Masato Hijirikawa. I hope you can find it in your heart one day to forgive us for how we’ve acted so far.” 
“Oh! Can I go next?!” chirped the glasses-wearing blond before he crouched down to Eri’s level. “I’m Natsuki Shinomiya, but you can call me Na-chan if that’s easier for you. I just noticed the horn on your head! How cute! Just like a little unicorn! Oh, and that short guy over there-”
“I can introduce myself, thank you very much,” sneered the blond with the hat before he calmed himself down and directed his attention to Eri. “So sorry about Natsuki, he’s... he’s just like that. Anyway, I’m Syo Kurusu, the strongest member of STARISH!” 
“Okay, Shorty, she gets it, you’re compensating,” ‘Jinguji’ snickered a little - much to Syo’s dismay - before he turned his attention to Eri. “Nice to meet you, Little Fawn. My name is Ren Jinguji.” 
Eri’s eyes lit up a little at the sound of Ren’s voice. It sounded somewhat familiar to her, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on how she recognized his voice. Her wondering about Ren’s voice was interrupted not long after it began by the energetic redhead.
“Ren, you’re comparing Eri to a baby deer?” he asked. After Ren confirmed with a nod, the redhead laughed a little before adding, “That’s really cute, it suits her. Oh, right! I never told Eri my name! I’m Otoya Ittoki, it’s really nice to meet you!” 
“I think Natsuki was a bit closer with ‘Little Unicorn,’ but ‘Little Fawn’ is cute too,” the brunet remarked. “Eri, was it? I’m Cecil Aijima. Heh, Natsuki was right, you do look like a unicorn!” 
“My name’s Tokiya Ichinose,” the final guy spoke up. “Nice to meet you.”
Unsure of how to process all the information she had just received, Eri hid behind Haruka once again before slowly poking her head out. She wasn’t sure what to say or how to react as this was the first time in a long time she’d met so many people all at once. Doubt slowly crept into her mind as she tried to remember all the boys’ names. 
“It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it, Eri?” Otoya asked, earning a nod from the young girl. “It’s alright if you don’t remember all our names, we’ll help you with that. Especially since you’re staying with us until we find your family.”
“Otoya, we can’t let her stay here,” warned Tokiya. 
Confusion spread across the rest of the group’s faces at Tokiya’s comment, but then slowly turned to anger within the rest of the guys. 
“What do you mean by that, Ichi?” Ren hissed lowly. “We can’t just leave the Little Fawn to fend for herself, you know.”
“Yeah!” shouted Syo. “Give us one good reason why Eri can’t stay with us until we can get her back to her family!”
“Seriously?” Tokiya sighed as he pinched the bridged of his nose in annoyance before giving in to his fellow members’ demands. “Fine, if it’s one good reason you want, then it’s one good reason I’ll give you.”
To Be Continued
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