#I made this with shiitake mushrooms
greatdazedetective · 2 years
9 Spinach & Cheese Egg Bites
click here to all my keto recibe
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fisheito · 6 months
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The fact that yakumo has made so much soup that eiden can ID the type based on smell alone
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ilikedetectives · 7 months
I wanna play games, but family got me covid so now I'm on the floor instead.
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banhbotloc · 11 months
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[ID: 3 photos of making mushroom and egg toast, showing 1) a cutting board with mushrooms, purple garlic, and a shallot, 2) a frying pan with sauteed mushrooms and two fried eggs, and 3) a plate with two pieces of toast piled with sauteed mushrooms and a fried egg each, plus many cherries next to the toast. End ID]
an extremely farmer's market meal featuring purple hardneck garlic + tart cherries + crimini and shiitake mushrooms from the market this morning, plus a shallot + fried eggs + toast + honey diijon + salt and pepper and maggi sauce for my favorite meal i've made this summer, inspired by lucy knisley's sauteed mushroom recipes + leanne brown's things on toast
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dickpuncher420 · 3 months
my jook tastes weird :/
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alethiometry · 1 year
my toxic LA girl trait is that i love and am willing to overpay for bougie whole foods snacks
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Shiitake mushrooms??
No, I said Shit Talking mushrooms.
They’re talking shit about you through the mycelium network again.
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nunporn · 1 year
mastered the soft boiled egg today
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keylimejuice · 2 years
my GOD i’m irrationally excited for udon i’m making in two days
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peaterookie · 3 months
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i made cookie run versions of the lupgang, uh if you dont know, cookie run is a video game franchise about these gingerbread cookies and you should not play it
anyways, time for me to explain for hours about the thought that went in these designs!!!
Lupin III - Cactus Cookie
firstly, yes, cacti can be eaten. for lupin's case i think you'll deadass die if you eat him
the reason i chose cactus for his flavor is because of his incredible persistent to survive in the most dangerous and impossible conditions, much like how cacti dont need a lot to survive in the desert.
i think this may be a reach but i recall a lot of times where lupin is in the desert but idk that bitch can be anywhere bro also hes a prick
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I used the green color of the cactus, but cactus cookie can change the color of his cactus coat and the flower tie.
also cacti can sprout flowers! that's very gay of them to do, very lupincore
if you're curious about his eyes, i based it off of strawberry cream cookie's eyes, i think it fits a lot with lupin's googly eyes
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Jigen Daisuke - Shiitake Cookie
i think his flavor was the hardest to decipher, but i decided to use shiitake, mainly because another certain mushroom themed cookie uses it as a huge hat...
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also, shiitake mushrooms have a rather strong, meaty and earthly taste, which i think fits jigen's strong and gruff personality.
I also added some pepper on the mushroom, which is just, intensifying the strength peppercorn can also be used for bullets !
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in addition, shiitake mushrooms are one of the ingredients of sukiyaki, which i think is a rather iconic food for jigen !
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Goemon Ishikawa XIII - Soba Cookie
SOBAAAAAA soba is earthly noodle and it looks like the color of goemon's hair, that's literally it sorry i dont have anything else HAHAHAH
nvm i think i have more design notes for goemon some of his design elements are inspired off of rebel cookie, which is based off of a korean classical character hong gildong jeon, who has a very similar story to ishikawa goemon !
also goemon's swords are chopsticks, tehe
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Fujiko Mine - Cinnamon Bun Cookie
I wanted to show her deceitful personality through the flavor, and i arrived on cinnamon buns, primarily because cinnamon is a spice that can be very harmful to consume in huge doses, but many people seem to like the cinnamon flavor.
i use the cinnamon flower on her head, like how i put a flower on lupin's head, to kinda show that they have a similar personality and profession
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also design inspo
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Koichi Zenigata - Macadamia Cookie
the flavor was very easy to decide on. if you don't know, cookie run detective characters are typically nut cookies! (walnut cookie, almond cookie)
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so i decided on macadamia nuts, the hardest nuts, because of his stubborn and headstrong personality
other than that, not a lot to comment. if you wonder why there's blue in his designs, i dont really know tbh, i used blue as a color base and i found it pretty on him.
end of post
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blues824 · 11 months
Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day this week!
Could I request Octavinelle with a seafood chef s/o?
Gender-neutral reader, loosely based off of Chef Louis from the Little Mermaid.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He was very happy to have a willing volunteer for the Mostro Lounge
But then he made the mistake of asking what your specialty dishes were
Come to find out, it’s all seafood
This man is absolutely terrified because of how good the food ends up being
Your dishes are the most popular
You’re even well-versed in cooking octopus dishes, like grilling it or even making ceviche
He makes a note that he needs to remain on your good side, lest he be served fried and topped with different spices
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Jade Leech
He is very surprised that you are a seafood chef, but you can color him intrigued
His favorite dish is octopus carpaccio, and he will be elated if you ever make it for him
Especially if he’s going to go for a hike the next day and you prepare it for him for lunch
Him and his brother make fun of Azul for being scared for you
When you start working in the Mostro Lounge, he is fairly excited
However, if you ever catch him staring at you, you threaten to only feed him conger eels
Conger eels are his least favorite food, so you can be sure that he smiles at your threat and gets back to work
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Floyd Leech
He is very amused at the irony
Didn’t you know that he was from the sea, Shrimpy?
Floyd’s favorite food is takoyaki, so he will be a good boy if you promise to make it
When he is in a sour mood, you always have some on standby
However, you use it as a threat, telling him that he won’t get any if he doesn’t behave
Instead, you tell him that you would give him some tuna served with shiitake mushrooms
This man hates those mushrooms so much that he will do whatever you say just so he doesn’t have to eat them.
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wannaeatramyeon · 6 months
Gun Park x Goo Kim: Nabe
Sorta 479 spoilers but not really. I couldn't resist. Fluffy.
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"What's that?"
Goo pokes around the pot with some stray chopsticks, glasses steaming up from the heat.
Gun plucks the offending utensils from the blonde's fingers. "Yosenabe," and snaps it in half.
"Which is?"
"Nabe. A type of stew."
"Whatever, looks and smells like shit,"
"That's fine because you're not having any,"
Goo’s head whips around, eyes narrowing in annoyance, "What! You miser!"
Trying to focus on preparing the ingredients, arranging the greens and meat and seafood, Gun attempts to tune out his partner's voice.
"After all I do for you! You tight ass!"
It's not working. His voice is particularly aggravating tonight. Sense of personal space especially lacking.
"You're not even going to share? You selfish dick! I can't believe-"
Gun grits his teeth and spits out "Fine."
"You fuck-" A pause. A blink. "Fine?"
"Fine you can have some."
Resting his chin on Gun's shoulder, Goo inspects the chopping board. The ingredients look good, fresh. Blade slightly blunt, knife skills obviously nowhere near as good as himself, but it'll do.
"Why aren't you cutting the shiitake all pretty?"
Goo feels the shoulder tensing.
"You know, like when people cut a star into it."
"But I suppose you can barely hold a knife."
"Can you make the carrots flower shaped?"
"That's probably too advanced for you."
Goo swipes at a piece and Gun laments not cutting off his fingers in time. "This one is so much bigger!" It's not. "You can't even cut them to equal size-"
"Get the fuck out of my kitchen."
Goo chews on a prawn. It's delicious. Tender and succulent and he tells Gun it's not bad. Passable. It'll do for his refined palate.
Receives a huff of amusement in response as Gun tucks into his own serving.
The nabe does wonders to warm them both on this cold night. Peaceful, companionable silence only broken by occasional bowls being refilled, noodles being slurped, hums of appreciation.
Goo wonders if maybe he himself is a cliche, and the way to his heart really is through his stomach.
Munching on a flower shaped carrot and picking his way around the pretty mushrooms with a star carved into it, he finds a flush on his cheeks and a warmth in his chest that has nothing to do with the food and everything to do with the man that sits opposite.
"You're not going to eat those?" Gun frowns. After that bastard specifically made a fuss over them too.
Staring at the shiitake in disgust, Goo can't bear to stomach them even if they do look more appetising tonight.
Pretending to gag, "Ew no, I hate mushrooms!"
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phantomrose96 · 1 month
Cooking with Patches motivates me to cook more than anything 🥺
Also, your goated cooking posts has gotten me to do a couple of meatless meal days (Pan-fried tofu battered in cornstarch is life changing!) Any go-to recipes you find yourself cooking alot?
Ah hell yeah!!!
I'm glad to hear it bc I like making the Cooking with Patches posts. She's just HERE and being CUTE and I like sharing this fact with other people.
As far as go-to recipes - "pan fried tofu" DOES actually capture a lot... Like, choose *some* sauce, make rice, make some broccoli, put scallions and sesame seeds on top, and that's like a dozen variations of the same general idea. I tend to just keep scallions and tofu around, so I can kinda just do this whenever and mix up some sauce.
My probably most go-to of the above is this (copied from my notes):
sauce: 3tbsp soy sauce 3tbsp water 1 tsp sugar 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tsp gochujang Garlic Scallions recipe: Cook tofu cut into slabs, turn over and spoon sauce, turn over and spoon sauce, cook however long you want after
My other "I didn't plan anything and I'm making dinner" approach is to keep fixings around to make ramen Better:tm:. Like I always have some ramen on hand. so I COULD just make ramen but if I have any of these on hand they make the ramen Better:tm:
Ramen add-ins:
kale, spinach, or any other leafy green, (added to the boiling water alongside the ramen noodles)
bok choy, same as above.
(if not vegan) an egg cracked in, added with 1 minute left of the noodles cooking
ANY kind of mushroom, sliced, but shiitake and wood-ear are extra recommended
(if like spicy) any chili pepper, sliced and added with the noodles
silken tofu (like what goes in miso soup)
sriracha (added on top at the end)
sliced scallions, sesame seeds, sesame oil/chili oil (added on top at the end)
And then some actual like, recipe-recipes, I went through things I'd bookmarked as liking
(sub tofu for the fish in this one) =>
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I've been dreaming of the Undersea Marauder.
There are so many rules in this world. So many shackles to keep him down.
Let nothing obstruct his errant path.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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A fish is bound to the water his entire life.
It’s not a life for him.
Floyd is on his back, set adrift in the face of the Coral Sea. His hands cradle the back of his head, and he finds himself staring up. A flock of birds form an arrow, slicing through the sky. He wonders where they're going, what they'll do there.
Some merpeople dreamed of trading scales for skin, but Floyd thinks about giving up his fins for feathers. A pair of wings with which to witness all manner of strange things…
He chuckles soft.
Wouldn't that be so freeing?
“Eheheh. I wanna try it, too! Wait up for me, birds. Here I come…!”
Floyd rights himself and dives unto the frigid waters. His powerful tail undulates like a teal ribbon, propelling him after and faster. He steadily gains, chasing the shadows of the birds that skim the surface of his home turf.
Floyd approaches, lifting himself toward the shimmering boundary between sea and sky. A second later, he breaks through with a mighty splash.
His body elegantly arcs in the leap. He’s a skipping dolphin, a flying fish.
Floyd launches higher and higher, zipping past the flock. He collides with some birds, screeching with laughter as they spin like cars out of control.
Here come the clouds now—he easily bursts through them. They’re made of cool and fine-grained beads of water, refreshing him as he flies.
And higher still he goes, the sky dimming, a gradient of light to dark.
Floyd is among the stars, each twinkling like diamonds in greeting. The planets, like massive globes of sugar orbiting him.
The eel is weightless, effortlessly floating through space. With his arms, he paddles--and though there should be no gravity, the space warps and gives like water, letting him sail as smoothly as a ship after a storm.
He reaches out and plucks a star out of the cosmos, giving it a curious lick. The taste is like sweetened milk, and so he pops the entire thing into his mouth.
Then begins his descent.
At the peak of his jump, surrounded by the stars, he bends downward and plunges.
But there are no longer any waters waiting for him.
He crashes through a canopy of leaves. They scatter like papers, raining down verdant, brown, scarlet, tangerine, and gold. Sunlight pierces them, giving each a magical glow.
Roots come, skittering by him like a snake might slink. Thin tendrils extend from them, brushing his face.
Maybe there is some other name for them? Hyph-something, myce-whatever. Floyd does not care to remember his twin's excitable rambling.
Alarmingly, he spies an ugly bulbous cap poking out from a root. His nose crinkles with disgust.
Shiitake mushroom.
Floyd paddles through the fungi and plants, the scent of dirt and chlorophyll filling his nostrils. It's fresh and green mixed with damp and earthy, nothing like the salty smell of the sea.
Jade would like this, he thinks.
Daisies push through, their petals tickling his skin. He takes a shaky breath, holds, shakes again, and...
A great gale is unleashed, clearing his surroundings in an instant. Floyd is sent flying up, up, and away--
He shoots out of the dunes. Sand scatters from the force he emerges with, throwing particle clouds up into the air. Floyd flails, trying to balance his body. No use--he flops uselessly under the pull of gravity.
A scream rips from his throat. Not of terror, but of joy.
The landscape unfolds into a sandy expanse. In the distance, he sees an oasis guarded by palm trees. And below, a great city crowning the desert.
There are bright tents and stalls pitched, merchants hawking their wares. Vases and lamps with unique patterns, ripe fruits, adornments in a variety of designs.
Families and friends mill about in the packed marketplace, satisfied with their mundane lives, the schedules they keep. So content, so peaceful.
Floyd grins.
And he lets himself plummet straight into a stall.
The weight of him collapses it with a loud THUD. The merchant looks on, horrified, and his circle of customers gasp, putting distance between themselves and Floyd. Sticky with fruit juices, he removes the strand of black hair that clings to his cheek.
"Eh, guess it could be worse," Floyd shrugs, tossing off a chunk of watermelon sitting like a hat on his head. A line of juice dribbles down his forehead.
He notices the crowd staring and wiggles his tail in a casual pseudo-wave. One person immediately faints--but luckily, they're caught by a concerned onlooker.
"Riffraff!" the merchant shouts, waving a fist. "Scoundrel!! I demand compensation for what you've wrecked!"
Floyd rolls his eyes. He sounds like Azul.
The eel hauls himself off the pile of fruit--and peels right past the feet of the customers. The merchant's face heats.
"Guards! GUARDS!! Come quickly, HELP!! There's a sea monster on the loose!!"
Floyd rapidly drags himself across the market, digging his talons into the ground, his tail pushing him forward. He gleefully writhes as people scream and flee, clearing a path for him. His laugh, cackling.
He's at the waterways that thread the city when heavy footsteps spill into the street.
"He went that way!!"
Floyd doesn't look back before he dives back into his natural element.
The water welcomes him, its streams washing off the sand that paints his skin, loosening the hair that clumped from fruit juices. A tender kiss, a kind hand.
He has returned to the sea.
The channel goes deeper than Floyd thinks. It widens, becoming an entire ocean bathed in sunlight. A coral reef teeming with life stretched out below him, and when he runs his hand along it, tiny seahorses escape and trail bubbles.
He turns his head this way--a school of rainbow tropical fish race by. The other way, a band is in full swing. A carp on the harp, the plaice on the bass, bass on brass.
Floyd twirls as he passes, happily humming along to the tune. The music wraps around him, giving a warm embrace. He almost misses his name being called, almost forgets himself.
"... od....... loyd... Floyd! There you are."
A face that matches his appears beside him. He is followed by a boy with lilac skin, a series of squirming tentacles at his beck and call.
“Where did you vanish off to?” Jade asks. “Azul and I were starting to get worried about your whereabouts. Weren’t we, Azul?”
“I’m more concerned for the places he visits rather than Floyd himself. Who knows how much collateral damage he could cause unsupervised,” the octopus merman grumbles.
“Oya, Azul… Could it be that you lack faith in Floyd? Even though he has unquestionably served you since middle school?"
"You're saying strange things again. I recall him losing interest and changing his mind last minute more often than 'unquestionably serving'." Azul raises a brow. "So? Where were you all this time?"
Floyd flings himself at the duo, slinging his arms around their shoulders and pulling them close.
"F-Floyd?! What is the meaning of this?" Azul sputters, struggling against his binds.
"I was everything and everywhere all at once," he responds with a laugh. "I was as free as a bird! I'll tell you guys about it~"
"Fufu, it sounds as though you've been away on quite an adventure. We would, of course, be more than happy to hear of your escapades."
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italoniponic · 1 year
𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 - mini-project
Runaway Shrimp
Notes: this is based on a very fun request I made with Malleus, Leona and Azul where Reader accidentally confessed their feelings to them and instead of facing them and waiting for a reply, they just… “bolts” (as the Anon said lol). So then @gilswifey asked if I could do a part 2 with Jade and I thought, huh why not? 
Jade Leech x g!n reader who runs really fast / headcanons / fluff & comedy / part 2 / use of “you” pronouns
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“Our house will be a mushroom farm like this…,” you blurted out. It was a big mistake on your part, considering that the alchemy workshop was so empty that your voice projected better than ever, and above all, Jade had enviable hearing. Especially because he was right next to you. So much so that he took his eyes off the poisonous mushroom he had in hand just to face you;
There were no great excuses to be made, no means of deflecting the subject. The implication that you imagined living together with Jade in the future — and the awareness that the constant presence of mushrooms would be inevitable — was right there, heading for more things. More clear that this would have been to have asked for his hand at that moment;
But you chickened out. Well, you never intended to let him find out your feelings, let alone reveal them in this way. Jade still stared at you for another minute, his heterochromatic eyes going from wide in surprise to slowly relaxing into gentle amusement — mostly from your expression of horror — when…;
... you ran away. Few things really impressed Jade in seventeen years of life, being two years of earthly experience. He could be fascinated by various things, develop curiosity about human habits, and wanting to know different things without further ado. But that was the day he was most taken aback by things. And all this is your work;
You ran out of the workshop faster than a flock of sardines when they spotted a monster whale. Jade congratulated your speed — even though you were out of sight to hear it. Calmly, he got up, put away his newest mushroom in a terrarium and made a little call;
From the point where you were, you had two directions: the outskirts of the Ramshackle or some point near the library, near Main Street. That’s considering you were running in a straight line. A third option would be the Hall of Mirrors region. The Leech’s aquatic predator ability aside, you personally had the advantage of knowing how to run really fast. But Jade had an idea that would save him time;
You thought you were out of danger. Your legs had carried you to the other side of the school, somewhere in the woods near the library. Not a sign of Jade following you. You leaned against a tree to catch your breath, but the fatigue wasn't all that was making you feel bad. It was a mixture of guilt and a certain disappointment that you were really alone after all;
Not for long though. Someone took you in their arms by surprise, putting a frightening distance between you and the ground. When you turned around and saw turquoise hair, you even thought it was Jade... but Floyd’s laugh totally broke your expectations;
“I see you’ve managed to catch a runaway shrimp for me, Floyd. What a good brother you are,” Jade smiled when he met the two of you. Floyd carried you in his arms to the courtyard of the Botanical Garden and dropped you into the arms of his twin — the game was good while it lasted. Floyd had mentioned that Jade would spear him from eating the test shiitake dishes if he looked for you in one area of the school while his brother went in the other side;
A master plan, you had to admit. Although there was still the problem that you had nowhere else to run and hide — not with Jade carefully holding you in his own arms, purposefully not giving you that opportunity anymore;
“I personally don’t understand why you ran away like that. It’s not like your feelings aren’t reciprocated,” Jade said gently. It caught you off guard. The feeling was so clear on your face that the merman had a little chuckle. Jade had a docile smile, something very uncommon to see — especially for how sincere it was. But the truth was that he always had that one smile when you were around him.
| Special notes: not very necessary to the story but I imagine that Floyd was still there when they solved things up and he's like "oh for Ursula, get a room you two! gross! this? right in front of the school facility for everyone to see? disgusting, I'm telling mom" :P while they only smiled to each other bc he's that type of supportive brother lmao |
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mirai-e-jump · 2 months
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Masato Yano Photobook: TONE (translations and select pages below)
Publication: March 15, 2024
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Masato Yano's 132 Q&A About 13 years ago, "Masato Yano's Style Photobook" was published with a Q&A. Now, a 32 year old Masato Yano answers nearly the same questions again.
1) What's your nickname? Yanocchi, Masanii, Masati
2) When were you born? December 16, 1991
3) What's your blood type? Type B
4) Your zodiac sign? Sagittarius
5) What size family are you from? I come from a family of 4
6) How tall are you? 173cm
7) Your shoe size? 26.5cm
8) What are some of your strengths? My jokes
9) How do you spend your days off? I'll drink the night before, go to the gym
10) What subjects were you worst at? Math and history
11) What are your favorite foods? Sushi and tsukemen
12) What's your assessment of your own personality? I'm easily obsessive and bored. I'm actually shy, but I'm trying my best so you don't think that way (laughs)
13) What are some of your weaknesses? I'm not good at remembering things like people's birthdays or names
14) What are you proud of? That I made my debut in "Shintokumaru"
15) What's your favorite color? Red and white
16) What type of woman do you like? Someone with a good core, someone who eats beautifully
17) What instruments can you play? None
18) What's your special skill? That I can guess who someone is just by their voice
19) What's your best feature? My double eyelids
20) What do you wish would disappear from the world? War
21) The first impressions that are often said about you? That I look scary
22) The person that you respect? Tsumabuki Satoshi-san and Fujiwara Tatsuya-san
23) What do you have a habit of saying? "~nanoyo" and "oh no"
24) Your least favorite type? Someone who only talks about themself
25) What's your treasure? The wallet I received from Tsumabuki-san
26) The ideal self that you desire to be? I want to be liked by many people
27) What's your "theme song"? Recently it's been that I'm the "most powerful king"
28) Your favorite artists? WATWING, the Carpenters, Eric Clapton, GENERATIONS
29) What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? Put on my glasses
30) What do you do right before bed? Put on the radio
31) What habits do you do unconsciously? Touch my nose, do things like suck on the end of a straw
32) What do you usually perform at karaoke? I tend to sing alot by SMAP
33) What foods do you not like? Shiitake mushrooms
34) What's your favorite thing to drink? Mets Grapefruit
35) What was the first CD you ever bought? Jet Coaster Romance by KinKi Kids
36) What do you like to watch and what's your favorite anime? Great Pretender, soccer games
37) How long does it take for you to bathe? 1 hour
38) What's your favorite season? I don't do well with heat
39) When do your emotions become intense? They don't
40) What are your hobbies? Muscle training
41) Do you cry easily? When I feel like it
42) Do you have a pet? What's it's name? I had one. It was a cat named Chaco
43) How many children do you want? I want two. A boy and a girl
44) What's the first thing you look at when entering a convenience store? The bento corner
45) What do you usually buy from a convenience store? Water and spicy ramen
46) What really makes you angry? Nothing much
47) What's the number one thing you want right now? Muscles! (laughs)
48) What have you been secretly interested in recently? The Korean language
49) What's the one thing you'd take to a deserted island? A lighter
50) How do you relax at home? Burn incense and listen to some records
51) What's necessary for world peace? Love
52) What do you wonder about? Why is there a Ladies Day, but not a Men's Day?
53) What would you do if the world ended today? I'd overdo things as usual
54) S? M? I wouldn't say I'm an M💦
55) What's your phone background? Currently it's King-Ohger (for the past 2 months)
56) What animal would you compare yourself to? Some kind of reptilian I guess
57) What are you into these days? Cilantro
58) What do you like to collect? Miniature food sets
59) What's your favorite scent? White musk types, Savon by SHIRO
60) What's something expensive that you bought recently? A vintage varsity jacket
61) How often do you go out shopping? At the very least I go out once a month
62) Can you cook? I do it often
63) What kind of present would you be happy to get from a friend? I'd be happy with anything
64) What would make a girl happy if you gave her a present? Aesop
65) What's your fetish? Legs
66) What would the ideal confession be? Saying it on the way back home after going out for meals a few times
67) At what age do you want to marry by? Hopefully by 40 (laughs)
68) What's something good you do for your body? I go to the gym
69) What's something you always have on you? Chapstick
70) What's the ideal spot for a date? A buffet
71) Which do you prefer? The sea or the mountains? Both the sea and mountains have alot of bugs
72) What scares you? Roller coasters, horror, cockroaches
73) When does your excitement rise? When my work goes well
74) What's your favorite place? Home
75) What's your favorite store? It's a secret ❤️
76) Are you a meat eater? Vegetarian? Are you a fan of cabbage rolls? I eat bugs
77) What's your favorite onigiri topping? Salmon roe
78) What do you usually get at a cafe? I don't go to cafes
79) What's something tasty you've eaten recently? The umeboshi Fukuyama-kun gave me
80) What have you been paranoid about recently? That a big earthquake will hit Tokyo
81) Where do you start washing your body from? My head
82) What's your favorite type of fashion? Things that give off an "American casual" feel
83) At what moment do you fall in love with someone? Sometimes it's not really apparent
84) What words make you happy to hear? "Your performance was good"
85) What's your favorite movie? Grave of the Fireflies
86) What person do you really want to meet right now? Ninagawa-san
87) What's something that's alittle luxurious? Sushi that doesn't come from a conveyor belt
88) How would you describe yourself with a single (kanji) character? "Think," because no matter what I do or say, I have alot to think about.
89) How long does it take you to get up in the morning and leave your house? On a work day it takes 20 minutes. I usually don't go out on my days off (laughs)
90) What changes your mood? When I'm left out
91) What would you consider (if they did) to be cheating on you? If they did a deep kiss (laughs)
92) Are you sensitive to the heat? To the cold? I don't like either
93) Emails or phone calls, which is better? Writing is best
94) What do you frequently use on your phone? Instagram, Twitter, Uber
95) How old were you when you first fell in love? What kind of person were they? It was a kid who lived in my neighborhood when I was in my second year of elementary school.
96) What gestures do women do that make you feel excited? When they put their hair behind one ear
97) Are you enjoying work right now? I want to have fun (laughs)
98) What's your favorite TV program? Programs that only feature comedians
99) What's your favorite sport? Soccer
100) What's your least favorite sport? Baseball
101) Are you the type of person who likes park rides that cause you to scream? I don't do well with them, but if I'm asked to ride one, I will (laughs)
102) Are you good at athletics? I think I'm a good at it
103) What do you take photos of? Tsukemen and sushi
104) What's your favorite flower? Gerbera
105) What's your favorite event of the year? It's New Year's Eve, I'll have a party with my friends and we'll eat alot
106) What's your top 3 favorite stalls at a festival? Beef skewers is #3, grilled squid is #2, okonomiyaki is #1
107) What was your most stressful experience? Performing on opening day for Shintokumaru
108) Your favorite donburi? Beef bowl
109) Are you good with your hands? I wonder~?
110) How long do you sleep in a day? About 3-7 hours. I sleep alot longer on days when I don't work
111) Is your sleeping position good? I think it's okay
112) What's your favorite ramen? I love tsukemen. I have a "cat's tongue" though
113) What color would you compare yourself to? Purple
114) Do you like scary stories? I don't like them in any way (laughs)
115) What subjects were you best at? Gym and art
116) What club activities were you involved in? The soccer club in middle school and the dance club in high school
117) If you were reborn, would you rather be male or female? I'd still want to be male
118) What part time jobs have you had? A bread factory, an Izakaya, a festival stall
119) What do you want to do when you're 40? Meet fans at events
120) What were your favorite school lunches? Nanbanzuke, meat sauce
121) Have you ever seen a ghost? I might've (laughs)
122) What's something you'd like to try that you've never experienced before? Travel overseas
123) Where would you like to take a trip to? Hot springs, Korea, Italy
124) What's your favorite ride at an amusement park? The exploration based ones
125) How many times in one day do you send emails? Currently, I exchange about 30-50 LINE's a day
126) Were you the type of person who finished their Summer homework early? I always felt like I was rushing to finish it at the last second💦
127) Are you more likely to arrive early for a meet up? Or do you arrive late? For work I'm early, in my private life I'm late
128) If you want to go out with someone, how many years older are you okay with? I've never thought about it in terms of age
129) What's an essential item you need when traveling? Earphones
130) What do you do when you can't sleep at night? There are so many things that I'll just give up. I actually thought about this questionnaire when I couldn't sleep (laughs)
131) What do you think about while brushing your teeth? I imagine that there's red paint on my teeth, and then I'll imagine how I have to get it off
132) If you only had one week left to live, what would you do? I'd eat a bunch of the foods I like. I'd meet up with the people I like as much as possible. I'd leave a secret audio farewell message for everyone
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