#I think that stereotype can be written well in the hands of someone who isn't an allo
nrhodact · 1 year
I want to make a test similar to the Vito Russo, Duvernay, and Bechdel test but for asexuals in media.
The NRHODACT Test (I'm not good at names ok and similar to how things are named after the person that created it, I'm gonna roll with it for now lol.)
Rules for an asexual character to pass as good representation
- 1 or more asexual characters must be present in the story
- Audience must know the character is asexual through the story not by information outside of it. (Writers revealing the character is ace through their social media, Livestreams, Live Q&A)
- They must be relevant to the story. (If the story can function without them, they are irrelevant)
- Their sexuality must be taken as seriously as any other sexual orientation. (No invalidation by the other characters unless said characters are meant to be in the wrong and are reprimanded for it later on. Invalidation includes characters of other sexual orientations claiming their struggles are worse than theirs, making light of their asexuality, treated as less of an adult for being asexual, if it is a show centered around LGBTQ+ characters sexualities, the asexual character should have equal attention brought to their orientation)
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breathlessmorro · 5 months
Okay I am loving your takes so much while I am not a huge fan of Misako and Wu what you said made me think about a few things I'm still not a fan of them buuuut I don't think I dislike Misako as much and I also agreed with your take with the whole Nya Cole Jay thing anyways that's besides the point!!! How would Wu and the rest of the family Garmadon Misako & Lloyd react to Morro liking Kai?
Thank you for saying that, I greatly appreciate it! I get that Wusako isn't everyone's cup of tea, so no worries fam! I haven't been able to really explain my "takes" on a lot of the canon ships before, so it's nice to know my thoughts are being well received lol
Okay if you're a regular on my blog you probably know I have a million different ways that Destiny can become canon. Beyond that, there's a mullion different ways Morro actually joins the team in the first place. Morro takes Wu's hand. Morro comes back on the day of the Departed. Morro never actually leaves Wu's monastery (but we're ignoring that one for the sake of Destiny)
It's no secret that Kai probably hates Morro the most. He was the most relentless when it came to fighting him, trying to get Lloyd back, et cetera. Even during the Day of the Departed, he's the only one other than Lloyd who actually addresses him, ready to fight. So naturally, when setting up Destiny as a couple, you need to get over that barrier.
Morro joining the team under any circumstances is weird. One, he and Lloyd obviously aren't going to get along. Two, he might not even want to be a ninja. Three, he may not even fit into the group at all. Because of the way the characters are written, I think that if Wu gave Morro the chance of redemption, and Morro actually took it, the team would accept it and him. They stood down when Wu told them to, so it's not unrealistic that they'd trust him - after some protesting - that Morro wouldn't hurt them.
Except for Kai. Kai didn't trust Garmadon in season one, and that was Lloyd's father. Why would he ever trust Morro? Eventually everyone moves past not trusting Morro, if only because they're so annoyed by him and Kai fighting all the time. Even Lloyd I think would want Kai to give Morro a chance. It wouldn't be until either they're united against a common enemy, or until they're forced to see each other beyond their surface level traits, that they'd even be friends. However, I think that the second both Kai and Morro get past their animosity, they're bound to get together. Completely inseparable.
As for the reactions? WELL BABY LET ME TELL YOU -
Wu: He's extremely grateful that they've stopped fighting. Wu will never stop seeing Morro as a son either, so he's happy that he's giving himself the chance to be truly happy with someone. Of course, he gives Kai the stereotypical threat of "you hurt my son I hurt your face" but he's very supportive
Garmadon: Depending on which Garmadon we're talking about here. Evil Garmadon couldn't care less, he's not involved with their teenage shenanigans. Good Garmadon, however, would be concerned. I think he'd want to treat with Morro with respect, given that he's Wu's adopted child, but Morro still hurt his baby. He's always going to be biased against him. Not that Kai is Garmadon's favorite or anything, but he's still a little protective. Regardless, he doesn't voice his concerns to either of them, instead showing support, even if he's skeptical of their pairing.
Misako: I feel like she'd be in the same boat as Wu - relieved that they're not fighting, and that they're both happy. Misako isn't super close with either boy, so she's not as protective, but they're both part of her family, and she's always glad to see people overcoming their differences.
Lloyd: Now Lloyd is the trickiest, because he can either be their biggest cheerleader, or their biggest opposer. It depends on whether or not Lloyd's actually forgiven Morro, how he'll react. If he has, then sure enough he was right with Wu, trying to encourage Kai to stop picking fights, and was glad to find out they actually care about each other. If he hasn't forgiven Morro, however, then it's gonna be all too easy for him to get reasonably upset. Kai is supposed to be his brother - to protect him, and he goes and starts kissing the ghost that forced him to fight his friends??? Lloyd would get bitter fast in that case, and though he'd try to keep his feelings out of the fight, he'd slip up occasionally, and until he resolved things with both Kai and Morro, it would cost the team a lot. Lloyd's understanding and kindness is underestimated a lot; he tries to see the best in even the worst of people, and if you make an effort to do the right thing, he'll notice it. That being said, this is still the same kid who opened three serpentine tombs because he couldn't have some candy. Lloyd's ability to hold a grudge is strong, even turning him against his father at one point, but in the end he always comes around when he realizes the cost of his anger and acting on it isn't worth the consequences
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akatsukitrash · 4 months
1 - 19. all the numbers >:^)
most overrated character?
Doing this again because there are so many of those : Shikamaru and Hinata. Before someone kills me I do like Hinata, I just hate her fans. Like in what way did she surpass Neji when she can't be arsed to run without falling. Bffr Neji's the strongest Hyuuga. And Shikamaru isn't smart when his entire victory hinges on dumbing down and nerfing both Hidan and Kakuzu.
2. was sasuke right?
3. were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish?
4. are the romantic undertones between naruto and sasuke intentional or accidental?
Accidental. Kishimoto's misogyny made him fly too close to the sun of yaoi.
5. can kishi write romance?
When he wants to? Yes. It's not the wildest romance, but he showed he can write a decent one with Tsunade and Dan (and arguable Minato and Kushina although I hate that couple for other reasons). Even ShikaTema aren't too bad. He's just clearly not interested in writing romance
6. what makes the Naruto ending bad?
Everything leading up to it. The way the antagonists (especially Madara) were treated both by the narrative and characters, the way Kaguya came out of nowhere, the way Naruto and Sasuke kept getting unearned power ups. Hell on earth. Then all this culminates into a VOTE2 fight I never wanted to see with a Sasuke who's blabbering nonsense, and then suddenly, skyscrapers and ugly ass kids of ships that got little to no development. None of the questions brought up by the story got resolved
7. should Naruto have become hokage ?
8. show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context
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9. which Naruto fandom words are you allergic to?
"deserve" (always used in ship wars), "who has the saddest backstory", "babygirl", "yandere", "actually kishi didn't intend-" (amazing under theory posts /s) and such
10. is sakura a shitty character or shitty-ly written?
Shittily written. That girl did not catch a break from the moment she got introduced, and she's not the only one, pretty much every female character is shittily written. They're just one of two misogynistic stereotypes, with no fulfilling arc, no space to throw hands like the male characters etc etc. Yeah yeah Tsunade isn't too bad but she still suffers from misogynistic writing
11. is Itachi a martyr, a victim, or a perpetrator?
Perpetrator. There could've been an argument for him being a victim, but adult Itachi does say he regrets nothing so clearly he's fine with the massacre and would've made the same decision as an adult aka he's nothing but a shameless genocidal murderer. I'm not very interested in waxing poetry about how hard it was for him to kill his own parents when he had like, so many choices to make, and I think such discussions are stupid when Sasuke (and the Uchiha clan) are the biggest victims of both Itachi and Konoha and yet don't get a fraction of the sympathy that Itachi gets
12. who should've died in war arc?
Gai first of all. Why the hell did he survive 8 gates? What was the point? It cheapened his sacrifice, and made it obvious that the stakes, no matter how high, are never that serious. Frankly I didn't even want him to be the one to open the 8 gates, it should've been Lee's moment (and yes, death) but well. At least one of the Gokage (preferably Onoki and/or Gaara) should've also died. And Hinata or Hiashi should've died to protect Neji, it would've been THE perfect symbolic end to the Hyuuga issue. Oh Shikamaru should've also died, he was useless and it would've made more impact. Probs another death in Konoha 12 would be great (like Kiba maybe?) but Lee's and Shikamaru's deaths (with potentially Hinata also dying) would've been great for tension and emotional impact. Oh also neither Obito nor Madara should've died
13. was kakashi trying his best? / was he a "good" sensei?
He was a good sensei bc he made good child soldiers. He was also a good sensei bc he did try his best to keep them safe. I don't know why people argue he's the worst. Gai, Asuma, and Jiraiya are fucked up, and Kurenai got 0 screentime teaching. Kakashi also trained Sakura, and recommended her to Tsunade. The idea that he completly neglected her is fanon
14. openings or endings?
Openings, most of them are so iconic
15. Is naruto white coded for having blonde hair blue eyes?
No??? his name is literally Uzumaki Naruto, and he has monolids. He's Japanese.
16. Is tobirama racist against uchihas?
Tobirama is Japanese. The Uchiha are Japanese. No he was not racist, and he didn't do half the shit people claim he did (he didn't disrespect Madara's body or Uchiha's funeral practices, he didn't segregate them, he didn't force them to be in the Police Force, he didn't focus solely on the Uchiha and no other threats, he didn't call them slurs (cant believe i even need to say that), he didnt hunt them specifically, he didn't kill Izuna for shits and giggles, he didnt seek out Kagami to use him as the "black friend", he didnt spread rumors, he didnt spy on them, he didnt blame them for Madara's actions etc etc etc. He was prejudiced, as was Madara (who even went as far as to cut Tsunade in half just bc she's Senju. That's way more violent than Tobirama calling Sasuke an evil brat). I think it's perfectly understable why he was so cautious about them, and I wish he was given half the understanding the Uchiha get for their own backstories and actions, considering he too was a traumatized child soldiers who watched his siblings die and was abused by his father. He's a product of his times, and even he acknowledges that. That's why he has faith in the younger generations, and why he died for them twice.
17. Is Sakura useless?
Not at all. Naruto would've died in the Waves arc without her, and that's just the first arc. People just hate female characters, and belittle healers.
18. ship wars or power scaling debates?
I prefer ship wars bc I'm not rlly a shipper so I don't get annoyed and can make fun of people who get mad at me for my opinions. Power scaling tho....I'm a great power scalers and when ppl just make shit up (like saying Hinata is stronger than Neji or Itachi than Obito) I get pissed.
19. pettiest fandom opinion you've blocked someone for?
not an opinion but i've blocked people for misspelling kakuzu's name
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Season 1. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Season 2. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Season 3. Part 1
Mike Character Analysis: Season 3 Part 2
I'm going to go off about Dawson's Creek in general for a bit before I get to the relevant plot point.
A bit of background for those of you unfamiliar with Dawson's Creek. It was a teen-angst filled soap opera drama from the late 90s-early 2000s that scandalized many people because it covered some pretty dark topics that most teen shows shied away from (teen suicide and drug and alcohol use being some examples). It's funny in retrospect because most teen shows now cover all the complexities of growing up in a pretty realistic way. But at the time they got a lot of backlash. Now this show was incredibly popular with teens during this time because it was the first time people saw anyone discussing and addressing a lot of the uglier, darker aspects of growing up. It's worth a watch if you haven't seen it. But one of the things it did that was radical was have one of their characters be openly gay - a thing that did not happen on teen shows at the time. And yes they got a lot of backlash and homophobia for this. But what they also got was people being incredibly grateful that they finally saw someone struggling with their identity in a way that was relatable. And not only that but it showed how straight friends can help support their friends who are questioning their sexuality. So this show that most teens were watching decided to suddenly in season 2 make one of their characters gay. People were already invested in the show and the characters when this happened and this wasn't labeled as an LGBTQ friendly show because that label didn't exist. So it wasn't just people who were apart of the queer community who were watching. And the thing is - even after this gets revealed, people kept watching. Because they were invested in the show and the characters already and the coming-out storyline was written in a way that people could understand and empathize with even if they weren't gay. Which brings me back to Stranger Things and Mike and the impact this story could have on mainstream media. Because while LGBTQ friendly shows have come a long way since then (they are often better written and less stereotyped now) they are still labeled as LGBTQ friendly shows which makes straight people not watch them because they think that content isn't for them. So people who don't have first hand experience dealing with homophobia or internalizing that hate have a difficult time understanding it and it's why we are seeing such a disconnect with audience and Mike. But here's the thing - Everyone watches this show. And everyone is invested in the plot and the characters. It is not labeled as an LGBTQ friendly show, even now that we have 2 characters openly gay. It is not just for a queer audience and it shouldn't be. Because this implies that straight couples are the norm and mainstream and that if Stranger Things went and did the crazy, radical thing and made byler happen it would alienate the audience. But we have seen this isn't true. Because Dawson's Creek wrote a well-written and relatable coming-out 20 years ago when this was just not ever done, and it didn't alienate the audience. It was well-written so people could understand it. That's really all that matters here. It needs to be done right. Stranger Things has the potential to change the game again and make this kind of storyline more mainstream. And I think that they will because they have already been writing it this whole time. It's been there in the show already, people just don't know how to recognize it. But once they do I think it will help them to reconnect with Mike and understand him better and maybe be more comfortable seeing this in the future. Of course there will be backlash, homophobes aren't going anywhere. But I don't get the impression that they care or that Netflix does. Because again, they are already doing it. It's already the story.
So now back to the relevant plot point for Mike.
On Dawson's Creek, Jack moves to town and he starts dating Joey (Josephine). They date for a couple episodes and do all the normal teen dating things- they kiss and hold hands and at one point almost have sex. But then Jack's asshole English teacher makes him read a poem he wrote in front of the whole class. And this poem is about his attraction to men. Jack starts getting bullied for being gay and Joey is confused and asks him about it. Jack denies it and Joey is relieved but it's clear to the audience he is lying. But we don't understand why or have context for it until he has a break-down at his father. He talks about how his father recognized he was gay when he was little and he tried to fix it and all it did was confuse him and make him hate himself and it's his fault he's insecure. He is correct and it's a pretty emotional moment that allows for the audience to not only understand him better but understand why he is dating Joey. Because he was ashamed and afraid. Because Joey is a girl. How could he date her and kiss her and almost have sex with her if he knew that he was gay. And the answer is this - he was trying to be normal. He was trying to fix himself the way his father told him to. And the audience understands this because of the way it is written. Jack, like anyone else, is fully capable of dating, kissing, and/or having sex with someone he isn't attracted to because being attracted to someone is not required for any of those things. Does this sound like Mike yet? It should, but here's some more. After his revelation, Jack goes to talk to Joey. At this point she realizes that he's gay and is basically just waiting for him to tell her. He talks about how he cares for her so much (Michael in season 4 not being able to tell El he loves her - I care for you so much. It's the same damn thing) and how she's been such a good friend which is why he didn't want to tell her. He didn't want to hurt her. But she is grateful for the truth. She remains a good friend to him through the series (albeit not his BFF like Jen becomes). Jack also struggles the rest of the series with internalized homophobia even though he's openly gay. I will fully admit that this part of the story isn't always well-written and is at times cringey. But the gist is this - even though he accepts his sexuality he is still struggling with his identity as a gay man and this is shown through his discomfort with being around other gay men. Especially gay men who are feminine and stereotypically gay. Because Jack isn't like that nor does he want to be associated with that. He even goes as far as joining a fraternity to prove how manly he is even though he's gay. So here we see what happens when people are presented with one type of person. That person - in this case feminine/stereotypically gay men - are treated as embarrassing when there is nothing actually wrong with this. But the other important thing is that it makes it difficult for people who aren't this to understand their own identity. They have no frame of reference. Because Jack is gay and masculine so it's hard for him to come to terms with what his identity as a gay man means because he isn't seeing anyone else like him do it. And this also provides a nice excuse for Mike, because he also isn't a stereotype (neither is Will). He likes video games and nerdy things so internally he can tell himself easily that he isn't gay. Because he doesn't act like he is in the way that he knows gay men to act. He isn't feminine. He only has the one frame of reference. So it makes it very easy for him to tell himself that he isn't gay. And it's the same reason the audience can't recognize him as gay either. Because he kisses a girl and he doesn't act like a stereotype and they don't have many other references in media (at least not ones that they aren't avoiding watching).
So when people say they'll never do Byler, it's too crazy and out of no where and it'll alienate too many people. I'm assuming these people are either very young or they have been living under a rock (or deliberately avoid content not about them personally). Because of course they will. They have no reason not to. They are already doing it. And there is also precedent for it. So back to season 3 and Mike. Part 3
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mywonuderful · 2 years
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I'm still not over long haired minhee like-
request: i was wondering if i could request: how minhee would react to having a crush on someone a little older than him/how would he act around his crush in general?
pairing: minhee x older f!reader
genre: this is written in the perspective of an office setting
a/n: normalize romantic relationships with females being older than their partners! just a little reminder that these are purely based on what I perceive and what my knowledge on mbti (because i clearly have too much time in my hands)
main masterlist
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Alright we're taking about minhee here
The person who's known to be rather quiet yet mature and reserved out of all the members in the group
I read that he's quite studious too yike the disappointment i'll be to him
If minhee's crush ended up being a couple years older than him, I feel like her would be quite intimated at first
Like he would be hesitant on approaching you at first or feeling anxious when you're near him
He's definitely someone who would admire his crush from afar, observing your movements as you conversate with your coworkers
For some reason I'm imagining this in a office setting between a senior employee and junior employee
I get the vibes that he'll try to make himself more mature (if he isn't already) to match up with you 'level'
His big eyes and soft smile while he listens to you talk, slightly nodding omg
I don't think he would tell his members about his crush first. If anything, he'll want to sort out his feelings first, concluding to himself that what he is feeling, is a crush.
He manages to hiding his feelings well, putting up a kind smile
But once he let's his guard down, he's an open book lmao
The workplace was busy, employees chattering and bustling. Your desk was a couple across from his. He could help but to stare at your concentrated expression, brows slightly furrowed as you bit your lip, trying to type something down. Your eyes suddenly travelled above your computer, meeting his dreamy eyes directly. Minhee darts his eyes away, covering his mouth as naturally as possible but in reality, he's a blushing mess.
I feel like once Minhee realizes that he has a crush on you, he ends up holding it with pride
He somehow finds creative ways to interact with you, even if it leads to him looking beat red in the end.
Majority of your coworkers have clocked out, you had to stay overtime to finish up with your work.
Minhee actually finished work a while ago but after seeing you stay behind, he thought that he'll stay behind too, to accompany you, even if you didn't notice.
But then he's purposely walk slowly past your desk to head to the breakroom.
"Oh hey Minhee! You're still here? Working overtime?" Your eyes lightened up, greeting him. His stomach fluttering.
He ends up doing some extra work on the empty cubicle beside you and that's how the two of you started to get closer.
Minhee fell deeper in love with you when he realizes how you don't stereotype or discriminate between the difference work classes, and treats everyone with equality.
I can totally see Minhee taking care of his crush. Especially when it get's busy and she skips out on lunch or when it's raining and you forgot your umbrella. Minhee is somehow always there.
Being on a higher level, you deal with more workload and stress and so Minhee is always by your side to listen with all ears about your rants. He's very supporting over the things you do, and never fails to let you know how proud he is of you.
You would sometimes see sticky notes on your desk whenever you come to work or after your break
"Remember to eat your lunch!" "The weather is nice today, get some fresh air during your break!" "You've work hard today, don't forget you're human and needs breaks!"
He loves to see your expression when you find his notes, your cheeks heating up as you hide your expression before glancing over at him, shaking your head while smiling.
He starts stepping out of his comfort zone to interact with you more, maybe even adding in slight teasing and jokes.
He might not realize it himself but he ends up finding opportunities to spend time with you, whether it be working together, grabbing a quick lunch together or walking home together.
At first he might seem to give off a more mature, quiet and cool vibe because he didn't want you to see him as someone too childish but as time goes on, he loosen up, showing more of his energetic, and playful side which you obviously accept with love
It might take some time for him to open up at first, especially if you are older than him, but once he falls in love with you, he's all-in. He pours his admiration, adding in the spark of fun and excitement in your life which you would not except from him. <3
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 years
Do you think Moominmamma has a thirst for thrills like Pappa? It’s certainly there, I imagine, but in a different form, sorted differently among many other priorities and wants.
I believe that while Moominmamma is very willing to go along with whatever Moominpappa drags her into and can handle them very well, I don't think she's much of a thrill seeker even in a less... intense extent. Well, except for possibly the 2019 version, but I much more avidly read the comics and books and watch the 90s series and so my perception of her is more attached to those. So if you're asking about the Mamma with a 3rd physical dimension, I would say yes. Other versions of her, however...
Moominmamma has always been very, very comfortable in her status quo, she doesn't particularly enjoy new experiences if they last too long for her comfort. She's a technophobe, she'd be the first person to want to go back home if something hasn't gone wrong yet (though she wouldn't say it outright), she never instigates the story or conflict unless it's due to her own anxiety (e.i. feeling pressured by Mrs. Fillyjonk to be a proper lady or joining every club in the Valley because she doesn't want to say no to people) with only one exception of wanting to go back in time because of her technophobia, or someone else is pushing the main conflict and she's the first victim.
Moominpappa will attempt whatever endeavor he finds desirable and she will follow holding him by the tail just so he isn't alone or disappear in the process. Moominmamma may enjoy it for some time, since Moominpappa would also enjoy it and much of what she's willing to do is to satisfy her husband's needs, but she will always completely accept wanting to go back once it's brought up OR, if they're stuck for a longer while, want to make their situation much more homely.
Moominpappa craves adventure because the thrill of almost dying in a frozen lake was the first positive feeling he's had after a long ✨misunderstood youth✨ and that stuck with him far more than he probably even realizes. Right after adventure his biggest craving is attention, quite literally stating something of this nature in his memoirs;
“One of my characteristics is wanting to make an impression at any price by awakening admiration, sympathy, fright, or, on the whole, any feelings that include interest. That's probably because of my unappreciated childhood.”
Moominmamma, on the other hand, doesn't bear desires like this. Her past is only very speculative; we know of her parents only by this line in Moominpappa at Sea:
He must try getting in the right mood, like his father-in-law used to do. All her life, his mother-in-law had gone round dropping things everywhere or leaving them behind and forgetting where she had left them. Then his father-in-law would turn on something in his brain. That’s all that was needed. He always found things after that. Then he used to say: ‘Here’s your old junk,’ but in a kind way.
We know her grandma possessed a book of special recipes for ailments and alike, Moominmamma once told them of a technique her mother used when breaking glass (90s: the Eclipse), and she had an obsession with appearance in her youth even after Moominpappa rescued her from the storm. We do have a family photograph of her family in Moominland Midwinter that was taken in 1878 in Helsingfors (the swedish name for Finland's capital, Helsinki) and the family itself seemed wealthy but rather unhappy.
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We don't gets much further information but assuming that the book takes place roughly around the mid-late 1900s during which the series is written, one of the children in the photo could as well be one of her parents. In a Lars comic we also get to meet Moominmamma's great great grandmother via time traveling who was an upper-class woman named Clotilde, and lived with a man named Rufus who bore a monocle (about as rich stereotype as you can get, also both of them were moomins I'm not sure I have to clarify but just in case). All this plus her irrational fear of having maids (Moominmamma's Maid, Tove comic) leads me to believe she was rather well-off if not rich before she was lost in a storm, though she would've been quite sheltered if she didn't know what a theater was.
All this to say, while Moominmamma can get out of her way to do something exciting with her husband, she is tremendously comfortable living domestically and having a routine. I could list off some examples but this answer is already long as it is.
So, uh, tl;dr:
I don't think Moominmamma is a thrill seeker by any means, but she's willing to go along with her husband's thrill seeking. And it's honestly rather interesting to consider. I think her not being one doesn't necessarily make her boring, in fact, it makes her relationship with Moominpappa more interesting and gives more to consider when it comes to how she interacts with the world. Having such an intense and stubborn creature be with a more calm and flexible one can be really entertaining, but both of them have their own things going on, it's just that Moominpappa naturally pushes his issues onto others whether or not they ask for it and Moominmamma seems to withhold herself for the sake of others.
P.s. I forgot to mention in an English letter written by Tove as Moominmamma, she implies that Moominmamma dropped out of school once she got bored of it and says Moomins in general do that. So. Make of that what you will. Moominmamma definitely doesn't like boredom that much judging from that, perhaps another reason why she married Moominpappa.
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zhangster-moon · 7 months
ok i just started getting into an internet argument with someone about this so I feel like i Need to put down my thoughts about the whole "man written by a woman" trend/phrase
what happened was someone praised a male celebrity for putting out a fairly good and measured statement on Gaza, ending their comment with "THIS IS A MAN WRITTEN BY A WOMAN Y'ALL". I commented being like "this isn't really the point but I hate that phrase because I feel like it replicates harmful gender essentialism". and then we got into it lol
they tried to explain to me that it's about the female gaze and about how female gaze allows for positive masculinities etc, and I KNOW ALL THAT, but I just feel like I have such a huge problem with the phrasing itself of "men written by women" and "women written by men". I think obviously the latter is a more observed phenomenon but both phrases presume that men write in X way and women write in Y way. the assumption is that women writing men will always (or more often than not) write men to demonstrate those positive masculinities, and vice versa for men writing women (always terrible). but the problem is that there are demonstrable instances of this absolutely not being the case, case in point one of TikTok's favourite female authors Colleen Hoover.
and so if we use these terms as short hand for "man who demonstrates positive masculinity" we are endorsing and replicating these gender essentialist stereotypes of how each gender must be writing their or their opposite genders. that is absolutely essentialist and not helpful to the feminist movement at all, because at the end of the day you are still boiling people down to their genders
furthermore its more problematised by the fact that you're applying these terms to real human beings. I think its fine and fun and all to apply them to characters on screen or in a book, because they're characters, representations, that's all. but humans are humans and saying a real human was "written by a woman" is firstly, dehumanising. secondly implicitly by using this term you are relegating the praise for this man to some hypothetical woman that dreamed him up (more gender essentialism). calling them that you are reducing them down to a representation of them, an image of them that you can project your own thoughts and feelings onto. you can just say "oh this guy is demonstrating positive masculinity" or like "oh this guy is one of the good ones", you don't need to feed into this twee little TikTok trend of "he's a man written by a woman uwu"
dehumanising men is exactly what we should be moving away from if we want to follow through with feminist and trans movements of liberation. the only way to progress is to see people as three dimensional human beings and appreciate that there are things that you might want to venerate about this celebrity and his conduct, but there may very well be things that are not very "written by a woman" at all!
there's more I could say about the difference betwen "women written by men" and "men written by women". you can't at all act like you can use these terms equally and have them hold equal weight, when the latter is not only a phenomenon in the fiction produced by the male-dominated creative industries, but also that we live literally in a patriarchy where women are governed and oppressed by male fantasy and standards. women are expected to be cool or they get kicked out of a drinking group at work that might be the ladder to a promotion. women are expected to put on a smile and layers of makeup or else be deemed unpresentable or unprofessional.
anyway this is a big huge discussion and i have more frustrations about pop feminism but this phrase has really started to grate in recent months. it's boring and tired and offers absolutely nothing new at all and I'm sick of seeing people say "X real human was written by women". nobody is written by anyone we're all living breathing beings with ugly bits and good bits and no matter how three dimensional a character is, it's just a character, let's stop blurring the lines
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sankta-starkova · 9 months
014; resolutions
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summary: the one where ej and andy realise that there may be some romantic feelings between them that hadn't been there before, or had they? the new year test this revelation
wordcount: 1.3k
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Andy opened the door to Ashlyns house, carrying her signature cherry pie with EJ behind her, still chuckling.
"Sorry we're late, I was volunteering at the soup kitchen with the water polo guys," EJ explained, putting the drinks down on the table.
"And I was stuck waiting to be picked up," Andy explained with a smile, hugging Ashlyn.
Ashlyn had always known that there was something brewing between those two and they finally had a chance.
"Pics or it didn't happen," Carlos said with a laugh before he walked out of the room.
"I'm actually taking a break from social media so..." he explained, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well I can promise he was there, someone knocked on my door, begging for a spare shirt since he spilt food all over it after he fell over at said soup kitchen," Andy explained.
Ashlyn laughed, "Wow, new year, new you," she said, about to walk through before she saw EJ still standing in the kitchen.
"You wanna go in?" Andy asked, not understanding why he wasn't moving.
"Sorry, just taking it all in," he said with a sigh, "Not to be like your stereotypical second semester senior but, starting to realise that every day is like the last time I'm doing stuff with you guys,'
It was something that was beginning to hit him, that this time next year he would be at Duke away from all of his friends.
"Oh, EJ, that's actually really sweet," Andy said, placing a hand on his shoulder as she looked up at him.
Somehow, he had gotten a growth spurt during the Christmas break and she seemed to have shrunk. But one thing that hadn't changed were her feeling which actually grew stronger.
"Its weird, you two literally look so young to me now," he said, bothering her.
Andy laughed, hitting him in the arm. He smiled down at her, over Christmas break, he had realised that he did really like her, like like her, and wanted to cherish their time together.
"Yeah, I'm growing a beard," he said when he noticed Ashlyn staring at him weird.
"Oh, I thought that was dirt on your face," she said and her and Andy laughed at it.
"I might grow it out, depends what musical we're doing. Jean Valjean isn't Jean Valjean without the facial hair," he explained, running a hand over his face.
"Well I must admit, you'll be raking in some ladies if you keep it like that," Andy said before her and Ashlyn walked into the party.
He wanted to tell her that she was the only girl he really wanted but he couldn't do that to her, not when he was leaving school soon.
"Wait, have you seriously not heard what musical we're doing?" Gina asked, Andy turning to look at them.
"No, was it announced?" He asked, a panicked look on his face.
"Nobody say anything!" Carlos yelled out from the back. Andy knew it had to be HSM 2 though.
They all sat in the lounge, EJ and Andy on the sofa and the latter leaning against him as they took in the festivities.
Anyone who didn't know them would probably think think were a couple, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
Suddenly, Ricky and Nini walked in, the former singing Bet On It at the top of his lungs as he danced through the lounge.
"Okay, does anybody not know we're doing High School Musical Two?" Carlos asked, everyone shaking their heads.
"We are?" EJ questioned, cheering as he finally realised the show that they were doing.
Later that night, they had all written a resolution and put it in a hat as part of a game.
Kourtney started to pick some out, "Resolution One, anyones guess. I resolve to remember everybody fondly when I go to Duke, especially my best friend who I am taking with me in a suitcase," she read out.
Andy chuckled, looking up at EJ. She knew it was him, she knew that Duke was his dream and he was going to miss everyone.
"EJ! You got into Duke? And would rather take Andy than me?" Ashlyn asked in shock.
"I mean, have I technically gotten 'into' Duke? Did my father and out grandfather before him also go to Duke?" He rhetorically asked.
"Okay, resolution number two," Kourtney read out, "This doesn't say anything except the words, my cows,"
Seb looked at everyone confused, "You guys, I thought we were writing down what we were thankful for," he said.
Kourtney picked another one out, "I resolve to follow my dreams however far away they take me," she said with a solemn face.
Everyone assumed it was Gina because of her mum always moving around but she shook her head, denying it.
"Its me, actually," Nini said, Ricky looking up at her confused, "Back to the game Kourt,"
Kourtney pulled another one out as the awkwardness filled the room, "All I want is for out generation to save the planet, I would also like absolute clarity about my love life," she read out.
Everyone talked about what it would be but Ashlyn didn't confirm that it was her.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and Big Red walked in with pizzas which EJ took, placing them on the table.
They all stood in the middle of the room, Andy sitting at the piano as she played 'fabulous', EJ leaning against the piano and admiring her.
Seb started to sing along and Andy changed the song, Gina, Ashlyn and Andy starting to sing 'music in me'.
Ricky started to play the guitar, Andy stopping playing the piano as the couple took over the song.
EJ ignored them, staring at Andy as she smiled with Ashlyn who was now sitting next to her.
It was undeniable that he was completely enamoured with her, unable to take his eyes off of her.
As they stopped singing, they all got up as it was announced that it was only ten seconds to midnight.
EJ grabbed Andy, pulling her up as they all cheered. As they stood in the corner of the room it seemed almost like they were going to kiss.
"I have an announcement!" Miss Jenn yelled out, running their moment.
They would have kissed, and Andy would have been over the moon. EJ wanted to try to kiss her again, but the moment has passed and he didn't want to push her.
So they all turned to look at Miss Jenn who stood in the doorway, approaching them.
"Contrary to rumour, we are not doing High School Musxial Two, instead, we are doing an American classic. Beauty and the Beast," she explained.
Andy and EJ smiled at each other, trying to get past the awkwardness of the fact that they nearly just kissed.
That would have been Andys first kiss, if you ignore the fact that her and Big Red kissed when they were like twelve accidentally – don't ask how that's possible.
"We are entering the Alan Menken award for High School Musical Theater, and we are going to win," she explained, everyone cheering.
"That means beating North High Miss Jenn, they have a thousand gallon Little Mermaid aquarium," Carlos explained.
"So, who is ready to show the world that they deserve that scholarship to NYU?" She asked, "I mean, who is ready to go from amateurs to statewide award winners?"
At that, everyone cheered, agreeing with her. "What team?" Ricky yelled out.
"Wildcats!" Everyone yelled back, cheering on the fact that they were going to be doing this.
"Ricky, I'm moving to Denver," Nini suddenly blurted out after everyone suggested she would make the best Belle.
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You made me Like Kou as a addict. I have the song pink cocaine by scene queen in my playlist of Kou now
anon you've made my DAY. in the past i made a long post about this here explaining why i headcanon kou as a drug addict, evidence from the series itself, along with links to my fics where kou is an addict so i'm not going to repeat all that here. in this post however, i did say i could talk more about the specific drugs kou would do so thank you for giving me the perfect opportunity to do that! i could do this for all my favs btw. it's a talent and a curse.
putting it under the cut because it'll be long, and tw for discussions of drug use, comedown, addiction etc. you'll see i know a lot about this.
well the first drug i put kou on has always been cocaine. it's the stereotypical famous, rich person, celebrity party drug. in my laito addict fic, it was kou who first gave laito cocaine. i strongly believe kou could get through 2 bags of coke in a night if he wanted to. personally i've never done coke but i know it makes someone very euphoric and confident and i do feel like kou would absolutely love the feeling of that, especially in a party situation where he's potentially feeling uncomfortable/imposter syndrome.
however, cocaine is quite psychologically addictive. i explained before why i think he'd get addicted and in general, i like to headcanon kou as using uppers. so i'll talk about uppers first. to clarify: "uppers" are drugs which make someone feel very upbeat, energetic etc, whereas "downers" are drugs which make one feel relaxed, calm etc. alcohol is an example of both.
alcoholic kou? yeah, count me the fuck in too! drinking is a great socially acceptable drug to abuse! he could potentially hide drinking from his brothers a bit better until he loses control and doesn't realise how drunk he's getting on a daily basis. drinking is relatively easy to get into a routine of abuse with and again, partying leads to hangovers and that leads to day drinking!
now i've talked a lot about kou using cocaine and drinking in the past, so let's talk about some other drugs! i've written drugs in fanfics for over 5 years now and, well, i have a lil experience myself, ehehe. i am also in my third year of a degree in pharmacology. so, drugs really are my speciality knowledge.
the other main party drug that comes to mind when i think of clubbing and uppers is, of course, ecstasy, aka MDMA. ecstasy itself is a tablet you swallow but you can also get powder MDMA to snort. snorting MDMA tends to make the high come on faster, more intensely, but shorter lasting. in my prison fanfic, kou was an MDMA abuser before going to prison.
MDMA as a drug isn't physically addictive and it has less addictive potential than cocaine but that doesn't mean it's impossible. one of the things that might make kou attracted to MDMA is the fact it makes you feel very connected and affectionate to other people. MDMA is one of the drugs i have done a handful of times, it's my go-to club drug, i much prefer it to alcohol. i often find myself telling people how much i love them etc. it's kinda funny to imagine kou going home, pupils so wide you could land a plane on them, and telling all his brothers how much he loves them.
while 100% MDMA has a slight afterglow and the only negative effect the following day is jaw grinding and tiredness, most MDMA tends to be cut with other substances which can make the comedown unpleasant, and i guess that's where abuse potential comes in. that or kou would use other drugs to avert the comedown. but recreationally, i think kou would like MDMA.
hm, other uppers, i guess we're thinking of amphetamines next - speed, meth, mainly. meth tends to increase alertness, again causes euphoria. i've never used amphetamines of any kind but i know they have a higher addictive potential albeit not physically. it's a bit like coke but lasts longer supposedly. i'm ngl meth is one of the drugs i don't know AS much about. but like cocaine, if kou is chasing that high and feel-good feeling he's been missing his whole life, he's very at-risk once he discovers the meth high.
the other "upper" is nicotine mainly, but nicotine addict kou is a completely different story altogether. i talk about it more here.
so, downers. the first downer i’ll talk about is weed because it’s quick i guess. to be honest i can’t imagine kou using downers as much as uppers because of how he’s probably seeking a more euphoric high - i just think of him as a kid saying how he’s going to fly high in the sky. i have a headcanon where kou, yuma and azusa all smoke weed together, so, yeah. 
next downer to come to mind is ketamine - i guess ketamine is more of a dissociative than a downer. i’ve found a lot of people don’t know what ketamine is; no, it’s not “horse tranquilizer” - it’s used in humans as an anaesthetic more than in veterinary practice, and it’s currently being trialled as a rapid-acting antidepressant! 
that said, when ketamine is used recreationally (and it’s very common over here in the UK) it causes feelings of dissociation. i’ve done ket, i think it’s a bit overrated, it’s just a short-lived out-of-body experience. maybe kou would use it if he’s having sleep issues or is feeling really depressed. some people mix cocaine and ketamine (called “Calvin Klein” or CK) so maybe he’d try that. 
aaaand now we come to opiates or, most probably, heroin. i wrote kou as a heroin addict in my prison fic and i’d say it’s the only downer i can see him using. opiates are just... chill. you feel warm, relaxed, calm. the world is beautiful, it sounds strange but i can imagine kou describing heroin as his blue sky if he got REALLY balls deep in addiction. he used it as stress relief, to feel normal or like himself. just to feel “happy” and escape from any bad feelings. 
problem is, heroin is really addictive and i think he’d fall fast. i think his brothers would notice too, to be honest. he’d be hard to stage an intervention with too, because he’s stubborn. heroin is hard to stop and hard to want to recover from. i can imagine it becoming a major source of conflict in the mukami household if it were to happen. and because of the physical withdrawal, kou isn’t going to want to stop even when it stops being a high and starts just feeling like “normal” 
last category of drugs is psychedelics. psychedelics aren’t really abusable drugs because of how your brain reaches a threshold with their effects and they’re not really party drugs either. i can’t picture kou using them regularly or liking them much. 
to be honest, i would picture kou as having maybe one drug he's using regularly and then using other drugs on top. mixing drugs without thinking, large scale drug abuse i guess. he's got a lot of trauma and he's been wanting to feel good in himself since he was a kid. a very large proportion of drug users do not become addicted but kou? kou's walking a tightrope when it comes to this stuff.
thank you for reading this really stupidly long post. i can and will happily answer any questions about the DL characters and drugs - or drugs in general, if you have any questions about that! doesn't have to be DL related, i'm happy to educate! :)
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advicesuggestions · 1 year
Hi!! You can ignore this if you want, it's OK.:) I was just looking for blogs on tumblr that help / advise LGBT people. (don't you know any please?) and I noticed your profile. Can i tell you something? I am desperate :(i'm a girl. I thought I was straight. I've always liked boys. But .. sometimes I ... like actresses. I've always said myself that this doesn't mean I'm bi, that's normal. I just think they're pretty. But .. it has happened to me a few times that .. well, for example, I have one classmate (she is 100% straight) and .. I don't know if I like her, probably yes? I could imagine kissing her, maybe others things, but sex itself probably not? I'm confused. I also tried to do orientation tests and it turned out that I was straight. But it is written somewhere that when somebody takes tests for orientation, he/she is probably not straight. I know I should know this by myself, whether I'm straight or not, .. I'm really confused. please would you help me ?? thank you very much. have a nice day and i hope i don't bother you!
desperate anon :(
Well first and foremost, My apologies for not answering this question when you asked. I didn't forget this, I never had tbh, I just didn't know how to tackle it since I wasn't fully sure of my own sexuality and gender identity at the time. I didn't feel fully qualified to answer this question, But I think I have an answer:
It's a struggle to realize a lot of things all at once. Experiencing and thinking things that tie along with the queer community is a lot to handle, especially if this is the first instance of questioning. Being lgbt or coming to the conclusion of being apart of the lgbt community isn't easy nor going to be easy for you. But, the first battle you'll have to face is questioning your sexuality, what thoughts and feelings are considered to be lgbt? do you actually find the same sex attractive? do you find both attractive? maybe the feelings you feel are platonic and maybe you've never actually felt romantic attraction?
On the rumor of "if you take gay quizzes, you probably are gay", A lot of folks in the lgbt community started off their journey by taking the "am I gay?" quizzes, I certainly did and now i'm a comfortable oriented-aromantic trans-dude. Usually the first step of knowing whether or not you're lgbt is if you take quizzes that simulate common stereotypical lgbt experiences. However, this doesn't mean anyone who takes those quizzes are automatically lgbt. It's all up to you to decide. Being informed of the diversity in the community is wonderful and I absolutely encourage you to delve deeper to (hopefully) find a label you feel comfy with. However, experience is key. You may like something in theory, it doesn't necessarily mean you will enjoy it in practice. Don't be afraid to experiment with your identity if you're willing to make that leap.
Side note: You can find someone attractive but not be attracted to the gender in particular, it's called conventional attraction. There's also a term that I suggest you look up: compulsory heterosexuality. This is a common experience with lesbians and the WLW community.
Another Side note: Romantic and Sexual attraction can go hand and hand but are not necessarily the same thing. You can romantically attracted to someone but not be sexually attracted to them. If you notice a lack of sexual attraction for the same sex but not for the opposite sex chances, you could be bisexual with a preference for women. If you notice a similar experience but vice versa, you could be a lesbian. If you notice a lack of sexual attraction for anyone regardless of identity, you could be asexual!
Again, this is YOUR experience, YOUR identity, only YOU are allowed to make the calls but never get scared to experiment. In my eyes, that's what the lgbt experience is. Just know that no matter what happens, who you end up loving/dating, you are incredibly welcome and valid in the community. I wish you luck on this journey!!
[Don't feel bad for asking this question. You aren't a bother at all. I hope that this very delayed answer will still provide some use and comfort in this path of yours. If you do ever desire to ask for more advice, feel free to send another ask or even a DM. Good Luck :] ]
-Mod K
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luanna801 · 2 years
The thing you guys need to understand about me is that I am, unapologetically, a nerd who likes my historical media to be historically accurate and my book adaptations loyal to the source material. That doesn't mean I expect 100% accuracy (which isn't even possible), and of course I acknowledge that in adapting books, there may sometimes be opportunities to genuinely improve on the source material, or to correct for the offensive stereotypes which can particularly be a problem in older literature. And obviously, I fully embrace that when it actually is a change for the better.
But in general the more loyalty I see to the source(s), the happier I am. To me, there's nothing more awesome than watching a movie and hearing dialogue that's word-for-word from the book it's based on (assuming it was good dialogue to begin with, of course, but I'm talking about a well-written book here), or seeing a historical moment precisely reproduced onscreen, whether that's taking dialogue from the documented sources or recreating the actual clothes people wore.
I get that this isn't everyone's approach. But I also don't feel a particular need to apologize for it being mine. And it does get pretty annoying when people act like you jUsT dOn'T uNdErStAnD mOvIeMaKiNg if you expect accuracy. Sure, maybe you think you could tell a ""better"" story by tossing the source material out the window. On the other hand, I'd note that there are plenty of faithful book adaptations which are extremely well-regarded, not just as adaptations by pedantic book nerds, but as movies or TV on their own merits, from Pride & Prejudice (1995) to Rosemary's Baby (1968) to The Princess Bride (1987) to Room (2015) to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) to the more recent Good Omens (2019). It is very, very possible to make an adaptation that's both accurate and good on its own terms, actually. I pinkie-promise.
Similarly you just have to look at the success of a miniseries like Elizabeth R (1971) or Eleanor and Franklin (1976), both of which are noted for being extremely historically accurate, or a movie like Wilde (1997), to see that good storytelling or mainstream success don't have to be at odds with historical accuracy. When someone actually lived an incredibly interesting life (and why make a movie or show about them, if they didn't?), there's no need to embellish things much, beyond filling in some gaps.
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stardustpinkart · 2 years
Not here to hate, just here as someone who genuinely wants to show "this is more harmful than you might realize." Please, just hear me out.
You can't separate Harry Potter from the views of the creator. She portrayed ending slavery as something to ridicule people for. Her goblins are awful caricatures of Jewish people. A lot of elements are based off racist, transphobic, and homophobic stereotypes. She excused child abuse in the books. She claims that autistic people can't communicate that they're trans, and that therefore trans people are ableist and we need to protect poor little autistic people from them (which is very very ableist.)
Supporting her and her media funds her, and she funds transphobic policies in the UK.
If you can ignore ALL of that and still enjoy Harry Potter, then in the most respectful way I can say this, you cannot call yourself an ally to trans folks, gay folks, people of color, or autistic and disabled people.
That last bit isn't necessarily directed at you, by the way, because again I understand if it just doesn't set in how damaging it is. I only wanted to make sure you at least had a chance to understand, and if you really don't want to, then that's not exactly my business anymore.
Just something you might want to consider, yeah?
I'm not sure about excusing child abuse, as, this is a a common theme in children's books? Kids often on crappy homes and then escaping to something better in the end? "James and the Giant peach", "The Willoughbys" "A Little Princess" "Huck Finn". Even kids books written now often use this trope. I'm not sure Harry Potter is really that different? Though if she really Is deliberately glamorizing abuse, shame on her to stay the least. Other elements have not aged well certainly and seem a product of the time(doesn't make em okay but). Some of it seems to be people acting suddenly “Woke” and having an issue with parts of the story they dident have before? Yes some of it is no doubt bad but others people I think seeing what they want to, mostly the child abuse part(as said this is an old trope often used in books, it does not mean its being automatically shown as okay?)
I do think some stuff is taken out of context cuz it's been revealed she's so horrible, rather than hidden in plain sight? In the old days for example people would compare innocent images and comics vooks to sexual analogy? (A girraffe in a cage was supposedly a symbol for sexual intercourse for example). On the other hand maybe it is, maybe she was comparing all this stuff to her own views in a sneaky round about way. Alot of stuff is not doubt a geniune reason to be angry(she openly admits herself to being anti trans),
It is unfortunate about everything else but a lot of authors, actors, etc I like from old times had similar "problems" . I suppose people are just more vocal about it these days, which is stupid of them. I was not aware about the autism thing I admit which makes me sad to hear as I have that myself in the form of Aspergers. I don't need someone making my decisions for me or "protecting" my feeble little mind. I do consider myself an ally to people who are different as I don't see a reason to hate them, and knowing what it's like to live as one aspect myself, but, I can't change your option of me either, in the most respectful way back.
From what I understand there are people in all those area, including trans, who are still fans of the series, but hate the author rightfully for her hated views?
Love the thing, or make it better, but hate the creator. I think the best way to separate is people often writing better story's than the original, taking out or adressing those more harmful parts, personally. I wish, like somehow people could use HP, like charity zones and stuff, and earn money towards supporting the very organizations she's donating against?(She oughtent be allowed to do that, I cannot condone ANYONE donating to hate groups.)That'd be a nice way to stick it to her. Heh if HP were pd they could do that easily, put the characters on rainbow flags, pride buttons. Some people do that now with there artwork or create characters that are transom disabled, etc.
In fact some people have even sold old merchandise to pay towards trans surgery, binders, etc. That seems a good way to stick a middle finger to the bitch.
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libraford · 2 years
I read lots of things about Danny Phantom being read as a trans kid. How does that translation feel for you?
So, part of why we were rewatching it was to look more into that interpretation, and also see how we feel about the series as adults, and knowing more of what we know about transness, mental illness, queercoding, and Butch Hartman himself.
Also we got paramount+ for free and said... why not.
Unfortunately, we apparently can't get past episode 5 without it freezing. Good job paramount.
So, I'm all for Trans Danny. I can see where people would interpret the character this way. I am of the opinion that a well-written ensemble cast should hold up a mirror to the viewer in some way and if you cannot find that mirror- make one. So your Trans Danny headcanons are beautiful and I love them.
The story itself resonates well with queer narratives. Being a different person at work or school than you are at home, going by a different name, of transformation, of being an outcast, the consequences of being discovered, of wanting to fit in even though it seems impossible. These are pretty on par with growing up queer and in the closet, which in the early 00s was very much a big deal.
Like... I straddled the line between in and out of the closet even well into college. When our school did National Day of Silence, half my friends participated and half of them protested. So the idea of keeping a secret (even if everyone seemed to know) feels very close to home for a little closeted trans lesbian from the 00s.
So yes yes yes, Danny is Trans. In my head, he fits the narrative perfectly.
Now... hmm..
So... I'm going to be a downer. I'm watching it as an adult, as an adult who is kind of critical of media and as someone who has read a few things about Butch Hartman himself... it's a less flattering picture.
One of the reasons why I think people find Trans narratives so easily in his body of work is because he's sexist in a way that circles back around to being Trans positive from the backend. He often uses gender as punchline, which is something that us queers have in common with our oppressors. The difference is that, at least in my case, it's either punching up or (as a bad habit) self-depreciating.
So when Danny or Timmy or Cosmo does something feminine, it's a joke. Oh, look at this child exhibiting traits uncommon for their gender. Isn't that funny, audience comprised of 7-14 year olds? And even when they learn their lessons about gender equality (over and over and over again, using very outdated stereotypes even for 00s) there's always some quip at the end that returns them to the status quo and makes the lesson pointless. What? A boy turning into a girl and learning a valuable lesson about what it's like to be on the other side? That would never happen in real life. Better make a wisecrack about just in case they thought I was serious.
He follows the formula very well.
It is much more likely, given Hartman's background, that he writes things this way because he's following a handful of tropes that are outdated and sexist. If I understand the lore correctly, he deleted comments of fans with Trans headcanons (but not others) and that was why the Fandom took off the way it did.
Remember when I said that the viewer should be able to see themselves in a protagonist or at least a member of the ensemble cast? Well, if I speculate anything, it's that Danny Fenton is Butch Hartman's author insert and that why he reacted poorly when he found out about Trans Danny headcanons.
He's kind of a jerk.
And this is why I support any and all Trans Danny headcanons. Not just because there is evidence, but because it makes Elmer 'Butch' Hartman big mad. And if that's the hill he wants to die on, I will buy that hill and plant flowers on it.
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my-darling-boy · 3 years
Genuinely asking, isn't self-diagnose with a condition kind of dangerous? Because legitimizing self-diagnosing opens a door to many malicious people who would want to exploit the fact they can self-diagnose? And in turn, make the space of autistic people worse?
Was going to skip this, but I’m writing a LONG response because I’m VERY exhausted with the amount of misinformation I see on this “self dx is dangerous” take, so buckle up and allow me to info dump.
Recently, authentic_autism_advocacy, an Instagram account run by a supposed medically diagnosed autistic woman was discovered to be a non-autistic woman, Connie Manning, posing as a medically diagnosed autistic person to spread hate and anti-self diagnosing speech. In reality, she is a neurotypical mother who regularly uses her autistic son for clout; she also turned out to have a hand behind CalmWear, a brand of sensory compression products designed for disabled people. Not only had she been spewing hatred towards other autistic people, she had been accusing well known AFAB autistic tiktokers like beckspectrum of faking being autistic and threatening self diagnosed autistics and saying they are a danger to the community, and engaging in other incredibly discriminating behaviour. Yes, she herself was a neurotypical person posing as a medically diagnosed autistic to perpetuate hateful rhetoric about self diagnosed people and used her voice to speak OVER autistic folk for financial gain and exploitation of autistic people, including her own son. If you want to read this roller coaster of a story, an autistic person wrote an entire article on it with tons of screenshots and sources.
So let me make one thing clear to you.
The purpose of actually, genuinely self diagnosing is not done to attract attention or to parade around and exploit other autistic people. Self diagnosed autistic individuals have recognised due to difficult life circumstances, financial hardship, bigotry and stigma within the medical/legal world, being a minor, lack of insurance, lack of proper access to safe care facilities, being denied assessment due to incompetent or biased practitioners, and/or any other obstacle that they may temporarily or permanently be barred from diagnosis. Self diagnosis does NOT instantly mean a person is posing for clout, nor does it indicate a person is trying to wring money from assistance services or exploit other autistics. And nts who use self diagnose with intentions of harming the community? That’s NOT self diagnosis, that’s abuse of something meant to aid people blocked from medical care or financial means to that care. All we can do for autistic people, no matter who we perceive them to be, is treat them the same way we would any other autistic person. Because the moment you start deciding by your own book who deserves respect and who doesn’t, you’ll be on a slippery slope to locking out thousands of autistic people from the community. If it’s discovered a person like Connie is literally abusing the system of self dx to intentionally mislead the community, by all means, we must hold them accountable. But you cannot simply go about granting and revoking access from people just because someone lacks a diagnosis or doesn’t fit your idea of what being autistic looks like, especially if it’s based on stereotypes.
Moral of the story? Isn’t it ironic how anti-self dx people will 100% believe a user who claims to be medically diagnosed but shows no “written proof” of it, yet always demand written proof from a self dx person? It’s almost like even anti-self dx people can’t tell the difference between someone who is medically diagnosed autistic and someone who isn’t. Well, that’s because they can’t. While there might be common traits, autism has no set model, it is a spectrum, no autistic person is alike; Policing self diagnosed people about their self diagnosis isn’t a form of protecting the community. It’s a form of gatekeeping. If you find yourself granting instant acceptance, without asking for proof, to a person insisting they are medically diagnosed like this neurotyical mother, but then prohibit self dx people from entry entirely on the grounds of not showing proof of medical assessment, you are upholding a double standard. This is why policing autistic people’s diagnosis, self or not, is inherently useless.
So here’s the thing... instead of asking people to stop self diagnosing, what you should instead be asking yourself is, “Why do people self diagnose? What kind of medical system could possibly be in place where people feel they need to resort to self diagnosis rather than get an actual diagnosis?”
Well, it’s mainly common knowledge among most of the autistic community that diagnosis is NOT easy to come by.
One of the main reasons why people cannot get a diagnosis is due to financial/insurance reasons. It’s reasonable to estimate that by the end of 2020 almost 30 million Americans alone were without health insurance. I’ve heard costs out of pocket for an autism diagnosis are between $500-$6000. If a person or a family cannot afford health insurance—which by the way on average is around $5,400 a year for a single person and $13,800 for a family here—where are they supposed to pull out $6,000 to get screened?
You might be asking, “Well aren’t insurances supposed to cover disability?” Sure, there are options for disability care through health insurance—not even going to get into that—but like a lot of things in the US, this is a severely flawed system. A lot of private health insurance will stop or limit coverage for an autism diagnosis or assistance services once a person reaches 18 to 21 years old. In most states, coverage has a higher chance of being denied to autistic adults coming with the added age cap or ONLY covering ABA, an abusive, manipulative “therapy” used to force social compliance and trait suppression on autistic people. The fact that ABA, a conversion therapy, is covered, but little else, shows exactly what insurance companies think of autistic people: they’ll only cover us if we want to learn to be “normal”. This can leave many undiagnosed autistic adults who cannot afford analysis, insurance, or safe assistance services with nowhere to turn. If I was not on my parents’ insurance, there is NO WAY I would EVER be able to afford a diagnosis. I don’t have $2,000 lying around. The MONEY ALONE would prohibit me from getting a diagnosis, no matter how many autistic traits I presented.
When I was going through this system years ago to start a diagnosis, I was shocked to find no therapist within three hours of me was accepting adult patients. “Up to 18 only” their websites would say. And in the event I had found one (1) that accepted me as a then 20 year old with X insurance, and that person refused me diagnosis, I would be out of options unless I planned a 5 hour drive which may have also led me to another biased screener. A person seeking self financed assessment can waste thousands of dollars therapist hopping.
People will say, “Well I live in X place, and where I come from, it’s covered!” Well the reality is that everyone in the world does not live where you live. It’s not realistic to assume everyone is in the same position as you or your family to afford care or access the same resources as you. When you say, “Just go out and get a diagnosis! It’s not that hard!”, understand you are speaking from your personal vantage point where screening may be easily accessed or easily covered/is free OR you have no personal knowledge of what that process is like yourself.
The second thing that bars a ton of people from being diagnosed is the fact that when autism was first discovered, its research was HEAVILY centered on white, cis, heterosexual men. The idea that autistic people are ONLY cis, white, heterosexual men carries on to this day. If you are an outlier to this stereotype, your chances of being misdiagnosed with something else or refused diagnosis skyrocket because so-called “professionals” don’t know how to observe traits in any other person besides a cis, white, heterosexual man, and refuse/fail to recognise the endless ways in which a person can be autistic. ALL the time I hear how AFAB people will go in to get screened only to find out their screener does not believe AFAB people can be autistic, because yes, sexism and anti-lgbtq+ ideas play a huge role in the incredibly outdated diagnostic process, because autism is still believed to be an “AMAB only” thing. People report going into a therapists office and being asked questions like, “Do you like going outside? Do you like having friends?” and being told that if you agree with either of these, you cannot be autistic because criteria at some places is so backwards, you can’t even say you enjoy conversation without failing the test. Other things commonly heard during the analysis are screeners telling someone they are too smart/articulate to be autistic, gas lighting them by saying they are mistaking their symptoms for something else/making them up, telling a person they seem normal, dismissing clear autistic traits by saying they’re unique “superpowers”, or intentionally misdiagnosing a person as ADHD INSTEAD of autistic. People on social media have also pointed out what influences racism has on the diagnostic process as well and how lack of research and understanding of autistic POC contributes to under-diagnosis and stigma has only contributed to refusal of care and under-representation of POC in the disabled community, as one autistic Black woman points out on Instagram, “I found excellent articles that support and validate my feelings and experiences, but I could find no research on autistic Black people.” Additionally, because research has primarily been done on young men, this means anyone who is not a cis man and is over the age of 18 and is seeking a diagnosis has a much higher chance of not receiving one because screeners don’t understand how autistic traits may present differently in adults, especially since adults are very likely to mask. Some autism screeners are so against autism they have told clients they would only diagnosis a person autistic if it was their last resort to avoid “placing a burden on their shoulders”. These reasons are largely responsible for why autism is incredibly mis/under-diagnosed. This ask would be the length of a novel if I included every single type of discrimination and mistreatment during the evaluation process alone, but understand it can be incredibly biased, sexist, transphobic, racist, or just flat out ableist. And guess what? Though this process can take as little as a month to get sorted, that is rare. The assessment SHOULD be very short. But a lot of autistic people have reported their diagnosis took more than 2-4 years because of having to waste time, energy, and money hopping from therapist to therapist looking for someone to take them seriously, as many autistic people compiled on the actuallyautistictiktoks page on Instagram point out.
The last thing I want to touch on is this idea that people have that self diagnosing is dangerous. “What if someone self diagnoses and they take advantage of services that are meant for autistic people?” ...The Big Things you think I am going to take advantage of as a self diagnosed autistic person, like scholarship money for instance or SSDI, I do not have legal access to without a formal diagnosis. I cannot waltz into a law firm and ask for a $5,000 scholarship for autistic people without a diagnosis, because they WILL NOT give it to me!
Let me tell you some of things I’ve “cruelly taken advantage of” as a self diagnosed autistic person. I bought glasses with blue light protection, because screen and fluorescent lighting at work and even natural blue toned light from the sky lowers my threshold for some sensory input like noise and social interaction; wearing them to work everyday has improved my sensory thresholds incredibly. I’ve talked to my manager and told him I’m autistic and that I have a hard time understanding vague direction and may need to step away briefly on occasion to tend to a shutdown before a meltdown comes on at work; he had no problem with this. I use subtitles; sometimes I have trouble processing audio or reading facial expressions and tone, and being able to see the words displayed on the screen gives me a significantly better understanding of what I watch. All my life, I have been having meltdowns which I had mistaken for mental breakdowns or panic attacks and having access to resources that walked me through preventative methods and tips on what to do if I have one has been ENORMOUSLY helpful to me. All my life, I was trying to deal with them thinking they were something else; becoming aware of this and accepting that they are in fact autistic meltdowns has helped me not only go through them, but has helped me redirect stims which at their worst previously had me hitting and clawing my arms, slapping my face, and even hitting my head. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wait 4 years for a diagnosis to use resources I could be using to make my life more accessible right now!
People will say, “Oh well yeah, I don’t mean You are one of Those Types of self diagnosed autistic people, you clearly sound/look autistic, I’m talking about other people.” The thing is, there is no broad “sounding/looking autistic”, that’s stereotyping, and you can’t demand everyone who interacts with you show you their Autistic Card, because again, not everyone is able to be diagnosed, especially given the mistreatment and stigma present towards autistic people in the medical field! And what made you ask for their diagnosis? Because they “don’t seem autistic” to you? Why didn’t you ask for their diagnosis? Because they “seemed autistic” to you? By denying anyone who doesn’t have a diagnosis resources they may very well need, you are denying assistance to thousands of people who are without means to be diagnosed. And I am SO tired of seeing comments online on self diagnosis posts that “people don’t know what they’re taking about” as if they know us personally, like are you me? Are you my doctor I’ve consulted? Did you watch me academically research and consult with other autistic people about being autistic for over 3 years? I’m tired of “well, one time a self diagnosed person laughed at my actually autistic diagnosed friend...so all self dx people are evil” because there is ZERO correlation between a person being self assessed and their behavior towards a non self assessed person. The fact both those arguments are in use whenever self dx comes up is yet another form of gatekeeping.
Self diagnosing autism is not begging for attention or Evil Criminal Money Funneling Schemes. It is a result of a deeply flawed medical and insurance system that has failed to give proper attention and care to those who need it, it is a result of resources not made available, of safe support systems not there for kids and adults alike. You want to talk about what’s truly dangerous? How the hate group Autism Speaks has been parading itself around since 2005 as an advocacy group for autistic people and has been misusing millions of dollars worth of donation money and promoting stigma and hatred around autistic people; no autistic members are present on their board. How Sia and her new film Music was nominated for 2 Golden Globes despite it replacing the original autistic actor with a neurotypical actor, using offensive stereotypes, and using the main autistic character as a prop, and featured an extremely dangerous bodily restraint scene on an autistic person having a meltdown in public and featured very insensitive content due to Sia’s lack of consulting with autistic people to make the film (spoilers in that article).
Instead of policing autistic people, whether they fit your idea of what an autistic person is or not, redirect your efforts and your energy to dismantling systems and holding others accountable for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about autistic people that are legitimately dangerous on such a scale that they have created insurmountable damage to the autistic community. But I guarantee you, worrying over whether your classmate is “faking it” will not do any justice to the decades worth of discrimination autistic people face still today.
I understand. You care about the community, you don’t want autistic people to be exploited or taken advantage of. I don’t want to be exploited and taken advantage of as an autistic person, and I don’t want that for others! But I also understand that when we self proclaim ourselves as judges of random autistic strangers on the internet or start accusing people of faking or demanding to see medical paperwork from people when the basis of our suspicions is “this person doesn’t look like my stereotyped view on how I think an autistic person should act”, THAT is when you really run into trouble. Because if you are allowed to deny self dx people entrance into the autistic community, what’s stopping you from thinking you have the power to deny ANYONE entrance into that community?
And there is power in self diagnosis for many autistic people. When the evaluation system is literally rigged to set you up for failure and put you through unnecessary hardship, self dx is a self affirming, empowering tool to take back control from a process designed to gaslight and crush you. The evaluation process was NOT formulated by an autistic person, nor was it made to be inclusive of all autistic people. Until the evaluation system in place for autistic people is safe, accessible, and free to ALL, you have EVERY right to self diagnose.
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infinityactual · 2 years
Was gonna write a bigass rant abt fandom racism, but instead I'll just make these points:
- Once more, all Black and POC want is to have their favorite candies added to the dish, not for their candies to be the ONLY ones served. They want more variety, and for them that means adding more Black and POC characters - mostly MAIN characters - who are well written and don't play into harmful stereotypes. It's the same thing women want.
- This does not mean deciding to suddenly overhaul all of your OCs to make them Black or POC. Forced diversity is just as bad as racism because it tends to lean on harmful stereotypes and generate characters who don't 'fit'. Take your time, let things digest. Change your OCs up when and how it makes sense.
- Raised white as hell? White or white-passing*? Have I got some advice for you! A few years ago I started to reblog fashion and art by Black, Indigenous and POC creators, whether I thought it was neat or ugly. I kept my mouth shut in the tags and on the post. You know what? My tastes changed! I started seeing beauty where I hadn't looked before. Both in people and art!
*white-passing means someone who looks like a 100% bland Joe Q Public White Person, but who may actually have Black or POC family or ancestry that just isn't present in their features. Genetics are wild.
- Just Fucking Listen. If someone and especially several someones tell you that your OC embodies harmful stereotypes? Find out which ones and either revise their character, or maybe change their race to a difference POC or even back to white. And don't go all SJW and start ripping into content that YOU think has racist characters or tropes or whatever. Get off the Loudspeaker and instead hand it to marginalized groups! Help them be heard and stand in solidarity, don't speak FOR or OVER them. Reblog their opinions! Reblog their OCs and their fanfiction! Lift them up so they can be seen and heard!!
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yurissweettooth · 3 years
On Trauma, Alienation, and Yuri Petrov
After the anon I recieved yesterday got me thinking about Yuri's lack of support system as well as had me coming back to this one scene in the Rising where Kotetsu tells Yuri that he could never understand what Barnaby went through. This will be a bit of a ramble so bear with me!
As he's meant to be a foil for Barnaby I feel like most of the attention goes to Barnaby and his trauma when making a comparison between the two (which is fair, he's a main character after all). Because of this some people don't really see the depth behind Yuri and the realism to his trauma. Some have written him off as part of the "abused people become abusers" stereotype or outright dismissed him as some egotistical man child of a villain. I think it's important to take a look at him and how his multiple traumas, and the alienation he faced thereafter, lead him down the path he's on by focusing on his side of the comparison.
To start with, one notable point is that Barnaby is able to reveal his trauma on live television and have the entire city rally around him. His support system and the people who have his back extends further than just the people he knows. 
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Yuri, on the other hand, can't reliably even talk to his own mother (the only person he's shown to have any type of connection to) about what he's been through as her responses seem unpredictable. We can make the reasonable assumption that he doesn't have any friends because it states in the translated hero schedules that nobody has his phone number.
As a judge he can't admit to murder, as the son of the most highly regarded and beloved hero he can't speak ill of him (he likely wouldn't be believed anyway), and as someone who is seemingly still full of guilt and questioning his own behavior (no doubt aided by the fact that even his mother, who he was trying to save, doesn't always support him) he can't easily admit to the aftermath either. 
Continuing with the focus on his portrayal in the Rising, I'll point out again (as I did in my response yesterday) that there is a particularly interesting scenario where we get to see the aftermath of the effects of trauma relating to loss of a parent in three people at once. One desperate for revenge and one who has technically gotten his revenge yet didn't feel any better because of it.
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"Now wait a moment." You may be saying "Yuri killed his own father so isn't that different than the other two?" and to that I would like to posit that Yuri did have his father taken from him before he ever killed him.
Aside from his hatred of "evil", Yuri also seems to view heroes as immoral, fame driven, and unable to help those in need. I think a lot of this can be tied back to the fact that Yuri lost his father as he knew him the moment the abuse started. 
Child Yuri seemed amazed by his father, right down to the Legend themed outfit. It can be assumed he was a great dad and a great hero at this point. However, that image was shattered when Legend began to drink and abuse his family (as an aside, one of the artbooks confirmed that Yuri was beaten as well). The man he looked up to, the hero, the man who taught him to never let evil go unpunished, was hurting him. It's not difficult to image what that sort of effect dissonance could have on a child.
Legend was staging his arrests and trying desperately to hold on to what he had, putting the anger he felt at losing his position over his duty as a husband and father to be there for his family (I could contrast this with how Kotetsu, in the same situation, uses this time to get closer to his family but that's for another time). He was loved and admired by all with no one any wiser to what happened behind closed doors. 
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I think it's because of this that Yuri seems to live his life in opposition to the hero lifestyle. In a way this could almost be seen as a form of revenge seeking against heroes themselves. He's seen what a "hero" can be like and he can no longer trust them to make the right choices or have a genuine desire to help anyone so he takes it into his own hands and has no qualms about airing his spiteful opinions while doing so.
As a side note, in a way I also believe that his decision to kill those that are evil is, in part, a form of reassurance to himself that he's not wrong for what he did to his own father. We kind of get a hint of that in the scene where he's hallucinating and yells at his father's apparition after having his actions questioned by him.
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To return to the main point, Yuri isn't really given the opportunities the others had to change their ways and heal. There was no one there to stop him from going down the wrong path. Barnaby tells Virgil that he's not out to save Schneider, he's out to save Virgil himself. Barnaby also says how Kotetsu was able to be there for him and that, had it not been for him, he wouldn't even have been standing there today and would have gone down the wrong path himself. 
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I often see people discuss what Yuri might have been like had he never been abused or killed his father but I think a more interesting thing to consider is what he could have been like had he had someone on his side when he really needed it, if he didn't live in a world that would likely turn on him if he spoke against the most well-known celebrity hero (I would imagine that, much like in our real world, if an abuse victim spoke out against a celebrity they'd be shamed and called a liar), if there had been someone there to set him straight before his pain and twisted morals consumed him.
Even as we see him in the show I don't think he's a bad man. He does terrible things, yes, but he does them out of a desire to save people, to help others, to prevent more suffering. It annoys me to see him portrayed as some childish villain just stupidly killing for the sake of it. He's misguided, yes, but there's a method to his madness.
I guess the main point is that, regardless of how Kotetsu meant it, I feel sad thinking about Yuri stating his views on how to heal from the past only to be told that he "Doesn't know the first thing about what [Barnaby's] been through". Yuri does know pain, loss, and betrayal quite well which is how he came to those conclusions in the first place, he just hasn't been in a situation that's allowed him to admit and process that.
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