#I’d travel so far for them tho tbh
bloodlust-kid · 6 months
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excited for some more intimate shows!🩸🧛🏻
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myearts-uwu · 1 year
Hello! This is a really random post but I just want to show you guys how my bedroom’s bookshelf looks like rn!
I’m pretty proud with what I have so far and I just wanna show it to you guys!
Here’s the first row of my bookshelf! Though its more of a manhwa shelf tbh with how much manhwa-related stuff I have.
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I enjoy putting all of my merch up on display so they all just chill in this area!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun remains as my favourite romcom manga so that’s why it’s on the very top row with the rest of my manhwas.
All of my Genshin and Honkai related acrylic standees I bought them at Kinokuniya (they’re so pricey tho 🫠)! I mainly collect characters I love a lot or have been on my team before, except for Orchestra!Beidou cause come on, just look at her. How could I not buy her? Didn’t buy her wifey tho ;-;
Most of my WMMAP merch come from the manhwa’s limited edition sets from volume 4-7! I would love to collect vol1-3 as well but they were sold out and vol 8-9… it just isn’t worth it without all the merch.
I also have a nendoroid of White Blood Cell a bit hidden here. I like him. He’s cute!
There’s even a Loid figurine. Hello Loid!
And the four little standees of the featured manhwa dads from my very first manhwa event; the Isekai Zaddy event! They’re really cute! They’re all travel sized so you can easily take them wherever you want them to go with you.
The cute Athy and Claude standee are from the MOFUN x WMMAP collab btw! I bought them along with an Anastacius acrylic keychain which I love a lot too!
Oh and in case you’re curious with the picture of the WMMAP cast that I have framed: It came with volume 7 and it’s actually the picture that came with the puzzle set. It’s supposed to act as a reference when doing the puzzle but I had other plans.
I also like to decorate my frames a lot (I used to do a lot of journaling back in the day lol)
Now on to the second row!
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There’s not much going on in this row I feel like. Just my full manga collection of The Promised Neverland and some acrylic standees and WMMAP boxes decorating this row.
I don’t plan on using the Lucas pop socket cause I’m not into pop sockets much.
Oh! And I’d like to introduce you to my queen Hatsune Miku! I actually bought her figuring very recently! Along with the Loid figure that’s on the first row and also a Nanami figure that’s displayed somewhere else! Moly’s figurine here is so gorgeous I can’t even describe how pretty it really is-
And finally the third row!
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I’d love to add in some more stuff on this row but for now I’m satisfied cause my DARLINGS ARE HERE <3
I’m so happy to have both Jennette and Anastacius on full display here with fully decorated acrylic frames. I’d love to put the other characters up but I uh… ran out of space.
Also Zhongli and Ganyu standees, my beloveds!
And there’s my little Senbonzakura KAITO nendoroid that I bought way back in 2015. He cute. Forgot where his actual hat is tho sadly.
I do have one more row but uh… it’s too messy.
Here are some close ups of my favourite things on this shelf!
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I’d love to take better pictures… but I know if I did I’d procrastinate a lot more when making this post.
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blondiest · 5 months
001 lawlight & meronia so original i know
ghsdgsgshdhgs you are still the only one to ask it so >:) this is going to get sincerely insanely long so i'm actually just gonna put both under a cut <3
character / ship ask game
when I started shipping it if I did: this is tricky bc i feel it laid dormant in me for a long time (basically since seeing that ai love love fanart of near asleep on mello in probably 2008) and there is evidence in my old AO3 history of me having read fic for them as far back as 2014 (???!!!) but i wouldn't say i sincerely shipped them until my late sept 2022 rewatch of DN which. when the photo exchange scene happened i turned to my brother and said “they're in love.” the rest is history ig 🫣 
my thoughts: MANY!!! ship of all time for me ngl 
What makes me happy about them: i really really enjoy the potential for immense tenderness with one another in the wake of lifelong one-sided resentment & competition. also their mutual obsession and horrific PDA charms me. 
What makes me sad about them: oughggghgghg. canon. & mello's inferiority complex / insane abandonment issues but like at the same time those are fun to write about so.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: to be honest i haven't really been reading meronia fic much over the last year except in cases where i know the author. this is just because of like. basic things like constraints on my time. and also bc overall there honestly aren't That many fics that get posted where i Don't know the author (<- chatty to a fault) off the top of my head, things i have seen At Some Point in fanfic that i don't care for:
1) near being infantilized,
2) near being a total pushover,
3) mello being an overly-aggressive asshole / being cruel for the sake of cruelty (this sort of dynamic just doesn't appeal to me for any ship, it's not my thing, but i particularly don't care for it in meronia)
4) near being overtly mean to mello (he is honestly STUNNINGLY kind to mello considering the circumstances in the photo exchange scene).
honestly a skilled author could probably pull off 3 or 4 with a deft and nuanced hand but it still wouldn't be my cup of tea. OH! one more.
5) i don't personally find it interesting or compelling if mello is in a straightforward position of substantial power over near / if everything just goes mello's way. it's too dissimilar to canon for the dynamic to resonate with me personally and gets rid of mello's underdog status entirely, which is kind of his whole thing. 
things I look for in fanfic: this one is tough because i do just mostly read stuff by people i know and by like. smallestbird. hgdhgshdghs if i was going to look for fanfic though, i think i would look for: nuanced dynamic, "no archive warnings apply" (just my personal tastes for meronia & my inability to do angst), and an interesting premise / summary (this is so so vague sorry but summary is the top determining factor in whether i click on something or not). 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: NO ONE! sorry. matt in an OT3 tho <3 
My happily ever after for them: either working together as L, near working as L while mello is his sexy unemployed boyfriend, or something entirely unrelated to being L (ideal but harder to imagine). i tend to imagine them staying in new york city, probably traveling for cases occasionally, and being attached at the hip 24/7 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: near is the little spoon mostly but imo this is flexible  
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: tbh i think they would both like museums a lot!! reading also (& probably discussing whatever it is they're reading). i think they also just spend a lot of time talking about a wide variety of subjects (because i'm me this includes math)
when I started shipping it if I did: maaaaarch of last year? i think? hgsdghsdh i'm sure i could do some exactish calculations based on when i started commenting on your & kyo's fics but that feels right to me 
my thoughts: none! honestly i have zero original thoughts abt them i just enjoy my mutuals takes 
What makes me happy about them: when. something good happens in a mutuals fic of them, 
What makes me sad about them: when something. bad happens in a mutual's fic of them, [also canon obvi] 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: impossible to answer as my reading for them is limited to beautiful geniuses but i will say i don't find ultra-mean characterizations especially compelling for any ship or character 
things I look for in fanfic: my mutuals names as the author 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i vibe with mattlight, sometimes matsulight (this is another "i'll read it if i like the author's other stuff" kinda deal), lawmane, and beyondlaw <3 
My happily ever after for them: honestly i'm charmed by a pretty basic domestic setup for them ngl sorry. i am fundamentally  a boring person and have never claimed to be anything else 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: in my mind this is split 50/50 actually 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i feel they would both enjoy any sort of competition but esp board games [settlers of catan persnaps??? or clue lmao] and mario kart. also perhaps wii tennis or bowling.
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bluecandysaysstuff · 2 years
Okay so I’m a dabloon traveler! And I’d like to share my interactions the past 3 days (yet and so far)
My Dabloon journey
Dabloons🪙: 1104
Current possessions:
• A big guard dog
• A gun x2
• A special triangular rock with a hole in the middle with rainbows around it.
• Indestructible diamond armor
• Magical dabloon pouch
• Green bag with strawberry pattern, holds 10 items!
• Healing potion x2
• A map to a cabin
• An intimidating guard dog
• A small guard dog
• A lantern
• Bouquet of flowers
• A fjällräven backpack
Day 1
⁃ I don’t really know what this dabloon thing is yet… but I got 1000 dabloons but I decided to decline and moved on
⁃ Someone told me what is going on… I’m starting my travel’s tomorrow!
Day 2
⁃ I stumbled upon a pet shop… unfortunately couldn’t get anything but they offered me 4 dabloons so I accepted and carried on with my travels
⁃ I was gifted a guard dog to guard my dabloons! Also got 10 dabloons, this is awesome, I now have a dog and 14 dabloons!
⁃ The next video offered me 2 dabloons for the road!
⁃ I just got 4 dabloons and a gun from “Harry Styles” and he told me to shoot the ones offering me more than 100 dabloons… and to eat the rich. The gun will probably come in handy later.. I think?
⁃ I met a dabloon character, they gave me 4 dabloons for my time meeting him, and he called me friend! So I think I have a friend now, and I now have 24 dabloons!
⁃ A fellow shop owner gave me a dabloon! They sell potions, the love potion was interesting, but I continued my journeys!
⁃ Saw another fellow dabloon-sona, I got 4 dabloons from them! And a strange rock… it is triangular with a hole in the middle and there’s 2 rainbow-circles surrounding it? I’ll keep this safe during my travels
⁃ A cat helped me as I got lost in the woods, they lead me to their cottage and gave me some hot chocolate and soup for free! They also had a shop! And they told me that they would show me around town tomorrow, I must say that was very kind of them. But I said I’d rather travel by myself and thanked them for their very kind gesture!
⁃ Found a food shop, I might have gotten a bit hungry, and they gave me 2 dabloons! Shops are really super generous around here!
⁃ I stumbled across a little lottery, I won 2 dabloons.. tbh very disappointing, I don’t think lotteries are for me :(
⁃ IMMEDIATELY ran into another dabloon lottery, it said I won 100,000 dabloons! This is scary, I’m just going to take 100 and leave, I don’t think I could carry that many dabloons anyways 😅
⁃ Someone I met along the way told me about their travels, they gave me 7 dabloons for luck, I thanked this kind stranger and moved along
⁃ I got to hear some news, inflation is apparently really bad rn, I haven’t noticed because seemingly I’m off the grid, but I got told that nothing can be sold for over 130 dabloons, food and water: 10, beds, pillows ect: 25, saftey animals: 50
⁃ There was a shop that sold armor.. I think I might need the diamond armor because it keeps me safe from the cold and from thieves, but it seems uncomfortable. The shop owner offered me some soup tho:) I asked them if it was comfortable, and they told me that the better it was at protecting the more comfortable it was, so I decided to get the diamond armor (that is indestructible) for 25 dabloons
⁃ I walked back to the shop after leaving, and the owner gave me a dabloon and sent me on my way? Thanks kind shop owner:)
⁃ I met Harry styles again, he gave me 4 dabloons and yet another gun and told me to kill anyone giving out counterfeit dabloons
⁃ Someone told me about their fascination of dabloons and gave me one, thank you kind traveler:)
⁃ I was gifted a magical pouch to store my dabloons and they protect them from robbery! I feel like I’m a very protected traveler.
⁃ Someone that looked like a thief tried to offer me an outlaw dabloon, I ran away
⁃ It’s now very late, and apparently I got lost again… I’m not very good at finding my way around apparently but I keep meeting new people! Someone helped me and took me to their cottage, I got some homemade cake and a little bag to carry my items in! It could fit 10 items! I also got 50 dabloons, that was very generous of them!
⁃ I left looking for a place to sleep tonight, and someone dragged me to their cabin, showed me their shop, which actually had very cool things, but I declined but they gave me 4 dabloons.. now I’m gonna go sleep in my very comfortable armor somewhere… since I don’t have a bed, or a house for that matter.
⁃ While trying to fall asleep, another dabloon-sona stumbled across, I got a healing potion for free! I am really protected now!
Day 3
⁃ Good morning! I actually slept very well for not having a bed, my armor kept me comfy and my dog kept me warm and safe. I woke up to some news today. You can only accept 100 dabloons at a time, you can only gain 1000 dabloons from quests and 1999 from witches and fairies… I wonder what witches do? I kinda want to become one…
⁃ Started todays travels and quickly ran into a shop, they gave me some quests to do! Eat food 5 db, Drink water 4 db, brush my teeth 5db, so now I’ve gained 14 dabloons! Very nice self care quests
⁃ Found some people talking, they have applied to a witch academy! I really would like that, someone else around gave me 100 dabloons!
⁃ I found a cowboy! They invited me in and gave me tea and fresh pancakes for breakfast! They showed me all their horses. They were apparently for sale. I’m good on foot for now tho
⁃ I got lost again, this time it was dark and scary, and I got saved by a 3 eyed cat, they gave me a map to their cabin and said I could have it if I found it
⁃ I got 40 dabloons just for talking to someone! I’m feeling the luck rn 🍀
⁃ I found a pond! I was given 5 dabloons! But they also had a shop and they sold spell books…. So I bought one for 7 dabloons.
⁃ I met a police that gave me 100 dabloons! But there was 500 extra dabloons if I found the secret message! And there’s apparently a revolution going on? That’s cool
⁃ I won 25 dabloons from a small lottery/guessing game. I thanked them and carried on with my travels, I’m also reading my spell book on the way, i don’t quite understand it but it is interesting
⁃ I walked straight into another person, they had a lot of dogs, they gave me 2 guard dogs! Now I have THREE(!!) guard dogs, my life is great:’)
⁃ I seem to have walked in a circle and met them again! I got 7 dabloons, a lantern and some flowers:)
⁃ I met a witch! I was sooo happy! They gave me a backpack for free! So now I can carry my things easier! They also handed me 50 dabloons. They also had food, I took some to feed my dogs
⁃ Someone took me to their cottage and gave me some really good soup! I have some to my dogs as well since I wasn’t that hungry, they also gave me 50 dabloons. People are getting richer and richer now I realize
⁃ HOW THE HECK DID I END UP IN IKEA? I was given 50 dabloons, but i really need to get back to the woods, this isn’t my kind of vibe
And that’s all that has happened so far, I’m just getting lost and having wholesome interactions in the woods.. please don’t make me go over to civilization… it’s scary
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hismercytomyjustice · 1 month
X-Men ‘97 Spoilers Below the Cut
I don’t know about y’all but I’m feeling TOTALLY NORMAL about the way the most recent episode ended.
Glad to see Magneto’s still around, but damn I love me a fucked up homoerotic borderline torture scene sometimes.
Can’t wait to see him waste this dude.
Also, I am not up to speed on all the X-Men lore but don’t they have time travel? I feel like if there was ever a time to use it, it would be now? I was just really surprised to see them burying everyone.
Magneto is my #1 X-Man tho. Really digging his vibe right now with all the fucked up political bullshit going on in real life.
X-Men spoilers have ended. Now I’m just yapping.
I feel like this show hits the LGBTQ+ experience beats pretty well at times. I’m behind the times on the rep there. I was never super into X-Men, though I watched the cartoons growing up. It took me a while to delve back into the movies too because I got hardcore body horror freaked out when that dude got liquified in the first one.
My tolerance for that kind of thing used to be waaaay lower than it is now. I had to leave the theater because the gore at the beginning of Zombieland gave me a literal panic attack, haha. I didn’t start watching The Walking Dead until like 2015 for the same reason. Thankfully that kind of thing doesn’t really bother me anymore. It’s weird now to think back to how it used to.
Of course movie theaters in general used to give me panic attacks. It was almost a guarantee for a while that if I went into a movie theater, I was gonna have one. Zombieland was the first and maybe only time I ever had to leave because of one though. Usually I’d just pretend like nothing was happening as far as my friends were concerned and just force my way through them.
Tbh, Ted Lasso was the first time I felt I saw a really good representation of what a panic attack could feel like. Internally it’s like your world is falling apart around you, but externally it can be pretty innocuous unless you’re having major physical symptoms. If you have them often enough, you get pretty good at masking them. I’ve had them loads of times around family and friends and didn’t tell anyone.
Thankfully I don’t have panic attacks nearly that often anymore. And yes, I 100% probably should have said something to my loved ones at the time. But it can be hard when you know you’re experiencing something that isn’t rational and there’s not really anything they can do to help except ride the wave alongside you.
True, some triggers for panic attack can be pretty distressing. But I’ve definitely had them other times where I was just annoyed as hell that my body decided to randomly throw an anxiety party and it’d just be a matter of waiting it out.
Tbh, birth control really helped with mine for a while. I had really bad PMDD and my panic attacks were almost like clockwork with my cycle. I used to dread the impending doom I’d feel as I got closer to the date. I went from having panic attacks multiple times a month to only every so often. Antidepressants have been a godsend on that front too. I had no idea they also worked with anxiety because I never took them specifically for it until 2022.
I got massively sidetracked, but I really enjoy talking about mental health on here. It helps me reflect and process a lot. Sometimes it feels like just casually talking about it takes away some of fear and self-stigma away. That’s also one of the main things I’ve been learning about in therapy, not engaging in avoidance thoughts/behaviors when it comes to my OCD.
That also reminds me of what Marcus says a lot on LPOTL. “Mental illness isn’t your fault, but it is your responsibility.” It fucking sucks, but it’s true. In my experience, there’s a huge difference between interacting with someone who’s actively trying to live with their mental illness rather than choosing to ignore it and refusing to seek treatment.
Not that seeking and finding the right treatment and meeting your mental illness head on are easy things to do. It’s a bit privileged to say that. But as someone who didn’t get treatment for most of their life because they didn’t realize they needed treatment (“my symptoms aren’t that bad, it’s just a little anxiety, my prior attempts to seek help blew up in my face, x family member has this and is fine, etc”), lemme just tell ya I bet I am a much more enjoyable person to be around now.
I’m lucky in that I don’t believe I’ve ever lost any family or friends over my previously untreated mental illness. However, I know that I’m a hell of a lot happier and fun to be around when I’m on my medications and receiving regular therapy. I’m far less likely to subject others to my doom spirals and obsessive thoughts. I would get sick of talking about them, so I can only imagine how my captive audience felt.
Sure, there’s more I could be doing, but at least I have a pretty solid foundation under me now. I’m hoping to continue to build on it in time.
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datesoma · 2 years
teyvat, freedom, barbara, sakura blooms and ganyu for the genshin ask! 😎
A genshin ask meme redux
teyvat: which released region do you prefer and which unreleased nation are you most looking forward to visiting?
Mondstadt is definitely my favorite region!! I like every region we’ve gotten so far in at least some capacity, but I go to Mondstadt for everything - crafting, cooking, forging, finishing commissions, sending charas out on expeditions etc! It has such a homey vibe that I’m just about always over there even if it’s pretty empty nowadays :’) If we’re being even more specific tho, my favorite area is Dragonspine! There’s no place that’s prettier or more calming to me, and I know where every single thing is located on that mountain <3 (not even kidding tbh, I always help people with Dragonspine bc I remember where every fire place, chest, quest location etc is!)
As for unreleased regions, Khaenri’ah!! I'd love to know more about their technology and about Dainsleif, but my main focus is finding out more about Gold / Rhinedottir and her creations! Also what IS the truth of this world bestie, don’t leave us in suspense like this
freedom: if you were blessed with a vision, which one would you want to have (and which one do you think you’d actually get)?
My favorite element is anemo, and imo it’s also the most fun, so I’d love to have an anemo vision w/o the implications that’d come with it (coughs. every anemo user has lost someone dear to them and I’d really rather not), but I’m 100% sure that if I were to get one, it’d be a cryo vision! Both based on gut feeling and reddit posts like this one.
barbara: you’re a tourist traveling teyvat, which locations in the game would you want to visit in person?
DRAGONSPINE, every inch of it. Doesn’t even matter if I’d be freezing to death, I’d go there first and foremost anyway! Then I’d love to visit the main cities in every region, and I’d probably spend most of my time in Mondstadt and Sumeru. 
For Mond I’d love to visit Starfell Lake, Windrise, Dawn Winery and Stormterror’s Lair; for Liyue I’d love to visit Wangshu Inn, Qingce Village and Luhua Pool; for Inazuma I’d love to visit Chinju Forest, the Grand Narukami Shrine and Tsurumi Island; and for Sumeru I’d love to visit Avidya Forest (and Gandharva Ville), Vimara Village, Pardis Dhyai, Lokapala Jungle only if I had someone escorting me, Aaru Village and the Mausoleum of King Deshret!
sakura blooms: what is/are your favorite world quest(s) you’ve done?
Basically any of Dragonspine’s world quests (In the Mountains, Lost in the Snow, A Land Entombed, The Great Mountain Surveys, The Festering Fang), Bough Keeper Dainsleif, Aranyaka, Golden Slumber, Lost in a Foreign Land, A Company Vanishing into the Deep, Hyperion’s Dirge and Through the Mists! I love lore-heavy world quests the most :’) even though some most of them are tragic
ganyu: which character’s rerun are you waiting for desperately?
ALBEDO’S!! I have him at C5 right now and I’ve been wanting to have him at C6 so badly since I first started playing Genshin nearly 2 years ago (bc he’s my favorite chara & the only reason I’m playing really) and I’m finally!! accomplishing that goal!! after so long!! Once I get his last constellation tho, I’d love a Cyno rerun since I ended up skipping him during this patch for Albedo, a Xiao rerun bc this guy has somehow always managed to dodge me ever since 1.3, and a Kokomi rerun bc her banners were always up at a bad time for me but I’d love to have her as my healer!
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Have you ever given your number to a stranger because they were cute? yes
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? no, not lately. its been ... gosh it feels like a very, very, very long time since that was the case.
What was the highlight of your week? friends night.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the future? havin my own place
Who do you go to the most for advice? Or who do you give advice to the most? i don’t often go to anyone for advice. i miss the days of having a trusted friend i could go to for stuff like that. uhhhhh i think K sometimes asks, sam, megan, mom, liza, alix, em, nathan, etc. a lot of people ask.
Would you go to a monster truck show or a rodeo show? i’ve been to the monster truck rallies i’d rather check out a rodeo
What are you most uncomfortable with talking about around your peers? politics
Have you ever been to a meadow? yes
Have you ever had to have surgery? nope.
What are a favorite pair of shoes that you own? ummm my new hightops
Have you ever went through someone's stuff and found something bizarre? lol sure. 
Have you ever known someone who thought the world revolved around them? looooool yes. many people. but tbh, you should be the main character of your own life. it crosses a line when you assume OTHER PEOPLE should feel that way about you too lol
Have you ever driven a tractor or operated a lawn mower? yes
What is your favorite flavor of Cheese-its? regular or extra crispy.
What were you really fascinated with as a child? polly pockets, n64, art, water
Would you visit Yellowstone Park? its not a high priority because the whole concept of it is concerning to me lol
What do you watch on television the most? right now, will & grace
Who is the worst person in your life? currently, K’s ex. or whatever she is to him.
What is something you would never get rid of? probably letters.
What are your favorite colors? blue, white, gray
Do you use listerine? sometimes but not lately. 
What is your favorite cartoon? recess probably.
Do you wear your significant other’s clothes? n/a
Green or blue eyes? mine are blue
When did you last go out of state? like 2 weeks ago.
Do you have a wild side? lol yes but i don’t unleash her often.
What is your favorite thing about going to your grandma’s house? thats my house. 
Do you like NASCAR? No. it is so, so, so far from my interests.
When is the last time you wore a dress? a week ago
Last person you yelled at? idk thats nottttttt my style. 
Have you had a good cry lately? no. it’s boiling up tho. someone lovingly brought up miller the other day and it was so comforting to hear someone else mention him but it just wrecked me
Is there anything else that happens on your birthday? not to my knowledge
Who is in your display pic? just myself
Who did you last have an alcoholic drink with? em, nathan, and such.
Do you know anyone named Caleb? yes. my nephews cousin is the first one that comes to mind.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Z
What is a field of study that is of your interest? psychology & neuroscience
Have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? How did you cope? miller had lymes disease and turned into meningitis and killed him REALLY fast. i’ve not yet coped, so don’t ask me
Who do you spend most of your time with? Family
Do you have a favorite classical composer? no i could never narrow it down. it depends on my mood.
Where is the farthest you have traveled? like 2k miles.
What type of art would you hang up in your room? ugh, i would love to redo some art and my walls but its $$
What is your current desktop picture? a mountain-esque and water-esque pic.
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? no, it would be very difficult for me to do so. its an important area for me.
Ever gotten stuff in your eye that was very harmful for your eyes? lol yes.
What do you usually order when you go to Wendy's? i haven’t been there in years i dk.
Ever seen a zebra? yes. Have you ever seen a live turkey? all the time. they’re wild by my sisters house just wandering around aimlessly. 
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shima-draws · 2 years
Some thoughts about Legends Arceus!
Okay okay okay I’m REALLY enjoying this game so far holy shit. I did not expect it to be so fun especially the Pokemon catching mechanic but that’s turning out to be a total blast.
-The music is so so so pretty and I love how there’s multiple tracks that take direct inspiration/are subtle remixes from DPP (looking at you Eterna Forest)
-THE INTRO??? It’s really a lot like a classic Pokemon game intro with a professor but instead it’s just Arceus going. Hey. Sup fam. Need your help with smth ;) Also Arceus talking in like fancy old speech like using thee and thou cndnfnnd
-Love how it’s confirmed from the start that you’re a time traveler. My question tho is is this the same Dawn/Lucas from Sinnoh as we know it now?? Is this pre-DPP before they became a trainer or post after they become Champion…real questions
-REI REI REI MY BELOVED. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. This has made me ship Dawn/Lucas even harder. I love that they have a bigger role in this game since they’re barely around in DPP. We lost Barry but we gained a rival and friend in Rei/Akari 🥺 But Nintendo WHY did you make their partner Pokemon Pikachu I’m going to fucking throat punch you you could have picked literally ANY OTHER Pokemon and it would have been better. Please.
-I LOVE THAT WE GOT A CONFIRMED AGE AND WE’RE ACTUALLY A TEENAGER IN THIS GAME. That feels WAY more appropriate than going out on a Pokemon journey as a baby 10 year old. This is the age I headcanon most of the Pokemon protags at so I was thrilled to see we’re actually getting it canonically confirmed this time 😤
-The fact that they literally tell you multiple times “Oh yeah you’ll most likely get attacked and die from a wild Pokemon” LIKE XNANGMSNSN BRO??? THIS SHIT GOT SO DARK ALL OF A SUDDEN. “A lot of people are too scared to even leave the village” “Some of our members got MAULED by a wild Pokemon and had to be taken to the medic” “Your chances of survival are super low” WHAT KIND OF BATSHIT INSANE WORLD IS THIS LMAO. How did the world change so drastically from “Pokemon are awful and evil and want to hunt you for sport” to “Pokemon are wonderful and amazing and are our friends! 😘” I need to see this transition in this game I expect it
-THE AMOUNT OF ANCESTORS I’VE RUN INTO HOLY SHIT. I’m absolutely loving it tbh. So far I’ve found Marley, Cynthia, Mira, Flint, Karen, Darach, Cyrus, Rowan, and Saturn’s ancestors, and those are just the ones off the top of my head, I am SURE there are more and I can’t wait to find them all
-I’m so used to playing Genshin that I keep accidentally trying to do Genshin things since the open world mechanics are so similar and then I get sad when I realize I can’t jump lmao
-AAA THE OUTFITSSSSS I unlocked the Oshawott kimono and almost cried it’s so CUTE. I hope we get more options tho bc what you start with is p limited? I want to wear leggings with my other tops and not baggy pants please 🙏
-Idk if it’s just me but while the battle system in itself is fine WHY do your Pokemon take so much fucking damage holy shit. The amount of potions I’ve had to use is ridiculous. My level 12 Oshawott should not have lost over half its HP against a level 7 Buizel get out
Aaaaa I can’t wait to play more this game is ADDICTING and I mean that in the best way. It’s absolutely fantastic so far!! And while I’ve been spoiled to open world games with way higher quality graphics (coughGenshincough) the environments in this game are pretty decent and it’s not enough to detract from the overall experience.
Also again Rei I’d die for you
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morifinwes · 3 years
wangxian fic rec list!
aka in which i read fics, write some recs down for aamna and share them!! they're all wangxian fics and uhh @yibobibo i hope you'll like them!!
wolf devours playboy bunny by @greenteafiend (5K, werewolf!lwj, getting together, idk if anyone needs to know that but there's nudity just not uhh explicit)
Lan Zhan has wanted Wei Ying as long as he has known him, and the worst part is that he thinks Wei Ying could want him back.
Too bad he could never in good conscience let himself go there—Wei Ying has a debilitating fear of all things canine, and once a month, Lan Zhan is the exact, precise thing that Wei Ying’s nightmares are made of.
Aka, Lan Zhan is a werewolf.
between the lines by @jywait (19K gaming au!!!, i'm always down for a good gaming au, lwj is the best aksks he's such a good boy)
☆yilingpatriarch☆: pls...give me some face, help me fight these monsters...I'm gonna die
Bluetooth: no.
"You have died." The screen said, and Wei Wuxian threw his hands up in frustration.
resonant frequencies by chinxe (15K, college au, fake dating au, tw mention of cheating but it's brief and no one was cheated on i promise)
In which Wei Wuxian decides that the best way to deal with being in love with Lan Wangji is to pretend to date him for three weeks.
It goes about as well as can be expected.
drift compatible by windoworwhatever (5K, poetry, fluff, drunkji, getting together, college au)
"It was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, university stipends for graduate students working in TA positions barely covered rent, bisexuals cuffed their jeans, Lan Wangji had a massive crush on Wei Wuxian, and spent his time pining and writing research papers about gay subtexts in ancient poetry."
Lan Wangji is in love with Wei Wuxian, and everybody knows, except Wei Wuxian.
the bunny next door by detailsinthefabric (43K, this is mostly fluff and very light angst, and they were neighbors!!!, rabbits!!, aka wangxian's bunny children, this is... so cute i just have to rec it)
Lan Wangji did not know what he was doing. He did not know what he was going to say. He was frozen in place, puzzling over the situation. Maybe he had made the man uncomfortable, which is why he wanted to leave? But his tone had still been so friendly—maybe…
“Would…” he paused, swallowed, forced the last words to come out of his suddenly parched mouth, “would you let me pet him?”
Lan Wangji, who doesn't know how to socialize and whose icy demeanor scares everyone away, lets down all his defenses when he meets the bunny next door...oh, and also its owner, Wei Wuxian.
leading tone by silencemostofall (32K, everyone is a music student? or something like that akskk, curse fic, tw panic attacks, tw child abuse, small scene of drunkji, wwx has low self esteem, bro this was so painful to read)
The first time you touch someone you're fated to love, you leave a mark on their skin. If they will love you in return, they'll mark you where you touched them. The deeper the color, the deeper the connection.
Wei Ying has no marks at all.
public places, private thoughts by leahelisabeth (for the love of camelot) ( 8K, cherry magic au, getting together with like... immediate upgrade to fiance status, the author is wrong i crave good wangxian cherry magic aus even tho i haven't even watched cherry magic)
Wei Wuxian had heard the story of course. It had made its rounds through his high school and followed him into his college days. He didn’t think there was any possibility it was true. Virginity was a social construct, invented by creepy old men to exercise dominance over women. The idea that a simple lack of sexual activity before the age of thirty could give one magical powers was absolutely ludicrous.
Wei Wuxian believed this until the morning of his thirtieth birthday.
AKA the Wangxian Cherry Magic AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
i'd be all right (if i could see you) by @thirtysixsavefiles (16K, this was nice, i read this at 6am but it was cute, (while writing this post i must admit i don't remember anything but 6am-me said it's good))
The younger Lan brother is something of an enigma on campus; while Lan Xichen can sometimes be seen in the company of other graduate students or conducting a seminar, Lan Wangji appears to spend all his time in class or in the library. He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t attend social events. He doesn’t do anything for fun, as far as Wei Wuxian can tell, and it’s driving Wei Wuxian just a little bit up the wall.
Or, Wei Wuxian convinces Lan Wangji to come to a house party, and then they're assigned to the same group project. Wei Wuxian tries his best, but he is not in possession of all the facts.
axe on leg by itszero (4K, i still don't get why wwx did that but it was nice seeing him jealous for once, jealous!wwx, lwj i love you....)
Wei Wuxian pressed his face into his pillow and screamed. He paused to take a few deep breaths, partially hindered by the pillow, and listened to the sounds of Nie Huaisang slurping his iced coffee, from his seat on Wei Wuxian's desk chair.
Having caught his breath, he resumed his screaming and did not stop at the sound of his dorm room door opening.
"What's wrong with him?" He heard his brother, Jiang Cheng, ask.
The slurping stopped. "He's an idiot."
"He's always been an idiot. Why is he bothered about it now?"
"He forced Lan Wangji to go on a date," Nie Huaisang replied, shaking the ice cubes in his drink.
"Okay and…?"
"With someone else." The slurping resumed.
Wei Wuxian, in all his glorious dumbassery, convinces his boyfriend to go on a date with someone else.
these two most powerful by @stiltonbasket (4K, amnesia, wangxian with children!!!, aksksk this was adorable, dadji!!)
When Lan Wangji went to bed last night, he was alone in a tiny guest room with nothing but the howling of the wind in the mountains and his own lonely thoughts for company.
But when he opened his eyes in the morning, Wei Ying was asleep beside him.
(In which Lan Wangji loses twenty years' worth of memories after a night-hunt gone wrong, and his life as a doting father and husband continues without a hitch somehow.)
good things come to those who wait [but i ain't in a patient phase] by @cerlunas (4K, getting together, pining lwj)
Lan Wangji can't take it anymore.
“I love you”, he says, and god, it feels terrifying. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian starts, but Lan Wangji doesn’t want to hear it.
He grabs his cup and drinks everything. He doesn’t know what face Wei Wuxian is making at him right now, and it’s okay. 
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian repeats louder, but it’s too late. He is already falling asleep.
Or, even after 13 years, Lan Wangji is still in love with his best friend. Maybe it's time to open up.
wei ying, will you marry m- oh my god he swallowed the ring! by selene210 (2K, marriage proposals, crack, marriage proposals but.. they go wrong)
“A ring?”
And indeed it was. The ring Lan Wangji was going to propose to Wei Ying with. That the man had now choked on.
“You swallowed it.”
“It was in my soufflé! Why did you put a ring in my soufflé Lan Zhan- oh. oh”
of glittery valentine's cards by @soft-fics (3K, valentine's day, this was adorable aksk, a-yuan best boy!!)
Lan Zhan didn't want to know what his best friend had planned for Valentine's Day; his heart would simply not be able to handle it. When his son tells him that he made Wei Ying a Valentine's Day card, though, Lan Zhan decided to bring it over anyway.
of coffee and white tea by @soft-fics (9K, fluff, lwj doesn't like coffee, wwx buys him coffee, then they switch drinks, again and again and again, the staff ships it lmao, tbh jc shouldn't have done that like wtf)
For the fourth time this week a stranger orders him a cup of coffee. Lan Wangji wonders how exactly to tell this man to stop ordering him coffee he doesn't even like. Turns out, buying the other white tea and switching drinks is not the best way to go about it
canon setting
on the importance of restraint (or lack thereof) by nixthothou (4K, in which sizhui snaps, i love that boy, no like seriously he's the best boy)
Lan Sizhui does not usually find himself in the company of Sect Leader Jiang.
Suffice to say, Lan Sizhui's feelings toward him are conflicted.
lan wangji is wei wuxian's baby by lilycs (3K, i was craving fluff while reading this, lwj my beloved, drunk!lwj)
Lan Wangji gets drunk from barely a cup of alcohol, becoming a whiny baby and asking his husband for cuddles.
one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (8K, wei wuxian & lan sect, 5+1 things, in which they learn to love him, they're all part of the wwx protection squad lead by lwj, wangxian isn't the focus but !!! THIS)
Times change, but some people remain the same.
The Lans are nothing, if not aware of this.
For one of their own, they will stand against the world.
Or, 5 times the Lans defended Wei Wuxian, and the 1 time he was there to see it happen.
so why not crack your skull when the mind swells by @greenteafiend (13K, love curse, post cql canon, curses, getting together, fluff, so much fluff, lwj tries to talk about his emotions!, lwj pov)
Lan Wangji detects the curse trying to curl through his heart meridians like smoke. A love curse, then. It must have been cast remotely somehow to have found him in his bed in Cloud Recesses. No matter. Lan Wangji crushes it easily, enveloping it in his spiritual energy, and then squeezing. Curse averted, Lan Wangji closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. He thinks no more of it.
Two days later, Wei Wuxian arrives in Cloud Recesses.
Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
i started from the bottom / now i'm rich by x_los (57K, time travel, fix it, jealous lwj, crack treated serious, god this is so good tho, wwx/wrh & wwx/jgs but like as a joke and it doesn't really happen, but it has its purpose!!)
“First, you get the money. Then you get the power, respect - hos come last.”
Wen Qing traps Wei Wuxian in the Demon Slaughtering Cave, but Wei Wuxian isn’t interested in being the beneficiary of the Wen Remnants’ noble sacrifice. His efforts to free himself accidentally send him back to the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign. Coreless but armed with demonic cultivation, knowledge of the future and his wits, Wei Wuxian takes advantage of this opportunity to come out on top of both the war and its aftermath—before either has a chance to happen—by marrying and swiftly burying the cultivation world’s worst men.
Lan Wangji is confused, hurt, and uncomfortably aroused by Wei Wuxian’s improbably elaborate series of Sect-themed bridal negligees.
lead me on through by mrsronweasley (55K, they're in love your honor, arranged marriage but they don't know to whom, basically wwx & lwj want to practice kissing which then goes beyond kissing but not the whole way y'know, lxc the best wingman tho)
"Who do you think your betrothed is?" Wei Wuxian asks, sprawling out in front of Lan Zhan and enjoying the prim thinning of his lips at the question. He shouldn't be sprawling—they're in the library, for one, and Lan Zhan is studying, for another—but he can't help himself. Wei Wuxian is a sprawler.
"I do not believe this to be of importance," Lan Zhan responds, without turning his gaze away from his book.
"What!" Wei Wuxian sits up. "How can you say that? Of course it's important! This is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life, Lan Zhan."
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
i think cause we are playing from the traveller’s POV and we know so much about the genshin gals and pals that we think we would vibe with them. realistically tho i think most people would be scared by half of the cast or have highschool side eyes with the rest. screw zodiac who would u actually get along with, who would u sit as far away from and who would be the silent appreciation but never spoken to character dynamics u would have. it’s albedo, scaramouche, and sucrose in corresponding order for me. what about all of u tho
i would be terrified of scaramouche fr that dude's crazy, he kills ppl
i feel like i wouldnt even know albedo exists tbh,,, i would silently appreciate diluc LMFAOOOOOO but thats an obvious answer,,, idk i feel like amber is super approachable for characters i would speak too! kaeya also seems like he would help me get things off high shelves, granted he would probably tease me for it tho,,, beidou seems friendly but if the npcs are correct and she's a 6 foot tall muscular woman, i'd probably just scream into my pillow abt her rather than actually speaking to her yk yk??? yeah
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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gotham--fc · 2 years
I got u, sometimes is like that with ice tbh in the less fancy rinks the rice is less glassy and sometimes has high or low spots lol.
I went for a wire cage in the end I decided it would look nicer and would be safer bc I like to screen and I don’t want a bubble to betray me when I’m standing infront of a shot. Fair fair ,I ended up borrowing my brothers old football boots cause he’s outgrown them, they squeeze my feet a little bit for like an hour or so every week I don’t really mind too much (my skates are worse). But I may buy some of my own so I’ll take all your advice lol :) thanks!
Yeah maybe it’s a Canada thing? Idk I just know I haven’t seen one on the alleys I’ve been, and honestly fair with 10 pin the ball is dead heavy and bc I got small boi hands I can only use the small ball 😂
Yeah that’s true to be fair, what’s a whiffle ball lol?
😂😂 Good GB is such a vibe like honestly it’s like we win if we score against teams like Canada usa and Russia and we got some good chants and tickets to watch are nice n cheap like I got tickets basically on the glass to an Olympic qualifying game for like £12 each.
Oooo garlic is boss tho we vibe with that. (Also that paragraph I sent probs makes no sense I was defo ready to sleep when I wrote it 😂😂😂)
Ah ok I got u with intramurals my uni has that too we have like football and netball teams per each course, you play for any teams?
Haha I got u I’m the same tbf like I’d go GB (bc i have to Ik we won’t win 90% the time) Canada, and then probs the Scandinavian bois bc they cool.
Also I didn’t know Canada and Finland didn’t like each other? Where’s that beef from?
Also omg Fillier 🥺🥺🥺 with her goals and pou with her flag bearer role 🥺🥺
Also sorry about the late reply I’ve had tons of hockey and stuff so been tired a lot lol😂😂🏒🏒-soz if I missed anything my phone kept crashing when I was replying so I couldn’t see what u said 😬😬😬
Yeah like some fields were owned by the city so only barely maintained or they were owned by a school who didn’t care for it or they’re owned by a fancy rich school or a private organization and are super well maintained there’s no standardization here 😂
I still know nothing about hockey helmets but 👍 but yeah if they’re squeezing your feet they’re probably too small but if you’re not wearing them a lot then you probably won’t have issues, if I wore cleats that were too small I’d have an issue cuz I used to play 4 times a week for at least and hour and a half each time
It might be, it’s not really popular anywhere else, but I still think 5 pin is superior because anyone can play it because it’s easier and I’m also Good at it
Oh man you don’t have whiffle balls?? They’re plastic and used in t ball (and I’m realizing you probably don’t know what that is, it’s baseball for children so instead of a pitcher you just put the ball on a tee and kids swing at it), it’s plastic with holes in it it’s supposed to hurt less than a real baseball or softball and it’s not supposed to travel as far or as fast however that means nothing when your 3 feet away from your brother and he smashes it into your face and you’re also 6 years old
Oh I love getting cheap tickets to things, the tickets for the pwhpa game I’m going to (that got postponed to March :/) was like $30 a ticket which is like incredible sports are usually minimum $60 a ticket also I once saw Carly Rae jepsen for free it was incredible (also saw Taylor swift for free but only because my brother works for the rogers center and got free tickets)
Right?? I’m a big garlic gal I put garlic in everything, honey garlic is a god tier wing sauce
I don’t play for any right now because covid I almost never leave my house because I don’t wanna get sick and I don’t trust anyone
Oh yeah Finland beat Canada in the semis of the 2018 worlds so we’re not friends we haven’t forgotten or forgiven but desperate times call for desperate measures and above my feelings for Finland is anyone but the us
I know 🥺 pou with the flag I was like 🥺🥺 that’s my baby
Don’t worry about it I’m always busy I get it
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askmyboys · 3 years
I’d call these more, my own interpretations instead of just OCs
I’ll tell you how this happened tho, i was literally just comin back from a l o n g ass road trip listenin to the musical and my tired lil brain started thinkin bout these boys and i was like ...what if i just,, made my o w n versions of em? What if I just,, and then boom, out popped well, this-
| Names: Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde
| Nicknames: Jekyll doesn’t much care for nicknames but Hyde calls him Jek, Hen or Hen-Hen, or Henny which he REALLY hates. For the other, it’s either Ed or just simply Hyde ...Jekyll has given him many ‘nicknames’ mostly they are hateful ones tbh.
| Genders: Henry goes by he/him and Hyde goes by he/him and it/its
| Ages: Unknown but they are both adults
| Heights: Jekyll is 5’7” and Hyde is like 6’6” for sure (even tho they inhabit the same body, fuck it, im makin the rules ..andchangingthemfromtheogthing but i say height changes when Hyde’s in control)
| Species/Races: Henry’s a human ofc and Hyde? Honestly, idk what this thing is, all i can tell you is he’s stinky
| Eye Colors: Jekyll’s eyes are a Baby Blue color and Hyde’s eyes are Blood Red (ooh e d g y man)
| Hair Colors: Jekyll’s hair is honestly a messy curly undercut and the color of it is a dark brown and he has gray on the sides meanwhile Hyde’s hair is Black and in a spiked quiff style and he also has gray on the sides
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Jek’s a BIT pale but Hyde’s a much more- his skin is definitely more so a Whitish Gray kinda color so it’s definitely more noticeable than Jek’s skin if you look close enough at that (things do have to change when a certain one is in control of the body, can’t be EXACTLY the same or else it might give away that their the same person hehe) and their body types don’t really change- Jek’s body type is skinny (nothing TOO bad ofc, just a tad bit) if Hyde had his own body he’d definitely be a more average kinda bulkier build.
| Appearances: Okay first things first- they both have circle beards EXCEPT Hyde’s is a LOT more scruffier (he also has thicker sideburns btw!) and a BIT more grown out than Jek’s which is trimmed a bit more and groomed perfectly.
Jekyll usually has the typical lab coat on and a baby blue turtleneck underneath it, he also has blue pants that he wears with it as well and some oxford shoes that match the outfit, he also wears circle glasses as well (they help him see a lot better p much whereas when Hyde’s in control he doesn't really need em actually) Henry has a GOOD amount of scars all over his body, whether it be by accident, inflicted on purpose, or something more… It’s partially why he keeps his turtleneck on mostly and the lab coat helps as well- he’s ashamed of the scars and he tries to hide them especially so no one will worry about him, also for some more minor details- he wears a black watch on his wrist as well (he has no piercings or nothin like that) that’s p much it for Jek tbh, his features are p much 100% human so uh yeye
Now onto Hyde’s outfit- And yes, keep in mind- he’s still kinda,, an entity or whatever the fuck he is inside Henry’s body essentially but he DOES change his clothes when going out- his main one for going out is usually a black cloak he wears around himself (the outfit underneath is a black suit vest with a long dark red tie (his shirt underneath the suit vest is a dark red long sleeved shirt), he also wears black pants, and dark red oxford shoes, and of course he’s got a black top hat on (the band on it is red, definitely keeping a black n red themed appearance here aint he?) (his other outfits, hm I can leave up to the imagination tbh this is just for when he’s travelling around and so other people don’t spot him nearly as easily, especially when it’s n i g h t t i m e…) he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants, and it doesn’t have to be fancy in the s l i g h t e s t- he has a variety of options.
He also has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth (got them bear trap teeth but not only that, he’s got a lot more s e c r e t teefs than that ;) he’s a lot more monstrous on the inside than the outside i’ll say that much, Jek’s n Hyde’s anatomy does change and transform depending on who gains control ...honestly it probs hurt to have your body transform and shift like that ouchie) he also has multiple tongues, he has claws that he painted black and red for the a e s t h e t i c s ya know- and hell at this point he might as well have tentacles ...He might- but I mean if you really wanna know, fuck around and find out for yourself and fuck it- he also has a dark red devil style tail since he wanna act like fuckin Satan himself smh
...I made him a lot more monstrous than originally planned but eh its fitting- bc this is Jek’s body even with a LOT of changes in these regards, he’s got the same scars n such as that, he also wears black and red spiral gauges in his ears (I should also say, he can technically hide these features to make himself appear more human, i didnt originally intend on giving him any actual monstrous features except maybe sharp teeth, claws, n the pointed ears but here we are, he still gotta not arouse suspicion around him too much tho) also his eyes have dark circles around them, not because he’s a tired man he’s just a fucking- hellish bastard who loves to look intimidating.
| Personalities: Let’s uhh start off with Jekyll because he’s better and nicer and not nasty and gross n smelly looking- He’s kind, sweet, compassionate, caring, honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly himself- could never willingly hurt someone! A sweet babey man! He’s very intelligent- I mean,, he IS a Doctor after all, he takes pride in his work but it’s not that overbearing narcissistic type pride, he’s just proud of the breakthroughs he’s made ...Granted, there is one “breakthrough” he wished he could take back .. -glancing slowly at Hyde in the reflection of the mirror- ahem- but he’s always been pretty outgoing but a lot has changed since, that abomination came into his life, sure he still tries his best to be a good person, he tries his very damnedest to find some sorta way to separate or better yet a way to destroy this evil vile beast that plagues his and everyone else’s lives! He’d rather destroy Hyde than separate from him because even then, it's still back to square one only with worse damage since he’d be of his own free will now.
He shuts himself away in his Lab a LOT, as much as he can anyways to avoid going out and risking something more happening to anyone else, of course…
There is no avoiding the outside world forever, he needs things to eat and drink, he needs things to keep his body functioning and not to mention not going outside could drive him, well, more insane than he already feels he is- He just tries to be as quick as he can about it before the other takes control or tries to, Jek definitely has a lotta anxieties and fears, and ya know at this point I mean,, hell- the man’s got trauma- Sometimes he wonders if any of this is actually real, if he had just gone insane and was just imagining all this, sometimes his head hurt because of all the thoughts and potential scenarios along with their outcomes plagued his mind, he feels a lot of things he never thought he’d feel towards anyone, he feels anger and hatred toward Hyde but in a way aside from feeling so negatively toward the other, he can’t help but admire the way Hyde wishes to just simply l i v e, and even before this beast became apart of him… He was always anxious deep down and almost scared to take that jump when needed.
But Hyde? Hyde doesn’t seem to even c a r e! That thing lives it’s life without any care whatsoever, he doesn’t have any anxieties or fears at all it seems! In a way, Henry might even be a lil envious toward the other’s carefree attitude and that he’s free of anxieties and fears ...H-He still doesn’t want the other around, he still wishes to destroy Hyde of course, even with the envy and maybe a slight bit of admiration he has his morals and principals, and if Hyde continues to exist or w o r s e gets his own body it could prove v e r y perilous.
Now onto… Eugh, Hyde- The bastard man himself- He’s stinky- an evil bastard who really needs just a good punch in the face (god don't do it yourself tho, he’ll probs eat ur entire arm) Hyde’s absolutely disgusting, will do ANYTHING to get what he desires, he can be narcissistic in some regards, VERY prideful and greedy in many ways, he isn’t above committing murder like really, was he EVER above it? If he wanted, he’d literally murder you not even for a bag of corn chips but literally just one, psh- selling you to satan for one? Bah that’s amateur’s work! He’s somehow a minor inconvenience who can commit REALLY nasty and horrible atrocities at the same time if he feels like it, if he finds out something annoys you or REALLY pisses you off he’s going to keep doing it, he will literally try driving you insane just for the fun of it, really at this point it doesn’t seem like he HAS much of a goal but to just l i v e and cause chaos, destruction, and mayhem wherever he goes, he despises Jekyll in many ways, one being for trying to destroy him first and foremost but also Henny is just s o fucking weak, such a weak man with far too many anxieties, fears, etc- He’d be SO much better of a man if he’d simply let Hyde take control and STAY in control!
It’d make everything a lot easier, then Jek wouldn’t have to worry about ANYTHING ever again! No more of that pathetic nonsense! If it were possible, Hyde would absolutely l o v e to have his own body, separate from Jekyll, that way he could have his own life separate from that pathetic weakling’s! But… Even then, Jekyll and Hyde are one, in many ways they are absolutely apart of one another, two sides of the same coin, even with their MAJOR differences in personality and Hyde almost seeming like an entirely different entity just merely possessing Jekyll, after all, Hyde will admit it himself, he spawned from deep within Jekyll’s mind, he’s tried to get the other to see time and time again that he’s always been apart of the other deep down, Jek’s always had a more mad and evil side to him! Even if the other will deny this and take the denial to his grave, Hyde always persists in trying to get the other to see the truth in front of his eyes!
Aside from that tho, Hyde is just generally a dick and loves to mess with Jek and terrify him sometimes for literally no reason, hell he could be bored one day and decide “Hey Henny, fuck you, you suck” he loves to start drama, he loves to cause problems on purpose- Both of them would give anything to separate from each other, even if Hyde knows the truth deep down bout the both of them, even if he were always originally a part of Jekyll, it didn’t matter, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get his own body, away from that pathetic coward of a man!
| Side Facts: Jekyll rarely ever gets to relax or any free time, he’s too worried to give himself that in fear he’ll lose control, he’s almost CONSTANTLY fighting to keep control over the other, even though he knows it's physically impossible to do so, after all, he can’t stay awake forever, sure that doesn’t stop him from trying to stay awake as long as he can before his body practically forces him to pass out and he’s MUCH weaker than he used to be, I mean hell, given how long Jekyll seems to have been around, fighting SO much and almost EVERY single day has practically worn his body down but whenever there is an opportunity for any “free” time he usually spends it trying to figure out an antidote or a way to get rid of Hyde (I will say, before Hyde REALLY started doing bastardous n horrendous things, Jek would still get annoyed with him bc he was always that way but he actually, I’d say tolerated him more so than he does by now) and Hyde even- well, he still disliked Henry IMMENSELY so, but he definitely wasn’t as bad or as awful as he is to the other now, it was more so I tolerate you and we dont have to seriously fight or struggle with each other for control and back then Jek would even sometimes let Hyde have control.
But then… A serious incident (I wont name what exactly) but a serious incident that happened caused the two to absolutely despise each other (i didnt say up there, yes, Hyde absolutely despises Jekyll but there is some heavily hidden admiration in regards to the other’s determination, his persistence, and even somewhat of his creativity, Jekyll despite being an annoying nuisance in Hyde’s way, he does have some admirable things about him) but anyway- ever since that incident occurred, Jek has tried almost EVERYTHING he knew of to get rid of Hyde, even if separation from his body would still be bad bc that could mean Hyde would obtain his own body honestly? I believe Jekyll would still take that opportunity if he were given it, if he needed, he’d try and find someway to stop Hyde’s evil, maybe it’d be easier even if the other had his own body, he didn’t know, he just wishes he could be free from all this torment and agony like gosh damn give this man a b r e a k. Give him some fruit gummies and an appy juice carton and leave him be!
When Hyde is in control he wastes little time in finding things to do, being able to be out, to see the world, the world ripe for chaos and destruction, he wastes little time in getting straight to work with whatever his devious lil mind wants to think of- also for more monstrous purposes, back up there, I was p vague with the mention of teeth on his insides- p much teeth going down his throat and hell who knows, the bastard probably has teeth on the inside of his stomach at this rate- Another not so fun fact, this man can unhinge his jaw! Yaaay so u can see sharp teefs! ...He does have to kinda set his jaw back in place though bc god forbid Jek takes control then.
Smh imagine taking back control of your body only to have a fucking dislocated j a w wouldn’t that be hellish?
Hyde rarely ever does this for a few reasons- he only does it if he’s in the mood for just takin a big chomp outta someone (big chompy) just, just please- lock this thing away- or kill it, it's a menace to society and deserves nothing good- two more things btw, tbh I genuinely wasnt even considering inhuman features at first but ya know, I compromised- he has them he just chooses to hide them more often and speaking of, while Hyde says he’s always been apart of Jekyll (well this version I made anyway) that deep down their two sides of the same coin, can you really believe him? I mean, I’m not going to spoil it and tell ya anything in that regard, but who knows, who knows what Hyde REALLY is, whether or not he’s always been apart deep down inside of Jek or just some form of entity that spawned via that wonderful little formula.
And the final thing is, their voices are p much based on the musical ones' voices- Hyde’s is that deeper n raspier kinda voice while Jek’s is much softer and ya know POLITE sounding.
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berrifuu · 3 years
so i just found something to obsess over again and yes i will talk about because this needs to be released from my puny body or else i am going to burn down someone’s house 🤠
ok fist off i gotta just gush over the visual aesthetic of the game overall. ITS SO WELL MADE??? LIKE HOW??? EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN DETAILED BUT IT WORKS??? THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST VISUALLY PLEASING PIECE OF MEDIA I’VE EVER COME ACROSS! and the ligHTING?? gorgeous. this whole game is just 🤌🤌🤌
anywho, next is getting the plot outta the way. now i’m not fully done with this game (i’m following NicoB’s play through since i don’t have a PS4 :,( ) and i’m currently halfway done with episode 16. i’ve been binging this ish non stop yet i absolutely cannot make sense of what the fuck is going on. like there’s time travel but it might not be time travel and also mecha’s and alien robots who aren’t really aliens and who in the fuck is the bad guy here why is there like 10 different Iori’s and whAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SHIBA??? all i know is that this game is one giant ass mind fuck and i love it.
next is the characters (literally the best aspect of this game) and since there’s a lot of them i’m just gonna-
Juro Kurabe: NOT Juro Izumi, uhh so far i just feel bad for this dude. like give my mans a break he just wants a normal ass life 😭🤚. also he reminds me of Hajime Hinata from SDR2 so i have a personal liking for him 😳
Megumi Yakushiji: get away?? from?? juro please?? like gurl leave the poor guy alone 😭. also what’s with her whole Madoka Magica aesthetic?
Natsuno Minami: she’s so cute and for what? i just wanna be friends with her tbh
Ei Sekigahara: i absolutely ADORE him and i have no clue why. i think it’s just that his design is definitely one of the best ones in the game, but he’s also pretty interesting ngl
Keitaro Miura: tbh i thought him and Sekigahara were siblings when i fist saw them but they’re not which makes me kinda sad cause their friendship is cute. i haven’t seen much of this guy so i don’t have that many opinions on him
Shu Amiguchi: this dude is literally so chill and i love it. lowkey reminds me of Oikawa from Haikyuu so you know i’d love him. also i love is hairstyle
Yuki Takamiya: *deep inhale* i’m so fucking gay for her
BJ: he’s cute, especially whenever he pops his head out of Natsuno’s gym bag
Renya Gouto: dude appears like once and when he does he’s shot by Megumi, definitely needs a break and some coffee. nice voice tho 😳😳
Iori Fuyusaka: i like her design but she’s too much of a “Pick Me” girl so idk. and she literally simps for anyone and it’s staring to kinda get on my nerves
Tomi Kisaragi: she’s so sassy and i love it. also i love how whenever she’s walking you can see her braids just flowing in the air
Nenji Ogata: reminds me of Josuke from JJBA 🙈🙈. his relationship with Kisaragi is SO GODDAMN CUTE??? I LOVE THEM SM!
Ryoko Shinonome: BEST DESIGN IN THE WHOLE GAME!! but not the greatest personality unfortunately. idk it’s just creepy to think that she simps for a guy in his 30’s
Takatoshi Hijiyama: poor guy, mans just wants to enjoy some Yakisoba Pan and not be embarrassed by the fact that he fell for a trap😭🤚
Tsukasa Okino: literally the best charcter in the whole ass game, and i am so salty that he’s not a playable charcter. this dude literally has the balls to put on a skirt play dress up and fuck around with not one, not two, not three, but four (maybe even more) guys’ hearts and then just dip out. i adore this man
Miwako: literally too cute to put into words pleASE MARRY ME-
and that’s really all the charcters i can remember and/or care about. i’m tired so gn 💗
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ycras · 3 years
Hi y’all, I’m Blue & this is Yara! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve rp’d so I’m excited to be here! Feel free to hmu for plotting! 
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welcome aboard, yara whitney, student #5. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like zendaya? according to our records, you hail from los angeles, united states,  prefer she/her pronouns, are a woman and are here to study marine biology. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your money — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charismatic, + compassionate, but also - brazen. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the game deck. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a surfboard. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
Born & raised in LA and she was born into moneyyyy
More or less grew up on the beach–she’s always liked water from a young age and between living right near the ocean & all the yacht parties, etc. she just really took to the water
She’s super active and has always had trouble sitting still. She always really liked sports so growing up she played soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, volleyball, boxing (only for a little while then her parents FLIPPED and made her quit b/c they were scared she’d get seriously hurt), and surfing–she absolutely loves surfing. You name it and she most likely played it at least for a little while.
 Honestly got the Cali surfer-girl vibe down pat; she’s usually pretty chill and go w/ the flow and it takes a lot to get her to pop off just because she like…doesn’t care? Like she’ll most likely just stop talking to you if you annoy her which is probably her toxic trait.
Don’t mess w/ her brother, Santos, tho ‘cause she’ll fuck you up. 
Her mom never really liked that she was so sporty, especially when it came time to go to fancy functions and she’d ripped her dress from skateboarding in it or had band-aids on her arms from playing too rough
One of her mom’s friends made an off-handed comment about how beautiful she was, her impeccable skin, bone structure, etc. when she was younger and mentioned modeling and her mom really took to that idea and started having Yara do print ads, etc for high-end brands.
Yara was annoyed by it when she was younger but as she got older she didn’t mind it quite so much because it’d get her out of schoolwork sometimes and it got her mom to stop nagging her so much. She started to realize that if she could do this and show up looking presentable at events to appease her parents, she could do her own thing when she wasn’t. 
That continued on into adulthood, even walking in some shows, etc. She was essentially just modeling and socialite-ing during her early adulthood until she decided to go legit recently. She kind of…got bored with what she was doing. Like there was no real excitement or challenge and it was never something she really wanted to do which is how she ended up here. 
She’d always liked animals growing up, especially marine animals and when she was little she wanted to be an animal trainer at the zoo so she decided she might as well study marine biology on the ship. She actually likes the challenge of it so far.
She likes to party but doesn’t necessarily always need to get fucked up to have a good time--she definitely had her little hedonistic phase which was exacerbated by the fact that she was modeling and put under a lot of pressure and it was what everyone else was doing but she just got tired of it. She’ll still party and drink and smoke and turn up but not all the time.
Really likes to travel (then again who doesn’t??) and has been to many countries throughout her life but it was always in a way that was pretty luxurious and grandiose--this will be different/a change of pace because they’re not staying at the nicest most expensive hotels and suites
She didn’t really have many friends until she got older b/c when she was a kid the bougie circles her family ran in thought she was a bit of a heathen tbh
Can come off as standoffish or intimidating to people but she’s usually pretty friendly and chill unless you disrespect her or do something to piss her off. 
Few Fast Facts
Certified disaster bisexual 
Is a twin - her and her brother santos are twins
Speaks several different languages including being fluent in Spanish, French, Swahili, and Mandarin. She also has some level of proficiency/knows at least basic Italian, Korean, and Portuguese
She’s a vegetarian/on the verge of vegan but can’t give up cheese & eggs
Adventurous and thrill-seeker--loves roller-coasters and all that
Still pretty spoiled in a lot of ways i.e. has never done laundry a day in her life and never plans to
9/10 not wearing a bra 
Really likes dolphins--wants to specialize in them as a marine biologist
Still working on an official connections page but some connections of top i’d really like are: 
best friend trio - these two are her best friends, be it that they’ve known one another for a while or they became fast friends on the ship and they most likely get into shit together
study buddy/major classmate - someone else who’s study marine science or something similar to her. maybe they don’t like one another but grudgingly have to admit they both have talent/skil or maybe they bond over their shared interest and end up working on different projects or research together
romance - smthn romantic (very detailed, ik). but could be enemies to lovers, exes that had to break up for w/e reason but never stopped carrying about one another, maybe they’re friends w/ benefits but secretly like one another, maybe it’s old fashioned enemies to lovers or friends to lovers, i’m open to w/e! 
Pretty much anything! i’m dtp, if ya know what I mean ;) (down to plot)
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 44: The One where Su She Gets Rekt
we’re outside of mianmian’s house and omg wwx's face is so cute when he recognizes mianmian. his little pleased grin makes me melt every time
also omg, i just realized that wwx is still wearing lwj’s white inner robes here???
you can see them where you usually see his (sinfully) red inner robes!!!!! 
which means as far as i’m concerned this ENTIRE EPISODE is a wangxiantic in and of itself lolol
mr. mianmian is like, why are you calling my daughter's name??
(i keep forgetting that mianmian's name isn't actually mianmian lol)
i'd be concerned too if some strange guy who was hiding behind our hay bale or whatever the heck that is, knew my kid's name...
wwx is so amused by this turn of events! he's like, awww, mianmian and little mianmian!
which was basically my response too
but ofc lwj is much more formal and does his little bow and addresses her as Lady Luo
wwx: now i know your true name!!
wait, did he really never learn it before?? or did he just forget? both are plausible, tbh
and here mianmian introduces her husband
wwx: may i ask what clan you're from?
mm: oh, he's not from any clan. he's a merchant!
bc mm knew getting tangled up with another clan was just not a good life decision, probs
and she's all he comes with me on night hunts tho and wwx is like, oh is that what you were doing?
little mm: we were looking for the yiling patriarch!
and wwx perks up and gets all playful bc WWX LOVES CHILDREN SO MUCH
wwx: oh, but i heard he eats children. aren't you afraid?
little mm gets all shy and stutter-y and it's ADORABLE
wwx is all like, oh she's so cute! she looks just like you when you were her age
and mm is all, don't you feel bad saying that?? how would you know what i looked like at that age???
we get a shot of lwj and he looks at ease and is simply taking joy in watching wwx interact with these people
same, lwj, same
wwx: how old is she? i'd like to give her some lucky money!
and ofc mr. and mrs. mianmian immediately try to stop him for politeness sake BUT LOL LWJ IS ALREADY REACHING INTO HIS SLEEVE TO GET MONEY FOR THE KID
wwx: don't be so humble. it's not my money anyway~
and he laughs bc he'S SHAMELESS
lwj just hands wwx his purse and lets him take whatever he wants from it. 
what a doting husband-to-be he is!
and then mm does that thing all parents do with small children "what do you say to hanguang jun and master wei?"
little mm: thank you, hanguang jun
lwj must agree with me bc he SMILES. it's his little smile, the one that just barely curls up at the corner of his lips, but it's a sincere smile
he's probably remembering lsz when lsz was that age
he's probably thinking about how he wants more children, esp now that wwx is here to raise them with him
Give me all the Dadji fic!
wwx: little mm, i gave you the money. why don't you say thank you to me?
and he puts on this cute little pout but little mm just glares ADORABLY at him bc she SAW who's money it was and she's a clever girl lololol
lwj is amused by that exchange too, we get another one of his little smiles
now they're asking for info on anything unusual around but they get interrupted by some screaming!! mm was all ready to go attack, but lwj said they'd handle it
after they leave, mr. and mrs. mm have a little convo which i wouldn't bother mentioning except she ends it with a very sincere "master wei...is a good man"
turns out the screaming was wen ning!! being adorable!!
he's all covered in mud and grass, and had been trying to scare people off for Reasons
wwx starts cleaning his face 
lwj watches this go down but there's no smile on his face like there was before with little mm even tho wwx being all sweet and nurturing is always cute
oh, wwx just noticed wn's injured hand and is like, what happened? and wn ofc says 'NOthing!!!" bc he doesn't want to worry wwx
lwj: it's blood.
wn: not blood1! well, it is but it's not human blood!!
he says this so nervously and flustered bc lwj is very intimidating actually 
Or at least I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side...
now we find out that wn has secretly been taking down puppets while following wwx and lwj around this whole time
bc wn is a good friend
then it gets kinda sad bc wwx is like, wn i told you to hide out somewhere! and wn is all, but where would i hide?
bc wn has nowhere and no one aside from wwx rn 😔
so wwx is like, okay, the three of us can travel together instead
Lol, lwj looks down at this and starts stalking off
lwj: lets go
i don't think he's happy to have a third wheel lololol
he wanted alone time with wwx!
now they're in town!
wwx: lan zhan, do you remember this town?
lwj: yes
wwx is like, remember that time i said i'd treat you to a meal here?
they're in front of the teahouse in yiling and lwj is looking at it, like, FONDLY bc he DOES remember and it's probably one of his happiest memories tbh
wwx isn't looking at the teahouse, he's looking at lwj here and he gets this soft little smile on his face AND IT'S SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL 
ooh flashback to their first time in yiling together! And ~Their Song~ starts playing!!
it's a quick little flashback bc we're back in the present with wwx saying something about how he's embarrassed that lwj ended up paying that time or smth
at wwx's words, lwj turns around and just looks at him. 
Omg, how does he always pack in SO MUCH LOVE in the way he looks at wwx??
another quick flashback of them sharing a meal at the teahouse with cute little a-yuan darting around lwj with his toys
wwx: but that happened a long time ago
wwx turns and sees the toy stall and he SMILES
but then he gets sad as he remembers a-yuan
wwx: if that boy were still alive, he would be a teenager now
Bc wwx still thinks all the wens died. He thinks little a-yuan was BRUTALLY MURDERED with the rest of his clan
then we get a bit of slo-mo as lwj turns to look at wwx, who's still lost in thought
cut to somewhere outside the town and wn is beating up a whole bunch of puppets all by himself like a badass
oh, here's lwj with the assist! he guqin's the heck out of those puppets
he looks so cool doing that, omg
Also, i love how he whooshes away his instrument whenever he's done with it
we're at the burial mounds!!
which is looking just as bright and cheery as ever!!
meaning everything is gray and looks dead
wwx gets really sad, and he's remembering the voices of all the wens he failed
wn snaps him out of it, thankfully
lwj explains how everything was destroyed during the siege back then
he doesn't mention at all how he defended this place until he physically couldn't anymore
wwx: it doesn't matter that this place was destroyed. for me, wq, and wn, it represents the hardest time in our lives. there's no need to return to this place
wwx says this all soberly and i just wanna wrap him up in blankets and hide him from the world
lwj looks like he feels the same way, lol
wwx: wen ning, stop looking. let's go
wn: yes, young master. i just wanted to check if there's anything left
which was ANOTHER PERFECT OPENING for lwj to cut in and say "ACTUALLY, ABOUT THAT, a-yuan is totally alive and well, guys!!"
but nooooo, ofc lwj doesn't say anything bc god forbid he use his words every once in awhile
oh, evil puppets just appeared and started attacking 
But wn is like NOT TODAY SATAN and starts pummeling the lot of them
ooooh, and lwj does this thing here where he summons up a guqin string and, like, magically attaches it to a couple of trees 
Then wwx tells wn to watch out and wn does this cool backflip to join wwx as lwj TWIRLS forward to take wn's place
and then he magically plucks the guqin string which lets out this big blue blast of energy 
the whole move looks SO DAMN COOL
After, he whooshes away his string like nbd, just being effortlessly awesome like ALWAYS
now they're making their way to wwx's demon palace cave thing, and lwj stops to freaking MATERIALIZE suibian out of thin air and give it to wwx
it looks SO cool
lwj: for defense
wwx: thank you
wwx unsheathes it just enough so we can see the inscription on the blade before re-sheathing it and keeping it at his side
lwj gives him a Questioning Look and wwx gets a little awkward
wwx: ah, i haven't used a sword in so long, i'm not used to it
his eyes are all big and guileless and gorgeous
lwj is not as easily distracted as i am, apparently, and he very obviously is not buying with wwx is selling
wwx: fine, i'll tell you. it's bc this body of mine lacks spiritual power, so even the best sword can't show it's true power in my hand
lol, he raises up suibian when he says "the best sword"
i am so distracted by wwx's gorgeous cheekbones here, 
omg, paired with those big brown eyes, I CAN'T HANDLE IT I'M ONLY HUMAN
wwx: therefore, hanguang jun, please protect this fragile, feeble man~
he says it with a thin smile which looks as adorable as all his other smiles
Tbh i get the impression that he's a little embarrassed to have to ask for help
wwx walks around past lwj and we see lwj aim one of his signature Longing Glances at wwx's back
now we're in wwx's old demon palace cave thing!!
lol, lsz and jl are tied to one another, my sweet little baby ship
you know what, this isn't wangxian at all but the juniors have some choice lines here and we should take the time to appreciate them
ljy: what do they even want? whether it's to torture or kill us, they should just do it! i'd rather be eaten by monsters during night hunting than starve to death in this shithole
death by starvation has got to be one of the WORST ways to go
rando jin junior starts running his mouth again and we see jin ling close his eyes and attempt to do a breathing exercise or smth and IT'S HILARIOUS LOLOLOLOL
it lasts like, two seconds before he's yelling at the other kid and telling him to shut up
rando jin junior is all offended and is like, what do you mean shut up??
so my precious bratty son is like, "what do i mean? are you deaf or stupid? can't you understand? shut up means STOP TALKING"
they bicker for a bit and lsz cuts in trying to make them stop by pointing out that, hello, they're trapped in here by evil puppets who could decide to come in and tear them to pieces literally any minute now
the distraction tactic didn't work. the boys are trying to beat each other up whilst being tied up and it's HILARIOUS
meanwhile lsz is like: guys, calm down, calm down!!
bc he's tied to jl so he's getting all jostled around, poor sweetie-pie lsz 
and this is when wwx decides to step in, with a long suffering sigh and a very unamused: hey, look here.
also it cracks me up how there's a breeze elegantly rustling through wwx's and wn's hair. 
it's so obviously for the Aesthetic bc literally nobody else's hair is doing that 😆😆😆 
and wn ning totally plays along bc he slices through those ropes in the most menacing way possible AND ALL THE KIDS SLAM THEIR EYES CLOSED AND HAVE A FULL-BODY FLINCH AND IT'S HILARIOUS
wwx gets sulky that the kids seem more scared of wn than him lol
we see the dumber kids make a break for it but oyzz, with his big kind heart, stops them bc hey, remember there's a horde of evil puppets outside??
lol, wwx smirks at the dumb kids.
lsz: master wei, you're here to save us! you didn't send people to capture us right?
and wwx is like, do i LOOK like i have that kind of money?
lsz is like, ah, yes, i remember that you are TRAGICALLY POOR.
kid doesn't pull punches, does he lol. and he says it so mildly too
wwx's whole reaction here is like, yeah okay, i deserved that one lol
wwx starts grilling the kids for info, which ljy gladly provides, and lwj gives him and lsz a "well done" for their efforts
oooh, now jin ling is approaching wwx
lwj sees him out of the corner of his eye and IMMEDIATELY places himself in front of wwx
which cracks me up bc this is a full grown man here squaring up against a kid who's like, twelve (okay, 16 but still!)
ofc lsz and ljy follow lwj's lead and put themselves between jl and wwx too
wwx thinks they're all being ridiculous
wwx: what are you guys doing? you're surrounding him.
so he nudges the lan kids away and then grabs lwj's upper arm and literally tugs him away from where he was about to throw hands with a child
ljy: you want to stab him again?
lsz: jingyi!
thank you, lsz, tell him to leave my bratty son alone ☹️
wwx essentially waves it all off and is like, hey guys lets focus on getting out of here first, yeah?
jin ling looks ashamed, my poor boy. he feels all guilty for stabbing wwx 😞
now they're plot talking about how they're gonna get out of the cave, what with the horde of evil puppets and all
they make it to the entrance of the cave and we see a whole bunch of cultivators drop in for a party, i guess
oyzz: dad! *runs off to be with dad*
jc: jin ling what are you waiting for? your death?
oh hey, one of the rando juniors called out "mom!"
that's so cool actually??? we don't really get a lot of lady cultivators but apparently one of them is there to save her kid!!
uh oh, Uncle Lan does not look happy to be here
lwj leads all the lan juniors to lqr and he bows politely to him 
the lan juniors all join lqr and stand behind him but lwj very pointedly stands before lqr and makes no move to get closer to him as wwx joins him at his side
lqr: wangji, come here
lwj looks at him briefly, like he wants to say something, before looking down 
bc no, he's not leaving wwx's side ever again lqr, so you better get used to it
now some rando lady cultivator is shouting at lwj. she's all "you're undeserving of your reputation!!"
and i'm sitting here like, HEY LADY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH OR COME FIGHT ME
wwx interrupts her rant 
wwx: here you go again!
he probs would've said more but then jc interrupts
jc: we have to do this
and he probs wouldve said more but FUCKING SU SHE INTERRUPTS AS IF HE HAS ANY VALUE AT ALL
LOL JC’s eyes slide over from wwx to su she and he looks at su she WITH SUCH CONTEMPT AND IRRITATION, IT'S GREAT
ss: blah blah we found you cuz you stole kids blah blah 
now wwx is gonna get clever and start talking circles around this crew of idiot cultivators
wwx: your party seems a bit weak, guys. shouldn't jgy and lxc be here with you?
ss: blah blah assassination attempt against jgy blah blah lxc is tenderly nursing him back to health blah blah
then su she implies that wwx was the one who tried to kill jgy
wwx snorts
ss: why are you laughing??
wwx: oh, nothing. i was just surprised that jgy could get hurt so easily
and here we get some oyzz time
oyzz: dad, i don't think he really did it. last time, he saved us in coffin town. this time, he rescued us too!
oyzz's dad: don't speak nonsense, you silly child
wwx: why didn't the nie clan come?
Nhs pops in from where he was hiding: oh, pardon me! master wei, i don't know anything about this. i'm just here to make up the numbers
LOL i love how after popping up to say that, he just scoots himself away and behind the other cultivators again
now the idiot cultivators are airing their grievances against wwx
ugh, sect leader yao is talking again and we get to see mob mentality in action
they're still hurling accusations at my sunshine boy and it's making me angry
wwx: I won't admit to what i didn't do
Fucking su she chimes in with some bullshit and so wwx decides to do a public service and try to teach these losers some critical thinking skills by laying out Valid Points for Plot Reasons
Lesson gets cut short bc oops, here come more evil zombie puppets with a strong gust of wind for ambience
but it fails on it's second strike!! jc looks at it in shock, like what's going on??
wwx must've seen that happen bc suddenly we see his flute boomerang the puppet that was headed for jc
and wwx places himself in front of him BC THAT'S HIS BROTHER, THE BROTHER HE LOVES
oh, now we see lqr spit up blood and lwj, being the good nephew that he is, swoops in to fight off the puppets that had been attacking his uncle
god, lwj is such a good person  bc he just blocked a hit aimed for sect leader yao
Sect leader yao
i mean, c'mon, is ANYONE gonna miss him if he dies??? no, nobody would be torn up over sect leader yao dying
his wake would have been a party, like ding dong the witch is dead sort of party
lol, lwj probs regrets this later on when he’s chief cultivator and has to listen to that loser rant endlessly about nothing, like, damn, i should’ve let him die back then
you know, i'm just gonna enjoy lwj fighting. he's got the best fight scenes tbh
we find out that everyone's spiritual energy has been blocked and they're defenseless against those puppets
lsz tells them all that they need to get into the cave where there's a protective circle they can fix and activate
then fucking su she is all like no don't go in there, it's probs a trap to kill us!!
wwx: staying outside will get you killed. going inside will also get you killed. either way, you're dead. but at least going inside will stall them.
wwx: su she, why are you in such a hurry to ask everyone to die with you? What’s your intent?
Lol nhs is like are you guys going in or not? i'll just go inside myself if you won't and all his cultivators are like, yeah yeah, let's do that 
everyone's fleeing to the cave now except for su she and his crew
wwx: su she, you'll stay here? fine, stay here. You sure are brave!
while all the cultivators go into the cave lwj and wn are still fighting until everyone's gone
wwx: lan zhan, come on!
lwj slices down two more puppets and then zooms to wwx's side
lqr activates the protective circle and then holds wwx (and by extension lwj) at sword point
lwj: grand master
lwj looks at him like he wants him to understand, but he sees the lqr is not having it so he lowers his gaze
poor lwj 😔
lqr: what do you want?
wwx: nothing. but since you're all here let's have a chat!
lol, wwx sits down and makes himself comfortable even tho he's surrounded by cultivators that want him dead
The cultivators are all like, we don't wanna talk with you!!
wwx: aren't you interested in the reason you got poisoned? i swear, i'm not that capable of poisoning you all without being discovered
nhs: that's right. i think what he says makes sense
nhs is really good at what he does, isn't he? 
he knows exactly when he should interject to get the crowd to do as he wants
wwx starts to walk them through the basic critical thinking process, and lsz adds in his clever insights as well
then there's a bunch of plot talk that idc about
nhs: master wei, what should we do now?
Wwx is like, there's only two groups with spiritual power. me and lwj are onE group, and the juniors are the other group.
wwx: as for the rest, i don't think it's inappropriate to describe you as week and useless
wwx: if i really wanted to do something, could these young men stop me?
then fucking su she starts talking again
ss: blah blah blah kill me if you want blah blah we aint scared blah blah
Man, you have NO IDEA how much i want you dead, su she
wwx: may i ask who you are?
wwx starts teaching them critical thinking again and we're again shown how the juniors are way more clever that these full-fledged cultivators
wwx looks so proud whenever the juniors chime in
su she starts talking again
ss: blah blah you're being fooled by the enemy blah blah bl--
wwx: continue. why'd you stop?
some rando cultivator accuses wwx of doing that to su she and wwx is ADORABLE about it
his eyes get all wide and he frowns with a "well, don't look at me!" expression
and lsz and ljy tell us that it's a lan clan specialty - THE SILENCE SPELL
so wwx continues and is like, isn't it weird how fucking su she wanted you all to die out there with him and now he wants to stop me from figuring out who poisoned you? now, why would an ally do that, hm?
wwx: it seems that the su clan doesn't get along with the lan clan
ljy: indeed (he says with a disgusted look at su she LOL)
lwj: the su clan is a branch of the lan clan
and here, nhs gets ljy's attention
nhs: what's the story?
lsz interrupts tho so he can give a more tactful explanation
lsz: master nie, you may not know but ss built his own clan after departing from the lan clan
lsz: their techniques are similar to the lan clan's, they're also good at music. even ss's spiritual tool is modeled after hanguang jun's 7-string guqin
ljy: not "departed from." they were expelled for betraying the lan clan. and it's not only that! there are funnier reasons too!
ljy: ss not only imitates everything from us, he also forbids ppl from discussing how he imitates hanguang jun
ha, you can hear lsz scolding him in the background
unfortunately ss gets the ability to speak back and immediately gets everyone to start bickering
we see wwx roll his eyes and get this "I am so Done" expression on his face
i feel ya bro
more bickering, ljy giving as good as he gets, which is awesome, and then ljy says something that gives wwx an "aha!" moment
ljy: who are you calling arrogant? which clan's demon-subdue melody was played badly without even noticing?
and with that, wwx figures out how the other cultivators lost their spiritual power. but he's gonna make a show out of explaining it bc Drama.
wwx: lqr, may i ask you a question?
lqr: hmph. if you have a question, why not ask lwj?
wow, very mature of you lqr. what kind of example are you setting for your juniors?
we get a shot of lwj here and he looks at his uncle and then looks away with his mouth pinched
i think that hurt him. he still loves his uncle, after all.
wwx: then i'll ask him
wwx: lan zhan, even tho the su clan departed from the lan clan, they imitated the lan clan exclusive technique, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: one of the techniques is magic music that can exorcise evil with a guqin. since the su clan copied you, lots of their disciples use the guqin too, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: ss left the clan after learning the technique but since he didn't learn it to perfection, his disciples play with many mistakes, right?
lwj: yes
wwx: so even if they played music badly during battle, the lan clan wouldn't mind at all. they'd just assume it's careless mistakes. they'd assume someone confuse the score rather than thinking they did it on purpose
then he poses very confidently and says "isn't that right, clan leader su?"
su she goes to pluck the guqin strings and wwx reminds him that he has no spiritual power rn
ss: what are you insinuating by saying all that?
wwx: did i not say it clear enough that you feel like i'm just insinuating?
and then wwx spells it all out for them bc as all know, these cultivators are all idiots. 
and the episode ends there!
not a lot of wangxiantics aside from the bit at the beginning BUT SO MANY QUALITY LINES FROM WWX AND THE JUNIORS
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