#Incubus Jaskier
hngryazn · 21 days
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Trying my best to get back into traditional.. As a treat please accept some non-human Jaskier 😌
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Prompt 34
Jaskier is a succubus/incubus (Cause some sources say it's based on the entity's gender, and some say the name is based on the gender of the people they have sex with, so if he's a succubus or if he's an incubus is up to you, darling <3) Jaskier hasn't told Geralt of this, of course. He'd rather not add another thing to Geralt's seemingly endless list of things he hates about Jaskier. Jaskier jumps from bed to bed in towns, because he physically feeds on the passion of his little midnight trysts he has with lonely unsatisfied women in town. He'd go for men too, but doesn't need more mobs chasing him out of town and annoying Geralt. Geralt finally snaps at him one night, fed up with getting chased out of three fucking towns in a row. And the worst part isn't even the fact they keep getting thrown out. It's when Jaskier comes to him, ruffled, kiss-bruised, and reeking of sex he had with someone else. Jaskier, scared of Geralt leaving him behind, promises that he'll volunteer to have a dry-spell. No more cuckolding husbands for Jaskier, no sirree! However, being a succubus/incubus means that the longer he goes without some passion, the more weak he gets, and he starts to fall ill. Geralt grows increasingly worried. One night at camp, Geralt kisses Jaskier's forehead when Jaskier is asleep and he watches as color visibly returns to Jaskier's face, and Geralt's medallion hums. Geralt is now suspicious Jaskier has been cursed. Jaskier returns to looking peaky by the next morning. That is, until Geralt drags him into a hug on a hunch, and sure enough, Jaskier looks better. The more romantic the gesture, the more it seems to help Jaskier. Jaskier finally confesses what he is, bawling and sure that Geralt will banish him at the least and kill him at the most. Geralt is horrified, and hugs his friend close, promising he'd never do either. (BECAUSE THE MOUNTAIN BREAKUP SHOULD'VE NEVER LEFT THE WRITING ROOM) Geralt offers to have sex, wanting Jaskier to be healthy again, but Jaskier doesn't want the only time he gets to sleep with the love of his life to be when Geralt doesn't even love him back. He says as such, and Geralt stumbles his way through confessing that Jaskier's feelings are requited, and Geralt loves him too.
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
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who was he? I guess it doesn't matter - he was loved
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pherryt · 10 months
Matter of Convenience
Witchersexual!Jaskier, Incubus!Jaskier
Rated: E Pairings: Jaskier/Everyone, Eskel/Geralt, Vesemir/Guxart, Coen/Lambert, Lambert/Aiden, Cedric/Axel, and various permutations between Words Posted: 6914 (2 of 19 chapters so far) Posting Schedule: 1 Chapter a day
Summary: When a Witcher finds Jaskier trying to feed behind the tavern, he thought it was over, finally. His secret was out. But the Witcher surprises him and proposes something completely different, bringing him home to Kaer Morhen instead.
Turns out, some of the Witcher mutations leave them in a tight spot of their own. Vesemir proposes to help Jaskier learn about himself so he won't become a danger to others if he helps them through the winter season.
 It really works out better than planned.
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oldandkinky · 2 years
Incubus Jaskier?
This mostly exists in my head right now.
The idea is very basic: Jaskier is an incubus but no one knows. Bottled Appetites happens but instead of fighting over the amphora, Jaskier suggests wearing Geralt out in other ways so he can sleep.
This is pretty much all I have right now. *shrugs*
Jaskier is drunk. That's… Hm. That's a fact, he thinks blearily as he stumbles through the underbrush. He doesn't get drunk often, not on alcohol anyway, but being dumped by the de Stael yet again… That warrants getting properly sozzled, if anybody were to ask him.
His affair with the Countess has always been an on again, off again thing, but this time it might be over for good. The things she said to him- No, it doesn't bear thinking about. And all because she caught him with the stable boy, as if she doesn't know exactly who and what he is and what he needs!
He scoffs and takes another pull from his flask. Fuck her, he thinks, let her languish in her stupid manor with her stupid boring husband. Jaskier has better things to do, places to be, people to bed-
Speaking of, there's a scent on the breeze, one he knows like his own. His spirits lift the smallest bit and a smile spreads on his face.
Jaskier hasn't seen Geralt in… Huh, a year? Two? He lost track, he realises with a wince. He hasn't let himself think about the Witcher too much after the debacle in Cintra, feeling a bit guilty about the whole thing. Geralt had made quite clear how he feels about having to be there for anyone, and Jaskier is kind of to blame for him being at the banquet. Still, he doesn't feel too guilty. He didn't put a knife to Geralt's throat and force him to claim the Law of Surprise, so it's really Geralt's own fault.
He finds the Witcher on the banks of a small river, looking even more dishevelled than usual, a fishing net clutched in his hands. 
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tallfroggieart · 1 year
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@fawnnbinary and I did a collab!! I am in fact obsessed with his incubus!Jask AU and also tarot art, so the two of us decided to each draw a card of the dearest boy while keeping our actual drawings secret from each other until right now, when all of you can see it too! Miles, ty so much for letting me run wild with and also go insane for your character ily <3
Everyone, check out Miles’ art account if you haven’t yet!! He is so incredibly talented and his art fucks so hard. Like seriously go look his skill blows me away every time.
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therrion-jof · 1 year
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Geralt was so exhausted and tired after a particularly hard hunting , and he fell asleep unable to feed his incubus.
So we have a very starving and sulky incubus here. 😏
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xejune · 2 years
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doodle dump! couple AUs, couple shitposts <3
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tossacoinifyoucan · 5 months
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It had been an incubus, of course. It should have never been anywhere near Ciri. It should have been him. He would be fine. He could have probably even remembered it with longing, if he was subjected to Geralt’s or Yennefer’s touch due to it. But it was Ciri there. She was the one under the curse. She was just a girl. Barely old enough to know the pleasures her own flesh could offer her. It had to be him. The owner of the cottage was dead. The nearest village was too far away for her feverish, collapsing body to endure. Any possible way to break the curse beyond their knowledge. And they couldn’t trust anyone else, besides. It had to be him.
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thedemonofcat · 3 months
It's discovered that Jaskier is immune to succubus/ incubus influence.
Apparently, Jaskier is already so Horny that there is nothing left for them to do. They can’t affect him, munch to Geralt’s dismay, Jaskier will acutally be the one to seduce the Succubus or incubus into bed
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"Second chance" With geraskier for the made up fic title? Thank you! Also I LOVE your writings so much x
Geralt and Jaskier have some major falling out. Maybe it's after Rinde or after the mountain or maybe it's post-season 2. The details don't matter. What does matter is that Jaskier gets drunk and goes in search of a djinn, as one does. When he finds the djinn, he wishes to never have met Geralt of Rivia.
Next thing Jaskier knows, he's eighteen years old again, standing in a tavern in Posada while people throw bread at him. He sees Geralt across the room, sitting in the corner. For a moment, he's tempted to approach him and try again. Maybe do better this time. Instead, he takes his bread and leaves.
Jaskier continues on the road as a traveling bard, this time without Geralt. It's a lonelier life. He still has his battered lute he bought as a student, rather than the beautiful elven one. He gets more fists to the face, because Geralt isn't there to stop angry husbands from beating him up. But it's fine. Jaskier is making it work, even if none of his songs come close to the popularity of "Toss a Coin."
He carries on like this for a few years until the day a caravan he's traveling with gets attacked by harpies and who comes along but Geralt of Rivia himself. Geralt saves the caravan and escorts it the rest of the way to its destination while Jaskier does his best to be inconspicuous.
Except after that, it keeps happening. Jaskier nearly gets eaten by an incubus in Novigrad, and it's Geralt who saves him. He teaches at Oxenfurt for the winter, and Geralt is also staying in the city. At least once a year, it seems like he walks into a tavern and finds Geralt brooding in a corner.
Eventually, Jaskier gives up and approaches him. Geralt is initially wary of him, as he is with most strangers, but warms up to him quicker than Jaskier expected and agrees to let Jaskier travel with him until the next city.
During their travels, Jaskier and Geralt become friends and it almost feels like no time at all has passed, like they've known each other for decades. They start meeting up sporadically throughout the year--Geralt invites Jaskier to travel with him, but Jaskier refuses him, not wanting to overstay his welcome--and eventually become lovers.
After they start sleeping together, Jaskier starts to feel guilty about lying to Geralt. Should he tell the man he loves that they knew each other for decades before they met, that Geralt lived a whole life that Jaskier took from him with one thoughtless wish?
Finally, Jaskier breaks down and confesses everything to Geralt, who is thunderstruck, because Geralt has remembered everything from the beginning and thought that Jaskier didn't remember him.
Jaskier expects Geralt to be angry when he learns that Jaskier made a djinn wish, but Geralt is just happy that they had another chance to make things better between them and that Jaskier chose him all over again.
(I can also see a Geraskefer/Yennskier version of this where Jaskier flees Posada, and immediately runs into Yennefer post-Queen Kalis' death. It's her he keeps running into until they become lovers, and then one day Geralt stumbles in and needs healing and Jaskier has an "oh shit" moment.)
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geraskierficrecs · 2 years
Feral Jaskier Fic List
Sometimes A Hammer, Sometimes a Lockpick by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Geralt's been in a dungeon for two weeks and is understandably frustrated. Jaskier, on the other hand, is what one might call... livid.
All that glitters is gold by MarianetteftHJM
Jaskier marks his territory (Geralt) in subtle ways and Geralt, being an uncultured dumbass, doesn't realize it until Yennefer points it out to him.
Not a Damsel, Not in Distress by AvoidingAverage
The one closest to him raised his trembling sword with a panicked expression at the unexpected violence. “Wh--what the fuck? You’re just a bard.”
Jaskier’s smile was more a baring of his teeth, made more alarming with the blood sprayed across his skin and clothing. “Your first mistake was believing that.”
Geralt and Jaskier are ambushed by a pack of mercenaries. It was really their fault for believing the yellow eyed Witcher was the only threat.
The Shape of Love by JaskiersWolf
The first time Jaskier had shifted he’d been just a baby. He didn’t remember it but his nurse had regaled him with the story many times. It was one of his favourites. Viscount and Lady Lettenhove had never discovered where little baby Julian’s magic had come from. All his parents knew was that one morning they’d went to visit their darling little baby and found a small russet wolf pup with startling cornflower blue eyes where there should have been a human child.
merrymaking wanderer of the night by shestepsintotheriver
Geralt gets hired to deal with a devil. Not that devils are real: it's probably an incubus, or maybe a puck.
It’s not. It’s a trickster.
And now he has a whole other problem. Namely that the trickster keeps showing up just to spite him.
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
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eeeee here's my part of a collab with @tallfroggie/@tallfroggieart!! I got a little too excited and did one with alt colors too ksjghksjfgh I can't wait to see hers
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pherryt · 8 months
Eskel's Incubus
Witcher, Part 5 of Incubus Verse
Rated: E Ship: Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier, Eskel/OMC Wordcount: 9799 Save a Witcher Bingo - Squares filled:
Chapter 1 - O3: Outsider pov
Chapter 2 - B1: Experience
Chapter 3 - B4" Body Modification
Chapter 4 - O4: Adrenaline Rush
Thanks to a crow messenger, Pasja was expecting Eskel. He was even expecting Eskel to bring guests, but he hadn't anticipated Jaskier, the young incubus traveling with not just one, but two Witchers. He was either a very fearless little thing, or had learned what Pasja had learned the winter he had first met Eskel - that Witchers were far more than humans gave them credit for - And that Witchers deserved far more kindness than they ever received.
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clown-of-rivia · 2 years
Witcher AU concept: starving incubus
Jaskier is an Incubus who enjoys being a bard to make people happy, and getting laid keeps *him* happy and fed. But after being captured and tortured, he stops sleeping with people in fear of being caught and having to relive that horror.
He was saved by a Witcher who was investigating missing and rumoured trafficking of magical beings. Even knowing what he was the man was kind and helped patch him up.
Now winter is approaching, he's starving and terrified can barely sing. Then who walks in - his saviour. The witcher was smart and could piece together what he was going through, but he still listened. Jaskier never had a friend who knew what he was and still chose to stay.
Then the Witcher makes an offer - come with me to Kaer Morhen.
'Winter is approaching, you have no coin or energy and you'll die. My brothers and I will keep you safe and fed.'
Turns out witchers get bored during the winter months stuck in a cold fortress. They really appreciated the entertainment and *ahem* company.
Gentle Eskel loved to talk poetry and music, Lambert's wit and Gwent skills matched his own, and he's pretty sure Geralt is his bestie now. He had a room but always sneaked into one of their beds - and was always welcomed.
It was the best winter of his long lonely life
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dapandapod · 2 years
Scent of spring
*Obi wan kenobi voice* Hello there! Turns out writers block wasn't as done with me as I thought xDD but I'm fighting it!! So this is a piece written for an a/b/o event we are doing at @thepassifloradiscord, because fun, and there is just something about courting that is just so kdkdfjf. Yes, I'm ok, thank you for asking. So please enjoy this little thing, where Eskel is not enjoyin spring!
Here on Ao3
It’s been pouring down for fucking days. 
Spring is the absolute worst, Eskel thinks to himself as he trudges along muddy roads toward his usual inn. 
Not only because of the shitty weather, but also because of all the monsters approaching their mating season, because of the more than abundant pollen, because stupid Jaskier who doesn’t realize Eskel has been courting him for months.
He probably could have been clearer, but Eskel really thought that Jaskier would have picked up on it by now. 
The flowers, clearly coded in flower language to express his feelings for Jaskier. 
The gift, meant to show his feelings for Jaskier in physical form. The silk shirt, to prove that he could provide for his intended mate. The hand holding, to show that he would always be a bastion of safety, warmth and love for his chosen.
Eskel had felt especially brave about the hand holding, as it is not something witchers do, do they?
 But Jaskier had beamed, laced their fingers together and pressed up against his arms, so what was he to think?
When they had said their goodbyes before the winter, he had angled Jaskier’s chin up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
And Jaskier had looked so dumbfounded, so gobsmacked, that Eskel had turned tail and ran.
Not the wisest move, he admits to himself, but given the way Jaskier had smiled at him and held his hand... Eskel is simply a man.
A drenched man right now, as he stomps through the puddles with Scorpion at his side. 
Fucking mud, fucking rain, Scorpion needs to go to the ferrier to replace a shoe that disappeared somewhere two days ago. 
Most likely when they were running away from a nest of agitated nekkers, and there is no going back for it.
There is only an hour left until he reaches the inn. 
The letters he had picked up after he made it down that blasted mountain were mostly from Jaskier, writing about missing him, and where they would meet in the upcoming spring.
Which reminds him. Another bad thing with spring is his Rut. It usually hits during the late winter/early spring, just in time for him to make it down the mountain and find a whorehouse, or an incubus, or a succubus, or whatever. 
There is just no way of telling exactly when it'll come.
It doesn’t feel right to meet Jaskier just as it starts, like bad manners, but his body is intent on betraying him. 
If he didn’t know better, he would suspect that his Rut is purposely holding out until they meet. 
Which would mean either running off or dealing with it together. 
And Eskel doesn’t want Jaskier to feel obligated, or like Eskel is assuming things will happen.
Despite the rain, he can smell the smoke from the chimneys from down the road. Maybe less than an hour, then.
Daylight is slowly fading when Eskel reaches the outskirts of the village. 
The inn sits at the crossroads, the little dirt courtyard in front of the stable lined with a rickety fence. There is already light in the windows, and a teenager runs up to meet him and Scorpion when he approaches.
“Is there a farrier in town?” he asks, tossing the boy a copper when he grabs Scorpion’s reins. “Don’t touch his hindlegs, by the way,” he warns.
Eskel almost feels bad about leaving the boy with his stallion, but there is a restlessness twisting in his bones. 
From inside, he can hear the strumming of a lute, sense Jaskier’s scent in the air. Warm and spicy, familiar and safe and enticing. 
The boy stammers out a “Yes, master witcher,” and Eskel is moving. He walks towards the inn's door and slips inside quietly so as to not disturb the performance.
Jaskier sits upon a chair in the corner, where the floor is slightly elevated. From the look of the crowd, Eskel is not the only traveler seeking cover as there are but a few tables free at the front.
There is no fucking way Eskel is going to sit in front of the stage. So by the wall he stands, until a table further back vacates. He orders a serving of tonight's dinner and two ales.
When Jaskier notices him, a secret smile graces his lips, his content scent spiking.
“I’m afraid this will be my last song for tonight, fair folk,” Jaskier informs the tavern, strumming up a gentle tune, eyes lingering on Eskel.
His dinner arrives and he promptly forgets about it, held captive by Jaskier's every word. By a song about hoping, about searching.
The sweet gesture of a daisy tucked lovingly behind your ear. 
The soul-warming sensation of a hand in yours. 
A kiss given when parting is inevitable.
There is thin applause when he finishes up, and Eskel can do nothing but stare when Jaskier packs up and approaches his table.
“Hi you,” he says quietly, smiling down at him.
“Hi yourself,” Eskel manages. “I uh… bought you a drink.”
“Such a gentleman,” Jaskier says, stealing Eskel’s drink anyway, eyes gleaming over the rim of the mug. “Did you find a room yet?”
“Was told it was fully booked.”
“Then stay in mine,” Jaskier offers. Tension builds between them now, much stronger than in the past. “You are absolutely drenched. Eat up so we can head upstairs and get you dried off.”
They make their way up to Jaskier’s room after Eskel finishes his meal. The cold is starting to get to him, at long last. 
There is no fireplace in the room, but they make do. Eskel’s wet clothes are hung over chairs and laid out on the small table, even hanging on the lute case.
There is only one bed, but luckily, it's big enough for the two of them to sleep comfortably.
Eskel still offers to take the floor.
“Don’t even think about it,” Jaskier threatens, wagging his finger. “Witchers may not get sick, no, but they get fucking sore and you will be as grumpy as Geralt in the morning, and that is just a crime.”
Snorting, Eskel relents. Soon the candle is blown out and they have settled in on each side of the bed. 
They lie quietly next to each other, Eskel staring up at the ceiling.
“Uhm. That last song you sang…” Eskel says. daring to break the silence, and Jaskier turns his head to look at him. “That was about us?”
“You noticed.” Jaskier smiles.
“Unlike you,” Eskel teases.
When Jaskier doesn’t say anything for a long moment, Eskel grows nervous.
“Eskel... Were you courting me?”
The witcher blinks and his heart sinks.
“I was. Am. But if I read it all wrong, if you're not interested, I can stop,” Eskel offers quietly.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Jaskier threatens, turning on his side to face him. He reaches for Eskel’s hand. Their fingers lace together like they haven't spent the entire winter season apart. “But maybe this time, I’ll court you back?”
A kiss is pressed to the back of his hand, and Eskel can't stop the ache in his chest. His entire being screams mate, but he is in no hurry. None at all.
“I would like that.”
They end up curled around each other. 
Eskel presses his lips to the back of Jaskier’s neck, a hand against his chest, nestled under his sleeping tunic.
The trust that Jaskier displays baring himself like this, makes Eskel hold him tighter, press him closer. One day he might put a mark there.
Pressing a kiss to the nape of Jaskier’s neck, he spreads his hand wider. He feels greedy, wanting more when he is allowed so much already.
But there is more to talk about, more topics to discuss.
For now, Eskel is more content than he has been in years. The sweet smell of Jaskier, his heartbeat under Eskel’s palm.
Maybe spring isn’t so bad after all.
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