#Inko: No one taking him from you love. Just don't forget to give him his nap time.
kitsunefyuu · 7 months
Hi! How would AFO be like as a house husband?
Oohh~! I love AFO as a house husband and makes it even funnier if still had the backstory of being feral.
It would tap into his desire to possess and care for his 'things'. Tho he just ends up accidentally terrifying always. Imagine this man at some kind of PTA meeting, if that exist in Japan, and every teacher struggles to say anything bad about Izuku. Because he looks like he's legit about to murder them where they stand.
But he likely never leave the house unclean. Always taking care of it and is always a great baby sitter for Izuku. As he just grab those baby carries and take him everywhere. No one expected him to be a great father but to him it like, he's my kid why would I leave him alone??? Also this is my house??? Of course I clean it.
Like the idea of finding what is his annoying when he made it is baffling. Like yea the kid provides nothing and his crying grating on the ear but it's his. So that automatically makes him something worth caring for.
Imagine him learning to cook some home made baby food because doesn't want to just buy some cheap one. More out of distrust more then anything.
Inko basically won a man who so obsessed with possessing that he unironically also sees it as a responsibility to care for all their shit.
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softer-ua · 3 years
I have no idea what Bakugou would have done if Izuku died in the sludge Villain accident. They had a lot of strong unresolved emotions, I just can't fully visualize it, the only thing I have clear is him trying to latch onto anger, but that would burn out fast because the Villian was trapped and the heroes did their thing (Winning, which at that point he believed everything was) so I don't know what would he do. Sooo...could you please give us your insight? Please :D
I’d love to give my insight! Thank you for asking!!!🥰
It would depend on which sludge incident, the one where Deku ran to save Katsuki or the one where Deku was on his own? 🤔 I’ve got ideas on both lol
Buckle up this is gonna be a long one, and it’s not a fun ride
For the first I think Katsuki would latch onto anger and be a self hating righteous little monster for the rest of eternity. Because obviously he’s never getting therapy.
If he can blame himself for AM’s retirement and his parents can blame him for getting kidnapped than I have zero doubt the Entire Bakugo family would blame Katsuki for Dekus death. That family loves to victim blame, and Mitsuki would have a field day with chart topping world’s lowest blows like
If Katsuki hadn’t been hanging out in an alley and had gone straight home the villain wouldn’t have got him
If Katsuki hadn’t just been randomly blasting the heros wouldn’t have had to divert their attention to the fire
If Katsuki hadn’t been so weak(what’s the point of that flashy quirk if you can’t even save yourself)
Going with him to make him apologize to Inko (trying to imagine this feels like my brains touching a hot stove, it would be a thousand times more horrible and scarring than being forced to apologize to his Idol and teach for being kidnapped)
If hs Katsuki didn’t have the tools to block out his mother and broke down over a 50 year old man retiring, then poor ms Katsuki doesn’t stand a chance against being forced to bare the blame in someone’s actual death, especially not Dekus. Plus whatever destructive aftermath Katsuki created.
Did you have to blow up the entire alley way??
Katsuki would also never stop blaming those heros, even if the villain was captured they lost what really mattered, Dekus life.
They should have stopped the villain before Deku ever showed up
They should have never let Deku cross the line
They should have saved him
I think his fear of being weak would have been magnified by 10000. And it wouldn’t be a stretch for me to believe that witnessing that kind of hero failure so personally would be his villain origin. But even if it wasn’t, I think 10 months of stewing in grief, rage and self hate at such a young age would leave some very permanent scars
He’d habitually train to the point of self harm(reminder to check in on your fitness bros)
He’d never ever let someone close to him again (he didn’t want Deku close to him in the first place and look at how bad it hurt anyway)
He wouldn’t give a shit about any heros opinion anymore, if it’s not about how he can get stronger than any would be mentor can fuck off
His ego would have taken a massive hit, he’s no longer trying to prove he’s the best
Instead he’s insuring it because he’s never losing anyone again
Even with that in mind I think the sports festival actually would have gone a lot calmer because he no longer gives a shit about showing off, he’s just fighting to test himself and Dekus the one who pushed Todoroki to the point anyone even knew he had a fire side(I always wonder how much longer Aizawa was gonna let that go on for) so he’d except his medal quietly so it’s possible the lov would never have tried to recruit him
I think he’d be a lot more proactive in helping his classmates get stronger
Just not in a cute tsundere way anymore, but in a “if you can’t keep up with me I will keep attempting to murder you until you drop out” way, because B List heros are not allowed to be a thing anymore
Eventually he would grow up to be the top hero and he revels in that victory by hating himself, his job, his coworkers, his family, and everyone and everything else. The best part of his days are the adrenaline highs and that’s not even a happy high, in a bad headspace it just makes you ansty and aggressive, still better than being a hallow husk of resentments
I wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually did kill a fellow pro for not meeting his standards. Depending on what the hero did to earn his ire would shape wether he went on to be the new hero killer or simply stopped being a hero himself in custody or more permanently
Now if the villain had instead been captured after being caught hiding in Dekus flesh suit things would have been very different than the above
Katsuki would definitely be traumatized at this news, so would most of their class and they’d probably do some kind of memorial deal, and over the course of a couple of days Katsuki would slowly descend into madness at watching his class act like they have ever given a single fuck about Deku
Then he would speedball into it, because how dare they grieve over him, non of them deserve to especially not him
He’d be angry for as long as he could, at himself and everyone else, but eventually that’d putter out without anyone stoking the fire, no one else blames his class for feeling sad and no one blames the heros for not existing on every single possible street corner
Maybe he makes it through UA. He’s not as hot head, not as naive, but teens hold grudges like no other, he can be mad at the world a little longer.
Throws himself into the work so he doesn’t have time to think. He’s going to be the best because Deku always believed he would be and if he’s not allowed to be sad than this will be his only way to honor the nerds memory.
But the thing about pain is that it demands to be felt.
Eventually his regrets and grief would come for him, in a year or in ten years doesn’t matter they will eventually claim the time and space they need with interest.
He’d probably meet his regrets first so that he can be mad at himself for a little longer
He should have let Deku be
If he hadn’t held Deku up after class maybe he’d have made it home
His last words play on loop growing distorted and more malicious as the years go on(fun fact about memory ! It’s easily manipulated because each time you remember something you’re actually just remembering the last time you remembered the thing! Basically your brain reconstructs the memory completely each time! Fuck it up once and it’s all down hill)
He regrets not ensuring that he’d have more than his flimsy memories to hold onto Deku with, he never realized he’d want to, never could fully conceive that he’d actually have to.
He should have been kinder
He should have been less of a coward and faced his own insecurities
He should have talked to Deku about so many things
He can’t just focus on what he did and didn’t do forever tho, eventually he’ll have to recognize the hole Deku left behind, his regrets will paint the picture of his grief
Maybe he forgets the exact date of Dekus birthday but he knows it was in the summer, he regrets not going to his last one and grieves never going to a next one.
He regrets not going to the funeral, of course he was sad, he’d been an idiot to think he couldn’t be
He regrets not visiting Dekus grave, and grieves over how long he’s been gone now
He regrets that he had to learn what the value of saving is by having lost, god how he grieves that loss
Without Deku Kaminari never hears that nickname, Kacchan died with Deku. He grieves over never hearing it again
He wonders if Dekus hanging out with Kacchan wherever he is, he wonders if this makes him crazy.
He grieves over Deku dying so young, so alone, so horribly. It gives him nightmares, he can’t imagine the pain of having all his organs crushed down from the inside, and yet he’s some how intimately aware of its possibility. He debates looking for the autopsy results, maybe if he confirms it was asphyxiation and not internal blunt trauma the nightmares will stop. But you don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.
He grieves over the dreams Deku never got to chase, and regrets ever playing a part in taking away the happiness a dream is supposed to have
He grieves over the Deku shaped hole in his life that seemed to grow with him despite only ever getting to know the knobby knees version, he can’t help but think with every achievement and milestone “you should be here”
He doesn’t hate his life, it just feels half lived.
Without Deku pushing his buttons and no god complex shaped alarm bells people were slower to reach out to him.
Without Deku to vouch for his good qualities people were a lot more hesitant to see them.
He still did make friends it’s just a shallower connection and he doesn’t make time for them
He becomes top hero but the victory feels hallow like there should have been more of a fight for it. Maybe he is crazy but it feels like it should have been Deku fighting him for it.
His saves are legendary and numerous, he’s never able to shake the feeling that there’s someone out there who needs him just around the corner
Between the nightmares and the anxiety clocking off gives him he probably gets less sleep than any hero before him, even Aizawa.
It was a short career
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inbrightshadows · 3 years
I'd love to hear more about big bro hawks, natural born nomu, or one crow short of a murder if you don't mind??? (actually a lot of your WIPs sound interesting but I don't wanna be weird or overwhelming haha ^^; )
*vibrates hard enough to clip through the floor* 
hello Tumblr? Tumblr, this has been sitting in my mailbox for two days why didn’t you tell me.
Ahhh i’ll @ you just in case so you don’t miss this, hope you don’t mind! @starculler
Anyway! Sorry for the late response! Tumblr is mean to me! Please feel free to ask about as many of my wips as you like it might motivate me to actually write them ʕ ; ・_・ʔ
Why yes I would love to talk about my aus how did you guess? Fair warning, this will be rambley because I can't contain myself, apparently.
Under a cut because whoo boy it’s long
Big bro hawks is essentially my very self indulgent au where I'm building a plot geared to having Hawks meet Izuku when he's young and adopt him as a little brother. They're chaotic gremlin children causing many people headaches. one of my notes for this au literally just reads [big bro hawks Izuku and Keigo cruising the sky, Hawks on his wings and Izuku riding one of Hawks's feathers like a skateboard. ] I've also got Izuku being very comfortable running around on rooftops before Hawks and Hawks decides this is reason to give Izuku a grappling hook and a jet pack and then teach Izuku to jump off roofs.
I'm a firm believer in getting creative in removing Inko from the plot. So I had Hisashi divorce Inko for his mistress, whom I creatively named Akuko (aka Evil Child and the closest I could get to calling her Evil Step Mom). Inko sues him for everything he has because she's a suddenly single mom with no job and she needs resources. But Hisashi gets pissed and pays a guy to give her a quirk induced breakdown to make her lose custody of Izuku. It works even better than planned when Inko hurts Izuku in the break down and is barred from seeing or contacting him for years. Hisashi is disinterested in Izuku as anything other than a symbol of his victory over his ex-wife. Akuko is horrible to Izuku and only gets worse when Hisashi gets bored of preening over his victory and having a new wife and takes a job in America. She's abusive and neglectful to Izuku but believes it's not possible for her to be abusive because she doesn't hit him. She's just insanely controlling and thinks "providing" for a child is giving him food money. Hawks comes into it because Akuko regularly gets sick of having Izuku "hanging around the house like a neet" and kicks him out, often locking him out as well. She often forgets to unlock the door for hours, sometimes even overnight. But she'll get mad if he's not in the apartment by morning. Even if she locked him out... Izuku gets good at climbing in through the windows. Of their roof level apartment. Hawks comes in because he sees this feral but well dressed kid roaming the street at all hours and is confused. I'm still a little shaky on how they meet- maybe at a villain fight Izuku gets a little too recklessly close to and has to be saved himself? Maybe he sees Izuku climbing through the window of an apartment on the top floor of a building? Not sure yet!
But however they meet it leads to Hawks, who has been deprived of human contact and bonds with other people all his life, getting attached. Izuku, who isn't much better off, gets attached as well. They slowly learn more about each other and develop a very brotherly bond. Hawks was raised either by the commission or by his emotionally manipulative mother who wanted the commissions money and was willing to all but sell Hawks to get it. So he doesn't quite get that Izuku's situation is wrong, at first. He starts out nodding along to the things Izuku tells him about Akuko doing, like yeah this is how people raise children. Everything seems normal to me. But as he grows more and more attached to Izuku he starts to grow more protective and things start to... sit wrong with him. But they can't be. Izuku can't be abused because if Izuku is abused what does that mean for Hawks?
Currently, as far as I've gotten with concrete plot ideas for Big Bro Hawks is Hawks eventually realizing Izuku is being abused and coming to terms with his own abuse. Through that he realizes he needs to remove Izuku from the situation but with Inko legally unable to resume care and Hisashi part of the problem that's tricky. So while he's figuring that out Izuku all but lives with Hawks, coming to him every time Akuko kicks him out and hanging out at Hawks's apartment at every opportunity. Hawks and Izuku are feral gremlin children looking out for each other, trying to take care of each other even though they barely know what that looks like. Eventually, through *shrug* plot, Hawks manages to get custody of Izuku. They're brothers in all but blood and cause a lot of chaos that's fun for them and a lot of trouble for others. Izuku does eventually get ofa and Hawks is going to /lose his mind/ when certain ofa developments happen.
Natural Born Nomu Not for the faint of heart! Lots of medical malpractice and human experimentation on a pregnant person!
short version: Izuku nomuified in the womb but he still looks human and thinks he's human. he's thought quirkless because he should be and all of his quirks are passive effects geared to keeping him alive and functioning. So the basic premise is that AFO marries Inko for the same reasons that Endeavor married Rei but with less investment. She thinks he loves her but really it's just a fun way to pass the time for him. AFO's fun little casual quirk genetics experiment runs into some issues when Inko is unable to carry a pregnancy to term. AFO and his doctor aren't sure why but theorize it has something to do with the dna of AFO's many quirks getting mixed up in the process and pretty much causing the pregnancy to rip itself apart trying to build one functional baby. Inko is devastated by the many miscarriages and is ready to stop trying. But AFO and the doctor see an opportunity and convince her to take part in a "fertility assistance program." Inko wants desperately to be a mom and feels horribly guilty about the losses because she knows how much "Hisashi" wanted to be a dad as well. (more lies. this poor woman) Inko lives in the hospital under 24/7 surveillance, believing medical science and quirks are working to help keep the newest pregnancy healthy. In actuality AFO, the doctor, and his assistants are using the pregnancy to build a nomu from the womb up. It's still technically Inko's baby in the sense that it comes from her dna (and afo's dna). the doctor and his assistants are rapidly altering the dna to keep it from unraveling like the other pregnancies. it takes several tries. It also takes a metric ton of gaslighting, drugs, and quirk effects to keep Inko "willing" to continue. After nearly two years Inko successfully carries a nomuified baby to term.
Directly after the birth the doctor claims that Izuku is too weak to leave the hospital and needs round the clock care to ensure he survives. Inko will do anything to ensure her "miracle" baby survives. What the doctor is really doing is making sure Izuku is stable and testing his capabilities. He finds that though the quirks are present all  they're doing is keeping Izuku from falling to pieces. Izuku is considered a successful prototype, nicknamed NBN for Natural Born Nomu. Things proceed along per canon timeline as Izuku grows up except that Izuku doesn't leave the hospital for his first month of life and after that is required to frequently visit. the frequency of the visits slowly decrease as he ages and the doctor grows more sure that Izuku is permanently stable. plans are made to fake a health emergency for Izuku and have him brought in to add quirks to him to see how he handles it. but they fall through when All Might wreaks AFO's shit and the doctor is forced to drop other projects, like project NBN, in favor of keeping AFO alive and a secret.
So Izuku gets to grow up as a happy normal child. Inko is very paranoid about Izuku's health and freaks out over every injury, no matter how small. After breaking down at the idea of Izuku going to kindergarten she realizes she needs help and seeks therapy, slowly growing better though she'll always remain nervous about Izuku getting hurt.
The canon timeline proceeds as normal up to the hospital raid arc, where things diverge in that they go better for the heroes. Izuku finds records of the NBN experiment in the rubble and learns what he is. Izuku has a severe crisis. All Might has a mini crisis. Aizawa is with Izuku when he finds out and thus also knows. he tells Nezu who, in an act of kinship and protectiveness, lock the information down. I don't know what happens after that but it's Angst for sure!
One crow short of a murder- Big bro dabi (feat Dabi is a todoroki) meets vigilante Izuku and Dabi. Izuku's vigilante name is Magpie and Touya's is Raven. Conceived back when [redacted] was just a fan theory! Both magpies and ravens are from the same family as crows. People know groups of crows can be called Murders but so can other birds from the corvid family! Such as magpies and ravens! Thus it should technically be called one corvid short of a murder but crow rolls of the tongue better. It's a group of three or more that's called a Murder. Touya and Izuku are only two people running around with Corvid aliases so they're one crow short of a murder *badum tis*. The plot is as follows [directly ripped from my notes] As a young teen a fairly freshly run away/presumed dead Touya becomes friends with the Midoriya family after he keeps a lost Izuku safe and helps him find Inko. Touya provides Izuku with a much needed big brother figure to give him confidence and support and playful sibling ribbing while Inko provides Touya with much needed motherly advice and support as Izuku provides Touya with a sense of purpose and stability. When an villain attack leaves Inko in a coma and CPS ignores every warning the boys attempt to give them Izuku is given over to the tender mercies of a father who all but abandoned their family years ago in the wake of Izuku's quirkless diagnosis. The first time Hisashi hits Izuku Izuku calls Touya. To protect his little brother in all but name, Touya secrets Izuku away until Inko can wake up and take control of the situation. But Inko doesn't wake up. It turns out that one of the villains who escaped had a quirk that is keeping Inko and all the other victims in a coma. None of them will wake until the villain is brought to justice. Now the boys must evade the law whose misguided attempts will only cause them both more harm while also tracking down the villain keeping Inko asleep.
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thebookmen2 · 6 years
AO3 BNHA fanfiction Master Post
(Not really in a certain order, I like them all) (most pictures were made for the fic while others I found on the internet that I thought best suited it) Alternate quirk Izuku::: Title: Yesterday upon the stair by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8337607/chapters/19098982 Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weirdquirkless weakling on top of it. But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that anyone would believe it if he told them. Notes: BEST BNHA FAN FICTION EVER CREATED! I see dead people Midoriya, Rei!!!!! One of the best fictions that capture all of the BNHA personalities with a stunning plot that is original enough to not be OC but not copying the manga/anime for it to be just a recount of BNHA, infinity/10
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Title: UA unsolved by Kabukichou (ameliafromafairytale) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13253055 Summary: "Hey there, ghosts," Midoriya says, "it's me, ya boy." The dorms are haunted. Shenanigans ensue. Notes: so many memes XD, good funny read after u read yesterday upon the stair 
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Title: Daymare by IntrospectiveInquisitor Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11277075/chapters/25222215 Summary: Izuku Midoriya has endured a decade of abuse, ridicule, and social ostracization due to his status as 'Quirkless'. Even his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou, has tossed him aside and made it a mission to drill his uselessness home. But despite his obstacles and the derision of his peers, Izuku will never give up on his dream of being a hero, and will never feel shame for being called Quirkless. Because it's easier than acknowledging that he has a Quirk at all. Notes: HOHOHOHO! If u like Kacchan pissing his pants this is for u, Starburst! Colourful Izuku, super anxiety, protection squad
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Title: Dis(associate) by BeyondTheClouds777 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13853580/chapters/31865358 Summary: Izuku has a “dissociation” Quirk that lets his ghost leave his body, and it’s both convenient and inconvenient at the same time. Either way, though, he's going to do whatever it takes to become a hero. Notes: Ghost!Izuku AU, SUPER punny~! Cat bells
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Title: know what i've made by the marks on my hands by Simkjrs Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11356197/chapters/25417506 Summary: Midoriya Izuku just wants to lead a quiet, peaceful life. This is foiled by the fact that a) he can see spirits, b) his good nature demands that he help anyone he sees in trouble, and c) he, by all rights, should not exist. Helping the heroes who have fallen victim to the new quirk-breaking drug is a terrible idea for many reasons, the first and most important being that he hates attention and avoids it like the plague. But he's the only one who can help, so he does. This is, Izuku decides as he breaks in, more trouble than it's worth. Notes: just leave the child alone, badass Izuku, super freaking good, good hearted Izuku wanting to not give a shit. Accidentally keeps giving a shit.
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Title: but you gotta get up at least once more by Simkjrs Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7392847/chapters/16792135 Summary: Midoriya Izuku does not let his lack of a Quirk prevent him from being strong. Also known as that one AU where Izuku follows the ridiculous training regimen of Saitama from One Punch Man and becomes stronger than anyone ever imagined he could be. Notes: ONE PUUUUUUUUNCH! A great take on Izuku has no quirk AU, engaging read, Izuku and Kacchan relationship tho so toxic is beautiful, great art too! Happy Shinsou!!!!! Everyone: Mitoki no! Mitoki: Mitoki yes! 
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Title: I Summoned a Demon 101: an In-comprehensive guide to Corporeal Demon Do's and Don'ts by EAter Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11362569/chapters/25434867 Summary: Midoriya Izuku was born with a quirk: the ability to summon and bind demons from an alternate plane to do his bidding. With only a few days left until the UA entrance exam and still no offensive-type demons in his arsenal, Izuku makes a desperate attempt at summoning one corporeal, a feat he had never before attempted. He'd say it was a success but, he doesn't actually know if it'll be more a help or a hindrance. Especially since Bakugou Katsuki is, well, kind of a shit. Notes: not gonna lie, this is dirty. But I love this fic nevertheless because of Izukus quirk it's amazing, best OC's that don't seem like OC's I summoned a demon fan art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11777418/chapters/26554554
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Title: I exist, in you by Acchidocchi Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7426390/chapters/16867999 Summary: "Having a quirk like this, it's worse than not having one at all," the doctor says, handing some papers over to Inko, whose worried expression has not once wavered. "You'll have to keep a close eye on him to prevent him from hurting himself." Izuku tunes the doctor out. With a quirk like this, he is capable of helping people. And in that moment-- regardless of whatever Inko or the doctor says-- that's all that matters to him. (Or rather, a universe in which young Midoriya Izuku is born with the rare soul bond quirk; allowing him to heal others by transferring their pain to himself). Notes: the feels train is here, Shinsou and Izuku relationship makes me wanna die it's so beautiful, healing quirk Izuku is bootyful, based on Kiznaiver!
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Title: Desperate Measures by GlowingArrowsinTheSky and SpiritusRex Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8061265/chapters/18470281 Summary: AU in which Izuku stays quirkless and finds his own way of becoming a hero ; ) Notes: general studies Izuku, the protect squad is strong in this one, vigilante!izuku, Mei makes his gear, ‘The Vigilante’, izuku/todoroki, protection squad hunts Izuku hahaha, Izuku accidentally changes the world lol
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Title: Erased Potential by theslytherinpaladin Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11088315/chapters/24735288 Summary: Midoriya Izuku, determined to become a hero before ever meeting All Might, looks for another way. He might not have a quirk, but that can’t be all that being a hero is about. He has the intelligence, the drive, the determination. All he needs now is to know how to use it. Enter Aizawa Shouta. Notes: If Aizawa got to Izuku before All Might (cough well technically Izuku got to Aizawa cough), Daddy Aizawa, Robin Izuku lol, comic books are involved
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Title: Death Warmed Over by Kazzarole Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12398358/chapters/28210815 Summary: When Izuku dies, it's with a lot less grace than he always imagined it'd be. But even when he gives up the ghost, there's still things that need to be said--and, luckily, he gets a second chance. (A fic written for PitViperOfDoom's "Yesterday Upon The Stair".) Notes: an unofficial "if Izuku from yesterday upon a stair died", plus Izuku/todoroki is good shit
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In BNHA Universe AU's:: Title: Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm series by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/584566 Summary: Todoroki Enji is the worst and Midoriya finds ways to let people know it Notes: JUST THIS WHOLE THING IS AMAZING!! Just some pure Izuku/Todoroki with a shit tone of roasting worst dad in existence 100/10 would recommend all of it
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Title: The Laundry room by Dellsey Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11567502 Summary: Aizawa is visibly unhappy. “You didn’t know there was a laundry room in the basement? How did you manage before, then?” Everyone starts talking at the same time, and as Aizawa picks up what is said, he starts feeling a very diverse array of emotions, the most intense one being frustration, because, for God’s sake, these are supposed to be the students of the best high school in the country and they couldn’t figure out there were washing machines in the dorm building, but also exasperation when he hears ‘dry cleaner’ (too much money) and ‘mom’ (spoiled, spoiled children), and absolute dread when he hears someone say ‘you’re supposed to wash clothes that often?!’. He sighs. Sometimes, he forgets they’re just kids. Notes: just some good hearted class 1A dorm fluff  
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Title: Reverie by AuspiciousWhiskers Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7038916/chapters/16009183 Summary: Shinsou Hitoshi finds a cure for his insomnia in a very unexpected place. Notes: just the best Shinsou/izuku fic tbh, sleepy BOI needs his sleep, Izuku is best boy
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Title: Fog lifting by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12876822 Summary: Izuku doesn't want to be here anymore. He doesn't regret the decisions that led to him ending up here, but he would like to leave now, please. Notes: hooooooly shit I cried, if you like seeing Izuku being hurt u read this, let this boy go home  
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Title: That Time Izuku was in a Shitty Mood part of the "that time" series by CaridwenAngetueur1 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11889639 Summary: To say that Izuku had woken up on the wrong side of the bed was an understatement. In fact, Izuku was willing to physically fight anybody who summed it up that simply. No, Midoriya Izuku was in the shittiest of moods and you don't want to fuck with him when he's angry. Notes: Super freakin funny, best reactions to moody Izuku ever, don't fuck with izukus sleep guys
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Title: diaper days by Sweet_lives Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8532163/chapters/19559131
Summary: Deku crosses paths with a Villain who has the power to change ages, and leaves Izuku a toddler! Although this unexpected predicament holds many problems, the biggest issue at UA is who'll get to take care of him! Notes: just some wholesome baby Deku being looked after by class 1A 
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Title: Be Enough by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10531698
Summary: Midoriya cracks under the weight of things that may be outside of his control. Bakugou addresses the problem by throwing Todoroki at it. Notes: just some Izuku/todoroki fluff TBH, just throw Todoroki at it and everything will be ok, one chapter fic
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Title: Drink my thoughts by Celestialfics Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10643583
Summary: [02:13 AM] todoroki: Are you awake? Notes: just a little bit of depression combined with Izuku/Todoroki 
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Title: Make the Most by Eloarei Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12185904/chapters/27665082
Summary: People always said he'd never get into UA without a quirk, but he did his best and he succeeded. And people always said he was never going to meet All Might, but there he was, knocked on the floor of a busy supermarket. It didn't look like him, and maybe that was why people weren't clamoring for autographs, but Izuku recognized those eyes when he saw them. He really had to stop listening to other people. Notes: my first All Might/Izuku fic and it's good shit, quirkiness Izuku, Izuku protection squad  adult Izuku
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Fantasy AU:: Title: In the Eye of the Storm by CheshireButton Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11910153/chapters/26911119
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is a scientific prodigy seeking a cure for a rapidly spreading neurodegenerative disease. A potential clue in his research points to a fabled island, guarded by an eternal storm from which no travelers have ever returned. He navigates through the hurricane and discovers an island that is anything but uninhabited. He must adapt to survive against the natives who place intruders in three categories: warriors, mates, or meat. Notes: maaaan I really love this fic!! Warning is a little dirty but not focused on that focused on the OMG best plot and characters, best Kacchan
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Title: prince & prince by Authoress Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6565564/chapters/15022348
Summary: Note to self: don't accidentally fall in love with a prince who's in an arranged marriage keeping your kingdoms from declaring war against each other. Especially when you're spying on him as his manservant. Notes: SO GOOD, izuku/todoroki, best man servant Izuku
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Title: Remember Me by Blue_Writer Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12603072/chapters/28707684
Summary: It had been years since Bakugou was exiled from his home and became the savage dragon king, but one good thing finally came to his life when he met Izuku again. The only issue, is that he doesn't remember him. Notes: Izuku/Kacchan, you want Kacchan being cute? This is ur fic, dragon boy AU, Izuku wants to be a knight 
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Title: break your bones but not your promises by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12738864/chapters/29051784
Summary: Tales of a world of magic and mundane, of heroes, villains, and everything in between-- of promises kept, bonds forged, and monsters both battled and befriended. Notes: it's a good read, lots of Fae law, baby Izuku and Shino are highlights of my life 
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Villain Izuku AU:: Title: the distinction between hope and expectation by Kattenprinsen and Ramabear (RyMagnatar) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6963121/chapters/15874927 Summary: Five years ago, Bakugou's favorite nerdy victim vanished off the face of earth. Even if that was the proper thing for a quirkless, useless kid to do, he never quite forgot those bright green eyes staring resolutely up at him even in the face of Bakugou's violence and explosive quirk. The last thing he expects is to find the boy again in his final year at Yuuei- not just that, but to have him hauled into the middle of a fight by a group of bizarro villains out to smash All Might to bits (or something). Admittedly, it's hard to pay attention to a madman's stupid raving when your childhood friend (not dead. not missing anymore. still useless. still so pathetic. utterly helpless.) stares up at you with eyes that are begging for help. Yuuei hasn't taken his rage or his vulgarity away from him, but it has given him something. Bakugou is a hero. And heroes? They save even the useless ones and save Deku he will. He doesn't have a single plan beyond that moment, doesn't need one. Besides, when it comes right down to it, Deku has all the plans that any of them need. Notes: summary sums it up lol, best mastermind Izuku ever!! Multi-quirk Izuku, kinda nearly turns his whole class into villains? Well...shows them the way  a really good read, Izuku/Shinsou (nose bleed CUTE AF)
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Title: The Switch by Rhyllow Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12375993/chapters/28152045 Summary: Just when Todoroki finally realizes his feelings for Midoriya, his world is turned upside down. On a mission, Midoriya was hit with a quirk that turned him into a villain. Brimming with evil, blood lust, and greedy desire, Midoriya has become unrecognizable to his friends. Blaming himself for Midoriya's suffering, Todoroki makes it his mission to restore his love back to his regular self- knowing full well that there may be no hope left. Notes: oh boy, villain Izuku to the max , Izuku is unstoppable BOI
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Title: No hero yet no villain by OldSauk411 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10868088/chapters/24141750
Summary: Midoriya Izuku had grown up bullied because he didn't have a quirk. Handled with kid's gloves because he also lacked a soulmate. Told he could never be a hero by the person he look up to the most. Filled with rage at everyone that had ever doubted him, he left to become something they wouldn't see coming, to get back at every single one of them for doubting him. He left to become a villain. Notes: got some Izuku and Shiguraki friendship, multi-quirk Izuku, soulmate AU bros, Izuku/todoroki
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Soulmate AU:: Title: Burn and Breathe by PitViperOfDoom Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11066478
Summary: Soulmates are connected through pain, and some bonds have more to share than others. Todoroki Shouto wishes he could reject his soulmate. Midoriya wants nothing more than to protect his own. Notes: sweet angsty little read, super powerful "don't you touch him" from Izuku
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Omegaverse AU:: Title: we're young and wild and stupid by Dandolion_weed Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12614520
Summary: Omegas who haven't presented deal with their premature heat in different ways. Midoriya Izuku bakes for people he loves. Notes: I'm weak for cute Izuku fics, not dirty just super fluffy
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