#Kent Musings
hawkinshightigcrs · 2 years
write a letter to your inner child  + i'll tell you what flower you've blossomed into    
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a poppy, for remembrance - "through the dancing poppies stole a breeze most softly lulling to my soul." — john keats, endymion (1818), book I, line 565. — you seem to mourn your past, as your inner child has died. you've been through your battles yet still have an immense amount of hope for the future. a yearning for peace of mind is what you have when you try to look for the sparks you've once felt in your life. but remember, you will no longer have to fight or defend yourself after you grow in a field where the vibrance of your petals are commemorated.
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a wallflower, quietly standing still - “it takes as much time to build walls sturdy enough for wallflowers like you and me to lean against as it does for us to bloom.” ― ayokunle falomo, thread, this wordweaver must! — you're comfortable with being left alone, yet perhaps there are slivers of empty cracks you wish to fill with joy. staying at the side lines, on the side walk, by the wall... these are all places you are used to being in. you're trying to find a way to grow in other places, farther away from what you've always known. the inner child within seeks to reach further out into the world. perhaps it's scared, has some anxiety, and wishes to cling onto the past... but only time will tell — your beauty is nevertheless a silent and distant sort, lingering.
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(I still have no icons for him, I’m so sorry 😪)
a dandelion, rapidly growing in the field - “dandelions, like all things in nature are beautiful when you take the time to pay attention to them.” ― june stoyer — your resilience is what's gotten you very far in life. those who have trampled and picked on you made it easier for you to spread your seeds — the bright yellow petals you once had, certainly transformed into white, delicate whispies. They floated away into a distance, only to provide you with new opportunities for you to grow your thoughts, ideas, and feelings in other places— that were perhaps harder for them to reach before. even though you've felt unwanted, you nevertheless continued to thrive where other flowers could not.
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a rose, bold and full of thorns - “but he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.” ― anne bronte — you have always been someone who had strong boundaries. your past troubles led you to become someone who needed to protect themselves ― it has been difficult to let people close to you, as your thorns were defense mechanisms to keep you from getting hurt. only those who are able to handle the intensity within you, are capable of holding you. they are willing to do so because they've been hurt before too... so perhaps, your inner child chooses to attract the people who have the vigour and passion you yearn for in this life.
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a poppy, for remembrance - "through the dancing poppies stole a breeze most softly lulling to my soul." — john keats, endymion (1818), book I, line 565. — you seem to mourn your past, as your inner child has died. you've been through your battles yet still have an immense amount of hope for the future. a yearning for peace of mind is what you have when you try to look for the sparks you've once felt in your life. but remember, you will no longer have to fight or defend yourself after you grow in a field where the vibrance of your petals are commemorated.
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a hibiscus, with rare and delicate beauty - “...scarlet hibiscus looked too bright for this devastated world.” ― jane wilson-howarth, snowfed waters — you thrive in the warmest conditions, and it helps attract more beauty to your vibrant petals. hummingbirds and butterflies: symbols of healing, joy, and transformation are themes throughout your life, as they find you wherever you are. your brightness and abundance of sweetness allows them to appreciate the life you live — you are a generous giver, selfless, and have a heart full of gold deep down inside. the inner child wants you to continue sharing parts of you to those who deserve it, but be wary of those who suck and drain out all of your energy.
tagged by I actually found this one on my dash!​
tagging: @scarednotscary​, @edhellfire​, @hawkinsnewbie​ (or any blog of yours you’d like!), @wildcardwheeler​, @chivalrites​, @bcldecgle​, @kamchatkatraitor​, @havvkinsqueen​​, and anyone else interested omg!! ❤️
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gildedhcart · 2 years
Tag Dump #1:
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thief-of-eggs · 6 months
someone PLEASE make angsty timkon art to this🫵🏻
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thescarehoe · 1 month
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"...Call you a friend."
Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) Annual #4
I do like this version of Hal and Clark's first encounter. It has such nice sweet but bittersweet tones that do well to outline both of their personalities and deep care for other people.
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raiine-days · 6 months
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(mostly) bruce doodles ft. dick and clark
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thetarttfuldickhead · 8 months
do you think how Jamie reacted to Roy and Keeley's teasing at the auction in 1x04 was related to his trauma from his Dad making him loose his virginity to a lady from the red light district? and do you think after the three of them officially get together, that they ever talk about that?
Tricky one, nonny, because as much as I tend towards Watsonian explanations over Doylist ones, in this particular case I can’t quite disregard the fact that I am not at all convinced that Jamie’s Amsterdam backstory was in place when 1x04 was written. It might have been, sure, but… yeah, I doubt it, actually.
And, like, in hindsight, after 3x06, it’s hard not to connect Jamie’s discomfort at the gala with his experiences in Amsterdam. Even if he doesn’t consciously join the dots himself, even if he’s not yet realized that the experience was traumatic to him (and I think 3x06 does suggest that it was, even if it’s possibly to argue otherwise), the notion of having to have sex with someone he doesn’t want to have sex with, especially when they’re that much older (not because having sex with old people is gross, obviously, but because it would mirror the experience he had as a child), would have made him deeply uneasy.
I mean, it would make most of us deeply uneasy, so that’s not the strange part. The strange part, really, is that Jamie believes – if only for a little while – Roy and Keeley’s assertion that he’ll need to put out. Becaue, yes, Jamie’s not always the brightest, but of course the club’s not actually pimping out the players. He knows that, surely. But for a moment he isn’t sure – and maybe that’s because it’s already happened to him, hasn’t it? Not quite like this, no, but money exchanged and him required to fuck someone he had not chosen to fuck. So, yes, things like that can happen and maybe they do happen at Richmond because Jamie didn’t see it coming the first time either, did he, but no, it’s just a fucking joke, Roy and Keeley having a laught and he looks like a right idiot now, doesn’t he, for having believed them, and he can’t even articulate (not even to himself, I think) why he thought, for a moment, that maybe…
Yeah. Makes a horrible sort of sense, doesn’t it?
So, in hindsight I think we can read his reaction being at least partially related to what was done to him in Amsterdam, and normally I’d be perfectly happy with that, actual text over authorial intent, but in this case I can’t stop wondering about what it all was originally intended to mean (if, indeed, the Amsterdam part was not known to the writers at the time of writing 1x04). Maybe it intrigues me because it has the potential to reveal more and interesting things about Jamie? I don’t know, and I don’t have any real theories either, just… something about football players being used to getting sold and traded, something about his sense of self and value directly tied to his body and what he can do with it, time spent creating his brand and the slight disassociation and/or confusion between self and image it can cause (even as I think that Jamie has a very strong sense of self generally). Given all of that, is it so outlandish for him to briefly assume that maybe this too might be required? Especially given his experiences in Amsterdam… Can be a mix of the two, really. Maybe that’s the interpreation I mostly favour.  
As for if they ever talk about it... I don’t necessarily think it’s something Jamie would bring up and I doubt Roy immediately connects the dots once he hears Jamie’s tale of his first Amsterdam trip. Keeley, I think, doesn’t know what happened in the Red Light District; to me, Jamie telling Roy reads very much like a ‘first time I ever told anyone’ thing, but that’s obviously open to interpretation.
But say something reminds Roy of that gala dinner, and what was said then. Maybe they’re getting ready to attend it once more and this time they’re dead pleased to be seated at the same table, making little jokes about can you fucking imagine if someone would have told us then that this is where we’d end up and could have saved ourselves so much trouble if we’d just gone home together that night and Keeley playfully reminds Jamie that he doesn’t actually have to sleep with someone if he doesn’t want to and Jamie pouts like that shit wasn’t funny but he’s laughing too because it was long ago and they’re here now and he doesn’t tend to dwell –
– but Roy goes quiet because wait hang on oh no fuck no, and he doesn’t say anything right away, they need to get going and he’s not sure is he, and he keeps on saying nothing throughout the dinner, and behind the still face he is quietly spiralling as he watches Jamie’s every move like a hawk, every twitch of his lips and every roll of his eyes.
Jamie and Keeley both notice, and are both confused. They keep exchanging glances and when Nate’s off to the loo and Jade’s done her disappeaering act and Sam and Dani drag Jamie off to join the rest of the team for a round of shots, Keeley takes the opportunity to lean in and ask what’s going on, Roy, are you okay?
He’ll tell her then, I think, and that’s not great – not his story to share – but it’s eating at him and there’s no one else for him to confide in and Keeley is part of it too, so yes. He tells her; she’s upset but still the voice of reason; no matter what happened that night Jamie’s doing fine right now, he’s having a great time with his friends and we shouldn’t ruin that for him, but come tomorrow we’ll have a proper chat all three of us, okay, sort things out?
And come tomorrow, they do.
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keirou-kun · 18 days
Because I feel like showing off some of my chainmail work and no one can fucking stop me. These are some of my favorites. They are a visual pun. Because as you can see. They are little people. Mostly male. Made of chainmail. This, therefore makes them... Maille-men. And because they are all based on characters from various fandoms, that makes them... Fanmaille. Shut up I'm clever XD
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Shameless plug: these are for sale[USD$10 each], I also make jewelry and I do take commissions. let me make you things >w>
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in season 1 episode 3, “trent crimm: the independent”, we see ted and beard give the boys books as gifts. though each player receives one, the only ones the camera lingers on are roy, jamie, and sam.
roy of course receives A Wrinkle In Time, and the importance of that book is explored on the episode itself. ted wants roy to take on more of a leadership role within the team. he’s already captain, but at the beginning of season 1, he’s a leader in name and not much else.
sam receives Ender’s Game, which is understandable. sam is one of - if not THE - youngest players on the team, and is brimming with unrealized potential, both as a player and as a team leader. sam comes into his own over the course of seasons 1 and 2, just as ender comes into his own over the course of the book. (though it is important to note that sam is a deeply good person and ender is, at best, still a war criminal)
and jamie receives The Beautiful and Damned. and for season one jamie?? yeah. this tracks. it’s about a couple during the jazz age who live selfish lives of excess and cynicism. they dedicate themselves to “the magnificent attitude of not giving a damn.” and on the surface, the book is applicable to jamie. that’s the face he puts on! the selfish bastard who only cares about his own success and fame, who seems destined for greatness in his field, but which ultimately won’t mean much to him or to others.
but it’s important to remember that that’s a mask. it’s armor jamie puts on to keep himself safe. i’ve talked before about how jamie is a cat, raising its hackles, hissing and snarling, making itself big and mean and scary, trying desperately to make you back away so you don’t come close enough to realize it’s terrified.
knowing what they know now about jamie, about his history, about the truth of his character, i can’t help but wonder what book ted and beard would give him now.
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coyote-nebula · 2 years
for the man who hears everything
TAGS: Bruce Wayne & Everyone, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Autistic Bruce Wayne, Auditory Processing Disorder, Neurodiversity, Bruce Wayne-centric, Mentioned Batkids, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Friendship
“You wouldn’t know a good burrito if it bit you in the gordita.” Red Hood’s static. Spoiler’s chirp. “What is with this food aristocracy? It’s got carbs, it’s got protein, it’s got sodium—” Nightwing turns to Batman, tipping his head confidentially, and Batman looks away from him to concentrate on listening. “Sevent gorm it wortilla,” Nightwing says. “Burronlit’s phan chiore bout.” — A series of vignettes pertaining to Bruce Wayne's ability to decipher the spoken word and its incredibly inconvenient inverse relationship with background noise. Plus, bonding with Clark Kent over it. (platonically)
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paragonofvirtue · 25 days
Who wants a Clark Kent/Superman in their inbox or as a starter? Please specify your own muse if multi-muse, and feel free to IM me if you have plot ideas in mind.
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hawkinshightigcrs · 2 years
what tragic horror character trope are you?
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the werewolf - there's something inside a werewolf that's sharp, thorns and barbs coiling up in tight knots of vine even on their best days. halfway through a conversation, you'll forget your happiness and the pain comes back in a flash. you never meant to, but the sharpness has done harm on your behalf. it's defensive. it's leftover artillery from a battle you spent so long fighting that it still doesn't feel like it's truly over, does it? you want so badly to be soft. to take the hand that you are offered instead of baring your teeth. and it might be hard to believe, but you are soft. you're the softest one out there. it'll just take a while to untangle those vines enough to know that very little is often life-or-death, and not everything touches to hurt.
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frankenstein's monster - this plight is the simplest of them all: you did not ask for this. you were never given a choice. no part of yourself feels human, just a collection of traits you've picked up from mirroring anyone you could, even the people you meet through a television screen. it's alienating to live that way- yet someone has called you the alienating one. maybe too many people to count. maybe they treated you so uncomfortably inhuman that it's all you can understand now, or you've dug yourself into such a deep hole in an attempt to keep safe that you can't remember a person living in the home of your body at all. being alive is confusing and painful and lonely and loud but living is all there is to being human- you're already there. just take air into your lungs and breathe. close your eyes and picture a beautiful sky. you made that. you painted that yourself.  
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(I still have no icons for him, I’m so sorry 😪)
that which cannot be known - oh god. how did it come to this? to some extent, you've gone so far past your own idea of "human" that it must be kind of fun, right? maybe. i'm not sure. as an artefact of cosmic horror, you're wild and wacky and colourful and people are probably drawn to that, but you will never let them know you. the mystery intrigues for a while, but it'll wear everyone down. it'll wear you down, too. who are you? do you remember? are you so far gone that you can't go back? and maybe that's the most tragic thing of all- becoming so distorted in your identity, and for so long, that no matter how hard you want to return you can't ever seem to figure it out. but you've learned a vast amount up in the stars, and people will work hard to get to know you. it doesn't matter who you used to be. sometimes, you should just start from scratch: give yourself a name, a birthday. let someone celebrate these things with you.
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the harbinger - the harbingers have been through fire. you've got the scars to show for it. some people say harbingers are jaded- scary, even, to people who don't understand that the harbinger has seen the edge of the world and survived it. but being the harbinger means you're cursed to watch younger, brighter eyes fall for the same traps you did. trying to help isn't enough for you; you know what they're getting themselves into, and you want to protect them the way no one ever protected you, so why won't they just listen? it's frustrating. it's terrifying. no one should have to live through what you did, and i hope you know that you can't protect everyone but it's damn noble of you to try. it's not your job to save the world but i hope you know you've already made a difference to everyone who has taken your words to heart.
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the final girl - the final girl comes out the other end of trauma alive- or, they were supposed to. honestly, you're not so sure you're really alive anymore. you saw the same hurt take those you were closest to while everyone paraded your bruises as bravery, as strength, as if you're the hero. and it hurts. you're tired and you don't want to have to be brave anymore. whatever you went through, it changed so much of who you were that you're still getting used to the person you see in the mirror. you didn't have a say in any of it, but you're here now, and that's gotta count for something. you'll make it count for something. but first, you need to let yourself find rest.
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the witch - people need to find blame wherever they can; it makes the bad things in their life feel just a touch more bearable. the witches are so often blamed for the curses others are under that no one even questions it anymore. you point to a supposed witch and everyone else prepares the stake, no matter their innocence. to be born and believed a witch is one of the worst curses of them all- you can have friends and family, but there's always a dread that someday, someone will point to you, and everyone you once trusted will throw you into the pyre. if you're here, reading this, you've probably been burned before. and i don't blame you for wanting to hide away, to really become the witch they all say you are, to curse them. but to be a witch is to brush your fingertips over the bark of a tree and watch it grow a touch stronger. keep that in mind.
tagged by: @scarednotscary​ ❤️
tagging: you! yes, you!! if you see this do it and tag me cause I really wanna see your results omg 👀👏
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denydefeat · 6 months
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Incorrect quotes: Clark & Lois feat. MJ. @redhead-reporter
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whomuses · 1 year
@downspirals gets the plotted thing
Training was going pretty well. The team had been running laps as a cool-down exercise, before they went off on a break. Jamie wasn't sure if training was finishing entirely for the day or if they were just having a breather, but he was feeling good. He threw up a hand to high-five Dustin over a particularly good move they'd pulled off, an easy grin on his face. He'd become fast friends with the newcomer, especially since - well - everything. And it was nice having a friend that wasn't just a group of croneys who wanted his admiration but was actually… like… proper friends. That was cool.
Roy was standing with arms folded, watching as they moved into groups, chattering. That weird guy with the canes who had been hanging around with the coach a whole lot lately was also here, Jamie noticed, but mostly didn't care. Roy, on the other hand, was very aware of Austin's presence. He could smell him on the breeze, and whilst it was familiar now, it was still weird. His head turned - another scent had drifted towards him. (Since learning to get better control over his other self, he'd found bits like this leaking through.) And whilst he couldn't place it, exactly, there was a sour familiarity to it, like old beer and cigarettes…
"Oh, shit, what the fuck." Jamie whispered, now looking in the same direction. There was a shape on the pitch, moving towards them. "What the fuck is he doing here?" his breath caught in his chest. He hadn't heard from his dad since their altercation in Man City's changing room, and now… he still didn't feel ready to face the man…
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vntagetee · 20 days
martha kent / tags
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hopefulstarfire · 10 months
I've stood pretty firm that Bruce Wayne is supposed to be a himbo. I need to correct my stance;
Clark Kent is a himbo.
Bruce Wayne is a bimbo.
That is all.
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herogassm · 3 months
closed starter: @sinfulnesxx / clark & jon kent.
it was clark's second time being impressed by his son on that very day: firstly, jon had shown an amount of control over his abilities and his limits during their training session. clark wasn't even close to controlling any of his powers that well at that young an age; he was glad to be there to guide the boy, as clark himself never had a proper mentor when he was young.
and then, he was impressed by the sight he got after they got home. his son rushed for a shower, while clark stopped by the kitchen to check on what foot was dinner. once they decided to move back to the country, lois became their breadwinner, and so it fell to clark the duties around the house. and he didn't mind it, after so many years of reporting to the daily planet.
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he started on dinner, but, once the shower was off, he made his way to the bathroom. a quick shower wouldn't hurt, but... it turned out his son wasn't yet done. he opened the door to find the boy on the toilet, as bare as ever, working his cock like his life depended on it. “oh, jon-” he backed away, closing the door, blood rushing to his cheeks; and to elsewhere too. he can't help but think of it, hard and red on the boy's hand, surprisingly big for his age. “i thought you were done, i - i should've knocked...”
and yet, embarrassed as he was, he was unable to walk away. shame creeps up to his cheeks, but so does arousal, as he stands there wishing to open the door once again. it was bigger than clark's, wasn't it? he has to step away. that's not normal. he has to stop thinking about it. “don't be embarrassed, that's totally normal. just... if you want or need to talk, just let me know. if you need anything, just let me know.” he finishes, ears burning red and a tent on his trousers, and decides to step away.
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