#Lamp Concept
searchfactory · 9 months
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Moonshake3D / Lighting System / Lamp Concept / Rendering / 2023
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venoshockiscool · 1 year
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“When a Magcargo loves its trainer dearly, it longs to be able to hold them. By concentrating brain power it is able to store all its heat into its shell. This results in its evolution, Lumolusk”
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searchsystem · 6 months
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Moonshake 3D / Moonshake Lighting System / Lamp (Concept) / 2023 
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"Dres Renegade"
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Jake Murray
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oddarette · 1 year
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Lucky neko lava lamp <3
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pawbeanies · 3 months
basement pet this basement pet that. your cute little fairy lights and comfy blankets in a nice cozy kennel are not enough. all of your puppies have vitamin d deficiency
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mynameismad · 8 months
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Starting October right by drawing a bunch of cursed Victorian lamps
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thiccsys · 19 days
Looks in
You have any utmv ocs?
i was gonna answer this and say nuh uh. but that’d be lying. i rummaged through some old art andd found these guys
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the first one is some little ink variant i made. hes a lava lamp. he has no purpose i just like his colors a lot andi lovd the concept of his torso being a little lava lamp that moves around
the second one is an error named cry (or something) . originally his design belonged to my partner, but they gave me his design and concept and now hes judg a silly guy i have sitting in my folder :3 (he was based off melanie martinez crybaby stuff or something idk i dont really listen to her)
the third guys are swad and swan but theyre moths!! @fishfrypi came up with their concept and i made these designs a few months back. there not entirely MY ocs, i just put their designs together. i consider them shared between me and that friend of mine :))
the last isnt very original… Its just a doll error … i had some sort of lore with him where geno slowly made himself into a crazy doll (trying to rid himself of the pain of determination) but he just became error over time. i think the only thing that was still actual monster on him were his hands; they’re the most sensitive part on his body (haphephobic loser).
anyway those are some ocs ive contributed to/made myself. i dont really expand on them because i enjoy writing error and glorifying crayonqueen’s ocs more than anything GEHFJSJA
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volivolition · 2 months
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Volition as a Knight of Life for 4/13!! if you're a homestuck seeing this, would you please vote for Volition in this fun lil skills bracket? i would appreciate it!! :D
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rebishroom · 8 months
been really into drawing portraits of lamps lately
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my target audiences are pests and the insane.
I desperately want a lamp like this in real life. I'm going to make this lamp out of wood, cloth, and aluminum because I desire it
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naberiie · 1 year
fact: naboo does not have a molten inner core,
therefore: naboo does not have a magnetosphere,
therefore: naboo does not have protection against solar and cosmic particle radiation.
fact: flora fauna and sentient species live and thrive on naboo,
therefore: everything and everyone on naboo is radioactive,
THEREFORE: everything and everyone on naboo has evolved to thrive in solar and cosmic radiation, and that’s why nabooians are Like That
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"Twin lamps consul"
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Opus Artz
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tobi-smp · 2 years
This is something I've never quite said out loud, but my ideal end for the smp has always been c!dream destroying himself.
It's what we've seen all along, dream sacrificing everything Good that he had (materially, emotionally, internally) to desperately try to trade it in for power and control. Any major loss he has is self inflicted, and that's Interesting. He's not a redeemable character but he Is a pitiable one.
Take dream's Insistence that he Must sacrifice to be strong, the desensitization to pain and trauma through the torture, his god complex, his giddy willingness towards human experimentation, and the hints dropped before the finale about us not being aware of the full effects of revival and we could have a whole new kind of horror that'd Fit the series of escalation dream is known for.
When Tubbo gets that final shot on dream he just, Doesn't Die. Dream is horrifically terribly eternal and there is something very very wrong with him. It turns out people were never meant to last forever, and the consequences of breaking death aren't worth it.
And That's dream's end goal for the server, to make them eternal no matter the price. To strip them down and rebuild them and rebuild them and rebuild them until there isn't a "them" anymore.
Dream survives tubbo's blade, but he's been dead for months.
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completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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Coming out the gate swinging with Fai theorising that perhaps the time loop keeping these people away from the festival could even be a good thing, depending on the festival. 
INTERESTING. Love the dark implications. Big fan of the off screen horror that would imply being in a time loop forever would be PREFERABLE. 
And of course this comes from Fai, the survivor of so many tragedies that naturally it’s him that considers this. If you wanted you could even draw a parallel to Fai in the pit, trapped outside of time with no escape while his entire kingdom was slaughtered off screen. How interesting that, with that context, being in the pit is almost preferable to what would have happened if he hadn’t been. 
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I was struck with the idea of how chaotic it would be if water ghouls could camouflage themselves in water really well. 
Like, Rain dives into a pool and is just fucking gone.
The only way you can even tell he’s in there is the little ripples he leaves behind.
But if he goes down deep enough? You’re not going to be able to track him at all.
Dew is also pretty good at hiding in plain sight in water, but the area around him starts to steam after a while if he’s trying to stay still. 
It’s a lot harder to track him in a hot spring or bathhouse though.
So it’s just those two slithering along in the water, bumping into people, purposefully grazing against an ankle or two, just being little shits.
Although I also imagine it would also probably be nice if one of them needed some time to themself, so they just dip into a pool or a pond and disappear for a bit.
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
wookieepedia has a whole category for 'illumination device'. it includes a wealth of subcategories like 'illumigrid', 'phosphotube', 'luma-panel' and. and 'lamp'. 'candle', even. *voice shaking with the mixed humiliation and elation of actually really loving star wars so much* that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard I fucking love star wars so much
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