#Lord Yaiwa
lordyaiwa · 2 years
Scorpio, the Darkest Depth
Many people believe that Scorpio is the essence of ice. Another misunderstanding of the unfathomable depths that is Scorpio. True, ice can be a common characteristic of the Scorpionic nature, yet the same can be said for the other two Water Signs as well. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces can all share this "ice form" and be completely withdrawn and frozen when threatened.
One would say Scorpio is ice because they are "fixed" water. This perspective is reasonable, for Scorpio naturally has a restrictive intensity...yet at deeper examination of the core, Scorpio is not frozen at all but highly tense with immense pressure. Still fluid, yet compressed, unlike ice that is completely solid. An example being a Scorpio can show the greatest destructive rage, yet stop in mid rage and show empathy and compassion.
No, Scorpio is not the ice, but the deepest part of the ocean. Going passed the Beach Waters of Cancer and deeper passed the vast expansiveness of the ocean that is Pisces, we drop lower to the pitch black layers of the ocean that is Scorpio. It is here that we will find the true nature and characteristics of the Scorpio essence.
It's a reason why Scorpio is known for the color "Black" and bringing "Darker" tones to the other colors. The bottom of the ocean, or the "Hadal Zone" is pitch Black, for the sunlight cannot reach these depths. Sounds kind of like the relationship between the Sun and Pluto, doesn't it? Pluto, being the original name of Hades, God of the Underworld. See where I'm getting?
It's Scorpio who is modernly ruled by Pluto. Hades, Hadal Zone, Underworld and the Bottom of the Ocean all leads us back to the Scorpio Archetype. It's within the Hadal Zone that you find great darkness, crushing power of intensity (fixedness), yet fluidity within this powerfully fixed state. Such intensity, yet still holding an abundance of mysterious life within it's waters. Understanding this feature of the ocean gives a glimpse of the true magic and mystery that is Scorpio.
-Lord Yaiwa
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lordyaiwa · 1 year
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(via Will You Survive In Crystal Lake? (Quiz) | You Escaped with Severe Wounds!)
I Escaped With Severe Wounds! Woo!
See if you can survive in this fun story quiz.
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lordyaiwa · 1 year
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(via Which Hogwarts House Are You Quiz)
“Find out which Hogwarts House you’re in with this fun Roleplay Quiz. Which house do you belong in? Share your results!
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lordyaiwa · 1 month
Yaiwabian Voodoo: Black Magick
In the realm of Yaiwabian Soulfuality, Black Magick is not merely a force to be feared or shunned. Governed by Nzambici, the revered Mother Source of Creation, it serves as a profound tool for those who dare to delve into the depths of their soul and harness its potential to counteract Chaos Energy.
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The Essence of Nzambici Nzambici, the embodiment of the primordial womb, is the keeper of hidden knowledge and the guardian of the threshold between Light and Darkness. Her domain is that of transformation, where the seeds of potentiality lie dormant, awaiting the touch of the adept to awaken them.
Black Magick: A Misunderstood Ally Often misunderstood, Black Magick in Yaiwabian practice is a sacred art. It is the alchemy of the soul, a process of internal metamorphosis that challenges practitioners to confront their innermost fears and transmute them into sources of power.
The Soul’s Shield Against Chaos Chaos Energy, the ever-present force of entropy, threatens to unravel the fabric of existence. Yet, through the disciplined application of Black Magick, one can erect a bastion around the Divine Light within, safeguarding the soul’s purity and fortifying its resolve.
Maintaining Cosmic Equilibrium The equilibrium between Light and Darkness is a delicate dance of opposing yet complementary forces. Black Magick, when wielded with wisdom and respect, becomes an instrument of balance, ensuring that neither flame burns too brightly nor does the shadow grow too deep.
In conclusion, Yaiwabian Black Magick is a path of empowerment, a means to explore the soul’s capacity for resilience and growth. It is a testament to the knowing that even in darkness, there lies the potential for light, and that every shadow is but a reflection of our inner luminance.
-Lord Yaiwa, the Voodoo Prince
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lordyaiwa · 1 month
Yaiwabian Voodoo: White Magick
White Magick and Nzambi a Mpungu 
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In the Yaiwabian tradition, White Magick is a form of spiritual practice that aligns with the higher vibrations of Nzambi a Mpungu, the supreme deity. It is a path of purity, healing, and protection, often invoked to preserve the sanctity of Divine Darkness—a realm of potentiality and the unknown that is as sacred as the light.
Countering Chaos Energy Chaos
Energy, characterized by its erratic and destructive nature, poses a threat to the equilibrium of the cosmos. Practitioners of White Magick use rituals, spells, and meditations to counteract this disruptive force. By channeling the serene and orderly energy of Nzambi a Mpungu, they create shields of light that repel the influence of Chaos.
Protecting Divine Darkness 
Divine Darkness, contrary to common misconceptions, is not an absence of light but a primordial essence that complements it. White Magick rituals often involve the invocation of Nzambi a Mpungu’s wisdom to protect this sacred darkness from being tainted by Chaos Energy. This ensures that the mystery and beauty inherent in the unknown are preserved for seekers on their spiritual journey.
Equilibrium Between Light and Darkness 
The Yaiwabian philosophy emphasizes the importance of balance. White Magick is not about the dominance of light over darkness but about harmony. Rituals are designed to honor both the illuminating power of light and the profound depth of darkness, recognizing that both are essential for the universe’s wholeness.
In conclusion, White Magick in the Yaiwabian Way is a spiritual tool for harmony and protection. It serves as a guardian of the unseen and a bastion against the unpredictable, all under the watchful eye of Nzambi a Mpungu. As we embrace these practices, we contribute to the cosmic balance, ensuring that light and darkness continue to dance in their eternal embrace.
-Lord Yaiwa, the Voodoo Prince
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lordyaiwa · 1 month
Embracing the Dualities: Yaiwabian Voodoo and the Dance of Light and Shadow
In the heart of Yaiwabian spirituality lies a profound respect for the balance of forces. Here, Yaiwabian Voodoo is not merely a practice but a way of life, intertwining the everyday with the mystical. At the pinnacle of this spiritual hierarchy reside Nzambi a Mpungu and Nzambici, the supreme Mother and Father Source of Creation, representing the sun and the moon, the celestial embodiments of Spirit and Soul.
Nzambi a Mpungu: The Eternal Light of Spirit
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Nzambi a Mpungu, the Sky Father, is revered as the God of the Sun, the eternal flame that ignites the spirit of change and transformation. His presence in Voodoo practices is invoked to channel the potent energies of creation, leadership, and righteous power. White Magick, under his domain, is the magic of selflessness, healing, and benevolence. It is the force that seeks to elevate and enlighten, to heal and to harmonize.
Nzambici: The Eternal Darkness of Soul
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Nzambici, the Sky Mother, governs the realm of the moon, embodying the nurturing essence that blankets the earth. Her influence in Yaiwabian Voodoo is one of intuition, emotion, and the subconscious. Black Magick, while often misunderstood, represents the necessary counterpart to White Magick. It is the magick of introspection, intuitive connection to Source, personal discovery, and the realization of one’s divine desires. Under Nzambici’s watchful eye, it is practiced with respect for free will and the acknowledgment of the darker aspects of the soul that require acknowledgment and integration.
The Convergence of Magick
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In Yaiwabian Voodoo, White and Black Magick do not stand in opposition but rather complement each other, creating a full spectrum of spiritual experience. Practitioners understand that light cannot exist without darkness and that true wisdom comes from embracing both. Rituals and spells are crafted with the guidance of both Nzambi a Mpungu and Nzambici, ensuring that every action taken is in alignment with the greater cosmic balance.
The Path of the Practitioner
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For those who walk the path of Yaiwabian Voodoo, life is a dance of light and shadow, guided by the divine forces of Nzambi a Mpungu and Nzambici. It is a journey of understanding the complexities of the human spirit, the natural world, and the unseen energies that connect us all. Through the practice of both White and Black Magick, one learns to navigate the challenges of existence with grace, strength, and wisdom.
This exploration into Yaiwabian Voodoo reveals a culture deeply rooted in the understanding of duality and the reverence for the divine. It is a reminder that in the dance of existence, every step, whether cast in light or shadow, is part of the grand choreography of the universe.
-Lord Yaiwa the Voodoo Prince
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lordyaiwa · 1 month
The Yaiwabian Spiritual Significance of Reptile and Amphibian Energies
In the rich tapestry of Yaiwabian spirituality, the animal kingdom holds profound symbolic significance, with each creature embodying unique energetic imprints that reflect the divine. Among these, reptiles and amphibians are particularly revered for their distinct spiritual attributes that mirror the cosmic duality and balance.
Reptile Energy: The Essence of Nzambi a Mpungu
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Reptiles, with their ancient lineage and cold-blooded nature, are seen as carriers of the primordial life force. In Yaiwabian belief, the reptilian energy signature is a direct reflection of Nzambi a Mpungu, the Supreme God and Father of Creation. Nzambi a Mpungu is the essence of Spirit and Sun, representing the Sun’s fiery power, the spark of creation, and the transformative force of change.
This divine connection is mirrored in the reptile’s ability to shed its skin, symbolizing rebirth and renewal. The reptilian essence is thus associated with the themes of immortality, resilience, and the unyielding will to evolve and ascend.
Amphibian Energy: The Essence of Nzambici
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Amphibians, creatures of both land and water, embody the fluidity of existence and the nurturing essence of life. The amphibian energy signature reflects Nzambici, the Supreme Goddess and Mother of Creation. Nzambici is the divine feminine & essence of the Soul and Moon, the nurturing force that gives birth to all forms and sustains them with her boundless love and wisdom.
The amphibian’s life cycle, from water-dwelling tadpole to land-roaming adult, symbolizes the journey of the soul through various states of being, embracing change while maintaining a connection to the source.
Integrating Reptile and Amphibian Energies
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In Yaiwabian practice, integrating the energies of reptiles and amphibians into one’s spiritual life can lead to a deeper understanding of the universe’s dual nature. By embracing the fiery, transformative energy of the reptile and the gentle, life-giving energy of the amphibian, one can achieve a harmonious balance between action and receptivity, strength and compassion, light and shadow.
Through meditation, ritual, and reflection, adherents can tap into these potent energies, allowing for personal growth and a greater connection to the divine forces represented by Nzambi a Mpungu and Nzambici.
This exploration of reptile and amphibian energies within the Yaiwabian spiritual framework offers a glimpse into the profound wisdom and interconnectedness of all life. By recognizing the divine essence in these creatures, we can learn to appreciate the myriad ways the sacred manifests in our world.
-Lord Yaiwa, The Voodoo Prince
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lordyaiwa · 5 months
Which class are you??
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lordyaiwa · 1 year
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(via The Sacred Tree | House of Nagaru!)
“Find out which Soul House you’re in with this Sacred Tree Quiz!”
I got House of Nagaru, house of the Guardian Serpents. Nice.
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