#Mikey is talking to Tang Shen about his day
beanieable · 1 year
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There is a Donnie x Casey Tangled AU on ao3 it's called Let me down from the Tower by @honeybananagrilledcheesesandwich and I love it so much. Please go check it out.
I used my own human versions of Donnie and his brothers. Usually Donnie has shorter hair but I don’t know if he will get his hair cut like Rapunzel towards the end. So I gave him longer hair. If he does get that hair cut he'll have his "usual" hair style again.
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Post ROTTMNT season 2 au where Mikey overhears Splinter talking about his past relationship with Big Mama with Leo and like wishing that his last real romance hadn't ended on such a bad note.
Mikey decides to Do Something About This.
But instead of trying to redeem Big Mama (which he's still TOTALLY planning on doing, just not now) he reasons that what Splinter REALLY needs is to Get His Mojo Back!
SO he decides to set him up on a series of blind dates in the Hidden City.
All of these dates are of course ruined in a myriad of horrible and hilarious ways; the waiter trips into the table, the boys (who are spying on this) not-so-accidentally drive the date off, at least one date is so terrible that they drive SPLINTER off, etc.
This all accumulates with Splinter being even more depressed than he was before the dates, sad and outside the restaurant in the rain.
Only for an umbrella to suddenly block the rain, and a charming Yokai woman about Splinter's age holds out a hand.
They go to a nearby bar and start talking, it turns out she's a former actress who used to star in action flicks on the surface with a cloaking broach she rented out, so they have plenty in common.
They both have a grand old time, laughing and chatting about their glory days, never going to in depth to preserve that magic.
At the end of the night they part ways, but the yokai leaves a card with Splinter saying he can call her again sometime, maybe they can go out sometime.
The card is simple, elegant, and has in bold, curly letters her name:
Tang Shen
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sleepyheadd0 · 9 months
tmnt 2012: splinter projecting himself and shredder onto leo and raph
a rant / analysis
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1.4k words; unedited
under cut
okay okay, im gonna try to talk about this as clearly and concisely as i can. 2012 splinter is projecting his relationship with shredder onto leo and raph. people have probably talked about this but i just wanna explain my point of view on this.
so. as the story goes, shredder (also known as oroku saki) was found by splinter's (also known as hamato yoshi) father after the foot clan was defeated. splinter's dad adopted shredder and raised him as his own, having splinter and shredder be brothers. we all know this (i assume).
we also know that splinter and shredder's relationship, while always competitive, doubled down on that (and even became bitter and spiteful, even on both sides at points), when tang shen is added into the mix. as the story goes, both splinter and shredder fall in love with tang shen, but she falls in love with splinter, and so shredder gets all pissy and violence occurs. since they couldn't come to an agreement, tang shen died and miwa (now known as karai) was literally kidnapped by shredder.
but what does this have to do with leo and raph? lemme tell you what
leo and raph, in the very beginning of the series (literally the pilot), are introduced to us to be butting heads, even after sparring is over. as the pilot continues, raph is bitter that leo was chosen as leader, even though raph was physically stronger than leo. even after it was proved that raph couldn't be leader (and leo got to stay leader), there was always some sort of tension between the two throughout the course of the series (or at least up to season four, i have yet to find a way to watch season five and watch their dynamic during then. but i figure, given the clips ive seen, that their tension seemed to mellow out in that final season.)
do you see any parallels there? because i do
so. two brothers, training to be ninjas in the hamato clan. growing up, they were always butting heads, but that's not to say there was any malicious intent in that. then, one day, something the both of them want is added. (tang shen for splinter and shredder, leadership for leo and raph.) this only causes more tension to grow between them, causing their previous unharmful headbutting to take a turn for something a bit more hurtful. next, this special something is chosen for the more responsible brother. (tang shen falling in love with splinter, and it being proven that leo is the only brother with the mental ability to lead the team.) this, of course, only deepens the hot headed brother's bitterness; which in turn makes this brother act out in aggression towards the responsible brother. (shredder attempting to murder splinter, and raph having less self control when training against leo. (if im not wrong, there's an episode where raph's anger gets the best of him, and he goes too far on training with leo. if anyone can confirm that, that would be great lmao).).
so why do i say splinter is projecting this relationship onto leo and raph? great question.
as seen throughout the series, it's not all that difficult to see how splinter has farm more of a relationship with leo than he does raph, donnie, and mikey. the blatant favoritism is, due to what i believe, is seeing his younger self in leo. he's hardworking, responsible, reliable, diligent, and would do anything for the hamato clan / family. this is how we saw splinter himself act when the turtles went back in time when they first met renet. and if it's true that splinter saw his younger self in leo, then he very easily could've been seeing shredder's younger self in raph.
raph, being impulsive, having a short fuse, being very physically powerful, butting heads with the responsible brother, those are all traits that shredder had when he was younger. even the way that leo and raph's relationship dynamic was, it was parallel to splinter and shredder's. and when splinter declared leo the leader, that parallel became even more apparent.
but, splinter had already seen first hand how that parallel ended the first time: death, loss, and overall tragedy. and so, i believe splinter decided to try and nip the problem in the bud.
with raph, we can see splinter time and time again trying to mellow raph's anger; to have him bottle it up instead of letting it be a part of him and learning to control it. the biggest example i can think of is the episode "turtle temper", one of, if not the first proper non pilot episode of the entire series. not only does splinter set raph up for failure with his training exercise, but he literally told raph a story of him and shredder, and how the shredder exploited splinter's anger. even though splinter was comparing shredder to someone else, the use of a story about splinter and shredder leads me to believe that splinter could be using those experiences, in more ways than the one shown in "turtle temper", to help splinter parent raph and leo. now, while not actively villainizing raph, splinter still does paint raph's anger issues in a darker light than what they are.
and on the flip side, how does this affect splinter's parenting of leo? well, splinter already saw what happened if that parallel went on, and it only led to death and suffering. and with tang shen literally sacrificing herself to save splinter, i feel as though splinter could believe he failed tang shen and miwa. so with splinter being splinter, he tried to teach leo to not fail in the ways splinter believes he did. the harshness and strictness, far more one on one time spent with leo on screen, hell, even telling leo he'll have to take splinter's job as both a mentor and father to his brothers when splinter passes? it's hard for me to not believe splinter is projecting onto leo. this is simply because splinter just doesn't want history repeating; he doesn't want another shredder created out of his son.
but, from what clips ive seen of season 5, it wasn't even necessary. leo and raph do get along while splinter isn't there to project, and that's even happened a bit in the space arc. (only major argument i remember between them in that arc is when they were on the corrupted planet.)
because leo and raph AREN'T splinter and shredder... they're LEO AND RAPH.
they're different people with different morals and motivations. but splinter didn't quite see that.
also, when the tang shen situation was happening, i feel like grandpa hamato was kinda pushed in between the conflict between splinter and shredder; unable to choose just one side to support, but getting pushed to the back either way. i think this parallels with donnie and mikey; they can't chose between leo and raph to support all the time, because they're their brothers. but they get pushed to the back and out of focus; and now also out of splinter's focus specially.
now i have seen those ending clips of season five, and i believe this can be seen as why splinter only hugged leo and karai.
-leo: he still saw himself in. but now, he could also see the success that he himself was unable to achieve.
-karai: his daughter, the one he thought he lost due to the conflict between him and shredder. she was one of the driving forces in the conflict, and came out still on splinter's side.
-raph: while splinter still loves raph dearly, just as i assume he still loves shredder dearly, the dark legacy of the shredder still taints his view of raph unintentionally.
-donnie and mikey: like his father, he loves them both dearly. but, like their grandfather, they ultimately got pushed to the side unintentionally. still loved greatly, just not the main priority.
now, do i think this is all canon? no, it's like 99% likely to not me. i was probably really reaching with this, and it could've just been completely unintentional by writers and just came about because of recycled conflicts. but it is now 6:34 am so i don't care.
thanks for reading lolzies.
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badassturtles235147 · 5 months
TMNT: Mama Tang Shen and Her Children
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Shen's relationship with her children if she had been alive Headcanon
Hamato Miwa
Shen is very close with Miwa, always supporting her and encouraging her. However, she is constantly scolding her daughter for the trouble she always causes with her mischief schemes.
Though Miwa mostly looked up to her father but, she respected her mother greatly, looked up to her and was very protective of her. She is always by her mother's side, ready to comfort her when she is upset and despite not being completely on board with Miwa's troublemaking behavior, there has been a few times when Miwa was able to talk her mother in participating.
Shen always has Miwa's back and defends her, when needed. She is always ready to go full mama bear to those who say mean things about her daughter or try to harm her.
Hamato Leonardo
Much like Splinter, Shen is always trying to remind Leo to believe in himself and not be so hard on himself. Though she was not much to talk...she was very hard on herself too.
Shen and Leo are both perfectionists, and they are both very mama hen. Shen is always very worried and concerned about her children when they go on missions. She is always lecturing about Miwa and Raph's recklessness, Donnie's bad sleeping habits, and Mikey's poor diet with his obsession with pizza.
As for Leo, Leo was kind of like her little helper.
Leo liked to help his mom with everything, chores, training, and her struggles with his siblings. Shen appreciated the help but sometimes, it could do more harm than good when Leo tries to parent his siblings which would cause a bad argument to break out which Shen or Splinter would have to break up.
Leonardo was just too bossy and wanted everyone to listen to him. It is a good trait to have for someone looking to be leader one day, but it got on the other children's nerves.
Shen, on the other hand, was not bossy and she never expects her children to always listen. They were teenagers after all. Shen was a bit leaner than Splinter. She was strict and stern when needed to be but not all the time, especially with little things.
Leonardo was more of a daddy's boy as well. When he is having trouble with something, the first person he would go to is his father. It bothered Shen a bit that her eldest son could not talk to her the same way he spoke to his father, but she guesses she could understand. Shen was never a leader, and she was not very into ninjutsu, so her husband was more likely to understand better than her.
Still, Shen tries to help Leonardo any way she can when he does come to her.
Hamato Raphael
Now, Raphael, was very much a mama's boy. Though he would never admit it. Every time Raph is angry or loses his temper, he would go to Shen to vent, knowing she would always listen and not lecture or judge him for the things he says.
As a child, when Raph would throw a tantrum, Splinter would try to calm him but to no avail. So, he always just waited until he tired himself out.
Shen, however, somehow always got Raph to calm down. Just seeing his mother's kind and warm face, would give Raph immediate comfort and he would run into her arms, sobbing until he fell asleep.
Shen liked to tease her husband about how much alike he and their second son are, telling him that he was getting his payback. She would sometimes even call Raph, "mini Yoshi." Though he is convinced Leo is more like him, her second son does not know how wrong he truly is.
That is why the two fought a lot because they were so much alike.
Every time he and Splinter got into one of their arguments, Shen is always there to keep the peace and speak on both of their defense. Raph never had the heart to argue with his mother.
With his father, Raph was always prepared to protest and come up with an argument but with his mother, he just could not. He always gets soft with her and could never get angry at her. So, when she said he was grounded, Raph would go willingly without giving any trouble.
Hamato Donatello
Knowing his siblings were less than interested in Donnie's inventions, Donnie would always go to his mother and father instead.
Shen is always willing to listen to Donnie rant proudly about his new inventions and is always excited to hear about his new great ideas. Splinter really tries to listen to his son, really, but his son's intelligent mind always overwhelms him, and he would still listen but nod his head, even if he could not understand some of the things Donnie says.
Shen is the only one who was purely interested, asking a bunch of questions and actually trying to understand. Donnie enjoyed showing off his creations to his mom and enjoyed it when his parents would say how proud they were.
Donnie was skilled at ninjutsu, but he wasn't the best at it, so he has low self-esteem in that area despite his parents trying to boost his confidence and encourage him. So, the inventions and his intelligence make up for it.
Every time Donnie thinks about quitting ninjutsu, Shen is the one who tells him to keep going. Despite what her son says, Shen believes Donnie loves ninjutsu and wanted to be like the rest of his siblings. He would have quitted a long time ago otherwise.
So, Shen refuses to let him quit and always gives Donnie the push he needs.
Hamato Michelangelo
Out of all five of her children, Mikey takes after Shen the most. He was sweet, loving and just overall kind-hearted.
Shen and Mikey are always cooking while singing together. Shen is always babying Mikey, hugging him and kissing him. She always sticks up for him and scolds her children when they tease or bully him.
Much like herself, Mikey did not like conflict, but Shen was not shy towards it either. Mikey rarely sticks up for himself because he does not like to argue too much, especially when it starts to get serious.
Shen did not like that. Despite wanting to shield her sweet innocent Mikey, she knew she could not defend for him forever. So, she tries to push him to speak for himself, to have a voice. Not just laugh it off and pretend like everything is fine. No one else can see it but Shen can read Mikey like a book.
She knows that he secretly gets sad when his siblings don't take him seriously because of his happy-go lucky personality and his fun nature.
Shen understands why her other children get frustrated with him and only worries about his safety but that was no reason to constantly underestimate him and not listen to what he has to say....even if it was a little ridiculous at times.
Hamato Yoshi/Splinter
Despite their disagreements in the past, after Oroku Saki attacked, Shen and Splinter proved that their love for each other was stronger than any disagreement they had, and they felt even closer than ever.
Splinter agreed to move to New York after the attack, for one, to get as far away from Shredder as possible and for two, because he wanted his wife to have her dream. Shen came up with a compromise and told her husband that he could maybe open a dojo in New York, maybe one day even rebuild the Hamato Clan.
Splinter was not sure if he would ever be able to truly rebuild his clan, but he was happy to at least try.
Shen knows what she said about the Hamato Clan, but she truly loved it. Her in-laws and the people in the clan were like family to her.
And...after she almost died from Saki and her daughter almost got kidnapped, Shen began to understand some things and asked her husband to train her to be a kunoichi so that she could better protect her family, just in case Saki ever came back and with hesitation, she agreed to let the children train in the ways of ninja too, wanting them to be safe.
Splinter agreed and train Shen immediately after they had their sons. Shen picked up fast and became a great kunoichi, better than even Splinter.
Splinter was very proud of her, and she was of him, they both changed from the people they used to be but for the better and their marriage will forever live on and grow stronger as the years go by.
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
Your Mona Lisa
[A very late Valentines thing for Two Souls]
Raph has never considered falling in love.
His main priority ever since he was able to toddle around was to take care of his brothers, to protect them. It has always been like that, even as April joined the team, even as Cassandra started to slowly warm up to them, even as Casey Jr. stayed after the invasion.
That was just it.
That's his life.
He doesn't really need to think about love when his world is just his brothers, dad(s) and friends.
What more could he ever wish for?
Not this apparently.
It's a weird feeling... watching someone else be so lovey dovey.
From the moment they met this older version of Raph they knew he's an uptight sort of guy. He's strict, he tough, he's a rad as stone, Raph was afraid of him at first despite the guy being a few inches shorter.
So it was a surprise for someone with a cold and rough exterior to be...
To be reduced to... that...
Him and his brothers sat there awkwardly as their other older versions caught up with this tall salamander woman, much taller than Raph even. Their main focus was on Raphael and the said woman, who were touching each other so gently, eyes fluttering with so much love, even nose nuzzling which made Leo yank Mikey to close his eyes while Donnie, who usually reacts aversely to shows of love physically hid a small second hand embarrassed blush on his face. Raph was probably as equally red as his mask.
Him? Having a special someone?
He has never considered it before...
"Hey, kids."
They all finally looked up when they were addressed, Leo almost stumbling backwards as Mikey finally managed to shove him away.
Raphael had a fond smile on his face, despite talking to them he was still firmly looking at the salamander woman with hearts in his eyes. They have never seen Raphael as much as that before, only ever small sad smiles whenever he looks their way.
"Meet Mona Lisa... My wife."
Raph may or may not have fainted.
They try not to speak about the fainting incident but Donnie and Leo love to laugh at him whenever they smell his flustered stink whenever they mention it. Michelangelo was in on it as well, riling the twins up to get even more details, which was super embarassing.
Even Raphael was chuckling from where he was snuggled next to Mona!
Still, he wants to know more... if this version of him has a wife... there's definitely a chance he would have one too... right?
He managed to ambush Raphael when he's alone, which was hard considering Mona and him were attached to the hip.
The older would raise his brow at him, a knowing smile on his face.
Gosh, this was so embarassing.
"I... uh... well... you see-"
"Man, spit it out already, you're making me nervous just by looking at ya."
"UH- whendidyoumeetherandwhendidyourealizeyoulikedher-"
Raphael blinked at him before laughing. Raph was about to repeat himself when Raphael talked.
"Well... I met her in space, believe it or not."
Raph was immediately hooked.
Raphael told him about how he met her when their ship was crashing down, how he tried to convince his brothers to let her and this commander guy to their team and how they defeated those ice aliens together.
"It was... love at first sight, or well punch since she tried to attack me, I guess." Raphael says with a smile. "I never considered falling in love before. None of us really have a real example of love aside from Splinter's stories about his wife, Tang Shen... or well, maybe Donnie and his small crush on April that he didn't realize was just sisterly love... and maybe Mikey with Renet but other than that I really didn't have any basis on love. I though tit was stupid. Then there she came..."
"How... how are so sure?"
"I just am." He places a hand on Raph's shoulder. "You'll find your Mona some day, kid."
"Where would I even find a lizard woman in my universe?"
That made Raphael bark out a laugh.
"When I say 'your' I didn't mean your version of Mona. In fact, Mona Lisa is just a nickname, her real name is Y'Gthgba."
"Yeah, my reaction to her name too. The point is..."
Green eyes met honey brown.
"Your Mona Lisa can be anyone. An alien, a yokai, a mutant... heck... even a human." Raphael pats his shell as he went to walk off. "Mona Lisa is a title... it means the most beautiful person in your life."
Raphael grins at Raph.
"You'll find your Mona Lisa... maybe you already have."
Raph's reminded of a feisty girl that fights for what she believes in.
Yeah... maybe he already did.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 9 months
Regarding the 03 boy’s accents - I kinda figured it was because of their isolation. Donnie and Leo having generic American accents makes sense because for a long time the only interaction they had with the outside world is through the TV. I figured Mikey heard some kind of ‘surfer dude’ accent via the TV and decided he liked it and decided to just speak like that (although he does seem to grow out of it a little as the series goes on - so maybe a phase?). Same with Raph; either on a supply run or sneaking out at some point (or again, maybe through the TV) he heard someone speaking with a Brooklyn accent and decided he liked it. Adding in an extra little headcannon: I also always figured the 03 boys spoke Japanese before they spoke English - Splinter is from Japan so even before he was mutated that would have been the language he heard spoken both as a wild rat and once he was Tang Shen’s pet. Even when Yoshi moved to America with Splinter, I think he would probably have spoken Japanese to Splinter at home (or at least more so than English) just because that was the language he was most comfortable with. So, once he was mutated, Splinter taught the turtles to speak Japanese first and they all learned English at the same time, via TV and any humans they did hear etc. That probably meant that the turtles had Japanese accents when they spoke English for a while themselves until they either grew out of it or picked what they wanted to sound like. (Extra Bonus Headcannon: although they spoke Japanese first, they read English first, and didn’t learn to read and write Japanese along with Splinter until they were in their teens. Japanese is a difficult language to read with three separate alphabets, and although I think they would have managed it if they were living in Japan and exposed to it all the time, they were living in America, so most if not all of the written word they came across would probably have been In English. They had to wait until they had dedicated resources to learn it.)
(Sorry about all the headcannons… I’ve thought about this quite a lot. Also, I am not American, and I have never been to New York, so if there is anything I am wrong about I apologise.)
Ah, I was sort of talking the turtles in general/in a hypothetical future iteration where they all have accents but I guess I didn’t make that super clear 😅 still I’m going to follow you down this rabbit hole because I like where you’re going with this. Cuz accents are kind of a funny thing, especially when you have characters that are isolated from the general population. I kinda figure in a scenario where they all have distinct New York accents it would come from overhearing it from humans (Rise Leo is said to have learned Spanish by listening to the Puerto Rican population of New York) but unlike more recent iterations like Rise and Mutant Mayhem, the 03 boys really stuck hard to the whole avoiding humans rule until their first lair got destroyed and they were forced topside.
I think it really makes sense that their first language was Japanese, because of Splinter learned ninjutsu from watching Hamato Yoshi then he probably learned Japanese from hearing him. Learning English from TV makes the most sense since that was probably their main exposure to the language. Though if they didn’t have cable (which they probably didn’t in the early days) then most of what they heard probably would have been local news/public access channels so that’s probably where they got their first taste. If I may add to your head canon, I think the boys probably would have gotten the bulk of their English education from Sesame Street since PBS would have been one of the few channels they had easy access to and that actually had programming that they would be interested in when they were small. (Which then raises the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Raph got his accent from imitating Oscar the grouch 🤣🤣🤣)
The reading thing makes sense to me too, especially because they probably got a lot of their books by digging through trash or donation bins, so everything they would have had access to would have been in English. I had something similar as a kid because I grew up in a Spanish/English speaking household but I mainly learned to read in English, written Spanish didn’t make any sense to me even though I knew it when spoken. I didn’t really learn to read/write Spanish until high school but even then I can really mostly just read it, for some reason if I’m asked to write anything in Spanish myself I completely forget the rules of grammar and syntax immediately. It can be really hard to take a language that you’ve only ever heard or spoken aloud and then try to match it with its written form, especially if you’ve never even seen the alphabet before (and Spanish is like, easy mode, I can’t imagine having to learn three different alphabets, all of which support each other to form the language, though I think the 03 boys would be determined enough to do it) I like the idea of April bringing them language books to help them learn, it’d be really sweet, maybe they’d teach her a couple of phrases they know in turn.
No need to apologize! Kinda cool to know that I don’t just have people from the U.S. reading my blog tbh. It was really fun to go into these headcanons 😁
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thattotalloserrain · 10 months
Terms in this post
Adoptive - The person that was adopted into the family
Adopted - The person who adopted a person into the family
As I notice new fans continue to enter the TMNT fandom, (or people are starting to talk about it more) I’m going to talk about 2012 especially because a lot of people are missing the points of writing flaws, and people are arguing for the wrong points and defending very problematic relationship issues.
I’ve came across this post, and it was really… concerning. I’m not gonna name them, or point them out, (And I can’t find the post, so I don’t know if it was deleted or not) but if you know what I’m referring to then just be respectful, I don’t mean any disrespect either because at the end of the day… It’s a cartoon, and we can still enjoy things while there’s still questioning things about it. The only harm that may come to conversations like these is because it can be very serious in real life. Yet, I find it strange how people are defending the wrong things for the same problem: the writing.
Let’s paint the picture.
The turtles are just now starting to go out to the surface, and with Leo’s situation, he ends up fighting a girl from the Foot. Romance is in the air, and he definitely falls in love with her. He never met her in his life, but he knew that he was the daughter of his fathers enemy- his adopted brother. (Let’s keep the adopted part in mind for later) So they already knew she was related in some way, blood or not.
Okay this is fine, it’s normal, and it’s trop that writers like to do- good guy falls in love with bad guy- it’s great. Until…
Now, Splinter has to tell Leo something after he also discovered it. His new born daughter that he thought perished that same night he lost his wife , and that so happened to be the girl Leo was fighting with. (And falling for) Is alive.
My 11 year old self at the time when he told that, made me widen my eyes.
I want to point out that TMNT 2012 is my favorite, and always will be. But that doesn’t mean I won’t point its serious flaws that the writers have done. For example,
Writing Donnie to be a stalker, (He is. There’s no argument about it. Following a girl, and getting caught after being told NOT to, is stalking behavior! Even when there’s good thought behind it! Poor Donnie doesn’t deserve to be written like that, though.) But as soon as we see that character development be “Yeah, I shouldn’t do that. I will stop.” The same girl she falls for is like “NAH, it’s okay because you’re my mutant~! Doesn’t help anything either.
Having Donnie, April, and Casey in this weirdest love triangle ever. (She tells both of them that she needs space at some point, but whenever they DO, she does something that makes that behavior more acceptable at that time. She goes back and forth between them clearly. And again it’s not April’s fault when she has bad writers)
We have Mikey that’s just doing his thing but ends up having something between Renet (whom isn’t born yet, but what the shell, at this point it fits the writing themes beautifully.) and Shinigami (Who wouldn’t, she is literally so hot.)
Now, I KNOW people are going to smite me for this but it’s only fair I still point things out in one of the best ships of the show so I can try to remain as unbiased as possible- Raph meets an alien in space. No questions between if they’re even equivalent to the same age or near, and already starts making out with her only within an episode (perhaps a few days) Kind of just like how Donnie also did with falling for April.
And we don’t see much with Yoshi having a relationship with Tang Shen until season 4, because she’s literally dead, and we haven’t seen any other interaction with her besides Splinter standing ground to his loyalty of his clan.
Do we see the similarities of why these writing flaws is happening? Do you see what they are common with?
They’re all relationships. The entire shows writing flaws, nearly every single one has to do something with relationships.
Every. Single. One.
The writers wanted to put romance into it, and failed miserably.
If you’re still reading this, congrats. I’m not done yet.
I feel as if I need to put some of my life experience into this to hope you all see the point I’m trying to make, and I know people that may have experienced similarly, that they still could have very different opinions to my own.
I’m adopted. And I only found that out when I became a teenager. Just as Karai has. I was lied to over and over and OVER again until I was finally told.
I’m not going to label Leorai something to extreme, but the ways people are defending it, is almost making it look like they know it is at some way, and are trying so hard to make it look like it’s completely fine, and you know what I’m talking about if you’re still reading this post, or you’re catching on to what I’m saying, I’ll make it very short and simple. And it’s really gross and scary how people think it’s okay.
Leo, and the rest of the turtles is related to Karai. Being a sister, or not. If they truly can’t be siblings, they are at least cousins, if we’re going to argue about how they weren’t raised together at all which… doesn’t make someone not related to someone.
And it was established that they both have romantic feelings for each other.
An argument that I saw was that the turtles aren’t technically adopted, or shares any DNA with Karai. (And honestly perhaps not, but we literally can’t rule anything out because we don’t have anything like mutagen in OUR world, so we can’t even argue anything about science because guys, come on… They’re four giant human turtles, and then there’s a literal trash mutant, so I don’t think we can say we’re experts on how mutagen works in this world or not.) So therefor, Leorai doesn’t count as (insert extreme label) And Splinter is also a harsh teacher, so Therefor- they aren’t his sons in any way because he can’t legally make them his sons. What?
Splinter is a mutated rat, and he may have just bot four baby turtles as a human, having no idea what is about to happen. Where is he going to go to the city, and find someone who would let him adopt four mutant turtles, to be his legally, official sons that he loves so much? Are we kidding? We’re going degrade the way that Splinter died and Mikey literally cried out “Papa.” And the thousands of times he calls them his sons and they their father and teacher? Fathers and mothers ARE our life teachers. And splinter KNOWS, that if NONE of them can defend, or fight for themselves, they would be killed easily from the harsh world. Of course his teachings will see VERY harsh. But he is literally preparing them for the worst, because he knows it can happen because he experienced it when he lost his wife to his adopted brother. And comparing to his brother, his brother literally kidnapped his daughter after murdering her mother and attempted murder of his adoptive brother! Why are we saying it’s okay for this heartless man to have the right to have Karai when Splinter can’t even do anything legally because he’ll get killed just from being a mutant?
Why is this even a point to make it seem like Leorai is okay or not? It literally makes no sense to use this as a reason why it is or shouldn’t, it has nothing to relate to it whatsoever. And at the end of the day, this entires shows romantic relationships isn’t okay. It’s just degrading a good father, and praising a horrible one for doing the ‘legal’ and ‘better’ thing??
Okay, another point that I saw was that none of the turtles weren’t raised or even knew Karai to begin with. That is true. They didn’t know she existed; and when they met her, they all didn’t know how she was related to them either way. Until they knew that Karai was Shredder’s daughter, then they definitely knew that the could be in some way. But like… if I find a sibling out there, adoptive, blood or not, I would back the heck out. It’s not the 1800’s where it’s fine to marry your cousin or aunt/uncle. And apart if the argument is that they can’t help their feelings or change them in anyway. (Pardon my language, but what the f*ck.)
Do you know who in the show was raised to be brothers, and ended up hating their guts, like literally? Splinter and Shredder. They changed they way they felt. And yes, it is more extreme comparing it to Leorai, but it’s also stupid not to point it out because it’s obvious.)
People are trying so hard to make it look like Leorai is fine in anyway, and it isn’t. It just plain isn’t. But again, the way people are defending (insert extreme label) They are still related. They. Are. Still. Related. Blood or not, they are. It is not okay to okay this behavior and or/writing that it is.
And people are defending this SO much they really believe and can say that it’s not (insert extreme label) because it only has to have two people be related by blood to make it (insert extreme label). Which isn’t the case, if someone is related to someone in anyway, then it is (inset extreme label.) and if you’re this person, your painting yourself as a person that is okay with in*st in anyway. I said what I said. If people can defend things like this, I can say my thoughts as well.
Get your head out of those sewer apples and GROW up. It’s fine to admit your wrongs and realize that things about your favorite show just isn’t okay. The writers wrote very problematic things, it’s the writers fault, and it’s okay to still like this specific show as a whole. Don’t let nostalgia make you look like you can also defend other problematic things.
Congrats; you made it to the end. Have a pizza 🍕
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also IDW leo with ⛄️ !! give him Peace
I definitely should do that more often...
As Leo's skills develop, he learns how to visit his mother in the astral plane while he mediates. Tang Shen manifests tea that tastes exactly like home and tells him stories about life in Japan, her own life and her life with Splinter.
She teases him with baby stories and also gives him some insight into his own culture beyond the marital aspects that Splinter focuses on. He tells her, shyly, about whatever cute person he has a crush on and she laughs and assure him he'd be a catch for anyone.
Shen gives Leo lessons on how to manipulate the astral plain, how to use it as a weapon, but also as a place of creation and self-expression. The others aren't good at traveling yet, but Leo carries messages, stories, advice, between them. He leans to project images of the pictures Mikey draws and the machines Donnie makes into the astral plane for her to get a look at them.
And on the days when he's ready to talk about his trauma, she's there to work with through it, to help deal with his pain and shame. Sometimes Leo's scared to share his feelings with her, but Shen does her best to let him know that he'll always be her baby and nothing will ever change that.
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Ageswap Tang Shen and Yoshi sort of end up bonding over rat stuff.
When she's first introduced, Shen has two pet rats, Mochi and Nugget. Mochi is a white and grey rat Shen adopted, whereas Nugget is tan and year or so younger.
She loves them more than anything. They've got a giant cage in her room, and the books she has that aren't comics are mostly just on rats. Shen has a copy of Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH that's very battered and worn, because she read it over and over as a kid and took it everywhere.
Yoshi knows a bit about rats, mainly stuff he has to know due to being a rat mutant. Mikey, Donnie and Robyn (Casey's little sister) properly know more than him due to them being the family medics.
He's pretty neutral on rats overall. (That is until he meets Falco and every single insecutrity he has, some he didn't even know he had, are ripped wide open. Things only get worse after Falco becomes Rat King, and now the sight of a rat makes his skin crawl. What makes that even worse is that he isn't an exception.)
But he really likes stories where rats are the heroes. This kid watched The Secret of NIMH until the video player broke and shredded the vhs (Casey found another copy, don't worry). He has that movie saved onto his computer and still watches it. One way his uncles and aunt can tell if he's had a bad day is if once the credits roll, Yoshi skips straight back to the beginning and watches it again.
The Amazing Maurice and his Education Rodents is another book Yoshi grew up loving. Everyone expected him to get majorly put off it due to Falco, but it instead ended up becoming even more of a comfort book. That book also got him into the Discworld series, and he has most of the books - Soul Music is another favourite of his.
Shen actually hadn't heard of The Amazing Maurice, so Yoshi got to experience the joy of introducing her to it. Whilst she read it, she texted him her reactions. When Shen visited the Lair after finishing it, Donnie walked in on those two talking so fast no one else could understand them.
Sometimes these two will also mess around trying to figure out what rat stuff he did or didn't inherit. One day they find an abandoned part of the sewers and turn it into their own hangout, complete with plenty of things to climb up.
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So, TMNT X League of Legends is something my mind has been pestering me about for like, a few mins so let's do it
Splinter would have to be from Ionia,,,, The Foot Clan and Hamato Clan I don't think would be as prevalent as they were in in their series, mostly because of the Twilight Order being the main 'clan' in the country. Same old, same old, Yoshi and Saki fall in love with Tang Shen, Saki rebuilds Foot Clan, Tang Shen chooses Yoshi, the fire, yadda yadda yadda.
With all the grief and shit, Yoshi moved to Piltover. Yes, Piltover is now NYC. He goes down into Zaun with his baby turtles, they meet the Kraang, the mutagen thing is a thing, Zaun's severe case of plague rats transforms Yoshi into one,,,,
Now, I'm guessing the turtles would basically be Vastayan now. They end up living in Zaun's sewers,,,,,,, considering everyone in Piltover is Tony Stark at this point, Donnie's tech remains very advanced, and he deffo goes down on the Third Level to go sumpsniping on the regular,,,, seriously this dude with Hextech is a horrifying image,,,,
They go out in the night to protect Piltover, Shredder finds out, and the Foot Clan leaves Ionia to Piltover.
They get found out sometime, and the turtles now essentially have Piltover's Enforcers helping them on the case with the Foot. Vi and Raph regularly arm wrestle and Caitlyn and Leo talk strategy and fancy on the regular.
The Kraang is most likely some sort of Void species, or an extension of it. I have no idea how to implement the space shit, but Renet is defiently a Pulsefire.
Other info falls down into
I don't think Zed or the Shadow Order would work with the Foot clan. Despite Zed basically being very Shredder in their appearance, his goal is to protect Ionia, and considering that the Foot is a crime syndicate, Zed would hate their guts and try to take them down
Akali and Karai meet and become BFFs
They probably met Zac before, considering that he travels through the pipes
Mikey is probably a big fan of Seraphine's concerts,,,,
Everytime they hear about Jinx they collectively groan. That girl probably ruins their day by another 20%,,,
None of them like Singed. They live by #SingedLivesDon'tMatter. Splinter gets flashbacks of Shredder everytime they meet, mostly because of the eye thing,,,,
Also Jhin. They despise Jhin.
Splinter hangs out with Twitch every Wednesday for brunch
Warwick gets asked to join the Foot and his response is attempting to kill them. He kills criminals, he doesn't join them
Knowing Shredder, he probably does something to fuck around with the Spirit Realm, thus getting Shen and the Kinkou Order involved
If Irelia and Leo were too ever meet, they'd talk about the burdens of leadership
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Sooo Ive started writing a couple of tmnt au, asside from my rise vampire leo one and the wip prokemon one, that are mostly original stuff but I am taking things that I like from the various other tmnt stuff Ive seen and just wanting to ramble about them?
The first one is called the magic ninjas au (which is mostly a place holder title because im bad at naming things)
The basis of this au is that the boys were mutated accidently by this version of Draxum Huggin and Muggen while trying to make magical weapons for Hamato Yoshi Tang Shen and their daughter Miwa to use to fight some sort of for seen evil force. He had four baby turtles there because Huggin and Muggin found them and they were in need of medical attention....huggin and muggin accidently mixxed the two things and spilled them on the boys...and someone while draxum was talking to Yoshi and Shen about it because they now had sons on top of their daughter...stole the remains of the mixture having been spying on them...things happen and the Hamatos and Draxum (and Huggin and Muggin) have to go hide in the human world using disuse broaches...
Tang Shen and Miwa are Kitsune in this au
Miwa is not Karai
Shen lives :D
Yoshi still endsbup being Splinter
Raph is a leatherback sea turtle theboldest and leader
Donnie and Leo are aidentical twins and red eared slider yellow bellied slider hybrids
Mikey is a bog turtle
There are a lot of other details but tbdbfb I was trying to sum it up and not give the whatnis basically whole planning page out
The other au is called something lost something gained
Baiscally in this au Draxum was going to use the two most well know Ninja, the Shinobi Hamato Yoshi and his wife the Kunoichi Tang Shen, to create mutants that would one day be the protectors of the hidden city...even if he was going about it the wrong way...Big Mama catches onto this and has a scientist she hiered, Baxter Stockman, to help her catch the Hamato family, being again Yoshi Shen and Miwa, and Draxum and then with some turtles she had some one get her mutate them with the dna and a tampered with variation of Draxums mutagen and she has plans on using it to make fighters for the Battle Nexus. The Hamato family escapes with the boys and relases Draxum, and Yoshi gets mutated.
The boys as they grow up start developing powers but inturn they lose something. Leo gets Psychometry but loses his eye sight. Donnie gets tecnopathy but lises his voice. Raph gets regeneration but loses his ability to feel pain. Mikey can access a pocket dimention of his own but one of his arms stops working and gorwin and has to be amputated.
Ngl this is my most angsty sounding one but I swear it has lots of fluff in it
Raph and Mikey are the same Species they are in the Magical Ninjas Au (because I like them as the largest and smallest respectivly)
Leo however in it is a false map turtle
Donnie is a daimond back terrapin
Miwa is again not Karai
I have drawing for both aus the latter its only Leo and Donnie but the former I have the whole Hamato family and April done and am working on that worlds verison of Casey
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sirenssakura · 3 years
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“Nice To Meet You.” - Leorai Fanfic
Apologizes for this extremely long waited story guys. Life gets in the way and that. This story in particular though has been long overdue and i’m so craving to get back into fanfics for you all x
CONTAINS! Childbirth, Blood, Strong Language & Distress!
Throughout the months, the lair was filled with excitement and joy over the new arrival of Leo’s and Karai’s baby. However, with little to go on, they were unaware of When Karai will go into labor. Leo who was overjoyed by the new arrival of his first child, still hunted by the pain he’d witnessed Karai throughout her pregnancy. Haven never experienced this before, Leo knew he had to take responsibility for his actions, he was soon going to be a father. It scared him yet filled his heart with joy and the responsibility he now faces. Aside from the days and nights of stress, Leo also made the extra time to keep Karai relaxed and not worry as she was. Quiet massages before bed and Leo also guided Karai through some meditations and his own secret remedies he’d once used on Raphael after he fell sick during the Winter season…
Karai on the other hand was far from ready for this it was bad enough she had to sit out on training and sparring with the turtles. She hated not being able to do anything now she was carrying, she was worried and for the first time. Scared. Karai felt she was not ready and the thought of giving birth frightens her, the last 9 months were the most stressful and Extremely emotional for sure. Splinter helped his daughter with daily exercises to calm her mind and the tensions inside. Practicing some useful breathing techniques that will soon come in handy, Splinter showed Karai his remedies he used on Tang Shen during her pregnancy... 
Raphael on the other hand didn’t want to let Leo or Karai down. Of course, he too was thrilled for them but had worries over the Shredder still out there. Throughout the months however, Raph felt the strain and took it upon himself to train extra hard. However unknowing to him, both Karai and Leo were aware over Raph being more focused on training than spending time with either of them. Leo even noticed Raph staying up late during the night to push himself way further into his training than he needs. Leo became worried and realized he needed to talk to his red masked brother alone…
Donatello was hard at work, studying throughout the days and even staying up late to learn Everything he knows about childbirth and the body changes a female goes through during pregnancy. Helping Karai through a basic yet stressful-free diet to fit her needs however when her cravings had hit, he was powerless to stop her. Throughout the 9 months, Donnie documented Karai’s behavior and signs. However unknowing for Karai, she saw comfort in being in Donnie’s presence and the determination in his research she admired, Karai soon grown to respect the purple masked turtle and his role within the family. Aside from the research and tests he’d conducted onto Karai, Donnie took the time to give her some tricks in releasing tensions in the muscles…
Now Michelangelo, was over the moon and the thought of becoming an uncle, made his heart flutter like butterflies. He too had a big impact on helping Karai and Leo anyway possible, throughout the 9 months, Mikey learned in his own way and found a need to help Karai through her eating habits and cravings. Karai was aware he was the chef in the family however she was skeptical over his drive to give her a healthy meal whenever she was hungry. Donnie went though his diet routine he’d gone over with her, but Mikey throw some of his own tricks to simplify her appetite without complicating it.
Surprisingly, Karai soon found calmness in being in Mikey’s company, from reading comic books or watching him on the game, his free-spirit made her feel at ease, at least in that moment. As the days went bye, Mikey also learned something new about Karai making their bond more stronger. Seeing her change and her emotions were like a roller coaster, Mikey saw this and was determined to do everything he could to keep Karai smiling...
“Leo I’ll Be Fine!” Karai huffed as Leo and Raph helped her to the sofa. Karai somehow saw the boy’s persistence and admired their help even though she didn’t want help. “You comfy?” Leo asked softly, kneeling on the tiled floor looking up at his heavily pregnant girlfriend. Reaching out her hand and cupped the turtle’s cheek. “I’m fine, Leo… Now Go!” Leo laughed then kissed her head before leaving. “Call me if anything is wrong, Karai. Let’s Go Guys!” He called to his brothers as they followed. *Sigh* “Finally Some Peace.” Karai sighed loudly, rubbing her forehead… Moments turned into minutes and she heard not a peep. Silence… *Gasp* “Crud!”… *Soft Sigh* “Easy, Karai... Just relax.” She groaned softly, painfully keeping her cool, she breathed in and out. Refusing the need to ring Leo... “No, You don’t, n, need to... Call him.” Karai gasped from the sudden pain that struck… *Groan* Feeling her inside twist was like someone stabbing her gut over and over again. With all her effort, Karai managed to rose off the sofa letting out a puff of air…
End Of P1
TBC P2   
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teetlezhere · 4 years
More Mama Shen head canons (Feat. the children)
I need to give myself some self-comfort about the show. So here: Mama Tang Shen au feat the kids.
Takes all the strength from his pa, but all of that caring, soft, baby-talking mother-hen side is something he learned from Tang Shen.
Destroyed all the furniture in the house when teething. Some chairs and wardrobes still have the bite marks to this day.
Always got his spikes ensnared in something, usually tablecloths when playing hide and seek.
Got into science from watching Shen doing her work with meds and machines in her clinic. 
Read all the books Shen had in the house. Didn’t got into medicine (Leon did) but got into science, chemistry and technology.
In closing hours, Shen would show and teach him how to use the machines in her clinic (under supervision of course)
Got the snark from mom in particular
Mama tang Shen is a pun master and Leo caught the one-liner/punny attitude from her.
Read the medicine and anatomy books Shen had in her house and became the team’s medic (co-ops with Donnie for particularly nasty injuries)
Also got the snark from mom
His personas are something he learned from watching Shen at work. She goes Dr. Delicate Touch when she takes no-nonsense on her patients’ dumbest/entitled owners, and instead goes Dr. Feelings when her patients’ owners need a soft approach. Mikey watched her and integrated that.
Shen’s fridge is entirely covered in all of Mikey’s drawings he gave her since he was little. The fridge used to be dark grey, but no one in the fam can tell anymore under all those drawings.
Tang Shen is a family friend of the O’Neils and  babysat April when she was a little kid.
April met the turtles when she was around 4 or 5. One of April’s parents got in an accident and the other had to stay at the hospital with them, so they asked Shen to take care of April for a few days. Shen at first tried to keep the kids in separate rooms so April wouldn’t be scared of the boys or if she could scare the boys...
They got around her and the next thing Shen knows is: the boys adopted April as their big sister and Shen’s now a second mom to April.
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brightlotusmoon · 4 years
I just realized that I never explored that whole idea of 2012 Mikey having an actual Dimension X brain, despite creating an entire damn plot bunny in Part Five of Flow And Existence. Which means I finally have a plot for the second part of Children Of The Moon. Ugh. Writer's block.
Over the last week, Mikey has been having violent nightmares and waking flashbacks to any one of his past attacks. Don and April say it's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Splinter agrees, likening them to his own flashbacks of the fire, Tang Shen's death, Miwa's disappearance.
He sits with Mikey by the dojo tree and they meditate for hours.
Sometimes, Leo can hear Mikey crying in that loose, wild, free way of a small child.
Sometimes Mikey falls asleep right after. Splinter has brought in a slender mattress and buckwheat pillow for him, and he will sleep like the dead. Several times, Leo will sit with him, meditating just to watch his brother's colors. Mikey will awaken confused, breathing heavily. Sometimes he will have a seizure, and Leo will hold him, and after a while Leo begins to see that same warm gold-orange light around Mikey's hands and in the center of his forehead. If Mikey grabs him during the seizure, Leo will feel a bizarre sense of deep peace and healing.
Leo goes to Donnie the day after and mentions this. Donnie nods, and thinks for a long, long time.
"I just realized something," he says. "Remember how Mikey alone understood Kraang tech, how in Dimension X he practically knew the whole place like he was born there?"
Leo nods, folding his arms.
"April and I talked about this a while back. What if…what if Mikey is a Dimension X being?"
Leo's jaw drops. "Wh-what does that mean?"
"I mean his mentality," Don says. "The way his brain works. We always figured it's ADHD, and it still is, but…but what if the Utrom slash Kraang mutagen did something to Mikey, something unique as April? I mean, he's already far more flexible than us. And he reacts to everything in his own unique way. It's like part of him constantly tries to defy the laws of physics. Think about it. He's constantly making and reacting to sound. His acrobatic movements are unique. He senses direct danger and subtle danger in unique ways, like a completely extra sense that is almost alien. He somehow understands chemistry as well as I do, in his own way. He understands his environment, his sense of self, and his sense of other people in ways that are almost telepathic! And from what I've heard, he seems to be slightly immune to alien tech that acts as mind control. Think about the wasp bites; it took him longer to be affected, enough to inject himself and save us. Plus, remember when he was captured by the Triceratons? That psionic extractor made him high as shit."
There was a long, long pause. Don's eyes were very wide, his breathing rapid.
"So…" Leo bites his lip. "Mikey's mentality could be similar to a creature from Dimension X, and that could be where these new mental abilities are coming from."
"Yes. I asked April her thoughts on it. She froze up and sort of looked cagey, but then she agreed. Pretty vehemently." Donnie shrugs nonchalantly, a small smile on his face, and turns to his computer.
Leo narrows his eyes. April is hiding something.
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turtledragons · 4 years
How would splinter and the turtles' interactions been like if they where dragon Cubs from the start? Like evicting ge treat them like pets, or would he have still treated them like his kids?
Ok I have thought way way too much about this so buckle up it’s going to be a long one.
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He would absolutely think of them as animals at first, they don’t talk, they act and move like animals. Why would he think turtles turning into dragons would make them more like people? But he can’t just leave them in the hands of Barron Draxum so even as he’s slowly turning into a rat creature he tries to take care of his new pets. Then he stumbles upon an escaped half machine child and an abandoned little girl. How can he just leave them. It only takes him a few days to realize he’s in way over his head. He doesn't know the first thing about animals let alone taking care of a magic kid and a metal one.
But he knows someone who both has room and the ability to care for animals and that he trusts with his life. Tang Shen, a girl he grew up with and sees as a sister. And as a bonus she runs a Animal zoo/ rescue and rehabilitation center by herself in the middle of the New York woods. He somehow manages to get to a phone to call her. First of all she’s relieved her brother is ok after he pretty much vanished from the face of the planet for two weeks. Then she hears that he’s got himself in some trouble and please bring your trailer?
He’s paranoid of being spotted so he only really tells her he needs her help and has 4 animals and please come to such and such street. She pretty much takes him and the kids in. Setting up proper (and hidden) enclosures for the 4 reptiles. Mikey and Leo in their own Venomous reptile room tanks. Raph and Donnie outside and in the back of the barn. Don with a covered enclosure so he can’t fly away and Raph with a huge pond. They both have a heated stall in the barn.
Splinter helps around the place to thank Shen for helping him and his kids enjoy playing with and taking care of all the animals, especially the dragons. It’s April and Casey that realize that the dragon boys are more than just animals and think that the adults must know. It take 2 or three years for Splinter and Shen to realize what the kids did.
So in short yes and no, they treat the boys like kids but only after a while of not doing so from not knowing.
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fire-fira · 5 years
I-I need more Lab Escape AU ;-;
I have another fic in the works (not yet done unfortunately), but! Since you asked I’ll give you a small preview of the newest fic and some information on the boys and their reality. I hope you enjoy, and I will gladly talk about them and this AU at length– so feel free to send in whatever questions or thoughts about them that you care to. n.n
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(Getting and editing this screenshot took way longer than I want to admit. lol)
The eldest winced, but otherwise chose to ignore the parts of the comment he didn’t approve of. “The point is, it’s dangerous. I know we want to get out, I know we want to leave and never come back, but there are a lot of ways it can gowrong.”
The youngest snorted. “We already have their shifts memorized. We know where the cameras are in here. So we time things right. We get out. We leave and don’t look back.”
“We don’t know outside of this room. Not well enough,” the eldest insisted. “All it would take is one misstep and then it would all be over. I don’t want to lose any of you.”
Claws dug into the nest, faintly scraping against the hard floor underneath as the second-eldest reined in a frustrated sigh with an effort. “Lenox. We don’t have a choice. If we leave we might lose one of us, but if we stay we’re not lookin’ at a ‘might be’—we’re lookin’ at a damn near guarantee. We can’t stay. If they’re gonna cut any of us open, then we need ta get out before that can happen.”
“And where will we go?” His panic was almost a choking thing, the sort of thing that made the eldest want to curl into a ball after huddling down for his own safety. Maybe if he’d been a different type of turtle he would have already withdrawn into his shell most of the way. Unfortunately that wasn’t something he was physically capable of. Even if he had been, with the wide gouge in his shell behind his left shoulder, how much physical safety it would have offered was questionable. And it wasn’t like trying to disappear into his shell would have kept the others safe the way he wanted them to be.
The third-eldest reached out to gently squeeze the eldest’s arm, reassuring. “None of us know. There’s no way to know, not while we’re here. But out there we have a better chance than we do in here.” He knew better than the other three what might happen if they didn’t leave, had a better understanding of what might be done to them in terms of the specifics— he was, after all, the one who had figured out how to read first before turning around and secretly teaching the others and had used his skills to skim through and piece together whatever he could whenever he got the opportunity. He was also the one who had figured out how to open the ventilation shaft and had crept around the facility more than once after the staff had left for the day.
The eldest choked back a worried whine. If only… If only they could go back to the way things used to be, before they had any idea… If only there was no risk of any of them being killed by the very people who claimed they wanted to protect them. They were the only four of their species that had been found, the only ones… When the eldest spoke, it was a choked whisper, forced out past the rapidly forming knot in his chest. They had been frozen long enough; their choices were to either move… or die. “Soon. I- I don’t know when. But soon.”
For those not acquainted with this AU of mine, these are their names before Yoshi helps them change their names:
Leo – Lenox
Raph – Corsa
Donnie – Forsyth
Mikey – Verdi
Now then!The boys were found in an out-of-the-way corner of Central Park in this reality, soon after they were mutated and were still babies. They were kept together because it was pretty quickly obvious that they were social because they kept making noises at each other and expecting a response.
The scar/gouge on Leo’s shell is thanks to an incident when the boys were 6. One of the keepers was being a little too rough with one of his brothers and Leo’s knee-jerk reaction was to bite the guy’s arm as hard as he could, which wound up with him getting thrown against a wall way too hard in the guy’s efforts to get him to let go– and ultimately resulted in a severely cracked shell that lost a chunk in the course of healing. Leo has it in his head that he has to be the appeasing one and has to watch out for his brothers and their well-being, because he’s the one to regularly think of multiple scenarios and the ways they could go wrong, with various contingency plans just in case. The poor kid probably has anxiety.
Before they escaped, Raph took advantage of the fact that the staff assumed there was only so much language they could understand and thoroughly abused that fact as an excuse for having an absolutely horrendous mouth (with loads of ‘seemingly random’ strung-together vulgar phrases to make sure they wouldn’t clue in that he wasn’t just parroting). Like other versions, this Raph is one who likes/prefers to stand his ground and fight back– but he’s also highly aware of his weaknesses and so will do what he can to avoid a situation where he feels powerless. He keeps people at a distance with a lot of snapping, snarling, and bravado while also having the tendency to try to charge head-first at a problem (and damn the consequences), yet he’s got a gentle protective side that makes him want to push back against Leo’s worrying (even if he can’t see a way for things to play out that doesn’t match up with what Leo thinks might happen).
Donnie is an information SPONGE. He was the first to learn how to read (through lots of sneaky observation and carefully picking things apart in his mind) before turning around and teaching the other three, has trained himself to have a near-photographic memory (it was the easiest way for him to absorb any text he got access to when he usually only had a few moments to look), and was very easily bored out of his skull in their enclosure. There was one point where he was bored enough that he tried to climb to the top of their enclosure to get a better look at some of the detail on the ceiling and ended up slipping and breaking his left arm when he landed. He’s also the one who figured out how to open the ventilation shaft without being found out, which led the four of them to be more familiar with the complex as a whole than they otherwise would be (and was actually the source of him getting access to a lot more information). For Donnie knowledge is both power and something he’s felt starved for, so if he’s not careful and if someone doesn’t put the brakes on it fast enough, he could easily become obsessive and so absorbed in learning and information-gathering that he could completely neglect eating or sleeping, along with anything else.
Mikey is the bright ball of sunshine who manages to keep the other three from retreating and hiding or pushing themselves too far. He’s also leading the way in his hope that things will get better, and has been more willing than the other three to trust and take risks that the right people won’t harm them (like Yoshi). Because of his deliberately cheerful disposition he tends to be better equipped not to freeze in a given moment when it might be dangerous to, but he’s also extremely prone to nightmares and when he gets upset he’s prone to hiding. He’s also got a bad habit of trying to deny that anything is wrong with him because he feels like if he gives into his bad moods too much that he won’t be there for his brothers when they need him.
All four of them pushed the ultimate dad-button on Yoshi, and he gladly took them in the night he realized four terrified teenagers were hiding in the alley behind his home. He’s blind and lost his sight during the same incident that killed Tang Shen, though he can still see light and vague shapes of color. Part of his going to America in the first place was due to a falling out with his grandfather (both over who he married and that he refused to be an ‘appropriate’ heir to the clan). He runs a Shinto shrine and allows visitors to spend time in his gardens, and he’s often sought out for advice– all of which makes it easier for him to maintain the privacy of the non-public portion of his home. He rarely makes mention of his knowledge of martial arts or the fact that he was supposed to be his grandfather’s heir for the Hamato clan, unless he feels it’s worth mentioning.
April and Casey both will eventually meet the boys, but I haven’t figured out specifics yet.
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