#The boys wear their headbands differently
beanieable · 1 year
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There is a Donnie x Casey Tangled AU on ao3 it's called Let me down from the Tower by @honeybananagrilledcheesesandwich and I love it so much. Please go check it out.
I used my own human versions of Donnie and his brothers. Usually Donnie has shorter hair but I don’t know if he will get his hair cut like Rapunzel towards the end. So I gave him longer hair. If he does get that hair cut he'll have his "usual" hair style again.
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 months
so ready: l.hamilton.
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pairing: lewis hamilton x pt fem!black reader
summary: you’re his trainer, he’s him, the chemistry is undeniable.
warning: 18+ mdni, EXTREME SEXUAL CONTENT, pwp, fast paced, teasing, dirty talk, degradation kink?, unprotected sex, guys, I’m a slut - we sucking and fucking over here.
notes: I put a break on working on endless melodies, this picture called for my attention and here we are 😩. I also don’t know where the 3.5K words came from 😭 this was meant to be short.
w.c: 3.5K
tags: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @hersinsarescarlet @emjayewrites @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @felicity-x0 @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy
buy me a kofi.
You sighed as you walked through the underground garage of the building. You were mentally preparing yourself to be in your client’s presence. You wish you could have rejected his contract but it was such good money to resist - a resource that you needed at the time - and he was a good man. Refusing to train him would have not made sense outside of the biggest con being that you were attracted to him.
Deeply attracted to him.
Every session was a fighting battle and today would be no different.
It had been seven months since you started working with him. Lewis was very serious about his physical health but he was so flirtatious and it made it hard to concentrate on your job. But today, you promised yourself that you would be serious and not give into his little games.
On the elevator ride up to his penthouse, you trained your mind to block his advances and not give into his charm. However, whether you intended to or not, your outfit choice for the session was along the lines of cute and practical. The grey headband keeping your hair away from your face was matching the gym shorts that you were wearing. Your physique was on display without it coming off as a little desperate. It’s not like you needed to put in any type of effort anyway, you were beautiful enough on your own but the outfit was just a greater temptation for Lewis.
Even though you lied to yourself that you didn’t enjoy the game of teasing that you played with him.
“Lewis! I’m here!” You yelled as you walked through the lobby of his penthouse. The patters of Roscoe’s feet against the marbled floor rang through to your ears. The aging dog ran towards you and it brought a smile to your face. You bent down and grabbed the pup’s face into your hands and caressed the deep folds of his cheeks.
“Hi boy!” You spoke with a high pitch to your voice. “You’ve been good for your Dads when I’ve been away?” He licked the palms of your hands as he wiggled his tail.
“Yeah! Because you’re a good boy aren’t you? It’s your Dad that’s the trouble maker.” You said to Roscoe before standing up straight.
“Oh I’m a trouble maker now?” His voice was the first thing that you heard before you saw him. As you walked to the kitchen to wash your hands, you caught sight of him leaning against the living room area wall as he watched you.
Dressed in a dark grey fitted t-shirt and matching grey shorts with black thermals beneath. His locs were braided away from his face, forcing you to bare witness to his beauty.
“You’ve always been one, don’t act so surprised now.” You replied as you watched your hands. You may not be able to see him but you could feel his eyes on your back. You bit your lip as you wiped your hands and then turned around. Your hands were on either side of your body on the counter as you looked at him.
“When have I ever caused trouble for you darling?” He asked as he stood to his full height and moved closer to you in the kitchen area, stopping by the island and leaning fowards against it.
“Do you really want me to answer that question? Because I have a list of examples.”
He laughed at your response instead of answering. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
“Anyway. Are you ready for our session today? I don’t want any problems this time around. You have somewhere to be and so do I. So no funny games.” You stressed the last part of your statement - more to yourself than to him.
Lewis’s eyes were drooped low, his long lashes nearly touching the apple of his cheeks as they hung low before he trailed them from the exposed skin of your thighs to your flushed cheeks as you held in your breath. His teeth trapped the flesh of his bottom lip to restrict his smile from spreading as he stood up straight.
“I’ll be on my good behaviour. I promise.” His voice was an octave deep and laced with temptation. You knew then, that this training session would be anything but smooth sailing.
A good sparring session was a great way to end a productive session. Lewis stayed true to his word for most of the time but he’d throw in a flirtatious jab here and there that had you flustered. As much as you tried to hate it, you revelled in the way that those comments made you feel.
One last sparring session and you won’t have to see him for another three days.
You needed that breather.
“Come on baby girl. You can give it to me harder than that.” He teased as he bounced on his feet as he moved away from you. You rolled your eyes as you flexed your arms.
“I’m your trainer Lewis. I’m not supposed to be harder on you.”
“I can take it.” He shrugged. “That’s something you’re supposed to be saying in the right circumstances.”
“You’re a cocky little shit!” You stressed as your fingers flexed in the punching mitts before you began to run after him.
“There we gooo. Give me that fire, show me what you got baby.” He smirked at you. You fumed as you stopped chasing him and took off your punching mitts.
“Beating your ass would give me the greatest pleasure.” You said as you threw the mitts down before pulling the bandage wrap out of your open bag.
“I can do many things that can bring you pleasure that don’t involve us boxing.”
“Prove it.” You spat at him.
Before things moved forward, Lewis did the one thing that he knew would disrupt your focus.
He took his shirt off and kicked it close to the edge of the floor to ceiling mirror. All of the witty comments dried in your throat as you took him in. The defined muscles of his abs, the deep pelvis lines, the rich tan contrasting his tattoos and most of all, the budding chest hair.
Involuntarily, your thighs clenched at the sight.
He licked his lips as he watched you struggle for words. He could see the fight in your eyes as you were determined to not fall into the trap of your attraction but your body was failing tremendously.
Fine. You thought. Two can play that game.
Without warning, you grabbed the edge of your top and pulled it over your head. If Lewis thought his naked chest would disrupt you then you could pull the same card. Left in just your padded sports bra, you watched as Lewis became as speechless as you had been.
You were not going to make this easy for him.
Lewis finished wrapping his hands. “I’m ready.”
The both of you put up a good fight. Physically and mentally. Every hit, every jab, felt like a victory in the war of desire. Both of your bodies damp from sweat with how much energy you exerted during this ‘friendly’ sparring session.
You were winning. He asked for your all and you gave it. This was something just to prove to yourself that you could resist him. That you could withstand his charm and that your attraction didn’t lead you blind.
Then he grabbed your wrists and pulled younclose to his body. You gasped as he tightly held your hands behind your back trapping them by his torso as his other arm wrapped around your waist.
“Aren’t you tired of playing this game sweetheart?” He whispered in your ear.
“You started it. Of everyone, you should know how crucial professionalism should be.” You hissed back as you struggled to get out of his hold.
“How could I focus on staying professional when every part of me wants to explore every inch on you. And don’t try to deny it either. I see the way you look at me, the way you desire me in a way that would disgrace the gods.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he spoke. His words were the apple from the tree of knowledge and his voice was the serpent in the garden of Eden.
“I can’t pretend anymore.” He confessed. “I want you YN. I want you so fucking much.”
“Now you admit it.” You say as you squirmed. Lewis held onto you tighter.
“I never denied it darling.” He chuckled in your ear. “You did. We wouldn’t be having this back and forth if you had just admitted that you were into me the way I was into you.”
“That wouldn’t change the fact that I was compromising a client-employer relationship and my reputation just for some dick.”
“This dick would change your life baby.”
“You’re so fucking annoying!”
“Turn around and say that to my face.”
He spun you in his arms before another word could be uttered. You stared at each other with no words spoken as your eyes ventured from their eyes to their lips. The action causing you to lick your lips.
“Cat got your tongue?” He teased as his hands dropped to your waist and pulled you closer. The smile on his face held the promise of everything that he had teased and taunted you about. Wicked and sinful things that had your mouth watering at the mere thought of them.
Body to body like this, the wall that you had been building in your mind had come crumbling down. Not that you had put up that big of a fight anyway but the effort that had been exerted up to now was too much and you were giving it up.
You were ready. You were more than ready.
“You’ve been trying your hardest to break me. And for a while I forgot that I too can play this game very well.” You said as you hooked a finger around the strap of your bra and brought it down your arm.
“I want you Lewis, I do.” You finally admitted. “But you want me just as much, if not more.” You unhooked your bra and flung it across the room. He fought to push the bandages away from his knuckles before embracing you with his big hands running up and down your back.
“If you had just given me the chance, I would loved on you the second I knew that you felt the same.” He whispered as his hands trailed down your back and settled on your ass. He kneaded the flesh of your ass cheeks, drawing you closer so that you could feel his breath on the top of your lip.
You leaned forward and kissed him with all of your might. All of the pent up desire you had been holding at bay for the last seven months burst out of you. You pushed your body into his as he moved his lips roughly over yours, opening your mouth for the sweet intrusion of his tongue as he deepened the kiss. Your nails dug into his back as you wrapped a leg around his waist as you felt the lower part of his body pressing into you.
Lewis moved his hand from your ass, trailing it up your spine before cupping the back of your neck and pulling you inwards. You gasped as he nibbled on your bottom lip, pulling the lip into his mouth. Your pussy creamed at the realisation at just how hard his dick was as it rested against you.
“Let me taste you.” You said as you pulled your lips away. “Please.”
“Do you think you deserve it? After the way you made me feel for wanting you? You think you deserve my touch?”
“Lewis … please.”
“Take these off.” He growled as he tugged at your grey shorts. You made light work of them before stepping back into his embrace. Your small cotton panties were digging into the flesh of your hips but Lewis quickly tugged at the material and shoved them down the length of her legs.
His eyes focused back on your face as he felt your hands move down the back of his head and edge him closer to your core. He pushed your legs further apart as his fingers teased your hot skin. His eyes soaking in every reaction that he drew out of you.
“You have spend the last seven months playing hard to get but here you are, ready to crumble at the touch of my fingers.” Lewis whispered as he pressed kisses onto your stomach.
“You’re talking entirely too much for someone who has pussy staring them in their face.”
“And this pussy is glorious, believe me. But I need you to suffer a little bit.”
He gave you an inch by running his fingers teased along your slit but did not settle his fingers where you needed him the most. Instead of shoving his digits into your cunt like he wanted, he brought them to his lips and licked them clean.
“So good.” He said and then stood straight and buried his face into the crook of your neck. He licked at your flesh before sinking in his teeth. The way he drew your skin into his mouth caused you to moan.
“Lew, please. Please.” You begged before he claimed your mouth yet again. He kissed you hard with his tongue lashing against yours before his teeth sunk into your bottom lip causing the sweetest pain to shoot up your spine. You pushed your body against him as far as your standing position would allow.
He wrapped his hands in your sweated out hair which was reverting back to its natural curl pattern. He pulled away from your lips and stared down at you with the darkest look of arousal tainting his beautiful eyes.
You watched as a cocky smirk etched on his face. You knew Lewis had you. Once your inhibitions were shut down, it was very easy for you to turn to your desires. And that lust had you falling to your knees as you looked up at him as his cock swelled in the confines of his thermals.
You pushed the fabric further down his thick thighs until his cock was revealed and … holy shit.
You knew that Lewis had the inches and the girth to work with but you weren’t expecting it to be so … heavy? His dick was so big and thick but it was nothing you couldn’t work with. Especially with the smugness glazing his eyes, you took it as a challenge.
His legs were spread, standing tall and proud as his dick bobbed in front of you. Heavy, leaking and begging for your oral attention.
“Open your mouth.” He said as he held his cock by the base and pointed it towards your plump lips.
Your mouth quickly hung open and your tongue darted out to lick his tip. You swirled your tongue around the head before you slid most of his dick into your mouth and sucked. You were extra as fuck as you licked and slurped, wanting him to understand the sloppy, messy head that awaited him. That you had been fantasising about this moment for a long time and now you were going to show to show him what you were about.
“Sucking this dick so fucking good.” He groaned as he held your head and tipped it back before moving his hips so that his tip was brushing back against the back of your throat.
“This is what you needed huh? My dick in your mouth to turn you into a little slut for me.” You moaned around him as you stretched your hands out on his torso, feeling his chest hairs prickle against your palm.
You don’t answer him as you continue working your head up and down his length. He felt so good in your mouth. The muskiness of his scent was all that you could think off as your saliva pooled in your mouth the more he worked his hips, fucking your mouth.
You were so eager to suck his dick. You pushed your head down further, taking him deeper down your throat which caused his knees to buckle.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Lewis groaned as he fisted your hair tighter, looking down at you as you moved your head fast, spit bubbles building as your nose brushed against his pelvis before your hand came up to fondle with his balls.
“Just like that. Keep sucking me just like that baby.” He gasped as you continued sucking on him as if you were trying to take his soul. Sure, Lewis had brought you down to your knees but you were making him regret ever thinking that he held all of the cards. There were no words to describe just how good you were sucking his dick. Your hands cradling his balls, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat - this was more than otherworldly.
When you pulled your lips away from him, Lewis felt like he could breathe as you moved your hand around his length in tight, circular motions.
“If I didn’t want to come inside of you, I would have come all over your beautiful face.” He spoke with a hoarseness to his voice before he manoeuvered you underneath him. The gym mats were harsh against your skin but you were past the point of caring.
“Fuck me.” You whispered as Lewis shifted your legs into the crooks of his arms as his dick rubbed against your opening. You reached up and claimed his mouth. His saltiness lingered between each entanglement of your lips. You tasted the remnants of your sweetness in his mouth the longer you greedily moved your mouth against his.
You didn’t care for the way the hard mats were biting into your skin. All you cared about what the surge of lust that burst through you as Lewis rubbed his cock against your cunt. His hand travelled up to your throat and squeezed as he positioned himself in between your legs. Every single gasp and little cry that he pulled out of you pushed him closer to the edge. His lips sought your earlobe as he raised your leg to his shoulder before he finally sunk into your pussy.
You were so soft. So sweet. So tight. So wet. You accepted him like you’d been waiting for him all this time and then clenched onto him so hard that Lewis so felt lightheaded before he could complete his stroke.
Lewis needed to regain his composure but you were a withering mess beneath him. Your scent like a cocoon around the both of you, he couldn’t find his bearings as he found a rhythm to his strokes.
Slow and deep as you arched your back and dug your nails into the skin of his back.
Your lips parted as you struggled to catch your breath with the sexy sounds of your pleasure reverberating through the room, bouncing off the equipment back into his ears.
Lewis let your legs fall back to his waist as he dropped to his forearms so that his body, slick with sweat, pressed against yours. You immediately wrapped both of your legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper into you as he resumed his slow, deep thrusts coupled with circular motions that always pulled a sharp, little cry from you beneath him.
For months he had dreamt you like this. Underneath him, begging and crying for him as he deprived your body of pleasure.
Your nipples grazed his chest as he moved. You trailed your fingernails down the length of his back as you pulled him in for frantic kisses as the both of you moved towards the inevitable conclusion.
Lewis pressed his forehead against yours as your pussy started clenching rapidly around him.
“That’s it, baby,” he demanded through his teeth. “Cum all over this dick.”
You screamed his name and it was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard. He covered your mouth with his, swallowing your cries of pleasure, thrusting hard and fast into you as he chased the orgasm building in him.
You scratched at his back, gripped the sheets and bit into the pillow even as you started moving your hips up to meet his dick.
“Lewis!” You yelled as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your orgasm plummeting through your body.
“That’s it sweetheart. Come all over this dick.” He growled into your ear as he bucked his hips hard and fast before the force of his climax had him tensing and twitching in between your legs.
You hummed softly as Lewis returned to himself once his muscles had stopped twitching. All that pent up energy had finally been released and the both of you were butt naked in his private gym.
So many lines had been crossed tonight but either of you cared. Especially when he kissed you senseless and promised you more orgasms than you were ready to give.
London fashion week be damned ….
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flamingpudding · 5 months
His son's children
When Alfred looked into the security video of the front gates, he froze for a moment. Taking in the image of the two children there. One was a tall, red haired girl with a teal headband, confident but with a look of wary in her eyes. Behind the girl was a younger boy, black haired and wearing a NASA shirt, appearing to be reluctant like what they were doing was a bad idea. Alfred's stomach dropped just a little when he saw the boy and his familiar features.
A second later worry flitted accross his face, but still, because of protocol, he asked them for their reason for this surprise visit. No one expected any visitors this late, and Alfred knew if he looked over his shoulder, he would find one of the children snooping, trying to find out who their visitor could be.
Yet when he heard the girls request to see him, not Bruce Wayne, but him, Alfred Pennyworth, his stomach dropped even more. Knowing now for sure that he hadn't seen wrong with the boy's features. He buzzed them in, while his mind remembered old cherished memories of two you black haired toddlers playing together, growing up together until that one day. When he chose to stay and his significant other chose to leave. Sometimes, he wondered if Bruce still remembered the one that could have been a brother to him if things had gone different.
He doesn't regret his decision, but when he looked at the two worn-out children, no his own grandchildren, before him he mourned the fact that he had let his own son become astranged from him and Bruce. Having believed it to be the best with what Bruce had started to get up to.
But maybe it wasn't to late to make amends he thought as the young girl, clearly of the same vibes as Richard, like someone who had grown up to fast and taking on responsibilities that shouldn't be theirs, tried to explain that they won't call him grandpa if it made him uncomfortable and that they would only need a place to stay for a couple of days before they could move on.
Alfred's heart broke for them as he listened to the girls, Jasmine's hurried explanation.
During her explanation, he studied them more closely. Marveling at how much the boy, Daniel, looked like him when he had been younger. But also noticing the clear signs of injury he was trying to hide. He suppressed a huff, years of taking care of his reckless charges and other grandchildren, and their wounds had made him an expert in spotting these things. But it also gave him a sickening feeling. The injuries Daniel tried to hide did not appear like your average kind of injuries.
They were going to stay, Alfred would make sure of it and he would also let Bruce know of his findings. There was clearly more to his grandchildren sudden appearance than Jasmin was willing to explain.
Whatever endangered his grandchildren from his own estranged son. He would ensure that nothing would hurt them ever again.
His granddaughter did not need to list reasons to convince him to let them stay for a couple of days. And his grandson did not need to look this cautious and wary of him like someone was going to attack him any second.
Alfred was going to give them a home if his son couldn't. And if Bruce had a problem with it, he could take it up with his children. Clearly, if he looked over his shoulder at the noisy little ones, all of his other grandchildren could see that these two before him needed a home to stay.
Besides from the looks of it, they would fit right in with this family.
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rosedom · 4 months
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"you have invited CHILDE to a rematch . . . keep your dog on a leash
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!male!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!childe, puppy play, collar/leash/dog ears/tail plug, anal play, vaginal sex, riding to g-whiz pipeline, praise + dirty talk, creaming, creampie, alluded aftercare .
A/N : it's about time i continued this(;´д`)ゞ
"is that correct, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to confirm."
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"I thought you were bluffing."
You smile. "What makes you think that, puppy?"
Ajax swallows harshly; the movement of his Adam's apple is enthralling, a nervous up n' down that you follow with your eyes. It's not obstructed quite yet, but the leather in your hands begs to encircle his throat; so, too, does the strip of it that hangs and brushes against your feet.
"I just—" A pitiful whine bleeds into his words as he shakes his head, tilting it obediently back to allow you to clip the collar in place. You gently cup his neck in your hands, satiating that itch of yours.
You tease with a small, "You just?" even as he shifts from leg to leg, the tail-plug you've donned him with a heavy weight in his ass. The tail—a bright orange, the faux fur of it striking against his pale n' scarred skin—only accentuates the pretty headband on the crown of his head, one ear pointed up and one left floppy like a lil' puppydog.
He whines. "Stop teasing." 
"'m not," you defend, albeit weakly for you know you've been caught, red-handed and hands-full of Ajax, releasing him to instead tilt his head up by his jaw and to fiddle with the clasp at the end of the leather strip. It's equal in color to the collar he already wears, and it clicks into place easily; you allow yourself to whistle at it. "Pretty puppy, all leashed up for me."
Of course, any retort or complaint from him falls short when you've got him fixed in your lap; Ajax's body trembles, foot to head, as he softly moans into your own throat. You can feel the cool metal of his dog tag brushing against your skin—just like the way the fur of his tail, still snug inside his ass and pressing against your cock where you're balls-deep in his cunt, tickles at your legs.
Deep and husky, small groans tumble from your throat with each rhythmic clench of his cunt, teased wide from your fingers, earlier, and now stretched to its limit with you buried inside. "Relax, puppy," you have to say, have to stroke his tense thighs with the broad palms of your hands to soothe him.
"I—mm—I can't, you're—" he hiccups, soft and low but keening. "You're too big."
You quietly laugh, but the movement of your torso jostles Ajax slightly and makes his grip across your shoulders tighten. "Sorry, sweet thing," you murmur, letting him relax into you with a bated sigh.
In apology, you run your fingers—feather-light—across the tops of his thighs, jumping from freckle to freckle, and kiss him on the top of his head, right between his pretty puppydog ears. The droopy one brushes your cheek in semblance of a kiss.
It's endearing—cute, even; or rather adorable, like a real puppy, the ones you see across every city—, the way he nuzzles into your throat. You think he'd purr if he could.
(Puppy, kitten: same fucking difference.)
"Pup," you murmur (because this is puppy-play, tonight), thrusting your hips up once, twice. He cries out at the pleasure, at the friction of your pelvis bumping against his sensitive cock.
But then you still, and you gently tug his head out of your throat by the soft n' worn leather leash. "Eyes on me, puppy," you murmur. "Let me see those pretty blues."
His eyes are half-lidded where they meet yours; they're dark and heady, the pupils blown wide. He whines, and his lashes flutter; but they do not close.
"Good boy." A deeper red erupts on his already-ruddy cheeks, spilling down to his neck and his upper chest. The collar is a tantalizing divide.
"Please, please," he whimpers—all fucking puppy-like and cute, and, oh, how you want to ruin him: ruin him, until his ears fall askew and all he can do is helplessly whine into you.
You hold him by his love-handles, the soft, strong fat a perfect fit in your palms, as you begin to gently move him in your lap. His hips roll—back and forth, gentling along like waves lapping against a shore—helped along by your hands; the whole while, you've got the leash held snug in your one hand, pressing against his side.
There is slack, in that leather. After all, the leash—the collar, too, and the tail and the ears—are all a ruse; they all serve a purpose, simply, in allowing Ajax to not only love but to be loved in turn.
He is, in all senses of the word, a puppydog: he's loyal to a fault, putting others—the Tsaritsa, his family, you—above himself. But in this, he is greedy—like you've got a treat dangling in front of his nose, just out of reach but so, so easily able to beg for. And, dog person or not, you're certainly an Ajax person.
After a while of the soft back n' forth, your thighs and cock slicking up more in his and your arousal's both—a mix of your pre—, you decide to up the ante, just a little.
"Hold on, puppy," you murmur, rather sudden. He has all of a second to hold on—hands scrabbling for the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging, grasping on like he's got thick, thumb-less paws—before you're pressing him back and down, belly-up on the mattress.
"Ah!" He yelps out loud, the switch of positions making the plug press further into him. Your cock slips out, but only for a moment; you easily right that wrong, sliding in all smooth and tender. You've got your knees pressed to either side of him, under him, his thighs open across yours and his hips tilted up.
"Ready?" you ask.
Ajax whimpers, and he nods.
"Good." With a parting kiss to his nose, you take tight hold of the leash—the handle of it fitting perfect in your fist—and lean back on your heels. He mewls when your cock drags out, and cries when you pull him back by a hand on his hip.
You're able to move him how you want him—all with one hand. It makes him dizzy, whimpering small, punched out noises with each thrust. "Oh, please!"
What's even better, is the saccharine way he can feel the plug rubbing against your cock, even through his flesh; he arches into you, testing the gentle give in the leash. You follow him, but the pull is a heavy weight; you do not choke him, but it keeps him right where you want him: looking down at where your cock meets his.
"Look at yourself, puppy," you groan out, bringing the leash down to your wrist as you press down into his lower stomach. Your other hand keeps him steady by his hip the whole while, forcing him to meet each thrust of your hips. "Your pretty cunt takes me so well."
He stares, transfixed, at the lewd picture, at the way his cunt is spread wide on you and accepting each bump, each bud against his g-spot.
You grin, devilish. "Look at this thick cock, too," you murmur, dragging your hand down—right through the thick curls at the apex of his thighs, trailing to his navel in a way you so desperately want to lick—to stroke him off. "I can feel it throbbing against me, hm?"
Ajax whines, at that. "I'm so hard for you—"
"All for me?" You gently rub at his cockhead, providing sweet friction against his most sensitive spot. His back arches, more whines spilling from his parted lips, and—and just like you wanted, his ears come askew. "Oh, 'Jax," you coo. "Your ears came off."
You start like you're going to right them, but to do so would mean to dislodge your thumb from his cock; he whines, shakes his head, small pleas and, "No, leave it, 'm so close," circling your ears.
You give him mercy, today. "Puppy's gonna make a mess for me?" you ask, light but groaning, soft moans of your own slipping past your restraint. He's clenching so perfectly around you, throbbing and wet, and his cock jerks against you in a way that sends your mind spinning.
"G'nna cum! Please, please," he starts to beg. "Please, can I cum? I've been—" he hiccups, "—so good for you, haven't I? Haven't I?" It's a testament to how far he's gone that he babbles so endlessly, each plea sending you closer and closer to your own edge.
"You've been perfect for me, puppy," you coo. "Such a good boy for me. G-go on then, cum all over my cock—I'll fill you up, just the way you like it. Gonna fill you up nice n' deep, make sure it all stays in you right where it belongs."
Rather suddenly, Ajax's thighs begin to jump anew, his cock pulsing heavy beneath your fingers—and just like that, he's gone. Pretty n' sticky white, thick and opaque, dribbles past your cock, the base surrounded in the starts of Ajax's release.
"Good boy, good puppy," you murmur, keeping your thrusts even and your thumb gentle against his cockhead. He cries and mewls and whines, ears completely gone now as he thrashes; all the while, the clench of his cunt sends you over your own edge, filling him just like you said you would. "My perfect boy."
You stay pressed deep into him as you move away your fingers from his cock, letting the leash fall from your other hand's tight grip. Little red imprints—hardly harsh, and surely soon to fade away—stay stuck in the freckled skin you leave behind.
"You did so good for me, sweetheart."
He laughs, breathless, whimpering slightly when he jostles your soft cock from its comfortable rest. With a sigh, you pull yourself from his warm, wet cunt, and you watch, enraptured, at the sticky white that clings to your cock, at your cum dripping from his messy hole.
Sweetly, you ask, "Still think I'm bluffing?" even while you tug at the plug in his ass, gentling it out and soothing his whine with a rub against his other hole. (You definitely don't do it to rub the mixture of your cums into his ass, too. Nope!)
He grumbles, once he relaxes into your touch, into the warm cloth you bring up to clean away the mess. "No," he says. "I'm sorry for doubting you."
But then, he grins. "But if doubting you gets this treatment, maybe I should do it more often."
Sly bastard.
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oh my god;; i hope i did him justice. he's my good puppy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ also, unrelated: i'm gonna be updating my masterlist tmrrw c; expect more annoying spam on your timelines, i apologize . . .
19 FEB. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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finneysbaseball · 5 months
tbp boys with a girly/feminine reader
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Finney Blake
first of all he would love seeing you in any kind of pink stuff he would literally die on the spot
he just thinks ur so cute
you’d pair really well with him since he’s all gloomy and sad
he would love to show u off omg:(((
im giggling just thinking abt it
Robin Arellano
he would also love showing you off
look at my gf isn’t she so cute with all her pink clothes 🤭
you would have him blushinggg
he’d get you a pink bandana
maybe even a pink one for himself if you ask nicely
Vance Hopper
yk they do say opposites attract 🤷‍♀️
mean scary doberman bf and cute pink rag doll cat gf!!!
if any one made fun of you well lets just pray from them
even tho you two are different in many ways he would adore u so bad
borderline obsessed with you
Bruce Yamada
ugh i love baseball boys
he loves buying you pink accessories
headbands, bracelets, any kind of pinkish makeup he can find
he would wear pink for you
his teammates are so jealous
who wouldn’t be like look at you guys
he loves that you love pink
so cute
this is so short im sorry ya’ll 😭
this is probably my last hc cus im just not that into writing anymore, but i really did enjoy writing for you guys
also im sorry this is so late 😭😭
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keerysfreckles · 5 months
(Sorry for typing in caps I got excited 😰 but it’s okay if u don’t this request 🫶🫶🫶)
mamma mia — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x apollo fem!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: i did twist this request only with the song, i used lay all your love on me by abba :) i hope you still like it!
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
saturday's were y/n's favorite day. not only because it was a free day throughout the whole camp, but also because of the apollo singalong at the bonfire.
every weekend a camper or two from apollo's cabin would take turns performing to start off the night. this weekend it was y/n's turn.
herself, and her two closest friends from the cabin were all getting ready. abigail, a tall brunette, was wearing a blue and purple 70s inspired jumpsuit. they were flared at the bottom of the legs and elbows of the sleeves. she finished the look with her hair straightened with a matching purple scarf acting as a headband.
stephanie, a shorter blonde, was wearing a green and silver two piece 70s set. it was a halter styled top, paired with bell bottom pants. she wore the same white boots abigail had, and had her platinum blonde hair in a ponytail, with her bangs covering her forehead.
stephanie and abigail were currently setting up their mini stage for their performance. the other campers were starting to file in the area, filling the empty seats of the amphitheatre fairly quickly. stephanie noticed hermes' cabin was front and center. both girls knew y/n would love the fact her boyfriend was right in front of the stage.
abigail and stephanie finished setting the stage, and went to get y/n from the cabin as chiron and mr. d started to announce tonight's events.
"will you hurry up? lover boy is out there waiting," stephanie walks into the cabin, before looking over her outfit once more in the mirror.
"what steph means to say, is the stage is set, and camp is waiting for you," abigail stands behind y/n at the shared vanity, and places her hands on her shoulders.
y/n continues fiddling with her hair, which was teased slightly, with a white headband, with a few front pieces framing her face. she had a similar 70s inspired outfit like abigails. hers was pink and orange, and the top was cropped. her bottoms were the same colors and they had five layers of ruffles adorning the bottom. of course, she had matching white boots just like her sisters.
"what if i mess up?" y/n asks no one in particular.
abigail continues rubbing her shoulders, "you've never messed up one of our performances, why is this one so different?"
y/n shrugs, "maybe the fact luke and i are dating now? and i guess i still want to impress him."
"he's impressed with anything you do," stephanie speaks up from the other side of the cabin, "this can just be another thing he brags about to his friends. how cool his girlfriend, and her friends, are."
y/n stands from the vanity, and simply holds her arms out, "group hug before we go out there."
stephanie and abigail happily oblige before the trio start walking towards the amphitheatre. the three girls grab their matching white microphones and get into their very stereotypical stances on stage, just as chiron finishes his speech.
the music starts, which makes all the campers quit their side conversations.
abigail, y/n and stephanie who were in a line, were now in a triangle, as abigail starts singing.
"i wasn't jealous before we met. now every woman i see is a potential threat. and i'm possessive it isn't nice. you've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice."
abigail continues to sing the second verse, when y/n takes the center of the stage as abigail and stephanie stand behind her.
"don't go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me."
as soon as y/n met luke's eyes as she sang her line, she could've sworn she saw hearts in his eyes.
stephanie sang the next two verses, as y/n and abigail had choreography while they were behind the blonde.
y/n moved to the middle again, and the trio all began dancing with the same choreography. she started singing thr chorus again.
"don't go wasting your emotion, lay all your love on me. don't go sharing your devotion, lay all your love on me."
the campers had started clapping along and moving to the rhythm of the song, as the girls on stage sang another verse and the chorus a few more times.
as the song came to a close, y/n brought both of her friends into a hug, before chiron instructed for the ares cabin to gather the firewood for the bonfire.
y/n was talking with abigail and stephanie on stage, and shrieked when she felt a pair of arms pick her up and spin her around. her feet land on the marble ground instead of the stage. she turns in the stranger's arms and her smile grows once she sees luke.
"you look like you walked right out of an abba music video," he laughs.
"that was kinda the point babe," she leans up and kisses his cheek. "did you like the song?"
luke nods quickly, "you all were amazing, but you," he paused to kiss y/n's forehead, "i couldn't keep my eyes of you."
"it was meant for you, if you couldn't put that together," y/n giggles.
"oh i was hoping it was meant for me. if it was for any other camper i wouldn't hesitate to share a few words with you missy," he tries to sound affirmative with y/n, but it only makes the girl laugh more. the couple and the rest of the campers who were standing were all instructed to sit by chiron, as the ares' kids all came back with firewood.
luke kissed y/n's cheek once more before he dragged her to sit with him for the rest of the night.
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mrssabinecallas · 11 months
Self Love Day
Pairing: Miguel O’hara / wife!reader
in which your husband is confused by your “self love” evenings, but doesn’t hesitate to join in on the festivities
CW! flufffff, mentions of alcohol (wine LMAO), lowercase intended, miguel being a bimbo husband and just loving you 🥹
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gif creds to owner mentioned here ^^
ever since you were a teenager, you’ve always had a dedicated “self love” day, where you just take a day to yourself and unwind from all the stress in your life. they usually were a couple months apart as you never had time anymore, being co-leader of a multi-dimensional society of mutant spider people.
even as you were dating, your husband miguel never understood the importance of these nights in, and just left you in peace. it was none of his business, so he left it alone. but when you got married and lived together? boy was he in for a treat.
it had been a particularly rough week in nueva york, and it had been a while since you took a night for yourself, so you though, you know what? i deserve a break. as you poured yourself a nice glass of expensive wine, a gift from your cousin from your wedding two months ago, you exhaled a breath of relief to a nice quiet apartment.
as miguel entered the calm atmosphere, he sought out for you, calling out your name in the empty home. he saw the wine bottle on the counter, next to your favorite candle, lit. he slipped into your shared bedroom, the smell of your candles growing stronger. as he pushed open the door to your on suite, he saw your figure, back turned, getting things out of the bathroom cabinet.
“hola, amor,” he spoke into the warm silence. he was captivated by you as you turned around, sheer love in his eyes.
“hi, baby!” he noticed you had some skincare items in your hands, and your makeup was removed. he loved when you didn’t wear makeup. you looked so beautiful, he could just stare at your face for hours. “it’s self love day, you wanna join me?”
“sure, cariño, give me a minute, i’m going to put on something more comfortable,” he gestured to his suit, dirtied from a long day’s work. you nodded at him, and returned your attention to the cabinet, getting two of each now that your husband was joining.
returning to the bathroom, miguel was adorned in a tee shirt and grey sweats (to your liking). you handed him a fluffy makeup headband and he stared at you like you had three heads.
“¿qué demonios es esto?(what the hell is this?)” he questioned, taking note of the softness of the material and the light baby-blue color.
“a headband? to hold back your hair?” you weren’t sure why he was confused, but you would consider it a win if you could get him to wear it. shrugging his broad shoulders, he pulled it over his head, and tried to put all his hair behind it with his hands.
“no, no… hun.. that’s the hard way to put it on..” you tried to explain, but gave up and just walked over to him. reaching up, you pulled the headband down his head to rest on his collarbone, and then pulled it back up. “there.”
he looked over to the mirror, making a face when he saw the small bunny ears peeking over the top of his head, and looked at you with a ‘seriously?’ expression. you giggled at him, and turned to run the bath.
as you stripped of your clothes to get in the back, miguel made a different face at you, and looked you up and down. you shook your head at him with a teasing smile.
he frowned at you, before taking off his clothes and stepping into the bath with you. as the hot water lapped at the exposed skin of your legs, the familiar smell of your essential oils you had put in the bath wafts up to your nose. you sink back into miguel’s large figure as he sits down, releasing a content sigh.
you stayed there, laying against one another for another half hour, your husband caressing your waist under the water. the smells we’re wearing off, and the water started to cool, and it was time for the next phase of self love day. stepping out of the bath and drying off, you and miguel both put on a bathrobe.
pulling back your own hair into a headband, you pulled the back into a clip and opened a face mask for both of you. as you pulled the cold paper mask out of its foil and lifted it to your husbands face, he bent down so you could apply it for him. he cringed at the cold feeling of the moisturizer, but relaxed as you massaged the muscles in his face. you then pulled the other face mask out of the package and smoothed it onto your own skin.
grabbing your wine glass and your husband by the hand, you led him into the kitchen to pour him a drink. you got another glass out of the cabinet and poured two servings of wine, handing the second glass to miguel. he thanked you and swirled the class, then took a small sip.
you tread back into your shared bedroom, adjusting the slippery mask on your face.
“do you want to help me with my nails?” you asked over your shoulder to miguel, who nodded slightly and moved closer toward you.
“what are we doing to them today, mrs. o’hara?” he asked with a smirk on his face, in a mocking tone. “do you have an appointment? you know i’m booked full…” you rolled your eyes at his antics and lightly smacked his arm, walking into the bathroom to grab the polish.
returning to the bedroom, you held two colors in each of your hands.
“red or white?” you inquired to your husband, who began to study each color intently. it was cute, how he cared about the smallest little things.
“red,” he said, with a small confident smile on his face. you smiles back at him, returning to the bathroom to set the white on the counter.
as you filed your nails down, miguel began to take your hand and applied the polish. he grumbled as he got some on your finger, and wiped it away before setting down the brush and your hand to retrieve his glasses. (old man 🥹)
he re-entered the on-suite, small metal glasses situated on the bridge of his nose, and started to paint your nails again. he was making his “focused face,” you liked to call it, where his eyebrows scrunched together and his lips drew into a puckered state. it brought a small smile to your face as you, unknown to miguel, admired his features.
he dropped your right hand, and signaled for you to hand him your left, however you didn’t catch on.
“ahem..” he cleared his throat and cocked his eyebrow, waving for your hand to be place into his. “i am very busy ma’am, do not waste my time.” you scoffed at his antics, and placed your smaller hand into his much larger one.
“how many clients are you seeing today, ‘best nail artist in the multiverse?’” you played along with his little game, making him smile and reply, “too many, dear. now, let me in on all the juicy gossip. what’s goin’ on?”
“oh you don’t even want to know! turns out amanda has been sleeping with her ex again, after me and charlotte told her not to! now she’s upset about him cheating again when they’re not even really together anymore!” you put on your fake gossip voice and make up a story for your “nail stylist.” he nods along and gasps at your fake drama, totally invested in the story.
“no way! did he cheat on her with the same girl or some new hussy he picked up?” he fed into your story as he finished your left hand, blowing gently on your nails to speed up the drying process.
“yes! i don’t know how she didn’t learn. i mean come on! he’s a terrible person! a literal walking red flag!” you laughed at his “hussy” comment and his fake girl voice. as your nails finished, miguel twisted the brush top back into the polish bottle and placed it on the countertop.
you both just smiled at each other, happy to be in each others presence. how did you get so lucky with a guy who cared so much about the small things? i mean, cmon! he just pretended to gossip with you while he did your nails!
you reached up to your face, and gently rolled off the paper mask that had begun to dry on your face, miguel following suit. you threw them in the small trash bin beside the toilet and returned to take a sip of wine.
suddenly, as your set your glass back down with a small clink, miguel pulled you in for a light kiss to your lips. he pulled away smiling, and held you close to his chest.
“te quiero mucho, mi amor.”
“gracias para este, mi vida. te amo.”
A/N: thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed please show this some love, and my inbox is open if you have any ideas you want to send my way!
have a good day/night and stay hydrated! much love!
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spiceofvy · 1 month
🐙 here. again. How about Stray Kids as sugar babies? I don't mean that they're like, broke, but like if their partner treats them so much and so often that the sugar baby sugar parent jokes speak for themselves.
Anyway, who likes what kind of gifts; such as For-maximum-eyecandy-effect, being taken to events, cool tech, treated to food, that sort of thing. ...something around those lines, I mean, you're the writer so maybe you got a cooler spin on this.
Am currently unemployed and can't treat nobody rn but I feel the itch to be a sugar parent nowdays.
Hope you knock em dead ✌️
Spoiling SKZ with gifts
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cws: fluff, gender neutral reader, two sensual innuendos (hyunjin, jeongin)
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Chan: Noooo don't buy him things. He is the one that wants to spoil you instead. That's like his duty in the relationship. But he will wear anything and everything you buy for him. Especially if it's skzoo merch, but only if you also get something matching for yourself or else he will get it for you. Will pout and blush when you give him something but when someone asks him about it he will proudly tell everyone that you got it for him.
Minho: Shamelessly asks for things he likes but only he is 100% percent sure that you don't mind spending money on him and actually enjoy buying him stuff. Would totally love some expensive cat toys, or those treat dispensers that cats have to activate by pressing a button or solving a puzzle. Also enjoys being taken to super fancy restaurants, but he always insists on paying for the dessert. Once send you a picture of a fancy kitchen appliance as a joke and was very shocked when you actually got it for him.
Changbin: Our rich boy makes a challenge out of it. Who can spend more money on the other? Doesn't love to go out to restaurants but likes to get luxury takeout instead. Also enjoys a lot of expensive workout gear. Sends you even more workout pics afterwards. Answers any gift of yours with one of his own. Also shares every piece of food with you that you paid for and asks you to come to the gym with him so you can see him in the new gear.
Hyunjin: Less shameless than Minho, he wont straight up ask for things but instead sometimes just sends you links to stuff he likes. Especially likes being taken out to art shows or galleries. Or full shopping trips. Always models the stuff you got him afterwards for you. Especially when it's jewelry or perfume he wears only the jewelry and the perfume. Will totally tell the other boys that you paid for it, like the proud sugar baby he is.
Jisung: Mostly asks for food. Like snacks and (imported) candy. Ask absolutely shamelessly for it. Especially at food stands, picks like every different taste and makes you try it with him. Gets super happy about the good food. Also likes to be taken out to carnivals and theme parks. Prepare to pay and wear silly headbands and pose for all the photo ops. Also always buys you something in return.
Felix: Really enjoys being treated like that. Blushes dark red when you give him something and thanks you by plastering kisses all over your face. Especially like some fancy gaming equipment or lootboxes or genshin pulls. Totally shows off his new equipment to you and brags about it towards the others. Would never directly ask for anything, except for plushies. He gives them names and then treats them like they are your children.
Seungmin: Was really shy when you started to buy things for him. But he actually enjoys being spoiled. Mostly baseball tickets and manga. Really impressed when you know a new release before him. Gets soft about those gifts and treasures them a lot. Always blushes a little when he gets something from you. Invites you out for dinner shortly after you gifted him something.
Jeongin: Really enjoys being spoiled, full maknae mode. Loves getting clothes and short vacations. But always pays you back afterwards. Models the clothes, and gets you something matching. Massage your shoulders on the beach you took him too. Surely only with the intention to spread sun protection on your shoulders and back. Don't mind his hands wandering lower, and his pretty new clothes landing on the ground.
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artemismoorea03 · 8 months
Jim Gordon had seen a lot of things in all his years as both an officer and Commissioner but for the most part things stayed at an arms length or he was able to easily separate himself from situations. Of course, there were incidents that were a bit harder to seperate from like Barbara becoming paralyzed due to Joker, all the times he or Barabara nearly died, kidnappings, and watching friends and loved ones either die or go down a dark path, but for the most part his life wasn't too crazy.
At least that was until one summer that all changed rather dramatically. In the form of a redhaired teenager showing up at his police station. She was around 17 and was wearing teal pants, a black shirt and a teal headband. But no matter her age or what she was wearing it didn't change the fact that she looked like Barabra had when she was younger.
That mixed with the fact that she specifically asked to see 'Jim Gordon' was something that made all of the Gotham PD point her in his direction. Once they were face to face the girl let out a shaky breath.
"My name is Jasmine Fenton, I'm your second cousin and I need your help protecting my brother from my parents and Batman."
Jim was shocked, blinking confusion away as he held up his hand. "Wait wait. You're my-"
"Second cousin. My mother is Madeline Walker."
Maddie. He knew Maddie though he had only met her a couple of times. Her mom and his dad were siblings. That explained why Jasmine looked so much like Barbara at least.
"Maddie... right, I remember Maddie. Okay, so why does your brother need protection? Specifically from your parents and Batman?"
Jasmine played with her hands. "My... my brother is different, Commissioner Gordon and my parents found out. They hurt him... badly. So we came here because you're the only one who might be able to help us but if Batman finds out we're here then Danny could get hurt again. B-but my parents and the government are wrong out him! H-he's not evil, he's a hero. H-he's a hero but because of what he is... he's labled as evil..."
Jim frowned, "Okay... is your brother a meta?"
Jasmine shook her head. "No."
Damn. Meta protection act wouldnt help here.
"Alright... is your brother with you?"
Jasmine sniffled then nodded. "He's in the car sleeping."
Jim stood up, grabbing his jacket off of the coat hanger. "Take me to him, please."
"You won't hurt him?"
"You have my word."
Jasmine looked at him, her teal eyes filled with more exhaustion and anxiety than any childs should be. Then, she let out a shaky breath and lead him out of the room.
They walked through the police station before Jasmine lead him out to the parking lot to the furthest corner of it where a beat up red station wagon was parked alone. Jasmine then gestured to the back window as Jim looked in.
The seats had been laid down and blankets laid out in a makeshift bed where a teenager around 14 or 15 laid sleeping on it. The teenager had healing bruises on his face and arms as well as a multitude of bandages that Jim could see peeking over the blanket, specifically on his chest. What had Jim the most concerened though was how pale the boy was and how weak his breathing seemed.
Any doubts Jim might have had immediately flew out the window. It no longer mattered who these two kids were they were kids in trouble.
"Why didn't you take him to the hosptial?" Jim asked, looking at Jasmine who looked ready to cry.
"Because if the Government finds out where he is they'll take him away and kill him. What he is isnt supposed to exist and is listed as 'dangerous'." She sniffled.
Jim frowned. The goverment couldn't know yet they took the risk to come to him? They must have been desperate.
"Okay, let me see your keys. I'll take you kids to my place to hide then call my daughter."
"Y-your daughter?" Jasmine asked, handing the keys over regardless.
"Yeah. She's good with these kinds of things and if she can't help I might know somebody else who can." Jim explained, climbing into the drivers seat as Jasmine ran to the other side.
"T-they won't turn us in, right?"
"No, they wont. My daughter is a librarian and my friend is a butler, they know how to keep secrets." He promised, pulling away from the police station in the direction of his house.
He could only hope that he would be able to help these two kids, and that whatever fear they had of the Batman wouldn't end up being justified fears.
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host-club-hq · 1 year
Indeed: ~y/n's Promotion!~
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: A long awaited promotion, indeed...
➼ word count: 7.4k
➼ what to expect: "Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n."
➼ warnings: teensy bit of angst if you squint
➼ chapter navigation
➼ welcome to season 2 of Indeed! i thought we would start it off with a bang :)
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"Oh... dear God." You gawk at the dress placed in your arms by Hikaru, glancing up at him for reassurance. "You're joking." It's more of a plea than a statement.
"C'mon, surely you knew our theme for today was service staff by now." Hikaru scoffs, shaking his head.
"Honestly, Senpai, you're our manager dating our director... how are you out of the loop?" Kaoru tsks with a sigh.
You crane your neck to glance at your aforementioned boyfriend behind you, your glare worth daggers, "This was your idea?"
Kyoya's eyes merely flit to you for a moment, returning to his laptop quickly, "You know me better than that, y/n. Whose idea do you think it was?"
Another quick turn of your head to Tamaki, the same glare present. He sweats nervously, "Those idiots told me you'd look good in a maid costume! It wasn't my idea!" He defends himself adamantly.
You grumble, "Too bad we can't stick Haruhi in this dress."
"We can after club hours." The twins smirk devilishly.
"Senpai." Haruhi whines.
"Sometimes I forget why I didn't just go to London." You drape your costume over the back of a chair, threading your fingers through your hair with a sigh.
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"Because Kyoya-Senpai begged you to stay, remember?" Hikaru and Kaoru deadpan, appearing by your side once more.
You snort, "Oh, yeah. It was just Kyoya. Mhm." You cross your arms with a cocked brow.
"And I didn't beg. I asked." Kyoya pipes up, not bothering to meet your gazes when the three of you turn to him.
"You're delusional." You snicker, throwing him a knowing glance. He rolls his eyes, returning diligently to his work.
"Enough of your bickering. y/n, our guests are arriving soon- hurry up and put the dress on!" Tamaki whines, pushing you by your shoulders to the backroom.
"I don't understand why I have to wear everything that you wear! Can't I just wear black and white? I'm not even a host." You pout as Tamaki shuts the door behind you. You tear the dress from its packaging and begin stripping down.
"You wouldn't be-"
"-as cute that way, Senpai."
"I beg to differ." You grumble, stumbling as you slide the bodice of the dress up your torso. You, personally, think you'd look just as cute in black and white clothing, but you digress.
"Don't forget the headband!" You hear the door handle jiggle at Hikaru's voice.
"Ah! Don't you dare! Give me ten more seconds." You exclaim in a scolding tone.
"Back away from the door, Hikaru." Kyoya pipes up. Hikaru does as he's told, gulping. You nearly laugh.
"How do I look, Haru-chan?!" Honey tugs insistently at Haruhi's arm, forcing her eyes to fall upon himself and Mori dressed in their servant uniforms.
"You look great, Senpai." She nods with innocent eyes, straightening her own bow tie around her neck at the collar of her crisply white button-up shirt.
"Oh! Daddy's little girl looks so cute!" The telltale sound of Tamaki's fawning reaches your ear as you straighten the straps to your apron.
"Look at you in your tailcoat!" By the sound of Haruhi's groans, it sounds like he's smothering her.
You crack the door open and thrust your hand into open air, wriggling your fingers expectantly, "Where's the headband I must wear?" You groan.
"Come all the way out and get it." Kaoru teases.
"I don't have to wear it, you know-" Suddenly, the headband is placed in your palm and you snicker triumphantly.
"Thank you, boys." You chuckle, shutting the door promptly.
You slide the headband over the crown of your head and allow it to sit just behind your ears, straightening it the best you can and dusting off your apron before stepping out hesitantly.
You grumble, "This feels really demeaning." You pull at the ends of your dress, turning in a circle to get a look at yourself.
"Am I going to carry around a tray and do little poses?" You demonstrate your meaning by popping a leg up and holding a peace sign to your eye.
Your ears catch a light chuckle, twisting your neck to find Kyoya dressed in a black tailcoat tuxedo, straightening his clean, white gloves, shaking his head at you.
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"Well, don't you look fancy." You snicker as he moves a gloved hands to his glasses to adjust them on his nose.
"That is the intention, yes." With a somewhat knowing smile, Kyoya peers down at you in your own costume.
"Alright, men!" Tamaki claps his hands to gain each host's attention, and he does so effectively.
"And women." He adds secondly, continuing on with a coy smile, "Our guests will be arriving soon. Now, it is important that we all play well into our roles as servants for our ladies today. Today, we not only charm our guests, but we will wait upon them as well!"
"Now you get to experience what I do everyday." You nudge Kyoya in the ribs, earning a scoff from him. "I doubt it'll be difficult," he replies with a coy expression.
"I never said it was difficult. But remember, I never said you'd like it, either." You tease mischievously, offering him a soft pat to his shoulder as you waltz off to take your position for opening.
And as the first guest of many arrives, the club is there to welcome them warmly in perfect poise, hands folded diligently with deep bows.
"Welcome." The usual chorus of voices reaches the ears of the first guest as they enter, earning a second chorus comprised of gasps and soft exclamations of awe.
You bow traditionally, "Welcome, ladies. May I ask who you would prefer to serve you this afternoon?" In your one hand, a notepad, and in the other, a pen, as you await their reply.
The guests snicker to themselves, flattered by your sudden attention. One of them speaks up. "Hikaru and Kaoru, please."
You smile and gesture with an open hand for the girls to follow you, "Very good, right this way, please." You bring them to their seats as if you were a hostess. That very word causes your heart to flutter excitedly, but it quickly dies down as you focus on your duties that are simply those of a maid.
You continue to seat guests at the respective tables for each host.
The more and more guests you escort to Kyoya's area, the more you become confused. Your romantic relationship is more than common knowledge ever since the twins couldn't keep their mouths shut about the whole stunt Kyoya pulled on the last day of the Ouran fair. You assumed more guests would be devastated by this knowledge, avoiding Kyoya as a host, but it seems his numbers are skyrocketing.
"Kyoya, tell us how you saved y/n again! It's so romantic!"
Kyoya nearly loses his composure at the sudden inquiries flying his way, slotting a hand behind his neck awkwardly, "Well, I hardly think you'd want to hear about that. I'd much rather talk about you."
"But Hikaru says you fell off the bridge! And you confessed your love to y/n all at the same time!"
You can't help the own rosy tint that falls over the apples of your cheeks at the notion that the guests know all about your private affairs. Well, not so private...
"That is true, yes..." At Kyoya's confession, the guests crowding him squeal, faint, and shake each other incessantly.
Both you and Kyoya had discussed the possible repercussions of being together publicly, and he mentioned that he wouldn't particularly mind if his guests seemed to dwindle off into smaller numbers. But currently, you're looking at an insane influx of patrons surrounding him.
"Did you really dance in the water? Did you kiss her?"
"Oh, I wish someone would do that for me!"
"I can't believe she was going to leave!"
You make a mental note to bash Hikaru's head in when you get the chance, a more cherry tint spreading across your cheeks and inching toward your ears.
"Welcome, ladies! Can I get you some tea?" Honey approaches his table with a tray full of steaming teacups, one for each customer. "Oh! You know what would go great with this tea? Some cake!" he says, brimming with excitement. Mori appears at his side with one arm folded behind his back, the other gracefully carrying a tray of cake slices at Honey's suggestion.
"Thanks, Honey!" A guest says, graciously accepting his offering. "Won't you stay and enjoy it with us?" she requests curiously.
"Well... okay! But only for a little bit, because then I have to go back to waiting on you pretty ladies!" Honey leaps onto the sofa beside his guests and promptly munches on a slice of cake offered to him by the guest adjacent to him.
Tamaki glances over his shoulder, excusing himself from his guests for a moment, throwing in an excuse — something along the lines of bringing them more refreshments.
"Hikaru, Kaoru!" He hisses in a whisper, snapping his fingers briefly. The twins slide into view at his beck and call, saluting their leader and mimicking his tone, "Yes, sir!"
"Gather the others and meet me in the back room! Make sure y/n doesn't see any of you." Tamaki implores, shooing them away.
"On it!" they eagerly reply, bolting off to grab the first host in sight. Hikaru and Kaoru sweep up Honey first, who hums in question as they scoop him up effortlessly. Mori follows soundlessly after that, head barely tilted curiously.
"Thank you, ladies, I- hey! What are you doing?!" Haruhi stammers, suddenly feeling Hikaru and Kaoru's arms looped under her own, dragging her on her heels away from her guests. The girls seated in Haruhi's area blink disorientedly as she's whisked away.
Just as the twins are even thinking about taking Kyoya with them by force, he raises a definitive gloved hand, "No need, I'm coming."
They comply immediately, nodding shortly and making their way to Tamaki's designated meeting place.
And suddenly, when you glance around aimlessly for a host... there are none in sight. In fact... they're all gone. Guests slowly get up from their seats across the room, making their way over to you with curious expressions.
"y/n? Where did Tamaki go?"
"Yeah, and Hikaru and Kaoru are missing!"
Your eyes grow wide as you stand speechless in the middle of a sea of guests, all tilting their heads in your direction with questioning eyes.
"Uh..." You murmur, unsure yourself as to where you boys have wandered off to... all... at the same time...
Meanwhile, in another room, Tamaki throws his arms around Hikaru and Kaoru's shoulders on either side of him, forming a makeshift huddle as Mori and Kyoya remain standing upright, all the while participating in the discussion.
"Alright men, we need to think about this carefully," Tamaki begins.
"What exactly are we doing?" Haruhi glances to each host for an explanation, completely and hopelessly lost.
"Discussing the operation, of course." Kyoya vaguely mumbles.
"What operation? What's going on?" Haruhi looks to someone else for a clearer explanation.
"When we go back out there, we give y/n a run for her money! This operation is improv style- come up with whatever ridiculous request you can, and make sure she does it!" Tamaki whispers harshly, earning nods from his fellow hosts, who seem to be following along diligently.
Haruhi tilts her head, "Huh?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Alright, 'Operation: y/n's Host Trial' is a go!"
~y/n's Promotion!~
"Wait, what? We're making y/n-Senpai a host?" Haruhi asks with wide, incredulous eyes. Glancing to Kyoya's side profile, he gives nothing in return but a small, slowly forming smirk tugging at his lips.
"Hikaru, Kaoru: You know your jobs?" Tamaki inquires, pointing to the twins with a determined finger.
Kaoru shrugs, "Make y/n-Senpai-"
"-as busy as possible. We got it." Hikaru finishes, mirroring his brother's shrug.
Haruhi nearly pales, grimacing. When the twins are making someone busy, they're usually not doing it in a way that's particularly... tolerable.
"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Haruhi tries carefully, but no one seems to be listening. And if they are, they're intentionally ignoring her... which is definitely the case — Kyoya sees, hears, and knows all.
"Honey-Senpai?" Tamaki turns to Honey next, who salutes him immediately.
"Make y/n-chan take care of all of my problems!" He beams, contradicting his words.
"Kyoya, you are to-"
"Make sure y/n stays on task and doesn't get distracted." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, interjecting.
"By any means possible! Make y/n work!" Tamaki declares to the general group.
"By any means possible!" The hosts chorus back to him, save for Mori and Haruhi. They glance to each other apprehensively, exchanging concerned expressions.
"Mori-Senpai, I want you to keep a lookout for anything going wrong. Bring it to my attention immediately." Tamaki orders authoritatively.
Mori hums, but he doesn't necessarily agree... something seems off about this whole operation, and only he and Haruhi seem to be the ones who are not completely agreeing with everything Tamaki is saying.
"And Haruhi-" Tamaki begins optimistically.
"Look, Senpai, I don't know if I'm okay with working y/n-Senpai to the bone... she already does enough. Besides, hasn't she proved herself worthy to be a host already?" Haruhi implores, her expression quizzical.
"Nonsense! y/n has never actually hosted before. We need to see if she's up to the task!" Tamaki exclaims with an aura of dedication.
"... and to do that is to give her even more menial tasks than she already has?" Haruhi's shoulders slouch over in defeat when she realizes that Tamaki has absolutely no logic behind these trials... and the other hosts seem to be going along blindly. Which is... worrying.
"Senpai, I thought you were smarter than this." Haruhi grumbles, glancing up at Kyoya with an disgusted expression.
"I don't know what you mean by that. Besides, I don't see the harm in testing her a bit." Kyoya shrugs, not sparing her a glance.
"You realize that giving her hostly duties would be the way to do this? Not more errand girl duties? I don't even know why she still does those in the first place... she's our manager." Haruhi rubs her chin between her fingers in thought.
"She used to have a debt, remember? I just assume it's second nature to her by now to do all of those things." Kyoya proposes.
Haruhi hums thoughtfully, barely paying Kyoya any mind now.
As the two think out loud, chaos has been orchestrating among the trio of idiots with the addition of Honey.
"You all have your jobs, now get out there! We've been gone for way too long!" Tamaki ushers the twins out the door, followed by the rest of the hosts, and only two of them are starting to already rethink this horrible operation.
"There you guys are. What on earth were you thinking, all disappearing at once like that?" You huff, hands angrily on your hips as you approach them.
"Just discussing host things!" Tamaki assures, which doesn't make you feel any better in the slightest.
You raise a brow, irked. Rolling your eyes, you wave them off, "Whatever." You grumble.
Tamaki and Honey make discreet eye contact, and Tamaki nods subtly.
"Wah~! y/n-chan!" Honey wails, immediately gaining your attention.
"Senpai, what's wrong?" You appear to his table in the blink of an eye, brows furrowed in concern as his tearful eyes look up at you.
"I'm out of chocolate cake! Can you please get some more?" He hiccups, his hands drawn to his chest as he sniffles.
Your eyes fall on a perfectly full tier of strawberry and white cake, glancing back at Honey with an unsure expression, "But Honey-Senpai, you have plenty of cake right here-"
"But I want chocolate cake!!" He insists with a whine you rarely hear from him, especially in such an insignificant situation.
His guests chuckle nervously, offering you confused glances, and you return them with an apologetic smile.
"Alright, alright... I'll be right back."
You turn to head to the storage room, stealing a slight glance back at Honey as you go. It's common for Honey to act childish, that's his whole gimmick... but you rarely see him throw a tantrum like a true toddler. Maybe you shouldn't have given in, like a responsible mother wouldn't have. Well, a responsible mother wouldn't allow her child to eat as much cake as Honey does anyway, so that idea is long out the window by now.
Upon reaching the cabinets that store treats and sweets, you find that the host club is completely out of chocolate cake — not one slice to be seen.
You tilt your head. "Odd..." you say to yourself, quietly. You swear you'd seen an abundance of it just days before... Honey couldn't have possibly gone through that much chocolate cake in a few days... could he? Maybe you just need to stay more on top of things. No matter: you mark acquiring more chocolate cake on your mental to-do list and suppose that the academy's refectory will have to do.
You return to Honey, who looks hopeful at your arrival. You sigh, "I've got to run down to the refectory, our cupboards are barren of chocolate cake... I'll be right back."
Honey's eyes water, his prominent pout returning.
"I'm going now! I promise, I'll be right back." You swear.
And before Honey can burst into tears, which he looks like he's about to, you dash off, determined to reach the refectionary in record time... hoping that they either have chocolate cake on hand or that they can whip some up at lightning speed.
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With two armfuls of chocolate cake slices packaged in plastic, you push open the club doors and are immediately bombarded by a host.
"Where did you go? You were gone for quite a while." The not so melodic tone of your partner's voice reaches your ears, arms crossed.
"We ran out of chocolate cake and Honey-Senpai wants chocolate or nothing." You groan, adjusting your stature to better cradle the inconveniently shaped packaged cake slices.
"You still shouldn't leave us without warning, guests have been waiting for their refreshments." Kyoya follows close behind as you start your journey to the storage room.
You blink, surprised at his lack of understanding, "Kyoya, I was only gone for fifteen minutes, you can't pour tea yourself?" You try your hardest to laugh off the comment.
"It's not our job to pour tea."
You haven't heard him belittle your duties like that since he disregarded your debt... since before you were dating. But, before you can react, you're promptly whisked away.
"y/n, where have you been?" Tamaki circles behind you, pushing you by your shoulders to the back room, "Put those away and come out immediately, and bring the tea!"
You blink as Tamaki leaves you to the storage room, putting the cake slices in their rightful place in a sort of daze. The boys have scarcely ever been quite this urgent with you. Even if they are, they try their best to be as forgiving as possible if you're running a bit behind.
You arrange the pot of tea and matching cups on your familiar tray, hoisting it off the table and into your hands as you scurry out to meet Tamaki, who apparently so urgently needs you.
It seems as though every time you pass through a doorway, you're needed by a different host. This time, the twins are at your side in an instant the moment you enter the main room.
"Hey, Senpai, we need your opinion." Hikaru begins, both twins effectively blocking your path.
"Yeah, it's urgent." Kaoru nods with a seemingly forced intense expression.
"Um..." You grimace, fingers tightening around your tea tray, but you don't see the harm in humoring them only for a moment.
"What was it that we wanted to ask her again, Hikaru?" Kaoru inquires, fingers stroking his chin in thought. Hikaru mirrors his twin, humming.
"I can't remember, Kaoru... hm..."
"Guys, I really need to-"
"No, no! We'll only be a second, just give us some time to remember it." Hikaru interrupts you.
You sigh with exasperation, shoulders slouching as you semi-patiently wait for Hikaru and Kaoru to remember what they spontaneously needed your opinion for.
"y/n, what on earth are you doing? We needed that tea tray two minutes ago." Kyoya materializes at your side, checking his watch and beckoning you to follow him.
"Sorry, guys." You hastily apologize to the twins, following Kyoya at his heels.
"Here, Kyoya, can you bring this over? I really need to make sure Honey-Senpai has his-" You offer the tray up to Kyoya as you follow him, but he turns sharply and holds his hand out.
"Nonsense, I have my guests to attend to. I simply don't have the time." He informs you.
Your brows furrow, "Well, neither do I, Kyoya, that's why I'm asking you to do it. If I had the time, I'd-"
"I don't want to hear excuses. Deliver the tea, then attend to Honey-Senpai." Kyoya leaves you with that.
You're left bewildered at his choice of tone toward you, gawking in the direction he disappears in.
You inhale sharply and exhale just as quickly, shaking your head to yourself as you arrive at Tamaki's table, setting down the tea tray and adorning a bright smile, "Here's your tea ladies. Now, if you'll excuse me." You direct your glower in Tamaki's direction, putting a particular annoyed inflection on your words as you find him simply lounging on the sofa, surrounded by swooning guests. Tamaki grins sheepishly.
You turn on your heel to find Honey-Senpai, who seems to be having the time of his life entertaining his guests... until he catches your eye. Suddenly, he blinks in rapid procession and tears are streaming down his cheeks.
"y/n-chan, I need my chocolate cake!" He whimpers, arms flailing in a tantrum-like manner.
"Okay, just a second!" You call over your shoulder, rushing back to the storage room and throwing open the cabinets. You all but snatch a slice of chocolate cake... grabbing another for good measure, and dash out to tend to Honey's blubbering cries. Placing the slices in front of him, you anxiously await his reaction.
His sobbing subsides all too quickly, and he's left beaming up at you, "Thanks, y/n-chan!" And with that, he's devouring his sweets.
You exhale with an aura of relief, folding your hands before you, "Not a problem. Can I get anyone else anything? More sandwiches?"
Honey's guests shake their heads, smiling, "We're okay, y/n, thank you!" They beam politely. You nod and slip away.
But you don't get a moment to yourself for long before the sound of shattering glass catches your ears, silence falling over the room after a round of surprised gasps.
You turn to find Hikaru and Kaoru at the scene of the crime, both standing over a mess of what looks like two broken teacups... that seem to have fallen straight from their hands and onto the floor... at the same time...
"Whoops! Clumsy us!" They chorus, a certain undertone of mischief present in their voices.
"y/n, could you get that for us-?"
"- yeah, we've got other stuff to do." They link arms, sauntering away to attend to their guests who are just as confused as you are.
You groan all too loudly for Kyoya's liking, apparently, as you make your way over to the mess and start to gather the bigger pieces.
"Remember, y/n, compose yourself. You'll have to learn to be compliant with anything if you want to get anywhere." Kyoya reminds, carelessly scribbling in his notebook as you slave away on the floor over a pile of broken china.
"Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n." You mock in a high pitched tone under your breath.
"I heard that." Kyoya lifts his eyes briefly from his half-written sentence to meet your sheepish eyes, your lips drawing into a thin line. Kyoya's unamused eyes bore into your soul.
"Heard what?" You don't give him a moment to answer as you're off to discard of the larger pieces of china, acquiring a broom and a dustpan for the smaller shards.
Watching from afar, Haruhi crosses her arms, "They can afford to break fine china. If I broke a saucer, I'd be paying it off for two weeks."
As you pass her slouching figure, you giggle, "Yeah, double standards, am I right?" You snicker, dumping the shards of china into the nearest waste bin. Haruhi beams.
After making sure your palms are clean of glass, you swipe a tired hand across your forehead, sighing in relief at the momentary break you receive.
The key word is momentary, and you're not even sure you can call it that, as you're leaping to attention when Honey wails deafeningly once more. You grimace at his volume, cautiously peering over your shoulder to see what could possibly be the matter now.
"y/n-chan, I spilled tea all over my pants! I need new ones!"
Surely enough, just as you arrive at his side, your eyes immediately fall on the dark stain covering his pant legs, still slowly growing. Luckily, you know Honey's tea has been sitting out long enough to have grown cold. Still, you cannot fathom how he would be comfortable in a pair of damp slacks.
"Did you pack an extra uniform, Senpai?" You question, tilting your head.
Meekly, Honey shakes his head no. You suppress the strong, strong urge to groan loudly, as that would only upset him further.
"And I suppose you want me to find you one?"
At your offer, Honey beams, "Yes please!"
You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, forcing a strained smile, "Sure thing..." You say through clenched teeth.
As you turn around and lose Honey's attention, you snatch a throw pillow from a nearby sofa and shove it over your mouth, muffling a loud, frustrated groan, stomping your foot.
You inhale deeply through your nose, quickly regaining your composure and putting the throw pillow back in its place. You clear your throat and dust yourself off before setting off on your new mission.
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The only solution you found for Honey's problem was nothing short of embarrassing... to say the least. You've managed to venture all the way to the primary school building, thoroughly out of breath and practically begging for one of the sensei's to lend you their spare pair of boy's uniform shorts that they keep around in case of the elementary students having accidents.
You return to the club with the fresh shorts slung over your arm, receiving immediate attention from Kyoya.
"Where did you run off to this time? You were gone for-"
"Give me one second, please, Kyoya, I'll never hear the end of this if I don't give these to Honey-Senpai now." You forcibly shove past him, leaving him to watch you approach the elder, feeling anxious at the new frustrated attitude you've adopted.
Cautiously, you gain Honey's attention by tapping on his shoulder. "Senpai, these are the only pants I could find you," you say, presenting him with the elementary school uniform shorts. Although they're small, you expect them to fit. And, well, they're dry.
You barely notice the way, Honey glances to Tamaki for approval, as he would be fine accepting the pair of shorts you are offering him, but his boss shakes his head discreetly, indicating that Honey must give you a reason to do something else.
He sniffles on que, "I'm not gonna wear little boy's shorts! I want my uniform pants!" He hiccups.
Truthfully, by now, the wet spot on Honey's pants is mostly dry, and you can't even see the liquid given that his slacks are black to begin with.
You sigh in exasperation, "There's really nothing else I can do. These are the only-"
"No!" Against his better judgement, Honey smacks the shorts out of your hands and to the floor. The room grows silent at his outburst and everyone is patiently awaiting the next choice of words from either of you.
"That's embarrassing, y/n-chan! I don't wanna wear elementary shorts!" He insists, brows furrowed.
Your teeth grind in a heavy effort to reel in your outrage, afraid you'll explode and say something you regret to the poor boy.
"Senpai," Your tone is wavering, eyes shut as you do your best to regain a steady composure. "Unless you want me to drive all the way to your house and personally select another pair of trousers from your closet and come back here, there is nothing else I can do for you."
Honey can sense the sheer frustration in your voice, so he doesn't say anything further. He's decided he's played too much of a part in this little game, and he doesn't think it's very fun anymore... someone else is going to have to step in.
And someone else does. Just as Tamaki is starting to realize that this little "trial" has gone too far, Hikaru opens his mouth.
"Come on, Senpai, isn't this your job?"
Even his brother's eyes grow wide, tugging on Hikaru's sleeve to tell him not to push you anymore, but Kaoru freezes while doing so as you turn around menacingly, your gaze tearing daggers through Hikaru as you fume.
"No, Hikaru, it is not my job to be your personal servant-"
"Don't you serve your dad all the time at home? Get to it, y/n, we don't have all day."
Your fury is replaced by absolute astonishment at Hikaru's choice of words paired with the insult of lacking an honorific.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru scolds with a gasp, seemingly pushing HIkaru's consciousness back into reality as he realizes what he's just said to you.
And that's when Tamaki realized this entire operation was a mistake, uncrossing his arms in a state of shock.
Haruhi's attention turns to Mori as he stands adjacent to her. His eyes are closed in disappointment, as if he knew something like this would happen.
With an indignant huff, your voice slightly breaking, you throw the elementary boy's shorts to the ground, as a loud smack! echoes through the silent room. You manage to suppress your tears as you storm past the onlookers and to the grand double doors, slamming them behind you and bolting down the hall.
Tamaki does his best to disperse the crowd, directing intrigued guests back to their tea and snacks with a polite smile. As the crowd dissipates, Tamaki throws a panicked expression in Hikaru's direction.
"When I said make y/n as busy as possible, I didn't mean make her busy crying!" Tamaki stomps his foot, fuming.
"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to make her mad!" Hikaru whines, feeling the immense weight of guilt pulling at his heart strings.
"She was already mad, you pushed her over into hurt." Haruhi pipes up, arms crossed. She could have guessed that this was exactly what would happen if you were pushed to your breaking point.
Hikaru hangs his head, ashamed of his words toward you as his heart pulses painfully. Kaoru clings comfortingly to his side. "Don't worry, I bet Senpai knows you didn't mean it," He assures. Hikaru only nods slightly.
"I didn't think she was gonna cry!" Honey cries, now bursting into genuine tears. Honey seeks Mori for comfort, lip trembling as his mind runs rampant with his intolerable behavior toward you. Mori places a still hand atop his head without a word.
"I think we'll have to move ahead with the plan a little early." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, taking hold of the reins of this operation.
"Tamaki, could you have the room ready by the time I get back? I'll go make sure she's alright." Kyoya tucks his notebook and pen away.
Tamaki nods, "Good idea, Kyoya. You heard the man, get to work." He orders, clapping his hands twice. The remaining hosts scurry away at his command.
As Kyoya withdraws from the clubroom, he has the slightest inclination as to where you might have run off to. Trusting his intuition, he sets off to the place he has in mind.
It's a bit of a longer walk, and Kyoya can't imagine that you ran all the way here, but his intuition was, indeed, correct. He nearly smiles fondly to himself when he finds you perched on the edge of a familiar fountain in your maid's uniform, knees drawn to your chest. Kyoya's chest aches painfully when you brush a stray tear from your cheek, sniffling quietly. He can barely hear you over the calming sound of trickling water flowing in the fountain.
Kyoya steps out from underneath the covered walkway and you notice him immediately.
"Oh." You straighten up, quickly wiping your damp cheeks and hoping your nose isn't too red. Luckily, your cheeks darken to the same rosy hue to match the tip of your nose.
"Want some company?" Kyoya offers gently. You nod wordlessly.
At your given consent, Kyoya sits on the ledge of the fountain beside you, craning his neck only slightly to peer over your shoulder as your back is turned to him.
"Are you alright?" He tilts his head.
You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment, "I know he didn't mean it, it's all part of some stupid charade you're all doing, but it still hurts."
If it wasn't for your last statement, Kyoya would have laughed. Of course you were aware of something going on, you're incredibly observant.
"I know. I'm not entirely sure where that came from, but it was unnecessary." Kyoya reaches out tentatively. His fingers gently caress your arm with an aura of hesitancy. He can't quite tell if you want him by your side or anywhere else.
Soon his uncertainty is settled, however, when you swivel your body and lean into him, still hugging your knees to your chest. Kyoya slithers a casual arm around your shoulders, holding you secure to his side.
"I don't want to go back in there," you say. Kyoya can practically hear the pout on your lips. He smiles softly.
"I think you'll be surprised." His optimistic tone brings your head up toward him to meet his eyes, looking hopeful.
Kyoya knows without a doubt that what they have planned for you will raise your spirits in the most wonderful of ways. He angles his head to face you, eyes landing upon your expectant irises. The warmth in his heart spreads across his whole chest.
And when Kyoya promises something, you don't have a doubt in the world. A faint tint of red spreads across the apples of your cheeks, reaching the bridge of your nose when Kyoya places a gentle kiss just below your hairline.
You sigh quietly to yourself, hoisting yourself from the side of the fountain, "I better go and give Hikaru a chance to apologize anyway, I bet he's worrying himself sick." You tease, walking closely to Kyoya's side and nudging his shoulder.
Kyoya chuckles, "You know him all too well." He puts a simple, guiding hand to the small of your back.
"Well who do I have to thank for that, huh? Back in the day when you used to boss me around..." You quirk a brow, grumbling.
"Something good came out of it, right? I know they're a pain, but they certainly hold you in high regards." Kyoya says, moving to shove his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I sort of figured that after they staged an entire fight to get the chance to visit my house." You scoff, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
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You reach for the handle to the clubroom, but you're quickly stopped as Kyoya grabs it before you. You glance up at him with questioning eyes, hand poised mid air.
"Allow me." And with that, Kyoya pushes open the door. It creaks all too familiarly, and unexpectedly, you're flooded with a surge of rose petals.
You swat stray petals away from your line of sight, thoroughly confused: "We already opened for the day, what's with the theatrics?" You blink, realizing the room is shrouded in darkness.
"... are you guys just sitting here in the dark?" You squint. You turn to find Kyoya for an explanation, but he is nowhere to be seen.
The echoing thud of a spotlight switching on turns you around, and Tamaki is standing illuminated under a beam of light.
Lining a pathway toward him is an additional, less spectacular row of lights that flash from above. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi stand on one side in a row, and Kyoya, Mori, and Honey stand parallel from them. They all stand as if they're uniformed soldiers in their butler costumes, arms folded behind their back and eyes glued to you.
You blink, brows furrowed at their unusual formation. You haven't got anything planned... no special event or party that requires a dramatic entrance.
"y/n, would you please step forward?" Tamaki bows like a true prince would, one arm pressed to his chest and the other outstretched, head slightly angling up to glance at you.
Stunned to silence, your legs carry you to move closer to him, barely sparing each host an apprehensive glance on your way to the King.
You cannot even begin to fathom what is going on, a million ideas running through your head at a hundred miles an hour. Are you in trouble? Are they going to ask you to join a cult? Have they joined forces with the Black Magic Club and this is your initiation?
"You've proven yourself worthy against our trials, my dear." Tamaki announces in a royal tone.
"Trials?" You tilt your head to the side, looking curiously at the hosts around you.
"And so, I present you... with this." Tamaki looks to Kyoya a moment. Kyoya hands him a luxurious pillow, meant for ceremonies. Something is sitting a top it. It doesn't look too big, and it looks quite delicate.
When Tamaki is handed the pillow, he moves it into the light, lowering it to your level to reveal...
... a yellow rose?
"A rose?" You have to admit, it's quite beautiful, in perfect condition. However, you can't help but wonder what on earth he's giving it to you for... and in such a formal fashion.
"Your rose." Tamaki corrects in a gentle tone as if he were speaking to only you.
"My rose?" You parrot.
And then, it clicks.
Your rose.
Your rose.
The rose meant to represent you. To represent you as a host.
Your eyes tear from the beautiful flower to meet Tamaki's lilac irises, your lips parted in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You absentmindedly take the rose with gentle fingers. The gorgeous pale yellow of its petals glisten under the sharp light above Tamaki's head.
"It's long overdue." Tamaki nods. He can't help but smile at your complete bewilderment.
With a cheek splitting grin, you let out a purely delighted laugh, surging forward and throwing your arms around Tamaki's neck, arms constricting tightly around him.
As surprised as Tamaki is at your reaction, his arms are quick to reciprocate, the warmth in his chest spreading to his lips as they smile fondly.
"Thank you." He hears you sniffle. He chuckles.
"It's wasn't my idea." As Tamaki gently lets you go, you know immediately who to look to.
Your gaze falls upon Kyoya's, already fixed on you with a soft simper.
He truly is a vision in his butler's tailcoat, arms tucked behind his back and eyes focused entirely on you with such an aura of adoration that it makes your heart pulse in the best of ways.
As you approach him, you can't wipe the smile from your lips, "You're really okay with this?"
Your consideration for his anxieties sets Kyoya even more at ease with his decision than he was before.
It's not necessarily the fact that you're becoming a host that excites you. Sure, it's a role you've longed for these past few years and you think you'd be an excellent candidate... but that's not the reason you're over the moon.
It would take only a bystander to realize how uncomfortable the notion of you becoming a host made Kyoya in the past. The idea of you catering romantically to anyone didn't exactly sit right with him, but that was when your combined futures were uncertain. That was before he knew the extent of your affection for him. It used to make him nervous to see you interact in such a way with others, but now...
Of course you're excited to become a host and explore the possibilities, but you're ten times more moved by the fact that you have gained such trust from Kyoya. A trust that exceeds his boundaries, a trust that allows him to put your ambitions above his anxieties.
And that is more important to you than anything he could have ever given you.
Such a notion brings a few tears to your eyes and your lip trembles in the slightest, a sound of appreciation caught in your throat as you reach toward him, hands cradling his jaw as you pull him down for a searing kiss. Although he hadn't expected it, Kyoya's hands quickly find their place caressing your waist, eyes slipping shut as he basks in the feeling of your lips pressed together.
Kyoya pulls back only just, gaining your attention and flicking his eyes behind you briefly, jerking his head in the same direction with a faint smile.
You turn to glance over your shoulder, making eye contact with the twins: particularly with Hikaru. He looks as though he might chew his lip off, eyes darting away from yours the moment he sees you looking at him. Kaoru nudges his shoulder a bit.
Kyoya turns you around by the waist and you take the initiative to make your way over to Hikaru.
Hikaru fidgets with his sleeve, "Senpai, I'm really sorry about-"
But as you lean up on the tips of your toes and peck his cheek, Hikaru's words catch in his throat, eyes growing wide as a flush spreads across his cheeks. He gulps as you flash him a charming smile.
"I know. Thank you." You nod, seemingly convincing Hikaru that you don't notice the profuse blush spreading to his ears.
"I'm sorry too, y/n-chan!" Honey exclaims, leaping into your arms. Although you have less than a few seconds to react, you quickly support his weight with ease, playfully grimacing as his hair tickles your cheek.
As you set Honey down, patting the top of his head, you glance around at the hosts surrounding you, "Who's going to do all of my chores now?" You inquire curiously.
"All of us." Mori declares, allowing the corner of his lips to twitch slightly upward when you turn to him with an appreciative smile.
"Yeah, we're all gonna chip in a little." Kaoru digs his fist into Hikaru's arm playfully, who rolls his eyes and rubs over the spot that Kaoru punched.
"It's the least we can do." Haruhi grins widely.
Tamaki sweeps in, taking you by the hand, "Without further ado, allow me to introduce our newest host type!"
Ever a lover of theatrical presentations, Tamaki turns you to face the rest of the hosts, bowing.
"The gentle type."
As your heart swells, gripping your yellow rose tightly between your fingers, the hosts erupt into applause.
"Does this mean Senpai has to flirt with our customers too?" Hikaru raises a brow.
"Guess we're gonna have more male patrons." Kaoru grumbles.
"Guys, your jealousy is showing." Haruhi deadpans, flashing you a knowing look. You return it with a smirk.
"Indeed." Kyoya teases, unable to suppress the smile spread across his lips.
"Now, y/n! Allow me to teach you everything I know about the art of hosting!" Tamaki takes you by the shoulder, casting his hand to the sky and starting on a monologue that you couldn't be paid to listen to in a million years.
Turning over your shoulders with a desperate call for help in your eyes, Kyoya merely shrugs. You roll your eyes.
"When talking to a customer, ask them questions about themselves! Everyone loves to talk about themselves-"
"Do they now?" You quirk an unamused brow. Tamaki completely overlooks your interjection.
You groan. It's going to be a long, long day...
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
♡Next time, on Indeed...♡
It's a certain someone's birthday who doesn't seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else...
♡We'll see you then!! ♡
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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cho-aaacho · 6 months
(Hc's) Gamer Boyfriend! Gojo Satoru
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Tags : Teen Gojo, Gamer Gojo, Classmate Gojo, Soft Gojo, Secret Crush, Best Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Reader is Genderless.
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The first time you met Gojo Satoru, you thought he was a typical basketball captain with a sunny aura emanating from him. He rarely talks to any other classmate; come on, he's so popular.
At that time, it was a nice summer in Tokyo. You and Shoko were cleaning the class, and he suddenly approached you, patted your shoulder, squeezed them a bit, and asked, "What is your Game ID?"
"Excuse me? I don't play such games, Gojo-kun."
"I'll teach you."
Such a weird boy, to be honest.
He brings two PSPs to school so you can play with him during lunch break.
"You know it's illegal to bring a console to school, Gojo-kun."
"Well, I have permission from Yaga-sensei. He gifted me that PSP as my birthday present. Hey, watch out; you'll lose."
He memorized all the gaming YouTubers' names along with their most-watched videos.
He wears a headband while playing games.
He is the leader of a gaming community's gang. It wasn't a bad gang; it was just a group of gamers who loved to share their interests.
He can spend 13 hours playing games on weekends, and he'll come out of his room only when his dad yells at him or when you visit his home.
Sleeping in class has become a habit for him. When he does that, he'll snuggle on your lap to hide his face from Yaga-sensei.
But Yaga-sensei always caught him.
His favorite song is Resident Evil—The Save Room, and he'll play that song while cleaning the classroom.
He always messages you when he's ready to play games. It almost makes you dizzy because he always spams you when you don't reply to him.
Despite how bad you are at the game, he'll teach you patience, talking in soft tones while guiding you step by step.
He rarely opens the mic, but when he does, he'll mock the other players and say how bad they are at the game. He's so aggressive, but you find it cute because he always tries his best not to include you.
"You're my best friend. I would never hurt you. Our team is just stupid; let's play another game, shall we?"
He loves Manga Cafes so much. He always invited you to join him and read all his recommendations.
"This manga is so good, but the MC is so lame and stupid."
Gladly to holding your hands in Akiba and making sure you don't fall or bump into someone else. His palm is so warm and big.
His mom loves you, and whenever he invites you to his mom, Mrs. Gojo will give you a nice and delicious cake along with expensive tea.
"Where's Satoru?" — Geto Suguru.
"He's in the manga cafes, I guess." — Ieiri Shoko.
Absent from school has been your weekly activity with him. But he doesn't want Yaga-sensei to catch you two. So you'll spend your time at his home, eating cake or ice cream, playing games, and taking a nap.
Of course, he didn't do anything else besides playing games or napping. He's a gentleman, after all. A good boy.
You can find him on Reddit.
He uses a combination of your name and his as a password for his computer, he even changes his Game ID to that.
He never cheats at games.
He is an admin of a Discord server and is talking about an underrated game.
"Hey, I know you and Satoru are close like a flower and water. But make sure to not miss my class, okay?" —Yaga-sensei
He hates Gacha games so much. He thought it wasn't a game at all. "My gacha luck is so bad this month. Oh, damn."
He has two different Twitter accounts. One with a cute avatar and only follows you. The other one he uses to share his gaming progress.
Gojo may be in love with you. Because every time you interact with someone else on the Discord server, he'll kick them; remember, he's an admin.
He loves to lean his head against your chest while playing games, and when he falls asleep, you let him be. He’s so dramatic but cute at the same time.
"Hey, I know it sounds crazy and lame, but hear me out. I don't know what will happen to us when we graduate. But I want to be your gaming buddy until we are old. Even if I have dementia, I will find another way to remember you."
"I want to spend my life with you, not only to play games but also to do everything with you. Because I love you."
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deanswhiskey · 6 months
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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summary; while stuck at home, you find some christmas decorations in a storage closet
wc; 1935
warnings; kissing, tooth-rotting christmas themed fluff, that’s really it
authors note; merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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christmas had always been your favorite holiday growing up. you hadn’t spent much time celebrating since you started hunting. your parents were hunters but they sent you to your uncle bobby’s whenever they’d hunt. you didn’t know what was happening, just excited to see your uncle.
when you started hunting, looking for whoever, or whatever, killed your parents, you didn’t get to celebrate much anymore. the days mushed together half the time.
after you met sam and dean, and eventually joined them, you tried to bring as much of the holidays as you could, seeing as they didn’t get to much.
you find little plastic decorations at the shitty gas stations you’d stop at in different cities and states. hanging christmas scented air fresheners from the mirror in deans car, even when he’d get annoyed, he couldn't say anything because he knew how much you loved it. you’d always buy funny little headbands for sam and dean to wear too, just so you could snap pictures of them on your camera.
it was midday in december when the boys were leaning up against baby while you were inside the gas station. “geez, what’s takin’ her so friggin long?” dean asked while checking his watch. he’d finished pumping gasoline what felt like a half hour ago.
you walked out of the gas station with a slightly full grocery bag and a huge smile on your face. they knew that smile. that ‘i-just-got-something-you-won’t-like-smile’.
you walked up to the boys and before you could even say anything, dean interrupted, “what did you get this time?”
you fake acted offended, “how dare you, dean!” you then giggled and pulled out two silly christmas headbands. one was reindeer antlers one had to little santa hats on springs that moved around.
they both gave you a look. they didn’t want to wear them but they were anyways. you ripped the little bit of packaging tbh eh had and held them out, silently telling them to pick one.
sam grabbed the one with the reindeer antlers and set them on his head. you continued to hold out the santa hat one. dean rolled his eyes and put them on. “don’t give me that, dean, you love it.” you chuckled at the dancing santa hats on his head.
you reached down into the backseat through the window to grab your camera out of your bag. “smile!” you said turning on your camera. and they did, they smiled for you. you snapped the picture of your two boys looking adorable in their christmas headbands.
when the three of you found the bunker, there were rooms upon rooms upon rooms to discover.
during a hunt, you got badly injured. one of the vamps had harshly shoved you and you fell down some old stairs, leading you to breaking your foot.
now the boys stopped hunting for a little less than a month so they could tend to you, even against your wishes not to.
sam spent most of the time right next to you; he didn’t want you out of his sight. he acted as if you were sick and could hardly stand.
“i’m not terminally ill, sam,” you said with a giggle as he picked you up to move you from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.
“i know, my love, i’m just being cautious,” he said stopping and giving your forehead a kiss.
once the doctor released you of your crutches, leaving you with just a boot, the boys finally went back to hunting. sam, reluctantly, agreed, with the exception that he’d call you multiple times to make sure you’re okay.
one of the days the boys were away, you decided to go through some of the storage closets you three had yet to go through.
you limped down the halls making your way to one of many. the room was lined with various boxes and cabinets that had a thin coat of dust.
you opened the first box which had nothing but spare bedding. thankful it was the first box you opened; definitely setting that aside to take out and put them in a closer storage closet.
the next box had old clothes, along with the next few boxes.
the next box you picked up and dusted off made a noise; a jingle sort of noise. you took your box cutter and quickly opened the box.
to your surprise, it was christmas decorations. the men of letters must’ve loved christmas. you couldn't find a tree in sight, nor any ornaments. that was okay, there were plenty of other decorations to do the trick.
you looked over at the pile the box was in to see if there were any more. you only found one more box which was full of string lights. you carried the boxes, one at a time, to the living room to start setting up what decorations you had.
your phone was set out on a table with a speaker connected to it and you had christmas music blaring through the bunker. you wanted to start with the lights. so that’s what you did. you grabbed the step ladder from a closet, the bag of push pins, and many extension cords and went to work. you wrapped the main staircase railing and many door frames and miscellaneous pieces of furniture with the yellow christmas lights.
next up was this little christmas village you found. there was a perfect table in the library for this. you grabbed the empty light box and put all the different pieces into it and carried that to the library. you meticulously placed each little building and extra pieces just the way you wanted.
the last of the decorations went up and there was only one left. the mistletoe. where could i put it, you thought to yourself.
it had to be somewhere where everyone could see but not in a doorway where everyone stands often. you decided to put it on the doorway to the living room. it was a simple and easy place to put it.
you grabbed a thumb tack and hung it up there, careful not to fall off the ladder with your boot. if sam knew that you were climbing on a ladder with a boot on your foot, he’d throw a fit, demand you sit on the couch and he do all the work.
not long after you hung the mistletoe, you made yourself some hot chocolate and cozied on up on the couch with the book you were currently reading. the christmas music was still playing but it was soft now.
sam had texted you he’d be home soon about 15 minutes ago and now you were just anticipating their arrival. you were so excited to show the boys the new and improved, and festive, bunker.
your ears perked up as you heard the best bunker door begin to open. you all but threw your blanket off of you and placed your book open face down and rushed to the door.
“holy shit,” you heard dean say in the distance. you fretted the boys as they were walking down the stairs. their eyes lit up and they scanned the room and beyond of the decorations.
“what’s all this, sweetheart?” sam said leaning to give you a kiss, half still distracted at all the decor.
“i was going through some closets and found a whole bunch of christmas decorations!” you beamed.
dean set his duffel bag on the table in the war room and went to go look around in the library and further.
sam set his duffel done too but stayed with you. you were admiring the joy on his face; you could tell he needed some holiday joy, especially since he never really got to have this.
“this is,” sam paused, speechless. he didn’t know how to describe this. “amazing. i can't believe you did all of this.” he smile wide as he looked at you.
you smiled back, impossibly harder since your smile was already big. sam interrupted you before you could get a word out. “wait,” you brows furrowed slightly. “did you climb up on a ladder to hang this stuff?” he questioned.
you simply nodded. you knew he was gonna be upset, he won’t be too upset with you, just concerned. “y/n, you could’ve hurt yourself further.”
“sam, baby, i’m okay. i promise i was extra extra careful. just for you.” you grabbed his hands, rubbing the back of them with your thumb to reassure him.
he just looked at you with worry in his eyes. “i’m okay, baby. why don’t you go take a shower,” you lean up closer to his face. “then meet me under the mistletoe.” you gave him a sweet kiss before patting his butt, the two of you giggling.
a little while later, you sat in the living room waiting for the love of your life. christmas music still softly filled the living room while you sipped on the last of your hot chocolate.
sam walked in, his sweatpants hanging low and his navy blue v-neck hugged him perfectly. his hair still wet but not dripping. he looked beautiful. he stood under the mistletoe and leaned against the door frame.
you looked up at him and smiled with adoration. you made your way over to your beautiful boyfriend.
standing in front of his tall frame you look up at him, “can we dance?” you ask.
“of course, my love.” he says contently taking your right hand in his left. his right went around your waist. your left rested on his chest.
the two of you just gazed into each others eyes while you rocked back and forth. elvis’ ‘blue christmas’ played softly in the background. it was one of your and sams favorite christmas songs.
occasionally, sam would spin you just to hear those melodic, beautiful giggles.
your head now resting on his chest; hearing his heartbeat was so relaxing to you.
“hey,” you look up at him. “we’re still under the mistletoe, you know.” sam smiled.
you look up and the mistletoe you hung up earlier, “huh, i guess so.”
the two of you kept your gaze before sam slowly dipped his head down. the two of you fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.
his lips soft against your as they moved in sync with yours. sams hands found theirs way to your thighs, lifting you up while your hands made their way around his neck, tangling in his hair; his lips never left yours.
sam blindly made his way to the couch, sitting down with you straddling him. the kiss didn’t last much longer. you pulled away and laid back against his chest, cuddling into him.
sam was the first to speak up, “this place looks amazing, baby, i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, sam.” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, laying back down against him.
the cinnamon candle you lit earlier was still burning and the christmas music still played as the two of you fell asleep on the couch.
the next morning, dean made his way to the kitchen and brewed himself a fresh cup of coffee. the coffee finished breeding and he added whatever he did necessary for the perfect cup. he took that cup and walked to the living room, unsuspecting of the two of you sleeping there.
he approached the living room and saw the two of you, you were in almost the exact same position as when you fell asleep. dean chuckled to himself, “those kids.” he said before sipping his coffee and walking back to the kitchen.
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yawujin · 23 days
hihihi I actually love your writing so much thank you for giving me a hearty meal
could I request dv3 boys with a reader who absolutely LOVES Sanrio like!!! so much!!!!! thank you for your time !!!!
hii thanks anon!! <3 i had an idea just like this so thank you for your request!!!
request | v3 boys x reader that loves everything sanrio
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , fluff , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
often takes nap on your bed that has sanrio plushies everywhere
when he asks you to lend him a pen and later notices that it has a cinnamoroll design all over it
he finds it cute so it's okay lol
he bought you an enamel pin with kuromi on it so you could pin it to your shirts
just a thoughtful little gift
but also because he wanted you to match with the pin he wears from the detective agency he works for hehe
rantaro amami ♡
when he goes on his travels he often finds these little souvenier shops that sell bootleg versions of sanrio merchandise
he buys some of these so you can expand your collection
even though you both know they're fake
it's all for the novelty of it
and bc he likes to see you laugh and smile
"i can tell it's fake because hello kitty has her bow on the wrong ear" he grins while handing a minifigure over to you
K1B0/kiibo ♡
after you showed him what sanrio was, he too, found himself really liking the brand
whenever you invited him over; he sat atop your bed, hugging a plush close to his chest while you two talked
you offered to give him one of your plushies
"really!? i don't want to take something that's yours..."
you insist!
but only because he looks absolutely adorable while holding onto a my melody plush
korekiyo shinguji ♡
finds the difference in your guys' aesthetics fascinating
you two are basically the embodiment of all black s/o x all pink s/o
if there is a holiday rolling around and he can give you a gift you can bet that he'll buy you a shiny piece of jewelry that has a sanrio character on it
"this cutesy look really suits you, my dear." he says while you greet him, wearing a top with pompompurin on it
kaito momota ♡
you two went to a sanrio store once and he found this notebook that had the little twin stars inside of a rocket ship on the front cover
he loved it
you found it funny because he had said:
"this stuff might be a little too childish for me" before walking in
kaito, sweetie, you're really just a big child 😭
gonta gokuhara ♡
likes it when you wear those headbands that look like the top of the character's head (click here for reference if you don't know what i'm talking about)
he likes it bc it reminds him of antennas
also enjoys taking naps on your bed, resting his cute face on the soft blanket you purchased from a sanrio store <3
likes it when you decorate his album full of pictures of bugs with little sanrio character stickers
ryoma hoshi ♡
when you show him all the characters and ask which is his favorite he chooses chococat
you also have the all black x all pink dynamic with him
you placed a few sanrio pins onto his jacket and he wore it with pride
everytime he's out and about and sees anything sanrio related he is instantly reminded of you
kokichi ouma ♡
"you really like this stuff, (Y/N)? it's a little too childish don't ya think?"
sanrio has no age limit silly kokichi
luckily for you, however, that was just one of his lies
his favorite thing about you is when you incorporate sanrio character inspired looks into your outfits (ie: all pastel blue and white clothing for cinnamoroll and red bows for hello kitty)
don't take his teasing so personally
he thinks you look super adorable
would definitely write 'kokichi ouma was here' onto your sanrio stationary just to mess with you
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How would our favor Yan demon brothers be when seeing their lil sheep mc wearing something cute and modest for once when they have their human body back ( minus the sheep parts like her horns and fluffy tail )
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Finally Barbatos has given you a more refined version of the potion and now you look like a normal human. Now you can finally get rid of all the immodest outfits they had you wearing because of your fluffy sheepy bits and horns. Finally able to wear the clothes you want to wear you proudly pose. 
“So boys? What d’ya think?”
“I’m happy for you, I’m sure you’ll delight in being taken more seriously.”
Lucifer will miss it 
just a lil’ bit
But nonetheless you are still the human he fell in love with from the beginning
And he’s not at all disappointed when he gets previews of the new (Y/n) calendar
Especially when you are willing to wear a copy of his normal outfit
“Now that you are back to normal would you like to try on this?
“Won’t get as much as those sheepy pics but this works too!” 
Mammon’s still excited 
You’re just so pretty 
He’s definitely getting outfits so expensive he’ll have to work to pay off for a lifetime
But it's worth it to see you walk by wearing what he’s got you
“Y-yeah I bought that for them! Of course, the Great Mammon has such good tastes! Y-you l-look half-descent a-at least.”
“Perfect! Now you really can be Ruri-chan! Properly this time!”
Leviathans elated
He’s been waiting for this day for far too long
He’s ready to recheck all your measurements as he preps the different cosplay he wants you to try
It is hard to style around your horns and wool without making it a part of the outfit
“Now I can properly get the (Y/n) experience!” 
“Good to know. Now I’ll be looking into making you part-cat next.”
Satan’s joking he’s not
He would often imagine what’d you’d be like without the sheepy bits
Of course, it just felt like an over-the-top censor bar 
But who is he to complain
Now you are unobstructed
“Here in the meantime, you can wear this headband and cattail. You’d look just fine.”
“Yay! Now wear this! What! This is going to make your little human butt look the  cutest!”
Asmodeus is not phased at all by the change
In fact, he was ready for it 
Already lining up the outfits in his closet that you could wear
And you are wearing it
Modest or not
After all you are a weak little human compared to the avatar of lust
“I’m ready to see all of you baby! Don’t run!”
“You don’t look like cotton candy now.”
For Beelzebub, Nothing’s changed much 
You’re still weak to him 
Still eating impossibly less than he
All he knows is that you no longer look like the carnival treat
You still look just as cute with food spilled on you
“I’ll help you clean up. It’d be a waste to not lick you this food up.”
*Yawn* “Doesn’t matter to me your just as soft.”
Belphegor feels really pleased
He always liked your more human parts
Especially your skin
He sleeps on wool and cotton all the time 
So he’s happy all of you are just you
Though he’d really prefer it if you didn’t want to wear clothes anyway
“You don’t need this, do you? Or your shorts, right? I just want us both to be comfortable before we nap.”
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Cross guild romance prompt:
When S-Hawk and S-Croc are first brought to the Guild or taken in, they both bond with their adult organic counterparts. But they actually really REALLY love Buggy.
He has that energy of Safe For Children, he's actually really really good with kiddos, especially ones with trauma. He really became the kinda person he wanted and needed when he was a lil'un. Buggy really likes kids, honestly, he just doesn't interact with them much, especially lately what with his newfound notoriety. Back in the East, at least, he could go relatively under cover and set up a circus event. Now, he's got his hands tied with options.
Crocodile and Mihawk are both surprised by this but don't particularly care. So what if the clown can make balloon animals and makes the boys actually smile and laugh? He's just a clown. Clowns do that. Whatever.
It only comes to a head when, late one evening, Mihawk goes to check on the boys when he senses a strange disturbance. Buggy beat him there. The swordsman watches from the doorway as Birdie (his own seraphim, name pending, nickname in the meantime) sits on the clown's lap, rubbing tears from his eyes. Angel (Croc's seraphim, name pending, nickname in the meantime) is wrapped up against the clown's chest. The three are in the rocking chair, Buggy holding both of the boys close, comforting them with hands in hair or petting backs. And he's singing softly to them. It's a language Mihawk has never heard before, to his knowledge. Though it DOES remind him of some of the seemingly senseless babble from Shanks when he drank far too much. He stays in the shadows, watching. Observing. Memorizing.
He refuses to acknowledge the warmth in his chest as anything other than mild heartburn.
Crocodile is faced with a similar situation but very much different. It's midday for one. And there are no tears or need for comfort involved for another.
It was a cooler day, and he'd seen hide nor hair from the clown for more than a few hours. Truly, a horrific notion.
He ends up finding Buggy in the kitchen, hair in a messy bun and wearing an apron. The kids are with him as well, in oversized aprons. All three are a mess, laughing, flour and powdered sugar on her faces, aprons, in their hair. It's chaotic. It's loud. It's... happy.
Crocodile just watches for a bit, as the boys bounce and squeal over the dark chocolate and red velvet cake they made, Buggy gently walking them through piping designs. He chuckles when they make a mistake, nudges them with his hip and calls it "avant garde", waves off any concern. He's gentle with them as he guides tiny, deceptively soft little hands in loops and designs, laying out stencils and sifting powdered sugar to make shapes. It's cavity inducing.
Especially when Angel, hair held back with a headband decorated with frogs, looks up at Buggy and asks without hesitation, "Can we take some to Father and Papa, mama Bug?"
Crocodile tenses. His eyes go wide. Has the clown been coaching them, has he been-
Then he catches sight of Buggy blushing, staring wide eyed at Angel. "What did you call me, Angie?"
"Called you mama Bug. Why?"
Buggy kneels down, smiling softly despite the visible confusion. "Why did you call me that, gumdrop?"
Birdie chips in at that point, leaning to peek over his brother's shoulder. "Because you're Mama."
Buggy giggles, tucking a loose curl back. "I meant, where did you silly sweeties learn that?"
Both boys grin brightly. "Books! And that story book you read us all the time, the one with the princes and knights and dragons! Papa is the big dragon, and Father is the king!" They both turn blinding smiles at the clown. "And you're the queen! 'Cause the queen is nice and warm and fun and smart and pretty! And the queen is the princes' mama, so you're mama. Mamas are supposed to be nice and cozy and take care of us. Like you do! So you're mama!"
Buggy sniffles, smiling so fondly, so softly, it makes something in Crocodile thump roughly. He won't put a name to it. He refuses.
When Buggy cups the boys' cheeks, presses a kiss to their foreheads, the logia user turns on his heel and walks away.
Just. The seraphims up and deciding that the cross guild leaders are the parents and playing accidentally-on-purpose matchmakers. Mihawk and Crocodile angrily falling for the Clown because the introduction of children has opened a new face for him, a new perspective to view and they're so pissed about it. They don't even want to beat him up anymore. They lay awake at night thinking about him. They're so mad. They're feral.
The kids are just like "wow, our dads are dumb. We should help!"
Cue a series of absolutely wild shenanigans, and Buggy is just. So confused. Then so done. So tired. He needs a nap. Maybe an energy drink. Maybe both at once.
S-Hawk and S-Croco makes sense to bond with their adult counterparts or come to a mutual tolerance of each other. The seraphim children really REALLY love Buggy because he has that SAFE energy for kids. I like that headcanon that he’s really good with kiddos, indeed he became the person for children that he wanted when he was little bug.
Buggy must be scared of interacting with kids after becoming one of the Emperor of the Sea. Yeah, Buggy could be a ringmaster and other performers in a circus back in the East Blue.
Headcanon: Buggy can make the greatest balloon animals because why not?
Mihawk going to check on the boys and find Buggy beat him to it, the clown hugging them both and calming them both. Birdie and Angel (holy stars what cute nicknames, let me guess all three have to come to a decision on what S-Croco and S-Hawk’s names will truly be and the seraphims must agree on them) Then Buggy starts singing to them! Mihawk’s heart!
Love One Piece having different languages than the common one… Maybe the language that the clown is singing in the Wado’s original language! Or maybe Roger or another Roger Pirate could speak another language and that’s what Buggy is singing in? IDK
Crocodile facing a similar situation, but it’s happier and more fun because the kids and Buggy are making treats (When you wrote that Crocodile having seen Buggy more than a couple times and to Crocodile it was a horrifying notion… does that mean Crocodile was looking for Buggy!!!) That mafia boss finding Buggy in the kitchen with the children. Awwwwwwwwww
It’s chaotic fun for Buggy and the seraphims, and they are making dark chocolate and red velvet cake! That’s so fucking cute! Squealing and wanting to kick my feet in the air of how cute the imagines I see are!!! Buggy walking them through piping the best he can, telling them that their mistakes don’t matter, and the cake still looks amazing. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
How Angel (love the headband decorated with frogs, you know that was once Buggy’s headbands or Buggy bought it for him) shocks both adults because he calls Crocodile - Father, Mihawk - Papa, and Buggy - Mama Bug! (I don't think it's only because Angel called Buggy - Mama) So, does Birdie call Mihawk - Father and Crocodile - Papa?
Crocodile thinking Buggy taught him to do that, but Buggy is as confused Crocodile is (Calling the Seraphim Gumdrop, that’s a cute nickname) Birdie agreeing with his brother about calling Buggy - Mama Bug and they learned it from books. (I read like Birdie was the one saying it, so Papa Crocodile is the big dragon, Father Mihawk being the king and Mama Buggy as the queen)
Buggy being emotional about this is so him. Crocodile’s heart thumping against his chest while Buggy is pressing a kiss on their foreheads. Going back to making the cake with Angel and Birdie as Crocodile leaves the kitchen, probably going to where Mihawk is.
Love that the seraphims are accidentally-on-purpose matchmakers and deciding the cross leaders are their parents. Love how Mihawk and Crocodile are anger that they are falling for the clown. Love that those two are lying awake and thinking about Buggy.
The kids thinking their dada are dumb and think everything will be well if they help. In the end everything was fine… but in the middle? Holy stars what did those two do? Yeah, Buggy will be needing bot an energy drink and a nap, so confused and done with what’s happening.
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ravenelyx · 10 months
Cobwebs - Sebastian Sallow
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Chapter Warnings: jealousy, light angst/angst if you squint, fluff, Sebastian's comfort food is corn apparently idk, suggestive (barely)
Summary: When a festival in your hometown causes you to dress up with medieval clothes, dance and act, Sebastian couldn't be happier and more proud - until he realises you will have a partner through all of it. And the partner is not him.
A/N: for the Sallow Sunday challenge !! I'm late in my country but it's still Sunday somewhere - inspired by a festival I went to today (literally came back at 1 am and wrote this: it's currently 5 am)
You can find the whole fanfiction also here on ao3
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Sebastian had woken up with the biggest grin on his face. A rare occurrence, really, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wipe it off his mouth.
Because today, apparently, was special.
He had been waiting for two weeks since his girlfriend had told him the news: at first Sebastian didn't really understand her ardour, but the delighted expression on her face was enough to propel the boy to match the enthusiasm completely.
There was a festival in her hometown: a celebration that, for one reason or another, had been impossible to arrange for about ten years. It was her favourite, she had said, because of its theme — a living re-enactment of old times, with dances and traditional clothing from her home — even more so now that she was chosen to be one of the people who was supposed to parade as an extra.
She was to wear a beautiful medieval tunic, and had to attend rehearsals everyday. As much as Sebastian wished to follow her there to see her hard work, she insisted that she wanted to keep it a surprise for when he finally saw her at the fest.
He had sulked a bit at that moment, but had been since then looking forward to seeing his beautiful girlfriend in an amazing dress.
He stood in the front row, having arrived early just to earn a perfect spot to bask in her splendid beauty ringside as soon as she came, and patiently waited for her to appear, nodding his head to the folklore music in the meantime. When the parade started, his body shook all over in anticipation, standing on his toes, eyes darting everywhere to catch a glimpse of his beloved.
And she was perfect.
Hair cascading in little twirls locked in a beautiful braid on her shoulder, adorned with a headband on the crown of her head, she smiled brightly, her lips shining with clear gloss. Her face was still natural-looking, with makeup that matched her features and made her look even more ethereal, and her green bliaut hugged her figure in ways that left little to Sebastian's imagination as his jaw fell open. It was tight at the waist, her corset even harsher around her flank under the kirtle, and adorned with a brown cincture knotted around her abdomen. Her only exposed parts were her cleavage, from which Sebastian could see a peak of her chemise, and her wrists, where the gown widened slightly. She moved with elegance and poise, careful to mind each graceful motion of her arm as she walked, and Sebastian felt his cheeks hurt with how wide his smile was,  almost tearing at the corners of his mouth.
A smile that fell as soon as his eyes darted away from her gorgeous figure.
The parade consisted of couples dressed in different ways, only interrupted here and there by close groups of musicians who accompanied them, and as such, she was on another's arm as she moved.
And, Sebastian noticed, he was very handsome — much more handsome than he was, with his chiseled jawline and elegant walk. He held her arm carefully as they walked together, chin up and perfectly in line, straight posture and measured walk. It was clear he had rehearsed for a long time.
And he had rehearsed with her.
Sebastian felt something sour and ghastly bubble in his stomach when they finally stopped. She turned to the man next to her, and he bowed gallantly at the waist before taking her hand in his.
The dance started. The musicians moved to the side, while the couples took their place in the midst of the plaza, moving from side to side at the fast paced rhythm of folklore music. When she went forward, he did the same, arms bending to meet. And then they stepped away together, extending their arms all the same, hands never separating. The steps of their frolic echoing in Sebastian's ears, thundering in his brain at the ease and preparation with which the couple moved together. She twirled in the man's arms, taking a step back and then twirled again on the opposite side, and Sebastian’s hands began to shake. Their manoeuvres were so measured, so controlled they must have rehearsed a lot. They must have spent a lot of time together to perfect it. Hours and hours, days of days of his beloved dancing with another man.
Panic seeped its way into his core: What if those days of rehearsal had awoken something in her? Something that made her realise that the man dancing with her was better than Sebastian in every way?
He didn't dare go further with his thoughts… but what if…
The crowd cheered, pulling Sebastian from his reverie, and he looked at her. And she was looking at him, too, wearing a bright smile, eyes shining as she silently asked him what he thought. Her forehead glistened a bit with sweat, a sign of her hard work, and Sebastian forced a smile on his face, nodding at her. She nodded back and turned to the man again.
A new dance began.
She had been on that man's arm most of the night, entertaining kids and adults all the same, dancing with him once a new folklore song started, and even re-enacting some play scenes along with the other extras.
Sebastian was left watching, embittered by the sight so much that, at some point, he had to completely avoid said sight.
Whenever he saw a glimpse of her beautiful figure, he would turn around and go into another alley, hoping to find some solace in the street food he had been shamelessly indulging in since the fest started.
"Sickle for your thoughts?" The man in front of him asked Sebastian at some point, after the brunet had visited his corn stand at least three times. "I can't give you another cob."
Sebastian scowled, but he had to admit the man was right. His stomach couldn't take it anymore.
"My girlfriend… she…" Sebastian began, kicking the dirt while the man stirred a huge cauldron of maize porridge. "She looks absolutely gorgeous today…"
"I hardly see how that's something to be concerned about," the man lifted an eyebrow. "Has the corn gone to your head? Why isn't your mesmerising girlfriend on your arm?"
"Because she's on another's arm," Sebastian blurted out, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "And I can't do anything about it!"
A beat of silence followed. Sebastian bit his lip harshly, while the man seemed to understand the situation. He handed the brunet another cob. "Maybe you do need another."
Sebastian's shoulders slumped and he took up the offer, defeated, biting on the warm kernels. "It's just…" he spoke, voice muffled by his full mouth as he moved the cob around frustratingly. "Today was supposed to be a celebration, and instead I'm here with you and those damn cobs!"
He took another bite and the man sighed. "Just go find her is my advice. You're a handsome lad, and the dress up time has been over for a while I reckon, so she can be yours for the rest of the night."
"What if she doesn't want to be?" The words left Sebastian's lips without hesitation. "He's much more handsome than I am! Maybe she's even… they're even…"
He didn't want to think about it, the idea making the back of his eyes sting a little.
"If she was, why would she invite you?" The man shrugged. "And don't finish that corn, you hear me? Give it to her before your stomach gives up on your body more than you've given up on your dignity."
Sebastian grimaced at the man's harsh words, but he could feel his stomach grumble in protest and he knew he was right. He reluctantly let his now-comfort food lay at his side in his hand, and he made his way through the decorated alleys, dragging his feet like some chained torture was pulling at him.
Maybe it was good if he found her — just to give her his corn, that was. It would have been a shame to waste it.
"Seb! Where were you?" She asked in concern once his legs came to a stop in the plaza. "You weren't at the plays. I just… did you not like them?" She asked, voice feeble and unsure, and Sebastian felt his stomach twist as he realised he'd failed her once again.
"I… got you corn," he retorted weakly, handing her the half-eaten cob.
She took it with a frown, and then she met his eyes with disbelief. "You ate corn all this time?"
Sebastian blushed deeply, before his chest turned cold again at the sight of the man standing behind her.
"You were with him all this time?" He asked caustically, shifting his weight on his leg and crossing his arms defensively.
She was at a loss for words. "What— are you serious right now?"
"Very much."
"He's my partner!" She claimed, raising her voice, the cob in her hands swinging dangerously.
"No!" He snapped, unwinding his arms and taking a step closer. "I am your partner!"
She gasped a few times, unable to retort as she saw the look on his face. He wasn't angry, despite his deep frown and lips pressed together. He was hurt.
"Sebastian," she sighed, stepping closer. "It's just a festival…"
"You danced with him," he responded, the heat radiating from her body making his resolve crumble. "You must have rehearsed a lot."
"Yes, for the festival." The hand that wasn't holding the cob of corn came to lay on his cheek, and he melted in her touch.
"Still, I didn't like the way he looked at you!" He hissed, gesticulating sharply, trying to restrain himself from pacing back and forth as he usually did. "You look gorgeous and…"
"Sebastian… he's married," she sighed, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on his cheekbone, "and he's like… five years older than me."
Sebastian was quiet at that, a small blush coming to rest on his ears when he realised. "So… well married men can… I mean…"
"Not him… trust me," she chuckled, now so close she could bump her nose to his. "Besides," she smiled, amused. "It's a small town, and he's my cousin."
Sebastian gasped, mouth falling open at the revelation. How stupid could he be? He had been sulking the entire evening, missing her plays and hard work just because… because…
"Were you jealous?" She asked, nuzzling his cheek.
Because he was jealous.
"I… I…" he stuttered. "I might have been… eating more corn than necessary."
She laughed against his skin, and he smiled fondly at the sound.
"Yes, I imagined that," she said, handing the cob to her cousin and taking Sebastian's hand in hers, guiding him through the alleys. "But no more corn now."
Sebastian frowned, confusion evident on his features, and she smiled at his face as she got a bundle of keys from the aumoniere hanging from her belt.
"It's my family home," she explained, "and it's empty."
She pulled him inside once she opened the door, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck once he was close enough.
"I'm just…" he began, feeling like it wouldn't be right to do anything without apologising for his behaviour. "I'm sorry I missed your plays," he whispered, feeling guiltier than ever as her lips pressed on his skin tenderly. "I should have valued you more…"
"You've seen the first two ones," she smiled and pressed another kiss on his jaw. "Last two were boring anyway."
"Still, I should have enjoyed them," he protested, returning her kisses. "And your dress, too… you look so beautiful… so…"
"Well… dress up time is over," she whispered, mouth hovering his. "Care to help me with that?"
Sebastian let out a low chuckle at that, smirking against her lips. "Oh, I'm so going to enjoy that."
He pushed his arm back and pressed his palm on the door, closing it loudly behind him.
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