#Nurturing Exceptional Talent
kidsinnowadays · 9 months
How to Unleash Your Child's Hidden Genius: 7 Secret Techniques Every Parent Should Know
Discover covert strategies to nurture and support your child's hidden talents and potential, unlocking their inner genius. #ParentingTips #ChildGenius #SecretTechniques #UnlockingPotential
Unlocking the Potential Within Every parent envisions a bright future for their child, filled with opportunities and success. We all want to see our children thrive, but have you ever wondered if there are secret techniques to help unleash your child’s hidden genius? In this comprehensive guide, we’re about to reveal seven powerful techniques that every parent should know to nurture and unlock…
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originalaccountname · 21 days
I think that, on the topic of Dazai being "made for the dark", it's useful to take a step back and compare him to other characters that had a similar path to his.
Kyouka wasn't always in the PM, and was forcefully brought in when she was a shell of herself. She had natural talents for the skills needed to be an assassin. These skills were nurtured by people who have known darkness their entire lives, who saw them as useful and fulfilling. Except Kyouka didn't like killing, despite being good at it: she didn't want to have to do it. She got help and got out, but she still uses these skills in her new world, just not the same way.
Jouno used to be an executive in a criminal organization. We have seen Jouno in the Hunting Dogs be cruel and mocking. He very efficiently threatened civilians, caused psychological harm to Kunikida while trying to recruit him, roped a child (Aya) into being his witness, and in the past tried to coax a criminal into committing suicide. His own partner, Tetchou, chastises him for these terrible habits, and yet, he wants to help people! Gratitude from the people he helped is worth more than anything, and that's all he needs to be on the side of justice, his strong criminal leanings irrelevant.
Dazai is much like them. His skillset and fragile moral compass were incredibly well-suited for the mafia life. He has talent for business, negotiation, torture, strategy, improvising, etc., and has no qualms about killing. His obsession with death led him to pick the PM as his path, his apathy, skills and insane luck made him at home in organized crime. Yet, his health was getting worse, which meant him being suited for the dark, him being "built" for the mafia life, didn't mean his spirit was. When he left to help people instead, he found more friends, more fulfillment and got better. His previous skills are repurposed or hidden away until needed.
BSD is full of characters who were good at what they did, but unhappy, unfulfilled or unhealthy in their lives. I'd argue that even more characters actively live in that limbo, looking fit for the lives they live, but would be better in a different one, maybe even one a bit harder for them.
Dazai was "made for the dark" the same way Kyouka was made to be an assassin. Dazai found fulfillment in helping people the same way Jouno did. The original statement isn't incorrect, but it's not an absolute truth either; feeling trapped into something you don't like or is harmful to you while being good at or enjoying it is a very common thing that BSD regularly pushes to the full scale of a character's motivations. To not reject how one was "made for" a certain life while fighting or yearning for a different one is compelling: it's spitting in the face of fate in favour of your happiness, it's having agency over your life. It's a good message.
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crypticminx · 5 months
Please pleasee do felix x pregnant reader smut, ily ur writing ur so talented 💌
Thank u my loveee! Here you go xoxo
AN: smutttt, eating u out, sex, breeding kink! Xoxox
Felix is ravenous for you.
Actually, ravenous is an understatement.
He’s so damn starved for your touch since you’ve become pregnant, his internal famine grows more and more as does the swelling of your bump.
He desires you more than ever, finding you as beautiful as all the goddess he ever studied in his Greek mythology class. Like the tragic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice, Felix was so unearthly in love with you that he vowed to do anything for you, but even more so now as you were the one carrying his seed.
So alluring—yet sentimentally fascinating, for the man to watch your body and physique evolve in the most glowing way possible.
Felix just wouldn’t be able to contain himself in a manner that wasn’t touching you all over with his exceedingly needy hands. No restraints could keep him apart from you.
And when you were naked, it was like he was in heaven and you were his angel.
He adored seeing you so full and round with his seed, your once petite breasts now full and swollen. He’d gently cup them, stimulating a nerve inside of you that felt relaxing as your boobs were constantly sore. And when he felt like his hands could only provide so much for his lover, his tongue would ease its way to your hard nipples. He’d be delicate, not wanting to suck on them in a way that would hurt you. So as he’d swirl his desirous tongue round and round, you’d moan for him in agony to just fuck you already.
Making love was a strong suit of his, he was a master in the bedroom and could get you off in a hurry with a few powerful thrusts and some aggressive hair pulling. However, sex while being pregnant was different. It brought out a more sympathetic side to Felix, he was stimulated to no end, but didn’t let his rough, usual pace take over.
Slow and steady, he’d make you feel warm and losen all your tension by eating you out. Plunging his tongue in and out, by taking his sweet time in devouring your delectable cunt. Taking a few sweet moments to glance at your sweaty, pink cheeks before letting his hands roam freely around your protruding bump, his head retuning back to his favourite meal that was sprawled in front of him.
His throbbing cock had no seconds to spare, patiently waiting to enter the insides of your needy pussy, except Felix didn’t rush his stamina to slide it in. Cautiously taking his time, he lightly thrusted his solid cock into you, loving the slow feeling of letting his cock be surrounded in your inner walls that were already so wet for him.
He groaned seeing the image beneath him, your eyes squinting trying not to roll back with how pleasurable he was being, but most all, he loved seeing your bare bump on display for his eyes only. If you’re weren’t pregnant at the moment, there was no doubt in his horny little mind that would stop him from knocking you up this instant.
You were so gorgeous. Your heart was pure, filled with generosity and you had to have been the most selfless person he ever encountered—something so unfamiliar to him.
“Look at you, my little dove,” he proclaimed in between his erotic pants. “All full of my baby….oh so beautiful you are.”
His eyes were full of passioniate fire as his ears were overflowing with the beautiful sounds of your delicate whimpers and divine moans.
He’d get lower on you to the point where his toned abdomen would collide with your swollen stomach, skin to skin, he felt so connected to you.
“I wanna keep you like this,” he truthfully whispered, “keep cuming in you with my seed one after the other…”
A line of Catton heirs, now that was something worth talking about.
He loved everything about you being pregnant. He loved how you needed him, he loved your cute mood swings, he loved seeing your nurturing side blossom.
He was definitely getting you pregnant again.
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tarotwithavi · 11 months
What sets you apart from the crowd?
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
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Pile 1
The way you fearlessly confront the shadows sets you apart in a unique manner. You possess the exceptional ability to embrace even the darkest aspects of yourself and others, those that many people might try to hide or avoid discussing. Your fearlessness extends to being misunderstood, as you are unafraid to stand alone in the shadows, while others are held back by the fear of being misunderstood and fail to be their authentic selves. I can see that you have gone through a phase where you felt isolated, believing that nobody would understand you. However, that experience has only made you stronger. You have emerged from it with resilience, and now, you are committed to being a dependable presence for others, understanding what it feels like to be left alone without anyone to turn to. Your love is truly unique, as you offer it unconditionally, without reservations or restrictions. This genuine and boundless love that you emanate sets you apart from others.
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Pile 2
Your perspective on the world is truly distinctive, and it captivates those around you. People can't help but be drawn in by your unique way of seeing things. Your innocence has a magnetic quality that makes others fall for you, and it adds to the aura of mystery surrounding you. Despite appearing innocent and angelic, you still hold an air of secrecy that intrigues many. The way you effortlessly blend innocence, mystery, and cunningness is truly enchanting and mesmerizing. There's an inexplicable and irresistible charm to your deadly angelic vibe that people can't quite put into words, but they can't help but feel and experience its impact. Your constant growth and evolution only add to your allure. You have a way of always changing and developing that sets you apart and keeps people intrigued. Your dynamic nature is a source of fascination and admiration for those fortunate enough to know you.
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Pile 3
You have a remarkable ability to make people feel truly protected and at ease when they are around you. Your caring and nurturing energy has a way of making others feel pleasantly relaxed, almost like drifting into a state of contentment. It's as if they become addicted to the sense of peace you bring into their lives. Moreover, you have this extraordinary quality of recognizing and appreciating the small efforts that often go unnoticed by others. You acknowledge people's talents and skills, and you're not afraid to give them credit where it's due. This makes you stand out in a crowd. Another aspect that sets you apart is your capacity to hold no grudges and your willingness to always forgive others. This quality of compassion and understanding is truly exceptional and something not everyone possesses. The way you carry yourself with Grace is extremely attractive. It makes you captivating and alluring. The way you honor friendships and relationships is exceptional.
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agendabymooner · 10 months
the paddock’s resident menace and the dame ! toto w. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
summary: two things: tia christie wolff really was her papa’s carbon copy AND tilly wolff wasn’t just “mrs. wolff” after being presented with a damehood.
content warning: dad!toto and mom!ofc, the wolff kids being menaces (mainly one kid), fluff, christian horner being a good uncle, mentions of one baby leclerc and hearth sister!ofc (stevie hamilton), everything is strictly fictional so don’t take it to heart plz i know nothing about the dates/full criteria of damehood presentations and whatnot
note: more tia wolff content, i guess :) enjoy xx
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in a remarkable recognition of her outstanding achievements, tilly marie wolff (née hearth), a british billionaire and owner of hearth automotive groups, has been presented the prestigious dame commander title from the most excellent order of the british empire. this honor is a testament to her remarkable contributions as an automotive industry leader, philanthropist, and her success in the world of formula one racing. additionally, wolff's passion for literature and writing has led her to establish write well uk, an organization that encourages writers to explore literature and literary writing through tailored programs.
a force in the automotive industry
tilly marie wolff's influence in the automotive industry is undeniable. as the owner of hearth automotive groups and its subsidiaries, she has revolutionized the sector by implementing a nonprofit and community services approach. her visionary leadership has transformed the way the industry operates, emphasizing the importance of investing in charitable organizations and launching programs to support those in need.
philanthropic endeavors
wolff's commitment to making a positive impact on society is evident through her generous philanthropic endeavors. she has invested substantial resources in various charitable organizations, focusing on initiatives such as community shelters and youth programs. by providing essential resources and support, wolff has helped countless individuals and communities thrive.
founding organizations and racing team youth programs
throughout her illustrious career, tilly marie wolff has founded numerous organizations, including youth programs associated with her racing teams. these programs have not only nurtured young talent but have also provided opportunities for aspiring individuals to pursue their dreams in the world of motorsport. the success rate of these initiatives has been exceptional, further solidifying wolff's reputation as a visionary leader.
literary pursuits with write well uk
in addition to her accomplishments in the automotive industry, tilly marie wolff has a deep-rooted passion for literature and writing. leveraging her background in journalism and communications, she established write well uk, an organization dedicated to fostering a love for literature and literary writing. through this organization, writers are encouraged to learn and explore more by participating in programs tailored to their needs. write well uk serves as a platform for aspiring writers to develop their skills and engage with the literary community.
recognition and ceremony
the awarding of the dame commander title to tilly marie wolff is a testament to her remarkable achievements and contributions. at the ceremony, she was accompanied by her husband, toto wolff, the mercedes amg petronas f1 team principal, their daughter tia wolff, and her brother-in-law, lewis hamilton, a renowned formula one driver who had previously received this prestigious honor.
connecting motorsport, literature, and community
wolff's involvement in the world of formula one racing extends beyond her ownership of hearth automotive groups. she holds a significant stake in the successful red bull racing team, as well as a twenty percent ownership in both scuderia ferrari and mclaren racing. her influence in these teams has not only contributed to their success on the track but has also allowed her to further connect motorsport with community initiatives. through write well uk, she bridges the gap between motorsport and literature, encouraging writers to explore their craft while fostering a sense of community.
tilly marie wolff's journey from a british billionaire to a dame is a testament to her exceptional leadership, philanthropy, success in the automotive industry, and her passion for literature. her commitment to transforming the industry's approach to nonprofit and community services has had a profound impact on society. through her charitable investments, youth programs, and the establishment of write well uk, wolff has not only changed lives but has also left an indelible mark on the world of formula one racing and the literary community. her recognition as a dame commander is a well-deserved honor, celebrating her remarkable achievements and contributions to both the motorsport, literary, and wider community.
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tagged tillywolff, hearthautomotivegroups
liked by christianhorner, gerihalliwell, lewishamilton
user1 i can brag about being related to the dame tilly wolff and sir lewis hamilton, if i'm being honest 🙃
mercedesamgf1 us too tbh 😇
user2 it's well deserved ❤️
user3 she did not carry the youth and charity programs of ferrari, red bull and mclaren (hell even mercedes) only for her to not be recognized for it 😭😩
user4 the best thing she had done was quit vogue tbh 🤭
user5 no seriously though 🥲
user6 their kids would be like "yeah my mum/aunt is dame tilly wolff and my dad/uncle is sir lewis hamilton wbu" in the future and i think i'm okay with that 😍
user7 alexa, how do i get adopted into the hearth family?
user8 redbullracing come get your boss, he's lurking at the merc page
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tagged tillywolff
liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, mickschumacher
georgerussell63 no wonder why we're eating good this week 🤭 liked by mercedesamgf1
mickschumacher did she eat all of the scones?! liked by mercedesamgf1
mercedesamgf1 we are here not to deny nor confirm that mini toto has indeed taken a chance to take every berry scone she saw - as requested by a certain adelmo
mickschumacher i can't even fight a birthday girl
mercedesamgf1 you can't fight your boss' 7 year old daughter, mick.
mickschumacher i know.
user1 silverstone gp hits different for us merc fans 😩
user2 happy birthday mini toto!!!
user3 happy birthday to the only girl who can give christian horner the headache he didn't need!
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notsorryiml8 · 2 days
Ok, maybe a hot take or not, but I have been thinking as they're two of my Naruto favs and my favorite father-son duo and father's day is next weekend here, but nobody ever talks about how Sakumo messed up Kakashi's life. Okay, before you get on me, yes, people do talk about him un-aliving himself and the impact that had all the time, yes, I get that. BUT, nobody ever talks about how he put Kakashi into the ninja academy at 4 (!) and essentially robbed him of the possibility of EVER having a normal childhood and as a result, a normal life. I get it, I mean your child is this exceptional prodigy who's not "normal" - probably was talking at 3 months, walking at 6 months, reading at 18 months and maybe had 2 chakra natures by the time he was 3 🤷🏾‍♀️. *headcanon alert* Single-parent Dad had to work all the time as a legendary shinobi in a world at war and probably had NO idea what to do with this child with that kind of intellect and talent and would see it as a waste to keep him home (daycare/sitter/where all the other babies go who have active shinobi parents??). So he wanted to nurture those talents - to him it made sense, and in a lot of ways it does, but still...the shinobi world was messed up. 4 year olds should be learning their ABCs - yeah yeah yeah, he already knew his - or playing in the sandbox - okay, so he didn't play well with others, but still, just sayin'...
Then we get to Hiruzen. Sakumo in all likelihood had to ask permission from Hiruzen to enroll his child, who was only born 4 years prior, in the academy. But Hiruzen only saw this child as another tool. Even in the (filler) anime, Hiruzen was all hyped about watching that little 6-year-old in the chunin exams and the Forest of Death. Then, apparently, saw nothing wrong with putting that baby boy on multiple squads with teenagers and adults(!) who kept kicking him off because they refused to take orders from a baby with an attitude problem and then was also sending him on missions during a war (ngl, he'd make a good decoy and would be good at hiding and espionage bc they'd think he's just a cute little kid - Hiruzen, my man, I get it - a six year old is like 3 1/2 feet tall and weighs like 40 pounds on a good day).
Going to give gramps some benefit of the doubt. In looking at mission stats, Kakashi did a heck of a lot D-ranked missions - after Iruka, Kakashi has more D-rank missions than any other shinobi, so thinking Hiruzen possibly felt some guilt and did keep him in the village for some time because of his age (hopefully?? like "here's a mission, go pet some lonely puppies at the animal shelter and spend the day with them to build social skills."). But still...make it make sense. Everybody gets on Hiruzen because of how he treats Naruto, but old man's been treating kids that way long before Naruto was born. And don't give me that, "well, Kakashi was a genin at 5, chunin at 6, so he was technically grown" bs...because then I will say go see the first paragraph about his daddy unintentionally setting him up from the start. Everybody was trying their best, I guess...
Okay, now getting off my high horse and going to bed 😊...
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helix-studios117 · 23 days
Halo Reloaded: Gifted
John Downes sat cross-legged on the polished wooden floor of his family's modest living room on Eridanus-II, the late afternoon sunlight casting long shadows across the room. In front of him lay a deck of cards, face down. His small, eager hands flipped one over—Ace of Spades. He looked up with a triumphant grin, his bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Is it this one, Dr. Halsey?" he asked, his voice brimming with youthful enthusiasm.
"Yes, John, that's correct," replied Dr. Catherine Halsey, observing the boy with a mix of professional interest and genuine admiration. She adjusted her glasses, her expression thoughtful as she made another tick on her clipboard. This was the tenth time in a row John had guessed correctly, an improbable feat that seemed to defy simple chance.
John's parents, Anna and Michael Downes, exchanged a look of mixed pride and bewilderment. They sat on an old, comfortable sofa, leaning forward, their attention wholly focused on the extraordinary display of their son's abilities. Anna's hands were clasped tightly together, her knuckles white with tension.
Dr. Halsey cleared her throat, setting aside her clipboard. "John, you have a very special gift," she began, her tone warm yet filled with an undercurrent of seriousness. "I'm here because we have a place for children just like you—children who are exceptionally talented. It's a private military boarding school on Reach, one of the best. It's designed to help gifted young people like yourself become the best soldiers for the United Nations Star Council."
John's eyes widened, his imagination already racing with visions of space adventures and heroics. "Really? Like in the stories?" he asked, barely containing his excitement."Yes, exactly like in the stories," Halsey smiled, then turned to address his parents. "I assure you, John's safety and well-being will be our top priority. Our program is designed to nurture and protect our students while helping them reach their full potential."
Michael rubbed his chin, his brow furrowed with concern. "It sounds like an incredible opportunity, Dr. Halsey, but it's not without risks, right? He's still very young."
Halsey nodded, her face solemn. "I won't mislead you. The training is rigorous, and the challenges are real, but we have comprehensive safety protocols in place. We also provide top-notch education and personal development programs. It’s a chance for John to do something truly remarkable with his abilities."
Anna looked over at John, seeing the eagerness in his posture, and sighed softly. "And you really think he's ready for something like this?"
"I do," Halsey replied confidently. "John is not just ready; he’s exceptional. His talents are extraordinary, and in the right environment, he can thrive."
The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of the decision hanging in the air. Finally, Michael nodded slowly. "We'll need some time to think about it," he said, his voice steady.
"Of course, take all the time you need," Halsey said, standing. "I'll provide you with all the information and answer any questions you might have. We believe John has a bright future ahead, and we hope you'll consider this opportunity seriously."
As Dr. Halsey left, John tugged at his mother's sleeve. "Mom, I really want to go," he whispered, his voice filled with hope and a little bit of worry about their approval.
Anna pulled him into a hug, her heart torn between fear and pride. "We know, sweetheart. We'll think about it very carefully, I promise."
Two weeks had passed since Dr. Halsey's visit, and the decision had been made. The morning was brisk and clear on Eridanus-II, a perfect day for new beginnings. John stood outside, his small suitcase packed and ready by his side. His heart thudded with a mixture of excitement and nerves as he awaited his ride to a new life.
The distant hum of engines grew louder, and soon, a sleek Condor transport descended from the sky, its matte black surface gleaming under the morning sun. The powerful thrusters kicked up dust and leaves around the family’s front yard as it landed gracefully a few meters away.
John turned to his parents, his excitement momentarily overtaken by a surge of emotion. Without a word, he threw his arms around them, burying his face into his mother's side. Anna and Michael hugged him back fiercely, their eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Remember to call us, okay? We want to hear all about your adventures," Anna said, her voice thick with emotion as she stroked his hair.
John nodded, pulling back to look up at them with a brave smile. "I will, Mom. I’ll show you everything with the holo-vids," he promised, his voice steady but his eyes betraying his nervousness.
"And listen to your instructors, alright? Make us proud, but more importantly, take care of yourself," Michael added, giving John’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, trying to pack a lifetime of advice into his words.
"I will, Dad. I’ll be careful," John replied, his young voice full of determination.
With one last squeeze from his parents, John picked up his suitcase and walked towards the Condor. He climbed the ramp, turning around at the top to wave. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! I love you!"
"We love you too, John! Be safe!" they called out, waving vigorously until he disappeared inside the ship.
The doors closed, and the engines roared to life, louder now. The Condor lifted off the ground, turning towards the sky.
Anna and Michael stood watching, their hands held tightly together, as the ship became a small dot against the vast blue, their hearts full of hope and worry for their son’s future in the stars.
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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- This is more a theory but Vertex - Fama aspects in the FAMA PC could possibly mean that you’re meant to be famous at some point. Keep in mind this doesn’t equal long term fame but it possibly can. It’s more like fame was fated to happen to you at some point in your life. ESPECIALLY if it’s CONJUNCT
- Asteroid Singer aspecting the MC or in 10H in the FAMA PC could mean being famous for singing/ being a singer (it being your job)
Beyoncé - Singer sextile MC
Britney Spears - Singer square MC
Whitney Houston - Singer 10H
Michael Jackson - Singer trine MC
Sun conjunct NN in APOLLO PC could indicate being perfect/ exceptional with your talent(s). Depending on the sign and house you can be very boastful or humble about it. Nonetheless everyone can see how you’re a master of your craft.
Fame degrees (5°, 17°, 29°, 11°, and 28°) in the APHRODITE PC could indicate being well known as sexy/alluring/beautiful. Depending on the placement you might find this attention with your friend group/community, online, in your career field or just the basic public
Aphrodite in the conj ASC/MC can indicate that too ^
Webb - MC in WEBB PC could mean that you’re meant to be an internet persona or be well known online and that your work/job might involve the internet or you get jobs and opportunities because of your internet persona
Venus - ASC/1H Venus/ Micromegas -Venus/ Micromegas 1H in the MICROMEGAS PC could indicate a person who can put minimal effort into their looks and get a lot of praise/compliments. Borderline pretty privilege. You better work ✨
Venus in the 10H or Capricorn in the VENUS PC could mean that you want someone who is a business person, a boss, an authoritative masculine figure or someone with some sort of power. Basically you want a daddy
Venus in the 4H/ Cancer in the MARS PC could mean that you’re sensitive, caring, nurturing and a bit emotional when passionately interacting with your lover. You also might be attracted to feminine/maternal people
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Prompt: “You’ve never been too much for me.”
Song: Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
For Tolya x Reader please!!
Saints Or High Water - Tolya x Reader
Yes. Happy to oblige.
Content Warnings: Canon Compliant Threat and Fear Related To Targeted Violence and Execution, Not Beta or Proof Read, Suggestions Of A Difficult Family Life and Upbringing, Anxiety, Self Doubt, Negative Self View And The Terrifying Fear Of Being Known Loved And Seen.
Does it count as hurt/comfort if you're just being mean to yourself until the very kind shapely man tells you you're worth something?
Just another drabble I guess.
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There is good and bad in everything, the universe finds a way to create balance. The Small Science is no exception to that rule. Being Grisha is an extraordinary thing, there's deep beauty in the power The Saints give. But that doesn't mean being Grisha is always easy, and those in the parts less forgiving to Grisha, less understanding, less inclined to see gifts as blessings but as signs of witchcraft or sin, this was ever clear. But even the quieter ways, within oneself being Grisha isn't always easy. A talent is a talent for as long as you nurture it, as you learn it, keep it close and well maintained, but these kinds of talents aren't always easy to tether. They try to teach Grisha young for a reason.
You're sitting on the edge of the deck, and it's one of those days, where being so many miles from shore feels like a blessing, because distancing yourself from land makes everything feel less real. On the Volkvolny the ability to practice The Small Science is admired, under the operation of Sturmhond, on this ship with a crew he had collected, it was usually far more easy to forget the harshness that waits on land. But not today.
Today the waves are not big enough to swallow all the feelings that are raging just underneath the surface, keeping you a safe distance from anyone else on the ship. The wind rushing over the sails, and the all the crashing of water against The Wolf could not drown out the thoughts echoing so loudly within your mind, determined to be heard, demanding to be seen. Thoughts that are taking up more space than you ever would dare to take up at all.
A Heartrender like any Corporalki worth their salt as a Grisha would be able to sense the mood from this distance, and almost all would know when sadness runs this deep and this quiet, that nothing would really help, and likely that help would not be welcomed. At sea, it is generally accepted to let people be with their feelings, the ocean more forgiving than the land. More accepting too.
But Tolya Yul Bataar was not just any Heartrender, and you had long come to know that about him. Not only was the strong giant as poetic as he was stoic, which was a lot, but he was also persistent, in that quiet, gentle way that you had come to know. Never had you known a man who's honour was more evident than his strength and yet stood quite as tall and strong as Tolya.
His approach is slow, gentle, arms crossed as he leans into the post, as if he had no other reason to be there. He probably doesn't, but you don't linger on that thought.
"Come to share some poetry have you Tolya?" You ask against the wind. Maybe he won't hear you, and he will leave you to this quiet sadness once more.
"That wasn't my intention but I am happy to oblige," he smiles and for a moment you forget why you wanted to be alone. Tolya has this way with you, of making you forget even if just for small moments just how cruel the world can be.
You glance as he unfolds his arms, to reach for a small book in his pocket, and you have long forsaken asking him how he managed to keep his skin exposed in such cold conditions as you watch some of the salt spray hit his upper arm and he leans away from the waves to shield the book.
"O the opal and the sapphire of that wandering sea,
And the woman riding high above with bright hair fluttering free,
The woman whom I loved so, and who loyally loved me."
You let him read to you a while, as you watch the way the water turns white as it hits the sides of the ship, wondering if the water wants to be different, something else to what it is and that is why it endlessly tries to throw itself against whatever it passes, desiring to be changed by the impact.
"Those are new," you comment after a while and Tolya smiles and it reaches into those golden eyes and you try not to look too closely. Tolya is something else, and you wonder if you would've stayed here on this ship, with this crew for as long as you have had it not been for him. Never had you known anyone like Tolya, and you doubt you would again, and it was with such certainty of that you held onto his presence and his companionship as deeply as you could, while trying to spare him the overwhelming closeness of knowing you.
"As much as I enjoy you indulging me, I sense that maybe it's less about my passion today and more about what you wish not to say," he says.
For all the time, and all the practice, and all the attempts to keep him far enough away that your mistakes could never end up being his burden, he still sees straight through you like you were glass.
"Today I am the ocean, unreadable and entirely too much," you admit.
You feel the warmth of his presence before you notice him moving closer, his shoulder now pressed to yours as he leans forward on the edge of the gunwale.
“You’ve never been too much for me.”
"And I intend to keep it that way," you say without thinking. Tolya is honest, honest and true in a way that makes you want to be so back. Tolya stands so tall and yet does not cast a conceited shadow, his shade is nothing but comforting. A Grisha, a Heartrender, who would rather use the weapons he practiced and learned to fight with than his blessings. Probably because of his faith, but Saints you'd never stopped to ask.
"You cannot be do much for me," he says quietly. You expect a joke to follow, a comment such as 'you've met Tamar,' but in the absence of his twin, Sturmhond or any other member of crew to joke to, his sentiment is more important than the shielding of it.
You remain silent and that tells him exactly what he thought you might say: you do not know me enough to say that.
"I understand why you do this," he says quietly, "after years of being called a monster, it is easy to believe yourself to be one, and it takes much more to undo such damage than it does to create it. But you are not what those for fear you speak you to be."
His kindness always brings a warmth that no fire could ever come close to bringing. You drag your eyes from the waves and he is watching you, gentle and consistent.
/And I don't want the world to see me/
"I do not always feel that I was gifted, not when I was told I was cursed," you admit. "But it is not me that I am quiet for. I am more concerned about those who must be around me. Those who could be hurt by my monster."
"You are no monster," he says, reaching forward and placing his hand over your own. You expect his hand on yours to feel more rough, more calloused, but all you can feel is the softness of his expression and the tenderness of his words, with the grounding weight of all he means to you. /'Cause I don't think that they'd understand/
"And I know I cannot make this storm pass, but I will wait with you, until it does, we can stand here, and we can say nothing," he says. "And we will wait until it passes, and I will stay here, right beside you."
/When everything's made to be broken/
You lean into him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and holds you close and for a short moment it all goes quiet.
/I just want you to know who I am/
"What if it doesn't pass?"
"It will, but if it doesn't, I will stay right here."
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kidsinnowadays · 9 months
How to Cultivate Genius-Level Talent in Your Child: 7 Controversial Methods
Explore unconventional approaches to inspire and support your child's exceptional abilities, aiming to unlock their full potential. #ParentingGoals #ExceptionalTalent #ControversialMethods #ChildDevelopment
In the hushed corners of parenting circles, there exists a dream that dances in the minds of many: the dream of nurturing a child prodigy. Picture your child dazzling the world with their remarkable talents, whether it’s composing symphonies at age five, solving complex equations before they hit double digits, or mastering chess strategy beyond their years. It’s a dream that simultaneously…
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
I'm not shying away from the discourse. I just have a tendency to READ THE ROOM. I understand tensions are high and a lot of JM stans are very sensitive- justifiably so. I don't see the point in engaging in a discourse that's only going to exacerbate the issue.
Just because you have something to say don't mean you have to say it RIGHT NOW. That's counterintuitive and unproductive if you care about the message and it's reception.
As I said, my space is a safe space for you. I recieve praises and rants and I'm not gonna judge. But when your rant is not about releasing pent up emotions or frustrations but mixed up with targeted hate and vitriol towards a member, me or anyone else I will not indulge you. Simply bcos I don't hate no body and I cant get get behind that sorry.
Like I said, I understand the frustrations and the need to compare how different artists are treated differenrly under the company.
But while it's easy to go berserk on the company, it takes much effort and detachment to understand that these people we are fighting for have agency in the equation. And because I've talked about this in the past I hate having to repeat myself over over.
I really wish I cared enough to dig into my archives to reblog those posts. I don't want to- it's not fun🥴
But yea, once again, I'll point out to you that all these JK was sent here and was given that and that only speaks to the faith and chance the company was willing to take on him and the lack of faith they had in JM as an artist. They undermined and underestimated JM and to an extent just didn't know what he needed or how to nurture his talents.
They could see his potential as an exceptional dancer and even incorporated dance into the groups act mostly because of JM. They could see he had the looks and a unique voice but at the time of inception it wasn't what they needed for a hiphop group.
People made fun of a hip-hop group dancing as part of their routine and some of the members didn't want to dance- cough Suga, cough Namjoon- Namjoon💀 bless his heart😩
Then they were made fun of for being pretty boys and for wearing make up as hip-hop artists and all that was challenging to them all because they were all being molded into what they are today.
And believe it or not JMs street dance style together with his overly masculine and toned body was more priced in the hip-hop industry at the time more so than his unique voice which wasn't very suited for rap.
And while we compare JM and JK- understand that within that context of the past, at debut, JM didn't need dance classes🤷🏾
In fact, JM was the ideal body type at the time and the others were pushed to attain his body type and imitate his work ethics. Context really matters.
We can talk about members like suga who hated to dance and felt it was stupid and who desperately needed those dance lessons but couldn't afford it and had to work as a delivery boy to support himself. One would think, he could use that dance class investment no?
At debut JM was taking rap voice training. He didn't need to get flown to the US for this training because guess what? The entire team were flown out to participate in vocal training and rap training- on the show we have agreed not to mention on my blog💀
Sometimes when we talk about our dislike for the company, I feel we hate the company for opposite reasons. For instance, I am not too particular about what each member is given. You know why? Because THEY PAY IT BACK eventually. every dime.
The resources they give to the boys is not for free. hybe is not into charity. And I remember pointing out moments of JM himself talking about this. He would be having a meal or drink with the members and he will point out how this will be taken out of their stipends. Everything is paid back. Even the food at the hotels they stay at. The flight they take, the studio time, their vocal lessons, dancing lessons etc.
It's an artist managerial contract.
I feel we've all been in the Fandom long enough to have these concepts at the back of our heads all the time. Hybe is a business not a charity.
The only reason they may not be investing much in an artist is if they feel that artist does not have much selling power or potential to sell to begin with or if THE ARTIST THEMSELVES DECIDES THEY DON'T WANT TO BE INDEBTED TO THE COMPANY.
Sadly, these companies don't care about how talented you are all they care about is how much money you can make them. You could have the biggest fanbase in the world, if it's not translating into money you are a high risk for them to invest in.
I feel, and this is just an opinion you can disagree with it, that they thought JM was alright vocally speaking- because his voice is the most exploited out of the vocal line💀
When I say exploited I mean, he's always harmonizing, providing adlips, hitting high notes and not given much range and dynamism to experiment with his voice. It's an opinion I could be wrong about this.
I feel it's why the first thing he did on his album Face was to experiment with his voice. And it's why a lot of people felt confused about it because they were used to hearing him do one thing over and over with his voice. Where as for the others you don't place them in the same box and say well Tae is all low registers and it's weird hearing him sing falsettos now. But if JM deviates from his high key almost feminine range then suddenly it's "that doesn't sound like JM"
It can be objectifying you know?
And for hybe they seem to have an idea of what they think will sell and to a degree they might be on to something with that. However that leaves no room for experimentation with their artists. You either conform or fit the mold.
When I say I have a feeling the members have a similar but unique terms of contract with the company people act like its the most absurd thing they've heard but if you can tell just by looking at how much they disproportionately invest in the boys then you can conclude they have different contract terms that allows for these different treatments. Otherwise a contract that mandates JK to take dance lessons abroad would mandate JM or Tae to do same. Because it's one and the same contract.
The company has resources and it decides how to distribute those resources to artists based on their intuition about those artists and also based on the statistical returns on those investments. They are a for profit venture after all.
The company had their money out on some members and not so much on others. Jimin, Tae- dead ass hid Tae for the entire duration of predebut and had Jimin walking around uncertain he was gonna debut with the group. And not just that they had him worrying if he didn't work twice as hard nearly to perfection that they would drop him
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Imagine the brain fuck that is and for a minor nonetheless.
For a company that began as a hip hop dance group their primary concern was of course THE RAP LINE. Jimin was pushed to rap even though he hated it and thought rap just wasn't for him. Yet they were pushing him to take rap lessons when he didn't have the passion for it. The results? They left him full of self doubt and confusion and stripped him of his sense of self and his confidence simply because they couldn't nurture his potential.
If I hadn't had a breakdown over him choosing to conform to mainstream male body standards by buffing up, old me would have spiraled hearing him rap on Set me free and yall would have canceled me again 🙃
For me, I'm triggered easily seeing him dabble in things that he'd said he'd been traumatized by and coerced into doing in the past. Rapping, working out, exposing his body, the list goes on. They've been coerced into conforming to certain things and my eyes twitch whenever I see them accepting and conforming to things they weren't comfortable with- like Jm saying he pushed himself to tone his abs thinking they were all going to be showing off their bodies only to find out he was the only one that was going to do that and how uncomfortable he had felt.
These men will share their trauma with us but keep us in the dark when they healing through those traumas and spring surprises on us having us looking crazy😐
Do yall remember him saying, when he was reviewing their sexy photos during Be that now that they were grown concepts like that suited them? These men were coerced into objectifying themselves for our entertainment as minors and we don't talk about that💀
Things like that is why I hate the company. The exploitation, objectification, and frankly I don't think they paying these men WHAT THEY DESERVE to be putting them through all that. Bang PD rich rich when it's the boys killing themselves to make him all that money🥴 I'm looking at you hybe
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Yet these I feel, how much resources they allocate to an artist depends entirely in the artist. Now they have agency and bargaining power and enough resources to invest in themselves.
Company investment is like a loan to them which they have to pay back and I think now they are in a position to say no to that especially if those charges are ridiculously high.
Remember, they are paying the company to manage them not the other way round. So if you are going to push for more resources to be assigned to them take a minute to consider if it's a debt the artist wants to take on or something they are willing to pay the company back for.
And remember the company themselves raise funds through venture capitalists or bank loans which they have to pay back eventually so they don't just cut the checks on a whim. They need to justify to stakeholders and account to them what and where they put those monies so they don't end up losing all their money and going into debt.
Hybe nearly went bankrupt before BTS. Suffice to say, they do trend carefully.
Besides, Jimin's potential isn't something the company has always seen or recognized. It's why many of us were drawn to Yoonmin in the first place. He nurtured jimin through some really difficult moments of indecision and identity crisis trying to find his place and purpose within the group.
With hybe I feel they have too many talents than they know what to do with sometimes and most times they are winging it and dare I say hoarding talents because while they don't know what to do with them they fear letting them go because if there's one thing they know for certain is that the market is unpredictable.
When we support Jimin, we show the company he is marketable and profitable as an artist and worthy of investment and shouldn't be underestimated. Forget who else sells. Yes Jungkook would get a BB number one too and so will Taehyung. Inshallah. BUT THEY HAVE NOTHING ON JIMIN.
1. Hybe wasn't investing in JM bcos in my opinion they undermined him or couldn't recognize his potential. THEY SHOULD LOOK AT HIM NOW
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2. Jimin has enough bargaining strength and resources outside the company to invest in himself now even if the company refuses to do that for him
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3. He controls his destiny. He has agency. He decides the direction of his career and if the company is holding him back as a SOLO artist and not giving him resources for his MV or to tour- even though his tours can be paid for and sponsored by companies and brands HE CAN DROP THEM COS HE A BAD ASS
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Also just because I have a lot of girl boss gifs don't mean I'm a lesbian. I could be a feminist. Please don't judge.
Let me know if this post makes sense
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On Perth, LBC, and PerthChimon
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This is a public appreciation post to @thirstkanaphan for so patiently, persistently, and eloquently convincing me to give Love By Chance a try. It’s also a lot rambling about Perth & PerthChimon more generally.
Before I dive into saying many positive things, I do have to state that while I know this varies by country, in my country the age of adulthood is 18. I feel very strongly that actors below that age should not be placed in situations where they are sexualized. And Perth Tanapon was 17 for the filming of LBC, if not 16 for some of the early workshopping. I have not watched and am not recommending watching any scenes where he is sexualized (of which there is one nearly every episode). I also recognize that this was a very toxic filming situation and am so so grateful he, Saint, and the other actors involved are no longer there.
That out of the way, I am genuinely grateful to be watching this for several different reasons:
1. The baby!Kang of it all!! They have their differences, but wow, this kind of dumb, protective, so so nurturing boy is incredibly familiar and I love seeing how Ae was molded into one of my absolute favorites
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2. The Perth Tanapon of it all!! It’s hard to believe that this is his first lead role. He absolutely kills every scene he’s in. I’m loving seeing his early talent and comparing how it has blossomed into what we get today
3. The foundation for BL - as someone relatively new to BL, it’s incredible to see how many tropes call back to this. Everything from the Sailom/Kang on the motorcycle scene, to the Mhok/Day hand massage, I can see the foundation for here
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4. The way everything now makes sense. The backlash against PC has continued to be bewildering to me, but I think now I finally understand it (with much coaching by Paige; sassy commentary is mine not hers haha)
PS played up very strong Seme Uke dynamics both on screen, and off as well from what I can tell. They were built on differences — height difference, age difference, power dynamics. Ae is indisputably the lead in the show, and then as I’ve watched old PS videos I’ve seen a lot of the reverse — this very soft, babied Perth. Plus a lot of physical shipwork — near kisses, possessiveness, that type of thing
PC are the complete opposite. Same size, same height, almost same age. They’re equal in so many ways and they’ve been building up this very gradual escalation in shipwork rooted in their trust. Only now, a year and a half into partnership are we really starting to see Chimon get comfortable enough to flirt openly on stage
This is not commentary on one being better than the other — it’s such a personal preference thing. But if someone adored AePete/PS for embodying more traditional Seme Uke dynamics, they’re likely not going to love PerthChimon. So it’s nice to feel like I have a bit of clarity there.
For me, LBC has only deepened my love for Perth (which is out of control now), given me a deeper understanding of some roots of Dangerous Romance, and made me more excited for what’s to come.
Yesterday, there was another obnoxious post in the PerthChimon tag about how they don’t “have chemistry” (instant block). Again, I loved Dangerous Romance — I think the episode 9 scene was stunningly beautiful — but I recognize there are a lot of people who want to see more from them (if they don’t open their mouths they should be separated?? I guess). Perth shows powerfully in LBC how much he can bring to a romance across all scenes, from snuggling in bed, to handholding, to kissing (and presumably everything I’m fast forwarding). And he and Chimon have stated countless times that they’re getting closer and closer by the day. The more they build trust, and the more Chimon opens up to intimate scenes, the more sparks we’re going to see while filming (WINK!! 🔥🔥)
So this is a lot of rambling to say: Perth Tanapon has completely wowed me in LBC, I think he is an exceptional romantic lead, and I’m only more convinced that one day when they graduate from filming a show set in HIGH SCHOOL, he and Chimon are going to destroy us. I can’t wait. (GMMTV part 2 where you at?)
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swiss-mrs · 4 months
Welcome to EVERMORE
Stranger Things AU Series - Directory
"Hello, students! Here at Nevermore Academy, our purpose is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and strengths that you will not only need to survive in the human world but also as a member of the supernatural one. For the most part, they coincide, but there are plenty of things you will learn with us that you will not find anywhere else. We strive for our academy to be a safe haven for students to learn and grow no matter who you are. We sure do hope you find yourself welcome with open arms. Welcome to Nevermore." - Principle Larissa Weems
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Welcome All! Here is where you will find some introductory information you may need to know about our universe and what lies beyond. This is Evermore.
"Founded in 1791, Nevermore Academy is an academic institution that nurtures outcasts, freaks, and monsters. Our mission is to help each student master their extraordinary abilities through world-class academics and unique extracurriculars."
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Nevermore Academy is a school for the supernatural. The expansive campus is nestled in the secluded outskirts of Jericho, Vermont. Here, you will come across creatures and talents of all kinds. Our main focus is to teach young Arcane to master their abilities, learn new skills, and create a sense of community amongst the youth of our world. We currently teach ages 10-19 but are hoping to expand this range to include young adults and adults by introducing the upcoming Nevermore College Program.
First Year Class Schedules
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As new students, in addition to the traditional math, science, language arts, and social studies, your class schedule may include the following courses:
Intro to More (MORE 001)
This course is for those new to the world that lies beneath the average. Some topics taught and discussed in this class include but are not limited to: Terminology, Supernatural Beings, Supernatural Activities, and Separating Truth from Myth. Instructor: Professor Gardnal Shaw
Intro to Transmutation (TRNS 101)
This course is for werecreatures that have either never transmuted or may have transmuted previously but have not done so willingly. In this introductory class, students will be taught the technicalities behind transmuting. Upon completion of the course, students will have mastered the ability to comfortably change form on command. Instructor: Professor Mira Safierto
Intro to Occult Practices (OCCP 101)
This course is for Arcane interested in studying and practicing the art of magic. This course is available to all students. In this course, students will be introduced to beginner friendly spells and potions. Upon completion, students will have mastered the basics of occult studies. Instructor: Professor Jennifer Oldek
Specializations (SPCL 001)
This course is for Arcane who have existing, specialized powers but have yet to master or control said power. This course is typically a one-on-one class. Students will be matched with a teacher who can best fit their needs. Upon completion of this class, students will have successfully passed the beginning stages of safely controlling and practicing their powers. Instructor: [Student Specific]
General Information for New Admissions
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Upon arrival, all students will go through an initial orientation, be provided with a Nevermore Academy uniform, and will be assigned to a mentor. Mentors are long-time Nevermore students deemed fit by staff for the task of taking new students under their wing. They will be responsible for ensuring each new student is equipped with the proper learning tools and also carry the responsibility of walking new students through their schedule.
Along with getting a uniform and schedule, new students will also be provided with student housing. All students are expected to remain on campus in the supervised academy dorm rooms.
Quiet Hours are between 8:00PM - 7:30AM. Campus Curfew is 10:00PM with the exception of select school events, field trips, sporting events, and/or approved club events.
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Nevermore Academy offers a wide range and variety of extracurricular activities and clubs, including but not limited to:
Marching Band
and More!
As we believe in the importance of community, new students are welcome to join clubs and sporting activities as seen fit.
Enroll Now!
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Thank you for your interest in our school. Please contact our admissions office with further questions regarding campus tours, enrollments, and other general questions.
See you soon!
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agendabymooner · 9 months
sebastian and sons (& soufflés) || sv5 fic
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sebastian vettel x ofc (filipino!ofc)
(recommended read for context: sweet spoiled schatzi and “besties”)
Summary: Somewhere in Switzerland, the Vettel family were living the sweet life they’ve always wanted. OR have you ever wondered what fatherhood was like for Sebastian?
Content warning: dad!Seb centric content, Seb x adoptive daughter!OFC (Barbie), beekeeper Seb, Seb and Mick content, Mick Schumacher x OFC appearance, Multi-21 joke, mentions of adversities in childhood, fostering/adoption, infertility, pregnancy. 
Note: Dad Seb, Dad Seb, Dad Seb content. Enjoy xx
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Life couldn’t get any better than this. Sebastian Vettel didn’t know how perfect his life could get when he first met Belinda Ong until they reached the second month of their situationship. Fifteen years later, they were still thick as thieves; with the exception of the fact that they’ve a two year old son and a 25 year old daughter. 
Well… many could argue that Barbie Elisandra Blanco wasn’t their daughter because they’d be way too young to have her at 1999 — but the couple knew how much she meant to their unconventional family. She was still their daughter.
Life was extremely good, indeed. Sebastian was an optimist and he liked to think positively about everything in life. He was happy about anything (his smile got him the title ‘Babygirl’ in twitter but it wasn’t anything that any of them knew). His optimism alongside Bel’s faith were the things that got them through the difficulties of their life. 
After all, you can lose your faith trying to build a family that you both sought for the longest time. At least, that was what Sebastian realized when he witnessed Bel’s doctor break the news that she’d need to get treatments to increase her chances of conceiving. They've begun trying since 2014 and Bel became unhappy by 2015 — believing that she ruined Sebastian’s hopes of becoming a father to their little ones. 
Sebastian said otherwise. When she first cried in front of him about their dire situation, he almost cried himself. To see your wife be miserable because she was unhappy with the situation she assumed she’d brought you to? It was hard to see her blame herself for the lack of kids at home. It was as if she grieved for the loss of happiness at home. No amount of money could make up for the unhappiness she felt. 
But then Sebastian navigated her back to a 15 year old Barbie, telling her that while she’d gotten those treatments as she wanted — they’ve a girl to care for. Barbie was a sweet girl and she looked up to Bel and Seb as if they were her parents, and the driver merely wanted Bel to see herself as a mother to the girl instead of putting her whole heart into the sadness that infertility had caused her. After all, they had the money that could make up for Barbie’s adverse childhood experiences.
Sebastian thought that his life was great even before he moved to Switzerland with Bel. His routine changed when he lived in a gated community in the Philippines, all thanks to the girl that they began to foster. The girl remained a part of Seb's pride.
Much like the street kids, Barbie came from poverty and a family of toxic relatives. She was only fortunate enough to be put to the system when her father passed away and she was an only child. She didn’t have any extended family that would be more than capable to care for her, as far as everyone knew. 
They thought that becoming foster parents was the best decision they made. Because they couldn’t imagine their life without Barbie in it. She was a girl of many talents and ambitions.
So while Bel had gotten her treatment, Barbie was nurtured by the couple even if she became an adult in the eyes of the government. They had given her everything anyone could ask for. She was even handed a contract to model and become an artist because of her ability to do everything— but she chose to leave her contract to expire two years after as she decided to come along with the Vettels to Switzerland. She didn’t ask for much; all she wanted was to be with the two. 
Sebastian certainly thought that while he lived a good life, Barbie should too. So somewhere in Switzerland, he, his fostered daughter and his wife were living well. 
Alongside the three of them would be the cutest 2 year old to have existed in the world. His name was Kimuel Sebastian Michael Vettel. Everyone called him Kimi, and much like Sebastian’s former Ferrari teammate, he was entertaining and lovable in his own ways.
Kimi was brought home to Switzerland a few months ago, back in 2023. If there was anything that Sebastian had learned from the moment he came home, it was that he was dearly loved by all. By that, they meant everyone — even the neighbours that they have in Switzerland. His cheeky smile could get him places, Britta told the couple once, especially when he got the Vettel special. Apparently, that cheeky grin enthralled everyone. 
Their home in Switzerland offered a lot of things, which included a flower garden and an apiary that Sebastian often checked whenever he and Kimi would go out for their morning walk.
Speaking of morning walks… The Vettel family’s day would often go like this… 
“Shoot, shoot, shoot—“ Sebastian leaned against the kitchen island as he was shaken out of his thoughts by the heavy footsteps that descended from the second floor of the house, with them being followed by mutters of expression as a frazzled, yet somehow well dressed Barbie stepped inside the dining/kitchen room. 
He looked up in surprise before glancing down at his watch. Now this was unusual, he chuckled to himself before greeting the girl with a joke, “Good morning, Dornröschen.” Sleeping beauty. 
Barbie paused from her steps and gave Sebastian a look of annoyance, leaving the older man to snicker. Barbie rarely slept in but when she did, it was hard to get her to get up. Sebastian didn’t often call her Sleeping Beauty. 
His laughter immediately died down when she continued to run around the kitchen to fill up a thermos with coffee and milk. He only continued to watch her as she took a first sip and grabbed a slice of fruit from Sebastian’s plate. “Hey,” he scolded her playfully, “you ask first before you can start grabbing.”
“Sorry, Seb, I’m starving,” Barbie rushed out of her mouth before she made her way towards Kimi, who sat on the dining table with his cut up blueberry waffles and sliced bananas plated in front of him. She leaned down to press a loud kiss on his head before she said, “Morning Kimi— and I’m late.” 
“It’s only 7:45, schatzi,” Sebastian told Barbie. “You should eat.”
Barbie deadpanned, “My school is forty minutes away. I don’t want to be too confident that I’d drive there in time.”
“You’re a law-abiding driver,” Sebastian let out a noise, “you’ll get there in time as long as you’re not slow or getting arrested for being slow… or for speeding, either.” 
“This is rich, coming from someone who didn’t listen to Red Bull’s order all those years ago,” Barbie joked, reaching out to kiss Sebastian on the cheek only to be stopped by the German at a distance. 
Sebastian gave Barbie an unamused look, to which Barbie grinned as she laughed, “Are we not joking about that? Even Webber had a good laugh when I said it.”
“Kimi, Dada can’t take a joke or something and he’s making me even more late because of it,” Barbie remained smiling as she mischievously pulled a face at Seb, making the man laugh as he rolled his eyes and pulled her to a tight hug. 
And when he pressed a kiss on her hair and pulled away, she immediately took her hand out with a raised brow. “You took Roman’s key. Can I have it? Or should I start taking a train that’ll make me half an hour late and risk getting scolded by Bel for being late?”
Sebastian groaned in annoyance, still not knowing how she knew he’d hidden it away as a prank. He took the keys of her pink G-Wagon from the island cupboard and tossed it to her, leaving her to grin. 
“I still don’t understand why you named your car Roman,” his voice rang out as Barbie made her way out of the house with her bag and thermos. He knew that it had something to do with her name Barbie and some rapper who called her fans Barbz. Nicki Minaj, or whatever the name was. He knew why. He just didn’t understand it fully.
“I’ll see you later. Bye Seb! Bye Kimi!” She exclaimed from the other side of the house.
“Drive safe, Barbie! No phones out while driving, okay?” Sebastian replied from the entrance of the dining room, earning a yell of ‘okay’ from the girl as he said, “Have a good day, schatzi!” 
It wasn’t even ten minutes after when Sebastian’s wife, Bel, made her awakened presence known to her boys as she greeted them with a good morning and a kiss on the cheek of Kimi — and a loving kiss for Seb. She certainly looked better than the morning before— with her looking extremely exhausted, sick and all of that.
“Why was it loud, Seb? Something happened?” The Filipino woman asked while she allowed her tea to steep, approaching Kimi to clean up his plate and his empty sippy cup. The boy toddled after his mother, his silent request of watching her by the sink was fulfilled as Sebastian lifted Kimi up to the counter next to where Bel did the dishes. 
Then he leaned on the other side of Bel, answering his wife with a, “She slept in.” 
Bel gave him a look, “That’s unusual.”
“Tell me about it,” Sebastian shook his head. They’ve known about Barbie’s routine ever since she started attending an international high school in the Philippines. Now that she was continuing her culinary education, her routine remained the same. 
“But I suppose that’s what happens when you’re dating a driver who travels for more than you can count,” Bel shrugged nonchalantly, “the closest thing you have to a date is a Skype call.” 
Sebastian chuckled, “Don’t tell me it all didn’t work out in the end for you? It would be quite a shame if the man didn’t marry you.”
Bel snorted before swinging her foot in his direction, with him avoiding the kick with a laugh. His hearty laugh left Kimi confused for a second until he saw his father grinning, leaving him to giggle loudly. Bel turned to give her son a playful look, “Oh? You find Dada funny? Is that funny Kimi?” 
“Dada is funny,” Kimi said cheekily. Bel wiped her hands dry with a towel before attacking Kimi with kisses on the face, the boy giggling endlessly as he squirmed in her hold. “Mama! Tickles!” 
“Oh is that right? Does that tickle?” Bel laughed, turning to look at Sebastian who remained grinning at the sight of his little family.
Yeah their day was going to be as good as any other day. 
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Sebastian then decided that today was going to be productive as well. It was only 9 AM and so far, with his son Kimi in tow, had checked on the apiary during their morning walk. 
Of course it took Sebastian five minutes to dress Kimi in his beekeeper suit (to avoid getting a scolding from Bel about their son getting stung) and for the next fifteen minutes the boy sat there as Sebastian explained to him the state of the apiary and the bees. (“No,” he told Kimi when the boy uttered the words ‘Honey for Dada?’ “I don’t think they’ve some just yet, Kimi.”) 
Then Kimi asked about the sizely text at the side of the apiary, to which Sebastian responded with, “Your Ate Barbie made that for Dada, Kimi.” While he gestured towards the logo “Sebastian & Sons” at the side of the bee farm. Barbie, when she first found the empty apiary, immediately took it in her own hands to customize it and had dragged Gina Schumacher along to a hardware store and purchased some paint to mess around with. Sebastian & Sons, according to Barbie, referred to the mentioned driver, Kimi and Mick. The youngest Schumacher was often roped into the Vettel boys’ morning walks and apiary trips whenever he decided that 8 AM was a good time to visit the household during his week off from the races. 
Then Bel departed from their home to head to work after insisting that she was feeling more well than she did the day before. Sebastian came along at the office, a place that both he and Bel had established in Switzerland for their philanthropic ventures, but he often stayed home with Kimi. He did say that he retired from working to care for his family, after all. He preferred spending his time around his bee farm and Kimi while showing appreciation for Bel’s staff for handling certain aspects of their group that brought Bel home early at times.
Sebastian, who glanced at the clock — which screamed that it was merely 9:16 AM, had already gotten ready for the day and made sure that his son did too. Kimi was dressed in a jumper and jeans, his hair naturally flattened. Dressing Kimi tended to be stressful at times — not everyday Sebastian got to grimace at the tag of the clothes that his son wore. Sure the space cat print of his navy jumper was cute, but his sanity went down to zero when he realized that it was another Gucci jumper that Kimi wouldn’t be able to wear in the next year. 
He loved his boy to bits, but his mother tended to spoil him a little bit too much. It wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do — he just thought that Bel could find him a cuter piece at a cheaper price. 
The stress was short lived thanks to the doorbell that went off just as Sebastian helped Kimi slip on both his shoes. He stood up and told Kimi, “Stay here, schatzi.” The boy only nodded before he continued to watch his Handy Manny episode on the television.
Sebastian wasn’t a fan of surprises, but when Mick Schumacher stood in front of the door at 9 AM on a Tuesday morning after a long doubleheader, he wasn’t sure if he should be pleased or confused at the sight. 
“Oh, good morning, Mick,” the older man greeted the young Schumacher. He then glanced around to see— yup, none of the vehicles he’d been expecting weren’t there. “How are you? Congratulations on your P2 in Imola, by the way.”
“Thanks Seb,” Mick offered him a sheepish smile before he glanced down at Seb’s clothes, “I’m not interrupting your trip to someplace, am I?”
“No, I was just getting ready to leave to get some groceries with Kimi,” Sebastian replied, gesturing towards the direction of the family room where Kimi was. The mention of his name must’ve been what summoned him, with the toddler peering from the room as his eyes brightened at the sight of the younger German.
Mick saw the boy and grinned, hoisting the boy in his arms when Kimi ran towards him with an exclaim of, “Mackie!”
Sebastian paused for a moment to chuckle at the sight before he returned to the subject, “And we’re just heading to Michael and Corinna’s after.” 
“Oh about that,” Mick paused as he playfully chomped down on Kimi’s puffy cheek and deadpanned, “Don’t.”
“What?” “Like don’t go there just yet.” 
Mick then explained, “I just got there for breakfast and they’re both driving me insane. Gina isn’t any better.” 
“Oh? Why?” Sebastian didn’t know Gina was also home. 
Mick whispered heatedly, “I just got back from a doubleheader and they’re already asking about the date I’m gonna go to with Barbie. I haven’t even gone yet!”
Sebastian stared at the blond, a laugh escaping his throat as he shook his head in amusement. If this was what Mick had running away from his own parents, then Sebastian couldn’t wait to show the younger boy how insufferable he could get about Mick’s relationship with Seb’s daughter. 
The smirk on his face left Mick recoiling as he shook his head, “Please don’t tell me you’re in on the whole conversation, too.” 
Sebastian laughed heartily before patting the boy on the shoulder. “Are you going to come with us for the grocery?” 
“If I did, will you stop discussing my date with Barbie because you guys are scaring me away.” 
“Depends,” Sebastian replied with a shrug, “she’s had her jokes this morning. It’s only fair I take it back, no?” 
“I’ll take a joke, but don’t scare me off.”
“I’m not scaring you off, Mick,” Seb scoffed. “If anything I’ll most likely scare you into going on the date. Can you take Kimi to the car? I’ll just shut off the TV then we’ll head out.”
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Their trip to the grocery store was eventful that they’ve chosen to have an early lunch at a nearby restaurant. The Vettels always found themselves in the said restaurant almost every Saturday — reserving the Sundays to watch Mick race on the television  — and it was safe to say that walking in on a Tuesday wasn’t a surprise for the staff either. They all knew that whenever Bel couldn’t go and Barbie would be off to her culinary school, Seb and Kimi would come in for Kimi’s favourite spinach and egg soufflé — that and maybe some chocolate soufflé for dessert. 
Mick was a different story, though. He knew the local restaurants in Lausanne but he’s never been at the restaurant where he sat now. But it was a comforting place, his hot chocolate being sipped on as he continued to talk about Barbie with Seb.
Mick wanted his own mind to drift away from the constant questioning of his parents about the date but Seb knew better. Mick would talk his ears off about Barbie and right now, wanting to not discuss the girl wasn’t an option. 
Seb had to sit through the entire lunch with Mick looking like a kicked puppy with lost hopes and he just wanted to rip Mick’s hair out for even doubting that his date would go badly. 
“No seriously, Seb,” Mick insisted, his knife cutting up his country fried steak as he ate, “Dad literally made up these scenarios and Gina goaded him into thinking I’m gonna fu—“ 
Sebastian gestured at Kimi and stared at Mick with wide eyes as the younger German man paused from his words and corrected himself, “I’m gonna do so badly.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, occasionally glancing at his son while Kimi devoured his savoury soufflé. “She slept in today because you asked to go on a date with her just as she was sleeping, Mick.” 
Mick Schumacher has always had a crush on Sebastian’s daughter Barbie ever since she was brought to a Grand Prix in Malaysia back in 2014. She was two months into Bel and Seb’s care and with her unhappy experiences of making friends at her school (with her ultimately ending up with practically no one but a sense of isolation), they did everything to make her as happy as they could — that included taking her to races while her schooling took place on the road. Her first trip to Malaysia was an eventful one, with a fifteen year old Mick Schumacher touring her around the paddock while they talked about the most superficial things. 
Or rather, Mick Schumacher talked while Barbie listened and tried to learn the language. Barbie couldn’t speak English back then and the only thing she could offer him and Gina were shy smiles. That smile made Mick fall real hard. Nine years after, nearing a decade in a couple months by now, Michael Schumacher’s carbon copy finally— FINALLY asked her out. It took Mick almost ten years to even make her his girlfriend. So Sebastian didn’t understand why he’d act like he’ll mess up on the first try of their official date. 
“She slept in? But she answered when it was like 10 in LA.” 
“And what time is it in Switzerland by then?” “I— right.” 
“Why are you so worried about Barbie anyway?” Sebastian gave Mick a baffled look. “She said yes for a reason.”
“To see me go through this terribly?” 
“Oi,” Seb nearly reached across the table to smack the boy at the back of his head as he pointed, “You and her went to that Valentine’s Day trip in Disney doing perfectly fine. You didn’t even get scared about it being a date until Bel said something so don’t get too scared now.”
“I didn’t even know it was a date,” Mick groaned. 
“And I did not chase those boys off back when you two were what— fifteen? Sixteen? Yeah I did not get hated by a teenage Barbie for a couple weeks - even months - just so you can chicken out of the date that you could have had years ago,” Sebastian told Mick with a scowl, leaving the younger man to look away from him down to Kimi — only to recoil after he saw the similar frown on the toddler’s face. 
“I’m not gonna not chicken out, Seb,” Mick rolled his eyes. “You’re just not making it easier for me. You and Dad, man! You two always got something to scare me with.” 
Sebastian, no longer scowling, merely chuckled at Mick’s anxiousness. Mick was scared for a good reason, but in between making it official with his childhood crush and losing her to a certain Monegasque (Arthur Leclerc)? Yeah, Mick would choose the former. So for him to spew out everything to Seb — who made sure that Mick got the girl even at a young age — was something of an honour.
The retired driver was humble but he couldn’t help but be egotistical about the situation that unfolded before him. He had his manipulative tendencies apparently, but he had been rooting for Mick and Barbie and he knew how well the two got along ever since they met.
Yeah, Mick’s life was doing good as far as Sebastian could tell. 
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Seb: My lunch just consisted of soufflés and Mick’s constant whining about their date. What about you, darling? 
Bel: I got the same from Barbie except from the soufflé part. Jealous of you and Kimi though— I’ve been craving for some lately xx
Bel: I am quite certain that Barbie's a few steps away from backing out but I made sure she doesn’t. 
Seb: Please make sure she doesn’t. Mick was just the same and it took a lot of my energy to get him to stop worrying too much.
Seb: You can have as much soufflé as you want, liebe, just make sure your daughter’s not going as equally insane as Michael’s son.
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Sebastian watched Kimi as the toddler tidied up in the playroom, putting away his toys with Sebastian’s guidance and his Woody bear in hand. 
“Wood,” Kimi pointed at his pile of wooden blocks. 
Sebastian nodded before crouching down and picking it up, “Where do I put it?” Kimi pointed at the storage bin that laid on the playmat as Sebastian nodded in agreement, “It is empty. Yeah this is where we put it. Thank you, schatzi.” 
It was only 3 PM and Kimi recently woke up from a nap, with him dragging Sebastian (who certainly wasn’t on his burner Twitter account for the entire hour) to his playroom just as quickly as he pulled the sucker off his mouth. Seb had asked Kimi if he could help tidy his playroom before he went to nap, and the boy clearly knew what his agenda was even after napping. 
Now here he was, asking Sebastian where to put things while his best friend, the Woody bear, was being dragged around just as Kimi cleaned up his stackable and pretend play toys.
“How about your kitchen? Do any of the pans need cleaning?” Seb asked, watching as Kimi walked up to his little kitchenette and pulled out the rack out of the bottom counter, showing his mini steel pans.
“‘s clean, Dada,” Kimi answered, pointing towards his little cooking materials.
Seb smiled and nodded, “Good! At least I’m gonna eat healthily thanks to you.”
“Seb~ I need your opinion,” Sebastian looked up towards the entrance of the playroom, watching Barbie stand there in some flared jeans and her cream cashmere jumper — the name Christian Dior knitted across her jumper yet there was no sign of flashiness in her choice of clothing. The typical Dior print didn’t taunt anyone. 
“Nothing too flashy, it’s just your regular going out clothes if you ask me,” Sebastian replied with a nod, “I like it.”
“Do you?” The German man nodded again as she said, “It’s nothing fancy then?” 
“Barbara, I’ve seen your mother get dressed to the nines whenever she gets invited to haute couture shows,” Sebastian huffed, “You’re in Switzerland— you can dress as fancy as you’d like.” 
“What do you think I should wear for jewelry?” 
“Remember that one thing you got from Dior when you attended the show with Bel?” 
“There’s a lot of them,” Barbie continued.
“The one you went to recently,” Seb said. He may not know much about fashion before, but retiring from driving had its perks. One of them was that he was able to keep up with what his wife and daughter had gotten from their fashion week trips. He even knew the fashion week schedules because Bel often attended. She was still a socialite, regardless of her status as a mother. Everyone invited Bel Vettel to their shows.
“Ah, okay,” Barbie nodded. “What about bag?” 
“What do I know about your bags?” Seb huffed out before Barbie raised a brow in amusement. He knew what her bags were— he was one of the culprits who’d sit down across from an associate whenever Bel attended an appointment to purchase a new bag for herself or for Barbie. Hell, he purchased nearly half of Barbie’s collection of bags. He then sighed, “That small blue Hermes one.” 
“Danke, Seb!” Barbie grinned before looking down at Kimi, “Kim, what do you think about Ate’s clothes?” 
“Pretty!” Kimi answered.
“I agree,” Sebastian nodded as he shooed her off in the process, “now go. Don’t let us get in the way of your night out with Mick.” 
“Thanks Seb! Thank you Kimi-boy! Happy cleaning!” 
Sebastian sighed happily as he looked at his son, “Your Ate Barbie is very much something. Now, where were we?” 
“Cleaning Dada! Remember?” 
“Ahh yes, we were just talking about the kitchen. Now, how about your grocery store? Have we stocked up on the carrots?” 
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Life couldn’t get any more perfect than this. That was what Sebastian Vettel told himself when Bel Vettel came home that night with an envelope in hand, her other hand shaking as she gripped her phone. 
“What’s this, liebling?” He wasn’t really trying to get his hopes up. But the grin on Bel’s face showed a lot of emotion as much as her tears did. She continued to record on her phone. 
His hands shook as he ripped the envelope open, accidentally spilling out its contents as a black and white photograph fell out. He stared at the photo for a moment, a gasp escaping his mouth as he peered down at it. 
Picking it up, he continued to stare at the growing body in the picture. It said on the photograph “Belinda O. Vettel, Week 15.” 
“You surpassed your,” Sebastian stammered, not even caring about the phone in her hand as she sobbed behind the camera. He looked up at her, “Oh— you’re 15 weeks.” 
Bel nodded eagerly, dropping her phone on the bed as she guided his hand over to her stomach. He smiled in surprise and joy, his tears finally flowing as he cried. “Oh my god, there’s a baby in there.” 
“I didn’t know why I was really sick and I went to the doctors today,” Bel explained, “they’ve managed to squeeze me in for a test and screening.” 
“And you— you’re pregnant,” Sebastian sniffled quietly, pulling her to his arms as he cried. “Kimi’s gonna be a big brother and— Barbie’s gonna be a sister again.”
“Yes! You’re gonna be a dad to another baby, Seb.” 
“God, I fucking love you so much,” he planted kisses all over her face as they both laughed happily. “Thank you, thank you—“
“No Seb,” Bel sobbed, “thank you.”
The front door clicked open as Barbie and Mick arrived. 9 PM, as Seb told Mick. They got home at exactly 9 PM. 
“Good evening— what’s up with the tear train?” 
Both Bel and Seb turned to look at the younger duo, whose faces were showing equal confusion. 
“Uh, I was just coming in to say good night and we want to say something but uh,” Mick gestured at the picture in Sebastian’s hand, “I think… that beats our announcement.”
Barbie’s grin faltered for a moment before offering Mick a confused look. Then she looked at the picture, then back to Mick, then looked at the couple with a gaping mouth. Her eyes began to get teary as she asked, “No- really?”
Bel nodded eagerly as Barbie let out a strangled noise as she swore, “Holy fucking shit?!” 
“Oi, watch your words,” Mick scolded, a grin remained on his face as Barbie grabbed onto the closest figure to her and hugged Mick tightly. 
“Did you not see the picture in Seb’s hand?!” Barbie squealed as she cried out, “Pregnant! Mick! Bel’s pregnant! I have a new baby to care for! Are you fucking kidding me!” 
Mick laughed lightheartedly, offering Seb a grin as he couldn’t move in his spot. He was too busy getting suffocated by Barbie’s happy hug. 
Somewhere in Switzerland, the Vettel family (including Mick Schumacher) were joyful at the news and they’d continue to feel that way as their family expanded by a pair of two feet. Sebastian was glad he retired and met Kimi along the process. God was he ever this thankful for his foster daughter because his household wouldn’t be as loud and as happy if it wasn’t for her joyful and enthusiastic nature. He knew that he loved his wife, but he never expected to love her harder than this. 
Yeah. Life was so good. It was nice to know that Sebastian had already gotten used to it beforehand because his girls were crying in joy at the good things handed to them and he was able to keep them from feeling overwhelmed.
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jordanianroyals · 5 months
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11 January 2024: Crown Prince Hussein, accompanied by Princess Rajwa, attended the launch of the Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum.
Speaking at the launch, Crown Prince Hussein highlighted the forum’s importance in unifying the two countries’ efforts towards technological excellence.
He stressed Jordan’s keenness to become a rising force on the international tech scene, highlighting the importance of digital transformation and entrepreneurship in nurturing creativity and turning ideas into reality.
The similarities between tech talents in Jordan and Singapore can be a bridge that connects the two countries and enhances cooperation in service of mutual interests, the Crown Prince said at the forum, held by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and Jordan’s embassy in Singapore, in cooperation with the Singapore Business Federation and SG Tech. (Source: Petra)
His Royal Highness invited business people, experts, and CEOs to visit Jordan to learn more about the ICT and entrepreneurship sector, which is full of promising Jordanian talents.
Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh said that with more than 8,000 students graduating from IT-related programmes each year, Jordan’s digital economy continues to flourish, noting that Jordanians are making an impact that is attracting businesses from around the world.
He expressed the ministry’s keenness to continue helping Singaporean companies find the perfect home for their business in Jordan, highlighting the Jordan Source programme, which is helping businesses capitalise on Jordan’s exceptional potential as a global IT and business process outsourcing hub.
The Jordan-Singapore Tech Alliance Forum saw the participation of nearly 150 representatives of tech start-ups in Singapore, in addition to six Jordanian start-ups that provide technical support to international companies in sectors like gaming, digital education, and creative industries.
During the forum, key Jordanian tech companies gave briefings on their work, and participants engaged in discussions to attract international firms to Jordan by showcasing the competitiveness of the ICT sector in the Kingdom and success stories of Jordanian start-ups.
The forum also featured a presentation on the Jordan Source programme, launched in 2021 during a ceremony attended attendance of the Crown Prince, to promote Jordan as an international hub for innovation and investment in ICT and communications.
The forum is part of a series of Jordan Source promotional tours to attract investments and build partnerships with international companies seeking to expand into the Middle East through Jordan.
On the sidelines of the forum, a memorandum of understanding between Jordan’s Institute of Banking Studies and the Singapore FinTech Association was signed.
Planning Minister Zeina Toukan, Jordan’s Ambassador to Singapore Samer Naber, and Director of the Office of the Crown Prince Zaid Baqain attended the forum.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Manga Update 229 Review:
No reason for this image, just me enjoying Saitama's meaty thighs. That's all.
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Story: Like putting lipstick on a hyena
We open with Tatsumaki taking a phone call. She's dismissive of the idea of shooting a commercial to promote the Hero Association to prospective heroes -- until she remembers Saitama talking about how he'd once been weak and agrees. Let it be noted that Tatsumaki doesn't do anything half-assed: she throws herself into the role of ambassador with such enthusiasm that she ends up trashing the studio.
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She is less than impressed with what comes out of the session: a cutesy, saccharine call girl simpering in a commercial, about as true a reflection of Tatsumaki as lipstick and a pink bowtie on a spotted hyena. Fubuki, unfortunately, comes home [1] just as Tatsumaki gets hung up on. Oh, dear, there goes the roof. Looks like they'll be staying in hotels for a bit -- ar at Hero Association HQ -- while the damage is fixed.
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More goings on under the cut.
I'd love to blame Amai Mask for producing the AI-edited monstrosity. But the true blame lies with McCoy. He orchestrated the campaign. The public lap it up, it conforming to an image that's palatable to see [I have A LOT to say about this but that's another post.]
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Nastier-minded people would have asked, 'which organization', but so it goes when one has the benefit of the doubt
After the HA executives praise McCoy for his adroit management of the HA's image, they (especially a guy I'm calling Walrus 'stache) turn to the recruitment figures to find...
...ah, let me wind back a second. It's true that the Hero Association is always recruiting, but it's taken on additional urgency with Metal Knight having apparently thrown billions of Yen away on infrastructure and weaponry that don't work [2] and Tatsumaki being unmanageable. We return to the story...
...the ad campaign had made no difference. The Hero Association approval ratings were up, but recruitment was still on its downward slide.
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What gave?
The answer comes from two other conversations happening contemporaneously. One is between a Hero Association scout and Axel, the leader of a vigilante group known as The Hunters, the other between another scout and a super-sumo champion named Raiden. In each case, the scout is sent off with a flea in their ear as the prospect in question has another engagement.
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Yes, there's another hero organization in the wings, and it's hoovering up as much talent as it can find. It's even reaching out to current heroes.
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We cut to a very dapper-looking Genos being asked by a very tired-looking Dr Kuseno what his intentions are, given this information and the former's feelings about the Hero Association. Genos starts to answer, but we'll have to wait for the answer as the scene switches to Saitama doing a spit-take as he sees the commercial.
Meta: Finally, some good fucking food
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Everything can be faked (except truth)
Many people have already noted the jab at AI fakery inherent in 'Tatsumaki's ad,' so I won't belabour the point. I shall leave it to another post.
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Alas, heroes don't grow on trees
The Hero Association's newfound desperation to find new heroes has been a long time coming. People who make good heroes are rare critters. There is not only the need for exceptional ability (even C-Class heroes are incredible), but there's also a need for willingness to serve as a hero, moral principles, and stability under very trying circumstances. Fooled by the previously buoyant numbers of applicants, leading to 55 Hero Tests being conducted as of the time Saitama and Genos applied, they've applied an 'easy-come, easy-goes' attitude to their recruits. When they should instead have recognised them as rare talent to be nurtured, even the lower-class heroes. Looks like there have been seven more Hero Tests since those two joined, and the news has not been good.
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At no point does the HA appear to have had more than 600 heroes on the books: retention seems to have been a big problem. It fits in well with the executive Gobrich's frustration with the situation that support for heroes is too top-down and hasn't listened to their actual needs and concerns. Bushohige (the Bearded Worker) has made similar points -- but no one's listening to him, either!
Sekingar at least appears to have seen the light in this regard and at least appreciates that heroes, whatever their abilities, need to be used *well* rather than be treated as a disappointment for not being S-Class heroes. But he's just one person and has only recently been promoted.
And now... with the advent of actual competition, the spigot of fresh new bodies to take in and use up has largely dried up. What a to do!
Speaking of drying up
Genos is draining the very life out of Kuseno at the moment -- it reminds me of Uu and Reigen. Yes, the doctor made him a cyborg, and so on one level, he can't really complain if he's the it man when it comes to giving him upgrades. But Kuseno is all alone. The stress of worrying about Genos when the latter casually dumps horrors on him and the burden of designing upgrades (how do you God-proof a person, anyway?) is really getting to him. And he has no one to talk to, let well alone share the burden with. [3]
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Try not to die of overwork, doctor! At least not before you can find Genos a new situation.
[1] Looks like Fubuki lives with Tatsumaki in the manga. Either that or she lives close by and has a key. Love to see it.
[2] Truly an eavesdropper hears no good of themselves. The manga change from Metal Knight being scolded in person to overhearing it is brilliant.
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[3] In a kinder world, Kuseno would be able to call Bang to at least have a sympathetic ear (heh, and Bang had a personality transplant). Kind and ONE don't mix, at least when it comes to his fictional characters, so too bad.
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