#Exposing Your Child to Various Fields
kidsinnowadays · 9 months
How to Unleash Your Child's Hidden Genius: 7 Secret Techniques Every Parent Should Know
Discover covert strategies to nurture and support your child's hidden talents and potential, unlocking their inner genius. #ParentingTips #ChildGenius #SecretTechniques #UnlockingPotential
Unlocking the Potential Within Every parent envisions a bright future for their child, filled with opportunities and success. We all want to see our children thrive, but have you ever wondered if there are secret techniques to help unleash your child’s hidden genius? In this comprehensive guide, we’re about to reveal seven powerful techniques that every parent should know to nurture and unlock…
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nvirskies · 5 months
it's getting hot in here - c. la rue
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warnings: reader is like half-naked? just no shirt on is all but reader is wearing a sports bra, nothing sexual just like a tad suggestive?, clarisse is a gay mess, kinda ooc clarisse, i know next to nothing about blacksmithing please hang in there with me, fem reader, no use of y/n, self-conscious reader, not beta read
summary: clarisse goes to pick up a custom order dagger from the forge when she's met with an unexpected sight.
hephaestus!daughter!reader x clarisse la rue
word count: 1.3k
taglist: @lvrue @azrielsdiary @b0ok-lover @star-girl69 @petitegavotte
from this post !
a/n: tbh might make this a multi part thing, at least a second part. also, so sorry this took so long to finish- i got sidetracked with a couple other things irl. hope you enjoy! men, nsfw, non-sapphics, 16- / 19+ dni
It was no secret the kids of Cabin 9 ran a side business to make some extra cash. It was pretty lucrative, given that there would always be a line of demigods waiting to have their weapon(s) of choice customized. Custom engravings, patterns cast into handles, ergonomic handpiece add-ons, and so much more. Name it, and it would be done for the right price, forged with impeccable quality.
And that was how Clarisse La Rue found herself heading to the forge just east of the strawberry fields with a thin paper in one hand and a small bag of golden drachmas in the other. The edges of the slip were just barely singed, and the writing on it looked nearly incomprehensible to many eyes, scribbled notes of her order confirmation and gods only knew what else. It didn’t matter to her, she just needed it to get her dagger and go.
Crowds parted for her like the Red Sea, once-lively conversations coming to a grinding halt as she walked straight through crowds and groups with nothing more than a glare and a sharp look in any general direction. 
In no time at all, the familiar sounds of machinery clanking, fire hissing and crackling, and hammers striking metal filled the air. It was the forge, the singular place where one could guarantee there would be at least one child of Hephaestus in there at all hours of the day. 
She pushed open the heavy metal door, swinging it wide open soundlessly despite its obvious weight. And what a sight she was greeted with. You were there alone, hunched over a piece of blisteringly hot metal, pounding away at it with a hammer in one hand and a pair of tongs in the other.
Something about you entranced her. 
She didn’t know if it was the way your hair was pulled into a low ponytail, some loose strands clinging to the sides of your face, the way you subconsciously bit your lip as you focused completely on the red-hot metal in front of you. Or perhaps, it was the way your muscles rippled in the dim firelight as you struck the metal again and again, a thin sheen of sweat covering the exposed portions of your skin from both the heat and the exertion. 
Maybe it was a combination or something else entirely. 
As she gazed at you, a light blush dusted her cheeks as she came to the realization that you weren’t wearing much while working. The heat of the forge had led you to forgo wearing a shirt entirely, said shirt reduced to a tiny, crumpled gray bundle of fabric in the corner of the room. You were left wearing a sports bra, dusted with ash and soot and a pair of baggy sweatpants resting just above your hips.
It wasn’t as if Clarisse had never seen people dressed in less before. Hell, she’d seen her own fair amount of skin for various reasons. But this time, it seemed different. The slip of paper and bag of coins in her hands were forgotten momentarily as she simply stared at you from the doorway.
The way the dim light of the roaring furnace illuminated you from behind gave you an almost ethereal glow, the edges of the flames flickering around your moving silhouette. 
She could see the muscles in your arm and shoulder tensing and relaxing with every ever-so-precise swing of the hammer, and she found herself silently watching you work from the doorway. 
Ultimately, it was the soft clinking coming from the bag of drachmas Clarisse held in her hand that drew your attention away from the project in front of you. Your head snapped up, tense and a tad startled from the sudden sound, having been so zoned into your work that you hadn’t noticed her presence. 
The hammer in your hand dropped to the metal workbench with a loud clang, the sound reverberating throughout the forge, ripping Clarisse from the glossed-over, hazy look in her eyes as she watched you move just moments ago, having been completely and utterly under your spell.
“Shit-!” you exclaimed, jumping slightly and wincing at the harsh sound, eyes widening further as you’re greeted with the sight of a Clarisse who seemed far too casual compared to how she normally treated campers, especially given her outward distaste towards children of Hephaestus. 
And all of a sudden, you’re all too aware of your lack of a shirt and your cheeks flare with an embarrassed bright red flush.
Flushed the same color as the heated metal in front of you, Clarisse noted absentmindedly. It wasn’t a look she didn’t like. But of course, she would never admit that. The big, bad Clarisse La Rue flustered over something as insignificant as muscles on a girl? Impossible.
Her attention is drawn back to you, observing as you scurry to the other side of the room to grab your stashed-away shirt, slipping the loose grey fabric over your body, any and all views of the muscles she had seen just moments prior completely disappearing in a matter of seconds.
After having taken a few calming breaths, you steeled yourself for a barrage of snarky remarks that you were sure would come spewing out of the Ares cabin counselor’s mouth like acid out of the myrmeke’s mouths, but they never came.
Instead, you’re greeted with the sight of a Clarisse who seemed to be a bit flustered? Her eyes didn’t meet yours for a moment before she straightened herself out. Before your very eyes, you watched her cool and collected facade slip over her like a mask, and that trademark smirk of hers tugged at the corners of her lips.
“I’m here to pick up an order, under my name,” she remarks, holding up the bag of drachmas and thin slip of paper in an outstretched hand. Her gaze seemed like it was scrutinizing everything about your appearance from the baggy grey shirt that hung loosely over your frame to the soot just barely smudged on your forehead. Whether it was a good or bad look you had no idea, subconsciously shrinking into the shadows of the dimly lit forge.
“Right, right, La Rue…” you trail off nervously, scanning the room for the rack that held completed orders and leafing through the tags attached to each object. “La Rue, La Rue, La Rue, where is it-?” you muse to yourself, repeating her last name in a hushed tone until the sight of it comes into view. The dagger she had ordered was at the edge of the table, with the request for a heavyweight handle and an etching of her initials into the butt of it.
Normally, Clarisse would have found your behavior annoying if it were coming from anyone else, but oddly enough, she quite liked the way her last name rolled off your tongue. It felt almost natural, too natural. Quickly, she brushed away the lingering thoughts about how you had looked almost god-like with the flame from the roaring furnace glowing behind you, the thoughts of what your skin would feel like under her hands. 
After a beat of silence, you grabbed said dagger, placed a little ball of clay over its razor-sharp tip, and slipped it into a small drawstring bag, pulling it closed. 
“That’ll be five golden drachmas, La Rue, or fifteen silver ones. Whatever works for you” you say as you hand her the bag, other hand outstretched for the paper she held and to take the coins. She dropped the five golden coins in your palm and grabbed the bag to turn on her heel and walk out without another word.
Or so you thought.
“Thanks for the weapon. I’ll see you around, pretty girl.”
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wackapedia · 1 year
Child Labour
Finan x reader Plot: Finan recruits a kid to help him shoot his shot with y/n 🤪 Warnings: None! Just fluff and teasing Wordcount: 811 :) A/N: pls look at little Aethelstan in the pic lollll
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"These are for you, lady..." Young Aethelstan runs over to where you were standing, in a hurry to get this errand over with so he can return to his books. His speech sounded flat and somehow rehearsed, but you appreciated the gesture anyway.
"Why, thank you, Aethelstan! These are beautiful. Did you pick these for me?" You asked the little boy.
No, lady, it was Finan who-" The boy realizes his slip-up. "I shouldn't have said that..." He brings his hand to his lips as he laughs at his blunder. You were surprised to hear this new information as you ruffled the boy's hair.
"Tell you what, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear what you've just said so you can safely report to your lord Finan that you succeeded in your mission. Deal?" You offer a high five, and the boy eagerly nods and hits his little palm against yours. Aethelstan then runs off to where Finan was fondly watching your interaction, hiding in a corner. As soon as the Irishman finishes interrogating Aethelstan, the boy is paid one coin and then hurries off to resume his studies.
"You know, you can just hand me the flowers directly..." Your presence startles Finan. "And the coin too!" You laugh as he turns around to face you.
"A-ah, well, the boy named his price..." Finan reasons out, realizing Aethelstan's scam. 'That cheeky bastard,' he thinks.
"It's the third time this week, is it? So that's three pieces of silver?" You laugh, interrogating the flustered Irishman.
"He asked for five coins the first time..." Finan mumbles guiltily. It's such a wonder how the brave and agile Finan is reduced to a shy, bumbling mess in front of you. His adorable cheeks blush under his thick beard as he stands there, lovingly gazing into your eyes. You patiently wait for something—perhaps an offer—but the man remains stunned by your presence.
"Good day, Finan! Thank you for these. They're lovely." You wave the bunch of flowers to him and slowly step away, hoping he'll finally ask you out.
The morning drags on as Rumcofa takes on various tasks throughout the day. Before you know it. The evening rolls upon the town, and children are called back home for supper. Two boys, however, remain in the open field. One plays with his wooden sword, and the other holds up an illustrated book of sword fighting for the other one to follow.
"Boys!" You watch Cynlaef and Aethelstan immediately turn their heads when you call them.
"Do you know where Finan is?" You ask both of them as you fold a sheet of paper.
"Not this again!" Aethelstan complains, but Cynlaef nods affirmatively to your question.
You hand him the folded paper and instruct him to deliver it to Finan and to lead him back to your house if he accepts. Cynlaef nods and runs off while you lead Aethelstan to your house to prepare your supper.
Well, why didn't you ask her out?!" Uhtred exasperatedly responds to Finan after he exposes his dilemma to his best friends. "Maybe he got shy!" Sihtric pokes the Irishman's side, which earns him a smack to the shoulder. The sun was setting as the trio packed up from the pier in Rumcofa. Just then, Cynlaef's little feet patter against the boarded path, and he hands the letter to Finan, patiently waiting for him to finish reading. Once Finan looked up from the sheet, all colour seemed to have drained from his face.
"Do you accept, lord?" Cynlaef asks.
"Accept?!" Finan exclaims a little too loudly, almost scaring the boy. "Accept?! I will propose to her right now if she'd like! Take me to her!"
And this is how Finan finds himself spending his evening. Sitting in front of you, dinner all laid out on a wide table for four because the two orphan boys sit on each side. Conversation finally flows freely between the both of you, mostly because Finan is at the receiving end of Aethelstan's annoyed glaring and Cynlaef's teasing smiles. After the meal, Finan offers to help you clean up, and suddenly the both of you are reaching for the same plate, faces just an inch apart. It stays this way for quite a while, your eyes exploring his, your breath warming his reddened cheeks. You catch his eyes drifting to your lips, wondering how they would feel against his own. Slowly, he moves a little closer, closer, ever closer, and-
"Finan, didn't you say you were going to ask her to marry you?" Cynlaef interrupts the moment, and Aethelstan laughs heartily, also observing the two idiot adults in front of them.
Like opposing magnets, you pull away from each other upon remembering the two boys in the room. The plate crashes and hits the floor. Your faces are as red as tomatoes, avoiding each other's glances.
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morallyinept · 10 months
For anyone that needs to hear this, and I also just want to talk about this for a minute... or maybe several.
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Back on the 29th April 2023, (I know, this year is going TOO fucking fast 😵‍💫) Pedro attended The Last Of Us For Your Consideration Event at The Director's Guild of America in Los Angeles, with his lovely co-star, Bella Ramsey.
The above video appeared by Deadline from the event, with Pedro explaining to Bella, after they queried, as to why he puts his hand over his stomach. "Do you know why? My anxiety's right there." He can be heard saying to them.
And the whole of Pedro's fandom fell in love with him all over again. I mean, you just would, wouldn't you? I know I did. 😍 What a man.
Why? Because he demonstrated that he's human. Relatable. Pedro recognised and embraced his vulnerabilities publically, and by doing so - whether he knew it or not - made everyone who has ever felt the crippling weight of anxiety crush them, feel seen and heard.
Back in 2019 Pedro said in an interview with The Guardian, "anxiety is something that I’ve lived with since I was a child, so it’s a part of my chemistry. I don’t know what kind of person I’d be without it. It’s something that I manage, but it’s also part of what makes me, me."
"I know that I have to put myself in high-stress situations to be happy. I mean, within reason. But there’s a certain level of anxiety that helps me do good work. It helps me be aware of the things I need to be aware of,” Pedro added.
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So why does Pedro put his hand over his stomach/sternum area specifically? What is it about that pose? We often see him doing it, even dating as far back as 2005, so for almost 20 something years it's been a part of his red carpet and public appearances.
But what does it mean?
Well, putting your hand on your stomach/sternum area can symbolise many things if you scrutinise body langauge. I'm no expert, but I've worked in fields where I've had to study it and teach it, and it's really interesting at how much you give away about yourself to others in your body language, without even realising it...
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Ever heard of WORDS, MUSIC, DANCE? 🎵🎶 In a nutshell (because I could totally talk your damn ear off about all this! 🤪) WORDS is what we verbally say, which is made up of only 7% of our communication. I know, small right? MUSIC is how we say it at 38%, i.e. the tone of our voice. Finally DANCE is our body language, which is 55%. Think about that for a sec. 55% of how you communicate with someone is without even opening up your mouth. 😳
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Your stomach - or gut - is a very vulnerable part of your body; a lot of vital organs are smooshed up in there, so by placing a hand over it, you're protecting yourself from harm or attack. It's also a similar thing we do when we feel unwell or sick; we rub our tummy to feel better, right? It's an unconscious protecting motion that stems from our primal selves Think of the foetal position; you curl inwards towards your stomach. The abdomen walls contain significant muscles (some vital for our health ☝🏻) and we can carry tension in here too, so by 'holding' them or protecting them, we feel at ease within our core and can relax better. (#nerdalert 🤓 I love science!)
Some people do it as a means of comfort. Others do it purposefully. Pedro's stance is him possibly trying to rebalance himself. Focus on his breathing and stay grounded in the moments of utter chaos spilling out around him. He also breathes steadily in through his nose, deeply. You can see him do this in various clips, as well as in the one above. His shoulders drop back and you see him relax almost instantly when he does it. Deep breathing is another tactic that is known to keep anyone suffering from anxiety or panic, calm in the moment.
It's incredibly admirable for a man to expose such a personal vulnerability like that, especially in such a public forum. Sadly, mental health is still not a subject that is spoken about or advocated for enough, despite being in the 21st century. We're doing better as a society, but there is still much work to be done. As a man, it can still be seen as very 'unmasculine' or 'weak' to talk about it. So, I really admire Pedro's honesty and the fact that he feels confident enough in himself to recognise that he is just a human being, who sometimes goes through some shit.
Speaking out can only help those, who suffer too, feel validated and that they are not alone. And you're not alone. Anxiety is often stigmatised or not taken seriously, yet it can be terribly debilitating and can cause further issues such as panic attacks and lead to chronic depression if not addressed with help and support.
Pedro has always been open and forthcoming about his own anxiety, and has been quoted in several interviews talking about it, and on his - now deleted - Twitter/X account about how he deals with it.
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As someone who has had their fair share of anxiety, I've personally found that meditation has helped me tremendously. 🧘‍♀️ Breathing exercises are really helpful and really do work. I use an app called Balance (not sponsored/affiliated with) and for 10 minutes a day (or whenever I need it) I can breathe, focus and come back to myself. I also find that doing something I really love, like reading (smut), or going for a long hike, really helps. Creative hobbies are brilliant for channelling that negative emotion into something positive. Singing off-key in the shower, dancing crazy like a loon - even though my neighbours can probably see me through the window headbanging in my pants 🤘🏻 - painting, drawing, writing, photography, cooking... These are all things I do myself and love, and would encourage you to try, if you're not already.
Hell, even whacking on your fav Pedro movie makes you feel good too, right? Name your favourite Pedro movie in the comments, GO! 🎬 Mine's Prospect, d'uh. 😏
It's said a lot, but hydrating really helps. Drink that water, bishes! 💦 And eat some greens. 🥦🥬🫑🍏 What you put into your body also helps into what you'll get out of it long term. Food is fuel. 💪🏻🧠 If you eat crap, chances are you're going to feel like crap, capiche?
And I cannot tell you how much a good night's sleep can really turn things around. As a chronic insomniac, sleep can often be the enemy, but it really is vital for your mental wellbeing to rest and switch off for a bit. So put down your phone and get some shut eye. (Ideal time for some hot, mustached Latino man dreams too... 🥲)
And failing that, talking to someone about how you feel can also help. 🗨 A family member, a trusted friend, your cat (personally I'm a dog person 🐶 Woof); a Tumblr mutual... My inbox is always open for a chat FYI. You'll never be judged in Jett's place. 🖤 I'll make you a figurative cup of green tea. Not literal, I mean, I'm not a fucking miracle worker... ✨️🧚‍♀️
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What was the point of this long-ass ramble, Jett? I know, I hear ya, I hear ya...
So, to anyone out there who feels a tad (or a helluva lot) anxious from time to time, please know that you're not alone. And also remember to stop and take a moment; breathe deeply in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth three times. Do it with me now. One... two... three. There. You good?
And remember, more than anything, that you are more than enough. You're stronger than you think you are. Your anxiety doesn't define you, nor does it control you. It's just a little shit that likes to come out now and again and try to tell you that you suck. You really don't. (Unless your name is Max Phillips 🧛‍♂️) You've got this. Trust me. You've really got this.
And just like the rather fucking awesome Mr Pedro Pascal, you're fucking awesome too, babe. 🖤
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Reader being extra sensitive to loud sounds like loud music or people screaming and she gets overwhelmed pretty easily so Sergio always makes sure she’s safe please?
𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Sergio Ramos x Female Reader
Word count : 1.8k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Only because you said 'please' c; kidding kidding, of course I can! I feel as if I tweaked your request a bit so I hope that you do not mind c': I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently swamped with college work, uploads may be limited to weekends for the time being. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You have always had sensitive ears to loud noises ever since you were young. You remember being at your first concert when you were just a child, and feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable with the volume of the music. Even as you grew older and attended more concerts and events, you found yourself always seeking out the quietest corners or wearing earplugs to muffle the sound. This sensitivity to loudness has impacted your life in various ways. For one, it has made it difficult for you to fully enjoy live music events or parties where the music is blaring. You often find yourself feeling anxious and uncomfortable, wishing for the music to be turned down or off altogether. Additionally, your sensitivity to loud sounds has led you to take extra precautions when it comes to protecting your ears. You always wear earplugs when you know you will be exposed to loud noises, such as at concerts or futebol games.
You were not going to allow your sensitivity to prevent you from watching your boyfriend, Sergio Ramos, play in this match that determines the UEFA Champions League champion. Even though the game hasn't started yet, both Liverpool and Real Madrid fans are joyously cheering from the stands. While adjusting your earplugs while watching the game in the VIP section, one of the field cameras zooms in on you. At first, you are unaware of it, but as the cheers from the crowd become louder, you look up at the screen and smile when you see yourself. You wave and blow a kiss in the direction of the camera while wearing one of your boyfriend's jerseys, which has Ramos and his jersey number on the back. You then turn around and point at your back. As you turn around and hear the raucous applause, the camera pans to Sergio Ramos, who is grinning at the massive screen. He blows a kiss back, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach as you know the kiss is meant for you. You settle into one of the comfortable recliners as the game is ready to begin and take a small breath to try to expel the adrenaline you're experiencing. You're anxious because you want his team to succeed, and you're also a little concerned about whether your earbuds will be able to block out most of the loud noise. At the very least, it is currently doing a good job. 
Of course watching your significant other play a game can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it's a sport as intense as soccer, but you didn't think it would make you feel as if you are about to have a heart-attack . As you sit in the stands, you can feel your heart pounding in your chest, and your palms are sweaty. You glance at the scoreboard, and the score reads 1-0 in favor of your boyfriend's team.
You feel a mix of relief and anxiety, hoping that the scoreline stays in their favor. You want your boyfriend to do well, and you know how much this game means to him. You cheer him on from the stands, shouting his name as he runs down the field.The tension in the stadium is palpable as the game progresses. The other team is putting up a good fight, and they're not letting up. You can see the determination in your boyfriend's eyes as he plays, and you're filled with pride. As the final minutes of the game tick away, you're on the edge of your seat. The other team is pushing hard, trying to score an equalizer, but your boyfriend's team is holding strong. The whistle blows, signaling the end of the game, and the scoreboard shows that your boyfriend's team has won 1-0. You scream loudly and jump to your feet, clapping and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. You can see your boyfriend on the field, grinning from ear to ear, and you feel your heart swell with joy.Watching your loved one play a sport can be stressful, but it's all worth it in the end when you see the joy on their face after a hard-fought victory. You swiftly follow the other people down to the field, your smile never leaving your face as you are overjoyed that your boyfriend's team won the Champion League tournament. Once everyone has arrived at the pitch, you can see confetti covering the entire area as the team celebrates together. As you search the area for Ramos, someone accidentally pushes your shoulder, causing one of your earplugs to fall out. The noises of fireworks exploding in the air are heard precisely as if on cue, forcing you to wince and cover both of your ears. Your left ear, where the earplug was removed, is now loudly ringing. You initially made an effort to block out the ringing and concentrate on inserting the earplug once more, but more fireworks soon started to go off. Now it was a steady, high-pitched noise that seemed to be emanating from inside your skull rather than just an occasional noise. All you could do was remain there while tightly gripping your head since the ringing was so loud that it was difficult for you to concentrate.
Sergio Ramos was on top of the world. He had just won a prestigious competition that he had been working hard for months. Sergio Ramos notices the girlfriends of his teammates rushing to their boyfriends and giving them elegant hugs. He glances around for you and smiles because he knows you are also here. He pushes through the on-duty security personnel, television crews, and stadium staff as he moves around looking for you. His eyes sparkle when he sees you, but they quickly change to concern when he notices that you are clutching your head and writhing in agony. He rapidly approaches you and puts his hands over yours to muffle the loud noises. He pinches his lip in uncertainty as he realizes that he needs to act quickly, especially since he will soon have to take the stage. He is aware of your sensitivity to loud noises because this has happened to you before. As the cacophony grows intolerable, you stay in the same position, not even raising your eyes to look at your beloved. Remembering that the medical staff has noise-canceling headphones, Ramos swiftly removes his hand and runs towards where the medics are. He hastily grabs the headphones and runs back to you, placing them on your head. You remove your hands from your ears once you feel the headphones against your hands. Despite how noisy the stadium is at the moment, the noise canceling headphones do their job and allow for the least amount of sound. Ramos tightly hugs you while wrapping his arm around you and rubbing your back. The anguish in your brain starts to fade as you encircle him with your arms as well. You exhale shakily. Finally, you open your eyes.
He senses your head movement as you gaze up at him and looks down to face you as you start to speak, "Thank you, baby.... I'm sorry my earbud fell out as soon as the fireworks started." You start to feel down, hoping that you haven't ruined the mood. He replies, "My love, don't apologize, it's okay," and kisses your forehead.
"Do you feel better now?"  He worriedly cups your face and asks, "Do you want me to take you to the medics room for some peace and quiet?"  You give a dismissive head shake, claiming that you are now more at ease. Your heart clings to his words because you adore how much he cares for you. He legitimately won the Champions League competition, but rather than celebrating, he is prioritizing you and your comfort. Sergio smiles at you, feeling happy that he could help. He is always determined to always put his girlfriend's comfort first, no matter where they went or what they did.
 You look at him with a smile and are about to say something when more confetti starts to rain from the sky. You laugh as you feel it cover you and you see it cover Ramos as well. Ramos is grinning broadly in front of you as confetti rained down all around him, and the sight brought joy to your heart. You are so madly in love with the man in front of you. You move back from him and place both of your hands on his shoulders while yelling, "YOU DID IT YOU DID IT! You joyfully exclaim, "I'm SO proud of youuuu!," making him laugh at the sight. He loves seeing you so happy. 
Sergio picks you up easily, his strong arms wrapping around you as you hug him tightly. He could feel your heart beating fast against his chest, matching his own racing heartbeat. As he holds you  close, he can sense your happiness and excitement, and he couldn't help but smile at himself. "Congratulations, my love!" you exclaim once more, beaming at him. Sergio's heart swells with pride as he looks at your beautiful face. He is so lucky to have you in his life, always there to support him and cheer him on. Without a second thought, he leans in and plants a kiss on your lips, pouring all of his joy and gratitude into it. You two broke apart after letting the kiss linger for a few more seconds, breathless but grinning from ear to ear. Sergio couldn't help but laugh at the sheer joy of the moment, feeling as though he could conquer the world with his girlfriend by his side. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice filled with emotion as he places you down. You smile up at him, your eyes shining with pride and love. "Don't thank me; you deserve all the praise!," you say. "You deserve this."
Sergio hugs you close once more, feeling the warmth and love emanating from you. He knows that this was just the beginning of many more victories to come, and he is grateful to have you by his side every step of the way.
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purplefangirl42 · 8 months
Clonetober- Day 6
Prompt: “I admit it. You were right.”/huddling for warmth/de-aged AU
Prompt list by @ladysongmaster Divider by djarrex
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Chip sat at his desk, caf in one hand and datapad in the other, scrolling through the seemingly endless health reports. Each trooper had been scanned when they returned from their previous mission and their files added to his system, the computer indicating if there were concerns that would need his attention. Chip had never felt more grateful for technology, knowing that it would take forever to check each trooper manually. 
As he scanned the list, he noticed a few notifications on various troopers. The computer didn’t seem to know what was wrong, only that something was unusual during their scan. He would have to call them in and do a full assessment to figure out what had been picked up. Just to be sure it wasn’t anything serious.
One of the troopers marked was Captain Sparx, which concerned him. Chip had seen his brother since he returned from the mission and hadn’t noticed anything unusual about him, which meant that the thing picked up by the scan could either be delayed, hidden, or nothing. None of those options brought him any comfort. Another factor to consider was that Sparx had been with Keebo during the entire mission, so if he had been infected with something, she could have also been exposed. 
Chip let out a tired sigh and placed his cup down on his desk, reaching for his comm. He called Sparx first, but got no answer. His brow furrowed in frustration, as he knew it was likely that Sparx had gone to his quarters and passed out as soon as he returned to the Monitor. Chip next tried calling Keebo, and once again got no answer. 
That’s not good. She always answers.
Just as he was about to call Blaze to see if he had heard from either of them, his comm beeped to indicate he had an incoming transmission. Pressing the button to answer it, he was startled by the sound that came from the other end. 
“CHIP, I NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW!” came a panicked voice from the device in his hand.
Chip could hear what sounded like wailing in the background. Loud, continuous wailing.
“Blaze? What’s going on? Where are you?”
Chip bolted out of his chair and ran from the infirmary as fast as he could. Troopers dodged out of his way as he ran down the hall in the direction of the mess, one or two nearly getting run over when they didn’t move fast enough. As soon as the door slid open, Chip stumbled in, coming to a halting stop.
Blaze stood in the middle of the mess hall, surrounded by toddlers. Naked toddlers. Beside him stood a Twi’lek child wearing what looked like the top half of a pair of blacks with something tied around her waist. Something that looked suspiciously like Blaze’s kama.
“What the kriff…” Chip muttered as he stepped over a few toddlers crawling near his feet. 
As he approached Blaze, the Commander held up one of the toddlers. One with a stripe of wild blond curls running down the middle of his head and a purple tattoo on his chest that matched the one Chip had on his own chest.
Dank farrik.
“What happened?!” he asked, taking the toddler-fied Sparx from Blaze’s hold.
“I don’t know!” Blaze cried. “One moment they were all normal. The next, they were all like this.”
“The plant,” the young Twi’lek beside Blaze said, her Rylothian accent altering her speech. “There was a field of strange flowers we walked through.”
It took Chip a minute to register the fact that the Twi’lek child was Keebo, but it quickly made sense to him. Everyone must have aged backwards according to their chronological age, which by the look of things was about ten years in reverse. He was looking at nine year old Keebo.
“The scan,” he said more to himself than anyone else. “The strange reading it picked up. It must be what caused this.”
Chip handed Sparx back to Blaze and started moving back towards the door. He waved Keebo towards him, indicating for her to follow him. She followed after him without question, keeping a firm hold on the kama tied around her waist to keep it from slipping. 
“Blaze, keep them all here and make sure they don’t hurt themselves.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” Blaze asked in a panicked tone.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
Chip led Keebo out of the mess hall in the direction of the bridge. When they arrived, they found Lena and Admiral Yung standing near the holotable, conversing with some members of the Jedi council. He buried across the bridge to come up behind them.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have a bit of a situation.”
Lena, Admiral Yung, and both Jedi in the hologram turned to look at him and he saw four pairs of eyes go wide. Lena knelt down beside the younger version of her padawan, her mouth hanging open in shock.
“Jun sama, qato su nu eyan?” she asked in Ryl.
Keebo looked as if she was holding back tears, her purple-blue eyes watering at the question. Chip imagined she was terrified by this situation. The clones had turned young enough that they wouldn’t be able to recognize what was going on, but Keebo was still an age that could understand something was very wrong.
“Olma'nabsilai, help ma,” she whimpered before surging forward into Lena’s arms.
“What’s going on?” Master Windu asked from the holotable. “Who is this child?”
Chip saw Master Kenobi furrow his brow in confusion as he looked at Keebo. It seemed that, like Lena, he had been transported back in time.
“Keebo?” Kenobi asked. “How is she a child again?”
“She’s not the only one,” Chip said. “The mess hall is full of troopers that have been turned into toddlers. Blaze is watching over them as we speak.”
“How did this happen?” Windu asked.
“Keebo said they walked through a field of strange flowers. I was hoping to speak with Anaj Rotz to see if she knows anything about this plant and if the side effects are reversible.”
“I will have her contact you immediately,” Kenobi said before disappearing from the hologram. 
“Keep us apprised of the situation,” Windu said before disappearing as well. 
Chip turned to look at Lena and Keebo, who were conversing softly in Ryl. Lena’s gaze drifted up to him, worry evident in her expression.
“I’ll get some troops to come help round up the toddlers in the mess hall,” Admiral Yung said. “We will want to make sure there aren’t any in other places on the ship as well.”
Chip gestured to the door of the bridge as he spoke to Lena.
“Should we go to the infirmary and wait for Anaj to contact us? I’ll need Keebo to describe the flower to her so she knows what we’re looking for.”
Lena nodded and scooped the young girl up into her arms, letting her remain in the comfort of her embrace rather than break it. In the time he had known Lena, Chip had never seen her look so worried. He imagined that seeing Keebo as she was when she was younger was bringing back memories for Lena, and he supposed that the need to protect one that was like your child never went away no matter how old they got.
They made their way to the infirmary as fast as they could, discussing possible solutions to the problem they were currently dealing with. When they reached the infirmary, Lena set Keebo down on one of the beds, finally breaking their contact. She followed Chip over to the larger screen along the wall of the room, whispering to him when she reached his side.
“How many were affected by this?”
Chip pulled up the list of troopers flagged by the scanner and counted them. He was once again glad to have this system in place. With this list they would be able to have an exact count of how many were in need of treatment, so they would be able to make sure they got everyone. 
“Fifteen, plus Keebo,” he said. “Including Sparx. He’s in the mess with Blaze. Saw him with my own eyes.”
Lena sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly. Chip gave her what he hoped was an encouraging look.
“Out of all of us, you’re probably the most knowledgeable on how to deal with fifteen toddlers.”
He saw Lena’s eyes widen in horror as she realized he was right and the responsibility of what she would have to deal with hit her. 
“We need to get something to use as diapers,” she said. “And fast.”
Chip felt a laugh burst out of his chest at her comment. 
“That’s a lot of diapers,” he said. “We better hope Anaj has a solution that works quickly.”
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this! Please reblog, like, and comment!
Ryl Translation:
Jun sama, qato su nu eyan? - My daughter, why are you young?
Olma'nabsilai, help ma - Master, help me
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rishikul-123 · 5 months
Top boarding schools near Delhi
Top Boarding Schools Near Delhi and Why Rishikul Vidyapeeth Shines Choosing the right boarding school for your child is a momentous decision. It's about entrusting their education and well-being to a nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and a lifelong love of learning. If you're searching for top boarding schools near Delhi, your quest might just lead you to the idyllic haven of Rishikul Vidyapeeth. Nestled amidst the vibrant tapestry of Delhi NCR, Rishikul Vidyapeeth stands tall as a beacon of holistic education. Founded in 1930 with a noble vision of value-based learning, the school has blossomed into a premier institution, consistently ranking among the top boarding schools in the region. But what makes Rishikul Vidyapeeth truly special? Here are just a few reasons why it deserves a place at the top of your list:
An Unwavering Commitment to Academic Excellence: Rishikul Vidyapeeth boasts a rigorous academic curriculum that goes beyond rote memorization. The school's dedicated faculty, passionate about their subjects, employ innovative teaching methods that ignite curiosity, nurture critical thinking, and empower students to become independent learners. Stellar academic results and a consistent track record of high achievers in prestigious universities are testaments to the school's commitment to academic rigor.
Holistic Development: Nurturing Minds, Bodies, and Souls: At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, education extends far beyond the confines of textbooks. The school recognizes the importance of holistic development, offering a plethora of co-curricular activities and sports that cater to diverse interests and talents. From music and dance to sports and adventure clubs, students have the opportunity to explore their passions, hone their skills, and build self-confidence. Moreover, the school's emphasis on value education instills strong moral principles and ethical grounding, shaping well-rounded individuals who are not only academically strong but also responsible citizens of the world.
A State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Rishikul Vidyapeeth provides its students with a modern and stimulating learning environment. Spacious classrooms equipped with cutting-edge technology, well-stocked libraries, and advanced science labs foster a spirit of inquiry and hands-on learning. Lush green playing fields, indoor and outdoor sporting facilities, and dedicated spaces for creative pursuits like art and music studios complete the picture, ensuring that every student's needs are met.
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A Legacy of Excellence: With over 90 years of experience in shaping young minds, Rishikul Vidyapeeth has a proven track record of success. Its alumni network boasts of accomplished individuals who have excelled in various fields, making significant contributions to society. This rich legacy speaks volumes about the school's dedication to its students and its unwavering commitment to providing them with the tools and experiences needed to thrive in a competitive world. Choosing the right boarding school is a deeply personal decision, and every child's needs are unique. However, if you're seeking a top-notch boarding school near Delhi that offers an exceptional academic program, fosters holistic development, and provides a nurturing and supportive environment, Rishikul Vidyapeeth deserves your earnest consideration. Ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth for your child?
Visit the Rishikul Vidyapeeth website or schedule a campus visit to experience firsthand the magic of this remarkable school. Remember, choosing the right school is an investment in your child's future. Choose wisely, and choose Rishikul Vidyapeeth. We hope this blog has been informative and helpful in your search for the perfect boarding school near Delhi. Rishikul Vidyapeeth, with its unwavering commitment to excellence, might just be the ideal haven for your child to unlock their full potential and embark on a journey of lifelong success. Do you have any questions about Rishikul Vidyapeeth or the top boarding schools near Delhi? Feel free to leave a comment below, and we'll be happy to help.
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o-kaythislooksbad · 8 months
@ailesswhumptober day 14: bleeding through the bandage / field medicine / no anesthesia & day 15: experimentation / muzzle / transformation
[bit of blood mentioned, lots of pain and no relief. the experimentation and muzzle are related to the vader transformation, and there's the angsty/emotional transformation of anakin -> vader -> anakin]
"he is the best there is at what he does. the best there has ever been. and he knows it. holonet features call him the hero with no fear. and why not? what should he be afraid of? [… but] locked away behind the walls of his heart, the dragon that is his fear coils and squirms and hisses. because his real fear, in a universe where even stars can die, is that being the best will never be quite good enough." - revenge of the sith novelization by matthew stover
when anakin fell, the dead-star dragon didn't burst though the walls in his heart; it didn't have to. the dragon strolled out, casually pushing on the cracks in the brick as it meandered its way up his chest and into his skull, until all the fragments protecting anakin's heart crumbled and revealed the deep void in the center of his being.
hero with no fear, indeed. that is all you are, foolish child. your entire existence is fear. you were conceived and birthed in panic. you have lived and fought battles with agitation flooding your veins and dread holding your limbs in place. you will die with the knowledge that there is nothing you can do to keep the constant distress in your body quiet. you will be built to inspire terror, to convey power, but there is nothing more terrifying or powerful than the truth about who you really are.
you can claim to be rage, to be fury, to be justice and righteousness and the balance this galaxy desperately needs, but you are none of those things, child. you are nothing but a pawn, and you are nothing but the moves you make to serve in the games of others.
you, anakin skywalker, are nothing at all.
a scream works its way through his chest, and his lungs burn with the effort, but no sound emerges. anakin's body is a contradictory mess of hypersensitivity and paralysis, numb yet receptive to everything around him, and it's suffocating.
the last time he felt anything remotely this awful was...  well, never. this is watto's whip across his cheeks and crashing his pod into the canyon walls; this is him packing his bag for the millionth time and leaving without his mom for the first. this is the occupation of naboo and freeing the refugees from their encampments; this is his first private meeting with the chancellor and his first medical exam at the jedi temple's infirmary. this is tatooine and the sand people and this is geonosis and losing to dooku, this is obi-wan's constant faith in him even when it's clearly unwarranted; this is the 501st and ahsoka following him across the galaxy, risking life and limb and trusting his leadership. this is the never-ending blaster fire and battle droids powering up and civilians screaming and being unable to do anything but watch. this is padmé looking at him in disbelief, this is obi-wan igniting his lightsaber; this is his wife's i love you and his partner's i loved you.
this is the first two and a half decades of his life, of compounded traumas repeatedly slamming into his body, wreaking havoc on it and saying let me in and i've always been here and you're never going to escape this.
"none of those exposed armorplast plates and organ containers with this one," a grating voice says, worming its way into anakin's ears, "those were adequate enough for grievous, but my new apprentice needs something more." the voice mingles with the whirring of machinery, the beeping of various droids, but they don't sound right. the sounds are muffled, as if there's a barrier between them and his ears.
anakin raises his arms to his head, to check for any obstructions.
anakin raises his arms to his head, and nothing happens. his heart palpitates, and the sound brings awareness to something much worse than the concerning lack of movement. he can hear the protocol droids and medical droids, even if their exact words are unclear, but he can't see them.
he can't see anything. 
reaching out into the force, anakin can sense his body, except what he senses... it's unlike anything he's ever felt before. it must be a dream, or a terrible joke projected onto a holoscreen above him, and something must be holding his head in place to view it through the force because his eyes are still inaccessible.
anakin is 'looking' up and through a table, at his own head and torso. there are no organic limbs attached to it, and his prosthetic is missing. thin strips of fabric, stained in layers of dried brown and deep maroon, are wrapped around the stumps where his limbs should be. his neck rests on a platform lined with hypodermic needles, injecting something into his spine that makes anakin want to vomit, but his body is incapable of doing so. a bacta tank rests beside the table, housing bits of unrecognizable flesh, but neither that solution nor any analgesic is applied to the charred husk of his body's remains. his organs are atrophying and his blood vessels are frantically rupturing and repairing themselves, and what little remains of his nerve endings are writhing in agony. his skin is mottled with waves of crimson and bits of flesh scrubbed raw and pink. bruises of indeterminable color lay beneath the scars, and every bit of his body cries out in desperation for the pain to end. 
the disfigurement of his lungs and larynx explain why he was unable to scream.
that, and the black trapezoid strapped across the bottom of his face. the apparatus emits a raspy, shuddering sound that takes anakin a few moments to recognize as breathing, and a few moments more to wonder how he hadn't registered that sound until recently. 
a few beeps and the chattering of med droids confirm that vader's lungs are operating at sub-optimal levels, but at least his vitals are back on the charts. through the reach of the force, anakin can hear the words clearly, but they make no sense.
vader... that word currently has no meaning to anakin, yet it barrages what's left of his brain with shame. 
anakin is 'looking' up and through what is left of his body, scanning it for any signs of a life resembling his, and what he finds is nothing. he's anakin skywalker, and he doesn't believe in impossible; for every event there is an explanation, and for every problem there is a solution. he's here, but he's not here. his mind is still his own, but there's something else there now, too, something holding it in its hands and pressing doubt into every thought.
enlighten me, boy. what could possibly be the cause of this? how can anything outside of yourself and your actions explain your predicament? this is all your own doing.
"my lord," the unmistakable mechanical cadence of a droid cuts through the fog in anakin's mind, "these elements, this construction - nothing of this scale has ever been attempted before. we cannot guarantee that the life support systems will be -"
"do you doubt my abilities?" a mocking voice interrupts. "do you doubt my reasoning? what can you claim to know of my intentions? when you are ordered to design the system so the chest plates aids in the healing of his ribs, but the back shall offer no support, you do as you are told and make it so. when you are ordered to make the upper arms and thighs provide the majority of the suit's weight, while the feet and hands can be made from scraps, as long as it allows him to walk," the voice continues, and anakin cuts his connection to the force.
he separates himself from the out-of-body experience and returns to what's left of it, nauseous and blind and partially deaf, bleeding and broken to the brink of death, but not being allowed to actually die.
it's infinitesimally better than listening to his master setting out the terms of his new servitude.
this is proof that the dragon is right, that anakin is pathetic and replaceable, that he's easily manipulated into being good enough for others, good enough for their purposes, until he isn't.
vader will be the best at whatever he is made to do, and he knows it, but what he is designed to do is far from good. the dead-sun dragon is dark; it is generous, providing him with endless thoughts and urges to just do it, to just give in. the dragon is patient, biding its time, and that is why it always wins, in the end.
he floats in and out of consciousness for the next and last two and a half decades of his life, and the dragon curls around his head and his heart, reveling in the destruction and damage they cause. the dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always, always wins. it always wins because it is everywhere. the dark is everywhere, with the galaxy under his master's command, and the dragon makes its home in anakin's chest, and it grows complacent.
in the heart of its strength lies its weakness. the dark is everywhere, and eventually, it spreads itself too thin to be effective. the dark is everywhere, casting its shadow on all that it touches, but the presence of a shadow indicates the presence of light.
anakin may not be that light, not anymore, but it's still within him and around him. he can hold it, delicately in his heavy hands which lack the proper sensors to perceive it, until the shape of it becomes familiar. he can hold on to a minuscule amount of hope until it becomes a remote possibility of being a force for good, or at least for redemption.
and as long as anakin skywalker remains, as long as there is hope, the dragon named fear can never win.
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chronosbled · 1 year
"What are you looking at? Let me see." ehé I bring a curious wife this time for Dickson <3 what shall it be? what is it? all yours to decide.
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☣ — BEAKERS FILLED WITH VARIOUS DIFFERENT LIQUIDS BUBBLED OVER A SMALL FIRE, clear tubing connecting from one beaker to the next, creating a clear path for the mixtures to merge together. Experimenting with new chemicals and substances was always something the raven enjoyed, much like a child when acquiring a new video game or a new toy they could play with, there was a never ending source of entertainment. After all, experimenting like this was how he began to develop his own serums and even create his own vaccines for things most people in the medical fields would never want a cure for — especially due to the fact big pharma loves to make bank on the sick and helpless. Not him though, no sir. He didn't want money for the things he would create, instead all he wanted was the recognition he deserved for saving those that needed to be saved. He simply wanted to give people who have nothing a fair chance at survival, hence all his sleepless nights of testing and trying, all his self-torture from experimenting on himself, it was all worth it — even if it brought back horrible childhood memories for him.
☣ — However, HE STILL NEEDED TO KEEP HIS OWN MUTATION IN CHECK AS WELL, thus why he had taken the time to perfect a serum for his specific condition out of his own blood and various other things. Said serum also had the potential to infect others and save them from death, something he did often when coming across those that had been dealt a bad hand in life, granting them a new immortal life as a being connected to him through blood. In a way, one could say he was much like a vampire when passing on their vampiric curse, but this was more like he was recreating the family that he was never allowed to have. Though his attention is drawn towards the woman of sakura colored hair once hearing her speak, head lifting from it's slouched position as he had been looking down at his exposed forearm — syringe in hand as he was about to inject himself — an unusually tired looking smile spreading across his features.
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☣ — "It's just a serum I created for my mutation, it helps to keep me more... human... as one would say." HE KEEPS THE SYRINGE IN HAND BEFORE CAREFULLY TURNING IT OVER TO HIS PARTNER, "Go ahead, just be careful not to stick yourself." After all, the last thing he would need is for her to hurt herself because of his own lack of caution, and his lack of proper rest to prevent himself from falling asleep standing at his desk, much like he usually did. He was certain she could see that much in his eyes and the way he was currently presenting himself — hair sloppily tousled everywhere and his shirt somewhat crooked from applying various tests on himself — not to mention he hadn't even tried to cover up all the scars scattered across the exposed parts of his body like he normally did. "You know, you're really cute when you're curious~."
#☣ [ ' I αɱ ƚԋҽ ҽαƚҽɾ σϝ ɯσɾʅԃʂ αɳԃ I'ɱ ʅσσƙιɳɠ ϝσɾ ʂσɱҽσɳҽ ƚσ ϝҽҽԃ ɱҽ. ' ] - ✡ Iɳ Cԋαɾαƈƚҽɾ ✡#☣ [ ' Eʋҽɾყσɳҽ Lσʋҽʂ A Vιʅʅαιɳ. ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ Gҽɾαʅԃ Rҽɠιɳαʅԃ Sιɱɱσɳʂ ✡#☣ [ ' ԋҽαʋҽɳ'ʂ ɯαιƚιɳɠ ϝσɾ ყσυ ɯԋҽɳ ყσυ ƚαƙҽ ყσυɾ ϝιɳαʅ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ. Lҽƚ ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ Ⴆҽ αƚ ɾҽʂƚ ' ] - ✡ Cɾყʂƚαʅ Sʅҽʋαɳƚ ✡#☣ [ ' Wҽ ƈɾҽαƚҽ ƚσ ԃҽʋσυɾ. Nσƚ ϝσɾ ʅσʋҽ Ⴆυƚ ϝσɾ ρσɯҽɾ. ' ] - ✡ ƚԋσɾɳιƈιԃxʂ ✡#☣ [ ' Wԋαƚ'ʂ συɾ ʅιϝҽ ɯσɾƚԋ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ҽɳԃ? ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ x Cɾყʂƚαʅ ✡#☣ [ ' Sҽɾʋҽԃ α ʅιϝҽƚιɱҽ'ʂ ϝαιƚԋϝυʅɳҽʂʂ ƚσ Ⴆҽ ԃҽɳιҽԃ. Hσɯ αɱ ι ƚσ ҽʋҽɾ ʅιʋҽ ƚԋιʂ ʅιϝҽ? ' ] - ✡ Rҽʂιԃҽɳƚ Eʋιʅ Ϭ - Mαιɳ ✡#☣ [ ' Fσɾ ϝυɾƚԋҽɾ ɾҽʂҽαɾƈԋ. ' ] - ✡ Aʂƙʂ ✡#{ Not this man experimenting on himself day in and day out for the benefit of others. }#{ Not this man also throwing away his own sleep to keep performing his experiments. }#{ He is a man dedicated to science and bio-weapons all the same. }#{ But Crystal should be happy that he's not trying to cover himself up like he normally does (even if it's- }#{ just because he's too tired to process it) since he's actually really ashamed and embarrassed about all- }#{ the scars he obtained during his childhood. He thinks they look really gross and ugly. }#{ Cause everyone always comments about how handsome or pretty he is hence the “pretty boy”- }#{ compliments he gets all the time by both women and men in his day to day life. }#{ So he feels like he lying to people by letting them call him that when he knows that he's got scars all over him. }#{ My guy is just too tired to care at the moment. }#{ Thank you for sending this ask! }
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bethelightintoday · 7 months
Help! I can’t catch my breath.
Help! I can’t catch my breath. This statement was something I used to hear him say after he ran up and down the soccer field, chased up down the neighborhood street or jumped too long on the bed. My younger brother, Tyler.
The baby of the family! He was one of the most active out of us four children, but he was the only one who was constantly stopped in his tracks, gasping for air, because he couldn’t breathe. Ever since I could recall he knew he had asthma. He loved playing outside, getting into things in or around the house, spending time climbing trees, rolling down hills and playing the most competitive sports. Thankfully, his health condition didn’t stop him from exploring the things he loved. Yet it did create challenges that he had to learn to navigate if he wanted to continue to partake in them. As a child I didn’t understand why he and I both could play the same game of basketball, running outside and he’d start wheezing for air #helpican'tbreathe and I’d be okay. I thought, another asthma attack, sheesh! I know he’s faster (not by much 😊), but does it cause all of that. A few puffs of his inhaler and he was back to new. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen the various effects asthma has on people’s lives, alongside how my brother Tyler, now able to run alongside his children today and not have that once debilitating wheezing happen. I decided I could learn more about the cause of it all and why it only effects some people.
Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children. You can live with it every day; it has no cure and can be life threatening. It’s a lung disease that causes breathing problems from everyday factors. It’s where an individual’s lungs react to things, due to the airway being sensitive when exposed to them. Many factors can be a trigger that impacts one’s ability to breathe with asthma. Some of those factors are dust, smoke, pollen, viral infection, chemical irritants, cold air, or even extreme emotions such as anger or fear (Asher, 2020). Viral respiratory infections are the leading trigger for an asthma attack. On average children develop 6 of these infections each year (Tesini, 2023). Yet things such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza (flu) can be very damaging to someone who has asthma. Children getting the flu on average once or twice a year (Tesini, 2023). From viral infections alone, they have a heightened chance of experiencing asthmatic symptoms. Not to mention everyday indoor and outdoor pollutants. Smog, fragrances, chemicals, and such can irritate the lungs and cause greater inflammation to the airway. Outdoor allergens such as grass, weeds, trees, and mold can make asthma symptoms worse (Williams, 2021). These things can cause changes in the airway, making the space to breathe smaller and smaller. This happens by way of swelling or inflammation of the airway, extra mucus produces making the airway even smaller and tightening of muscles referred to as bronchoconstriction, narrowing the airway and irritated (Ingelheim, 2023). Each of these changes reduces or constricts the airway path, making it hard to breathe. When one or all three of these changes take place, it triggers an asthma attack #asthmaattacks. Symptoms of an asthma attack are severe shortness of breath, tightness, or pain in your chest, wheezing or coughing and fast heart rate (Seladi-Schulman, 2023).
So how does one control these symptoms or triggers from occurring? One learning and being mindful of individual triggers is helpful, this gives insight to things you can attempt to avoid that can bring on asthmatic symptoms or allow you to be prepared to treat them should they come. As I mentioned, my brother used an inhaler. It’s known as an rescue inhaler, which contains medication that expands one’s airway (Seladi-Schulman, 2023). Inhalers are the preferred way of treating an asthma attack, it’s not the only form of treatment. Although treatments are specific to everyone some common practices to help during an asthma attack are to have the asthmatic person sit up straight, this helps opens the airway. Remain calm as the calming allows for better breathing. Steady their breathing with slow, steady breathes and to move away from known triggers. These things can help reduce asthma symptoms. If the attack is serious, such as symptoms get worse after treatment, wheezing becomes severe, speaking becomes difficult and short or chest muscles are straining, call for medical attention immediately.
Learning more about what causes asthma, what can help prevent or calm symptoms I was still curious as to why my brother didn’t seem to have those same attacks now. Since asthma isn’t curable why didn’t he experience the same symptoms. Seeking out answers further I learned there may be stretches of time where asthma flare ups or other symptoms don’t occur. It unfortunately, doesn’t mean it disappeared, but it is nice to experience the relief. Avoiding asthmatic triggers are experienced when you have a solid treatment plan that you’re adhering to. Such as taking your medications or staying away from known triggers (2023). So, although my brother didn’t outgrow asthma, he has learned overtime how to navigate it to not experience those heart wrenching asthma attacks. He’s like how can learn to manage asthma to be able to live a normal and healthy life. Now he can explore nature, games, and such with his kids #livingwithasthma. And although asthma can be passed down, none of his children have it. It is most common being passed down when both parents have it.
Asher, M. I., García-Marcos, L., Pearce, N. E., &amp; Strachan, D. P. (2020, December 1). Trends in worldwide asthma prevalence. European Respiratory Society. https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/56/6/2002094 Seladi-Schulman, J. (2023, May 9). What to do when you have an asthma attack without an inhaler. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/asthma/asthma-attack-no-inhaler
Can you outgrow asthma?: Carolina Asthma & Allergy. Carolina Asthma & Allergy Center. (2023, November 2). https://www.carolinaasthma.com/blog/can-you-outgrow-asthma/
Tesini, B. L. (2023, October 13). Overview of viral respiratory tract infections in children - children’s health issues. Merck Manuals Consumer Version. https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/children-s-health-issues/common-viral-infections-in-infants-and-children/overview-of-viral-respiratory-tract-infections-in-children#:~:text=Children%20develop%20on%20average%20six%20viral%20respiratory%20tract%20infections%20each%20year.&text=Upper%20respiratory%20tract%20infections%3A%20Symptoms,and%20include%20the%20common%20cold
Williams, K. W. (2021, June 8). 9 asthma triggers and what to do about them. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/allergies-asthma/Pages/asthma-triggers-and-what-to-do-about-them.aspx
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annawayne · 9 months
Hi Anna!
*Slides u a paper in secret*
(Not sure how many I can ask but u can chose from there 🫠)
Hi! Thank you so much for asking! :3 And, oh, don't worry, if you're interested, I could answer all of it, it's okay! Thank you for interest. 2. Share your favorite part of your first ever fic
It's Bury me in the shadows of spring, 1920's AU, and I also answered it here! But I would like to add another moment, from chapter 3:
Her palms are the same - small fields of late winter when the snow is already gone, but nature hasn't bloomed with the variety of green yet, exposing to the view all the naked ground worn out from chilly breath. All her palm lines are like the trodden trails on the field of someone determined to reach their goals.  They are the same, and she couldn’t help but wonder how they managed to draw like this.   How?  She couldn't master a simple outline, and now she was facing the canvas, flooded with various marks of her drawings. The swollen colorful pastel forms, the confident strokes, and yet light like the feather cast a shadow in the gentle morning light, the timid charcoal touches, everything told the story of the intimate, self-esteemed abandon- hers or his, the question still wonders in the air. All the sketched figurines of him fuse with the intensity of the arduous honesty, foremost- before herself. Now Annie has witnessed the sense of what she's capable of - truly, unclouded by the bad-mouthing of others and rotten self-doubt. But how? An untamed hurricane of stormy lines flexed in spontaneous places as if all her buried desires turn into the idealized forms of nature itself - savage, agile, and independent. The color melody of simple graphite pencils, the intense dark from charcoal, and the slight touches with the vibrating gold, deep purple, and russet oranges from pastel, create so little space to breathe for his painted version in the narrow space of the canvas, that she felt almost a little guilty she didn't spare some air to continue for him to be in this pure form of sensations.  Annie couldn't tear her gaze away from her sketches, and wild goosebumps ran down her skin with frightening excitement.  When did the short lines become so sensual? When did the charcoal blending become so carnal?  When did the pastel intensify the fury of devotion? 
5. Write about Armin and Annie's first meeting! Could be in canon settings or any other AU Hm, let's try the canon! Since they met (non-directly) as i child I won't cover this point, so my headcanon in their Training days is that they didn't speak at the first, but looking at each other from the distance for several reasons (Armin - admiring Annie's strength and observing her unique technique (and also I guess he didn't miss how gorgeous she is), Annie - observing him and considering as a threat due to his intelligence and attention to details, but also admiring his guts and bravery). But the first direct interaction I headcanon as their accidental meeting in the library in the barracks, where Armin read a book and Annie wanted some peace too. This meeting became a little routine for both of them then, where they talked, talked, talked and discovering more about each other :3 10. Write about their first kiss!
Answered it here :3 11. What annoys you the most about your own writing habits? 12. What's a trope you'd never write? Why?
Also answered it here and here!
15. Write a hurt/comfort/angst moment between them
I'd go with hurt/angst moment, but let's try something new (lol) and comfort! So I headcanon that Annie gave Armin her ring before parting ways before the final battle (yeah-yeah, in anime we see her ring after they separated, but HEY I can dream). I tried to explore it in this oneshot one of the possible scenarios, but also I could imagine it happening right on a ship deck, after their confessions, or, maybe, at the night in Odiha (that's even better) :3
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fruitymocha · 2 years
That wish for a more angelic Aether
Featuring: Aether
Warnings: gender neutral reader (you/your pronouns), body horror (multiple eyes), mentions of blood, mentions of violence, burn mentions (no graphic details), general feelings of fear, slight religious inspiration
A/N: so this came about partly because I love Aether and partly because my friend has exposed me to too much Biblically Accurate Angel content. The draft initially had more romantic/platonic hints, but then I decided, no, I’m going to make Y/N feel nothing but fear. Have fun with this concept I’ve had on the brain for weeks now (and let’s ignore the fact that it’s way longer than I initially anticipated, but hey, extra content).
Let me grant your wish…
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An angelic being beyond your comprehension.
Aether, with his long hair, braid flowing behind him in the wind like spun gold.
Aether, with his kind eyes, glowing like the rising sun.
Aether, with his six gossamer wings, made of stardust and sunlight, glittering eburnean. The golden bases of each wing shine a bright, pure white, but the shape of the light… it’s almost like the light can see you…
Aether, whose Outlander attire had been long deserted, replaced with flowing white robes that went off the shoulder and barely brushed against his knees.
Aether, whose now partially exposed upper body revealed what you had feared you saw at the base of his six wings: eyes. One large eye right in the middle of his chest, tilted sideways. Two eyes, one on each wrist. Two more, but on his shoulders. Another pair, just under each knee. Their irises were all blinding white lights. And they were all looking at you.
Aether, who once bore a lovely smile when he saw others. When he saw you. Aether, whose smile has disappeared from his visage, now seemingly unfazed.
Aether, who now had a golden arc hovering above his head. An arc with various needle-like points, as if the rising sun itself had become his royal crown: his halo.
Aether, who was now barefoot. But that didn’t pose a problem to him, seeing as he was lifted in the air, watching you from above.
Aether, whose voice was once calm and melodious, like the sweetest honey. Whose voice now echoed loudly, beating the winds howls, reaching the farthest corners of the open fields.
You were afraid. You didn’t know what to do. What could you do? You were faced with this being, covered in eyes and a golden aura. And then he spoke, and he said:
“Y/N… Be not afraid,”
Aether, who had once been a soft type of beautiful. Like springtime, when birds chirped and little flower buds were just beginning to unfold and the sun filtered through flowering trees onto the green grass. A beautiful, but strong being. Aether, whose beauty was like a diamond carved by the golden dawn.
Aether, who was now more and more like the sun. Aether, who radiated a heat you were unfamiliar with, but seemed gentle enough… at least to your touch. Aether, who glowed white and gold, as the sun always did every day. Aether, whose light was blinding, as the sun’s light always was on a cloudless day. Aether, the Sun Child. And yet he was still beautiful. You had never understood the term hauntingly beautiful until now.
Aether, who used to be so kind and so forgiving of others. Whose anger never came easy to him. Aether, who would never hold grudges against others, even if the Adventurer’s Guild ran him ragged. He was always happy to help. Always willing to sacrifice for others.
Aether, who no longer tolerated those who wanted to take advantage of his power and kindness. Aether, who became truly horrifying in the heat of wrath.
Aether, whose wings of gossamer light in wild flames, dancing and waving in the wind. No longer were they the suave and regal eburnean, but a raging cinnabar. Wings like those of a phoenix, which had become so large in span that when not fully extended, the flaming tips brushed against the ground.
Aether, whose eyes had lost the white light in their irises. A light that has been replaced with molten lava. Aether, whose extra eyes spin around, frantically looking for blood to satiate their burning bloodlust.
Aether, whose bare feet leave burn marks where he’s walked. Whose skin radiates that same heat, willing to hurt, and hurt badly.
Aether, whose robes are no longer white, but becoming more and more gray as they collect the ash and soot that surrounds his form.
Aether, whose body no longer looked human. A body that became white-hot, and barely recognizable. His body maintained some evidence of his golden form, but otherwise looked like a sentient star. But what is the Sun if not a fellow Star?
Aether, whose dull blade became a golden sword he intended to use to slay monsters and people he deemed evil. All living beings will learn to fear the golden sword, you think.
Aether, whose halo became an arc of flames. Now, instead of a crown of the sun’s rays, he donned a crown of ancient fire, a fire that must have rained down from the heavens.
Aether, whose voice becomes a series of shrieks. Those shrieks resonate everywhere, from the dirt paths and cobblestone to the clouds in the sky. The Sun Child’s war cry reaches all ears, especially yours.
Aether, who becomes irrational, brutal, and unforgiving in his flaming rampage. Lay a finger on anyone he cares about in a way he deems wrong, and you won’t walk away without bloodied wounds and burns on your body. He is a living solar flare. And even so, you don’t hate him. You fear him, yes, but you cannot bring yourself to hate him, or fight back.
And then he sees you. You’re shaking in terror at the flaming seraph, and suddenly it stops. All the fire is simply gone, and Aether falls from the sky, crumpled on the ground in front of you. The aftermath of the seraph’s rage. And he raises his head, kneeling in the pile of cinders and ash. His two golden eyes are back, and his hair is still long, golden, and braided, though it’s covered by the ashes and soot. His eyes and hair are the only traces of gold that remain, and even they have faded.
Aether, whose hair and eyes have become washed out, pale, and dull. No longer do they shine brightly. Instead, they are void of the warmth they once held. Cold, grayed yellow is what remains.
Aether, whose wings are no longer glittering, but a dull ash gray. He can still float if he so desires, but his wings are skeletal; useless in this state. All that remains are the burnt, rusted bases and the ghosts of what once were six wings of ivory gossamer.
Aether, whose robes became tattered and frayed, but still stubbornly clung to his body. The robes were caked in the ashes, yet still held a hauntingly powerful aura.
Aether, whose sword returned to its form as the dull blade, no sign of gold or flames to be found.
Aether, whose halo had broken, its pieces floating around his head in no particular order, like weightless debris.
Aether, whose extra eyes had gone dormant, closed and invisible to the average person.
Aether, whose warmth was gone, leaving him shivering in the screeching wind.
Aether, whose voice had gone from a daylight melody, to a sonorous boom, to a raging war cry. All that was no more. What remained were a series of dry, hollow croaks that barely reached your ears. Aether, whose voice had been taken by the flames of wrath just as the rest of his golden being had been.
Aether, whose body had blackened, burnt patches and a strong smell of smoke that permeated his being. His body was quite skeletal, and his bones protruded from his being. His spine jutted out, and his ribs could easily be seen, though his grayed robes attempted to hide the seraph’s bony body. He was nothing but a ghost of the golden form that greeted you out in that field. No longer a threat. He was weak and helpless. The Sun Child’s solar flare had burned him out too quickly. Now the Sun Child was reduced to a pale flicker, fighting for life.
Yet you still feared him, no matter what form his seraphic self took. Even if he returned to his more human looking form, you knew you would never look at him the same way.
He knew, and so he left like dust in the wind. All that was left were the ashes he had knelt upon. So, with nothing more to do, you cleaned up the ashes and made your way to find a place to stay for the night.
Aether, the seraph whose blackened and weakened body would soon return to its golden glory bit by bit.
You waited for the day of the Golden Seraph’s return, knowing that it would lead to fear and chaos once more. You would learn to fear him not, but for now, you simply arose to the golden dawn, off to forage for mint. And you repeated to yourself, always:
“Y/N, be not afraid”
~wish granted~
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kidskingdomgo · 2 days
What to Look for When Choosing a Preschool: A Parent’s Checklist
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It is one of the most crucial decisions that you can make as a parent regarding the educational journey of your child. The foundation for their schooling starts here. You need to ensure that they get the best formative years’ education in an environment that is caring and stimulating at the same time. Should you be searching for a preschool around Adarsh Palm Retreat, Bangalore, here is a guide:
1. Location and Accessibility
Proximity: Home or workplace should be a few minutes’ walk from where the preschool is situated. This makes it easy during drop-offs and pick-ups. Kids Kingdom in Adarsh Palm Retreat has considered this by being centrally placed within the estate thus no traffic hassles for you.
Safety: Check if the institution is located in a secure neighbourhood characterized by low traffic and controlled entry/exit points.
2. Reputation and Accreditation
Reviews and Recommendations: Apart from doing an online background check, it would also help to talk to other parents within Adarsh Palm Retreat so that you can get their views about certain schools within the area.
Accreditation: This is very important because it guarantees that a school meets required standards set by education boards or authorities.
3. Curriculum and Teaching Methods
Age-appropriate learning: Find out if there are different curriculums designed for various age groups offered by different preschools near Adarsh Palm Retreat– Bangalore Before choosing any center ensure those in charge there understand more on how kids below certain ages should be taught things easily without much struggle since at this stage they are believed not have fully developed cognitive skills like grownups have.
Holistic development: A good preschool should help inculcate social, emotional, cognitive and physical development alongside academic skills into children’s lives while they are still young enough.
4. Qualified and Caring Staff
Teacher Qualification: Ensure that the teachers are skilled and have experience in handling early childhood education. 
Low Teacher-Student Ratio: This guarantees that every child receives individual attention and is well supervised. For this reason, Kids Kingdom employs the best ratio which enables children to have a more personalized way of learning.
5. Facilities and Learning Environment
Arrangement of Classrooms: It is important for the rooms to be orderly, clean and have teaching aids fit for the respective age groups.
Open Air Spaces: There should be enough space outside where kids can play as well as do other outdoor activities for physical exercise. These areas also need to be secured enough not to harm them but interesting enough to make them enjoy being there while acquiring knowledge through play, this is what is done in Kids Kingdom.
Safety Measures: Look at various safety measures, like child-proof facilities, emergency protocols and cleanliness.
6. Extracurricular Activities
Additional Programs: Music, dance and art among others should be part of the school program so that children can also harness their talents from an early stage besides being bookworms which does not promote holistic growth. 
Field Trips: They expose learners to different environments that may not be possible within the school set up thus enabling them to have a wider view of things around them while still young.
7. Parental Involvement
 Communication: There should be clear channels through which parents can communicate with the school concerning their child’s progress academically or otherwise plus any other activities taking place within the institution 
Parental Engagement: Parents need to be provided chance participate in certain events, such as volunteering during excursions so that they feel part and parcel of their children’s lives while at school. This creates a community-based relationship between them whereby they are able support one another whenever necessary especially when it comes to upbringing. This partnership should never be ignored because if anything goes wrong academically, socially emotionally among others kids will feel secure knowing very well that there is somebody always looking out for them
What makes Kids Kingdom in Adarsh Palm Retreat outstanding?
Kids Kingdom at Adarsh Palm Retreat is a unique preschool that has been designed to provide a comprehensive program for young learners. It is the best choice for most parents who live in this area as safety, care and education are well guaranteed. This means that children are taught by professionals who have vast experience with kids at different levels while using modern teaching methods thereby ensuring that they get quality education within a stimulating environment. Furthermore, the school boasts many other things including but not limited to qualified staff members, a wide curriculum base which touches on virtually every aspect of life coupled with great facilities all geared towards giving your little one the best start possible.
Another essential step towards guiding your child’s development is selecting an appropriate kindergarten. These guidelines will help you make the right decision so that your kid can achieve success. For more info: https://kidskingdom.in.net/
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juliebowie · 10 days
Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Pickl.ai’s Data Science Course for Kids
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Have you ever wondered how your favorite apps recommend movies you might like, or how weather apps predict the forecast with surprising accuracy? It's all thanks to something called Data Science!
Imagine this: Data Science is basically like being a super detective, but instead of using clues to solve crimes, you use data to uncover hidden patterns and solve real-world problems. Pretty cool, right?
The good news is, your child can become a Data Science whiz too! Did you know that by 2025, jobs requiring Data Science skills are expected to grow by 27.9%, much faster than the average for all occupations? Equipping your child with these in-demand skills early on can give them a huge advantage in the future!
That's where Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids comes in. We'll explore how this course can unlock your child's potential and turn them into a curious and data-savvy problem-solver!
Benefits of Learning Data Science at a Young Age
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Data Science education offers a multitude of benefits for young learners. It cultivates critical thinking skills, fostering the ability to analyze information objectively and draw meaningful conclusions. Exposure to Data Science ignites a passion for discovery, encouraging curiosity and a love for learning. Here is how it benefits:
Boosts Critical Thinking
It exposes children to analyzing information objectively, questioning assumptions, and drawing logical conclusions from evidence. These critical thinking skills benefit them in all areas of study and life.
Sharpens Problem-Solving Skills
Data Science revolves around solving problems with data. Young learners develop a structured approach to tackling challenges, breaking them down into steps, and using data to find solutions.
Ignites Curiosity and Love for Learning
Kids naturally ask "why" and "how," and Data Science provides a framework to answer those questions through exploration and discovery. This fosters a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.
Builds Tech Comfort and Skills
It involves using programming languages and Data Analysis tools. Early exposure lays a foundation for future tech skills, making children comfortable navigating the digital world.
Prepares them for the Future
Data is everywhere, and Data Science skills are becoming increasingly valuable across diverse fields. A head start equips them to thrive in a data-driven future.
Understanding Data Science
Data Science refers to the extraction of knowledge and insights from vast amounts of data. It involves collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and interpreting data to solve real-world problems. Data scientists utilize various techniques and tools, including machine learning, statistics, and programming, to uncover hidden patterns and trends within data sets. This empowers them to make informed decisions, predict future outcomes, and develop innovative solutions.
Key Components of a Data Science Course for Kids
A well-designed Data Science course for kids caters to their unique learning styles and cognitive abilities. It should incorporate engaging activities, interactive exercises, and real-world scenarios to make learning fun and relatable. Here are some key components to look for:
Foundational Concepts: The course should introduce children to fundamental Data Science concepts like data collection, organization, and visualization.
Interactive Learning:Interactive elements like games, simulations, and hands-on projects keep young learners engaged and motivated.
Programming Basics: Exposure to beginner-friendly programming languages like Python equips children with the ability to manipulate data and build simple programs.
Data Visualization:Exploring data visualization tools allows kids to represent data in a clear and impactful way.
Real-World Applications: Connecting Data Science concepts to real-world applications showcases the practical value of Data Analysis.
Why Pickl.AI’s Data Science Course for Kids is The Best? 
With the growing demand for Data Science skills, a plethora of Data Science courses for kids are emerging. When choosing a course, consider your child's age, learning style, and specific interests. Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids stands because of the following reasons:
Expert-Led Instruction
Pickl.AI leverages the knowledge of experienced data scientists to create and deliver the curriculum. This ensures your child learns from industry professionals who can translate complex concepts into an engaging and age-appropriate format.
Focus on Foundational Skills
The course goes beyond just introducing Data Science tools. It emphasizes building a strong foundation in core concepts like data collection, organization, and analysis. This empowers children to develop a deeper understanding of how data works and how to use it effectively.
Interactive Learning Approach
Pickl.AI understands that children learn best by doing. The course incorporates interactive elements like games, simulations, and hands-on projects to keep students engaged and motivated. This approach not only makes learning fun but also reinforces key concepts through practical application.
Real-World Applications
The course doesn't exist in a vacuum. Pickl.AI connects Data Science concepts to real-world scenarios, demonstrating the practical value of data analysis in various fields. This ignites children's curiosity and shows them how Data Science can be used to solve problems they care about.
Comprehensive Curriculum
Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids isn't a one-size-fits-all program. It offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics, from data visualization tools to basic Python programming. This ensures your child receives a well-rounded introduction to the world of Data Science.
In addition to these core strengths, Pickl.AI may also offer features like:
Live sessions with instructors for personalized guidance and interaction.
Capstone projects to allow students to apply their learnings to a real-world challenge.
Flexible learning options to fit your child's schedule and learning style.
By considering these unique elements, you can see why Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids sets itself apart from the competition. It provides a comprehensive, engaging, and expert-led learning experience that equips your child with the foundational skills and knowledge to thrive in a data-driven world.
Supporting Your Child's Learning Journey
Beyond enrolling in a Data Science course, parents can actively support their child's learning journey. Encourage them to ask questions, experiment with data visualization tools, and participate in online coding communities. Provide opportunities for data exploration in everyday life. Analyze weather patterns together, research a topic of interest, or create a simple bar chart to compare favorite sports teams.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Age is Appropriate for Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids?
Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids is designed for students who are keen to explore more about Data Science and its applications. However, individual child development varies. Consider your child's comfort level with technology and basic math concepts before enrolling.
Does The Course Require Prior Programming Experience?
No prior programming experience is necessary. The course introduces Python programming in a beginner-friendly manner, making it accessible for children with no coding background.
What Are The Learning Outcomes of The Course?
By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in Data Science fundamentals, basic Python programming skills, and experience with data visualization tools. They will be equipped to think critically about data and solve problems in a data-driven manner.
4. What Format Does The Course Follow?
Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids is an online, self-paced program. It combines interactive video lessons, quizzes, hands-on projects, and live sessions with expert instructors.
5. What Are The Benefits of Live Sessions With Instructors?
Live sessions with Data Science experts provide an opportunity for real-time interaction and personalized guidance. Students can ask questions, clarify concepts, and receive feedback on their progress. 
Investing in your child's Data Science education can unlock a world of future possibilities. By equipping them with the tools to navigate the world of data, you empower them to become data-driven decision-makers and innovators of tomorrow. Pickl.AI's Data Science Course for Kids provides a comprehensive and engaging platform to nurture your child's curiosity and unlock the potential of Data Science.
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bits-info-01 · 18 days
Sporting Spirit: CBSE Schools Pave the Way for Athletic Excellence
Introduction: Sports play an integral role in a child's overall development, fostering teamwork, discipline, and mental agility. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools understand the significance of sports and provide a platform for students to excel in their chosen sporting fields. In this blog post, we will explore the realm of CBSE sports and how they empower young athletes to unleash their potential.
The Thriving World of CBSE Sports: CBSE schools have recognized the immense value of sports and have created a conducive environment to nurture budding athletes. From state-of-the-art sporting facilities to qualified coaches, CBSE schools leave no stone unturned in promoting sports as an integral part of the curriculum.
A Wide Spectrum of Sporting Opportunities: CBSE schools offer a diverse range of sports, accommodating the varied interests and preferences of students. From conventional sports like cricket, football, basketball, and hockey to non-traditional ones like swimming, lawn tennis, badminton, and athletics, CBSE schools ensure that every student finds their footing in a sport of their choice.
Professional Coaching: CBSE schools prioritize hiring qualified coaches who possess expertise in various sports. These coaches not only provide technical knowledge but also mentor and guide students on physical fitness, strategic planning, and mental toughness. Under their guidance, students are able to hone their skills and compete at higher levels.
Competitions and Tournaments: CBSE schools actively participate in inter-school, district, state, and national-level competitions and tournaments. By exposing students to challenging competitions, CBSE schools instill a sense of healthy competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Such experiences prove invaluable in shaping athletes who can perform under pressure and exhibit excellent sportsmanship.
Infrastructure and Facilities: To facilitate the holistic development of athletes, CBSE schools boast top-class sporting infrastructure, including well-maintained playfields, indoor stadiums, swimming pools, and gymnasiums. These facilities provide students with the necessary resources to train and excel in their chosen sports.
Inclusion of Sports in the Curriculum: CBSE schools have recognized the significance of sports by incorporating them into the curriculum. Regular physical education classes ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that fosters both academic and physical growth. This integration of sports into the curriculum also instills discipline, time management skills, and a healthy lifestyle amongst students.
Scholarships and Recognition: CBSE schools acknowledge outstanding achievements in sports by offering scholarships and other incentives to deserving athletes. This recognition not only motivates students to strive for excellence but also opens doors for future opportunities in sports.
Conclusion: CBSE schools go beyond academics to harness the hidden potential of students in the field of sports. By providing access to a wide range of sports, professional coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive environment, CBSE schools play a vital role in nurturing athletic talent. Through their efforts, CBSE schools are creating a generation of young athletes who can compete at national and international levels, while imbibing crucial values like teamwork, discipline, and resilience. So, if you dare to dream big in the world of sports, CBSE schools are the perfect platform for you to unleash your sporting potential.
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bbpsnoida · 25 days
The Best School in Uttar Pradesh: A Closer Look at Excellence in Education
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Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most critical decisions you will make as a parent. It shapes their academic journey and influences their future success. In Uttar Pradesh, particularly in Noida, parents are fortunate to have access to some of the best educational institutions in India. This article explores the features that set the best schools apart, focusing on the exceptional CBSE schools in the region.
Defining Excellence in Education
The best schools are more than just academic institutions. They are environments where students are encouraged to excel in all facets of life. Here are some key features that distinguish the top schools:
Holistic Development
The top schools in Uttar Pradesh ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks. They emphasize the development of soft skills, critical thinking abilities, and emotional intelligence.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
From science laboratories to sports complexes and art studios, the best schools are equipped with modern facilities that support a diverse range of activities, enhancing the learning experience for students.
Experienced and Dedicated Faculty
Teachers are the backbone of any educational institution. The finest schools boast highly qualified, experienced, and passionate faculty members who are committed to the success of their students.
Focus on Value-Based Education
Incorporating moral and ethical values into the curriculum is a hallmark of the best school in Noida. They strive to develop not just academically proficient students, but responsible citizens as well.
The Best CBSE Schools in Noida
When it comes to CBSE schools, Noida is home to several top-ranking institutions that are known for their academic excellence and holistic approach to education. These schools offer a robust curriculum supported by excellent co-curricular programs that help students reach their full potential.
Innovative Teaching Methods
The best CBSE schools in Noida adopt innovative teaching methods that make learning engaging and effective. From integrating technology in the classroom to experiential learning activities, these schools are at the forefront of educational innovation.
Strong Support Systems
Academic and emotional support systems are integral to student success. Top schools provide counseling services, peer mentoring programs, and academic assistance to ensure that every student thrives.
Special Focus: Humanities at Bal Bharati School
Among the prestigious schools in Noida, Bal Bharati School stands out for its outstanding humanities program. The school offers a rich curriculum that includes a wide range of subjects such as history, political science, sociology, and psychology, which are taught by expert educators. This focus ensures that students develop a deep understanding of human cultures, behaviors, and social structures, preparing them for diverse career paths.
Why Choose Humanities at Bal Bharati School?
Interdisciplinary Approach: The humanities program at Bal Bharati School is designed to intersect with other disciplines, offering students a comprehensive learning experience that encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Skill Development: Through its humanities curriculum, the school emphasizes the development of writing, research, and analytical skills, which are crucial for any academic and professional field.
Cultural Awareness: Students are exposed to various cultures and perspectives, which fosters empathy and global awareness.
Finding the best school in Uttar Pradesh, particularly in Noida, involves looking beyond academic rankings. It requires understanding the values and methodologies that schools employ to foster a nurturing and effective learning environment. Whether you're considering a CBSE school or specifically looking at programs like the humanities at Bal Bharati School, the key is to choose a place that aligns with your child's needs and aspirations. By doing so, you set the stage for their holistic development and long-term success.
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