#OTP: Westallen
I'm reading up on lightning strikes because it's been a little while and specifically focusing on Litchenberg Figures (this is for fic reasons again). I love the headcanon Barry (and Wally) have Litchenberg scars. I really love that art I saw the other month that had Barry's scar glowing with lightning, that's so very good.
The cause of Litchenberg Figures is capillaries bursting under the skin. They typically fade within a few days.
Now! This is a comic book. In reality lightning strikes have about a 10% mortality rate and 70% are left with a permanent disability (whether from brain damage, hearing loss, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, ect). This BBC article I'm reading mentions nothing about superpowers, so really, how realistic do we have to make things. Plus, Barry and Wally were covered in chemicals, the lightning could have also travelled through them, heated them in its fractal patterns, and left burns on the skin. I have actually written Barry with chemical burns before, and metal belts can leave burns, clothes can catch fire, there's options for burn scars and speedsters.
Also, there's the option it's from their own lightning, the charge the Speed Force gives them pushing down to their legs, a constantly shifting red mark that appears every time they run (and they run so much, it never gets the chance to fade).
But I have a slightly different idea. Scars are not the only mark left on your body from something that has happened to it, and much like scars these can fade over time, but stick around. And maybe the lightning didn't cause a rapid change in weight which these are typically associated with, but it definitely caused a rapid change in something.
What I would like to suggest is a fractal stretch mark that follows the path of the lightning, a Litchenberg that didn't fade because this change sank into Barry and Wally's skin and stayed there.
(Also here's the articles I've been reading:
BBC, ScienceAlert, iflscience, Wikipedia 1, 2, Guardian)
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ravipanikar · 2 years
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BARRY & IRIS The Flash | Season 8
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themaybewoman · 3 months
Unpopular opinion but Iris/Eddie is a way more compelling ship than Westallen.
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My Top 5 OTP’s
1. Barry and Iris (Westallen)
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2. Anakin and Padmé (Anidala)
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3. Stefan and Elena (Stelena)
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4. Buffy and Angel (Bangel)
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5. Steve and Peggy (Steggy)
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Look. Coldflash is my otp but I love Barry and Iris and I love Westallen.
And man, when Barry is with Iris, he is with Iris
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
character ask game for Iris and Caitlin? :)
Sexuality headcanon:
Bi or pan!
Westallen 🥰 I also love Westhallen, Snowest, and Barriscowest!
Iris & Cisco 💞 sunshine twins for the win
Iris/Eobard, Iris/Snart
First headcanon that pops into my head:
Iris is a decent singer, but she hates singing solo. She loves singing with Barry 💞
(She misses him so much when she loses him 😭 she can hardly bear to sing a single note without him there to harmonize)
Favorite line from this character:
"In this world, the bravest thing you can be is optimistic" words to live by!
One way in which I relate to this character:
I also can't cook very well 😅 working on it though
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
Her Three List. Also the waterfront kiss. I just...*sigh*
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?:
Cinnamon roll!
Sexuality headcanon:
Bi and/or aromantic!
Snowstorm and Snowest 🥰
Caitlin and Cisco! I used to really ship them, but...as time goes on, I ship them less. I don't see them as siblings necessarily, though I do see that vision, but...idk. They're cute as a ship but I mostly prefer them as a brotp lately
Caitlin/Eobard, Caitlin/Wells (any of them). Also Caitlin/KF (I personally love the sisters angle for them)
First headcanon that pops into my head:
Caitlin had a toy doctor set and proudly carried it around everywhere 💞 she used it most often on her dad
(This is in fact me projecting, I miss my toy doctor set)
Favorite line from this character:
"It's not a burden if we shoulder it together"
One way in which I relate to this character:
I'm also a pre-med like her who had a passion for it from a young age!
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
The way she treated Jax in 2x5...yikes. (And the way some people on Tumblr apparently called that "a mom encouraging her son"...double yikes)
Also her stint with Amunet...girl wtf??
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?:
Cinnamon roll! Though…problematic fave in some seasons (like s4 💀)
character ask game!
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vexic929 · 4 months
Iris West for the headcanon ask game?
1: sexuality headcanon
bisexual with a preference for men and polyamorous
2: otp
westallen or westhallen and/or snowest
3: brotp
Iris and Linda forever!
4: notp
reversewest, I get it it's just not my cup of tea lol
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
if she had a kid with someone other than barry she'd definitely name them after barry cause that's her bestie <3333 (Bartholomew Joseph West-[insert other surname here])
6: favorite line from this character
"Pessimism isn't smarter than optimism. In this life, the bravest thing you can be is optimistic."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
forgives people maybe a bit too easily, loves The Flash lol
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Iris has never done anything wrong in her life ever
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Iris has never done anything wrong in her life ever
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userlaylivia · 1 year
tagged by @stars-hollow-to-scranton
rules: five unpopular opinions from five fandoms.
the vampire diaries: I know most hated elena but I didn't I think she was an incredible character especially as a main character!! she was strong, brave, could be fierce and most judged her and hated her because of who she chose romantically and that wasn't fair!! I loved elena when she was with stefan even though I don't ship stelena but ugh it just annoys me tbh lol another uo is I hate klaroline but that's another story lol
legacies: landon kirby is an amazing character who deserved better!! I know a lot started hating him (mostly h*sie shippers!!) but he was such a great character that didn't deserve any of the stuff that happened to him, also handon was such a beautiful love story!!
the flash: I wish snowbarry happened, at least for a short time because they had so much chemistry together and in s1 there were moment I thought they'd happen!! I ship westallen too but snowbarry is my otp!!
gilmore girls: I hateeeee logan and rogan like he's an entitled and possessive POS and rory never would've done half the things she did with him before she was with him, I loved rory but when she got with him she became a different person altogether ugh
charmed: the fact some hated piper completely baffles me like how??? she was such a smart amazing character and I didn't even know ppl hated her like????
tagging: @misty-quigley, @laylakeating, @userjackietaylorckie, @stars-hollow-to-scranton (so you see this lol), @fresleys, @ninzen, @madscline, @faithinthefuturedeluxe, @simon-eriksson and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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kitkatt0430 · 4 months
Iris West-Allen for the character ask game?
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi or pan
2: otp
Westhawne or Westhallen - while westallen did grow on me, I can't say I ever got over the feeling that Iris got together with Barry because she had everyone and their doppleganger telling her that she was destined for Barry and... not because she actually chose him for herself. Whereas Eddie? Saying screw destiny? She wanted that, enthusiastically so.
And, well, close the triangle!! Westhallen!!
3: brotp
When not shipping her with Barry, definitely brotp with Barry. But also Linda and Wally and Kamilla. She deserved more time with those three.
4: notp
Kamilla. I was so desperate for Iris to have a friend again that when she got one I shipped them platonically so hard that I just don't see Iris/Kamilla in a romantic way.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Iris is a roller coaster fiend. She loves them so much, going so fast and all the ups and downs and upside downs and spins... so of course she loves it when Barry runs with her because it's such a similar experience.
6: favorite line from this character
I have a few different favorite lines, but... summing up why keeping her locked out of the loop was a terrible idea
Did you ever stop to think that looping me in would keep me safe? That if I knew what was out there that I could prepare for it? Maybe I could have helped you and Barry put the bad guys away instead of being in the way!
She deserved to call them out on that and I'm glad she got to.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I've had people try to tell me that I'm obviously attracted to someone that I was not before and since I hadn't figured out I was aro yet I really wondered if they were right in telling me that. It was definitely a very confusing and upsetting experience. So everyone shoving Iris at Barry in S1 and her being confused and upset over it is something I very strongly related with.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
not so much stuff that she does but the way people often treat her. There's very much a tendency towards other characters to treat her like they've got the right to make her decisions for her and it's super painful to watch when it happens
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll ^_^
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seek--rest · 5 months
as someone whose OTP (well, one of them) is Westallen, I would LOVE if you ever wrote Westallen!! :D knowing your other fics, you'd write them so well
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I think about they so much and often think about what a fic would look like. Unfortunately my brain is stuck on the “pre-love / beginning / Savitar” era which was a very long time ago in Fandom Years lmao.
But they are in my brain!!!!!
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You can tell my brain fog has gone because since yesterday evening I've written about 2.5k to fill a prompt that's due in May. Whoever put flower language and fantasy next to each other knew exactly how to make my brain work. The only thing is I had a vague idea for fantasy it's the perfect place to stick in old Sussex words, which I have done a couple of times, but the most obvious one here is Fairieses and I haven't found anywhere for that yet
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moriavis · 1 year
Ask game: WestAllen ColdFlash Eobarry Harrisco
Ooh, thank you for giving me a bunch, anon!
I ship it!
What made you ship it? Listen, I might OTP coldflash, but I know a canon endgame when I see one. I didn't ship them in S1 because I really, really loved Iris and Eddie. But my first really aww moment was when she found out that pretty much everyone knew how Barry felt about her except for her, and the look on her face when she turned to Joe and was like "Why didn't you tell me?"
Mmm, good stuff.
What are your favorite things about the ship? My favorite things about this ship are the complete and utter trust they have for each other, and the way Iris indulges Barry. They take care of each other.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I don't think so? Most of my issues don't involve westallen, but more how they're being dressed like they're they're eighty years old now.
2. Coldflash
I was hoping someone would ask me! <3333
What made you ship it? Okay, so like. Legit? I was minding my own business, and then Leonard and Barry grinned at each other and Leonard had to derail a train because he was having too much fun. I managed to avoid writing fic until Family of Rogues happened, and that was it. Seven years later, and I'm still here.
What are your favorite things about the ship? What don't I love about them? I love that they're narratively such good foils for each other? If Barry had a little less faith in people, he could have gone the way Leonard did, and vice versa, I think. I love that Leonard can give Barry a place to inhabit his worser impulses, just like Barry can lift Leonard through his sheer sincerity. They make a good team on the field, and Wentworth and Grant just have like. Ridiculous amounts of chemistry. I could go on forever. The way Len knows immediately when The Flash enters the room? The way Barry goes to Len when he needs help even when Len has proven untrustworthy? Barry plucking Len from time because he needed a master thief? I MEAN. Barry Allen, you REALLY didn't have to go to 1892 Siberia to swipe him, IJS.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Not that I can think of. The closest I can come up with is interracial Jewish Len? But I think most of the fandom is cool with that.
3. Eobarry
I ship it! But only in the most screwed up of ways.
What made you ship it? Dude, Eobard is fucking obsessed, okay? Barry, definitely not in love. But Eobard is basically like I want to be you, but I will settle for killing and/or fucking you. He's got it baaaad.
What are your favorite things about the ship? Although it doesn't seem like it if you go through the answers I've given to this ask meme, the pairings that generally tend to stick with me are the ones who are kinda codependent in a lot of ways. And I really love how Eobard went from wanting to kill Barry to genuinely caring about him, in his own messed up way.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Eobard would be on the noncon train so fast your head would spin. ^^;
4. Last but not least, Harrisco! I generally don't have any particular thoughts on these two, but on closer consideration, I will say that I ship it. Specifically Cisco and Earth 2!Harry.
What made you ship it? I love it when a pairing can laugh together, so the way they teased each other and joked with each other? AND were incredibly super intelligent together? Lovely.
What are your favorite things about the ship? The thing that I love best about these two is that they have a warmth between them. I don't know if it's just chemistry between the actors or what, but by the end of Harry's tenure, it was obvious that there was a genune depth of affection between them.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I don't think so? What would even consititute an unpopular opinion for them?
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strivia · 9 months
hello :)) i'd like to ask 4, 5, 6, 22 and 23, for the flash fandom. for the salty ask game
4.) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I don't really have any NOTPs that jump to mind for Flash, but that said, anything past S4 is out of my wheelhouse.
I never enjoyed any canon Caitlin ships, except Caitlin/Ronnie. They all just felt... Idk, really forced, we must shoehorn her into a ship, kind of vibes. Early seasons WestAllen also really didn't land with me. The pseudo-incestuous vibes really irked me.
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Yes, but not in the Flash fandom. Usually it's oversaturation of a pairing I'm either neutral on or just do not vibe with making me annoyed anytime I see it, and leading to me blocking the tag. Sometimes its the majority of shippers mischaracterizing one or both characters to fit into a ship archetype though.
6.) Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Yes! Hartmon used to be high-key NOTP for me. I could understand the appeal, but it was majorly squicky for me. The fact that canon gave us nothing of their relationship improving, just time jumped to them being chill now, bothered me to no end.
It's got such good potential, and with a proper arc between them it's great. @starstruckpurpledragon's fics really got me invested in the ship this time around in the fandom! 💖
But the lack of us getting that in canon put me off of it my first go around in the fandom.
Also, even though I like it now, this interaction still makes me deeply uncomfortable tbh.
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But conversely, I think I was also deeply uncomfortable with the very hateful side of Cisco brought out by Hartley.
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that's literally torture Cisco, stop that.
22.) Popular character you hate?
I'll be honest, I really don't know who is or isn't popular in this fandom? I never warmed up to Ralph, but I dropped the show not long after he was introduced.
23.) Unpopular character you love?
Per the last question, no idea who is or isn't popular? Is Reverb unpopular? I love him. I also very much like Patty Spivot as a character.
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cheryls-blossomed · 7 months
hey! just stopping by to say that i was reading again the things you wrote about the flash and iris and westallen when the show was airing, and i always loved how you were able to put into words why you loved iris and wa so much. i know the show left a sour taste by the time it ended, but would you ever consider rewatching one day and revisiting what you loved?
Aw, thank you for stopping by, nonnie! I really appreciate your kind words, and I am so glad that you enjoyed what I've written over the years about Iris and Westallen! It means so much to me to hear that, always.
As for rewatching the show: maybe one day I'll rewatch, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. I have always been curious whether my feelings about the show would change overall if I binged watched it, instead of watching it week to week and with all the mid-season hiatuses in between. I do think the experience would have been somewhat different. But really, my main reason to rewatch would be to get to see Iris's journey again and to watch Westallen's love story unfold again. At the end of the day, Iris will always be my favorite character, and Westallen my all-time favorite OTP.
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A, B, P for the fandom ask game? 👀
A: Your current OTP: Answered already but I never have just one and as a proud multishipper— WestAllen
B: A pairing you initially didn't consider but someone changed your mind:
Barrisco and it’s all thanks to @alittleflashvibe ; had never thought of them as a romantic relationship before but now I can appreciate either side :D
Also Superarrow, which I ship because of BoTL
My beloved
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas): DC speedster AU but specifically with a focus on lightning rods; platonic or romantic. If that makes sense. Putting pairings in with one as a speedster and one as a lightning rod.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
A, D, G, J, W?
A: Your current OTP
I have quite a few 😅 Westallen, Kataang, Bumizumi, Maiko, Hanleia, Percabeth
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Fanfics! I contribute posts now too, though still mostly fanfics
G: What was your first fandom?
HP (abbreviated to avoid it potentially showing up in tags), though ofc I'm not in that fandom anymore 😅
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Teen Wolf, 911, BTVS, to name a few 😂 still not in any of those fandoms, but a friend of mine is slowly pulling me into Teen Wolf
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
The Flash: Iris West-Allen
ATLA: Toss-up between Katara and Aang
PJO: Annabeth Chase
Cobra Kai: Samantha "Sam" LaRusso
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker
fandom ask game!
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